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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1884)
I AM TIIK WESTimS A.OK.ST FOR TOR "RICHMOND SKATE. " _ _ _ w * * < i _ an SO. 8. Thl ' < vlh t.1 > n , oflhe,1 < t.n nif ct.irirjc.lU"aab."but ! we ealUI l Our lUlf CI J . . Ills tilil nickel at-d The bottom U * 1 Qlu . " It his | .ttr ipring rtecl bottimi corruwtB 1 wank. p shjo -to III the tola ! .r . the ib.wor I. o. perfectly , th.reby tnlag the * ' " . "A.1" ' * ! , 1" . ? ? ' _ " to * cUmp ktil light lealter InUsp or li cl .trai , T"h el * ! " . 'J , ' ' ? " ? , ! ? inf ff , , o Sf Pti It Council Biufli. low * . BM1TH * TOMiEK LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 1 and 9 Main street , Council BLUFIS , IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IN inn PIUCKJ or Cooking and Heating Stoves ! The eeuon being tour advanced I hare concluded to dlroose ot my stovts MOMDUM or COST la prtl- trend , to tloiln g tb m until next IOUOB. Call e rly M 1 wlllnot ba undersoldbyi nj one. A T T i _ u J3 . _ 1 A. J. MandeL 825 .Broadway , Council Jlluffo. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand whlcb wo will sell in retail or wholesale lots. All Stock Warranted as Renresented , Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain nd Baled Hay. Prices eonablo Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Fifth Ave. & Council Bluff HORENE & LANBSTROM. Winter Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style ca Short Notice nnd nt Rensonnblo Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Main Street , . . . . . . Council Bind. AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. 31D BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 ELM ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; nnd IT. WAYNE , IND IT POSITIVELY CURES Kidney andLlrcr Complaint , Dilght's Dlseato , Rheumatism , NeurahU Djspcpela , Ken oneness. Wtstlng Wcakntu , Paralysis , Spinal AfTectlons , Indigestion , Heart Di9oag , Fits Ilcatlach , Lame Back , Cold Feet , and all diseases requiring Increased motive powers. Now Improved bel - l and (5 ; old style $2 each. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 332 and 344 Broadway , WOUNOm BLUFFS PIANO HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FBAKX Liarr. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone or Flnlehi KIMBALL PIANOS Beat Modern Price to liuy. The Kimbnll Organ , so long and favorably kniwn In the west , recommends' STEWART , Solo Agent for above lines of Goods. Warerooma , 329 Bluffs nncil Correspondence Solicited. Agoata Wanted. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special k vertlsements , sue as Lost , found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board' Ug , eta. , will be Inserted In this column at the low late ol TEN CENTS PER LINE lor the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE lor each subsequent n- ertlon. Leave advertisements at oar office , No. Pearl Street , near Broadwav WANTED A girl as woman for general hnufe work. Must h va reteronces. lira. Lucius j. 117 Fourth St. , Council Bluff ) . FOR SALE A good cooketote.nlincut new. C Due olllcc. TJ m HENT Two nicely furnlehed rooms. Mrs. JL1 A. A. Smith , 123 S Fin tat. fj OK KENT A handsomely furnished room. 4 ; References oxcharRcd , llOSNiLthntrcit. TITANTED A Riod jtlrl lor general house"ork In M a family ol thitv , AduiJta II. Comcil Blufls lleo allied. TTfA.Vl'ED-Bj a Kcutloman of good address a II position as book-keeper or salesman. Can lurnlsn A No. 1 references as to rliaract.-r and ex. Address letter A , Beu ollico. WANTED dpcnti in every county In western Iowa to sell tee "Champion Ilosoin Stretcher and IronlrK Board" , Ktory lady pronounces It on sight to bo Just whit shj\\ant , either lor heieell or hlrei' tioln. Big Inducements to agents Hetilld lor 31 , Addrees 0. U. S. and I Beard , IJ e ottico Council H.uDf , Iowa. gi'Oll SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. J1 Hopreason , 6C3 First avenue. FOll SALE A top-buggy , first. . 1'8 | uiako and In ex.ellent condition. Or will trade lor cheap tot. Bee nlllce , Council BluTs. COAL AND WOOD-Ocorgo Heaton , 028 Broad way , eells coal and wood at reasonable prices , elves 2,000 Ibs. lor a ton , and 179 cublo ( or a cord , Try him. FOlt SALt Piano , H. K. Seaman , Paper , Btoks and Stationery , Council BluJ. . \TTANTED-Kvery tcdym Council Bluffs to take VV TuiBir. Delivered by carrier at only tnsnty a w * k. OLD PAPERS For tale at Bsi office , at SB oenU a hundred hundredJ. . R. TATE , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In State and Federal Court * . Oollootloni promptly attended to. Room 16 , ShuRMt'i ' Building , COUNCIL BLT7VFS IOWA Dr , W. H. Shbrradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Ooonoll Blaflfl Iowa. R , Rice M. D. niynpnn oroUirtnmorf itiaoved without thi Imfl UuHUj kalle ot inwlac ' tl d. CHRONIC DISEASES" " * * * * > Orer thirty yaari t > racllol npirlaiM IUU * > a. i , Parl etrMl , - Ire * . j. L. DKBEVOISE. Ion Met No. 007 Broadway Council Bluffi. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the tlmes.of the arrival and de parture ol trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot teg mln utes earlier and arrive ten mlnutos later. CDIOAOO , BDRUMarOH ASD qUUOT. LliVI. 1BBIT1. CSipm : Chicago Express BoOam : DiO : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p n > 7:10a in | * Uall and Eipress , 1'J3 p m ISSO : p m Accommodation. S40 ; p m 'At local depot only. ajkSSU C1TT , St. 10 * AND COUNCIL BLUrTS. 10:05 a m Uall and Express , ' (1:55 ( : p m 6:16 : p m Pacific Express , f.U a m OHIOAOX ) , kILWiUKBK AND BT. MUU 6B : p m Express , 0:05 : a m 9:29 : a m Express , 0:66 : p m OH10AOO , BOOK ISLAND AND rACITIO. 1:25 : p m AtUntlo Expreos , 0:05 : a m 0:25 : a m Day Express 8:51 : p m 7:50 : a m * Des ifolnej Accommodation , 0:16 : p m "At local depot only. WABABU , BT , LOUIS AND rAcine , 5:10 : pm Acoommodat-on BMam : 1:80 : p m Louis Express 8:45 : p m 1:50 : p m Chicago Express 10:55 : a m Al Transfer only cmoAox ) and HORTUWISTBM. 6:60 : p m Express , 0:60 : p m 9Hiam Paoiflo Express B:06 : a m itonx cm AND FAcino. I'M p m St. Paul Express , 9:00 : a m MO a m Day Express 7:00 : p m ONION ricmc. 8:00 : p m Western Eipress , B0 : a m 11:00 : a m Paulflo Express , aiO : p m 15:10 : a m Lincoln Express , 1:18 : p m At Tranefer only. ' BD1IUT TRAINS TO OUAOA. -7:20-fiSo-8SO-10:3 : : : < MliOa. : m. 1SO-1J : : : so4to6sosoll:06 : : ! : : p. m Sunday 7:20'- : p'.So-ll:40 : a. m. l:30-8SO-6:30-flSO-ll:05 : : : : p. m. rilve 10 minutes before leaving time. From tuniter only A.DiII3S10K-Oents Ife Ladlu 10a BKATE3-Qents ISO , Ladles 100. Admlulon Fr to Ladles each moralnj and Tu s- day and Thnrtday altcrnooos , U ot BkatM 1 cent * . F. BCUANCK , JL n , UABTENB , Proprlotoi InnJEfltORH.DN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON tit Middle Broadway , Council BluHt. COUNCILJLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOO AL NEWS. PLEASING THE PUBLIC , John B , Bough Tells The Bee Some of " the Difficulties. \ Tow of Ills Pcnionnt Experiences , These who wore BO entertained by the octnro of John B. Cough would have band him fully as entertaining , or morn BO , In private conversation had they the opportunity to moot him socially , Ilia 'and of anecdotes acorns inexhaustible. THE BEE man had the privilege of moot ing him in company with Hon , D. 0. Bloomer , at the Ogden houso. Some re. marks caused the conversation to drift upon personal Incidents in regard to Mr. jongli'a experience with various and- oncos. Naturally In forty-two years of mbllo life , and in < appearing before lUdloncos in all parts of this and the old country , ho has had not a few amusing ncidonts. Some of those ho narrated In ils inimitable manner. Among those was one of an Englishman who Introduo ng him to the audlonoo compared him to 'Samson ' of old who had slain his thous and and tons of thousands with the jaw bono of an ass. " VnotherJJtimo a Scotchman in introdnc- ng Mr. Qough , expressed the hope "that 10 would prove a deal bettor as ho look ed. " At one place , n temporary plat- orm had boon arranged In a church , but o high that Mr. Gough had to look down rom n dizzy height upon the audience. Io objected to such a platform , but it was too late to remedy It , and the preacher - or who opened the mooting with prayer , devoutly told the good Lord , "Wo are sorry , 0 Lord , that the arrangements are not phasing to the speaker , and wo pray thee that the difficulties may not prove OB great as are expected , hut that ho may > o able to give as good a lecture hero , as 10 Is reported in the newspapers as hav- "ng given In other places. " All such hits of his personal experience ese the greater share of tholr force by repetition , but when told by Mr. Gongh limaelf they are most laughable. "Spooking of Stanley , " sold Mr. Gougbj "I think a good deal of him for ono thing that he did , that was the way 10 treated the Oxford students. It was capital. You know the Oxford students iay very little respect to any ono who islet lot connected with the college. I , my self , had an experience with them. I Tied for an hour before I could get theme o listen. Every time I would attempt : o speak they would cheer and clap their lands , etc. , and drown me out. There ; hey were , four hundred or raoro young men , with tholr gowns and flat caps. Well , finally , I got a chance to shout out : 'Fair ploy la a jewel ; that is an English man's motto. Is It fair play for several lundrod of you to bo against one , and a little ono too1 They made some further racket , but the Idea seem to strike them , and as they quieted a little I got a chance to tell them to aond up their champion and lot him talk ton minutes and then I would talk ton minutes , and the rest should be the jury. That was fair play. After a little ono fellow said : 'Well , Christ turned water into wine. ' I replied , 'I haven't anything to say against that kind of drinks. You may drink all the wino you can get made out of nothing but water. ' There was a good-natured laugh , which silenced that ono , and then an other cried out 'irell , Paul told Timothy to take a little vine for his stomach's sake. ' I turned , and pointing my finger at him said , 'now , just look at him ; a [ jreat , robust frame , the very picture of health , able to wrestle with and throw live ordinary men , and yet , poor fellow , ho wants a little wlno for his stomach' sake. ' There was great laughter , and I had won and waa given a hearing. "But , Stanley , ho did a capital thing. Ho appeared , and on the platform with him was a regular Zaln , who had been with him several months. They com menced wi'h Stanley as with mo , and it sort of dazed him at first , but after a little ho commenced hurrahing and cheer ing himself. This struck the Oxford students as queer , and they quieted iown to BOO what it meant. Stanley said , 'gentlemen , please do not atop. John , hero , has not scon snob a sight since ho loft his homo in Zulu land , eight months ago , and it delights him. This next comparison of the cul tured but mischievous follows to the wild Zulus , had the desired cfloct.and Stanley waa given an attentive hearing. " Speaking of interruptions , while speak ing , Mr. Gough tells of ono fellow who kept singing and from the gallery , "That Isn't ' so , " and occasionally making the contradictions more offensive by an oath. At every interruption of thla kind some pretty well dressed follows , who looked like gentlemen , and who were just under the gallery , would laugh , and appear de lighted. Some in the audience called "Put him out , " but Mr. Gongh said ho did not want him put out. Hu pitied him. It was evident that those other fellows had got a few drinks into him , and were delighted that ho was making such a fool of himself. Ho then told the story of the man who waa a great joker , but had only ono joke , and being a great stammerer had difficulty in getting oil' oven this. Everybody know the joke , so when ho commenced in his stammering way to toll it to a stranger , ono of the stammerer's townsmen standing * - ing by , and sympathizing with bis stnt toring attempt , sold to the stranger , "He wants to ask you if you know why Ba laam's oas spoke. " The stranger said he thought It was because the man was a stammerer and cot his ass to speak for him. The laugh that was raised made the fellow in the gallery so angry that he blubbered out , "That's mo , " and the crowd renewing the laughter , the fellow picked up his hat , rushed out and quiet was restored. At another time a man kept Interrupt ing him , and as some ono in the audience called "Put him out , " Mr. Gough tald , "No , no , lot him stay , you know the minister who told the woman who was about to-remova a crying baby from the church 'Let the baby stay , ray good woman , the baby doesn'l disturb me. ' 'But you disturb the baby , ' replied the woman. Now , that poor fel low la not disturbing me. but I'm dis turbing him , Let him stay. " There was no more interrupting , and by the next day that fellow had the nickname "the baby" stick BO closely to him by hit acquaintances that it kept by him for months. Mr. Gough is full of such anecdotes gathered up from his personal eipori onces with audiences of all lands and all ranks , and n half hour's chat with him is sufficient to learn that the paths of oven , ho moat successful public speakers is not strewn with roses altogether. V13USONAU Col. JV. . Clmpmnn Is at homo , < T , J , Stowixrt is recovering from his attack ot fo\or , A , W , Street spent his Clitlatmns in No- aska Ctty. Miss May Morgan is a puost of Miss Jen nie Ilanthorn , Uob Harris of Missouri Valley , was nt the Pacific yesterday. Tom Carlisle , of Missouri Valley , spent Sunday at the Pacific , , TC. Itoagan 1ms returned from DCS Molnos , whore ho spent Christmas with his family , B. T , Shearer , an attorney from Ida Grove , waa among those at the Pacific house yester day. day.F. F. W , Spotman had a million-dollar Christ mas gift , in the farm ot n sweet little rnatdon irosontod to htm by his wife. P. H. Wind , the contractor , has started on a visit to his old homo in Denmark , and sailed ( rom Now York on Christmas day. Mr. Lynchard , the city editor of the Her ald , is lying very ill at his room on Pearl troot , and for several days ho has boon in nil unconscious condition. George Smith , of the Ph < rnix , has returned rum Minneapolis , and is now hunting , with ilood in his eye , for the fellow who said ho was going to bring back a bride , .BOLD ROBERT , Antl < ntle Man Gets Hit * Pockets Cleaned Out ntThc Trans fer. Saturday nlqht a man named Graves , tailing from Atlantic , nnd on hla way to Cheyenne waa the victim of n bold rob- jory at the transfer Saturday night. Ho was in the onthonoo at thotiiuoand lovoral follows coming in , pushed against lira rudely , and as ho protested , and .hoy . passed on , ho founu. that his pocket md been cut , and about $100 taken from t. The fellows made good their escape. Ask your grocer for McClnrg's self- raising buckwheat. Try it. "Etlocn Ogo. " The following Is the cast of characters or the above entitled play to bo glvod by ho young folks of the Catholic church in Dohany's hall this evening , In connection with tht Catholic fair in Masonic hall : Patrick O'Donnell , the lover of Ellen Morality , Goo. F. Hughes ilr. Moriarty John Connors Brynn OTarrell , "a tight broth of a boy" Thomas Hughes lenry Loftus , the Landlord. .PatrickMcAteo lev. Pother Mahoney John Madden Jaclean John O'ltourko loha Thomoa Andrew Hessan ? eter McCam Frank WIckham dm , the Penman James GaUIn tlichnel N olan Andrew Hessan Eileen Moriarty Miss Cecelia Hughes STora O'Donnell Mary O Neill Bridget Mnguiro Mrs. C. A. Fox kits. O'Donnell Miss Kate WIckham Irish Policeman John F. Morris iailiff John Mulquoen Irish Bag Piper Batt O'Connor Peasant Girls The Misies Tessie Blaxslm , Jennie Hoaaan , Mollto Lacy , Maggie Coyne , and Mamie Million. Fanners , Peasants , Haymakers , Constables , etc , by several young men. Fatfflly Scalded , Gray Eagle. A sad accident , resulting In the death of an eight-months1 old child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garmlro , occurred last Frl day evening. Mrs. Garmlro had placed a dish of hot water on the table at which the little ono was sitting in its high chair , when it pulled the dish off the table in snch a manner as to empty the contents upon the lower limbs , both of which were severely scalded. Medical aid was called , but in splto of all that could bo done the little suflorer passed away on Saturday evening. McClurg's self-rising buckwheat flour always ready for nse. Try it. IOWA ITEMS , The indebtedness of Dubuque county a $ ! )0,000. ) A bank at Rockwell city opens morn- ngs with prayer. The now packing honso at Atlantic opened up last week. There am at present 230 persons in ; ho Anamoaa penitentiary. The creameries at Ackley are making 1,000 pounds of tfiittor dolly. Mrs. Martin McKim has donated SI- ! 00 for a reading room at Denison. The Cedar Rapids packing house otn- iloys 300 men and consumes 5,000 hoes daily , Rev. Dr. J. n. Mason , the naw presi dent of Lafayette college , has been In augurated. It Is estimated that Dos Molnes has spent the past season § 20,000 less than 'Is income. Two Nebraska men on their way to Pennsylvania were confidcnced out of J90 near Cornwell last week. A large wild animal supposed to bo a lynx has boon seen by several hunting parties in the woods near Sioux City. An ordinance lately submitted to the city council of DosMoines , limits the city's expenses for 1885 to $86,100. CO. Blackleg , which prevailed to a consid erable extent among the cattle of Ida county a short time since , has subsided. The Continental Oil company of Coun cil Bluff * , has filed articles of incorpor ation with the secretary of stato. Capi tal 8100,000. Burlington has borrowed $18,000 at the rate of 8 per cent pei annum to moot the city's current expenses between this and April , 1885. Indictments charging Assistant Marsh al Zoornsch and Attorney Celowio ol DCS Moines , with compounding a felony , have been returned. The Burlington , Cedar Rapids and Northern railway company proposes to go into the ice bnslndis at Cedar Rapids and ship lea south next summer. The steamer Tompklns which has been In the custody of the United States Marshal , at Sioux City , was last week turned over to it * owner Commodore Kounlz. The Methodist society of Anamosa has organized a regularly-equipped commit tee for the purpose of looking after those of their own people who may ba sick erIn In need , William Johnson , a guest of the Cart- wright house at Creston , hod $85 stolen from his room last week. 'William Mac- kin , the suspected party , has fled the country. The CASO of the state ngalnst Mtko Winters for causing the death of a Cedar Rapids policeman was tried in Burling ton last week and ended in a verdict of acquittal , The Into grand jury of Dos Molnos ex amined seventeen liquor cases , dismissed throe , and returned Indictments ID four- toon. The shaking up the jury received las produced some fruit. Captain Smyth , of the Burlington police , resorts to palmistry In his dis posal of tramps. The horny-handed ate given notice to leave the city and the soft-handed are sentenced to work on the stone pile. Martin Rlckors , John Muraford and John McDevitt received flesh wounds from pistol shots and Mlko Murray was seriously cut about the head in a saloon row which took place at Charlotte , Clin ton county , Tramps in largo numbers are infesting the country about Glonwood and Atlantic. They walked into the latter place in force last week and going Into the stores took what they wanted. The merchants were told that submission was the best policy and acted accordingly. Dr. Ell Qulgloy , whoso sensational orlmo of robbing a grave , potting the corpse in his oflico and setting fire to it In ordbr to obtain $20,500 Insurance on his life , causing great oxcltomontat Reading , Rlnggold county , last July , has made a fall confession of his crime. Harry Gllaoplo , the colored man who has boon in the Sioux City jail for some time , charged with shooting a colored woman , has boon released on his own recognizance. The prisoner is now in the last stages of consumption and his release was granted as further confine ment would hasten his death. Esthorvillo has never had but two post masters , Supervisor Jenkins being the first , who was appointed under the ad ministration of James Buchanan , in the spring of 1SGO , and hold the ollico until about the year 18G5 , when Howard Graves , the present incumbent , was ap pointed. A locomotive exploded at a place called Iowa Junction , on the morning of the 17th. The fireman was blown a distance of two car lengths , and waa so badly scalded that ho died from his Injuries in a few hours. The engineer escaped un harmed , although the force of the blast blow him through the cab window and when ho recovered his souses ho found himself standing bosldo the onglno. BED BY Royal Havana Lottorv ! ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. TICKETS 82.00 , . HALVES , $1.00. Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by the parties In Interest. It la the f&lroet thing In the nature ot chance In existence. ForInformatlonand particulars apply to SUISEV &CO.aereralAents.$212 ( Broaday , N. Y city. A. MOLL & CO. , 417 Walnut otreot , St. Louis. , Mo.or Frank Labrano , L. D. , 20 Wyitndotto , Kan. Jy 21-njia & w ly Theme ol tbeliim " fiber Line" In connection with Ilk corporate D&AIO of > great roan convoys ap.ldoa ol joat what icqulro.l Vv-tho traveling pnb llc-n SboitLlD < Quick Tlm ted the best i Uont all ot whlh art tarn lw&Y t& America , And St. Paul. Xloffni and til 'i 6V6 4,600 miles ol iarthera Illinois , I liconeln , Minnesota , lowi > ikcta ; and H la n tin llni-e , branches and conn ioni reach all tb ereo * jutlneee centres ot Ihi Northwest and Fr West , It naturally anaweri Ibi description ot She ( Line , and Best Route between Chicago , Mllw jitee , St. Paul and Minneapolis. OhIcagoMUir ukoe , La Croeee and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendalr Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and SUllwxer Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauuu and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkotb. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Ooonomowoo. Chicago , Milwaukee , Modteon and Prairie dn Chit * Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Fatribault. Chicago , Beloll Janosvlllo and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Itocklord and Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Codir Rapid ! Chicago , Council Eluffa and Omaha. Chicago , Slonx City , Sioux Falls and Tankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain Itook Island. Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis Davenport "almar , SI. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman tleopora and the Finest Dining Can In bo crld are run on the main lines ol the CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY , and every attention Is paid to paeeongorsby courteous omployei Ol the Company. MERRILL , Oen'l Manager. A. V H. CARPENTKP. aen-TPasj. Agl. X. CLARK , Oon'lSupt. OEO.UKIl.FORD. A , | . Oen'l P A in A BIG CAT "alogue" Also 1J { valuable and reliable ro- lipea ( mver before published , ) any one ot which is worth $1.00 and 'rom that to 825.00 , and a copy of the ' 'Cultivator" sent FilEE to any one that sends 3 stomps to pay postage etc. , ! J comic picture cards will also be enclosed in the paclc- ige. These recipes are valuable to he household and any energetic per son knowing the secrets they disclose need never want for money. Please write name and address plainly. Put 3 stamps in a letter and udtlrose it to the WESTERN PUB. CO. , box 509 , Omaha , Nob. ALONG THK LINE 07 TUB Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis aos1 OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension ol this line from Wakeflsld of Ibs BBADTIFUL VALLEY of the GAH through Conoord and Oolerldg I r Reaches the best portion ol the State , SpeoUl Bnrelon rates lor land leekori over thli line Wayne , Norfolk and Ilartlngton , and via lllalr to prlndp&l polr.U on the SIOUX CITY & PAOIFIO BAILUOAD Trains over tht 0. , St. P. U. ft 0. Railway to Oov ngton , Sioux City , Ponca , Ilartlngton , Vrayne and Norfolk , Ooxxxioot ca-t 331 * , la- Of fitment , Oakda.e , Nullzh , aod throogh to Yal ntua. H. B. ATWOOD , Plattamouth , ' - Nebraska IttlDIKOr TU010V9BIMO A D BUB IkABI HEREFOBD 11D JERSEY BnnLE ; IUIT KID wim ITYoantf itook lor iilti. Coirofondtnoe tolloil 1513 DOUGLAS * ST : , OMAHA : Commencing Monday , November 24th Consisting of Picture Frame Mouldings , Picture Frames , Engravings.Paintings.Water . Colors , Photographs , Station ery , Pocket Books , Purses. Ladies' Shopping Bags , Scrap Books , Albums , Statuary , Ar tists' Materials , GoldBronze , Plush and Velvet Oahinet Frames , Brackets , Comb and Biush Sots , Jewel Gases , Work Boxes , Glove and Handkerchief Boxes , Oder Setst Birthday , Christmas and New Tear Cards , and a Great Variety of Fancy Goods and Poverties Adapt ed to the Holiday Trade , E-Savo You Pictures to Frame * I so , tins is mi opportunity of a life-time to get them done in the best of &tle , and at prices df-tying all competition. I have the largest and finest stock of the above goods , in the city , having made my entire Holiday Purchases bofon deciding to retire from the business. Failing health compels mo to make a change and in order to close out uiy stock at once , I offer without reserve , bargains in every line such as will insure a speedy sale. This is the Greatest Opportunity ov r of fered to the citizens of Omaha and surrounding towns to Beltct their Holiday Goods. Come at once acd DO convinced that every article of fered is a bargain. 1518 DOUGLAS STREET. THE OH EAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUI r r Om of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From. NO fcTAIKS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGEE ELEVATOR IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTUUING JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS v . w Fine Diamonds , Rich Jewelry , French Clocks , Bronze Statuary , . English Silver Plate , Antique Brass Ware , European Holiday Novelties , MAX MEYER & B.RO. LeadiugMusicDealersintlieWest OAHUY IN STOCK ALL THE CELEBRATED MAKES -OF- Pianos and Organs ! Jjower frlccs and Tei'intt tltin JF/wnf/i than ever offered toe/ore. A. visit fo our ivat'c solicitctf. Dr.CONNAUGHTON . , 103 BRADY BT. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , D. 8. A , JUabllihud 1B7 OaUrru , Deolneea , Lung and Nervous DUcwoa Speedily and Permanently Oared , I'utlunti ar ed ftt Home. Write ( or "Tin MguioiL-MiwiiorUKY , " ( or the I'oojile. OonanlUtlon and Oorroinondence Qralti. P. 0. Dox iJ02. Teluphuno No , SO. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , PoitmuUr , Davenport , lava : " Phyaiolan of IU . Ability and Marked Saooeu. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , < rr\t \ * : "An iionorabla Man. Vine Hococas , Wnndnrfu ) Oiir ' ' Tfonr R / > f > I