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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1884)
Js hi- hi3p Hh at p u r TO' o th th ol. f im. at- XT IP- \tf \ Dill its' f t no * r To-1 ml' , fk nisi U < m ht < - Jo.- Jo.I ( I m i Jfr ft Irt * THE DAILY BEE MONDAY DECEMBER 29 1884. LOOAL PUGILISM. JHIllor ami MoNally to Meet In tlio K All preliminaries in the hard glove fight between Ed. Miller of Omaha and McNally , the north Nebraska champion , have been arranged. The terms pro posed are a fight with hard glovea , Lon don rulca , fight to a finish. The only point yet unsettled ia aa to where the battle la to como cIT , in Omaha or O'Neill , Each ono o ! the matched men , of course , ia In favor of homo-grounda. Me dially and hla backer , Flanagan , of Val entino , prefer to have the fight take place at O'Neill , whllo Miller thlnka that fair play can boat bo secured by pitching the ring in this city. It ia probable that a conclusion on the point Trill bo reached in a few dava. A Double Wedding. l/oavenworth Times , December 26. "A very onjnyabla nnd ontortalng wedding waa celebrated Tnoidny night at 112 Oaogo street , Mr. Richard Fields , of this city , and Mr. lllohard Oglosby , of Omaha , being the parties of the first part and Miaa Laura E. Canterbury and her slater , Lonlao , being the , parties of the aocond part. The ceremony waa performed by llov. P. Hnbbard of the M. E. church and it waa witnessed by a largo number of friends nnd invited guest who wlahod the high contracting parties a bright , happy and prosperous fnturo and also loft aa to kens of oatoom n largo number of beauti ful presents , The four young people are well and favorably known in this city , all having n largo circle of acquaintances and friends. Mr. Oglosby and bride will leave for Omaha , their future homo , in n few days , while Mr. and Mra. Field will continue _ to reside hero. " Mr. Ogloaby _ la one of the moat accom modating waiters in the Faxton hotel dining room , nnd Col. Simms rises to re mark that another good man haa gene wrong and joined the army of martyts. A 1'lciiBant GathorliiR , On Christmas eve Messrs. Slovens & Son , builders and contractors , corner of Twenty-fifth nnd Davenport streets , en tertained their employes , as. is their custom each year. It was n very pleasant affair nnd ono long to bo romom- bornd. The music wna furnished by Misses Brown nnd Stovona and Mr. Drown , Dr. Collins nnd Mr. W. Stevens. The employee were made to fool per fectly nt homo by n pleasing address of welcome by Mr. W. Stevens , at the close of which a beautiful supper was served. After supper Mr. J. McAllister , foreman for the firm , responded to the address of welcome in n few well choaen worda. Ho was followed by Mr. W. J. Reeves , necrotnry of the Carpenters' Union. After having pasaod a moat pleasant evening , Mr. Porter , on behalf of all present , presented a vote of thanks to Mr. Stevens and family for their kindly treatment. A Uard. WEST OMAHA PUKOINCT , 1 December 27,1884. J I desire publicly to heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends'who ' ex tended and practiced sympathy to mo -and mine dutlrjg the late illnosa , and J l.f burial of my wifo. Especially must I , mention the unusual interest manifested by Mr. and'Mrs. Charles Taggart.Mr. and 'Mm. John Shaw , Mr. and Mra. Peter Boaen , Mr. and Mra. O'Connoll Fnray , 'and Mra. John B. Furay , In our sad bereavement - roavement that they might make the bur t den of affliction as light as possible. Surely the truly Christian conduct of theae , my neighbors and frinds , has sub stantially shown how much of good there Is in humanity , how noble Ita friendship v > and how much better the world is because certain loyal hearted people live. CHAS. J. RYAX. Collecting Toll , On Sunday last Mr. 0. E. Mayno thought ho would drive across the river on the ice and visit Council Bluffs. He drove dovru to the approach to the river and there found a man stationed , who stopped him and demanded a quarter be fore ho would allow him to pasa , Mr. Mayno argued with him but it waa no ate. Ho said the ice companies had ata- tionod him there to collect a quartet from each team and ho would have to pay. After considerable jangling Mr. Mayno paid the quarter and drove acrosr. Ho would now like to know if the ice companies own the Missouri river and whether a man cannot drive across where and -A hen ho pleases. This Monday evening , December 29th , the annual pew renting of the Congrega < tional chnrch , corner of Nineteenth and Chicago streets , will take place at the church , It ls hoped that all who desire /sittings for the coming year will bo on 1iand to make their selections. At the annual church meeting on Monday ovo- ' uing last , the salary of the pastor wat increased from $2,000 to $2,500 pei year. year.This congregation is one of the mosl prosperous In this city andit la expected that in a short time they will erect a magnificent now chnroh building on the site where the old one now stands. Mr , 8. F. MorHo'a TcHtltnonlal. The clerks of Mr. S. P. Morse's drj goods establishment were not so tired 01 Christmas eve after the rush of the boll day season but that they could stay i little longer and obtain and present t ( their employer a valuable and bandsomi gold-headed cane. The gift was thi unanimous expression of all hands , anc thus speaks volumes for the mutual con sidoratlon that obtains bntwoon employe : and employes In such a busy beehive ai Morse's. Certainly no recipient of i gift tbit Chrlitmas can carry it witl more satisfaction than Mr. Morse hi cana. _ Wedding BeUe , On Christmas day , at the homo of Mr J. J. Riley , In Schuylor. The marrisgi of Mr. B. F. Arnold and Miss Jennie F lUley waa solemnized. The coromoo ; waa performed by Rev. A. J. Hood , o t tha Presbyterian church , at high noon Tfie ceremony was witnessed by a selec * ; j rty of Wfn3s. The bride li known to m ny in Omaha She is a sister of Mrs. C. B. Havens , and has often visited hero , and by her bright , cheerful and almable ways has made many warm friends in this city , who unite in extending to her their heartiest congratulations , and hope that her married life may bo as happy as her maidenhood has boon. Koftl Kstato Transfers. The following transfers were filed In the county clerk's oflico Saturday and re ported for THE BEE by the ; Ames1 real oatato agency December 2i ( | 1881. M , D. Cole and wlfo to Truman Buck , q o d , lot a , block 4 , $200 , M. M. Marshall and wife to NV. B. Smith , w d , part lot 2 , block 1 In Kirk- wood , $1000. Aug. Kountza and wife to Q. Androon , w d , lot 17 , block 15 , Kountzo's 3d add , $1250. J. T. Paulson , plat of Paulson's addi tion. Now Fa t Trnln. The Ohio and Mlsslsilppl Railway once moro comes smiling to the front with a through limited solid train com posed of elegant sleeper and day coaches from St. Louis to Washington and Balti more hours ahead of all other lines and without extra charge. Remember you can take In the Inauguration March 4th , at Washington , arriving in that city at G a. m. or 1:15 : p. m. , with only one change from the Missouri river only by purchasing your tickets by tlio 0. & M. Railway. Important Things G l"K On , The ovonta now going on in England and Franco are deitinod to play an im portant part In tho'.fnturo as regards the whole clvlli < wd world. But the daily events occurring in your internal econo my ore Infinitely moro Important to your self. Are your digestive organs doing their work ? Do your lungs act properly ? Is your liver secreting and disposing of the bile as It should ? If any of those or gans need regulation , take a dollar to the nearest druggist , and buy a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters , the popular tonic. Mr , 0. S. Goodrich has returned from his tick bun ting trip , Mr Snmuol Hums and daughter loft yoster- ny for a few weeks' visit in the oast. Mr. and Mrs. Jumsa Spocry , of Kansas City , ore visiting Mr. V. . S. Abel , of this city. Mr. L. M. Bennett of the Pullman Pnlnco car company loft for a short business trlf to htcago yesterday morning. Division Master Mechanic Robert McCon- elJ , of the Union 1'acific road , haa resigned. ' lit resignation will take place January 1. rlr. McCounoll's long and honorable conncc- , lon with the road ih ouly severed by the de mands of approaching old ago. A. G , Sherwood , F. J. Connor , Cantra lityj William II. King , Grand Island ; ! ! . 0. illard , McOook ; John N.Miller , Lincoln ; J. Ballingor I'laUsmouth ; J. Warren Koifor , jr , Superior ; J , A. Jewettand son , Maxwell , nnd r. .S. Bairy , of Columbus , Neb. , ore at the Metropolitan. Mr. nnd M . D. VnuColt have been vieit- d with .ivory sudden and sere bereavement n the lees of their bright boy , Allie , eight rears and ten months old. Ho was taken Ick with diphtheria on Christmas eve and died yesterday. He was the only child they had , and the all'tction beara very heavily upon ihom , their home bling left so desolate. The remains were taken to Ttockford yoaterday for ntorment. District court In Douglas county has been adjourned until Saturday next. Officer James Doyle tas returned from a rip to eastern relatives , and bos once more re- lumed the patrol of his beat. Tbo number of tramps who pass the nlghl n the city jail is certainly increasing , Lasl ivening n largo number were turned away. In the district court Saturday , the motion 'or a new trial in the Dodson ombezzlemonl case was overruled. Dodaon waa sentenced tc 'our years intbo penitentiary , Two Christmas trees used in the celebra tlon of the Swedish-American society , last Saturday night , caught Cro In the hall o Lytle'a building. A small panic ensued , bnl frha flames were extinguished before matoria harm was done , Yesterday was damp , muggy and disagree ably warm , and in marked contrast with the arctic weather of the few days previous. A jght dri//lo of sleet during a part of the da ] heightened the disagreeable effect. The Omaha police are on the lookout foi a horse thief from Council Blntfd , who ship ped out Saturday with four horses belonging on tbo other aide of the river , The man ! suppposed to have either pasted through or t < bo hiding in Omuha. Payment-pounding was firely Indulgoc n by the unwary pcdeettian last night. On lady , who. i ) name could not bo learned , Blip ped on the icy pavement near the corner o Fourteenth and Farnam streets lost night sustaining aovero injuries , Goo , K , Tiraino , county commissioner elect , whu takes bis seat January 1 , quallfiei on Friday before Judge McCullocb , plvin [ bonds in the eum of $15,000 , vith the follow ng bondsmen : Kd. Wittig , August Doll Henry Hike , James llolf . W. Lowin , Pete GOOD. Action has been commenced In th United States court by the Marseilles Mann facturing company , of Marseilles , Illagains Haynes ISros , & Co. , of Omaha , to re-cove 85,577 , on account for money collected and re ceived for plaintiff on the sale of farm Im plemonts. John Messer Is tha name of a man vvh was arrested by Otlicer Hincliey yesterday Messer Is accused of burglarizing Caipar' saloon In South Omaha Saturday night Messer was formerly a highly-respectable cit zen and connected with the police force of thi city. Living a life of dissipation , he has de generated Into a tough of the womtepeclmen A telephone message bas juat been re cehod from Council llluffs saying that th millinery store of J. J , lUieu , t Co , , of tha city , burned down between one and tw o'clock this morning. The fire originates from a stove in the rear of the store. Lois o stock nearly complete. Insurance not ye known , One of the edifying spectacles of Saturdi , afternoon waa the sight of Mr , J. Drexel chu ing a small dog through the atreeU. Tha terrie had managed to get bold of 6ne of Mr. Drex § ! gloves and trotted demurely oflwlth II After running two-fjuarters'of the firet'mll at a 2:10 : gait , Mr. D , gave up. The oinin was declared the winner. ItASGOUSHKrC-In thU city , December 37 t 7:16 p. tu , Mrs. Marcy , mother of J llatgonhek , aged 76 yean , Funeral from residence on Clark stre' between Twentieth and Twenty.firtt atretl at 10 a , m. , Monday to Prninect Hill coma tery , HOLIDAY DEVOTIONS , pcclal ] Services of Bonn nt the ClinrOlicaYcHtcrUay. Ghriatrnas services wore hold In several f the churches yesterday with special flbrtj in Iho direction of musicI T _ At the First Congregational church , eng services were hold both morning nd evening. The music In connection with both services WPS very lln'o , th&t of ho evening especially so. The follow- ng was the order of service : EVENING rBAISK SK11VICE , Organ I'reludo Air from "Tho CrmUlon Haydn , Mr. Alien , Anthem ' 'Singnnd Rejoice , " Barnby Cbotr. INVOCATION. "O come , all Yo Faithful , " . . .Alt by Novello Choir. BcntnonB RIADINO , HYMN. oprano Bole "Noel , " Counod Mri. Squires. riUTin , Let Us Now Go Even Unto Bethlehem , " Hopkins , Choir. BMAIIKS "OOOI ) WIM , AND 0001) WOIIKS. " Vnthom ' 'December. " Wleko Choir. HTMN. Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow . " BENRIIICTION : Organ 1'ostlude Weber Special Christmas services were hold t St. Mary's avonno church yesterday morning. An attractive musical pro- rammo was rireaontod by the followjnij holr : Miss Maggie Boulter , organist ; s. M. Michaels , ooprano ; Miaa Grace I. Wilbur , alto ; Mr. Jay Northrop , onor ; Mr. Bevel II. Franco , bass. The sermon of the occasion was reached by the pastor , llov. William Scott. In the evening a concert was ivon by the Mission bands of the Sun- ay echool. At the Third Congregational church /hrlstmas song service was hold in the norning. An appropriate sermon was lelivered by the pastor , Rev George 8. Pelton. At the Trinity Cathedral , the Christ- nas cervices with anthem and carols , were repeated. At the First Presbyterian chnrch , a Jew Year's address was given by the taator , lloa. W. J. Harsha. The Unity church congregation held a ipoclal service at their house of worship n the morning. A Christmas programmo of music , specially prepared , was pre sented by the members of the Sunday school. At the other houses of worship the lervlces partook more or loss largely of n lollday devotional character. BLACKMAIL OE NO 7 further Dcvolo cniouta in tlio Shaw- Belts Gaso , Saturday afternoon Mrs. Jennie E. Shaw made her advent into the police court and tiled n complaint of vssault and battery against Louis Betls. Mrs. Shaw will bo remembered as the woman who was BO savagely attacked by Betts aat Friday night , because she had be trayed his infidelity to his wife. Mrs. Shavr alleges that Belts had been living n criminal Intimacy with the girl , Lilly Brown , for some time , and that he bad 'ailed to pay her bills , as ho had agreed ; o do. On the other hand Betta claims that ilra. Shaw' * course has been a blackmail- ng scheme from beginning to end. Fur thermore , It Is alleged that the lady has soon in the habit of writing similar letters - tors to prominent business men of this city with reference to the same girl. Dne man , it is claimed , was called npon to respond with a $100 note for the girl's board-bill. Ho replied with an emphatic notd , slightly tinged with profanity. Others have been called npen in the same manner. The girl , LUlio Brown , is only about 1G years of ago , and until about three month's ago when she went to Mrs. Shaw'a had been a waiter at restaurants and hotels , and borne a character gene rally supposed to bo good. Tlio Ooncordla Festival. The Concordla Musical Club hold ite holiday festival at Gormania hall , Satur day night. The fnll membership and many invited guests were in attendant and every detail of the evening's enter tainment was greeted with marked ex pressions of satisfaction. The order ol occasion waa divided into two separate features ; opening with a grand mullcal soiree. The programmo waa later in the evening converted io a general observ ance of the art of Terpsichore. The following musical programmo was presented , each performance mooting re peated calls ; Dor Lindenbanm Scbuborl CONCODDIA. Tenor Solo CUIt. MKVE1U DieVellchen Bartl H 0. J , r.BAUAN , U , MAICIIIEK , B. ACKKUMAN.V , Declamation L , OKODECKKR. Ttinklehre Ubl CONUOKDIA , Tha concluding ball which prolonged the festivities until a late hour was par ticnlarly brilliant in the great number of participants , the decorations of the room and the costumes of the Ipdlos. The fol lowing committee superintended the details - tails and won unlimited praises by theii gracious management : L G. J. Lob- mann , G. . Btratmann , Aug. Shaefer , Wm. Siovers , Max Bocht , Jul. Meyer , T. Sinhold , W. F. Harding , Dirlgent. A Card , The superintendent and teachers ol the Fourthteentn and Laavenworth streel mission school desire to express theii gratitude to the following parties for do nations of Christmas gifts * to the childret of the mission : Mrs. Alma Keith , Mrs. Ringer. Mrs , Hills , Mrs. Maxtield , Mesirs. Wllllami & Son , Messrs. Moreo & Co. , Mr. Sax < and the First M. . caurch and othen whose names are not known. N. W. MKKBILL , Superintendent. DOSING THE DOOTOE , A. Would-be 1'hjHlclau Invited Swallow Ilia Own Medicine , A comic 1 episode In a physician's IIf hai recentlf come to light , which i rather too good to keep. It appears that a certain doctor in thi city who , baring failed to make a brll Hant mark in the clerical profession , hai tuned hla attention to the practice cf medicine , he was "called up to Attend ho child ot a Mr. Hanson , living in onth Omaha. Do proscribed a certain medicine for the tick child. In- toad , however , of the physic doing ho patient the ( lightest pnrticlo of oed , the child grow rapidly worse. The athor growang despetato called In nnoth- r physician who , upon examining Iho aso found the child had boon doaod with [ i medicine the ultimate effect of which ould bo that of thb moat deadly poison , lanaon waa informed of the condition f afTalra and told that another doao of ho medicine would have killed the child , lanaon In a rage , picked np the Imlf mpty bottle and daahod over to the roa- donee of the phyilciao at whoso hands ho child had boon to fatally doaod , The aat noon of htm ho waa forcing hla way nto the doctora residence , awoaring to 111 him or make him awallow his own medicine. The outcome of thia inter- ating opiaodo ia not yet known. Disastrous Flro atltaclnc. CHICAGO , December 23. The Daily JNuws taclnn special says that Blnke'a block , in- ludlng the opera house and hotel , recognized i ono ol the finest structures of the kind in jo country , waa burned at ono o'clock this lornlng. Three lives were sacrificed. The otcl contained sixty poreoni , all of whom cs. aped In their night clothes , except Kussoll Hover and wlfo , members of the "Beggar Stu- ent" opera company , and a hotel chamber maid named Mrs. Patrick. The fire started rom nn explosion of tome kind. When the oportwas _ hoard in tba building , the wllboit jKxcitomcnt ensued. Women ecrcamed , men shouted and ran hither and thlthor In ifiinay. A thrllliag scene -w&a presented to undrods of people , who quickly gathered ta lie Inmates of the building made a daub for xistanco by oich imaginable means of exit , eavlng everything of value , The loss of the per a house and hotel are $100,000 , in' tired for $53,000. Other losses : riltu ) , drugfrist. $2,600 ; Insured for .1,500. Wood Bros. , hardware , $13,000 ; mured for $9,000. Johnson's cafe , 2,500 ; Insured for $1,500. Montgomery ft jong , barbers , $1,000 , uninsured ; Flannigrm & Curry , proprietors ol the hotel , $3,000 , In uranco 55,000 : Kausch'd variety store , $4,000 , nsuranco $4,000. The wife of ex-Mayor ) oud , who occupied apartments In to hotel , est $5,000 worth of jewels and pictures , a plloction of Dante's works in America , be- idea notes and mortgages to the value of $20- XX ) . The opera house was built In 1681 by a tock company , nnd was GO by 100 feet , fitted : > roughput In nn elegant manner. Search for lie bodies will bo commenced in the morning , 'ho west wall seven stories remains standing. itrlko ot INcw OrleniiH Cnr [ Drlvcrn. NKOHLKANS , December 28. The car rivers etruck to-day and to-night there is not line of street cars In operation in the city xcopt ( Duane street and one or two other own town lines , The history of this strike whllo ba sed on the alleged bad faith of the ailroad directors in violation of a promise in November takes a new shape , that of a de mand for increased pay over that previously agreed upon. The men when tired of long lours and small pay previously struck it was itrreed that the time should ba re duced to fifteen hours and the lalarles were fixed at $55 for the old hands ind 850 for the new. The change was to take effect within forty days of tbo date of the LRreomeut , at the expiration of that time December 18th. it waa found that all the com- ) ! tnlea except those over which W. YonBen- bysen bad control , had compiled. YonBon- hysen had therefore to be forced into line , and ai the warnings paiaod unheeded , the strike of to-day waa tha multwith a demander or $60 per month. VonBenthjten pleads a ; enernl denial , and alleging that he has kept ils faith and that the strike is the outcome of discharge for cause of some of tha old hands , A. ttig Shut Down. SIISNANDOAH , P / , , jjecember li7. lioif .Udgo Nos. 1 and 2 , and two station collieries near Mnhonoy Plane' , and Indian llldge and ? lank rldgo collieries shut down Indefinitely , .browing . out of employment over 2,000 men and boys. Those collieries are owned and op- eratad by the Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron company. Nearly $3,010 a month was paid in wages. , Surgeon * , LoolK Out ! NEW YOBK , December 27. Dr. George H. Atkinson , Brooklyn , who waa suffering from > lood-polsoning , superinduced by a scratch rom the nail of a patient on whom he was op erating a short time ago , disd to-night. Cotton Factory Burned. INDIANAPOLIS , December 27. Tha Indian apolis cotton factory burned to-night. Loss $41,000 ; insurance , $30,000. PILES ! PILES ! PIlrESl A SUKE CURE FOUND AT X.ASTI HO ONE NEED 9UFKEB. A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itclrlnfiand Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr , Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 01 SO years standing. No one need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lotions , Instruments and elec tuaries do more harm than good. William's Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the turners , al lays the Intense itching , ( particularly at night after getting warm in bed , ) acts as a poultice , jives instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles , itching of the private parts , and foi nothlno else. Head what the Hon. J. M. OpflinbC' ry , oi Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oolntrnent : "I have used scores of Pile Cures , and it affords me pleasure to say that I liavo never found anything which gave such Immediate and permanent relief as Dr , Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For gale by all drug- Isti and mailed on receipt of price. COa and 1 , Sold at retail by Kuhn & Co. 0. F. GOODMAN' , Wholesale Agent. Useful anil Ornamental. Lovers of fine art ahonld BOO the hand- aomo piano drape on exhibition at Wm , Duahman'a ' dry gooda atore. It ia a mar- volons combination of ilowora and frull in Arroaaeno work and ribbon ernbroid. ery. Numbers are $1.00 each , and the drawing ia to takp place Now Year's ' eve , A pound of butter or a dozen of eggs Ii worth more in Ord than A bushel of corn. The Red Cloud creamery made over fort ] tons of butter during the ye r just past. The cost of O'Nelll'd improvements , puhlli and private , for this year foot up to $85OJO , iV Webster county farmer boasts of a bee 18 leches in length and 2& & feet in clrcumfer enco , The Kerr opera house in Hastings wa formally opened last Monday night. CLOSING SALE. TOYS , FANCY GOODS. Fnll and complete Una to oloao at lee than coat at W. J. WfllTEBOUBE'S l th and Webater. oed 24 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON AL1 HEAVY OVERCOATS AND SUITS. B. NEWMAN A CO. Rlchtor , the reliable Farrier , 131 > Farnam atreet , invited the public f roc Omaha and vicinity to visit hla well ie looted atock of Ladles' and Gum's Fin Fura. All the gooda are niade from th most prime skins , and Into lateit styles lUchter's experience.aa farrier date from 1851) ) , and he waa working aa practl cal furrier In pll tba principal cities c the word. Satisfaction guaranteed. WE GIVE A DISCOUNT OF 25 PE1 CENT ON ALL : WINTER CLOTHING B , NEWMAN & CO. LIST Or LETIEIIS lUnutniog tn tno pcwtoU-.oo at Omaha Satur day December 20 1834 : TLKMKN'S LIST , Alexander A 0 Angel & Bnwen Arnold D Atkinson J Allen J W Baando A P IJnir H Baxter I BakereillV 'J Bond S M Brooks T Bpyes T M Bailey T S Beono G Jl Bnyd .1 L Bohannon W Band Rev Bass R & Bro Hock .1 Bryan F P Carl C , T Churchill D H 'J Oroy C K Carney C Clausor 0 11 Crowley P B Cackn J C.ucy I 11-2 Campbell J A Churchill J R Clinton J CookS Cnmican J Calno M CoiclicBtcr R Cramor P M Uass W 8 Corcoran P J ConeS Carr J Clansor C B DenlngerJ J Deuel J C Dcitrlch W U Ctrexol A R Dipold G Deuol M A Dcpuy E U Dahlstruu M Dalron W Kckor J Fcldt 0 French C V Frlssell 0 H Fisher A C 2 Frisby 11 Frozer A M & Co Frazer L W Fowler F P Puncheon R Fl hcr W Frcok V Foshondox J Fiaco G A Gardner. ) D due R G Grncclo V Gwln W H ( irostcup J U Hurst Bros Hawlok J HendryJ A llnll J C Hhy.T llartry E Horning U Hanseu R Hyvnstio J Hcrian U P Hiutson N Jansen C Janion C Jones K V Jameson E Jennings J 11 Johnion U Johnson H P Johnson R S Johnson R J Jones I L Johnson S .TenUo N N Jnnnacito D Jones G Krelyorhock F Kaler J L KehlH Kcrwn S J Klapp 0 LohmannE LoitzmanC li Luidborp A L Lamed J Lewis V E LnngJ F Latta 15 Lewis G E Longlo W H Leitch W Lawrence W Looker W A Leo M Lyman R M Ming W McCoon O P McCahl H Mackenzie J Murphy J M hon P Martin F It McMurray J R Meyers J N Morris JV McGmro J Mulky J Martin LI' Montgomery R S F Mortz C " McKeover D Mossmoro F A Miller O Ii NorrU J B Norton M Nowtou R A. Nielsen 1C NowhallWH Nidwer W Nenbaaer F Newer G Oldson G O'SuHIvan E Orchard F & Co OylorGR Olson N A OBullivan M 0glebey W O'Connor C J 2 Overton A Olson O D Preston S S Peterson II Peterson J E Piper W O Price II Peeler IIC Potter T A Peterson R Phalon EII Pedersen N Peterson G A Phelps J W Price F Petty A B Peterson A 32 Rico L II Roland J Rooney J Redmond W Rodger B Rich E A Regatta L Rico W A Rich F Reid F W Reyner J Rasmussen M Robne D A. Richardson D Strickley J Scott J M-3 Shirk J AI Schlemino F tichoomnackor F SangorJ E Sorensoa N Schutt W Salisbury M Smith S E Swicher W K Soars W Stiles AD-2 Stathuck A G Tchway J C Thomson F A Thanninf ? J P TolbertPH Tolbor J H Tower L W Toulo M W 'header ' D Turner Dr Ullerick C fesser T A Vindquoet J / ess J P Vurk N M Vanso F Williams : Mir k Co Wiggins HJ Walker T J Williams R T Whitehoart C F Vliltehead L Wsllbridge L D Vykes Mr Warfield J VillUmsD Waliuer C Vooley Jlr W1 LIST. krmstrong MissE Anderson Mra A F AndoTRon Mrs H C BargefMtf A Bllck Miss K Barns M'rs li ] l Belle Mrs 1 < Bell MissII Berthelson , Mrs A O-2 Mevens Mrs G W Bennot Miss B Jetton Mils A Baith Mra M ? rown Miss L 5owen Mrs M K Craft Mra M Clark Mrs A B Clawaon Miss J Iloyton Mra B Cox MI S SI Crispin MJS D Cox Mra S E Chapman Miss M Clapp Mrs1 K C iampbellMlssF ) owoy MIsa B J Davis Miss C ) lco Miss B Da\es ! MreM U ) ahlstrom Miss C Cmory Mies K tarred Miss O J raves Mrs M Grahtm MisaC Jillojpio Mies N Giqson Miss M ilbson Mrs J Gamble Miss B loward N Howe Mist B loover MissilC Harth Mifa F laren Mies J Halberg Miss r fayes Mrs R Hart Miss M larlan Mls II Hamilton E B r lenilerson Miss J Huff uian Mra N ackeon Miss G Joyce Miss 0 onion Miss L Jamo * Mrs A J ones 1C Johnson Miss F Citchen , T .o\ridgo ) Mrs K Larson Mrs I' ' .aphain Mra N Larson Mhs A Lewis Mrs M /uca Mrs C K Lincoln Mrs J jeim MrsM ] ' , LindqvietMraJF iBlferty L F ilalmn Mrs J MatUon Miss C Miller Miss F Miller Mra O Ulckle Mrs T E Morris Mi s J1' tattoo ) i 0 Mead Mrs L ilcUloon C Morrison Miss R HurphyIss A Murray Mra L tloore MI > < 9 A A Mrtrani Mlsa M hlatthaU Mrs C if Marsh Mte S A kloqon Mlus 1 Nlcholnon Mrs W J Nicholas Mrs W Nugent Miss L Jrinaby Mrs J O'Connor Miss E Price Mrs E B Potter Mi M Petterson MIis C licbards M-2 Rush Miss M tyan Miss J Robberta Mrs B F tech R ItechingMra M ! [ lowers Mrs M Juiitb Miss C Smith Miss M G smith Miss E Hpellman Miss J Stearns Mrs F 1 ! Sheridan Miss U Sullivan Miss II M Sullivan F 3tlllwell Mrs E L M Stedwoll Mri F Thompson Mrs I * Thomas Mra K Thomas Mrs M TbomaH Miss A Thomson Mrs D Talbot Mjas B T vlor Miss O Ullrich Miss F Williams Mrs MR Weatherbeu Mica C L Welch Mra S J Whiting MrH J E WIUO WodeMi-sE Wood Mrs II Werner Miss M n oods Ml a B Wagensoller Mrs C N Warle MUs N WaldemerMissT 1'OOItTH CI.AHH MATTKII. II Titular 1 ! A Ackormau Miss M NeyerchleMu C. K. COUTANT , Po tm aster. Iiow ilnok Fjtru * In Hartford , Hartford ( Conn. ) Courant. Hero one can be carried to or from the cara'or oyer any other moderate distance for 25 cents , In carriages which are ae comfortable and easy rolling aa any thai are mado. It lan't a roduc'ion made b ; competition of cheap and dirty vehiclea but la-tho schedule price of the beat car rlagea. In New Haven , on the othe hand , the charge ia 50 cants , but we ven tcre to guess , at least , if not directly tc aaaert , that the Hartford atablea dc enough moro bualneaa to make their ratei fully as profitable when the week's worl ia figured up , TKNNKS9EK S WI LI ) MAW , The Itntly AVlio 1'inploycil Him Olvca rut Account ol HUStrnneo I'ruccciIltiKa , Nathalie American. An article wat published heroyeatorday outltlod "TenncaaooV Wild Man , " men tioning Misa Maud St. Pierre aa the lady in whoio employ the "wild man" had boon provioua to hia lrappoaranco. Miss St. Pierre ma In thia city to-day ou busi ness connected with the railroad which aho la buildlrg from Anderson Station , Tcnn. , to her miuoa. Hho aaid to fi re porter "The report concerning Mr. Neal , my secretary , and myself ia incor rect in aomo roapecta. There is nothing mysterious at all about mo. I am simply a business woman. My auccota in busi ness haa boon a surprise to many people who trunk a woman can know nothing about business , and on this account several oral atorloa have been atartod about mo. I pnrchatod 22,000 acroa of coal and min ing laud in Anderson , Franklin county , Tonu. Some time ago I opened tninoa nnd began building a railroad from them to Anderson , a diatanco of two and n half miles. The Naahville and Chatta nooga railroad haa agreed to furnish the iron and engines for U , and It will connect noct with that road. 1 have alao con structed a solid wagon road , three miles long , from the mines. Much ot it is built through solid reck. I hire and pay men personally , and am compelled to bo on horseback nearly all day , but I never carry largo Bumn about mo , and have never made the slightest claim to any re lationship to Myra Clark Galnoa. I employ fifty mou nnd pay them ou the lat of every month. Mine are the only mines in the south that produce a good quality of semi-bituminous coal. The mines are deep nnd long , nnd the minors average ninety bushels a day. Tnbro ia nothing mysterious about mo. I am a nntlvo of Louisiana , have boon abroad and nm in business to make money. I am going back to my mines to-morrow , and now that I have told you who 1 nm 1 will toll you nbuut my secretary. His name ia John A. Neal , and ho belongs to ono of the iirat families of Alabama. Ho is a ooutin of the Into Wm. M. Lowe , a member of congress from Alabama , and ia n gentle man in every rcapect. Ho was employed by me aa secretary , nnd had boon with mo about a year when ho dleappoared. Ho had baen sick for a short time. On Juno 8 ho loft hla houao at Anderson about noon , and wont up in the glen n abort distance nwny. Ho waa missed almost Immediately , nnd n party started In search of him not moro than twouty mlnntos later , The tlowers of a button hole bou quet , which ho had worn , were found scattered over a rock in the glen , but no other trace could bo found of him. All hands turned out , nud the woods nnd mountains for miles around were thor oughly searched. Parties were on the lookout for him for weeks. The many caves in the mountains thereabouts were carefully gene through several times. I used every moans In my power to find some trace. The ponds were dragged , all my men were included in the search- on ? , nnd I hired detectives and offered largo reward * . A reward of § 1,000 , js still standing , and I would gladly pay it for his recovery. I did thia simply because - cause ho wna in my employ ut the time end because of his widowed ni9thcr , who la almost frantic at the lots of her DOC. "How or why ho disappeared I can not say. I had sent him dptrn to Anderson from Huntavillofifty miles a way , to got iho money from the bank with which to pay the men. It la possible that some ruffian may have known this and nifty have foi- owed.tnnd killed him , but I don't know nything about it. There were five dis appearances In six wockfat that time , all of them within a radius of fifty miles. The rumor that ho is found seems to be ery likely true. A number of rumors of its having been seen have como to rag rom time to time. A colored woman aid aho saw a man in ragged clothes run n and out of n deserted chnrch t Bonnott'ft ' Cave , which la six miles from Anderson , Search par ies went there but no trice * > f tbo niatf edflld be found. The woman was quite certain that it was Mr , Neal and she know him veil. Another time on article in the Scottsboro Heraldatatoo hat a-man had seen Mr. Neal whllo mntiog in the wooda near there. I b- ipvo the report that he was found in swootcn's Cave is correct. The caves are o many and the paths In thtftn'tto Intri cate that n poraon might easily hide in hern for u long time without being dis covered. I think ho ia suffering from omporary abberration of the mind. The itory about him having bad delirium tremens - mons Is false , for ho never waa under ho iriflunnco of liquor. " SNEEZE ! SNEEZE ! until jour liciil scorns rtady to ll > ( id ; until your IIOHO and qututitlea ( thin , Ir- rltatltg , watery lluld ; ur til your head aclios , inoutb ard throat parched , and blood at fou'r licit. Tliis la an Acute Catarrh , and Is liutautly rcllu\cd by a single done , a'jd pcrma- boutlj cured by onu but- lii o Bin lord 'a Radical Cure lur CaUrrh. I/omploto Trontmont with Inlialor $1 One bottle Radical Cure , one box Catarrhil Sal vent , and ono Impiovcd Indaler , In onu inckato may uow be had of all dru KwU ( crJl.OU. Ask to lanford' * Ha < llcal Cure Tlio only absolute eperlfla KB know ot , " Mod. rimes. " 1'r.o . bcxt wu nave found jn a llfttltnu ol lutlerlng , " H > . If. Wi/K'l" , Iloaton. "Alter a long itruKk'le vvlth Catarrh , the llfilcal Cure ha * con- ( tiered ' 1'ev. H , > V. Monrou , I.cwlaburuh , 1'a. I have not found case that It dl < l not rtlloo t once. " Andrew Ie.llanclie t r , Mass. 3ottor Drug and Chemical Co. , Kor the rolltl and preventlou the loetont ll Is applied , of Ilheu mutism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Coughi ) , Colds , Weak Hack , Btouv aoh , ami Ilowolt , Shooting I'ulns , Nutnbnew , ] | > eterU , I'e- malcl'ilns , 1'ilplutlon , Dvnpcp. U , IJier Complaint , lllll'ui . . , . . . - . Fe\cr , MaUrla , and KpIJemlca tUCTRICXN "sa follin's I'lMters ( an Klectrlc 1 -o < lottery combined wit ha I'uroui r t1'luter ) and laugh at pain 26 ( verywhera Omaha National BaoL U. S. DEPOSITORY' J. H. MILLARD , WM1WALLAOE 1'rixililent. Ouhlei CAPITAL $500,000. o nnd Burglar Proof Safes , foi runt at Into III > IW i ef a nur IPi 3MD1LMBLE rHE BRUNSWICK , BAIKE , GUI- LENDER COMPANf , ISUCOE3SOIW TO TI1K J. M. U. A 0. CO. ] Th tnoii cite-ulvo nmrmtootnrfn IN IltK WORU ) . John HoolsliwuMr Ooncrni Aconl or Nebr sk ui Wottcrn ( OKU. M S. Tenth Street . . . OMAHA , NED. OTaiUtlou BlllUrd Mid Pool TuMfS wij railoiU rlrwn OCV1AMA MEDICAL AND SUllGlOAJi DISPENSARY CROUNSK'S BLOCK , 18th nJ Ctpttol Avpnno , treat ) kll OMM Clip. plod or Deformed alto dltoMti ot tt Nervous System , Throat , Lungs and Urinary Organs All tMft cl CurrMuro ol the Hplne , Crooked Fee U > e and Aims , UlMjosog ol the Hip , Knoo. and Ankle JolnU. Also Ohronlo Affection ! ) ollhe Liver Rheumatism , F rtlysl , Mien , Ulcers , CfcUrrh , Aeth ma nil Bronohltla to nil treated by now and sue- cosjful methods. All diseases oJ tno Blood ami TJrln- try Organs , Including thoeo rosulllair from Inc Itera tion , or exposure , rn fcj ! and euccoostully treated Youni ; men , mlddlo aged , and old men eufloiln from Weakness andNorvoui esrtaurlloti.tiroiluclrn , , nitiootionral : [ > lr tlonot the Heart , Despondency Uliiinces" . Loss ol Memory .tack of Energy and Am bition , can bo restored to health and Tlgor , If case is not too long aogiuctcd , Tha Burgeon In chirgo ttftj president ol the Kotthwcstcrn Surj-lcnl Irwll tuto and Surgeon olthu NallnuM Surgical Institute. It afflicted , Billor write ! nil description of yonr PASO , uid modlalno mny bo Dent you. Consultation free. Addro80m h Dlepeni ry , Crouuie Block. Onuha , Nub. Office honra 10-19 a. m.,1-3 and 7-8 p. m firH-Urt , .10a ra , S iTAooommodatlotia furnished patlcnta rom the countrx. D. C.BRYAKTM. D. I ill 1224 : Fariinm Street , Coiner 13th St , Offioo hours D to 12 A. ra. , 2 to 1 p 01 Ten } ears oxpeilcnca. Can epoak Qorraui. ivtSl-dly LEGAL KOTICE. J. M Wyngnrt defondini will tnko not let ) that on the 15th tUr of Dec , ItUi Edmund Bartlelt Ksi | . , liy ftjiiitlpetf the Peace of Djiiiclaa oountv , Is4 o > an order cf attoehmsit for the sum of two mindred dollars lars in an notion polling by him w heroin Jacob Cohn Is plilntid , mid J. SI. Wjgart li defendunt lliat properlj of tbteald defendant conslstl'iic of stook of K'CKiile , fKturosBnlithcr psrscntl pr-pcrty cent - t lnfUu ( his shop , onrncr of 10th nncl Jones street , htsheon nt'.uMrd tinder BilJ "nlcr. Hall cauiw w S cw.tlnncil to January Hint it 3 o'clock. In the lorenoon. DWHIHT ' " . ' ) .Ic.w3w-.o Alt rnoy f St , Charles Hotel , STHKET , UET.-thamlSth , UNCOIL , NEW. , Mrs , K to Coakly ; PtdprietdKikii. WNowJy and cleffintly ( unilshcd. tlooJ eaniple ems on first flojr.r > ( / , . OTanasSi.DO to $2 pir day. SpeAxlrates ( then lomberj of tho. legislature , novIO-lm-mo ICST rcn- LADIES ONLY ! Ibtulnale LISUCD , ! Tnic/kTiKis or ntti.v OF THIS rKMALIC BUST. " color * ! n tomlca | > Ulefnll txjiltnMIon , Bfllcil cplnlom.klc. . Bhowllblt indcretojMilor hrnnken coatTillon It liijonaftl Md un- mllhjj taw la nl > r ( .to Cull oj rroj > r froporilorn. 4M d > Ttlor il tr ImlMrprwM'O A copj of Ihll Ttla- U took tdHI.J In i lej aT lop for 30ell. JlJJrMl \ r. o. Drswor 7S > , mnfyAto. f . y. . . " " UNITED STATJBS" iational Bank ! U , S. DKL'OSirQRY. S. W. Cop , Farnam and'12th ' lapital , - r$10.0000.00 ; W. HAMILTON , Prcs't. ' M. T. BARLOW , Cathie ? I. M. CA.LDWKI.L , B. F.'ssiiin , < C. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BAHLOW , C. WIM. HAMiLrow. Acoounto floHcllort nntl kept auo out to sight chock. Certificates of Doponlt ( Bouod ( nt ablolnS Gnnd I2montho bearing ntorout , or on ilomand without In- orost. Advances mndo to ouotomors on approved oocurltluaat wmrkoi rai of Intoroct. The Intercuts of Ountomaro tire c'osoly ' guarded and every facility compatlblo with prlnclplos ot aound banking freely oxtondod. Draw night drafto on Englond.lro- and , Scotland , nnd all partaofdu- ropo. Ueil Huroponn Panoa o Ticket * . Uuitea JDeposiiui > U1T OMA11A Oor. ISth and Faruam Sts , T/io OMost Banking Establishmani in Omaha , SDCCCMOEJI TO KOUNTZB Orzanu a in 1BDO , Organised u a National Banlc In OAFITAZi . 5SOO.OOO BDKP1.US AND FROFira . S16O,00 emciu enuoroai. Hum * Xomrm , Preridenl. too * A. CBUOUTO * . Vtoo PiMldenL A OITUl KOUHTH , Id Vlc PlIltdeBl. A. 1. Vorrurow. _ . t , H. DiVU , OublM W O MMVJim , AulrUnt Otibiet. Tr n ota ( ceur i l fcanklDK Dutmen. luuet tin ocrtfloi.tMle ! rtoKlaUrejL DratM * dialli on 8 * ftMclaoo and piloclp * ! c-ltlts la t | > Cnllid Stale * AIM London. boMIn , Edlnbarih md U > * prloclpn oJUesottba oontlnenl nd Kurop * . if COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADB H. K. BUEKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND KMUALMKIU Itl.f. lttti ) tr t , - ( UUIA , NKU. artti .