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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1884)
THE UMAHAiJDAJLLY JBJUE iUOiNDAi : JDKCEMJfcEK 29 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE Om ti Offlco , No. 010 F rn m Bt. Tfow York Offlco , IVoom OR Tilbnno Pnbllihett ererr trornlnit. ioepl Bnndaji Th t ilr Monday rooming dally. Oni Teat 110.00 | Three Monthl I'.O ' BUUontnl 5.00 j One Month 1.0 Per Wwi , SS Oenta. trni WIIXLT > ci , rotuniD ITMT ; WIOSMDAI , ; mm KMTTAID. 11 Tear rz.001 Throe Monthl 9 M Bit Months. 1.00 I One Month , _ M A I Oommanloatloni relating to Newt and Kdllorla tttirt ihenlJ tx uddressed to the Eirrom or THI BH.J All Dnlo < x letter ) 'and Remittance ! ihoa.d bt kiilreined to Tin Dm PtrxuimKa Oonrurr , QMAni. Drafts , Chncks and rortoffloe ordsri to be made pay. kbit lo the ordtr of tha companf. THE BEE POBLISHINQ CO , , PROPS' ' B. H08KWATEK\E < lltor. A , IL Fitch , M n corDftlljr Oirculatton.'P 0 , Box , 488 Om ha. Noh Tirr. Nebraska sponsorship is not Hkoly lo go a bogging. TUB ozponaoa of tbo Strata court- martial promise to equal thoao of a star * ronto trial , Dn. Mir-tRii has gene to Now York to got instructions from Jay Gould for the H obraakn logialaturo. OMAHA , has done nothing yet towards aocurlrg the Nebraska state fair fer the next five years. Are wo going to lot Lincoln have this capital prlzo without an effort on our part to capture it ? ACCORDING to the Advontlats the world will coino to an end on January 4th , and the cloct will climb the golden stairs. * Tno holiday boombolng about over -wo predict that a great many poraono will "go up" before that date. Nnw ORLKANS roaidonta adviao visitors to wait until early spring baforo a visit to the exposition. March and April arn the months for roaos and everything de lightful. Iho weather is now variable , with rain and dampness and much wind. IB looking out for a cold day. It may come Boon after the 4th of Starch , and hence he is now putting in his spare time In writing a book entitled "A Personal - sonal Narrative of Battles , " from which ho oxpoota to derive some little income. TIIK humorous market la reported dull by the San Francisco Post , which quotes : Jokes , prime , at E@Go. per million ; Ice cream jokes , no demand ; bank-cashier jokes , weak , at l@lAc. per ton ; choice plumber jokes , in demand at § 12 per ton. OKOVEH CLEVELAND was able to chock the flow of presents , but whether ho will I * ' L I I succeed in stemming the tldo of amatuor poetry that is pouring in upon him re mains to bo seen. Nearly , o very aspiring verso maker throughout the land has sent a contribution to the president-elect , but the flood continues. GKNEUAT , HOWARD is not alone in the opinion that deserters ought to bo brand- . cior tattooed. Adjutant-General Drum has been led to the same conclusion. Ho s that during the last five years 10 , qojdlers have deserted from the reg ular army or nearly every other man and ho now wants all men dismissed for doflortion to bo tattood. THE proposed Vandorbllt mausoleum Is the subject of considerable newspaper talk. If the old man cannot do any good with his two hundred millions whllo living , the sooner ho goes and buries himself In his mausoleum the bettor it will bo for the world. There will then be some chance of his money being distributed at least among the law yers and his relatives. BEN BUTLER will now devote his lols- uro time in attempting to make up for fals campaign expenses , which are vari ously estimated all the way from 850,000 to $250,000. It Is said that ho is to write his political rominiscencea , to bo published in two volumes , for which ho is to receive $50,000 and a small royalty. It eooras as natural for defeated candi dates to take to book-making as it Is for ducks to take to water. QOITE a business is bolng carried on in 'Washington In the way of selling chips from ttyo Washington monument , with miniature representations of the monument ment , and Mount Vernon palntod on thorough rough surface. This Industry will con Unuo to flourish so long as that Maryland quarry , from which the monument stones came , holds out. It Is estimated that enough of thesa bogus souvenirs have already boon sold to build another monument ment , equal in size to the original. IT is asserted by Edward H. Johnson . New York electrician of high reputa tion , that enough electricity can be pro- duood , and at a sufficiently low coat , to satisfactorily perform the work now ao- > complbhod by steam , and the regulation of the oloctrio force is very easily effect- od. Ho , therefore , claims that the sub stitution of electricity for steam as a mo- < Jvo power Is only a question of timeand that the work which remains is only the perfection of the proposed new system In details. TIIK Chicago JVet/'d aeems to have hit the nail on the head in the tall-end ol the following paragraph : "The Omaht papers profecs great joy orer the pros' pect of Omaha's being made a port o ! ' .entry. It ocoura to ui that thora li very llttlo occasion for joy. Congresi may roioluto and legislate all it pleases but the price of entr fp the port o : Omaha will be twenty-five cents over thi Union Pacific railroad bridge. It wonlc bo a greater victory fcr Omaha and al other river towni if railroad bridge ex 'tortlon could be abollihed at once an < forever. " * OUR WKKKLY EXCHANGE. For several years past our weekly ex change list has been increasing until fi nally it has become a qnoation whether wo can continue the policy of giving away 313 papers a year and paying postage - ago on them , in exchange for fifty-two. Our experience in securing equivalents through the publication of a prospectus has not only be n decidedly disagreeable , but for the moat part has proved un profitable. A largo majority of the country papers of Nebraska have either been more tools and organs of corporate monopollon , or mouth-plocoa for polltl ciana and spoils-hunters , who do the bid' ding of the railroads. Our proapoctua , two or three years ago , was bitterly as- ailed by thoao braaa-collared gentry as an anti-monopoly stump-speech , and such of thorn as did publish it were profnao with blackguardism. Wo have our own way of advertising , and when wo drew public attention to the abuses of corpo rate monopoly and grievances from which producers are sookina redress , our lan guage waa denounced as rank commun ism. This year wo have decided to dla- ponso with the "ofTonsivo" prospectus , and simply propose to exact from pub lishers of weekly papers who desire our daily in exchange an equivalent in kind itrough co-operative effort. Wo have given thoao parties our lowest clubbing rates , and rcquiro them to secure twenty subscribers to the weekly BEK. This re quest is reasonable and equitable. The same condition has been enacted for a number of years by the Dca.Moinos Itcrjinlcr , and Iowa weeklies have gener ally compiled with it. Why then should any Nebraska paper find it BO objection able and tyrranlcal ? Wo are exchanging to-day with over four hundred weeklies in Iowa and Nebraska , which entails upon us an expense of at least § 2,000 a year. Wo do not need ouo-half of thoao papers , and wo BOO no reason why wo should discriminate In favor of the other half. Wo cannot aflord to continue a policy that mnat before long , with the steady Increase of newspapers , run our weekly exchange list up to five or six hundred. Nebraska weeklies do not consider themselves degraded in solicit ing subscribers for the Toledo liladc , Chicago Inter Ocean , Arkansas Traveler , Texas Sift'ings , Peak's Sun and other papers that never can and never will defer for Nebraska ono thousandth part of what the BKE has done and is constantly doing. If It is "hoggish" for us to re quest country publishers to assist in ex tending our circulation it is a geed deal more hoggish for them to in sist that their weeklies shall bo put on an equality with the dally BEE , as an exchange. Few of them certainly have any claims upon our generosity. Our Immense circulation has been established in aplto of them and their efforts to dla parago this paper. Wo shall adhere strictly to the propositions that wo have made In our circulars , let the consequences quences ba what they may , .Wo notice , however , that the principal hue and cry comes from a certain class of henchmen who happen to be postmasters , who can dispense with the BEE as an exchange because - cause they can with Impunity violate the law by purloining the papers of our sub scribers. Fortunately their days are numbered. TUB doctors are making a raid on Grover - vor Cleveland. Dr. Mary Walker called on him the other day , and now Dr. Miller la now en route to pay his respects to the presidont-eloct. Ono panji for notoriety and the other pants for office. A COMKDY company came very near be ing made the principals in a tragedy ID an Ohlt town at the hands of a masked mob that was anxious to lynch the whole troupe. What surprises us la that not of the co-called theatrical more - troupes- tro mobbed , and particularly the Uncle Tom's ' Cabin companies. Now is the time to wring tire rest of the water out of the railroad stocks. If it is thoroughly done , it will forever pre vent periodic panics , every one of which , from Black Friday dowr. to the Villard collapse , has boon duo 'to watered rail road stocks. If the people of this conn- try went ( stability , they must have all the great corporations regulated and capi talized only according to 'their aotnal value , upon which a reasonable rate of interest shall bo charged , and upon hlch it will bo pouslblo to declare hon- at dividends. TiiKomiLua HAimiNciTox , who was a ustico of the supreme court of Vermont rora 1803 to 1813 , made himself famoni iy bolng the first to officially refuse to oturn fugitive slaves to their masters , eplylng to a slave-hunter irho asked him 'hat proof of ownership ho would ro- ulro : "I want a bill of sale from God Almighty 1" It is now proposed to erect a monument over his grave in Clarendon , Vermont. The colored people of the United States ought to contribute lib erally to this memorial , and no doubt ould do BO if called upon. THE latest sensation connected with the Illinois senatorahlp la that the demo crats propoao to buy a republican repre sentative , who la to receive five thoaaand dollars and resign , thus giving the demo crats a majority of two In the house and ono in joint session. We would bn in clined to believe the story were It not for the fact that the dispatch states that the democrats are having aomo difficulty In raising the funds , and that some of them became so indignant at the scheme that they gave It away to the republicans. II stands to reason that If the democrat ! can purchase a republican reproientatlvt for five thousand dollars they will hurt no trouble in raising the money , and furthermore that it la not natural fci any of them to "give it away. " ANTTUINO that can bo done in the In terest of the destitute poor cJ Omaha ia to bo commended and hcnco wo heartily Indorse the suggestion of the Omaha F.z- ctltlor that a charity ball bo given in Boyd'a opera house , or aorao other suita ble hnll , at an early day. No doubt a handsome sum would bo realized from such an entertainment. Wo would also suggest thatn aeries of lectures bo given for the benefit of the poor. There is plenty homo talent for this purpose , and it ought to bo utilized. There are a great many dcatituto people in Omaha , and aa * , here is no organized effort for their relief something ought to bo done immedi ately. ALL applications for ollico are to bo put into the hands of Mr. Smalls , the secretary of the democratic committee. But if the secretary wants an office ho must hand hia application to cither Dr. Miller or J. Sterling Morton. OMAHA BKK. BKK.Ho Ho isn't ' secretary , thank yon , and "doesn't have to 'hand In his application" to anybody , for ho wants nothing. In most any respects the article is correct. Fremont Herald. Wo stand corrected. Wo are glad to know that there la ono democrat , and that democrat a newspaper uian , who Is not hungry for office. Mr. Smalls will no doubt soon bo overwhelmed with pro posals from the dime museum men , who are alvraya on the alert for curiosities. DULUIII , which was made the laughing Block of the whole country by Proctor Knott , in his famous funny speech in 1871 , when that place waa a great me tropolis on paper , has outlived the keen satire of the Kentucky humorist. It Is now a prosperous city of about 15,000 people , and it has become ono of the most important grain centers of the northwest , and is extending its facilities on a scale that indicates it as a future rival of Chicago In this lino. It already has half a dczon elevators of mammoth proportions , to which are to bo added during the coming year one with a capac ity for a million and a half of bushels , and another with storage accommodations for a million. The present capacity of her elevators Is 6,200,000 bushels , which will bo increased by the now additions to 8,700,000. There has been shipped from that point during the paat year almoat aa much wheat aa from Chlcaco , and there ia now stored thorn 4,500,000 bushels , which amount it is predicted will be in creased to 0,000,000 by spring. DR. MILLER has gone east to visit Jay Gould , Sam Tilden , and Grover ( Sleve- land. Hia visit to the sago of Cipher Ailey and the president-elect is no doubt to arrange for that cabinet ; posi tion which everybody In this part of the conntry hopes ho will got. The follow ing dispatch which appeared' in tha Philadelphia Preps and ether leading eastern papers , leads us to believe that the doctor really has some show of bolng ; made made a cabinet officer : CHICAGO , December 23. Western papers generally have regarded as a joke the candidacy of Dr. George L. Miller , of Omaha , for n cabinet position , bat In Now York state have treated Dr. Mil ler's candidacy in all seriousness. Miller's intimacy with Mr. Tilden , Gov ernor Seymour and ether prominent democrats of Now York is said to have given him special claims for considera tion at the hands of the incoming ad ministration , A letter has been reoolved from Dr. Miller by a gentleman of this city , in which this significant aontonoo occurs : "Allow me to add that , when I shall have baon fairly installed in the cabinet of Grover Cleveland , I hope you will not hesitate to accept an invitation to my Washington hospitalities. " Erom this it aoimlsod that the Omaha states man ba received positive notification that ho will ba wanted at Washington for the neat four years. FOP Speaker of the House. I'lattsmouibi Herald. Mr. Thomas B. Stevenson , of Nebras ka City , will bo a candidate for Speaker of tie Hoaao , at the coming session of the legislature. Mr. Stevenson being an old settler in the state , a gentleman of wide acquaintance , and much experience in public life , will bo hoard from in the contest for presiding officer of the House. , Fmlncntly Correct. C 111 sago Tribun n , Wo observe that Mr. Felton , the lool manager of the Western Union Telegraph , has had the chilled-iron cheek to accent "a fine writing-desk" from his subordi ; nates in the office , and that Mr. Frazer , the superintendent of the llttlo meaaon cor-boys , Is the happy possessor of "a. French mantol-cloulc"paid for out of thnlr canty earnings. There is not a ropnti business houio In the United Statos- whlch permits this kind of holiday extor ion to bo practiced among Us employes , 'erhaps ' the Western Union Telegraph company can aflord to tolerate it. It "elton and Fra/.sr were employed ) by the Chicago Tribune , instead of > by the West- rn Union , their Christmas "gifts" would oat them their situations. Midi's Ohook. Preacher- Actor Miln Is losing' money .hia season and wants a consulate. Ho ays that if such actors as he and IAW- ronco Barrett were sent abroad it would amlllaruo the foreign puollo with the American stage , and when RUtori should como back again she could not Bay thai iho had never heard of Clam Morris It Ia truly touching to obaeive the reverend end gentleman * ! * modesty. Ia ranking him self with Lawrence Barrett , and his so licitude for the American stage , which wet along very well while ho waa corus cating in the pulpit. " Traveling laUoal'rlnee , "In Cog. " Chicago Nftivs. It took the Chicago reporters jus * half an hoar to discover that "Dr. M. L , George , of New York , " as the gentleman registered himself at the Grand Pacific hotel day before yesterdty , waa Du. George L Miller , of Omaha. Wo axe free to confess that Dr. Miller's sohozao of traveling about the conntry under an alias haa weakened our faith In that Ne braska statesman. Wo have been favor able to his appointment aa a cabinet min ister , but at thli writing are not prepar ed to aay that wo can support any candidtto who la Miller in ono locality , George in another , and heaven only knows what not In mother. In the fall ot 1870 Dr. Atlllnr tent a cipher tel egram to Simuel J , Tildon's manager in Now York. This cipher telegram never has boon deciphered. It is aa much a mystery as Dr. Miller's recent appear ance in Chicago under Iho oliaa of "Dr. M. L. George , " Wo h d hoped that with the clpher-tolegrnm experience our able Omaha friend had ended all frivolity and anonymoue worldlinoaa whereby the profession of journalism is much scan dalized. Wo coo by the eloquent otter which Dr. Miller prints In the Dally Neffi this morning that ho is sorely disturbed by a fear that hoadatrong democrats out In Nebraska will do something calculated to bring the national party into scorn and deri sion ; wo wonder that ho haa no suspi cions at the tame tlmo that hia whUklng about the conntry under an alias may In volve the incoming administration in hopeless complications. But , bo this as it may , wo are assured by the wary Dr. Miller that ho is not on a political ( mis sion now ; that ho is on his 'way east to buy a carload of whlto paper , and ho stopped off in Chicago merely to got his hair trimmed. Gcorso TJ. Miller Not nu Offlcc-l'cil. dlcr , Chicago Dally News. Oinavoo , 111. , December 20. To TIIE Ennoii ; In the Interview with mo which appeared in the Daily Nowa this morning , your accomplished and also speculative reporter says that "it is un dorstood" aa follows : It is understood that Dr. Miller is on apolitical mission to Prosidont-oloct Clevolandf the object bolng to secure aa surancoii from Governor Cleveland concerning corning the lattor's treatment of the rival factions in Nebraska , headed re spectively by Dr , Miller and J. Sterling Morton , the late democratic nominee for governor of Nebraska. Dr. Miller ox- poets to secure oa-Governor Tildon'n in- flaonco in behalf of the Miller faction , and on this basis hopes to wield the pub lic patronage in Nebraska for the next four years. As Mr. Morton and ether Nebraska contributors to the Chicago press In my eiato are rosponaiblo for thia mistaken un derstanding , I crave your courtesy that 3 am not going east to "secure assurances from Governor Cleveland concerning the latter's treatment of rival factions , " or any ether factions , in my state. Mr. Morton will do the postoflloo peddling in Nebraska , so far as I am concerned , but ho will not run over the friends of Gov ornoi Cleveland whom ho bitterly op- poaod in the national convention. I am not la the office-hunting business. Huh - dredoof the leading men of my party in Nebraska know , through the Omaha Herald and othorwiao , that I have openly and constantly refused to have anything to do with federal appointments there when , in the far future , they shall oomo , except to follow the load of some mon in securing good appointments and in prc venting : bad ones. I have urged In my own paper and by personal appeal , every where and at all times since the election of Gov. Cleveland was conceded , that all office-hunting should bo held in abeyanoo , and that appointments should como aa a mere incident of the return of the democratlo party to power. 1 am neither the head nor the tail of any fac tion in Ifobraska. I do not dealro nor shall I undertake "tovield the public patronage in Nebraska for the next four years. " Mr. Morton is the gentleman who convicts himself of bolng the only ono ot the two mon mentioned by your reports ; who is anxious to perform the functions , of postoffico peddler for Ne- braaka. .To secure the position against' ' the real or imaginary influence and assur ed deaire of myaelf ho recently "convok ed" a meeting of the state con > mittoo under a call whoso language waa so vague that it.led to all sorts of speculation aa to iho real object of such1 a needlessproceeding. . Mr , Morton ia chairman of the committee. He person ally supervised its construction at the last state convantion. Ho denied in a Lin coln telegram to the Times a day or two ago that it was not called in order to enable - able him to peddle poatoffioes , and that all talk of- this kind emanated in the Qmaha Hoiald office and from Dr. Miller and "his assistant" the Hon. Jdmoa E' Boyd , mepober of thonatlonalcommittee , late Cleveland delegate to the national convention. , and one of the loudest and strongest men In the state. The commit tee met Theaday night in its capital city. Promises ot postofficos were used Indus- triouslyi to pack a majority to do what ? 11 will ottto what after saying that AIn Boyd did ) not go near that mooting , and the undersigned was absent from , the state. Mr. Morton had full swing with what ho calls his own committee. The following telegram from Mr. Boyd will toll the result , and the whole story , of'It : GMnauk , Nob. , Doc. 24 , 1884 ; To Dr. George L. Miller , Chicago : Committee ad jpuraed to meet ia Omaha March lib Resolution sustaining Morton'a action calling commiUoo , and ordering .all applications cations- for office referred to him , tabled by atdeciaivo vote. J. E. Bov < L have had nothing to do with , an ap parent fight over ' 'the spoils" in my own state * or in any ether state. Ii dot oat those two words andmuoh that they , lim ply. Mr. Morton's movement In. No- braolsa was all his own. It was- made In the face of a sound opinion among load' ing. democrats , and against all1 that I couM say and print in the Omaha Zftwvz/U to prevent even the semblance of an ox- oueo for such a proceeding. The action 'of the committee show * that , In so Ho of Mr. Morton's morbid ambition to.control 'in ' their affairs beyond the legitimate , voice of the .Nebraska democracy , who have followed Tilden and Cleveland to wo national vlciorloa.lnsplto of-hissojma. Imea lilent and sometimes rancorous , op loaltion , for their great party , ore think , ing of Bomethbg higher and bettor than .ban . premature and damaging hunt for illico mon the , in advance of. the ioAngura- Ion of the president and befbuo a single amo of r. member of hia cabinet ia nown even to himself. Very reaped- nlly youra , GEOHQE L. MILI.KH' Dldr-'t Douiro Cou l Mixture. "My 2rlond , how long , hav * you had .hat coufjbT asked a klnlj hearted drug- list of an emaciated tramp , who happened .o . be passing. ' The poor invalid sighed , and between the paroxyama managed to Inform the diugglst thcJ. ho hid autfared untdd agonlM from , the rowing cough for mose than a y.oan. "Hero If , a bottb of rough roixtcjo that will relieve yon. It ia worth 30 cants , but I'll make you a present of It , " Tears stood In tli oyea ol the unfortu- n te nun. as ha hook hia head , pcahol back the bottta of cough mixture and said : "Oxa't rob you In that way. ftlve nu a qouter and you may have it. " 8TATB JUTXINO9. Soft ookl U icarce In Fremont. The t x hit of Iodg county l 81C0.003. The Gi A , H. dedicated their new hftll It Central City lait week. Nina preaentmenti were made by tli liulfali county grftad jury laat week. 1U11 , the llece4 N raeh oiuntjr murderer hai been released by Jmlffff Morgan on ? f ,000 bail. I'etitions for the erection of city scales and a town clock ara being circulated In Vcst I'olnt The commlsjloncrs of lodco county proposd to plank and pile the principal roads In the cottnty. It I ) reported tliat a fhfifool rein of coal has been found on tin Verdigris In Knox county. A farmer near Stronuburrf , sold thi fall t > 160 worth of apples berne on his orchard in Polk county. At Iho last term of the CaM county district court three defendants clurgad with felonies were found guilty. l'ondcrf the name of a now town on the Omaha reservation and is said to be growing hko a mushroom. The Baptist churcli at Pairfield WM con secrated yesterday , Kov. llarri § , of Omaha , domcrlng tlio dedicatory sermon. Tbo Lincoln tUcot railway company wtvrms Its cars this blttor cold weath r by moans of small stoves , an innovation In the west. The work of romovlugthe W : U. wires fnwn the north to thoeonth side of the V. I' , track has boon complete j west from Omaha to Cen tral City. Logan Hunting , n half breed Indian , WAS found In a stupefied condition in the streets of Grand Inland and claims to have boon robbed of 8020 , A memorial to the state legislature Is being ( circulated In Nanco county asking for the sub mission of a , prohibitory amendment to the etato constitution , Sheriff Ilamlin , of York cottnty , last week arrcstod In Stromsburg , a tnan named Charles Johnson on a wsrrant charging hira with a tnunlor committtd In Missouri , A few miles southwest of Ned Cloud unmis takable sign * of petroleum have beun found and great hopes are entertained that Webster county will bo able to furnish Its own burning lluid , Dr. Altord C. I'bwoll , of Long Frae , left his house on the night of the 20th ir > a sup posed fit of insanity and his frozen body was found the next morning- not far from his homo. The injunction granted by Judge Post against the Mvrrick county commissioner ) ! was made perpetual , In BO far as It restrains the delivery - livery of warrants until nmoty dnjfr after their issue. Several 'of the wcntarn counties believing mat the county commissioners are uunblo to perform the duties Impaled upon theim are in favo of the passage of township orntmlza- Mon law. Charles Wherry , clerk of an implement firm at Sawnrd , embezzled $20 fron. his employer nd after being confronted by the evidence of Ma guilt , made an unsuccessful attempt to end his llfo by the arsenic routs. The residents of Stella and Vordon are ; tiy indignant over the refusal of the Mis souri Pacific railway to allew passengers t < > ride on No. 85 the train pasamg through thoao villages late In the evening. The new method of computing tlmo will'go into effect oror the Union Pacific and its branches on January 1 , 1885. This now com putation Is simply numbering-tlro hours from one to-twenty four , the last mentioned being midnight. The barn of Mr. D. Palmer , just nast of Gibbon , was totally destroyed by fire Monday night , tine thousand bushels of wheat , one thouBand of orn and fifteen hundred of oats wore made fuel for the llamas. The loss was partirJIy covered by insurance Blphtheria has made ita appearance In 1'ul- lorton and has laddcnod the holidays for many happy homos in that beautiful Nebraska town. Tha village council was petitioned to , at once , appoint a board of health and investigate the causa and adopt measures for relief. "Ur. H. W. I.ibby , a farmer , near Elk Creek last week lost ten head of cattle. They were attacked by stiffness and a bleeding from the nose am } are supposed to hate contracted their disease from eating fir.ut from cornstalks - stalks upon which they had been feeding , OniThursday of last week , when the mer cury was lt ° below zero , two women drove toUrandiltland with a load of wheat each , from within 11 miles of Loup ( Jity. The next morning after selling their gram for1 41 cents a bushel , they started for homo through the. . bltter'coltl. Thb'trial of the care of Mrs. . Levlna Calhoun - houn agalnat Dr. Bchlldknecht , of Platts- m < yuth , ' far $10 000 alleged damages by injury to her jaw In the pulling "f a tooth , came tea a close a few days ago. The jnry. after being out between two and three houta brought in a \erdlct-for the defendant. Avehooifai ? affray , resulting , from an over dose of > the ardent took place- last week six miles north of Hardy. Two men named Dillon and McClelland , not participants , re ceived pistol shot wounds from a revolver in the h.-iids-o. one Johnston. A warrant waa sworn out 'or the latter's arroot but owing to lomo legal' ' techincality the complaint wai dls- mUsed. The Indian Industrial school at Genoa now numbers 3b7 pupils. Of these twenty-four are \Vinnebagos , eight Poncas , one Omaha and the remainder Siouxa from tha-Yankton , Pine Kidge andi Kosobud ngenciea. . Seren boys are taught catjrenterwork , a reg'-ilaj detail of boys work the farm of 32U acre * . The girls are taught'sowing and laundry , besides keeping the dining room , kitchen , dormitonos and halls in order , The products of tha farm last year was 100 bushels of vegetables , 1600 of oats and 5000 of aon. Tha palo faces of Sewerlast week wit- nessedithe curious ceremony of- the buiiul of a p-\pocuoi Tne cuattiningitho corpse was wrapped an blankets and el-inn. The mourn ers then danced arouud tlii pall uttering plaintlvo cries end lovcail9. . The impro vised cs&n was then placed ujpon a pony and an Indian maiden , astride of another led the coiwa bearer. The procession ending with a footnr.rwi started for toe rojer ation , where the ornp.ins of this younfj. childici the forest will- place , Mf TOUR BAKDW pllKH KH1A53 Ilranrtii ndvprtl r H u uluolutf Iy pur * THE 76E57 : p a ran topdovn on a bet Atu .ro ilia cover un I ermUI. Acliniil > t will uu ILJU ) to Uutoct ttio pftitcnc3.oC ammonia. WOES NOT CONTAIN A3TMONIA. TA 3uuurcuu mi NEVER MIX IrutrnllllnnhomM for a quarter c3 a ctnturr It > ute to 4 tha coB am ri' rellabla t * t , THE TESTJOFJK3S OVEH. L KICE BA1QNG FO YDER CO. , HiKIM Or Br.Pnice's ' Special Flawing Extracts , Tt , Dr , Price's Lupullii Yeast Gems Light , H > lthr Ir ilTl. But t T " ' Vt t la tU World. FOB SALE &Y CP O BS. - i - . Loom SPECIAL NOTICES. IO LOAN. Money , For loan en real UaUBalliui Bros MONEY . Y to Jean on chtlbU In MON . Aiao in real erat . W. II. Motti.rll04 Ktrnam St. JW-Jan i > Loaned on p r onal urnptrty , chttUIi MONKY Urali. Omaha Fln m.Ul Kxobange , 1503 Karoam etrect. P- ONEY to loan en ritv proptrtr. In mm * M f 00 n < vf. W , II , Mott r , Ua , r'arpjm. \fOSKV li Io n on l" > 'll"br J.T. 1 > 1 south llthM. IJjjMilfiS TO LOAM In u'n of 8300 and upward MONKY D tl nd Co. , . "V ; l Kjtato mil lx > an Ascr.ti ; , 16u5FarraraSt , SM If ONEY lotntJ on rhMtolj. IWIroaJ Ticket M1 boucnt and wld. . Fofertvm , 818 * . IMh 7cO tf TTAJT7KD. 1lMXTU > - lRTe c iT M r ( o f1l J x > a > , ca \ > ir ko SIB" neck. Afplj it Mm tin IntU'l- ' nrntttort. SM tf T17"ANTKI > To morrow , Itrorersom to lrar book \ > kfM.Df | , situation5. J. U. Smith , 1510 UtnKla * SU 29S JVp YirANTKl-AMountrmarttr go lo New < > rlcrw. W Expenses n-vlKOCil salary l ld. AildrcM wl'.H rt rnp for patttcuAru , N. r.r Be * Orflco. S39-3p ANTED Olrl to ilo lin M ft fV. Eiiulre ( | at W ! 112 Capltcl Ainvlp. . 310.10p Olrl to lo-Ri-ncrsJ nmree ork tn lam > WANTED . Mm 11. ( ii Ccunmrmn , 1110 N. 10th street. 33i SOp D A. stronsr crm ii lrl for Roncral homework , naihlnjj and IrDiilnjr. Ap ) > lv to Mr > . John P. I.cbman , 021S. 17tll' ANTKD Vint claw J-nltie roe i ijlrl hnmcill- W attly. Occidental Hotel. 31711 WANTED Aent | In c\crT county n > l town , salary or rommlstlon raid , Aill'.rew nlth Iff partlcuUtP. "O. 11 ' lloo otncts 3B4.1p " \\7'ANTH1) > -A oorapttent girl theock , washund Iron In utiull ( an 11 } where a second KI ! ! li kf pt , Cnll at brick houto corner 11th and Pleruo Kt "II ANIKD Girl for ecneral house work. Apply I > atrootn No. I , Omtht Nntlonil UHnk llultdlnsr. 3M'5p WANTUD-AltarlHr , TOOsnuth 10th St. Uclor \TlTANTED-Alau-ralrTBlrlatMr4. K RknbMi VV Itcatautaot , ICtS Uodgo 8U SO/.V7 / \-l7-ANTED-A flnt claps cor ant girl. Call t the V > North witt cotnrr of 23nl and Hurt. .Ill-It WANTED A competent cook and laundroM tt > do th himsruorlc tor tt ftmll.r of three at 809 P.vkAionuc. 317-lp \-\7ANTED airltiwaltooUbloaud do chamber V > woriivt rUnterrllnirao , Cor. Dodco andltth streit , .TIC 27p Two competentgliln , cook and second Kill < n smill f.Mnllv , no ral.dicn , hlghott na7i ! < | ihen. Mrs. A , J , llntiscom. Nortu-east cor , 10th Sts. 31,1.27p " \\7"ANTED A neat voting h'urm u g/rl in d If housonork A | > ulv to tt rthwo t rorne Ixn : enworth and 2Jd St. llrn ; S-viWllletn 2027 WANTED A yonnu4lrl ; vldhoa a Hltualion In prhato ( ami ) } to carofor'ohili'ren ' and scu for hum Address " 11 , F. " Koe , 314 29p VSfANTl1 ! ) TraxclliiK rnon to fol > sold pensand TT holders One who li BOillnu ntbsr lines > f cooili picfrrrcd , flood term ; lo the right man. AplJy Immediately at No. I r9t'arn > m H > . 'JSO-i7p PLANTED A elngla man tjiat' Id not araid ( to T work at Martin's Ii Etallniout store , 303.21 "IS/ ANTED A , good to Ukoch irpo VT of dining room Kn.'mlro at 912 Douglas t-t. 276 tf V\TAN1ED lady RgctH for "IJuion ITrotoo or > T Oiltj tockloc tnl sVIrt suppurtom , shoulder iraoes , bustleb > som forms , cl c 6 Mol s , fafet > beltslee\o protectois , io. KnthrMr now dovlco- , inpreoedented profltg"c have 50 rvscnta niakli ? S100 monthly. Address with utamp k. If. Campbill & Con D South U.y St . Chicago. 1 S0 > > lu WANTED 1(0 ( olictorfl. eood ( far to tbvrlirht nun Audrey Nebraska Mutnl Mania e lencCt agjocUtlon , Fremont , N'elu 941 i n 5 WANTED ladlcBoreontleliicn in city or conntry to take nice , light and plea anti ork at their own honm , S2 to 5&d y easily and ( lafetly ijcvlo ; worksjnt b\ mall ; n can\as lne ; nostamp for reply. Fleoae addiess licllablo Man'/g / Co. , PhilidLlphin. , 1'a , D A German Rlrl for general home work inanuall family. Inquire secoMldoirSrnm -v t corner of Incntvfirst aud"j.l' iinworth t , 2S1-if PDA HIE CUIt'KKNS I want ! n avfiy town lu the et tu to huv them for ca h. tie ira't BH 11 quantity. D. li. licenier , buyer and alilp icro.'Qamu poultry and Kggl , SOI , EOS , 315 , Jinil 8o7 IonaiJ4)i. , Omaha SIB Jt WANTED Agents to handle our Klectrlc lleib inn appdinoon , cxc'ufhe tcriltory g-.ron. A (7aid ( pportjnity lor the right parties. Invcjtlgat by aJ reding tnvrterleis il'i'g Co. , Kann Otty.U > . ( Jki ANTED LADIES Oil GENTLKMEN In city W or country , to take nloa , llglit and pleasant work at thci * own homes ; tl to { S per t'sy ' easily and uletly made ; work lent by mall ; no oanvasalcs ; DO tamp for roplv. Please aadrcaa Reliable Uanf'g Co. , Phlladelpnla , Pa. 603-lm \\JANIJCD By thoNebraska Klre anJ.WaJtniroo. TT Paint and Rooflng Co. , relkibi * ' mmda-ureiT ounty iu the state to organize comnules foi wor k ugourpaln i There's big money lulti Kdrr lau-- ciilari &c.addresa OK. . Mavno , Secretary , acti lanoger , Omikha. 810-Jto 1 riTANTni > wA situation ai > watchmanuml V V by a married man wh * < can gl T > til * btM of oIDv cferencos. Address II L. Bee ollico. WANTED By a responnlblo mlud'e at ed I.-ull' a > W position ai hounekeercr , i to cue tor f chililrcA sto do wriHuj : . Addfcm "T" 'Beiotllie. WANTED Situation , by a > outu ; | nlv c.tcnog < - raphcrvnil operator on tht , t > pe.nrttur o > calhgrapn.iddroas I * . O box r.Jl ; AurorJ Jtil Hot tenet ) glwn-anil required. .Oa-4J9u WANTED Sltua'lon , a th'.rcughly comnotoat 8 ttrsmui In dthur a dry goodr , boot ) and hoe > r grocerj' iMtiso. Applicant 1st neil arualnt di jn naha. Aidrcta ilcLaguo Bro : < UcCagu t bank . 20Stf WAN2ICIV A position as at appront'i" > , la ' < faiil- wtrobtoro. Address C. S. [ Uigilt , NortalK , Neb. 171 Jta-14 Young married man want * oituatlon an A keeper , la wholoeale establishment la Omaha , Address ' 'C. " care Bee. WAHT5. Al/'ANTKU / A fur orBu/Vo o\i rtsat. UUajour IT aJdrc * " and prIA ' C'"car jf * lco. L ( iuxn ii.c , sacrtEOp ANTEU-To rent a hotel with furnlttira In W ? oed towr , Ilux jaUU Mais.i Iltj n.Inii-x 3 3-5 Dp WANTED To kdl sc.inu lu-nltoio ,\ciatid car putH , n Meekly nijrucnta. U. F. Man In , so south Ht. SQl 31 V r ANTED To bu.f a doir ca b cheap , nl , > o price TT and w litre same can bo it'CJi. AdilreM "U. " i07 7p ANTKD-Two or thicorc m nicely lurnl.liod W forll < hthouw ke pln | ( . Addre.4. "ja " t U atatlng termn. 'J-K 27 p TT7ANTKD 101)00 ) farnlles to try our TT Pure Buckwheat flour nnd Kol.-tHlnf ; Coin meal krpt Djr al'.nrBt-o'a'ai occrti. Wk warrant all buckwheat old.nndcr our brnpd pur . W. J WKX > . HIIANbS CO. , Manufacturers. 811-tf To rent , room , or lulto < > { roomn , fur WANTKD or unfuruUkaX AdilrauO. H. A , 110 X 16th St. 0i : JunB . - & ' Uuliea rnd joiujj men to Instruct in book keeping : will wait on. lia't iintll.nltu atloni are furnUh.O. J. 11. Smith , 131 Doula * . B3a2n2i ? > ' | 7 > OU IlENT A nloo 4 roomhc u ) , N. K. Cor toil J1 ami Clark ; ? M a nionUi Kii'jnliii ( n prumUtu or at .M. K. ll.nin'a ; 110 H. loth , Ull 30 , OIUlKNr & room house. Aprh to Jrh'i V. 1 ' Ilealy , jnth and Clark Bt. . 315 Sip UK T FurnUhiHl roomu , anil Imard , HUB 1 CipltolAveaue. 3IB-S7p " furt.lrhej Konuta OC5.N. 17lh Ht. FOHliKNT 857 2p. F 0K UK T-Moe furnribe.l front room , IOM K rr I am droet. K3& SCp rtOU HKNT VurnUhed front room , 1)21 CB.W 81. XJTrWu J.iOlt UKNT llonee uf 2 roomH , Otn and 'flm St. , 1 1 block H. ot lilt koryj 3 rer inontb ; apjl ) on It. > cDonild. JfcOtf Itb T Klght roomixl il ulltnr | N'orth o k 1TOK Jlaine ; itnd 18th Kin. Alt I ) . JPDCD , liU. N. ICtli fit. 361-iOti TTIOK KKNl'-Be-en roomed haunt- , ' ; , ' ! S. 12th J ? Alf D. Junei , 3 00. Itlih Bt. jiUM iiiJftT "jVu. * KIU elicruikii Aveuuo , huuie X1 with 0 rcoini" , good barn , tit ) * DI * clttein water , large jard , fruit ard ihade lre < . ISO ptr month. lo'iulio at O. Calling , H. K. Cro. 15th a a Sit fOll HKKT Two nlctiy luml'hcd r ouil , can b ' uie-1 e-unite or i4ifcVl 7011 RKNT-Suitcftacrci Js ; . . 7\0rt UKST A Rocxl fcmhtinl tm m Annlr ] 1 Alklnscn'd Jllllncrj Wart , loth M . 'ni 1 , n 1'cnt olllfo. tl 17011 nr.ST-uH of hirr MM-J front rMrm , , } n JL1 dlil lo allon. linmVH 16'.7l > rleoM IT , 71011 Hr.XT-1 furnlntH tcom illli I 1 uiifnrUthed icoati fjr tiller ttrj , nir c * ! ° _ 5) ) ' Op i IT\OI \ ! RKXT Varnished room i at "N goiitn "tit , r st. t 'if. rVOH HB3T-FoKrhfni cl ti 10 rjorcrti to Lr lUllotl Brc * . 37 | * > nlri ,3th Htrctt S03 , " FU 11KNTlutnlrttd or icTrna'w corhrriitcrc'en ifltll mirl Chloigo , Imh're it K'llolVKotRuro'M.lWifcrlh tethfet. 3 Ij/ , HKNrA nwtwo-ttcrr cuta eor SrTJraT JJ1OK Iti'Mttl hoiI'ltaswiJ ' fct. Kiiqulrr SI Bat' SS ( i * CWH UK.1T DxcnipR honte , 117 MYWcr et P nine runns , wi-Mut ) clitetn. Inqunn Jtm > WMBtr. FUH 11KN1A. . nice f.trnlibed font room , or twc' back TOO wf rlljtft'houjtVenlnje , Ai.pltTo N. iSth , botwc-m Wehurand Bmt ) J jo FOll KENT fnnmneir r jmi M 123 South " s tlfoet. VI Tp 07I HENT-Caritfa tilt of oflU-e r-om > t ln > i\nn \ store i if FOH IlKNT Fh c hhutos , Ir xn $71) n licr "woth jno'llrcli fhom red o rltio trcefe r c * "o | llns.S. K. cor , lithri > l DouRl.j. 11KST A cottka * if 3 to ini , on With rTplT ifOH 1 Marj'snvmie ; tl.iXl ) > or montriv r' en 8nltzlor.13 JiJit'.i'Jtrrtt ( llOltl FOll HKNT l.arRC pjenttit furtiljhod nwni , } n. qulro H.r cumct-l t&Mid Mrnkm Oil (6cm ( 71011 IlKlVf ilouse cl rlglit rotnn , ltu > Mii | * . J ? tuoin Cbinentnnil I'lcuisinl Btrccts.on turner ttrcet. InqUrn of\V. \ M. Thtnnp50Ti-llr t .V l OU HUNT A Dire turnlthtd room i k frODi. ( L tl0)il' Ojicm House , ( lOiior monta U. V > Mar , li1,318H , Ihth , _ _ . * DKMI ITT'Oll lU.NTXoro room 3(11 ( K rni\m Bt , with or il1 without D lli til tabk i AOa.lM pirnnin at. PflT tl TITOIl KENT tarnished room nil board $5 00 per -17 wok. Very u"Mt location , 1811 Davenport. POK KENT A AOW olshl room hOulc , cntfulte Mr > , K. H Ju' ; ESth , bcltotn DmenpoitkniJ1 o Sts. jOI S7p ITVOt RKNT Ono fTYnl-ihcil r ni lth board , a's ' J. ' Hrwer thrco ilajiboartlKN , 1914 Wobtrw F r-FurnlgXfd rooms Ibl 1)0 < 1KC St Infill IlKHT Fotirruom houia 22d net" l/a1 S10 * for month. BarkerJtMa > nr. Jtf FOlt IKVTViaa fanntf.iol rojoi , choip nt lfl a J.tti ktri-ct. 1S.1K FOlt K1J > ? With x rt , ono luge fumihM frmt ronrt , CM nul I li ) S w. cor. nt lith > ui ! < § HO. Aim n Jew tab.c .loariiers wi.nlcil. 1(10 ( If T7 < OR BENT JJ cutest and oApnpest fnrnlthctl roomti * InOumhu. Apply to O. II. Andcnon , room 14 AiiJcmon liloeU , uorth entrance , 10th anil Da\cn port at. ! (7u Jan 15 _ UKNT-aalts of roonn fnrnlaheil for light IfOIl ' hotino kict > nff , nru ocoicorallv aicunt in IKc mor's block , ooiner Sth accl IlcmardSts. 13ltf lt KENT O- furnished arunfu'nbhcdroonii N. W. norncrsiOttiaiid WebBterSt. " 10 tf F Oil RKNT 7" > ffcntloiicn only , a pleasant fur- olsbrd roouira. K. cornir Vth and DouRlan. Ill tf F OR IlENT T elegant rooms In Kedlek's block , Paulson & Co. , 2513 Farnam. 842-tf FOll RENT Fimbhed front room for rent 222 N. 10th Ht HD-tf KENT -Fuiaiafceil rooms brisk block , modern IfAOIl 1 Improicmets , ono block from Post offldc , S W IGthnnd Capitol avo. 037-SOp FOR RENT A nc-y bouse of 10 rooms , and a barn hard and soft water ; on Park ucnUe , 2 blocla from Farnam street Inquire 013 I"cmam. HCtf TTH3II IlENT Neat aotUge 8 rooms , hall , pantry JL' cloaet and collar , 332.60 , alx otJer cheap ten incnts. D. L. Thomrj * uld-tf JJC'R RENT-StjraenilldlDB with reeldonconll for ' _ $22. ixir montn In good location. D. L. Thomas 03t-tf _ f/Oll RENT Largo oouthcost room , large Utr J ? window closet , Iks-placo andr bath room prlvl egos ; house and furniture new ; 601 a. 2Mb street , one block north ol St. Mary'r avenue , 049-tt FOR HUNT Furnished or unfurnished rooniBiiew brlok bloek , oorne.-rflth and Chicago Sti. F I OH RENT A nlno room hou e ; itiwraoo loci- * tf mj 310 per month. Darker St , Mnjiio. BM-tf FCITSAIE. FOlt HAIG Uir load ircth cons , for tale cheap , at 10 th street ttook van ) * , corner 10th and Capital , Dq gla Mant omery. l77-2Bp FOll 8ALK Clieip , Jerre-and baggy , SlOVCum- lobt. , 92 tf FOIISAI.K t'IIK\ OuocWant chimbcrhct , ono rezuhtir clock , > no.tiurly new Kcal > - Piano , Bve gold framed nlctur a , one horse , Imtneeo nd phieton , one IIMls tjf , small elro , ono Beautiful chin * cotTiMmct. InqntttNo. 2011 llarney.St.l hct. iiath and 21st j ( J tt IB T7IOH SAUS-eOx105"rt ) t o.i riiiiilnjBtrcjBt 3 blocks X1 weit of llllltxry brfilgv , $1OOJ. John L. IfcC'oRue , oppoalte Po-t ollko. Hfl-t ( FOH H\IK-l.H\i : & lect on corner , south east frort , houto 3 rooms , barn , 3 bloc * * west ol ark avo. and Lfl enjorth , caiy jiajn nti , cheap fl.TOO. Jolmli. Mo'.ravio , < iiiuaitofoat | | Olflcc , 103-tf FOR BALK Horn. ' , ? , mules , harrcs * mid wagon ou ono or tAojea/a tlmo. untatu oncurltv ! i ) . U Thorium. Rfld-tf Tj OK BALK Oil KXCIIANOK At IO per acre , all JL' or natt of tivr > r.fvimn I aorca of timber land , 'orty ' mlle oaat of IJumtClty , wll e for Nebraalia land or uiurcbandlae. BedfordSnuer * MIBOELLNBOO8. IST-.Onn ) rocXctboolt containing rf In money , . J iind nctDn anUlralU pnalilo tl the Older ol W IJ Jlott. Tlu. finder 111 pi no rct-ini lh , ima to IRK UKK ollico ndxecilic arenanVof iti J OST llet e MI inth and ) H li , on Howard fitroet * J one morroceo short top guilts boot. A nultikla , icnard will bo tjoid by returnlnn the name tn Juhu Upoeil , 118 S. lUli Ht. I ! SO * 7p QTIUYKU A. . ilai ) , rtd cow vjtli wblti mark OntroBXib Xlpu. t mutable roowrdwill b pald forht-r ruiiunlo NW. Cor.tiW and Ht Wary'HAvo , floljt I'urUrf , 3Uat ) IO VT A bntsheib" sl vl , ) * t < n Harris & J packlnK hoiuoaril | niilic ( hcj Jird. Ktnoer/ will 110 rcw deil \ returning to | * > V > Kltlirr. : ! f .VJ7 RTHAYBD-Whlto tow , with rwl fcot.aul mulu. . roun < ! ttj none , Htrblxht horijt. Lfbornl ruvtanil T'OUW ' * l'.ilr tur niuOu. ( > wn r can nn eanir > by cUlii | { at this oflluiavliBjrlnrf cult of ailr JOKT Ikuujcloio u r Iliu III t Kindt , J Mill pleaeu return to Ilorvi Hinau upd to no. warded- : i8.'J/p ; LOST A fur | . | ( la thu vicinity o VMi aiul . ClnciKoHls A rw nl will luiadby ) ! > avliiif at UcCaguu'a Dank , vppctlti 1' . O. J37.7 T Ulubli e'oak ' and hood DoJaa And IjJ Webster gtru.K Vle. < < uleatD atldl ? l ) < x < ie KU i.d rereue se vrd. . ' ! J1)SO C'HtAVr.l"X tpauuf btaik iiuiiinult"T * ° bbudal O armind , tpu uf iwoV f one in. ore I.lborHl re. Iwanl will 'ie paid for rbe rcturxiof > mi > tu Andruw I O3T On WeduetdayevMlinr aw l Kklti cap. A l juHaMeiewardwlil bo jild totre Uuilei on in. tnuof Ke lu-rr * tn lUrkcr htl\inu Irth ! ii'd Kainini Ktrw.t. : ! 17tf . I03T A roianf top c mi u fainam or lUrnoy Ht , J > lndtrwy plvmn icttiro to fit y illlN , ooriuc bihaud Kkriiiin.rti all 27it LOS T AVout , iiu n > txioicl < M. a ixicVot.lixjk le I'liitliVt ti the ( ! u Co , $ > " > t HOIIIO papo H ul \ uu < inlyio owner A < ult bl luward ( ( r Un rf- turn to iU olll 3 ,1 1\ TOUt A 1'uU watch kij lt i tin nw ui'a J r > 4ro cu oiui ( iu.ami Ihu iH'.tum K A , ( n l lc nirrf 1 , nu the othir. Will the tinder P IU ) It to If.U t.'aj ltil avenut a.i\ \ iittreward. \ . T > QOAtH With board , du. labli or wtntor. Apn IVtt Ht. Chailtt H tcL | iO-t rji.UlTiil.Su K TiiVtn < , JutjuiiniirnnTpUylttjndod to.l.aN. lUoH. Jobu J , r)0illl > > 'ltbt-cUu > o rd ndb d t ! per weekal 15 ItVl Capitol ave. 7D ( v 7P M UP-Orj * I hllr , mO South li