Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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    25 , 1884
Thurgdaj Morninc Dao. 26
The clcatlnffi nt the clearing house yc ler-
day Amounted to $289,011.21.
A marriage llceruo wn Issued yesterday
to Joicph 11. ripor'nnd Miss KminaKnapp.
Thafirm of I/tlghton & Clirko , whole
§ ale druggists , has been succeeded by the II ,
T. Clarke drug company.
Fred Westbroole hnd .loicph Hobb , the
blcycliotd , retained yesterday mornlnf ? from ft
professional tour of the utato.
In order to properly celebrate Christmas
day , no paper will bn Issued from this office
? * * * , tills afternoon or Friday morning.
All the different freight depots U. 1' . , 3J.
k M. . Missouri 1'aclfio and St. Paul & Omaha
will bo closed to-eay on account of holi
A telegraph lineman was brought in from
North 1'latto Tuesday nitrht having bis feet
badly frozen. Ho was taken to St. Joseph's
1'ifteen thousand dollars' worth of en
velopes , stamped and not stamped , were dis
posed of at the Omaha postoflico during the
current year.
The signal ofllcor's department in the
government building haa baen thoroughly re
. fitted , and a full , tnw sat of mercurial instru
ments placed there ,
rl In police court yesterday there were
two disturber of the peace and ono plain
I'A ' drunk. They wera each assessed $5 and coita
and will spend Christmai In the county jail.
The Thirteenth street earn nro picking
up considerable traffic nmoup these cold days ,
and the BUCCBBS of the line , BO far 03 pe
cuniary support Is concerned , seams to bo as-
The Northwoatern railway gives notlco
that Hock Crook , on the Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri River railroad , has been opened as a
station. It U aovouty-nino miles fram West
The [ poBtoffico will bo closed to-day
. Christmas day , onmo as Sunday's , only open
JJi from 12 to 1 p. in. The letter carriers will
make ono rarly morning trip. C. K. Cou-
ant , P. M.
Judge McCulloch performed the mnr-
liage ceremony list night at 1411 Leaven-
worth street that bound together two fond
hoirts. Lawrenca Neft and Miss Josephine
Honckt were the happy couple.
The BKK wishes its 10.00D readers a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy Now Year
and may your path through the coming year
bo strewn with the roeoi of prosperity and
may your star of hope lose none of its lustro.
A small blaze occurred yesterday after
' > noon nt the corner of Ninth and Davenport
\ * streets , the residence of Mr. Charles Haynea
taking fire , Iho alarm was sounded , the fire
,1 department was called out , but the flames
,1m , were extinguished without extraneous assist
\m \ . Deputy United States Marshals Gulp and
> Wright came up last night from Kicbardson
county with two prisoners named Mackin and
O'Urien , who have been violating the revenue
laws ono by selling liquor aud the other by
selling tobacco.
Yesterday at D.V. . Snxe'd drug store ,
a magnificent dressing case was raffiod off ,
Mrs. Hello Duriux hold the lucky number
which drew the piizj. It was a magnificent
thing , containing fourteen eoparato pieces and
a music box attachment , II
' A loving couple of young paoplo who
were driving down Douglas street ; , about 0
o'clock last night , were given a cold set-back
by being thrown out of their ftleigb , the run
ner of the cutter breaking as it reached the
corner of Twelfth street.
Spencer C. Blake has instituted euit in
Judge Bnrtlott'a court against the proprietor
of the St. Charles hotel. Blake claims that
ho ha ? been boarding nt tlio St. Charles for
some time , and had paid up all arrears , but
that bis trunk had been seized on a board
bill which ho had never contracted.
* % Christinas boara oapoc'ml tigiiifieition to
IV y Marshal Cumminga , as that event is also the
anniversary of his birth. To-morrow ho
celebrates hn lifty-fourih birthday , and ho
has invited the whole police force to repair in
a body to his residence , to pnrtako ot a
sumptuous repast ho will have prepared for
them. i ] ;
Officer Ole Olesou found a man lying in
a stupor in Iho doorway of Lehman's store ,
on Fnrnam street , about I o'clock thin mornIng -
Ing , and aftar uansldorAblo difficulty succeed
ed In awakening him and brought hint to the
city jail , Hit hauds and earn wore pretty
badly f ro/.on , uil were ho not discovered a i
timely by the ofliojr ho would undoubtedly n
have frozen to death.
B. 11. Lowcnitein , the insurance man who
was tripped up a few weeks ago in endeavoring
to porpatrnto a double swindle on the Nebraska
* and Town Insuranio company and a Cuiniog
county farmer i still in prison. .Since his
apprehension , a number of ether charges of To
fraud luvo been preferred against him. Ills
pronpcctn for beiiif ? sent up for a loug term
appear unusually good.
M. M Kernel , the grocer , who has been
reported m having spirited LU goodauwny and
disappeared him.ulf from lih store on Cumlng
street , ia tlivo , in the city and doing business
nt lib South Twenty-sixh ) ttreet ( tore , near
Hhcoley'H. Ho najs tint ho has no trouble
with uy cuditora and that ho consolidated
bbth htoroihccaiun ho thought it would pay
bei-t , curl ho cannot imagine how thu luraor
Clara May , daughter of Hiram 0. Beomer
of ( hla city , cltoJ at Omaha on Sunday morn'
lug , ngod l.'i yearj. Sbe waj with her mother
lit thu timu of htr ila-jth , Clara's llfo was
spent In l.nming wj-h the exception of thu
pa'.t tAii your * , nud nlw win a univorsil favor- uiijt \
iM with both old ami cti g. S'n ' was a
piodipy BO far m mu > iuil oucomplinhniunU
vverj concerned , ai.d nt the liuiocf her death
woi ono of the most . -Idllfal puno players , for
her ag , in the northwest. The reuuiua will
| > n > iib'y ' bo Imrlctl at Omaha Her dl oa u
WIN typhoid fovpr. - l/v.ti > ij | Hijiublloai. '
Tlio iilvutrntod fii | > p'niutiit ' : of Tun IEK (
which wim-oUiurd Nm ' /
Vfiir'/ilsy , In nua Jy
ica < ly for th * pwa. PartlM who luvo enm
tliolih | < ) giu.h | n proof nhotu , pronounce it thu
lhi t w. vU ui nrb mrr ( Mli'ii .
up hy ar.y now-
impT. Inoidurlo m.iku tie nUtlsliinl re-
\iiuv uuil tu'Lible , thu publisboM are
' roil t.i ri\isj of
C'nnp \ iheir i rcofa at enc < s
TliD-.i uf thu trade ri-tiuw und bu ine s ditto
tocy i.t J , ut four or flv-'dav * polng to nsr
puns IniHimich us thU i < by ull oilds , llw '
uict i UboraU nirl o a'Jy ( . 'Ivertifeuiuut ' of for
Qnnh.iover n ten ptoJ , it la dejiraMi ) thai
each cla iiflrtda aud trjio ( ! ba fully repre-
Motoiiio thabiii'nt-f ' * dittctory. Thofewho
h u < not nlrvu ly their
givi n oriUr * to thu so-
Iii > itoi will du well tu dii to at cnco , OrJcr. <
n < l cir ! cttuiH m < iy ba ] > > ft at Ihii otlico or uo- and
tifj to call uiay lu givou by telephone.
A Programmo of Services aai
msnls for the Day.
About tlio City nnd Ilnw the
Iny Will Be Siicnt ,
To-day is the day of all days to. the
children. For nearly nineteen hundred
yearn , over since the birth of Christ , when
the wlso men from Judea made their
presentations of frankincense nnd myrrh ,
it has boon the cnstotn of friends to present
sent to each other on the glad Christmas
day some little token of love and friend
ship , Moro especially da the children
look forward to this day with a great degree -
greo of expectation and they can hardly J
watt till morning dawns to sea what Santa
Olaua lus brought thorn.
In almost every homo in this wldo land
was hung up laat night a little
yea , and big stockings too , for a
receptacle into which old Santa Olaua
might dump his loud of good things , nnd
as thollltlo ones wore tucked away la their
beds their hearts beat so that it was al
most Impossible for thnm to sloop. Before
daylight this morning they were all
awake , and out of bad they climbed
and rushed to thopl&co whore their stock
ings were hung uo , nnd then ouch jolly
tiiio as they had. liut thcro are
homos whcro the little ones found only
empty stockings , and the look of disap
pointment upon the little faces \
cad Indeed to wituesa. Thii is a time i
when these who have should not forgot
these who hava not , but should make '
glad the heart of some little vraif who
knows not the kind and loving care of a
father nnd mother.
Christmas day in this city will bo at
tended with the usual church ncrvicca ,
amusements and hilarity. Some will
listen to the words of the minister ,
others will devote their titno to hearing
the words of the actors while still others
will indulge in an interview with "Tom
and Jerry. " Some will take it in its
natural strength while others will take
two "Toms" to ono "Jotry. "
As near a complete list uf the doing in
the city to-day as could bo obtained
is published below :
Christmas services at the Catholic
cathedral will begin with high mass at 5
a. m. , to bo followed by low masses at 7
and 9 a. m. Pontifical high mass , the
grandest ceremony of the church , will
begin at 10:30 : a , m. JU. Ilov. Bishop
O'Connor , calobrant , assisted by Fathers
Kelly , O'Connor , and McCaitby. A
short sermon will bo delivered by the
latter. An appropriate accompaniment
to the joyful character of the eervicos
will bo the rendition by the choir off
Mozart's colohrated "Twelfth mass , "
Professor Mayer will pretldo nt the
organ , and the Musical Union orchestra
will play the accompaniment. Miss
Fannlo Arnold will load the choir , Folaft
lowing 13 the programme :
ICyrie Klioaou Bass solo and chorus
J. G. Bell.
Gloria Siprono solo nnd chorus t
Mies McNainara.
Qui Foils Duet ho
H. H. Blair and Miss D. Johnson.
Qui Sedes Trio
H. 11. Blair , Mies I ) . Johnson , J. P. Murphy.
Cum Sancto Chorus p
Voni Creator Solo
Mis F. Arnold ,
Sermon , Hev. Father McCarthy ,
Credo Chorus
Kt Incarnatus Solo ho
H. R. Blair.
, 11. Bair , MiaaF. Arnold , Miss 1) . John- "
eon , J. P. Murphy. In
Cruclfixus Solo
H. K. Blair. pa
U.K. Blair , Miss JF. _ Arnold.Misa D. John- "
eon , J , P. Murphy.
Offertory , ed
Ade.stoFidolis : Solo , Mrs.Dr. CofTmanduet ;
.lt Blair and J. P. Murphy ; trio. H. K.
Blair , Miss 1) . Johneon , J. 1" . Murphy ; quar
tette , Mrs. Ir. ) Coifman , Miss 1) . Johnson ,
H. R. Blair , J. P. Murphy ; chorus.
Sanctus Chorus
Benodlctus Solos
Mrs. O. McCnffery , Jtra. Dr. Cotfman and
J. P. Murphy.
Agnus Del ' Chorus
Dona Nobis. . . . . . . . . . . Solo
Bliss M. Swift
G. F. Mayor , organist : Miss F. Arnold ,
leader ot choir ; Prof. S. Hofirann , leader of
Sopranos Miss F. Arnold , Mrs O , McCaf-
ffry , Mrs. T. FitzinorrisMisa M.McNamarn , of
Mn < . Dr CoQuiau , lilias Cl.ira llhodor , Mies
. Kennedy.
Altos -Miss D. Johnson , Mirs I" . Khoder ,
Miss M. Swift , Mrs. H. H. 35lair.
Ttnord-H. I ! . Bluir. Mr. W lty. I
Ba33-J. G. Bell , J. 1 > . Murphy , Joha I ro1
The gro > t festival service , \vlth the
csltibration of the Holy Communion nnd
sermon by the dean , nt 10:30 : a. m It's
juit n half hour onrly to accommodate nil
the communicants. The order of os-
orclsca will bo as follows :
Processional Songs of 1'raiso the
Aurcls Saiy ; Thibaut
Venlte 1'nrisuu To\vo Arranged
by J. ritanier
loum-from ( Hervicu in ( ' ) Gerard F
Jubilate Ufo ( from -.ervieo iu U ) . . , G r
ard F. Cobb
Introlt Hallelujah chorus Irom Handel's
Moolah ,
Kyrio K'ioson ( from hervicB in G ) . , (5or-
md F.Cobb tlo
GloriaTibi ( from Borneo in G.Gor- )
cr.l F. Cobb
nunn Slinut the Glad 'iiilliigH
Gloila I'utri ( after sermon ) . . .Sir John Goes
OJfertory niithom Slug O Heavens..ller
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ttolil Tours
All ihlngs'Co'iiio of 'TliVo'.Y.Y."v. Tali'ts
Sanctus ( from service in G.Uertnl ) S
V Cobb
Communion hvmii-O CUIUQ All Ye ba
Faithful r. lloadinrr
Gloria iu Kxcbhib - ( from serUca in G ) by
Gerard F. Cobb
pKnlunal Hark , the Ilurald Amrels
Sipg Mundolssobn
The great choir nf the Christinas Day er
\icontTii nicy Cathedra ) ,
at lOsSO , wll con-
of the folowiiwellknown ; sniRcrs : H
Thn Dolani heir MI * > ca Calilcrwood , Va-
inr.VI ktnn , Yuunga , fiuy'e ' , AV'ooley , Wij.
klni , Tilra Pottvr , Mm. A Ion , Mia .Inlincon ,
Mrt. I'eck , aud the Messrs. liiecbumidp. A'uu-
Kuian , I'.itter , IVnuell , Gou'jd , Tuttle , ] tntf ,
Seltz anil JtoporH. Yc
The OantoiU Chnir-MiKos Unnvn. Pat hii
rick , Heherb , Unloombo , lint erllold. Slii'nrg ,
I'cmioll. Cromur , Mr , Sanwlrri' , Mra. Mo- ya
Intirn , Mrn , > Vmlwdrt , Mr * . Slitilny , Mw. yaOi
Sh'cld , nnd the Mrmers .iiui kiuuai. Sle linh' ,
linr'fih'li ' , Gould , llliule , WuoilmHii , ho
_ . ra and Minlam , toi
. ! , U tmunil 1 hitler , organiiit. toifi
Tliuiiua J , I'riii u 1 , cliuir iiiruter. fi
jui-nsr oauiicrj.
A Oliriatmn.i oiitnmuuaent to consist Si
rocitatioiiR. dl-ilonurs , ute , will ba
given bv thu Ihptiit t'Utiday ccliool , cor- was
of Fifteenth m
and Divenport
Thuwdky ( ChriHtmiB ) ovouinu at 7 inho
o'clocb. Au
udmiseion fee of 15 cents
svlulta and 10 cents for children not
members of the school will bo charged. fill an
At th Priinhytfrioii church , corner of.
Sistoenth ttiul Castillur Btreole , toed '
night , thuro will ba a Christmas tree we
entertainment for the children. | At
Frld y evening at the Southwest Prcs coi
bytorlan church , corner of Leavcnworth
and Twentieth slroots , there will bo
Christmas tree and entertainment.
At tlio English Lutheran church corn
er of Sixteenth and Ilatnoy streets , Her.
J. 8. Dotwcllor , pastor. Christmas will
bo appropriately celebrated. Regular
church service at 11:00 : a. m , Sunday
school exorcises at 7:30 : p. m , Christ
maa trco and cxenlsoq by the children.
To-night nt the Saratoga
school houao the Saratoga Union Sunday
school will giro an entertainment known
as a "Christmas Festival. " There wll"
be a programme , and treo.
The Christmas festival of the Sunday
school will taka place Friday night , beginning
ginning at 7:00 : p. m. Thcro will bo an
exhibition of some very fine storooptlcon
view with some readings and then a ,
supper ,
At 'Gormania hall this evening
the Turn Voroln society will have a
Christmas tree and appropriate exorcises.
After this there will bo a dauco.
AT I10Y1/S Ol'EUA 110DSE.
At Boyd's ' opera houao this af
ternoon will bo given a matinee perform
nnco of "Undo Tom's Cabin. " The
Boston double company will present the
piece , which will also bo presented in the
At Turner hall to day n matluoo
performance of the "Morry Wives of
Windsor" will bo given , and will also bo
given in the evening with a strong cast.
If any eutortainmcnto of church ser
vices ' have been omitted in the nbovo list
it is bccauao they have not reached the
oars of the reporter.
UccrliiKH UuiicrnI A cnr.
Tuesday afternoon n crowd collected
at the oflico of W. J. Kennedy , corner of
Thirteenth and Hartley streets. At the
above place everything were its usual
buslncsa-liko air , so why this gathering ? .
It was evident something was wrong. In
these day ? of failures , embezzlements
and bogus checks , a gathering of this
kind indicates trouble. Business men
need "watch"-lng. It proved so in this
W. M. Lorlmor satnt hla doak busily
at work , utterly oblivious of his impend-1
ing . doom. Ilia agents scattered over the
state of Nebraska had been working up a
scheme , and so arranged matters that
escape foe him was impossible. Ho must
ba "watched. " At 3 o'clock , the crowd
becoming boistrons , Mr. W. J. Kennedy ,
in a neat speech , presented Mr. Larimer ,
tin popular general ogout of the Deering
harvesting ; machinery , with a fine gold
watch , a Christmas present from the
Doorlng agents of Nebraska.
Mr. Loriraer was thoroughly surprised ,
and seemed much affected , but recover
ing , replied in a very happy manner ,
after which ho recalvod , the congratula
tions of lib numerous friends naaombled.
Mr. ] Larimer , though comparatively a
newcomer iu Omaha , haa now hosts of
frlonda in all parts ot the state. Boaidoc
haa succeeded in building up a trade
for the machines ho represents , of which
any ono might feel proud. A worthy
present worthily bestowed. of
Gon. Howard On Forefather's Day.
General ( Howard la in Chicago , whither
hon went as n guest of the Chicago Con
gregational club to help to colebrato'p '
"Forefathers' Day , " on Monday evening.
its report of the celebration a Chicago
paper ] says :
When Gen. Howard rose to speak of
"Tho Pilgrim as a Soldier" ho was greet
with a round of applause which did
not subaido for -some minutes. "Tho 4
soldier cocrna to have little place in this
country now , " said the gray-haired vet to
eran , "unlcsa the communhta or Nihil
ists or ether "ists" you have hero in
Chicago do as they threaten to do bum of
the city. In that cuso I am euro you
Puritans will prove us valorous as you
have boon in the past. " He then re
viewed the exploits of Miles Standiah
and ether pilgrim loaders who wore
cilled upon to oubjagato the larpe tribes
hoatllo Indians in the early days of *
Iho Now England settlements. "Tho
Sivior honored the centurion" concluded
Gen. Howard , "and wo honor the bravo
Bolaiera , who have wielded the nword for
religion and civil right and liberty. "
Damage to tlio Amount of $ I25OOO
Called for > y rlamtlifr.
) ha
Suits have boon commenced in the dis
trict court of Lincoln county by nine dif
ferent plaintiffs against D. llinkin it Co.
Live Stock company , a corporation of
Chicago , for $125,000. , The damages
asked for are because of the cattle of the
plaintiffs dying from Spanish fever , the
disease having been contracted from cat-
unloaded at Brady's Island by the do
The suits , upon application of the de
fendants , were transferred t > the federal
court in this city , end the transcripts
were received by their nttoruoyn , Messrs
ivage and Morris.
Tina is a big suit , and its progress wM
watched with a great doil of interear
iho catllo men of tlm grout northwest
( J Atkinnrm IJndly Hurt White
Oars In tlio 1M ,
Yraiorday morning about 8:30 : IT. G. Atkinson If
kinson , n owltchiwn in the B tv ; M ,
yard * waa engaged in coupling cars. Inn
Owing to the icy condition of the track
ulipped and wsa taught between the
tender of Iho online and u box-car. Jlla
right log was ba-JIy crushed.
Ho wu9 taken tu hii homo , corner of
Sixth : nnd PaoUio atroeta. A phyoician
called and thnt undo'l man was
> ide at comfortublu. e pnasiblo , but hi *
injuries are of Mich an&turo that little
hope ia entertained fur his recovery ,
llo ia abnu'3
- years of yo and is a
alnglo man. No bLtmo is attached tu
; one.
W. rrEii To cxohango wild or improv.
landa iu Nebraska or Iowa for Html-
warn , or stock of general morchandiae.
Address ,1. Lindorholm , Genoa , Nanco
county , Nebr. m-lm
The Fesliyilies of llic Holi-
fla ? Week ,
H Ontt Their HrmrtoxvN
Hcforo Them- tt'si
The coming week promises to bo ono
of the most brilliant nnd joyous in the
history of Omaha holidays , Balls , par
tics nnd social ovonte , nro being announced
nouncod in unlimited number and there
will bo no lack of opportunities for the
society man to sptcad himself , so to
speak , over n boundless territory.
Ono of the greatest events of the cloa
ing . , year will bo the party to bo given by
the Sans Coromouio club , Friday , Do-
cotnbor 20. Special nrrangemonta have
boon made to make thin occasion
a great and long-to-bo remembered ono.
A largo number of old Omaha boys , aa
well as young ladles , returning home to
spend the holidays , will bo present to
make the event ono of pleasant memo
rlcs. Elegant engraved programmes uud
invitations hnvo been issued , which are
models of taste and beauty.
December 20th , the popular Newport
club glvo n party nt Masonic hal.
The Metropolitan club will glvo
grand holiday ball on the ovcning of De
cember 30th. Tha social events of this
organization are always of the most ou
jojnblo j kind , and this ono will bo ' .musu
ally so. The full drees will prevail ox
clot On December 30th the E. H. O'B. give
ono of their pleaennt dancing parties
which promised to bo in nil rospoots up to
the usual standard of this club's enter
December 31 , Now Yoor'd eve , the Ap-
polio club will glvo n masquerade party
under the supervision of Messrs. Storns-
dorf and Cook.
A private gorman is to take place next
week at the residence of n well-known
society lady , which promises to bo largely
attended by the members of upper ton-
dom. Particulars have not been made
public < yot.
Besides those briefly outlined ovpnts ,
there will be , of course , many private
parties and balls , The old year will pass ol
away and the now ono ushered in upon
ths city of Omaha given up for the time
to pleasure , rejoicing and gala festivities.
Mnp ol' Nubrnslta.
Just issued , in colors , showing citioo ,
towns , railroads and counties. Mailed
for 15c. J. M. Wolfe , 120 S. 14th st. ,
Omaha , Neb. d5-2w
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobar-
An Almost Unprecedented Snap oi
Cold Weather
Yeatcrday wia ono of the coldest cz
porlonced In the city for mbny a day.
Froat-bitton noses , frozen foot , and
chilled bodlea wore' the infallible ther
mometers which told plainly that the
mercury vras performing acrobatic feats
the most alarming nature , far below
zero. The general suffering was intense ,
and a number of serious c.isos of mischief
wrought by thn cold have bena reported
The signal oflico records toll , in ascents
plain and unmlstakoablo , the Arctic
tldo. The lowest temperature attained
during the day was 1C degrees at early !
morn. From this point the mercury ill'll
slowly roao and stood at a moan during FO
the day of 11 degrees. At six o'clock in
the morning the quicksilver stood at 14
degrees , at 10 o'clock 14 degrees , 12
o'clock 13 d > grots , 2 o'clock 11 degrees ,
o'clock 11 degrees , at G o'clock 9 do
green , while at midnight it had tumbled cmDi
15 dogro&a. And ( frightful thought 1) )
the Bi'gual people predict atill colder
weather for to-day. AU through the Drz
west , north and northwest the same state
cold weather prevails , in greater or
less degree.
Knights of Honor. Attention.
Regular mooting of Omaha Lodge No.
829 , K. of II. , Thursday the 25 th inst at
7:30 : p , m. for the nomination aud oloo-
iou of ofliceH for the ensuing year.
Every member ia requested to be present.
By order of the Lodge.
' DI
OLSOtf-GAKDNKll-Dpca'mber 2.1 ! , 1881 ,
nt No. 2002 Nicholas ctreet. by Jlev. J. S
Dotweiler ] , Mr Ole Ol'on nnd Misa l ouisa
Gardner. I Both of Nuith Omaha.
Many fiienda extend their hearty congratu
lations and wish a "Merry Christmas'1 to the
happy couple.
_ TAFaTAR. (
" with
SflOO ® . "Given Mil
alum or any injurious bo found Ion
Amlrowa' I'oarl UnlcinR Povrilt . Is 1 < 03- In
tivi'lyPURE. ] klnfrtri ! ! < lortcilnmlt .ImonliiU
ut'cfviil from Mich chcmlstsnn8. lunn lays , Jiw- !
! M. Dclalmitalnp , of Chicago ; nnd Gustavo. " )
llodo , JUluaiikcc. Novorho1 ! > .i hu'k.
r c d H e r , i c t
Wamtr , To mill.
J'umpVm , H trcn ,
nd 1'
muei ia OLI
icld thin HI
thci Slrret in4 Mflera '
comtlnedt ilkct iKtml W. , nlkt
* * ® S ? Iff'taat aa.1 p. . v
5 [ fn > - Wtllt ( ariattlerM.
Ar tata vati4 ht f
f ( .iclllllo u4
C3 - .SOUO.HV. " K2
Theme ot Ibileim " Shcr
Unc" In connection with Uk
corporate name oik cr tto.ia
conypya an ldc ot jnai what
icqulrod by the trarcllDff pub
lic a Shoit TJct O'llck Tltc
and the boat 9 ul > = = i3Ji'
in lions ! 1 ot which aie taia <
bed by the rcato t lallw v In America ,
And St. Paul.
Hownj I and porover 4 , sot ) mllogol
NorlLorn : IllinoisIsconsln / , Mlnnosote , Iowa
Dakota ; and aa ti a tin lln"8 , branches and ocnr.ea
lions roach all tb crcai juslnoES centre ] ot lh
N'ortliwortanil ; Ft West , It nMurMly inswors th >
d ecrlptlon ot Ehr I Line , and Best Kouto between
Chlouro , Mll pjKCo , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Chicago , Mllw ukco , La Croeao and Wlnont.
Chloago , Mllnaukoo , Aberdeen and EHcudalr
Chicago , Mllwjulcoo , Knn Cairo Still nriici'
Chicago , Mllwauhoo .Wausan aud Mcnlll.
OhloaRO , Milwaukee , Hoover Dam and Oehkoih.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wftukfsha and Oconomcwoc.
Oblcago , lllhvsulioo , Madleon and Pralrloda Ohhi ,
Ohlcafjo , Mlhviukeo , Owatonna and Falrlbiull.
Chicago , Jiololt JancsvUlo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elfin , Hock-lord and Dubuque.
Chicago , Clinton , Itock lel&iid and CoOar Kaplda.
Chicago , Council llluflfl and Omaha.
Chicago , tilour City , Sioux Falls and Yauktoa
Chlcaso , Jllln-iukoo , Mitchell and Chumbcrlilo
Reek Island , Uubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenpoit "almar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Mecpera and the Finest Dlnlnff Cera In
bow : rlil are run on the main Ilnoa ot the OUIOAOO ,
attention Is paid to paseon gors by courteous employes
the Company.
MKIUULL , Ocn'l Manicor.
A. V H. CAUPENTKP. Qen'rjPass. ' Agl.
T CLARE , Oon'l Silpl. ,
OKO.HFII Fonn. f . aen'i P Aei
. .C , etc. , flavor Cnltcf ,
DrcniiiHliiilillniitcfec.iii [ ilcllctituly unit nut-
iinillj'iisdierriilt fi-oin i Iilcli thcyiircrniiile.
Price ! Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. St. Louis , Mo.
Di . Price's Cream Baking Powder
Dr Price's Liipulin Yeast Gems ,
Iteat Dry IIm > Yetiat.
5-033 C3jKi.Zj23 33-S" CrISO
N. B. Corner 12th and Ilouard St . )
Fur the Treatment ot all
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Diaoaaes of Fomales. of the Nocvoua Syo-
tcm , and Private Discaeon of the Uri
nury and Sexual Orgouo , n
Catarrh , Bronchitis
all nlefflscsof tlioT.ungs , If cad and Tliro&ttrat-
nl by t u i civ methiic o Mfdli-atii n by labala
( tluu. 'niohowOLTiiKiu Inhaler or Atomizer )
i trcatnl by an experienced Prcniallst ; also
bof tl u llrirt. I.neStouiacli lildni'y ' Iln < l-
Neurn'fia ' Piles , Cancii , Me. Kto.
Our ' llli o and coMdOtatlon rciiira ii'o furntebid
tlie llu-tt anil muit < n lublu collodion ot
Mullrul Snru'l a' ' , mill Anatomical Apparatus ta bo
found lu any Iloxjjltn' ' , Inlltmaiy or Muilical Imtltutu
lbcC'jiiMt < ) .
Wo L"falO ynur ili'mno , vlvo ; yoo fclcntlflc rx-
pUnatlunu I ycilir > 3liiitoil | u. U'liiBnnd ' puln . \Ve
n t ilalui locuru nil I'er-i tin pulTorlnir cu In. dl caics will bo candidly li , o mod tbelr
I' liciiW "Ishlngr ioma will bosuriillcd Iu the o <
titutuluildi i
All iclUraiiiid cuneult .1lom
Striotlv Confidential.
Mi < llcireo > cnt tD lliart ot llo oguntry by ex-
, co' niv pJCKwllrom i-ljoer otloii , 11 full do.
rijillou nicatalu uiiin : Ouu pcrDuual Interview
P'cfi'rr. il iiiiu ( > ' 'iili'nt.
Call or W"t t r Circulars on tluonni DUcasoB
Siirtiiial , UIwa < tiu I'ecullar to 1'uiiialo' , or
1'rUatu DU'ivu' , > fiuiual Wcuknt > n , Soxuai Icct-
piciH Nfrvuu , 1'ilililty ' , tts , etc.
Medical and iJuigU-alulllco
Omuha Werlinil & Purgiral Instifue
1118 Howard ) St. . Omaha Neb ,
Himebaugh & Taylor
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraasl ;
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for Uio luciinu Doonrtincut
given for Buffalo Scales ex-
clusivoly. Scale
: RH.F.A.XR : : : snazo-p ,
1405 Douglas Street. - - - OMAHA. NEBRASKA
KJ2&trCTjrOATS :
Suits formerly $10.00 now $7.50.
Suits formerly $12.00 now $9.00.
Suitsformerfy $10.00 now $12.00.
Suitsformerfy $24-.0& now $18.00.
Over Coats formerly $ 8.00 now $ 0.00.
Ofcr Coats formerfy $10.00 now $ 7.50.
Over Coatsf'ormcrfy $10.00 now $12.00.
Over Coats formerfy $18.00 now $19.50.
_ _ -merly - $24.00 now $18,00.
And every oilier article iu proportion.
Call and see our prices.
16 Farna St.
I'ASSENQER'ELEVATOn TO ALL FLOORS. | 1203,1203 and 1210 Farna m St. , Omnha , N )
403 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Eatabllolied 188 OatnrrfcT ,
Ocnfncsa , LnngQudNervonBDicoeson Spoedllyr.ndPorinr.aontly Onrcd. Patloutt
rir tJ at Homo. Write for "XnB MEDICAL-MISSIONARY , " for tha Pooplo.
'onrraltatlon ' and Correspondence Gratis. P. O. Box 5J02. Telephone No. 26.
HON. ED WARD RUSSELL , Pontmanter , Davaapcrt , raja : " Physician of
He * Ability nnd Maikod Sncoocr. . " CONGRESSMAN MmlPHY , Davenport ,
rrltea : "An iionorivbtr 7iTau. Finn SUCDBSS. Wondorfnl Ooroa. " Bonra 8 to 5.
1409 and 1411. Dodee St.i OmaliaNeb
1013 Jonas Street f ABK FOK RED onosa. \ OMAHA. ! WEB
A , yitJ IS ISA S KA .
* . Co. for State of Ne.
Scle agpu B of Unitel States Elect ric J.ightii R
brasku. Owi era of western pntents for Klectric Motors , Arc Lump , Mo
gul U'goincnntlescfnt nnd Bmiilt incnndpscej t olcctrio l inps. Ulipnper
ttian = fiiH. br.sT LIGHT KNOWN. Adopted by tlio United States government -
ornmont nnd nil the leading fctenniship lines ami leading hotels. For
prices enquire at
dec'itk'dlin OFFICE , N. W. CORNER 15th AND FARNAM