HE DAILY BEE FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 23 , 1884. NO. 102. WASHINGTON NEWS. Legislators Gone Home lo Holidays , Paaeaeo of the Liquor Traffic Bill- The Second Assistant Postmaster General Resigns , And the President Nominates His Successor , Interesting Facts Oonoerning the Public Domaini Where IH Cnptaln HnwRate ? B , 1'latt Onrpcntcr Continued Gover nor ol Montana. SKN/VTK. _ . . , Dosnmber 22-Plumb intro- tlucod n bill to ettablish an additional land district in Dakota. On motion of Mander on a bill passed ex tending to the port of Omaha the provisions of the net relating lo the immediate transport ation of dutiable good ? . Blair called up n bill providing for n com mission tooxirnlno Into.tho liquor traffic , Ho said there was a bill already pus'ed four times liy the sonata but not acted on by the houeo. The motion wns opposed but bill was taken vp and pitted. Yeas 24. nays 1C , Before voting Senator Vpat , whs opposed the bill , remarked that ho did not propose to Jja placed by hia vote in tbo attitude of hos tility to toinperanco , but ho regarded the sub ject matter of the bill aa belonging exclusively to the states.nnd there wn * no evidpnco that state governments were not entirely compe tent to deal with it , The vote In detail : Yens , Allison , Blair , Cameron , ( WIs. ) ; Cameron - oren , ( Iowa ) ; Conger , Cullnin Dolph , Ed- mumls , Fryo , George , Hale , Harrison , Haw- ley. Hoar , Lapham , AUnderson , Miller , ( Gal- ifornia ) ; Miller , ( Now York ) ; Monill , Plntt , Sawyer , Hhoanau. Van Wyckp , Wilson 21 Nays , lUyord , Beck , Butler , Cockrell. Gib- aon , Hamilton Hurri * , Jonap , Jones , ( Fla. ) ; Mttxey , Morgan , Pugh , Slater , Vest , Whltt nnd Walker-lG. Halo , from the committto on aopropria tions , reported with amendments the UOUEI bill making tomi ornry provision for the naval service. The committee had amended the bil by substituting for it the provisions of tin regular annual appropriation bill far the fisca year ending Juno 30 , 1885. The bill will bi called up to-morrow , WASHINGTON NI'JWS. 11KHIONATION OF HKCOND ASSISTANT 1'OST- JIATKIt LYMAN. WAHAINOTON , Decambor 22 , The prcsl dent has accepted the resignation of Henrj D. layman , aecond assistant postmaster general - oral , and will to-morrow nominate John B Thomson , gonernl superintendent of the rail way service , to succod him. The secretary o the treasury issued a circular in regard to tin importation of rags , which provides for tin admission of all raga which may ba ulloat 01 : Janmry 1st. Under the terms of tho.formo . circular'providing for tho" lifiuo "dPcerttflc'atei 'by"consular oflicora and which also providei that all raga chipped after January 1st fh il be subject to disinfection upi n tliolr nrriva in thia country , or in any othpr country when the dopatttncnt appoints an inspector. fO.NKIIlsATIO.N3. B. Platt Carpenter , Now York , governor o Montana THE CHOSEN LGADEIl OF TIIK BEPUIILICA ! I'AIITY. WASHINGTON' , December 22. Blanio hn noon ninny vi-itors dur'nu ; the past week nni lias talko I over the political bituation will ijroat froodom. Ho sent word to fevoral prom ment ropublicaus who had not cilled upoi him that he would be pUd to see their. Hi manner convoys the impression that ho li ttt ! the choHCii loader of t o republican party un til the next national convention cornea togotli or and it ia his undoubted imrposo to shape It policy for tha future His most intimat friends make n point of proclaiming that th party will IMVO to turn to him In 18-8. Quit number of conpr etmen leivohcro to-morroi to attend tlia exp.uitiou at Nv Orleans. OKNEKAL ( illA-ST. Tl'o Dally Cost , clnlining to reflect th opinions of many le ding democrats , a > n thn justice ruqutrni the pUuliig of Cionor.il Gran on the round Hat ot the arum without unnuc wsary delay and that It should nut lead tu tl : lriU John Porter case. The Pul > lie Doiunln , Special to the Chicago Time.s. WAHIIINOTOX , Decamber 21. The fortj eighth cougrcEs undertook the herculean tas of wresting from railroad corporations va tracts of public lands , which have not be : earned under thu torma of the grant. It w ! pass out of existence without i.ccomplishii nny U ing. The fault is not with the hous which has passed u long lUt of forfeiture ne and an act Co prevent the unlawful feucii of jiubllc lands. The fault la v > ith the eoi nto , whoso corporate inteiesti are etron ly intrenched , and mo t of the oppooitii to the house bill" has couio from Senator Ulal republican , nud Senutor Morgan , dnmocra The Rtipnvno cmirt haviiig decided that tl rloclaraticMi of forfelturo wai thu prcrog.iti' of fan IrKi'al.itiiro nnd not of tlio jmlLi branch ot the govornuient , Senator MortT nttoinpt'"d at the laat ers iau to blocV dltpo- tion ot the matter by tiuilp i-ilitivo bram Ii I introducing a bill referring nil forfulturo pn cecdlngii to the courtK. and providing for t < or fifteen ynars of IrKUlttroa. The house b tj dt'claro tluvforfulturo of TUB ATL4KTII' ASH I'A < IFIC ( iHAKT has pa > eud the tiiiuati * , ith the Mordant utUched as an amendment Thcru li.tvo lu threii coufereurpK on tliii bill , aud no conuli eion reached The hoima will not consent the Moivau anu'iiilnient. It is propopud thn seuato to uttach tlio amend cut to the b < Jt'cl rinj ; the forfri'uie of the Tex H and I1 cilic grant , nnd the prubibility la that t friendx < > ( tin r.ulnyid orpur.itions will n let any forfeiture bill pan the ten.to w.tlio thu M rgn attachineut ThU attichinont urged on the ground that it It u co&jary to nrot.ct purcli.iaers of hm and bondholders , nrl others wholixvorqultios ii the grant. How little sincerity thfrfl is in thli p'an can Lc eccn from a few fact ? There U no ovldenoo th t any h dividual his boueht an acre of land ot the Atlantic and Pacific company , and the mortgage bonds ba o.l on the land grant wera IsMied its fa t as Iho road WM constructfd , the lands nppcuto the con structed pojtlon of the ro d being parted lands , and not subject to foifclturo under the house bill. In the cato of THE TKIAS PArmr thnro are not only no purchasers of land from the railroad company , but there nro no mort gage bonds secured on the land grant. On the other hand , the senate committee on pub lic lands , which N eo careful rf equities , re , liorted n bill forfeiting absolutely , and with out any Mntgnn amendment , the grant lo the UoughtoD , Marquette and Ontoiugon rail' joad , though In thut ciso there was nn ques tion nbout the sale of lands to indjviduula who have strong claims for consideration. It believed in some qutrters that this bill was . .putod in order to provoke aery of iujuntico , .nd . discredit the iwllcy of absolute foifclturo licre there are really no equities. A Bub-c mmUtoo of the Renate publlo lands mmlttee his agreed to make favorable re- ort on Judge Payion's bill , pasted by tha oii o la't Juno , to summarily pioyont the inUwful fencing of the public domain , But ' 10 committee U contemplating the addition f this bill s an amendment of the act.of .807 allowing the use of troops to remove in- rudera from public lauds , There 1 * A CURIOUS -Hisa bout this , too. The committee boilovo this .ct to bo ttill in force , and the propoBition to e-orinct an oxlntlng btatuto is Blngular. But ' 10 interior dopurtment li In great doubt 'hrthor ' this act is now in force. When in- ividualri int tttlo on the public domain the t'rlor department invokes the net of 18 17 id cets the army to elect the Intruders , but hen great cattle-raising corporations Bijuat n tlio public domain and fence in lands that o not btlonp to them the depirtmcntdoos not nd the act of 18i'7 ' applicable , and itivitos ongresB to provide some more legislation , \VHEUK JS UOWO kTE ? : IK HTOUY ov ms PRBRIXCC m KANSAS A HUSK 10 CONCEAL HIS HEAL WHttRKAIlOUTS. hicngo Tribune Special , WABili.NciTOif , D. C , , December 2 U There n report that tht rumor as to the presence f Howgato In Kansas is circulated to concnal us whoroabouts. A | xMt-ollico official pays ittots have besn received hero quite recently t Howgate's handwriting from Bethlehem , 'a ' Ho says Howgata has baen fur- ished money from hern by n well-known UfineBB-man who was formerly on confidon al term ) with him , The Nebraska letters , he hinknro simply decoy-letter * , dated No > iraska and mailed there by Nellie Burrlll to Ireeloy for the purpose of testing the _ inton- tin of the war department concerning the treat defaulter. For thii purpose bii socrol riends hero gave the letters out tu thu proas { glit and left. A man here who ta said to bt leraonal friend of Howgate saya ho kncwi llowgate is not within a thousand nii'es o ! S'ebraeka. There are a good many crooked torica atloat as to llowgito'a friouds and pro .cctora . in the war department , The Pool AgrccH. CIIIOAGO , December 22. The pnssenge igenta of the eastern trunk line * held a ness ! i iiero to day , in nn effort to reitoro easteri passenger rates , The agreement was submit trd nnd met with thn approval of the majorit ] if the linen , but it in necmary to obtain tin lignaturau ot the general passenger nxenti be 'ore it can pnter into forca. It is the ex [ ircneo 1 belief , howovcr , that rates -will bi ostorod to the published tariff bcginnini "anuary 1. Destruction of Oil "Works. IToNTKrm POINT , L. T. , Decetnber 22. Th lire In 1'ratt'a oil.work at Williamsburpr , i tillibuinlnf-but Uiundor control , though < ihangfl of wind might oiu o it to spread. / argo amount of machinery wa destroyed llueumption of work is not possible for a lon | imo. Seven hundred men are thrown out employment mploymont , Krunuti Kl FARIH , Dccombsr 2 ? . In the election yeateiday the autonomist Benatoria delegates wfro elected in l'ati . Th opportunists were eiuccssful nt i/yon am Grenoble , nnd th irreconcilable at hyonf Victor Hinto rpceivfd the largest number c votcB , while Iloshefort and Guyot were nea the bottom. Don't Fool With tlic Knlsrr. LKITSIQ , December 22 Sentence was prc nqnncad to-day on the C.MO of the anarchist ti if d laat week for attempting to assa'Hinat Kmporor Wi'llam ' at Neiderwald. Keinaordl Kupch nml Ku thlor wcro sentenced t death. Hotzhauer nnd Bachmann were cot demnod to ten yearn penal servitude. Hiiue gheu , Khenback and Toellna wore acquittei AnotlicuMinur'H Pmsjiuno , December 22. Coal minora n along the Monongibola river , no nntlcipitoc went out on a strike this morning for nn m vance of half a cent per buahel in the price t mining , and ncaily four thousand men qu work The operators iwert that rather thu conced'i the demand they will close the pn indefinitely. EvarfH in tlio Field. ALIIANT , D cember 22 The Evening .Ton nal Dublishes a lo'.ter from Win M. Kvarta I Senator . [ nines Arklll , in which ho , inrespom to many in uirie-tand requests from all par of the Htate , oxpri'BBon lux roidiupss nnd desil to bo innong the caudlilutes for election by tl legislature as Heuator from New York elate. Tlio Hunt lur N , December 22 Sergeant Ot Holtnorth , of the signal service , unlit west b the Bncretarv of war in search of Howgatu.h returned and hn been relieved from dull ft in nllepcd Holtnorth obtained intormatlo which inducrd ilia secretary of war to son him as a detective , by rifling Lieut , ( ireeloy pnvnto papari ) . Ho ia to ba court martlaloc Gold In Ohio. CINCINNATI , December C-2 , A minerol gUt of hi city hni gathered from cover l.irma in C'lenrmont coiu.ty eix-cimens of roi and earth , n'l ' of which yield Sl,0 0 of gold the ton A company lius been formed to bi the farms. Di'Htrucilvo Gnu Ixnl ; . UTIOA , N. Y. , December 22Tho gas le : in No , 2 , Upper Kmpire vVoolon milN , CUyvillo nc.ir hern , Sunday , caueod their d Btruction by firo. Loss , § 103,003 , insured. " \Vo.iihi-r Uupirt. WASHlNr.TO.v , D.eembo 22 , Uppsr Mia Mppi : Generally fair weathpr ; lower tot pPMturo ; northerly wiuila , becuinlrp variabl Mldaouri : Generally fair wo'ithor ' ; ellght ft of temperature ; varlab o GENERAL HEWS. Goyerurr Chyelanft Will Resign His Office January 6th , A Baltimore & Ohio Passoncer Train Derailed , The Dining Oar Burned and Em ployes Injured- Iowa School Ma'ams ' in Session at Dos Moines- Another Banker Settles His Ac counts by Suicide , lie f > e\v York Chamber of Coin- moron Advises ttie Ilntillcnllon of tlio Sniuiltili Treaty. TBE PUESIOKXT-KljEOT. pecial to the Chicago Times , AMIASY , N. Y. , December 21.- Governor 'lev-eland ' will reslpn his ollico January G , and o to Buffalo on the 8th. On the 'Jth ho will ttend n charity ball nt the Geneseo house , lulMo , and then return to this city , where ID will remain until ho goes to Washington , llo hni already engaged room ? , and after the tli of January will bo at homu to all his fel- iw cltizons. It is gonertlly understood hero , a cltowhcro , that Senator Bayard may have place in tlio cabinet , but the pro&Ment-elect .ai not yet doterininod whom elee he will In- tto to hia council board , llo will probably , ake three members of tlio cabinet irAn the ait two from the south , and two from the lOrthwest. Of the two from the northwest Indiana will furnieh ono and Illinois or Wis- : onsin the other. Piesident-elect Cleveland Is much intereetod n the probable result of the Illinois senator- nl contest , but while freely expressing the hope that a democrat may bo elected ho ewe- ully refuses to express n preference for either if the democrats who have been named as inndidateB for tlio office. 'J'ho eenatoriul contest in this ttato is ere- ntliiK much pxclccment among republicans. President Arthur nnd Levi P. Morton are the most prominent candidates , with Evarts , His- jock , end others hopefully in the rnso. Merion - ion is in the lead , ntid will probably be elected f a regular republican la chosen ; but not a 'aw democrats and independent ! ) and stalwart opublicans hope a combination may be nf < 'ectod by which Mr. Cankliug will be returned io the senate. . * r A 1J. At O. Train Derailed. CHICAGO. December 22. The facts in regard gard to the accident on the Baltimore & Ohk ailrnad near Bremen , Indiana , wcro madt mown hero lo-nlght. The train was a fas- express from Washington city , duo hen ibout 0:30 : o'clock in the morning. It wai tinning at the rate of forty miles nn houi when it struck n broken rail or some similai Imperfection in the track. The engine ant 'orward uut.qthii.lriin { passed safelybut tin dining car nnd two * lo pinr | coaches dernilei and overturned. The dining partook fire am was burned up , but the sleeping couches wen saved from destruction There wore eixteer persona in the sleeper , nnd it in almost mirncu "ous that none of tnf in wo o killed or futnllj : iurt. lion. Hiram Y. Smith , of DCS Moli es Iowa , fullered laceratloti of the feet and legs Several others were flighty hurt , and all man or lees shaken up. The ccupinta of the din ing car suffered the most severely. Edwart McCabp and Joseph 1'ratz , cook * , nnd Ed ward Gray and 11 McNaunhtoD , waiters were rescued I ndly wounded , scitldeil am burned , and will in all proba ility die. Stew aid Dody was only sllKhlly hurt. Tin wounded wore brought to this city this after noon. The Iowa DKS MOINKS , la , Decembcs 22. The twen tv-uinth annual cession of the Iowa Stat Teachers' association commenced hero thl afternoon at the Plymouth Congregations church , with an attendance of probibly tw hundred. After the opening exercises th executive committee made the annual report Miss L I. Ga eette , of Murahnlltowu , read paper on "Language Culturo. " At the even ing PO'sion pome three hundred teachers wer present and were received by nn address o welcome by Hiv. A. T. Itabb o which wa ! responded to bv II G. Fuller , of Kxlra. Th pr sident , II. II. S-erly , nf O/ikulooia , deli\ erud his annual address : Thn convention wi extend over to-morrow and Thutsday , and b to-morrow noon it is expected fully live hut died will ba In attendance. FOREIGN NK\VS. THE DY.N'AMirE ONT.Y HORSE J1KWCINK. J/ONDOV , December 22. The parcel rooi of the railway station in which the fire 01 curred on Saturday adjoined a covirod wa ever which the queen pa-Bed on Wednesdn when she started for Oaborno The manage of the Great Western railway assert that tl tire was purely accidental and not duo I Ionian agency. They declare no infernal mi chine was found and that the ill mnolliii whits liquid was timply hortu medicine. THE AMEIIIUAK NUUTHALHT SC1IEMK HIIKLVE1 BERLIN , December 22 The American noi trality scheme I * nhalved by the couforoni thr URI | thf opposition to Course ! , who n firmed tliat Franco in unable to ace pi it i any form whatever. Germany and Kiiglan warmly supported America , KAItTJKjCAKE IN SPAIN. Llano.v , December 22. There was a shin of onrthrjuako hero to-day , THE CJUNKSE UAII. PARIS , DpcombiT 2 ! . In the recant engag ment with tlin Ch'iiese ' nnar ( Jim , the From lost twenty killed and nincty-thr o wounde A DJSAD CAUljl.VAL. HOME , Dojomber 22 Caidlnal Conuoliri is dead BISIIAUCK'S i-ouvuiN i-oucv Ai'i'iiovtn A ; THE ACTION 01' THE nitlCIIITAd J ) : ; OUNCKI > . BKHMN , December 22. A Urjre meeting national liberal * to-d ty adopted u reiolutn nf approval of BUmarck'-i foreign polloy ar declaring the nctiou of ftho rdictutig u worthy of the empire and opposed to the wishes of the people. TIK COXllO CONIKBKSCE. At the Congo conference to-day General Sanford , American delegate , asked howr it was proposed to extend the provisions of the postal convention , Dr. Biuch replied It would bo best that thn Gorman chancellery thnuld trnmmlt it to the powers of the German postmaster reccom- mcndatlon. In the I'orjgo confcronco General Sanford gave notice ot his intention to Introduce nn amended project for a railway and award the contract Kapntst , of Hussln , refused to ns < font to Knglaud' * proposal to make oil nnd coal a contraband ol war. Tlio SpnnlHhTicaty nmlXow York , NEW YOBK , December 22. The chamber of commercD to-day heard the report of the com * mlttco to whom had bsen referred the consideration - oration of the Spanish treaty. The commit * tees make three reports. Iho majority report recommends to the tha senate and house n a prompt riUilic.Ulon of the treaty , nad the passage of the enabling net ( or puttinp the treaty In operation , The first minority report recites that the treaty It hostile to the interest of the people of the United States and ought not to be confirmodj that the special commercial - cial treaties impairing tliffclliclencv and uni formity of our revenue laws , threatening complications with other nations and doranpo- ment of our established industries , are dan- gerout , and ought not to bo mado. It also requests congress fur the purpose of extending our foreign commerce ana of augmenting our proportion of the international carrying trade to continue the preparation and the publica tion of consular report/ , and to dovlso sucti legislation as ehrll bo best adopted to pro mote the establishment of lines of swift stoum- ers of the best typo , connecting the United States with all important points and especial' ly with ports of Mouth American continents. which are not already accessible to the United States on the most favorable term ) . Two Fctrlllcil [ Indies Discovered , SAN FiiANumco , December 22. The tTimes , Santa Maria , Uala. , telegraphs that intense excitement wui created there thl a ovoniog by the arrival of n wagon containing two n trifled - rifled bodies ditcoxcrodin a Gypsum quarry near 1'oiut Si ! . The bodies are tlioso of a man and woman , 'Jhoy were burled side by side with a largo boulder between them , The body of the man is in a perfect state of pres ervation except half of the left arm. Both ( cet were broken off in disiuterment. The woman was apparently of middle ope , wltn veiy symotrlbal proportions. The discovery was made by George Connor and George Holt , miners prospecting in that neighborhood. Train Snowed In. POUTLAND , Ore. , December 22 , A second tnow storm commenced at noon to-day raging with great violence , and trains on the Oregon Hallway Navic-atlon road are still Impeded , A train load of passengers are snowed up between tweon Dallas and Cnsctulcg. Six origin ? * , five hundred men nnd provisions wcreeeut to then rescue. The blockade in the Rocky mountain ! prevents the trains from running on tin Northern Pacific. A. S'-IO.OOO Milwaukee Blnze. MnvAUhEE , December 22. A fire in L Myers & Sons' Kaelo lye works this morniiif totally destroyed the store and machinery Loss , about 520,000 ; insurance , Sl,000. Tin budding was a four-story brick , owned bj the O. JI. Waldo estate. Loss thereon , $10 , 000 ; injured. Thin is the third titaa the My era & Sons' establishment was burn d on since it was located at Milwaukee. ( "They em ployoiJUfifly nieuundviUttBa - < HV&nt8is | ! litho the spring. Another German Banker SitlcUloil. VIENNA , December 22. .Jean Lucas rcana pnr of the Securities deposit of tbo _ Giro am Cassenvercin bank , committed suicile to-day Was brother in-law to Hcrr tialdoy , the su peiforolliciil of the same bank , who la undo airett for embezzling. Ouiht N'otto be Conllrnird. NEW YORK , Dacember 22. The chamber o commercs voted viva voce that the Spanish Arne'ican treaty now before thjUnlted Statf eunatois h"8tilo to the intorest-9 of the poopl of the United States and c.ujht not to b confirmed , A $ (11,000 Lincoln Failure. KANSAS Out , December 22 The Journal Lincoln Neb. special saye : John W. McCon neil , the oldest dry goods moi chant in thi city , nude an assignment ; his liabnuiafl ar placed at $01,000 , nominal assets $7CO ) . JIOT ONLY EUIQKAK1H , IICT I.AKGB NUJinEES 0 51IKI-IXKI ) rOI'ULATIOS LEAVE IT. The Dominion government has just cam for becoming alarmed at the comparative ! email number of actual settlers who are ei tering the country , writes an Ottawa , Can correspondent to the St , Louis Globo-Damc ciat. The success o the Canadian 1'acif railway entirely depends upon the poDiilatiti of the northwest , jet , at the rate people ha\ been going into Manitoba and iho uorthwoa territories for tha past two ye.irj , n Ion time must intervene before the country aj proachea Bettltmnnt , During the elove mouths ondioff Nov. 30 , 1384 , 114,812 imm grants arrived in Canada. Had these all r maineil in the country matters would not Inn appeared so discouraging , but out of this nui : ber ( " 0,014 crossed over into the United Stati sett cri , 81 108 , for eleven months , to whic add 3,01)0 , the estimated arrivals during D comber , nnd it xhuwti that the whole popu i tiou of the dominion was only increased Si 193 by Immigration during the year. Thl however , does not represent i.lono tno numb of settlers who wont into the northwest , b the t tal number nntorlug thowholodominio While the national debt of the Unite States li.ii been steadily decreasing , the del of the Dominion Inu even now rapidity ii creasod. The national debt of Canai amounted eo SiO'J.OOO.OOO . on the first of Ja uary last , or at the rite of over SMO per caplt Tins hii no rnfcreuca to the $ < l,0 0 010 voti away last heaaiou of parliament , or to mi < portions o ( it as will be added to the pub ! i-ebt. With that added , the late of debt p capita roaches 07 per cent over the nation debt of the United States , which couutr until recently , has bnen hold up by the Can dian government as cureod by heavy tax tion , It is not surprising in view of the fac that C nadinni , as well as r cent immlgnui on learning of thh enormous and rapidly i creasing taxation , seek homeu In the Unit States , where they know the rate of taxnti in beta ? rapidly diminished rather than i croatod. THE DAKOTA WAR. The Sberiff o ( Traycnc Has Force And Will Try to Servo Warrants To-day , TheWilinot Mob Trying to Opan tbo Safe , A Battle Expected With War to the Knife , Every Man in Traverse a Deputy Sheriff , A iDcpnty Atarslinl on the VT y to Mnkc ArroJts Ibr tlio Mnlls. THR THAVEKSE 11OAV. TrtAVEnsu , Dak. , Dacombor 22. The situ ationrcnuins unchanged since last evenirfgV' A. blizzard has been blowing since yesterday and it is extremely cold. The thermometer was twenty degrees below zero at noon. Traverao has scourodtho country for arms atid sufficient have been gotten , and men from nil parts of the country are constantly arriving despite tbo cold wcatho , The otlicials feel re lieved. Tee headquarters are at the court hoiMO , whore the register of deeds has re moved them , It is thought n sulHcient force Is on hand to safely keep thorn. A spy sent out this morning has just arrived from Will- mott. He says tlio men are still trying to open the saf ebuthave not 5 et succeeded. The mou ia kept under arms until the safe is openu-land thecontent8knowu. If the records are not found tha mob will immediately tnovo upon Traverse. No ono is permitted to leave town without examination , The sheriff having sufficient force to eocuro the eafoty of Trav erse , will to-morrow with a posse attempt to make some arresst , and if resistodho will take the whole force and eervo warrants regardless of consequences. His force is euQiclont to enable him to take the offensive. Although a much smaller number than the mob his mop are much more ro.iablo , being mostly Ameri cans and leading citizens ot the county , .Tl the two forces meet n regular battle will bo fought. A conflict mtmt take place in a day or two. If the eherid'a posse should bo reslstid and any oun icjur d , it would make war to the knife. Kver > man in T av erse is a deputy sheriff. The motto is : peace if possible , force if necpraary. A tnlcgrarh has been received from the United States manha' to the { ( Fee. that n deputy roaiehal is on thi way with warrants for the nrrost of all thoei engaged in overhaul ng the mail. The gov oinor will furnish all the assistance to lmv < the mob punished to the full extent of the law Dentil ol' a Boston THilllonnlr- ' . BOSTON , December 21. Michael H. Simp son , of this city , beet known aa tha posscsso : of n fortune of 810,000,000 or S12.000.COO died to-day of heart disease. Ho was born o poor parents' In Nowburyport 'Boventy-fivi years ago , nnd came to Boston when n boy He laid the foundation of his great wealth ii thia way : Many years ago a gentlcmni named Nichols , a tailor , wont to a leadini patent agent in this city nnd asked if ho kuev a mau who could invent a machine for taking the burrs out cf wool , The agent took him t < a Canadian named Cnullard , who agreed tc undertake the task. Ho went to work , bu was so elow that Mr , Nichols gave up thi project on account of the expense Mr. Simpson at the time was havin ( Btono machinery built at the shoj where Coullard was at work. Ho became in tcrested in the Canadian's models , and pur chased the invention. Mr Simpjou took it ti England and sold it for i'lO.OUO. That machine chino was the Hame in general principles a those now used for the same purpose. Th millions have einco been piled up for Simpsoi by the S-ionvillo milU and the Koxbur ; Cajpet company , both great establislimonl being controlled by him. The bulk of his for tune was made by n master stroke during th war. In the oirly months of the contest when business of all kinds was greatly dc pressed , his partners suggested that they , lik others , should curtail production. Looking on of the windows of hi- great carpet mil s , Mi Simpson naked : "How much land is thcro i that vacant tract' ; ' " ' So many thousand feet , ' was the roply.'Very well , " roulled Mi Simpson ; "to-morrow wa will build n wart house to cover it ; then wo will'mako carpnts t tho'full capacity of our machinery. Whe that storehouee is full wo will build anothc and till it. " T is policy was followed , an when the inflated demand and priceu for year or two later arrived the concern put n immense quantity of poods on the market a the highest figures. Mr , Simpson wui twic married , the second time about four ynai ago , to a young I.dy nearly fifty yoirn hi junior , who survivca him. The wedding remembered DM account of the impression cr ! atod by Mr. Himp'on'a gift to hiu bride i SllOO.UCO in bonds. INDICTED FOll 1'EH.IUIIY. THUEIi I'lllSONllts'c'OMINI ! TO OMAHA TO BTA > iTIIKIH TIIIAL. Special telegram to Tnt BKK , CIUCAOO , Cecomber 22. J..hn Bell , Lin Larson and Hmil Johnaon left 1 custody of the federal ollicers. They go stand trial under an indictment for perjury connection with the entry of about 3fiOQ ncr of land iu Brown county , Xeb , in IKHII. del B. LegardJa wealthy brick moke r , ml Clmrl A , Florence , railroad official , both of th city , are also under indictment by the fedm grand jury at Omaha for Bubnullon perjury in connection with the fame onttii wora not nrrestod. ' 1 ho prisoners claim th it ia the result of n Und quarrel in Jirox county and that they are innocent. A Now Knilroail I'onl. CHICAOO , December 22 , Tlio conei freight ugonta of the Wabaoh , Chicago & ; ton , JSurlington and Illinoii Central , at meeting to-day formed a pool on all busiu bctwo&n Chicago and St. Louis , to fro it cfltct January 1st and to last ouo jtnr , provid-B that neither of thu roadu ehall wi draw before the cud of the year , The p cnnt re njrrr-fd upon will not bn inndn nub- Ho l-'lve oJ the roadi renrojcntcd tigncd the atrrecment. It it count-rport of tJio Hgrtu- ment made and ( ubn < itted to the general man- ngors omo wo k ? BBO , except nn the nubjwct ol comrrij loLB. The new agreement allows tlio roads to pay wlmtovor commissions they chouse , Riibjoct only to a restriction that xhey thall not bo of Midi n character ai to operate as i\ cut in rate ; . A Imnntiu Kills tllri llrotlirr. WACSAV , Wis. , December 2U. After an uusuccessful nttompt to take tha life of hia wife this afternoon , Francis Dolillz wont to the Louse of hii brother , who was confined to his bed by Nines' , and deliberately chopped the liclpliss man lute pieces , nearly toverlrR his head from his body. The murderer U evidently iuBaneun religion , as when nt .inline ovnr the body of his Mctim ho rxdainnui : "Christ is come ; bin blood llog fwely for nil. " Ho was arrested and la now lodged in jail. Tlio lIowKnta tiPttcr , WASHINGTON , December 2L1 , Sergeant Otto llotouoitli s ys ho did not bienk open or rillo Greely'a desk but found the letter from How- gate to Grculylytn half opened on Greolj's desk , and , recognizing Howgato' * handwriting read the lottomnd iinmoiliatoly convoyed the information it conUiiiod to HeprMcntatlvo Doueter of U'uconsin , who wont with it at ouco to the Secretary of War. Ho says ho thought it his duty to do what ho did In the matter KnfllnitR , GRAND HANDS , Mich. , Dfcomber 2'J. Throe unknown men c lled at a farm house o | a man named Smith , near Grandvlllo , in this county , last night , and being refused admit tance , broke down the door with n rail , en tered , Bol7.ec ) , bound , gagged , and blindfolded him , ransacked the h use , tnklug $137 in cash. Smith is n bachelor , and lived uloue. ShorllT Kenny , of this city , was notified , and tlio city IH being searched It is believed that Grand Knplda toughs did the work. Xiyiich nt AVorlc , NEW OULIEANB , December 22. William riotne , incarcerated In the Madisou jail for robbery , having threatened the lives of all who aided in his arrest , n party of fifteen men took possession ot the jail to-day and shot the prisoner to death. Flotan some vears ago killed P. Gillcspio in Madieonvllle. Ho was triad and acquitted , It Is alleged ho displayed symptoms of insanity , and at timei he was violent and dangerous , The U. S. Mai ) . KANSAS CITY , December 22 The Fort Smith , Ark. , regular mail hack to Chocovilla WM stopped so > en miles from the latter place at ten o'clock this morning by two armed men who siezed ttio-mall pack and made elf with it Fortunately the bagcontainod but ono register ed letter , Ollicsru are now in pursuit , TlioSt lioulH Tobacco Ucnlcrs. ST. Loots , December 22. At a mooting to night of the cigar manufacturers nud makert leaf tobacco dealers a roao utiou wai adopted strongly protesting against the ratification o ! ths SpauiHh treaty , and n committee appoint ed to draft a petition to the United titatoa bcuate. Ottavis , Illinois , tJank K.illure. CiliCAfio , December 22. The Intor-Ocoar Ottawa , Illinois , special saya : O. J. and Wil liam Wilaou , bankers , made an assignment this morning. Liabilities of the bink , $80 , ' 000 ; individual liabilities , 320,0(10 ( : Tin bank's assets are placed at $35,000 ; indivldua assets , ? S2COa. Clearii K BOSTON , December 22. The gross ex changes of the principal clearitg hous"1 of tin United States fcr the week ended Decoml > ° i 20th , era § S07SSG,8n2 , n decrease of 237 poi cent as compared with the corresponding wcul last year , Kliii ; Dairy Market , CHICAGO , December 22. The Inter-Ocean' ISIgin , Ills. , Special Choose quiet ; regulai sales , 300 boxes , 7@8.c. } Butter firm ; No. higher ; regular ealoa , o,4rO pounds , SOd30Jc Private Biles : 1 01/0 boxes chcess and DO.liOl pounds butter , Sullivan and the Reporter. Contrary to the rule which governs liki HIcQ cases , John L , Sullvau wai not jubilanl over hia acquittal on the charge of attempting to annihilate ! Alfred Greenfield , Ksq. , of tin "Swan with the Two Nocks , " Birmingham England. Mr. Sullivnn slept during tin night at the Colenian house , and when seci Thursday morning was in the humor whicl usually follows \isitations to the disponsarie of 'copper ilibtiiltid sour muflh The Bostoi rrofeseor of the use of "tho dexter nnd siniu tur iiiawloyd" eciimul disgruntled. "Good morning , Mr. Sullivan , " said th reporter in a timid manner , and he gazed n the champion on whoso No , It head rusted No. 7 } hat. "Hollo , " was the aniwer of the strong boy in n tone indicative of a fieeuss of tar-feu nmbroxin , "Wlmtder yer wnnUI don't wantterbo ir terviewed. Youeo uewspapor fellers nlwny give mo the odd because yer hnvo bjth unil and ther middle of thor game. " The repl was couchud in pbrweolo , y that convuyed n meaning to the reporter , who , not having bee educated at the ' J lub , " wna not callable c understanding the HUB of Bontoneao. So iifli duo coi Blderntlon of the probable result 1 detorinint'd to put such ( pieitioun only as tl : hero of Miesiegippl could miniver in nionosy able 5. "Do you intend to go into training nguinl "Naw. " "Is it probable that Mr Greenfield an yourself will again demonstrate to the goi ural public the ditference ) between th < > styli of boxing reprcsontativo of Britannia nnd Uu umbia's land ? " 'Naw. " "Will you meet I'nddy liyan on January 1 i was ni'rced to bv Mr Pat Sheedy and M Jinitiiy Vutterfoot" "Didn't 1 tell you I wouldn't bo intcrvici edJ" "Thru I will fay you will not meet W Uyan , late of Troy , but more recently lilcwgoV' "Don't yer do nothin' of ther kind. " ol "Will you remain in New York cny long oflimi'f" "Naw. " "Do you think of visiting the motropo again BbortlyV" "Yes , " and tv the hero of MifsHalppi Cil to . Mudison Squire garden , and thti euprn It court ctrodo off hu gnvo the reporter a lo h-1 that -mplet ly knocked him out. Now Yc irWorld. . THE MARKETS. Tbi CUcit'i ' Markets Houinalty Un- , . 1 The Oattle Market Active and a Shade Higher. Hog .Receipts Light and Prices Unchanged , Wheat Opened Firm and Steady , Closing Unohauj . Corn Settled Down ai | Closed tha Same , f Steady Ilyo Dull 1 Un- l Pork n Blia < lo 1 un 1'tovUloiiB Knirly OHIOAGO MAUKET9. CATTLE. Special telegram to TIIK BKK , CIUCAOO , December 22. Among the frwli arrivals there was ouo train of westerns nml ouo train of Tcxans. The bulk of frosli ro- ccipts wera made up of low grndo natives nnd butcher's stock. Good to choice , 1,250 nml 1,400 Ib3. , 85 CO@C 40. Common to fair , M CO © 4 00. Common to fair cows , S2 00 tg'J 75. Medium to good , $2 S0@2 85 Choice , ? 3 75 ® 4 20. Stackers , ? 3 00@3 ( JO. Fooderj , ! ? 3 80 @ 420. Toxatm , $30f103. 300 head of Utah cattle. 1180 Ibs. , § 1 f > 0- noon. The market \vns active and r. shade hlliei. | Some ot the "skinners" telegraphed to the country an ndvanco of 10 to 15e , but thu ex treme tales show n barely nilvnnce of 5o. Hough nnd common packers Bold a round about 4 00 4 lOand fair to choice at-l 1B@4 VS. with best heavy nt 4 30(514 ( 35 and a few londH fancy nt 4 HOto'-l ' 45. Light cloudy assorted eold nt 4 20 ® 130 , and common at 4 10 ,4 IB , with PRB nt ! 5 U0@4 00. Packing and shipping , 210 to SCO pounds , 4 30te4 415 ; light , J5G to 210 pounds , 4 00@43Trading on morning session was moderately well indulged In nmi the opening values looked firmer than during the last hours of Saturday's session , buc the strength wna Bhort-llvod , Knrly firnwueM came moro from the light receipts than any other cauBO. The atcck list and New York grains eoon became heavy and dragged out values with them , WHEAT. opened fitoady nnd firm nt full Saturday'- ) closing quotition except in February , which was lower. Ji'rfsli receipts were to light as tu make the feeling ono nf hrmucss for about an hour , but after that time the course was prctly Bloodily downward , within j'c ' from top prices , the close at 1 o'clock being easy nnd practic ally unchanged from opening. Trading was wholly of n local ecnliilng character. No. 2 BpriLg ranged from 71Jc to 71Jc cash. CORN opened steady and unchanged , recording u fractional udvnnca during thu first hour , but - - - - in jt later RS a weukneBS developed wheat. But well along tnwnrd tlio cloBo.wheo.thotfmuro ! : ) sett ed down to exactly the opening figure * , except in year option which was held .Jc high er. No. 2 eold from 3iju ( cash down toSlilc , OATS continue steady nnd little wanted except in a tpeculative why , nnd to d > iy eo little wan donn as to make but ouo quotationin leading op - tion. ' livn dull and unchanged. No 2 caehVM Mil : i't B2c arid tirck stuff quoted from -1C to Me for No , 3 to No. 2. rnovisioNB ruled moderately active and closed fractionally - ally higher , though not quite eiifitniniiiK the uutsldo figures , Ijocal operators conlintio ta tup port thvmmket. Wheat shade firmer ; 72Jc January : 73i February ; 7fi May. Corn unchanged. Oats unchanged. Poik fhnd6 hiphoij S10 ! )7i ) Jwi- uary ; SU07i February ; Sll DO May. lta.nl shade f iisierj ? 0 CO Dneembpr : SO ( j , " ) , ) wiuary ; C575 February , nud § 0 821 March. English Urnln Mnrkcl. LONDOH , December 22. The MarkLnno Hxpreeu in the weekly review of the British prain trade says the week's rainfall materially improved the the already promising nuluina cropi. The trade the past week was stationary. Sales of Ungliuh wheat during the week , 01- & 17 quarters a' 31s fid per quarter , ngtinst 07- 053 quarters at 'i'Ja 2d per quarter duiiuf ; the corresponding week la t year. 1'oreign u'hentH wcro quiet and in email demand ; holdorx , howu\er , HOPIII to bo in better BpinU anil also ft material reduction in ctocloi nt tlio i'ud of thu year. MnUo Bcarco , ocean i < nlly dparer. In wheat cargoes otl the co.-wt ; but small bunnies : ) done , Of C&hfornin wheat , the nuw crop now nt Liverpool , the g/nln IB described as bolder nnd tbo color anil quality better than in 1883. Nine cargoo-i arrived dnriuc the week ; three sold ; live re mained. Trade In forward months livollor ; a fair busirieBH doue in California wlmat ; thirteen - teen cargoes Bold nt from 331 Gd to 35j. Biut- iness to-day is of a holiday character ; foruif-ji wheats are quiet and steady ; retail demand. F our dull , unchanged. Mauo nud lurloy Hleady. A l also IVdlcrco Mnlcur. CllICAao , Decowber22. A short Utiiii Joseph llachide , of Waukcgan , III , brought before the United StnteH tionur on a complaint of the Clydwditlo iuno- clatlon , of .Scotland , that he hud concocted falto podigroca to thn a&sociotion'n damngo , and axkiuK hid cxtraditiun , To day n letter waH received from the eociotaryof Htato , I'lt'linKhuyeuii , deciding that the olfnnso ii not extraditable , KacRido wu rcloAiud. h'oino FlroH. DFHMotNFH , Dfccmbor 22. J , P. Jiuiit'n elevator at Victor W B burned on Sunday. Loeo , l7COO ; icmrnncs , S2OtO , HuppcsoJ incendiary , ' 1 lie Chicago. Keck Inland it Pacific mil- road dopnt at Knox\illo waa conmuncd jcntir- day. Lou * about 52,100 , , Coalti dropping fium utovo nuppofwl tauf-o , tilery CDKc2-re ; 6ecacirie ) recognizes ! . a& to 5@ea ) fer * d Tobacco , d > ort&umer , M