THE DAILY BKE toONDAY , DdC. 22 , 1884 , I AM THE WnVTEriN A1KST FOR THE SO , I Thl4 < vl > v imo rf the ukutimimifirturfM o tl "flirt"hut wo e lllt"'mr Hall Cl m Q1lb , ' It h * i-uf" Hjr iu iti.el twit nn enrnu tr I imank. It li fn 1 nloki I p it d The iiottum il s ajiO I to flk the loin 11 tlio s'l ' 'o or li o' ( luifa , ! j , th tutij invi i < thf f rut fro * ' .n I nituril action It hit to < clamp n ] lljlit cat. or imtoi or heel > tn > Trie hid str i ro pref.'rrtble to heel rUnp n . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . , , , - - - - - - - - - / ! - - „ - ! , nilnr , . ,1 , > rnlUnt . . , , > . . 14 . malt ctttt , Rirh et ] isti % and tro'ithrn | { the A 'i IKIC ouon preiciui'jt onu 3 u paltiF < * i lilhenriustlo kin.- ilitoliitho nnrkft , ami one tha H uro ti plo . It hoi pure Turkey Hjx rae < ' whtcl * whli bfMj d > iin , t > i t oru Ji in 104 Iml i oi' in I nri.iel p n i a tru- , itch p lr K "t * lran Iti8. I al > c rt > 0 lull line o ! s tno k to In fell frtp wool battoiai k ktullllnoctalloxtr .4 , ttTidcinillond l rre ( briMlmail wh.Bg Wrlw for pilin Terms-One-third otlb Mootm > .Vilnf ( Ofl onUncosouta 0. IV ILL. MU.Lii.l , Wcifrn AKdut , 10 > ) , Fourth Are nut Council Blufli , KIEL SALE STABLES Coop Uoracs and Mules constantly on hand whlot trill floll In rotnll or wholesale lota. All Stock Warranted as Renrcsentcd. Wiioletalo and retail dealers In Grain .nJ Holed liny. Frlcoa eunablo Satisfaction Oumutced. Corner Fifth Avo. & Council Bluff. BHI1XH * TOLLEU AKts. , LEADING MERCHANT TAIL011S T and 9 Mala etroot , COUHCIL Bturra , IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. 819 BROADWAY , COt'NCII , BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 ELM ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; anil FT. WAYNK , 1ND IT roSITIVKLV CUKESKMHOJ and Liver Complaint , IltlRlit'a Dlaca-c , IthcumatUm. Nouralsla Dj | > cpBla , Ncnonsncsi , Wanting Wcakn'B' , 1'nrr.ljsin , Spinal AITfctlona , InJl cstlou , Heart Diso.isa , Fits llcadacli , Laino IHck , Uo'il Fujt , and all diseases requiring Increased mo the powers. Now Improved bel $3 and (5 ; old Btjloi each. WHOLESALE DKALET13 IN 332 and 344 Broadway , WOUNOIL BLUFFS IO\VA SNE & Winter Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style on Short Notice and at Rensonnble Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Main Street , . . . . . . Council BlafZi. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IN TUB PRICES OF r * The ecason bclnj : BO tar ih anccd I hare concluded to dloposo o ! lay stocs RFaiRDi.i'.ss or COST In prtfc to otoilug them until uext ectoon. Call early as I n 111 not to undersold by an } one. /eicnce A. J. Manclel , | , r 325 Broadway , Council Jlluffs. HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FRANZ LISZT. EMERSON PIANOS. UnrUallod or Tone or Finish , KIMBALL PIANOS Best Modern Prlco to Buy. JTTho Kimlmll Organ , BO long and favorably knjwu In the west , rncommonda STUWAKT , Solo Agent for nbovo linoa of Goods. Warerooms , 329 Bluffa uncil Oorroepnndonce Solicited , . AROiita Wnntod. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special * vortlsementa , tuo as Lost , round , To Loan , For Bale , To Kent , Wants , Doard- Ing , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate ol TEN CENTS PEA LINK ( or the Orst Insertion and FIVK CENTS 1'ER LINK lot eaah eubsoquenl u. ertlon. Leave ndvortlsomonta at onroffioa , No. Foarl Street , near Ilroadtvav WANTU. IjiOK mi.t A Boodcuokslovo , nlni'tt new. C V Boo ollUe. FOU SALE Twonlcelj furniiliod rooun. 128 S. First street. I/OK HKNT A liindBomely lurnlslic.l room. JL ltcforcnc 8 cxchacit'cil , 1102Nluth struct. ) A Rood nirl lot itcnoral house" oik in a family 01 thrru , Addiibi II Uouadi liluffs Ilco olllco. "IT7"ANTKD 1 > a fjontlciDjan of good addrust a IT position IM book-keeper or HkcBinan. fan iiirnUli A No. 1 leferencua as to chariot jr and c\ ptrlcncv. Address letter A , Beu olllco. "StTTAN'lKU Afcnti in o\ery countv In uegtern VV Iowa to sell the "Champion llosorn Stretcher end Ironlrj ; Board" , K\ury lady pronounced It en nl'ht ) to Lo Junt hot eJu anti , either lor lie'eclf or lilrci.1 liolp. Big Indiicimenls tea enU llettlls for i-1. Addresa O 11,8 , and I U < nrd , J ) o oUiCu Council lihilti' , IOM.I. < jiOH SALK llouacB. Lots and Land. A. J , JL' Ftepr oison , 6C3 rlrstavtmui. POH SALE A top buggy , flrht- I > HI nuke and In ex client condition. Or nil ! trdo for cheap lot. Address f. M Bee olllcc , Council Uhi7u. COAL AND WOOD-Ocorge Heaton , 823 Brotd- May , nolla coal > nd need at ruatonablo prices , Ki\e 2,000 Iba , for a ton , and 123 cublo for a cord , Try nm. FOIl SALK- Piano , U. K. Seaman , Paper , llwoka and Statlonury , Council lllutls. WANTED Kvery body m Council DIuDs to Uka Tuillim. Delivered by carrier t only twenty cwnta i wo k. OLD hundred PAPERS For Bale at Un offlco , t SB oenW N. SCHURZ. JDSfice oftfte Peace. OFFICE OVEII AMK1UOAH EXPREM TOUNCIL JJLUFFri. fO w A ORDER YOUR /Cobs , Coal I Wood OP P , O.tddreu , Lo k Box 11M , Council BluBi. ERic0MD. , , . CANCERS , ' CHRONIC DISEASES"1' ' ADUISSlON-Qenfa ISc tadlca 100. SKATES aents 160. Ladles lOa. Admission Free to Ladles each morning ind Tues day and Thursday aftcrnoono. Una of Bkatoa IS cents. A. F. BCnANCIT , n. n , MARTENS , Uanascr , Proprletoi j. L. DEBEVOISE. [ No. D07 Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL'BLUFFS. . The following are the times of the arrival and de ( parture of trains by central standard time , at the local uutivbo. Trains leave transfer depot ten mlu utes earlier and irrlve ton mlnutoa later. ClllOiOO , BOBLWarON AJID QDISOt. LliVI. ABUV1 CSS p m Chicago Express 0:00 : m 8:10 : a in Fast Mull. 7:00 : prr 7:10a : in ( Mail and ExpreM , 7t > J P m U.'SOpm Accommodation. SMO p m At local depot only , T ( ST. J01 AND COUNCIL BLDFM. 10.05 a m Mill and Kxpreu , 0:55 : p n 8:16 : pm I'aclUc Kxpresa , C45 a in CUlCiaO , UILWADB1I AND BT , PAUL , 5S ; p m Expresa , 9.05 a in 9:2J : K m Express , 0.65 p m CBIOAOO , OCK I8UND AND FACOTO. 5:25 : p m Atlantic Exproad , 0:06 : a m 9.26 a m I > ay Eiproaa 8.51 p ro r20 ; a m * Dea Jfolncs Aooommodatlon , 6:16 : p m At local depot only. WABilU , SF. LOl'Ifl ASD fACirid. is ClOpm Aooommodaton P 00 a m 1:80 : p m Louis KxpreM 8:15 : p m 1:50 : p m Chicago Kxprt'sa 10:55 : a m At Transfer only vmcAoo and KOSTnvruiTiU ) 1:69 : pm Expreaa , 8:50 : p m 9:25 : am Taelflo Expreaa 9:05 : * m IIODI cm AND rAcirio. fitopra St. I'aul Expreea , 9:00 : a m rilO a 01 Day Express 7.00 p m UNION rAcirio. 8:00 : pm Western ExpreU , 8 0 a m 11:00 : a m Tadflo Exprcsi 1:10 , : p m Lincoln Expreaa , 1:15 : p m At Trautter only , * DCIIIUT IBAI5S TOOMA1IA. to j -sso-9so-io:30-ntoa. : : : : : . m. l-w-tJ : :8C-l:80- : : : SOJOll:05 : p. ro Sunday 7:20'- CSO-IIUO a. m. JSOSM6:30SO11W : : : : : p. m I ntv * 10 talnuWi bclure leaving time , Krom trab t t ooly. Irs , HJ , Hilton , HJ PHYSICIAN & StTKGEON , ia KJ Ulddl * Ilrotdirty , Couocll BluSi. COUNCjl JLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , REALLY RICH , Tito Holiday Display al C. n. Jo < ] iiciiitti VCo.'s It ia [ no exaggeration to Bay that as rich a holiday display as waa over iruclo In tho'weat Is that at C. B. Jncqucmin & Co'a jowclry stcro , No. 27 Main street , and a personal visit to that estab lishment will prove- the statement true. Among the specially now goods jast re ceived ara some of the handoomest bronze clocks over aoen hero. Auothnr now line ia thnt of chatolaln clocks , which hang in front of mirrors , have a charm ing eflocr. They are mounted in the finest kind of antique bronze. They also the same kind of clocks arrnuqcd for mantels , instead of hanging. They have also some traveling clocks , which are little beauties. Ono clock to bo aeon hero is BO novel that it cannot bo described - scribed , and to see Us "Hying pendulum , " la alone north n visit to the place. Then there la a dazzling bewilderment of diamonds mends , ricli jewelry , watches , ullvor- ware , and novelties without end. PERSONAL. Aldcrmnn Gciso is rapidly Improving. Mr. Duquette , of Wlrt & Duquette , is on the sick list , P.i Lacy ia expected homo in a few days from Montana , Postmaster rSwanson , of Crescent , was iu the city Saturday , Alias Anua Flomming loft last evening for Chicago on \isit. . Oscar T. Thompson , of Beloit , Wis. , is a truest at the Pacific. I'd Goiso , son of Aldtnrnn Cieiso , ia lumo from St. Louis to spend the holidays. Ed. C. Drake , who covers Nebraska for Keolino & Felt , spout Sunday at homo. Thoo. Moslor , who has boon attending the Chicago university , is fit homo for the holi days. days.Dr Dr , I1. W. Houghton has returned from Da kota , and is spending a short season at his old homo here. Conductor Bliss , of the Kock Island , has recovered from his illness and is making his nine again. P , E. C. Lally , of Vail , was tn the city yes terday , and boars the defeat for district at torney with good grace. Henry Ames , of Omaha , assistant to S , S. Stovdhs , crossed to this side , ' yesterday for a visit to his friends here. James G. McClury left on n visit to Pitts- burg on Saturday night , lie will call on his best girl bsforo ho returns , I. N. Flickinger , who has been spending Bomo days witli his brother , A. T. Flickingor , has returned to his home in Wayne , Neb. County Superintendent Matthews returned Saturday evening from Neol.a where an interesting meet ing of teachers was held Friday evening and Saturday. Miss Carrie Dodge , daughter of N. P. Dodge , hoa leturnod from Northampton , Mass. , where she has been attending school. Mr. Ora Livingston , who travels for J. M. Phillip ? , has gene to Bradford , Pa. , where he will next week bo wedded to Miss Emma Ogden , , Lon Bockhoff wont over to Omaha yester- to join in a family birthday celebration , it be ing an anniversary for his brother , Peter Bockhoff , and for Mrs. John Bockhoff , wife of another brother. W. Ed , Elara returned from a Nebraska business trip Saturday and is again settled bahind his desk at Keeline & Felt's looking as handsome as ever , notwithstanding ho has discarded boiled shirts , ' M , D , Roger , of Omaha , has accop'ed the position with Wright & Baldwin , left vacant by the retirement of W. J. Earhart , who has taken the position of adjusting agent for the Milwaukee & St. Paul. K. J. Cobleigh , the 'former agent of the Singer sewing machines in this city , but now occupying a hko position at Red Ook , has been a Council Bluffs' visitor for a few days , Ilti leaves.this morning for homo and will keep posted in this city's doings through TUB BEH , Kcnl KfiCato Trnimf'crfl. The following ia a Hat of real estate transfers filed yesterday in the recorder's oflico of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , as furnished by A. J. Stephqpson , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Council Bluffs , lorra , December 20 , 1884 : Iowa Railroad Land company to Isaac Cole , n V nw j and aw \ nw . } and no , \ awj , section 2 and lots C , 0 and 8 , sec tion 1 , 77 , 45 , S701.D2. llonry A. Balloy to Foilr Robinaon , J aw \ 9 , 7C , 40. § 2.000 , Total aalos , § 2,701.02. 1OAVA nOTES. Tramps are troublesome at Groonfleid , Orange City ofi'era inducements for a lax mill. | DCS Moinc.s sand baggers are doing some profitable slugging. There are 1)11,000 ) , horsea in the state , or ono for every two persons. Fort Dodpo lathrowing' ; foolnra to nduco factories to move there , "Pop Boilers1' in Fort Dodge are taxed by the city fathers twenty-five dollars per month. ' The Fort Dodge packing house has changed hands , and operations are ex pected to bo resumed. I H \Vhitnoy , the contractor on the Dubuque tl quo ice harbor job , la paying laborers tlt tlw only eighty cents a day. w Cherokee- d - congratulating Itself oror the fact that not a coffin waa sold In that tlci town during the month of November. ciVI The Cedar Raplda packing house now VI employs nearly three hundred men and VIp K catting from 4,000 to 5,000 hogs a day. tl Burlington ia about to loao ita public tlal library. Its death ia announced In the alBf alw Ilcwkeyo to occur with the close of the Bf year. BfS ttoira haa this season raised 300,000 , . his 000 buahela of corn , and succeeds in m knocking Illinois cleun oat of the ring tl for first place. tfki The machinery has boon taken out of ki the woolen mills at Iowa Falls and taken re Nashua , where n atock company are for building a largo factory. di At Rock Valley the Methodists and fohi Catholics have each neat edifices. Good him achool facilities alao m are numbered among bat numerous advantages of the place , th The vigilance of the Ottnmwa police 01 : being taxed to ita utmost capacity to a keep the town rid of thieves , bat still they don't succeed , and the light-fingered gentry nro doing a rushing business. Creston capitalists have organized a horao exchange , with the capiUj fixed at § 50,000. There will bo no objection to watering the stock. It is a capital stock affair. At the l&to session of the district court In Dos Molnes , Mrs. John Murphy , of Green county , recovered a judgment for § 3i"00 damages against the Dos Moinoa & Northwestern narrow gauo railroad , Her husband was killed by an accident to n construction train In 1881. In the case of Carroll county ogalnot Ho defaulting treasurer , W. R. Rusgloa , Judge Lytnan holds the bondsmen liable for the abstracted funds. The bondsmen think they are not hold for the amount , and It ia said will appeal , James Sweeny , n Perry valley farmer , waa thro on from hid wagon on the road , five railea from Sioux City , Thursday morning , and instantly killed. The de ceased was sixty years of ago , and loaves a wife and several grown up children. Two freight tralnn wore wroked Thurs day morning on the * 0. B. & Q , near Uillsdalo , Iowa , Ono freight train ran off a broken rail , and the second section ran Into it. No ono was Injured , but trains from the cast were delayed aoveral houra. Cedar Rapids haa organized an Im provement company , which proposes to buy and sell real estate and stimulate manufacturing In Cedar Rapids. Their copltal stock is $100,000 , with authority to increase the oamo to § 1,000,000. C. G. Greene , N. D. Pope , Jaraoa 0. Young and F. A. Simmons are the proprietors. A locomotive fireman named Frank Tompleton , on the Northwestern railroad mot with a oad accident on the morning of the 13th , and narrowly escaped being killed. While taking coal at Cleveland ho had aoino trouble with the chutes , which resulted In his falling in the pit of the engine tender and three tons of coal falling over him. Ho la quite badly cut and bruised , but no bonoa are broken. Notifications have been sent by Gov. Sherman to all the atato officers , district judges and district attorneys of their elec tion. He also sent them their oaths of oflico and bonds , the latter of which they will fill out and return to the executive council for ita approval. The following is the amount of bonda required by law : Secretary of state , § 5,000 auditor of atato , § 10,000 ; treasurer of state , § 300,000 ; attorney-general , § 10,000 ; district attor ney , § 10,000. At Dubuque the other evening n burly ruflian made an assault upon a young lady who was returning homo alone after dark from Dr. McCarthy's office , whither she had gene to have an aching tooth doctored. She resides near the cathednu , and when near Third and Blull'j atreats some unknown scoundrel jumped from out the darkness and threw his nrma about her , but her lusty screams soon brought help and aho iras speedily re leased. The lecherous Bcamp trho as saulted her unfortunately made his es cape. cape.At At DCS Moincs § 30OCO of the city funda are deposited in the city bank and the cashier of the Institution in continu ally proffering to the city advlco concerning - corning the administration of its finan cial affairs. Ho attended a council meet ing the other night and remarked that it would be a poor policy for the city to withdraw ito deposit in order to pay some of its outstanding warrants. A sarcastic alderman replied that ho thought so , too , or it would bo bettor for the city t ' ' ' 'stand off'its creditors a while longer than to have it said that the bank which bore its name had gene under. ANCIENT MASON HY. The Oldest LOI.IKO Itook tn Amor-lea , in FraiKliii'n Handwriting 1731 to 17:18. New IIa\en Palladium , The masons of Philadelphia have at last been enabled to make good their claim , that theirs waa the mother city of Froo- maaonry in America , and thus act at rest the pica of Massachusetts for the priori ty. The ledger book of St. John's lodge , kept by Benjamin Franklin , and giving a Hat of members from Juno 24 , 17-31 , to Juno 24 , 1738 , a still vellum volume , all in Franklin's own handwriting , ia now in the library of the Historical Society , hav ing been presented to it by George T. Ingham of Salem , Now Jersey , who ro- coved It from a descendant of David Hall , who was Franklin's partner in the printing business. It la well preserved , and boars on its face its evidence as an original record , "It is,1' says Clifford P. McCalljunior grand warden of the Grand Lodge , who discovered it , "tho oldest Masonic lodge book by far in America. " The oldeat existing lodge record book previously known in Pennsylvania , datoa back only to 1701 > , and the lodge record book iu Massachusetts , that of St. John's lodge , Boston , was compiled and written in 1751-62 , and records ovonta only from July , 1733when Masonry waa established iti Massachusetts. The discovered record antedates it two years. In it are the de tails of the Masonic lives of such Masons as William Allen , the chief justice of the province ; Humphrey Murray , Benjamin Franklin , James Hamilton , Thomas Hop- kina , father of the signer of the Declara tion of Independence ; William Plum- atoad , Joseph Shlppon and Phillip Syng , who were ull provincial grand masters , and also the records of very many more. Concerted in a "Well1 From the M arietta ( ( ! a ) Journal. Just over the county line In Paulding county livea Mr. Manning Phillips. Ho has a well 40 feet deep , walled up frith rock 40 feet. Ho could got no ono to go down in to finish the desired until last Monday , when Mr. James Peas , a fear less , able-bodied follow , said ho wasn't afraid to go down in the old well. A rope was fastened to his body , and ho was lowered nearly to the bottom , when those standing around the well on top of terra < firms , hoard a rumbling nolia and were horrified to see the rock , wall and dirt tumbling in upon the living man in the depths below. There came a faint cry for healp. His audible voice in voked the presence and prayer of the preacher. The holy man of God replied 111 do what I can for you Jlmmlo. " And thus completely walled in with rock , above him , below him , around him , he the was nnablo to move his body , but man aged t get his hand to his month and push the dirt away. The rope around body was cutting him fearfully. The IUmi men above thoughtlessly tugged away at miWi the rope and were about to pall him in pri priS twain. He succeeded in getting his S ] knife out of his pokot and severed the rope that bound him. The men worked dear life in removing the rock and NO dirt and to rescue Mr. Peas from his suf orF focating tomb. For seven hours and a half ho waa thus imprisoned. When ho waa reached he was almost unconscious , the froth air noon revived him. He thanked God and his rescuers for deliver- once , and said he went down in that well wicked man , but from henceforth he would lead a different life. Fast Mall In Whllo rummagiVg his old papers , the other day , Gen , George W. Jones , of Du buquo , Iowa , came across his application made to Postmaster General Randall , Juno 19. 1830 , for n postal route from "St. Louis to Dnbuquojin the territory of Missouri , " It waa sent to Washington few days after the postmaster had named a atoamor to carry the mail down the Ohio river from Plttaburg and Louis ville to St. Louis at an expense of $5,000 yearly. Gon. Jonca wrote "Owing to the break-up in the spring mall matter is sometimes six months In transit from the cast to Illinois , Wisconsin and Missouri , and , being carried on horseback and in open atago wagons , much of It la loat and the remainder BO badly worn na to make the addresses on the letters and newspa pers almost illegible. A steamboat could bo secured at an expense of § 4,000 per season to carry the mail Iroui St. Louis to Dubuquo. Should at any time the Rock Island and Kookuk rapids bo so low that they could not bo navigated a dodution from the boat owner's compen sation coul'l bo made with which to pay the carrier on horaobnck. 1 recommend that you adopt the experiment. Give us a weekly mall for a season at least , " The general's request was granted , and the experiment has since been continued with the addition of mail trains , J , R. TATS , frtctloo In Stale and FeJornl Courts. Collection ! promptly atteniloj to. Room 10 , Shugart's Building , OOTTN01LJLUFF3 IOWA H. Sherraden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Oonncll Blutta Iowa , Tor the Cure of all diseases of Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , POULTHY. Used successfully for 20 years by Far mers , Stockbreeders , lloi > o R.ll. , &c. Endorsed .t used by the r.S.ftorcriim't. 210-1'aniltliIcN t Churls sent frcp.'ffi HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO , , 100 Pulton St. , Wow York. ' Humphreys' Homeopathic m n-fca BV InJB use 30 yoars. The onlv Buccpsuful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vita ! Weakness , nnd Prostration , fnom over-work or other CAUWR. Jfl per \A ! ! orC\ia1-and Inree vml ixiutler , for $5. SOLPIJV Diiu < > oiHTHorfMnt postniiul on receipt of price. A < klre * > H.Ilinuiiliiey ' Ilointoiittlilu nIedIciiitC'o. 1U I''ulloi St..iu\vVorlo ] " JAS. fl , PBABODY , M. D. Physician & Surgeon Roelldenco No. 1407 Jonca St. Office , No. 1E09 Far n m etroot. Office hours,12 m to I p. m. and horn to 8 p. m. Telephone , ( or olllco 07resldonoa 125 , LEGAL NOTICE. John U. irnrdenburgu 111 tike notice that on the Efltli day ol November,18 1 , Kduund Uartlctt , a Jus tice or the Peace of F llrth Omaha Precinct , in Douglas comity , Nebraska , ipaucl an order of at tachment lor the Eumol $41.00 , in an action fJcmllnir before liim , M herein Richard C. Moore la plaintiff ard John H. Ilardenburg Ia defendant. That prop crtyconsisting of three paper boxes ( contents un < known ) , and money in the hands of Anna S. UooKliaa been attached undereaid order. Said cause was con tinued to the lOthday of Jaiiuin , ISSfi , atO o'clock In the forenoon i : . W. SIMEHAI , , Omaha , DLO 1,1SSJ , Attorney for 1'lalntitf. Dci3 Stlew W. S. BHOISMAKER , Attorney and Coynsellor AT LAW. 215 S , 13th St. Omaha , Neb. Fourteen Years' Practice In Iowa and Colorado. UEFEKKNCES IOWA Hon. J , Heed , Associate Justice Supreme Court , residence , founeil UlulTs ; lion U , II. Lewis , District Judge , residence , Cherokee : 1 irst National Dank and Ollicer 4.1'u cj , Uankora , Council HlulFa ; Ilurvej & 1'ord , liaukuru , LoRanlIarriesn Co. , Ia. COLOIMHO Hon. 3. ( J , Helm , Asiociatu Justice , Supreme CMitt , residence , Dcmer ; Hon. Wm. liar risen , District Jim t' , residence , U'.ena VistvI.ith- t May's Bank , I airpla } , Pork Co dccIU-lm NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Ftock holders of the Western Horscnnd Cattle Insurance Co , will Iwhcld at Ihu oMIru of tiio company i'i ' Omah on Monday , January 12th , 1SSB. HFMIV I'li-sur , Vres't. CIUH. K llLHiir-BTi'ii , Aest Seo'\ . dec 15 lew-4w 'leLDfiELIABIl ' THE BRUNSWICK BALKE , , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ SUCCKSSOK3 TO TUK J. M. B. & B. CO. ) The mott extensive manufacturers IN THE WOULD , lolia Ilockatnwscr Ocnoril AKoni or Nebrask * in Western Io & . 90 8. Tenth Street . . . . OMAHA , NEB CTkdatlou Billiard nj Pool Tables nd miterlt rlooi ALONO THE LINK Of TUB Cblcago. . Si , Paul , Minneapolis io4 OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension of this ( toe fiom Wtkefleld DP DEADTIPDL VALLEY of the GAU through Concord and Colerldgo Ileacbee the best portion of the State , Special minion ratoi for l nd luokurs over thli Hue Wayne , Norfolk and Hartlngtoo , and via Bl tlo principal potata on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Train ) over tbt a , St. P. M. * 0 , Hallway ( o COT Koifolk ngton , HIoui , City , 1'onca , Ilattlngtou , Wajroe and Ooxmoot Mt 3E31.ctlx- imonl , Oalcda.e , Nollgh , and tniongb lo V l' online. ornetill } U > ruek I Toot tor ToflDtl ! > rd xkui 11.t. vriui K A Twkir , X It iicujB / B id u * I drwrfiftl frivt lUlbi CfDU brbl , Iff ( bkl i ( I tU Ubl ib Ht rUck'llrt 4tu..IUtlu > llt. THE OH EAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY IN TlU ew K & Om of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , NO STAIES TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR IMPORTERS AM ) MANUFACTURING 1 ! Fine Diamonds , Rich Jewelry , French Clocks , Bronze Statuary , English Silver Plate , Antique Brass Ware , European Holiday Novelties , leatiiu Dealers in the West CAUIIY IN STOCK ALL THE CELEBRATED MAKES . OF- JLotver Prices tnd Terms tJils Month than ever offered Itefore. A. visit to our tuurerooms solicited. AT 1513 DOUGLAS "ST : , OMAHA : Commencing Monday , November 24th Consisting of Picture Frame Mouldings , Picture Frames , EEgravingsPaintiDfis , ; , Water Colorsi Photographs , Station ery , Pocket Books , Purses , Ladies' Shopping Bags , Scrap Books , Albums , StatuaryAr tists'Materials , GroldBronze , Plush and Velvet Cabinet Frames , Brackets , Comb and Brush SetSj Jewel Oases , Work Boxes , Glove and Handkerchief Boxes , Oder Sets. Birthday , Christmas and New Tear Cards , and a Great Variety of Fancy Goods and Novelties Adapt ed to the Holiday Trade , Have You Pictures to Frame If so , this is an opportunity o n life-time to get them done in the best of stjle , nnd at prices deJying nil competition , I liave the largest nnd finest stock of the above goods , in the city , having made my entire Holiday Purchases before deciding to retire from the business. Failing health compels me to make a change and in order to close out my stock at once , I ofl'er without reserve , bargains in every line such as will insure a speedy sale. This is the Greatest Opportunity evpr of fered to the citizens of Omaha and surrounding towns to select their Holiday Goods. Come at once and fie convinced that every article of fered is a bargain. 1 YOUNG'S ART EMPORIUM I J 513 DOUGLAS STREET. v r