\ TIIE DAILY BEE MOJNDAY DECEMBER 22 1884. FOREIGN HEWS. EtlanS's ' FctliK of Rage ail DC- Sin Feels that She Has no Friend on Earth. She is Favorable to the Nioara- quan Treaty , Scotland Yard After the Perpetrators - trators of the Explosion , A Suspicious fire at the Windsor Eailway Station- I'rltico Galalro'B Marrl -.Illusion B Camel DaHli Aoroos Iho Desert. NKWS. JAUKrt ELMS rnKNOIl BKNTKNOKD TO TttO TKA1M IMl'IliaO.SME.NT. , . $ ° , nUN , Wecombor 21.-Tho trial ol .TnmCH JJhi 1 roncli , Ilia director of the detective department - partmont of thn tuyul Irish constabulary , for scandalous olfeinoj m connection with the Oomwnll case , roBiilted in n conviction , Ho was eontoncod to two years Imprisonment. At TKII TIIK CIIOFTMIH. LONDON , Dccembar Ut.-A gunboat will shortly proceed to Tlrco , ono of the llobtleloa , to assist in maintaining the liuv on the iluko of Argyle property vvhero the crofters havu Bolzed throti farms. KVaLANO AND THE NICAUVOUAN TIlKATf. .i.1' " 0"1 I > COCmb,8r 21. The interest In the Nicaragua canal project ia nbatiug The Spectator says : "If the statts.r.on in the United States vvotttil legislate against the dy- namltorR the compromise would bo easy " "Vanity Fair s fs : "It BOOS nothing Hint Lngland ought to object to in the Nicaragua troity. Tno llngllsh treaty with Nicwaaua , which was conclude 1 by Lord John Husaoll In 180) ) , Bocuros to JlngUud the highest prlvo- ICKO oujoyod ovoti by Nicaragua. If the people ple ot j ; gland know the disgraceful history of the Bullwer-CUyton treaty thuy wonlil do- giro I hat it bo consigned to everlasting obliv ion. " | Special Telegram to tbo BKE. TIIK LONDOV nillDGE EXPLOSION. LONDOV , December 21. Tha excitement over the London bridge explosion continues nnd the efforts of the police an they follow oa h clew nro beiug i lusaly watched. The Scotland yard has put it belt foot fonvard and a tbor ough and intelligent search u nonr being maelo which it 13 hoped vvi 1 ultimately result in the capture of the perpetrators. Nearly every freeli piece of information points to thn three men who hired a boat nt Queonhltu , near South va'lc bridge the afternoon of the explo sion as the culprits. Thesu three men have now been accurately nnd independently de scribed by live distinct observers. AH those descriptions virtually agree , and thuy are fo < concise nud vivid thdt tbo polica authorities adopted n novel expedient , omplo ] ing a clover artist , who made a sketch of three men , de picting their countenances in such a manner ns to conform nearly as possible to the men of thodescri tlon of the live observers. Copies of thosa pictures have been furnished to all detectives in the kingdom nnd Rubmlttol for reference to the railroad ntlichU and otherd nt points which the fugitives might select for escape to the continent or America. It it suggested ia some qearters that tbo three criminals boarded the ( i.30 p. m train for Parts at London bridge shortly after they completed their attempt , but the police believe - liovo only ono escaped and that the other two are still in London. I AI1Y AIICIIIDAU ) CAJIl'HBLL AN AOT11H33. LovnovDeeomber _ 2 . It is reported that Lady Archibald Campbell has become a pro. fesalonal actrons. Mounet Serlley ia losing his eyesight. IIo is advised to take a long rest from the ntage. THE mixes OE OALATOO'S HAUIUAGK. Spaclal Telegram to THE BEE. LONDON , December 21. Mrs. J.V. . Mackoy hastinfoimod a correspondent at Paris that the approaching marriage of herdaugetcr Uva to Don Fernando Colonna , Prince of Ga- latro , will bo Bolemnlred in the eimplest pos alblo manner Parisian * who have been en- ticipating n series of gorgeous fetes with this wedding are disgusted. A OASIKL D\SH ACUOSS TIIK DESKKT. A special dispatch from Ambukol states that Uonor.il Wolsely iu undecided as to whether to continue lib ndvauco by the river ronto or to nuke n camel cl.ish directly ncreiBH tha liabmiia desert from Ambukol to Khartoum , which would save n hundred miles. IIo has a daily conference with friend ly chiefs and is constantly receiving informa tiou In m eplos , but these reports JilFer BO hopelessly as to bo of little or no value 'Ihe bmnceof tlu opinion nmong thu subordinate otliciT.i nnd special orrcspondeiits leads to the belie f that a dash ncrotu the desert will bo decided upou. Ordera are expected dally for a reconneiHunco in torca In thu direction of Khartoum and the programme of future oper ations will depend upon the result of this movement. TUB K11K.S01I IN V TIGHT I'LCK J The Chinese mmlstoi at London has re- reived an ollicl 1 dis | .it. ll uasortlnp that there is a fearful luiiouut of tickno H atleudeil by a h h rate of mortality among the Trench trotm in Tuminln. Ihoy nre , morcovtr so cl)8uly be-Uogure'd they ate uiiuble tn atir a Inodred yiit'ls from thu forts and as the Qiineso nro being couHtantly reinforced , tlio cmdltion of the f roncli earriaon in dally bo- cinune more c itlcal. The marqui ) says the Qilno.'o will give n good icount of them- lvea if tlii'y uncountnrjvo eels with whicn to lockado Ii'ormoui. Ho fajscevoral vessels hvo already run the blockade * , which ho pro- louncn pructKally impotent. IIo nlso ox- iresHus his belief thnt Fr.uico will ( indher xponeea iu her Chinese oporUioiiB ninth Teatorthati had been expactid , and they will ar exceed the nmouut of credit voted. IIKAIISOIIIII.SG Wlt SVTIO INrOIlTltALCIIlCl.H' ) LOD.NON , December 21 , The colonial of- ica aud Australian agents In London con tinue to dany tha report that Germany has nnuexod certain Islands m 1'olyneala , but do- BUI to the denials the le'port conUunca the ib- sorting sensation In polttlcal clrele-a , Thu L'all Mall ( Jn/otto sa > flin a loader devotol to the mbject that tha bulk of the liberal party would not object and would have no cause to ibjfLt if it should prove true that liermaiiv lias annexed tbo Islands In niiontion , ' It l alurd , " nays the Cftzette , "for Kngland to contluuo to sulk becaueo she cannot : iionoimlize half the world. " The vviltor believes that the proposed colonial enterprisoa of Germany on the west nud ca < t coiiata of Africa m y possibly imperil tha An glo Germany friendship , but that no Mich re suit can come of Germany's acquisition of the unimportant and a mott unknown islands Iu tbo I'aeifio oce n. The nrtlelo goes on to cay that the thoughtful politicians believe there has IH.OII more than enough bickt'rintr between llngland and Gurmanv , and tbnt tha need of a good understanding Ibotwoon these two grt'at I > ewers ia now Imperative for the sakouf in teroets far mure Important than any calonial scheme ; . ENGLAND'H KKKLING or IMQK AKD Special telegram to Tilt : 13HE. IXDMIO.V , De ember 21 , It Is impostible to maggernto the feeling of ragu auil dltpaii which Is the universal mood in P ngland with the conduct of it * foreign alfuirH. It eeems to be that not a single f pot of the whole world In which her foreign policy lmn not received a ditottrout check , with humiliation and insult added. The first bad blow was the corres < tnodence published In the German , while tlu bwk Iu reference to thu poisetiilon of At\ \ ' g'ra pciiuona , aud tha Kuglith jouinala Bit' inartk had bamboozled and at tha same timt huubboil Lord Grauville. Immediately or. tip of thla comes Urn announcement that tlu German chancellor IIM a lougiuf eye on tbo t'fltt coast o Africa and has got po eoislou of the Julf i St liiiclu , and in this way he will commant both Xululund and Transvaal. This report ! made more bitter by the recollection that thi Boer delegate * onUnsibly fought the ptotfc- Him of ( Jptmany durinf ? their recent t"iir , and that their prayer oti.s about to be granted nt the very moment whnn Knglaml it onterii/g on n now struggle with theh irdy harp hootcis of the Dutch rr public The l > g > ptian com plication look * nt the mme tlmo darker thin OVP1. ! OVP1.Tha Unman * nro ndvancinc ; further into Afganinton , The throats of 1'raii'O ngalmt the kintfdom of Slum intnaco her frlonJly ro- latiotB with Kn lnnd FO cfliunly that thn Times writes almost a bslllcoio trtlcle ou the imhject and all these tilings nro npgrav ati d by the contomptuoiH nnd hostile to. in of the press both Franco nnd Gc'tnnny' which , In the cue of the latter country , hits ri-nchod the length of n compitison of poor Glftdntono to the first murderer , Cviu. It is these vailiiuo hiimllintloiis nud reverses thi\t account for the extraordinary > oroues * of foel- iiig th nt ban been cioated by the Nicnrgna treaty. The cnnfiiMon is increased by the ctbllng vnclc to London the fait that the an- fry comiiKuts of the English p-xpora have im- lnovod the chanceq of the schima In Anioiic % Dm Jlnglii-h jiurna a declare , If the libertl is In nvlno'd or tha lory Is in triumph , that Knglaml hasn't n friend in tha world. AscsnciouB Fins AT TUB WINHSOU BAILWA STATION. LONIIOV , December 21. A firn broke out In the Windsor railw iv etiUion on Saturday , but wan quickly subdued. Among the dohria n numbir of bra s wheels nud n bottle supposed to contain an explocivo substance vvero found The wheels nro similar to those once found in the machincH used in thu outrages nt Victoria , Poddinglon and other stations , WAHIIINOTON , December 20. Vest called up the resolution objecting to sending the propoted surveying expedition to Nicaragua. It wan moved by Morgnn nud poconded by Cameron , ( WIs. ) that thu matter bo considered - od ID pccrot legislutivo notslon nud the doors ho ordered cluccd , Thu teniUo thereupon went Into secret sestion. Durlug the secret sccsion the doors for a fuw minutes woio opened for the purpoao of receiving n renueit from the house | ( or further conftreiicaonttiQ naval bill , which request was eranted When the secret legltilutivo resslon cloned the senate went into executive session , When the doors v\ ere opened Uorr moved to tnko up for consideration the Uouo ronohi- tlon provi i g for adjournment from to day until January Dth. At 0 o'clock n message was received from the House making provision for tlio nnvnl pervlco for thitty-ouo days from thu 31st of January next. Butler cilled for immediate consideration of the bill which was read Login opposed It. It permitted , ho said , expenditure of money not contemplated by congress , as it was buedupon thn appropria tion of another year , many things of which would not npply to the coming year. liesldcs , it was not euch legislation at should over bo countenanced by any branch of congress. No such .emergency existed now , while so much tlmo of the session remained. It waa legisla tion of n most vicious diameter. linjard , while not wishing to use fuch tern-B ni "vicious" ngroed that it was a method derogatory to n iiroucr course of legis lation. It was "patching up , " a process not dosirublo in an appropriation bill. Still the stnalo had already accepted n makeshift , nnd asn large number of thu house and some of thu stnatohad gone , heI'ayard ( ) saw no Uercllc tion of duty , iu adopting in an emergency n saurso that hud nlready been followed. Logan wished to know whether the senators ahmild submit if one man In this country in- aiftid on making laws. liutlrr withdrew hit call for consideration of tha bill Logan , from the committco on military affairs , reported the military acadojny bill and it pissed w ithout debate. It appropriates S319J05 for the support of the academy for thn next fiscal year Tha House concurrent resolution providing for adjournment fiom tod-yto .Tnuuary 5 , was tike'n up and not ngrood to yeas S , nays 25. There was no quorum , whereupon the Senate ndj'ourned till iMonday. HOUSE. WASHINGTON , December 20. The House resumed consideration of the inter-state commerce mercebill. . Henderson ( Ia. ) moved to strike out that section prohibiting railroad companies from charging greater compousation for carrying freight a shorter distance than a longer dis tance. Ho believed the eoction was deadly to the interests of the country , Ho represented the great agricultural interest. Regan opposed the motion to prohibit a renter rate for a shorter than a long haul. 'his was to submit to the railroads the rog- ilatlon of tbo entire commerce of the ountry. Wilson ( Ia. ) said ninety-nine times out of no hundred the section would bo found to be ill right , but ho declared it would permit the rorst kind of discrimination against the far- ners of Iowa. Henderson ( Ilia. ) thought the rule in the oction was unjust. The only fair rule to .dopt waa that no railway company bo per- nitted to charge any unreasonable rate bo- woon any two points. Uaagan hero u'ked Kandall to permit him o report the conference disagreement on the emporary navy appropriation bill. Kandall explained the points of difference ictween the house and senate. , and a long do- into cimicd. Thomas waa opposed to the temporary bill. t was a elipshod attempt on the part of the ouflo to dodge a stern duty. Cannon Bald thu strongest argument ngainrt he ratification of certain treaties was that in ; ao the United Jstatos saw proper to ollov a p licy which would redound to ita iredit , it Btood powbrlo a to enter upon that lobcy becnuue it was crippled as far as a navy ivns concerned and the houeo insisted on lU isogre'oinoiit to Bouatu amendmcnta and far- her couferonco vvus ordered. Hand dl moved that when the housu ad- .ourned to-day it would bo to meet on Wed- ncs'lny the 21th. The constitution , hn said , irohlbited th adjournment for moro than hreo da > 8 vvitlinut the concurrence ol .he Bciinto. Ho aeked the unan- tnoiu consent that it Bhonld bo agreed that on ,1m 2 It , further adjournment bu had until the 27th , then to the 31st and than to the 6th of January , and that on theeu days no business bo transacted. Kaudall'd motion wan agreed to but unani mous consent w AS not given to the agreement 'or further adjournment , Then wns barely a quorum In the House o day , and it will bo impossible to get ono ne\t week. Consideration of the inter state commerce bill bavirg qeeu resumed , Heed called the at tention of the epoakor to the ruling made yes terdnv by Springer , when speaker pie teni , to the eiluct that u motion to close tha debute waa not debatable. Ho thought temporary speakers should bo instructed in that Know ! edge of parliamentary law courtesy and good senna which to distinguished the permacen occupant of the chair. Springer replied that when ho made the ruling yestarday he. believed n to be correct and believed It fctlll. There waa not ai opinion of any previous occupint of tha chair taking the opposite view. His decision was b'lacd on common sense , nnd nn that ho stood though it might not commend him to the gen tlomau from Maine , The amendment of Henderson wo rejectec yeas 6" , nays 118. Further consideration of the bill was post poned , Kaudall introduced a bill making temporary provision for the support of thu navy forth' month of January , 1P85. On motion of Hopkins the senate joint reso lution was p < iest > d declaring Christmas am New Year's day holidays for all per dlom gov eminent employes. The house then adjourned till Wednesday December 21. Though there is no definite agreement that no busmen shall be transactei on Wednesday , there la a tacit uuderstandin to that etfuct , and It is also undoratood tha consecutive adjournment shall ho taken fo three business days ut a time until Jan u&ry 5 , TIIK CAITON VUNH THE OA1IK. CHICAQO , December 20 , The second night' play between McLaughlln and Catton hat thus far been in favor of Cotton , 'who ' ha nearly overcome McLiughlin'd heavy lead o last night. McLaughlln boa made runs of 17 and 168 Catton hai icored C22 , LM5 and 392 aud at midnight the game stands , McLaugh lin 2,201 , Catton 1,8 ! > 7. It will ba after on o'clock before the game can bo tiniehtd. Ca ton took up hla work again in tha nlnctietl Inning , making a run of IbO , aud sgain in tin ninety fourth paseiug hia opponent with Un 1 longest tun on record except MoLauqhlm i 421astnlpht He couptod ripidly by rail l y , 100 3X ) . fiOO , 000 13 ' , O.M , only lento ro to beat it , when on his 031th ho mls'td a IIHcuIt cu hi u tm o. The g mo then t < .od. . Citton V.tJJ McI < MihUa ' . ' ,3 3. Me- .augMin made four , running his ftriug to 2 - 07 , when Cntton la his nine y fifth inning lade seven aud won the garuo nt 1:15 : n in , A MIlllotirtlie'H Siniul Will , Spechl Telegram to THE 1UE LONDOV , Dfcombtr 21. John T.ijlor died t Bradford In 1SGO , leaving considerable calth nnd n will directiu ? all his property to > o so administered as to accumulate for twcn- iy flv o ycnw. At the end ot tw only fiv o yoir iio property was to bn divided among certain nlr , the brnnficiirlei wore all tolalive.iot 'nylor'a nud all poor They vainly s unlit to ot aside the will , nnd come of them , although irospoctlvo millionaires , b canio reduced to ; roit poverty nnd want nup Bovcral of them led In poor hoii'O' . Only eIit ! ( ; nov nrvlvo o cliaro the property , which is to bo divided niotig them o rly next year , and which moutilfi to S20COJ,000. Ijlncoln 1'ftllutc. LlVcol.N , Nob. , December 20. John L IcConncll , ono of the oldest and heretofore U ) poeod to bo ono of the moit substantial > usinos3 men uf the city , Ruspendod to n if ! lit. ) ull business and hard collections nro given B the causo. The First nstirnnl bank , of Ins o ty , is the principal creditor and has Mssession i f thoptock. The liabilities nro OH- Imated is 8100,000. Thn assets , cjnal ting argply of the stock on hand nro supposed to > o sulliicicnt , in ordinary times , to cover the abilities. _ A ItLOoDY 1UOT. MKN SHOT AND TIN Oil TWELVE BTVUllEl ) . ST. Louia , December 21. The Post bis. latch Bays : A bloody riot occurred last night n Chatat- * village , forty miles from Cliatta- loogn. A crowd of drunken rouphs tried to irenlc up n school cnti-rtnhnmnt. In nttnmpt ng to eject them from the bul ding n pitched utlu ensued , during which thruu men vvero lot , no less than ten stabbed nnd n great umber badly benton Great excitement pro- nlla'and further trouble is feared , Aslccd Tor luhtruollonn , Pirrsncna , Dec9inber20. In the United tates rlrcuit court this morning Ilocoivors cott nnd Kurns , of the All ghonoy Vulloy nlway , filed application for Instructions as to ia disposition of 3 11,772 accumulated over operating expenses and other payments aiith- orl/ed by the court from the earnings of the road. The application eeti forth that none of this fund is needed for the operation of the oad , but tint on January 1st , prox , inteio't nnunting to SI 10,000 , on 84.0CO.CO ) of bonds 111 mature. The 27th inst , is fited on which , o take action , rturneil at Sea , DKLAWAII * linpKVATKU , Del. , Docembrr 1. The brig Hello of Windsor , N. S. , twen- y duys from Glice I3ny for New Yo rk , coul den , took lire on the 10th inst. nnd was jandoned tivty miles oil Cape Henlopen. 'ho captain with his wif a and rrow and Geo. S Hanron nnd n Now York pilot transferred iO the schooner David Clarkson , arrived hero ast night. Nothing envod. All were cov- rod with ice aud three men frost bitten. Oil Wells on Fire. PlllLLU'l Cm , Pa , 'Dccomber 20 The fire ; Thorn Crook began yesterday. All was o\- nguiahed except the ri her well No. 8 , which waa * Btill burning furiously , but does not endanger other property. Tha loss is ex aggerated , It will not exceed $30OOU. Tlio Vieniui Sensation , "VlKNNA , December 20. Jnnncr , the bank efaulter , was seemingly a very roligieus man. to leaves a widow aud BIV children. Ilia rifn was ono of the most celebrated beauties t Vienna. The trogia end of Janner works nuch compassion , A Toy for tlio Flames , LonisyiLLK , Decsmbor 20. About 1 o'clock ast night Wrapsll'a furniture and toy matin- octory buined. Loss , § 30 000. Causu un- nowu. The weather waa so cold that the romcn could not render effective service. In- uranco , 510,000. McLean's I'lll. WASHINGTON , December 20. In the con- eated election case of McLean vs. Broadhead , f Missouri , tha sub committee by a party vote ecided to report to the full committee m aver of Broadhead. tlio Nile. CAIRO , December 20. Korti despatches ; ate the navigation of the Nile la becoming nero ditlicult owing to the shifting sands. ; oats are belated and one whaln bjat cap- " /ed at _ the rapids. Baggaga lost. Weather To-Dny. WASHINGTON , Decombsr 21. Upper Mie- pslppi valley Colder ; clearing weather ; orth rly winds , becoming variable. Missouri alley Clearing weather ; lower temperature ; ortherly winds ; Tlio CoHtu on Kiiloiuliio. LKirsic , December 20. Madame Kaloinino IB cundomned by the imperial supreme court o pay tha coats of her appeal against the do reo of divorce. 11\i I'limcnts lUtu Oplntii O.i H i A.l i 1 \ , vi the couisc nl r 1 l\ , l4 111" " I ' \i U , 1 mill' ,111 C\H ] lili. 11 ,1 , I ll , Ml. I' In > ! Ulli ] \ V\'lllll ( 11 } [ II pi It1 i'i > ii MMus to the i Hi 1 1 1 , , i-sinoi 1.1 r. A ! ' i1 lusli'if i l liti i i 0111 , in .uiii'li ' il tvu ntj-ti v < n ] > ij ) < /'diiijf ' in nil JO/ / ' .fining ot the njHiiii ii i1 h , , ti i1 t.lii'1 * i . It i > ritii'slin D i ij iu ihat itfti r ll t Uiiiil pip In 1-1 ii to fn 1 lnuijiv , u1 il the null \ > \ > i ' 111 lUiilbii t'alk t Illii.UtI'OIt.ku , I > ' ; ( In ituntli linuit lit his ] n- ' iw i lit m i | t'v-h , < \ t' > wvcnt' ; tli l\ ' , " 1 , , in , , \ ) | . ; -0 , i | ! till1 I Ii. . , U'lc i ! i . ciitli n hc.u.v Ut ot liuiL.ht i \ ' I UN ll\0 \lt\t \ \ S Illll'cti'll lilj . ' , i. ' , \.u.i n .111 luui nit < > r ilietil , 1m I . ( ( ' ! . , llUll I , til lit IliO ll'MllltiS , 111 i- ' ll t ) JJ 1 ll'il.iO 1111(1 ( IN. J.I } li il , I < ( in - , . ] I Mlll'lilty US ti W.lKl 11) ) lil I sli l il I I I 1 'i V tl ! ill \i llltJll1- i l.i iiiif ill wlnh' i \ \ > > iiuii'i t , In id ini ( l.i i. ib 01 Imlluuu.itiij 11 uf nii v . .tn il vi. MI veil. Artcniiis Ward \VUH in Louisville just at the clpsq of the war , and 0110 day at the Louisville Hota ! was introduced to n loiul-tnlluug Confcdcrnto Colonel. "Lot's sec , Colonel , " snul Ward , ns tlioy shook Imnds , "wlmt Michigan rcgimoiil dul you commnndV" "Michigan 1" oriotl the Colonel , fuiily dnnciiiR with rage ; "I was on the otlicr sttlol" "IJeg par ilon , " naul Ward , looting annoyed him- Holf ; 'but I liuvo got this war all mixed tip , wjinohow. " of Knl nil. Aniprlonns IIHM < n level way of lool > iiif > nt tlinigH. In coHMJis.itiou with m Ameiican on thn hiibjcft of nntiul , it was ruui iKo < l , " JJut , nfti-r till , jou hu\i ilio fwmo fitciloin of hcqui-ht anil in- iioiitunco us wo him1 nnd , if 11 mini ti > - iiiDi low chose in .MUI country to cntiu a gioat landed estate i igorously , wlial could jou do ? " Tlio Aiueiii'iin un "Htl n-iulu the vill on thu of niMinitv ' " WAI.PO eaya HI the Ohio Farmer that ho remembers ono year making a very largo profit from nn aero of land mnuagod iu this way : Ho llrst grew a crop of Tom Thumb pca.4 nluch inn tured in time for encumbers , for pick Ics , and then ho grew 500 bushels o turnips , sowed broadcast among the cucumbers. IIo fouud that tlioso crops will mature without crowding each other , if properly managed. AMERICAN TROTTERS , Proposed Organization of Nebraska Breeders' TrottltiK-H'iiso Association. To tlio Editor ol The BEE. The interest taken throughout tlila tate in the breeding of the American rotter can best bo understood and np irociatod by a consideration of the amount of n capital recently invested in uoh stock by the brooders of Nebraska. ? o place the brooding interests of this Into on an equality with others it Booms loccesnry to have some medium by which all trotting-horso brooders may omo in friendly compation with each other , thereby stimulating a desire on ho part of nil to brood only the most ashionable , and from families who have irovon their supotiority. In Nebraska to-day wo have represent atives of the most fashionable and high- tt-brod trotting horsoa in existence. Vhat wo need is some medium by which ho produce from this stock , the 'ouug Nebraska bred trottcra may come ogother in actual contests of speed , thereby - by proving tholr superiority and demon- trat.ng to the breeder and student of the breeding problem the standing of any ivon family , proving its ability to pro- uco that which vru nro nil trying to at- aln , viz , the American trottur in his lighost perfection. Wo know of no neans by which this mny bo accomplished a harmoniously and dleotually ns by the irgauization of n State Trotting llorso breeders association to foster and stitnu- ate the brooding interests of the state by iferlng colt stakes to bo contested for by dual tcsto of speed , the advantage of which has been proven by the experience f other states nearly all of which bavo uch an organization in existence. Not nly this , ir would bring brooders to- other as a fraternity whoso Interests are II in common , and would also bo a great Attraction tnd interest at our state fair. Tor the intONita of such an organization , n informal cWl will bo raado through the iress for a meeting of brooders through- > ut the state and all interested to con- onu at Lincoln , Nebraska , on some date urlng tbo month of January , 1885 , when it io sincerely hoped such an or- ; anl < 5 ttion may bo olfectcd. Look out for ho date D. T. II , RATHER HOGGISH , Tlio Union I'ftclllc Hauling Dlsenbetl Dead 'o tba Kditor ol tbo BEG. I dceiro through the columns of your taper to bring to the uotico of your road- ra n.8 well as thoao olliciala whose duty It 3 to attend to any measures nffjctiug the welfare of the community , a matter which liould bo promptly investigated. It ia a well known fact that daring the pnat low months the majority of all the surround- ng counties have boon ravaged by what s commonly known as hot ; cholera , and a visitation among the hogs hereabouts as been appalling in its fatal esults. While nt Fremont D few ays alnco I noticed sen-oral teams carry- hroo dead animals to the Union Paciho allroad for transport nnd upon inquiry ound that they had been loaded trom tations on the Sioux City & i'aciGc r.ill- oad und wore brought to this point for hlpmont. I fouud that the S 0. & P. I. K , refused to carry those hogs claim- ng that the germs of the disease must till exist in these carcasses after death , , ud they appreciate the danger of car- iago. It certainly Booms to mo that heir action in this matter is very com mendable and while directly sacrificing a oarco of considerable revenue , gives trong grounds for making this matter a ubjoct of rigid Inquiry GlTI/KIf. JOLLY JEKOME , Io Tjays Behind the Bars for Ills Funny Tricks , A short time ago a dandy looking fol- ow , giving his name as Jerome , came to Omaha and bonght out the club rooms > ver Col. Floyd's saloon , on Fifteenth eonth street. Having bought the place } ol. Floyd eupposod , of course , that ho was all right , nnd the follow ran a bill of about -10 in the mloon. On the evening of the 7th of this month 10 entered Floyd's place and asked for $7 stating that ho had plenty of money in ho bank und would repay the money In the morning. Floyd let him have it and as yet It has not boon paid. It nonr appears that ho bought the club rooms on certain condltlonn , and as ho never compiled with the terms of the agreement ho was fired out. It then came to light that ho rras an adventurer and had no money. Saturday Col. Floyd swore a warrant 'or his arrest for obtaining money nndor 'alao pretenses , and ho ia now in the city [ ail awaiting an examination. A IOK Tnut Collect * Hail Dolilg. New York Sun. A stout Gorman in the Seventh ward ioops a lager beer saloon and a big Si berian bloop-hound. There was a time when he kept only the saloon. IIo is of poaoaful disposition , and would rather lose a round of drinks than fight for the money. Ho lost so much that ho took to keeping the dog , which ho trained to do bis fighting for him. Saturday night two balf'drunken men entered the saloon ant drank two glasses of boor. "See if you can remember that I owe you 10 cents until tomorrow , " said ono of tbo men. ' 'If you don't ' forget It , maybe I'll como around and pay you am maybe I won't. " "Oh , I tlnk Id hat hotter been oof you bay now , shontlomen , " said the German mildly. The men laughed and turnop to go out. "Noro ! " said the Gorman sharply. The bloodhound ehrang out of the back room and stood In front of the door growling ominously. The men hoiltatei a moment , and theu ono of them draggei 10 cents from his pocket and laid It ot the bar. "Ooora aw y og , Nero , nnd let dose nice shontlemen go oud. " The dog retiree and paid no attention to the mon , who swore at him. Our 1'ulJllo Now York Star. Wo cannot too often or too emphatic ally reiterate the importance of agitating for the redress of the glaring and iniquit ous abuses which prey upon our publi land system like leeches on a diaublec limb. limb.The The heuso of representatives may b rellod upon to perform its doty ; but th monopolists and Und thieves havu tbrowi up their main line of defenses in the sen to , and tlioro their lobbyist cohorts nro posted. Four swooping reforms nro ncccss rys 1. The forfeiture 'of unearned railroad rants , amounting to moro than 100,000 , 000 acres. 1. The reclamation of the Immense racls now fenced la or occupied by do mestio or foreign cattle companies with no bottcJ titles than the pistols of their cowboys. 3. To compel the snbsizcd railroads to ako out patents nnd pry taxes nnd cost of survey on the lauds legally earned by hem 4 To enforce the Thurman act in plrit and letter , nnd mnko the heavily udobtod Pacific railroads beiln ; to moot heir obligations toward the Federal gov rntnont. In order to produce any salutary cllcct upon thu majority In the senate , the ) rcBB nnd voters of every state should irgo tholr respective legislatures to pass evolutions on the subject. nn AetnM. Mtiybo the rcportor didn't know hot * . o intomow nn .aetresj , nnd mnjbe ilmt'a vhy Iio had BO much trouble. ilnvingscutup his ciud mid been nd- nitted to Ler presence , ho stated his nisiiiess , nud oho said , languidly : " I'm sony you've conic ; 1 don't fancy you iespupor men , mad hate being niter- viowed. " Ma > bo ho know this was ust Haul for ollect , and that she w ouldn't niss tlio intoruow for n heap , but ht > lephed , "Oh , uell , then , I won't tioublo iou. Sorry I intruded. Good day. " Elowover , she got to the door first , und Raul , "Oh , now yoa'ro here , I'll oblige you. " And ho answered , "Oh , no ; I wouldn't trouble you for the world. " 'But it won't bo cry much trouble. " 'Well , never mind ; I don't earo partic ilurly about it. " " But but in fuel it will bo n pleasure. I only objccv ) ocaubo icportors ulwayn nsk the Bimio juestious , and then don't print just wlmt jou say. " "Well , I'll try mid do jotter than that , " and tlioy seated themselves. Then ho asked : "How did .TJU oolebrnto your iUtli wrthdny ? " "Eh ? " jumping up ' \vliut cVyo mean , sii ! You're iv mean wretch to usk such a question. " Steps ou her Inpdog addresses dog , " Drill rour pelt , get outl" Then she obbened um writing , and asked what ho wna loinp. Ho replied , " I promised to nint exactly what you said , aud I have iiken dow n your \ ery w ords. " "Aboul ho dog ? " "Yes. " "Goodness gracious. You won't that " " I " " print ? will. "But : lmt wasn't meant to print. " " Can't iclp it. " " Oh , but it won't do. You uustu't. Let's begin the intomow now. " "Yery well. Which do you irefer as an adveitmement being robbed of diamonds , run away with by n hack , or having n divorce suit ? " "Sir , [ I don't do snch things ! I novc-/ icnrd such questions I " " I promised : o try to vary the list you said had be- : omo so monotonous. How many lnifa- juuds have yon living ? " "See heio , if you don't stop this 1'Jl send for ono of cm. That is p'ease state that I'm not nairicd. " "Just so. Do yen slia\o your head ? " "Sir ; of course not ! Are you crazy ? " "Look here , ma'am , I was to print [ list what you said.1' " But I don't want you to. " " But it must bo done. " " Well , then , if you don't ask mo if ; ho audiences every where are ns enthusi astic ns they nro hero , and what I do wth nil my bouquets , and if I don't al most feel that I ought to bo in a board- , ug school instead of on the stage , as [ 'in so voting , and if I don't find it very to have all the men HO madly rn love with me , o d several bank directors committing suicide ) because I won't marrj them if yon don't ask mo ; hose questions I won't say another jlessed word I So , there ! And if you arint what I've said I'll sue you for ibel. " Boston Post. A. ColiI-Ulooiled Vllllnn , Jetroit Tree 1'rcss. Ho was coming down the street with a road grin on his face when an acquaint- nco halted him and inquired II ha had made a strike. "I just havol" was the reply , followed iy a hearty laugh. "Aly wife and I have not lived happily for tha last year and ho has made up her mind to apply for a "Has she ? Why , that's too bad. " "You wouldn't think so if you know icr. She expects mo to fight the pro- cedings , you know. She is going to al- ego cruelly on my part , and for two weeks past baa boon working up scars to hotr the jury. She's cut the buttons ir n dross and will have it In court as an vldence of my tyranny. Sho'n torn up k bonnet and will have the pieces to show trhat a bad temper I have. Sho's going juforo a jury to swear that I threatened tor life on aevoroi occasions , and aho'o ; ot two servants to rembor that I cut her corset strings once wlti { n butcher knifo. Sho'n calculating on a big sensation and a crowded court room ha ! ha ! ho ! " "But where does the laugh como In ] ' "Why , I ekip the town to ni ht for ! ) onver , aud sho'll have to pay her own avryer and get her bill without sensation , fho papers won't give It three lines .horo'll bo no jury to see the scars no ady spectators to weep no boom to leather into the market on. H you want to see the maddest woman in the state of Michigan just drop around to- narrow and sing my front door boll ho1 he ! he ! " HJAn lin-ircotive Protest. inlTtilo Commercial AdvcrtUer , Among the samolo ballots returned to county clerk's office by the inspectors and canvassed by the board of suporvl sors yesterday was ono from the Eleventh ward of llull'ilo bearing this In scription : "For president , Grover Cleveland ; for vico'presldont , John A. Lgan ; damn the electoral method. " IIo was bound to v'oto to suit himself and so ho throw away his vote entirely bat his protest against the clumsy anc outgrown methods by which wa stll elect our presidents and vice pretl dodts is eloquent and very much to the point. The eigarotto antedates the pipe o cigar by many years , and , as nearly a can bo determined from history , was the original method of using tobaoco. Chris topher Columbus , on his first voyage o diacovery saja tha natives on the lalo o Cuba had a "filthy habit of rolling up th leaf of a noxious week , setting firu to on end and Innallng the pungent and naus eating fumes from the other , which the calloa tobacco. " A Washington latter aay Maltef cats are to supplant pug doga as the cur rect feminine pot this winter At leading modltto's parlors the other da several fashionable young ladies cam in thopplng , nnd each carried a larg Maltose cat nudor her arm and allowed i to roam within the limits of the gif chain fastened to its collar vhilo the fui owner tried un her new bonnet. Tlio Woman of Iho I'titurc. Tlio Long Biancli correspondent ol Iho Albany Journal writes : Tliino nro hvo facts wbii'li stuko ouowithiiumoiisc form this ' .oasoii on first arming nt the luo t popular of our watoiuig places , Mid tlii'so nro : Tiist , the number oi lull , wiJl-prown .young women that the present ago has docloprd ; nnd , second , llie Hi/o of hats they wear. Usually llu\i nro fmr ns well ni Intpo , and Ihey look like a ro\i\nl of the Sc.nidii.a.un oddoisps u < ! if nil at oneo our enrth was lung penpled n'fiin by mi'thty llrnnlie-lds and lovely BiiliutJias imti il ! of the slim , sallow tjpo wo Inuo be n accustomed to assoe-uto vilh the born American , Tno immense huts , which ha\o wide , indented or tunied-up bums , enlmneo tins blooming stjlo of beauty , aud ion. dors it all the moio conspicuous. A lit- ; lo more of dignity , a little moro of re- ) esc , and tli n * could quite lealuo the /tvl'a ideal of dnughtcia of the gods liuncly tall nnd most diunely fair , [ Jut their too abrupt movements and the oud talking Iho Hilly talking and "tit- enng" in winch neai'ly all tbo girls in lulge > ilestroy the 'illusion , Thea young w onion como from good , w ell-to lo families ; they are the representative ! ) f the piesent , nud partieuhuly of the ncouiing goneralion of the women of \meiiea , and ns such nio lo bo eougral- ilated on being n gie.it improvement , ihjsically , on tlioso that hnvo gone bo- bio them. Their line doM > loimcut ) speaks well for what impioved inothods moro air. bolter and 111010 initriliotia bed , anil moro intelligent anna are dong - ng lor them. No more slate pencils , no inoro theones in regtud to food , no moro moonlight ro\cries and moibid longings tliO honlthy modern girl in tlio most iracticnl , the most unroinnutio of mor- ids , aud her dinner is as important a act to her ns it is to any Aldeiman on Jord Mayoi's day. She is not ashamed o cat , aud she shows the results of good iv. ing and cxercibo , both of mind and ) ody. From such young women as hcso in the present day it is easy to tell vhat the women of Ilio future w'lll be ) crfect realixations of the ideals of the > oets and romancers no moro bundle > f nerves , but goigeous erentmes , capa- ) lo of niling the kingdom that is pro- tDoring for UIPJII. A Child's I. Uhi > . In .Tiiiu- lust , nt T , PH. , " Clnldn iiV nlilnv" wis iibs iviil. i4 wliieh titiu Vi llll l llllllll ! 1 Wl Ii > I 111 istl 111 ll. Ijlllll nl iinv wunitluT ji'ign lei'ius bv Ii m i un nt , butsieni d ikepl.N iniii | ss i ) v the u HM'ii.nv. At home , dmiiiq tin n > > \linis week , all the featliel-bi ils iiiul ilivhad ) bei n u noiled b u jn u ' . ! ituiq ; leimv.itvi , wiiuli jnoeiss had t i. itnl iniiili nUt'lilinu iiiiiullu ; lli Inlliiii. On tin1 aKeinonn after tin In ! i un ; f Johnnj vv.is quito angeled iv oiiinl Ins Mbti is. Iininodiatclj tlio nulv is l used , as nt old , to stiiki ; but ! uv\l\ it w is lowoied , and , with a sen inoue and a look woithy the lebul.e 1 an apostle , he said : "Oh , sister , liovv oiild yiiu' and jou just lunovated , ooI" Jlnrjiti \ .Mttr/itstnc. It Is said that General Grant has aged perceptibly during the past few months. Ila hair and board are almost white , his ormor erect bearing has given place to a ight stoop , and ho walks with the slow nd infirm step of a man many years his onior. Ho is now sixty-two years of go- Daniel Lockwood , who mndo the pcochcs that placed Cleveland in uorni- mtion for mayor , governor and president , s worth $12,000,000 and would like to oprosent the government abroad. SHEEZEISHEEZE ! until jour head seenia readto Itv off , until your tioso and vea didcharfrooxrcsei o iiuantlties el thin , Ir- ntatioK. watcrj Iluid ; ui til vour head aches , mouth nrd throat parched , and blood at fever hoit Tills Is an Acute ( atarrh , and is Imtantly relieved by a BliiKla donn , ajd pcrina- noutl ) cure J b } one bottle tlo o Sanford'a Radical Cure for Catarrh . 3ompleto Treatment with Inhaler $1 Ono bottle Radical Cure , ono box Citarrhil Sol rent , and ono. Improved Inhaler , In one package may i o v bo had of all drui ; ? tie for $1.00 Auk fo SanfordV Radical Cure. "Iheonlv ahfoluto specific wo know of " Mod. Times. "T o best wo have found In a llfitlmo of sufrcrlnfr"-K v I ) . Wjtfn \ , UrHton "AfternlonB struggle with Catarrh , the ltilk- l Curu his co.i quered ' HLV S. VV. Monioe , I.euisburpll I'a " 1 have not found a ti ( , that it did net relieve at once " Andrew Leo. llaiu hi'3tcr , JHf . 'ottor Drug and Chemical Co. , UblON. For the relict and prevention the Iretunt it In app"ed , of Rheu mull'ni , Neuralgia , Sclitlca , Cpujhs , Colds , Weak Back , htom 1-01 , and liowelf , ShootliiR la' ' " " . Numbncsj , Iljsterla , Kc malel'oln ? . Palpitation , Djuicp- " 'a. ' I- ' * -r Coniilalnt Illll v v Fever , Jfolaria , and rpldeiidcs ELECTr\IC\\ uw Co lin's rhttcru ( an Hcctilc . ' . K " c Hatter v combined w ith a IVrous i.fi.r'TEV . > Waiter ) Mid laiiRh at pain 25c iverywhera 1 tut o a poiltlro rornoil ; for Iho nboro dllcano ; by III ito Uiouiian liofraicHol tha wont klml unu of fonR rtaadlnahuvot eenclireil ] mr < * l oBtrnnulHiiiTfuUri Inllmniorr.tiia I wl I rrnUIHI ) Illll 11 IX 1'lim , toj-ttherw lhaVAIl lllll Till lllbtont' ; - - " luauy BUlToror UHHI ipri f iinil I * l > nJdr Hi Ult r. A.SLOCUM.lltlsarlSl.how 1'ork. WEAK.UHDEVELOPEDPARTS ( Hi' 'I lll { HUMAN liDIIY I M.AU.KI ) , Itl.V ' l 4IIM l > hi 111 Mil HI Nl l > , ' I Hi lnan intnn-minit lit loin/rim i I hi l In * contrary limn Iv. TIIM. rmtrn r l t'm. Ui nii H \ . 1ilnttii > , illrr. LliUAlj NOTlC'i ; . J. II. Wyngitt ilefomlmit will tnko notice tli.it on the UtluUr of lice , 1BSI hMmunil linrtlett Km | . , lo a Jmtlrecf the 1'cwi of DoiiifUu count v , Usno an order of nttaohniont fur ( lie sum of two limiclrcd ilol lars In .in action pfillnsbj Mm wherein Jaeob t'ohn la [ hlntlB , ind J M VVart ( ; h ilelcn ant Ibat prurcrl } of tl u tald defendant. ranalBllni ; ol ototk ol K0od , flxturestnli ther | > eranil pmrtity con tilnrd In bl < hip , o iner ol llitliond Jones ultcet , hBHbeen attaili d undvr " IJ ordf. Said cauae BH contluurJ t9 January Hint at Oud rk. In the forenoon. DWK1HT III LI , ecJ3 .lewHrtmu Att roej for 1 lilntlff EVI.R. RflSDON . . , UEPHI3ENTS : PhocnU Insurance ) Co. , London , Caah Aiweta , . . . , , SS.Rfll.CCX WfBtrh ttrN Y , Capital . 1KOOC ( ThoMerchaotaof Neuark N J , rai.ltul Olrard Fire , Pblladtliibla.CiipUal . 1 'JOO.IXX Woman's Fund , Capital . 1.V39.00 ! ' I livl long till. I t ntocurii f r a julr o twins In in ) pric'lco i 'tul that vtuuld no' ' ariliilitu and whlil tin b 'U wtull noi rr leji few i \ - I am loll1 * tut IU l io Koid fnl II a thi > i cu illtiiiii jieileuil ) , ' wrl n i l > h > ilolanol large prat tlco n Ohio wbfili i ' > - bet \ccri taef bun diidot other | 'li ' > i-icuoi ill i um In r Blzo * tn Pc ! tl Ci it ij il J.'i ho'il ' bj diu gUU > v < rvwl tru ai.il . me ( jru r. ( .1,3 nil it. Si nJ ipOU1.UK I ii C < > " liner , HUSH. , fa II8IG CUT nloguo" Al o 1J ! Viilunble mid rolinbln veer ( ' \or before publitlii'd. ) any- OIH > otliicb if w rth .Jfl.OO 'iil ' from Hint ( o S' < " > 00 , nud a copy of the "Cultivator" sent KltEB to invfr.p . thnt pond1' | stamp * to pay postano etc , ! l comic pictu-o onvH will a so be I'liclosrd in tlio pirli- ino. Thp iv < iHH | irt valuable to 1 ho limn liolil < uid nnv oiiprgct c p i ! nii lo on P til IIP ie ti'Mb" . } ili clo ni'cilnoxcr.uit fo itionpy i'lo < i o utitu untiiuBiid tuldrussiil inly. 1'tit , J { stamp * in a Ipttcr and addro' it to tr.e . v % ESTEiiN PU1J. CO. , box o , Omaba , Npb. 1224 : Fnrnnin Street , Corner ISthSti Onloo hours 0 to 1 ! it m , 2 to 4 p Ton vrarncMTilcnco. Can ertuk German. St , Charles Hotel , 0 ST11ECT , 1II.T Tthtuiit Sth , . IINCOkN , NKll Mrs hatoConkl ) , rroprletoio'B. lv nnd olfKintl } filmland ) , ( loud numilo r , 01114 on llrst lloor MTTonni $ riOln$2pfrd j. Si > oclalr lo8 nlvtn iicmbera uf the liRlstaturo lio10 lliMuu isr \ I I'll. IIIIIMI , hti I'omtll lutnlttftlf 1 iniTISI : o-v NKI.V iiini I.OIMIIT m'TIIU 'in\i.i ; IIUHT. " rutortj i iomir l | > Utfull etrltnftllon , mullral opinion"tf Stxmillfct liiMeTtlopMor tinmkrn con tttton ! > normal tnl vn * lifftlthjr i I o\r to cnUrfce to full unt prOr proportion ! bf , llti | le , l" liiletyccrUtn. ( Olt rportlali nl IUVDH Un J telo | l 11 ilmlUr prowx ) A wrr of thli lu- aUo tookmilled In u > l > J rnrtlor * for 50 ell. AJJrrl J , If , O , Drawer 17 , IlUlTALO. N V.k A FINE LINE 0 F THE ONLY.EXOLU&1.VII IN OMAHA NEU. 18 DECIDED BY Royal Havana Lottery ! ( AGOIHNMKNT ; INSTITUIION. ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days ICKET3.8200 , HAIiVES , 8100. Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by the aitlcu In interest. It la tbu ( alrcat thing In the iftturo ol chnncu In existence. For information nnd pnrtlc lara appltn StllSKY CO.Goiiral Ancnti > , if212 Hroail n > , N Y riiy. K. AU11A.CO ,417 Wjlnut utrcof , ht. I.jeis , Mo. , or 'rank Librann , L U. , VO WyauUotto , K n. Jy21nA.eA.wly Propoimls for Building Dcpartmunt of the Interior , ) Offlco of Indian AQaira , N'ov 17,1884. I Scaled prorosals , cinlorsod "proposali foi building irldgcs , will bo received at tliliiolllcountil 1 o'clock \ic.8day the 16th ol DecunVir , 1331 [ or the con- tructlon of three bridfe'S on thobanteobloux llc'cr- atiou In Nebraska , and 1'onca Reservation in Dakota > t thofotlouhiRlccatloue ; on thoSautto Hcservatlou i\cr the Uazllo crick , a bridge of three spans of 00 ect each with 15fect aujnoachCK ; on the I'onca I'.cs- rvatlon , over the Niobraia river , abrltlpo 000 feet om end to ene' , and otcr tho\Ytet Forkoteaid river Bpin of BO feet. Iho brklk'18 In question arc to boot combination of wood and iron , with cast Irnn shoes , rentliii ; on pile "oundatlons , which oter tlio M braraiivcraro to bo lilven 16cct ( , over IJazilo crock , 13 net , and over Vo-t Fork of Niobrara River , ID feet below wiuir uvel , and nr to be built In accordance with plans .nd . fptcillcatlona to bo seen at thu olllceof tlio Iiput iimrtcrniaster at Omnlia , Nibraeka , Iho ' Tinjes1' of enver , Colorado , and ol tbo ' Intci-Oceau of Chl- > KO , III. The construction o the brldpcs to under the Immediate - mediate biipemsion uf a ] ernuii to bo JUiKnatcd by ils Dcparttijciit. All bids must bo accompanied b ) a certified check ji borne United States Dt poeltorv , far at least KlVK er centum cttlm amount of tlio propcieal , which ack ulll bo forfeited lo tlio United btatea in rajo ) bidder or bidders fail to cxecuto a contract with , oed anl euftcicnt fcnretlis. ntlirrwtec tn be returned u the bidder , In tmhmlttlii ) ; bide , blildcru thiulil ito the time required bj them for lliuioni-tiiictloii [ tint bri Res , asilila matter Mill bo crmldttca In lakiiif the awardd , and trade a port of the conttact- Ihoiiuhtls rtstrvtdtoioject any or all We'd or iiij part cl anj bid If dctrued for tbobctt InhKH of .hoptrvico . H 1'HIOF , n2J3wkam t'cinmlatloricr. H. fJ. ATWOOD , lattsmouth , - / - NeDrnska HiADiitoF iiioiouanauiD Aim nicii OBXDB HEEORD UD JERSEY C&IILE & AND DUROO ou jau Bi HUD BUIMI 9Yoon Block for C'ariu8poiiil"iiexi solicit - The nit ol ( tttcim " tJMr Une" In connoulon wlthtlk cori'orkte name cl gruatrona convcja an Idee , of j jet wbtt required by the tmvclluK public licHbort Uu Oulk Tlmi cd the boiil i . tlonB til of whlcb ue lam bed by tbu reatetl itllwav la And St. Paul. II cwni nd ofsti ovei 4.COO mlloa of Kortbcrn Illlnolu , t leconBln , Mlnnceot * , low * DtkoU ; tnd a ts n .In lln e , brincbeg and oonn6 < tloua ro ( h all tb Rrea * jtulnees control of lul Northneel rJ Yt Weet , It nutuiiJIy anaweri Ihi Icocrlptloii uf Bbr ILluo , and Bet Iloute between Chicago , Mllw jKee , Ht. Paul and Mlnneapolla. Olilco ; < oiniw ukeo , LA Ctoe o and Wlnona. Obloaga , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendalr Ohltago , Milwaukee , Kau Clalie and Htlllwxci' Cblcago , Milwaukee , Wauuu and Mcnlll. l < , i Chicago , MllwaukcoIleavcr Dam andOcbkoih , Ohleago , Milwaukee , Wau kceba and Oconomcwoc , Ohlcago , Milwaukee , Madltou an d I'ralrUdu Chita. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and K lilb nlt , Cblcago , Heloll JaneirlUe and Mm oral I'o'ol. Chicago , Klgln , llocklord and Dubuqur , Cblcago , Clinton , llock Island and C d i Rapldt. Cblcago , Council Illuffa and Omaba. Oblcago , Hloux City , Sioux Katie and Yaaktcn CblciKO , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Ohamborlaln Ilook Ikland , Dubuque , Ht. Paul and Mlnneapollt. Davenpoit. "almsr , tit. I'aul and Minneapolis Pullman fcloeperg and the Klne-et llnlnc ( Carl In he w rid are run on the main lines of the CHICAGO , 111I.WAUKKK ANIJHT. I'AUt. KA1MVAY , ajideverf attentlonla paid to paesengeM by ooorteouiemplojei of tbe Company , UElUtllX , Oenl Manaeer. A. V II. CAUl'KNTKB OcnTSPaM. AK ( . T. CLAIlK.Oen'lHuin. OKO.IIKU KOnn A > > . gmp \ API OMAHA Chemical Dyeing -ANU- 0. T. PAULSON , Proprietor ! Gentlemena * Cloth'ng ' Cleaned , Djed and Repnlroi ) . lodlei' Uri j09 Cltaimd and Ujod , without Itlpplne. 1'luuicn citaned or Colored any ehade , to tamplu. Bllka , Vulvetaauo lAoat t'loauol , IJjeii audllloilu- lahwl. 1212 Douglas Street , OMAJIA , NED