Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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ViftV f t- ? " " * * * " \ ? ' " '
ft recJlclna , combining Jrrm with p
' vi-lnblo tonics , riulrkly mid tnmp'Uo
J'IIK , lT"iic | > ilri ( InillBrMloH , YVrnUnm
4miiHrnillnn < llillnlarliitlitlliinm1)'cv < > r
/nit Nnirnliiln.
M l : nn unrnHineTcratily for Discuses of 1
ivlilni'jfi nnil I.ltrr.
II li Invnlunblo for Dlscftisi peculiar '
tVniii'jii , and nil who lend fcdcnlnry llv < .
I' nocl not Injure llio teeth , cnviso licndnrhcc
Tiodiico constipation other Jrvnmciltctnrui
J'Mirlchcsnnd purifies the blood , stimuli )
N Hppctlti ! . nlils llio nHmllntlon of foo.l . i
t ' 'e Heartburn nnd Ilolchltig , and
.i * 'he Tvmwfc * nnd norrct
T t Intermittent Fovcn. juiltudo , Lsci :
i ( w , Ac. , It lias no equal
< C- The Krtinlno tin ? nlxivc trivl3 in rk I'
it , ! red thus ot. w rajj ] > ci T < ik > iinf-n , ,
- . ir twowfmiKJiicii , ro. .
uflUDiisp.tell in tie BROAD CLAft .
Krer offered to the public.
hhiiol this well-known line are holll
Iron , In w t or- tight oompiitments , nnd ro lurnls
oJ with every requisite to make the p&saage bo
! nd sreeabl . They carry the United Stat
nJ European malli , and leave Now York Thni
iltyi and BMtirdaya ( or Tlymouth ( LONDON ) Ohe
'boars. ' ( PAIU3) and HAMBURG.
lUtai : steerage from Europe only J18. Fit
Cabin , 3B. 96 and 876. ateerage , 20.
UenryPundt , Uark Hansen , F .K. Uooiea.M. To !
agentllo Omiha , Qroaewck' ft Schoentfron , azonta
Council BluSi. 0. n : RICHARD k CO. , den. Ta
Ajtl. , 61 Broadway , H. T. CDM. Kozmlnskl h C
O aei ! Woatern Acanii , 170 Washlnelon St. , Ohli
Manhood Restored
HtMf ur KHEt-ATictlm of jouthfullmnradBOce
c us In B Ittmnturo DOCK , Mnrrous Debility. Lost
JUanliDod , c.IuivriR ! tried In am every known
" ' " "Wttr.lincoverorf an hotile me n of nelf-eure.
vjlilch lie ; lll w-nd 1 REK to Ills folIow-.utTorors
AUOroej. J.U.UUKVUi. U CUathainbt..New yt
i-Minifi * tint tnr . nee * m
CliUle Ateucr * IflOFultou
Health is Wealth !
K. 0. WssT'sNiRTi ,
KOtrantted speolflo for Hysteria , Dltxlnees , Convul
clons , Flt9 , Nervous Neuralgia , nendaoho , Nervou
Projtratlon caused by the uee of alcohol or tobbacoo
Wikotulnesa , Mental depression. Softening of th
* raln , resulting In Insanity and leaping to mloery
deaay and death , Premature Old age , Uaronosa , lee
ofpower In either § sx , Involuntary Losses and Sper
ittorhoracaused by over eiertlontof the brain , self
abuse or over Indulgence. Each box , contains oni
month t treatment. Sl.OOabox.or six bottles ! 01
89.00 , a t by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To oare any case With each order received by ni
lot lx boUloj , acoompllihsd with J5.00 , we will sonc
113 purchaser our written guarantee to refund thi
money If She treatment does not eHect a cure. Quar
.ntaei Isined only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
CIV Sj-m&e-rr 833 MadUon St. . Ohlcago , III.
'ff ' H'w '
discaics of the bkln and
4 ' ® i lilood promptly entlycured relieved by remc- and
? JT.Vi : j IWtSH dies.testrdln at'ortyVenrl
iSifi'.7 $ ' 'l J'rti , Seminal
. ' KU . .Ne' ' "rarttcf
u'sat.i.L'si Nl..a t Lossi. Liy Dreams , Pimples on
iiut'.r/u'r/iHriJtiutri Tl e appropriate rc.r.edy
t , atonic used in each cute. Consultations , per-
i r.ul cr by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
iclnet EC it bv Mall and Express. No marks on
pa nkte to iiuic4tC3ntenta ! or tender. Addtem
h.JAMESNo..U'\Va'5hinrjoiSI.ChIcagoll ' ! , !
" Some Credentials :
In drawing Clns 11W , Jimo lath , 1H81. Tlckpt Kc
IVJl.CaiiHnl 1'rizc. nn held by John O.Ornrt. Tt
lua-i'ii U'lif rubllaliliiB Uo , lifillnldou luno , N. Y.Clt ]
raid by check on UrooKljn Unnk.
I in tlmvlnB.Clwn 11C3. July 2J.lW.TIckft No.S.
i In drawingClMi llCT.Bopt.aO.l'WI.TlokC't ' No.21.411
Ciipltftl I'rlzi' , olil by Lliidaiiur , 1 1 Jleroer t. , N. 1
City. K t niitliorlcod to luu nnino nnd addrtus c
linlder. 1'nld liy check ; on llrooklyn Ilaulc.
Tli'ket No.C.bal.SccondCapital Vrl/o.nolil byagcn
nt llrowinvlllo. Texas. lU-fil pno-liaU liy IVriuiiJ
Tarnavn mid olio-half by U. Follalno , Mfttiimonix , Me :
ln < . Collected throiiKh IlloiiinlHTK ft Hanli.iel , !
Worth ft. , nnd Wuixhvard & Htlllinau , > uw rot
' " J'lcllef'No.Vw ' hlrd Capital Prlzoheld onp-hal
ljS. ) A. Dnvldaon , 810 bth st , B i. llrooklyn , K. Y. , nn
fiiielmlt Iv UllikcnU'J | : California HI. Sun Frai
In cash nml llm otbv
c'lM-o , CaU Onelialf paid
thryush Urcxc-l , Moriian & Co. , Hankers , N. Y. City.
- - f'TICK -078.ntI/.KH. . .
"w .
. 2 Approximations J > ; cadi to the JlS.5Mi'rUo ; '
t , y * no , JUM
> rItoi.Bs AlioTD.lK'lne the full number In
, thoKojnl HUT aim , nml . . . . , , . '
120 Aildltlmml 1'rlrnt of tlUraoh to the 14) ) tickets
luulnja * ending iiuiiilK'r * tlio twi > term-
lual iinlti of the number druvtiug the Cap- '
lt ll'rliootU,5u ) . , _ 'IH
U7N 1'rlrrs , nmountlng In V , a gold to. . . 831 ,4'J
V7hlnJ5 ; BiUii.SHO ; T o-Sltii , t ! ) Cti-fiftb , S
All 1'il/m pnld on prmoulnllou of tlcUv
ttltliout dcdurtlpii.
tiulv Ililuu of ibU ohBrncler In wblc
Tlic iiiBiapulntl u In lnipoi. lble. Tji llcU
liitldrr iiocil" no mipir Uor , HH llio Hoj i
llatauii UOlclnl I.Ut drchlrit , . - -
lluurttiiuil nurnlH nru niithiirl/uu to u
i llm ( irliilniil ll.t Iu cukhlnir prlies.
' vortlck lt , eta , apply to i
1-Jl'J Ilroud ruy , N. V. City ,
WEnCaubA.Co. , aTlWalnut , St. Lot
" 610 , , or VrnnkLtbnm > , 1' , O , Dmw r
Two FilRlittnl
1'ietty maiden In Hie tttcet ,
Tiny feet ,
Fancy hose ,
Suddenly strikes banana peel
With her licel-
Down the Rooa ,
1'icrciDg ehrlclc tliu maid cmlti
As fho tlta
Sudden down.
Striving to conceal her ( cot ,
Small end neat ,
With her gown ,
Then the rises up in ire ,
Kyo * on fire , !
DIushing bright ,
Hurries rapidly nlong
Throtieh the throng
Out of tight.
Maid at the roller rink ,
Cheeks of pink
I'roUy elr ) ,
1'uts the rollers on her feet
Sin * I nnd neat ,
Torn whirl. _ _ ? ; }
Tvricn around tlio tut face skates ,
Tempts the fates
Hudden crash :
Fearful strain on bono and mns
Jnms her buttle
All to smash.
But no piercing shroak of fear
Do wo hoar ,
As she falls
If the jar her temper files
Still she smiles
Never bawls.
[ Uoston Couriei
Ho wandered about in an niralcts way ,
Ho looked like n man In distress ;
Ho tried to bo happy , to smile nnd bo g
But somehow ho d Test the nddrois.
Ho couldn't catch on with the mo\
throng ,
That anyone 'round him could BOO :
Ifo eccinod like n bird that had lost
His pantaloons bagged at the knee
* *
A lace pin has a serpent celled ntound
golden sickle.
Bridesmaids are wearing tulle veils faster
with evergreen leaver ,
Garnet ornaments of every description t
displayed in great numbers.
Jersey cloth retains iti hold upon popn
favor , us it wears really well ,
A novelty is silk or satin ribbon ha\l
noon it n gold network like Ritipuro , throuf
which the coloi may bo seen.
A poet saya "I kissed her 'noath the sift
stars. Don't do it again. If you must k
her , do it neath the silent note.
A Boston ma'den has fitted n pair of spe
taclos on her pet pug. She says ho looks iu
too intellectually lovely for anything ,
There is n decided effort revive the usa
M Chantilly lace , and new patterns a
ihowii designed for flounces to black silk au
; atln d losses uud trimmings for costly wra ]
md bonnets.
Hat and bonnet trimmings are clustered !
'ront in a singularly defiant , aggressive styl
vhich , with the torrrior-liko bangs worn t
nest women , give n tcrocious expression ou
0 the mildeit face.
Who says n woman can't climb ? An ol
naid in Massachusetts saw a dead field moui
> y the roadside the other day , nnd in lesstha
orty seconds elio was In the topmost crotc
1 an apple tree , tucking Irer skirts in an
leering around among the branches for h <
It hasbeen pretty well decided by Mrs.Grm
[ y that the other pirls nro to carry no floweret
ialls , etc. , this winter , bat the debutants ma
iden herself down with bouquets. This i
lushing the belle of one or two seasons to th
mil with a vengeance.
The most beautiful fabrics for evenln
resses for the winter are tulles and gauze ;
oft and rich as spun silk , and embroldore
a gold and brilliant colors. These aio ver
xpensive , and in quality are totally unlik'
be tawdry gauzes ana tulles of other days , t
JA BoBtonJIwomnn is said to have mventei
nd patented a "meat tenderer. " If this i
enlly a meat tenderer/ the tenrlarast trool
lent ahaiild be tanctored th b womau by al
er rAteftil beofatonk eatlnfr countryiltes
.B an eligible candidate for the next prosi-
sncy the already looms above all rivals.
A now imported opera wrap is of seafoan
eon brocade , with the figures faintly ouS
ued in velvet. The lining is very light rose
ilor ; the tiimtning a broad band of feather :
ingling the pink nnd bluish green , nnt
rands of silver drops set in among the same ,
i shape tbo wrap is very thort bthlnd , wit !
ng points in front ,
"Drifting ; inti a jewelry palacowltb holiday
.oppers . , " writes a newspaper gossip , "Ii ob-
rved n lady pricing a pair ofltinegaitorswitr
; oru fastening. They looked so pretty that
Eon she had passed on to another uhow case
modestly aaked the prito. Itwaaoolj
. ,300. " He was also shown a Russian eabli
Dak valued at $7,000.
Gold enters _ into the manufacture of man ;
the newest siika and velvets , giving thorn
Bumptuouscess and massive elcganco in
° ect that cannot bo described. 1'or bridal
stumes there is an "orango flower" whlto ,
rown with flowers and foliage outlined in
Id on a background studded with small ,
ed-liko knots of gold , that U exqultito. Theme
mo is teen in black and dark Minn color and
urn. A *
"Tho world ia full of deceit , " said old Mr ,
inaggs , "aul wlaimin i mottly nt the bot.
m of it. " "I know it , " said old Mrs.
luaggs ; "it is after a man gets a wife that
i begins to practice deceit. If ho hadn't a
ifo he wouldn't need to hear so much about
hoto ho spends his evenings. You are por-
ctly right. It is the women that cause the
Entire velvet suits are among the fancies
iported from KiiRlantl , where velvet and vol.
itoen ara very popular. A soft brown and a
trk blue are the favorite colors , and the
esioa are tnadn with a long plain polonaise ,
oped tightly back. A bordering of pretty ,
illy feather trimming is effective when boa.
; r , chinchilla or aitrnclmn oaunot bo pro.
ired ,
The deep shading required for winter fdrojf
brioa 1s largely supplied by bronze. Tbo-ia
leading color , and shows forth , in varied tons :
ore or less durk. Akin to bronze are nlivi
acs running through many shade * , from dirlt
i light. Both are exceedingly fashionable ,
id cornea un with a prestago that overtUnd
m many other colors hitherto nmch Savored ,
.ilchshadeof lluisian blue is nhown ic
imcl's hair goods , cheviots , nd Freaci
ithmeros which is exceedingly handsome.
A 1'hiladelphla street car line , according tc
10 veracious Bulletin , will introduce a now
ivico for the benefit of ladles who. crowd the
irs so awfully during the hours ia whicl
luiuesa men are on their way batwuen theii
ork and homes. It Is thus described
Kvery gentleman is to have a teat , and ther
e is to becarried for 5 cents if ho consenti tc
iko a young ( woman on his knee. A boart
i to bo provided running the length of thi
jo teat , which will bo placed ou the gentle
lens laps as soon as the seats are tilled. "
One of the prettiest phases of the winte
utdoor fathlnns ii that which ordains tha
lie fur-trimmed cloth suits should have hon
eta to math , cloth covered , and trimmed uitl
band of fur , forming a coronet. The ] > g
Ith tailors supply turbans thus trimmed wltl
he cloth coetumes they produce. But ii
v'ew York the bonnet Is perhaps preferred
'ho additional ornament In these caeca con
lets of a clutter of bright wlcg , or a bird'
ireast or head. Utter , beaver and aatrachai
, ie mostly utcd iu this stylo.
One of the most graceful and elegant of th
hort winter wraps is the "llenelcea" visits
ihlch bos a iatket shaped front with tabi
he tiimmiugs eo arranged aa to form a vest
The back is otion in the middle seam of th
klrt cortlon of the walat , and the sleevro ar
nserted full in Japanese btyle. A model c
liia kind is made of wino colored Ottomac
irocaded in dark wine velvet totes in a raise
letign , The partlturo it of niby Xiblinett
> ands and double fringes of silk chenlllo. Tli
vrap ia llnoed with gold colortd surah over
: orrfortablo eiderdown wedding. The \ei
tortion is handsomely trimmed with a til
md bead embroidery.
To ielio\o frost blta in the ears or nose it
.he . etfected parts with a handful of enow ,
A little alcohol rubbed ou window pan
will prevent the ( rest trim accutnulalinruj
Do tiot buy fi h that are frozen. The fi
destroys their flavor.
I'onltry that hai been fro7en should no
be boiled , lioaat it or Rho to the poor.
To rcinovo the Ice from your tidawnl
sprinkle them plentifully with common kc
eene.Servo your mlnco plei hot. If they are I
zcn , always put them in an oven hilt an hi
before dinner.
To keep mill : from freericg. pour lit
melted butter over the surface of It and ki
in a dark place.
After remotlug your seal-skin sacque ,
ways brush the snow off it. If permitted
remain it soils tbo fur.
Celery which has been made tough by fre
ing may bo rnndo criep and biittla again
thawing It out in cold water ,
If you find the water pipes In your kltcl
frorcn up , rub them briskly with n woo
cloth saturated with tpirlts of turpentine ,
The Avcrnftt ) Woman's ARC.
I recollect how grieved I was
When Coutin Amy married ;
I thought her voiy cruel because
For mo the had not tarried ,
Sim gave to my affection green
Encouragement tn plenty ,
For I was under eoventecn
And the was iivo-and-twonty.
Fair Amy is a widow now ,
Her sorrow fast outgrowing ;
'Tls \ err singular , I vow ,
'iho way the years are going.
With mo at allegro rate ;
With her , a graceful lento
Now I nm ncaring thirtyoipht
And the Is tlx > and-twonty.
I should bo gratified to know
How others , like my cousin ,
A twelve-month older only grow
Ono year in half a dozen.
Oh , Chrouo. , tell the secret to me ,
The power superhuman ,
That onuses time with man to flee ,
But bids it wait with woman ?
womanFrom [ Life
"Onco reddio nnd plump ,
Tho' now a cold lump ,
Deneath this old stump ,
Lies Honett Joe Clump ,
Who withed his rtiighbors no o\il ,
Tho' now by death's thump ,
It is laid on hl rump ,
And up he shall jump ,
When he hears Uo last trump ,
In triumph o'er Death and the Devil. "
[ Kpitoph in a ScoUh Churchyard ,
winning cardTho Chrvrtman card.
Franklin modernized : Taker oare elf yo
lusbund , and your hunbaud wKl > take care
? ou.
The good resolutions broken last Jan
iry con now bo glned togetht again f
.B8o ,
Though a member of a brass band jnay 1
icrfectly temperate , he taken his iorn wil
; rent rctmlarity.
During the recent storm on the Ch-jmapc :
aany schooners of oysters , not beer , wore c
ixed and their contents absorbed.
" Sharkskin''overeoats are the latest. Vas !
anablo tailors as they ga/e on tholt'boe
ccounta think that not only the overcoat ) bi
good many of their ctKtoBiers are sharlR-kit
i In the Montana cattle towns a newspaper ,
have and1 a glass of whislcy all cost the
rice L'Scsnts. Tlio cltiaoas make no ot
lotions to tfaeso prkes- save when they br.j.
ewspaper or a sbava.
A candidate for medical Honors while tu'j
icted to a severe oaaminatibn was asked
How flould jou sweat patient for rheuma
am ? " He replied. "I wauld send hit
ere to bo examined. ' '
A young lawyer who after a prolonge
jurtehip secured a wife from whom h
jeedily desired adverse mentioned his ar.
lication for areloose as-simply sarrying hi
XBO from court to court.
In spite of theiavontivo-neniuj-of this coun
y , no ono has over succeeded in , making .
eevo-button that -vill permit a yomng man t
Jg Iris boat girl \\hboii * u > lnna nole Iu he
roesnt the point WYiero 'her backbone BOW
.to bis arm. h
It you notfco a yoking- man * cxjnto jting him
If into four positions at one.and trying t
ach the lower part of 'his ' loft shoulder bladi
ith his right hand , you needn't bo alarmed
o hns got on a now suit cf flannel under
Mr , that's all
"Is your father a- liberal ! republican ? '
k6d ono New Yorkboyiof anothir. "Hi
when the election came off ) bub h is no !
Jch of n liberal rspubliaan about those
nee. I hardly oxpectto geb mytSusf foi
hrittmas. "
An "electric girl , " s&vi she can teach hei
t so as to enable anj.woman t i handle twi
three men witn thegreateait oft eue. A
udaarno young woinAn can do tha& anyhow
fore she is married , Afow years- after thi
lea her magnetic power and ttis as-aiuch as
a can do to handle one man.
lire Conundrum club met Inut'evenrng and
olved the followirg : Q.'What ? its the
Uwenco between the dischnjorfla f oSoannor
d a fashionable girl ! A. In fonncj-tlic
iwder proceeds the bangs , while on.tUa lat-
s the bangs como before the powdoi\ "
ThuTHtlay OhriBtmas , .
f Crystemas day on Thur8dcybe ,
wyndy wynter so sholle yee ,
wyndes nnd weodera nil wiecked ,
id harde tempests strong and tii
: e bomer sbalbe gcnd and diyc ,
irneyt. and bentea uhall mull olye ;
lat yere ys good biides to tyllhe , ,
id kjnges and prynces anall Jje by
bat chyldo that d y borne bee ,
B shallo have eappe ryglit well to bto ,
dedes he thulbu i oed und ctabylle ,
specho and tocp ( wyso end reRSonabyllo
bo BO that day nay thefto abowto ,
a i > halbo xheuto wytliuwtj a cUiwto ; .
id yf hokenes ou the that day betpdd.
It olial gone fro the glyde.
[ liaileiun FS. , Fifteenth .Century.
Irving u in PiiUburg next veok !
Tlio dramatic. papers ara raging , a successful
ir on enlarged opera bonnets.
Louise 1'otrotoy appewed tlut.week in h-s
y "The OfUaut,1' in Xow Yoak.
Dramatic prsigrcss 1m si\reau \ to Mempl'ia ,
10 city is tc.liavo a now. hundred thouataj
liar thoatrea
Miss Fortescue , flushed withi3OT,000 of Ihe
irmoyle hoard , will -won crcos the ocean A d
ir in "Pygmalion a'ldiUalnUo. "
Kate Clapton's company Btr-rl&d a fire ha tbt
1 City tbuatro and iben Bqialched | the p nic
at untucii. C&thttrinala aa. old hand at tht
zzlo ,
Frank Mayo'a " rdeck1 ! iaa been played
rullmon , Aurora , IlnckfnjJ and ] ? : > , * Claln
d will be seen lu.ftliuiier lia aud St. Pnu
ixt wsek ,
Friday of this week , nb.'Wjuhlngtra.Browi
K'a "lUot on tha Ij'flQutcheon'1/ p a
iced , for the first Una in this country , lr
> Iapleaon haaaneagq i the tenor
s next season , lie will niakr * his debit
' .La .Tulve"and KiV oa will ilng the par
the Jewels.
Koland Kood'fl mas ger has throe theatre
fered him in Now York city for tie pro
ictlon of Ifcud MarudenV. now comedv
Humbug. " Qua will probably nruwer tk
SaUini i a ajid runs a vjueyard aear1 ] i
ice that yearly yields hirj t'COO iiriurts o
ine , fotililnK bim twenty cents \n ( i ;
arket. Ihrocgh his acting an J ch BO ecot
n y he. Ku become weahhy.
QueecpeojJaout nt Laram' They ga-v
eorsi * 0. Mlln a $1,6U ) bouse nd guarantee
tmSl.UCQ to lettui * ouHvaid y , A pun
raid bo > raited in the east to keep him ou
The new Standard tlwutre in New Yor
' 111 op u next Tuesday , An Iron curtain an
; IB brtt appliances for safety upalcst fire hat
ren put in plac * . The auditorium is olegan
f lutnlihed.
[ iMapleton'i tour will begin ea > lierth nutui
hu year , HH has arraumU to reach Cillfoi
.la . in March. aud he ia depending airreatdei
, fou the local jiopulaiity of Mdlla. Naiada i
hat locality , .
Adeliua 1'ttti wu ent rtalned at a dtDui
last .Siturdoy night given nt thn Brtimn
hotel by her friends to eommciiurato the
toinnient of her twenty fifth year on the o )
atic ttnga.
Mmo. 1'telkn GoTgter I ttill retained
ticknots nt Bologna. She has p <
poned her " oason" in Berlin until Janu
15th next , nnd her American tour until
winter cf 18S3-C.
The new piece in which Mies Chin Mo
is to play at Daly's theatre In Now York ,
coming tpring , is an adaptation from
French of M George Ohmet. The le d
character is n pyp'y girl striving to rlto fr
a low degree to a higher.
M Achilla KKnrdo , ton nf the well kno
music teacher In Now York city , ctca
quite a sensation 09 a piano virttumi at n
cent concert at the Chateau D'Kau , PA
His tplendld interpretation of JMnx Bruc
concerto in Oitninor made htm tha artitticl
of acry artistic entertainment.
liittoi'sbutincuR is very great cities 1
Milwaukee nnd Detroit giving her an aver ;
ot $1 , SCO at slightly advanced prices. 1
only poor housetho ( worst the over plnyod
in her life ) was at Terio Haute , Ind. 1
peoples were nil waiting until the next nt
to tee the "Big 4. "
Frank Farrell will manage Koto Coghli
ntnrrlng tour next year , when that lady >
bo teen In her play , written by Morivaio , i
entitled , "Our Joan. " , She will bo taken
August to California with a lendlrg ctor , i
the play produced In San Francisco wit
company picked up ou the Pacific slope ,
Lately the directors of the German theat
have bscn forbidden to produce any plays
whcih ancestors , or collateral relations , of
Pnisslan royal famly are represented , with
vpoclal permission. As "Hamlet" mny
the relationship existing between the Pruts
princes and the homo of Denmark , bo deer
their ancestors , it ii not improbable that I
play , among others , will have to bo struck
the repertoires in the theatres of the Fall
In the Brunswick museum there Is
ancient document of the year 1731 a tlu
rical plncard with the following : "
hereby command , for the comfort of the pi
lie , tbac persons occupying the first row
seats have to lie down , the -t'contl to km
the third to sit and the fourth to stand , " j.
other direction on the placard mignt well
used quite often in these days as a guido
puzzled audiences : "Tlio public is forbidt
to laugh , because the play U a tragedy , "
"Shnkespoaremeans [ bankruptcy'W rerni
attribu cd to Boucicault. To Mr. JelTori
is credited the asertiontliat _ the great f
tunes of eminent actors is owing to their p
formances of Khako'pearo plays. VA\
Booth's Hamlet has netted him n largo f
tune. Henry Iiviug sustains his rcputat
and wealth by his constant use of the plays
the great masters , nnd Kobson and Cm
who propose producing the comedy of Err
next season at gre tor cost end cnro thin 1
over yet been bestowed nn a Khakespar
revival , have already made more money a
fame in the great play than all their ot ]
comedies , put together have brought them.
Tlio f Political Troulinclour.
Gnyly the democrat
Picks up his grip ,
Saying to Albany
Onward I'll skih
Singing , "From Salt river .
Hither I COILO ;
( ! rover , dear , G rover , dear ,
Give mo a plum.
The new American Episcopal church
'aris ' sott § 000,000.
The minimum salary of Pretbyterian min
jrs in Canada is now $75 1 , with a parsona )
It is estimated that there are -1G,00)C
ning p. sople in this country , of whom 15,00
30 are Methodists , S OOO.OCO Catholics , a
> OOO.Oi W Baptistt. The remainder is divid
mong v 'arious ether denominations.
The sTi prenip court of Philadelphia has lat
r made i decision which atlects ministers m
leir relai Vion ; . In an opinion handed done
jcides t fcnt in a Tresbyterian church t
right to install belongs to the Presbyter
'nlil it se > vv proper _ tt > install , a candidate f
10 pulpit .t-tts no right thereto as pastoi
ny attuwr-4 on the prc > t of n minister to d :
jraj i the ivition of the Ifresbytery is "in v3
ilon of the duly constituted authority of U
nircH , " nniVvKlurrntiiiJ. iujnuotiuu Ku
m H to bo B > 3MOied by Ulo ooTirts.
TheBtatistiiTi ivenat toe plenary count
low tt CathtJicchtncbof this country h ;
H > cudinai , artlibisbo i of New York ; c
ostohc dolegoif , thirteen other archbisho ]
iji coadjutor archbishops , aud tixtyot
shops , and vicars apostolic Aboi
E35 priests , in 7i7'18 churches an
iaao ) feed the tocks. In 70 ? seminarie
lieges , and ac , leini ( a tha higher educatio
theyonth of both wxea ia- curried for wart
: > 3 orphans , tLe agu 1. and the abandone
e sheltered in 'iX'jaj. lumi end the sick ni
medin K9 lonpitals. The church h
Ithln fifty years built and iow sustains 2,6:1 :
liriaSian schools.
gift by AU .jU | .y ( ftvendolln Caldwe
H w York cttyj rf & < 00,000'for the estal
ihment of a Roraaa. C'atholia uaivertity , i
e chief topic of convert < ation in Catholic en
es-in that city. lot that tha gilt was in an
nee a turpriso , nS'least to the young lady
( pnintances , for Jfris a.- open secret that nb
i for tome yeva intended' to benefit he
useh by a largo dsnatlon aad was only pu :
sd as. to how she -could besir do. so. Final !
o dotennined thai her moaoy could not 'a
it'jer used than in establi b'nK a univertit ]
liero eccletioaticaJnndothcn afrodents coi-J
it-umtho hiRhest ay.lturo that any mod j
at of learning sl'uids.
Hoglish architect3 nro engine i in discuseX
0 proper deooratJou of the interior of ih
eat dome of. St. Paul's c bhtdral. Th
. v had laid before themischiiieal illucbw
) i t of the treatriint of St > 1'etsr ? , at Ilozuc
it Hnpia Sophia , at Ctosbantinople , am
era decided to lollow licit h.i of tbecurr'jric
it to adopt one which will better ehovi th
ur axes of the crots , and tba ftridnul unjold
g of the Divine sshenie of ra Jamption ca th
i > rahippors walli tip the nav > . Instead of th
) treatimmt of 3b Petersnntl our owa,2api
1 at Washington , ciiclea.wltl bo emi'loved
pical of the sum ol all things as describe :
the Book of delationssth ChrUinas th
ntnil fipuro. The details o ! tlio deelpsua ar
it yet finished and whon.ticy are it. w ex
cUd to reiiuiro two years time * i > carr ;
em out.
"Welcome , tweet day of rest ,
That eiuv , tha J.cid aritit ,
Welcome to this- reviving breast , ,
\-nd these rejpiemg. eyes. "
J.T oun num.
"Waw-kaw. swaw , daw aw vruv ,
TJiaw saw , thaw law aw waw ,
Waw kaw , ttvw , thaw , raw tftw vaw Bnav
Aw thaw raw jaw taw aw. "
[ Argonr st.
A spodi tjory U told of r. country -yirsoi
lie went to preach in aremc , pariih church
tiu eaxton ln taking him , to the shape !
ipsjicatlngjy Boid : I hctje your re/crenc
un't minil proachlng from ihe chancel. Y
OfcChupoVs a uuiet , place , rj' I'to got a duel
Uen on , fourteen eggj in ti pulpit. "
TheLowistou , Mo , , Jo-trnal intlmfttes thi
ban a young convert nr-ue in tlio mooting c
to Saltation army at I'ojtland ont tUy lit
ook , uul said he had bacn "a driadful 'tai
an/'lt sounded bad oaough ; bui when hi
ifo rfiufttUeil thortly afterward , that bofor
; r haiibaml was convwted "hav abou&th
eaaett man that ovu lived , " li made , hn
iry mad indeed.
Biother Gardner innnunc il the foilowln
DW Upends to b hung on tie walbdurin
10 f U and winterttrm : S'A bigot am mo * }
d lee red dan a fule " " 'Jfot * can alienee
tan by knocking him down , butlt takes arjfj
icnt toconvlucdhirri. " "Muman natur'ki
imetimes bad ended on.ober uicht , but ii
a lafett way ia take u note of hand fur it ,
A man's rating am not iow much he kin ru
i debt , but knw nigh he kin tiuar' | up eber
aturday sight " "laduttry am sartin t
ring plenty , an' economy uener eoe b'arfi
i winter. * "Between Bay In' nullilu'au' tall
i too much do vorld loans to de man wl
olds hli tongue. " "Our opinion of onrnelvi
iake ut all great men. " [ Proceedings of tl
iltne Kiln Club tn Detroit Free Pree Prets.
Catarrh f Is a constitntlonal dlaean
losd'a Sirsaparilla Is a oonitltntlon
emedy , It cures catarrh. GJve It
rial ,
niltors are the bast rom (
for removing indigc ton ! nnd all dleoi opi 01
mating ( rcm the digcutlvo organs. Howari
couhterfplK Ask your grocer or drupgiat
the gonulno article , manufactured by ir.
G. B. Siegcrl .V Son .
A fiuo lot of Drcaa Goods just boiif
nt , bankrupt aalo now offered nt 25 ecu
worth 40 cents. Secure thorn nt llai
ness Brothers while jon can ; will i
By Dr. Frnzier's Magic Ointment. Cures
If by magic : Pimples , Black Heads or Gru
Blotches nnd Eruptions on the face , lenvi
the skin clear and beautiful. Also cures It
Salt llhoum.'Soro Nipples , Sere Lips nnd o
Obstinate Ulcers Sold by dniggtstc.
mailed on receipt prlco. 50 cents. Sold
Kulin & Co. and 0. F. Goodman.
Colonization schomca nro cropping 01
Aa during the last industrial dopressic
BO during the present will largo nunibi
bo driven out from manufnctptlng cc
tors A Now .Toraoy company hns ji
purchancd1,000 ncrcR of land in Florlt
and saw mills nro bolng erected. T
best machinery Is being contracted ft
Laborers nro wanted who can put in
few hundred dollars.
n Your Objections.
Can't do if. No intelligent pors
who has tried Brown's Iron Bitters 1
any objections to present against t
prlnco of tonlca. Mr. Clauson , t
well-known druggist , on First and Chi
pown ntrcot , Now Orleans , aays " 1 fi
my sales increasing dnily. Ilavo r
hoard as yet a elnglo objection. Brow :
Iron Bitters la a valuable acquisition
druggist * . " The weak , the dyspopt
the rheumatic nnd the sullerura frc
lonquid livers , find ia this niodlcinu .
they need.
Sitting Bull is now so far advanced
esthetics that ho is brought to belie
the napkin to bo the basis of rivilizatic
nnd when ho comes fo the dinner tal
ho carefully aprands his napkin on 1
chair and solemnly eilts down on it.
Michigan , oner to send their celebrated BL
PLIANCKS on trial for thirty days , to m
( young or old ) afflicted with ucrvoua dobilil
loss of vitality and manhood , and nil kludr
troubles. Also for rheumatism , nouralg
paralysis , and many other diseases. Comph
roatoratiou to health , vigor and manho
guaranteed. No riskinrurred , as thirty da ;
trial Is allowed. Write them at ones for illi
trnted pamphlet f roe.
A little Nnntucket chap starts out we
as a Iloth's-cfiild. IIo ia a son of E
ward Roth , and on reaching his fu
birthday anniversary received the gift
$5,000 in gold from a lady friend of tl
A CARD. Toallwhu .10 a-Julcs tram un
* nd Indiscretions o ! youtli nei\oui voktnae , MJ
Jocky , loci ol manhood , etc. , I Hill tad a red
tbftt nlll cure von , ITOKE OF CHARGE , nit irt <
remedy WM deoover d by a mliolonery in Sot
Amtrlm. Send celddrrind cnrolop * ta B j. i
anraX.IS2ua.aMla 9. KMT Yaib. '
Stacks of Cloaks arc offered at cost
: loao out at Harknocs Brothers. The
are choice goods , excellent styles an
( roll mado.
O. M. I ) ,
Walking down Broadway ia very plea
vnt when yon feel well , and T - K
lever felt bettor than when his frier
tsKod him how ho got over that sovei
: ough of hia so speedily. "Ah , my boy
laidT - , "G. M. D. did it. " And h
riend wondered what G. M. D. mean
lo knew it did not moan a Good Mar
) octors.for T - K - had tried a doze
uvnln. _ "I have U , " just hitting th
tail on tha haad , "you mean Dr. Pierce
Golden Madical Discovery , ' or Gel
lodal Deserved as my' friend Ji >
! - always doba it. " Sold by all druf
; iats.
Acid Phosphate
roa. o VEnwan sai.t > THOFESSIONAL SEN.
Dr. CIIAS , . T > MIICHKLL , Canandal
na , N..Y. , says : "I think it a gram
satorer of brain force or nervous on
Mlasos' and Children's HOBO going a
ae-half price at Harkness Brothers.
lor Building Bridges ,
Departtncnt of the Interior , )
Office ol Imlkn AUairs , Nov. 17,183-1. f
Sealed prorceals , endarsed "proposals foi bulldln
ridfrfs , will be reoel\od at this otlico until 1 o'cloc
uetJuy the 10th of Direiabcr , 1881 fen the coc
iructlon of three bridges en thoSantceiSoux ! KUJOI
itlcn in Nebraska , and Ponca Kcsenatlculn Dakot
t tt following location * ; on the San too Ucionatloi
icrthu Bazlh nck , a Jrldgoof three gpaua of C
'lit ' each with 15f ot tu > | uachcs ; on tha Pouca r.oa
tatton , over th-WcT-jra'a rhcr , abridge DH ( foe
on cud to entf , and o the Wtst Forhufeald rive
nputi of Ou V.'t ;
The briJRHi In question are to boot fotnblnatlou o
cod and iron , j > Jth C43t Iron sheen , rtflinjr on pili
irndatloni ) , which o\cr the Ki brara jlirer are to In
l < en IStert , pier fiialle creek , 13 leal , and ovoi
rc t Fork if Kiobrar-v Ulver , 10 feet below watu
\el , and : be built In accordance with tilani
id bpetiflcations to Jo accn at tliu olllccof the Depo !
MrUruiaelcr at Omabi. Ncbrsuka , the ' Timoo'1 o
Mner , Colorado , and of the' Intor-Cwin of Chi-
' < o , 111.
Ite construction o , tlie bridges to under the Im
cdl to Bupcnmloa al a ptruou to bo dlslcniktcd bi
ila Dcnaimtnt.
All bldaniuat beacoorcparled by r.ccitided chrcli
i some Unitou h'j 5ca lii pofttorjr at Itaat llVt
r centum cfih amount of tbo yrojiosal , whlcl ;
itck \ > lil ba.lorfe'tcdio the Ui.ltal States In.
i ) blilcir nr biiljurs fall to oxtti So a contract Milled
> od ana eufl'deiit 'Jtotlf ; otherwise to bo returned
the bidder , in submitting bldi , blddern ihmlc
ito thu tinio r&'inlrtd by them lor llio foiittiiutioi
thebrj KCS.asiijis matter will bo cciuliUrcu 't
jklnttho. Rwardu , and nande a jv rt of ttocontract
Thoilijht la r.xx-'rvtd lo icject viy or all bids oi
j p Tt cf any 3iJ U dtemeu fo.jbo best lutcjiuio
enctMcn n I'lllCK ,
n 2Vi3 ia.ra CoramlBtliiner.
lattamouth , - ' - NoDra'tka
eauDBBo ? luOBODani&tc AXO aion auuii
r.Yoaui Btook lor Oorreapondunca Koltclt
iuo u ul tbtitiu. otu
Uci * In connection vrlthtU
corporate nama of a gruuroac ;
coiveye an 11M of Jpj * what
requiredI by Xio travol-j pub
" -r-a ShortIdo OlUA 'fimi
-wd ihe but aAO '
tUine all of whltn ai *
ed by tha roateet itAlwav In Amulet.
And St. Paul.
II owns anil Ofoti ovr 1,600 mllei cl
orihorn DllnoliiBcon'Jn , Mlnocoota , Iowa
kkoU ; ndas an tin llr/n , brMiuhee udeonno
uia reaib all tb eictf miUiin c etr ot tbi
Brthwcut a il n M'ctt , It n&Vuully tcewcri Ihi
torlptlou of .She tLUi'A and Rui lliinie bokvccK
Chicago , lIUVfaaec.M. Paul Mid MUnenpolU.
Cbl ioM > v pkee , 'ia Crohto and Wloono.
Ohltvuo , ISUwaukeo , Aberdo < a aa J Xllendalr
OhlCftKO , Milwaukee , 1'iU CMtt ahd Htlllwucr
Chicago , 3fU ukeiW iu 3u > d Mtrrlll.
OhlcaKCvMllwaukw.lloavoj Duo und Odhio'-ti ,
CblCA D , MUnaulue , WaaXtoha and Ooonomowofc.
Ohlonyo , llllwatiite , Mr Jljca and Prairie Ju QtJ >
Oblct o , Milwaukee , Ovatonaa and Falilbtnlt ,
Cblcjgo , Delolt JtnesiOTa nud Mineral Point ,
Chln.go , Klplu , llockfo * ! asd Dubuque ,
Ohloago , Ciluton , Itock NUnil and Cedar Kafldi.
Qklcago , Council Iluff aed Omaha.
Oblcago , BlAuz City , Bloux Fallitnd Taaitou
Oblcaxo , UlliraukM , Mitchell and Ch&mljirlalo
Rook Inland. IluUique , St. Paul and UUocapolU.
Uaveopoit , almar , BI. Paul and MlnnMpolu.
Pullman fclaepm and the Flnott HUln ? Carl I
leucrki are run cm thi main lines of l&eGUIUAQC
XIERR1LL , Qenl Uanagru.
T CLiRri,0 n18opl.
< > 17 SI. flinvlrx SSI. . l.oitK Mil ,
' , * i * > r ( tMtiiVoi f * ' i > t ' , , M' ' , "
t \ \ i < ( > tii.tii. . u n u , > ch ik tn in f i o' '
Norvoiii Pic. ir.itioti. Ocblill ) Menial H
Physical Wisrncs * ( . ' .cie illal .ind olhcr A" (
linns ol throat. Skin or Rones , Ulond Polsnnli
3ld Sores nnil Ulcrrs , itntu H < I ctirti > , u
"Diseases Vision Irom' indiscretion , E cci
iinosu'o or Indulgence , > > i ' tmtuFi > M of <
MotaitiV 1 , Hlicrtniiur. . . II IV , ,1'U ' ' Of l
rendering Ittur iniproprr erIN
ft rnittitBtljTurrJ 1'nmj IN t < * *
* irtlr * ! etitrit pc , fr * < . ( o ti t nl ) ro , CiMullMlon t
4et < r t > ; null frr * . n > l Intlu * t V r't * for vicUUtl
A Positive Written Guarantc
( ttrt la t
rntnplilMi , nBliMi or tJorman , patoft , < '
Krlbtuit above disease * laiuAlflor
li'niir > tr < 1 In rlothoti I till UnTIi
, rooucj tr loftticti i tur Mrr | rofrs 1 . YMi bi
tcntaloi all tbe furtous. itoulitru ) or lnjni ltUt vrat
know. A took ' CM > t Ittcriul lo kll. I'tiuU. ! kMi
IT Ur tJt
WIlMinrlfrllm BUOOD/roi
1 no Uiu UIVF.Riu il KIDNEY
unit Kicsmui ; Tint 11K.U-.1
ntui vioon or VOUTH. p
' Vialitnf Al'pvtlto , i . or Slrenp
' '
uir'o'ii. lloiiK ! , muscles a
urn i" i cei.'l\ IICVT lor
jr.H\cii3 tbo iiilnd n
otiimllra llraln 1'om
, StilleilnRlroni coinplali
Jjicallarlo tliclrouxv
' aONIO Ufnto n
, -iitJiH'BIllON
i/n t >
, v..yctiro. I'llt ran clear , liciiltli ) complcxU'
rrciincnt attempts lit c" " " > Ttfv'1K only ate
to the popularity nl the original. Do not cxpc
Dinnt pcitlio Oiiunx M. AMI llr ST.
jf Send your nddri 9toThBlr. HnrtftrMfd. ! .
'Sst.Loula , Mo. , for our "DUKAM : HOOK. "
- - f ntrnnan nod
/A fhrnnlCilNerroniDtapiw
nlcfc , fcuro Curcn , BUT
twoBtnraps for Cclcbratod HcJlcnl Wor
Address. lIt. . VL.A.KK.I5 , OT. ! > . , 186 So'
Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILL. _
Ocn r Detle n
H Tt Ion tit 100,030 orca carorolly oekrtj.l In
i Etotorn Itebiukk. l low ptloa und ou eujr ten
Improved mms lor stle In DouxIS , Dodge , Cell
'lille , Bail , Lumlnff , Bumy , Wnahlnelon. litrl
unudeis , nd liutler joantle *
Taxes pild In nil p rte ot the fiUtr. ;
Honey loaned on mproved lumt.
Bolarv Public lw v9 la offloe Correspond
Science of Life Only $100
Exhanstod Vitality , Kerrons and Phydcil DablU
remature Decline In Man , Errors of Ybuth , and tl
atold mlsertos resulting Irom Indiscretions or e
18806. A book for every man , young , middle age
id old. It cantalna 126 proscriptions for all aoi
id chronlo dlscasca oaoh one of which le Invalttabl
3 found by the Author , whose experience for :
Jars la sucrt M probably never oof ore feH' to the It
1 any phveifcian. 800 pages , bound In beonilfi
renoh mutlta empossod covers , full , gilt guarantee
i bo a flrrer < work In every sense , maohanloal , 11
'tryand profcseloral , than any ether work soldi
rla oountry for J2.60 , or the money U1 be refundc
every Instance , Price onlr $1.00 by mall , pea
lid. lUnstrUlvo sample 5 ointa. Scad now. aol
edal awarded the author by the National Medloi
uoolatlon , to the officers of which hi refers.
The 8fllene of Life should be rood by tboyonn
r Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. Ik wl
mefltall. Ucndon Lancet.
Incra Is no member of B-rioty to whom The Be
icaof Lf6 vrtll not bo UBOfal , whether youth , pa :
t | KUirdlwj , Instructor or clergym ti. Argonaut.
Address thD Pcabody Medical iBb.ltato , or D . M
i Parker , No. t Uulflnoh Street , Routed , Maes. , wh
ky be conEuHed on all dleoaecs requiring ektll an
iwrlenoo. Chronlo and obstlnatodl3c\C8 thr.i 'nav
iKed th oiili ol all ether phyii-llCni cUm
crudaltyl Such treatjd Bucccs9.CHI ( ] , fall
thout an instance of fullnre.
1 rnr Xervoii no9st I.iinii > rtcT. nheuimttiui TiirAlTfilfl
< .rM i > k fclutliii. Kl.lnor splnn mill I IM : i' " ' <
tltt Afttt'jTnii. lilirtlt ( ] lfl ms Ilr-ni > | ) hii , I ll Ipn 1 l <
wliui , ( tilnnli. I'llik , I u ln v linn inn I' " < > t '
) ! n | < M I'lprl ut ( In. . iHiilillr h .ci IM u i An "r
tht.6 H ijilM ttlii llrCrnltnnil lungutM sin t 1.11 l
17. uti4 LUU be Jtx.harutid 111 itu lUAtunl tijr tUo p ittent.
WlnJor la coming , Uio Buason otihe year for ache *
dpulni. In view of thin fact wo eny Auyono ill
i Homo's Kloctia Bolts. Ity BO doluj jou will
) ! il Rheumatism , Kidney Troubles and other 111 :
ft eh Is hn'r tc , Iu nut Julij- , hut c l a loin
oandoxamtnehclta , No. 1422 Doutlaa gtreob , o :
Ooodman'o , 1110 Farnam St.,0ruali , Nob. Oi >
filed 0 O t )
18th and Capitol Avoniu , troits Ul OJLSOI Orlp
l , alixidlnrkj 3 of tt
? ervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All cK > e of Cumture cf the Brine , Crooked Feel
zt and Armo. DUuuwi of tlia lllp , Kne , am
iklt Joints. Aluo Chronlo adoctlonu of th Liver
lenmattsm , Paralytlt , film , Ulcurt , Cttarib , Asth
k and Bronobltlt ai all treated by new and auo
tsful mithoda. All diseases of tn Blood and Urtn
y Organs , Including thoao resnltlni ; frora 1m Itcie
m , or oipo ur , are gafel ) and Buocotfvlly treatoc
d a euro iUM uki > 6d. Young men , tnladla ad
id old nuin vutferln ; from Weakness and Nerioui
baustlon , fioduclas inJlgeatlonPalplUtloni > t thi
cart , Despondency lUrilnew , Loss cl Memori.Laol
Kuervy and Ambition , can be rumored to nealtt
id vigor , U we li not too long n xi oie < l
la Buruvon in charge In a graduate of JtOor
a UedVool College 1805) ) and hai atudlod hL
ofettlon In London , 1'atls and Berlin. 11 aliUcted
Jlorwirlttfulldeicrlptlon ot your cue , and itedl
DO may be stnt you. OonrolUtlon rt . Addrt
mtha Dlepeneary , QroriUM Block , Om h , Neb
Bw houri 10-1 ! a. m.,1-3 and 7-8 p. ta Bendayi
10 a m.
X rAocoaimoditlotiu ( uiuHhed intleDU jom tb
The romnrkablo growth of
daring the laai finr yo.'irn la A matter ot
great notonlahmout to thoao who pay an
occftsloual visit to thla growing city. The
development of the Stoc Ynrda the
nucoBaity of the Bolt Line Jlond the
finely paved stroota the hundreds of now
rostdoncoa and costly business blocks ,
with the population of onr city more than
doubled In the last five years. All thU
la a great surprise to visitors nnd la the
admiration of onr citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , nnd the
intvny substantial Improvonionts mndn a
lively demand for Omaha real oatato , and
every Investor has made a handsome
Since the Wall Street panlo last May ,
with the subspnnunt cry of hard times ,
there has boun loss demand from specula-
torn , but a fair demand from Investors
cooking homoa. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices In build
ing material nud are securing their homoa
nt much leas cost than will bo tiOBslblo *
year henco. Speculators , too can buy
realosta' 3 cheaper now and ought ta take
advant o of present prices for future
pro t .
The neat few years promises greatei
d wolipmonts In Omaha than the paat
li v i years , which have boon aa good as
wo conld reasonably doalro. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing houRoa are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
but the State , who have their money in
the banks drawing a nominal rate of in
terest , which , If judiciously Invested in
Omahn real ot > t&to , would bring them
much greater returns.Vo have many
bargains which wo ore confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits In the
near futuro.
Wo have for Bale the finest residence -
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , 1 7th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnani. Davenport ,
burning , and all the leading streets
" tlmf. fHrop.tinn. _ x :
The grading of Farnam , Califor-
) ia nnd Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
iheapest residence property in the
ity , and with the building o the
treet car line out Farnam , the pro
ierty in the -western part of the city
rill increase in value.
Wo nlso have the agency for the
Syndicate , and Stock Yardg proper-
y in the south part ol ! the city. The
evelopuitmts made in this section
y the Stock Yards Company and
be railroads will certwirlv double
lie price in n short time.
We also have snme line business
) ts and some elegant inside
3ucep for Halo ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
> me good , bargains bycaJlmg u
113 South 1410i St.
Hot efn Vnrnhnm nnd. Doupjlaa.
P. S. Wt iisk thcjsa who hnvt
ropwrtyfor Bale at a bargain to give
t a callWe wan * , only btugains
fo < will positively aothuadla prop-
rtv nt 10ore than. rtH real valua.