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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1884)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TUUKSDAY DKCMiBEB 18 , 1884. > THE DAILY BEE Otnalin , O ill co , No. Old Fnrnara Bt. Now York Offlco , Ilooui OB Trlljnr nnltdlnt * . rtibUiBxi tmy rrornirjjf , tiwpl Sanl > 7 tl IB ! ) llandajr ffiotnlng dally. ca JIT MAIL. Ct Year . 10.00 I Thrc Uonthi . . I . lUUftatnt . C.OO On Month . Per Week , S5 Cento. tna inriiT tit , ro uaniD mar , Df T ir . J2.WI Thtto K cnthj . I HsUonth.1 . 1.00 I One Month . / I Ocrcrcnnleatlcas relating to N w nd EdUorl liters thouJd bo aJJrorocil to tba Kanok or Tt B . 8USIHB8 MTTIM.1 All Business letters and ItemltUnees ihon.d t IddtOBBed to Tns Tir.t pnBUsnixa CourAar , QHiii , Dtafta , Checks and Pottoffloe orderi to be made p ; abla to the ordtr of the company , ! HE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS K. KOSKWATI3U , Editor. A. II. Pitch , Manaeor Dally Circulation , 1 0. Bor , 488 Omaha , Nob. THAT proposed Nicaragua canal treat corns to have hit the John Ball'e-oyo , Now that Hon. N. K. Griggs has bco Indicted , perhaps ho can indlto a poor on the bonutios of land grabbing. THE Spanish treaty has raiaod the dc tormtncd opposition of the cigar maker who arc all heartily wishing it may om in Btnoko. TUB postmaster at Chaco , Texas , ha boon killed by Mexicans , who anticipate ) the editing oA of hia head by the incom Ing administration. TIIK all Important question now agitat ing the faithful horrbouta is whether tbi coming meeting of the democratic atati central committee will bo a secret con < OAVO or an "open session. " WE are led to believe that the rcconl cold snap wan owing to the nuddon departure parturo from Nebraska of Captain How gate , the defaulting signal service chief. IF congress wants to do anything in the line of canal building it had bottot do somothiug towards the construction of the JJonnopin canal -than for the Nicaragua scheme. IT looks aa if there is some truth in the report that J. Sterling Morton is cir- cnlating for signatures n petition that ho bo made chief democratlo soup dis penser In Nebraska. TUB British lion sots up a roar against the proposed Nicaragua treaty. The matter is respectfully referred to Riche lieu Robinson , with the request to give the lion's t-il another twist. CONOUESSMAN RcAOANia making head way with his iutor-Btito commerce bill. It has been substituted for the house committee bill , and thus defeats the rail way commissioner scheme. NKAKLY all the banks in Vienna have become embarrassed owing to the finan cial distress of the Bohemian land mort gage company growing out of the crisis In the sugar trado. ' 'Sweet are the uses of adversity. " Tun Dakota bill has passed the aenato by a strict party vote , and when It comes to the honsa it trill bo defeated by a etrlct party voto. Republican Dakota Is wasting Us time in fooling around a dem ocratic congress. EVIDENTLY the dynamite party Is en deavoring to give practical effect to Macauly'a prophecy relative to the traveler from Now Zealand standing on the broken arch of London bridge and gazing on the ruins of St. Paul. GKNEUAL ROSECRANS said among other thingo in reply to a question by a colored journalist aa to what ho tbonght would bo the policy of the party toward the negro race : "Your people will not know that there la a democratic president In the White House. " This must certainly bo consoling to the freodman. Tin : trouble with Grlggs and Ashby nn-1 their associates is that they did not gobble enough land. If they had gob bled the whole Otoo roacrvatlon It would have been an eminently respectable steal , and the probability is that they would have escaped punishment. That is gene rally the case with wholesale plunderers SENATOR VAN WYCK will probably gain hia point on the open discussion of the Spanish-American treaty. Do is op preed to the secret session on genera principles , and it will probably bo done away with entirely except in cases ol great emergency , when Important state nocrota are to bo dlecussod and actcc upon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ BIKMAHCK doosuotsoem to have a con < trolling influence over the reichstag , Ii refused to give him an assistant in thi Gorman foreign oflico , notvrithttandinf his strong appeal that a refusal to com ply with hia request would embitter hii life. By a vote of 141 to 110 the rolch- stag concluded to embitter his doclinlni days. The old chancellor Is evidently losing his grip. JA.Y GOULD understands the art oi bodging. Ho has not forgotten his fatnoui declaration ; "la a republican district * ! was a republican. In a democratic dis trlct I was a democrat. In doubtful dls trlcta I was doubtful. But in politics . ' was an Erie railroad man every time. ' Just now Mr. Gou'd Is a democrat , am ho Is endeavoring to make himself mon eolld OT ery d y by endorsing all thi prominent democrats who have baei mentioned as probable cabinet officers They would all make admirable officer In the estimation of Mr. Gould. As i politloiin Mr. Gould U very politic. SUMMER'S DKFEAT. The defeat of Congressman Sumner , < California , retires from lha nation * legislature a friend of the people nnd on of the ablest men in that body. Ho ha arrayed himself against the railway o { presston exercised over the people c California by the Central I'aclfic rnUvrn\ and Imdjcallod the attention cf congrea to the outrageous abuses of that monopc ly and of the Union Pacific , and advc catod the reduction of patsenger farce o all land-grant rallorada to three cents mile. Upon all railroad questions Mi has Always boon found fighting on th eldo of the people. It Is uo wondci therefore , that lila defeat waa accom pllshed by the railroad Influence and me nopoly money of California. Ho wa congressmen fit large , and the mass o the democratic party of San Francisco dc aired his nomination under the district ing plan that took place subsequent t his election , but that nomination wa sold to another person by the politics boss , and the railroad lobby by Juao c money succeeded In getting the ntat convention to pass a rosolntioi condemning Mr. Sumnor's cours in congress and thus creating the hnprcs sion that the people of California repudl atod them. But the second cnngroaalon nl district convention , roproaentliij thirteen counties , nominated Mr. Sumner nor with only two dissenting voices , al thongh ho was in Masaachuaotts at th tlmo and had expressed his protcs against nomination. However , ho returned turned and made a vigorous canvass , am orerowhoro was enthusiastically received But at every point ho found the mono ] of the Central Pacific and the tolcgrapl companies placed against him. It i believed that no loss than $50 , 000 was spent to dofca Mr. Sumnor. In Sonora , a small town with only about 500 voters , the sum o 827,000 was distributed , and it is otatoc that ono hundred votes were bought it Yuba county the night before election All along the line of the railroad met wore bought and intimidated in the cflorl to gather ballots for the monopoly candi. dato. Yet in spite of all this , Mr. 3tmnor was defeated by only 117 votct ) ut of about 32,000 , but the monopoly ) rganu claim a majority of 1,000. , Whether ho intends to contest the eloc- ; lon is not yet known , but it Is to be loped that , In thointcreals of the people oi California , ho will not rotlro without mak- ng an effort to retain his seat , to which 10 is entitled by the uupurchascd votes if his district. The California monopo- Ista have great fears that ho Trill make 1 contest , and If ho docs the prospects ire very favorable for his success. The nannor in which ho was defeated was a lisgraco to California politics , bat the moplo of that state may expect a ropoti- lon of just such campaigns whenever the nonopoliats take a hand. CITY ATTORNEY CONK ELL has officially cndored an opinion regarding the title > f the old Douglas county court house ito. Mr. Conn ell'holds that the prop- my , when abandoned for court house mrpoaes , reverts to the city. Thia opln- on is in direct conflict with that ren- lered by County Attorney Oowin , and ory naturally , unless mutual concessions TO made between the county coramis- loners and the city council , this differ- mco may load to tedious and needless itlgation. The city of Omaha sustains ho same relation to the county that a nan does to his wlfo , which Is very intl- aate , and it strikes us as very foolish to [ uarrel over the tltlo of this property. ( ? ho corporation limits of Omaha include lino-elevenths of the value of the prop- irty in the county , and oa the question if the old court house tltlo this difference s about as much as between tweedlo-deo , nd twoedlo-dum. The best thing that san bo done by the commissioners and ho council is to conclndo such arronge- nonta with regard to this property as will bo most beneficial to the tax-paycre. Dho city now has more real estate than it really wonts for practical use , and the jounty needs funds with which to com plete the new court house. By exchang ing lota and passing titles the city may acquire a very eligible eito for a city hall , nnd the county will got all the money it uecda without inflicting additional taxa tion upon the people. This eooma to bo the shortest way out of the difficulty. LIKUT. SOIIWATKA , the Arctic explorer , who , during the last two years , has quite thoroughly explored Alaska , Is lecturing In the oast. Ho rather surprised the Boatonlans with the ntatomont that Alaska Is larger than all that portion ol the United States east of the Mlssisslpp rlvor , and is , withal , a very valuable territory ritory , capable of contributing largely to the national wealth when Us resources shall bo developed. Its chief river , the Yukon , down which Schwatka journeyed oa a raft , is about 3,000 miles long , be * ing but a little Inferior to trio Mississippi itself. The country is scarce of game a fact which Schwatka attributes to the myriads of gnats and flies , which make it impossible for animals to llvo in the sum mer. Schwatka want down the Yukon to its mouth in Itohriog'a sea , and sailed around the Aleutian islands. He repeats < peats the statement about the temperate climate of these Itlands. The mercury , ho says , never falls below zero , and the summers are never as hot as in the central tral statoi of the union. EX-STATE SENATOR BOVIE , of York , expresses his opinion very froelj concerning Lord Roscco Conkling , as fol lowe : "Ho has climbed away up on top of t lofty pedestal from which ho is supposed to survey man and all of his polltlca works with supreme indifference and weary disregard for the opinions of hii fellow-creatures. Ho is so consumed with a sort of tublimo egotism that hi really believes the country U blinded tc his real feelingi and entcrtninn an cplr ion that lie la a sort of demigod , lie from the hittomooges nnd wiiakuoaio that characterize the majority of th race. Talk about his not having an political ambition , and that ho wants t devote the rest of Ida life to money-gel tint ; I Nothing could be more absurd Uohaa never had but ono nsplratio : since ho left the United States senate and that was to got back into it ngalt Uo has boon ready at any tlmo to sacri ficp hia dignity , hta resentments , and hi pride to accomplish that object , " NEUHASKA B two cabinet ospiranl are attracting considerably moro alien thn abroad than they are really entitle to. It ia unfortunate that Miller an Morton , whoso friendship was one likened unto that of D&mou and Pythiai should have fallen out , and uot eve speak as they pass by. It is , howovei indicative of the factional quarrels thr will arise within the democratic rank In every state In the Union. It la t bo hoped for their own sakes that Mlllc and Morton will kiss and whack up o the spoils , and put an oud to such con : menU aa the following from the Ohlcag Wo are sorry to note that these tw political Neators of Nebraska domocrncj Dr. Miller and the Hon. J. Storlin Morton , are scratching and kicking oac other In a moat outrageous manner eve the division of the federal spoils. A last accounts Mr. Morton had rocovoroi hii wind Buflicloutly to call Mr. Miller man with the heart of an alligator , th gizzard of a buzzard , and the gall of rattlesnake. THE Washington correspondent of th Now York Times , in speaking of th "thousands of place hunters" under th democratic administration , says : "Inth west there appears , for Instance , to bo joncral desire to procure appointment n the goodetio and geological survey which has boon represented as a brand of the service requiring a great deal c chock and ability to draw pay withou much scientific knowledge or desire t work. " Thia of course has no roforcnc ; o Nebraska democrats whatever. The ; lave no cheek and don't want any geodc ay or geolocy in theirs ; all the \voll cnown aspirants for offices hero declr offices that can bo spoken of in langnagi of Jeffersonian purity. OMAIIA in threatened with moro polei ind wires. A third f lectrlc light com > any is soon to establish itself hero. I s to bo hoped that the day la near al iand when wires in Omaha will bo pul indorgrouud. The eastern cities arc ompolling the various companies to burj heir wires and remove their polls 'hero is no longer any question aboul ho practicability of operating wires un > erground , but the telegraph companiee rill poatpono action as long as possible n order to avoid expense. THE report that Grover Cleveland has ought a § 20 pair of boots for inaugnra- ion day is now denounced aaa foolish tory , in which there ia not a word ol ruth. But why was it necessary to con- radlct It ? If Grover Cleveland wants to rear a $20 pair of boots , whooo business s It ? The only person that might op- ect is Richelieu Robinson , irho perhaps links that the president-elect ought to roar two-dollar boots. REPUBLICAN Clubs in New York , Bos on and other eastern cltios are "bouno- ng" the magmumpj from the member- hip lists. The Chicago limn correctly ays that thin looks as if the republicans roro resolved never to elect another ro- ublican president. It certainly Booms o bo suicidal course to excommunicate otora , rrhon the party needs votes moro ban anything else. A KENTCTCKIAN was painted rod from cad to foot in the court house In Lax- ngton on Thanksgiving day , In payment f an election wager , before a largo clr < lo of admiring and tumulloua friends , lad Blaine been elected our once on husiastlo George H. Brooks , of Bazille Vlills , would in all probability .havo don < he aamo thing in order to properly cole orate the event. TUB Portland Orcgonian , speaking o ho election of Charles S. Voorhoes , aoi of Senator Voorhees , as delegate to congress gross , eays that ho has drifted into congress gross on the railroad issue , which ma ] never float a democrat into office in thi territory a aiu. His majority la 140 it a total vote of 41,844 , of which 10,001 or 12,000 were cast by women. Mil. BARNUM , chairman of the dem ocratio executive committee , has an nounced the names of the cornmittoi .hat . will have charge of the inauguratioi ceremonies. Out of respect to Mr. Bar num the committee ought to ongagi Savon mules to haul the presidentia carriage. IP there ia a democrat in Nebraska whi carried a torch during the recent cam pilgn that does not expect to bo rowardec with an office , ho can obtain a permanon situation at a good salary In any enter prising dime museum. Apply to Dr Miller or J. Sterling jnorton. The Car Coupler 1'robloiu , Boston Advertiser. The petition to the railroad commia ihnera on behalf of certain roads whicl pro using the Union car coupler to havi it recommended for adoption was infer mally heard yesterday. Mr. Crockett division superintendent of the IToston am Lowell , i tat jd that there was a mlstaki In the announcement that they had petitioned tioned for it , as they were only trying i on a dczen cars , and were not yet read ; ti specially recommend any coupler General Superintendent Fnrbor , of ttn Boston , Maine & Eutorn , arrived Ute but told the commitsioner * that while hi did not know much about other coupler be was well pleased with this raid it wa doing good tervlce on their roads. Abou 100 Boston & Malno cira are cqnippci with It , about 125 Kvjtorn cars , ain about twelve Maine Central ctra , so i 1m become of some interest to the con Bolidatod roads to bo permitted to ut this coupler. It may bo added that th Boston & Providence are now trying 1 on four can. Mr. Sanborn , master o tnxnopnrUtiou of the eastern , told th commissioners that when they began t use the coupler it was wrongly attache1' ' to about twenty-five CATS , .and severs slight toidcnta occurred ; but since thi mistake waa corrected it hao given cntir satisfaction , ami it couples automatical ) ; vrlth common drawhoads bettor than an ; other with which ho IB acquainted. The commissioners Rtxvu no Intiraatioi of their conclusions , if they found any In this connection it may bo proper t atato that they have not indicated whctb or or not thc-y shall con line their rocom mnndalion to ono coupler. There ia prevailing opinion , however , in railroai circles that they will permit the use c moro than ono. It is apparent that aov oral have reached a good degree of utilit ; for Borvico with the present mullifon varieties In uso. It Is also tolerably clca that whatever kind Is adopted now ma ; bo Buporcoded in a year or two by "th coupler of the future. " Inventors are o work and master car bulldora are study ing the devices and criticising , compir Intf , laying aside and partially commend Ing. Whenever they can agree upon on as superior to all others , that will probn bly como into speedy ueo , either throug ! the voluntary action of all the roads litho the country or through legislative com pnlalon. Until then , everything nmat b tontatlvo. The commissioners nro becoming coming thoroughly informed on the whol subject. They have yet conaiderabl tlmo for study and for awaiting dovoloi menta. There is no fear that they wii compel costly changes unices decided ! ; advautogoous , nor that they will ovoi then make any such rigid rule or aoloc tlou as will exclude the "perfect coupler when it comes. The language of the lai is euch aa to require only a graduo change , so the extent of it will bo vnr ; much in the hands of the roads , whatovo dovlco or devices the commissioners pro scribe. Arthur nn n , I'.irty Lender. New York Commercial. President Arthur renews the rocora mendations contained in his previous ar. nual messages for a revision of the tarili Since IfcSl ho has repeated hia advice fact which proves beyond question thn the tariff law of 1883 wan not as far reach Ing nn it should have been. Mr. Arthu is peculiarly qualified to dhcuss tan. matters , because the > have been a neeeD sarlly special atudy with him during th years lie was in the custom house. In hi first annual message to congress ho mod such radical suggestions for a revision a the tarili' that he seemed to ntartlo th members of the Forty-sixth congress , am accordingly hia suggestions were not ootei upon. The defeat of 1882 ehowod the ropub Hcans , however , that they had blundered Yet the "tidal wave" of that year wa iot confined to Now York , but swop ; nto Massachusetts , and extended oven ai : ar west as Michigan , where the ropub icana had not been beaten in twenty feara. There were no "stalwarts" 01 "half-breeda" there , so republican din mter was attributable to other causes baa factional quarrels. Looking back now to the message Mr , rthurQ sent to congrees in December , .881 , it will bo Been that , had his advica boon taken , his party would have boei ; troDgthenod by the high principles he idvocated. Ho urged a revision of the ariff ; a reduction of thointernalrevonue ; k aettloment of the silver question ; In n iford , wise and conservative treatmenb e i ivory question which has come up prom < nontly in the last three ycnra. But his advice was disregarded then ; tnd the opportunity to efface the troubles > 1880-81 passed away , perhaps forever. Che student of political , afhlra in looking > verMr. Arthur's state papers will say hat ho was not only a good president , ) ut a sagacious party leader. Ho showed he party the way it should walk , , but hoao who controlled the Blaine faction , rhich was in the ascendency when Mr. Arthur first went into office , treated him rrith contempt. Remembering this , the ireaont condition of the party aiiords a urioua and Instructive study for the-phi- osophic inquirer. UNDER THE NEW How "Washington LadIPH Itecard aht Coming of Cleveland. Chicago Herald , Oa the whole it looks aa if the fore- coding of certain of our minister * ] 'rionda that the white house wouLl be aoycottod by ladies for the next fout rears , should Mr. l levdind come inwill not bo realized. There are many who say that the man who has lived a bachelor to educate the daughters of his mission ary sister may count on a cordial welcome - como for himself and far thorn. Ono thing is noticoitb-lu , that part of resident Washington with the present administra tion is preparing the most coidlal wel come to its succcuBor. President Arthur polished manners madehimjorwownf/ra/ / to thorn , and the tran&ttion will not bo violent for the old arlttocratio clement lioro to adapt itself to a president repre senting the old aristocratic party in poll tics. Should President Arthur return hero as a senator he will bo the moat popular society man In Washington. Ho linn un unusual hold on thojiffectionu ol the permanent inner circle. A matter of fenortl regret hero ID. tha lirgo num ber of delightful people that paia out ol official life with bun. The Frullnghuy- sone , the MoMichaols , the Brotrsters are but a single trio of a s-coro or moro ol families whnsa subsidence from the front rank in pull.o notice will bo lamented. A few names of ladles whom ono al ready can forecast aa prominent In social forces in thorecrystallaition of the social atoms are Mra. Laughton , whoso antece dents are all democratic , though she is on terms of Intimacy with the existing re. ; imo ; Mrs. ( JJcznaby , Judge Black'c brilliant daughter , who has a wlntei homo on DoSa ca street , where eao will this winter bo visited by her sorely be reaved friend , Mrs. Harriet Lane John- tton ; Mrs. Berxy , of course ; Mre. Joni : Walsh , who , ra a girl , was the beautiful Billy Shannon , daughter of Wihoa Shan non , governor of Ohio , and afterward ! territorial governor of Kinsaa , bosldn having been member of congress and minister to Mexico. When at the liolghl of her fame aa a beauty , perhtps a doxer : years ago , she married iUj a well-kuowi : old asd wealthy family of Si Louis. Twc or throe years ago her husband died , ace recently Mrs. Walsh has brought her little tlo brood of pretty children hero and ca > Itbllshod herself pleasantly on Da Sslea street. She Is BO ohajtning in her Hid OW'B robes that the eye turns lingering ! } to goao upon liflr. Ono of her sUturi married General T. W. Sherman , U , S A. , and the wedded pair died within i few weeks of each otner atNowpoitiomi four yoara ulnco. Atnther sister , Mra Keolor. a widow , who has much of thi family beauty , but who married \ess \ fa % oraWy as to / rtuno , luo f ir yrurs hoci an expert counter in ( ho redemption bu tra > u y She ii in.loricd ii pfTtco by the enlire Kine.ii di > lfg\tion who hold her high 5u nlliclal cstcom. Th latu Jttdgo Hlnck , itninpdiatcly on Jonrn ing c.f . her ptostueo in Washii gton.sough her out for her distinguished lather' sake his old-lltnofrk'nil nnd culled ol ten lo coa her M long nn ho lived. BTATH JOTTINGS. A hop weighing 725 petunia hna been sold n Mndison , The now tcliool buikliti nt DeWilt xvn opened hat Momlny. Wonplng Water shipped thirty-four carload of corn dining the week. Mrs. SiiRnn lrom. UROI eighty-two yenn died In llritrico lust Tucfdav. The Sperry compnnv , of Omaha , ia Intrc ducing electric lUht in Fremont. A foreigner llvinff near Iiullnnola tiled fror eating the ment of n cli < woil hog. A boiml of United RUtfB penMen Mxrgeou wns organized ntJteil Cloud mat week , A Inrgo colony of KtmUnn have lately Bet tied near Indiauoln , lied Willow county. J. M. Ulggins , member elect of the legis Ittlure , has guno mt j Lusincsj ut ( Ilenwood. ThoMethoJUtson Wnlmit Cm ] { Bro poin to builJ a church , ? 700 hns already beei rained. The S C. ft 1 . doi > ol nt Norfolk will KOOI bo complotod. It is a ono story frnmo build ing , UJxUO feet. A R man earned Chnllnnt , wni Inntnut ly kl by n runnway unar Neligh las Saturday. Ills nock \vru brokui Two hrothfr * named Goodon , of Fullortor Neb , , made n boat which n twenty-five fee from Hem. t utorn nnd launched it , and hav et.uteil for Now Orleans. The NobraBka Farmer thinks there IB not c.i90 of hog cholera in tlio fctatp , but attribute the Drfpent trouble among hoga to cuelos feeding in ohnnglng from oM to new corn. Joseph Cook , who in charged wi h the mui dor of hoonnrd linhl. nt Ulna Hill , n shor liistnnco flouth of llnd Cloud , nnd who wn lmn by lynchera , but cut down in titno to b resuscitatciljWfts Wednesday indlclod foruim dor , iirRtdcpree. Per the pait two weeks thn town of Sutto : has been enjoying n poatolSco light. Th railroad divides the town about equally nn each aide wished the office , and on the cvc ning of IhoHli iust the tumtli itdo Biicceedei in reinoviug the office to thtir destrod locatioa War ia bound to follow. Owing to tin recent failure of Mi Idlntowi bunk of Now York the West 1 > itit IJanU Butter nnd Cliceno , nitociattou nt Blair , nr uuablu to moot their obligation. ' , cnuaing om barn ° Binr'nU to iudmduals In an unfoitunat BBOCOII of tight times. Clancy , truiRiuor ol Cununing cuuntr , had i deposito of S3 100 n coutity fundu iu the bank whicA ho ia eookmi to recov er. The Fairmont Bulletin Bays : "Tho gam of hog thieves who have boon Infoating thi town and community for oon\o time lm\e a last coma to grief. Afensri" . WM. McHwen A. 12. Leuk , jV. Look , Grant Dawcesou am JaniCH Simpson have bfloii arrested , on com I laint of Chm. Mn'sleman , filed with It. II Pinney Wednesday. " A corresp indent of the Colurabus Journa sends that paper the acclden tal shooting affair ou Upper Shell crock a follows : On Wednesday of lost week Mr Owen accidentally shot hia eldest daughter , i yonng lady 10 or 18 years old , In the thigh a i-hurt range They were husking corn , nm Mr. OK en , seeing some geese , haitilv pullet hii cun from the wagon , when It accidental ! : wont off , lodging n heavy charge of shut inti her thigh , riddling and tearing the flfsh in i terrible manner. A. physician wna called fron Humphrey , nnd though there wai in his opin ion great danger for her life , eho is now a lust nccounta improving a-littlu. binux City NOWP. CITT , Uecemba- . - -A eevero coli wave ( truck this section last night. It wa ten below zero here this morning , 12 below n Yankton , end at Sioux tYUs 24below. . Thi change in tbo weather has given nn Impetui to trade nnd merchants lock.forward to botte : .iraes , Mike Haley , a pugilist of thin c'.ty , nnd ai inknownsupposed to ha Kd Millorof Omaha lave made a match to fi ht with ban < nuckles , Marquis of Qaeecebary rules , fo : P250 ieldo , on Jacuarv , . to bo within twen ; j'-fi\o miles of Sioux City. Rxpnsltluu Notes. NEW OIILEANS , December 17. Itaininf iteadily tinco daylight , nevertheless the i nrere many visitors at * the axposition , anc many pieparing exhibitions. The rosea on the cheeks of a prottj ? irl are the sweetest blooms in the world , 3ut a $9 per week clerk can better afford to spend a dollar in n button-hole rose Dad that will wither and has thorns than lie can afford to tuko a conplo of rosj cheeks and a mother-in-law to blcom in ils own little homo. That pure , oct , fnlo , cait cffectho llMlllitlon of Witch-IIttB.ll Araer.can Pine , Canada rlr. Mar gold , nnd CKivcrlllona in , ca'IcJ ' S > nlotd' . ( aillcal euro ( or Cititrti , with one box UJtairhtl FoUfni nml ino Karford'rt loiiirotcd InhIor , fcll lu nne iiaok Ke , rjihy now ho livl of > II drugglato lui ; i CO. Ask ( orSanlord'oIUdlcal Cu > o Cou'i > lcto Loral r.ud Oonotltnti uml Trfatmu"t to : norv lorin of Ca'airti , ( mm a Simple C'o'd ur Induct ) , ta to loss or Smell , Ibtto , and Iloirinir.C'inigh.llriin. ; nlteaud ! Consumption , m o\ory pacl > < 'BO. Clorcvmon , Vocalists , And 1'ubllo Spcr.Lots wUhout number OHO their pws jut iiK-lulni'ii uud sacc M to S.iiiford'u lUdLai'CuTi ) of Citnrrll. Huv Jr. Wi slns ravf. "Ono fit thohpst rcnuilles oi Cutu rh n , Uiobest remedy we ha\o louiiJin tltfetiniDif suUtiilux IH baufcrd'H Haillcol Cam. tclearmho luad ami throat < thantuiily that , Utktn each mi'rnint , ' on rleln r , them itu no ui itlias int eucrttloiitt and i o illai rueahlo hatMn dtiilop .ho mllrod'.y ' , huinn iitiptiToJ entod ulo.rnota ol mice and ruj | > H torj orgain. " Kol.l b > ail dnijwti , I'rlco 81.CO Potter lriii ( and Clicinlcal Co , 7Jetton Wnarv auflcrrr ( fora I ; aid core Lingo , .ha nrd Cold ? , Weak Hack * , \VVali Hoitirh urd llowcl" , l fjitpom , t'omalc rt'ealncoi" " , Khootlng Pains through thu I-olua and Hack , try tin no piasters. Plaoti' ' uvortlio ) .Jt of tne itornivRhi they yrovent and euro Aiuu I'alnc , llillloue Unlic , Lltur Complaints , Mid protects the " ' Iroui a.Uu uiard Ilia. 2ia , r.Unmallim I'ar-Hr4 > , , , ilu mil ll > er ili > , < iii Uuul , A.llmm , llonrdlUnwe Dtkpr | l > , I ( inittimli"v. I.I1 ; ilrvlM , Catirrh , IMlei , K ] > ll pKT Imp" ! * " * * * nnn' .A ii I'rtJut""lerl ttr OiJj rlonlltoI'.uclrlc Holt u.iiinr ca that teiiili the iif : < i < liiiy uul t > tiieii tiHni tiir oclitUi avdj , aud cu bd rcctia ? fcKl tu uk lutuul lij thu iK tt. Winter laooulng , tha Beaten < /l the year tu * che iBdpalng. Iu view of thU UctvtoeAy b\ycna o Oli llorne't BleJtrtl DelU. ItBO dolnr > you wll Hold Uheumatlem , Illdnnj Troubles and f.her llli hat fleeh U he'r U1. Do not del y , biitui 'a. < oui tl'oo ind eiamlro be'u ' , No. 142S Dou-ly. etreot , oi V Qooduua'd , 1110 1'arnam BtOiaiJ ) < , Nub. Or filled 0 O n COLLARS CUFFS ( CARIN9 THI I UA K All THI FINEST 00003 EVER MADE , CINQ ill Linen , BOTH Lln'njj ' AXO Eiterlon. Amlc for them AMN BROS , , Aeents for Omttlu SPECIAL NOTICES TO LOJUf-uonav. M OVI Y t-i lo . < i on ch tell Ir J. r. llaMty , N' 513 tith Nth -t IS < JKH15 i"l""iirfi elite. Aetiltv lu ; { ,78 u. S. > 'oH otllco M6-lSp MONEY tn r l on t- ' ftn\l prop ) lj , thuttel or o lUtcinlii & KIu&ucl\ri\R'i : ' iK ( IfOJ Krr tn tint t. S42J.vilri Mi'NKY to loan on cltv | iri'C'tv. | In urms c JSOJ anil tip. W. H. MotUr , 11U3 K rn ra vm. , i ixin.AK in euiiijol tf.xu ( i. . UIIWKUI 0. V. n tLi utij Co. , 1U 1 K.titf Md I.ea ntii , 1'ns ' Vnr'-tmht. _ _ 803 tt flONKY lojinod en chstlols. lUllro&J Tlcko M1 bought Mill told. . Foiectn , m ft. lilt 7/8. tt _ WAJJTKD A mm ) ( ten * rortanl to 'to uo at hmxowirkftt 1017 Chicago St. None o'hc lIO 'n cviotl8HOPiLl | > iok-lctl > < r. Ajipll ii CAir lnli t ' cmlu tn f jivil M rif ! , ' ifi. Ail dro-sl' O. H-xtOi , .tiling RO nd iUr > c\niCtiiil ! ! ' 4-Ci ] \VANTfcl-At once , scconilsltl t Jll 'Bth Si ' 113 17p ) One Ifcly Mid one irm to c ii In * ' a new IIOOK Inquire Mr N. Uatly , OS'nnrt EJIct.on blorh noil' " it JumltiR ItO-lTp A fo > l ( I rm . | plil for Reniral hnu < o k Avply a * . M. KljruUer'n Cwlhln ? Sto c Cor , 10th and Fatnnm .12-18 \\fANTKD-A Rlri to ih general house work * 2410CiimltiHt ( , moil" \\TANTni ) Oooil butol cr to tent ii tt ol utoreAN ) lOth'-f. \\7ANTKD A Klrl for K'lieralhouio woik S. w IT CJiiicr 15th and Capitol e 108 17 W At. TED- goo ! > hundreds at htiimot HOIK ! i3-2 lp Y\7ANTKI > A good second fciil nt 1311 Haver portatrfol. 10 ! ) . 17 , \\7ANTE1 > -A Itw tncrecUo agents for fas' reHln M art'Cln. ' C < llat onco.bljT money. O , M. Knto 111S. HtOkt. 174.17 WANrKD-salcslMliosalit K. Martlu'it limtall mont itntc , win h the ati m tB the lowibt pri" a In mnila , ou furnttnr tto > csandcarpoi8 , n.u > t lm\o flrttclais rolercnce > 145tf \X7ANI KU-Agotiti to ha-idloour T appl anco , fxo u-lvo ter It rv | dcii. A iir n oproituiiltj for the iljjht pirtlcs. llivcst'R ' ti by ac ( Ifoaslnn tt.o rcetlou M'i'if Co. , Kansai city , Mo , lS8-J nll :7AV1'KD : La yai ; ntHor " < Jtu-en 1'rutwtoi' ' daisy stooklm ; uihln Irt unptiorteis , shMildi ! btacw , Imstloi , bosom forice , drcsthlolila , safct bol'K , M'OO ' eprotectois , A . Kntircl/i uw de\ico unriiredintid pn IHj. Vi'e have ( U > aponts nnk'iij ' * 00ainthlv tlj.'c9j wtthetimp H. II. C uuite & OJ.,0 HJUth .Mt ) St. Chicago. I'.O-J 1 WANTED 109 eollcltori ) , irood I ay to thn rich man. Addrcm Ntbritka Mutual Matrbg IlencntABSoclatlon , Fremont , Nfb Oil-la 16 \1/AN / KU ly tho.No'Ta'ka K'ro ami Wntcrproi T ? rUutntid Ikolliik'Co. , rillaWo men 'n ' u\ei couotynri the state to mjjwlje. compcnlca for worl Inff our p Int. There's bli ; u oncy In U. Vnr ( i i tlculirt io , addrcm uK JUyoe , Sicrptnry ni JI n xcr , Omaha. 810-Jan 1 V\7'AHTE1 > To buy a o'ty ' lot to be pnd ! la week ! ' ' Tl or monthly InsUllmonts. Addrom"lJ. n. " Bo' office. . . 210-t T\7"ANTED Lndlri and Koutlemen to talio nice IT light , plena nit work at their own homes [ dls Unco 3.1 obju.tton.Vtk ; nt by mallt. $3 to 25 i < Uy can ha quietly m de , n ) canvaislng. I'lcaso ad drees at once , Ulobo M'fg Co. , Costin , Mass. , bo : 6314. M3-JCO i ; i nuiotieuumiu niclty orcountr ; ts Uko nice , light md pleasant work at thol COMci AN'i'KO LAL'IKS UK UKN'lLKMt.N In Clt ; or country , to taka nlco , light and plo&san work attholr own homes ; $3 to 85 per day cually am qaletly made ; work tent by mall ; no canvassing ; n < i for reply. Plc&ee ajdrceo Rellabio ManfV Co. ' - , Pa. SiUS-m * ) - ' tenrtcr where an WhTEl-AsUua'lonaihir 3f or Is kept. Acldrem "K. " Dee oiQte. LI 1 10 , A f ituatlon to taVc o re ohorsen aa WANTED lor a prita e family. Addrrsa O. A Bcs Offlco. 1811p ! ED Situation , a thoroughly romxten WAN in lithT ariry d-Odc , bootn and Fho or grocei } ' house. Applicant Is well acquainted li Cmihi. Addreea llct-ague Brcs , McCai io'a bank. 505-t 'ANTED A position IB a i upp'entv In a h&rd W wareetoro. AddrcsiC.8. Ulig U , Norfolk Neb. 171 jin-1 WANThD By B ladv cf cxpirlenon , anil best o refuienren , a Mluatlou aa homo keeper. Appl ; to CiT noith I6th St. 151-171 married iiati Wknts Mluation u Dock AtounK In wholetilo eetabllohmenl la Omaht AddroH " 0. " euro Bee. Sll Two nice c'cin train men to take i WANTED funlhod room unit meals at i ru'lroad mm' hous > . t blocVs frnm U , r. ilcpot , fl si bla 8 In trtry reepo X Addrcsj K. H. ilin , 13eu Otllci 170.20p WANTKD-Todo WJBhlrg , will fAlflir the wall In ; or do it at the parties hooso. Call at 7' ! > 173-i20 | W/NTED A line of c'pars ' or grojeriM for ha nn4 CoJni.ll .uftt trad' , t'n ' salary or trmml BIOD. Addrrjn D. L. K. Iie < 3 otllco Council B.UIIH. . 17 * 17p "IVfANrKD To purchase cooa'-lurd phjalclan o.cclriobattery. Addrnu COS Whiatin S > Omaha. 135-18p ANThU rubuyi phietoU4r biut'y ; ' "Ult tint class And very cbap. stito prlco II lox 32D P. O. > --i-7 ! ) ! | CCO 7C WfJ buy a nlto clcorrated toilet ( or ipu. I tl chamlorEc8tMootl ) > ' 3ClilnaBtoricor , IU h ard Uavcsport utn-t ( . r.7tt WANTKD To rent , roomjsr suite r f rooms fun ulit.ttiicr uufuinlslicd. , 'tMtmi O. It , A. , 1 > M lOthSt. ISl'Jau ' ! : . WANTFU'.000 fatnllcs to try otr pelf risk ; ] 1'iiro Iluikwhcat ( Ijtir and hclf-litlig c n moil kept tij nil fl'fct c a a r.-tocjrd. We uarrane a'J liucknhcsl so'd under our br.vid pure. W. J W.3L- 31IANM i CO. , JUnufactuurs. 811-tf IT , AlfTKI ) Ladles and Tourg men ton ! tr-isSln ' > book kceplmr ; will nlbrn half ji.ijuntil jila iti ni c.n Juruinb d , J , n &mith,15ieiouglui. &QUT ionicB ! ana Lo'.s. -JIL KENT Ono funrl'hul room wi FJIL pnlorSlO. , In _ | > rlvati fam'ly ' , al o > two < < ay Cell t UltCuLtcrnU bt. Ilui'trinc * ru- . . . UKNT-Cholco kulloof olllco rlon-j vary do. X' nimble for a doctor IHtf Tjvoil PENT -N'wly furnlshe'l ' room , th nctllent J ? board for ilngju jcotlitiiait OiO 3t. ilai'jVatH. ' ' . Upper ( Ior and rlllc * room , Apply F'OIIIU'.NT A. Frsjhau , NJ , 13 , Oou ai i-t'ict , Omaha , Ncbiw : < < a. tltl-13 HEM1--Co-t gi rt three- orn' , ? 3d anil POU t'xte'f. luiulruof Owjn McCodrov , Hti and DoiiKlw , or at a. b Cur Jaoeau nJ Kill. ftOtl 1011 HUNT Ilouiu cf B lions , JIG per mor Ih. F Wasruic wilier. BP JJ fT l ; lIKKT-ltopm at OC&X , lllh ittott. I1 J19-Pp UFNr-KurnUbt or urfurnldi 1 frmil FQlt . In Lu lillng tl K corner Ittti nul D.uu text itrwils ; evil alccrfty. in 2CJ-10 IlKNTKurr.lshe 1 roorrs oao blook from IVn Iroil 1 olHcc , brlcVbocVmod inlaipicvKntn n , H. W , corner IDlh aid t'Apltcl ava. iOllf FOIi B I.VT-Kt&Uft ! r.nd chrax | > t frimlihcil roouv In Oioalu. Apply t'i ' . II A lirun room .4 Aril run lilook , iioith eutrancu , 1C h and lav n port pt , 132-iii IpOH ItENT Threg ikvant roous , o < e ( clnulci vtalK ( ruin > hg I'I.HI o'Ctt' ' , roDJu utrixitiil , nir | o'sforii'e ( HIS I ( d < uSt. 1618 ; fj OUIl < T-A pHainit furnliheil room with n i1 vtlttoot nre , 1310 Caj Itll ave. 105-2JJ ( j-Oll KhNT-AUige vtcll ( urulihtd and hotttt P room C.llat aigfJtwSt. 1S3-I8 ; FOU ilKNT THO gond front roonu ct ; . , $ a 0 rti month , IMS North IDlliBt. 1912i. . ] l/Olt ItKNI-Ainom with hoard luiiaVo for fr I at B , W. corner 19th and bt. Maij' ate. ieD-17 ( JTOIt ItENT KurnVheil olUce grounj floor , cwntti ( folly , Urfc-o talc , 3 deuli , ttovuand vrerythlnz onvtniont. Addrew box "P. O , ' Be ( , n"co H ! " * } Oil 118K7 Sal s 0 * room furnlth il 'or Ight Ii hoisi Irtplnr , an owwlmul y i-Ant In \ iner'i hit rV , e > Mttr Mb ai it lto Md 't < J < t F.Nr Fiiriilshcxl totmj 1610 llodgo "U 141 l p . UWT-F nrrvm h tt r 2 il Mil Ir ril $10 i1 icrinMith linker & Jhjne ISli ' - Mm 1-irM.v.o I room th ] > a' 318 IPOU'if-Nt 1 8 IMhttrM * t ll Il OH HKN'l With ritinl , one l.-rr e ( nrnt > h J fr ml room , ; a n > J b > tli S oof , of i th and Join 114 O AN i it few tab D boarders vi.vUf I. 1J > OIl IlKNT Kitr | ; , < ilcmnt fiirnUh'iliivinu Tn- quite N W. o n et I-thnn KArntin s > H2 If I .Mill lliST-Ilou-o with 4 roonn. Afplv 1DH 3 r 17th t li-17p 17pmo l Oll lULSf ? l ofiiid ii rfronriT" ( ) prrnm I on - Mock from ted Itnr ttrvt c r. lia. S. I ! c .r. . Uth at.l UOtf T7 < 0il UKNT-urnlMieO roumi 1417 llo nnl OlS.Kp. FOll UKNT A rottajii.f 3 rovrr , on ZiJ'h utrecl ncirHt Marv's vtentic ; W.tOper tnouta. War. nn Swltjlcr. 13 rt KthtlrcJt. loltf 17lJlllliCNT-l | imof clKlITrooiin , M na'od be 1 two n U nv niit and I'lmnint strectn , on llarney street. Innulretf \ . M. Ttoinnajn , hint National Hank. | 1 8tt 111011 lie NTA 11 e ftirnl'hul room 4 from U > jU'aipo aHcus. , U2iorminih. If. r Mar- 17011 * ll NT - Htoni raoni 1MI ftrnan 8t , lth or 1 without llitlUrdUblos , by Pauliot A O" . . 1M3 Farnaui St. M7 tf 17 'U HENT Sure building Kith rw ! Janr < i ll fof . $22. ] r matin In good luoMlon , 1) . F'Oll UENT Largo 8)uthin > t room , largo l y nlndntr rlovlllroplaco and bath mom prhl- \f \ ofhouse nd furniture no ; fOl ti. SOthntreet , ono buck n'irth ' o St. Marj1avimo , WOtf FOll IlKNT Kumlihol or ui'urnlihril brick block , ojrner lOtli 041 ! Chicago SU. _ B01-Jsn-3p ' UKNT-A tine room r ou c ; doiuano oca- 1 tl.nIOporuonih. ; Darker A Matno. OCOtt Foil UKNT Cottage of tiueo rjo'iut , IM and Clark streets. ' Inquire if Owen ItcCkdrey , mhand Lou < hn , or at ti. tt. Cur. Jackson * iiM8th. UU. 311 UKNT Fiirnl huil ro manilboarrtCfc.OO pel F week. Very beat louatlou , 1S14 Uavcnpnrt. J UKNT e .c1 t o 8 roonih l' , pantry 1 and , SH 60 , als * other cheap tin ientJ. I > . U Ihoma . 819-tf UKNT 0 room IIOIUB , flno yard , Park n o. FOll , 1&07 nllm St. 701 tf VENT 7 room brlctc homo , barn , well FOll and cistern , \\111 rent cheap to tbo right tenant * t sell on oisy moutaly | i.\yueiU. ASiralt07Kftmarn street. 7CMf . > 0u KENT FurnUlutl roomnbrlc < < block , rooilem K Improxcmonts , cue block frooi I'ost olllcS - \f. \ corner 1Mb ard CupltoUve. 03/-Wp / ) 11KVT A new hovoc of 10 rroms.and a hnra , FOll hard and snft nati r ; on I'trk avenue , 2 blocki from ? nriiain street Inquire PISKarriMn. UStl FOll IlKNT TotcnUouiin only , a plraaam luj- nluliotlroom. B. K , corner SOtb and Douglas114tl 114-tl UENT-Two clrcaat rocms In Kedlck'g blooi , EOll I'aulBcn & Co. , 1513 farDum. Sl2-tt iOU RENE FurnlsbM fjjnt room for rent 222 U F 10th bt 113-tf 00113 With bnird , dn rab a or wluter' Apply L at 8t. Chailes Ht.tcl. 110-tt TOP. T7 > 0 11 UAT.E .Vnewbuigy , cheap , 1512 CaM SI. J ? John Ln . 215 EOp irCM S\LK Nev WalnnS ted room Hit , Also has * JT Uurocrvery cheip must Lo sold by the 20th over 215 siuth 14th SE. 165-lSp ( 1 delivery nc on , audio fott lunch F011HALC Uoom2l6 , N 18th. 113 tt I.U SMjK IU EXHNOE - Ihi furniture ol tucnty furn'Mud ' rooms In hrloK b'ockwilhtnod- ermlmpr' vcmuuts. rooms reutin from $15. ti $ ilM ! per mouth. The 1 remises far loate. llurso s Iluancr. 2i.OJ8p T71311 SAMS Flret olaai liquor htorr , noith J } vvistoornerot I0th iml 'riiitul | Aciiuwllli ; lease 'cr throe VCMS fin" , until thgfli8tililnroa ui ci-ii' ' tcfg Ing to Europe 202-22 iOi 8ftl ' ' New s ooV groceries a * il flxfifc" , on \ t' prorain'nt street ; dnlujj rrood liuelncsn ; wl 1 tradv for city or tuburbui real oataio. Amerf , 1607 IVirnatu street. 1070 - STOIlSALE A ntimVor ono freih cow , call llTodays JD old , EstabrooV'a ttililo , loth and Cnj-itul fcvo _ 189-lOp - - ( frrsh milk oowi at 2ith ! and FOURALiE-L-to California Fncmin& J'ouny. JE4-3 > p 17011 SALE Now and sioondhand furnitu o and I ? stoves , 21 12 CuniingB * . 1'Ji-lTp Oil SALK 6a1Bfott on rumlngatrcet 3 blocki west ) of lll'itiry ' b.ldgo , Sl.BOA John L-MiOiRiie , opponlts Po-t otILe. ICO-tl BALE 13'xl24 fect > on corner , scuth-oosl FOll t , house 3 rooms , barn , 3 Mocks- west of 1'arkavo.aDd Lcavenuorth , tuny pajiavnts , tiutap $1,703. JohnL. Me' ague , oppuslt * Pott OflltOt : o3-tf SALE Twn I'll on Ocorji * avo. , at a creal FOK liorpaln. Al'O flno residunea on P rkava.clicap. POTIKll & COUU 1516 Farntmnt 017 If FiOIl 8i\LK Twohncmiarid lot oi Huniry rvnJ Ctd t , brhglngtlO leut jwr month. New York Dry good st ro. 062.1Bp _ HAI K lloruoe , niulis , lunojj aiul' IpOK onn or two yearn time. Ueil teUto eocurltT V. L. Thomas. &M-tf ITlUIl 8AIK < ) ll"EXCIIANOE At , sltTporacre , all X1 or i > a-t of tivu tlouun ' ftdrcs of tirut' r land , 'oily mlle < cant of ittri'ai City , wll cxrhango for Nebraska laud or moichamliio. ISouford ) % uuer Et la. KALK llc-jfo (6 ( roomuiuvn four lota WII EOIl choip In order to gtt cinnjo o vne after death of my cnlld T. E. l trfitt. Oa . .Eco. 7Hdtcl2 Tj OHSALE C'.vjaj ) , R mco 4ri'om cotrJurefull lot I' on grade , rlty tvatcr lOtb street , hl ! block a. nl LcivonHnrtht vusc ulilo , tr/nu3 co > y. M. Lto , gro. rvr-.2d and LtifVvii'Aorth strntit. 740-t FOIi. BALK A whole tock ol niotbinj , bontu un ohoon , buildings at oixit , retiring .Vein btininesa. 3. II. Potcrscn 801 south Tontli street. 113.8m T ) EHSONAI.-Aiiy o\a lnvlrij ; tsn nt knowing the uli eaboiitHJif-AperHOii Miuwuring tlio fol. iiwlni ; ile.iiiptlon lm w , n Minting In Iho vlclnlr ] f Kl r lies Ui u , on Handuj. Nov. 18. h , will | : lento -mimunlcatow th thtviiudriFlgrieii at once , ui < rome < o a ulrcr. ' < y kio'ii , ! ; 1 < 'hoiKlit that ttio parly < e > crrtd to a > v IcabU tofurnlHh u.fojin lion , vvl"Ch o him m e m unlniH3rt ] iit , but which. In on. ncctlon vt 1th f tc'B i uw lu my pownhlon 1,1 lei J to iHilutlcn of the r > * t ry toncxiiilng thu Itit of ) whiumaiijOiudouthitdato. liu".mi'jio ) ( 'lnl nan , dark oomplcxl'n , iaik mr arKlmouslacl'i.Bei-ni d lok tiouMed will the tnitmanr laUn'i , uud It li ih ult tpolo Mill a ullgh' I reien nociTit' whfn ivt BI II he wn ; v dark : lotUi > guiid waiiriiuinidilovisirit the t p. Prnba- ily for u Df hmiL'rg. J J. i upt. % * i 'ein ' o Agenoi , rooir. 7 , 8'Unl 21 , lleuij * bl'tk , lvTJUYK.IOH.slOUI.V-Ono liny geMlr Id ji ri . .Jo'di.iid ir > 8-1 liii.dn hi h , from my rtnldmtn Lji I him ijnt. AHIn I riuktlongl-uit ir return jl triM hoisi ulll bu tuJtatly iimmdou. J N. Kev. ' 2SO It OST OuCuuilniritrett , Uec , 1 1th , a brown tor J HIT JOIT. The llmltr will plso rf.tJiriit'i J. J , ijcd' twiut uitrktit , and rerolvo ruvtard. ! S7-17p , HAul ) ( ) K'r > L N--AUo > MkAi.ldrcdhuifc white fpoton left hboulJc'r. A iAllaHo rrwnul will Iw paid on uturn of the name toidH Ilo rird. / , 2 . 't Jy , OI.VMIIING gal IUUngobhlni ] ; promptly ttti l 1 Ul 3N. lUtirt. Johu J , CjUUknaugh. li'.tjlip O'RD-i'lrjt.-Uia hoard aiUWJi Jl per \veektt J2l20 pitol ate 7 STItAYKI ) - \ ptaylioH ) < ,4jtai old mukonofl nndlt'i ; Iktuuitubim 16th and Ca-j.Omuha , gut ruua d. dOitf l/Oll TKADri b'ock o.'tuplod by yncA 1' tin itj'orngjul [ u/.hior 'a ' rawopcitv Un w'l ' rttkouRuod. ia. chu. Acltlrciu ' , " frg .UU'N UP Oi.o llwk hort.0 Juur Rliilf fott , Wtulju ( , 10.ljiuitti llthHt. 8It , ) low \aU'U , hlrl.o anil co/eimoU tlear ii at thi PltlVYaU'U arid at any Ome of Ihg day , la .J oritlitly cruciU'ui way withcul the lent aiokelutlon to uccup4Utxor nclfubnri. wt'.h nur Improved and odoilm ai..jctu ; . A. It Co. , 811 Capitol ave. UNDERTAKERS I M the f.l'Utancl ] J7 | Kami in lit. OrOfrtl.ylil