Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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f VUJ UP CAPITAL J2 .0,000
OUUPI.US MAY i , iw aoooo
M. W TA7J , : A. E. TOOZ&llfl ,
PmUoal. VIM I'rodder t
7. UOORU , JKO. 3. OOLMSfl , LSW133. nr.KD.
at K. HijUfii , AMUtimt 0 < J Arttog CMltlet
mure cr/ioit
The 2on Bank ,
IIST55KKH 7. ' r.Jlowod ou tltno ilopojttu npoo
ovciftbla terms nud open nctmintj of bttiis
ftutl bankers.
Hinds and Csonfrr tud Cltjr njcnrltUi bonlil
Aid sold.
ID its treatment oi etutomara the mart liby
trfcl policy is imrnucd c nslalont rrith aataV.1 *
ml Bound tanking , ni 5 wa lavito correnponc *
elioo or poonal inquiry in oonmolion there
Nnr YORK , December 17. Money Easy
at l@li per cant ,
1'riuie paper li@Ga
Storltnff Hills-Steady nt 4 81 ; demand
484y , '
GovornmonU Kastcr.
Kail ways Irregular.
Stocks After n linn opening and an nd >
vance of i@ljc , tecamo weak and depressed.
Lackawana w i a ppuial cird , broakinft from
07c at close of jOBtorday to 02lc. Over 121-
000 tlmrea changed hands on , tlio way down ,
The immcdiuto cause oC the break was tlio an
nouncement that thuvhito pool hnd liqui
dated Bonia dnya ago tit an averflgu of 1 02 J ©
1 02J. The bean made frequent inlda on tlio
Weatorn Union and broke tlio prica from GO o
to C7 i ; . Tlio market closed weak at or near
the lowest price uf the day. The busicesa of
the day was active aud lar o blocks of Bcnn
oailiog almros woto thrown on the marliot ,
New current wat bearish. It was reported
that the trans-continental association could
not agree nnd that the Morgan line had cut
rates in the south. 1'acifio Mail was oxcep'
tlonally atrsng , rising IJc to&Gc on the olBcial
itatoment of tha couipany'a indebtedness to
the 1'anama railroad of $30,00 J would be paid.
Parties controlling the iadobt dness htvvo nig-
niCcd their Intention of accepting the olletof [
the steamship company , Compared with last
night the closing prices nro i to 3jo lower.
8's . ICOJ
H'a Ooupoun
U. S. now i'a . 1234
PaclfioG'sof * 95 . 120. ,
Ooutral paciho . S3 }
Chicago & Alton . Ii8
do do pfd . 145
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy . 117J
IJolftW-iro , Liiclc wana & Western . 03
Deliver & lllo Grande . 8J
Krie . Hide
do pfd . SO'
Illinois Central . 118i
Indianapolis , Olooin. & Weatorn . 1"
Konaan & T jiai . lf > 3
I ako Slioro & Michigan Southern . G. < |
Louisvlllo & Naslivillo . 2i\ \
Michigan Contrnl . 05
MifHouri Pacitio . Olj ]
Northern Pacific . 1 ( > H
do do pfd . 39 ?
Northwestern . 85j
do pfd . 12.H
New York Central .
Oregon Trans-Continental . Kt.
PaciHcMail . 5 :
P. D. &j : . 1 ,
Pullman Pnlaco Car Company . 100
Eock Island . 10 i
St. Liouls k Sim Francisco . 20
da do pfd . 39
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . 76J
do do do pfd . 10. )
St Paul & Omaha . , . 2' > J
t do do pfd . fco'i
Toxai Pacific . 12 $
Union Pucifio . 48
Wabash , St. Louia & Pacifio . 01
do tin do pfd . Wfl
Western Union Telegraph . 67S
o. n. &N . 70
CHICAGO , December 17. Flour Dull nnd
nucliuugud - AoUvn , unsettled , irrorular * "and
higher ; oppnod firmer D'l ' Jo h'glinr ' , n tvaiiccd
4c , df cllued $ < ! ? ic. rallied § i , rtlrt elf 'Jo ' fluct
uated and clunoil Jo iivirynRionliv ; 7l.J@71 o
tor cash and Deujiubcr ; 7l/7ltfa / fur .Ian-
nary 72i < 2723o f r l' " lniary ; 7a @ 78io for
M.iv : No Utoil , 7J 73'c
Cora Activ ; May most BO ; jear quiet ,
feolliiK miitittlod ; the year opinoii ia lotvur ,
ileclliu I Ic , closs 1 Jictiuilnr yestur.Uy's lutctt
figure * ; Juniu'y tinch luncil , M < y DC lilghor ;
SUJo tor eMHli and thb juar ; . < rii@Ci : > ic for Jaii-
tuiy ; aijo for February ; 37Ja37Su for May ;
No 3 ailie.
Oati I1 inner , nctlvo and J'SJo hlRhpr : 213
( S.ilo fnr cull nn I Ddcemlii'r ; 'Jl c for JHIIII.
aryand Fobruiry ; 'Jljo for M roh ; 23Jg28o
for Muy
llyr-Qiiint at 6o.
IS vley Nominal nt ! > tc.
Timothy-(2ui.t : pilnif. 1 ID l i0. !
KUr Seed Qtiiut uud Jj lower ; No , 1 ,
135 ,
-Moderately active anillightly ( lower ;
1070 ® 0 7 < " > for cash ; 1070(0)1071. ( ) lor L'e-
comber and , fanu ry ; 11) bO ( l ( ) d J for Feb
ruary : 10IJ@10 ) UJJ for March ; HSO@lis5
for May ,
hunt * Quint nnd unclungcil ; 057 0
for cash and Dfcwubor ; ti ( jiitftj 0 fur , ) nt\ .
u ry ; C 05li ( 07i for Feliniury ; 072i@d 75
for March ! 0 SJlcO h2J for Apiil.
Hulk Mi-uti ShouliletH , 1 b'JlQ1 ! 70 ; ehort
clear , 5 'J5 < ad 00 ; thoit ubn , G 6j.
Wh nky 1 13 ,
Uultdr-CJulot and nncliongod ; cboiro to
fancy creamery , 25i7ccliolc ( ; dtlry , I8 21c
ChtMino Quitt | n I iiiiclitn 'd , new full
croum cluvldara , lliQl' o ; flkiinmtii choddatu ,
s Firm ; froih , " . {
HIJos S ady and xmclnrgud ; ( jreon
n\ltod , h : vy ; fully cured , So ; light , 8\c \ ;
calf , life 1U.
Tallow Quiet fend unchaugeJNo ; , 1 coun
ter , ttfc.
KeceipLe , Uhlp'U
Flour , bbli . ' 'O.OUl 111 000
Wheat , InulicU . , . 202,000 2U,0 0
OJHI , bu ht'l . IG..OOO 12S.ODO
OuU , biuhtiU . 8\0l)0 fi7OW
Kyo , buuholii . 'J.IVXJ 1,1-00
Harley , bualieU . -11,000 25.0 )
' NICW 10 UK.
NHW Yonic , Dixsembcr 17 , Flour Market
quiet and ptUoi tinuhaiui < l ; euperfino itttu
mid vrintern 3 OC@3 7 i common togixKl extra
HBOQfSWj pnod tn choice 3SOaU50vbito ;
wheat i xUu. G > . ' < G GO ; f xtrt OLij 3 00 i G CO ;
Ht lA > uU 3 tiCKJO 00 ; ilmtiiaoU patent , pro-
Wheat iijjot l@Ja hiRher , closing hea > y ;
options opened a tcillo lower , rcceltita , ll'.OOil '
buihsli ; eiport , 111,000 bu hel ; No 2
luliik' , 81\ci uuKradwl rofl , ( i7ftf:8o ( : ; No ,
3 n l , 7fij ! No. a red , tO iSSc ; Febtuury
closing fct b2Jo.
Coin-Spot , tteady nnd fairly active ; up.
tloa < roak ; r : uipta l'JI,0 > < < ) Inuhi'ls ; oiiwiti ,
.15.000 Irtwhxl | ungr de.l 47@l'i ! ' ; No. 2
aud Febrimy closiug &t 41'ijo ,
OftU Jfii'Jo h'ghor ' ; tecsiptn. 7,000 lm h I ;
cxiwrta 70'i buiheln ; jUicd wtitcru , S- ©
83jowhiUi ; a St8e. ! )
JUrley- Steady ,
lgK ! Woatoru fre h , mirket quiet at
1'ork St tdy r.d wore actlrr ; new
l.ard Weak ; wMtsrn * tcam spot , C97J ®
700Hnlti r Pull and mchnrg'd
Cli't ' o - Un < ; ch ICB cw m 10llc.
Su ? r ( JuUf mi 1 unchRtRcd ; granulated
and out I nt nt 0/4(1 ( ji
C iffse S' "idy and firm
Cotton Kirn" and pricei unchanged ; uiid-
i ? uplands 10 ( ' 2.
Hulk Meata-Dull and nominal ; shoulder ; ,
4 Oot ohott rib . 0 tO.
Wnl ky-Finn .t 111.
titvcnrooi. , Decombit 1" .
Demaul fnir : firm ,
Wbeat-Winter , CiSdS'e ! spring , Ca OJ ®
Oorn-Gs 7il.
CINCINVATI , DeccmW 17 Wheat Quiet
nnd firm ; No. 2red. Tic.
Coru-Searcp and firm ; No. 2 mixed , 4CJe.
Oftti- Quiet anil firm at ! ! 7j38o
Uye Dnnand fair und firm ; 64(25"c. (
Barley Fiiir demand ; extra JSo. 3 fall ,
nu itod at 7 < ) c.
Pork Quiet and firm nt 11 2311 GO.
Ijird U Mtl demand ntCG3 ,
Bulk Mo t < Flrmr-r und not rpiotally
higher ; thoul 'CM , 4 7" ; fhort lib ? , G 7G.
Jiuttor Quiet choice gr.vlo * , 20 , < S2Sc.
Keen Firm nnd unchanged.
Whisky Acti\o nud finn at 111.
BT. LOUIS rnonucu. „
ST. Louis , December 17. Wheat-Opened
a ehndu higher , but closed n fraction under
yiwtrrdny , except cn h , which wa * firm ; N < > 2
77 177 0 for cafh ; 7 < 4 for December ; 7hl a
7 i for < l aiiuary ; 8i4 for February ; 83JiblJi
for Muy.
Corn -Cnnh , lower ; options firm ; 32V&3I
for cwh : 'UJtassjo for December ; 33J for
March ; 31g&34J lor May.
( Uts-Fitmsr ; 2Cc bid for cash ; 215J@25t
for Decambor ; i8J ! a } ? " a for May.
Kye Qiiii-t : 4lile.
JJ'irley Qutat at C5'2f > 7.
IJnttor Dull ; dai/y 18@23c ; creamery , L'3
@ 2'iB. '
Kjjs ( ? Steady nt "oc.
rinxsped Steady ; 1 29O1 30.
Huy Steady and unchanged.
Bran Steady nnd unchanged ,
Conimoal-Steady nt 1 902 00.
CAM. BOAIIU WbonS 1'asier ; "filf&'Sa
for Jntmarj ; 80c nikod for February ; 85J@
85Jc for May.
Uoru Firmer ; 335c for December ; 32. } a for
January ; 3. c for March ; 31jjo for May.
Data Nothing done.
TOLXDO , December 17. Wheat Dull and
prices a shade lower ; No. 2 red cash C7c.
Horn Dull ; No. 2 cash 31b asked.
Oat < Dull and nominal ; No. 2 each nnd
year , MJts isled.
ilarloy Unchanged at GCc ,
KANSAS CITT , December 17 Wlieat
Strunger ; cash 4'J c bid , 50o aikod ; January
50c blil ; May 67io.
Corn-Murkut Hteady ; caah 27J/a27ic ; J n-
nary , 2Cc bid , 20 0 aaked ; Feoruary , 25Jo
bid ; May , 27jo. ;
Oats Dull nnd nominal ; 22c bid , 23c asked.
BALTIMORK December 17. Wheat West
ern , higher and morn active ; No. 2 wiuter
rod spot , 7 i@79j.
Corn Wentern , Btoady and fairly active ;
mixed spot , 47g@47Jc.
O ita Steady and scarce ; woatarn white , 32
@ 33c : mixed , Sic.
Kyo-Quiet ; GO(2C2c. (
Kgga Kirmut 2G@28o.
1'ork Quiet but steady ; old , 10 23 ; new ,
1C 23.
Lird Kefined , 7 00.
Bulk Meats Weaker ; ahouldera , C 374 ;
ehortiiba , 8 2S
Intter-Steady ; western packed , 10@20c ;
creamery , 2.r3 o
\Vhiakuy 118@119.
M ILWAUKEE , December 17.-Wheat Steady
at n ilpclluc ; No , 2 Milvvnukeo and Decem
ber CUjc ; January , 70jo bid ; Febiuary , 70
Corn Nominal ; No. 2 , 40c.
Oats Higher ; No. 2 , 2o@26c ; No. 2 white ,
e Quiet nnd unchanged ; No. 1 , G2c ,
Barley Firmer nud very quiet ; No. 2
spriug 50\c bid.
NEW OIILKANS , December 17. Corn Dull
and nominal ; in Backs , white and yellow
quoted ut 48c ,
Data Western , firm SGSS ? .
Corn Meal Scnrco und firm at 2 20.
Pork - In f jlr demand at 11 GO.
Lard Quiet ; tierce refined , 7 12J ; keg ,
Bran In bettor demand and market stoidy
] jgs Weaterti froah demand fair and mar-
iet hiin ,
Butttr Dam fair nnd market firm at
8lc. !
Bulk Meoti I fair demand ; shouldera ,
packed , lowtr 7 37i.
Whiskey Steady and unchanged ; western
rectified , 1 OSfuil 25
CIIIPAUO , December 17. DKN era * Journal
reports :
Cattle Ileceipts , 7.200 lieadalow and
ab ait unchanged ; Christmas , 7 50 ; export ? ,
G 7G'uti ) 25 ; common to choice flUpplnR , 4 Ou
( TO 2 ; inferior to good. 3 00(34 ( 00 ; utoek-
ers , 300fl4 I 0 ; feeder * , U0@l 10.
Hogs Ittcilpts , 33.000 head ; steady ; nigh
packing , 3 90@i 20 { packing nud ahlpplng ,
4 20 ffi 1 43 ; light , 3 > J"IS > t SO ; akips , 3 IK ) a. 1 0 .
Sheen Receipt" , K.GOOhead ; stotdy ; Ohrlbt-
mas , 4 765 0 ; infoiior to good , 300(3,100. (
ST. TiOCis , Decomb'r 17 Cattle Ilocoipti ,
1,500 ; good fhlpplug dunund , expert fiHOrf
G 03 ; good to choice chipping , 5 2G 75 ; fair
to medium , 4 li'lfo" ) 00cowa ; ami heifors.a 00 ©
4 23 : ttichfn und fpfders , 2 73@4 00.
Sh ep-HecelptB , 2OD ; batter dfinand ; in-
ferlor to ctioice , 200 360 ; extra , 375
llocalpts. 11,000 ; ncti\n nml Btronger ;
ight. 4 05i.aH IS ; pncUug , J 15SKU ; he. > vy ,
' 25fijl ) W.
KANSAS crry.
KANHAI CITY , December 17. Cattle
RoceiptB , 11,0 0 head ; good butdiora etaady ;
ithi'rd quiet nt G 20 ic 1 Gu. common to choice
hippiig , K'OfeGOJ ; feedtrj , 37jSl23 ( ;
COWH , 2 SO'5,3 to ,
Hog * Heceipti , 12 f 00 ; opened steady and
olosed Be lower ; 3'JO'S ! 115.
Shcn [ ) Ittcelpti , G30 , etuady ; fair to good ,
2 OOfo'2 iO.
OrncK ov Tnie OMAHA USB , }
Wednesday evening , December 17. f
The c ild spell has brought with It.n demand
r poultry. To d y liui been a hiuy ono
nuiong the comini sion men i > nd all thu turk
IJH , with the exception of a few late recoipU ,
nivo been gohb'ed up nnd ilispoaod up , 1'rlces
lm\o boon 10@lGlo for prlma stock. Wo ad
\ueihlppcriitoRMid in their turkeys now
nithout nny ddlny , ns tlia markdt in jirobalily
as good as it will bo during the Beaten For n
few diya pst dressed chickens hnvo bacu
aearcoaud lia\a beeueold nu hifih as lie per
intind. To-night n number of ehtckoi
v.tro rect-ivoJ , and pr cea ara liable tu deullus
considerably. In other projuco tin market
la about tna eaina M at hot writintr. Thu
oyatcr trade ia improviugwlth the c ) ! d wehth-
er , Collt'Ctloiiu are cbout the axino aa at the
lit uf the mouth , not having improved to uny
great extent ,
i'titj loUowlcg prlctM ro chArpeJ tetalbn
by jobbers , wholeenlern and coinmlomon tncr
rlisnta with the exooption of grain , which i
quototl at the pricoi furnished bythoeevator ! >
uid other local buvorj ;
Wheat Cash No , 2 , W3.
lUrlayCash No. 3 , 42.
Hye Cash No 3 , 33.
tJoru No. 2 , 22 .
CMU-NO. 2. 1'JJ.
Lilvo Siock Marker.
Hog < wow Onn at 3 23@3 CO.
The catlo ( market to day wa quiet and
butcheretock w.u quoted at 31 > 0@3 73.
\ror quoted at 2 00(22 ( " 5.
Steady ; green batchers' OJ grew alteJ ,
8j dry flint 12 ; drv ! t 10Q11 dam fiC ( l
hid * * , two thirds t r.oe.
Tdlow \ \ M
Orea-o Prime whl'e , 4 3.
Mhec.p . Pelts -25 < gluO. )
riotirnnil 211 list tilT-i.
Winter Wheat -Best quality patent ut 2 80
@ 30i ) ,
Second qtmlty-1 ! 20 ® 2 BO.
Spring Wheat Boatquallty , patent , 281 ®
° 90
" '
S 'oon 1 Qinlity-3 10@2 DO.
Jlrau-0'f pur cwt
Choppocl IVcd-I'er 100 lbi. , S0@90o.
Coru Menl Otoflll 0) per cwt ,
Screening Gi@7'"o per
Ocnoral 1'rortuoo
AplsHtocks | reduced connidernbly nnd
xrn now inther mull , Knn DavU nro cold at
S-JGOnnd Ganitons nt ? -.53. Higher piicts
irn t'xpcclK I.
Bonus Very du'l. ' Only clcn tock Me
able Nnvles ( clean ) ptr bushel , 1,23@1.GO
mtdiiim , 1 00@l.x5.
Honey Comb L'hoico domestic , 15@lGc ;
Dalifnrnln , 14@lGc.
Beeswax -In good domnnd. Choice bright
mr Ib. 26 < 2Sc ; common to good dark per Ib
Butter In In right liberal supply , but the
pricfanrn quito sturdy for the bettor qualities ,
wlillo luffrfJr gra'ls ' aM potnonhtt drag
ging. S mo nmnmer-utckod Btouk is o-
1 rived occasionally winch only brings
from 7 to H cents Wrap the rolla in thin
clean muslin and avoid mixing dilTercnt quail-
t OH immo pickaxe as much na txwiiilo.
Cicamorv22'C > G ; fair to good , 12(8)15 ( ) , choUo
ilnlry , 1G 18 ; infori. r gmdea , 810. .
1R } < The cold weather of the lastfow days
linn given o gi a httlo boom. Prices are now
firmer at' ' , ! a24o
1'uultry-Is Rrenlly iramprmnd nnd the ojtl
pricesro-ootabhslud and oxpncted to rpinain
rirm from now until the h ilidays , providing
the weath ° r doei not go back on us again. As
it i * an < Id experience that the last day or two
proceeding the holidays gennrally britg a glut
of poultry nnd often reduced prices instead of
advanced , we would ad\Uo shippers not to
hold off miy longer thin lie cess iry but to ship
right along while priiioa are JBir. In order to
obtain top prices for dmapcd poultry in this
market , th BMIIO should bo dry picked , en
trails removed nnd head nnd feet cut off Live
poultry > cry dull nnd not ndviaablo to ship.
Chickens , dres d , good to choice , pi > r
Ib , U@10c ; chickonn , dressed , fair to
stood , G@7c : jionr , 4@5c ; tuikey , Unwed per
Ib , choica , 12@13c ; turkoyfl. dro od , fair to
peed , 10llc ; poor , btfe'Jc : geeoo d eeaed ,
per Ib , cluilce , llr ; fair to good , ! t@10c : poor ,
7@8c ; ducVa. dretaed , per Ib , choice , 12c ; fair
to eood , 10@llc.
Game All kinds in good demand nnd prices
firm Deer tna been n little dull lately , but
Christmas demand i\lll doubtlfsa bring bettor
prices In shipping birds ( excepting geosH
und ducks ) pack them in tight ; packag , boxes
or barrels , and ship ns "poultry. " Deer
carcaas , per Ib. , G@7c ; deer saddles , per Ib , , 11
@ 12c ; antelope , carcase , per Ib. , Gi/7cante- ;
lopa Baddies , per Ib Ilwl2 ; prairlo chick
ens , per dozen , S3 75 ; quail , Sl.OOColl.25 ;
geese , per dozen , $3.00 < . $30 ; jack rabbits ,
per dozen , SI OOfeSS OJ ; small rabbitfl , per
dozen , S1.00@l 25 ; anlpo , per dozen , Sl.OOCd
1.25 ; docks , mallard , 1.50@S2.00 ; teal and
mixed , § 1.50.
Potatoes No receipt ] and prices nominal ,
per bush. 30@10c.
Onious In fair demand , per bushel , GOJ5
Popcorn Market gluttod. Salea alow at
CajSc per H > .
" " bbl 700 "York
Cider-0hio" per , , ;
State" per bbl. , 8 00 ; per 4 bbl. , 4 75 ; cou-
donsed per gal 83e ; crab apple per gal SGc.
Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon
sin now 12Jc ; young American , 12 a 13c.
Maple Sugar 1'uro , in bricks , per Ib. ICe ,
Ohio 13c ; sinal cakes l"ic.
Qrocur Ii
CANNED Goons. Oyster ( Standard ) per
case , 3 9 > ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per ciso. 2 20 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , pr case , 2 EOj California
pears per case , G 80 : apricots , per case , G 00 ;
peaches per case , G 90 ; white chorrio * per
caao , G 7 ; plums per cae , 1 GO ; whortleber
ries , per c so , 3 CO ; ccg plums , 2 Ib , per cnio ,
2 90 ; green gage * , 2 Ib per caae , 2 UO ; pine
nplon , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20@5 50
Koi'K-Hirjxl , i inch and larger , 9c , g Inch ,
9Jc , 1 inch , lOo.
CANDLKS Boxes. 40 Ibs , 1C * , 12c , 8s , 12Jc ,
boxpa , 4 Iba , 1G oz , UK , lie.
MATCHES Per ciddi , S5c ; roundrlcaao
2 G5 ; square. case , 1 70 ; Oahkosh , casiH gr .0
SOOARS Powdorotl , 7Jccut ; loaf , 74o.m- ;
ulntod. tijc ; C4 > nfei tioncr * ' j6jjo ; Standard
extra C , tic ; extra C , 5Jc ; medium yellow , 5Jc ;
dark yullow , 5Jc.
COITEKSOrdinary grades , I2@12 efair. ; 12
© 13\c ; good , 13ic ; prime , ll@15Jc ; choica ,
I0@17c ; fancy green and yellow , lfi@101c ; old
govornmcnt Java , 20i$20n ( : Arhucklo'a roiat-
ed , Idjc ; SIoLaughlin'a XXXX routed , IG c ;
imitation Java , 16f@18ic ; ; Clnrk'a Aurora ,
ynoStandard Com. , S'Jc , bbls ; Stajdard
do. 4 gallnn kegx , 1 3' ' ) .
SODA In Ib papers , 3 20 per caao ; keg , per
Ib , 2ic.
PICKLES Medium in barrels , G 00 ; do in
hnlf barrels , 3 60 ; small , in barrels , 7 00 ; do In
half barrels , G 00 ; gherkin * in barrel" , 3 00 ,
do in half barrels , 4 50 ,
TKASGunpowder , good , 4D@5nc ; choice ,
COg7Gc ; Rnod Imperial , 40C < fl43o ; choice , GOfe
CG ; Young Hyson , good , SG'aiGOc ; choice , GS
@ 1 CO ; Japan , natural loaf , 75c ; Jupan choice ,
( j ( ) i75c ; Oolnnf good , 35 , ' 5liX ; ; Oolong choice ,
t ( < $55c , Souchoni ; , good , SOSlOc ; choice , 33
HICK Louisiana , prime to choice , G@7c ;
fai' , GJo
FISH No , 1 mackerel , half bbls. , 7 ; 0
Family J bbh. , 4 21 ; No. 1 kin. 1 C5 ; family
kit" , fXc ) : No. 1 whitafi-h , hnlf bbls , G GO ; No
1 kits. 9Jc family halt bbls. 300 ; family
kiln nnd'palls ' , GOc ; iVo. 1 trout , half btls. , G 25.
WooDtKWAUE Two hoop pai's ' , 1 83 ; three
hoop pailn , 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 9 CO : pioneer
.vaelibiunlf , 1 83 ; Douulo Crown , 2 90 , well-
SoAl's-Kirk's Sa\on Imperial ; 3 15 ; ICirk'a
satinet , 3 M ) ; ICnk'a ftand rd , 3 70 ; ICirk'a
White Ruaslun , G 20 ; Kirk'rt outoc'k , 2 15.
POTASH Pouueylvnnia cans , 1 cans in ca e ,
33lUbbitt'd ; bill , 2 doz In caao , 190 , An-
tnor ball , 2 doz in cine , 1 GO.
CANIIY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twiat
atlck , lOJo.
VINEOAU Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap
ple , 13o
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ash ton ,
in mickn , 3 Gil ; bbls dairy , GO , 5 * , 3 GO.
HTAltcit-Pnarl , 4Ja ; SlUor Glosj , 80 ; Corn
Starch , Scj Kxcelsior Gloss , "c ; Corn , "ic.
SI-ICKH - Pepper , 17c ; Bpice , lie ; clo\ej , 20e ;
caui-ia , 15o.
Dnv FIIUITS No. 1 , quarter apples , bbln ,
.jCN ; C B'iced ' , boxofl , GJu ! ov.iporatod , boxt" < ,
Ijc ; blackberries boxed , lOJc ; pcacho. , j-
boxoa , Hjo ; poachon , evaporated , 14c ; raap-
Worries , 32c ,
Dry GoodH ,
BROWN SIIEETINOH Atlantlo A , "Jo ; Allan-
tlo P , Gc : Atlantic JAi , GJ ; Brunawick , 7Jc ;
Buiror Dam Lli , Gc ; Lawrence Lit , 6Jc ; Pa-
cilia II , 7c ; lioyal Stindard , Gjo ; Indian
Head A. Vi'c ; Wai.chusott A , 71o.
FINK iJiiowr ? SHKETINOSArgylo , GJc ; Tep-
peiell K. 7c ; SalUoury It. Pio.
BLUACIIED COTTO.NI Ballon , 4J , CJc : Bal
lon , 7 8 , 5Jo ; Cambatland , 4-1 , he ; Davoll DD ,
SJc ; Fulruiount , Uo ; Fruit of the Loom I ,
'Jc ; Glory of the W. > ot , 81t ! ; Gnlden Grtte , 8ifc ;
Hill 7 H. 8c ; Hill 4 4. 7/c / ; l.on.dale , 7io ; Now
Vork MiU * . llc : Wamiutta , lojo
DCCKS ( Color d ) hobtim 8 or. , lljo Beaten -
ton , 10 of , llio ; B tou 9 oz. , lie ; Falllliver
DCCKS ( Gray ) Weit Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West
Point 10 uz. , Me ; Point Boir , 8 or. , Ho ,
TICKINQI Amoskvug 13Jc ; Continental
Fancy , 9fc ; tordta lOjc ; Ptarl Kiver , l.'c ;
Vork , lijai Hamloton Awnings , 12J .
DKNIM Ainr ko ; < r , Mi ; K.'iver Crook AA
12ci Hauvpr Creek BH , lie ; Beaver Creek
CO. 10 ; ; HavmakurJ , 80 , JulTrey D&T , 12t'o ,
, r tlrev XXX , 12ie ; Pourl Itivor 13c ; War-
rrn AXA ( brown ) , l2o ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
lie ; Warrea CO ( browu ) , I.e.
OAiiliiuw Filth E\ouue flovo ; fiaUh , 4jjj
Keyntuua glove liulih Be , '
COIWKI' Jif\sa Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c ;
earnayer 8ic ; HxkXrt ; | , 7o
PIIINTS Allena , 5Jc : Animiow , f-c ; Arn-
it , Gc ; Cochnco , Gc ; Harmony 4ic ; Iniilo. ;
c ; Iudlgo78 Hie : Indigo 4-4,12 o ; Stool
Hlver , 5ic ; t harter Oak , 44c.
PniNiu diuniiNan Amerlctn , 6 ; Cocheco ,
CcjGlonctster , (5cSouthbridfd ( ; ( , 4Jo ; Waver
ly * . 4Jc ; lloueJalc , 4Jo.
GiNOHASia Amotkca ; ttaploi , 8ic : IHtca
itanlra , 8jc ; Lacciuter ctnplM Si ; Plnnkot
uUidj. Uc ; Hudson checks , 8Jc ; Amoekeag
I'ernlans , 0c.
Dueati GOODS Atlnntio olpwca. 9Jo ; Per-
\\n \ cjuhtrere , 23\c \ ; HttinletoncaohinerpIDjc ;
Hamlntoi Fancus , 1 io ; Hau.lct/m brocadw ,
IDoj AiUogton tnvcode , ISc.
Henry Ilnrilwnro lilst.
Iron , rnlPs , 2 3d ; plow etetl , spocinl cvl , G ;
cniuhl' 7c. i'i".ml ' or ( Urmiu > , fit. . < > \-t ton ;
do , 10 2ti , ; wn on ( poke * , cet , 2 i.&vT ' ( 0 ; hulx
j > r m.t. 1 23 ; ie.l f , sawoi1 dry , 1 10 ; tmuud * ,
each , VO.iWjc , n.xltv , en.h , 7f c : pquaro nut < per
Ib , 7nllc , v.-iifhcrs , t > er 11' , Sal Si ; riut , per
Ib , Iff coil chain , per Ib , Bnl2c : inft'hablo ,
81 ; iron rvedg'H , Co ; crowbars , G ; harriw
teeth , 4c ; tprinp te l , 7aRc ; Burden's horse-
jhoea , 4 40 ; Burden' * mulesbow , r < 70 ,
JlAliliKDVlRK In c r lot . 4 CO per 100.
NAILS-KMW. 10 to G' ' ) , 2 33.
SHOT -Shot , 1 b5 ; buckshot , 2 10 ;
powder , keg * , G 10. do hnlf kegi , 3 IS : do ,
quarter kcg.i , 1 SS blajtiig , krga , 3 33 ; fuse ,
per 10 i feu. GOc.
LEAD liar , 1 G3.
COAL Cumberland blncknn.ltli , 10 00 ; Mor
ris run BloMburg , 10 00 ; Whltobrc.vt lump ,
f > tOt WhltcbraaDt nut , G CO ; Iow lump , fi 00 ;
Ioanut , f < 00 Rock Spring , 7 On ; Anthra-
ciet , 11 25all GO ; Onnon City , 7 00 per ton.
Oak solo , 38 420 ! hemlock solo , S8@33c ;
lipmlock kip , 80c ; runner t5o to 75c ; hemlock
calf , 8G to 1 00 hemlock upper , 22 to 1\a \ oak
upper , 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to G fiO , elf kid
32Uai ( : Grclssn kid , 2 GO to 275 oak kip ,
8n0 tn 1 00 ; o > k calf , 1 20 to 1 80i 1'rpnch kip
1 10 to I G5 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ruMetts
G M to 7 GO ; Imliigo , G 00 to 8 50 t ppmge ,
DOJtoMGOsB I , . Morocco 30 to3)c ; obble
O. D Morocco 33c ; ei.uon , 2 50 (5-3 ( 00.
HAHNKSHNo. . 1 star oik , 3Gc ; No. 2 , 34c ;
35c ; No. 1 Ohio o k , 3.c ! ; No. 1 do , 3ic ; No.
1 Milwaukee ; No 2 do , S3c.
No. 1 Pitts oak har , 36c ; No. B Pitta oak
luir , Sic.
Liquors ,
ALCOHOt188 pooof alcohol , 2 20 per wine
? Hon extrn California ppirits ; 183 proof , 1 18
per proof gallon ; tripplo rclineii spirits , 187
proof 1 17 per proof pallon : redistilled
tthlokifB , 1 00 1 GO ; line blomlod , 1 50 250
GlN3 Imported , -1GO&COO ; domestic , 140
@ 3 0 I.
RUMS Imported , 4 GOSGOOiNow England ,
1 99 4 00 ; domestic , 1 f > 0 a 3 GO.
CIIAMPAONES Imported , per c IPO , 2800 ©
31 00 ; American , per case , 12 00@10 UO.
Plug TobaccoClimnx , 41c ; Bullion , 4nc ;
Ilorseehoo , 4tc , Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 4 c ; Her-
Key's , 40c ; Black. 38 ® 10 : Spearhead , 4Gc ;
Our Rojin. 48c : Piper Hoidsiock. Glc.
Fine Cut Common , 30ci Mtdium , 4fc ;
good , 15@GOc ; Hard to Boat , 70c ; Favorite ,
GOc ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sv > pet Sixteen ,
Smoking O. S , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOc :
Durhimi , IGooz. Glc ; Durham , 8 oz. , 65 ; Dur
ham , 4 oz. , G7 ; Durham , 2 oz. , G c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 1C oz.,4lc ; Seal of North Car
olina , S oz. , 43c : Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. ,
48o : Seal of Noith Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O. K.
Durham , 4 oz. , 28s ; O. K. Durham , 2 oz , 3Jc ( ;
Undo Ned , J'a 25c ; Tom nnd Jerry , 23c.
1m in tier.
We quote lumber , lath and shingles on car
at Omaha at the following price" :
JOIST AND BOANTLINO1G foot and under ,
TlMHEr.3 1C feet and under , 20 TO.
TIMIJEH AND Joisr-20 ft , 2300 ; 24ft. ,
25 00.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd G in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
200) ) .
SHKATHINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) ,
20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK BoAims-A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; C , 35 00.
FLOOUINQ-NO. 1,4000 ; No , 2 , 35(0 ( ; No.
3 ' 2G 00
'SIDINO , clear 2700 ; No. 2 , 2500 ; No. 3 ,
0 00.
OKILINO3700 ; j | . 2500.
SUINSI.CS , best 4 GO ; standard , 3 50.
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIMB Per barrel , 125 : bulk per bushel ,
35c ; cement ; bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl ,
hair per bus , GOc ; tarred felt , 100 Ibj ,
straw board , 350.
Dnccs AND CHEMICALS Acld.cntbollc , 40a ;
acid , tartnric , GOc ; balsam copailia , per Ib. ,
' 5c ; bark , sassafras per Ib , 12c ; calomel , per
Ib , 90o ; cinchonidla , per oz. , SO I'O ; chlori-
Form , per Ib , 51 05 ; Dovera powders , per Ib ,
SI 25 ; epsom salt' , per Ib , Sic ; clyoTlno ,
pure , per Ib , 25c ; lead acetate , par Ib , 20c ; oil
castor , No. 1 per pal. , 81 GO ; oil ci tor , No. 3
iier gal. , $1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , $ L 40 ; oil ,
> rigannm , 5 c ; opium , Si 50 ; quinine , P. &
W. , and R. & S. , per oz , SI 15 ; potassium ,
Io idn , per Ib. , $3 GO ; saliciu , per oz , . 40c ;
mlplmto morphikO per oz. , S3 41) ; sulphur ,
porlb. , 4c ; strychnine , peroz. , $1 33.
PnlntH Oils anil Vnrnishoo.
OlM 110 carbon , par gallon , 1'c ; 150 o
lieadlight , per gallon , 124c ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , lo c ; 150 ° witar v/hitn , 15Ja ; linseed -
seed raw , per gallon , 49c ; linseed boiled , pnr
K'illon , G2o , L > ird , winter atr'd , per eallon , 70c ;
No. 1 , GOc ; No 2 , tO ; castor XXX , per gal.
Ion , 1 GOc : No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 uO ;
sperm W. B , , per gnllou , 1 CO ; fi.h W. B. ,
per gallon , G5 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
No. 1 , 7Rc : wbriciting , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
rummer , 15c ; golden mochino , No. 1 , per gal
lon , S5c ; No 2 , ' < iSo ; sperm , signal , per gallon
8uc ; turpentine , per gallon , 4.c ; naptha , 74 ° ,
per gallon , IGc.
Dry Paints.
White lead , 8ic ) ; French rino. lOc ; Paris
whitiug , 2Jc ; whiting giliiorx , IJc ; whiting
coin'l , ] jc. lampblack , Germantown lie ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Piiitminn blue , GGc
untrnniarme , 18c ; v.mtlyko , brown , 8c ; umber ,
burnr , 4c ; uuiber , raw , 4c ; sionua , burnt , 4c :
sien n , raw , 4c : Paris grtoa , genuine , 25c ;
Pariagreencommon.20c ; chrome green , N Y. ,
20c ; chromo green , K. , 12c ; vcrmilllon , Eng.
7Cc ; voimillioti , American , 18 ; Iniluri , red ,
Kta ; IOKO pink , 14c ; Venetian , red , Cookion's ,
c ; Venotiau , red. Ainpricaii , l c : red lea < l ,
c ; rhrome yellow , geiiuino , Oc : chrom ? yel
low , K. , 12c : o hro rothelle , 3c ; ochre , French ,
Via ; ocbro , Amoncan , 2c : Winter's minernl ,
y\c ; lehigh brown , 2JO ; Spanish brown , 2ic ;
Priuce'rt mineral , 3c.
VAUNldllKaBarrels , ( Hir gallon : Furniture ,
extra. $1 10 ; furnifuro. No. 1 , SI ; coach , ex
tra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , uxtra ,
SI 75 ; Jjpan , 70j ; nnpVinltum , uitra , 85c ,
shnllac , S < 50 ; Iiard oil fanish SI GO.
PAINTS in OIL White load , Omnhi , P. P.
, c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , j j ; Mnneil
led creen , 1 to G Ib cans , 20c ; French zino ;
prepn , 12c ; Fiench zinc , red seal , Ho ,
French zinc , in varnish asst. , 20c ; French zins ,
in oil aidt , Ific ; raw and burnt umber , 1 b
cs , lOc ; raw and burnt SJonna.lOc ; vaudyko
brown , 13c ; rutiiifd lampblack , I'Jo ; coach
black aud ivory black , Kic ; drop bl > ck , IGo ;
PiUHilan bluu. 40c : ultramarine blue , 18c :
chromo green , L , M & D. . IGc : blind nnd
hhutter ireen , L M. & D , , lOc ; PUH grmn ,
18e ; Indian red , 15c ; Veuotlun red , Us ; Tin-
can red , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P.-
: yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O & D. O , 18c ;
yellow ochre. 9o ; golden ochre , IGc ; putent
dryer , 8 : ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and a h , iGc.
- Colorado , 100 lha , 1 2j@l 05 ; pat
ent , 100 ilrc. , 2 7G p.3 00 ; Kans is , 103 Iba , 2 75
@ 3C ; gr.ib.uj , IWi Ihn , IfO ; rye , 1th ) Ibs.
22M bnii-wheat , 103 lb , 750.
GKAIH , TEED , UTO. Wheat ] | ? 100 lb < i ,
9 Jo ; cum in stckd on truck , 100 Iba , 1 001 05
unto in eacks on track , 100 lln , ondtern white ,
1 23 iM ) , Colorado white , 1 V0ffil 35 : mixed ,
llj@120 ; barley 100 HH , 1 Stttgl 85 ; bran ,
ton , uu track , 1G OW18 00 ; chop , corn , 100
Ibs , ou track , 1 ( O'al ) 03 ; ihop icixed , 100 llw ,
on track , 1 251 SO ; corn tnoal , 100 Iba. 1 20
HAY Dalai , upland , ton , 13 00@tfi 00 ; , * ! loute , tou , 8 l)0@12 00 ; second bet
torn , baled , 10 tOy 11 00 ; alfalfa , Iwio , ton ,
10 00&1& DO ; Btrcw , balud , on track , ton , 7 OJ
(39 ( & ) .
Bi-mn Crcancry , fancy , Ib , 30 < g37o ;
creamery , fmff , It ) , SittS'Sc ; dairy , choiou. Ib ,
2022c ; dairy , ioud , Ib , 1820c ; dairy , fair ,
Ib , In'mlGo ; cooking , Ib. G&8c.
lioGH Stte , inndlctl nnd w ranted , doz ,
af > t31c ; ranch. doz:33@3'c. ' !
CHEIMEFull cretin , ID lGc : half cream ,
Ib. lOvjllc ; Bkiw , Ib , 'Jf.lOo ; Hwisc , domeeti * ,
Ib , 22@23c ; Swiss , imported , &Jas2o , Mm-
buvger. J4 18c.
PulLTltrLive old chisVeru , dcr , COOQS fO ;
livotptiagt , doz , 80r > t4OJ ; llvu ducb * , doz ,
C W ) a-f > " ! > ; drsssfd turkeys , Ib , 15' < ilf > c.
PorAiOUi Ojloraao , 100 Ibe , 1 L2iil 23 ;
ewwt , ror Ib , , 4a.
VUILTADLUM OalDiui , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
1 25 1 6.1 ; wbb-ure 100 Ibi , 125gl ) PO ; b wts.
10) ) Ibs , I lft'41 25) ) turnips. 100 llw , 1 25.
FllDlTrt Lemons , per cas , Modulno , TfO'ft
9 10 ; oriugud , Louiiiiinn , caao , 10 ( .0311 00 ;
applna. fancy bbl , 3 IKgA 75 ; apples , me < linm ,
bll , 3 fO ; puari , box , 3 50 ; U&hftrnU artist ,
box , 176@2lO ; MelvoUe , Peru , Muacat ,
2W ( 2 25 ; nanbemea.bW , B & U , 1600 , B &
0,14 00314 W.
r'gnr currd. Ib , ,
© lic ; hums , w < pt phklptl , Hi 12Jc ; ; bivci t
brt-nk H t Ib , 13 if 3-c , t'ry unit \ i Ib 7f
( * } cj dried bi pf , Ib l"c , lar l lii ; sila 9
I'Jc. ' lar-3 In tiorco' , Rj'c.
t'l.KfiH MKAia Drwi.d rwf CuliM-vlo , 1v > i
lh.Grf.Glc ; c o-cp veal Ib , G\ \ ' lc ; hogs , Ib ,
77ic : mil'ton. ' Ib , fi ( ? c.
LIVE STOCK Colorado sti-ors , per 100 Ibs ,
Hides. Dry Hint No 1 , porlb ,
No. 2. Ib. SMlOc ! green topr and branded
calf , Ib , 4ji'JeKr' ( ) : > on i U , Ib , GJ ; green kip.
tb , 6 i.7c ; 8hpp sUni diy , IfifAc ; deer skint ,
sumtnir , Ib , lG@lfc ; deer fkini , winter , b 1. '
i"eal < c ; untolopo eliiuf , Ib , 12@iOj Ullow , Ib ,
6 < < rGc.
WOOL Colorido No. 1 , per Ib , 14@16c
buck , Ib , fc ; Motlcnn , 8c.
FISH Mnckwol , No. 1 , 120 , kit , mpt >
1 0 ) @ 2 00 ; California galmon , hsll bbl 10 M :
'tollanil heninp , keg 1 & 0'1 fO trout , per
Time Table.
In Effect IVc. lit. 1884.
The intention o ( the tnvclllnu puMlo Ij c.Mled to
the ( net thut this Is the onh cumilrta | an J absolutely
? ortct t time table tiubllshcd lu tlio city ,
All trains nrrho at tml depart tiom Cm&hk hv
Central Ktnmlnn ! Tlmo.
Trains nl tlio O Bt I' . M. & O. irtlvo t mid do
pAtt from thflr dciiot , corner ot Hih und WcbEtoi
9trootf < > , trtlns Oi the U , V U. , 0,1) .V Q. , Rtul K , 0 ,
St J AC. U f rom thu 11. It M , depot ; 11 others Iron
the Union P .tflc dfixit.
t , DiilU ; ! ) , except Saturday ; c , oxcrpt Sundsj ; d ,
oxcont Monday ,
Dummy Trains LCO Omaha at 049,8 ou
B 00 , lu 00 , It 16 in , 1 00 , 2 09 , 3 00,100 , 6 00 , 0 00 ,
[ 036pm. Ou SuniUjftho 800 and 10 00 ft m and
> 00 ftnd 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive At trans-
'er ' depot 13 inliiutua later : Bro&awny depot 20 mln
uicslater ,
Le&vo CouncJl Bluffs ( Broadway depot ) at 7 SO , 8 SO
i 80 , 10 SO , 1110 a m ; 1 30 , 2 30 , B So 4 80 , 620 , 0 85
and 11 OJ p in. On Hutlilavd the 8 SO and 10 SO am
and 3 SO and 6 SO p m trains will not run. Arrive at
Transfer 7 minutes bt r , Oimhi 20 romutos later.
TransforTralnO I < eave Oruahaat 8 16 , 869
10 05 a in , 4 26 , < J 10 and 8 66 p m , dally.
Arrive at 9 45 uid 11 ID a m , 12 'Id , 7 83 and 8 U p
Sunday evening ml Monday morning trains arrive
In orrcopoutlicg order. 0. B. It Q trains mn in cry
Lci\o Union TaolHa depot at
Arriv e tiom St ock Yuiud at
OO , rEOHIA tiST. . LG U1S ,
111 WAV OK
Oil VU
oinucttni ; In I'nlon DopoH ut Knii'-'nClty ,
Oiiiuhiiuul Duuvui uitu tliiou li tiuuis lin
Anil nil points In the
.VniiL'uting In ( iniiul Union Depot ut i
ulth tliiuugU train a lor
And nil KrTII Cltlfa.
Atl'eorl'i with tllu 'trains lor Imlinnn'i
illB , Ciiifiiinutl , t'oluu ; ' j , niiU nil iKiintb in
tlir < tanlll..iut. | At Kf"\onls with tliroun'l' '
ualnH fui nil points Ufj Jj.
l.liKimt Day Cor.rlii'.s , I'nrlnr fare , i. itli Kc
liiuiiK Clulin ( mjin tnio ) , famoklu C'arn vith
UovoUiin ; Cliniii ) , I'ullmun J'ul.ic * ) hlroplii >
i UPM nnd the turnout ) ; . ] i. ft if. Dining cir
-uii daily tound li-om CnUMigo nnd JJniiBjia City ,
i.luiioniil Cuuncil llhiila Clilcngo unit In--
\lnlnm , Chic.iK" , St Jubcpli , At < Illnon nnd
I'uiKika without CIMIIO. | Only lliioiiKh lint
iniiiiljj tholr own ti-ulna bi twtum thlc.iK-j ,
Lincoln and Drnvc'r , und G'lilumo , ICiuitae
( tty and Dt'iHvr TliiotiKb cnw l > < ! t\vfjoii
lullE.uaiolrt ( | ! and Council 111 nil's , \ li1'ujiln
Solid TraluH tit Kliviiu * " - / Concbci unri
anil limn bt I.oulH , vlu KannibM , Ouinn
licoknk , IlKrlliiKtun , ( "eilnr ItuiildMnnilAllJi'it
l.oalobt. I'liul nnd JllnnnniiollBj J'urloi Curs
with Itucllnlm ; C'lmlrx to unil fioni Bt. I.nuU
anil J'uurin. Oiilynnu cluuigiiof c ru lrtwi'
it J oiilsand Dei. JUniH'u. lowu , Lincoln , Nu.
orniltn , nuil Denvt r , Colorutln
It Is nlho thu only TlutiiiKh I.lno ltwi > pn
S ? . LOUIS , mmTEArOLIS and ST. PAUL.
It in Unuwn as tlio Kieiit TllHOUljlI OAI1
I IM : tif Aniiricu , und in universally adwtt
' < l to liu the
Finest Zqulptiei Railroad In the World fa
all clazsoc of Travel.
Tluongli Tlckc-ia vni this line tor sale at tit
It. Ii.couiHju UckutclUcti..athe Uuiltxlfautu ,
ua Canada.
Yut-fn * . LUta.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It Is * ) ho boat nnd chonpent food for ntock of nny kind. Ono ponnd Is ennnl to
firoo i > ou ds tf com. Stock fed with Ground Oil Givko In the Fall nnd Winter
1 is'.oid of running down , will Increase lu weight nnd bo In good in.irkotablo coudl
L ou In the npring. Dairyman , ns well e * othcro , vrho uoo it , can testify to Its mot
; . Try It nnd judge for youraolvos Prioo § 25 00 pnr ton. No oluroo for eaoka
H. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Ohlcago , Monngor of the
Tea , Cigar and Tobauco Dopartrnoiita. A fall line of nil grades of
the aboxo ; also Pipoa and Smokers' carried lu stock. Prlcoa
and eamplos furnlahod on application. Open ardors
Intrusted to ns shall receive otic carofal
attention. Satlafaction Guaranteed.
Milwaukee , Wis.
GTJNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers ,
On F ,
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
aL. . . . BO JE : j
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
Ergluo TrlmmlngB , Mining Machinery , Belting , Uooe , Braes and Iron FlUlncju ,
at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHDROfl
Corner lOthfFarnam St. , Omaha Neb ,
dec , Exchange Building Union Stock Yards ,
Fl KiTiOML HANK , Omnlio ; ,
W A I'AITOV , 1'ubt. and Titus. Union Stock Yds. , Omaha ,
hnAM IliiciH , ( hejei ne Also txinnoetod with drcircry , Cooley
JOHN A McSiiANK , Marager Bay Ftato Cattle Co. Co , Union Stock Yards , Chicago.
J , A. CHUUUIM , VIcoI'icBt. lust Nat'l HankOmaha.
X2TAddress all communications Union Stock Yards , Crcabo , Nebraska. 1&
aiico ra Gth nnd Do Inn , NKB
' &
. , sa
Importer , Jolbor anJ lltnulacturer's Agent ot
18th Street , Bet. Faniam nnd Hurney.
The Kiectrto Lamp
13 ( kaille fowti