JUJLU DAILY BEE ITEMAY DECEMBER 16 1884. l(4r"-I ( * < I'f * iej Lit IW1-THB s BEST TONIC , r- .J olnp critnWtilng Iron with pnrj tonln' ( jmckljr nnd rnmpUlcly I'urrs HtajM'imln , iiiillKC'tliinVriiKnrft * , tiiiiinro Itliinil.Miiltirlut lilllHnnd l'r THi mil NrnritlKln. His an unfnlllne remedy for Dl cnso of Hui Kliliirjx nnil I.lvi'r. It M ln\nlunlilp for Di cfl cs rTfillor M H'oinon , aii'l all who Ir-n'lfcilr-ntnr > IHci. IKlootnntlnJ'ircthoteethcnu ' f hcmliul t T fri'lurc fonitlpRt'on ' O//IT / Iran fnnlnm"'i .t i-iirlclioi ntul inirlllci tlu > Mooil , llmmnt < i i > aptictltc , nliU thn n imllntloii | of fomt , - \i-9llcarilmrn nnd IkldihiK. - - - Ihc tnu clp < fiiul nerve "r Intrrmltlcnt I'e\rrs , Jisslttido , Jjirlc r f H-4j , v < ! , It lus tin i'Wi | ! tH' Ibo irrnnltn IininlKiiot.MiV nmrs 1 , i'il rcrt llni'HOi wraj'jiir JB ! , , t n > 'l M.I.I. , iinm iiir ii tt in mi.tiiniiL. - lid undented in me BROAD CLAlIt VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND Kvcr oflVrcd to the uubllc. HAMBUEG-AMEEIOAN Fn.olK.ot : CJOMcxjDrvaa-y. DIRECT LINK FOR ENGLAND , FRANCE AMD QKR1IANY. "The ttoamshlpg ol thla well-known line are bnllt o Iron , In water-tight oonipartmonta , and are ( nrnlsh od with every requisite to make the pneange both tale anil ngrooable. They carry the United BUtei and European malls , and leave Now Tork Thure dnys and Saturdayo for I'lymouth ( LONDON ) Cher hour ; , ( PARIS ) and IIAKIHUUQ. Rules : Steerage from Kuropo only 918. Fire * Cabin , tCE , $85 and 876. Steerage , (20 , Henry Pundt , lUrk Hanson , F .K. MoorcaU. Tofl igentaln Omaha , Oronowetr k Sohoentcon. agents li Oonnoll Bluffs. 0. D : RIO&ARD k CO. , ( Jon. Fus Agts. , 81 BroidwAy , N. Y. Cbas. Kozmlcakl k Co- General Wcetoin Ajontu , 170 WaghlnKton St. , Chlca STOI11. Manhood Restored IlEMFiiyl'liUE.-ATlotlmofyouthfiiliiiiprudenco cjushiK IVtmaturo Decay , J > ervou Debility , Lost Alannnod , dc.hAvln tried in vnin o ory known Tomodyo ? iscot eroa n nlmplo means of aclf-cure , which ho will tntid ] 'Ilii : to his fcllosutrorora. . Addrca.J.U.IliiVia.l3ChathoiuSU.NewYo k. CONSUMPTION , 1 have a positive remedy ( or the ftbovo dleeaso ; by lu nso thouiandsof cases ot the wont kind and o ( long Btto Jin t ; have teen cured * InJecil. itontronclnniTfiiltU InUBcracftcjr.tlifttlwIlI Bond TWO UOTTLES FKBB , together with ft VAI.UABI.ETKEATISK on this dleeaa * toflnjeufforor. Giro oxprosB and r O.addrcea. UIl. T. A. SLOIJUM , 151 i'carist. , New York. For lien. Qalck. iar , life. Hock fTM. VIGOR OUltlo AUDCJ , 100 Fullou at , . New York. Health is Wealth ! > Da. E. 0. Waai's NIBTI Ann DRAIN TamsMxNT , a toarantoed BpoclOo for Hysteria , Dlzztnees , Convnl- alons , File , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobbacco , Wakcfulnesa , Mental depression. Softening of the brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to misery , decay and death , Premature Old ago , liaronoes , loss ofpowor In either BOX , Involuntary Losses and Spor- atorhoracaused by ovoroicrtlontof the brain , self- abuse or over Indulgence. Each box , contains one month's treatment. SI.CO a box.or six bottles for 16.00 , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case With each order received by us lor six bottles , accompllehed with (5.00 , we will send the purchaser our wrlttou guarantee to tefund the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees I isuod only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. , Jy 2S.mio-ry M2 Madison St. , Chicago , 111. James Medical Institute j Chartered by theStateof 111' . 'iiiois for theexpresspurpose /of givingimmedlate relletic 'all chronic , urinary ana pri- tvatc disecse * Oooanhreo , JGlcctandSyphills In all their complicated forms , also nil diseases of the Skin and Qloodpromptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme- , . , _ . , _ _ . dics.testedin aJ > Viri/l > nrf , yStt > l > itni'rnetirt : Seminal Weakness. rTiRht I.OBSLby Dreams , Pimples on tleKace.LastManhood , * s irff/ciir i,77.er 4i > iorrfr/iin-iilli/ nppropnate rt.r.cdy 13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per- Bonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- Iclnea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Addren UK. MMES.No. 204Washnglon ! SI.ChIcagolll JAS , H , PEABODY , M. D. Physician & Surgeon Reelldonoo No. 1407 Jones St Office , No. If03 Far n m street. Olllco hours 12 m , to ' I1m. . and fiom to 8 p m Telephone 7rosjonoa ] 1S5. A FINE LINE 0 P THE ONLY KXOLUbVVE TN nMAITANKn _ , TIMKEN SPrtlWC VEHICLESl Irhlrle tnnle with on a pur- Thn riuiheu and liorlcnarforJIniMo the M eight lliei tarry. Kiiualljr well adupluu to rough countri /oarti and Hue drives of clllua. .Mannf clurrd ui old by lIlhelrndlniCBrrlainlluUilrriand ! ) < * ! * llrnry Tlmtirn. I' -nt4s s ait. JUoala. lv ABBOTT BUGGY CO. ROBINSON CRUSOE OUTDONE , Jnlts tab's ' Greatest Effort Put -in the Shade , Xlio Kointntlo Vnrli of , Ship wrecked Mnrlucr Noxv In Now York. NEW YOISK , Docombcr 10. A fovr yearn ago n man nbont GO of nto , with the nppcarnnco of n fnrmor , nnd very taciturn , rcgiatorcd at the Sinclair house , corner of Broadway and Eighth atroets under the name of Ezra \V. Forinan , Noinora. Ploiadca group , Pacific ocean Conversation ohowa him to bo a very in telligent man. Ho tolls a wonderful tale , which has every appearance o truth. Ilo says in substance that in the year 1247 the ship Ocmulgco of Warohain was homeward bound with a full load , tryworka overboard and 'riahs and kegs of oil stoned in every top. After leaving Lahalna , S. 1. , October 7 , with 350 barrels rols upcnn , 3250 barrels whale oil tuk 41,000 pounds of bone , the was never hcardfrom. Fonnaii was boat stooror. Bo claims ho is the solo survivor and states that the ship was wrecked on Noinora an Island in the Pleiades group , am gave the following romantic story of the wreck : "Tho Ocmnlgoo wont ashore on No mora in December , 1817 , and all handc were drowned excepting myself , Martli the cook , nnd an Hawaiian eallor numei Walhoe. All the oil casks wore stove nnd the ship gradually hove over the reef until finally the survivors could walk around her at low water. "Through the Hawaiian 1 was enable ! to talk with the chief of the Island. . explained the uses that might bo made o the various articles , and assisted by na lives got everything out of the ship , in eluding the bono , and then broke up the ship , saving planks , nails , anchors , chainc and whaling gear. "Wo wore given houses , lands and wives , accepted our position , nnd deter mined to ninko the boat of it , and , except copt that wo wcro oxtlos from homo nn < friends , wore content and happy. . taught the natives many of the rude arts , and they prospered greatly. Bu the natives feared to loao ; IB , nnd vrhcn a ship camp in sight hurried us away into the Interior until the foreign vessels Imi passed on. "Later my two companions died and ] was loft alone. Surrounded by my child roil and grandchildren , I was finally acknowledged knowledgod to bo their ruler , and my word was their law. I told them I must go to my friends , but had to swear by their gods that I would roturn. Finally a sandal wood trader touched there , and 1 embarked in her , was landed nt Sidney , nnd made my way here nftor much trouble and time. " Such la Foreman's story. Now comes mother remarkable tale. Ilo says thai ; ho whalebone is in prime condition , nnd : rom the time of its wreck to the present day a native has always boon on guard ) ver it , and that regularly once a weak is position has boon shifted to save it 'rom rats and mould. Forman says that lia two companions loft a number of chll- Iron who are now all big and hoalthy.and ho has twcnty-nlno sons and daugh- ors and sixty-nino grand-children. Some Philadelphia merchants have taken stock n Forman's story , have advanced him ? 5,000 worth of goods , chartered a steam- ir and she will soon leave Now York for the Pleiades , to carry out this modern Alcxanper Selkirk and bring back the > ono , estimated to bo worth now from § 150,000 to § 176,000. The story is n romantic ono and the ap- > oaranco of Foreman carries truth with t ; but a Nantnckot gentleman , to whom ho tale has been submitted , who is con- orsanton whaling matters , doubts it rom first to last , and advises the mer- hants , responsible ones , by the way , to xamlno Forman and his story very caro- uliy before accepting its truth. The ; ontleinau who has advised DII the matter lya there never was n ship Ocmulgeo of Warham In the "Whaling business that was lost. The only whaler of that name was owned In Holmes Hole , and sailed opoatodly from that port from 1815 until n 18C5 , she was burned by the confodor- to cruiser Alabama. There are also other orious discroponcios in Forman's [ state- nont , among which is the proportion of irhalobono to the proportion of oil taken , nd although his yarn Is ingeniously twis- cd , yet it is full of Haws and apt to stand n oxamlnation , and the inference is , nlesa ho can reconstruct his story with now name for the ship that is ac- optablo , ho is a crank or a cheat of the orst so rt. MR. HEWITT AND THE DOGS. 'ho Now York CoiiKroasmaii the Victim of Barking Canines , 'WASHINGTON' , December 11. Hon. A. . Ilowitt of Now York is going to make n eil'ort to got aomo legislation by con- rcss to nbato the nuisance of dogs Dark- ig at night in this city. Ho is a great utlorer from insomnia , getting very lit- lo sloop when hero during the session of 'ougross ' , and ho attributes it to the fact tiat no matter where ho takes up his uartors ho finds that some near nuigh- or has either a dog to howl and bark all ight through , or n rooster to pipe his larion notes during the small hours of ho morning. Mr. Ilowitt is a man of remarkable nervous energy , and his mind is so active hat he can never sleep soundly , conso- [ uoiHly is nwako to every sound during the night. His tlroloas activity is often a source of wonder to his associates on ho ways and means committee of the louso. Ho Is an authority on most all subjects , and shoulders a great burden of the responsibility. Ono day last session thrj was a peculiar knotty question before 'the committee , and after discussing it for a long time ; hey concluded that it would take at e at a week's good hard thinking before they could got the matter in shape to re port to the house , so they adjourned to meet at the expiration of that timo. The next morning Mr. Ilowitt brought lu a written statement of the case which so perfect and comprehensive that with out anymore ado the committee adopted It as their report. When his astonished associates asked him how ho managed to accomplish such a trnmondous task in such a short time , ho said : "The dogs would not lot mo sleep , so 1 sat up and wrote. " Ho used to occupy quarters at Worm- ey's annex , but was forced to move from .hero by the roosters , whoso crowing kept urn awake , Now ho occupies a Hat at .ho Everotton II streetuoar Eighteenth , jut ho in not free from the enemies yet. There Is a largo Newfoundland dog at Ivalsor's bakery , just around the corner on Eighteenth street , which ho says never ttops barking at any time during the night , and toward morning his sloop- disturbing efforts are seconded by a rooa- tcr'uext door that never gets tired of welcoming the returning day Ho hai made freqaent appeals tMr Knisir c kill the dog or solid him fur bojttd int the country , but ho refused to part will his dog , and wanted to know what dog ; were made for if not to bark. The policeman on the beat was then sot upon the noiay canine , but with no better result. Then Mr. Ilowitt rent a complaint to the district commissioners but they replied that it was beyond their power to protect him. Finally ho haa concluded to try nnd got nn amondmon put on to a district lUonso bill now in the senate district cjmmitteo , which will re quire that a dog which is complained o as annoying to a nciwlibor shall bo removed moved or killed. "I never saw such a city , " said Mr Hewitt , speaking of the matter to a Stai reporter. "It is uncivilized. There it not another city of any pretensions ir the union that they will allow to bo con verted into n dog kennel. In Now York if complaint is made , the dog la nt once put out of the way. Everywhere else they think more of their citizens than o their dogs. That dog of Kaiser's roba mo of moro than half my sloop. Yea , fa more than half. I got scarcely nny sloe ] in Washington. 1 asked Mr. Kilsor to put a stop to the nuisance , but he said i wan his dog ana could bark all ho wantoc to , and told the policeman to go to It is a terrible nuisance. " "Oh , Mr. Ilowitt and the do l" exclaimed - claimed Mr. Kniaor , in broken English when questioned by the Star man. "The dog doesn't bark , llo'a my dog , H dnn't bark unless something's the matter All the dogs in the neighborhood arc being poisoned since ho's boon there The Brazilian minister had six poisonoc last winter , nnd 1 lost two ; but this one won't oat pcilson. The dogs ! the dogs They can't live In the neighborhood fo him. My dog protects my property , 1 Mr. Ilowitt will hire mo n private watch man ho shan't bo bothered with the dog. ' "Why don't ho work hard and go tc sleep like honest folks ? " nskod Kniaor junior. "Thou dogs won't disturb him You might shoot oil' cannon In my care nnd I would not wako. Nonsense Nonaenso. "Why don't ho go to sleep ? ' "Ho of his sins ' was thinking may-bo , suggested Mrs. K , , who seemed to thin ! it was impossible for anything clso tc keep a man nwnko. "Can't you compromise the matter ? ' suggested the Star. "No , no. I keep my dog , " wns the reply. Mr. Ilowitt as stated nbovo , suffers sc much from insomonia that ho gets prnc ticnlly no sleep while in the city. It Now York ho says ho sloops well enough and occasionnly ho has to go there to yet a night's rest. A OHANGI'J OP AUMS. German Cavalry Dispensing AVitl Swords. BGHLIK , Nov. 29. [ Special to Lender Times. ] ! am Informed that the nn'Htar ) authorities hero have just resolved to Introduce troduco n most important and significan change in the equipment of all the cav airy , without exception , in the Gorman army. It has bson decided that hence forth carbines shall bo carried slung across the back , instead of in a leather case over the right thigh ; and , further more , that all sabroa shall be suspended from the saddle instead of being buckle : to the waistband. The high-peaked Hungarian saddle , too , which is used by all kinds of the cavalry arm except the cuirassiers , Is to bo discarded In favor ol a lighter and moro convenient ono , some what resembling the English hunting pattern , while the burden of both horse md man is to bo very considerably jghtcned. For example : two spare iiorseshoea , a fore and a hind ono , will icncoforth bo taken into the field , In stead of four , and the kit of the troopers s to be much reduced. The fundamental idea at the bottom of .his radical reform is that all the cavalry must in future bo trained moro than ever o act as infantry , as may be inferred rom the fact that the carbine , and not ho sabre , is the weapon that will remain nseperablo from Its owner. It haa been ound that in acting as dismounted infan- ry , so to speak.the troopers are too much mpeded by the trailing of the sabro , and o this weapon U to bo detached altogether rom its wiolder. A cavalry soldier strut- Ing along without what has heretofore } een his most distinctive arm will be a level sight , and will indicate a rude Broach with the traditions of the past ; out the breach has been decided on. A year or two ago all the Russian cav il ry of the line was converted or ordered o bo converted , into the ono uniform ypo of dragoon soldier or mounted infan- ryman ; and now the grand general staff lero would acorn to bo impressed with the lecesaity of making an analogous change n the Gorman cavalry , and of thus ren- lering It equal to the now exigencies of nodorn warfare. and HnarsdncHB , The Irrlta- ion which induces coughing immediately re- ieved by use of "UBOWN'H BRONCHIAL TKO- II ES. " Sold only in boxen. Romance ( if * Desperado , Chicago Herald. The desperado called "Omaha" Char- oy , who was lynched in Missouri a day > r two ago , owed his ability to commit a rime and suffer for it in the way ho did o the death-bed prayer of a child. Some rears ago ho was in the Missouri poniton- iary at Joflorson City , and , being consld- rod trusty , was employed to aomo oxtout tround the governor's mantiou. Here ho oil in with Mr. Orittendon's little daugh- -or , who took a fancy to him , more espe- : ially because he was ingenious in the nanufacturo of toys. Finally the child vas taken sick and when she realized hat she must die , she called her father to lor and made him promise that ho would mrdon the convict. After the funeral .ho . governor iasuod the pardon , giving no eason for it ether than that it was in fu- ! illmont of a promise exacted from him by ils child. The people of Missouri were lot pleased with the prisoner's roleaao , ) ut the executive's action was not severe- y criticised. Once free "Omaha" Char- oy resumed his desperate habits , and , after participating in many ntlrays , finally murdered a man last week , for which ho was lynched. There are some promises which are better broken than kept , and the ono that the governor of Missouri made in thia case waa ono of them. Di'HKEu's SALAD DKKSSINO & COLD MEAT SAUCE for all kinds of salads , veg- [ tables , and cold moats. Cheeper x and better than homo-made. No sauce equal to it was over oilerod. A NcljrnwKnn'H Furluno. John DoNoyor , an old-timo citizen of York , is nbut to receive a fortune of (300,000 , which was loft by his father , who died n few years ago , The estate consists mainly of property in Canada. There is also a largo turn of money in the possession of Mr. DeNoyer's step mother's relatives. The matter has been In the courts over since Mr. DeNoyer's father died , and is nearing a settlement. It is hoped by next March Mr. DeNoyer will have nil he has been fighting for , and his friends are congratulating him. upon his success , TillXrYA9 1U.N01 US. llntlio Lone Star State Kerns I'cnc on the llnrdcr it Corps of aohller-Slicrln's. Kl IVwo ( Tar. ) CotrespondencB St. l.ou ( ! -Democrat. . It was on El Paso street , in El PASO Tex. , that I remarked to n friend that dotirod to know how the state of Texas that Lone Star state cf lone things nn wild romance , came to possets an nrmo force of ntato troops over in the licit Ho replied "I know but little of It , bu there is n man who can toll you all , " anc ho pointed to a young follow otandin near the door oi the largo butcher stor of Mundy Brothers , on El Paio street "Who ia ho ? " I inquired. "Why , wh is ho' Why ho is J. B. Gillett , now ou assistant mnrahnll , but once ono of th best rangers In the frontier battalion Urn over put spur to horse or made n hora thief's heart go vlpht down in his boots I'll introduce you. " In the courao ot conversation Gillot said : "To tell all about Iho Texan Ranger worth tollicg would fill a good sized volume umo , so you w ll have to bo content wit ! nn outline. The history of the state i < the southwest , from the days of the Lon Star republic to the present hour , 1m been ono of contlnnual struggle wit ! sivago nnd somi-eavaqo foesand the stat had from time to time since the war t raise troops to stand oft" the Indiana nnc help the authorities In upholding th law. It was in 1874 , however , whoi Governor Richard Ooko was in oilicotha the present organization of rangers wn ofl'cctod. The legislature appropriutoc ? 300,000 to protect the border counties nnd n suitable police , under the centre of the state and Adjutant-General Stcol was immediately formed. "It consisted then of six companies o sovonty-fivo men each. Each compau ; was commanded by a captain , two lieu tenants , three sergeants and tour corpo rals. It was soon found that the appro priatlon would not bo sufficient to supper this establishment , and reductions had tt bo made from time to time , so that a present the companies nro only twnty five strong , and hnvo but ono captainou lieutenant , ouo sergeant and two corpo rals each. " ' What would bo nbjut the prosou strength of the force ? " "About 150 men which Is ample jus now. In 1882 , " continued the marshal "Congressman Upaon of Bexnr county introduced a bill , which passed botl houses and was approved by the proal dent , refunding to the state § 1,000,000 expended for frontier dofonao , but owluj , to rod tape the money haa not yet boon received by the stato. " "What ia the prcsentpay of a ranger ? ' "Well a captain gets § 100 a month rations , and allowance for two horses , n Kotitentant $75 , same rations and allow nnco for two horaee ; a sergeant , $50 rations and allowance for one horse ; a corporal $35 , rations and allowance for ono horse : and a private , $30 , and al lowance for the same as corporal , Pri vates uaed to receive § 40 when the bat talion was first organized. " "What does the allowance for a. horse amout to ? " "A little over § 11 a month. The men provide their own horses and arms , bul the state furnish all the ammunition they require. " "Aro the men all Toanna ? " No ; the rule ia the reverse. They are from every state in the union , and many of them are younp : fellows most respecta bly connected. Very few of the old hands , except the oflicors , are now in the service. Captt L. P. Solker is the veteran of the battalion. Ho joined in ilay , 18C4 , and1 has served without losing a day over since. Ho is now captain of company D , whteh ho entered as a pri vate. This company killed more Indians and rustlers than any other in the ser vice. " "What are the asual duties of a ranger - gor ? " "Ho is a state police officer nnd a sol dier at the same tlaie. In the ono ca- lacity ho performs the duties of a deputy ihoriir and is in addition empowered to arrest without warrant all fugitives from uatico In the state , A list of these fugl- ivos is furnished from thr office of the adjutant general from time to time for ho information of the rangers. Like to eo it ? " The scribe said ho would , and Mr. Gil- ott produced the ponderous roll of cloao- y written foolscap containing the names and description of fully 5,000 criminals with whom the state was desirous to re new acquaintance , "I joined the service , " continued the Assistant Marshal. "In Juno , ' 71 > i in Jompar.y D , Capt Roberts commanding. Wo had lively times just then , I can as- uro you. Indians were on the war-path all over the country and the rangers wora laving n rough time of it. The Comau- hes had como oil' the Fort Gill resorva- ion and wore raising lUdca in the north , while the Kickapoos and Lop.ina wore making it warm for the settlers in the outhwcatern counties. The two latter > ands together did not number over fty warfiero , yet they kept both the na- lonal troops and the rangers eternally on ho move , and western Texas was bocora- ng almost uninhabitable. They came rom the Santa Itow Mountains in Old loxico and were outlaws in both Kopub- ics. They are all good Indians now. " "On a reservation ? " "No , dead. The rangers made good ndian * of nearly every ono of them. An ndlan ia only good when ho's dead. Our ompany had three fights with the Co- manchcf , in ono of which wo killed six. first swelled powder in n fight with the jepans. In July , 1878 , the Lapani made their first killing. They killed hreo girls and one boy , all of the same amlly , and then got pretty well wiped out thomaol7C8. Then wo hud a short > oaco , as far as Indians wore concerned , > ut had to turn our attention to cleaning out the desperadoes , who were becoming about as bad as the Indians over were , Wo had hsrdly got well In hand as a lolica force when Victorio broke out in , ho latter part of 1&70. I was then stationed with Col. G. W. Baylor's Com pany A , as first sergeant , at islota , and ho company was without a lieutenant The Indians crossed over the Hlo G ran do and stole n number of horses , and our company crossed into Mexico , where we wore joined by a number of Mexicans. Wo overtook the Indium at Canon del Mar ran as , Sierra Bentanos , and had a Tierce fight. I got shot twice through the hat , bat man'ged to mike a good Indian of the sJiootiut. After this tight wo joined Gen. Toras&es , of the Mexican army , but ho didn't care to ba supported by Americans , and shortly after ho killed old Vic and nearly his entire band. " CleveUml'tJ I'rtiiilcr , New York Sun. "The idea that Mr. Bayard went to Albauy for any ether purpose than to see about being the leading member of Mr. Cleveland's now cabinet ia ridiculous. Ol coureo ho will take the post of secretary of atato or secretary of the treasury , juat as ho or Mr. Cleveland may 7 refer. 1 ho meant to refuse there wuild ha\ebev : no net > d of his traveling to Albany to sv BO Everybody will approve of "tho ai | Dolntmont. The old fashioned democrat and the independent mugwumps will tnk " pleasure in Mr. Bayard's" succession to a ; Important executive cilice , but what lath uao of any humbug In connection wit ] ( inch nn event. STOP THAT COUGH By uslnp lr. Kratier's Throat ami LUMR Ual Mm tha only sure euro for fnnpln , Colde Honroue < < 3 nnd Sere Thront , ntul nil il ! on o of tlio throat ( irul lungs , Do not npglnct i cough. It mny prove fatal , ficoros ntu huiulroiNdf grateful itonplo ewe their lues ti Ur. Vrnzict't Throat and Luiu * Hnl.vmi , am no family will ever be without It after onci unitiR it , and discovering its marveloui power It put up in lar o family bottlei nnd noli lor Iho small prlco of 75 cents per bottle. Soh Kuhn ft Co. nnd 0. F , Goodman. 1'itUbur ? Chronicle. Ait In TO.MIH , Texas Siftlngi. Two Texas ladies were talking nbou the children. "How Is your boy coming on n school ? " "Ho Is quite an artist , Ho is drawing live animals. " "So Is my boy Bill. Ho drew a oat uji In a tree. Ho drew it all by himself too. " "Did ho UBO a crayon ? " "No , ho used n ropo. " A CARD. To ill vUioru ttlna froa "ton tuj Inductions of youth not \ous venlmtas , irij dswT , loasol uunbouO , etc. , I " 111 neni ! ft ltd ? Ibat c'Jl cure you , FflUE O ? CIIAROX. TtU trf A > rctnoJy w i uncovered by ft lalislouerj In Ooull ; .Mn.rl- . BendMlf-uldn-tonl rnrelop to BKT. la 1 UNI X. IiQUft. OUtlua D. S Variu A couple of poor Iron worltors of D\n ville , Pn. , recently ntruck it rich. The mills of Danville nro closed , and these two men , out tf regular employment , went to digging roots nnd herbs lor th ( drug stores nnd groceries. They wore digging ou nn island in the SuEquohanno river nnd found n strong b ( \ but u little under the soil. Opening the box they lound it full of coin § 17,000 in nil : $10,000 in Mexican nilvei : dollars , § 1)0- ) 000 in gold , nnd § 1,000 in small eilvet coins. The dates go back as far ns 1832 , nnd na Into ns 1808. The box is supposed to have been put there by bank robbers , as no other theory fits the case , aud now all the unemployed workmen in the Danville mills nro digging for roots and herbs , and the market is glutted. SKIN DISEASES CUKKD By Dr. Fr.izlor'a Jlixglo Ointment. Cures aa if by magic : I'lmplcs , Black llends or Grubs , Blotches nnd Eruptions on the face , leaving the pkin clear nnd beautiful. Also euros Itcli , 3nlt Khouin , Sere Nipyles , Sere Lips and old , Obstinate Ulcers Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt prico. 60 conta. Sold by Kulm & Co. nnd C. F. Goodman. There is _ a proposition to build a con tinuous line of railway from London to Bombay , a distance of about 5,000 miles. The line would cross Into Africa nt Gib raltar , and from Tnngiera connect with lines already in operation in Algeria , across Morocco via Tunis and Tripoli to Cairo , thence by way of the Isthmus of Suezdown _ the rlvor Euphrates and the Persian gulf shore to a connection with Iho Indian system of railways which runs to Bombay. The project haa been do- viaed by a joint commission of Engliah and French engineers , and it will bo a : ontiuuous line from London , excepting ; ho crossing of the straits of Dover and Gibraltar. When it is completed America will be compelled to got Gould and Van- lorbilt to combine long enough to build ; ho railway line to South America via the isthmus of Panama , In order that the now world may not bo eclipsed by the old. Her sforrt's iV'jl 1 P hosplmJe A Good Tliintr , Dn. ADAM MILLEU , Chicago , 111. , says : 'I have recommended Hereford's Acid Phosphate to my patients , nnd have re ceived very favorable reports. It is ono of the very few really valuable prepara- Ions now offered to the ailllcted. In a iractico of thirty-fivo years I have found t few good things , and this is ouo of them. PropoHala for IJiiildliifj Bridges. Department of the Interior , ) Office of Indian Affoire , Nov. 17 , Ib84. f Pealed prorosals , endorsed "proposals foi hulldintr IB , ' will ho received at thlaotllceantll 1 o'clock rucsday the 16th of Lcciimrcr , 18S4 , for the con- tructlon of three bridges on the Santce Slnux Hoaor- aHou In Nebraska , anil 1'oncn Reservation In Dakota t the following Iccatloup ; on thoSantao llcservatlon \ertho Bailie cr-uk , a bridge of three Plane cf 00 oet each with 15lcct atipioachrs ; on the 1'onci Kes- r > ationr o\er the Nlobra > a river , nbrldpu 000 foct rom end to cm' , and o\or the Wiet Forkoiuaid nvtr spin of BOIcet. The bridges In question are to boot < -ombnatlon ! of wood nid Iron-with cast ir n shoes , resting on nile oiindatlnus , which over the Nirbrara liver are to bo ilvon 13 cct , over IHzilo crctk , 13 loot , nnd over Vet Kork of Nmbrara Klvcr , 15 fust below watir ovol , nnd &ra to Lo built in nccnrdanco with plum ml tpoclficatlcns tube Been at the oillcool the Depot iimrtermaslM at Omaha , NUireeka , the ' 7lmo " of Denver , Coloradoand of the lutor-Oceati of Chl- sacn , 111. 'I ho con t'.ruction o the bridges to under the Im- nodlittt supervision of a person to bo diblKnateJ by ill Department. AH bids must boaccomparled by a certified check n Bomu Unitnit btatcs Di iioeltory , for at least I'l VK r centum ft thi amount of the proposal , which lock will be forfeited ID the UnUod Stalls i-i ca'o oy bidder or hidden * fall to execute a contract with ooilonj emllcicnt mrttlfs ; otherwise to bo returned ) thu bldirr. ) In submitting Lids , bidders thi.uld ate the time required by them ( or the construction I the bri ccs , as ihm matter will bo conMilered In lalilu the uuanU , and made a part of the contract- 'Iho right U reserved lo reject any or all bltis or ny part of any bid If deemed for thuboKt Inteim : of ho p mce II I'UIOK , n 'J'2 3\vl > s in cit t'oininlsiloncr. R Inmtnttel "Tiii : < VTisii orv ftp Till. T.M\I.i : MUST. " coined i lomlc > l uii < lev lor > rilor alininkru cun < llll&n ! > n-jrmat and un- limltlir | how to enlArge to full * nj pro | r | iroportlnni. t.f , ilir'e | ] , > l > 1ulrl > crli > ln. ( Other poiUona > n I mem- tar * detelc i l liy ( ImlUt frocm. ) A r < , pr " ' tlil > 'J tlJo look mtlkJ In e > li I envelope for : o < ) U. AdJreil r. O. IJruHer 1 1 > . llliri'/ViO. tV. V.t Theme ol Ihtioim " HJji r Line" li connection with Ilk cur ] orate name of a ffriiatruiru 1 conveys an Idea of ] jet wbil required by the travulli'i ; pab Ilo a Short Uui O < ilk llmi ard the host 3 vv $ > , > J tlons-all cl which an true bed by Iho roatobi ( allway In America. And St. Paul. It cwna .nd operiten cvcj , tCO rcllit ol Northern IlllnoL ) , WOCODHJI | ! , Hlnneecti , low * ) ikoUwdft9 ; Uuialnllu'4 , biancb i nd counst loot ua h all the great jualnoen centres ct ti Horthwrena Far West , It naturally answoie Ib deeorlplou uf Short Line , and Host Kvuto l > t * ui Chicago , Milwaukee , SU Taul and IVinnejijiclU Obfcugo , Milwaukee , Ij CrOfise and Wlnona. OblnayoMllwaukeeAberdeenand Ell ndi > l > Chicago , Milwaukee , au Claire a'jd HtlllwLti.r CilcaxolliU umoWau3au ! and Merrill. C l oMllniiukt'0Heaver Dam and Oshkotb Cfalcjkgo , Mil r > ukoi , Wiuikpehk and Ooonomovroc Obloago , MUviaukM , Maillnon uid Pralrladu Ofclik Chicago , MlUaukte , Owatonna and rr * lrll > aall , Chicago , Delolt Jane vlHe an-i Mineral Polat , Chicago , Klgln , Rockforil and Dubuiue. Chicago , Clinton , Kock Iil&ud and Cedaf Rapliii. Chicago , Council Illufla ami Omaha. Chicago , Bloux City , Hloiu Falls and Tanktoa Chicago , MllHauktto , Ultchill andChamborlala Uook Win J. lubuiUe | , Ht Paul and Ulnneanolll. Davonpoit , "almar , Bl. I'aul and Ulnneapulu. Pullirian bljciKirs ai.J the Fliuit IHnluit Can ID bevtcrld are run on the malnllnMof theUUIUAOO , UII.WADKKKAND9T. 1'AUL JIAILWAY.andevoiF attention la paid to pouen enby coirteoai employte Of the Ocmpiny , MEUUILL. aenl Manager. A. V H. OAIU'KNTED O o1 CaM. Afl. T. CLARK , Oen'l Bunt. OKO.BtH.FORD i . 't Otol P AKI Ncrvou" . Palpation. Debility Menial ind > hlcal ) Wiatncst , ftVr.'iUI ' nndolhir Al.'fc- ( inns tit Throat. Skin or Oofles , BlootI PolsomliS , 'Id Sorrs and Ulcers. . - , , , M m r 4 p < -M .tiu M . -i iili.i1 i i i ! m , I' lilll Diseases Rising hum lnol erollor > Pucnk , f posii"o or Indulgence. ni-n pfo.i.c. . * , , . 0'-i ' * I'J' ' , " ' . ' ' " ' ' " " " " ' ' . l M l r tfei rjltf'crtli. . , > , , . t ni n rj jlinfi. < iv.tiv ItJ , < ItliTil 111. s.ri'lj . inn r t. nfn , tlar1fv | < „ tendering MnrTtngp Improper or iitiu nt > \ . fc- * MIMIHIH-in. I ( 'mil . vi | , ur , , i , , . l' , . . . t - i-i , i M , . | . r i in nt ii < ir r n.n'i.n t m „ re > oi l > jr mill ( r < - IMJ.IUHI , ' Wrl ! < i l.-r -1 lorA - . A Positive VVriircn Guarantee ltf In nil > * iii lili < Mt V tl'lnr * . r.l rtirrvtiTa PAmphlott , l > i .l' li or ilcrriun , p-i pjxco il * ITIbtucahavodxeiitea Inmvoor fi'irtnle. * HEM fc s n.fitir r i ae Tr it. ilpU l the - > ! ti. t o A t > < * I e * e tnin | > i forrdrlirntcil McdlcaUVorleSi . II. C-1-AIJKL- . U.i86S.utl Ll.irU Strict , CIIUAGO.ILL. Wiiiimr' f'\o ni.OQDt"fcin * l.itu tuc LlVCRintil I .Hi' ! l.'i M.I mi. mid VIOOU i -YOUTH. . ljr > < \\aiitotAppelltc , Jii- i linn I m k nt btiriiRtli. "nitaiiM > ltitcly . _ _ .i lorrc. tlio inlnil nnil dr.iln I'MT. . iiH iroin ( 'ninplalnis . _ II IP In tliclrsi \ . I tlnd InDILX'BrEIl'fiIROK TOI a n fnf.i and p"cilv euro , i iHosnU'.tr ; , liuillhy i'oinpli n. ru-itu | nt : tienints at v" " "TClii piilj add u < lln popiilarin < il 'he oiljrlinl. lla not espctlf 31UI11 pt'tlllu OllllitNAL AMI III-ST. , f Knndiourndiln' itoThwDr. IlnrtnrMprt ( Jo.Yw rasuLouls , Io.tor our"DKKAM HOOK. " K I v XXTnllof strantmiod uwmI.Laloruiii'vioa.rna./r J X BOTTLES. * . . . . JJa/ano , Cnlrabacher , . , . . . . Bavaria. Pilsner . . . . . . . . . . Boheraiau. Kiiipar . . . . . . .Brnmon. DOMESTIC. Bnd woier . i3t. Louis. Anliouser. . . . - .St. Louis. Best a . - . Mitoaukep. Scklitx-Pilaner _ _ . . . . .Milwaukoa. Krusj'3 . Omahft Ale , I'crtor , Domestic and Rhine Wmo. D. MAURER. Science of Life Only $1 00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WOliK ExhaasUxl Vitality , Nerrons and Phydo.il Dobnitj Premature Dacllne In Han , Errors of Yontb , and the untold miseries resulting from ImllsortUouB or ox- oeoace. A boob for every man , younp ; , middle aged in J old. It contains 126 prescriptions for all acut knd chronlo dlacosea cnch one of which Is Invaluable. 3o founa by the Author , whose oicperlence for 17 rouro IB Buoh OB probably never oefore 1611 to the lot if any physician. 800 pages , bound lu beautiful fronoh muelln cmpoeeod oo\ors , full , Kilt guaranteed io bo finer work In every eeuao , machanlcal , III- irary and profesalonol , than any ether work sold In ihls country for 82.BO , or the money will bo refunded n every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mall , post mid. Illustrative dimple 6 cents. Send now. Oold nedal awardud the author by ( ho National Medical ieooclatlon , to the officers of hlch ho reforn. ThoBolcnooof Llfoohould bo read by the younger or Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. It will icueflt all. London Lancet. There la no member of society to whom The Sol inco of LIfo will not bo useful , wbotho/ youth , par. nt. guardian , Instructor or clergymen. Argonaut. Address the 1'oaliody Mcdlral Infc.lfcuto , or Dr. W I. Porker , No. 4 I'.ulflnch Ktroot , nostin , MBBU. . who nay he consulted on all diseases roqiiirln ? ; skill uid ipcrlenoo. Chronic and obatlnatodlc < aiicK that havf iklllcd the eklli ol all other piiyfl-Jirsi clam , epodaltyl Buoh treated sucaussnCKL fully rlthout an Inittuc-j ct failure. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CUOUXSE'S BLOCK , llth and Capitol Avc-uno , treats all tMoa Crip pled or Deformed , alttodleeueg of It tfforvous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs AH sages of Curvature of the Splno , Crooked Vnot UKV and Ariui , Dl eaaca of the Hip , Knoj , and klo JoInU Al'-o Chronlo arlect ini olthoUier nhoumatUm , P r ltl , IMlui , Ulcers , Catarrh , Asth iua and Ilroushltle are all treated by now and ouo- X)66lul ) mithoda. All diseases ot tao llloul and Urln- try Organs , Including those resulting from lut lucre- lion , or cif-onjire , aru safe ! ) and succco lullv treated nd a cut * guaranteed. Younv ; men , mlo.llo aged , tml old men suffering from Wciknew end Korvoui oihkUHi'.ou , prDduclni , imllgos'Jon 'alpltitlonnt the IKait , Despondency iJlrtineiw , IxibS of M < moryLat.k of Knorsy and AnaUtlou , can be rtatorod to health ind vigor , If ci > e Is not too long neglected. Hie Buruuin In charge U a graduate ot Jeffer- ion Medical College 189J ) and hi 6tuilli > d hit proft ion In London , ParU and Berlin II ifDI'-teJ , call or wrltu full deacrlptUvi of youi oisa , and rnodl- jluo may bo sent you. Consultation frto Adi'iei Omaha Mnpeneary , Croauee'illlock , OroAbt , Nub. OSifw benrt IB-IS a. m.l-B nu7-Bp m bumkys. lOa in firAccoinmo.htloii ) furnished [ utitnti from the ccuo lrr. _ M.R. . . HKI'IIKSENTH : I'h'cnlic Insurance Co. , London , C'aili As > ti W.SSI/OO Wi-sUhinlcr.S. Y. , Capital I.iro.oiO ThoJIurchauUof Newark N. J.Capital. . . 1 , ,000 ( iliatcl Fire , I'hlladelphla.Cai.lial 1 2 < X > , OCO Wcuuu'dl'UDd , Capital l A The remarkable growth of Omahn daring the lust few yews IB n matter of great astonishment to thopo who pay an occasional visit to this prowlnt ; city. The development of the Stoc Yards the necessity of thu Bolt Lln < > Iload the finely paved stroola thohundrodsof now residences and costly business blocks , with the population of our city tnnro than doubled In the last live yearn. All this ia n great surprise to visitors and In thp admiration of our citizens. This rapid growth , the business activity , nnd the many substantial Improvements mitdn r > lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Investor has made a handsome profit. Sluco the Wall Street panic last May , with the Bubannuont cry of hard tlmoa , there haa boon less demand from specula- lorn , but a fair demand from Investors Booking homon. Thla lutlor class are taking advantage of low prices In buildIng - Ing material and are securing their homos at much less cost than will bo pobalblo a year honco. Speculators , too can buy real cola * 3 cheaper now and ought ta take advant o of present prices for fntnro pro tt. The next few years promises groaton d > vol opmonts In Omaha than the past ti v ' years , which have been as good BB wo could reasonably doalro. Now man ufacturing ustubliahmonta and largo job bing houses are added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many in Omaha and througn- but the State , who have their money In the banks drawing a nominal ralo of 1 terost , which , If judiciously Invested in Omaha real estate , would bring thoui much ijreater returns. Wo have many bargains vrhlcb. wo are confident frill bring the purchaser largo profits in the near future. We have for Biilo the finest residence - dence property in the north western parts of the city. North we have fine lota at reason able prices on Shermau avenue , 1 7th , 18th , 19th and 30th streets. West ou Farnain. Davenport , Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible Borne of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnain , the pro perty in the -western part of the city will increase in value. We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part ot the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company anil the railroads will certainly double the price in a short time. We also have some Hue buRinesn lots and some elegant inside resi- lencec for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bargains by calling on u BROKERS 213 South Mth IJot yeon Farnhara and Douglas. P. S. "We ask ihose who have property for nalo ai a bargain to ivo JH a callWe want only bargains We will ponitiveJ/ not handle prop- artv oh more than its real value. \ V