Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morniac Deot 13
Dull times are complained of on Ml Me * .
Ijottlo Comes is nt present safely en.
trenched at the city hotel.
A ten pound boy has Arrived nt Iho homo
of Mr. And Mrs. Joseph I'atterson.
The county court Is grinding nlonR with
nothing of great Imiiortanca on the docket.
A gold watch nnd $150 in money was
stolen from ft boarder nt lira. Foyes , Six
teenth nnd Capitol nvonne , oa Wednesday
The clearings nt the clearing homo
Thursday amounted to 5303.GCl.7G. The total
clearings f or tbo month of November were
The now North Nebraska seminary of the
M. K. church h to bo located at Central City ,
that place offering a half section of land and
$20,000 AB n bonus ,
On Uio way to the fire Thursday night No 2
lost an ax. It Is painted rod , and can easily
be recognized. The finder Is requested to return -
turn it to No. 2 onuino house ; .
In the police court yesterday two citi
zens were fined S3 and costs for throwing slops
in the streets , nnd two others were fined for
throwing manure in paved alloys.
Miss Rosa Schroder , n check girl in the
Western Union office , secured n handsome
present from her follow employes Thursday ,
the occasion being her fifteenth birthday ,
It is reported that O. II. Smlth.tho pugil
ist who was defeated In the contest at Valentino
tine , has gene to Chicago , nnd will no lonirer
figure among the sporting fraternity of
The Newport club has postponed its
fourth social which waa to take place last night
until after Christmas. This is done on no-
count of Advent. Duo notice of the now date
will bo given.
In the police court yesterday three
plain drunks were mulcted $3 nnd costs each.
The case of Frank Uurna , complained nf by
William Willard , was continued till the after
noon session ,
A. writ of replevin was Thursday issued
to enable Andrew Uowloy , n harness maker to
recover certain hotnoliold goods which hia
wife had pawned to Isaac Brown. Desertion
is charged ncralnst the wifo.
There wrs n weak attempt nt a snow
stnrm yesterday and the ground waa quito
whtto at daybreak , but the weather cleared
np during the day and waa quito pleasant.
The thermometer morktd ten degrees above
The citizens In sewer district No. 13 , em
bracing the St. Mary's nvonuo branch nnd its
connections , will meet Saturday evening nt
the board of trade rooms , in Rodick'a building ,
to consult as to the levy of the special tax
levied for said sowers.
Superintendent Dickey has notified the
t Woatorn Union operators that the extra pay
heretofore allowed for work done after 11:30
nt night is to ba discontinued. The change
will make n difference of from 315 to 810 a
3 month with some f the men.
An adjourned mooting of tbolndependont
Order of Foresters will bo hold on Saturday
evening , December 13th , at 8 o'cU ck , in Dr.
Mattlco'a office , Frenzor block , opposite the
poatoffico. At their last meeting several new
mqmbo/s wera added to the list , and there is
promise of several more. All are invited.
Coroner Maul yostoday received acheckin
payment of the expense1 ] of the buri 1 of John
C. Gats , who died suddenly a few d.iys ago
from an attack of epilepsy. The remittance
was from his uncle , J. II. liuckloy , of Stoney
Fork , Fenna , who authorized the coroner to
turn over the effects of the deceased , except
ing his watch , to the "partner" of the dead
man ,
"Riea up 'Willalm Rico nnd como along
with me , " teems to bo tbo popular sentiment
of amusement lovers when they want any
thing good in minstrelsy. Billy is ono of
the old time laugh provokers and although
fair , fat and fortv ho is still n daisy in the
garden of Mumus. The Thatcher , Piimroso
and West minstrels could not well maintain
their high reputation without their "Hico
plantation. "
The biggest geese on record was to b
soon yesterday at Robert I'urvis' commission
house. It weighed 2 pounds , and 14 pounds
is considered extraordinary weight for n fowl
of this species. It came from Sioux City and
was sold to M. llellman , of this city. Its
mate weighed eighteen pounds and was also
sold Immediately after its arrival. It is believed -
lioved that this Is the boBi goose for eizo yet
raised in the west.
A meeting of the four lodges of Knights of
Pythias in thU city Nebraska , Planet ,
Oinaha and Myrtle was hold yesterday
at which it was decided to form an Incorpora
tion and to erect a Knights of Pythias build
ing , which should contain a "Gastlo Hall" for
lisa of the order and nlao xtores and np rt-
ments for business nco. The capital stock
will ba $50,000 , and the buildlnp located on a
lot 00x132 , in the central portion of the city.
The now school building on 17th street ,
adjoining the Hartman school will bo ready
for inspection to-d ly , and , if accepted for
occupancy on Monday. The new bnllding It
(17 foot lung by 27 feet , widu , two etorlcs hi h
above n basement and divided into four school
rooms , with furnace and j initr apartments in
the basamont. The bull Jinx la excellently
constructed , and both the old and the new
will bo heated by RatUn furnaces. The new
school building will ju-coinoduto about 20J pu
Uyrort Clark returned Thursday from
8'dnoy , vhoie l < o went to bo present at the
prosecution of Hurry M. Hill , who forced his
name on the express books tome months ago
for S150. A special grand jury waconvened ,
tn Indictment found , and n plea of guilty en
tered on tliH samn day. The sentence ) has not
yet been parsed , but % v 111 probably bo from
three to five year * , twenty jenrs being the ex
treme penalty of the law , and ono year the
lowest nllowiblu sentence. Hurry lid ! was
formerly tn Om&lia man and is n line tonkin ? ,
gentlemanly uppeminj ? fellow , but when by
went lack on Byron Clark ha went back on
his beat frn nc ) .
It la nipped that the county clerk and
perhaps the enmity treasurer , will remove to
Hiaro comfortub'n q-'artrrs ' in the biseiuont
itorv of the new court houfa on Sunday next ,
though the troiMirir may be ilul.ijf < l 10 na not
to tnoonvnlanctliosj win am coming in
dally to pay their ta\ee. Contractor Coots
liiRfinUhul up throi ro'inu e.i-h for the o
ollic n and HIP. " ) will give ample accommo
dation ! until the | iorman < mt quarters nru com
pleted. Ho far everything about tha now
lion to i rcpnrtol ax atu factory and the com-
rnltfloneis are especially pirated with the
utium heatirg apparatus wMch on two
p ur.ds uf ( loam keep-firm fmlehed rootni and
.jUl at a very mild und pleatant tawi-erature
The Case of Nelson Against Rasmns-
sen Before the Court ,
A. Snlt Full of Serious Questions
The Plaintiff's Sorrowful Tnlo.
In the district court , before Jud o
Wakoley , the case of Mrs. Lena Nelson
against Rasmnsson and his sureties on a
liquor license bond executed under the
Slocumb law was resumed yesterday
morning. This K t'10 ' " "fc an ° f
kind over tried or brought In this tribu
nal and the progress of the case is marked
with many intricate legal questions ,
points that would naturally arlso from
different constructions of the statute law
and also that result from the manner 11-
centos are Issued by the license board ol
the city.
The plaintiff In the action yesterday
afternoon took the stand in her own behalf -
half and told as pitiful a tale as was over
related to a jury. Mrs. Nelson was
born in Scandinavia and gave her testi
mony in broken English.
She was married to Mr. Nelson in 1871.
At that time ho was a sober , temperate
man , seldom taking oven a glass of boor.
Ho was Industroun , working hard at his
trade , that of tailoring and earning $20
per week. They lived happily together
for about eleven years. In October of
1882 ho began drinking and the habit so
grow on him that in February of ' 84 ho
had become unable to work , from the ef
fect of drink. Ho had always provided
well for his family until ho took to drink
when his wife and children were often in
want At times they had nothing to eat
and food and clothing were given them
by noighbora. So strong hod
this habit fastened Itself upon
him that flannels , etc. , given
them by friends wnro spirited away by
him and Dawned for drink. Ono of their
children , she insinuated , had died thai
winter from want and proper care , as
she was confined to her bed at that tlrao
with rheumatism. She had ROHO to Has-
musaon's saloon and requested the de
fendant to sell her 'husband no moro
Jrink , but ho responded only "That will
do , that will do , " moaning ho wanted to
boar no more from hor. Matters grow
worao with her husband until the latter
part of February ho disappeared from the
jity and has never been hoard of since.
The line of the defense so far aa it has
boon manifested will bo to provo that the
plaintiffs husband was a drunkard prior
to October of 1883 and that ho obtained
drink from other saloons also.
When the license bond was ofl'ered in
ovldonco by Mr. Shields , counsel for the
plaintiff , the defendant objected to its
introduction in testimony , as it was no
bond. The attorney for the defendant ar-
; ued that the license issued by the license
soard of Omaha , was no license , and con
sequently there was no bond. The
Iconso was Issued without authority of
aw and did not protect the saloonkeop-
era , the very object of a bond. Judge
Wakoly hola , however , that the liceuso
waa not absolutely void , and admitted
ho bond in ovidenco.
Another question sot at rest yesterday
jy the court was the moaauro of dam
ages upon the Slocumb liquor liceuso
jonds. The attorney for Mrs. Neloon
sought to introdnco in testimony
the personal abuse and maltreatment
suffered by the wife and children
at the hands of their husband and father ,
) ut the court upon objection ruled it out
as thcso were no elements of damages ,
lolding that the plaintiff must recover if
at all upon her loss of support. T raon-
al abueo moroaonosa and maltroatn.ant ,
&c. , could not bo considered by thu jury
.n making up their verdict. The plain-
: ifTs counsel then sought to introduce in
ovldonco Ufa tables'to show the probable
length of llfo of Mr. Nelson , but these
were also rnlpd outnot being applicable in
this case aa it had not been shown that
> io had died.
The case closed last evening with the
testimony of two witnesses for the defense
fonso and Tras continued until Monday
morning. .
"That whiter skin of hers than snow ,
And smooth us monnmenttl alabaster , "
Was nil acquired by using Pozzoni's
Medicated complexion powder.
The Homo Clrolo Literary Club.
The charter members of the Homo Cir
cle Literary club have organized a literary
society , with Mr. J , II. Conrad as presi
dent , and W. E. Coomb 3 as secretary.
The first mooting was held at the residence -
donco of Mr. Bailey , on North Nine
teenth street , Monday evening and prov
ed very entertaining. Messrs. Coombo ,
Perkins , Mole and Beard contributed to
the musical part of the programme , and
also Misses Lit oy , Bailey and Colletr.
The Society papjr was road by Editor
Oonrad , and spocchoi were made by
Messrs , Zimmerman , Piokons and Beard ,
after which an elegant lunch was served.
Among thuso prosonf in addition to the
above mentioned were Mr. F. IS , Bailey ,
O Bride , Mrs Uousman , Mioscs Hum-
bright and Rockeufiald , Mrs. W. II.
Litoy. Louis Littlotiold , J.V. . Gannon
und others. The nozt mooting of the
cub ( will bo rn Monday evening , Decem
ber 22J , at Mr W U Latey's.
WANTED To exchange wild or improv.
cd lands in Nebraska or Iowa for Ilard-
wuro , or stock of general merchandise.
Address J. Lindorholm , Genoa , Ninco
county , Nebr. m-lm
Slllc InduHtrics ,
Few Nobraikans know that there Is
such an industry in this state as raising
the eilk worm. Mr. Abraham Thiessmi ,
who lives in Fairbury , Jefferson county ,
Is the father of this industry in Nebraska
and is now in the city. Mr. Thioeson re
lates with great pride the history of his
work in raising the fcilk worm. Three
years ago ho obtained from Iho east &
email quantity of eilk worm eggs und
with thou us u start has brcu ht his in
dustry up to its rroient otuo. Mr.
Thlcmn has now growing 100.000 mul
berry trees , whoso leaves furnish the
only food for the silk worm. List
season he produced 120,000 cocoons
from which ho made 07 pounds of silk.
Besides this ho ia wintering over 12
pounds of silk worm egga and next year
will greatly incroiio the extent of his
industry. The mulberry trco , whoso
successful culture In this stftto ha ? been
questioned , grows vigorously on 1 Is
farm.His silk products Mr. Thlosson
the Woman's Silk Culture association in
Philadelphia at § 1 25 per pound , and for
the silk worm eggs ho finds a great do-
raand , selling thorn as high as $3 and $4
per pound.
Mr. Thiossen has sent to the Cotton
Exposlliiu at Now Orleans several sample
specimens of cocoons end ollk worm cgqa
and alao a silit reel used to spin out the
cocoons , is exhibits of the silk Industries
of Nebraska.
Congressman Laird is in the city.
J , II , Mftlnrd and family have gene oast.
Hon. Lswis Loy , of Stnnlon , la in the city
Col , 11. O , S. 13ourko has returned from the
Mrs , A , Hopkins hna gene to Toronto on n
lion , A. O , Komlall , of Lincoln , Is nt the
S. T. Smith , general suporlntimdont of the
U. P , , has returned from Uouvor.
Governor lawea ctuno np from Lincoln thin
morning nnd registered at the Millard.
W. S. Shoemaker , ono of Council Bluffs
old citizens , la about to remove to Omnlia ,
J , II. Donolly , secretary of the O alalla
Land and Cattle company , has gene cast ,
Hov. J. A , Bushman , of llosobud Indian
agency , Dakota , IB in the city for n few days.
L. It , Ludlow and wife and Talma Ludlow ,
of Shelby county , InJ , , are in the city visit
ing their brother , Capt. 0. 0. Ludlow.
II. 15. Ilolsman , Etq , , has gene to Dos
Moines for a few days to look after several
cases ho has pending in the tuprcmo court.
Mr. Goorga Thatcher , Mr. George II. Primrose -
rose , and Mr. W. II. West , proprietors of the
fpreat minstrel show , nro registered nt the
Mr. E. F. Beadle and daughter , Mrs.
Babcock , arrived on yesterday's train from
the oast. They will remain a day torest and
will go on to Denver , where they will spend
Lho winter.
General Ticket Agent Stebblne , Generr
Passenger Agent Morse , and General Freight
Agent Shelby , of the U. P. railway , are in
Chicago attending the trans-continental pee
Miss Alllo Witlmoll has been confined to
icr bed for the past five weeks. Her many
'rionds will bo glad to learn that she is con
valescing , and was able to sit up for a short
; imo yesterday.
Among the most prominent members of the
Thatcher , Primrose fcWest minstrel company ,
staying at the Millard , are Billy Kico , II. M.
Morao , H. J. Soyers , Frank E. McNish ,
3oorgo II. Edwards , and Charles F. Warner.
James C. Grimes , McCook , Frank Me-
Cuns , Fiattsmouth , C II. Bride , Hastings ,
3. Cook , Fremont , O. W. Pesley , Lincoln ,
j. W. Gulp , Nomaho , G. W. Spurrier and
wife , Utah , Frank W. Cummings , Now York ,
and It. B. Johnson of Sioux City , Ia. , are at
, lie Metropolitan.
Major J. A. O'Brien , representative of the
Missouri Pacific at Denison , Tex , is ia the
city for n brief visit. Major O'Brien was
formerly agent of the Sioux City & St. Paul
rood in this city , and his return is made
momorabla by the hearty welcome from a
egiou of old friends hero , where the major
was always a general favoritu.
Criminal nncl Court Items Comiuls-
Hloncrs of Insanity Matters ol'
Itlinor Importance.
The BEE aomo weeks ago publiahcd the
details of a suit brought by Mrs. Lizzlo
Stone , alias Morgan , vs. Mrs. Alioo
Morgan , the former asking that the
latter bo bound over to keep the peaco.
Both women claim the same husband ,
and the lucky , or unlucky , object of so
much conjugal biles has , it appears , di
vided his attentions between the two ,
thus arousing their jealousy for his
favora. L'zzlo avers that Alice carries a
knife which she means to kill her with ,
end the evidence was such that the de
fendant was required to give bonds.
The case of James B. Patton the tele
graph oradtor who su3d H M\ 3 urn
mingi and three of his force for false irn-
pnaunnientcamo up before Judge Beneko
Thursday nfccraoon , and after a careful
examination the prisoners were dis
charged. Pattou has returned to the
bmploy of the Western Union.
The board of commissioners of insanity
has two cases for investigation on hand.
Ono is that of John F , Potter , alleged by
his wife to bo inaane , which is otrongly
fought by himself and friondr ; and the
other is that of the man Honael , who
rras arrested at the depot while uncoup
ling cars , and proved to bo demented.
Stcoko Seal of North Carolina Tobac
AVnlkcr Ilean.
Ono of the matrimonial events of the
season was the marriage of T. T. Walker
and Mrs. Bean , which took place at the
A. M. E. church Thursday ovening.
Mr. Walker is ono of the most popular
waiters at the Paston , and his boon on-
Rnged there over slnco thu houao opened.
Mrs. Bann is an accomplished and tntolll-
gent lady , whocimo to Omaha from St.
Louis about a yair ago , and has made
made many friends hero.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Ilubbard , and waa witnessed by
innny of the friends of the happy couple.
After the ceremony a number i-f friunds
aisambltid at the residonso of Mr. aiul
Trs. Allen , on Nineteenth street , where ,
nf tor the usual congratulations , they on-
joyrd n euperb foast.
The happy coupln will begin their now
llfo with the ardent good v/iahea of thuir
many friends for their future happiness
end prosperity. As o token of tholr ro-
; ard , thur friends had for thoin the fol-
lowin' , ' preaonts that weru received on the
occasion :
W 15 WATBOU , n lr vnct < < ! Afrj. Cabbur ) ,
curving knifct nnd forkV ; , Tliuniai eilver
casturj 00 Kel ngsr , n Ivor hu'.ter illah and
can ! rflit'tvarj Mr. nnil Mrs. K igin , pair
vases ; MM , A'lco ' Stawar' , watir ( ntcli rMr ; .
J. M. I'.i'ldoclc ' , Hiusa dish ; MM Htrdu ,
tnuela ; li . Spriga pin cushion ; Mrs. Ulibart
1'HI" , parlor latoi > ; $ l\s \ * < thar ot .i Stewart ,
cup and saucer : Mr. * nd Mrs. F 0 Idan , pair
v aen ; MM. W , fcJ Merrlitm , niphiin ; Mr.
W. II. Viuejfur , clock ; chiim tea not , cryatal
watsr astnnil parlor lamp prpsantfil by .las
Ch'Unoay , Win. Birton , Win KliusVm. .
Alexander , U. II. T.ylor. I. V Urav. Win.
OR eaby , K 0. 7rent , F. Lynch , M Simons ,
U (5r.ty.onftnd ( A T-vlaor ; air. ami Mrs. J.
1 ! Kitch n , oua bidiprovl , a pair of pillow-
thama , half dozin towels end a hanging
BnlMo Bill's ' Show Gees Down in tlic
"Falher of rs , "
All the Men , Women ami Many
Vnlunblo Effects Snvcil ,
Buffalo Bill , who started out in Mny
last with the Wuld Woat show , mot will
quito quito an accident on Wednesday
lost. For reasons unknown the nowe
never found its way into the Associated
proaa nnd has boconio known only
through a telegram received by Mr.
Nnto Salabury , of Denver , from ono o
the combination , The following ncconni
is taken from the Denver Nowa of the
llth instant :
Mr. Nato Salsbury , of JSnlabury'a
Troubadours , who Is also ono of the prin
cipal stockholders in iho Buffalo Bll
combination , received dispatches yester
day ntating that the entire show , of which
W. F. Cody ( "Bufllo Bill" ) is manager ,
had received a ducking in the Mississippi
at n point near Ilodnoy , Miss. , the steam
boat which the combination owns , and by
which all tholr effects wcro being trans
ported south , having sunk. Mr. Sain-
bury's information was very meagre , the
dispatches neglecting to stnto how the ac
cident occurred , and giving only the
barest details. It is pretty certain , how
ever , from word received , that all the elk ,
buffalo , mountain ehoop , burros and most
of the personal effects of the company
are sunk in the river , but none of the
mombprs lost their Hyoa. Every human
being in the big combination is snfo. All
the valuable horses , mules , the band
wagon and the old Dead wood stage coach
were also caved.
later in the day stated that the accident
would in no way interefero with the
Forthcoming engagement of the combina
tion nt Now Orleans , where Mr. Salsbury
lias a race track prepared , a grand stand
erected and other preparations made.
Mr. Salsbury says that the persons in
charge of the monagario part of the show
are untiring in thois efforts and have
such reliable eourccs to draw from that
the lost animals can bo easily and quick
ly replaced. Ho remarks in passing that
it is an exceedingly cheerless and inclement -
ent day when Bill Cody gets loft. Mr.
Salsbury places the loss to be , at a rough
estimate , not far from $25,000. Every
thing that was not valuable and | impor-
; ant to the success of the show appears to
lave boon saved and the accident might
in a great many ways bo much worse
, han it Is.
The sinking of such a big show with
wild and tame on a steamboat at night ,
must have boon moro spectacular in its
effects than a dozen ordinary performan
ces by too combination , and would form
a spectacle moro easily imagined than do-
scribed. RjporU from the region where
; he accident occurred , show that there
lave baen heavy rains and very bad
weather on that pact of the river.
The accident probably occurred pretty
near the shore , and the great number of
men employed , probably proved a great
assistance in the saving of the moro valu
able portions of the property. Thcro ia
'ortunatcly money enough and brains
enough employed in the enterprise to
render the disaster less serious than it
would have beui under moat ordinary
CKLTjY At his residence in Calhoun pro-
cint , December 12th , John , son of John and
Joanna Kelly , cjjed 20 years.
The funeral will take place Sunday , Decem
ber 14th , at 0 o'clock a , m , , from the residence ,
'uterinent at St. Mary'a cemetery.
Seal of North Carolini Smoking To-
aacco is the boat.
Ifahim or any Injurious Rubstanccs co ) bo found
In Andrown' Pearl Baking Powtlr . Is pos-
'i\clypURE. HolnKcmlorscil , nnd t .Imonlnla
received iroin Riich c'acnilsts rvsB. Duna layp , Ilo-
ton : SI. nclafnntnlno , of CliicnKo ; and Guitavua
Itoilc , Mllnuukuo. N'ovcr fold In bulk.
20 Lake bt. CS7. lib'J i 'J91 U. Water St ,
Tnnllln.T.nmnnOrnnEc , etc. , lliivor Cake * .
CriM.m.l > mMhiL- , .t.-c.n tlcllciiu-lyniiil nut-
lrally 11. ( be IVull IVuiu ulilcli they IU-K iniide.
? 01t STHKNGTH AND TIlUi : rilUl'J
FRIFtnco sr TNI
PrJce Baking ; Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. st. Louis , Mo.
umrRi or
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
. Liiiuiliii Ycnst Coins ,
lie.I llry Hop Yen.t.
37OZ3 0 .3 23 Z3-
The me of thelJia ' ghrr
T Uno" In connection wlthttk
corporits nimo of * great > o < i
convoys ta idc of j not h l
required by the traveling r.nb.
lie Short Uat Oalk Tims
Hid the bcs i i.oj > sa.3d '
v . . , _ . . . ? . * ins .R" ol whlco " 'a01
tied by the roktost ulhvar La Amotlcx
And St. Paul
U owns and operates oror t.COO rallos of
Northern nilnolt , Wlsconoln , Minnesota , lorro
DikoU ; ind M tn main llnng , br&nchoa mil ootiQee-
tbns rcMh all the Kto t jua'.ncM control of tht
Noithwocl and Far West , It n tur ) ly mswsrj llu
description of Short Line , und Beet Ftouto between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. I'/uiland Minneapolis
OhlcaROMilwaukee , La Crease and Wlnonn.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen ind Ellcmli'.a
Chicago , Mllnaukoe , Kau Claire and Stlllwatcr
Chicago , MilwaukeeWausau and Merrill.
Chicago , MilwaukeeDenver Dam nnd Oshkoeh.
Cblcaio , Milwaukee , Wankoaha and Ooonomowos.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Pralrlodn Chlia ,
Ohloago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbanll ,
Chicago , Belolt JanosrlUo and Mineral rolnt.
Chicago , Elgin , Rockford and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Oedir lUptdt.
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Bloux FalUand Tankioe
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell andChaoiborlfdji
Rook Island , Uuburnio , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Divcnpoit , "almar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman iljopcra and the Tlncet Tllnlnir Cars In
ho we rid are run on the main lines of the CHICAGO ,
attention IB paid to passenger ? by courteous employee
of the Company.
MERRILL , donl Mamuror.
T. CLARK , Gon'l Supt.
UEO.nEK.FOHD. A s'l. Qcn'I P
BCIND All Linen , DOTH
Lln'ngs ' AND Exteriors.
Aak for them
OAMK BROS. , ApeutB for OrauliH
N. E. Corner 12th , and Honard Kts. )
For the Treatment of all
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Diseases of Females ,
0 the Nervous Svstem ,
And Privnto Dise sea o tlie TJriiia-
ry and Snininal Organs , a
Catarrh , Bronchitis
And all cll ra3es of Iho Luns'JIenil anil Throattreat
oil by the uuw u cthcxl ol 51 dlcatlon by Inlmh-
tluu ( The NowOirinan InLalei or Atomizer )
Diseases treated by an cxrcrlcnced Rpcci.Vlet ; also
dsa ! < ii'dof ih lle.vt , I.Uur , htoaa-h Kldnojs.Illad
der , NGiiratttla , llni umatltin , I'llce , Canoor , He. Kto
Our oTco and coimulta Ion rooira < ro fuinl lieil
ulth In'lthu Dnoit nnd n.ibt vahub'o rollcctlon elM
M JIcnl , SurKlra' ' , aii'l Anatonilol Apimranij ti bo
found In an > llosj'ital , Inflrinary or Mtdical Inetl-
tuto In tboCounlry.
And Examination
Wo Locate jour dlieasc , and ( rhc > ou scientific ex
planatlona f yonrfjmiitoina a his and pains. We
don t claim to euro nil 1'cryins Biifferlnir from In
curable dUcnjes will bo candidly informed ol theli
I > tlentR v > lahliiJ ( rooms n 111 bo supplied In the In.
tltuto bulldliK
All ( eltcri and consultations
Strictly Confidential.
Mcdlcttm cut tuilliartfl of iha country by ox.
press , -coi roU piol-ixllrom i bienatlon , If full do , Onu jurbonal Interview
i ) citrrid ifconunlent.
Tailor w to ( or Circulars on ( hronio ni'casos
Suriiiral Ulna cs , Dlseasia 1'erullar to Females , or
I'rhate IilnoiHJ' , "unlnal Wcanntsa , Hexiiii luci
picltv , hcrviiu * , Dtbiiity ( t : , etc ,
Ucdlcal and HU' gloat iilllco
Address alllcttcrs to
Omaha A1oMi nl & Surgi-al
1118 Howard St. , Omaha ,
The Western Live Stock remedy ,
IshlKlily rcromnirmli i l > v Ka.-miMBiHJ Jln-nli. . . and l.nest .k.Jour.uls . lUuuunil.
otdollanieaveJ nmiia.1. us u - I'l.r n.t ty
druct'ii't'i ' llluflraud nr ( uUir l. > alualiiB hu ) {
ci-btlons , " to l-emcM tnJ Urccdire freo. AUUiu-u
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Oinatta , Kelt.
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it ,
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask
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clusively. Scale
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Suittt formerly $ . < now . .
Suits formerly $12. < Wnow $9JtH ) .
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Oner Coats formerly $1OJM > now $ ? . & < ) .
Occr Coats formerly $1 < > . < W now $ JL2.1H ) .
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3U fe.t Co tts formerly $2-4.O
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1409 and l4ILDodeeSt. , { on application. Viirnlshcd j" ) Omaha , Neb
h. O M ,
} lOa BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IO77A , n. G. A. HatnblWiod in78 Oatstrn ;
J Doafaecn , Lang nud Ncrvonu Diooaisos G eodlly ind tonnaueallp Oored. PatlcnU
. "Tint MEDIOAL-MIKSIOWAKY , " for the .
a ? eo nt Iloino. Wrlto for - People.
n-3nanltaton ! nnd Ootrcapondcnco Gratia , P. 0. Box D'J2. Tclcphono No. 20.
HON. EDV7AP.D P.UGSPJLL , Posttuastsr , Dfivonporfc , aaya : " Pliyelclnit of
ttoAty und Marked nccees. " OONGREBBMAN 5fAJJli'iiy , D-troniiort ,
tiB"An taonorahltt TrTan Fine BTXSSHS. V/o > jdotfnl Curw " HouraC to 5. _
Om or the Best and Largest Stockn in the United States
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