Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1884, Image 6

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Saturday Morning Dee , 13
Br C rrl J - - - - - - -SO "fnta per week
- - " - 110.00 p ryoM
KO. 7 Pearl Btre t. Hoar
The council moots Monday night ,
n. R , Stewart , nrtlat , nt Chapman's.
See J. Roltor'fl now stock of cloths.
' buckwheat.
Try McOlurg's self-raising
There Is considerable ice In the rlvor.
The "Groat Republic" thta ovcning
will draw n crowd.
The saloons are to bo ordered not to
toll cigars to minors.
The Great Republic is to bo given as a
matlnoo this afternoon.
Weather strips , weather Btripsiroathor
strips , at W. W. Chapman's , 107 Main.
The grand jury Is grinding away and
will probably report some Indictments to
Leave to marry was yesterday given
Milton H. Cheney and Ida M. Starln , of
George Clarke , Oacar Hull and II. L.
Jennings wore yesterday aseossod for beIng -
Ing drunk.
The Pacific house had to open n now
register yesterday , and Us pages are
being rapidly filled.
The Congrogatlonallsta are to give a
social at the scsldonco of J. Mueller next
Tuesday evening.
Rov. G. W. Orofts , of Sandwich , Ills. ,
la to preach In the Congregational church
to-morrow , morning and evening.
Christmas cards given away On all
cash purchases of fifty cents and upwards
at Seaman's closing out sale , 405 Broad
A. Berry was yesterday fined for get
ting too much whiskey on board and
then trying to work it off by abusing his
Whlttler's day , next Wednesday , will
bo observed in the schools hero by ap
propriate exorcises , readings , declama
tions , essays , etc.
The reservoir In the bluff was emptied
yesterday , thcro being a break in a
main , but the break has boon repaired
without any Inconvenience to the public.
A colored man who sleeps In Bon
Marks' stable was aroused night before
last by some ono trying to break In. Ho
fired two shots , but no corpses were
In the district court yesterday the case
of Wilson vs. the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway company was on trial , It
being a claim for damages on account of
stock killing by the cars.
Some thief sneaked a white robe from
Dr. Lacy's buggy the other night. An
other robe was stolen from H. S. Galla
gher's , buggy which was standing on
Broadway opposite Neumeyer's hotel.
O. G. Holsler , who represents Flint's
tobacco factory , of Milwaukee , expects
to bo hero next week to stock up his
customers on "May Queen , " which Is
faat becoming the popular brand of fine-
cut hero.
The police here received word yester
day to look out for the follow who has
boon using the name of C. E. Fuller In
various forgeries , It being thought that
he was In this city. He has not been
found hero yet.
Mr. Charles Keith last night entertained -
od at his homo a number of the employes
of the C. , B. & Q , of which ho is the
general agent at this point. A forr other
friends wore also Invited in and a sump-
tuons supper aud other needfuls for a
merry time wore provided.
"Ever near us , tho' unseen , the dear
Immortal spirits tread. " Spiritual circle
to-morrow ( Sunday ) afternoon and even
ing , at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock , in Spiritual
hall ; entrance on Main and Pearl streets ,
via , stairs , two doors south of the post-
Some of the police force "gave It away
on the quiet" that if Officer O'Brien does
not drink ho is the greatest eater on the
force , mid that last night besides getting
.away with all the moat on ono side of
turkey , two chicken legs and three links
of bologna , ho ate his midnight lunch
just as usual.
The board of trustees of the institu
tion for the deaf and dumb mot here
Thuruday and irmpected the now build
ings and looked over matters generally.
They expressed themselves as greatly
pleased , and pronounce the buildings as
well constructed , both as to workman-
ahip and nn to arrangements for the pur
poses needed.
Last evening Cocko & Morgan had
brilliant opening which waa largely at
tended. The otock of dry goods , fancy
articles , and various novelties for the
holiday season , was shown off to good ad
vantage , and was conned by many ad
miring oves. Cocko it Morgan in an
other column quote aonio of their prices.
They are rapidly galnint ; and firmly hold
Ing customers , and their enterprise and
square dealing win for them many
The coutt home presents a beautiful
appearance now with ita side propped np
by telegraph poles. Pottowattamie
county should be proud of euoli a struo
ture. It seems thit thli propping it no
great protection , for If the ground gats
soft the polo * will g | > uf just as well as
the foundations ot the building , and it
looks as if the work , though done aa * ell
as such work c < ? ' .ll < } bfl done , would really
At a regular meeting of St. Alban's
lodge No. 17 K , of P. , the following ofli-
cors nero elected for the ensuing term :
F. B. Patton , C. 0" ; T. V. Taylor , V , 0. ;
John Darnell , prelate ; ' C. A. Tlbbetts ,
K. of R , & S. ; C. Wesley , M. of F. ; 0.
Johnson , M. ot B ; D. M. Connol , M. of
A. of A. Trustees for the oneulng year
are 0. Tlbbotts , Edwin J , Abbott and
\V. N. Young. This lodge Is in a flour
ishing condition and Its meetings finely
H , R. Stewart , the artist , whoso cray
on portraits have attracted so much at
tention nnd praise , has finished a moat
excellent portrait of the late T. M. Gow-
dy , aud It has boon placed In ono of
Harkuoss Bros' show windows , that the
public may have a convenient opportuni
ty of seeing the likeness of cno who in
life , was so respected and esteemed In
the community. The portrait Is very
life-like and shows the skill which Mr ,
Stewart has In this line of art.
n. A. Collins , late of Toron , has
opened an art studio In the rooms of
Barko's gallery , 100 Main street , and is
prepared to supply portraits In oil and
crayon in the latest stylo. Satisfaction
guaranteed and inspection invited.
Its Opening Presentation a .Grand
Lost evening was the opening presen
tation of the "Groat Republic , " the pre
paration for which has so greatly Inter
ested this community for some time past.
The Great Republic" Is a historical
drama , presenting in a very vivid manner
the chief events in this nation's history
up to the close of the war and the re
turn of poaco. A largo number of the
school children with omo of the teachers
and several local amateurs took part , the
whole number participating being beIng -
Ing between 400 and 500 persons.
The presentation charmed the audi
ence greatly , and all the arrangements
moved off nicely , although to-night they
will probably move more smoothly.
Some of the scenic effects were srrand ,
and while there was no display of great
acting , yet the participants carried out
their respective parts excellently. There
has evidently boon much labor In prop
erly preparing the play , and these upon
whom the burden has fallen may well
congratulate themselves on the success ,
which will doubtless bo still greater this
evening. There will also bo a matinee
this afternoon.
Closing out our entire stock at greatly
reduced prices for SO days. Call early.
DE VOL & Wmoiir.
Bo sure you got McClurg's solf-rislns
buckwheat flour.
The Police Piolc Up a Mau AVho
Has Silverware.
A young man , giving his name as J.
Horch , has been arrested by the police
on suspicion , and they are holding him
under a charge of peddling without a
license. He had some silver knives ,
forks and spoons , and was trying to sell
some of them , which attracted the at
tention of the blue coats , who run him
in. Ho Boomed very surly yoatcaday
about answering any questions , and his
manner strengthened the suspicion of the
officers that ho was not exactly straight ,
but as yet they have been unable to find
any owner for the silverware. The young
man's own explanation Is that ho is ped
dling silverware in the country right
along , and merely chanced to be in the
city , but was not trying to peddle
McClurg's self-rising buckwheat flour
ilways ready for use. Try It.
Dr. 0. C. Hazen , Dentist , 100 Mainst.
"Waiting for tlio I'ostofllce.
With the election of a democratic
president there have been numerous con
jectures about the position of postmaster
here , and who would probably succeed
Phil Armour. It
has been generally sup
posed that Thomas Bowman , who has
done much compalgn work for the demo
cratic party , and has proved so shrewd a
manager , would bo given the position ,
but it seems that there are other
aspirants , prominent among whom is
Mr. Wells Cook , who seeirs to bo quite
confident of gaining the appointment.
Others think that there will b'o no change
in the office until Mr. Armour's term ex
pires , ono year from next spring. The
democratic president will not bo in
augurated until March , and then there
are many more important matters to bo
adjusted during the summer months than
the Council Bluili poatoftico , BO that at
best Mr. Armour's case could not be
reached until a few mouths before his
term expires , and the party then might
as well wait and let him thus retire instead -
stead of attempting to remove him or
force him to resign.
Several ladies and
gentlemen have re
quested us to organiza an evening class
in short hand. A class will ba formed
Tuesday ' evening , December 1C , at 7
o'clock , and moot twice a week for a
course of twenty lessons In Graham's
Standard Phonography. Tuition , 55.
Hook , § 2. KeRular night school con-
tlnues till April 1 ,
A ttliKlii Uiirn.
About 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon
the alarm of flro was turned in , caused by
the burning out of the chimney of a frame
building on Broadway between Sixth and
Seventh streets. The building is known
as Col. Null's placa , and although the fire
from the chimney communicated to thereof
roof little daoiBgo was done. The flames
were put out before the arrival of the do.
partment. The Cro lads turned out
briskly , and No. 1 succeeded In "down-
ing No. It , which made Charlie Nichol
son , the driver of the former , as happv as
a lord. No , 1 re&chod the corner ol Main
aud Broadway at the same time that No. ]
J reached the same spot , and the race
Tom thorn down Broadway was a lively
ono , but No , 1 reached the blaze first.
St. John Bros , have bought , cleaned
and refurnished the Ilovero llouso , C49
Broadway , opposite the opera houso.
Council Blnffa , where you will find clean
rooms , clean beds and well filled tables.
Terms $1.50 per day.
II. L. Miller 1ms returned from n trip to
. M. Calkins , of Toledo , WAS at the Ogden -
don yesterday.
13. F. Clnyton , of Macedonia , dined at
Bechtolo'a yesterday ,
W , D. liulhrd and II , C. Snyder.of Persia ,
[ own , WAS at the Ogden yesterday.
George Guanolla waa able to bo out yester
day , but looks very pale and reduced in floeh ,
D. II. Huntoo"ii , a grain buyer and elevator of Earllncr , wiw at the Pacific yesterday ,
B. T. Hancock , who represents Randall ,
Uall & Co.'a cutlery house in Chicago , was at
, ho JL'iicific yesterday.
Mrs. M. M. J. Hill , of Cantou , 111. , an
aunt of C. H. Shcrraden , is spending the win
ner with her relatives hero.
Officer Smullon , who haa boon nt his old
loino in Audubon county for a few days on
personal business , has returned and la en duty
A. 13. Kortb , the editor ot the Crawford
County .Bulletin , was In the city yesterday
and warmly welcomed by republicans aa well
as hia democratic friends ,
Mr. Louis Wemlstein , of Burlington , who
lias been attending the mooting of the trust
ees of the institution for the deaf and dumb ,
loft last evening for homo.
Wall paper and interior decorations at
P. C. Miller's , 13 Pearl street.
Heal Estate Transfers.
The following is a list of real estate
transfers filed yestdrday in the recorder's
office of Pottawattomlo county , Iowa , as
Furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac
tor , real estate and loan agent , Council
Bluffs , Iowa , December 12 , 1884 :
Daniel McKinzlo to Angus McKlnzlo ,
pt se | and e * " BwJ 10 , 74 , 41. § 3,900. tj
T J Evans" al to J R Corbaloy , pt of
blk 1C , Mill add , § 1,000.
Henry R Payson , trustee , ot al , to
John A Wolf , nej nwJ17 , 75 , 41 , § 1,000
J M Palmer to David W Foster , pt se
nwj31. . 75 , 43 , § 275.
Lars Neilson to Laurlds Jensen , lot 1 ,
blk 1 , Snow & Green's sub , $200.
Total sales , § 0,375.
A Paris paper tells of a now science
pilographlc , the art of discriminating
character by the board. Close-growing
hair indicates a vigorous temperament
and a decided temper ; coarse hair ,
obstinacy ; fine hair , refinement and
erratic tendencies ; curly boards apper
tain to brilliant and sprightly but
superficial persons ; harsh , to amiable
bnt cold natures. The character of a
man is variously indicated , according as
he wears his hair , beard , mustache , etc.
Ask your grocer for McClurg'a self-
raising buckwheat. Try it.
McClnrg's pelf-rising buckwheat flour
Is the beat. Try It.
Friday and Saturday Evenings ,
DECEMBER 12 and 13 ,
, Tbo Grand Historical Drama ,
Ghcn under the immediate direction of
500 CH&RACTEBS 500
Including the Beat Local
Musical and Dramatical Talent.
All the Characters will Appear Ap
propriately and
Elegantly Costumed
Spectacular , Musical and
Dramatic Entertainment
Illustrates our Vstlonal History from the landing of
Columbus to the present time. Bonder-
ing It " ' sterling value.
For the Benefit ol a Fund to Purchasa a .Mu-cam
of Natural History for the
Public Schools
PROF. McNADGnTON , Treasurer ,
Admission , Only 50c.
No extra charge for reiorved scats. The n-hnnce
silo of ecats begins Monday morning. Dcicrnuir 8
at 10 o'clock , at Uushnell's.
23 Main Street . Council Bluffs
J.A CO.SS SfJf/S ,
Uttornaif - at ,
OraceM InStr ! t , Koom 8 , BhuRirt end Hcno
LIocL. Will practice In H ate and t'odcial court * .
Irs , n , J , Billon , M D , ,
-2IS UlJJIe Br J oy , Council I ) u2 .
Music Hall
You Will Find that'You can Buy for Less
than Anywhere Else.
Like the One Now Offered by
In theMasonic Temple , Council Bluffs , fa.
Owing tea change in the firm we are desirous of re
ducing our stock very low , and so offer the Entire Stet
Lace Madras and Turcoman Cur
tains , ShadesRugsMats , and
Mattings , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , Table Linen , Napkins , Bed Spreads , Towels
Piano and Tahle Covers , Blankets end Comfor
ters , EtcT Etc ; The entire Stock
Such an opportunity was never before offered to th ?
public to secure Carpets and other House Furnishings a
such a sacrifice for Nice , New , Desirable Goods.
Now is your chance for Unheard of Bargains. The sale
will continue until the stock is very much reduced ,
Those who call early will get the best bargains , Wf
MEAN BUSINESS and shall make the lowest prices ever
heard of ,
Masonic Temp'e ' , Council BluJFs.
In O1T W _ Hlg ? JL.EB.K&a31
In order to make room for HOLIDAY GOODS , we intend to close out our entire
stock of
Witliin the nest ten days. We have actually CUT THE PRICES on these 35 per cent
10 Dozen Misses Cloaks and Ilavelocks , Samples , received from manufacturers anil ordered sold at ANY price. We will save you 50 per
ceni on these garments.
10-1 Blankets 1.25 per pair worth 82.00.
11-4 White Blankets § 2.25 per pair worth $3.50.
11-4 White Blankets S3.00 per pa'r ' worth § 1.50.
11-1 All Wool While Blanket * 85.0Q per pair worth $0.50.
11-4 Cashmere Wool Blankets 87.50 per pair worth 811.00.
Domestic Department.
Good dark colored calico 3c. worth 0c. }
Robe and Dress Styles standard makes 5c.
Full j'ard wide Bleached Muslin 5c. worth 74c.
Soft Finished Muslin Gc. worth 8ic.
Lonsdalo muslin Si other houses sell for 10c ,
Comforts Must Go !
Heavy Weight Comforts 81.00 reduced from $1.35.
Largo Quilted Comforts § 1.40 worth $1.75
Extra Heavy Comforts 81.50 worth 82.25.
Oil finished Prints S3.00.
Shawls Must Go I
Breakfast Shawls at 25c. worth ( JOc.
Breakfast Shawls at ! J5c. worth 73c
Breakfast Shawls at 50c. worth 81.00.
Large All Wool Shawls at 81.50 worth 82.-50.
Laige All Wool Single Shawls at 82.50 worth 5-1 .Of
Reversible Shawls 78x141- $ ( ! 00 worth 810.00.
We have a very large stock of underwear and teeing determined xor to
carry any over have decided to cut prices early. buying underwe
from us will save themselves 85 per cent.
We are als ) making a special drive in t > K I UTrf ; Unit felt and c'oth.
50 dox. Linen Ilemst.ched JIandkercheifs a' ' lOc. each worth 20c.
5dox. ( ) Bleached German Linen Napkins at 81.50 per doworlh $2.50.
10 pieces Bjrnsley's Cream Damnsk Table Linen ( JO inches wide i.L 5K (
worth 75c.
A visit of inspection is solicited so that the positive advantages offered may Tie
* 1
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