Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1884, Image 5

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Willie Morse Taps a Till an4 is
in the Acl ,
Tlio Oiilcc 1'ropcrJy Found Th (
Clinso TflRl to bo Aff\ln Cnllcd
I'AI Coinlskl Arrcstoil.
By nuthority of n warrant issued npot
n complaint sworn out by City Marsha
"ummlngs , Officer Desmond last uvonlnj
jrroatcd Pat Comtski , the hack drive :
ho has figured In police circles of lati
n this city. The complaint charge ;
iComlskl with obstructing the 2 dm
.administration of justice by intlmldnUn ;
fl ihLiotUo Combs , the state's witness in thi
burgulary caso. Oomiakl , I
* s dbtomptcd nn assault upon this witness oi
Moowttho night of December 10th in the rca
taurant on the corner of Dodge anc
Twelfth , llo was unnblo to glvo ball nnc
Is still in jail. Burns , who was nrrostoc
9 Thursday evening aud who has the sami
, _ jchargo | pending atrainst htm , was ycstcr
removed to the city jail without i
It was learned last evening on informa
tion received from n reliable source tha' '
the stolen property of Duke has boot
_ found. It was not secreted In this city
but Is aald to bo In n small town It
northwestern Missouri , to which point II
wan shipped by express. It will bo remembered
momborod that the testimony of Lott'u
Coombs was that It was expressed away ii
n trunk taken from her by McClelland
From the books of the express company
the destination was learned , nnd a search
through thnt city ended In finding thorn
It In said nearly nil the goods can bi
recovered , na nil that were nont out of tin
city nro in tbia ono place. A party inter
ostcd In the matter loft last night fo
northwestern Miooouri , and will roturi
with the guodn Sunday or Monday.
, In the district court before Judge Neville
villo yesterday wru consumed in the tria
' of Dnvld L. Dod&ou on the charge of cm
hcz/.lcmcnt. . The atato rested its cast
late yesterday afternoon when the do
' Sj fondant took the stand in hie own do
, _ fenge. Upon the conclusion of his test !
mouy the case wns continued until Mou
day morning.
It is thought District Attorney Godwii
rrlll call up the Bohm caao next. Me
or Bain andQnbbard , the principal witness
p os for the state , will arrive to-night.
" On Wednesday morning Mr. i Godwii
0 will call up another ono of the indictment
* against ex-Mayor Chase nnd expects tc
go to trial upon it at that tlmo
The effects of Johrt Lennon , the un
I fortunate man who died in jail la thi
early part of July , were turned ever las
evening by Judge Bonoko to Willian
f ( O'Connor , administrator of the estate o
the deceased. The effects were n pocket
" } book , § 7.60 In money , nnd a gold watch
The replevin ease of Kincald agalns
Boneko , growing out of certain relation
between this plaintiff' and the deceased
now pending1 in the county court , wa
continued yesterday nftornoou at the in
stance of the plaintiff.
J "Stop thief ! " "Stop thief ! " was thi
r cry heard about half-past five last oven.
Ing near the corner of Thirteenth nnc
Farnam. Immediately afterward n fine
looking nnd gontooly dressed yonng mat
rounded the comer at Hollman'j atoro'at
breakneck speed and turned up Farnam ,
Ho was followed In close pursuit bj
Officer Hinchoy , with David S. Moore ,
the harness manufacturer nt 410 Soutl :
* Thirteenth , a good second. Fire Ohio ;
Galllgan and James Nollgh ran across
\ v the street caught and hold him until the
\ * \ officer cimo up. Ho was taken to thi
if. . city jail nnd searched. Ho gave hli
\ name as Willie Aforso nnd $24.05 wai
> i found upon his parson. The charge set
oppojito hla name waa larceny. It ap
poara that a few moments baforo his ap <
prehension ho had sneaked into Mooro'i
atoro and while the proprietor Tras litho
the roar attempted to spirit away thi
contents of the money drawer. Ho wai
caught , however , in the act and ran ou
the storo. Ho managed to got nwnj
with nbont$21out of the $115 in tin
drawer , howovor. When found ho hadt
$10 note In his hand. Morse la i
stranger in the city and Is not known bj
the police.
-Tho engagement of Mm Kaoliol Newman
man , eldest daughter of I5en. Nowiiion , lisq.
of this city , to IIco Now , Jl q. , junior inombe :
of tno linn of Chitm & Now , of tins city , li
nnuouncoil by Kov. Harlield.
, December Oth , 1881 ,
Mrs. Fuller , Omaha city miaslonary , i
at her brother's Roderick Browator , suffering
foring from a protracted , if not chronl
infirmity. It Is feared that her days o
active labor are over.
There was a pleasant gathering at Mr ,
" " \-Ooo. Knight's , ono evening last week , It
r tfv commemoration of the
tironty-lif th anul
vorsary of his marriago. The bride and
groom of a quarter of a century look remarkably <
markably halo and young ,
The pastor of the church here la drill
ing a clans in elocution.
Mr. Frank Dlbbard , who seems to bi
n successful manager of all that portaiui
to a farm and stock , thinks there is vlr
tuo in sulphur , nasnfiutida andturpeiitlui
In warding elf cwluo disease.
Ills stock of swine is it
good condition , as Is alai
the herds of many others It
this region.
Mr. McOoombs , who bought the Bor
lln farm , has just returned from about
two mouths attention to business in
Pennsylvania. Ho and his sons are car.
rylng on business with a pretty
strong hand. "fho family add
materially to the social interests of the
M. 0. Noyos has just returned from t
visit to hla throe children in a dlstaiil
p&rt of Kansas. Ho has little admira <
tion for a region west of the center ol
ftho state.
Miea Minnie Knight returned from hci
* homestead in Custor county , and is teach' '
ing school in her vacation. She has the
pluck of a pioneer. BUCKEYE.
Army Orders ,
Captain Jesse M , LBO , Oth lufintry , It
detailed as a member of the board of of'
fleers ordered to convene at Fort D. A ,
.Russell. Wyo. , by paragraph 4 , special
ordorn No. 81 , current aeries from thest
headqueitore ,
CapUin George M. Downey , 21it In
fantry , is relieved from duly with the
board of officers convened at Fort D. A.
Russell. Wyo , in paragraph 4 , special
orders No. 81 , current series from these
First Lieut. Rufua F. Brown , Fourth
infantry , will piococd to the Sintoo and
Flandroan Indian Agency , Nob. , nnd
complete the inspection of annuity
goods to bo delivered to the Indians ol
that agency. On notification by the
Indian agent of the exact time that he
will bo ready to isauo the good * , Lieut.
Brown will proceed to the place named
and comply with the Instructions herein
given , and on completion thereof will
rejoin his proper station.
$100,000 , of Old Railway Seen *
Destroyed liy Clerk Frank ,
A Uriel' History oftlio IjUl atlon Kiul
IIIK In This Act.
The final scone In the long-standing
litigation growing out of the old Brown ,
vlllo , Fort Kearney ifc Pacific railway ,
was enacted In the office of the clerk ol
the United States circuit court Thursday
afternoon by the cancellation of § 100OCC
of bonds once issued by that company.
This rood , which 'was begun In 1870 ,
issued 8610,000 in bonda , which wore
given to McCann & Convorco , the con
tractors , for the construction of the road.
They were subsequently sold to eastern
parties , who were secured by a mortgage
on the road , but executed to Joseph T.
Thomas aa trustee.
The road was completed from Bronn-
villo to n point in western Johnson
county , where a consolidation with the
Midland Pacific was eff'ectoi ? . The bond
holders then undertook to foreclose
under their mortgage. The stockholdere
defended , alleging that bondholders and
directors had conspired to defraud them ,
and asked that U bo declared null and
The matter wan referred to Dr. G.
Hull as master in chancery to determine
thu facts. The bondholders contended
that they had a legal claim of S010.00C
against the company while the defend
ants sought to avoid the mortgage and save
their property.
Mr. Hull decided that the mortgage
was not void and that the bondholder
were entitled to recover § 3GG,9 ; 0 , the
exact amount expended legitimately by
the contractors. The case was taken tc
the United States circuit court on excep
tions , and Judge McCrary reversed the
master's finding. From the circuit court
it was taken on error to the United
States supreme bench which not aside
Judge McCrary's opinion and affirmed In
every particular tha report of Mr. Hull
as master , in chancery. In accordance
with this order § 100,000 of the reserve
has boon paid and bonda to that amount
cancelled , as before stated.
Do not bo deceived ; ask for and take
only B. H. Douglass & Sons' Capsicum
Cough Drops for Coughs , Colds and Sore
Throats. D. S. and Trade Mark on ovorj
drop. 4
YOllDAN-BENNKTT. December llth
1884 , by llov , .T. S. ! ) < > tweiler. > t hia IPH
Idonce , 2011 15urt street , Mr. Daniel P ,
Yordan , of North Band , Nob. , nnd Miss
Agues M. Bennett , of Muscatine , la.
Mr. Htockdnlo Safe.
James Stockdalo and family , of thie
city , who , It has boon thought , were
drowned whtlo making an ocean voyage
from England to Australia , are now In
California. A lottenwas received yester
day by Mr. George T. Orandall of the
Union Pacific headquarters from Mr.
Stocksdalo stating ho and his family are
now In California. Ho had been to
Australia and not liking the country re
turned to the Pacific slope. Ho made
no allusion to the sunken ship , and BO It
is inferred ho know nothing of It. He
also made no montlon of Mr. Hadrill and
wife , who , it was thought , found a watery
grave with Mr. Stockdalo and wito.
A CARD. To all who uo tjffcrliyj boa arras )
.and Indlioretlons of joath. nei\ouj , waknsa , c&rl )
docty , IMS ot manbood , etc. , I nlll wad K redM
that will euro you , FUSE OF CJIAUQE. TbU sroal
remedy wan dloooTcrcd by a adstlonery In Soul )
Ainulca. Spud nl. d < irnHxi "envelop * to Bay. Ja
aou X. ' v"v EtoUea U , Sam XctL- * ' " - j
Hallway NOWH.
Riilway clrclea were rife with rumori
yesterday. It was reported that the
Northwestern was 'trying to obtain
possession of the Bolt line , but trm
statement lacked official authority. The
object said to bo gained by this purchase
by the Northwestern would bo to got to
the stock yards without building a now
It Is further stated that many cyea are
turned toward Mr. S. H. li. Clark who
is president of the Belt line , to loam , if
possible , which way ho will throw hia
Inlluonco. It Is further rumored that
that gentleman has gone to Chicago to
conclude negotlatlona for the sale of the
Bolt line to the Northwestern.
Hy uslnjf Dr. Frazior'a Throat nnd Lung Bnl.
6am tha only sure euro for Coughs , Coldn ,
Hoarsenosa and Sere Throat , nnd all diseases
of the throat nnd lungs. Do not neglect n
cough. It may provo fatal. Scores nnd
hundreds of Rratuful poojiJo ewe their lives to
lr. ) 1razier t Throat nnd Luiielinlsarn , and
no family will ever bo without It niter once
iifliug it , anil discovering Its marvelous | wwer.
It is nut up in largo family bottle * and sold
lor the mall rirlco of 75 cents per bottle. Sold
Kubn & Co. and 0. F , Goodman.
1'itUburv Chronicle.
Ami Uobert Smiled.
Cincinnati Commorcial-Gnzotlo.
Inthocoursoofalooturo In Chicago ,
Colonel Bob Ingersoll wanted to know
what minister hod ever done so much for
the world as Darwin , when a volco sane
out , "Burchard. " Uren the Colonel hod
to join in the laugh that followed this
pat reply.
anil Ilo rsuno 8-The Irrita
tion which induce
coughing immediately 10-
lluvod by uee of "ItHow.s'a UBONCHIAL Tuo.
CUM. " Sold only lu boxes.
JMotliodlflt Centenary .
BALTIMORE , December 12. Bishop Fowler
presided nttha HothodUt contennary conference -
enco this morning. K < . J. S. Martin , of
West Virginia , read the opening iiBAlm
Hmeral resolutions were referred to the ap
propriate commltteeJyne of which proposed it
uniform hymn book.
A Llttlo Itoolr Tragedy ,
LITTIK HOCK , Art. , December 12. An Indian -
dian Territory dispatch reports a tragedy at
Kanv Creek. , George ChrUty fatally hot
Sander * , a on of benator Harliler * , of Chero
kee council. Christy U highly concocUd.
Statcfl Island's ' Belle on tlic Horns Of 8
Billy ,
The 1'cnMty n , Youtm 1'altl foi
Joining the lilectrlu Social Club
Wow Itrlgliton Stnrltca by
boprann SlirlckH ,
Now York Journnl.
Excltud soprano cries for "Holp
Unlpl" nwoko the majority of the rcai'
dents of Electric avenue , in the prottj
town of Now Brighton , Staten Island , oti
Friday night.
The gallant gentlemen of the aristo
cratic village could not resist the nppoal ,
oven though vexed at being nrousod from
their early slumbers. Young men and
middle aged men rushed from tholr
homes in various stages of undress as the
shrieks redoubled and gave notice that
the lady's distress called for immediate
action of relief.
The moon pooped ever Pavilion hill
and guided the way in conjunction with
the volco to the grounds near the Electric
Social club house , a little distance up the
On arriving at the scpno of the distur
bance the aroused citizens wore some
what staggorred to find a young lady
locked in the embrace ot the ample home
of a hugo goat. She was recognized as
one of the society stars of the island , hci
Gguro on horseback surrounded by an escort
cert , being a feature every pleasant day
on the smooth roads on the northern
Looking on , holding their sides with
laughter , stood a groop of young ladies
and gentlemen cracking jokes at the expense -
ponso of the unhappy maiden , who waa
bulng unmercifully oquoczed by the goat.
She could not eoo the comical feature and
begged her friends to call of the goat.
They paid no attention to her prayers ,
but laughed the harder.
The pltcoas Appeals awakened a sym
pathetic tooling in the hearts of the new
comers , hov&tfcr , and they rushed to relieve -
liovo Iho luay from her too-attentive
companion. The goat refused to let go
until ono man , who had armed himself
with a picket from a noighboriug fence ,
belabored the animal.
The goat stood hla punishment but a
very few seconds when ho turned on his
assailant , tossed him on hia horna and
throw him headlong on hia back. The
rescuer was more frightened than the
lady had been , and ho begged the by
standers not to lot the goat jump on him ,
as the animal's attitude gave promise of
doing. The goat stood over the man and
butted him till half n dozen men pulled
him off and picked up the victim , who
groaned. The citizen was helped home
and ealvo was rubbed on his wounds ,
which were not fatal.
While the wounded man was being
borne homeward the yonng lady was es
corted by her friends to the rooms of the
Electric Social club. The young people
wore still laughing over the late situation
and the yonng lady who was in the em
barrassing position also laughed a little
when Captain Kinnt , with Officers Iloyo ,
Butler , Mattocks and O'Byrno , made n
lively doFcsnt upon the social group , the
news having reached the police station
that murder was in active progress.
All the gay paity were taken before
Jndgo Breuuon , who was hustled out oi
his couch to meet the exigencies of the
caao , as the prisoner * comprise represen
tatives or'tho highest circles in town and
would never have survived the disgrace
of a night in jail.
The young lady who made all the noise
gave a ticticious nainoMinnlo McGuigan.
She told the judge of her adventures
with the goat. It appeared that she was
being iniatod Into'tho Electric Social club ,
the most important rlto being the riding
of the goat.
Being a fine equestrienne "Miss Me-
Gnigan" joyfully assented to mount the
goat. Ho was brought forth and she
seated herself on his back , while one
man hold the horns and another gripped
the tall.
When the word was given to let go the
man at the roar gave the goat's tall a
crnel twlat and the boast started down
the road on the clean jump. His fair
burden cried "Whoa ! " In n tremulous
volco , but there was no whoa. Ho ran
abont two hundred yards when the lady's
cloak became entangled in his horns
and tell ever his bearded face , blinding
Behind ran the already initiated mem
bers of the club , shouting and laughing *
The goat ran into a fouco and butted ti
fiercely. His rider was snarled up in the
cloak and in the horna , and could not
escape till the awakened citizens released
- - '
A Story of Fraud and Deceit ! Cokl In
a riilladclpliln Court.
A handsome Philadelphia widow with
a fortune of § 300,000 , her marriage to n
Philadelphia adventurer with already one
living wife , his ancsesaful plot to got
$10,000 from the widow , his flight and
the annullmont of the marriage are the
elements of a romauca which culminated
in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Harriet S. Wilkinson , whoao hus
band , a wealthy merchant , died ton years
ago , has boou traveling in Europe. She
was in Paris , in the fall of 1882 , and
there at an art gallery , was introduced tea
a handsome Philadelphian , who appeared
to bo on a pleasure tour. This new ac
quaintance was Dr. Hugh , ) . Linn , 11 o
made love to the wealthy widow and won
her promise to bocotno hid wife. The
doctor then sailed for his Quaker City
home , promising to got hia affairs in
shape and return for the wedding in the
spiing. In April , 1883 , Mrs. Wilkinson
went to London. A low days afterwards
Linn arrived from Now Yorkand on May
5 they wore mariled. Within a month the
newly made husband began to bo impa
tient to return to the United States , and ,
pleading urgent business sailed for Now
He had not been in this country long
before he wrote to the wife that ho was
engaged in a scheme to build a now air
line railroad from Now York to Boston ,
and was about to bo appointed treasurer
of the company if ho could invest $10,000
in the cntorprleo. Ho asked Mrs. Linn
to send him that amount at once , as his
own affairs wore temporarily involved.
Iho lady made ur > her mind to cqmooror
herself , and arrived in Philadelphia in
September. On October 15 she went with
Linn to the Philadelphia Trust company
and borrowed upon collateral the § 10 , .
000. The trust company paid over the
loan In a check made to iilnu'a order. A
few days afterward ho accompanied her
to New York , where they remained three
weeks. At the end of that tirao Linn
told his wife that ho had business in Bog-
ton , and , bidding her an jiffectionato
good by , left hor. Ho never returned
Instead of going to Boston he came ti
this city , and having been identified bj
Iho mosseneer of the Philadelphia truv
company , wont to the bank mid had thi
check cashed. With this money ho lef
the city , and his whereabouts since ha
been a mystery.
HUNTISO ur ma ncroim.
After waiting a long limo and maklnj
fruitless inquiries Mrs. Linn came t <
Philadelphia. She consulted counsel a !
once , but all that she could diacovoi
about Linn was that his own family die
not know much about him. Ho had livoc
on adventurous life , often on the contl
nont of Europe , eoraotlmcs In Iho fai
west , and had boou a New York police
surgeon. Hia lottera were all nont to ai :
agency in Now York. Mrs. Llm :
adopted heroic measures. She tolfv
graphed to the agency for her husband' ;
letters. The next day onu came ad <
dressed , 'Mllos City , M. T. , " and siguec
"Gould. " Ono paragraph of this lottci
was especially interesting to the newly
made wife. It read : " 1 told Bortrand
that you had named the llttlo ono nftoi
him. " Whpro was the mother of the
baby ? Again the telegraph was resorted
to. A dispatch was sent to 0. II. Gould ,
Mlles City , as follows :
Mease return my Icttor to you at once. Ira
porcnnt , Will explain by mail , LINK.
In a week the latter came. Sure
enough it contained enough to enable the
lawyers to discover that the baby WBE
the child of Linn , and that ho had beoi :
married for eight years to a lady or
Locust street , although the fact of the
marriage had not boon generally known ,
The little ono mentioned in the Icttor tc
Gould was born on May 10 , five day
after Linn'o ' marriage to Mrs. Wilkinson
in London.
The court of common picas , No. 3 ,
ordered a decree annulling the London
marriage , and Mrs. Wilkinson , having r
record of the Illegality of her marriage ,
will soon return to Europe SIO.OOC
poorer than when she arrived in this
country ,
A llcnvy Snow Storm In Illinois , In
ilUnn , Missouri ami Kansas.
LiTcnaiKrD , 111. , Uocamlier 11. Snow fel
to the depth of sovcral inches hero to-day.
Abont sundown tbo snow turned to rain ajaii (
and the weithor prospects isery much
mixed ,
VAKDAMA. 111. , December 11. Snow has
fallem all day. The roads are almost iinpas <
uiblo. Business generally is at a standstill ,
It is growing colder to-night.
HlLl-siiono , 111 , , December 11. Aiolent
enow storm has raged In this section to-da }
and the ground is co\ercd with eevcral Inches
of snow. It will bo of great benefit to wiutoi
MATTOOX , 111. , December 11. A heavy
mow e'.ori. has prevailed since early thin
inorpmi ? accompanied by n high wind.
I'ANA , 111. , December 11. A blinding snow
storm irom the northwest has bean raging
here siiico morning with increasing severity ,
1'our or five inches of snow cover the un
frozen ground. The country roads are very
bad , which practically suspends the marketing
of grain and tliu hogs which has lately been
active here. The corn crop is mostly gath
ered , however , and the snow will be a tjood
covering for the growing wheat , which Is lookIng -
Ing well and is in fine condition. Tboro is no
report of damage by the lly , as at other points
south of here.
MAUSHAI.L , 111. , December 11. Snow has
fallen all day here. It now Has on the ground
about three inches deep , and is still falling.
The weather ii rapidly growing colder.
DECATUII , 111 , December 11. Nearly three
Inches of snow fell In three hours hero to-day.
It is growing colder to-night.
HLOOMIXKTON , 111. , Decembar 11 , Nearly
four inches of snow fell to-day.
MUNICH , Ind. , December 11. Ono of the
worst snow-atorma known liuro ttpc eoveral
years has been raging bora this afternoon.
The temperature is stationary , with
the prospects of the storm continuing through
tha night , Snow is now eight inches deep ,
but has fallen upon soft earth and will prob-
ob y not remain long.
WELLINGTON , Kan. , December 11. Winter
has begun In earnest hero. Snow has fallen
the greater part of the day. The storm is
very severe , and liva stock will sutfed groatlj
in consequence.
ST. Louis , Mo. , December 11. A most
violent snow-storm raged here from morning
until evening , when the fall exceeded six
inches. It then began to rain , .
Clyl ! Service Reform ,
NEW HAVKN , Conn. , Decembar 12. At a
meeting of the Civil Servho society to-night ,
a letter was road from United States Sonatoi
Pendleton , of Ohio. He says : "Tho law
has already accomplished much geed in es
tablishing the merit system , and thn time oi
members of congress id less occupied by oflicc
seekers. 1 think that wo may have the fullest
confidence that the president-died will ,
in his new field of duty , be
as faithful to the principles
of this reform movement ns ho has shown
himself to bo while mayor and governor , that
ho will rigidly enforce the provisions of the
law now on the btatuto books and gradually
extend their application to the whole eubor-
dmato non-political service , As necessity for
additional legislation shall appear It
will bo promptly and intelligently re
commended , The system has grown
rapidly In favor with tha rnenibeu of congress
and in this connection they only icllrcb the
views of their constituents. The bonifonco
of the reform will suraly commend it more
nud more to the good BOUEO and patriotism of
the people. Its original friendi ha > a every
roaion to bo encourged , but this encourage
ment should only stimulate them to increased
exertion ,
Tlio National Kumiol Olul ) .
CANTON , Miss. , 'December 12. Field trials
n the National American Kennel club closed
io-day. Kunning fur the cJurby is as follows :
Ulnckstono beat Loxincttjn ; Lady Leo heat
Colonel Cool ; Ltllhn boat Ulchmondi Glad
stone Boy Loat Mcdora151aclstono beat Lady
liessie ; Gladstone I5oy beat Itapongo : Sports-
flan beat lilackstone ; Sportmnan Hen boat
uladstono Hey and won the first prize. Glad
stone Boy boat Lillian and won the second
pri/.8. The third piUo divided boteen Lillian
und Medora.
EHcnpu of
DKCATUU , Tor , , December 12.Tho prison-
era In the couuy jail made a successful break
for liberty last night. An iumato feigning
slcknoss Induced the porter to turn the brake
which opened tha cell doors , Savon then
o\erppwered the jailor and osrapod. Blood
nouuds were put on their track to-day , but
none recaptured. J. M. Mclutire , u murderer -
er , and two noted horse thieves are ninona the
H' Meeting1.
PITTBIIUIIG , Deecembcrl2.-A preliminary
noeting of labor Icadorn , Including a few rep-
rosentatlvt's of the amalgamated association ,
the coabniiiors association , the glasi workers'
isBoclatiuu , and the typographical union , was
leld to-ulRot for the purpose of forming a.
national labor lenguo. Another mealing will
) a held uext week ,
Old ImtitlniarkH limned ,
s5iotCm , December 12. The Clifton
IOU89 and Northwesfrn hotel burned this
norning. Bnth were old buildings and not of
JJ'at value. The latter was the Brut fctmctura
> l the kind in the city and it was famous for
, ha wanv early events that occurred there ,
jeneral Hancock was given a reception at the
lotel on a utit here te\eral year. ) ago.
llelioi lor uio Ui Tiin fair Mbri-j'ou'o
{ Company ,
T VIHS-NA , Dacember 1' ' . The Prague chain-
oor of commerce gent , t deputation to ask the
jovernment to loan HO.OCO.OOO llorln to ths
Uobenilin Mortgage Company. It is not
probable the loau will bo grtnted but it It ex.
lected an extra credit will bo given other
banks In order ro avoid a panic.
MX Persons I'olsonctt.
DATTOV , Ohio , , l > ecomber 12. After din
ner to-day 11. 11. Richard.ifo nnd three
children and MtJ. llcimin Keiser were
taken terribly sick with a pain In the heac
and back , evidently poisoned. Vhy icii\ns
wcro working nil the nftornonn. The \ictlma
mty recover , Tlio txvo fnini les use cistern
water In common. Ru plcion points to a cer
tain street car drlor. .
Conlo5fleil lutlKeiiioiit for $ it
PiiiLADKLi'HiA , December 12. Judgements
for ? .15,000 wcro to-day confessed by Frank
lin Parker A , Co. , Hour merchants of this city.
The firm was dealing largely with South
American shippers.
Toll Onks Irom Iiittlo Acorns Grow ,
Great and good results often spring
from small doodn and so fatal diseases
come of a seemingly trilling neglect.
Colds neglected often load to serious catarrhal -
tarrhal troubles. If this Is your case lose
no tlmo hi becoming acquainted with Dr.
Sngo'a Catarrh llomody. Its healing
virtues will surprise you. It is simple ,
cflicactous , speedy , euro. Dull heavy
headache , obstruction of nasal passages ,
discharges from the nose into the throat
are siniptoms of this horrlblo complaint.
As soon as the revolver dropped from
from the hand of sntcldo in Madison
equaro , Now York , a thief seized the
weapon and maQo oft' with it , There are
some lines of business which never sutler
from doprcisriou.
A Gooil.Tliin/j / ,
Du. ADAM MILIEU , Chicago , 111. , says :
"I have recommended Uorsford's Acid
Phosphate to my patients , nnd have re
ceived very favorable reports. It is ono
of the very few really valuable prepara
tions now offered to the alllictcd. In a
praetico of thlrty-Qvo years I have found
a few good things , and this is oito of
negroes in Barbadocs are inveterate -
ate thieves. A hen-roost is almost im
possible to preserve from thorn , and if
they got into ono they will oweop it
clean. Their mode of proceedings on
such occasions is as follows : Having ob
tained an entry , they siezo each bird
from its porch , put Ita hood under its
wing and whirl the unfortunate animal
round and round in the air iivo or six
times. The result of this Is the bird remains -
mains torpid and apparently lifeless , and
is thus conveniently stowed away in a
bag withou danger of inconvenient cack
Bitters do not only distint
2uish themselves by their ilavor nud aromaic-
odor above all others generally used , but they
are also a sure preventive for all diseases orig
inating from the digestive organi. Beware of
counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist for
the genuine article , manufactured by Dr. J.
J , B. Soigort & Sons _
On the occaaion of the recent series of
private performances of "Parsifal , " King
Louis of Bavaria , the sohtary spectator ,
spent most of his time out of bed in the
: hcatre , the curtain rarely falling before
3 or 3I0 : ! o'clock a. m. Alter the per-
'ormanco ho returned to the palace by a
Jrlvato corridor and sat up till towards 7
o'clock , rising and beginning his solitary
daily rounds again at about 3 p' . in. The
iccentric king , with his American socro-
: ary , has just loft his capital , unseen as
when ho came , for his three months'
winter sojourn in his mountain castles.
By Dr. Frazier's Magic Ointment. Cures as
i by magic : Pimples , Black Heads or Grubs ,
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
ihe skin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itch ,
Salt llheum , Sore Nipples , Sere Lips and old ,
Obstinate Ulcers Sold by druggists , or
mailed on receipt prico. CO cents. Sold by
Kuhn & Co. and O. iGoodman. .
It opoms that there are still bears in
Connecticut. At least a Nutmeg paper
tells a story of the killing of a boar at
Centervlllo. The most surprising thing
about the case , however , is the state
ment that when bruin was killed it was
found ho had etutled a tuft of hair in a
bullet wound received several days before -
fore , thns stopping the flow of blood.
MEAT SAUCE. The universal favorite
both in the U. S. and Great Britain.
Wholesome , delicious , economical , and
nutritions. Savca anxiety , waste , and
Won't Accept Out A
PITTSDUKC , December 12. The employes
of the rvoystono bridge company who have
) een notified of a rednction of five fo fifteen
per cent , to take olfcct January 1 , met to
night and decided to strike agalns * cut wngea.
Ihe Greatest Medical Triumph of tha Ago !
r.orHoCnppeiltc , llo\veli contlve , 1'nln In
lie bend , with n dull ennatlon In tbo
mcU part , 1'nln under the Hliouldcr-
iludc , Fullness nflcr online , wltUudU-
ticllnntlou to exertion of body iir mind ,
rrltnlillltyoftempcr , iovriuirlt | , trllli
a fecllncofbnvlne : neglected aomudutr ,
Vcarlucsn , Dlzzlncm , I'lultcrlnir nl tbo
lonrt , UotH bclarotbe eyes , Hnaducho
ever the rlgbt eye , Hcntlenaneia , with
fitful drcaran , Hlclily colored Urine , iind
TCTT'.S llliXB nro especially adapted
o such cases , ono dose effects such n
hangn of reeling as to astonish tnosutroror ,
TlioyIncr n8otheAjipetlteanicauflotrio
> ody to Take ou n li , ttmi tlio erstem In
laurlihril.anil by their Tonic Action on
hol > lieitlveOrBnu , Ilr ulurN eel iuo
> rortuc < il. 1'rt'B ! if c.1 * Murra St. . N.V. .
"UuAT HAin or WHIHKBUB chanced to a
Gtxissr HJ.ACIC by n slnglo application of
his DTE. It Imparts a natural color , acts
nstantancously. Bold by UruRitlsts , or
ent by express on I ocolpt of 91.
jffico , 44 Murray St. , Now York.
- 'i'iLU ' ' MTLT FOWlllt CURES. . *
. InuaoSOjcori bpecial I'rrscnptionaof
an eminent I'hjaiclan blmjili' , Safo&ndhiiro.
1 Knvera , Uon u tlon , Inllaraiiutlonfl. . > '
1it IVorniH , V iijia 1 ojer , JVorm ; olic . '
, '
it CrylnsrColIp.orTeetlilpBoMnfinta -
4 J > lni-rlToioU'hfldrenor Adultj
4r. . Dljriltt'ry , OripinB , Bilious ( 'ulio.
11 KraVforliiiii , VtornltlOE
li * , I'O'iii ' Jlronchltij , . .
Nouiululn. Tixthach . 1 ncoachn
llU tliiih . Hlcli Hr hicheVDC io
1C llyiipiiiln.Illllnn > htomaeh . . . .
II fejuJrcM4vfl | or IMliiful ' erUxU
XVI lle .tool'rofui r nodi . | J }
i'rouii. Coush.liilieiiltllre thlnB . . ; *
Suit Uhoiiiii. ljnilp , . . | 41
t'ntat rli , aeuto or cbrnnlo ; Idlucnra TKO
AVhoopIntrfiniullViolentUoufctu .nil
Oi < iinrulJuliUlt-riiya'l > Veakaeea . .lit
ICldiiey Jl rii ( i .HI )
r > erK > iiu J > ehllUy I.H )
Ilrlnin-ylVcixUncej.'NVettlns Bed .fill
nUt ua ortlieIIrurt.I' lDiUtlonl.UO
' bold ty I > rucriiu | > or nl riMf-iii en
recei pt ot tiric . h o < l lor lr. Iluniphreyit *
iUcnll eu . t , , Af . (111 ( II < v5.vitflfi < ; ' t.a-
iuuiie , freo. Addru * . Illlall'lIltKVU *
o Co. , IOU I'ultou bt. , rBW Voili.
A GrrAt lrtblcni.
Take all the Kidney nnd Liver
Toke a'l tbo Jllowl purifiers ,
Take nil the Jlhcunintio romedins ,
Trtko Rll the Dyspepsia and indiges
tion cures ,
Take nil the J//KC Fever , nndbillione
specifics ,
Tftko nil the Jirain nnd Nerve force
rcviiTfs ,
Tdko nil the Great honlth tcttorors.
Jn sfiorl , take nil * Jio btat iiualilioa
bf all those , nud the best
Qualities of nil the best tnudiclnoa in
thoworld , nud you will find tint Hop
Hitter * hnve the best curnttvo qunl-
ities nnd powers of nil concentrated
In them , and thnt they willouro when
any ornll of those , aingloor combined
Fail. A thorough tiial will give
positive proof of this
Ilnriloncd Iilvcr.
Flvo voars ago 1 broke down with kid
ney nnd liver complaint nnd rhaumtUism.
Since then I hnvp boon nimble to bo
nbout nt nil. lly liver bocntno hard llko
wood ; my Ituba wcro pulled up nnd filled
with wntor
All the boat phyaiclnns agreed thnt
nothing could euro mo. I resolved to try
UopBittora ; Ihavo used BOVOII bottlcsj
ho hnrdnosB hns nil gone from my liver ,
o swelling from my limbs , nnd it hna
worked n miracle in my caao ; otherwise
t would have been now in my tn\vo. J.
W. MOUBY , Buffalo , Oct. 1. 1881.
1'ovcrty ami Sull'orln ,
"I wns dragged down with debt , pover
ty nnd suirering for yonrs , caused by n
sick family nnd largo bills for doctoring.
I was completely discouraged , until ono
yonr ngo , by the ndvico of uiy pastor , J
commenced using llop Bitters , nndinnoo
month wo iroro nil well , nnd none of us
hnvo seen n sick day since , nnd 1 want to
eay to nil poor men , you can keep your
families well a year with IIop Bitters for
less tnan ouo doctor's visit will cost , I
know it. " A WOUKINOMAN.
JUTNono pouuino without n bunch of green
Hops on the whlto Inbol , Shun all the \ilo ,
poisonous stuff with "llop" or"llopa"in their
/FetevliiU ticr.Towutelt ftO
, 1 > itrho-k , > trr kud Auf. m l til
* urt A f < w dropi imr rt a dtlklwo *
, tft lt iuutn r Jriuki Try It
ti r f * . A t Your trKrr or drur/lnl for U > tt
artUUtt niir ctur db/DR. J U I ) T SlimRT&bONS.
Iii < ases of ills-
i pcpsli , dobllitj ,
rheumatism , fever
| and aRUo , liver com-
rlalnt , Inactivity of
the MJiioja and
bladder , constipa
tion and other or-
Kanlo maladies , lloa-
tettcr'a Stoniacli
Dittcra U a tiled
5' x3S'M < * v-"s * = rP ronioJy , n which
VrCZJ JFR the medical brother-
- , . r 4 vAVr. j J- :
hood have lent their sine ,
tlon , anlhlch as a
tonic , altrratho and
lionsahoM tppcillo
for dUordcr9 of the
etomach , llrer and
boncla has an un
bounded popularity.
For ealo by drug
gist and dealers , to whom apply for Hestcttcr'sAI-
manaa fnr l > 8f > .
"We dchereby certify kat us tupertttt t\s at-
ttngimentt forallthr Monthly and Sctnl-Anuj *
Diautnys o/ the Louisiana State Lottery Company
and in per eon manage and control the Draisitqt
hemsthet , ami that the same are conducted tiitl
kcnciti/.fairnesi.and in good faith touard all par
titt , and tee aiithoriis the company to use ( Ail o r
K.lxite , tr ( \ / o-rimj5 " / c r tignaiurs ) tr\c ,
Louisiana Slate Lottery c n ? ,
f 0vr = l lfrt In 1353 1 3i II yoatu by tlj legljlttUI
'or ' tdncatloml nnd chmltulilo pnrpocos with a of
. . . , -lovrLIcha isseno laud ot OT
ivLO.OCO ItAO : < uo.u oddad.
B > an overnholruluz populti veto ISs ficcchlx
KPJ n'twlo a part of tuo proccnt vUiio cocilitntlo :
idoptod Ooc uibor ! d , A. U. 13 ! 3.
Ita grand r.tngla niiiaber dmrin s tf.Jik
place monthly.
[ | never ectlub ci i > cU on . Look at tLe fulluwln
175th GUAM ) UONTIILY , ;
Extraordinary Semi-Amumi Drnw-
2. the Academy ot Music Now Or
leans. Tuosd y , December
1C. 1881.
Jii'l r tbo personal KupenlGlun and rKanajforncut ol
IVCV.U T UKAUllKUAUU.ofLouUlaiaiuid
3 N. JU11AL A. KAULV , of VlrBlnla.
JA.P1TAL PRIZE , 8150,000.
QTNotloo. Tickets are Ten Dollars only , lUhoe
85 , Hftlw , e..Teijtlm , 1.
OAHTAIi PKIZB . _ _ _ . . . . (110 U
1 Grand do . , . 10 , MI
1 rte do . 10C
1 LAUQKPniraMOt JIU.CCO . ! 0OC (
i Ai do DXX3 . 2j,9j <
[ 0 I'llIZKH Ol 1000 . , . 'JI.KX
10 du COO . -5OC <
IIMJ do 3W . 3)W ;
tog da 2/0 . 41.W
019 3 103 , . . . „ . 60 OCI
UCO do Ml . tO.OlX
00 Appiojcluutlen pilses ol JtOO . 000
00 do do 100 . M,04
00 ; do do 76 . 760
879 Pjlscl araoantloj lo
Alppllaattoa foi latei lo clubi tficmld bo uuid * cml ;
o Iho office of the Company la Now Orlciui.
For farther IntormaHon wrlta cbarlv plvlns ; ( til
iddreM. I'OHTAL NOTES , Kxiirfss Honey Orders , oi
iiw York Kxchan e In ordlnury letter , Currency
jy Express ( all turns of 15 and upwaras at our oz <
wnBv ) addroarid
U A. DAUl-niN ,
; rU. A. DiUrnTW , Now Orlcaoi Lt.
cur Seventh St. Wr-ehlnctuc U. u.
IfaVo r , 0. Uouoj Oidori payablg and addrcgi
ilorfUtcrt-il letters to
Now Orloann. la
St , Charles Hotel ,
D STHEET , BET 7th and 8th , LINCOLN , NKIl.
Mr * . Kate Coikl.i , 1'ruprlitoroiv.
earNe l } and tlc.'auth lurnUhcil. Ciuod famp'.o
ioui , on first Moor.
ttTTermd fo tiJ | i rijuj. H | oIal ra'C4 ttliun
icmbtrs tf the lenhlaturr not 1C 1 m lou
1)K 'IIIH HUMAN HOIty I.M.AItl.l'll lll.VI'l
Ot'hl ) MU1.NHIHKNHD , " I IP . luan lnl < irf linif
rntu nl huin-
I circurgri. trivmic lill tuirlioulari. Ijy
AKItll Ar. 'o Uulfttlf * i' Tninlo frr
Kth ami C pltol Avennt , troMii til CMC * dip.
[ ilodpr Dclormcd , l odlec fO ol th
Horvous Systam ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All s.\tet ot Corvntnro ol the Spmo , Crooknl Fi > t
tjc\t and Arnn , Dltwiucg ol the Hip , Unco , itvl
Ankle Jfllnt . AIM Chronlo nflectlons cltlio Llvci
IlhounutUm , r rnl3fl8 , riles , Ulcer * , CaUtth , Arth
m ami Utoncliltls are all trcatod by now and fU'--
CCB fill mctliods. All Olfo\tc9 ol th > < Itlood and Ui.u-
try Orcms , IndudtiiR thoeo rcsultlni ; ( rora Incite---
lion , or oi | > o nrc , are eilolj anil succM tully trroto.1
and a euro RUirantoed. Young men , mlddto ngc ,
and old men euttorlnR Irom WoaknrM and Nan oil *
exhaustion , producing indigestionla1i < IUtlonol the
IIc\rt , Dopi'ondoucy ululnoss , Loss ot MemoryT < ack
ol Kncrsy and Ambition , can bo tcntorcd lo health
and vigor , 11 ease Is not too lone noglcctml.
The Surgeon In charpo li a prulunto of JcDof-
on Uodlcal College 1 55) ) and hai studied bll
pioteion ! In London , Tarli and llorlln , It allllctcd ,
Kill or write full description ol vour CAW , and modl-
slno uiay bo Bent you. Conoultatlon troc , Addrog
Omahi UlBjicDwry , Crounse' i Block , Omnha , Neb.
0&03 hours 10-12 ft. m.l-C and 7-8 p. m Sundajo.
JO a m
jtiTAcCurnmcHlttlons ( urnlihoil p\llonta from the
lirtxos on Horlkk'H 1'ood , " write bundnxtii nt
, .nt , I ill itinthi'ix Votbi'tn' milk eontalns i > o
-Utili lldlJI.irKS' 1 OUI ) I'OIl INVANTSlfmi
fi > ! iihtorcliieiiulit ) > iioroti | luir 1 ho tout food In
K iltlinri.rkmvHrnrIM'AMS | 'lliolwtillitfor
insl-Kl'TU'Siitid 1NVU 1 S. IllirhlylicnenrW
> inirv-liii ; iiuithi PIJB idrlnk ITUoWnndTfc. , V ?
.1 uir > rt ta. lUvilii ntlii tnutimntofihlldtvn frm
I IH II , i fit tilt -ii | irlor In miythlnp of tha
Llnl r.rclnlli . > / > . -Mion. .U 1rirlort
' uar-it H 1 ; r ' tit A , / / > ton
HUD ! > -lmtitiliMlnii , f. > r iiotlift . milk '
-il ii J tf u 11 i > i , .v. r
II IK i > i > ut i " mail on noili'tof prii' , ! lu ptnm ! V > F1 > l ) ' . , ITnrliir.VU. .
J'l hJ 111) "Ell J l' > "t.2riU3'JC Of JllLl'UJ
I'hrcnK Insurance Co. , London , Cash
Assets $5,38lrM (
Westehcater.N. Y , ( ' l.UTO.Oro
The.Mtrchantsnf Newark N.J. , Capital . 1,57.1,000
OlrardFire , I'lillnduliihi.i.Cu Ital 1,200,000
Woman's Fund , Lnpltal
1224 Farnata Street ,
Corner 11th Ht. Office hours 0 to 12 n. ra. , 2 to 4
m Ton 3 cars experience. Can epoak Oermtu.
oct31ill >
On Wood Poisoning Isof Intcrcsttonlirlassca. VTiU
I ) ' ' ui.vilod tnv on receipt i'T j nur udilii"-H
'iuiibwiiTSrccinoCo. . IJuutTu , Atlaul.i , 0 -
A g'rl ' In rny emploj hin been cured ot hnl I bo-
lle\o aa constitutional bcrolul.ibj' the u o oS ( it'a (
Specific , J. O M.DAMU , .
All t,09n , Q- , , July 25 , 1SS4.
I have prescribed Sulft'a Spcclflo In many cases ol
Olood I'oUon and as a general tonic , and It has made
cures alter all other remedies lad ( ailed.
I ) II , HtlUCKLAM ) , It D.
Ca\o Hprlt-Ga , , Julj 2S , 1S84.
Auegroonmy farm his heon cured of a fearful
case ol Blood Poison by the use of throe bottles of
Swift's Specific. AMIKRW J. HOWARD ,
Forsj'th , Qa. , Auf 5 , 1831.
UEJiUiVlliui : . A victim of jouthftillinnriidrnco
cjumiiK l"rematuro Docnv , Nnrvona Uobilitv , LoBt
Alanhnnil , dc.lunln > : trmd in vnin every known
r -.iiscoviiruln8imiiloiiioansofiiolf-curo ,
uhlch bo will foriil I'ltni : lohli fpllow-outlurun ! .
( Till cnro Ner\oiiHnoHH , Ij , 'nmly * ! * ,
NtiiirnlKl'i ' , hrlntlru , flilnt < y , HI luo iiiul l.h'T ili-i iof * ,
[ iuiit.VlKtlimii , llt-nrKIlM HHL l-i" | i. | , i 'mMIinil | > , I rj
lml i , Culnrrll , I'llon , l- | > il , | < | UJI..IMI. lii'tnb A IK ,
rinrl t > ti' Onl 'iithM IIKII i I * < II In
leu IhHt * ut4 itiu I'lfi HI Unn 1 inntji > t HID line Mb Ui4
txKlj , Aud cuu bkf recharuuil lu aa Irtsttuu by lUu | > .iileut.
Winter IB coming , tuo eaeoon of the yotr fcr aclioi
ind inlna. In > luwofthlj f let HO Buy buyrriu of
Dr. uorcn'o Illoctilo Itelta. liy no < jolri ( , jou will
i\old Ilituraatlwi ! , Kidney Troublca and ( it lie r lll.i
hat llceh la liK'r t . 1) not dcNy , but c i < 'our
fDcoandoiamlniibclto , No. H2 Doiiplak ntirct , cr
T. i' Qoodman'n. 1110 Farnam dOrralu , Neb. Or-
l TRflr dO. O D
rhoroiighbred and Jlifjli Grade
[ lorses , Uogs , Farming Tools and
Ha\inscld ) my l.irni , I Mill o3cr nt publlonalo on
ialil I. mi , on tlio U. ! U. II. , H milm iiirllir t of
jlncoln , Neb , and 3 milts eoutricabt of lla
CiimacncliiKat 10 o'clock , the follmthig :
Floven head of thorouKhb.ed Hhort born COM a ,
iiiiioK.d ] | to ro In cajf , three thorcui'hbrdl hhort-
lorn lleifor C ht , two thoroughbred Ktiort horn
[ lullL'alvis ; onotlicr iwhbrcd nil I , 'J jearn ol.l ; inv
u'tbrattd nnporttil ( ialloj Hull "Vankru" nml
; o Iniportud Gullouay cows , and tlielr two hull
; > hoi.
Ur i'r d.M. Woods UI a' ' < i no'l ' the lirjKJtted Cat-
, owa > Lull , "Kwanlnd" anil fmir bull rah en aut of
iH Short liorii grille ( JOHUind Ills ( Jallowaj bull
1 tiilderoy , " ablght wurth nceli ' .
All thu r > bovo thoroujhbrid s'uck r > ro rocorikd.
Also 66 huld ot lilyh Krailo Short-born co d ami
lltllors , niup b'.utobo incn'f ' t > my Ualloua } Hull
"Yankee. "
Alxo noieral co 8 , I'D h aril aeon to bu fresh.
Also Jo high tr d Ualn-i ; S2 two u r old Mull-
L'rado Ur I'M Hoim tnl I'IKD , 10Vork HoiBeBuiiil
Mires ; : i Vearlini ; UultHunii h mo'lii ) . ' ( olU ; HU tonn
of llaj , rutiirm tf Mllltt , l.f < OU bunhu'i. < l < ' ri > ; -U
acita of Corn In bhock , bo biuho of ll > e : 41 bu htl4
Mlllitand all tbe toolj and liiachlnei > ucd on Urn
l.urhat nO"n li warm room ? .
hk'e ' v. I1 ! ha iLtcle muter cQiir BO trat no ono need
ttaya i > \ on a' count cf iliuwiuUn'r.
'rKUUSOrUALe.-AIUum biiiler ? 1 cafch ; Oirr
$10' II inonilis tlmo withapprovid lu urlty vtthlU
psrciiit iulire't ; d i er c.n.t 1 1 ( lurcath.
TralDH ov r the Union I'uc'llo vill Irate Lincoln > t
H 65 o'cloi k u in , r turnlnK at 5 und 0 ( . 'clock p. in.
and Mill arrl.o from the north at llu'clocK a. in and
leaxu ftolnifiioitliat B.2ji. | in All trains ttoj | 'l"iT
at the farm.
FUIID. M. WOODS , Auctioneer.
I'or riittvloK-ues nl TiioroUg'hbrcd bt(0k , t JliC8J , ( ) .
lK , Nib.
ALirir , L03 I'tn'.h .trott , lutwcon K ruam aud 2Uf
u y. will , with the aid of KUirdUa i lill , obululu
It ( ujoue lucti In ina luat aau preuout , and oa
ntrUln oonJilon In the 'utnui. itouU nl rbtxi
rniln H urdoi , I'cilwl eatuU
( * . J