wcnw 4. , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY DECEMBER \ THE DAILY BEE Onifi ) Offlco , No. 10 Farntmi Bt. Now York Onico , lloora 05 Trltmno OulUUng. PnblUhid tvorjrrotnlntt , o pl 3cnd jr Th el ) Monday morning rtillj- . Ons Teat . $10.00 I Three Wcntht . I .0 Itx.Yoinnj . f.OO I One Month . at- , ; Ptf Week , 26 0nt . | tni WI15LT 13 , rUCURUU ITIltJ ITJDHISDiT l , - " ' ntufl rosmrr. r . . . | .82.00ThreoMonlhl * RV 1 Pt I I > * * * I VW I < W JUWU * * * * * * I l w 111 Months. 1.00 I Ono Month _ 90 OOBRlirONDIXOI A i OommnnlrtUloni relating to Newi and Editorial mitten should to a.ldranod to the Komi * or Tni Bit. crania * . All nnV.nm Lettern And HcmltUnoei iboa.d bo ddrewod to Tn lisa PnnuimNO OourAXT , QMini. Dralls , Chocta and Postoffleo eider to be m de p y- able to the order ot the company. BEE PUBLISOINQ CO , , PROPS' ' E. HOSmVATKIl , Editor. A. II. Filcli , Manager Uatly.CircuUUon.T 0 , IJor , 488 Omaha. Neb. _ BY the way , wo hiwon't hoard anything lately from Samuel Jones Tlldon ? It is about time for another statesmanlike letter - tor from Cipher Alloy. IT ia now apparent that Lord Tonny- eon had the democratic factions of Ne braska in hla mind'n eye when ho referred to "mouths of brass and leather lungs. " FEE-HILL cries punctuate the atmosphere - phoro of the upper and lower stories of the postoflico. Ono of the federal brigade has already deserted the ship for a per- mono tit job. NINE out of every ton democrats In Plattsmouth are training for the postof- fico there. The latest count showed 101 in the field , with Salt crook precinct to hoar from. City Is § 88,803,070 84. The metropolis la evidently being run by a now Hill Tweed. The Commercial-Advertiser gays that the alzo of the debt at the pres ent time la a severe commentary on the profligate character of the government of that city. HonAcr WHITK , editor of the Now York JSveniny Post , aaya that Senator Garland will probably bo aolocted aa attorney general and Senator Bayard for secretary of atato. None of the indo- pondonta will have a plnco In the cabinet , ho says , because the loaders among them do not wish any such position. GHOVER CLEVELAND , who la atlll ex- crclaing his functions aj governor of Now York , is overwhelmed with applications for pardons. ' It Booms at that the friends of convicts' think that ho cr la likely to bo a little more generous with i the pardoning power since ho has boon elected prealdont , but they will proba bly bo disappointed. Cleveland will ae /scarcely have time to conaldor ono-tonth aew of the applications that are now on file before resigning the governorship. oihi hi TIIEUE ia great complaint among the hitt farmers of Iowa , as there ia among the ttat farmers of Nebraska , becatiso of the high atm ra\ca. the of railroad . Although prices th grain are lower than they have boon for oc yoara , the railroads charge thosamo high or rates for tranaportation. There la a re movement on foot to Induce the governor reoi to call an extra session of the legislature cc In January to take oomo definite ccat action upon the transportation question. SENATOH VAN WVCK has called for the consideration of the Spanish treaty In open session. Ho does not believe that treaties which are of vital Importance to the commercial Interests of the country should bo discussed in uocret session , aa the people are entitled to know irhat their locislators say upon auch subjects. Senator Van Wyck began his fight upon the sccrot session laat winter , and ho proposes to keep It up , as ho is opposed to Jt on general principles. TUK city council has very properly adopted a resolution endorsing the Hon. aiopin canal scheme , and calling upon congress to take early action in regard to the enterprise. This project ia of the utmost Importance , not only to the west , but the entire country. It will bo the moans of cheapening the transportation of the vast grain crop of the west , and this , of course , will bo of great benefit to the farmers and producera. Of course the railroads will endeavor by every possible meana to defeat the achomo. TUB farmora of the west are willing to divide with the railroads , but when It cornea to giving up to the monopolies the entire proceeds of their labor they natur ally object.and they are bcginnlngto think that something must bo done for their own relief. It ia plainly evident that the sentiment In favor of railway regula tion by legislation is dally growing stronger - or , and ttho time is near at hand for the legislatures of the western states to pans laws fixing maximum ratea of transporta tion and to otherwise regulate the railways - ways business ao aa to prevent dtscrlmin * atlon and extortion. * IT waa baldly hinted during the laat campalRn that Know NothluRlam found Its only shelter and support in the domo- "CratlcTparty. No ono thouRht that the tomporanoo party diluted their drinks with U. lt cropped out , however , at Topeka , llaneaB , at a mcotiiif ? of the cold water club , "of which St. John waa the \ x > cand'dato or Prosi- the Manltoban recap- fro/,3 the marrow In hla bones. Old friends turned their backs on him. "Ho wetil among his own but they know him not. " Ho aroao to suoalt , b tiho roJl dent rapped him down ifiso sltot. U his path aa ho walked nlono and doierted frcm the room , - - ' - * . . . . . - s ? " > < - THE bTOUY OF A GUI MB. The investigation of the United States grand jury of Chicago into , the ballot-box stuffing in the Eighteenth ward , lias cul minated in the indictment nnd arrest of eight persons the judges and clerks of the Second precinct -for signing false re turns ; the secretary of the county dem ocratic committee , for securing and print ing forged republican tickets , the deputy county clerk and ono of his assistants , for substituting faho for genuine republi can ticket in the poll-box. The testimony given before the jury establishes a dollbor * atoand carofull planned conspiracy toovcr * throw t the expressed will of the people and secure a majority of the Illinois legislature . ture ) and the United States senator to succeed Gen. Logan. The conspiracy extended from the headquarters of the democratic county commlttoo to the vaults of the county clork'a oflico , where the ballots were deposited. The orlg * Inator of this rascally scheme was J. 0. Mackin , a notorious political juggler 1m * ported from Philadelphia. Ho is secre tary of a score of democratic committees , and is reputed to bo as thorough a po litical plrato as over "cut a throat or scuttled ship. " Seven days after the votes were cast ho had printed forged copies of the republican ticket , with the name of Brand , the domocratlc candidate for the legislature , substituted for that of Loman. To place 200 of thooo forged tickets in the box of the second precinct waa easily accomplished. The county clerk and his assistants are demo crats. Instead of the box being under lock and key , as the county clerk a wore , "so help him God , " it is shown by the testimony of his deputy that it was placed in a * largo open pigeon hole in the vault , accessible during business hours to any of the clerks or thoir.frionds. The extraordinary contradictions of Deputy Gloaaon In his testimony before the grand jury and in the public prints , and his latest effort to shift the crime on ono of the clorka , strengthens the general belief that ho is really the guilty party. "Whon thieves fall ont honest mon como by their own. " Gleason and the clerk are charg ing and count or. charging. Their early trial , It is hoped , will bring out the links connecting the Mackin and the forged tickets with Gloason and his clerk , These links should bo forged strong oaough to manacle and land every con spirator in Joliot. No mercy or false sympathy' should bo permitted to temper justice. The severest penalty of the law isex inadequate totripe out that villainous crlmo against the state and national gov ernments. Unfortunately there ia a diversity of political ' interests at stake which may shield the criminals and rob Joliet of the , crow. The state legislature is a tie on joint ballot. Logan and Fartroll are candidates for the sonatorship on the ro- aide. It is possible that ono of thcso to secure success , may bargain and traffic , with justice , and become the boneiiciarios oi crlmo instead of the prosecutors. The unnatural anxiety of Chicago politicians , high and low , in both parties , to punish the ballot box staffers , will surely oper ate in favor of the criminals. There is fee much rivalry for the honor of hunting thorn down. State and United States courts are investigating , rewards aro4 of- erod , political clubs have hurled scores of fi resolves at fraud , and in the multiplicity prosecutors there is danger that the al conspirators will escape and land in Can " ada. THK publication of the full text of the Spanish treaty in advance of all contom- porarles was a stroke of entorp'rlze on the part of the Now York Times of which it may well feel proud. Nothing does a paper so much good as n grand scoop on Its rivals , and this was the big gest scoop known in American uorrspa- per circles for years. Had It not been for the Times wo question whether iho full text of the treaty would have boon nblished at all. Appearing at a time hen it was the chief topic among the merchants and business mon of the coon- ry. and under secret consideration by the ouato , its publication In full was not nly a surprise but it waa greatly appro- iatod by the public. The Times got on ho trail at Washington and after learning , hat a copy could only bo obtained in Madrid , it immediately telegraphed to a ortaln party in that cltyand [ asked what ho would demand to got a copy. The reply came back that ho had secured copy and would send It fur § 2,000. The contract was closed at once , and it was cent In the Spanish language over , ho cable at sixty-six cents a word , and was translated and revised in Now York. The number of Spanish words was 0,081 making the cost of transmission $ -1,41(5 ( , hich added to the ? 2,000 paid in Madrid , makes the total cost of this admirable piece of newspaper enterprise § 0,410 The Time * is entitled < o great credit , and t has added much to its already brilliant reputation aa a llvo cosmopolitan news paper. An Important decision has just been rendered by the United States supreme court In regard to the liability of an em ployer to an employe Injured by. another employe owing to gross negligence or carelessness. Hitherto the defence in such cases has boon that the employer is not liable for Injury to ono employe caused by the negligence of another , and this rule has been quite generally recog nized in the courts , until quite recently when sorao of the state courts have hold differently. In the casoboforo the United States supreme court an engineer on ono traiuhad boon injured by tL , negligence of the conductor on another. The company sot up the naual defense that it waa not liable because both engineer and con ductor were its own employes. The supreme promo court holds the company liable. It says that the two employes were not follow corvants. The conductor was in I a superior and the engineer in a sub ordinate grade of service. .Tho court wns not called upon to determine the law in a case of follow servants , But it cot aside the old tommo" law rule in cases where the employes arc not In the came grade of service. This decision is a just one , for there is no reason why a railroad company should not bo as much liable for injuries to employes as they are for injuries to their passengers , when acci dents are duo to the negliponco oi em ployes. Otm handsome governor Ia receiving many compliments from the press on account of his picture that is going the rounds of the papers that indulge in the oxtravagont feature of wood-cut lllnatra tlons. Among Iho most flattering notices ticos of His Excellency is the following from the Chicngo News : A wood-cut of James W. Dawes , gov- ornor-oloct of Nebraska , is going the newspaper rounds. It represents Mr. Dawos as being largely composed of board not ono of your bristling , aggres sive beards , nor ono of your sleek , oily boards , nor yet ono of your comely , woll- trimmed boards of the business classes , but a bushy , unkempt , straggling board . which appears to have only ono object in life and that is to conceal from the inv pertinent eyes the fact that Its possessor does not wear a nocktio. Till ; centenary of Methodism , now being ing celebrated in Baltimore , is an event of more thau ordinary interest. It marks the ono hundredth year of the church in the United States as a national and in dependent body. It haa had a wonder ful growth , and numorcially is now by far the most Important protestant denom ination In this country. The member ship of the various Methodist bodies and their offthoots roaches over 4,000,000 , which represents a constituency proba bly of at least throe times that number. The Methodist Episcopal body alone has over 1,500,000 in its Sunday-schools , 27 universities and colleges , 5 < theological schools , and GO academics or boarding schools. SEVEIIAS , papers In Iowa take wheat in payment for subscriptions tor advertise > memo . . , and their prospectuses roads about i like this : "Tim Star of Empire will bo ! sent to any address for five bushels of No. I winter wheat. Wo have no use for any other kind. Reading notices inserted - sorted at the rate of two bushels an Inch , Como on , noble farmer ; our bins are nearly empty. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS. The fall session of the British parlla- meut , from which much important work was expected , closed with only ono sub stantial law to its credit. The franchise bill has been placed upon the statute books and is now the law of the realm. This is ono of the most swooping re forms possible short of manhood suffrage. Following this the factions in , the commons listened to the reading of . the redistribution bill , which makes the representative system as nearly democratic ' ocratic as that of England. There is , i however , some agitation in opposition to single member districts in both partlc ? , and there is no doubt that in February loud protests will bo board. University representation will bo vigorously at tacked. The city of London , too , will fight the proposed reduction tooth and nail , but iho chances of material alter , aliens in , the bill are ncarcoly worth con sidering. ' The redistribution and fran chise billo together insure for the first timo. in the history of England something like representation In parliament by tho. people of England. The centre oi political power is trans- forced once for all from the middle class es to the working classes , whether artisan or agricultural. The largo towns , almost always liberal , gain enormously. The counties pass their power from under the icntrol of the landlords to the farmers , hough nobody kdowa what luio the now lectors will tako. Hardly a radical 'hlsper ' is heard against the lords and hero is every prospect of a quiat success. Chore is general rejoicing oven the trnca .n party strife. Tory and liberal jouanals io with each othar in apperJs for har- ony. The Irish moaabors are alone with a riovanco. Tha sudden and unexpected djournment of parliament , at the in- tanco of the ministry , jeopardizes the ucccss of tha party in reaping the full tenoiit of the franchisa law. An effort was made to secure from the government nformailon concerning the composition if the boundary commission which must 10 appointed to fix the boundaries of the onatllnonclen in Ireland. Much bad 'eoling remains , and the suspicion exists .hat the crown solicitor In Ireland , the notorious Bolton , against whom atrocious rimes have boon alleged , will bo left to jerrymander Ireland after his own sweet will. Ho is stated to be intensely hostile .o the land league and unscrupulous in ho means ho employs to carry his ends. .t was beciuao of this that the homo ruloj sought to have the government de fine the manner in which it would arrange the boundaries of the districts in the now districting operations. But it avoided the questions by forcing adjourn mont. The best Irish politicians estimate that oven the gerrymander of Ireland , in making now districts , cannot reduce the nationalist strength in the next house of commons below 70 , and the ordinary dis tricting will give from five to ton more. United Ireland declares that the redis tribution bill will produce the most mo mentous change in the British constitu tion that has over boon proposed In parliament , and says it v ill load to the final triumph of the national csuse. In February the redistribution bill will como up for its committee stage In the commons. Then the ministry mus stand by it or fall. That the contorva tivos will bo tempted to desert the bill and allow Mr. Gladstone to bo defeated , mua ba mot by the counter assertion that the would far rather go to the countrywlth the bill than without It ; for on tbo bast of the present apportionment and th two million now voters created by the franchise bill , they would bo at a great disadvantage. I'amellitca , radicals ul trorloj , and scattering malcontents maj unite to harass the bill , but the groa' ' body of the liberals and a majority of thi conservatives will , without doubt , com bine to pass U throgh the commons , In the lords , it will , of course , bo farorod as well by the majority as by the liberals ! but by the time it has passed through the upper chamber , the bUdatouo ministry will , in all probability hare reachodjquos- tions less easy to compromise upon thau even electoral reform. The Congo conference is atill in ees- Mon in Berlin. The American minister proposed now schemes of neutrality which caused a heated debate among the monarchal representatives. Iho fact that an American roprcaontativo IB tak ing part in the deliberations may lend to consequences not now dlsconmblo. Pitted against mon who have made diplomacy n life study and who have risen in the ranks by experience in the most trying situations and complicated Intrigues of European politics , extreme caution is nocosaary to avoid agreements and pro positions that establish precedents for future conference , It is given out in wnll Informed quarters that the real ob ject of Bismarck in calling the confer ence is to secure precedents that will bo recognized as binding by international law iu all future questions of annexation or acquirement ot extra territorial rights or jurisdiction. The United States ROT- eminent cannot bo too cautious before allowing themselves to bo prevailed upon to assent to points that might bo an ap parent success for American diplomacy , ns far as the Congo is concerned , but which will bo made the fullest uao of by European powers whenever the Panama or Nicaragua question comes up for dis cussion. A fair concoptlon of the immonao voluo of the trade of the Congo region moy bo formed from the fact that 5000,000 worth of elephants' tusks have accumulated at a town in West Africa , ' where they are awaiting shipment when the Congo conference - foronco , now sitting iu Berlin , shall have satisfactorily defined the rights of traders. Should the conference act fairly , it is ox * pectcd that the Congo trade will at once developed to colossal proportions. The Bchorao of noutraljty proposed by England stipulates that in the event of war the Congo and Niger , with their atlluonts and the littoral for a maritime league from the moutha of these rivers , shall remain free to merchant ships ex cept cuch as are laden with munitions of war. And , further , the merchants of all nations who hevo depots on the Congo and Niger are forbidden to supply war vessels with coal except in sulliciont quantities to enable them to roach the the nearest port. The scheme uropoaod by Franco Is similar to this , but does not mention the subject of supplying war vessels with coal in time of war. The dlvorco bill brought before Parlia ment by the Italian ministry soonis little short of o proposal to revolutionize mar- riogo. It provides that when a man and wife have separated for a period of throe years provided thny have no children , or for five years , provided they have children The aggrieved can. obtain a di vorce. Thlo is simply an abolition of permanent marriage , and gives to either husband or wife only a temporary inter est In the marriaqo relation. Of courao the bill is ostensibly designed to all'ord relief to a wife or husband , on the case may bo , who has been dcaortod. In prac tice , however , the law would permit the voluntary separation and subsequent dlvorco of all married people. If a man and wife ohould grow tired of ono another within a month after marriage they would only have to agree to live apart . from ono another for specified time , and , in case the marriage should .provo unfruitful , they would have only three years to wait ia orderto dissolve itho marriage- bond end to aooU aaoro oon- 'genial partners. 'Tho party bringing the suit for divorce could easily claim to have boon deserted , and the defendant cer tainly , would , not deny this claim. There will , therefore , bo no certainty in case the dlvorco bill becomes- low that any Italian marrl. go will last over Baron years at the furthest. Certainly , the Italian ministry has left very far behind the Catholic theory , of the indisnolnbllity of marriage. The systematic regularity of and simi larity of dynamitic explosions- England and Ireland hare almost Invariably shown a tho.aocomplished hand and cloven foot of Scotland Yard , the headquarters of all cih the informers and spies of the kingdom. ciI The last explosion was at the residence of a landlord at Traleo , county Kerry. c Huasoy had always treated his tenants " with the kindness" and consideration and was unusually popular among the poorer Q uitorod a word to excite the enmity of radical nationalists. In foci no motive foe the crime could bo found except the j.r manufucturo of sentiment against the j.n Irish houio rule party. Mr. William fi " 'Brion % member of parliament for Mai- iw , and editor of lriiiod Irclund , chav- cs that the government employed Jamea iIcDormott and other spies to act us noucharda for the police , and that those wretches are answerable for this and t of the outrages which have eccntly boon committed in Ireland , ilr. O'Brien also points ont that there is remarkable rooornblauco between tlio raloo fiasco and the sham attack that as made by the Tubbercurry informer , 'atrlck ' Delaney , upon Mr. Justice Law- on , who presided at the trial cf Mrs , jmytho'a murderers. It is similar also to ho plot which ex-Inspector French ad- nita having arranged with another in- 'ormor named Noonan , whu confessed vor his own signature in the /'mio/i- ion's JourrMl luat month that ho was ucltod by French to arrange an attack ui Mr. Justice Barry , while attending ho Cork assizes , in order to lead to the .rrest . of prominent Notionalists. A vast ituonut of important information has boon unearthed by members of the Homo rule , going far to justify the charge that a large number of dynamite outrages which had boon charged upon league organisations were really the outcome of plots inspired ' > y fellows like McDerraltt , who , b in in ho pay of the authorltcs , managed to ro- ain their sinecures by devising and abot- lutragos. The Mahdi , who died last week of cholnra , is at present within three hours' march of Khartoum. Ho has alao lost 3,000 men through his courteous though mistaken compliance with Gordon 1'ash a challenge- demonstrate the genuineness of his Mahdlship by crossing the Nile dryshot. Iho Mahdl la the source of much interesting , if inconsistent , cable news , and a lively and unrelenting op ponent of British civilization in the Soudan , The atato of things in Denmark is a novelty in constitutional government , which excites curiouely little attention In other countries. For nine yoara the ministry haa always bean In a small minority in the puliamont or Jfalkthing , upholding the royal authority against radicals of the moat extreme- type , each session consisting of a long wrangle , oudlng In dissolution , and the elections always sending back the came or tlmilar men , The minister , M. Estrup , in the meantime governed an Biaraatck tucd to do before 18(10 ( , In cotuplcio IndlfTorc co to the parliament orife opinions , At the Into elections out of 102 memb.rs , of which V\o FJk thing consists , 8.1 were elected bitterly hostile to the ministry , nnd the remain ing 10 moderately BO , and they nt once resolved not to discuoi any proposition or moaftiiro cmnn&tlhg from the minister. Nevertheless the sky looks brighter for him than it has done for minyyo.trs past. The radicals are dirldini ; into factions. Bitterness is iucrtmlng in the ranks cf the opposition end AI. Eitrupis hoping that the moderates will omio over to him. The mcmborn of the South American commis&lcn , which started overland from Now York lest week , rsachud the capital of Mexico on the Oth , nd were warmly welcomed by President Dlsz. A recep tion was tendered by tha president nnd addresses delivered in favor of closer commercial and friendly relations of the two republics. The negotiations batwcon- Earl Granville - villo , the British secretary of state for foreign affairs , nnd the Marrncs ' Tsoug , Chinese ambassador , with a'viow to sottliug the Franco-Chinese alfliculty , have boon temporarily interrupted , owing to the indispooitlon of the Chinese diplomat , who ia ouflorlng from n cold. It ia announced , however , that for po litical reasons the government has tele graphed to Admiral Courbot and Gou rnl Brloro do 'Islo to maintain a defensive attitude until they receive further orders. There is good reason for believing that the Empress of Chiun will summon a council of war within o few days. The reasons for the renewal of ponce ncgotin- tiono will then bo givovr and the { result of tlio Interviews botwoou Eirl Granvlllo and the Marquess Tseng Trill bo stilted , The Madrid authorities edit the tele grams sent put from that country so that it is impossible to got the real news by wire , but letters from Spain atato public ntl'iira nro worse than they have boon alnco the killing of General Prim in Do- comber. M70. The record is ono of riots , conspiracies , ecorcs of press prosecutions , and wholesale arrests. On this gloomy background of an impending revolution trade is altanat lit a standstill , the chjflorn is raging r.t Toledo and in inora thau ono other province , while the army la honey combed with sedition and the tvuasury is bankrupt. Tlio Skyo crofters are not to bo put down. Thojr are declaring in f&yor of a no-rent policy , are resolved to retain the grazlngo thuy have taken and intend to ignore the writs of the laudlorda. They assert that tha Island Is theirs by right , and that they were illegally deprived ot their grazing arouudn. The crofters are a bold"set. . They know their rights and apparently hUnnd to maintain , them , como what may , The movement of the French- govern ment to raico the duties on imported grain and ilbar is exciting opposition both at homo and abroad. In the citlua the working slasaos are outspoken in their condemnation of the proposed measure and are encouraged in their views by the free traders. The govern ment might manage to overcome this opposition , but now the governments of other countries- ere threatening reprisal In case the duties pro increased. The Franch ministers at Vienna , Rome r.nd Constantinople have advised tboir homo government that the contemplated increase of duty would lead to complica tions with ether cauntrloa. The Hun garian nuthcultica have requested the foreign dopartaont at Vienna to-ra " monstrato with Franco and to threaten the imposition of additional duties on French products. This course is likely to bo followed' elsewhere. Signor Ouitl , the Italian OQononiist , expressing , the opinion that' an increase of duties by Franco will snd In the exclusion of IK7 own produot from foreign markets. According .io London advices there has been a startling incroaao of smallpox cases in tho-fcrltiah metropolis. It is-eald that the narcbor of now cases reported amounts : to-'Svo hundred weekly , rnd that the mortality is about twelve per cent of the total number attacked. Titaro has alao t'eea a serious outbreak in Leicestershire which the authorities declare - clare ! has boon caused nggrivatod throagh the courco of the antiVacslnatlon society. While those things are transpiring on the other eido of the Atlantic- outbreak of the same virulent disease ia roporlad in Hastings county Canada. The socratary of the provincial board of health , pr. Bryce , reports an alarming state of a.&ira. Paics hava been taken to rostrictjcommu- nication aa mur-h as po&iiblo between in fected diatrlcts and the country. THF GREAT SKIN CURE , My u'Jo had a mott rono.ilnu ciupUon make Its ppearaucaon thoflngrri o buih hacc.i-about ! the rstothbt March btiriinaod It wr.i Ivy pol'on. cvrial phjKiciaiis raw , tsjini illaguojlnilt c aho u tb rs pronouncing It l-vlt rheum A | 'ra t many omeitio remedied were used , with no tllfct. Iho 'scaso ' steadily wew uaisc. Too tieKcrlptlon9 ot luce of tnr lory bustpbjs clous were ulod.nith but ttlo het'or results. Th tumble itcl.lnR wjs < > ificat i almoht to dfprliohor of .loop. Alter twomnmhs I this sutlo Ins fcho .iciran lluiiiso of the Oiitlruto tcinollcs.VhutJUthorcsulV Thofirst aprllc Ion ( f the Gutlcnra allajeil the Itch.nB , and tu waf er fuiir months' diJy mo nt them lifr bni8 are ound and well. I doubt until lhy had V 3n cui- ilnycd at first a ere nuid hue Seen ( .fttctoil In a horttlmo Dlt. W. 11 llMil , DiugK'tit. Kranlifort , Ky. Ky.SCULL SCULL HEAD , r. J. TrueeJall , druzulst , Connoaut , 0. , reports acMoasfnilo-.ia. ilu patlcnt'9 bead vtris almrst ft jlldBcib.andthailry scalca oonttantlv falllnj ; OH iln hoiil , nuklnR his 8honlder wliU Ui a few hours. lo Buffered oil tha torments ulnaljle with 111' head urnluijajiditohlcianJ a tczrlblo headache nil the Imo , Tcolt threu bottles ol J.esolvent , UBO ! two joxesCuticura and homo Cutlcura Sjap , anil MOS cuicil. Head Isao cntlitly frao from hdbas It wa ho day > < W1S 1 > ornt ; J ucru Hchlci ; and buniHsf snd no more healaclio 1) teem $ almost niticJuluiu that anythlni ; could u"ro to bad cuaa so quickly Tne latliiitbijfl joudo neil claim ba'f caoti 'h f' DISFIGURtAG. i , Humlllitlrj ; Krurtlon * , Jtehlns TorUrj teoi-j'n , call Hlieiim , aud lufnutllo Iluniord cun. lj the outl'uta llemedloa. CuUcuin U sohent , thu now blood purlBcr.tticuise tl , blocd otd percpuatloa of Imi uiitlci and to-on ous lilTiiunts , and .mi' renio en the cauic. futlcura , the treat HUn Cure , In taLtlr alla > Ikblr K and lollan million , cleans the 8km an t Seal ] r.oils t'lccm and .5ort , acd restorui thu Hair. Cutlcii'a Snap , AQ cxiUhltu | Skirl Uoiut-Jl < > r an Tnl'it HequlMt prepared from Culkiira is lutilipen ittb'oIn Ireatlss ? Skin J > ijeaao . llaby lliuuurs , Sl.l 11 niul hus , C'Vipp'd and 01 y Hklu. Cutlruru H inoJUs are atsolutely pn/f , and tli only InfaliiUo lilooJ 1'uriflira and Hkiu UnutllleiH. Hold tjy where. I'rlce : Cutlciuri , 60 cents Boap , 25 cwits. Itttwlrent , tl. 1'orria RKBO AND CIIUMICALCO , EUMKS MIAM. Use C'uticuri 8aap an oxqul * bkln Cciullrtor. SPECIAL NOTICES TO LOAH-MOBC7. Toloin onreal e > Utu. AiiJitJi l > o & 78 U. H. llut oll'.ce. 825 I lioaoir.\ iraiional privity , chattel * MONKY . . . Omih floft-HW KxchaiiBe , ftrnara H V StSjan MONKY ia lr n on Hlv prn.Mitv In in i of' ' 9M tmlt up. W. H. Hotter , lat-8 rrn\ra CP2..M Ip MONX7TOI.OAN la Bum * of MoOa.M ui.wunK O. F. Pjwls and Co. , KM ! E t te inJ Low A f n * . UOf , y tr.ni Si 8M tf M OMVY lannrt on orntUls. lhllr < J Tlokoto bouxlif and told , . fotintt , SI'S Hth Tft-tf W ANTKlAncrr cnotilehlat 1721 AT , AMMTwi Iho fronts to oollclt Arciclint If Irwift-irv. Apply to K. A. La l > ow 4 Co. Sll S. HthSt. C t | 4 ] WANTKD-Salesladlesnt.M K. M ttlnVi I'M. . . . mmit ( .tore , win h < the IITRC * ! nick aid make * the loiu t prices In Omaha , on furnlliiro ttotcs and carpel * , utlit have 3ti.t-c.nts reference * llOtt \\7ANI BI > Agent * to haudociirKtcctrIcHi ! > lt , , n. . appliance' , r\cltilio tordtorr Rlien. A graml opr-ortnnlt ) lor the rluht parties. Invillr lo by ad rja A'i'g Co. , Karen ? cttv ' , Mo , 'l3JJantlp 1M > 3 Karnam Sf. 110-15 \\7ANTKD Lady * < ms ( or "ijucsn 1'rotcctor' f daisy stocMnir and skirt upporttr * , hot ! . ! r kiacc" , bu tl > 'j , boso-u forms , ilrcaj bh'.olcli , safet.v belts , Rlcoic protectors , & < < . I'.ntlrc ! ) now deure * . nuprcccilejitul prol.lt" Wob.-uotlO npnl n { 100 monthly tIclrc" lth .Uini | M If. Camplrl ' Co. , 0 South May St. Chicago. l\0 j 10 - mvi to uo work aroitnl tore. WAXTRD-Hlrplo SI. V. Mirtln , 310 8v ISthHt. 12V11 \VANTED A city carrhi ( or nicning He . Must M be Intelligent and responsible. Apply itlloo oflc3 ! , J \\7AMTEU-A Rood cooltat tlio Kinmct liouno , i w oiniii jitctcrrol. 103-lOp \\rANTKI-lood ( cook for ustanrant. Appb 31 S ISthsltcct. 10 * 13p TTfANTKU DrcsamalieK , nrprcntico who V > wouU tfslst In liouscwfirk tor Lcrkoird , ii HownrJ St. OS7-13p -100 solicitors , pooJ I ay to the rltht ; in.iii. Addrcfi Nobrteka Mutual SI.irrlao ( Ilcncfit Association , Fremont , Neb Sll'an6 ) | ! ' Acnt9 lid district ( I'co- WANI'D | ; ( nniuiul9 or - pin's IKetlonaiy and Knc.\clo ] > odliI'tlce fl.tl nutflt 81.CO , aiBogood icnt9 | to soil flrobcoka anil Importtil album * on monthly jiojinont * . W.D.I' . IVnnry , room i" , 119 north ICtli 6t , Uniuha. 057 1 'p \ \ * AN7KD By tlioNolrafka Klro mid Waterproo Tl I'altit end llcollnt : Co. , reliable niciiln u\ci\ county in the atato tit organ lo comraalen for work InK our pilnt. There's bin ironey In'it. Tor pnr- tlcukrs ire , adiJic 3 OK. . Mtyac , Secretary mil M nnicr , Umnta. ! 818-Jnn 1 TX/'ANTKD To buy u oltv lot to bo paid In wcoUy V ? or monthly luaullmcnto. Addn us "II. n " Uco ofllco. 210-t T\7ANTKO La-Jltn nnd ( rcntlcmrn to tal > o ritc , 11 H ht , pcMii ! > work at their own homes ( dis tance nu olijcctlftii. Work sent by matli V1 to S5 a day can lie quietly ratilc , no can * asslns. Please ad- drcfa at once , OlOha M't'g Co. , Uoyti.il , HUNK. , box C314. C314.WAiMIU ) IjvilcdorKuutloinon in city or country to takonlcc , I'r.ht and pleasant work at thulr qwn homes , f2 to fJailay easily and quietly made ; work sent by u all ; no c.iuv.i alnK ; DO Btamp for reply Pleaseaddrosa Hdlallo Slan'I'n Co. , l'hllad : phla , 1'a. COI-lm I , ANTKD WiDIKH Oil ( H.N'lLFllEN ID city Vi or country , to take I'lco , llitht nud pleasant work at their ovmhonm ; 92 to { 5 per ( lay evilly and quietly made ; nork taofcbv isall : no cAinconlnp ; ; no stamp ( or runlv. Pit &ao Mldreca llellablo Mtaf'e Co. , . Philadelphia , I'd. 803-1 ui WANTED Sihutie-i as Rciioral housonork In a private ( i'rui j. Utll at 1D20 Dodge St. 13il-ip : ! "T17ANTED Situation bv a bright ncthc niyi ; T V yoira ol ae , anytAing rcej > cct blc. .Addrub 909 Vrhcaion St Omaha. W ANTED A iltfttt'nn as drug clerk by an ex perienced ( ieru.au whovpcakH uo Ki .i li rnd will be satisfied flitn a oniall eal.iry. Adiiro'fl "X. " Hcoollicu. l.-13p Situation fty a youuK married man as trarelninltsraan ! or blllcltrk , In any l > ie , on cr bcforo January let ; hcot ol rcfcrunces. Aildtcss , E. F. , ciro Canflcld llouxe , Omah > . ll > 13p WANTKD Slti'ition , hy druaclst of 13\oareux- perlence In Jln f.-.thnscttn Best of riiorrnccs. Address for fire days , "Diuggist , Center Uank Outhrio Center , Iowa. " OS16p WANTED Position cr,8tenocraphlc , correspond ent. Address "Short-hand" lice olllce. OC4-13p WA ] > rrai > A frcMtio.ii * . . w tb aituttton In a trst ! class t-toio or bankwill endoa\ faithfully to do In nor toanystttlonnsslKncd and accepted botn bond and rc'crcnoo giterhif desired. Ailiirm' "J. W. " Dooolllco. ; 3B-12p manleainioi wnnts situation n book. Aloun kecpor , in wholoaile estibllohmont In Omaha. Addroa0. . " care Bee. atf " | " \fANTED To yurcOiaDe second-hand physician' Y electric battery. Adldreas 009 Wheatmi Bt. -imaha. 1SM8J ) WANTED-To buy pliaoton tr bugy ; muet uo Ilrst o lass and vjry cheap ; state prlcv Vex ia P. O. 123-17p O rye Will btiv a nice decorated toilet ( or O. I u chamber ) s nt Jloody'aChina blorr.cor. Jili and Daenport t-lraat * . li7tf ! 7"AXrKD-IH a raw led can , resident 01 Omaha , of food add ess , with education anf.iTOcnns , a osltlou where he.ciin mike himself ccucr llyino'ul ; otafra'd ' of woiK > palavnot so much of an object ! munition or whuIccUo house preferred. K'forcnco ion and eecurlty If reiiulrod. Addri "X Y. " eo ollk-o. 124-14 | ) WANTKD To rent , room , or pultocf troonsH , fur nished or unfurnished. Address Oi R , A. , 110 N. ICth St. ESCJanS A btrfto of luinlshcd roc.jisnnd hoard WANTED bv a gun'Ii'tnin arid wife within easy uccu a of ' . .oda Opera House. AOdrusj P. O. draw er D4 D4oeoti oeoti D A pattacr with S.100 to take halt inter WANW cst&Uishi'd r.nd protltabla ( luulnesn , ' II I " Ilec olllce , Council BlulU 082-11 w ANTIU Two sr three diy bconUrs at 1GH \Vcbctcrtireot. Hates leasonaWe. I'lC-tJ ' _ WANTED10.300 fanillcu to tr i our self riMcg Pure Hinkwhcat ( luur and Htlf-1 Wng Con loal krpt hy all fliht-o a s grocere. . Wu warrant , all uckwbeat t oMi'indcr our brand pjie. VJ \V CO. , Manufacturers. 811-U \ \ ANTED Ladles and youn-j.incn to Inttrjctln v > book keeping : will wait on , .M'f pay uiHll ui itlons aru Iirni. hul. J. 11. Smith , 1MB Dauglu. AII'.IIJ CH1CKENH I wini a roan in oery tounin tnn state to buy them fur uiah. No mlt mi , o qiia tlty. 1) U. Urcein'r , buj > r anil lilppm of ( Janin poultry ac KpKSt01 , i2 , bC& , nd607 lln./ant strict , Omaha. POU ! : "Hr--.TjouB as anct Lotz. TTTli-Ui KT KurnUhod rfconu at 120 Howard L1 Ht. 13J 111 ] 5 iKNT Sulls of rccres furnUh for light JJ hou u l.euplng , are oci Mvlnall ) v cant In l-eo- incr'afloik.coriur ISth anilllo aid Mi' ' 31 t : < 0t ! HUNT KurnlahecIijDoms 181U 1)3 ixe. I 141ISp - furnished , heiUd room and IOOISXRNr-tarje 1 board , 1(117 ( Capitol A\e. 130-13p F"OltllKNT .4-nall new cotti . JS'Ure | ! ai rf& N. ISth at. bet. I'Mil and hhcrrmn. 870-1 jp FOH HKNT A coodhou u , and truck firm. Kn iiuliuon premi jejiJ8t ncrtlmoat of Cr'tifli'd nmeiory. J.V. . Hhr.nk- . I2l-I2p FOU KENT A hoiiHO , run blnclc from II. & U depot , 61' ' per month , In'iuro ' of \Vhalnii , H ; . o r. 10th uad 1'u lla St. 113p 7 J0lt HKN'T Wik'u front room far tuo Kutillemcn ulth Ilrst rjushjard , at j/13 Howard Kt. lV8-13p T7VOH HENT KurnUhcd rciius at 1117 Howard. JL1 ni8-17p III ' HCtfr-Dvtelliui ; ( , i 8 roumx , ror. KSd and F0. btrccta. Ciulcnll. Iloiliiian & Col ) . 10.--12 7Ort ItKXT A cottage C'f ' 3 rouirs , on 2Ulh btrec I Imi hi-fj-Bt. Jlarj'x avtone'l.'J ; ] j r moiiUi. * ur mi SiUlilcri 13 rt HU.titct. lOltf /OUIlKNI'-Fuml.htilrojiiii , 10IU CalKornu Ht 1 M < s. \ , l.'aMo t.oo < l. iu : ll } | , IjVdl llhNT-Tuii owoiiiK | ! .luronu u.cli , c. > v i. cor. lUriu-v ; ; J 2Ctli. tue Jaiuts IsuUlIu u UCIMUji 1/OilHKNT AUrgo , Imn' . > f0imi'j HJriiUlieil u-ccii 1 fctorout ( rooir , "iithi.ru uJcsuru , ulili i > x cv'lont bjanl , Hi ) Ht. llu > 'd A\u. 073 l 3 011 IlKNTHouse , 9 rooms , good luatlon , SI ' ColU | > , 6rojm8 , i\V. \ iloiw ) , 3 rnoiin , jl' Store , | 3& MuL'aUL'cpp. ; ; P.O. 101 li _ eljjlit rooms , ultuat nl h _ t crn Cnuctund l'lDU in ' .teoU , oi. Hurne sUcti. Jnquiro CJVV. JI.TIi'jiapuJii , Hrri Nation UMk. UStf. 17011 IlKNT Hie lioui.e , fri'in. lu to )0 | * I1 month each. Cool InrnhhvJ room j V't-r mouth. H.C. I'lttetiuu . Uo. ill U jv II Kl NT S' v i.i imi.fi.n > ! . I nr anfnrm hel I If.lj "hic .io S8 1 o ISp IjOIIUKN ? "o'tigo thri > room * , 1. ' . ' 3il t In quire Ht lias JMfcron St. S77 l Ji , ( /OH KKNi Cfcaip , steror > om on St Jlirv'n av . i ? 112-12 U.C. 1'i'lmoiiXt'o. ijViIt HKNr Itmif * , roiM funilsncil romm .vnt JP office rooiiu Joi ! & Ilnimuf , rsoniT Itrnwno UO-10 I port UKAT M'o , Mta , frwit , farnishc.1 rnnra , 1SW Davenport St. 00113 "tr > OH HKNT T.ar fiirpi'St'cd front room , cr xl r closet , 1Prcr until ! : UllC.iHlolA\c. ) tHi-lity- ITKWllKNT-Arloo furnUhtd r < wm Jlbok frcm I : I'ojd'H ' oper * House , | 12 iti monih. Sf , I' . Mar tin , g | 8. lnh. DiS-lf 17OH RKNT Ootnfortatilfitru''lifdrnonn ' In north cnl of the Anderson block , corner IHienpott and Idili. llefer necs exchanged , Apply at room 14. II. H. AndiMou. P7t ( Up TffW UFNTSu.t c' ' limil.hixl room t at 1RJ7 Dcxlgc J. ' St , cily ono nJ halt Mock from Vest oIlVx- . oIlVxW715 W7-15 IpOU HKNT tarno smith frcnt fur-ilshna room with closn. . nil to o. Apply 1450 Chlrnco SU 07S-13p FVl ! USNT-Storo room 1M1 1'Arnnm St , with or without UllllanlUblRS by 1'aulion & 0"W3 tarnainSt , ' os'-tt ITlOll UKNT-1'lMsant furnldiwl roomj 1707 o -1- " MMS MMSp TOK HKXr Bulto of rooms ami boA'J ) 181t x1 UO.IKO. nia ) tn i TTAOll . KKNT Two furnlslicil rcoir- loll S. nth St. ; JL' S Mocks ft m depot. 019'llp FDIIKKNT Dirlialiljfumfehnl room 111 South HKNT-Storobulldlrit with rrsldcncn all for - f.2. per roontli In need legation. 1) . I. Thomas MO-tf P OH HENT tf.tgo .outlK.n t room , largo ! window cloict , lire place ( lul bathroom prhl- leges ; houno nnd furnltiiro tew ; 601 8. 20th "treet , ono Hash north of at. llarjV ni-cnuo , 01911 I poll rtKHT I'tirnlshcd or un'urnlshccl ' rooiiw.ncH' 1 brick block , corner 10th nnd Clik'.iK" ati. _ POl-jMi-Sp fpOH HKNT A nlno room lieu c : i\r \ irr. o m-i- 1 tlon ; J40 per month. Uarker if JI jne. P03K FOH HKIfT Klcuantiv furnished room" , EUiRlo or cimilt , H , IV. corner 17th nndC.v.i. OjO-6 IpOH HKNT roth near St. Slarr's n\n. , now cot- 1 taste font joitns , closets , pantfy , icihr an 1 hall. Ctill 217 f > outh 13th. SID t ( FDHHKHT Cbttnpo o ( three room , 23d and Clarl : itrotti. JiHiilro | of ( > t > n SIcCalTrey , 5th mil Uoughu , cr at 3. K. Cor. J.ictogn and lOtli. Mfltt. Oil liKNV 7Urnl hcd roomrndliordf6.00 per ftock. Very best location , 1814 Davenport. IJIOll IlliNT Nc t.cottnso 3 room * . In ? , pantry 1 c.oect an. ! cc'br ' , SlitO , as ! other cheap fen montj. II. I , . Ti-oir.vt. 810-tf FOH HKNT Homo lth B ronmsand lara. Ap- J plv to 1'ViiR , Xo. 012 south 10th Bt 814-tf - E10R | HKNT Ono fix room house on 2it mid Har J neyKt. A. H. Gladstone. 794-tf F1OR IIIINT 7 room hrlet homo , Inrn , well auudslutnlll rent cheap to thorlRhllenant tr sell on ojsj mout.lly payments. AMICS,1C07 Karnam street. 7dJ-tt 77011 HKNT t ) room hoii9n , flno yard , Pfirk a\o. .U AMKS , 1507 baraamSt. 701 tf FOR IlKKT Fiitiiiahcd rooms brick block , modern Improvements ! , ono block from Teat oUj S.V. . - ' - - - corner- " 710H IIIJ'O * A new house of 10 roomsand a barn , hard nnd uclt watrr ; on Pirk avenue , - MocVg rom yurnam street Inqnlru 013 Karnam. CUltl FOH HUNT Four room callage S. 13th t Bar I.cr ft4Maync. 388 tf FOH HUNT Tocjonycincn only , a plcaroat fur- nlshul room , S. K. corner 20th and Donrjva. 114-tf FOH HKNTLlc ant 11 room house , hard and soft water r.lltmdo.ti.lujprcnoTnonte , best Ui-otlon In city $70. Barlior A Maync , 13th and Fani&m. 822-tf HnNT Two nKjtly furnlohod front r onn FOU with or ithoui-boartf. Stoics In each , 1318 Capitol avc. C7 > .iBC-14p EOll KENT Tm > chcant rooms In Ilodldi'fl Mock. Paulson i Co. , Itrj Karnam. MMf FOH KE > fT Fciabhed front room for rent 222 N 13th St. I13-U RCOirS With board , des rab o or winter * Apply at at. Clmila lletol. " FOB SALE. FOH SAI.i : Ata Olioonnt , Upe writer ; vs&d month. Ad It MS Typo Writer , BCD otCib. ISMSji JiXlSALK New and secondhand furclUire and J stcvee , aiUCumin.rS * . 13M-17p r ORSALKOUTI'.ADI For a cow , neirlv new ' Garland h < atlniESu < > c. Acdrces 11. A. J. , Heo -3 [ TlOH SALE 1 delhcry wagon , 10 foot luncb conn. [ ? trr ; wllliaut part-iWstore. Koora 2C , > N. 10th. not' . 3 0P. RALr-"C.5l05 * ot on ( Turning st'cat 3 Mocks J west of Ull.biry liulje , $1,60J. pposilo I'oitollke. ! U9-tf 2 011 PALK 13 xli:4 : feet on corner , Houth-ca t i ? fro't , ho-ue ! 1 loims , barn , 3 bloclttj- went of arka\o.und \o-iorth , ean.v pa\.ft'it , < heap 1,700. John L. JlcCngtie , oppusito 1'ott Oilic-t. ! U3-tf 7 > nil SALE A * , a ba'B lnono ; elig nteot , rhamher I ? f'irnltuff' , r > hc vv cold framed [ lotures , tin * rog- lito'clw't , El'y * " ' fiijobiu'silii rarh.lODo nearly ow Knibo pliiio. for particular j in-uie | t thin Illce. K2-12 'TVOll ' SA.I.V The Te-nppranco Uldlird Im'l contain l' log B Mill > rd and 2 , 0 IVcVut potl tx" > cs on easy Icrn-'j. ' Iho nnlv pUce ol the l-.bw In the nty nqulra thu r.rnn.wick Ualko Colluudor W ) . , 609 Ot' t. , ( iniuhi Nab. 071 12 [ T10H SALE Tviolctnon ( Scoria r.ii. , t .1 r it P harirnln. Aloiino rcHldoiico on I > arlta > o.i < ha ii. OTIEIV & COI13 , 1015 Farnum t 017-U raoil BALK 'lVoh < ine < nnil lot .on Ilunry nnl P UJd > brinKUiK lO ifit pof mo.iUi. New Voiu ) ry gojlutwre. Oi2-19p FOH SALH Cheap ; a Oetaurunt ; good locatlo 220 North l&th Mt. , USr.UP RAI.K Horacfi , inulis , lian cs * wid wagons FOK tun > card time. Utal osUtu BCCU Ity J. L. Thomas. OIt HIM : OH EXCIIANOi ; At 9I ( ' poi acru , all F cr i.ait of twothoimnl acres of timber land , orty mUe'uartof Kansas City , wll oxrhaiifu for Nobrwilsa laud or uioccliaiulUi , Bcnlfeid , Hcur It ) qIs. . MOtf _ 'IALK Homo (0 ( rooanlqjid 'our lote. . Wll FOH chi > ap In ordtr to pai ln.me < liato chtn i ) o loenonftiijULAtli of my cu.U , 'I. E. Par'.tt , O 70-dccl'J FOIIHALE Cheap , aiM 1 room cottif lull lot. on fjratlc , rltj water 10th u'.rett , lulf iblockS. ofilcav < nuorth , west sldu , toiuis cany. M .l.co , gro cer vtil nnd LoavPiiwortHit/tet. 748.i FCU SALK A whole tock ct ciothlrif , boots an tj'jom , lulldlni3 ; at no t , retiring Irca ) huslneoi ; . 0.1L letov ou & 04 uoutu Vmtli Htreot. 113-3m AHD Klrst-Ma3j.Uut.rd and beds Jl pur H euk i : BO 1S12 Uapitol aio. 7Kfl Icr2 p A p/\j li so,4jca's ili. msrk rn oft STRAYED . Hi.-1-.nii to Inrn JUtn vid Caasir hi , and ( 'ft regard. OUtf jHH IHADK IJuolaesi block < viuiled b. ' . inod ; JL1 tin-itilor a ifooil randiu or fojuipr0i > eitv tint. Will m Ko KorJiiaijcho. Addr. tt "uaucbi , " Hco > * ' " " " ollbs. , ' . > IIIOV Tjl'vn.'W add'tiwi ' lalo. PAUISHN'U.ADi ncrtlarn | 'iit o ( tliu i'or , wbuJO but litt e titr-lli's ' l r.ran.i.iri , but when giudud will to from 2 ( oUfcot ubovugiit.ii Tha btrvtt iaM 140 i.on running through Ituuil hy Muy 1 ; USIi , will ho coijiiuud MI h tru HaiuiduM Btntt c-u lli'U whlobj will Hociir/i iinilniili ; oar. itwo lots an put down at low lUU'is. 1'ur ta'u by > lulwii & Cu , Ib.'Jr Wt- . ANUIll'SS tOVNDi'V-lCJH. llthdtritt , IltlH , 111 i. Hth HI , Katnu ft L' tc.jon ! , L'l'-One vtu.X horw. ( our wilts ( eut , | "JtIVY ! twill" , Hi V * i * * > < > rcwnaoli cKwicd tht i Hliortie * . notlus iudutaii < lme of ttndvy , In aa cn ) r. ly or .rt' ii f.y wlthanUbi lea < t m l < yiratlcn .nUcr Vfihbore , utli our iun > roved tnd " > . ri > irt. A. Krtui It Oa.t Oil Cailtul SJ L5 ? MA UNDERTAKERS I At lb eltl ntund UI7 7 ni n | 3trt A Oidi/j tf Ulegjii.h . - . ' > --itrO A < i t K t * "m/ . V. .id . " . . .