OA1AHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13 k\ OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL 82W,000 ) SUKPLU8 MAY 1,1681 30,000 IHKCTOIWJ H.f.Wl TATES , ! A. K. TODZAUH , PrMldtnl. VIM President V. UOOHK , JNO. 8. COtUNS , LEWIS8. IIF.KD nt K. Haydnn , AtsltUnt and Acting C hl r. i omcil The iron Bank , ( JOB , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A GENERAL UANKINQ BU3INE83 TRANSACTED , INTEREST allowed on Umn deposits upon avorabls taring and npoa woounU of bankj nd bankers. FOREIGN KSOIIAKGB Government Bonds and County nd City aocnrlUM bought nd told. la ita troatmontof otutomors thoraoat _ HOT trftl policy is pursued coualstont witli snfotd' i nd lonnu banking , and wo invilo oorrcsponcQ eneo or personal Inquiry In connection there with FINANCE ASBCOMMtHCE. FINANCIAL. NKW YonK , December 12. Money In i > d supply At 1@1J , nnd closed nt 1 per cent o fu.-al , Prime pnpor lJ@Gc. Sterling Bills Finn nt1 8H ; demand Govornmonta Steady. Railways Irregular. Stocks It was a brokers' market to-day on h o Block exchange , Lackawanna was made t'l o mentis of depressing the whole market. Compared with yesterday the closing prices re J to 3jj per cent lower , except Louisville & Niwhvillo nnd Canada Southern , which are n r i ction higher. OOOTONH. 8'a 101 4Va Coupons 1139 U. S. now4's 123 § PaclfioG'aof ' 05 120 BTOOK3 AND BONDS. Central paciho 95 Chicago & Alton 128 do do pfd 145 Chicago , Burlington & Quiney 110 Delaware , Lackawnna & Western 99i Denver &Kio Grande 83 Erie 14 do pfd 27 Illinois Central 118& Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 13 Kansas & Texas 1C , Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 53 Loulsvillo & Nashville 25j { Michigan Central CG { Missouri Pacific - 02 Northern Pacific 1C ? do do pM 393 Northwestern 84 s do pfd 12 U New York Central 87J Oregon Trans-Continental 12g 1'acific Mail 63 P. D.&K 114 Pullman Palace Car Company 107 } Kock Island 109 8t. Louis & Sun Francisco 20 do do pfd 39J Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 734 do do do pfd lOi ) St. Panl&Omaha 254 t do do pfd 80 Toxaa Pacific 12 Union Pacific -18 , Wabaub , St. Louis & Pacific 6 do do do pfd 12 Western Union Telegraph CO. O. E. &N 70 PRODUCE. CHICAGO PRODUCE , CHICAGO , December 12. Flour Quiet and nnchanped. Wheat Unsettled , flnctunted frequently , opened ( inner , advanced jjc , declined 3@lc , advanced i@Be , declined go and closed &c under yesterday ; 71jo | for cash and Decem ber ; 7171iio for January ; 723@72Jo for Pobruary ; 783@78 c for May ; No. U rod , 73c ; No. 3 red , Corn Quiet ; early firm , advanced Jc for year and January , . } c for May , later weaken- d , cbecd year ic aud Jamury Jo over yeator- day ; 37Jcfor cash ; 37Zc for the year ; 35 > j@ 35Jo for January ; 344@3'o ! for Pebruary ; 37437c for May. No. 3 34e. Oats Dull and easy ; 2 ic for cash and December - comber ; 24J@241c for January ; 272@28c for May. Rye Quint at 62c. Barley Nominal at 63@51e. Timothy.Seed Steady ; prime 1 17@1 19. Flax-Jo bettor ; No. 1 , 1 35. Pork Active , weak , unsettled and firmer , early 5@7jo higher , weakened 20@25o and closed steady ; 10 75@10 87i for cash ; 10 75@ 10 77ifor December ; 10 77410 80 for Janu ary ; 10 90 ® 10 92i for February ; 11 Oa@ll 02i for March ; 11 30@11 ? 2J forMay. Lard Active , weak , unsettled and declin ing OQlOc , closed steady ; G 55 0574 for canh and Dooomber ; C 574(250 ( 00 for January ; OG7i@G 70 for February ; 0 75 6 G 77i for March. Bulk Moats -Shoulders , 4 G2i@175 ; short clear. G 0500 10 ; short rib * . 5 45 ( 5 50. Whiskey 1 13. Butter- Dull and unchanged ; good to fancy creamery , 2127c ; fair to choice dairy , 14 @ 20c. Choono More active ; cream cheddars , 10 J @lllc ; skim * , 3 Go. ICgga Stouly ; fresh , 23@24c. Hides Steady and unchanged ; green salted , heavy fully cured , 8c ; light , 84c ; calf , 11 @ 12c. Tallow Steady and unchanged ; No. 1 cquutor , 6jfc. Receipts. .Hhlp'ta. Klour , bbls 12,000 28,000 Wheat , bushels 161,000 15,0ro Corn , bushels 81,000 155,000 Oats , bushels CQ.OOO 05,000 Kyo , buaholH 0,000 l.dOfl Barley , bushels 4&.000 39,000 BT. LODI rnonucE , ST. LODIB , December 11 ! . Wheat Lower nnd > low except No. ' _ ' rod cash , which wns better ; No. 15 rod. 7 < ! ; j@77c for cash ; 7" fur Pecumber ; 7fii ( ! > 78 c for Jnnuary ; Slip ® 81. closing 80g for Kobriiary ; 8C&83J , closing bG@b'GJ for May. " ' ' " Corn I" for c.'ia ! closing I ) . J for May , Oats-lUKher but slow ; 25S bid for cash 252 forJauiiary ; $ \ lot May. Stye Dull ; 47ic. Barley-Dull ot rijc70. ( Butter Unchnnged. Flaxsewi-Stendy ; 1 20@1 30. Hay Steady and uuchtnged. Bran Steady and unchanged. Corumoul Slow 1 00@'J OU. CALL BOAIU ) Wheat Knuier ; 7feicfor'Jau. lury ; St5jJrtdkCJofor M y. Corn-tiulet ; 32 for February ; 34go for May. Oats No sales anil bids louer. I.IVEIU'OOL. LIVKIUXJOL , December 12. Breadstuiru tjuli-t. Wheat-Winter ( la Kd@7 ; spring Gs 8d@ Cd llil Corn 5a 7d. vonK. NEW YORK , December 12. Wheat ] 8po steady ; options a fraction lower ; receipts. 49 , 000 ; exports , 80.000 ; No. 2 spring , 8'c ; un graded led , G.Va8 0 ! No 3 rod , 75O754e Mo. 2 red , r'JldSSlc ; February closing aCorn Corn- Spot opned l@3o lower and unset tled ; recBlpti 95.000 ; exwrt | , 09,000 ; un irraded 4GV.61o ; No , 2 nominal at 63@53Jc , Kvbmary closing at 4GJc. Data 4@Jo lower ; receipts , 23,000 ; uonei mlxtxl wratern , 31 ® 33o ; white , Barley Steady. Kggs Wontern fresh , quiet and iteadr , Pork Dull and nominul ; new in MS , 12 Lard Weak } western steam upot , G95 © 05. 05.ButterDull nnd lower ; SOfl. Bulk Moats Dull nnd nominal } chowder i , 00Jj nhort ribs , 0 00. Whisky Firm nt 111 , TOLKIW. ToLttx ) , Decombcr 12. Wheat- Quiet ; No. red , ca h and December , G7c. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash nud the year , 40c. Oats Steady ; No , 2 cath nnd the year , CJc. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY , December 12 Wheat Weak- r ; cah 4i 4cj January OOjc ; Mny 67gc. Corn-Sfoadv ; cash 27ic bid , 27c nuked ; December , 27ic ; January , 201@6jc ! ! ( ; Mny , OaU Imll nnd nominal } 22jc bid , 22 Jo Mk d. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , December 12. Wheat Good lemnnd ; No. 2 red , 70c. Corn-Strong nnd higher ; No. 3 mlxed,3jc. Oats-Strong ; 28o Jive Firmer at 64@55e. Barley Steady ; extra No. 3 fall , 70c. Pork-Dulltat 11 BO. Lard Hauler nt 000. Bulk Meats Quiet ; shoulders 75 ; chert ib. 5 87J. \VhIiky-Stoody nt 111. BALT1MOBB. BALTIMORE December 12. Wlioat Easier , losing dull ; No. 2 winter red spot , 79 © Corn Western , firmer and dull ; mixed pot , 48@48ic. Oats Steady ; Western white , 31@33c ; nixed , S0@31c. Rye Quiet ; C2@C5c. Eggs Steady and nctivo nt 20@2Sc. Whiskey-Steady ; 118@119. MILWAUKEE. MILWAUKEE , December 12. Wheat Weak ) fo. 2 Milwaukee , 71c : December G8Jc ; 'nnuary , 70iJc ; February , 71Jc , Corn Fair demand ; No. 3. 34c. Oats Firmer nnd scarce ; No , 2 , 23Jc. Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , C3c bid. Barley Weak ; No. 2 spring nnd cash and nnuary , COc. NEW OKLEANS. NEW OHLBANS , Decombcr 11. Corn Quiet n sacks whlto nnd yellow mixed , 4Sc. Oats Western , quiet. 37c. Corn Meal Quiet at 215. Pork- Dull and lower 11 50. Lard Firm ; ticrco refined , 7 374 ; kcSi 374. hiskoy - Steady ; western rectified , 1 05 ® 25. LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , December 12. Drovers'Journal oports : Hogs Receipts , 31,000 head ; dull ; opened toady ; rough packing , 8 90@4 10 ; pocking and shipping 4 10ffl4 37J ; light , 3 90@4 25 ; kips , 300@400. Cloeod weak with 80,000 n first and second hands unsold. Cattle Receipts , C.400 head ; slow and toady ; Clinstmas beores , G 50@7 35 ; export , i 00@G 50 : common to choice shipping , 4 GO @G 00 ; inferior to good cows , 2 203 ( 90 ; lockers , 3 00 ® 1 00 ; feeders , 3 75@t 50. Sheep Roceipta , 2,600 ; fairly active ; In- erior to good , 2iOO@3 50 ; choice , 4 00@4 40 ; arabs , 4 00@4 50. ST. LOCIS. Sr. Louis , Decorabor 12. Cattle Dull ; hipping grades good dojnand ; butchers'stock quiet ' ; exports , G 00@6 25 ; common to choice hlppi , ng , 4 00@G 00 ; butchers' steers , 3 75 © 1 75 ; cows and heifers , 3 00ft4 00. Sheep Receipts , 200 ; dull ; [ common to : hoice , 175@3 CO. Hogs Receipts , 8,900 ; active and higher ; ieht , 3 90 @ 4 OD ; packing , 4 10@4 30 ; heavy , 4 20@4 33. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY , December 12. Cattle Re ceipts , 1,400 ; dull and weak ; exports , 5 10 ® " > 40 ; common to choice shipping , 4 20@5 00 ; oetlers , 2 G0@4 25 ; COWB , 2 75@3 30. llogs Receipts , 7,500 ; opened higher nnd clo' : d lower ; 4 C0@4 2 I. Sheep Receipts , 120 ; steady ; fair to good , 2 25@2 75. OMAHA MARKETS. Wholesale Prices. Omen OP THE OMAHA BEE , ) XViday avanlnir , Joe inbor IS , f Tlio following prices nro charged retailers > y jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is inotod nt the prices furnished by the elevators nnd other local buyers : Grain Wheat Cash No. 2 , 54 Jo. Barley Ca h No. 2 , 41 Rye Caah No. 3 , 3Sc. Corn-No. 2 , 22c. Oata-No. 2 , 19c. lilvc Stoclt Mar Ice t. Hog ? were firm at 3 C0@3 50. The cattle market to-day was quiet and jutchors' stock wai quoted at 3 00gj3 50. fiheep wer t quoted at 2 00@2 75. Hides. Steady ; green butchers' GJ green salted , 8@ ! i ; dry flint 12 ; dry salt 10@11 damaged iides , two thirds prico. Tallow 4J 51. Sheep Polta-25@l 00. Flour ami Millstuffe. Winter Wheat Best quality patent nt 2 80 @ 3 00. Second quality 3 20 ® 2 60. Spring wheat Best quality , patent , 2 81 ® 290. 290.Second Second Quality 215@2 50. Bran G5o per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Its. , 8@9c. Corn Mo.tl 90c(3)l ( ) 0) per cwt. Screening G5@7fio per General Produce. Apples Receipts continue heavy , only choice stock salable at 2 00@2 50. Bulk re ceipts selling at 25@GOc per bushel , uccording to quality. Beans Very dull. Only clean stock sale able. Nnveis ( clean ) per bushel , 1 25 61 50 : medium , 100(5)1 ( ) 25. Comb Honey In good demand. Receipts very small and moot with ready sale at 18@ 20o in 1 and 2 Ib frames. Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright per Ib. , 2G@28c ; common to good dark per Ib. , 16@20c. Butter Is in right liberal supply , but the prices are quite steady on the better qualities while inferior grades nro somewhat dragging. Some summer-packed stock is received occa sionally which only brines 7c to 8c. Wrap the rolls in thin clean muslin and avoid mixing ditleront qualities in one package if possible. Creamery , 2.Jf 25j ; choice dairy , lG18o ; fair to coed , 12@15c ; inferior groilea. 8@10c. KgKS Receipts are still a little In ovceaa of demand , however the 2l'o market of the last Tow days has cleared up stocks pretty well ami the fa-Ming in now more firm. Poultry Is greatly improved and the old prices ro-eatabliahed and expected to remain firm from now until tlio holidays providing the wealher does not go b ck on us again. As it is an old experience that the laitday or two preceding the holidays generally bring a glut of poultiy nnd often reduced prices Instead oi advanced , vo w uld advlao ehippera not to hold elf any longer than necessary but to ship ri < nt aloug while prices nro fair. In order to obtain top prices for dreaacd poultry in this market , the sime Hhculr ! be dry pUked , en trails removed and head and feet cut olf. Li\o poultry very dull and not adtiaablo to chip chickensd _ esaod , per Ib. . choice 9&10a ; fair to good , 0@7c ; poor , 4@5c ; turkoyu , dressed , per Ib , choice , 12iall3c ; fair tii ( food , 10@llc ; poor , 8(2.Uc ( ; pee * * , dressed , per Ib. , choice , He ; fair to good , 9Co)10j ) ; poor 7@8oi ducks , dress ed , per 11) , , choice , 12o. fair to gooJ , lOffllle. Gaiuo All kinds In good demand nud prices firm. Deer has been a little dull lately , but Christina * demand \\ill doubtless bring better price * . In shipping birds ( excepting geeeo and ducks ) pack thorn in tight packagBg , boxes or barrel * , nnd ship as " | > oultry. " Deer carcass , per Ib. , G@7c ; deer saddle * , per Ib. , 11 @ 18c ; autclo ! * ? , carcaaa , per Ib. , G ic7c ; antelope - lope eaddlea , per Ib. . 11 12 ; prairie chick ens , per doieu , $376 ; quail , 81.00@1/J3 ; geeae , per dozen , ? 3.00oi60 ; jack rabbiU per dozen , $ .00@S5 00 ; small rabbits , tw d ° ) Ml00@l ; 26 ; snipe , per dozen , $1.00 ( < n 1.26 ; decks , mallard , 1.50@e3.00 ; t al and mixed , § 1.60. Pot toea-Nn receipt ) nnd pricca nominal , per buih. 30@40c. Onions In fair demand , per bushel , 603 Popcorn Market glutted. Sales slow at li 2s per Ib , Meant Dem nd vtry light nnd stocks bcntv. Only clean stock fAlnblo. Ciilcr-"Ohio" bbl 700 "York - D r , , ; State" per bbl. , 8 00 ; per 4 bbl. , 4 7fi ; con densed porKftl 85c ; crab apple per gal 35c. Cbwie Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon sin nawl2jc ; young American , 12 a 13c. Mnplo Sugar Pure , in bncks , per Ib. IRe , Ohio , 13c ; smal cakes 12Jo. Sweet Potatoes Only choice largo , salable at li@2c per Ib. Grocer TJ CANNED GOODS. Uysto.s Standard ) j > er coco. 390 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per caso. 220 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 ; California pears per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 5 00 ; iwnche' per cose , 5 90 ; white cherries per wise , G 7fl ; plnmn per case , 4 50 ; whortleber ries , per CMC , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green gagoi , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 IK ) ; pine aples , 5 Ib , per case , 3 20@5 60 ROPB Sisal , 4 inch and larger , 9c , | Inch , 91c , 1 inch , lOc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 1C * , 12c , 8s , 12JC , : > oxe % 4'ilbs ' , 1C oz , Gs. 14c. MATCIIES Per caddie , S5c ; round.rl.caso 2 65 ; square , onaes , 1 70 ; Oahkosh , casea gr .0 ulated. 3xtra C. w , cAbiii dark yellow , 5c. COKFKKS Ordinary grades , 12@12\c ; fair. 12 © 13Jc ; good,13ic ; prime. 14@15Jc ; choice. eu. lujfc ; Aicuaugmin a .v v v.v ruasiuu , j.uju. Imitation Java , lGf@18Jc ; Clark's Aurora , 15fc. 15fc.SYROPStandnrd Com. . 30c. bbls ; Standard do , 4J gallon kctrs , 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 40" SODA In Ib papers. 3 20 per cose ; keg , per lb,2jc. PICKLKS Medium in barrels , G 00 ; do In half barrels , 3 60 ; small , in barrels , 7 00 ; do in half barrels , 6 00 ; gherkins in barrolr , 3 00 , do in half barrels , 4 50 , TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice , 60@7Gc ; good Imperial , 40@43c : choice. GO ® G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice , 05 @l 00 ; Jnpnn , natural leaf , 75c ; Jnpnn choice , G075c ; Oolong good , 85@40c ; Oolong choice , I'CaSSc ; Souchong , good , 30@40c ; choice , 35 @ 45e. . RICK Louisiana , pnmo to choice , G@ic ; fair , 5c. ] [ FISH No. 1 mackerel , half bbla. , 7 ; 5o Fnmilyibbl3.,42r ; No. 1 kits. 1 06 ; family kits , COc ; No. 1 whitefish , half bbls. , G 50 ; No. 1 kits , 95ci family halt bbls. . 300 ; family kits andlpalls , COc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , 5 25. WOODINWAIIE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; well- buckets , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's White Russian , 5 20 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15. POTASH Ponnsylvnnia cnns , I cans in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt1 * ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; An chor ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist stick , lOJc. VINEGAR Now York npplo , IGc ; Ohio ap ple. 13c. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ash ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO , Ba , 3 GO. STAKCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Corn Starch. 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7jc. SriCEa Pepper , 17c ; spice , 14c ; cloves , 20c ; cassia , 15c. DnY FRUITS No. 1 , quarter apples , bbls , 5AcN ; C sliced , boxes , CJc : evaporated , boxes , 3Jc ; blackberries , boxes , lOJc ; peaches , $ - boxes , 8ic ; poaches , evaporated , 14c ; rasp berries , 32c. Dry Goods. BHOWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Je ; Atlan tic P , Gc : Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jo ; Beaver Dam LL , Gc : Lawrence LL , 6Jo ; Pa- cifio II , 7tfc ; Royal Standard , Gjc ; Indian Hc-vd A. 7Jc ; Wauchusott A , 7Jc. FINK BnowN SHEETINGS Argyle , GJc ; Pop- perell R , 7c ; Salisoury R. Cic. BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , GJc ; Bal lon , 7-8 , BJc ; Cumberland , 4-4 , So ; Davoll DD , 8Jc ; Fairmount , 4ic ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 9c ; Glory of the West , Sic ; Golden Gate , 8fc ; Hill 7-8. 8c ; Uill 4-4. 7Jc ; Lonsdale , 7Jc ; New York Mills , lljc : Wanwuttn , lOJc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljci Bos ton , 10 oz , 14 Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River "DUCKS ( Gray ) -West Point , 8 oz. , Ho ; West Point 10 oz. . IJo ; Point Hour , 8 oz. , llo. TICKINQS Amoskeag 13Jc ; Continental Fancy , 9Vo ; Oordis lOJc ; Pearl River , 12c ; ork , 12icj Hamloton Awnings , 12Jo. DBNIM3 Amoskosp , 14c : Beaver Creek AA 12c ; Beaver Creek BIJ , lie ; Beaver Creek CC. lOc ; Havmakera , 80 , .Talfrey D& T , 12fc ; Jaffrov XXX , 12 c ; Pearl River. 13c ; War ren AX A ( brown ) , I2c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CC ( brown ) , lUc. CASiiiijica Fifth avenue glove finish , 43s ; Keystone glove finish , 5c CoRSKr JKANS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c ; earsayer. 8Jc ; Rockport , 7c. P HINTS -Aliens , 5Jc ; American , fijc ; Arn- ds , Gc ; Cocheco , Go ; Harmony , 4c ; Inaigo. 4 c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; Steel River , 5Jc ; Charter Oak , 4 0. PBINIS SlHUliNaa American , 5c ; Cocheco , Be ; Gloucester , Be ; Sonthbr'dge , 4Jc ; Waver- lya , 4c ; Roaedalo , 4c. GlNailAM3 Amoelieag ataplo , 8Jc ; Bates staples. 8 0 ; Lancantcr staples , 8u ; Plunket plaids. 9c ; Hudson cliecka , 8Jc ; Amoskeag Perulana , UJc. DBESH GOODS Atlantic nlpacca , 9Jc ; Per sian cashtr re , 23Jc ; Hamleton cashmere , IBJe ; Hamloton Fancus , 1'Jc ' ; Hamleton brocades , 15 c ; Arlington brocade , 18c , PAINTH IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. 5Jc ; will to lead , St. Louis , pure , ojc ; Maraoil les green , lito 5 Ib cans , 20o ; French zinc ; green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie , French /inc. in varniah asat. , 20c ; French zinc , in oil aast , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib ns , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown , 13c ; refined lampblack , I''c ; coach black and ivory black , IGc ; drop bl tck , IGc ; Piuaiiau blue , 40c : ulCramarino blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L M. & D. , IGc ; Parii green , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tus can rod , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P.- : yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D. O , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent llryor , So ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , luc , Heavy Hardware Iilst. Iron , ratea , 2 30 ; plow stool , special caat , Go ; crucible , 7ci special or Gorman , Cc ; cast too ; do , lOa'JOc ; waou spokes , sot , 2 2Ga3 00 ; hubs per set , 1 20 ; toiloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70a85c. axlec , cash , 76c ; square nuts per Ib , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , Gal2c ; malleable , 8c ; Iron wodgfs , Gc ; crowbars , G- ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring stool , 7a8c ; Burden's horse shoe * , 4 40 ; Burden's muleshoos , 6 70. BAKDED Winu In car lots. 4 00 per 100 , NAILS Ratea , 10 to GO , 2 30. SlIOT-Shot , 1 85 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 10 : do half kega , 3 48 ; do , quarter kega , 1 88 blasting , kegs , 3 3i ; ( use , per 10U feet , COc. LEAD Bar , 1 G5. COAL - Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Bloflaburg , 10 00 ; Whitebreaat lump , fi 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , D 00 ; Iowa nut , ft OOi Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra ciet , 11 23all 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton. Ijcutlicr. Oak sole , 3S42c ; hemlock solo , 28@33c ; hemlock kip , Ka ; runner < i5c to 76c ; hemlock calf , 85 to 1 00 : hemlock upper , 22 to 2lc ; oak upper , 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 60 j calf kid , Si@35c ; ( Jreisen kill , 2 50 to i ! 75i oak kip 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip. 1 10 to 1 51) ; French calf , 1 2j to 2 00 ; russetts 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 50 ; tupping , 9 00 to 1050 ; 11 , L. Morocco. 30 to35c ; ebblo O , D Morocco 35c ; simou , 2 60 @ 3 00. IlAHMBn No. 1 star oak , 3lc ! ; No. 2 , 34c : 35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , Site ; No. 1 do , 3le ; No , 1 Milwaukee 31c ; No. 2 do , 3c. : ! No. 1 Pitta oak har , 3Go ; No. H Pittj oak har , 3lc , ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol , 2 20 per wine gallon extra California spiritx ; IS8 proof , 1 If per proof gallon ; trlpplu tellneil epirits , 18 ; proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; redlstillei whiskies , 1 00 * l M ; fine blended , 1 50 2 CO GINS Imported , 4 60GOO ; domestic , 1 40 @ 3 00. Runs Imported , 4 WG OOjNew England 1 ! W'S4 ( 00 ; domestic , 1 fO'irS 50. PKACII AND AITLK BIUNDY- 7594 00. ClIASirAQNES Imported , per case , 28003 31 00 ; American , per cate , 12 00lu 00 , Tobacco. Ping Tobacco-Climsx , 4c ! ! ; Bullion , 45c IIor eiihoo , 44c , Star , 4 c ; Rudy , 45c ; Her- sey' , 40c ; BUck , 3S10 ; Sptarhead , 4Go : Our ROJM. 43c ; Piper Heidsieck. Clc. Fine Cut-Common , 30 j Medium , 4Cc ; ? oed , 45@COc ; Hard to Boat , "Oc ; Favontp , OOc ; Diamond Crown , 65c ; Sweet Sixteen , iGo Smoking . S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOc ; iiliam , Ificcz. Met Durham , 8 or. , 5."c ; lur tarn , 4 o ? , 57 ; Durham , 2 oz. , ( > tc ; Kcal of North Carolina , 1C oz.,41c ; Seal of North Car olina , S oz , . 43c ; Soil of North Carolina , t OK. , ISc : Seal of North Carolina. 2 oz. , 60c ; O. K. Durham. J oz. , 2Sc ; O. K. Durham , 2 07 , 30c ; Uncle Neil , i's 25c ; Tom and Ju-ry , 23c. Imnilior. WHOLESALE. Wo quoin lumbfT. lath and shingles on car at Omaha nt the following prici * : JOIST AND SCANTLING 1U foot and under , 2000. TISIDKRS 1C foot and under , 20 CO. TIMHBU AND JomT-20 ft , , 2300 ; 24ft. , 2500. FKNCINQ No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 2000. SlIKATHINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BoAima-A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOOMNO-NO. 1 , 40 00 ; No , 2 , 35 10 ; No. 3 , 25 00. SIDINO , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No , 3 , 0 00. CEILING -5 , 37 00 ; 3.2500. SHI.VOLES , best 1 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 | > cr M. LIME Per barrel , 125 : bulk par 'bushel , 35c ; cement ; bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , lair per bus , 50c ; tarred felt , 100 Ibs , traw board , 350. DRUGS AND CHKMIOALS Acid , carbolic , 40c ; acid , tartaric , 50c ; balsam copaiba , per Ib. , I5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12c ; calomol. per b , 90c ; cinchonidla , per oz , , ? 0 4,5 ; cliloro- bnn , per Ib , 51 05 ; Dovors powders , per Ib , SI 25 ; opsoni salts , per Ib , 3Jc ; Rlycerino , lure , per Ib , 25c ; lead acetate , per Ib , SOc ; oil : aator , No , 1 per gal. . 51 50 ; oil castor , No. 3 ier gal. , § 1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal . $1 40 ; oil , origanum , 5Cc ; opium , 5150 ; quinine , P. & W. , and R. & S. , per oz. , 51 00 ; potassium , Iodide , per Ib. . 83 00 ; saltcin , per oz. , 40c ; tulphato morphito , l > er oz. , $3 40 ; sulphur , JOT Ib. , 4c ; strychnine , per oz. , 51 35. Faints Oils nnd VnrnlHlics. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 12c ; 150 o leadlipht , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , l Jc ; 150 ° water white , 15Jo ; lin- ieou raw , per gallon , 4'Jc ; linseed boilou , per gallon , We ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ; No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 0 ; castor XXX , per gal. on , 1 GOc ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 DO ; sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 CO ; fish W. B. , icr gallon , C5 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; o. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal lon , 35c ; No 2 , 2Sc ; sperm , signal , per gallon ! Uc ; turpentine , pur gallon , 4Cc ; naptha , 74 ° , per gallon , IGc. Dry Taints. White load , Sue ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gihlors , IJc ; whiting com'l , Ijc ; lampblack , Germnntown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Ptusalan blue , 55o untramorino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , So ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c : Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Paris groencommon.20c ; chrome green , N. Y. , 20e ; chromo green , 1C. , 12o ; vermillion , Eng. 75c ; vermillion , American , 18o ; Indian , red , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , rod , Cookaon's , 2Jc ; Venetian , red. American , IJc ; rod lead , fjc ; chrome yellow , genuino. SOc : chromo yellow - low , K.,12c : ochre rochelle,3c ; ochre , French , 2 c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lohigh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ; Prince's mineral , 3c. VABNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Furniture , extra. 51 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach , ex- ; r , SI 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; D mar , extra , SI 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85c , ihollac , § 3 60 ; Hard oil finish , $1 50. DKNVISU rtl.illICKT. FLonn- Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1 25@1 55 ; pat ent. 100 Iba. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansaa , 100 Ibs , 2 75 © 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ihs , 1 FO ; rye , 1 00 Ibs. 225 ; buck-wheat , 100 Ibs , 750 , GUAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheats BWO lb , 93c ; corn in sacks on track , 100 lb , 1 U0@l 05 oats , in sacks on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white , 1 25 1 30 ; Coloradowhito.l J0@l 35 ; mixed , 1 1U@1 20 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 30@1 35 ; bran. ton , on track , 15 0018 00 ; chop , corn , 100 bs , on track , 1 f 0@1 05 ; chop mixed. 100 Ibs. on track , 1 2o@lS5 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 30 @ 140. HAY Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ; upland , " loose , ton , 8 OQ@12 00 ; second bottom tom , baled , 10 ( jO&ll 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 10 00@15 UO ; straw , baled , on track , ton , 7 (10 ( @ 9 00. BBTTEB Creamery , fancy , Ib , 3G@37c ; creamery , fine , Ib , 33ra35c ; dairy , choice , Ib , 20g22c ; dairy , ( rood , Ib , 18@20c ; dairy , fair , Ib , ISWlGc ; cooking , Ib , OK 80. KQGS State , candled and warranted , doz , 30@31c ; ranch. doz,133@35c. CHEESE Full cream , 15@lGc : half cream , i , 10l3jllc ; skim , Ib , 9 10c ; Swiss , domestie , Ib , 22@23c ; Swiss , imported , 30@32cLim- bu'ger. 1 l@18c. PODLTUV ivo old chickens , doz , BOO@5FO ; ive springs , doz , 3 00 A4 00 ; live ducks , doz , 5 00 ( 5 25 ; dressed turkeys , Ib. , 15ftlfic. POTATOES -Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1123125 ; sweet , rer Ib. , 4c. VEGETABLES Onions , yellow , 100 Iba , 1 25(3)1 ( ) 50 ; cabbacre , 100 Iba , 1 23@1 CO ; boots , 1 01 Ibs , 1 101 25 ; turnips. 100 Ibs , 1 25. FIIUITSLoraona per case , Messina , 7 00 ® 9 10 ; oranges , Louisiana , case , 10 60911 00 ; apples , fancy bbl , 3 75@4 75 ; apploa , medium , bbl , 3 50 ; peara , box , 3 50 ; California Rrapea , box , 1 75@2 tO ; Melvoise , Peru , Muscat , 20002 25 ; cranberries , bbl , B & B , 1C 00 , B & 0,11 00@14BO. CURED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 12J ® 12Jc ; hams , sweet pickled , Ib , 12jc ; bacon , breaklaot , Ib , 13@l3Jc ; dry salt sides. Ib , 7 i ® Bc ; dried beef , Ib. 15c ; lard in pails , 9Js Djjc : lard In tiorcea , 840. FIIESH MEATS Dressed l > eef 'Colorado , per [ h , GeGJc ; CMtico veal. Ib , GJ@7Jc ; hogs , Ib , 7 < 37ic ; mutton , Ib , 5@fc. LIVE STOCK Colorado steers , per 100 Ibs , 30JOT376. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , perlb , 10J@133i No. 2 , Ib , 8c)10c ( ) ; green steers and branded calf. Ib , 4iWJc ; green calf , Ib , Ga ; green kip , Ib , G7c ; sheep skins , dry , 7(38c ( ; deer skins , summer , Ib , lG@18c ; door skins , winter , Ib , 12 @lCc ; antelope skins , Ib , 12@ 0 ; tallow , Ib , 5@Gc. WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 14@15c , buck , Ib , PC ; Mexican , So. Fisn Mackerel , No. 1 , 120 , kit. mess , 1 G3@2 00 : California salmon , half bbl , 10 60 ; Holland herring , keg , 1 60 SI 60 | trout , per Ib. OMAETA Chemical Dyeing -ANll OLEAH1NO WORKS. 0. T. PAULSON , Proprietor ! Gentlemena * Cloth'iiz ' Cleano l , Djeil and Repaired. twltca' Drcsjos Clean jil and Dyed , without Hipping , riumcs C'lmnod or Colored any etiado , to sample. Sllka , VehoU and Laiej CIc ueJ , Dyed aud | lla-fln- tebed. 1212Doaelai StrnoK - OMAHA. NED t/EHICLEG\ mi. * iimIKu * w * Thr * pffiiff t milieu unilihortrnarrordlnitlullinnnlzhtlliei rry. Equally well d pteJlo rough countr. laaianatliifdrlvraofcltli'H , Aliiniirnrturpdar allliuriidlnzI'arrUnlliilldi-r | > Biid Ir < n. llrnrr TlmUrn. 1'ntrntm. Bt , JUnl VMIstr , Scety , Mtisure , Weijber , Drtdgtr , Kic , Wither , 1 ami I a Pumpkin , Starch , . Win * anJ rrui T ? . . . > n Slrainer. Tw l "AVID atlicle.laOD. . K > Til Omtiit Men > H ttil U Ihtf SUvci nd Slrterfl mtlocill iivcnrtxxjj ' llktilhtol W nuk' Th M tiiSIUrM % . . ClaclnoaU. O , 4 * Railwav Time Table. In Effect Oct. 1st. 1S34. The kttontlnn of the travellln ? rmbllo li r/tlled tc the fact thitt thlils the millcompltt * and absolutely corrwt time table tiuhlUheil In the city , All trains atlhu at and depart from Oroah * tij Central Standard Time. Trains ol the 0 St. 1 * . M , & 0. trrlra lit \ni Ac part troin their depot , corner vl 14th Mid Webster trwts ! trMns 01 the I ) . & M. , C. II li Q. , nut K , 0 , St , J. & U. R fromthn I ) . A if , depot ; all others from ho Union Pacific depot , a , lallrb ; , except Saturday ; c , except Sunday ; d , xccpt Monday , \VESTWAUD DEPAIVr. AJiniV The Bam nrt 6pm dummy trains t so inlvo Bt > t th transfer In tlmo to tnako ooatom oonnoctloni , iut cot to chock bkRgiigo OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Dummy Trains i * o omnha at 940,8 ou I 00 , 10 00 , It 16 ra , I 00 , 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 , 8 00 , 0 Si pin. On Sundays the 8 00 anil 10 00 a m and 00 and 4 00 p m trains do nee run. Arrlvo at trans- or depot 13 minutes later : Broadway depot 20 mln- ntoalater. Leave Council Blufla ( Broadway depot ) at 7 20 , 8 BO 80 , 10 SO , 1110 ft m ; 1 30 , 2 30 , 3 30. 4 SO , 6 SO , 0 85 nd 1105 p m. On Uundays the 8 30 and 10 30 am nd 8 80 and 5 80 p m trains will not runArrlvo at Transfer 7 mlnutoa latrr , Omaha 20 minutes later. TransforTralns Ia\o Omahaat 8 16,863 0 05 a m , 4 25 , 8 10 and 6 65 p m , dally. Arrive at 9 45 and U 16 a in , 1 ! 26 , 7 85 and 8 1C p tn < _ - SUNDAY TRAINS 'o and from Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Lines. BATOKDAT BVK. I Mil. I U-l. I N-W I N W I U-II Ml cptembcr. I 21 7-23 14 I 20 18 8-27 October . . . I 12 19 6-2S I II * -2fl ioTomber. , I 2-23 B-30 18 I 1-23 15 8-20 ) cccmber. . I 14 21 7-23 I 18 8-27 SO Sunday evening and Monday morning J Ine arrive In orrospoudlnK order. C. B. & Q. trains ran every ay. PRINCIPAL LINE rwni CIIICA 0rE01lIA &ST.IOUIS , IIV WAY OP OMAHA AUD LINCOLN TO DENVSE , Oil VIA ANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to DENVER onnectliiK In Union Depots nt Kansas City , Omaha and Denver with through trains for And all points In the Gicnt West. 'oniicctlnt ; In Gniinl Union Depotnt Chicago with thruiiKh trains fur NEW fOUIL , HOST ON , And nil ir : " 1' rii CHIC'S. Atreortti with tlnotj jtiulns lor rudlanap ills , Cincinnati , Colum.'t/ie , aud all points in tlioSoutli-Knst. At Sf Uiuls with throut ; ! trains for all points SVv. CoiPhes , 1'arlor Cars , \\itlilto. iK Chilli's ( seats lice ) , Smoking Cars will Kuvolvni ; , ' Cliuli.s , I'ulliiian 1'iilacu hluoi > hi | . Uara and the IIUIIOIH 'J. II. &Q. Dining Cms run daily toand fioiu ( nlciiKO and KuusiisClty CliiciiKO nnd Council llliils-ChicaKO nnd Des Mollies , Chicago , St Joseph , Atchlsou and 1'upcUa without change. Only through line runiil iff their own trains between Chicago Lincoln and Denver , and Chicago , IUUIMH City and Denver. TInoiiKli cats between Indianapolis and Council lilulls , via I'eoilu OOINO A'OKTII ANI > SOUTH. Polld Tralnn ol Klcwint Day Coaches nnd [ 'iilhnan riilacoSlceiiis ) Cars are run dally to and f i om f > t. Louis ; via Hannibal ; Oulncy KcoUulc , IlurlliiKlon , Cedar Hanids aud Allici I.eatoSt. 1'uul and Minneapolis ; 1'arlorCar = with liccllnliifr Chulrn to ana fioin St. I.oul and I'corla. Unlyone change of cars between St. I.oul.sand Den Molnes , Iowa , Lincoln , No bniskn.nnil Denver , Colorado. It is also the only ThioiiKli Line ufctwcen ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL It It known as the Hrcat TIHtOUiill OA1 MNi ; of America , and is universally udiult 'i'il td ho the Finest Equipped Railroad in the VTcrld fa all classes of Travel. Through Tlclrotu via this linn for FAO at ni R. H.coupon ticket olllci3. ; . tlio UiiitcdStiitu iiid Cunudju 1' . J. I'OTTJJK. i3'EnCKVAL I.OWKLL , Vke-fru. i Gin. i Propnuala for Itullilliif ; Dcpartmontol the Interior , ) Omoo of Indlau Affaire , Nov. 17,1881 , f Scaled ] > rorosal , cntloreo'l "nropafals for biilldlnz Bridges"will lie rccohcil at tmanlllceuntil 1 o'clock Tuesday the 18th uf l xvnitcr , 1SS1 , ( or the con ttructloti uf tbreo lirldm-H on thoBAntceSioux Itveor t&tion In Nebraska , and I'onc.i Keiter\atlonIn Dakota at the following location * ; on thuBantco Koaonatlun o > cr tlio liazllocruk , a lirld | , ' ° < > ' three Hpanu of 00 fcotrach with 15 feet appioachCB ; on the I'oncn Una irvotlon , oiur tlif NioljraturUcr , ahrldio 060 fi * Iroin end to em' ' , and otcr the WcBt KcrkolualJ rivi a ei n of COfctt , Tbo brlilii-8 In question are ta boot fomlilmtlon n treed anil Iron , with out Irnn hoo9 , rvalltiK on pill foundatlong , which over tliu tt'l'brara ihtraru to bi Jihcn 10'itt , over llazlle creek , 13 tcct , and ovci \Vcit \ Fork of Nlnbrara Itlur , IS fuel belo'V witi lc\ol , and ro to bo built In accordance ultli plan anil eiieotflcatlons to bo Been at the ottlceof the Dtpu Quatieruitstcr at Oninha , KtbroBka , tlio ' 'HirW o Denver , Colorado , and of the ' lutor-Ocoati of Clil- cairo , III. Hie conitructlon o the \ > Mgt to under the Im- rnedUtcjupcnulon of a person to be dleUnatcd 1'J thl Uciiartoient. All bids n.ust ueacoon > ) > acloil by a cmtlflcd chick ou ooino Uintml btitealipo ltor > , for at least KIVK pfr centum < I th amount of the proposal , which ctieck will bu forfeited > o tie Uuiltui btatuln ca-o any bidder or blUdcra fall tocxccutuoiitrnct with good an ! aiiftlclent euretira , otherwise to Iw returi ti to the blddtr , In Bubunlttiiij ; bldu , hlddtM ehnuhl ktate the tlino rcrjiilrtd by them for Ihu tinstruction cf thobri Kt , 9 ( hl nutter will be couildoreU In uuklui ; the award * , and rnodu a part of the contract The light hm'iiened lo reject any or all blda or any part tf my bid U dtt'ini-d fur the bent Inteiun of thotemco 11 I'ltICK , n'Ji 3ksrL cd CominlMioncr. S elf UtltUlT * * UmahMd u d U Afttoriu | ncflptlon cl > noinl r daUj | llrxl. ) Drugsliu c n 11 lu k .DRi WAnD A , $ Cvv miAlatlBS. > : , . .ii'n-- , < , . „ , .I BIVWwJsLJl V-Klv r. SPEOIALINOTIOE TO G-rowers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUK ATTENTION TO Our Gound Oil Cake. It Is I ho boat nud cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono ponnd Is equal to nous da of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall nnd winter nstoaa of running down , will lucroaao la weight and bo In good marketable condl Jon In the spring. Dairymen , as well is others , who use it , can testify to Its mor ts. Try It and judge for yourselves. Price § 25.00 per ton. No charge for sacks Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Nob. OCX , DEALERS IN Hall's ; Safe and Look Oomp'y FIEE AND BUBGLAR PROOF CT.P Lib j * 1OHO JWtroet. & CO H. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lookwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of Uie Tea , Olgar arid Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of the nboxo ; also Pipes and Smokora' carried In stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open ordora intrusted to ns shall rocolvo our careful attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGEMS FOR BEHWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO .1' Milwaukee. Wis. G-UNIBER & CO , , Sole Bottlers , C. F. GOODMAN. AND DEALER IN Pfli OMAHA , NEB. . BELLMAN 1301 AND 1303.FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , A. .L. STKANQ CO. , Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , Braes and Iron Fittings , nt wholoBalo and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHUHOll AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. W P. BROWN. GKO. BUOWN W. F. BROWSti & CO. ; COMMISSION DKALEKS IN LIVE STOCK Office , Exchange Building Union Stock Yaids , Fi NATIONAL DANK , Otnaha ; OMAHA , NEB. . \V A. I'AXIUN , I'rcet. onil Treas. Union Stock Yi . , Omaha , SWAN BROH , Uicicnne. Also connected with Gregory , Oooloy JOHN A. McSiUMi. Manager Bay FUto Catllo Co. Co , Union Stock Yards , Chicago. J. A. CRKIOIITOV , Vlco-I'icat. Kiret Nat'l Bank.Omalm. tar Address all communications Union Stock Yards , Omaha , ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . 9 LIME AND CEMENT. AUCO ra Cthfand Do las Btroots OMAHA , NED RY LEhMANN JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 18 FAREAM STREET , . OMAHA. NKIl W. L WEIGHT . iJI W tMfVJta ft JU > & aU Importer , Jobber and Mioulicturcr's A cnt of CROCKERY , GLASSWARE LAMPS , ETC , 13th Street , Bet. Farnam nnd Barney. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA The Eioctrio Lamp t C odJeJ'own