Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    l'HH' OMAHA DAILY mi T ? lPtnAV o A r * .
-THE §
Ttrt racdlelne , combining Iron with pttw
CReUiile lntilr-i , quickly nnd completely
t'lirr * Uwtiirlnilnt < n < llrtlon , WenUnr * * .
lnit'iirfflllnni1 | 1InlarlB ClillUnuill < ' Trt
mid rf
It Is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of th *
hliirjfl nnd I.lrer.
It Is lnv/ilui ble for nhcMcs peculiar to
TV'oni-n , nnd nil wlm lend fcdentnry lives.
Itnoes not Injiiro the tcetlic iio licmlnehc/ir
pro'lnco constipation othT Iron medlcinet do ,
! t enriches anil purifies llio Wood , ftlmulalei
Iho iippctltc , nlds the nwlmllntlon of
IIPVCS Henrtnurn nnd Jiclchlug , nitcl Mrcngtu *
ins Iho muscles nnd nerves
Kt > r Intermittent Fevers , . assltudc , Lnctof
Enorpj&c. . , It lias no cqunl.
8- The Komilno 1ms nl > ovc trndo nwk ( in 1
erntioil red lines on wrapper. Take nnotlie'
/ nnlyl > r lltlOnilCIIEalCiL IO < lUI.TlllOKI , PB
Ad Dnllspntei li its BROAD GLAIN
Ever offered to iliojiubllc.
The ctumBhlpt of this well-known ling ue bnlll o !
Iron , In inter-tight oomptrtmenta , and ro tarnish
ed with every requisite to make the passage both
tafo anil Bgreoahle. They carry the United SUtoi
end European malli , and Icavo Now York Than-
daya and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Ohor-
Ixrarc , ( PARIS ) and HAMHURO.
Rates : Steerage from Europe only (18. First
Cabin , ? 55 , < 6 and $75. Steerage , (20 ,
Ilonry Pundt , Mark Hanson , F X. Mooree.U. Toll ,
agontaln Omaha , OronowcK tSchoontgon , agents In
Council BloflB. 0. B : RICHARD k 00. , Gen. Paaa
Agta. , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cbas. Kotmlntkl A Co-
Goncral Woetsrn Agontl , 170 Washington St. , Ohio a
N Chartered by thcStateoflllU
Qnola fortheexprcsspurtioso
/orglvinglmmcdlate rellellc
'iall chronic.unnary ana pri-
yate dlsess : " . fHononhcM ,
yaieetnndSyphilis In all their
' complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin end
Blood promptly relieved and
permanently cured by reme-
, dics.tcstcclinnP'or/j/yearj
. . _ . , _ _ _ itiptclall'raetlcci Seminal
Weakness. NirTht Losseby Dreams , Pimples on
thcFaccLost ManhoodpoJltd'e/i/curedT7iera
itnocxperltncnUml , The "appropriate n.Tedy
is at once used In enchcase. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd-
icices sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
pacitace to indicate content * or sender. Addreii
Dh.JAMESNo.204V/ashIngonSI.ChIcagolll !
Nervous Debility 2w
Health is Wealth !
rairontoed inoolOo for Uyetorla , Dliilnosa , CODTU- !
dona. Flta , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nerroiu
Prostration caused by the use of aloohol or tobbacoo ,
Wakefulnesg , Mental depression. Softening of the
brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to misery ,
dooay and death , Premature Old age , Baroness , lose
of power In cither sex , Involuntary Loesoa and Sper-
' ktorhora caused by over oxortlontof the brain , self-
abuse or over Indulgcnco. Each box , oontalna one
month's treatment. 81.00 a boi.or elx bottlei for
10.00 , lent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cnro eny case With each order received by DI
Cot elx bottles , accomplished with ? 5.00 , wo will ocr.J
Iho pnrchasor our written guarantee to refund th
money if the treatment does not effect a cure. CjB r <
utoca Isauod only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
Jy S3-m4o-ry 8C2 Ifadlaon St. , Chicago , ITU
Physician & Surgeon
KojIUmco Ko , U07 JoiicsSt. OfDco , Ho , 1109 Fat
nain street , Offlco hours 12 in. to 1 p. m. and horn
to S p , m. Tekptuma far olUu > 07 , radddooi 1CJ.
Some Credentials :
In rtran-tni ; Clnita 1IGO , Juno 23th , 1881. Ticket No.
H.gH , Capital 1'rltc , WIIH hold by John u. a raff. To-
IMKVI ) U'lif rubllshlUK Co. , 103 Maiden lone , N. Y. City.
1'ald by chock on Ilrooklyn Hank.
If In drnwlng Class 11CS , July 24 , 1884 , Tfckrt No.S.OH
Caiiltnl I'rlzc , wns held by Sovcro Armas , Cigar Jlanti.
factuciT , Ky Wi-st , Florlcla. 1'nlil byvlro throUKli
ImiMrti-r * ami Traders' National , llauk.N./i. , anil
Uunt of Key West , Flu. - - - \
> In ( IrawlnBCInss HCT.Sopt. 30,183i ; Ticket No. 21.419
CftiiHul 1'rlto , oia by Lliidauer. Ul Men-cr St. , N. Y.
Cllr. Not nuthorlicil to usu name end address at
holitor. I'nld l > y check on Ilrooklyn Itank.
\ Ticket No. 6. ! )7 ) , Second Capital Vrlie , sold byngent
nt llrownsTlllo , Ti'xns. Hofil ono-hnlf liy Fernniulo
Taruavn unil one-half by O. Kollolne , Jlntamoros , Jlux-
lo. ) . CollocttMl throuull lllooinlMTK & Itnphucl , 5
Worth Rt. , niuVoodtrarU & btlllmaii , Kew Post
t TIckelNu.a'til 'r'htnl Capital Prlzo , hold one-hall
CLASS 1174 , DECEMBER. 20 , 1884
Capital rrUoTT. . , . $12.5"
r H
| 3A | > lirusjiuntloruVVi6VaciitotlluVii.V > iiiir'lzoVu ) /
Ka lilies , ns nluive , IwltiR the full number li ?
t thaltonl HuMinn , nmt <
130 Additional 1'rliMof siOc-acli to the 1W tickets
liavlHK ending iiuiuU'rn the two term
inal units of the number ilru'rt lug Iho Cau-
IW11'rlto of $ WWO ! .
U7H i'rltrt , nmountlnetlnU. B. Rolilto , . . . 831,4j ! (
Wttlei.JS ; HilTU , S2.BO ; Tvo-Cltii , $1 ; Cu-rfVh.Jl
Ail J'l'UI on iirmuutullou of llcketa
nllliout iluduriliiii.
.Tbo niilv Ililuif of.lljln chnrnclcr In whlcl
' iiiiiulpuliilltu I * linpUHiilblu. Tli 11 llchu
liolilcr iivrila HO u | > ervUur , us t liu Hum
Iliivunu OIUclul l-Ul tlvcldm uvury
llcurt , unil aifiMUH uru nnlliorl uu lo line
lite orlulnnl lint lu canhlutf ,
i A < JINTS : iviuvwiuiti : : : : .
' For tickets , eto. , oiiply to i
I lai'J Uroudwuy , N , Y. Cltr. '
r E. ICaub & Co. , 417 Walnut , Sr. Loul
Mo. , or 1'tankl.ibrtno , V , O.Dra\ier2
TlicJGIi'lso (
Vhcre MD tlie tfrls , llio jolly girls ,
Tbo girls of long ago I
Tie Rltln who know n thing or two
lieyond \ fa liion'.i dhow ;
The Rltl who leatnod to darn tip ocVs
An well M smile atd kist ,
'he girls who never meutioncd rocks
Something we tadly mlu ,
"hopirla vrhoie clioeks worn tinted red
By nnturo's blessed hue :
Those jolly sjirln wo love 'cm all-
They've vanished now from view ,
Alnsl Mi , mo ! The girls to-day
Are not the girls of old ;
Sometimes they're very reticent
More often they are bold.
? ho jolly girls of lone n o
Knew how f o milk n cow ,
Wwh dishes , bwlo a txirkoy1
Or to make n prottv bow.
Twas their delight on Winter's night
To rldo behind the bolls ,
: never had them ntriko mo
For a ixiund of caramels !
Glvo mo the girls , the jolly girls ,
The girls of long ago ,
iVho know nothing of boarding schools
Nor fashion's iurbolow.
The ? didn't run toeoed , you bet ,
Through culture's prescribed law ,
tfor tear the sacred voli of love
By snssing paw and maw ,
There , beloro the boudoir drusscr ,
Wirh an animated face ,
Holding fast n epongo and bottle ,
In her slrlish glco nnd grace ,
Slio exclaims : ' 'Oh , I am saintly ,
For Is uot the proverb sung ,
Worded thus , so very quaintly :
'Yea , the tiuly good dye young.1"
plentiful ,
Bonnet strings are quito short ,
Beaver Is the ruling fur for young girls ,
Silver fox will bo much worn this season ,
Ohio bolloa are cultivating freckles sojaa to
JO truly elite ,
( Knitting is suporcodlng novel reading among
[ tbodo Island glrl %
The dictionary definition of a Idsa is "a
taluto with the lips. " A stolen kiss Is a loot
of the lips ,
Gloves of palo gold on. brown , ecru , and tan
ire still worn witu costuinos of every doecrlp-
ion and color.
A ball dross of brouzo tulle baa ra bodlco ol
jlovo kid , edged with a double row of dul
irouze beads.
A Boston girl is not considered fashionably
educated till she can sneeze withtut dropping
off her oyo-glasscs.
The lace fans of this season have longer
ticks and narrower mounts than these which
iavo been fashionable lately.
A palo sea greou bonnet of velvet , for the
ipera , is ornamented with a bouquet _ of silver
lowers , and wheat , and a fiuo silver lace
niching ,
The bono collar button has done more to ro-
ease man from the tyranny of woman _ than all
ho philosophical works on humanity over
> rinted ,
Tiio most popular way for laldes of wearing
oses is to have a few tied in a loose biincii
nth an abundance of green leaves and fasten-
rO.tho dress ,
Bridal dresses are made of brocaded velvet
ir plush of the finest quality. Soft India silk
.rimmed . with lace makes an exquisitely deli-
ate dress for a young brido.
Sots of undyed Astrakhan , consisting ol
capo , muff , cuffs , and hot , will bo worn by
oung girls of bright complexion , but let the
allow maidens beware of the tender gray.
An exchange saysj "Boston proposes to
ihotograph these of its old landmarks which
t cannot preserve. " It is high time such un-
rallant allusions to maidens of uncertain ago
liould bo suppressed ,
Surah still remains a favorite tissue for
ouug ladies' dancing toilets , .and a genera !
referanco is again shown for white. These
rossos are usually simple in style , some ol
; hem. showing little or no trimming.
A gilded chanticleer is the popular charm
among democratic belles. This is not strange ,
A great many single women are looking after
a golden "rooator , " and they do not care how
old and touph ho may be' if he has only got the
; uineas. [ Boston Budget ,
Among December fashions are noticed few
absolutely plain skirts , and those relatively so
soiled are enriched with trimmings of various
duds. Plush , fur , velvet , and particularly
> ho new worsted laces are employed in the
construction of all plainly-cut frocks ,
"I want to look at some pedal coverings , '
aid a Boston girl entering a shoo store ,
'Some what ? " asked the dealer. " 1'oda
coverings. " "Wo don't keep anything but
shoes , mum. P'ra'os you can find what you
want at the drug store on the corner. "
In splto of all the talk about hard times and
retrenchment , the richnaas and. costliness ol
costume * this winter is very noticeable. The
general use of fur and feathers for cloak nut :
jress trimmings has done rnucl' toward en-
lancing the expense of hand&omo toilets.
table , which bos not bson worn for yean , u
low en grand vogue for these who can bffoTt !
.o buy such costly fur.
Garters take a prominent position in a
iride's trousseau v hero bride * aio mUlfoo&Irea
daughters. They pro eosa BO costly aa to
iave been purchased for $200. A pair made
to order lor a New York bdy were of deat
whita tilk rubber , clasped by gold ache !
jncklft * eat niUi.iolitalro diamonds. Another
ady received Among her trcddlng gift * a pair
of gartera of pink elastic , futenod byekyo
terrier beads In froittd illvcr.
An Kpfllithman says that lto ton fiirls go to
cctortu and aw eye glatsn ; New York girls
ro to tlio Uwatcr and carry opera glasses ,
joaton pirlt ditctus abstract thomud and
worship the ideal ; Now York girls conliuo
.homtelrra to practical topics and don'l
vorihip Mi > thiig ! , Boston girls belong to
'ittr ry and philosophical Eocioties and ana
yzo Shakoienro ) ) ; Now York girls go to horue
races and dog shows and analyze the lates
novelty ill fasliion , Boston girls have many
wise theories about the politics of the future
Sow York girls are content to know every
thing that is going on in the present ,
A Iluadur.
A pleasant ride ,
A gutter wide ,
A bruised and battered form ,
A laughing girl ,
With flying curls ,
Help the 'cycler so forlorn ,
A month of calm ,
To mend an arm ,
Hlstnurso that charming dumo ,
Gay Cupid's dart ,
1'ierced 'cycler's heart ,
And kindled IOVO'H bright flame.
A httlo kiss-
Ah ! that was bliss
A httlo blush and "Yea. "
A little ring ,
To bind the thing ,
A clergyman and dreas ,
A little cot.
Where strife is uot ,
Nor bickering nor fuaa ,
A wheeling toy ,
1'or baby boy ,
A tricycle for us ,
_ - [ ! ' . Iv. Smith.
Now blow the loud kazoo ,
And make the welkin ring !
Sing "Jloop-de-dooden-do ,
And all that sort of thing.
Let wine like water How ,
And ov'ry Bourbon laugh ;
We'vo lived on husks for years-
Trot out the "Fatted Calf ! "
* *
There's many a slipper 'twlxt mother am
A late spring Jumping out of bed just before
fore dinner ,
In newspaper parlance , the merchant wh
gain ahead of his fellows is the one who has
the "ad'1 vantage ,
Tailors ought always to be able to pleas
their customer * , because It is their especia
dnty to suit people ,
_ "Tho only thing that will suppress poet * ,
sighed the country editor as lie rammed
fresh charge of amateur verses into the barre
of his waste basket , "la a pen-ahuu law , "
" 1'a , " laid a precocious stock yards youtl
n referring to his item parent's unshaven
liago , "your cheek looks llko the wheel In
ma's music box. "
Self-raising flour Is a good thing , but what
nest fathers hanker alter Is n eelt-rftUing
owcr of the family who didn't h vo to bo fed
very fifteen minutvt ,
The shoemaker who halft poled n pair ef
hoes for ft dollar , nnd received In payment
wo half dollar pieces , ono of which was
ounterfeit , ears ho wai half sold himself.
'To ' him that hath shall bo given. " The
Hartford plumbers have many calh every day
o houses where tlo water pipes are clogged
> y eels. There's a good eel of truth in the
crlptural proposition ,
In the year 2100 , Joseph Cook says , the
lopulatlon of this country wilt bo 3,200,000 , .
)00 ) , These who contemplate going to tbo
circut that year will do well to purchase tick
ets at the down town ollico and avoid the
u/jh / at the wagon ,
"My son , " said a Benevolent looking con
'ercnco-of-charitios man sitting near the door
> f n street car to a common pest , "do you
enow where Httlo bovs go to who catch on to
" "Yes sir " said the
cars nnd steal rides ? , ,
jad Httlo boy , "tncy goes the next cross street
nnd then the Hunk of a driver stops and licks
cm off , "
A paper in the far west was describing n
serious accident and neatly ended up its
graphic story as follows : "Our risingyounf
townsman Doc Ilinton , who was laying oul
the new graveyard at the tltno , was hastily
summoned to the scene of the unfortunate ac
cident , and under his skillful treatment poor
Billy died peacefully two hours afterward. "
Not long slnco lloscoa Coukling was plotul-
ing before n referee , when his legal Irnml
Mr. Bangs , dropped in , There was a lul
caused by a reference by ono of the counsel to
snino authorities. In the meantime Air , Conk
ling was busily employed eating peanuts , i
handful of which ho gave to n reporter. " . '
BOO , " said Mr. Bamrs ; "offering thn husk R a
usual " "But ' Mr
, pray observe,1' rejoined
Colliding with grave emphasis , "theso are KOI
for the swiuo to cat , "
"I'te got two Httlo gems I'd like to road to
you , and I want your candid opinion abou
them , " said the Intruder , The editor Righoc
heavily and dropped his overworked scissor
on the lloor. The visitor road the first poem
with deep foelinc and in different voico"
"Well , nuw what do you think of that ? '
asked the visitor with somu animation , look
ing at tha editor with nn air of eager expect
aucy. "I llko the oilier ono best. " "But I'v '
not read the ether ouo to you yet. " "That'
why I prefer it. "
Some Other Day.
Soon the cutter , seated single ,
Flashing sleighbolla' rhythmic jingle ,
Over hill and darksome dingle
The crackling snow will croak
And grind
Nestling tn the downy pinglo ,
Laughiug at the winter's tingle ,
Softest words two fools will mingle ,
Ne'er dreaming there's a small boy
"On "
'They talk about a woman's sphere ,
Aa though it had n limit ;
There's not a place in earth or heaven ,
Chora's not a task of mankind given ,
Hiiro's not a blessing or a woe ,
There's not a whisper , yes or no ,
Thoro'rt not a life , or death , or birth ,
That has a feather's weight of worth ,
Without a woman in it.
* *
It's batter to have iovod and lost than never
to have escaped at all.
The champion "cow giil" of the west is a
dashing Nebraska maiden of nineteen sum
In Huropo they ring church bells as the tide
: omes in. In this country tha bolls ring as
.lio tied go out ,
A Weohawken widow winked at a bashfu
mchelor the ether day and scared the poor
"ellow nearly to death.
In Japan you can got a very fair wife fo
only tixteen dollars. But the chief expense
comes after you have her.
Miss Arnold , oldest daughter of Mathew
Arnold , married at Cobham , England , on
ast Tuesday , git Mr. Whitridgej' Now
In Thibet a woman may have four hus-
jandu. In this country the woman who has
nit two husbands is usually spoken of an an
old maid.
The wedding outfit of a South Carolina
irido embraces fourteen dresses , ten pairs o
shoes and five bonnets. She is going to bo
very happy.
"No girl can vet along well without a
npther/1 says a moral exchange. It Is cer
: ainly impossible for her to get a start in the
world without one ,
IVMissEvaMackey is actually to marry tbo
L'rinco of Galatro. Ah ] Eva Mackoy Voro
do Vere , you but no , wo will bo merciful.
To bo the wife of n f oroign Prince u purdah
inent enough ,
Said a rather frivolous New York lady to n
ripnd : "It may bo years and years before
[ find my ideal man , " "And what are you
; oing to do In the meantime ? " "I'll get mar
ried , I suppose. "
Florence Marryatt asks : 'What shall wo
iromeu do with our men ? " Give them back
; heir latch key , kiss them good night and tel
.hem to come in when they please , as you are
; eng ! to sleep. They will reform in a wook.
When women are bought by piecemeal thoj
coruo very high. A Newburg woman has jus !
received § 1000 for ono broken rib and now her
nuband is trying to figure out whether she is
worth to him the sum which , at this rate her
worth must bo 8810,000.
"No ma'ain"exclaimed ! tiie provoked young
nan to a young lady , who on the refusal ol
icr favorite bed asked him to accompany her
.o a party ; "I don't play second h'ddlo to anyone
ono ! " . "No ono asked you to play second
fiddle , " replied the girl with a smile , "I only
nskod you to bs my beau , "
A man in Now Yoik who shot his wife tn
; ho leg was arrested for an attempt to murder
explained to the court that ho did not intend
to kill the partner of his bosom , but merely to
wound her In the leg so as h"to prevent her
from gallivanting around with other mon.'MIo
was , however , committed without bail.
Would-be Mother-in-law Ah , Henry
reading1 the bible ? There is no book like
it , especially if ouo bo weary in mind or
suffering In body. There's creat consolation
in the scriptures. Henry Yes , so I find. For
Instance , I lind by tiio family record that your
daughter is just five years older than she er
thought she was. It's a great consolation to
have made this discovery before er It woa
everlastingly to late ,
Just as a lover had dropped on his knees
and began popping the question , a potjpoodlo
who thought the proceeding rather strange
made a dash for him , Witlijromnrkablo nervi
for a woman , the girl reached over , grabbe <
the dog by the necic , at tha same tima calmly
uttering : "Go on , George , dear , I'm listeuluj
to what you are saying , "
The Irving engagement at the Star Theatre
New York , netted § 35,100.
Mlso Genevieve Rogers will star next Beaten
in a new version of "Janet's Pelde , "
Queen Victoria has granted to the widow o
Balfe , the composer , an annuity of S7uO.
It is said that Mlsa Ada Cavendish Is stead
ily though slowly recovering from her recon
illness ,
Kmil Waltenffel , once a popular [ compose
of dance music , lately died st Strasbourg , Bgec
Colonel Mnplcson has engaged Mine , Nils
son and M Talazac , tha French tenor , for hi
next season lu America ,
In London the "Passion Play" was latelj
attempted , but Its performance was sup
pressed by the authorities ,
Kmma Thursby and other artlsti have sub
scribed $100 uacli to the Btignoli monnmen
fund , and Adelma Patti has donated ? 25 ,
At present the city of Mexico support
three grand operas , live theatres , one circus
one bull ring and two base ba 1 clubs.
The stage of the Paris Opera House occu
pies nearly two and a half acres. The sittlu
accommodation is,150. . The dressing room
are ' . ' 31.
Mme. Janauschek'd engagement In Cbicag
is a pecuniary mccess. Her play , "My Life ,
bos been revitcd , and in it ) altered conditio
seems to please tha public.
According to a communication in' the Net
New York tiuu. men taka off their shoes a
Irvlng's "Hamlet , " and "tit with stockltge
feet on the back of the seals. " The ludlgnan
observer fays Impressively , "TMsUiinjrshould
he stopped. "
Th 176lh nnnivesary of Schiller's birth and
iho twenty-fifth of the creation of the Schil
ler homo was lately celebrated at Weimar
with much cnthusLsm ,
Grnnk Glrard for the pa t fourteen yfar §
atngo manager for Tony 1'astor , has ougagexl a
ompany forths road to play In n now farcical
omody entltlod , "A Cold Day When Wo Get
. .Lately Johann Strauss rncrlvcd a sensible
resent on the occasion of the fiftieth nnnlvor-
ary of lu debut. The municipality of Vienna
eclared him Ireo from local rates for the rest
f Ills life ,
| "Mary Anderson ; Her Early J.ifo nnd Pro-
esMonal Career , " is the title of < 1 book an-
louuccd by an English publishing house. This
a Indeed a surprise , ns It Is the first time nn
ctress h s over admitted to bo old enough to
jo credited with nn "early life. "
Frou Johanna Jachmann Wagner , n niece
of Richard Wagner , equally famous as a vio-
inlst nnd tragedienne , has opened n school for
Irnmatlo singing t Munich , In which she un.
dertnkea to prepare pupils for the ntngo In two
" 'ears ,
It is stated that the author of "John Halt-
ax" has dramatized her noTcl called "A Ilfo
ornllfo. " The play which is In throa acts ,
with both prologue nnd epilogue , is In the
shape of a realistic domestic drama.
There is n movement on foot In fnshlonablo
of ' 'The Banker's
rclos to give a performance
Daughter" at the Metropolitan opera house
next month. The cast will ha mndo up by
well known eocUty amateurs , The proceeds
will bo for the Bartholdl 1'edeetal fund.
Although the theatrical business here and
eUowhoro has been in a booming st to slnco
the week following election , reports como from
all quarters that munogors are reducing gala-
ties. Many actors have rolused to inbuilt to
this economical process , and plenty have lost
their positions In consequence.
Edwin Boath'a engagement at Iho Boston
. . .usoum has been attended with brilliant suc
cess thus far. The tragedian haa very wisely
Insisted upon proper attention being paid to
the Betting nnd castiug of llio plays in his
repertoire. Aunio Clarke and Charles Darren
are the loading members of Mr. Booth's sup
A monster b nefit for Manager John Nor
ton , whoso St , Louis theatre was recently
burned to the ground , was givsn nt the Olym
pic theatre in that city on the Gth. Many
stars sent fancy sums for single seats as a sub
stantial token of their sympathy for one of the
moat justly respected theatrical men in this
The Handel and Haydn society of Boston
propoao next year to commorato thu birth of
lltradel'in a becoming manner. February 24
will be the two hundredth anniversary of the
ccmpoaor , and Boston will celebrate the ovcnt
with three performances In the music hall. All
the programmes of the society this season nnd
next will ba dovottd entirely to Handel's
work ? .
A Kansas City man had suffered thirty
years from a loss of memory. Ilia friends hud
( pent hundreds of dollars for its restitution ,
Not loner ago he was taken to n now physician
and his case explained. After careful thought
the now doctor said : "Try a minstrelshow. "
they took the sufferer to the next minstrel
show that carco along. The end man's lirat
ioko acted like mngic. The poor man gave n
start , clasped his hands to his head nnd
gasped : "Merciful heavens , whoroam I ? That
voicot Those jokes ! Ah ! I remember.
Thirty years ago I was n boy. " "Saved !
Saved ! Saved ! " sobbed his family.
Farewell to an Old Prlcnil.
Good-by , old hat , dear old silk hat ,
You're laid aside to-day ;
But ere I put you on the shelf
I have n word to say :
In weeks and months that now nro past ,
Upon my head on high ,
I carried you with buoyant step
Wood-by , old hat , good-by.
Good-by , old hat , poor aged thing ,
Now marked with stain nnd spot ;
You've covered multitudes of Bins
And encased mental plots.
But you will keep my secrets safe ,
Secure with you they lie
Alone upon the closet she f
Good-by , oldhat , , good-by ,
Good-by , old hat ; some varied aconcs
Have you and I gone through ;
We'vo seen Bomo stormy times , have we ,
And pleasant months , too ,
And when bowed down wtth giief nnd
pain ,
Which worth and manhood try ,
I'd take a walk with you old hat
Good-by. old hat , good-by.
Goo-by , oo doubt this retrospect
Upon a timo-worn tiio
By many may seem absurd ,
And no ! half worth my wbilo.
But when I think of bygone day * ,
'Tis not without n aigli ,
I bid farmrcJI In you , old hat
Good-by , dear tricnd ,
"I wia I could wito ft letter ! "
Said the baby with n tiifjli ,
"Butthe pencil don't go wight a bit
Tisn't nny use to twy ;
Dut , " thoughtfully , "I know ono sing
I can mnuo ono , two , fre.
Would "at bo a letter , mamma ?
I suould sink 'nt it would bo. "
"I should think so , dear , " said mamma ,
So ha made a ' 1 , Z , "
"You see , " sajl ho , " 1 love Aunt Sue ,
And I want to wito to ehe. "
And Aunt Sue wrote ( the baby's oyen
Glowed with triumptmut glee ) ;
" The nicest letter I over saw
Was the baby's ' 1 , z , g.1
[ Rate Upaon Clark.
Astrachan cloth is much used for children's
o Woolen laca is n favorite trimming for child ,
ren'u dresses.
Long stockings are in favor wtth children
as Christina ] approaches.
Children'ssulta have Jersojwaists | and plaid
skirts , kilt-pleated , n scarf drapery coyering
, ho line of union ot waist and skirt.
" "I'll tut you In pieces , " screamed angry "lit
tle May to her nurse. "And then , mlns"iiaid
mamma , "whom will you sloop wlthR" "I'll
sleep with tha pieces.
Master Fred Papa , do you love me ns much
as Mr Jones loves hii Httlo boy ? " Papa
Certainly I do. Fred Well , ho bought his
littla boy a hobby-horse ,
"Mamma , " said little 7-year-old Ernest.two
hours after a very ead leave-taking of ft little
ilrl cousin , "I'm afraid I ehall never marry , "
"Why , deal ? " "Because I forget them so
puickly. "
A prftty drcas for a child Is made of rich
blua cloth. It lias a deep square-yoke and the
skirt Is box-plaited on it. At the waiat a
handsome saah runs through narrow loops ,
one on eacli plait , and is fastened with a large
bow in front , a httlo to the left. Tiie sleeves
are rather full nnd shirred at the wrist ,
"M , do tha little ducks like water ? " "Yes ,
dear. " ' But they dou'c like to bo out in the
rain ? " "Oh ' "Then what
, yes , they do. ]
does nurse take an umbrella with her for when
tha goes out in the rain ? She's a little duck , "
"Who says so ? " "Pa. I heard him tell her
elii ) WAS a litt'e ' duck , yesterday , "
One hundred Grand Kopids ladles are learn
ing bread making at a cooking school ,
The Weslyac female college of Georgia ,
created in 1883 , was the first college for wo
men in this country ,
Thu catalogue of the Amherat college Is at
last published. Ic shown this summary of uu.
der-Braiinatw : Seniors. 73 ; JuniorIt ; Soph-
omrcs , 70 ; Fioabmeu , 103 ; total , 3'J1.
Eighty-five schools are now supported in
Utah by outside old. Theio employ 185
teachers , who are paid 08.000 a year , and
give Instructions to 7,000 children ,
This country has about 16,000,000 children
of "school age. " but loss than 10,000,000 are
enrolled In tha ncbools. There are 200,000
teachers employed in all , and the schools coat
S91OOdtOO a year.
MSlxty Harvard freahmen h vo dropped their
Latin , eighty their Greek and 100 their math-
omatloi. Nona of them have dropped their
baseball or their boating , however , and college
culture Is still safe.
Hon. P. A. Smith baa donated $50,003 to
g cGilI university , Montreal , to be employed
n holding peparnto claxen for thn higher odn.
cution of TadloJ. Thi * mnkes the total amount
i ontributed by Mr. Smith $100,000 for wlut
\\M \ long been felt 0,1 n want in Montreal.
Abbott Ln\vrcnce , E > < | , , of Bo i ton , \\M \
lately donated to the Boston public library n
collodion of broadsides , printed from lO''t ! to
177-1 , aud relating to the colonial history of
New England , Among thorn U protinctal
stamp act of 17" > 5 , which boa hitherto encapod
the notice of historians.
The total number of stiuluuti in the Yale
university Is given by the Banner of that
Institution ns 1,079 , ot whom 302 are from
Connecticut , 203 from Now Yoik , 7G from
Pennsylvania , 6'J from Illinois-415 from Mapait-
chusotts15 from Ohtu , SS from Now Jersey ,
13 from nil the southern stnUw , which have
not sent so mnny hero slnco the war , and IS
from all foreign countries.
The superintendent of public Instruction of
Dakota iigutos Mit n present pchool population
of that territory , between the ngus of seven
and twenty , ti .12,500 , nnd on that basis
reckons the present population nt 410,500.
Dakota has two stnto universities , ono in each
of tha grand divisions , costing $30,000 cacti ;
nn agricultural college and two normal schools ,
jcsiutfl a deaf nnd dumb asylum. The retort
gives ns the amount expended for schools ditr-
ng the last fiscal year for buildliiga , furniture ,
.eochors' wages , and Incidentals , $1,003,602.00 ,
There nro 71 ! graded and 1SI ! ) ungraded school
iouscs , with sittings for 09,050.
At a roconi mooting of thn Now York
school board ono of the numbers spoke
of tha location of n now school ns fol
lows : "It Is locnted exactly twelve miles
From the city hall , It fronts on the famous
old ICingabridgo road. It faces the frowning
palisades nnd the majestic Hudson. The gable
wall of the structure greets the rising sun
from the homo of the Plumed Knight in the
plno forests of Mniuo. nud the tiny boll In
that old belfry peals to it a last good night as
It sinks behind thu golden gates of the Pacific ,
It stnuda in the ravine on the very neil over
which tha British atmy pussad when they cap
lured Fort Washington. It is within hcar <
tog distance of the old Duckman mansion ,
where the tiriti h pllhors hold their high int
giddy ravels the night nftor the capture of the
fort. "
The latest addition to the buildings in the
Glrnrd collage grounds is the structure , jusl
completed , In which the students are to bo
educated in pursuits , and made
skillful workmen as well ns good scholars.
The now building , which has boon constructed
for the special purpose of providing facilities
for the students to obtain practical aud com-
plotu knowledge in mechanical trades , is n
largo structure after the general style of the
ether HOW buildings piit il ) iu recent years.
It is provided with machinery adapted to tha
various useful trades to bo taught theio. In
structions iu thn nso of tools iu cold metals
and iu carpentering will bo given from the
start , nnd it is probable that a blacksmith
chop mid other conveniences for extending the
cope ot instruction will soon bo added.
The good Sunday school teacher catechised
the good httlo boy Sunday. "What did
Christ say about little children ? " he asked.
The little fellow answered : "Suffer little chil
dren to coma unto ms but for goodness suko
don't say I told you. "
"Well , " ho said to the minister , at tha con
clusion of the ceremony , "how much do 1 owe
you ? " "Oh ! I'll leave that to you , " wna the
reply ; ' you can better estimnto the value of
the service rendered. " "Suppose we postpone
the settlement , then , say for a year. By that
time I will kuow whether. I ought to give
you § 100 or nothing. " No no , " said the
clergyman , who is married himself , "mako it
S3 now. "
A fashionable New York clergyman was
calling on n still moro fashionable young lady
of his concrregation. In order to do his whole
duty ho asked her if she was in the habit of
sayini ? her prayers. "Now , Mr. Dove , " re
sponded the spoiled child , "I want to soy my
prayers. I've been meaning to say them
every day. .But how can I when pa ia too
stingy to buy mo a "prayer ru ; ; ? "
AiFronch newspaper informs the world'that
America is the homo of eccentricities , that m
Now Yoik no church bolls are rung by hand ,
and that "tho Acgolus is Hounded by steam ;
night and morning the machine operates with
the regularity of a clock for five minutes. " It
also declares that when money Is nee-led for a
charity the prettiest nnd most exemplary girls
in a town ascend a platform and let all comers
bias them for SI a head , but that , "no
one can take moro than ten kisses for the
money , "
"Yes , dear children , " said Deacon Buck-
rug , addressing the Sunday-school , "if we
are good , and dutiful , and and conscienclous.
nnd or truthful in this world , we shall all
moot together in Paradieo. " The daacon ia
good man , but too much of n talker , "Now ,
children , " ha went on , "IJwant you to tell mo ,
every one of you , whfiro wo will meet again il
wo are qood , and dutiful , and confcioncious , "
No reaponae. "Come , " ho said , kindly , "some
of you muat certainly know. It began with P ,
P P " "O , I know ! " exclaimed n little
girl on ouo of the back benches : "It's purge
tory. "
"Dearly beloved and brethren , you all
know , doubtlesn , the sad occasion which called
us together. The sod downfall of our beloved
brother , the late pastor of this church"
The Kight llov. Kichard H. Kane' D. I ) . ,
bishop ot the African Methodist Episcopal
church , had got this far in nn address to tha
people of the Fleet street ( Brooklyn ) church
when n colored brother , old Daniel Williams ,
interrupted him.
"What nro you talking about1 inquired
brother Williams. "Tiio pastor is stilt the
pastor of the church , bishop. I'm the chair
iKn of the board of trustees , and I say so. "
"Throw him out , " yulled Pastor Payton ,
recently disposed , from the rear of the church
"Shut up ! You dou't boas this church"
chnrua of voices shouted.
The btoh.ip'a friends took up the pauntlet
.hue thrown down , nud after eoveral xparrl ng
matches had been Indulged in order was re
stored by the police lugging the thumpers off
to jail ,
The now American Episcopal church in
Paris coat SoOO.OtO ,
Church property will bo taxed In Washing-
ion territory. The recent election decided the
inflation ,
The total receipt ] of thu throa womonV
loarda co-operating with the American Board
einco 18U3 have been $1,417,139.
General Booth of the English Salvation
Army is described ai "it man somewhat punt
niddlo &gt > , robunt nud singularly unsympa
thetlc and unearnost. "
The present population of thn world is
stated at l29lr > 33 ! I73 , of whom 7,931,080 , are
lews and : I70,87K,000 ara Christians. These
figures leave 915,721,827 to ba classed aa
liuatben ,
The corner stone of what is to bo the largest
Young Men's Christian association building In
iho country , was recently laid in Brooklyn , N ,
Y. The building will be the gift of the Mar-
quand out a to ,
Christjanity seems t ) b gradually forcing
its way into the jungles of India , In spite of
native prejudice iigitinst it. A Pnrsoo girl haa
astonished her friends by suing her lover for
breach of promise.
Work on the walls of the Mormon Toraple
in Salt Lake City , is about to Buap nd for the
winter. The main stmcture IB up to the
square , hut the central spires have yet to ba
roared a distance of ninety-five feet.
The Baptist Woman's Board of Home Mis
sions now supports tliirty-nino womonmission
aries , live teachers , and huvon bible readers ,
and ia getting ready to supnort a mlteionary
among tbo Chinese of Ban Francisco ,
Holy Tiinity church , Stratford-on-Avon ,
in the chancel of which the bones of Kbako *
peare lie , Is to bo restored at a cust of $00,000 ,
The restorations include the opening of tliu
north and south transepts and the removal ol
tbo galleries In the nave.
There has been a gain of twelve Congrrca *
tioual churches in Nebraska this year , The
record of the general a < socation ! jut published
shows 15'J churches , 113 mlnUterfl , 4548 mem
bers , again of CtOin the year ; 297 haptlami ,
7.481 enrolled in the Sunday schools , anil four
ministers ordained , 'J he total benevolent con ,
trlbutloua amounted to 7,117.41 ; total homo
expenditures , $00,550.41.
* $ After fourteen years the revision of the
Engluh version of the old testament u iinUh
ed , and will be published next spring In cover
al editions of varied e/.a ! and typo by the uni
versity presses of" Oxford and Cambridge
The work of publication advances slowly because - ;
cause the greatest care is necestary to avoid , to
for as pirtlblo. every error. The new version I
nf the old testau ent iu said to dlffnr from the
Kin ? James verclon now In uie moro than tha
revised version the new testament does.
1117 SJ , ClinrK-s s . , SI. f,0n | , Mo.
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aid Sores nriU Ulcers , -r. . . , . , . , , h omtrniitiSg
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Diseases vising ( rum Indiscretion EXCO& & ,
t posu'c or Indulgence , 'k i ! fotn- . . , . nf 0,1
faUowllnI. . - ' , mt\.uiii . . - , . ,1. M'i j. dlR , i nf ! itU
fiJ Jr'iftlto iii.innrr.mfii.i ( , i i * . . Uw , | V < > .i-tt ili ? i ,
t'tftlnu ' : fl * . .i-iMJ oft , titl * ff.nfi l.ft ftf UPM tli ,
rrnilprln/r / M.irrtaitn Improper or umnmir , M
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tr ur j i
< ) nleU. ttura
J rt ett otiamnleo plrtn
C 0-8cndtiTOitampa for Olebrated Medical Work * ,
Address , T. II. CIjAIIKU , JB. U. . 186 Scutll
Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILU
WeifcnfM MtltTloBt fir f lllnic powfrfl.
TcUnleil frrowlli or"lirlnlt iceotficoine t > y iif w IIIHHK |
M imtAlllne KI t < li\.lc.l Uw § can l , OIVM toliuit an.l
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UMIM tlMUra nn.l c > ticftitr tlnBitourl hmfnt li whitest
portlone. full sltencth. ita'clDr-menl , ftii.l . function , ftlven
lo eTfrrorc&n of thn l > hlfalu ho n wllbln nittr ,
riotitM itlmuUiit ) foiniKii nt , | > le nntilnipU. Mcdlr.l ,
Irtfrtiinlrftl in > l Mintmnlrul irlenco coml.lneil. W l-elleta
tlitflmnilo or In'atrnfiit thotnnflttncrrpuriil known to the
inciilrnl profusion.11 'Cin. ( bmmerttnllljirltr. "We ft > IJ
our oQttorFom'nt. " * ftp 'ito Mr. fitrttw , AbeT n.nfVery
or nt.tton. * ' .V. V. llimtr an /fim I * . " ll.fer Ul
to mlmtnt r > bylrlnM filltntppAtUfy thenm'lvr. without
cwt , " X V. i'lir-ilt 1. " An Inimutlnnoriruo merit with
n nTTwhtlmlnit nrrftjof Rtnulno certlllrMf..1' w Or *
iMniMifM. Vt'rltn Tor our " Trt itii" forjiltn OnWKhtnB
explanationrrfereucet * uj i > roor. AUUeil , Bealail la plain
emelope. AJJrrM
, - j DLOOD.'rcpin
litt ; the LlVEH nii'l KIDNEYS.
nnd VIGOR , of YOUTH. l\ ) " "
iln. WnninfAlipiMlto , In-
. . . .cation. J lek of tlrt'iiRtli ,
nmri'lrs.1 " ' " "Unt ? absolutely
ctircil. Itoncs , innst'lcs nnu
iit-rvcs rcci-lvo ni-wlorco.
ICrllvi'iis the inlnil unU
mipHlluS llraln 1'owcr.
| SnrurlliKlroincollllnta ( ] | :
J3I iicuullartu
Jed In DR. El ! OXER'S IKON TONIO ncnfo and
I'oeUy euro , tillves a clear , licaltliy completion.
Frequent uttciupta at -rrt"Ifi' > tlnp only adit
to the popularity uf tliu orlj-'lnnl. Do not eipcrl'
munt jii'ttho qinoi.vAi ; '
Brlanc'.er , . . . Bavaria
Culm backer , . . . . . . . . . . . .linvuna.
Pilsner . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohomim
Budwnser . St , Louis.
A.nliauaer . . . . _ .St. Louia.
Best B . _ . Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Piltraer _ . Milwaukee.
Krue'fl ; . Omaha
Alo. Porter. Domestic and Rhine
Science of Life Only $100
Bxbanstwl Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debllltj
Premature Decline In tfwi , Errors of Youth , anil the
untold miseries resulting from Imllecrotlons or ox <
oesaca. A book for every man , young , middle aged
tnd old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all aeul
ind chronic diseases each one of which Is Invaluable.
3o found by the Author , whose experience for 17
fears la ouch as probably never ooforo fell to the lot
of any physician. 800 pages , bound In beautiful
French muelln empossod covers , full , gilt guaranteed
to be a finer work In every soneo , machanloal , lit.
crnry and professional , than nuy ether work sold In
this country for 82.60 , or the money will bo refunded
tn every Instance. Prlco only 81.00 by mall , post
paid. Illustrative sample G cents. Send now. Gold
medal awarded the author by the National Meillcul
Association , to the officers of which ho refers.
The Science of Llfo should bo read by the young
for Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. It will
benefit all. London Lancet.
Xhero Is no member of society to whom The Hoi-
nco of LJfo will not he useful , whether youth , par
ent , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the I'cahody Medical InUtute , or Dr. W
a. Parker , No. 4 Uulnuch Ktrcet , Itonton , llais. ; who
may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
oxporlenoo. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have
balllcd the skill of all other phys-lir(11 ( clans ,
epeclaltyi Such treated success-nCHL fully
without an instance of failure.
a. F. mm
dtneitl Eoik'ii lu
Ilnv * lor ( tie SM.OM itieo urehillr Mlsolei Un.t
i lUUoin Mebiukk , * l low prlco nil on ouy ttiiut
Improvna uccia lor Ella In DongUg , Dfldgt , Qollitj
flaita , Hart , taming , furry , Wmhloglcn , bf tr *
Mmderi , and Duller Jounllei.
Titoa pild ! n til parti ol the 8UU. )
Honey lotned on mprovod ftiini.
Nuttrr I'abllc ilwuve la offlco Corres | > ooil
The remarkable growth of Ornah *
during the last few yoaro IB n matter of
great astonishment to these who pny nn
occasional visit to thin growing oi'ty. ' The
development of the StocV yartls the
necessity of the Bolt 'Ltrio Roarf the
finely paved atrcota the hundreds of iwW
residences end costly business blocks ;
with the population of onr city inoro than
doubled In the lost five years. All thl
is a great surprise to visitors and la the
admiration of onr citizens. This r pld
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial Improvements madn
Hvoly demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Investor has rnado a handsome
profit. gjj
Slnoo the Wall Street paulo last Jlay ,
with the oubsonuont cry of hard times ,
there haa boon loua demand from Bpoonla-
tore , but a fair demand from investors
Booking homos. This latter clasa ore
taking advantage of low prlaos In build.
Ing material and nro securing their homoa
at much loss cost than will bo possible
year honco. Speculators , too can buy
real oota * 3 cheaper now and ought to take
advaut o of present prlcos for future
pro is.
The next few years promises groatoi
d ivol opmouta In Omaha than the past
ti v i years , which have boeu &o good aa
wo could reasonably do lro. Now man
ufacturing ostabliohmonta and largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the proaporlty of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and throngn-
but the State , who have tholr monuy In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of 1
torost , which , If judiciously Invented In
Omaha rual estate , would bring thorn
much greater returns. We have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits in the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fins lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
timing , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam.Califor-
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible Gome of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro-
[ > erty in the western part of the city
will increase in value.
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
We also have Homo Hue business
lots and some elegant inside resi-
deucep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some good bargains by calling on u
213 South 14th St
Bet ver H Vnrnham and
p. s.Vf iiflk thosH who Imve
property for rfalo at n bargain to ive
us a callWo want only bnrgninn
Wo will positively not Immllo prop
erty nt n. ere than its real value.