MAHA DAILY BEE. -FOTJftTEElNTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , SATURDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 13 , 1884. NO. 104. WASHINGTON. The Day's ' Work at the Nation's ' Capital , Personal Wrangles Among Mem bers in tko Houao , The Deputy U , S , , Marshals Ac counts Being Audited , The Baker ( bmmittoo Indulge in a General Laugh , A Very'Interesting Letter from . General Brisbin , . ' "The National Hoiml ol Health The . \VnslilnKtonMonuincntninl varl- OUH Other Interesting News. IIOUDK. WASHINGTON , December 12 The house on motion of Kilin , a concurrent resolution passed that congrosi , being unable to attend the World'n exposition at Now Orleans , that tlio president hon decided to open the exposition by telegraph and start the mtchtnery thereof by electricity from the executive mansion in the pnvsonco of , hl8 cabinet and foreign repre sentatives and representatives from each state a-d territory in thn Uint'cl States , The session was taken up almost entirely by A personal wrangle , principally between Tay lor and Warner , both nf Ohio , rrcarding a speech of the _ fanner reflecting on the pension committee printed in the Hec ird but alleged nnver delivered. During the controversy Warner charged Taylor's army service during the civil war was confined to the Ohio homo guard. Taylor retorted that the only wound Warner over received was in the back. Heccss until f o'clock. Ton pension bills , including ono prantlnt (30 n month to Ktnma Delong , were paesod ail the evening session. Adjourned. WASHINGTON NEWS. THE nrrurr MARSHAL INVESTIGATION , WASHINGTON- , December 3 Barker con tinued his testimony to day before the cem- mittoe to-dny exnmiccrlili charges against the comptroller's i flico , Ho testified that ho had no objection to pacing the accounts of the several United states marshals ; also to the account of J. I Davenport , chief supervisor of elections in thn city of Now York At the request of Millikon the witness read a section of the revipoil stitutes and the order of the court , showing that the account w s legal and had been ordered to bo allowed. During the cross examination of Baker by Millikon , the quoatiim was asked whether the the judge who passed tfbu account wa ? bettor capable of parsing judgment ai to the legality of the vouchers on witness. "You will con don't propote to be. " "Well , wo ore running this Investigation , " retorted Milliken. "I am running this end of id , " said witness. "You , " \repHod Milliken , ' you are running tha butt end " The spectators roareu and the committee joined in a general Uugb. t Jildjfi IHwrenco will testify on Monday , The accounts of..Maishal Lot Wright , of the Cin- clnnatti distrjct , for the October election _ ex- ' penees have boon referred to tlio first auditor of the treasury for examination. They show the following disbursements : Special deputy marshals , MlO. > ; printing , S183 , budgtn , S188 ; livery , S7li ; total , § 14,502. The cx- psnditures for pocial deputy mar < hala are approved by Judge Sage , of thu district court. Tfco accounts for printing , badges and livery , which arn designated extraordinary expenses , are subject to the approval of the pnnident , and only be paid with bin cm- sent. The amount pent to Wiip-ht was 818- 322 , leaving a halunco duo the United Ht.itos , nscording to ths account londorod , of $ < ,7CO. DISCHIH NATON AGAINST ASIKRIJAN TORK. WASHINGTON , Decnmber 12. For some months past tha fu'iject ' of the admiasion nf American pnrk in Germany has remained in Btatu quo , the Inhibition impound by the im perial decree < > f March ( i'.h , 188 : ) , still exist ing , and the Oermun meanwhile havinp been pffectually closed to the American producer. Hitherto tha contest ugaiust the German din- orlmiuatloDS have boon waged alone in behalf of American < pork interests ; but hostile mcms ures in Gtrmany having recently been threatened agnint-t American petroleum , a powerful combination of tlui two intrrests 'u now biug fornipd , lo king to u decisive and deteiinimd ttand by the now administration and the now congress in reg.ird to both these essentially ImporUnt branches of American TUB UMON I'ACiriO BO AD. Tlio arguments in the Union 1'ncific rail road case wein concluded in the court of claims to-day and the C.M-O mbinittul. COUI'LKTION OF TUB KAHIIINGTON JIONUMENT. Gen. Sheridan will bo marshal of the dny for thn colobratinn . , f the comp.ction of the Washington monument. A NATIONAL nOAHl ) OK HEALTH. WASHINGTON , December 111 The commit- taoonfsdoral legial.vtion appointud by the national conference of thn state boards of health has completed a bill which embodies tha views of the conference as to tha best method of preventn p the introduction Into the United States of the cholera nd other dis- oacn dunufTims to the public health , The public health , tocontist f on innmber from tnety slate b ard of health , now or hcrtiaftor cftabllahrd , t < > bo appuiuted by the nrotldant niiil confirmed by tlio senate. The tea- end section in th'jbojrd is iuvot < > d with all tha authority wliicti is now or muy hereafter bo provided by law f > r the control and pro- tcotiui f thu public hi'ulth Thu _ president of tlui United States is imthoiizrd In an cmergonry to make a pro- clamutioaof iieco ry moumtt's , mch as tua- pending the introduction by londur sea of any iluDgcr.uw kind of iruirclui dire , or pruhiblt ing entirely thn entry into Unit * ! States ports veifoln frnin infucte leouiitrits An nppropria tion of iJM 0,1 00 Is niadu to meet the exr oneod iiicurro't in carr uiK out thti nrovlitlorBof thu bill. Dolegat'8 fri in ph > elciuiis and mem- hurt ) of t tut e board A of health plmtd n bil in the hands of the houto eummictoo on public health this ufttruoou. Tha Ciinvoniliin cif Ciitllcincn. HELENA Mont. , December 12. The Her aid to morrow will print a letter from tien Brluliu , vice president and [ chairman of tlie national ciccutlve cotnmltlco of cattlemen , iplalnlng the purposes of the St. Louis con * ventiou. The general declares that free angfR are no more practicable or desirable , and nays tlut the majority of the cattlomcin n the United States favor the le.islng of the public grwa lands for I a Texas cattle trft''t ' _ ftm' ' nn animal ndustry bill , The statement is made that mo tixth of all cattle herds west of the Mis- soon river nro owned or controlled by English men who feed their cattle on frco American [ rass and are gradually driving Americans out > f the cattle bnsiness. The letter appeals to ho ] ) eoplo and to congress to protect the American cattle growers ni'alnst foreign capi- al and to favor cheap beef for homo consump- ion. N DAY. A 110DT HTOLKN I'ROU A OltAVK IH IIIIOUGHT TO LIFE AND SIAHIUKH ONE 01' THK THIKVES. SrRiNannLi ) , Mass. , December 11. A re- rortor of the Republican visited Egremont and gleaned now particulara of the grave rob ing mystery. The case is farther than over rom a solution. Judge Itowloy , a select man f Kgromont , and executor cf Miss Kstell bowman's estate of S7,000 says ho first heard ho story purporting to bo a confession of the dyins man , H , Worth Wright , a few days ago , Wright won home on a vacation when Hiss Newman died With twc > or throe other Indents ho took the body of Miss Newman to ho west stock brtilge in a sack and convoked "t to Albany on the night train , The tudents prepared to dissect the jody when there were signs of life , and they succeeded in restoring her , 51io was insane. After contultatlou Misa Bowman was taken to the Bolluvuo hospital , tfow York , where she remained a while and van subsequently taken to the residence of an mclo of ono of the students in Schohario county , New York , where die regained her oason about two years ago. When II. Worth Wright died in Connecticut , she read about it and said she knew Wright , and from that time on her memory came cack , and she was fully restored to health , and subsequently narriod n young physician , a nephew of the nan in whoso care she had boon since leaving the hospital. Ho further added that the coiiplo i > ro now living in Now York xtato and are proposing a visit to Miss Nowman" friends n Berkshire county. VAITjKOAl * UAOICI3T. NEW YORK , December 12. President Gar ret , of the B. & O , , and other directors of the company have been in conference to-day with .ho Ohio & Missinpi people. All differences jotweon the conflicting factions are settled , CHICAGO , Dacomber 12. In accordance with the instructions from Commissioner Fink , the freight committee of east-bound loads met to-day and fixed tha tarllf on dressed hogs and sheep to the ceaboard points with the following rates to Now York as the mis : Hogs in common carj , carload lots 50 cents per hundred ; less than a carload 85 : cnrs. In refrigerator cars , carloads 55 cent ? . Sheep in convuon cars , any quantity , 85 cents , in refrigerator carn-00 cents. MOROSINI'S 1MUGHTE11. RUG WILL SUB HER ALLEGED TOIUIKNIOES. NEW YORK , December 12. Mir.o. Victoria Schelling-Hulskamp having been greatly an noycd by Frederick Mordaunt has placed the case in tha hands of her attorney , and ho is about to came Mordaunt'a arrest. Suit will also be brought ugalnst the Mail and Kxpresi or libel , tlu grounds being the publication of m interview with Mordaunt accusing Mine , lulskamp of being a blackmailer , the paper uving refus d to make a correct on. Tha in- ervicw with Mordaimfc WM tn Clio oToofe thntr Mine. Jlulskamp had asked him to mike a wgus contioci that rho might show to her ntncr , and so secure $23,000 on condition that ho would not go on the stage , A Bljju Old Time. Niw YOBK , December 12. Tha dinner of of the merchants aud business men's Clovo- andond Hendricki club to-night was a great mccBES. The guests asecmblcd soon after G ) . in and marched into a largo hall. J. Townsend is the p-esldcnt. Among the guestk present were United States Senator Jonas , if the dtmocratio national committee ; Carl Schurz , Gov , Wallet , Gov. Abbjtr , of Now lersov ; John Puotd of the Jtro klyn Union , Toaeph J O'Donohuo , of the cnffeo oxchancw ; D. Willis James , of the committee of 1870 [ as was also J. J , O'Uonuhue ) which over- burned the Tweed ring in this city ; Horace White , of the Kvcning Po t ; Mayor-elect Grace and General J. B , Gordon ; of Georgia. Thn Mpaiilsli-ttmrricnn Trer.ty. NKW YOBK , December 12. Minister Fester this afternoon in the chamber of commerce met the sp.cial committee of that body ap pointed to consider the Spanish-American treaty. Other committees from like bodies were present. Foster briefly oxnlained the propound treaty and the hiitnry of hta errand ta effect it , adding that hit miseionhad result ed m the coinpleta execution of its purpose. The gtntlomau did nut make n speech and the meftliiff was mostly devntud to thu putting o ! questions by those pruacnt to Foster roiativo lo the treaty. Gvo Hull. CHICAGO , December 12 The persons Indic ted for participating in the election frauds In the Second precinct of the Eighteenth ward , appeared before .hulgo Bludgott in the federal court Una morning and gave bill in the sum of ten thousand dollars each. The accuse' ! de clared they hid not time to examine lhn in dictmeiits , and were allowed until next Tues day to plead. AVoatlier Kcport. WAHHINGTON , December 12 For the upper Micsls'ippl generally fair wuather ; nearly stationary temperature , vnriab'o vviuds , most ly northerly ; for Mljidur valley , fairwcuther , vnrinblo winds , nearly etatiunary tempera- ture. Clfjar InktrH Strike , PlIILADKLl'HIA , December 12 , The cm- ployos ot J. Portarondo , cigar manufacturer , resolved to strike agninit a cut af wages of 5- per l.Ct'O. They will go out in u body to Tlio Kjirr nionl MjHiery Kvplotlcd Sl'illNQl-'lKLl ) , Mass , December 12 , The I grcmont mystery lias ceased by the opening to-day of K-itellu Nowmaa'a grave and tiudiuf the body undUtiitbed , KocoIiPr'n Oliurcli liiiHltnil7Mcint > ri > NEW YORK , December 13At the nunun moctinK tii.night of I he Plymouth churcl ( Hov. HentyVnru Bfechi-rV ) , 2,107 lumes wcre38mioimced ou the roll of membciBhij S. V. White was elected treasurer , DEVKLOI'UKNTS IN THE QUARTCt1 ! . * MCltOKR IIAimV I-EHCIVAt'S OltANlll-ATHEn THE 1'RIMK JHNlHTEn OP KNGLASD NKDIUSKA WESTERN fNIVERSlTT LOtl' IllVKn'imlDaG , ETC. Special to THE BEE , FULLKHTO.N , Nob. , December 12. The mystery in which the Horse creek tragedy was involved has lifted but little. A number of determined men , Including Dr. Tanner , of Owdtouna , father of Mr * . I'crclval , with the nesietanca of numerous dottctlvce , are con stantly at work on the cose , and will never COMO until the murderer Is brought to jus tice. I'EIICIVAL't ) HELATIVKS. Inquiry by agents in Kngland bring forth the fact that his grandfather was prime minister of DuRlcnd , and that his uncle Is mmemcly rich , and that Hatry Perclval would have become his heir. The bearing tint this fact might have on tho'muriler is not rot clear , as It has not boon ascertained who , hu property will fall to. FIRNIVAL'S FUKYIOUS oooo CHARACTER. Uvery particular of Furnlval's ' life outside of the damning evidence loads the Investi gators to doubt his guilt. Ills Rooil connec tions , coed character and straightforward nanucr made him a friend to all that know lim. Search for Furnlval'a body has not yet > con entirely abandoned , although it is now carried on more at tin instigation of Ftirni- val'niolativcs. The London limoj recently contained a notice of tfurnival's dnath at Aillerton , This was dona in n ollort to ouuteract the record of his crime among English friends , A rECOLiAn rAtrr , Ono peculiar fact is that two horses were OOPO and the poorest animal of the lot was iddeu toFullerton , When the investigators' conviction of Furuival's guiltnrofora moment hakon by his splendid standing , they hnvo mt to lock back at his conflicting statics on Monday , the day succeeding the murder of lugh Miiir , the blood found on bis shoes , to nako conviction doubly euro. A letter from Spoocer A Percival urpoa the authorities to iirthor tfTorta and says ho will arrive in America himself in March. NEDItAbKA WLSI.ETAN CNIVEUSITV. Next to the most terrible murder murder in Nebraska Fullerton has wltnesaod the grfat- eat steal , in the loss of the Nebraska Wesleyan - an university. A school was founded hero a number of years ago , and partly managed by ; ho Mothodi t conference. A ftw monthn ago the conference mot. Fullerton was told previous to the mooting that S15,000 would iecura the school. At the meeting of the con- Terence this sum was raised to $ JO,000 and a committee of seven appointed to decide lo cation and adjourned for ninety days. Fullerton - ton raised the i required S20 000 , including es tablished building and grounds. At this motting Norfolk bid § 6,000 , Fullerton S20- COO , and Central City S-'iO.OOO , of which $10- 000 was 100 acres of sand The committee adjourned until December ! > , toFiennut. Fill- letton again came to the front with $30,000 in bankable notes anl lands at actual value Sen ator Meeklojohn , B. D. Slaughter , llev Gale , Coorier , went from hero to represent Fuller- ton's interest , At this meeting Central City was represented by numerous ci izeas who presented a section of land laid off in lot ? and in the center was 100 acres for co lego grounds and they pu-rinteod to sell SIO (00 wirth of lots and 615.003 worth of scholarships thus presenting a bid cfSJ1 , COO without SI outlay , KUler Maxfiold , who from the start has been pledged to Fullerton , turned , aud the school ivas located in the Platte bottoms , where nu- lariii and the bull frogn reign supremo. For tunately ) t is .Convenient ta tl o ( jrnvo yard vlioaldmy \ ba fpolleh enough ' to tend their children. ' Our eltizenfUDroVjus'tly * indignant an'd propose to eift the thinp nd ascertain the price of ministers' siuls. The vote stood 3 'or Fullertou and 4 for Central City. LOWE ItlViK MIDGE. Bids will soon bo advertised for in the ft Ho papers for a bridge acroes the Loupe Khcr whichro quires 1,400 feet of brideo. JOlIrJ M'OULlipUGU. rim ACTOR'S FRIENDS INSIST THAT HE ISN'T CIIAZV. NEW YOIIK , December 10.- [ Special ] -A morning paper says of John McCullough , the tragediju : It is believed that the people who have approathed his wife with in iow to having him locked up leceivcd their informa lion wholly from sensational newspaper stories concerning his doings. To those who have moft , closely watched the tragedian the thought that ho may do harm tohiinaelf .or to aaybotly o'so seems particularly absurd For aovoral days after his return from the west Mr. McCullough was c.irofully followed by n professional wdtchor , who resigned his position In , dijguse , saying ho never saw in the whole couito of his career a man who took better care of him self or who behaved inarnore rational man ner. The one particular thing which has been developed in connection with Mr. McCtil- lough'a difficulties ii a dieicclinaticm to rpend his money. Up to a year ngo he distributed his funds with great freedom , but now it is declared that he rigidly holds on to every penny. Those > hinj s , however , are certainly mild and InnfTonsivo ec notriciUca Fvery ono who regards John McCullough h'ghlv ' feels that to put him under rcbtr.iint would do a noodles' ) blow ca culated to destroy his rraion more qmcky ( nnd more surely than that end cnuld bo accouipllfhcd by any other posslbh course. G s ICxplokion in St. ST. Louis , Mo. , December 12. The storms to-day caused the eollapro of the largest caso- meter of the St. Louis Guslicht company. The heavy enow caused ono of the columns tn fal about 11 o'clock to-night , and the friction which followed producud AH explosion. A Bollil column of fire 2 X ) feet high ehot strulghl in lhn air and illuminated thu city from the western limits to the river. The loss by the cxpli sion is § 15flOO A gapomflter 100 feet in circumfmence containing 400,003 foot of gas exploded and Is a complete wreck. A largo amount of property In the vicinity was dam- aged. Tlieru ii a little insurance on the works , _ IVnl ! Street Sloulc Market. WALL , STRKET , December 12 Stocks foveriih and weak , Lackawnim thu main ffatu n. ranging from 93J5 to 100 } , with Utost transactions at J'JSt 1'uul declined to 73J further bond issue closed weak , FailuroN lor llio AVcet. NEW YORK , December 12. Tlio failareo for the la t seven days ere 318 , Last week there were 3.10. A MimUrcr Ilmitf In WiiiGHThViLLB , Ga. , December 12 , Warren 1'rlce , a murderer , was haugod to-day. GENERAL HEWS. FranK GotK HUDE at laramic City for Mnrier , The GovernorEsfusod to Interfere and Oook was Hung at Noon , A Shrewd Scheme of Some Iowa Politicians , , The Iron Manufacturers at Pitts- burg Keduoiug Wages. A Bie ; Budget of Foreign News of tlio Day. Strikes 1 Failures , Fires , Kxccu- tione , CnHitnlltica ami VarloiiH Otlior Interesting \ HANGING MATCH IN Ij.UlAMIE. Special Telegram to TUB BKK. LAUAMIK CITY , December 12 FrankCook , who sliot and Instantly klllod Jmnea Blunt vithout provocation , on Thanksgiving , 1883 , HWUUE from a gallows erected in a smalt square mildlwr In the rear of the court house yard this noou. Cook came to this territory from England u 1870 and bad resided In the vicinity of Laramie - amio City over since , most of the time being employed by stockmeu as a herder. In an- Bvver to the question what ho attributed his downward coursn and tragical end to , ho said , It is all from drinking. " Uosaid ho acquired the habit of drinking after ho caino to this country and while he was a "cow punchor. ' ' Until recently Cook had seemed to bo almost entirely destitute of any sensibility , and to regard his post crime and approaching did with stupid and stoical indifference , itecently , however , ho appeared considerably changed. Ho received spiritual advice and nstruction from Father Comiiky- Catho- , io priest , and other clergymen also visited ilin. Ho professed to behove in a future 'xlstence , and thought ho was prepared for it. Ho , for the first time , on Sundry last , pro- 'ossed sorrow and regret for his crime. The circumstances of the crime for which ho suffered tha death penalty are still fresh in our minds. On ThankeRiving day of last year November29th-ho came to Laramie from Medicine Row to spend Thanksgiving and "haven good time. " Ho anived in the early stoggering along Front ntreot , he mat his brotlior-in-law James Blouni who came out of A brain's saloon. Both wore ua lor the in- lluonce of liquor ; a few words passed between them , and Cook drew his revolver and shot Blount through the head , killing him in stantly. Upon the scaffold he was cc'cl and composed and did not give away in the least. This is tha second legal hanging which has taken place in this toriitorytho tint being the hang ing of Donovan Inj&Bpring. ' ' -v N-C. ' ' A Shrewd Scheme of tlio Iowa Poli tic ! RUB. Special telegram to the BEE. DES MOINES. December 12. A very shrewd politicil schema has Locu unearthed hero to day. A larpo number of republicans have agreo'l ta start an agitation calling for the assemblies in oxtrn session of the state legislature < laturo for the apparent purpose of fixing lower freight rates. The real object is , however , to get the governor to call the session and then forthat body to turn in and repeal the pro hibition law which has proved such an ele phant on the hands of the republican party. Several circumstances strengthen this in ference. The present legislature at its last session would engage in any kind of legisla tion not diroct.d at the corporations. The committees were made up in their interest und ospeci lly in the railroad interests. The movement H alee headed by parties who have heretofore always opposed the legislative con trol of rates. Indeed the dodge is quite trans- paiont , and the prohibitionists having Been through it are nlieady greatly excited. They rjMiniso to maks it interesting for any po litical party that threatens to wlpo out the present prohibitory statutes. K Wages , PITTMIIURO , December 12. Carnegie Bros. & Co , opj rating the Union Iron mills , have ordered a reduction of 10 to 15 per cent in the wages of employes , by which 001) ) men will ba alffcted. The Isabella Blast Furnace com pany ordoicd a 111 per cent reduction , but the rent of the company "a houses has been rcducet 10 per cent. FOREIGN. IIOHK WANTH A COMMISSION APPOINTED. " \ IK.VNA , December 12. Political correspondence spondonco Bays that Homo wishes an inter national commission appointed to settle ttio Egyptian flnances. A mo REDUCTION. BERLIN , December 12 Reichstag was re duced by half yesterday on demand of the government forthroo million marks with whicl t > ) completu the fortifications at Aluaco-Lor alno. IIIICOMB A CATHOLIO. LOS'DON , December 12. The Bon of the Bidhup of llochostcr ha ? become a Catholic. A OltAND DUCIIEsaVAMS A DIVORCE. LONDON , December 12.-It h ropoitcd that tlio wife of Urand Duke Sergluu , who was married a few mouths ago , is abuut to apply for a divorce , A I10I.T AMONG TUB NATIVES. DONGOLA , December 12. The natives have little con deuce that thn liiitl.h expmlltioi will prove micco'slul. They positively refuse to accompany the English forces boyood Nira wa on any condition , CHOLERA VICTIS1S. I'Altm , December 12 , There were twenty ono deaths ( rum cholera In I'aiis last week. AN ITALIAN PROPOSITION , BHIII.IN , December 12.-Count Launay , an I tall in delpprato , proposed yp terd y that tha i contracting powers thould reserve the right to revise the nav igntlon and tarllf regulations which may bo adopted lor the Congo after five years. SUSPENSION Ol1 THE ROIIKMIAN MORTGAGE COVI- PAN\ . VIENNA , December 12. The Vlonnft Na- .tonal bank will not press thu claims atramst .ho Bohemian Mortgage company , which ens- > ended yesterday , owing to the great dopres- ilnn in the sugar trade. It Is believed thnt other banks will lend their assistance to the corporation , so that it will bo abli to liquidate irivately. A private dispatch from Vienna ccolved at Now York say the suspension of .ho Mortgage company caused a threat panic in the Vienna bourse , shares falling from 70 , o 80 florins. Many banks nro embarrassed , HOSIERY OI'KtUTlVEH COMING. LONDON , December 12 , Ono hundred op- iratives lelt Nottingham for America , where : > laces have already been engaged. HOSTILITIES TO 11K HUSPENDKO. I'AIHS , December 12. La 1 ranee says tha Chinese commanders have been commanded to iiispond hostilities , THREATENS TO RESIGN. LONDON , December 12. A Hong Kong dls- > atch to the Times says the affairs of Ivoo i ng and Tonquin are in statue Quo. Gen. , ) o Lisle threatens to rcsiin if the reinforce- nonts arn not sent. Each mall etoamor iiRS more Mosmons for the Chinese military and naval service. 12G Hermans have already ntcred the Chinese service. TURKISH ATROCITIKS , LONDON , December 12' A dispatch from ) dosa , to the Times snys the Turkish atroci- ' .tea at Macedon are increasing. Two huml- eel Christians have been murdered within the > a t few weeks. Tree villages burned on ho Kcduapping common. Tlio inhabitants lira afraid to leave their houses. 'HE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY COMMISSION. HOME , December 12. Tha Inter-national nonetary commission concluded its sittings. ? ho proposal of America to suspend the com- go of silver was discussed , A FRENCH VIOTOIIV. PARIS * , December 12. Gen Miot telegraphs rom Madagascar that on the Gth instant , af- or a march of fifteen hours , ho captured a cond f or * , south of Fort Vohomar. Ho cap- ured five guns of the llavaa two hundred of vlioiu wcro slain. The French loss is four voundod. CIIAROEI ) WITH TREASON. STHASIICRH , December 12. The president of he supreme court of Lelpsic handed Autoino , i well known member of the reichstag from A-lsaco-Lorralne , an indictment charging him vith treason. TUB CONliO COHMITTKB PROVISIONALLY AC- CK1T8. BKHLIN , December 12. The Congo com mittee provisionally accepted the French icutrality proposals which provide for the reo navigation of all rivers and canals and ho free paseego over all railways and roads loth in the Lougo and Niger countries by all nations , peaceful or belligerent , for the pur- lose of commerce , in time of war , Tlio Striking Coul Miners ol Anjjus. DBS MOINKS , Iowa , December 12. Two companies of militia were sent to Angus at an early this morning , but on their arrival tiny * ouud everything quiet there. The recently raported miners wont to work and ono com- ? any wa < left at the Keystone ml no on Smoke : reek while the other company was returned lomo. It Is thought that the backbone of the strike has been broken and that many of the strikers wil [ soon return to work. NO GOOD GROUNDS l'OR SENDING TROOPS. PHIOAGO , December 12. The Inter-Ocean's Angus down ) special savs : There was no ; oed grounds for Bonding troops here last night , as the striking minors showed no dis position to molest the now men. The buei < ness men of that place to-day signed a petition tion for the withdrawal of the troop ? . Ono company has already gone , and the others will probably follow at once. The Swaim Court Ulnrtinl , WASHINGTON , December 12. When the Swaim court martial convened llobt. T , Lin coin appeared aa a witness for the prosecution His examination WAS confined to the inquiry whether ho received any report or communi cation from Swaim prior to April IS , 1881 , relative to the pay of accounts of Col , Mor row. Toe secretary testified ho had received no information on the subject from Genera Swaim prior tn the date mentioned. Genera Grosvenor siid the defense would prove thai at the date on which it is alleged General Swaim know of tin alleged duplication ol Col. Mororvv's accounts the secretary of war and a general of the army had knowledge o such alleged duplication * : had known It for week ? , and had taken ollhial action in the matter. Three Girls Hut-nod to Death. DETROIT , December 12. This evening the girls employed in the second story of Gray Toyntbii & Fox's candy factory wore terriliei by a fire breaking out in the roar of the build ing. A rush was made for the fire oscipo In descending ono girl foU and was slightly hurt. Three others appeared at the window but the IhinoR drove them back , and the trie were not aguin sefii until the fire subildcd when their corpses were found near the window. Their faces wore burned black , Their uamoi wore Frances Messmoro , agoi fourteni ; Annlo Lynch , aged twenty eipht and Llleu Colgase , ngod povciitcen. The loss and datnngo to the adjoining buildings i S ' ,000 ; fully insured. The origin of the fir is unknown , Twenty-five Colored Men Drowned BALTIMORE , December 12. Reports from the Rappahanack liver say that Tuesday about twenty-live colored men were out long ing for oysters when a terrible gale arose cap sizing the boat ? , The men hung to the eidu of the boats for a vvhilobut finally were swop off and most of. tin m were drowned. Kluven bodies have been found and many more are expected to ba found , LATER Twenty-seven oyster men at leas were drowned. Thirteen bodies have boon recovered , A .V10O.OOO NEW You K , December 12 , II , G. Good win , of Woolen , hits assigned to J , II. Bird Inferences 3100,1 , 00. The firm heretofore has been regarded a Bound , Tlio failure IH believed to bo due ti bid debts , Dhriokape in values , and dull trade Tlio firm's atfuirn will bo settled in thirty days , A Wyoming Murderer Hunjr , LAKAMIK , Wyo. , December 10 , Georg Cook wns hanged to-day for the murder o liu brother-in-law , Henry Blount , avcarnpo Cook made n ramarki on the scaffold am maintained to the last that ho was ton dtunl | to know ho was cummlttlLg murder. Ho diet easily in ten minutes. A IJH.VUTYVS SIN. < V ENOCH ARI1EN WITH MODERN IMPROVE MENTS CRKVTES A 8INHATIOX , Special to the Chicago Daily News , AMSTERDAM , N. Y , , December 12. Twcn- y-threo yevra ago Ambrose Stciling occupied n | Ksitlon In ono of the city mills. Ills faint- y consisted of a wife and one daughter , 20 ears of age , vvlio was noted for her beauty. V young man named John Shorn hi came to ho village , and gaining the affection of Miss Sterling against the will of her parontso'opcd pith her to Syracuse , There ho soon proved .o bo a professional gambler , and in a few lays ho abandoned her , tMio determined note , o return home , and went tovork as a domes- 10 near Utica , Her parents , after fruitless efforts to discover her whereabouts finally rave up the search and re urnod to Scotland , heir native land , vvhoro they died a few years ago. ago.About a year after her elopement Miss Storlinc was employed at a Fort 1'laiil hotel , vliero eho mot an uamnrrlod farmer named { obcrt Jpimingj , living in Galway , Saratoga county , Ho ongngod her oa housekeeper and inally married nor. A daughter was born to ho couple a year alter tha marriage. Last uinmor a tramp came tj the Jennings farm- louse and l pped slultcr for the nislit. Ho turned out to bo the John Sherwin of other days , Mrs. Jennings persuaded htm to ircsoivo silence as to their former relations , and ho was given work on the farm. Ho gained the affection of Mrs. Jennings' daugh- er a beautiful girl twenty years of ago , and ho tw.i . cloned n few weeks ago. The heart- iroken mother confessed her early wayward- < ces tn her husband and ho forgave her. Iherwin and his wife are now living on a arm in Delaware county. A UIG CONXR\OI , A CHICAGO KtBM LIKELY TO CONSTRUCT THIC NEW- AQUEDUCT 1011 N1W 1ORK CITY. Chicago Daily News. NEW YORK , December 12. The contract or tlio now aqueduct for this city has been nd for by 117 firms , but the contest has prac- Ically narrowed down till it lies between irown , Howard & . Co , , of Chicago , who built ho Nickel I'lato railroad , and John O'Brien , of llhinobock , N. Y. , who haa constructed many extensive works in this state. At yesterday's mooting of the aquo- luct commissioner * there was n tie vote as to vhich firm should bo awarded the bic contract. The figures of both are substan- lally the sairo , so nearly BO , in fact , as to cause somn comment. It is said that 3'Briou's bid was originally much the lowest , nit that his sureties were not considered fully adequate , and now bids worocalltd for. On , ho opening of the now proposals it was found that the Chicago firm had como down , o a triilo below O'Brien's original estimate , \Ieanwhilo \ O'Brien ; had added ample sureties ; o his lUt , but one of the commissioners who md objected to O'Brien's first bid as too lowe , o be safe voted ycntorday to accept the still ewer bid of Brown , Howard & Co , Thnro will probably be a good deal of wrangling and charges of unfairness in the matter before , ho end is reached , A IIlDiul-ltcd Oollln. MALDEN , Mo. , December 12. Jerome Blan1 ion , a well-known farmer , was met yesterday on the railroad track by two tramps armed with guns , who demanded his money. "Do not murder mo and I'll ' glva you what I'vo ; ot , " cried Blantpn , but , instead of his pocket book , drew his revolver and shot one of the men dead in his tracks. The other fired , hit ting Blanton in tha shoulder , and escaped , Blanton will receiver. The dead tramp was buried in a blood-red cofl'ui. Duel Deliver u Two Coiy Hoys , PORTLAND. Oregon , December 12 , A terrible riblo duel was fought between two cow boys in Idaho , opposite A'sortin , Washington ter ritory. The dualitts tied their Itft hands to gether and fought with knivea until both fell dead. One received lit stabs , the other seven teen , The affray was witnessed by the friends of both men , Jollity wag Unbounded. CHARLESTON , S C. , December 12. The cel ebration of tha election of C'oveland ' and Hen- dricks was begun to-day by firing a gun for every electoral vote 21 ! ) . Jollity was un bounded during tha day. In the evening the city was ablaze with lights. Eacli Will Una Separate , ST. Louis , December 12. Under orders from New York to day the postal telegraph and the Bunkers and Merchants telegraiih offices , which have been operated jointly in this city , wcro separated and each will hero * after bo run independent of the other. A New Bedford l < 'lre. NEW BEDFORD , Mass. , December 12. A fire is rnging in the business portion of the city , The xv hilo fire department is out. The loss will bo heavy , A New Ilcdford Fire. NEW BEDFORD , Mass. , December 12. The IO'IB by fire this morning was about ninnty thousand dollars ; iuBurjnio about eoventy-livo thousand dollars. ) \f \ Scrolulalsp rt'J/nior ? general than any other diseasj. It fc > Insidious In character , and manifests Itself in running sores , pustular eruptions , lolls , swellings , enlarged Joints , abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparilla expels all trace of bciofula , from the Wood , leaving It puru , enriched , and hcalrtiy. "I was severely aflllcted with scrofula , and for over a year had two running sores on my neck. Took flvo bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla , and consider mysclt cured. " C , K. LOVIMOY , Lowell , Mass. C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , had scrofulous sorci for seven years , spring and tall , llood'a tiarsuparllla cured him. Salt Rheum William Spies , Elyrla , 0. , suffered greatly from erysipelas and salt iheum , caused by handling tobacco. At times his hands would crack ojicn and bleed , Hotrled various prep arations without aid i finally took Hood's Bar- baparllla , and now says : " I am entirely well. " "My son had salt rliemn nn hlo liauth and on the calves of his legs. Ho took IIood'H Sarsaparilla nnd U entirely cured. " J. 1J. STANTON , Mt. Vcrnoii , Ohio. ' Hood's .Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. SI ; six fores. MdUo only by C. 1. HOOD to CO. , Lowell , Mass. 1OO Doses Ono THE MARKETS. The General Mattel Remains to the Sam ° insalisfactQry ; Condition , The A ace in Froidits Have Uns | jd the Wkolo Trade , The D 0d Beef Shippers in a - Quandary. The 1 rt Trade has Almost Passed ont of Mind. A Boduotion of Bates is the Only True Beuiedy ; Ilicro ,1s no Material GIintiRC Iroiu tlio 1'rlecs Given Yesterday Speeinl DlBimtohcs , OH 1C AGO MAUKI3XS. CATTLE , Special Telegram to THE BSE : CHICABO , December 12. No Toxann reported - od among the fresh receipts , but several loads ii were carried over from last night. The general - * oral market remains in the same unsatisfac tory condition as noted for the past throe days , in fact for the whole week. Kocoipta are not crowding the market. The advance u freights seems to have unsettled the whole rado. It was thought the aovomcnt would imulato shipments of live cattle , but so far stimulation is not visible. Thou the re&sod beef packers are also in a rmadary hat to do to adjust their business to the nu ance in freights , and they are feeling tholr fay , and buyinp about half their usual tium- or , and next the export trade has almost paee- d out of the minds of the dealers , the cattle or British markets are seldom mentioned , and lore has not boon a cargo boug'it into this narket for direct shipment for at least two nonths. About the only class soiling at satU- actory prices are fair to prime cows and bulk , ut the low grades are yet selling at losing rices. Stackers are selling at rather high rices and feeders have advanced nearly out : [ sight the last day or two , Tticro were a few oads of Christmas steers that are selling round about SO 2figi ( : ! 75 , a nd premium Jhristmas cattle referred to yesterday average SCI , and sold for S7 33. Best Liverpool cat- lo can not bo quoted higher than S5 76@G 00 , nd best shipping cattle at $150 , vhilo the great bulk of so- ailed fat cattle are celling between 4 50@4 00 , and many a loid of good butcher tecrs were sold around about 81 25fa)4 ) 40 , Good to choice shipping l,8jO and 1,400 Ibs. , -IQfJli 00. Common to medium , 1OCO and ,5000 Ibs , SI OC5 00 Texan cows , § 2 50 ® ) 00. Texan steers , S3 25@3 75 , HOGS. The hog matkct opened active ) and a trifla irmer , but not quotable hjgheras compared ! vlth the closing last night. The first tales of , common to fair packers were at ? 110@fcLs 115 , and for best packer * , SJ 2C@4 257 while choice heavy sold up t. . 51 3U@ t15 t ; but along about 10 o'clock there was a charp down tura of 6felOc. Common light Boris Bold at SI lt > GY 115 , and choice assorted at $1 25. Packing and shipping , 250 to 375 Ibs. , § 4 1 ft 4 374 , closing at 5110@4 20 ; light , ItO to 215 Ibs. , § 3 90@4 25. / ; WHEiT. ' W There was a weaker feeling in the wheat .r.vlo to-day , growing out 01 the Vienna fail ure , and the reported failure of a dry goods loueoin Now York. Weakness in thostock mar let and anticipated heavier arrivals for to morrow. Values were moderately veil main tained , however , during the greatei portion of the session , January early in the dav ad vancing to 72jjc , but receded on the afternoon joard to 71fic , which was cloning and also ; ho lowest figure of the day. May closed at 78Jc. CORN. A very quipt feeling prevailed in corn , Early n the day prices were advanced 3jo for year and January , and jc for May , but later ruled worker under talr offering , duo partially to the decline in wheat , finally closinc about c over yesterday , with year 67Jc , January 35jjo , May 37ie. OATS Ruled dull but showed very little change inS rices , closing 23jjo for December , 2IJu foi S anuary , 27ijc foi May. May.TOUR TOUR Opened firm and POOH sold off lfi@20c , closing steady at $10 774 for January , SIO 87J fnr February. LARD Kuled easy , closing at SO f > 2i for December , $6 574 f ° r January , SO 05 for Fobidary. | WALL HTI1KKT. ' Special Telegram to THE BEE. & NEW YORK , December 12. The biggest break occurred to-day , and the real dark uyo nf the market wan Lackawanna , which broku tlio first half hour from the prlco of 103 to 09. There was no end of soiling by the big beam oa the ground that the coal combination could not keep up the prices. It is simply a. . question whether the present prices of thn ( ! per cent stocks are cheap , with Lackawamm 12@20 per cent above , and paying S po * cent. Grangers to-d y are lower , especially St. Paul , whHi is sold by the Chicago contin gent. The hip failure of the bond and moitgaco company in Vieum had n bad effect hero. It was rumored that a reduction of 10 per cent in the wages of Western Union Tel egraph operators had been ordered , A reduc tion of 1U per C3nt In Elevated railway em ploycs wages was also rumored , Lincoln on Iho Bliirnmn-D , vlH Cone Irovorsy , WAHHiNf.TON , December 11. Secretary Lincoln said to day , 'In speaking of the Sher man-Davis controversy , ho had received no communication whatever from General Hhcr- man upon the subject , and he know absolute ly nothing about the alleged conspiracy letter , If such a letter Its in the war departni'iit ho n&Id , it U in the rebel archives division , the records and papers of which are in u most chaotic cundlliun , owing U the small and In- bulliclent cleiical for < employed there. The secretary added , "I don't uytn know whether inch a letter is niimiuced to bo hero or not. At uny rate I will not nearch for it tulles at the roquenl of Uonerul Sherman , fo © safer afjb