THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY ; DECEMBER 10 I6t > * . THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Wednesday Morning Dco 10i SUBSCRIPTION RATK3. Er Cirri * . ' . . - - - - - font * i > r wecV By Mall - - - - - HO.OO p r yen OFFICE ! su. 7 gaart'Btmt. HUM Broaawar. MINOR MENTION , Fine holiday goods II. R , Stowatt , artist , al Ohapmim'o. Boo .T. Holler's now stock of cloths. ' buckwheat. Try MoOlarg'a oolf-raislng Cloaks nt your own prices at the Pee ple's store. Bay your overcoats mid suits at the People's store. The city council mcota again next Monday evening. Reduction * ale in all departments at the People's otoro. Call at the Pooplo'a store before buyini ? your holiday presents , The Union bakery , Smith & Loorko , nro out with a now delivery wagon. Tickets are selling well for the Great Republic. Ilosorvo your seats early. Great closing out sale of cloako nl your own pricoa at the People's otoro. Permit to wed was yesterday granted Ii. J. Eberolo and Anna Brecht , both of this city. If you want fine portraits for the holi days , place your order early with Stew art the artist. Don't wait. Dealt ra will save money buying their otaplo ixud fancy stationery and holiday goods at Seaman's closing out salo. Christmas carols given away On all cash purchases of fifty cents and upwards at Seamen's closing out sale , 405 Broad way. way.Tho The law firm of Sims & Oadwoll has dissolved , and Mr. Sims will continue alone , retaining the business of the old firm , E. R. Noyos has commenced divorce proceedings to bo freed from Sarah R. Noyos , his claim being that oho has boon too fond of another man. Justice Schurz last evening married L. J. Eborle to Miss Anna Pratt , the ceremony taking piano at the residence of the brldo'a parents In this city , The Episcopalian ladies are to ha vo Japanese novelties and a Now England oupper in connection with their { .air and festival in Maaonlo hall December 15th. The fire lads are making great pro par- atlona for tliolr dance on the 17th , and the citizens generally are showing their appreciation of the dopaitmont by pur chasing tickets. Oharloa Cramp , a colored man , em ployed at Koollno & Foil's , has made ap plication to bo appointed on the pollco force. Ho is a aix-footor , and is said to bo as plucky as ho Is strong , Y. Jennings Is a practical allowing of the fact that a merciful man is merciful to his boast , llo ia putting up n lot of shedding at his stock yards , where ho ia doing a pretty oxtonslvn bnslnees. Wo still have a largo stock of book staple and fancy stationery , notions , and holiday goods that mint and will bo sold at once at prices that will pay you to in- voatigato. H. E. Seaman , -105 Broad way. 'Lovo and Law" promises to draw a fine audience this evening nt the opera bouse. Milton Nobles ia a favorite , and worthily so , and the now play has bound ed into popular favor. It promises to bo n rich dramatic feast. The Scott street bridge was tested yesterday , and showed itself solid as rock. Supervisor Graham has given its con- otrnction close personal attention , and it is doubtless ono of the beat , and probably the boat bridge built in the county. The entertainment at the Y. M. 0. A. liant evening presented soiuo novel fea tures , The plan of having talks on practical subjects ia to bo kept up , and will doubtless form an attractive as well as beneficial foatura of these entertain ments. The Potter Sisters at Masonic hall to * morrow evening promise to give ono of the bent entertainments of the season. At impersonators and elocutionists they have a national reputation , and the en tertainment is to bo for the benefit of a most worthy cause the Ilanuony Mis sion. THE BKB'-I suggestion has caused the board of health to Instruct the marshal tc have five daputioa In attendance at the opera house at the presentation of "Tin Great Republic.1 This precaution vrll doubtless serve to assure the public tha everything will move off smoothly ant safely. Just road the following Grover'a eaa ; shoos for ladies , all sizes the only gen nine Waukouphaat , for ladles , in the cit nice French kid opera too slippers fc 81.76 also fine embroidered , hair call alligator and D'oraoy slippers all show at the Boston shoo store , -117 Broadwaj The district court opened its term i the Mcsouic hall yesterday. Nothing c public interest WAS done. Homo case ' .were assigned , and arrangements mad for hearing the criminal cases first , s that the prisoner * can ba taken out c the jill under the falling court houst The jury will bo Impanelled to day , A follow giving the name of Isala Stover , rind claiming to bi a butchrv came to Mr , Couto and wuctci to wor for his board , on Tuesday of lait wccl B/ Monday of this week ho tired of h job and hired a livery rig of 0. E , Mooi ostensibly to drlvo to Canon , Ho foile to return and Mr. Moore is now on track of the rascal some * hero between hero and Missouri. Oakland Acorn. Many who before voted against the building of a now court house now sa ; lint they will vote for it , provided tha norno assurance will bo given that the final cost will not exceed the orlglna appropriation of not inoro than $150- 000. It Is safe to say that tha present county board , with its well known [ con sorvalivo policy and careful mrnagomont , rrill adopt only such plans and make such contracts an are within the amount voted by the people , and the people generally have sudicioni confidoncd in the board to rest assured of this fact. As to future boards the people have the matter in their own hands. Lot them elect men whom they can trust , and cer tainly they ought to elect uono others. Gents' driving , dress , and business gloves , now , Motcalf Bros. H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , hat opened an art studio in the rooms of Barko'a gallery , 100 Main street , and is prepared to supply portraits in oil and crayon in the latest stylo. Satisfaction guaranteed and inspection invited. Overcoats and Suits. Best stylos. M. Bros. ' A FATAL WRECK. Another Aretolcc ! Gira his Opinion of liic Old Bnilfling , Proposals From TlionoVIIIhiK to Runt to tlio County. The county board mot again yesterday morning and talked over the court house , and its crumbled condition. Contractor Murphy was outside superintending the work of prouping up the walla with tola- graph poles , while a number of citizens from various parts of the county were strolling about inspecting the building and chatting with the supervisors. Tliroo remonstrances were presented to the board , urging the body not to call another special election , but to repair the old building oa well as possible. Those remonstrances were signed In all by 150 names , not a very heavy showing certainly. In response to the request of the board Mr. George R. Mann , the St. Joe archi tect , was present tp inspect the building. Mr. Mann's opinion haa special weight not only because ho is a non-resident , but were because of his high rank in his pro fession. no haa auporintondod the erec tion of Havorly'a theatre in Chicago , the Paxton house in Omaha , the union depot at St. Joe , costing § 150,000 , and that at nannibal , costing over § 100,000 ; the ' court house and jail'at Marysvlllo , Mo. , the court house at Rockport , Mo. , that at Albany , Mo. , and at Sit. Ayr , Iowa , besides the now board of trade building and other largo buildings In St. Joo. Mr. Mann'a opinion of the old court house woo freely and frankly given , it being that the building was In a danger ous condition and liable to fall , llo ad vised the board t'o vacate It. The trouble , in his opinion , was with the foundations , which troro giving away at both the east and west undo , and it was not practical to attempt to bruoo it up for any great length of time. A number of proposals wore received by the board from these willing to furnish temporary rooms for court and county purposes , until a new court house could bo built. Mr. Dohany oflbrod the third Door of his opera house building , with five rooms on the second floor , for ofticoa , at $1200 a year. An other proposition was to use Bono's hall for a court loom , with two rooms below for iurloi , an ollico In Burnham , 'fully & Go. 0 building for recorder , ouo in the basement of Shugart's block for treasur er , another ono in the basement also for auditor , and the room in the roar of Odoll & Day's ofllco for sheriff , the whole rental to bo $1800 a year , Still another oiler Trim to use the Masonic hall and the first tloor of the building , the hall to to used only during the day time , and the whole to bo heated by steam , the lease to run two years at $3,000 n year. Mr. L , Horace Everett also called the attention of the board to his stores on earl street and otlior rooms suitable to county purposes. In the afternoon the following report was presented to the board , but all fur- , her action was pootponod until this norning : - To the honorable , the county board of uporviiors of Pottowattamle county. In compliance with your request 1 have ; lvun your court house building a thor- ugh examination , and I unhesitatingly ironounco it unsafe. 1 find that the side nd roar walla have spread until thuy lave forced the anchor plats from the anchors , and that the second story joists uro entirely out of the second story walls , and only rest on a narrow ledge at ho top of the first story wall , These walls are now sprung so badly , and the joists have sagged to such on extent that the joists are now acting as lovers , exerting themselves to throw the walls farther apart. * The building can possibly bo made to land for some llttlo time by means of props , but the remedy will only bo tem porary na the props will soon sag , thus allowing the walls to again move out , and the movement only nuodu to bo small to lot the second story joist fall. I have boon asked by your honorable body , If it was possible to remodel the building so as to make It safe. While possible , it Is not practicable , ns the fault lien entirely hi the foundation , and to take out the old foundation and re build ono sufficient to support 'tho super structure would cost more than to build n now house equally as good as the old ono wus when now. I find that your vaults are so badly cracked that should your building burn thuy would nflbrd you no protootion but would rather act as a furnace with your books and papurs as fool , 1 hardly deem it necessary to make a raoro detailed report , as the matter can ba summed up as follows : , First The building as it now stands la unsafe and those In it remain at a aerioui risk to their Hues. Second It cannot bo made safe , ex cept temporarily , without spending more than it would cost to remove the present building and build a now ouo that would answer the purpose nf the county muoli bettor than the old ono , Respectfully submitted. GKOIIOK R. MANN. 1.0 VJS AND "Lovo and Law , " a well-wrought rnolo drama , is now current at the Fourteenth Street Theatre. Mr. Milton Nobles i the author of this play , and ho acts in it as the here , Felix O'RfifT , an Irishman , and , it is noodlota to add , a universal genius. * * The scene of the play la laid in Now York , and it contains in its last act n surprisingly iflVctivn situation , the burden of which is skillfully bnrno by Mr. Nobles. N. Y. Times , April 2. , 1881. 1881.Tho Denver Tribune-Republican ol Decembers , says of "Lovo nnd law : " "Lovo and Law" is superior to any of the Loi'.don melodramas which have scored Btich tremendous success during the past four or five years , and , by add ing spectacular effects lo its production , it could bo made still rnoro entertaining than it is. The play is Intensely dramat ic nnd sensational and yet it Is kept neil In hand , and the situations are all within the legitimate bounds of the story and Its natural nurroundlnps. It ia > i bettor play than "Tho Streets of Now York , " which had n famous run some years ago , and IK ft Hog n til or ono of the best Ameri can molodranwB wo havo. It la well balanced and is cleverly gndod to the climax. The nuppoiUng company is In ovcry respect excellent. Wo congratulate Mr. Noblea upon his success. Ho dosrvcs it the more because ho has forced recogni tion from n part of tha publifi which hnd looked with disfavor upon his work for years , At Dohany s Opera homo Wednesday ovnnldg , December 10. Reserved seats at Bushnoll's. Popular prices. McOlurg's self-rising buckwheat flour nlways ready for use. Try It. Dr. 0. 0. Hazon , Dentist , 100 Main at. There will bo a beautiful and instruc- ivo exhibition and illustrated lecjuru on astronomy by Shafler at St. Joseph's academy this afternoon at < l o'clock , and also to-morrow evening. Parents should attend and bring their children. Itcnl Km a to TranslVirs. The following transfers were filed in ho county clerk's office yesterday and re ported for the BEB by J. P. McMahon , real cstato agent , December 0,1881 : J P Caeady and wife to Mary A Withe- el , nud. \ of lot 1 , Johnson's add , $300. J P Caaady , Giuardlan , to Mary A. Wlthoroll , und. 3 lot 1 , Johnson's add , ? 500. J P Casady and wife to Robt Porcival , wostorwardly A " lot 5 , blk 3 , Baylisa 1st add , S2.000. Robt Porcival to J P Casady , castor- wardly " A lot C , blk H , Bayllsa 1st add , 62,000. Wilhclm Llppold to Mngplo Rnssman , J , 25 , 77 , 40 , nnd ne ] , 30,77,40 , $1,000 Margaret Foreman to Eliza T Paige , ot 3 , blk E , Curtis & Ramsay's add , 8100. Ira A Sprague and wife , to Chas 0 and I M Sprague , nnd. . } Iota 1 , 2 and 3 , blk 5 , Williams add , § 500. Low prices at Bliss' . Now line of novelties at Bliss' . Rough dry washing 20c per dozen , iroadway Steam Laundry , 711 Broad way. * 1M3IIBONAU II , Monde ! , of Neoln , was ID the city yen- onlay. J , C. White , of Cnmoti , was in the city yoaterdny. iTno , I1. Organ , of Noleon , was nttendtoR court bore yesterday. J , A. Ilako nnil Joint Lodwich , of Avoca , voro in tha city yoatarday. Tom Carlisle nnd wife , of Missouri Vnlle } ' , voro nt the 1'acllic yesterday. Dr. 0. J'3. Clark , of Magnolia , was in the ity nnd nt the Pacific yesterday. A. 1' . Cramer , of Avocn , was hero looking , nt the crnckH m the court house yesterday. District Attorney J. P. Crnmor , the judge loot of the circuit court , was in the city yes- ordny. T. MoKinnoy , of Plensnnt township , wan u llio city yesterday , nnd looking nfter the court hou o ( luostlonii. S , W. Kergupon , who wa in the loan busi ness hero , and who 1ms Intoly been in Mis souri , in here for n few dnyfl' Htay. Mr. nnd Mrs. J , F. Kimball are expected o nrrivc homo from their wadding trip BO na o receive their friends nt 713 Sixth uvonuo after Christinas. H. If. Van Brunt ami Oeorgo W. Thomp son , of the firm of Vnu Brunt , Thompson & I/o. , nro making preparations for n trip to 2ucimmti ! us the ( { iiosts of A , W. Couraon , Ask your grocer for WcClurg'a self- wising buckwheat. Try it. St. John Bros , have bought , cleaned nnd refurnished the Rotoro House , 540 Broadway , opposite the opera house , Council Bluffs , whuro yon will find clean rooms , clean beds and well filled tables , forma $1.00 pur day. DOH'ANY'S ' Friday and Saturday Evenings DECEMBER 12 and 13 , , 'llie Ornml HI toilc I Drama , MEAT REPUBLIC ! Given under ttiu ImixnlUto direction of MR. D. L SCHNEIDER , BY NKAKIY 500 CHARACTERS 500 Inc'udlnic thu Boit Local Musical and Dramatical Talent All tlie Cliaractirl will Appear Ap- proprlitely ami Elegantly Costumec THIS SPLENDID Spectacular , Musical and Dramatic Entertainment Illuitrit'i our National lllitory from the landing o OoluroUui to the \ircntnt \ time. ItonJor- lute It nt tiTllnit Mine. J'or tht Deneflt ol a KuuJ to I'urchne a Mrsoum of Natural HUtcry for tlio Public Schools MISS AD DIE HORTON ACCOIU'AN'IST. PROF. MuNAUGIlTON , Troajurer. Admission , Only 60c No eitu ctirvo for rvurvej lonti. The 1uc rtt < begin * iIo > t < Uy morulmr. December I ' , t lu ) hodr . Wo to-day offer and willl'until sold our entire - tire stock of CONSISTING OF Dolmans , Newmarkets , Russian Circulars , Seal Plushes , Velvets , Etc , , Etc , At Prices That Will Close Them Out , A large Invoice of Misses' and Childrens' half their actual value , Balance of Gents' and Ladies' heavy Also 10 Dozen- Jersey * Jackets. These are bargains and those desiring must se cure them at once as % e shall close them out without delay. Do not forget this is1 the time to pur chase Choicest Patterns , Lowest Prices and Bound to Sell , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa : Keep Heroes and Mnloa constantly on hand which wo will soil lu retail or wholesale lots. All Stock Warranted as Represented , Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain and Baled liar. Prices BonaLlo Satisfaction Guaranteed. .SCmLTJTOBE. < Sc BOLIE Corner Fifth Avo. & 4th St. , Council Bluffs. I HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FRANZ LIBZT. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone ot FlnUhi KIMBALL PIANOS Best Modern 1'rlcotoBuy. The Kimbnll Organ , BO long and favorably knjwn In the wnst , rncorainenda STEWART , Solo Agent for above lines of Goods. Wnrorooma , 83'J Bluffs uncil OorrcaponiJonco Solicited. Agonta Wanted. COOKING AND HEATING STOVES Both new tmd second hnnd , ranging iu prices from § 3.50 to $25 each. Take advantage and call early to obtain the best bargains. I am making a bis ? reduction in As I need the room t dlipby my ( took ol ttovea. fe/yl / SSS" Council Btalli. lew , ADMISSlON-Oentl ISc Udlct 100. BKATES-denU 15o. Lodlc 10a Admlulon Frte to Lallca r ch rnornlnj und T\ICJ- day mil Thuridy lternooni. UM of Bkito ] It MllU. A. f. GCIIANCK , 0. II , UARTENS , UkiUKtr. I'loprlotot TH03. ornctni \t. u. u. rcsu OFFICER & PUSEY BACKERS. Council Blullf , . . . la. Established - - 1856 Uoalern lii Torelgn anil Domottlo Exclnnge and Homt Securities. Dr , W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Binds Iowa. J , E. TATS , Pnottao to BUt tnd KftJerU Courts. Otilteotloai promptly Utendod to. Room 16 , BluiK&rt'i Uuildio i COUNCIL BLurra IOWA ! TE EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Class. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over S2.50. Collars and OufFs a Specialty , Established 1882. H. E. EEMER , Manager 711 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. N. SOHURZ. of i ) Peace. OFFICE OVER JLURIUOAH EXPRESS COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA E. Rice M. D. or other omor tunoreJ Uhout tht koUa oi duwlogcf blood. CHRONIC DISBASES " 111 UDdt I-- ' Over thirty yean ir cUc l eip jlwj4 OCOI to , ( , Pe rl lUwif.CounBU Inu , t > 1 CLOCKS , AND. JEWELRY. 17 Main Street , Council Bluffs. I AM TIIE WESTEHN A3ENT FOR TUB Tt 7 * 1 [ KO. S This 'a ' what some ol the skate manufacturer * call a "Club , "but wo cill it "Our Half CUmii Ililli. " It hm ] > iiro spring bticl bottoms corrujatuil ; srunk. It la fuil ulckol p nt'tl Trio liott : u U ahipel o tit tlio sole ot thusliiA ) or \ > 01 rcrfcctl ) , thereby "iri\lo.c tha fo' > 4 froa am ] natural tctlon Ithis on clamp ll ht icatcor Instep or luel strata Too heel utr.ijm are prtfirnulo ID heel clamp n notcitti'8 , nstlieHtr" ! > .i btiy and strengthen the nnkle elton prctcmini ; s nous atid painful tcuiJenti. H 3 the finestlooUiiitskato In the market , anJ one that Is mire to pla se. It h.n pure Turku ) BjtflrooU wh cHwllhbrasi bushing , the } are 2J Inches tu ilU'tietjriui ' I o\'ry wliwl porfiit v inn , 'iuh pilr In- cjsaJ In a separate bo * . Sizes , t to 9. I aUo carry a full line of snio skito In ful s'up wjol bottom ) and afullllnoof allextn , nml suiill mid Urso brisa lined uluea U'rito for p l3i Tuniu Onc-thlnl cash ttocompanjIriB order ; bilaucossntC. 0. ! > . ' II. L. MlLLiiit , Wu9t ri ; A0'out , 1U , Fourth Ave uui Council Blultj , lou i. SMITH * TOItiEU LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 0 Mala street , COUNCIL BLUMS , IOWA. Complete Line of New Goods to Select From , 8,500 Electric BK rol J for tbaUonth o ! Noven.l r by us. ReferenoeB my ol tt o Imslntoa houses la Council UluOa. JUDD & 8111111 Prourloenn. Saleerooma 319 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS * WHOLESALE DEALERS IN r * A "P . Ultl ! E ' 332 and 814 Broadway , OODNOIL BLUFFS IOWA L. C. ARBUTHNOT , ALL TIIE LATEST BTTLK3 IN rsilFAU. PAl'rtl I'ATTEnNB JUST 11EOEIVKD. 5i2 BROADWAY , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS NOEENE & LANDSTROM , Winter Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style ca Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Main Street , . . . . . . Council Blnfli. \ GENUINE SLAUGHTER IN TIIK FRICKS Or Cooking and Heating Stoves ! Tlio uon tclnz iu ( ar dt anccd I have concluded to dn ! > M ol rny gtovei KMUBDiiwa or c& > r In pit ! * ettoc * to Itoilo ; Ibttu uutU ueit t | cu , Call early M I vrtu not be uafartold by anjoue. A. J. Mandel , 325 Uroadway , Uouucil llluffi.