TTTR OATATTA DATT.Y RETC AVTCDNTCSDAY 0. THE "PLAJY BEE Omfthfi Olllco , No. O1O F rn m Bt. Now York Ofllco , lloom OR Trltmn mbllihod every trowing , tictpt Bnndt ; Th 11 } Monday morning dally * * IX KT lUII. Oat Ytt . J1B.OO 1 Three Monlhl . .i..l flxXan < hi. . . 6.00 | One Hontb . Per Week , 15 Outs. tin WHKLT n > i rciujimiD smr WMKMOAT. ' . TllUS rOSITAID. > T * r . (2.00 I Three Manthl . .1 ' ir Booths. . 1.00 I One Month . I OOR SrO1D ! 0 I Cornmnnlc llon relating tnN wi and IMIiotla Milltri tbtmld bo nldrcMOd to the HCIIOB or Tni Bit. icsmiM Mrriu All BafrtneM Loiters and HomlltanCM thon.d bi ddrwwd to Tni llmi rcM-inm OOMMNT , ryturu Drafts , Checks and Pwtofflco orders to b nude. pay bit to the order of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS1 U HOSHWATHIt , Ifclllnr. A. II. Fitch , Manager Dnlly.Circtilfttion , ' ! O. Box , 488 Omaha. Neb TUB whisky men are looking nnxlonaly towards Canada in the hope of finding there a haven for the surplus now in bond. The American colony over there can bo depended on to do their nharo of the good work. KNOX county people are excited by re port * of the discovery of coal within its borders. If proupectintf continues much longer In the atato , deserted bores will bo thick enough to plant every booK-ngon west of the Missouri. Punuo opinion has no raoro effect on the majority of Now York aldermen than duck shot on an alligator's hide. The franchise for a ntroot railway on Broadway , for which ono million dollars wore offered by rival companies , was passed over the veto of the mayor , with only two dissenting votes. "To the Victor belong the spoils. " The oldest eon of the Prlnco of Wales. Albert Victor , Is coming over next sprinc , probably in tlmo to witness the Inauguration of the "English candidate. . The lion and the eagle will then lie down together. It will bo a chilly spring lor the tail-twisters. Tun Little Hock train-robbers , if convicted victod , stand a good show of being launched into eternity , as under the laws , of Arkansas train robbery Is a capital of fense. In this case the train was thrown from the track by n misplaced switch , thereby endangering the lives of the pas sengers. * This species of crime deserves death , and the Arkansas law is one that ought to bo adopted by every atato in the union. CONSIIIEIIAIII.K activity was manifcotod In the board of trade meeting on Mon will day evening. The proposition to pur- ohasa the city lot at the southeast corner of Sixteenth and Farnam streets for a chamber of commerce alto was favorably The considered , and it Is hoped that it will soon bo carried into effect , as the connty commLtaionors , * o whom the proceeds will bo paid by the city for the old court hotiflo property , need the money forjnco- ceseary Improvements upon the now [ court houao grounds. dun THKUB will bo a remarkable reduc ho tion of the wheat acreage all 'over the world the coming year. The price which rlgh this cereal commands to-day is lower than it boa been for generations , and will not end pay for mining. California , ono of the great wheat rcplons of the world , is sick . of the crop. The eastern and central . states lese a good sum on every bushel ma raised ; and even much land is not plowed . and many intend to lot a part of their Ohri farm land Ho idle next year , while others tico tlll Increase the variety of crops and and raise less wheat. In Nebraska it Is con Ima ceded that there will bo a general aban lion donment of wheat as n market crop ncxl year. Aa usual when the prices of any duri commodity are low , the /armors rush to the the other extreme , abandon it , and when nor prices arc forced to n paying figure by wro a dhuini&hod supply , find thuiusolvcs un able to take ndvautako of the raise. A peri variety of crops is ahvayn the safest and it.ami in the end most profitable. ami accc tot THE Idea of erecting the Washington of monumbnt origiuatod as far back aa that ; 1783 , at the close of the revolutionary accc war , Immediately after the retirement soul of General Washington from the command the mand of the army. It was not until ' fair 1833 , however , that the monument bo Association waa organized. Its first whi president wan John Marshall , who was The fluccoodod by John Madison. The cornerstone norstono WAS laid on July 5th , 1818 , the amo address being delivered , by Robert 0. 000 Wlntbrop , of Massachusetts , thonspoaker 000 the of the houao of representatives. He still lives , and will deliver the dodi- of calory oration on Washington's birthday , as solv the 22d of next February. The ahaf Ihoi rose gradually until 1855 , when It hac reached a height of 100 feet. The aged lion amount contributed to that tlmo was $230,000. When the money gave out , of the column had raci reached but a quarter c : Ha proposed height. The tax upon the mon pockets of the people proved too great chll schi A few enthusiastic friends of the projeoi there continued their efforts to keep up the 50 patriotic feeling , but the Interest began to flag , the financial stream dwindlec hll away , and at latt ceased entirely to flow gla In a few years the war came on , and th 187 public mind absorbed 72,1 was with mattera 80 moro important than monument building , ratio The unfinished column stood untouchoc colt for more than twenty yean. The centennial sch tonnial year , however , started a wave o sontlmnot that has carried the abaft to iU sup aim full height. Congress appropriated $200 , Hh 000 u a "starter , " and continued to mak 1 appropriations until they amounted tc pro f 000,000 , making the total coit of th Col .monument 1,130,000. vcr THE POL10OF THE SOUTH. The policy of the aouth , particular ! ; toward the negro , under democratic rule Is a subject that naturally excites con tidorabla interest just at Hie prcscn ( Imo. Attempts were recently made during the period of uncertainty Inuno diatcly following the election , to frighten the negro into llio belief that the dome crata ! , especially of the south , proposal to restore the chuckles of slavery ant impoeo various hardships and oppres slons upon the colored race. Among th moro ignorant negroes of the south con sidnrablo apprehension was felt and their fcnra were not quieten until they were assured tha those , woeful predictions came from the Incondiarlos of the swushbucklo protis , and had no foundation in fact. On the other hand , ovldonccn have nlroad ; been furnished that the sensible poop ] ofwill the aouth propose to treat the negro will all duo respect and BCO that ho enjoy joy a all the rights and privileges nc corded to him under the constitution. coreF Fears have been entertained in the minds of some excitable northern pee pie that efforts will bo made by tin south to take largo sains from I ho ua tlonal treasury to compensate former elav for the emancipation o their ! slaves , to pay the confederate debt , or to grant pensions to confederate soldiers. soleG Gen. Gordon , In n recent letter tot Now York Commercial Advcrliter , says it is moat diflicultto comprehend how such fears could posscHs any person who is familiar 1 with the constitution of the United Slates , It is preposterous , eayo Uonoral Gordon , to think for a moment thai the aouth could contemplate any such demands in the face of the constltu lion , which directly provides that neither the confederate debts nor former slave owners shall ever bo paid , and in view of the furtliur fact that this constitution can never bo amended except when a two-thirds vote of both houses of con- jrcs shall bo obtained to submit anon amendment , and when submitted bo ratl ficd by throe-fourths of the states of the union. unitA Although there Is no constitutional in hibition ngainst the pensioning of con ; federate soldiers , General Gordon Bays : If mere declaration by mo can allay sucl : apprehension , 1 am ready to declare to hat no auch purpose is entertained by ho confederate i sold fern , and that if such ed iroposition were submitted to southern to representative's In congress It would bo unanimously rejected. I bollovo it is rue that southern representatives have voted with great unanimity for all the tension bills to federal eoldlora , and I urthor believe that the federal soldiers homsolvos who nro interested in pensions boar mo out in the assertion that of tnong the moat zealous advocates of pen lone to Union soldiora are invariably { ound the representatives of the aouth. ' southern soldiers and people fully ocognfeo and acqulosoo in the legitimate n csults of the war ; and they have pro * octod their political policy in accordance with these results , and will with manly > ourago and good faith pursue that policy trough a'l administrations. " of Ai to the negro himself , General Gor ton speaks at some length. Ho assures colored i race that they will be pro- and eotod and ahall enjoy nil constitutional rights. Ho wants his prediction to bo and mad a matter of record that before the of Cleveland's administration "huiv droc of thousands of republicans , who eve truth and juatico and country moro than party , will rejolco that this election us at last furnished the south Ita oppor .unity to demonstrate to the country and Christendom the unfairness , the in jus- and the unwiodotn of the oharuos auspicious from which olio ao long and no pa tiently suffered. " Ho does nol , refer to that portion of the south's past during the angry discussions preceding war and immediately following It , does ho attempt to palliate the wrongs or oxcuao the Impositions practiced ing upon the colored race during the "woful period of transition and trial" as ho calls General Gordon refers with consid erable prldo to the treatment accorded during recent years the negroes in the alato of Georgia , in which ho la a citizen , and maintains The the treatment by southern whites accorded to southern blacks under southern white democratic atato rule ia best obtainable , If not an absolutely the criterion of the treatment which will The given to the aarno black by the same whites under national democratic rule. tire property of the people of Georgia In amounted before the war to 1 $072,000 , Tills . After the war U amounted to J170- 000,000-a , loss of ever $000,000,000 In men apace of four years , or of fivivalxth and the I entire wealth of the people. Yet soon as these white people were thorn solves emancipated , they imposed upon themselves , Impoverished and discour aa ttiojr were , the burdens of' t'axa for the anpporf of a general ayatom common schools and colleges for both the races. > In 1871 there were in the com aohoola'of the state 0 , < iJ4 ( colored children. In 1873 there were in those achoola 10,75. ) colored children ; in 1874 ward were 42,373 ; In 1875 there were 50,370 : ; in 187 < ! the number of ooloroc children In the common schools of Goer had Increased lo 57,087 ; In the to 02,330 ; In 1808 to 72,055 ; In 1870 to' 7U.435 ; In 1880 80,39'J ! ; in 1881 to 01,041. The utua of Increase would give over 100,000 tbo colored children now in the common and achoohi of that atato , which schools are aupportod , necessarily , by taxation lovlee mont almost wholly upon the property of th whites. ! The legislature of Georgia annually ep proprlatea moneya for the support of th view Colored college , as well aa the Slate unl that versify. The constitution of the atato o Georgia has provided that "them shall bo A thorough system of common schools. " The executives of the state have oncour- ngcd the organization of colored military companion , commanded by colored officers nnd armed with the most approved weapons. The southern whites have supported , and are now upporling , libra- rics by voluntary contributions for the exclusive UBO of the colored people , ant have aided and continue to aid by like contributions Iho erection of churches for colored people in almost every neigh borhood in the state. Thcco statements of tuch a prominent southerner an General Gordon ought to bo assurance enough to tha colored people ple that their condition will at least not bo nny worse during the next four years than it is at present and this is all tha any of thorn can nek. The fact of it is that the southern planters want no moro slavery. They would rather pay the negro for his labor , that to re-assume the responsibilities tha : attached lo them during the days o ; slavery when they had to care for their slaves , food nnd clothe thorn , nnd pay al expenses , which amounted to vast numo. According to General Gordon the negro laborer in the south is the lost paid laborer in the country , in proportion to his intelligence- . wages In money are less than these earned by intelligent laborers in northern cities and factories. But the northern laborer pays out for food , for house rent , for fuel , all or nearly all hn receives In WBg To the southern ncgco on the plantation all these nro free , and ho is the most Independent , best paid laborer Of equal intelligence In the United States. Ho lias hia house free , his food or rations free or provided by his landlord , his fuel free , his garden for potatoes , beans and vegetables free , hia corr and his chickens are quartered on the plantation free. Add ' to this his pay la money , generally about i $10 per month , which ia not , and can bo laid aside , if ho will , for invest ment , and where will you find such laborers - borers having such comforts and such chnncos of accumulation ? It will naturally bo to the interest of the south to cultivate the friendship of the colored people , and now that the democrats are In the ascendency it Is safe .0 say that their policy will bo ono of persuasion , so far as politics are concern odl instead of bull-dozing. At least it is . bo hoped BO , for the sake of the southern oru negro. THE TRADE SITUATION. It la a dillicult task to figure out an . mprovoment in the business of tbo . country for the past week. Reductions wages , discharges of employes and of iuslnefls failures reached proportions of renter than in any previous weak of the . 'ear. The depression In manufacturing ' circles in the caat la particularly severe , fact , all branches of trade nro more or ess nlFectcd and the tide Is m&vln ? rap- dly westward. In this state there have oou a number of failures , duo mainly to ho low price of grain and the disposition . many farmoru to hold their grain for a rloo. The country dealers are pushed by the jobbers being unable to cash their credits , go to the wall. Both jobbers ) retailers should bo as lenient as pos sible , and aid each other to lido ever the ' present dull season. . Notwithstanding the apparent strin ; gency of the times trade journals assume that signs of improvement are notice able In some quarter * . The Iron Trade Review computca lhat within the past four weeks twonly-fivo iron establish ments have started up , giving employ ment to 12,175 men. In four establish of ments the force has been increased by 1,250 men ; in sixteen establishments thn working tlmo has been reduced to an the average of eight hours ; in thirly-niuo in establishments the wages have been re duced an average of 12i per cent , nll'ecl- son about 20,000 men , nnd twenty-seven for establishments have closed down entirely , throwing out of work 12,275 men. These figures rclato only lo the iron and steel industries. This favorable showing is overbalanced the mining regions of Pennsylvania. anthracite coal companies have again combined to limit the supply ot coal and consequently maintain prices. To accom plish this and perfect what is known as BUCCS "quota plan" will take two months. liun result of this will bo the discharge o 18,383 men , forming one-fifth of the on < letuB number of men and boys employed has and around the mines In that region. will bo a loss of $0,001-i 12 la wages , patiL which will bo disastrous , not only to the bai involved , but to the mining towns baiG villogoB. d Among the significant signs of confi. douceIn the financial world Is tho' in- Mo. creating demand for coed inveatmont so- ' - uurllloa in the Now York stock exchange. ab Another and moro important ono ia the one unexpected and gratifying decrease In has supply of grain in Now York and said Chicago. This ia attributed to the un. willingness of farmers to toll at ruling prices. The not result waa a sharp up turn in the price of corn laat week , $100 but amounting to ono and one-half cents a bushel In Chicago , two and one-half in on Philadelphia and four in New York , over highest prices of the laat week ol November. Wheat maintained an ad the vance of two and one-half cents a bushel , that There has boon considerable activity in apoculativo dealings in hog products , get man. prices at Chicago have generally ad voncod , but the legitimate trade move , on homo orders has continued quiet. ing There IB , however , a very fair exporl Thi businosi in pork , lard and mow beef. not TUB Chicago Tribune takes a f ivorablo fs I | of the condition of trade and holds I : ' ' * "the depression which has borne 101 Most ought ) heavily upon all department * of induatry t ' 1 during the past two years cannot last much longer. Prices of all consumable product ! are so nearly equalized have boon levelled down to so near the same standard that there must presently bo an acsoleration of exchanges. The country IB yet far from being finished. There la vast room still within our own territory for the employment of new cipltal , and still moro room for Amen can enterprise abroad whenever wo shall roach the stage of enlightenment to look for probable trade beyond our own "boundaries. The transition from high to low prieeu the Indlaponslblo requisite to a revival of trade has boei painful Indeed , but It has been borno. History has repeated itself to this point , and wo have every reason to expect thai the future course of events will banotun llko that of former crises that the pen. . dulura will swing back , slowly at first , with an accelerated motion , and tha trade and industry bo shortly fount in a fairly prosperous condition withou anybody knowing what causes havi wrought eo ngrcoablo a change. " OKLAHOMA. Captain Payne , the famous Oklahoma raider . ia dead , but his spirit Ia march Ing on. His audden demise has given anew now Impetus to the determination of largo | number of pcoplo In Southern Kansas to colonize and occupy the Oklahoma . lands. Two moro companies have boon formed in the border ( owns for the avowed purpose of taking up claims . next spring , and a general ant : united raid across the Indian territory line is now certain. The Oklahoma tract consists of lands ceded by the Creek trlbo of Indiana by the treaty of August , 18GG , and by the Semlnolo Indians by treaty in March , of the same year. They rank among the finest agricultural lands of the con. . tinent , lying In the "golden mean" of temperature , Intersected at different . points by railroads and surrounded by communities . of prosperous farmers. It Is only . natural that a region offering such Inducements should attract the oycs of the adventurer , the speculator and the farmer. The title bo ng in dispute and the fact that syndi eaten of wealthy cattlemen endeavored to secure . , the lands by lease , led to the raids of Payne and his followers. The treat ment of the intruders by the government las been lukewarm. They were simply expelled from the territory and allowed go froo. This kind of treatment did not overawe the raidcra , but , on the contrary , impressed them with the belief thai by persevering in their dotormlna- .ioii to settle upon the lands they would eventually bo successful. The decision oft the ; United States court for the district Kansas , that the lands were a part of ho public domain , heightened the clamor 'or congressional action to place the lands under the operations of the homestead and pro-omption laws. ; Bills far'this mrposo have boon introduced In both louses of congrosa by iho Kansas mom- Jon , nnd will bo pressed to passage at .hoT earliest possible day. The resolution of Senator Vest , of MissouriIntroduced at the opening of the soasion , declaring illegal the leasing of any portion of the public domain , is a iroropt response to a general domaud that the remnants of the nation's heritage be reserved for actual Bottlers. It will balk the flchomo of rapacious cattlemen to ob tain a quasi tltlo from the Indians to the 3klahoma tract and reserve that favored CV1I1 region for the thousands now waiting an ( > opportunity to build up homes and strong crt ' communities there. It is a simple ques. boil/ tioi : of timo. The tide of immigration is ind Dri overflowing the now states and territories oft west. It must and will break down hat barriers erected by the government 0. < around the millions of acres reserved for Indiana. It will force to early Bottle- nnmt the plan of confining the Indians to limited 1 number of acres each , tho're servations to revert to the public domain the benefit of actual Bottlers. Tin : failure ) of the J. I. Chaa plow comjmny will not nil'oct the record of Jay.Eyo Soo. John ] ( right Ii saventy-thrco years old , - , Colonel ISob Ingorsoll aa a cowboy Is a great success. Secretary Liuuolu'd cigars cost him ? 17 a § Ituudrud. Out in thn camps thny call the prohibition leader the Hydraulic Saint , Mrs. Southtvorth Is sixty-five years old and written slxty-ino books. General Logan has a ullicient supply of war patut loft to decorate the senate. TO Lieutenant-Governor Hill , of ftow York , kind eyes and a diplomatic smile. Governor Abbott of Now Jeriejr wears U03 double-docked shoes nnd bolievea in wide pants. Last Monday Philip Pervear , of fedgtvlck , . . , celebrated his one hundred und fifth birthday , . , U. U. Hayes can tell a spring chicken from boarding < nouna hen with bis eyt- * shut aud hand tisd behind him. M1 Mr. Uurnand , the editor of London Punch , eleven unmarried daughters , and they are to posaena Intoxicating charms. Secretary Lincoln In hjs report sort 'o putt TT7 General ilazen to bed in a close room and TT blows out the gas. [ Chlc-ago Newu. Tha lata Tom Thumb acquired a fortune of \ti 000 In tha show builiiefw , but spent all r ' 810,000 In gambhpKjmd llq sma'l "Oscar Wilde says he tvtltej all his poems an empty gitomich. " Osqar hia evidently borrowed some Dakota editor's vtomach for a V writing desk. "One swallow doesn't make a Spring , " T old proverb. The chap .who originated rcuioik nevtfr gulped down a drink of \ \ TT Jersey applejajV. ' u S Jell PavU is \ rv an ry at General Slier , . Hhermon nUKlit'havo known he would \ \ himself diiliked when ho started ou tlut IT march to the sea. Judge l.lpplncott , of Vlidta , Montana , claims to hate caught a mountain eel weigh net enty-three jiounils uuil eleven ounces , nume of the mountain be caught It en Is Tf stated. Ti ix-io : > t > rnor Kngliih , of iNow Haven , Ct , B 70 yoart old and worth 97,000,000. He cays 1 groirry vctwl the outlook for trade audbusluesilsgood. Addrcii any outlook to a man worth $7,000,000 to be good. The prince of Waled It now colonel of six * A\ I I teen rsrfmcntfl. There In talk of consolidating the rcRlmouU and making him n brigadier E ( moral ( JtiH as goon as ho learns to walk with mit tumbling over his sword. Oyer six thou and bottles of wino were nn fxpecledly found in the cellsn of the Into ien Henntor Anthony by Jill friends ftfter hi death , 1'crhapi the ignorance of his friend accounts for the wino in the cellar. accfA A workman named Willlami , employed on the upper fcaHoIdlng of the Wftdhlngton monument , slipped and fell ten feet , his sleeve catching on n nsil , prnventing his plunelnp ; down thu other -I'.O fert , lie is irlad nbou thai nftll. thaiA Alexander If. Stephen ; , n nephew of th unuthern aUtoanmti , Iscunductor on n 1'nllmnn rloeping car brtween Nnthvillo and Atlanta Hu inherited from hU undo thogreatcrpart o the few worldly gcodi tho4 famous Oeorgiat had to bottow. THF GREAT SKIN CURE , My lfe hmln rnoit nnnojInR eruption maka appearance on the flngiri olbnh hands about th flmt of lint March Supposed It ai l\y pol'on Several phjnlclatiH raw It.iamadiaKnos'ngft ' an abov others pronouncing It f nit rheum A Rruit man domestic rcmedlet were ulcd , with tin ellfctHi d'ntiMO steadily prevv uottc. Trie p'tacrlptlong o three of our \aiy bcstpbWclan * "fro triedwith bil llttlo bct'er roMiltft. Tnt tcrralno itching wia eocii'i in almcut to ileprlie her ol ilojp. Alter tun month tl thl 8uBo-lnjjhhobeKan the use ot the Cutlnir HctnolleVhit ailho result ? The drat applies tlon r I the Cntlcura nlhjeil Iho Itching , and new af tcr f : r months' dalt > muni thorn hrr handa ar sound and well. Idouhtnotlt they had bom oni plojedat first a cure "ouil Imo been ctTcctod In i horttlme. Ult W. II HAl.t. Diugiflu : , F/ankfort , Ky. _ SCALL HEAD , P. J. TrueaJcll , druzRltt , Connoiut , 0. , report a caao as follows : The patient's bead s atmcnt i solid soib , nnd the dry tcalei oonstintly ( alllnR ol his head , making hia shoulders white in u fotv hour * . Ho suffered nil the tormenUlmiRinablo with ht hcai' burnlr.Rand Itihlngnndn tcrrlblu headache all th tlmu Took three bottles of llcsoltcnt , uscl t o boxui Cutlcurn and Homo Cutlcura Soap , nnd ft cured. Head In an entirely frco from scibi as It a the day heuasborn. Nil moro Itchlcg and burning and no more headache , It eciins almost mcrcdulou that anything could core so bad a case so quickly The ' ratlcnteajs joudo not claim ha'f enough fo Cut'cura. DISFIGURING. HumorK , Itumlllatlni ; Erurtlon , Itchlrg Tortures Scrofula , Halt Rheum , and Infantile Humors cured by the .nil-.urn IlcmcdM. Cutlcura K'nohont , the new blood nurlfler.clcanses the bloadacd pcrrpuatlon oflimuiiilci and [ Olson ous elements , and thus rcmoct the cause. Cutlcura , the great Skin C.iru , Instantly allaja I'cblrg and Inflammation , cleans the Skin and Scalp , heals UIcciH and Sores , anil rtstore ) the Ila'r. ' Cutlcura Soap , an cxqulslto Skin Ueiutlfler and Toilet llequliltc.preparcd from Cutlcura , In Indltpen- mbto In treating Skin Diseases , Baby Humors , Skin Dleml hes , Chopped and Ol'y ' Skin. N. Cutlcura Kcmedlea nro al salutelj' pure , nnd the " only Infallible Blood rudders and Skin licautlllors. Sold oory where. Price : Cutlcura , 60 cents Soap , 26 cento. Ilcsahcnt , Jl. I'OTTHH Dana AND CIIKMIOAL Co , UOHTON MASS. \ UsoCut'c'iri Soap an exrmlelt Skin Ocautltlur. n. BASE BUENEE. " I -AND ACOM STORES * 1 AKD f LJ ( EVERY STOVE WARRANTED. ) No. SOLD \ JOHN HUSSIE'S IT Hardware Store 2407 OUMING STREET meal TT 9R. HORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT core K rvoii ncs t I.nmbarn , Ittienmatlam 1'HrMyEti , StitiralRln , SfUtUil , Hlrtnt ) } . Sptno iuxl l.Uir tllr-tiixus out , Aitrimn , HeHrtilltteasiPlHpi'i > la rmiBtl ) nll < n l-r ilrielHs , CHrnrrh , rile * , l-pllfity | 1 pnt Muliuit b Auti L'rolftiHiii Tr rl etf Oiih * < it'nlillt I ti e'rlc U , U hi Ainer thai Kfn < l the hleclrlr lymul tnnciiHtHln ihroiiKli .be boiloiiil cuu bo rochurct-U l-a uu Instuul bjr tbti ; t itlout. Winter la coming , the season of the year for ache' pains. In view of this fact wo aay buy one of Uorno > Elootrlo Butts. By ao doing you will ivold llhoumatlstn , Kidney Troubles and other Ills flesh U ha'r to. Do not del y , but a.1 a ( our Ulna and examine hulto , No. 1423 Douglas street , or F Goodman's , 1110 Farnam S,0m ha , Neb. Or- rs fflid ! ( Q O D COLLARS TTlOIl rfPCUFFS _ l" DCARINQ THU UAIIK ITiOIt AH [ THE FINEST aoooa X1 EVER MADE , BEINO All Linen , DOTH Linings AND Exteriors. Ajjk tor them . OAI-IN BROS. , ARontB i'or OmuIiH SPECIAL NOTICES TO LOArT-MonOT. To loan on real e tate. Addrers box . 8. Pout ollicn. 925-lBp LOAN One thnuoand dollars ou tint mort- fiOlt gagu. A , J , Poppltton. 034 9 MOKKV Loaned ou vvrtonal propcity , chattels FOIl or ccllkterals. Omiha Fleauclal Exchange , Faruam stret-t. S45Janlp ITinit MONEY to loan on city property. In Bums cf - (500 and up. W. II. Hotter , 1603 Farnam , 092-d oo 21 p MONKT TO LOAN In sums Of ISCOand upwardi house O , F. Da\U and Co. , lltal Eitate and Loan water Agents. IMS Farram St. 383 tf tocratic ONKY loaned on cnatt hi. Uallroad Tickets Uctter bought and sold. A. Foreman , SIS 8. 18th 7 < 8tf FOIl TfAETBIJ , IfKf" ANTKD ( llrlfoaMbtlnliouie work and take one carecf baby , 8. E. cornrr FaraamandOlh tit , D7M1 V\7ANTED-Two girls to cook , wash and Iron and ' do second worlf with carir t 'for phlldren , Ina Jj'OIl ' ftmlly. Call at brick , cor , llth and PlcrcuSt 092-11 Vtt , nent 1I7ANTKD-A good girl , 613N. 10th tt. OOMSp irANTKD-25 | l maVenaj ; > at 418 8. ISth Et FOIl euiploj raont house. OiO Up T7IO" \\7PAMKD Tw > lite apenU to solidt Arctdcnt JJ likuranct' . AilytoK | | A. Lee , Ilott & Co. 211 St. ISth tit. , IxjUtea 5 and 8 p. m , fOll \\7ANTKD DrcsimaVen , an apprentice- who woull ueiit In housework for Ltr board , 16.3 Howard Bi. ( l > 7-13j > FOIl WANTeD-i u hook-keeper * , I2lh January. J , II. Smith , 1018 qouglaiitmt. V70 Sp 1T TTT'ANTBD lly a Chicago houtc , a lite rateiman rmiJIng In Omaha to take in Wjcming and IpOK Southern Dakota. Vu' " ' vo a : < iualntauce < in the 1 tr Je , whoUuIe and retail , huta salary ex. , rcfarcnoe * . aod name of forroir euiplotcr , "Orooorj" cars Loid & Thiiua , Chlc4i.'o.Illi. FOIl AITANTKD Au American baker ; B'nzlo mm Ad. . "ITUMl Urett City Bakery , Uoldirg * , Nth 813 0 JL1 WANTED ItrtHhy wet nm e wbo hM chlM not mere thin a month old , Acdreis "II. n " Dee omct , t Sp ! TITA.NTED-IOO lollcltorn , irood r y to the rtlfM man. Addrctn Nebritkt Muttul 1iml ie IJencfltAmceUtlon , Krtmont , Ntb OU-l nS WANTKO-ARfiitl nd ilittrictruanagili for Po > pli > 's Dictionary and EncjilopwlU Pilce $1 60 niitflt II to , aiROgocd ( Rents tJ celt flcobooks am1 Imported album * on inontMy payment * . W. U. P Ixiwry , room 8,119 north IWi it , Om ha. OJ7 1 'p WANiKO Fl ) thoNcbra ka Klro and Watctproo Taint and Co. rtlltble In Ilcoilnu , men 01 civ i couttj in the tAte tu orgulzo companies fir worl ing nut p'lnt. There's til * money In It I'or par tlcuUri so , address Uh. . iUMie , Secretary . „ Mincer , Omaha. P19-J 'an "WMNTED A Rood woman cooV ; w Rea $27.f > 0 p month. Address Hrmloy lloiuo , Noith Pl&tto Neb. fcS7-Bp irANTED A ( rood competent Rlil forpenera ' k. S 14 OouKlas street. * " " ' 117ANTED To buy a o ty lot to bo pa'd In nockly omonthl ) ImUllnifnls. Addrcua' ' ! ! . It " Dee office. 218-t \VAMKU Udlca and gontlcmin to take nice 11 light , plcaxint nork at thclronn homes ( dU tanco no objection. Work dent by mall , ? ) to $ S i d j can bs quietly mxlo , no cam awlns. PloaJo ad drew at once , Olobo M'fg Co. , BiwUii , Maet. , box 6314. 693-dco 1" WAfiTKD Lvllra or gentlemen In city or country to take nice , llht | and pleasant work at their own homcB , * to $6 a dty easily and quietly made ; work Rent by n all ; no cama'slng ; no stamp for rcr1- , Please address llollable Man'f'g Co. , Philadelphia , 1 ( > CO.-lm n , ANTKD-TjADIKS OR OENTLEMEN-ln Cl y YV or country , to take nice , llRbt and pttasan work at their on u homo * ; ft to $5 per day easily nm quietly made ; work rent by eanxawdnu ; nc stamp for rcnlv. Plcaao adJrosa Kellablo MnlV Co. Phlladolpnla , Pa , EOJ-lrn VFAHtlU ) . WANTKD-Slt atlcn , hy ilrugRlstof in\onHcMt pcrlcnco In Mnf achu tta licet of references Address lor five das , "Druggiit , Ctntir Bank Outhrlo Center , Iowa.1' OSS 16p "V\7ANTED 1'celtlon a uttnoeiaphic , corre pond \ \ cnt. Address "Shorf hand" lice otllcc. Sfll-l.1i TXT ANTED Situation ai general house-work In > > nmall family , lit ) Nortli 23th St PS1-D _ _ _ j A gontlimau wants * situation Ina . . first class store or birjk.wlll cndcator faithfully todo hi nor loan } 8titlon K lRncd ft til accepted botn bond and rerercnco glten If desired. AdurcM "J W " Iloo o3leo. 033-lSi \ \7AN1KU A situation bj a tlret c ail bread and VT cake baker ; 28 Jcars oipctlcnco. Addrcai , "IIaker'Cco otllce. OlMOp married man wants situation as bookkeeper AkounK keeper , In wholesale establishment In Omaha. Address " 0. " card Bee. SSO-tf UIDOELLAHBOUS W ANTED Day boarders nt 613 N. 10th nk 090-13 | > WANTED To rent , room , or suite tf room * , fur nUhcd or unfutulshcd. Address O.K. A. , 110 . IBthSt. SSOjana _ _ "ITTANTED A Urge good book case. AiMrc'i Ilr\ > V W.Cochran.cit } . 073-llp \TrANTED-Students to talc lessons In Sweilah at V\ their homes. Heise tend jour addron to N.J Morris , 1123north 10th St. 074-lOp WANTED A suite of fu nishcil rooms and board by ngenllcman and wife within CMJ accc < 8 ol J3Ja Oncia HOUJC. Addrcsj 1 * . 0. drawer 64 64OtO OtO It TTkTANThD A piitncr with S500 to take half Inter- V eft In established and prolltablo buuIncBsV. . . " Dee olllcc , Council Bluffs. OK-11 "l"\7ANTRD Hoorn and board for mm and wife \ about four blxki from dorot , preferred In Sou'h Omaha. AddrcaiV. . II. C."lk'3 ollco. 053 Oji 7/.NTED Two or three day boardera at 1014 W Webster ttrcet. Hates reasonable. CIS tf QJI/l Kf\ Will 1 > uy a Urge dinner and tea tot P-l-Jw combined decorated ; ware , square shapes , nt llcodj'a China Store , Cor. Ifltli and Ha- ( i venport. OOitf AD1ESVlahlng a coed nursa during Hlcknre < ) or conflnerrentj willplcaso cill on Mrs , Stone , ' . 01 Lcavonwortn ht. Jewish ladies pre'crrrd. 830 3p \ ANTKIi Ladles nod \ounp men to liisfrutl in ) book Leeplnc : will wait on hi'f paj until tltit- ations aru furnished. J. 13. bmltli , 1516 Douglas. 832'anCp J TT7ANTED 10.000 faroiles to try our eolf rislrg Pure Ilurkwheat Hour nnd belf-hlaioR Co n kept by all llrst c'a'8 grocers. Wo warrant nil F buckwheat cold under our brand pure. W. J WEL-- SIIAN3 & LO. , Manufacturers. 811-tf FF I ? J. U orty oflico L1 of at flOll UtNT Suit o'furnished ' rronia at 1017 Dodge St , on'y ouo arid half Uock from Poit olllcc. 037 15 HUNT LtriiP south front fntnlstinj room j n l"wItlitlotct and stoto. Apply 1410 thlcairo ht ' 078-Kiii IlKST turnlshodiooai ? 5 per month ldl5 oflico. Chlcaja ( St. POJ lip FOIl liTOIlHEXT A ROiit'cuian and wife will flnlailcaa- ant front room at 1814Vn nter ht , 003 Op and - -JC1 office Ire : , bank pleto treet. and K. FOIl > T7IOII , , J , 11KNT A ccttiRu between llth and 16th Sis. , on Chicago. John Swift. OOMip B10R ItENT MeeB rot racottaje. Andrew Uet Ins attorney , 13ji Farnam tit. (28 lip UKNT-Strclullillijr ( with residence all ( or ! 2. permottn tu good location. 1) . L. Thomas. Ttxas 030-tf her FOUilKNT-3 nlco largo tnrnlthed roonn for please light housekceplnir , or would board rarte ! ; well heated * ith futnace ; kocd bathroom aril "CUM closet ; one block ftuui otnet cars , incut aris relghborhood In the city Apply to W II. in , Loan agent 1503 Furnam utrtc-i. Oia 0 c"iet- IlENT Large southeast room , large bay window closet , lire place aud bathroom rrltl- X " ! house und furnlturu new ; COi ti. SOthnheet. tut block north otHt. Mary'n atenue , be T S nail new cottage. Inquire at 1223 N. 19th St. bet Paul and Sherru.n. g7o-10p , low IlENT rurnlnhed looms , one block from narn ro U'llco. ! bilckbl'cv , ructlern lmpro\ementi , water and bath. Terms rrahouub'e to perma TRON oooupantl , S. W. corner Uth and Cajiit > 1 ave , J. 050 lOp KKNT-lIotiK ) with 6 room * and kitchen. Inquire - 0 quire 7 ' Ituth 16th Et. Oi ) Dp " HhNT t\irmshed and unfun.Uhrd rooms ! and ,0 foot lunch couuUr for tale. 05 N. lath ' RENT 10 room bountf HOS CaSt. . Inquire IIss Uejer , fl23 N , 16th bt , up stUrj. 9li Up Pn.hY. KENT A pleaiant furulslicd room with or entlrlw without fire , 1SW Capitol ave. 0)8 ) lip entirely ° U ° rl 011 llENT-Kurnlthdd rooms at K17 Howard. * ' * 018-lflp ItENT FurnUhed ' or uu'urnUhed roonu new brick block , corner Uth aud Chicago bti 901-jan 3p KENT A nine room hou : nesirao e ocs. u tlon ; $10 per month. Darker A. Mayne. 8001 f HENT KlfgtntiV turnlthed rooiut , tingle iAt tuiult , H. W , corner 17th andCa-s. M 6 or ] $ tS' FOn HENT-JOth near St. Mary's art- , now ro - f age four roorar , clouts , pantry , cellar and hall , CAll 217 fCUth ISth. 850 U FOHHKNT sK room houM aud stable on Charlc * street , 4 ibon wnt of Kind St , Inquire at 142L JonesSt. AlsoS loomhouie corner of Kir/ and Chattel. I7011 HKNT-Plf ant iiile of rooms ( three ) 1'rc -1 1 fcr to rent thim unfurnished. Apply at 4SON * 18th Ktrnt. S7 Pp - FOR RENT Uirgo furnlthcJ south fiont room , 1714 California ktretf ivSl-Dp 37IOH IIKNl Cottftge cf thice raonn , 23,1 and 1 Chrk itrccts. inquire at d. K. Our. Jaikson and 16th streets SSOtf. FOU RKNT Furnished room and board $5.00 par week. Very best location , 1814 Davenport. 317 Jin lp 17011 * IIEX1 NcJtcottapo S teems h ll ( tontry ' cloict and c 'hr ' , $12.60 , alj other chc | t ten incnts. D , U Ihoirns. 616-U ItENT Hou'O with 6 rooms and barn. Ap- | 'H to P. Wilg , No. 612 touth 10th St. 814 tf F ItENT Ono nix room house on 21st and liar JL1 licj St. A. II. Oltdstono. 701-tC FF TjlOll ! IlENT 7 room brlcn homo , barn , well X * and cittern , will rint cheap to the right tenant * r se1lone s > uiontDly pajmtnts. AMESIt07Farnam street. 76Mf BtrwF FOU KENT 0 room house , line jarj , Park ate , AMES , 1507 Farnam St. 701 tf T70H HENT Furnished rooms brick block , modern JO Improcmonti , ono block from Post olllcc , S W. corner , 15th acd Capltolato. 037-30p 1/OR HPNT Furnished rooms In building N. E. _ I' i.'oruir 10th and Dr.vcnpott , Call alter 3 p.m. 7C61I FOR KENT A new houoc of 10 rooms , and a bard and soft water ; on Park a\cnuc , 2 blocks > from Farnam street. Inquire 013 Faruam. 70Stf FOR RENT Four room eottago S. 10th St. Hat kcrlcMajnc. 6SS tf J710R RKM To gentlemen only , a pleasant fur- JL1 nlshodrootn , S. K. corner 20th aud Douglaa. 67-141 FOR ( KENTElegant 11 room house , hard and soft water all modern ltopro > emcnts , host locitlon In city $70. Barker & Ma ) nc , 13th and Farnam. 322-U cityF F OR RKNT Two nlctly furnished front r oma . ' with or without board. Stoics In each , 1318 Capitol ! at o. D70 dec-lip [ J\OIt KENT Two elegant rooms In Hodlck's block. U Pauluen ACo. : , 161SFarnam. 812-tf ; F IOIl nENr-i rnUhod front room for rent 222 N 10th St 302-U FOHIIENT OK SALK A fl > o room houseNo.2317 I'lcrcostreet. Apply to Mrs. S. Q. Stetcnson , 1816 Casa street. 239-f FOlt KENT Two rooms mrnlshed for light houao- keeping. 8. W oor. 8th and Ilonard. 170 U FOIVRENr lloom corner of 17th and Grace Sta. lUtf F OH KENT The comer store 10th and toaven worth. Apply O. n. Peterson. 103 U TJOOMS With board , dou rab o or winter1 Apply JLli at St. Charles Hotel 62-U UDIIKAT baa good paatunng. Spring water. * 366. tf 1,1011 nENT-Cottago of fl > erooma. J.Phlpps Roe J ? 1612 south 6th street. 639 tf FOR SALE. Olt SALE At a bargain ; one cleprantsot chamber furniture , C heavy gold framed | .lctures , eno reg ulator clock , 81 jarils line biu'icls carpetono nearly now Knabo plino. For particular * Inqalio at this olllcc. 632-12 OU S\lK The Temperance Billiard hall contain logs blllhrdand2 , 0 1'crket pool tah'ca on easy tcrnia. 'Iboonlvplacoof the kind In Iho city' nqulro the Brunswick Balko Collendcr Co , , 03 S lOttifct. , OmalnNcb. 071-12 7IOK SALE ISO acres of best farm land In Blair , i1 Wa hlngton Co. , Neb. , 2J miles fiom Herman. Will cither fell for cish or trade for property In Om . Addtcba Jos. Kolowratch , 1331 South 12th bL , Jimha 'i.b. [ Ojl-tf FOlt SALE Two lets on Georgia axe.nt A great bargain. Al ° otlne risidenco on rarka\ 'OTIElt it COBB 1515 KarunmKt. 017 tf FOlt SALE Two homeland lot on llarney nnd 2M H. , brloglng10 rent per month. New York ry good store. D52-10p l/rOHTOAQEil bouzhtandsaldand money loaned JL on linpro\eJ city property. W. A.Motttr , loan Rent , 1555 rarnam , 044-3 Olt SALE I 2 inch foot lunch counter 205 north ICth Street. 914-tt 1011 SALE Second hind furniture rmjftovcs at 2102 Cumlug street. OiO lip fJlOKSALE Cheat. ; a otUuraut ; good locatlo 220 North 10th St. , 833-lUp FOU SALE AlariodoubIeheaterRadiant ( Honw also niall heater , both In good repair. Inquire at Omaha Sto > o llnpalr Works. t > 67-tf FOR SALE Horse ? , mnles , harnesi and wagonn on one or twoears time. Heal entato security L. Thomas. 806 tf fTiOIl SALE Oil EXCHANOE At S10 poi acre , all or part of two thousan 1 aares of timber land , miles cast of Kansas City , wil exchange for Nebraska land or merchandise. Bedford , Souer & Davis. _ bjJtf FOU SALK Houce (6 ( rooms ) and four lots. Wil sell cheap In order to Ret Immediate change o cone afterdoath of my child , T. U. 1'arlltt , Oa 761dccl2 fT'OIl SALE Cheap , a nice 4 room cottage full lot on grade , city water 10th street , halfablockS. Lc\\cnworth , west aide , tcrma easy. M. Lee , gro * > 2d and Lea\cnworth street. 746-e FOIl SALE The best business lot at the Stock jan'a ' South Omaha , 60x163. Will bo worth loublo the price asked now Inslda 12 months. Apply otllco New York Dry Goods Store , 1318 Farnam. _ _ _ _ _ 277-tf FOR SALK 1 Bausago chopper , borao power ; one rendering kettle , ono lard prcaa. Apply a ! Brook. Market , cor. 13th and Pierce S02-U 'YI'K A quantity of Jou ana nennpapcr type lor Bale. Also a good Zither. 0. T. Buucc , care Be . 766-tf _ HALK ' Cottage of 6 rooms , barn , corner lot In Shlnn'n attdltioii ; nly81.5COsmall ; cosh pwmonj balance monthly. Bargain. McCaguo , opp. postolllet. BIBtf r-iOll SALK Kino businew chauoa at Grand Island Neli i SOCOODUjathebank building 22x ; an building which renta for * 15 a month ; a Urge. and burgler proof safe with Yale time lock cost i,6CO , \erylargebankbMUDro proof safe , counter , deska , hard coal stove , in fact , a com. i bank outfit , together with lot 4H88 on LooujJ . Title perfect. Terma I cash , balance ou ono two yeara time If desired. Cull on or nddrosa Jay White Grand Island , Neb. 622-U SALK Cheap a sooontl hand high top buggy. Inquire at Slmpson't Carriage Factory , Dodge , etweeu 14th and 16th. gso-U SALE A whole took of clothing , boots an „ „ ? bu"dl"Ss at oo t , retiring from business II. Peterson 801 south Tenth street. 113-Bm SALE Two open seoond-nanel bugulix to a ono'delivery ' wagon , cheap , .t 1810D in rHI. MISCELLANEODS. STIU1 BD-From No. 1431 N. 2M St on Di-o7th. a larite whitecjw about 12 old jears , partly indlitioct brand on left hip , Had roue nrounfl horrnj plus mhk on three tits onlt 1'Jnder wIU notlp o ner at atote place. 035 Op TitADB-Duelncm block oicqpled by'gwa t"1.Bt ' 0'agood ranchaor faun property th t wUlnukeagoodianche. Addrtm "iuwcbe , " lite - .3.jgp PAULSEN'S ADlniON-Thl ) new addition Ulo. cated In the northern rurt of the little . jlt.t , wbero gm.dlBRUntctBMry. but when wIU from2to3fn.t alwtoRrado The ttrettcani are connected nowninnng through It and by Hut 1 ; 1835 , will bo wuh tie Saunders street car line which ywe 6 mlnut , " car. These lots are put down at * For a'e ' fljiiin tttitt-t by I'aulwn & Oo , 1513 Far- * &X tf AND I1RAB3 FOUNDHV-loSB. llth strktl Offlce , 111 B. I th St. Eaton & Hertelaou. 87SJaaO EXOIIANUK-I hate two choT , , J ' " 'to will gcneial ttook , or dry AJdre" ° . X'AKEN UP One black hone four white ftce , 19 > Q Bouth llthtft. e Y. ' ' * ' nlU. > , 'lnl".and e pools cleaned at thi ( orderly * ud ' D7 1"0 * ° ' " > < lay , In an way without the leant moleVtatlon1 i , with our .W.VVN4 muu . , A. trans 4 Co. , Bit Capitol CO ! decZl DEEXEL & MAUL , [ HUOCBWOns TO JOHN 0. JAOOBI ) UNDERTAKERS I '