THE JDA11A' BEE- SATURDAY DKCEMBWR G 1884 A Oront lrtblcni , Take all the Kidney and Liver Medicines , Take all the Jilood purifiers , Take all the Jthcmnatio remedies , Taka all the Dysjjcjisin and indlgca tlon cures , Take oil the Ague Fever , andbillious specifics , Take nil the lirain and Js'ervo force Take nil the Great health restorers. In short , take nil the best qualities of all these , nnd the bcl Qualities of all the best medicines in thoworld , and you will find that Hop _ Jiittcrs have the best curative q j ities and powers of all conccnlrdtcd In them , and thnt they willcuro when any orall of these , aingloor combined Fail. A thorough tiial will give positive pr'oof of this Hardened Tjlver. Fivoyeara ago I broke down with kid ney and liver complaint and rheumatism. Since then I have been unable to be about at nil. My liver bncamo hard like wood ; my inib.i were pulled up aud filled with water , All the boat physicians agreed that nothing could euro mo. I resolved to try Hop Bitters ; Ilmvouscd seven bottles ; ho hardness has all gone from my liver , ho swelling from my limbs , and it has worked a miracle in my case ; otherwise I would have been now in my gravo. J. "VV. MOHEY , Builalo , Oct. 1 , 1881. Poverty nud Sufl'orln . "I was dragged down with debt , pover ty nnd aufloring for years , caused by sick family nnd largo bills for doctoring. I was completely discouraged , until one year ago , by the ndvico of my pastor , I commenced using Hop Bitters , and in nee month wo were all well , and none of us have seen n sick day since , aud 1 want to say to all poor mon , you can keep your families well n year with Hop Bittora for leas tnan ono doctor's visit will cost , 1 know it. " A WOUKING.MAN. TNone genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun nil the vile , poisonous stuff with "IIop" or "Hops" in their name. . . fiol. worll. curt. liT p-.iib. { v EMrrhuk , tij < l Arw. * D | .11 Ijiorlrnof tb. Iiirr. tr Orttm A.'e drop * Itri.rt kj ClM. ef ( Liuni tftD > . il to All .umiarr Urlak. Try It , % D k * .i f count. V t * . /.4 Tour rroT f drurft.t fci IrUt.Iulia.-ututilb rH. U D tUOIRT,1tO > i ; . w. WUPPCEUA S1 JiJiW.IIHWr If. Ill ( IUU3 Of < ] h ipsia , cleWlitj , rheumatism , ( ever and & Uc , liver coin- tUint. inacttUty of the kldueja mid Madder , constlpfc tlon and other or lane ! maladies. HDP < tetter's Stomadi Hitters 13 a tried rcmeJ.N , t3 which thu medlcit brother hood have lent their professorial sani tion.anl nhlcli as tonicalteratho and hou 9hold specific for disorders of the „ ( STOMACH ' stomach , liver end bond ? has an un. iTTE' bounded popularity. iror tale by druggists - gists and dtolere , to whom apply for IlOTttttcr's Al manac ( or liSiS. Tor the Cure of nil diseases of \ Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , POULTKY. Used successfully for 20 years by Far mers , Stockbreeders , Honm ll.ll. , & llndorsptl fc used by the U.S.Governm'U jds-ramplilcis & Charts sent frep.-tt.-s& v HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO , , i 109 Fulton St , Now York. Humpfireys' Homeopathic * ' * > n * rt M twr J InJI use' W T ar . TJio onlv mmcpHeful remedy lor Nervou.5'Debility , Vita ! Weakness , And Profitmtiac. frnm o\er-workor oilier cnu 'Ci fllpTvial , .trA nalanml ' 1elances tttat , In a t w yoart , have cl Dkco fax tl manafaoturo m streei , ia - " - * ° Tery respect to th beat v Custom Work ! 1 the Jowne of time at the same milo , of clothing the Bno grade nrlcoof P Bstonlah they handle Is no less Imr than the Perfection of Fit ! IANIJ THE QCAUI7 Ot : AJ. * &ND MAKE a lollHonsfi 1210 Farnam Street. 1210 TIMKEN VEHISLE81 DU66Y CO , THE TURTLE MAN , SMI BaciEd and Tortoise One oftlio Qiici'i-rst KfcnkH of Nature In K.xlstonco. The Thursday morning train of Pullman cars over the U. P. direct from Portland , Ore.being Ihopiffneor of its kind that has reached this city , had oniong other passengers sengors ono of the most wonderful spec ! inons of human nature yet known to his tory , being nothing loss than n highly intelligent tolligent man , aged about twenty-three , nhoto body was encased by nature in n complete turtle shell. To his fellow-pas sengers , even thoco In the adjoining seat , ho appoarodto bo rather leathery com- plcxioucd , hh face unnaturally elongat ed , but they Raw no shell , for ho wore a light chinchilla coat tightly fitting up to the nock and his lower extremities being natural in formation , were encased in the conventional pantaloonsof business make. It is true that the buck scorned some what deformed , but not so muih so us to attract unusual attention. There Boomed to bo an unusual absence of hair on the lower portion of the cranium , but wheth er ho had the "croppy cut" demanded by the style of the day no one in the car know , for ho kept his hat on all the ( rhilo. In a word , to all outward ap pearances there was nothing about the passenger to draw the eye of mere curi osity ? "THERE WEUE BUT TWO vtx among the scores aboard who had any idea of the great human curiosity who was being hurled along the first through Oregon Short Line train from the far thest northwestern "squares" of Uncle Sam's checker board to the center of his ' King lino" along the thickly settled Atlantic. Those were Tgimtio Pavilbo , the "Turtln man's companion , and Wil liam P. Crowley , a Now York state journalist , and at ono time press agent for Baker and Farron , the well known Gorman comedians , and latterly of Cooper & Bailey's circus. It was through the valuable information of the latter that his old-time friend , a reporter of the BEK , was granted an inspection of the shell back In puris naturis. After the usual greetings which become - come so much warmer in friendship's realms whom years have parted , a Damon and Pythias of a most halcyon yore , Air. Crowley said , "Do you see that young follow , apparently humpbacked , sitting over yonder ] Well , right there Is n for tune for any showman. I'd rather have him than AOtJUHQATION' . But the public eye will never gaze upon the wondortul formation that nature has given him. " "Well , Crowley , " said the reporter , what about him. If there ia such a mlno of wealth under his coat , why don't ho show up ? " Only this and nothing more. Ho ia incased in aa complete a turtle shell as you over saw. Ono of these regular old green backed follows that wo find on the erase. I will give you his history and I think 1 will bo i.ble to got him to raise the curtain and lot thu caiiosity astonish your oculars. But mind , old boy , you're no newspaper man , hut simply a friend of mine. " Hero goes for Juan Ohaves' his tory. Ho was born in the southern part of California in 1851 , and thoao in attend ance wore thunderstruck to find that the child had a perfect turtle shell about it while the arms and legs wore juat as natural as those of any other infant. The physicians saw on examination that it would bo certain death to remove the shell. Thousands of dollars were spent in surgical examinations , but all distinguished physicians who saw the case decided that any attempted Ol'KKATIOX WOULD HE FATAL. ' The mother died in giving birth to this child , and the father , ono of the wealthi est men in that section of the country , ot the child grow through boyh-od and ? outh up to where you see lira to-day. Hardly any ono n the neighborhood know of the caao and apparently young Juan was just Jko other boys and.other young men. Some years ago the father , his brothor-in law who is now the young man's compan ion moved up into Oregon and sootled on a largo ranch and thuu in 1882 the elder Chavca died. Ho loft his entire fortune to his son who had been thor oughly educated by his uncle , a man of learning ajid in the old man'd will it was provided that under no condition whatever over should his son bo exhibited publicly or oven examined in the in terests of surgical knowledge. J7 I , * W Ou i * . wpi. , fa TJur-uw , 'wuj JtJ Jin immense fortune no can enjoy life in great shape. Old Pavilln is under obligations to mo on account of the favors extended at the tiuie the Cooper & Bailey party were wrecked on the Now Zealand trip , you remember , and I will see it 1 can got you a poop at the curiosity. " Suiting his action to his words Mr. Orowloy walked over the seat where the old and the young man were sitting , and it deemed to th o BEE it required pretty strong argument to obtain the do * sired permission. At last it time , and an invitation was extended to visit the stateroom which the party occupied. The reporter was considerable relieved , for although ho know Crovrloy wan always a man of truth , still ao improbable aoemod his story he was most anxious to see it verified. On reaching the privacy of the stateroom and the door being locked to prevent en trance , introductions followed and a chat of aomo minutes was indulged in before anything was said about a sight at THE THUK IIUHINEKH. Finally Air. Pavillo addressed his ward in Spanish and Immediately ho fetood up and removed h.n coat and vest and Mr. Pavillo proceeded to unbutton the young man's ahlrts , which were peculiarly adapted to the form of his body. It was but a minnto before the story of Orowloy was verified in all Its features in fact , more tbaa verified , for the body of Chavos wai enclosed in a complete a turtle ahull as cue coald sea on any of the ordinary dllEKH PELLOWH of the deep. The back was a slightly dark color , and that portion of the breast of the young man was of much lighter hue , compering exactly with the relative colorings of the genuine species. Ho with the harduesa and softness of the two parts. The back was a complete hell in every particular , and the front portion considerably softer resembling an extra thick skin. The arms and legs were united to the shell far more closely than on the ganuiuo turtle , but the ahapo of the shell had A WONl'KUFUL ItESKMIH.A.NUK , Bo with diagonal marks on the head and darker spots on the back , j but neither had the resemblance to hu- > minity. At the nock the shell portion cftuio closely up to the II ash of the neck just aa the arms and hipa ; the junction of the latter with the shell forming the moat "unturtlo- like" appemnco of all. In fact it rosum- blcd a turtle eholl cut off square. There was nothing peculiar about the ex cept that it WAS much longer than usually the c.190 in humanity and was entirely devoid of hair. The features were regu lar in every respect , tcolli , cars , noeo of natural and harmonious sieo , and the eyes rather smaller and exceedingly snappish , It was a wonderful body formation In deed , and of count ) would require a medical man's knowledge to flvo any kind of uclrquato description. No doubt It would be a bonanzi sieht for any physician to examine , hut Mr. Pavillo Mid that young Chavoi hod to much of that kind of examination in his childhood to need any more aud ho never woulu be put up as n chemical subject. The young man eaU , drinks , con- veiscs and ixota just like any young man. No one would know of his skull , luck and breast when drcaied aud as for intelligence - tolligonco ho is far above the nvorago. Indeed ho IB highly educated , spunks Spaniah , Fmich and Koglish perfectly. Ilo IB a great reader and very much ml vors to company of any kind , being devotedly - votedly attached to his undo. The length of time the train took on stoppage at the transfer depot having ox- piri'd , cut thjrta most interesting visit and the BEI : man returned to the Omaha side fully satisfied that he had soon the most wonderful creature God over made. Beauty , that transitory tlowor , can only bo had by using Pozzoni'a medicated complexion powder. INDEPENDENT" ORDER OF FORESTERS , Its 1't'liiolplcB niul Oliout8. | lo Uii ltoiiclt ( , mill Siiuill Annual Cott , This llcncvolcnt Order is based upon the broadest principles of mutual aid and fraternal ir.torcourao in all the logical and business relations of life. Its grand ob ject is to uulto in ono ( rue brotherhood all good mon , without regard to certain creeds , political dogmas , or conditions in life ; to provide for relief in sickness or disability , to establish upon the Jfitlital Aid plan a fund for the relief of Widows and Orphans of deceased members , to foster a spirit of co-operation In all de partments of labor and commerce ; assist the unfortunate and relieve the distres sed , to encourage and protect the profes sional man , laborer , artisan , tradesman , or farmer , and all engaged iu industrial pursuits. Independent Foresters are taught by the principles of the order , to bo sober , upright and consclencious willing to help , ready to relieve , and obedient to the laws of their country , so as to com mand respect from their fellow-men. The laws of the order are simplified and most liberal , giving to each tubor- diuato court the right to regulutu its orrn domestic afl'iira and internal economy , while the ritual Is very beautiful , novel and exciting , making the initiatory and other ceremonies most interesting und instructive. Tno bonoQts are largo and varied. The Omaha members of the society will , it is to bo hoped bo successful iu securing for Nebraska a "High Court. " No Snfer llcmcdy win bo had for Coughs and Colds , or nny trouble of tlio Throat , than iiw' BRONCHIAL TKOCHKS. " Price 25 cU. SOLD ONLY i.v IIOVEB. _ S ' of North Carolina "Tbao co. _ THE AEIONS , Tlio InauRurAl Party of the Season Tliursaay K This popular social organization opened the season Thursday evening with a most pleasant and recherche entertainment at Germnnm hall. The club is composed ot twenty -five young gentlemen of the city who are numbered among our most valued residents. The party was unusually brilliant the details being arranged for a grand good timo. The music was furnished by the Musi cal Union orchestra and was especially arranged for the occasion . There wore fourteen numbers , all inviting and well calculated to charm lovoru of the "mazy. " .Tlio ollkers and committees of the club are Kxecutivo committee Robert H. G. .7. Lchmann , Chas. .Motz. * „ „ , Fred Metiiremilcnt ; Max Btcht , viol president ; ( Jeorga Tzschuck , BDcrctary ; F. Jv liiaiffo , trcnbiuer. Coinmlttcn Max Decht , llobort Hosoiu wai , Julius 1'catnur , Frank J. J/unRe , and CliuK. Muu. DUIIKK.E'M SALAI > DUKK.SINO & COLD ] \IIAT \ SAUCI ; . The finest mayonalse for meat , fiah , and vegetable naiads , and a superb table sauce. It far surpasses nny homo-made dressing. Everybody likes it. Ilnv Kcs of ItliuitmutlHiit This is worth reading. It is from a well known lady of BuUvia , N , Y : "I write to Inform you of the wonderful ef fect of Brown's Iron Bitters. For three years I was atlllctod with rheumatism , which sadly impaired my health. Six months ago I began taking thu bitters. The improvement surprised us all. A rapid and permanent restoration to health has been the result. 1 consider myself entirely cured. Signed , Mary K Garry , " This valuable remedy can bo had of any druggist. An English electrical journal has dis covered the following popular fallacies concerning lightning : That chewing the splinters from a tree struck by lightning will cure the toothache ; that such splint ers will not burn ; that thebodlea of those killed by lightning shock do not become corrupt , and thnt no ono is killed by lightning while asleep , YOUNG MAN. KKJAU THIB , Till VOLTAIO UKLT UOUPANr , ot Marshall Michigan , ou'er to Bond their celebrabxl ELEO TRIO VOI.TAIO BELT anil ether KLKOTIIIO Ar- I'LIANOKH on trial for thirty daya , to mon ( youiiff or old ) alillcted with nervous debility. ions ol vitality and manhood , nud nil kindred troubles. Aluo for rheutnutlmn , neuralgia , paralynia , and many other dueaif * . Cninpliite restoration to health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No rink incurred , ai thirtyidayt1 trial U allowed. Write them at onoo for illiut- trated pamhlnt | friw. Fifty thousand woodchucks have been killed iu New Ilampihiro during the present year , on which the state pays a bounty of ton cents each , making a total for woodchuck killing of $5,000. Reck oning each woodchuck to weigh fivn pounds , thu total weight of the 50.0CO will aggregate 112 tout. HIGHWAYMEN Ttieir Latcsl Attacks on tbo Streets of This Cily , Tlio Wi'Alticr I'loyliloim t\it' ( Jrttlnj ; lu Thi'lr Work. A prominent contractor of thii city roj marked yesterday that the present weath er just suited him and others iu his line , as It enabled thorn to keep their forces at work on the highways of tao city right along through mid-winter and the city's force to continue their labors on the crosswalks and other necessary jobs to prepare for winter navigation by man ami bonst. Street Commleslonor Mo.iny has been gettiug in sotuo good llckj. A few daya ago ho laid five crossings In one day in the Sixth ward. Ho wits thnu at work grading Oraco street for t' ' > o switch which Is to bo Inid'to connect the Northwestern road with the Columbia brewery recently leased by llor fc Co. This was to secure transportation of coal and ice without such heavy labor mid expense. L'lftoon men and six teams were engaged un tliis work and nine mon ou crosswalks. The foreo was taken from the First to the Fifth ward , all hut sovcn being laid iu the former , In four days tittoon of thu twenty-five walks wore laid in the Fifth ward. The commissioner generally makes things hum when ho gets At them. CUTTINO WEST ITMISO. The people out on West Cmnlng street aio rejoicing In the fact that the council did not approve of the change of grauo on that thoroughfare. Hwas the desire of some few "monopolists" to have a now cut of ton foot mada at ono portion , and the lots already being thirty-four foot above the street from the first grading , this would , it is thought , ba a little too much of a good thing , as the residents did not care to bo perched up quite so high. The proposition only got the en dorsement of ono councilman. STREET 1'AVIMl. A heavy force of mon Is at work on the paving of Ninth street , between Douglas and Capitol avenue , and if no storm comes the two blocks will ho com pleted iu short odqr. Contractor Kyhor has taken his scrap- era and marched actoss to the Iowa utdo of the Big Muddy. What ho will do there was uot ascertained. IT is rossi 111.1 ; that the move of the Northwestern In ex tending a stdo 'track ' to the Columbia brewery , has more than that luatutlon'a intereats in view , and that they are thus maneuvering to go out of Omaha over the western blull'i parallel with tlio U. P.'s bolt line and reach the South Oma ha atock yards. CRIME'S lAWSAL A Series of Small Offenses Committed ' mitted mtbcCily , Iatt m KelcntiMl Frcil Thomas A ] > - lirehcmletl Sncalc Tlilev < ; j in StiuUi Oiunba. In the police court yesterday afternoon the noted Yiors case was continued for two weeks. Oilicer Knight filed complaints against George Steele , William Zotty , P. U. Green and others for maintaining a nulsanco botwocn Fifteenth and Six teenth and Farnam and Harnoy streets. Complaints were also filed against four small bays named Thomas Thonip son , Fatty' Olstrom , Frank McDonald and James Kullbcr ; ! charging them with breaking the gas lamps ou lower Six teenth street. The boys were arrested by officer Sullivan yesterday afternoon and will appear this morning to the charge against them. A somewhat ludicrous story comes from South Omaha , which apparent ! ' will end in arrest. On Wednesday night last eonio people living in that part of th Hy aw sneak thioven rniryinf ! oF ! their clothes lines , chickens , etc Thbj- secured the services of Oliicur Krogh and wont In pursuit of the freebooters. They fol lowed thorn into an old brick yard , when ono of the pursuing party gave a yell which catisud the thieves to droji their plunder aud run for their liberty. The booty was secured , and the roan who gave the yell was placed in ita charge , while the remainder still followed the fugl- njves. Shortly after they had loft him vvif'co man loft in charge of the l i < * ipdp ' wan f.puroachod by an unknown part } . The bailee of the stolen goods was iiivitori by him to go into thu bushea and identify a captured man who'wiui supposed to bo ono of the mauraiidurs. Ho unsuspectingly wont whore invited and when ho returned the plunder had all disappeared. A complaint has sluco boon filed against him for complicity in the theft. F. B. Patton who nan arrested for thu defaulting bookkeeper of the Kalians state penitentiary , wan seen by F. W. Glick of the Lansing prison last evening , who soya ho ia not the man wanted. Ho was accordingly released. Yesterday afternoon Patton , on the advice of his attorney , formally demanded his liberty from the jailor. It was , however , re fused and it is thought he will make some ono a party defendant in an action of false imprisonment , William Parker was last night arrested for the larceny of a ham from Nichols , the Sixteenth street grocer. Seven drunks and disorderlies occupied apartments in the city jail last night. Deputy Sheriff Crnwull loft last even ing for ItichardHon county , in this state , where Fred Thomas , who is charged with stealing $40 worth of cigars from Chinn & Now , boa buon arrested by the first named partner of that firm. F. W. Parker , the indicted ex-register of the Beatrice land olllco voluntarily surrendered himself to the United States authorities yeaterduy and was hold to ball in the sum of $1,000. Mergoll k Jtuuduuvbig yesterday In- atltutod Hiilt DKainit Mrw , Pentzel , Duller and Mitchell to recover $17 for work done for the fjtutfi Fireman' * ataoclallon , The pool roiul * yentcriUy titok down their uiwea in the Union ticket olllco In the Millard hotel , aa their butlneia would not jurtlfy thorn In kerning them up , The ofllvo will alao be uluniloncd by the fnlon 1'uuifio road after Jnmury M , 1885 , and Mr , LOOK will bo UH im | d to other dntlca by that road , Boston Brown Bruud at French itOo's , Ladies and Gontlmnon's Coal Caps , at Baxo'e , the Hatter , Orora Houio THE ANNUAL KEOORD OF PRIZES. Their KnnrinoitM Totnl unit Wltto Ills trllMttloii UnprlreH of the Ulhiil A partial li l of the prl/.M above Ono Thmuantl Dollars , imltl by Tlio LonUlni SWo Lottery Ormtpftnv ilntlnc the ymr onil injj Xo > pmb < rl81l , together with tlio immoa ntul millions given to tlio Company by the liohlorfi omitting tlu o wlio Ima tcquc ted it. llocelpta ( or tint amounts nto on file At tlio otllsea of thu Company , 1)KA.WIX < 5 OK IWOntllKIl 18 , 18S3. .John Ki-yox ValfK , Care T. . 1) ) . Alex andra & Co. , < Nnisnu kt. , New. Yotk . -,000 T. McAulilIo , S.iuinimli , ( lee . l.OOj UUAAVINU or JANUAUV in , mat , llt-nry Mutik , 2"t Oratlot nve. . Do * troit , Mich . . . . . . 2,010 Sim. l.uxv , Detroit , Mich . 11,000 \V. M. liftkny , llolh , liraynun Co. , Toxin . 1,200 Conn V Vuibelmaii , 10'J tinuior at. , ' -n . 1,200 DUAWINU OK mmiTAHY , 1'J. 1SSI. Frank l''iiolollo ' , l3 ! 1'ino at. , , lnck m- villo. Kin . 1B.COO Ilormnu Klrchnor , Crystal hold , cor- tiur lib nud Uotry BIB. , S.xii Vr. n- oinco , 01 . 15,000 Umncu N. Hntch , 10S 1 ft , Uoston , MUM . ir.,000 , T. A. Holari , CIKoynl st. , NOMT Or- lonlis. l.a . 0,000 11. 1 ! , llicki , Alorcnntou. X. 0. , celled - led oil through Hunk of AnboUllo , A ho\lllp , N. 0. . 6,000 1 ! . Krank IWfiO , P.O. llox asn , Uav * orly , MOM . -,000 M. F. lixckny , 1127 Mnrylnml , nvc , X U. , WnohluRton , J ) . 0 . 2,030 DHA-WIKC OK M AHOII 11.1831. Henry Hlvern , foreman Wiwt Mil waukee Bliopn , St. 1'nul It. 11. , Mil * wnukuo , Wls . 1C,000 WllHo OvS ! ? ' \ Columbu" ' Ml8 < 1 . lb'm iloiui Mnrtoll , IKW Sncrnmento at. , ( Jeorgo Uumm , euro U rry , lialnl Si Co. . 0 I1. Itnbbins , 51'J Iioavon- worth st. San Krnnclnco , Cnl . 10,000 August Viobol , cor. llVny ixuil W l nuUU.St. Unit , Mo . 0,000 .lumen Wontzol , I'olt3ilia , l' . B.OOJ O. W. McCormick , Chnrloatou , Ark. B.OOO li. Hpsokols , llnldwtna , Jackson Co. , Iowa . . 1,200 1'roderlck Miutcn129 Franklin at. , ButTalu , N. Y , . 1,200 DKAWJNU oFXlMUL 8 ; 1881. Klbott S. Montgomery , Mount Olivet Ky . 15,000 T. O'llriun , Jiichracinil , Vn. , collected through 1-uiciutor.t Luclo . fi.OOO lloiuor U Bishop , Hiu I'Viinclxco.Civl. fi.OOO r iulor Isaacs , Modmto , < ' . ! . 5,000 I ! . 1) HomlriukHou , ill'J North Water fit , Philadelphia , l' . 2.000 S'ormati SaundorBWaahlnetunD.U. . 2.000 3icar Swnnaon , Nnw York . 2 000 Jtobt. .T. Wnlkor , Washington 1) . O. . U.OflO Uyron T. Ilolmos , Fort Wayne , Iiul. l.'OO liimos Vex , Fort NVnynn , Ind . 1,200 O. T. Doahtclda , Shornian. T x . 1'JOO 11. < ! . TromborfOSS N. 8d Ave Now York . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1,200 _ _ DJJAWINU OK MAY 13 , IRS I. Uiac H-iiiu'H , KiiRlnocr Mempliii and Cliurlent'jn K. Jt. cullccteil through W. Jt. lihon&Co. , Hunts villc , Aln . Ifi.COD 15. ,1. lonoy , 33 .lackaou nt JTeinphia Tonn . . . . . liiOOO H. 0. Drlnkle. ] , nncast r , Ohio . Ti.OOO Alex KliiR. Wnvnrly Ky. . collected through Iitmlsvlllo HanklnRCo , Don invilln , Ky . D.OOO J. ( ! . liiithrop , Aurorn , 111 , , collected through Kocunl ) Natiuual Bank Au rora . . . -OCf T. S. Anhloy , , ( i ant ( 'j Ky L'nO ( Firnt National linnk Columbus , Tud. 1-OC S. Newman , 1BO ll nry nt Now York , 1200 DUAAV1N(5 ( OF JUNK 17. 1H8I. S. M. Kolhchlld , 232 Church at. , Now York Cltv . 23,000 Phillip J. Urubor , Milwaukee , Wls. , collected through Second Wunl Savings lUuk. Mllwaukeo . -1,000 Phillip lloirmau , IS'M Uaeu n\o' , St. hoiiN , Mo . 2.COO D. ( ! oo. lioiikolH. I'hilndulphln , 1'a. . U.OIXJ Chnn. Clarlr , I'hihidolpliln.rn . 2,000 A. T. lUdlam , collected through WolU Fargo ti Co. 'a Hank , San Francisco , C-il . 2,000 Win. Jloycl , 3122 School at. , St. I.ouio.Mo . . . . 2,000 Frank Cuunliigiinin , San Francisco , Cul . 2. 000 DIIAWIM ! OK JULY 15 , 1881. Itankof Commerce , Memphis , 'I'onn. 15,000 N. M. Sowull , Spring Omok. Teiin. collected through Firnt National Haul : of JncltHon. Term . 5,030 12. U. CoiiMtocl : , 1I5 ! Ninth t. , Mil waukee , Wla . 5,000 W. IMWIVoitOaklnntl , Cul . .1,000 C'hrm. llottiugor , MomphlK , collected through ( lotmnn National Hank , Memi.liia . 1,200 Mra. JCiiinia . ) . lloggunl , Norfolk , V , . ' . . . . ! . ! 1.20U I'hilliii Itolli , cor. LociHt mid Cahopo btH , , Now OrlentiB , Ki . 1,200 DHAWING OF AUOI/ST12 , 1KSI. I'lugouu ( iniulit.H , 2'Al St. I'ctrrHt. , Now OrlouiiH , La , , wnruhouHi'inin for MUK-HIH. tt. ( JnurAto it CD . 15,000 TjOiilx HnymoMr , carpiiiiler , ICxpOHitlon ISiuMingH NnuUrlouiiH , l.i. . . . . . . 15000 Wir. ilo 15. Klllott , Whituoy National UunV , N w Orleans , Lu . 0,000 T. rf. Tutttilcr , Sauli ril , Kin. . collect ed through ColuiubiiH Insurance & , Jiiiiikinu C'o. , i/'oliimbuK , MUa . 4,0'JC A. 1) . ( ilovur , 25 S , Comiiton uvo , .St. Louis , Mil . 2,100 Lowia 8. Day. Niw Haven , Ct . 1.2CO Chaa. Kuote , Colchuntsr , Ct . 1,200 DHAW1NC OK SKITKMIJKR'J , 1H8I. Mary CiinnllF , 1200 Spnico tt. , J'hila- dofphht , 1'a . 15,000 Louis I' . Alpnmn , 325 Snruca at , St , ' . ' Louls , Mo . 15,000 Henry W. lUliner , U. S. Towboat J "Win. Stone1 Ht. Louis , Mo . 15,000 Droveri k Mocliamcu National Jiunk , mltlmur . Mil . 15,000 J. JucobH , 1100 MiHtlou at , San I'rau- Cisco , Cul. : . 5,001 Mra. U. 8. Dumt , San Krimciicu , C l 5,000 Union Is. 1'lantern Hank , Memphlii , Tumi . 5,00a Uohcrt Locke , Memphlx , Tonn . 6.UOU K. H. Itudd , Columbua uvo. , liudton , MUBS . I.'JOO ' ( i. A Drown , li/ink Kxuhuugii , cor , Montgomery BIII ! Wushinfton bta. , San Krancitco , Cal . 4,000 Hunk ol Now lUmner , Wilmington , N. 0 . 2,030 A. Urown , New York . l. Ou Nathan Luibtr , 10 Wyhe uvo. , Pitta- burgh , ! ' , . . . 1.WO K. W. Hall. Suffolk , Va . 1,203 K , A. Waller. 151 Minim at. , San Francisco , Cal . , . 1,200 DHAWINfJ OK OCTOUKK 11,1881. Louisiana National bank , Now Or- loaiiH. J ii . 78,000 Hrry Hirilth , .Iiutico of the Peace , ( irci-nvlllo , MIDH . 5,000 Win , M Keuuody , PJautur , Green. villo. Mlai . . . 5,009 A. C. liriinott , 210 ttodgwiuk t , , Chi- cugo , Ills . 5,000 Win. C. Jru/K" ! , Chicago , Ills . 5,000 O. 0. J'ox , Portage , Wla . .1,000 Kogt. Junto * Sratt. .Taxing Dint riot " Patrolman J. Dauxherty , . Police > 1,200 Force . . . . . . J i'norh'Jiun Con , Daloy , Meuijilns , T..IIII . 1,200 Mort. HoJfiu , Columbia , Teiin . 1,200 DHAWINO OK NOVKMDKIl 11 , 1881 , The * . MnliiRnrn , 2020J Wunhiugton' ' at. , IloHVju , Mn . , . 15,000 Kruuk Crockett. Kngino No. 12 , oor. Drumm and Coinmorcldl U. , San Cal , , , , , , , . , , IM. . . . . .i 11,000 Juo , M Mnbcrly , Hnrrodebunj , Ky , 15,00(1 ( T..u'.i J Wild. f > onalilaonvlln ! , ] vy 10,000 Iti < t Kunlcr , ' " 'II C'hnsta.n tltiot , I'Ml 'ilnh ! . . ! ' . . f.OCO Frank 1\ . liill j , < 7 Wu-hlngron at. , Hnrt < rd , ( Soiiu . . f > ,0 ( i 1 > . L Orr Stfphniviltp , TP\ . 2,0 0 11 v. lirnUifriioiid , Mllwaiikor , Wli , vi'llict'd IhroiiKh Ann1. ionn ] ! t- | > tp < m r > i. Cnir. ) , Ill . 2000 Chiu K Musller , 101) ) l.ocmt t. , St. Lonia. Mo . l.VOO lint Ndtinnal Hank , liiillnnnpolt' , IIK ! . 1,200 Hrown oti A Slbli-y , bivlikem , Victo- Hv 'IVv . 1 WO I'mon NHtonitl , Cincinniti , O. 1,2CO fur full jMiliVwAfi t f Iht llrantt Kimi-An- iiictj lirommi nf Iht IdlA % ntt > tee ftlttme in mi- i > tltii column of "in ii ) > tr , When Knmo celebrated plcturru of Adam nnil Uvo wpro ( ocn on exhibition .Mr. McNab WA t.ikon to BCU ilinn. "I Ihink no great things of the painter , " said the Rfitdunor ; "why , nmi , tempting Adnm wi' a pippin of n vnrloly thnt wnaim kuoirii until about twenty yoira I-RO. " Itlttorsiaii hou ch wlil word nil over the world. For over 00 yosri it ha ndvertltied ibolf by iU merits. Itauow nd- \ortlaod to waru the public ngiiln t couutor- fells. The genuine nrtlclo Is manufactured by Dr J. U. . Sloi'ort k Sona. All Kngliah physician warns mothom agikinat nlloiring bnbirn to tuck their thumbs , hociiuio it n-eults In i. pccnlinr deformity of thu cheat , u depression of the the thorax by prcccuro from the arm of thu inf\nt ni it lies with its thumb in Iti mouth. AVotimn'ft Kaco , "What furniture can ( jive nuch liniah to n room nn n tciulcr woman's fnce , " asks George Elliott. Nut any , wo nro happy to nnswor , provided the plow of honltli tempera the tender expression. The pnlo , anxious , bloodlcoo fnoo of the oonstimptivo , or tlio ovldunt aulleringa of the dyapoptlc , Indnco feelings of sorrow mid grief on our part uud compel us to tell thorn of Dr. Piorco'a "fJoldem Medical Discovery , " the aovoroiijn remedy dy or consumption mid dlaeaaea of thu os irntory pyatein ns well ns dyspepsia ad other dlgcativo troubles. Sold every- lie re. The largest organ In the world has just boon completed by Ynlk , ot Ludwlgs- burp , mid placed in the cathedral church at KigB. The Instrument moasuroa thirty-six foot in width , thirty-two foot from back to trout , nnd is nixiy-livo foot high. It oontaina 0,820 pipuo , distribut ed ntnoug ! - ! sounding ntops. " 100 Doses Ono Dollar" Is true only of Hood'a Saraaparilla , mid it ia an unan swerable argument no to strength and 03onoiuy. The boor manufacturers of this country last year amounted to a supply of ton gallons for every man , woman and child. The mon probably got away with their uharo , but if they didn't help the women and children a little with what foil to them It is rcasunablo to suppose that tbo bocr-makors still have aomo of the old stock on hand. STOP THAT COUGH Ily tiiilnjt Dr. Fnvzior'a Throat mid I.unc Hal- cum the only sure euro for Cuuplis. Colds , HoitrHoiicpH and Sore Throat , nnd nil iliHoimos of the throat aud luugii. Do not neglect couch. It may prove fatal. 'Joorui and hrtndrodi of pr.Unf 1 people ewe tlmir liven to Dr. 1'rnzior't Throat nud hum ? JIIRUIII ! | , nud no family will ever bo without It uitor nncu lining it , and ilitcovorlii ? Un nmrvuloim i > owor. It iamt up iu largo fnmily boltlos nnj neWer ( or Uio mrmU prtcac [ 75 cents pur bottle , Sold Kuhii & C . nnd O. IT , Goodman , Fittsbiw Chroulclo. Cromatorlnms are not the innovations many piioplo seem to suppose. Crema tion societies have been in existence in London for twenty years. The corpse of Lady Dilko was burned in a crematory in Dresden , Germany , on October 10 , 187-1 , and her husband , Sir Charles Dilko , ia president of ono of the English crema tion societies. JIornolorcl'H Aolil I'liosplmte , FOR WAKKHUI.NKS.H. Dr. WM. P. OI.OTIIIKU , Buffalo , N. Y. Bays : " 1 proscribed it for n Catholic priest , who was u hard student , for wakefulness - fulness , extreme nervousness , etc. Ilo reports great benefit. " House rout ) in Arabia tire nearly ta low HI in n dunurtbd Pennsylvania oil town. A French traveler muntioiis his taking n comfortable dwelling at Jloroy- dah , consisting of two Inrgu rooms on the ground lloor and three um.illor ones , besides a spacious courtyard aurrounucd by high walls , fur all of which hu paid thirty-six canto pur mouth. HKIN 1MSKAHKS CUItlCI ) . liy lr , Kr.vlor'a Mnglu Ointment. Cnros an If by magic : I'lmpluM , itlack lluuds or ( itube , lilotchofl nnil KrupttoiiH on the face , leaving the Mkln clear and himutiful. AIno curoH Itch , Hull JUioum , Boiu Nipplui , Here ] jip nnd old , OlistlnaU ) TJlcurB Hold by drtiKgintH , or mnllixl cm receipt prlco. 50 cent . Hold by Kului & Co. mill 0. V ( ioo'linitri. Thern la In New Uronnda a curious vcgotablo product known under the name of the ink phut. I B jutco can ba need in writing without any previous preparation. The luttord traced vrilh it are of a reddish color iirst. but turn u deep black in a few hours. This juice also spalls steel penn less than common ink. A CARD. ToUlwbu.ra ifotlaj from tnoa , tnd ludlnorellon * of youth nei\ouj WMkDM , * Hj 4tj y , loti ol Dunbood , eUx , I 11I Mad rtdw that will our * you , FliKK OF OJIAHOE. Thlj freil rvmtdy wu dl xiT r d by ft irdiiloniry bi'Boutl Auitil- * . Bend Mil-Kidr t oJl > D lop ta BJW. M uu f. IMMAM. BtOUa . UMT ToA. ' " ' A Alichlgrn man , D * . Dirsohmann , of Norway , has devised a stovepipe with a patent jointing process , which will probably - ably do away with the venerable stove- plpo jolto and n great deal of ill-temper. TUTT S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Ilia Oreateat Medical Triumph of the Age I SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBD LIVER. I.oiiorupprllle , Iluvreli coillve , 1'aln In tlio bead , with a dull icDtatlon la tbu back pan , l'nlu unilrr Ilio ibonlder * bluilo , t ! ullnoii after rallug , wltU ndli- Inclination to rxerllonof liodr ormluil , Irrltulillltyortumiicr , f otr plrll , vrllti rvulluircrbuvlnir oeglrctod oDiedutr > \VenrlneK , Dlzzluvii , 1'luttorlDir nl tbn Heart , lion boforatbo oyoi , JleaducLo over tbo rljlit cjre. Itedlomaerltb ( Itful dreamt , Jllably colurod Urluc , anil CONSTIPATION. TtJTT'H 1'lI.I.n are cHjirclully adapted to such caum , ono ilotu ciructtl suoli u ilmiiKti of foollniitix to astonlali the sufferer. Tliuy Iiicreaiio tU Aiu > ctUc , nJ cauie the tiody tu T Ue oil l'lc li. tliu Ilin iritvin 11 lioiiriilicil.anil lijtliclr Tiiiilo Aclluu on tliu J > iue tlvoOrHui iIlvKiilnrHtuuU are | irn < lucn.l. ITI"o uBn. ! I Bliirrn y Ht..N.Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Jiur IIxiu or WiUMCKita changed to u Ournsr JlLACic \ > y u Ahglu tipnllcailon ol tliU DTK. U Im.iurtB a uututuf color , acta liiBtuiituncouBly , Bold by Dni'Ki t , or Kentbyuxpromon rucftlptofll. jJfTIop,44 Murray St. , Now York. O&I'ITAL t nil 'hr HonlHy . ( it liout tann : IMi. LrtttTii _ > ' ! do tiff 1.11 minof anii Mi.irci tnt I > rat ' I Attnwit'i , ii'iif if if.t ! % ot mriuettd n \ iwffnirnt i , anrfi ; fd/r.itl tiuf-i erili r'fi.a-ni trj a't' .F , t.ntlttttitrv.oti , < TTNWKcitnENTr.n ATTIUCTION , U OVK11 IIAtr A MILLION UISTIltnUTlUX State Lottery lii uttoiAia la 18CJ In tl yum tijr ih latfeUtim tut * ItfJ of tl.OPOiOCO inAhlrb uimn laud of uv > 5' 0,000 hti Bliicxj teen added. By aa oTomhalmlnR | ioxiUf Tnt IU Irmdfcl'i i made K pirt ot the nr tl Sttto C aiitn1lon ! iKptod December Sd , A b. IBTB. Hi gr.iud fcliigli ! number drAwlngi tit t nco monthly. It BDTOI fcaloc et pontpomt. Look t the ful ! < mla Ihitrllnitlon Kfith OHAN1) ) MONTHLY , ] Extrnonlumry Soim-Auaunl Draw ing. 1 the AcnAnniy ot Music Now Or- lesius , Tucstliy , December 10. 1SS4. tliuler the nwonM nporvliilnn ami rc.auiKcinci.t of tIKN. ( I T mAlUKUAllO : ) , < > ( l.oul hii.iand (1KN. JL'IIM. A. KAULY , cl VlfRlnta. CAPITAL PRIZE , 8150,000. jt-TNotlro. TU-kotR tire Ten Uollata only , llalrui * 5 , Fifth. , - ' , Tenths , tl. LIST OF 1'IUZKS. nAl'JTAL PillZE . _ _ . . . . UIO.C3I 1 Omnil do . (0,001 1 da do . tO,00 i LAUURrRizuoriocco . so.cca 4 rtr > tlo 6WU. . . . SJ.CVX3 JO rillZKS Ol 1000 . 23,003 (0 da too . M.ooa 1VU do 310 . 3I.IXC SOO do 2M . 41.0CO DM da 10) . . . . . BO 003 1 000 do 60 . i . (0,000 irriwiiUATicn ruus. 100 Approximation pilcgcl JiOO . 10001 100 do do IPO . M.fl I 100 do do 7t . 7Mf morrtici tt&.n t'.off la . I3I2.K * Application foi r tc to clnbi iboold be nidi DC/ ! o tbo otHoa ol the Company tu New Oiloant. Tat farther Inlarnutlou write dourly glrlnc ( all Kililrci i. I'OSTMj NO1K3 , Express Money OrJors , ot Niw York KxchanRo In ordinary latter. Curroucy by Kijiri-HH ( all sums ot < J and upwards at our 01- ponpc ) addrcued 11 A. DATJPmr. rW. A. IUTJP11IN , NewOilcani Lt. no7Hf\cnlUHt. WuhlneUn 1) . O. Vnko P. 0. rionoy Onlcri payable and aiUrcaa UcKlstcrcil Ixtl.T ) to NKW OKLKAN3 NATIOHAT , DANK , Wuw Orlesna , La. YOUR BEST TIME roil ACCJUMIHO A I'nACTICAL' KIU'ATION ) 1 i . * * rip. fw iw & fejP S : A DECIDED SUCCESS. THE AND Businoas College , AT FREMONT , NEBRASK ! Oprnod auccuMfiiUy October 31 , with ton toicheti niul n ir.wxl AttumUiHT , wlilcn doubled during the llr t n\o ncoki. and Hnillt stuuillly Inciu.ihlup. Pllty etuJtn'n lu tlio nuulnvia U < Xli > Ku ami Rhortliind Classr ; nearly Illly lu tlio Normal or Teiic lier'u Dopartiuvnt anil Ooiiiiiion lirnnclicfl und i > uoodattcndaiico In thoMusIo at.d Art departments. TflP FAOUMY. pur.STnr.NT .TONF.H hi inui ov t cuty xpi'rk'tiro In educational work. I'UOKIWSOH MAMLIN. Principal ol the l 0 ill < xe , ban hail over liltucn jcurs' ospuiiiticoauil \i \ n Uupurl'ir I'unmun anil Kxpurt Acc unttnt Prof , Liwtou , ol IIOHtoD , Jinn , U a tmuuilor In- fctiui-tor In Muilc.Mlm Haruh t-hcrinin , cf Clil 030 , It an artl-t of rare tulont nail oklll , aud t mint mia oifiBlnl tfuo'jtr. MliaLjdlaL Jones , i.nJ Mini Jca- nlo ( Jowlci uru RrmlimtcH lit thu Notlli catcrn t'nl- vvraltv , and nblo tiuuhi-rn llr. A. A. Owltfc hit rractlci'd filiort hand roporlcr nnd ami an adi pt U typov\rltliiK Prof Mohlir and other tvaclicrj are thoroughly ( ( UilnU'il KXPKN3ES VnilY LOW. Tu tlon for flltcon wc ka 610,00. liaaidroetx frr > m } 2 ( iO to 8i 00 a week , In clnbn and by 8slf tc rlllD 7 ItoietnlusH 1'lacun run btomul for ictrral nioiu ittnilontd who ' * b to ray | uirtvr nhtlo of board by hoiuonork or chores NO VACATIONS. The AVINTEH 'IKIl-M of 15 wtoks villlicgln Deo. SO , but btllillllta IAN ENTXIITANYTIMF , lllll are do- liiK mi continually , pi lag cliKgf 8 Ohi ) irciin tiuie of vuturlDK < < ' tiui'j ' < > f luuliii , ' . For I'arlMiU'aaJJrtBd thoiinilirslj nl , W P. JON'IW , A. Sf. President of Normal Colli'gi' , Truuiunc , Uoc3m3lt4jll-natilu ! Tlir."KOVAI < HAVANA" IN AlINIAVIJtV. FAIR . ' . . ' . SQUARE ' . 'V. RELIABLE WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. Some Crodontlnlo : In drawliiK CbiM HOP , Juno iHlli , 18SI. Ticket No. 19.V.U. < : iiiilliil I'rlrc. wnn brld by Jobn (1.11 raff , T.H tiiu'ro Ixjif rubll liliiK Co. , HOHidden lane , N. Y. Clly.i 1'uld by I'uuuk on llrwklyn Hank. In drimlms Clasn 1103 , July 24,1(81. ( Tlckrt No. SttH , Capital I'llrt * . wan litlil liy Buvcrn Annan , Cltfur Mllnil- fofluior , Key Went , Florida. 1'nld by wlr lliruuKli InilMjrtcM and Trudcrh' National. llaul , tH..Y. , and , Uuiikot Key Yfnt , t'la. * In drnwbiK Clnn HCT.Boiit. SO. 1(31 ( , " Ticket Kn. 21.411. Cuiiltal 1'rUn , Bold by Ijmliiucr , IU lion IT it. , N. Y. city. ! tnt mil hurl/id to UM ) nanio nnd addruiH uC bolder , raid liy i-heck on Ilrooklyii llonk. \ Tli-ketNo. .H'J7 , Second iiaiiltal 1'rUo. no ! < l byDKtnt t lirowiihvlllo , Ti-iiia. Hold one-half by KiTiiumlu Tnruavu anil ono-lialf liy U. KolUilnn. Matamoros. Hfi- ] lu < i. Colltcli'd thrinmli IIIOOI IHTK ft Kapbu > > l , M \Vurtli M. , _ nnd WuMfMurd & btlllmoii , .Sew l'o < t lluildlnc , N. Y. Ully. < Ticket N"'ill' , I'lilrd Capital Prlii > , hfld onnbair by ti. A. llalilxnn , 910 Kill t. . Ha Ilrooklyii , X. Y. , unit ono bait by J < . lliiik | n , 31 ( * California L. bun tVuu- ( | MI , ( Ml. Oiuilmlf ] uild 111 fiuli and Um otbt-r llirouKli Drrxrl , Jlorxiui it Co. , llankcre , N , i. City. EXTRAORDINARY.1 CLASS 1174 , DECEMBER 2O , 1884. 1VCUUI TICK F.TH-078 ritl/.IX. ' ; l Capital Trl/o . , , ? 12'A ) .1 : a.u.i MO I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V A.i.'rojliiiutloui. f.\il rnch tiithu S12.MO jirlzo 8I 8 " um " ' ' 8M ) " te.M Mmve , liclDR tba full number lu Um Ilavnim , and UUAtiaitlunall'rlMMuf lOraclitotliel20tlckftii liuilni ! osciHlliiR iniinliiTH the two term inal unlu of the nuiulwr drawing the Cjij > - , Itull'rUiiof fU ,9un U7N 1'rltM , amnuntlng In U. Rgoldto. , , . 3 ; Osj-SJtb , 81. All 1'rl/iim yiitil on Wfioutuilou u | * UiUfl > VIUIII | llOtllll'llllll. . . . . . I I'bu uuly ibluir of UiU chnrnclrr lu blcli' m u u I It u I a II on IN linponHlbfi ; . Tbo ili-kia iioldtTliecilK no BUpl-rviKOrnntbu Ko > lil lliivuua UlUclul liUt jfclli'n } urry llvbri. uiuliiuviilNiiru ijutborlifuil lu u < > Ibu orluluiil llht lu cimbluir prize * . sA JINTS : IVIKV : : > VUKUK. fortlcketi.ctc. , SHIJPSEY COMPAJnr , 1V1U llroudtvuy , N. V. OUT. ' E. Jumb & Cii , 417 NVttinut St. , ti , J.ould Mo. , or Frank Lrbranp , 1 * . 0. Djawcrli WyandoU , Kaosas ,