THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FETDAY DECEMBER 5 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE Otnutin Ollioe. No. l l > r rn ni Bt. ' Now Yorlc omoo , Uoom Oft Trttmno Building. _ every rrflrnlnc , tmpl SnncUf1 Tin a' ) Monday corning dally. IK K T AtL. One Te ? . tlO.OOlThtPoMc.nUi . . t CUKoruh * . J. 00 | One Month . j-L _ . I"er Week , 25 Cents. mi iniinr MI , rcr.uiniD WIST , WIDHUBAT. T1RXS rOSITAlD. a * Tear , . J2.00 I Thrc Uontbl . I (9 aiiUonths. . 1.00 | Ono Months . 19 . A | Commnt/ttiUoni relating ID Newt and Editorial atttn ( herald bo addroMed la the Emron or Tin En. IDSINIM LBTT1SJ , r 111 Boatmen Letter * and IlcmlUancM thould b IdroKsed to Tni Dn PmtURnixo OotirAxr , QMAIU. Drifts , Checks and PostofDco ordoti to b tanas pay. tbln to thg ordtr of the company , THE BEE PDBLISHINQ CO , , PROPS' ' 13. 11OSKWATKU , Editor. A. H. Fitch , Mnnngcr'Dnlly.Circulation , P 0. Box , 488 Omaha. Neb. IT la now claimed that Senator Logan has Bomo show of being ro-cloctod to the lonato , but it is not the greatest show on . JUST at the present time it would bo a dlflicuH thing to hcavo a brick into the territory of Montana without hitting a candidate for governor. ALTHOUGH the election Una boon do. cidcd , there ia yet n great deal of hedg ing going on. This ia particularly th oflico-holdors. case among federal - BY the way , vro have not hoard any thing about Tom Hondricks ainco his visit to Albany. IIo IB probably on V * god In some Bocludod spot in attempt- B 1 to aolvo the problem of how the tal" lot bo made to wag the dog. -can girl named Burchard A\ her name changed , aa oho can't wants ho "ram , Romanlam and rebel stand ti skot with which her friends nro lion" ra annoying her. Wo would constantly' \t she change it by lasaolng suggest thi ' { man with the matrimonial aoino yoUDj noose. n Union Telegraph com Tur. Wostoi ) g expenses , having begun pany is curtallu south by abolishing all the work in the iduolug the number of extra pay and n nrogrammo will prob- employes. This \ all ovpr the country , ably bo carried out tosslty. In order to It is a matter of nov on $80,000,000 of declare a dividend watered stock. Baltimore has TUB plenary council , nt nksgiving day decreed that hereafter Thtv , liday by the shall bo accepted as a ho tee , nnd ho Catholics of the United Sta Uh appro- celebrated in the churches w. Till In all priato services. The pope \ which la probability approve 'this action ng the aomowhat ot an innovation an , * Catholics. MIKS MACKEY ia going to morn r Ik Fernando Collonnn , prlnco of Go.latrn , product tha ? American If there la any needs protociion it la the Amor icon' ' fk of our : rich too many hoirosa. There nro girla who allow thomaolvca to bo exported to a foreign clime by sprigs of nobility pbn recommendation ia their titlo. only whoso the' IN the city of London conrt , a f ow the Chic had before commissioner days aqo , the mov himself who described him a gentleman then " commissioner "financial ogont. The as a ia that man . er remarked : "My experience , financial men calls himself a whoa a man In hla and farthing agent ho never boa a hold The i object ia to got pocket , and hia only wor of other people's money. ore President Charles cn when LAHT nummer , in Salt Lake , can Francis Adama w&a visiting that I lw something for ho promised to do ( tor great ; hopes city. The citizens placed have boon th but they anon that promise , mdly disappointed. Mr. Adams has chi "dono something" for Salt Lake by raising 8nu Wood River to nu ing the tariff on ere from the that city to $20 , and aa a consequence The bust. mines have stopped shipping. Ui BOBS men of Salt Lake nro very indignant Uiwi at this action of the Union Pacific. Cl ( ClP' P' ' ' TUB Now York young men's republi re can club has'finally voted not to retain in redl who voted or dlsi membership any ono si worked against Blaine and Logan. In other words , the mugwumps have boon excommunicated. If this policy is pursued republican club in the sued by every there trill bu but little hope country , , of getting the Independents back into the but they can exorcise fold , wo suppose their privilege ot voting for the next ' 'republican presidential candidate if they < loslro. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB liar. Mr. Talmago says that the can do with the best thing congress ' treasury surplus Is to apply It tb the' establishment of steamship lines to South America. Mr. Talmago haa recently had , numerous telephones connected with his church for the benefit of those parish loners who want to stay at homo and yet and tro suspect that hoar his sermons , John lloach took advantage of this mod' era Improvement and telephoned the reverend gop.Uonun to make that sug gestion IP. regard to the surplus. IK Missouri theru Is a law requiring railroad companies to oroot and maintain depots whore their roads cross or are crowd by other lines. This law has been sustained by the supreme court ot that state. The conrt cays : The requirement to build suitable depots or passenger houKes at the crossing pots of railroads tor the accommodation ol the public desiring to avail themselves ol the use to which the property of the cor. I ' poratlon Is devoted , and in which the * public haa an Interest Is not. In our opln- 1 ion an unreasonable regulation , and inaj „ be classed aa coming within B proper ex ercuo of the police power of the state anrl directly in aid of the very object foi each corporation * were created Such a rcguhtinn neither disturbs any chartered rights nor impairs the obliga tion of any contract illation existing be tween the slate and the corporation , but on the contrary was designed to facilitate public travel on the roads repeatedly crossing each other. ' ' . * Tur. Bur. considers the reduction of five cents p : r ICO on the grain rates of bur railroads "good enough as far as itgoos. " Two cents per bushel on corn , if the grain dealers and the Chicago gamblers will giro us the benefit of itin worth a decent expression of gratitude , oven if ono is an anti-monopolist for rovcnuo only. Omaha Jtcjntbltcan , The farmers and producers of Nebraska bavo boon robbed by the railroads for years , and now that a slight reduction haa been made in grain rates the HcpulAlcan Intimates that the people of this state ought to unanimously pass a resolution of thanks. The railroads remind us of Canada Bill , the three card monte king , who , upon robbing his victims of all their money , frequently returned to them n small sum in order to quiet them and to got them out of town , so that they weald not proaocuta him. The meeting of the logialaturo is near at hand and the railroads have thrown a sop to the people to quiet them and in the hope that it will have tta Influence In prevent ing railway legislation. The people of Nebraska have no cause for gratitude to wards the railroads. They only demand what is right and jnat , and aa yet their demands have been complied with. The only way to compel the railroads to treat tno people fairly ia by legislative regula tion , and It is safe to say that a law will bo passed this winter reducing the pas senger faro to three cents a mile , aa in Iowa , and also reducing the freight ratea and .making the tarilHlho same per mlle for short hauls as for long hauls. When the legislature does thin , the people will fool gratolnl , but not to the railroads. "lliciiEUEu" Robinson , the great Eng- Hah tail-twister , although snowed under in the recent election , bobs up serenely in the halls of congress and given evidence - donco that ho ia not only irrepressible , but for the rest of his term ho proposes to attract his usual share of the public attention. Inasmuch naho | atopa down and' out on the fourth of March , ho objects to a glorification at Cleveland's inauguration. Ho has introduced a reso lution that the inauguration bo shorn of all its and display latter-day pomp , splendor play , and that it bo restored to the pria- tine simplicity of the Jcflaraoulan period. Ho objects to the presidential carriage being drawn by moro than two lioreos , IIo wants no bristling bayonets nor gaudy uniforms , nor decorations of any kind , nor sky-rockota or any other pyrotochnl- cal displays , no firing of guns nor shoot ing of cannons , no brass band music , no triumphal arches. What docs the tail- twister moan ? Does ho intend that the jubilant democrats ahall have a funeral procession ? It ia safe to soy that "Rich , aliou" Robinson will find himself severely got down upon by the democrats who nro bound to have a jubilee once in twenty years. PERSONH in Europe and America may o wondered what hod become of the l. of the little railroad , twolro mlloa built eight years ago to connect the ago of Woosung , at the mouth of [ - , VtloaunS 'fror , with Shanghai , - * \ Utor being taken up it was re cd'ttA ' " " "l-wan-foo nnd glron to the ! ' ° ' I''omosn progressive | . L Td > t - .darln , . \ v. ho dcaIS"od making oxporl- jisi itswltlrlh. Ho waa too progressive , waB rorao7t d n allceft tlno ! nftinwttrda. plant' iss \ H1.nt . Tai-wnn-foo , but n nnd-useless. Tll ° oodon sleepers bcingi catoa \ . 'P ' b ? whlto nuts , the tl Inos are consum ° d by rust , n .tho B nro rotting. Th ° Vocylo of Gbinn t ! re probably bean Ir , 'formod of tb ox- tlons practiced by rai lroad , nitd ther 0 < in submit to any s\ich sxnotioaa M wactorlzo most railway thay.prolf r to- | without this great mo dentimpatv - ; THE total ordinary receipt of the | nited Statca last year ( endingJtmo. . 30 are 3l85W8C9.S)2. , ) Of per cent came from customs tlutiotv35 ircont from internal revenue , and' ' hhru ist from various sources. ThototaHop- [ nary expenditures for the year , vo of the sinking fund , wore { 2-ll',32lJ ' ) , - 14.33. Of this amount there was syoal , iI i i round numbers , for the army , $3'JEOC1 , , - I 00 or 10 per cent ; for the navy , $17 , - .1 uv - . 7 percent ; for pensions ,00 000 , or 215 per cent , ( as much an for nnd ) for ralscollano ous , oth army navy ; ixponioi. including public buildlnga nnd olloctlng the revenue , 841,000,000 , am * x > r.both of these , SlW.000,000 , or ' . ' 7 po 3ont , nnd for interest on pnbllo debt , cent. Foreign m- or 23 per gr > 5 000,000 , torcourso cost only l.SOO.TOO , or a IWlo over ono-hnlt of 1 percent. BTiiK subject of the regular cartoon in LomUa Vanity the current number of the become noted for ity Fair , which has those Illustrations , ia Jama * Gordon Bonnntt. There is no attempt nt caxrlc- rturo In the portrait , which ls flattering rather thau otherwise. Ho la represented - od In a gray traveling suit , caua In hand , and sitting on n trunk profusely covered various cities in with express label * of Kuropo and America , In ono corner of the plate It W * of telegraph polo with New York which aminaturo wire , on of Mr. TUo dwcrlptlon Herald 1 hungTUo Bennett credit. Mm with being a clti. French. M zonol the world who speaks well as KnglUh. TIIEUB ha been considerable talk abeuttho prospects of Senator Bayard being ottered a cabinet position , but It 1 will accept anything ol not likely that he his preference for to the kind , owing the aenate , where hla family has been distinguished through most of the eon. , father and uncle tury The grandfather of the senator nerved in the senate. The present Senator JJayard and his father were members of the senate at the same time , this being the only in stance where n father and con repre sented the sntno state at the same time in the senate. Sorrii DAKOTA proposes to push her claim * at once for admission as a state , and wo shnll soon ceo whether her politi cal complexion will prove the main ob stacle in the way of her obtaining what ia justly duo her. It ia intimated by Sena tor Vest that the bill will bo resisted by the democrats , and that Dakota will have to wait for at least another year. However over , it is sofo to say that no territory is likely to bo admitted until justice i done to Dakota. If that territory wen democratic there would bo no hosltanc ; in admitting her , but the democrats object joct to the republicans being strength cued just at this time by two now senators tors and ono congressman. Aimiun'n suggestion in hli message that General Grant bo ponsionc docs not moot with much favor , mainly on account of hla recent unfortunate com1 plications , and also for the reason that h has the Interest of $250,000 , which sum waa raised by his admiring frlrnds n few years ago to establish such n fund for him , It ia claimed by his friends , hov7ovorth\ ( this money was invested in Wabash stock and consequently it does not now yiol anything. General Grant , however , ha yet many warm friends , and wo beliov that they will never allow him to wan for anything for the rest of his life. TJIP. indications are that the land grabbers all along the line will have i hard road to travel during the next yea : or two. Among thoao who are likely ti first receive the attention of congreaa are the cattle kinga who have "leased" eve 3,000,000 acres from the Indians of the Indian territory , and erected nearly 1,000 milca of fence. Although these loasea have boon recognized as "licenses' by the Interior department , It is charged that gross fraud has boon employed in obtaining them. Senator Vest has al ready stirred the matter up , and come decisive action will probably bo the result. Ir the eminent gentlemen from the atato of Beatrice had gobbled a million acres of land Instead of a few sections they would have been ranked as shrewd business men , and in all probability they would not now have to answer to an in dictment for conspiracy to defraud. The next time they venture forth upon a land-grabbing tour wo advise them to go to Montana and join hands with the oyn- Jicato that is trying to euchre the Crows Dut of 3,000,000 acres under the pretense ) f a lease at n nominal sum. That ia the liigh-tonod method of land-grabbing. IF congress over decides to build or aid in building a monument in honor of benefits conferred upon the western people by the homestead law , it would bo n'ghly Appropriate to place it on the first ilaim patented under that law. Mr. Daniel Framan , ono of iho strong farmers if Nobrask r holds patent No. 1 , and his miry heads' the list in tba record of the onoral land afllco. It w&a inad nearly wonty-two yeara ago , In Gagewnnty. . ' Tobraska clalras the monument. . Inauguration of the president is a abject that BO engrosses the democratic ilnd that wo need expect bnirvory little jginlatlin at the hnnda of congress nntll ftor thf-lth of March. The democratic { Islatoro > a > y thla mnch , and' intimate iat about the only legislation that vili o > accomplished will bo the passage of le-approprlation bllb. ? JIH goailoxi n who have boon indict- d by the United States grand Jjay. fcr regular l nd-gjabblns.'vronld rathorhavo ecu struck. Araidshipa by cycloao ; The tate of Beatrice ia in on- unhappy * state f mind o > ec tk calamity that hnabofa'J su some ol her distinguished atnteamort. lim Lcmau-Brand aonatorial contoei' n Chicago is at turning proportions that' ; ivo it nlsiost as much > importnseo. aa v r York count. Tun J&vaht la beginning to hedge < ra ts antl-monopcJy platform. It has prj- jably received n pointer from Corn Chlcifjo-IJoraU. Farmers in many poata of Nibrask&aro burnirg corn for'fuel. They have figured' ' the matter oat to thob own aatisfnction and MO coniidont that It ia cheaper to burn corn than it is to sell li- and bay coal. Soft coal is worth la that state about twenty-two cents a bwhols and corn do * not find a roa'ly nalo in the rural marlsots for morothaniwolvkoonta. Experience has shown that t-rro bushels of com will produw more ii t than cno bushel of coal , and farmers are thus burning the former and saying tiom solvea the troubl * of hauling It to rnwke and drawing the , coal homo again. The adoption of this r Hcy a always tc bo regretted , hutitlsUio uovltoblo oi certain easily ascertained , cawes. Agri culture has teen forcad llkoneariy oyory thing else in this country. When there is an enormous demand _ t hi h prices for nil the product of the fartn.oven . tho. moatroraeto husbandnun will fool tb oflocta o ( It , but lo time * like these wh < .w prices are low Mid the supplies enormoas the raon who have gone farthest aT y from the primary markets mutt Buffer U > e consoauencoB. lUllroad frelghtido not vary nmoh. The farmer In Nebraska receives for his corn nnlw that which It can bo aold ior in wlS the freights addo < With Chicago , supplies nearer at hand ho enormous must cither hold hU stock n-.tll price. Iracrovo or u.o it as he Is no dote * foi fuel Bo long as It U profiUWe for him to burn corn and while it vlvos him the degree of warmth there Is no oo- proper casion for regret on the * core of dostruo- lion. The cereal servva a useful purpose , and the conditions n-.D suchth tno bottoi one can bo devlaod. for U. No one can repress Iho hope , however , th t there will goon bo euch an Improvement in trade aa to make tbe profitable exchange of corn for coal and other commodities pcsnible. vlco 1'rof lilcniH In III u > ry Letter to Cleveland Leader. Since tbo beginning of the government the vice president lir.s had thu ler-st to do with the ndministr.ition to which ho be longs. Many of our vlco presidents have been able men , but few of thorn have made any stir while in office , while n number have boon diametrically opposed to their chiefj. Thomas Jell'arson , ns vlco president under Adama , was the loader of the opposition , and after the first few days of his term Adams counsel ed with him in nothing. Aaron Burr and Jefferson during the next term wore nt loggerheads , and it was duo to Jefl'er- son that Burr waa finally prosecuted foi treason. It Is hardly possible tha John Quincy Adams and Calhonn had much in common , and wo all know how the latter fell out with Andrew Jncksou aa vice president durlngtho nox administration. Van Huron and Jack son got along very well , but it was enl because President Jackson was king and Von Bnron merely factotum. It waa an other case of "me , too , " only more so , and Van Buron as a reward for hia sub mission waa made Jackson's successor , Van Huron's vice president was Richard M. Johnson , of Kentucky , the first vice president selected west of the Allegho- nlos , and , though ho was the man who killed Tocumsch , hla name la now almost forgotten. John Tyler , the next vice president , waa n cipher aa long as Harrison lived , nnd Darrison'a cabi- uot _ tried to control him alter Harrison's death. Fillmore had little influence fluonco while /acli Taylor was nllvo and the troubles of Andrew Johnsou after the death of Lincoln show that his influence was small during the lifo of Old Abo. So far as 1 can learn , wo have never had n vice president who haa ruled the president or directed the administra tion. Even the ablest , of them have made no reputation whHo filling the office , and John 0. Brcckenridgo , Buch anan's Bocoud , George M. Dallas , who roignou with Polk , nnd William R. King , vice president , with Pierce , go down to history through other ecta rather than thoao done during their vlco presidency. Mr. King , by the way , died in oifico. Ho waa the third vice president who did RO. Tha first waa George Clinton , who had been vice presi dent under Jefferson , and waa then serving under Madison. 7110 second end who died was Eldrldgo Gerry , n signer of the declaration of Independence and the author of the system of changing legislative districts for congressional pur poneo , called after hia name , "Gerryman dering. " The sixth vice president was Daniel D. Tompklna , of Now York. Ho is ono of four vlco presidents who vroro twice elected , and ho hold the place through the whole of Monroe's adminis tration. Now everyone romomboia Mon roe , but how many can tell anything about Tompkins ? Still In the decade bo- brreon 1810 and 1820 ho wan far moro of man than Tom Hundricka is now. Ho made a great reputation ns a war governor af New York , and at ono time ivhon the elate put out $400- ; 300 of bonds and there were no takers , ho personally indorsed them and thus made them good , for ho tvaa wealthy. The other TJco-presidonts ivlio ho7o had two elections are John A-dams , George OKnton and John 0. ' Dalhoun. Of the lua'fc vim-presidents , Oolfax , Wilaon nnd "Wheeler , the world knows how little prominence- they had while Grant Tmo president and nnder the pacific reign of .Rutherford BHayes. . Cheater A. Arthur was' little- talked of antil Garfiold'ardoath , aad'hia relations tritb the groatOhloan vroro not moro friendly than t&oso at present said to ) xist between Hbndricks and Clavoland. there have beoa altogether twenty-one , 'ico-presidonts elected b the people. Llf thoao , four have died la'oftico , throe lave risen to the presidency by election , 'our ha7o become presidents by the lontUi of the president , end : ncno of .hoji have made reputation- which will mtlvjt their century. for tlon. lpocic.DisFAtch ( ) to tin. Globo-Dimocrat. A\rAiniNCTON , D. D. ' , November 0 ; fhcro to a temporary lull in the warrlngof ho district democratic factions over the | umtion of precedence In the inaugurn- lon preparations. Alter a great deal of al Icing and resolving , the Columbia dub , ho JoCdiBon Club , the Madison Club , ho .Jaobnon Club and all the other dom- icrai.lo olubs of AMwhiugton have ad- oumcdto await the notion of- the rno in - > cr of the national oommittoo. The attra hca-nlroady obtained hondqv.artara nthioclty , taking p038088'01 ' * of n build- ' nearPourtooath which ug 01 a F'atroot , near- , ho d omoaratlo congrosaional commiiteo iccnp led during the campaign. It ia ; ivon out informally that tlo sub-ccm uJUo o T ll ignore the fight of the fac ; lens and'will invlto representatives of all .bo .dorcocratir1 orgautzationa to moot irith thwn in consultation. There iiao b oen a great deal of talk in thoss fro- ueni b m3otlpgs of the Wasliington cluba ibonl , tha- : being "a democratic demon- tratl on" ' "tho whiio man'a procession , " ltuot the negroes day out , " and the like ol th it. Informally it ia given oat that Iho i ab-oommitto will request the co- open itlon of all the citizens of Washing ton , regardless of party lines , nnd will be glad ot suggestions. The initlaliaosponso to thlv latter manifestation o ! good broi idtng.coraes from Albany. A letter roc < lived urges that each state la * the Un ion bo rociuostod to soniVn body , of voter ana of federate aoldiora march in alter not o commands. The first , meeting to for the inaugur tali o up , the preparations ation. will be bald on Monday. Although Governor Cleveland's deoiro to. have llttl'i pare.i'.o and ceromon. , haa. boon mad.q. kuo vui. It looks nt the tlrao aa If t'oa don i cracy. VMS bound to do something sta filing to oolobraio tho. Buccesslon si th ( x proaidont. Irtsluuoiv , a ta Protocijon. cuRO m. Acon spondont wrlksa. to the Su o tlwt , uumbot of Irish doutncrats who rotod | agalne _ Cleveland will return to the 'domosKitir ' party provided It low t rs the tarlfi Hosay * : ' "U v aa protect ion laws , not Itee trades , that washed Ire' land's In- drotrlea. " axd apoaka of "free 'traders as Henry. Grattau , Edmund Burke , OcwlcaS. Parnell nd Justin McCarthy.14 Merely to ctiroot a misaprehon- slon The Uorala mutt stra jghtod out thin tangle. Ireland never had clt'jer free trade oi protection in tbe lawa England made foi Irish manufccturora ot oommerco. The principle uniformly followed was thai of practical prohibition , England treated Ireland precisely as iho treated the American colonies. She did not propose to permit any of. them to on ago in man ufacturlng. Edmund B\irko was not an Irishman Ic any fair p-jlltic l sonee. IIo called Grat tan "A madm.iu" and England "Ireland's guardian ftngcl. " Grattan never avowed himself n frco trader. Nor run Parnell McCarthy commends frio tradn for its benefits apparent in JCnglntid. If Eng land allowed Ireland her own parlia ment , nnd Ireland did not tax English imporla for revenue , olio would bo the only British dependency having the power to do ao nnd not doing it. But England could retaliate by taxing bread stulTa imported from Ireland. UK ; Flvo Cent UtUnction. Fremont Herald. The Union Pacific Raiiroirt company has notified ita agents tint all railways of the state have made a reduction of five contfl per hundred pounds cii the nhlp- mont of grain between all points in Ne braska to Chicago While this ia a move in the proper direction , wo do not im agine it will have the effect to rniao the price of grain to nny appreciable extent. Dealora in this part of Nebraska have ao far this season boon paying n little moro for grain than the atato of the eastern markets would justify , nnd have almost invariably found themselves losers when the roturna came from ahipping cara. It ia not atnll _ likely that they will continue thla suicidal policy and advance the buy ing price to the extent of the reduction in shipping rates , which at best only amounts to n little Icsa than thrcp cents per bushel. The railroads Trill still con- tlnno to pocket nil the profit there la in shipping Nebraska grain to oaatorn mar kota. "Yon BOO , " ho was explaining to a little tlo crowd of visitors in n St. Louis dis tillery , "things nro so arranged hero thnt it would bo impossible to bent the gov ernment out of a penny. " "How11 ? asked the fat man who carried n gold- headed c&no. "Well , you'd have to bribe Devon different government ofii clals. " "Why , I should expect to have to brlbo aa many as ton nnd cut my stick according ! " innocently observed the fat man as ho croeacd hla hauda under hia coat-tails. An extraordinary ride , undertaken by n young woman named Margaret Grace MaNaniara for revenge , ia reported from Australia. The young woman consid ered thnt aho had received some injury at the hands of a police trooper named Power , and resolved to pursue him in order to seek rovcngo. She diegniced herself BB n bualimim and obtained a pack horsb. She carried a loaded revolver with her , and had traveled 1,700 milea on horseback when aho waa arrested at a pltico called Qaorn , before eho had nn opportunity to accomplish her purpose. The oxscuiora of tbo late Hanry B. Anthony have another surprise in finding that the acnato ? loft $600,000 aa the re sult of "twenty years" or so of aorvicn nt Wne-hington , or three timeo the amount of tbo generally estimated Taluo of hia estate. Mary Anderson , th ough receiving the highest oflcomluna from the Loadonpreas for her Jaliot , ia etill unable to pleaao Labouchero of the London Truth * who gays "her sffocta" remind ono of the trick performances at n clrcua. ffiST YOUR'MKIN&IPY/IJEK ' / TODAY ! Hranda ntlrerttaod as absolutely pure THE TESTl Il/\'t / * a rnn top rtovn on a hot ptovn until heatHt.tnCT VIIHIVO tin- cover am ) nmcll. A cliemlnt will uot 34 r iiJ.-Mj to dutuct tlia j-i-usonco of aianionla. DOES NOT CONTAIN AiMSIOXIA. ITS HEiLTlUl'LNESS IUS NEVER HtEST Q1XST10XKD. In mllltan liomeu for > ooartcr of a century It bu itooU tbo containers' ro'.inbl * tent , THE TESTJOFJHE OVEH. PIIICE BAKING POWDIfll CO. , lucuin or Dr , Price's ' Special Flavcrins Extracts , Tito itroi , ftetnoit dtllcllMnd nit vt 1 D f or _ * VB , io4 Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeas } . Gems For L. ' bt , llenllliy Urca.1 , Tla licit Dr11 op Yeut fi tha W > rld. FOR SAtn BY CROCERS. CHICAGO. - C7. LOUIH. SPECIAL NOTICES TO LOAS-ffionoy. OXIYv-On ha-xl to loaa on las da jirot'iictlvo- M jirsjwrty. Ooibett , "r"1"1 n * BI . . > -Loani i DU | iei90nal pnipntr , chattel > or collateral * . Omuiii Fiuuial&l ICxnhniiRj UOi l-'jrnam Hired.- SlCJiulp ONKV to lor on cUr tire ; it i , In euma Ol M * MJ andLf3. W. ij Moltci , JJCi Jfcni TO IOAN In. emns ct 8300 and uiiwanlo. MONBT D&via nl , So. , 1U 1 KaUta aud AgunlB. IMSKttrrawSt. 833 lOiiiwl on. ctottcll. lialltumd TlJi U MUMKY tad Bold. & . . Itxtnun , SIS B. :6th TtC-tl HTtW MTANTSD An.AjicrloaL. man. Ad V > drot4Ctt > U-Jtery , t , ) For a prhn-Ss family a good gltl aa 1 i cook mid laiviilrobf. Good narcupaid. Apply | at Oil Karnant St ettcc4nd Hoof , Uoom I , ' i V7 ANTED A now llrji waoi-J to procuoe tlieiier YV Tlofiol o oxi'ocltncdl saleHuian to.rapreucnl them in city trule. . A'llto a.l31 , J."IUo alllce slat Ing nmount talurv cxpecteil aud rcfcrcxju. J. K. HcCiay JiCo ,7tli anO Jonei. C05 &j -A gcoJ Kill tor liouso uoik at BurtSt , TX/ANTEn-OIrl for ifcn'ral lioutQHOrk , nt 2111 UovifUl * ieot near Jiftotson. DlO-Sp "ITfANTKll - A Rood irau lor ervl.-e about ajen. ' noderstatnl ( arnaco. I > tlcimn'N huuue. Mutt I'.eleicncos requited. Apply at H W. corner Uarnoy and Iflth. t * Bp \X7ANTBU-A furniture ulcurnui ; muvt lie a Ilic , VI viJott VB initn , uad will Hist o'j rror- cnreyM. t' . lUttla , 31UX. IMIutrn-t _ VyANTEll-'A K"oJ coolc at liW Vkruani etrcet. r\OU 11KMT 8a ll new ootUge ; Inquire U 1SU ! N. 10th Bt , bet. 1'iul rjiJ Shttmiii. 870-Sji - ) Nl > r k rlre nd \ . . „ . , . . , . WAmKU-lyJli ? Co. , reliable nun In cry county in the fcUte to oreult * compwiles lor work . ' money lu It , tor p r Imr our i > lnt. Thero'iiWif ; tlculMtto.iidJrcM Oi M.yur , S rcUry nd Omahiu 81J n 1 M n gcr , TT7ANTKD A K xl woman cooV ; wi fes 7.60 r r Vmonth. . AdOi b Ua ley IIOUM , Hoith I'latte Neb. K7' PANTED ANTEDABent to tell In NebrMka a new work by a popular author. Call on or addreu Jonei and llaiultSis , S18 north llth BU , Omaha Neb " \\rANTKD-4 pomi coiBpetont Rltl foreencra > \ bouiawaik. \T7 ANTED-To bay a c'tj Sot to he fHln w My or monthly IniVallmtou. Adrfrut. u. II " i > ee 21S-tf T\f ANTED Ltdl't tml pcntlcnren to Vc nlr < , } T llftht , pltmnt work at tlitlf own hnmrs MH- tance nu nhjeetlon.Vttk gent t > y nnll , $1 to $5 a day can lis quietly nmlc , in canta i > liii ; I'laate ad- drctjat once , Globe M'fK Co. , Costtn , SI M. , liox 6314. MO-dte 17 _ T17AMKO LadlMortcnttcm"n ( Indty or country IT totAkontcr , Ilcht and plMSinl work at their o 7i horcc , | 2 to f 5 tt day evlly andquotly tntnle ; work sent by n.all ; no canra'elnr ; to sump for reply I'leaao address Ucllablo MAa'fV no , I'hliadolpnla , Pa. CUM 31 _ IV ANTED-LADIK3 UK OEKlLCMKN-ln city It or country , to taVn nlco. light and plcuant wort at their own home * ; $ ] to $3 per day u slly and quietly made ; work tent by mill : no canuipnlni ; ; no ntamp fnt rcplr. Fhaea addrcsg Rellatb Manl'2 Co. , PhllAdelphla , I't. POMni "l ANTUD-Aposlllon liyalady In u rrltats fam- Vt lly todo ( coml worif. Apply it Cort'andt place , 22d and bt. Mary'n nvc. OCO.Sp "TlTANTEn Situation by a jouncnnn la n Btoro VV cm npeak Danleb , Norctl n , and Swedish' 4tUro < 8" ( ] . II "Ueootllco. DOS-'p TITANTED A Bltuatlon hy nfint c'ati brtail nnd Vi cake hakorj 'JO years cKjictlcncu. Aildrcn , "Dakcr.'llco olllcc. WlMOp " \ 17ANTKD Situation for vcncrnl housework In n small family. C ll al 1103 Howard. D07-l > p WANTED Situation by steady tolior man com * pet on t practicable tlowor and \czctibto pirJ- nor. understands care of hone ) , good references Adiirc-3 "K. L. " Ucc.omco. f lll-Bp WANTED Situation by a P.TSt-clasa dry poods la'omanln ' city or country , Cjcirs c\pcrlcnco best of rcfcrencei , speaks ee\ era ) bnguoKca. Address " 0. Y. " this office. D7-Sp WANTED A reliable young niaun Ifhes situation ashooK keeper. Is competent and cm Currish boat of references. AddrtM "UL. " BJO office. B30 > 4p WANTED-A position ot tnut fora young man , with the followliiB traits ot chtracUr : etudy , \lRlUnt , sober , honest , cnoiKctlonuil irnthful , and has a first class bug'ncss education ; Uittl rcfercn- ccs gUcn. AdJrcusL. Bee office. 8S-lp \\7ANTED Work In prliato families by dress- IT maker ono uho perfectly undcrstanjn cutting and fitting or work taken home. Itctcronccs uhcn Call or ftUJrrai K. 101 North IStli St. , StB Op WANTED By n woman , a situation aoconk In a hotel. Addrc-8 "M. A. D. " lieo odlca. 783 4p Atouuy ; mnmcauiiU uio piiunuun no UIX.K- keeper , In wliolosnJo cgtnbllihinODt In Omaha. Ad-JroiH " 0. " care Boa. P90-U I ADIKS Wishing a iroed nurse during slckncis JLJ or connneireutJ wlllplenso oil on Mis. Stone , No. SOI Lcavcnnottn fct. Jowl'li loillca pre'crred. i K)0 ) Dp WANTED S.COOat ! 5per cent. Security three tinicj ihu amount. Address 01 , Hue clllco. ' TX7ANTEU A fresh cow. Inquire 1318 Farnam V > St. 8SO-.Jp 111 , ANTE1J Ladli" ? nod voraig men to instruct In VT book Keeplnc : will Walton ha'f p.i.\ until altu atlons are ftirnl.-liul. J. B. Siultli , 1510 Douglaa. 832an''p Sorao snakes to f > gd his snake klllcrt ) WANTED Will piy $1.25 a picco for eiukcs at M F.Mur - tl2's store , Nu , 31f > South St , 'Jiha sells furniture ttotc3 nd carpets on wcek'y payments. 76S-tf WANTED A horio to keep during the inter for It's use. First class care and light usage guar- entecd. Ilex _ 857-fp WANTED 10.000 Jamllos to try our self-rislcg Pure Buckwheat flour and tielf-hhlcg Coin meal l.vpt , by all flikt-cli's grocers ; We warrant all buckwheat bo'd under our brand puro. W. J WEL- SIIANt ) A CO. , Manufacturers. 811-tl To tell trade of rent blacksmith and WANTED with tools. Good location business established Address Uco. W. Lambiiug , Weeping Water , Neb. 777-8p I'lrst-class boutl and btds $1 per week at BOAllD Capitol ate. 760-Hp WANTEDl-Tooxchangc-oiio of the best retail gro- cerli In 'Jmaha , f or real estate in the city or for land adjoining the city. Addrsbs "A B. T. " Bee o lice. 767-tf TSJANTED 02,000 ou flret-clus city eocutlty.for 6 t V years , at B per cent. Addresa Cos OSO 1'ost- offioo 7Cfl-tf Business. An actho nerchant cf WANTED business cducatlou and hablta O'-n- Uimplatlng a change January li t , 1S85. vlihcs to pur- thasean Interest In a well established Mercantile or manufacturing business , wcuJJ buy out a small bus- nesshaa 310,000 taah.canfurnlfih refcrcncca of a high orldor and would expectBamo. To sccut e reply , ad dress ghing full name and particulars , "Merchant * care BJO office. 850-St lowkp FOU EBrtT Eonsec ana lota. 31ENT Nil tly furnished rooms for heuec- Keeping , th o minutes walk from Post ollke , rcf- 'e-cnccs ' cxchanxcd. C. E. Eunlj.l * . 0. SD2-6p Two large rooms it ? 7. ? sr month. FOUKENJ 1S25 S. th .St. 801-8p hnVMl HYNT Furnished room )6'per month 1815 J ? ChlcoKoEt. 003 Op OIl KENT Furnished or un'urufehcd ' roomanew brick block , corner 16th and Chicago Sts. 3Dl.Jn3p ri7OIl KENT A nine room hou 9 ! d sirahlo loco- | J ? tlouiOper ; nior.tb. Barker f.iMoji ; . rr7 < OU KENT Elegautiv furnished rooms , emglo or UD ensult , S. W , cor er 17th and Oat 3. OjC-5 TT < OK KKNT ? 0th ntor St. Marj'a ove. , new cot J ? tagofoDr roomt , cloMts , pantry , cellar ami hall. Call 217 south 13th. 8t9-tt ilTtOilKKNT blx room house audstab'c on Charles JC1 street , 4diornwc-st of Kind St. 'dqniro at 1421 Jones St. AJsod rocmhouec corner ol Klfg and Chulcs. 838.10 | ) T7IOUUEHT Uottait thrtcrooais , 3. 23d street. J ? InquiMat 1700 Jackson etrt' < > . S77-SJ ) , FurnUhcd room for one or two sen- tlcmcn , blSTjcllafctriet. 878 Up tT7\OK \ UKNT FIrel ? furnmhcJ frtnUroom for gen- J. ' tleinenat N , E. Cor. 15tli tnd llxtenpoit , two blocks Iroinl1. O. 879-5p Toil KEOT - I'lvatuitMiito of rooiao ( three ) l'/r i fcr to rent ttiLm ULfurnisbjJ. Apply nt 4IOH ; ath tnct ; 878 Op UKNT S or & rooms with elf sot , cellar and cllj witcr. Ca3 at 008T , llth street , 820 Op T lair.e furnisicJ bOith front rom , 1714 a\Uoruif.itrect. ( bSl-Cp T Cottage ol thru * worus , ii'ld ind JL1 Ola.\c btrccta. inquire at a. h' . Cor , JacVson unil 10tl > stnetM. biiltf. < OU KENT -Trio furnl'luul unJ < mu unfuruhhcd 1J rofcs. for ll ht house km plDi ; , 1017 Uilcujo bt. SSO-fjl Two ( urnMiod rcoms 1011 fl , i 'th St. ; FOIVRENT fruit dqmt. -tfS-Op HENT Coniforta'ilo'U'.uIsh d roomirith cas FCIl flru. S3'i S. ICth St. , corner Ilarnoj' . SS8 p TT10K KENT Furnliied rooaa for gettumen 2203 Jj CallfornliSt. 851-4p KKNV Hloajaot furnWiodroom Mutrall > lo. cntoUnajotablo rutc i1H Il9dgo c , bUI Oj " 171011 llliST Dwlrablo iront room Mlth drefilng JL' room off ; Fnltabln for one cr two gentlemen. Only three blooka from poet cilice 111 Iftiilh 18th St. , 171011 HKNT Slcclylnrnlbhodrooui. 1018 Cailfor- J ] uUSt. JS2-8 H1ZN7 A new bouse , 3 rouis , collar , c FCDl btabUtsr S hrrscs , at OT. 4th anJ Walnut SU loquJrt at 1J17 Chicago St. Aug. lU-nilow. - KF.NTCheap desk roiin , central location , FOU hi-itcj , J5 i cr month. Corbel ) , lt > l FH. uam St. Ub3-0p HUNT-Nicely fordahcd rcjus with firit FOR boarding , 106 N. Uth. KB.NT A lute hardiomily furnished s c- FOR ttory front toont wlU exceUut hoard , 23ZO bt.Utrj 'save. - I7IOK RKNT A BuiU Cf OD W wlU board. 131& J ? Dodge itreet. tS40j > t UENT Nlra Furn'shtd room suitable for two FOR 101U Hawud tiled. G4t4p OH KENT Comforts&lr furulthed roomt In north II ' end of the Andemoa uloui , corner Davonrort and 10th. Itttercnceitexchauied. Apply at room H. U. 1 [ . Anderson. S10 Jp UKNT-F\uul bt4 room and board 85 00 per FOU . Very Lout location , 1811 Davenport. 817 jau Ip KENT Pleasant turchhod room , COS N. 17 < h FOR * 831-Bp 170H ! ie.NT-Upi | r part of now brick-bou'X ) Uth b'.recvbit ceu wast.llir and MuthBt . ,4 roouj ns. sis i J710R RENT Ke tcotJ ffa 3 rcx > ffl , ha ! ' , pantry , 1 eloict and fM'br , US 10 , li ether cheap ten- mcntj. D. U Ihotnm. blOtf 77" II KENT ltou o n < fli ? roinwunil N rn. Ap- I1 ply to P. Wllg.Nn. CllionthlOthSt. . 8H-U ENr-I ) Plrabte furuiArd front ttfjaw with bnardatllorauth ISth St. S05-4p TcKKT Ccttige ni o roon t iw r cur line. 8OT < P ' BIL A SHKIVnn. _ 1 ° " KtNT-A pl a att furnlshic ) room nltli or X1 vlthmi' flre , laCO Cap.tol a\e. 7S5-4p "I7IOU KENT lurnlnhed rocimj at 1417 Howard. J- _ _ _ 801-4p iNT-One : h rotim house on 2lrt and Ifar riiy bt , A. H. OUdstonc. 781-if Tjioil HEM 7 room brick hous , bara.well nnd cli'orn , will rent clic.ip to tlieright tenant or sell on DH ) montaljpayments. . AMBSH07Faniatn rtrcet. ra-tt JH HK.NT 8 room houin , line yard , 1'Ark ave. AMES , 16(7 Foroam St. 70 } tl Ijltttt HUNT Kurnlnhed rooms brick block , modirn X1 ImiiroTcmonts , cno block from 1'ojt olllce , S W. corner 15th Capltolarc. 537-CO 1 1-OK KENT-Furnlihcd rooms In building N. E. corner icnhand Davenport. Cill after 3 p. tcl FOR UKNT A new house ol 10 rormsand a barn , hard and gott water ; on Park avenue , 2 Mocks from Farnam street. Inquire 918 Farnam. "CStf ITIOH I1 KENT Four room cotttge S. Iflth St. Bar ler , < cMajne. 638 tf FOR RENT To gentlemen only , a pleasant fur * nlsbcd room , H. K. corner ZOth and bangtail , . . 87 4-tt "I710R ItKN'T4ncfrani 11 room hoase , hanl and soft Jj water all modern Improvements , best location In city $70. Barker fcllajne , 13th and Farrmta. 822-tf FOH RENT Two nicely furnished front looms wlthorwIthoutboariC Stoves In each , 1313 Capitol ave. 579 dcc.i4p FOU RENT Two elegant rooms In llrdlck'a block , Pauscn ! Co , 1613 Fajnam. 313-11 ; F OH RENT Furnished front room torrent 222 N 19th St 302-ff OR SALK-A Uw room houss , HoISir JD Fierce street. Apply to Mrs. S. Q. Stmcnsoa , 1616 Cass street. 39--f FOU RENT In Shlnn's 3d nddltlon , nlco south , and east corner lot wlth8 room houso$13. per month rotter & Cobb , 1616 yaraam St. ItTC-tf T01l RCJIT 1\va rooros lurnUbed for light IIOUBO- JL1 keeping. B. W. cor. 8th and Howard , lit ) U F01l < RENT Room corner of 17th and draco Ota , 141-tf F OR 11EN7 Tha corner store 10th ondLea-ca woith. Apply 0. II. Peterson. 103-tf " 15 OOMS Wilh board , dcsrabo oi-wlntor'Appl7 > JLI at itt. Chi ! \to \ Ilstul. 1 62-tt 'T UOKKAY uac good panming , Spring water. , > riOK RENT Cottage of five rooms. J.Thlppa Roe > \ } 1612 south DHiBtreot. 639-tf FOP. HALE. - THoflirnlturo of n three rosin cottage FOKSALETHoflirnlturo 2325 Leacnivor ill U Inquire J. ! George. A'ith Pa\ton & Gallagher. 005 Op 117(011 SALE A flrtt-elass barber shop m Atlan- jP tic Iowa. Good lacatlon.ilolrjg good-ousincsa. Cheap for caah.oill cr nidi ess John Wagnir , Atlan tic low a. 372-8 FOR SALE Cheap ; a rebtaurant ; good location 220 North Iflth at. , 853-12p FOR S4LK AlaModoulIchcatcrRadIanl Home sls.0 email heater , both lu good repair. Inrnlro at Ormha Stov o Itcpalr Wcr'rfs. efl7-tf T7IOR SALE Horscer luuUx , harness and wagons J ? mono or two 3 cara timo. Real ebtato security. t ) . L. Thomas. S08-tf - TfOll SALE OR EXCnrUfOK At $10 per acre , all I1 or pait of two thousan < acres of timber land , forty mlloK east of Kineaj City , wil exchange for Nebraska land or merchandise. Bedford , Soucr & DaTls. 82Stf 7710:1 SALE Lota on Davenport St , 22 feet front 1 ? bargain. 812-1 FOR SALE On easy ttrce , acre lots for suburban homes , buy before th Sprfng advance In Brlgh" ton , 21 minutes drho from Boyds Opera Houso. $176 for nn aero AMES , 1607 Farnam St 709-5 \ . - SALE Borne ( Brooms ) and four lots. Wll FOP.SALE FOP.- cheap in order to trot' immediate change o scrne after death of ray child , T. E. 1'arfltt , Quo otllco. 761dcol2 FOR SALE Cheap , a nice 4-'room cottage full lot - on grade , ) water < 10th f trrct , half n block S. of Lotvenworth , w est elde , terms easy. M. Leo , g'O- ccr k2d and Lo venHOrth ttrcct. 746-t SALE The bcsi'buslncsa lot at the Stock yards South OmaU , 60x150. Will bo worth ' doul/le the price asked now Inside 12 months. Apply at oita : > New York Drj'OOodsStore , 1310 Farnam. 277-tf TTtOR SALE 1 sausage chopper , horse power ; ono A JJ rendering kettle , ono lard pi inn. Apply at Brook lyn ATurket , cor. 13tb and Plercu 802-tf ' Tf 'B A quanttty of Job and newspaper typo for Kilo. Also a good L'rthcr. C. 7. Bunco , oaro Boa olllce. 766tf : SALE Cottago-of 6 roorut , barn , corner lot In , FOR ' addition ; only Ol.MC-Jamall cash payment ' and balance monthly. Bargain * UcCoguo , opp > . pOLiollict. fllOtf T/iOH SALIC Fine businees chance at Grand Island _ I ? Neb , 96.000 oujf the ban- . building 22x14 ; an / ollco ! building which rents for tl5 a month ; a largo fire and burylor proof safe with , Yale time lock cost $1CW3 , alto very large bank book Ore proof safe , bank counter , disks , bard coalotovo , In fact , a com. pfcto bank outfit , tcjcUicr wiih lot llxOA ou Loausll 6trci-t. lltlo perfect , lerma i .cash , balance on one rjid two years time if desired. Call on or address Jay K. White Grand IsUncl , Nob. 622-tf FOR SALE Cheap a second hand high top bipgy. Inquire at Siiripson'n Carrimre Factory , Dodge , betwecu llth and 16th. 280-tf ; , 'T7 > 011 SALE A whole totsXcf clothing , bocta an ; . JL1 shoes , buildings at cost , retiring from bu tineas. O. II. Peterson BM south Tcirth street. lli-3m YjlOlt SALE Two opeu eeooua-nanit bugulMi aj JD one delivery wagon , cheap , % % 1310 Htict fit , tta-tt ( CIA ff1M liny SnUr/o dinner ani.tca eel * PJt.tlvl combined ; decorated warv oquwo etn > l > (8 , at MocJy's Ulilni Store , Cor. 10th > nd Ba- venpjrt OOltl I03T A rol Irl"h setter , About 0 raxitbs clrl , . J u bite spot on brrb t. Sulttblo rowiiilwill bi luld on return of tbapuji to'JUU Capital auenaa. J. ; t. Market. 887-1 TJAULSH'.f S ADDITlON-Thls new nUltlon islo. J. caud In the northern fart of that it > , M&fra it little .T4dlBglr .nilciHi ry , but when giadidwiil * from 2 io3feit Al'Oiomwlo The Urottrru are no.vrunn'jg throi'4h ; It and by Ma } ; " , 1S-5 , will he 7onuccUd wi UUi.HuinderB : street cir line whlcji will hecuu ufl mlnutn r i. These loin uu putiloavn at 1'iw li n Foe t a'.c b > Paalsi-n 4 ; CoH 1'ar- IRON AND IJUASS FOUNDIIY-11 WS. 11 Vh street. 0 cc , 111 K IUh St Eaton & Ucrtclsoi * 873janU > TO KXCIIANQE-1 have two choice improved faro Hla York county which ] r > vl ht eihaage , 'merthaiidlne wlll t k goneial etrok , or'Jry gocda , . clofling and boots uid sbocs. i-dJrwu D , K , Yoilt , Neb. 'I1AIIEN. t'l'-0n9 black hcr ofo > j whltofoet. Jt whlU lAcelE , aSouth llfjSt. 8 PR1VV vault ) , sinks and ( xtapooUdoo'ied.a.t thi shortest nctlco and at an n time ' > ! thn duIn au entirely ordciltea way wlthoi.t tha Ij * t mncsfatlon. to occvipantacj neighbors , fUhiO'ji loiprired oncii odorluu op tarilua. A. tiuni & .CO. , Oil Capitol ( SUOOKSSORS 'JO JOIIK d. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old et&nd , ItU Fatn&m \ \ UttCiJeni by tel i ph so sidled. * oa promptly atUadet ) to , Xelf phone No. 22b. \ PINE8T QOODB EVER MADE , icma ill Linen , BOTH Linings AND Exteriors. OAIiN BROS , , Agents for