Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1884, Image 1

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Bigness Very Light in Both Houses ,
The Electoral Vote of Several
| States Eeoeived By the Pros-
I ideut aiid Senate.
The Various Oommittoes Ap-
j pointed ,
'Arrival ' of Ool , Oyama , Japanese
Minister of War , and Suite ,
A Bill to Prevent Fraud in Col-
leoting the Whiskey Tax ,
to Establish a Court of Ap
peals Eevived-
A Bill to Establish the Oftlco of Gov
crnmont Architect Tlio Cincin
nati Deputy Marshals ,
WASHINGTON , December 4. Bills wore in
troduced and referred , bjr Mitchell grafting a
pension to General Grant , Cameron , of
Pennsylvania , submitted the following : After
viewing tlio depressed eta to of the American
snipping and export trade. Resolved , "That
the committee on iinnno bo , and is hereby di
rected to inquire whether it be expedient to
expend any portion of tlio surplus revenue for
the purpose of reviving the shlnpmp and
export trade by allowing a rebate from the
tariff duties on foreign goods imported in ships
built and owned in the United States , and
nW by allowing a premium on American
'grown products , and articles of American
'manufacture ' exported in American vessels ,
and report by bill or otherwise.
Hill submitted the following : "Resolved ,
That in the existing depressed condition of
the industrial interests of the country , and in
the presence of the great fall which has taken
jlace and is still in progress , in the wages for
labor and prices of products , the recommenda
tions of the president and secretary of the
treasury that the coinage of silver dollars and
issue of silver certificate ] be prohibited , are
calculated to create alarm and aggravate the
difficulties of the situation , end that the pub
lic mind may bo quieted by the assurance that
the volume of currency is not to bo enlarged
In correspondence with the increasing popula
tion and exchanges of the country , ic shall
not at least bo reduced by suspending the
coinage of silver .dollars , the eenato declares
its opinion to be that no valid reason exists at
the present time for imposing any now or ad
ditional restrictions upon either the coinage of
silver dollars or in the issue of silver certifi
cates.A bill providing for a national regulation o )
tater-state commerce was made a special order
for Thursday next.
After executive session the senato'ad journod
until Monday.
The confirmations of Dtimvoody , Iowa , as
member of t"ho national board of health , lint-
ton , lown , postmaster general , Crosby , New
York , firjt assistant | postmaster general
WASHINQNO.V , December 4. Bills were
4 introduced and referred by Dunn to provide -
vide for the Arkansas river commission ,
By'Dockey to repeal all laws authorizing the
appointment of special deputy marshals at the
polk and appointment of supervisors of elec
tion. By Morrison , ' relative to the surplus
revenue The text is us follows : 15c it enact-
ed'that the secretary of the treasury be. and is
hereby authorized and directed to apply the
surplus revenue1 ; at any time in the treasury
in excess of 8100,000,003. not otherwise ap
propriated , to the redemption of United States
bonds and when any of the said bonds arc ro-
deeinab'o ' at the ploacuro of the government ,
it shall uot bo lawful to apply any portion of
said surplus to the purchase of bonds at a pre
By Cox , ( N. Y. ) requesting the president to
furnish information showing the authority of
law for which certain commanders of the
navy have been given the rank of acting
rear admirals , when , M tillered , no vacancies
existed in the legal and limited number of
officer ? of that urndo nnd also what public
emeigoncy if any existed to justify such an
action ,
' Also resolution calling upon the president
for any correspondence in his possession of any
government department in regard to the pres
ent condition ot our relations with Mexico.
IJy J. I ) . Taylor , of Ohio , to prohibit the re
moval of any honorably dischaigud soldier ,
Bailer , marine or widow or dependent relative
to same from any office or civil service in the
United States except for specified cause.
Bills and rjeolutions By Robinson , New
York , resolution calling for further informa
tion relative to the imprisonment of American
citizen' ] in Great Britun.
By Dunham , to admit free of duty articles
intended for oxnihition at the World's Kx-
position , to bo held uy the colored race in
The house resumed the consideration of the
inter-state Commerce bill.
Kobindon , Now York , prepared n resolution
providing for the return to the simplicity in
nusuration ceremonies as practiced by Jolfer-
son. It prohibits the erection of archer and
the display of bayonets in Washington on
inauguration day and provides that the chief
juitice shall call upon the president-elect and
accompany him on foot or in a plain carriage ,
drawn by not raora than two horses and with
out decorations or livery to the capital , where
he will take the oath and n dross such citi
zen ? as may bs there to hear him ,
Anderson supported the Regan substitute ,
contending that it would furnish people sub
stantial protection against extortion by rail-
roan companies , though he did not think its
provisions stringent enough. He doubted
whether they would be effective in preventing
the system of pooling , which practically
placed the producers of the country at the
mercy of Gould , Vandrrbilt and liuntlngtou.
If attempts wore successfully made hereto
fore by which railroad capitalists should
prevent legislation In htates , in tliH
HOUSP , or in the Senate , if
they should enter the supreme court to pre
vent just legislation cnmtal would then be
brought face to face , not with the thinking
men of the country , but with the mob. Capi
tal itself baa inoro nt stake in seeming ( quit-
nblo railroad legislation than fanners and
producem had , Hhively of Indiana , Calkins'
Buoccesor , announcad Ids emphatic approval
of the object fought to bo attained by the
pending bill and the Reagan Btibjtitute and
iis equally emphatic approval of the substi
tute as compared with tlio measure re
ported by the coirmlffelon. Ho doubted
the propriety of creating n commission
And conferring upon It power as great in that
exercised by the greatest despot on earth ; and
lie pointed out the danger that would mrely
follow the concentration of that power in a
'few ' men , Hopkins submitted a constitution
al argument innlntalnl g the powcrof congress
( o legislate upon the subject of Intcr-atato
commerce , nnd proceeded to dotall the evils
which the measure now penelini' was deigned
to correct. Without further action adjourn
ment was taken until morning ,
Special telegram to THE BKB.
. WASHINGTON , December 4. Senator Bay
ard is not only annoyed but irrlUted at the
free use of hit name in connection with a cab *
Inet appointment in the next administration.
There in no man on the democratic tide of the
tenate who enjoys to a greater degree a repu
te lion of not being a wire puller and engaged
in trying to advance his own political fortunes
than lliynrd. llo U naturally rc crved in hu
f onfldcnccs , nnd some of his colleagues who
haxobeeuln the senate with him for many
years fay they hao yet lo sen the man n ho
can bo considered his confidential friend ,
while nil his relation : ) with all associates
am of the most cordial aud friendly character
he does not con lido to them his Innermost
thoughts as n majority of politicians do with
dome of their friends. The story that ho ha-
talked over a cabinet matter with n patty of
friends and lift ! ) said positively that ho will or
will not ncc pt a position in the new cabinet
can bo authoritlvely contradicted , in fact the
story is the merest bosh and based solely upon
Idlogovlp. Senator liajnrd lias uot hoard
fiom Cleveland on the question of going
Into Ills cabinet nor hns ho discusied the
matter with any one , llo has un information
a < to what Cleveland intends to do , and cer
tainly has not guon any indication of what
ho might or might not do should hotb3 invited
to form n part of the next administration ,
Some of Blame's friends have been consider
ing the expediency of giving him n public
recaption upon h.s arrival hero Saturday , and
there ? eenn to bo a difference of opinion as to
the effect of such demonstration. It la hold
thtt a i ublic reception nt thin tlmo would bo
in extremely bad taste , even aisumirg that
Blaine Is willing to bo n party , which is by
no moans certain. The probability Is that no
such demonstration will bo made ,
WASHINGTON , December I. The Hopkins
bill , to establish the office of government
architect , provides that the president shall ap
point a government architect to hold ollico for
four years , who shall receive on annual salary
of - dollars. Whenever the erection of n
publlo building shall bo determined upon ,
the architect shall advortlsu for
competivo plans aud specifications ,
accompanied with an esiimata of cost ,
which shall be submitted together with the
architect's own recommendations to a board
composed of the secretary of the treasury ,
postmaster general , secretary of the interior
and attorney general. The plan approved by
the board shall bo carlcd in the consttuctiju
of the building , aud no change shall bo al
lowed except with the sanction of the board
and upon tlie recommendation of the govern
ment architect. The architect whoso plans
are adopted shall receive the usual compensa
tion. The bill'pro\idos that the cllico of super
vising architect of the treasury and architect
of the capital shall cease to exist April 1 , 1885.
THosirsos's liar , TO PUKVKNT HRAUD IN cot-
Representative Thompson's bill to further
secure the government against fraud in the
sale of whisky , provides that for each pack
age of distilled spirits deposited in the dis
tillery bonded warehouse , and upon which a
warehouse stamp is now required , bo fixed by
law that'thera ' shall bo issued and delivered
at the time of such deposit to the distiller
a duplicate theroot. The package
shall not bo withdrawn and
delivered to any person cxsept the person who ,
at the time of filing such request for such
withdrawal shall deliver a duplicate stamp to
the collector of the district in which the pack
age ie stored. When so returned the collector ,
alter all government taxes ere paid shall can
cel the stamps and return the same to the
storekeeper fn charge of the package with in
structions to deliver it to the persons returning
the stamps for cancellation , The stamps when
so cancelled tdiall bo aflixcd the the head of the
packncro opposite from the warehouse stamps
at thu time and in the manner that tux paid
stampa are now affixed. The delivery by
storekeeper shall not be * made until all charged
for storage and otter advances made by the
distiller are repaid him by the holder or owner
of the stamps. *
The electoral vote of several states were re
ceived to-day by the president and the senate.
The first which came by messenger was Penn
sylvania. The first by mail was New Hamp
shire. Sheffield , the now senator from Rhode
Island , has been appointed to a membership
of the committee ou on claims , nines and
mining , revolutionary cla'mi , nnd woman suf
frage ; Sabln to the committee examining sev
eral branches of the civil service ; Dawos to
the committee on naval affairs ;
Slater to the committee on Indian affuirp ,
Morgan to the committee on fish and fisher
ies and Manderson to the chairmanship ot the
committee on printing.
A bill to establish u court of appeals was
introduced in the llouso to-day by Gates Is
the same measure introduced in the donate in
1881 by Davis , of Illinois.
The attorney general appointed ox-Kepre-
Eentattvo R. Bateler , ot West Virginia , to bo
pardon clerk of the department of justice.
Col. Oyama , Jap.mtHo minister of war , and
suite arrived in Washington to-day.
In the Swaim court martial to-day , counsel
for the accused apetied a line of defense that
the stock transactions between Gen. Swaim
nnd Bateman & Co. wcro illegal , because
there was no actual transfer of stuck and tint
any pretended claim Bateman & Co. had upon
Gen. Swaim for looses in those transactions
could not be recovered in n court of law 0.3 no
actual shares of stock overcame into Swaim'd
possession neither actually nor construc
Delecate'j representing clerks of postoflicoj
throughout the country , called uuon Post
master General Ilattpn , layincr before him a
a proposition clarifying postjollico clerks , and
placing them on an equality with clerks in
other branches cf the government service.
Tnu dolepatei brought with thorn a draft of a
lull intended to secure theuo results , and the
postmaster general suggested that they cause
the bill to ba introduced into tongioas , when
hu would pas his opinion upon Iti mcritn.
To the representatives of the Philadelphia
letter carriers who seek to secure the benefits
of the eight hour law , I'ostmastor-Gonoral
Hatton to-day formally responded. The de
partment never held that the eight hour law
applied to letter carriers and without consider
ing the legal aspect of the case , was of the
opinion the department could not inovo in the
matter without a clear definition of the act by
congress ,
A Fund ti > AhHlHl Irlah . atnrH.
NEW YOIIK , December ! . T. V. Mcchan ,
editor of the Irish- American announced to
day that a society In America to raise an an
nual fund to pay the Irish nationalist members
will be formed. Median suya : "We have on
hand already 68,570 us a general fund , collect
ed up to November 20 , 1881 , This wi 1 go to
assist 1'arnell and other Irish patriots in the
agitation of Constitutional liberty for Ireland ,
Thu Idea la to gel S OO.tOO a year. Our pur-
pou IB not to have the Bocloty a political ono
inAmeiica. Any liberty loving citizen can
join it who desires to upon pajment of $5 and
per annum ,
My Undo .lured V. Pork.
WHITK PI.AI.VH , N. Y , , December 4 ,
James II , I'eclc has begun an action against
his uncle , , Tarod V. 1'oclc , to recover 8 3,000 ,
the amount of legacy nt Mary P , Peek out
of the estate of John A , Merritt. On De
cember 1 1th , 1883. Mary P. P ck burned to
death , .fared claim ? Alary assigned him her
interest in her legacy for 810,000.
EaHtcrn IViiriiiico
PUTHIIUKO , December 4. A report that
eastern furnace men contemplate a reduction
of SI a ten , In ordur to compete with the
southern iron , ia caueing much uneasiness
among PJttsburg iron men , whoaoy tliat If the
reduction it made they also will ba compelled
to toduui in order to hold their trade.
FvpnilltlonIjruliiHt tlio Jtonrn ,
CAmow.v , December ) , Uen. Warren ,
who is to command the expedition agalnet the
Boer < , arrived to-day from London. Ho had
an enthusiastic reception. The universal
opinion it that the tirna h > x arrived to Bottle
the Forrester question of J'ngliah or Dutch
supremacy on the capo ,
Novrinbur'x l-'lro IJDHHCH.
New YOBK , Docfinbcr 1 , The fire losses
In November in the United States and Cana
da were S7,9UOOt ) ) . ThU is largely In excess
of the average of the November fire waste
elnco the Boston fire In 1871' .
Kansas City Journal Special ,
NK\S YOUK , December 4 , 3 a in. The Star
this morning opposes the Panama canal
scheme nnd declares In favor ot Captain Kads1
Tohuantepec ship railway. It ftlso finds
fanjt with the Utah comral on report , sayIng -
Ing : "Tim Utsili commission roportls notn at-
isfactory commentary on the ollieacyof United
States law. It may , however , \lmlicftto Its
usefulness In nuggesttiig other moans nnd
methods cf redrew. Komo ot its rtcotmnoiul-
atlons nro wise nnd to the point , nnd soiuo Im
practicable een If expedient. The longer nn
attempt to solve the problem la deferred ,
the more difficult it will be , and it hns got to
bo ilono sometime , somehow , or worse will
THE TllinitNI * .
The Tribune under the caption of "Lot
1'acts Speak" aiinlyroa the recent vote In the
south. It says : "If the southern population
had \oted as fully the northern , thorc
would hn\o been cast forl'JL representative
electors -171,838 votes. It nppcnn , therefore ,
that 1'JOO/Jl'J persons , who should hn\o voted
fulled to vote or to get their votes counted ,
The Tribune hns no ilralro to do injustice tn
the Bouthurn people. When the white demo.
crats ciuight control ot their loc tl govern.
ment , promising that they couhl thus bo nblc
to do full justice to the colored people while
defending property fiom unnecessary burdens
dons , The Tribune expressed n hope that
their promise- would bo kept. It has n rlcht ,
therefore , to see whether the prombo has
borne fruit In justice to the colored citizens ,
but it appears that 1'JOO.OCO persons
who ha\o voted in the southern wtatos
hnvo for some reason failed to
vote , or to get their votes cauntrd.
Tlio colored peonlo lm\o not voluntarily ndbi.
catod the right of KUlIraRc. They show more
eagerness to vote whenever they hu\o n
chance than any ether class of citizens. But
there were l,233fiGj col rod males over twon-
ty-ono years of ngo in the southern states in
1880 , nnd the number luia undoubto Jly In
creased , If these men voted only 1,700,000
out of 2,000rOO white nmlo adults nt the
south can have voted , thu Tribune does not
beliovo. Oho proportion of colored male
adults to the total inalo adults , according tc
the census of 1880 , was larger in South Caro.
line than In any other Btato\iz.,58 percent H
happens that In South Carolina ho proportion
of voters to each ropro..cntativo is smaller thnu
in any other state in the union , viz. , only 13. .
071. The other four otates in which the col
ored male adults are 45 per cent or inoro of
the total male adults nro : Missippi , 01 per
cent colored , only 1732l ; voters to each ropro-
soutativo elector ; Louslana1'J per cent col-
01 od , only 18,207 votes to each representative
elector ; Georgia , 45 per cent colored , only 11 , .
2ji voters to each representative elector , nnd
Alabama , -15 per cent colored , only 1,22I ! )
voters to each representative elector. In no
other state in the Union of any size is the
number of voters to each elector so email as It
is in either of these five ,
The Sun proposes to blow up the unfinished
ironclads with dynamite and then build n now
navy. ,
The World urges Thurmnn for a cabinet po
sition , nnd says : Who could doubt for a mo
ment the fitness of Allen G. Thurman , for
instance , as a member of an administration
bound to restrain the power of monopolies and
corrupt corporation ? which are : i meniua tu
popular lights and honest government. Thorn
is un unwritten law binding on honorable men
that these who accept positionsin a president
first cabinet must bo his loyal friends , and aid
him in a proper manner In his commendable
OIL CITV , December 3. A story is at present
ont finding wide circulation in the papers ii
connection with the death of ono Abrahan
James , in Oregon , concerning his being con
ducted in a most romantic manner by a Hpiri
to a point near Pleagantvillo , where ho was
conducted into the bowels of the earth am
shown an immense laka of cil. As n result ol
this ho induced capitalists to put down c
well on thu spot , ana the result was the open.
ing of the prolific Ploasnntvillo territory ,
Commenting on this the Bli//.ird says : "The
strike to which the above quoted story refori
is remembered by the 'old timord' of the oil
country , mid the feet of James claiming ( , :
have been shown by spirits the placu to sinl <
hifl well is also called to mind. It is also re.
mombered that 'Dr. James , ' ns ho camp lo bt
called after this , was directed by the npiritu tc
sink a well down in Clarion county , Bomowhon
near the mouth of Ducr creek , but in this in.
Htance the spirits were decidedly 'off then
bane , ' as our informant puts it , the doctoi
drilling through all known g.indi , nnd develop
ing a first class duster. Ho began thin well ii
18 , L' , and worked almost two yearn on it ,
drilling to u depth of 2.500 feel ,
extraordinary ut-thal timo.
Tlio , Cincinnati Deputy J
WAHH'NOiON , December 4. 1'ho Springei
committee on expenditures in the department
of justice , which , by the order of the house ,
la to conduct the investigation of the ap
pointment and employment of deputy mar
shnlH In Cincinnati at the October election
will got to work rhortly. The investigation
is to bo begun In Washington , where n mini
her of witiiCBBes will ba examined , ami
then the committee will go tc
Cincinnati , The following witnesses have been
summoned to appear and testify before the
committee hero : James W. Donnelly , dis'
burslng clerk general land office ; Maxes B , C ,
WriKhc , clerk of the pension office ) ] ' . C ,
Ford , . also clerk In the pension ollico ; John
Wrwht , postollico department ; ( Joorgt
McKlfresh , ot-detoctlvo ; CharleB Hnr
ley , ux-bromnn , nnd William Ka\a
naiigh , all of WauhhiKton. Thusu It Is claim
ed , were made deputies in Cincinnati on eloc
tlon day. Kx-Senutor Powell Clayton , ol
Arkanean , will also bo summoned. Heuira
roeiilenti of St , Louis , local republican politi
clans , ha\o been biimmoued , among them nn
H. L. Rogers , Henry Manistor and liarnej
Hitrgins ,
A vniiii jvoiicii. INLAND CITV , December I. A ncgrc
named Rugg , convicted of the murder ol
Annie Maybeo a year ago , was noticed by UK
jailor ta bo acting strangely last nl lit , and
nn examination uhowud that the llnku In con.
ncction uith the shackles with Rugg'H chain
had been filed through uud piecoi of cord moil
to hold them together , It is supposed the
file was furnished by a couple of burglara wlic
two weeks ago pnwml their way out ot thu jail ,
This nmlien Rugft'H third attempt at escape ,
A Hired
WonccHTKit. Maes , , Deombor 1. Michael
Dlnun , an "assisted Immigrant , " makes a deposition -
position that he wan hi.od by a youag physi'
clan named Connolly to asxaiisiiiala a land'
lord's agent named Carrel , at Brady , Ireland ,
Connolly v/ai tried ou a charge of conspiring
to Accompli th the death of Carrel , nnd wan
acquitted. In thu absence of Dinon then iiiud
Carroll , claiming heavy damages , The fathoi
oi Carroll found Dinon here. .
AV r on I'nHHOiiKur Itatou ItcHUincd ,
CllIUAQO , December I , The war on potmen-
ger rates has been resumed througn the scalp.
era by the Ohio river Hiiro , Brokem were to.
day lolling tickets over all the north and Houtli
llnei at the following rates ; Cincinnati , gti ,
regular rate § 8.85 ; Louisville JO , regular rate
.if ! ) ; Indianapolis $3.71) . regular rate. ifl.W ,
u Itodiictlon ,
1'HiLAUKi.riiiA , December 4 , The nhoo-
makers are refusing to treat with the mamc
facturen , the latter Imvu decided to clone
their ihoim on Saturday , throwing out of wort
3,000 hand * .
TheActors' ' Finid Benefit a Granjl
Success ,
Prosidont-Eleot Cleveland's Pros-
onoo Helps the Fund to
$10,000 ,
His Enthusiastic Reception By
tfco Vast Audience.
The Average Number of Suicides ,
Failures , and Elopements ,
Tho'National ' Trottinc Associa
tion Adjourns ,
General Ucilnctlon of AVfiRCH nml
llouiH of Imbor BoatonHIaiiH-
lact urcrs Scoklnj ; n. Now
NKW Youic , December 4. The actors' fuml
bcnfit at the academy of music this afternoon
was ono of the most successful affairs that over
occurred in Now York. Much ot the oclat
bolongiug to it wag , of cotirae , duo to the presence -
enco of Governor Cleveland , who on this occa
sion tttendcd a publlo entertainment for tlio
first time since hit election to the presidency.
The vast auditorium was literally packed.
Hundreds of persons entered _ tlio lobby only to
bo able to got within six foot of
the main doors , livery theatrical porsouol
eminence in town secured n box. The presi
dent elect had a cordial wolcomn at every sta
tion lotweon Albany nnd Now York. The
president of the actors' maou'atlon , Mayor
Kdson , Mayor-elect Urace , and a great throng
of people received Uovcrnor Cleveland at the
depot. The welcome in the aradomy was ot
the wildest kind. The president expressed n
wish ti meet the artists engaged in the several
performances. .Too JilTonon , however ,
had lott for Philadelphia , and Irving
and Miss Terry had gone to their
hotel. A committceman drove in
hot haste to the Brovoorthouso and as quickly
returned with Irving who was presented to
president-elect , nnd warmly grasped bv both
bands. Governor Cleveland expressed his re
gret at not meeting Terry and Jefferson. Ha
returned to Albany at 5 o'clock. The police
guarded Governor Cleveland' * box during hit
stay at the Academy , preventing the entry
either of politicians or Interviewers. The
day's proceedings for the bouolit of the actors' '
fund netted § 10,000 ,
National Trotting Amoclatlon.
NKW Yoi'K , December 4. Th board of re.
view of the National Trotting association to.
night adjourned to meet in Chicago on Maj
12th , 1885. The following additional decision !
were made : A. Langwin , Montreal , Canada ,
application for removal of expulsion , denied ,
G. y. Hiitchinson , I'lattsburg , N. Y. , appll
cation for order as ta bay gelding , "Juniper. "
Board removed record of 2:31 : ! . W. II. Webb
Davenport , Iowa , vs. Clinton county agricul
tural satiety , application lor removal n
nuspOns'on of himself and brown , ot l
lion , "Bashaw B. " , denied. Henry I'armeloo
Davenport , Iowa , vs. same , application for
removal of self and bay stallion , "llichpeo,1
denied. GonrgsH. Kly , Klyn'a Ohio , appli
cation for order ns lo record of black stalliot
"Tom Allen. " The boaitl decided the exhi
bition race trotted at Klyria , August ( ! , 1881 ,
aud gava the rcpord asS : | , despite thn fact
that them was no pii'Eo ur prize. M. Casey ,
Washington court house , Ohio , vs. Nar-
ra anset Driving Park association , ap
plication for removal of self and
bay gelding straggler denied , Solomon
Gilbert , Morristown , I'.i .application forordn
: \i In record of bay mare "Inn , " decided -U1 : | ,
M. T C ; ratten , I'roston , Minn. , application
for order aa to alleged nupprosiion of time at
race trotted there May 28 , 188 1. Board ruled
correct time 2:30 , 2I7 : , " . ' : K > \ , 2C1. : J. Ii. Da-
ly , Now York , veraus I'liillipsburg , I'a. , nsao'
ciution , application for removal of suspension
of brown mare "Kmina ( i"nllau "Dalev
Brown , " donlcd. P. T. Talbot , Ky. , appllwl
for ruling , the board ordered all notlcct
Dccorab , case continued and imrtioa in In.
torost ordered to hhow cause wiiy they shall
not bo penalized under the rules. W , B , li'aS' '
ing ( secretary of the Cleveland track ) vs. Ken. .
tucky Trotting horse breeders' association ,
application for removal of suspension and nil' '
ing granted. Momlntllo , I'a. , iloraemen'riclul
application for order nn to tlmo of'M : class
Veteran Kol < llorn unil Bailers Vlnil
Mr. llendrlcK-H.
INDIAN ArouH , December . A delot'ation
representing the Marion County Democratic
Soldiers' and Sailors' Veteran association
called on Arico President-elect Ifondrlcks thli
evening and tendered their congratulations 01
the result of the recent election , In response
HondrlclcB made a. brief epeoch , during whlcl
ho refefred to thu recent attacks upon hii
cou r HO while the civ II war was in progress
Said ho : "Four timea thcfo fabrications hav <
boon before the people of Indiana , and foui
tlmea they have given them the Ho.
continuing the npoaker nald : "To the oppo
Bltion to draft I plead guilty. I did not regard
gard the draft im rellablo support fur thu army
I bolio\od then , and have believed over Hinco
that volunteers encouraged by suitable boun
ties relieving them from all nnxiotioii about i
provision for their humea was thu best tissu
ranco ofmipport to the army. " 1'eforrliig t (
the charge ho did not vote in favor of nn }
nieimiro that looked to carrying on the war
HcndiiclcB mild that ou .April 2'.t , 1801
ho reported for the largest appropriation bil
over passed by this government. 85'iO,000,000 ,
and hu declared his belief that It was that ap
proprlution that carried the urmy to the clouc
of the war under which Sherman marched tc
thu sea , and nurrondcr was in ml o to Grunt
HondrlckH concluded by returning hlu tlianki
for the call. The delegation shook handi
with the \leo proaident-eloct und xocial ( ; rctt
legs were exchanged ,
A Bucrot
NEW VOIIK , December I. Chairman Warren
ron , of the republican Btato commlttoo , and
Andrew B. Draper , chairman of the executive
committee , are still at the Gllscy house , Dra <
per ays a conference held last night wan pure
ly accidental arid that at lea t n do/en guitle1
men reported UK having attondiid it weiu nol
present. Ho uddo : "fhoro has been it vorj
general leelini ; in the wostura part of tha Htuto
that the BouatoMhlp ehoulj > p given to Mr ,
Warren , and there it also A very kindly fool'
Ing towards him In all partx of the Btato ,
Prauidont Ailhur I understand U entirely In
different in the matter "
To-day ux-Henator Platt , Congressman Bur
leigh and othernof those at the couforonio ,
friendly to Lovl P. M87ton' candidacy , moi
lu un ofllco down town and had A uotrot can
ciu. Conttliiif ; was In tboGllsey hou o duriu
the conforouco.
a. wire ,
MII.WAUKKI : . December 3. A caiu wau ti |
bcfaroCouit Commisiioncr IVoter to-day it
which that inuch-ixirbocutod man , Dr , Orion ,
figured an tha thief character , Orton loan
years ago waa arrested on the charge of tnanu
facturing counterfeit money , Ho waa tried ,
convicted und ior\ed his tune. Ho carnobacl
to Milwaukee nnd resumed thn prncllco of
medlrino. Boon hid wife tiled under rather
BU'picioufl circunuUncci. A few month *
later ft sonant girl in his employ
died suddenly , anil \ wtigMon proved
that Mia had bean nii led by the
doctor on the itromiio of mnrriogo , and
probably nulchlod ( o hide her Miama. The
doctor Blood trial for this And wa > i nciulttod | ,
nml nun txl from the city. The caio in which
ho now figuu'ft la ono in wherein ho is sued by
ono Smith , who in nome former case signed
Orion's bond , nud Ortoti di npi > earing , Smith
had to pay the Mmmnt of the bond , $2 , ( > 00.
Smith tutu for the fnco of the bond nnd inter-
oat. Orton In hU testimony ttntes that ho has
no property , Ua\ing married ngatn , ho had
to lilgn over nil of his property , $10,000 , to his
wifa uoforu rho would marry. When aokad If
ho chono rntlmr to buy n wllo than topnyhl
debts , Orion replied : "Certainly. Mylfo
cost mo 510,000 , nnd I wouldn't take $20,000
for her now. 1 made an excellent bargain , I
" '
s uro you.
iiinn SnlVra " Convention ,
PKOVIDKNOK , December , l-'roil Douplas
was the principal tpenkcr latt nl ht at tlio
annual convention of tin womnuV tulTrnso
OBsociatinn of llhodo Islniul. Noting tha ob
jection that woman o\uht not to vote bocAimo
they could not fight , ho raid that "Slugger' ,
Sullivan ought to lm\o more authority than
the president of the United Stnton , for ho had
nioro muscle. The former shvii holder of the
routh , nnid Douglas , atsortcd that intolli *
Ronco ought to rule. Tlio advocates of woman
sulTrago could take them at tholr word. Trio
ballot has boon given to thu negroes \\hllo
denied woman tan tima inoro intelligent than
negroes. Oiviug to causes over which they
hiul no control the ncgrocm wont n thouannd
years behind the njo , aud If the govorninont
should build n school housq on every hill top
for freemen and maintain in for n hundred
years , thogovornmont could not atone for the
wrong it bus doun in allowing the negro rnco
to have boon denial the oppcrtunttir , * for odu-
cation. Douglni argued that woman's Milfrjgu
would have the olfoct of purifying politic * , na
woman had puiifiod literature nud art.
A F lso nml I'Moklo
NK\T Yomc , December I. GoorgoK Simi >
son , a Broadway banker , on being upokon to
regarding the runaway ot Misi Mnry I1' ,
Wlllard , of Washlugtoii , ami William Paxton -
ton , n patent Inwyar of that city , said to-day ;
'Mi ' s Wlllard [ and my son , Prank Simpson ,
of Kansas City , to whom eho was under engagement -
gagomont , wcro nc < | uainted for three yonrs.
Thorowas no Inltmnllon on her part tint eho
had decided to break the engagement. In
fact , when the financial dilliculty occurred
with our firm , ( Donnoll , Ltwson & Simpson ) ,
In this city during the recent panlo
and nn offer wn made to her to cancel the on-
gagdnont , she cxprotsod the Rtronnost dovo-
tlen for myson , She had boon often nt my
house and au afloctionato intimacy appeared
to exist between my daughter and Miss Wil-
lard. , who seemed to bo n most exemplary
young lady , My son takes thu matter philo
sophically nnd comidorn it far better that ho
should hnvo found out her wane of alloctlon
for him now than at n later stage in life. At
present ho Is in Orange , N. Y , , bub will soon
roturu to Kansas City , _ _
Improved Stock Ittecdorn Association
OTIUSIWA , Iowa , December 4. The niinua !
meeting of the Improved Stock Breeders IXBBO
elation of Iowa , to-day , was fully attended
A lengthy series of resolutions wcro passoi
after soma amendments , n demand that tin
government shall hold tlio publlo laud for settlement
tlemont by the pioneer nnd that railway trans
portntion shall bo subjected to the control o
the atato nnd the national legislation. Tin
di-cjseS. "The association was banquottod thi
evening by the citi/.ona of Ottumwa ,
The Woman SuIVriiKO AHSocinlinn.
PJIOVIDKNCK , December I. Tiio annual convention
vontion of the Woman'H Suffrage associatloi
cf Ithoda Island continued to-day. Mrs
President Chase delivered tha addrusi of wol
coire. Mrs. Lucy Htono hold it only just thai
woman Hhould luuo n voice In the government
of the nation of which they are an important
part and in the progroH both material nut ]
moral of which they are interested equally
with men , Susan B. Anthony aid the reason
so llttlo had boon dona for woman wax because
eho was disfranchised ,
tliillcd Ireland.
LONDON , Doconlbor . In the commons
to-day the cluof secretary for Ireland snid the
government would not give the United Ire
land a factitious importance by prosecuting
the paper for tVo publication of articles In
citing to crlini ) . William O'Brien , editor of
the United Ireland , thereupon jumped up
and declared tlio chief Kocrotary wan maUiiiH
nn attack on him , The speaker of the house
declared O'BriiMi out of order , O'Brien ro.
Mimed bin seat , shouting an ho did , "Thit
was another sample of British fair play. "
Mills UliuttliiK Dovtn ,
PlTTHliuwi , Pa , , December 4. The mills ol
Xug& Co , have closed until after the holidays
Twelvu hundred men are thrown out of em
ployment. The guide nnd sheet iron depart
ments of SInger , Nimick k CO.'H mill , employ
ing 100 mon , uliut down , The piocn worker )
III thu KovHtono Bridge companyV works hav <
bten notillod that wages will bo reduced lifted
p'r cent , on January 1 , 1885 ,
No Adjoiirnninnt for tlio AVorld'd Pair
WAHIIINOTON , December 1. A number a
Democratic leaden * in the IIOUHO say no ad
jonrnment will bo taken to give member ai
opportunity to attend the opening of tin
World' * Fair at Nuw Orleans. They propcw
to udjourn only for thu usual holiday reccsa.
Siiildon Dcuttiol' I'arnnin.
NKW YOIIK , December ; ! , H , Parsons Far-
nam , Boston , a stocbholdcr in the Now Yorl <
Tribune and an intimate friend of Whitulaw
Kold , dropjiud dead to-night nt Madison av
enue and Kilty-third street. Thu young monV
republican club \olod to-night to retain in
momboinhlp no ono who voted or worked
ugainst liluiuo and L < > ; ; un.
Ijatmoli of tlio U. H , Htournor "Uow
ton. "
OIIHHTBII , Pa , , Decumbor | , The United
Staled Btuamer "Boaton" v/aa successful ! }
launched utl0 : ! ! p. in , to day at the Itoach
ship yard , A largo number of naval ollicort
were irenont. She U 28i ( foot , over nil , 42
feet ImaniM , 'J8 feet in depth of hold and dij-
placcc,3rX)0 tons.
I'liMiro-l'iKMinionlu In Ohio ,
DIIEHDKN , Ohio , December 4 , Ingalls , n
farmer In this county lately lost thirteen head
of cattlu from a dlaoaeo supported to bo plouro.
iincunionla. Thu cattle cumo from Chicagu
last tipring ,
I'olluuinun Hlioi ,
MWKEGON , Mich , , Documbor I. In a < | iiar-
rcl h t rilght Albert Jtedleynhot Uiruo men ,
one of whom wan n policeman who jvlll prob
ably dlo. The othera are not no sotiously In-
jurud ,
IlONDOur , N , Y. , December 4. Thin morn
ing John 'fully , Anthony Brockloy uud
George Brush , all boyn , broke through thin
Ice here- . All weru drowned ,
Anotlit.-r Itrewcry llurncil.
NEWAIIK , N. J. , December 4. I'elnc *
paui-h'B brewery burned at noon to-day ,
Lou , 100,000 ; partially Illumed.
WlIjllUK F. STOUHY'8 15'rA.TK
Special Telegrntn to THK BKK.
CIIICACO , Dccoinlxir 4. Judge Tuloy on-
ercil n formal order appointing Hornco A.
lurlbut receiver of the citato of the late Wll-
iiir V. Storey this morning , The order do-
lues the duties , powcra nnd privileges of n ro-
cotvor aa folloui :
Ho ia to continue tha Inmncsnof publication
it the Chicago Times without interruption :
o receive ami collect by suit or otherwise all
noney * nnd dobln owing to the oitntoj to pay
nil debts owed by the estate ; to keep up the
iroporty nud the nmvupnper in n good condl-
ion , but Mmll not chniiKO iU imliev. Hoahnll
nko chnrgu of thu real ostnta nnd mnko lo.-vies ,
collect rontn , pay intero t nnd luiuirntico , ro-
low morlgogcs when nccpmnry. and mnko ro-
> alrs. All ncco'isary slops for the proper
nalntennuca of the paper nro tj bo
.akon lubjcct to the orders of the court , nnd
ncuurnto Recount of rocvlpti nnd expenditures
nro to bo leapt ntttl produced In court upon nil
irdcr to that effect. Pntternon U to niako his
report na n conservator and nettle- hit accounts
vlth the probnto court nt once , and any IIA- !
nice In hm hands Is to bo pnldo\crto ] the
ecolvor. The rocolver is ordered to pay
Maria P. Htorov S2.009 nor nnnum in ? f > 00
uuatleily Instnllments. PntlerRonlii instruct
ed to turn over to the receiver nil books ,
ouchon , securities' , loanos , title dooiU nnd the
$30,000 $ note nnd nuy oilier property belong-
w to the estntii now In his hands , The re
ceiver in compltniico with the last section of
the order filed his bond with $12V',000 sureties !
with the clerk of the court. Tlio bondamon
nro Henry W. King , N. K. Pnlrbnnk nnd
Toiso Spnldiug.
John J , Kedlck , of Omaha , Is plaintiff In n
null began to day in the circuit court. Ho
nays lu his bill that in Juno of the present
, 'ear George William Itoid became Indubtod to
dm for 59,975. This debt waa nocutod by two
rnmiMnry nnten , one lor $1,000 aud the other
'or $5U7D. This waa In payment for real os >
; nto sold to Hold , nnd 0.1 , n further security a
mortfnga on It wns executed nnd two other
[ iromiesory uoton , ngercgntlug 8100.00 Riven ,
nado by Atexnnder McOloshan audpayable
tun years alter datu at Baltimore , Md , Slncu
that time , howovor. the Orator says , some of
the real estate In Ifydo Park has boon aold by
the county truivauror for the non-payment ol
tiyxcs , ami McGloahnn has boon rolonsed frorr
liis financial obligation to Hoid uuknown to
Iteillck. The latter now niks for cancollatlor
of this last mentioned transaction and for ju
dicinl inquiry into the facts.
N , December 4. Prompted b *
the rcBolution introduced by Senator Vest yesterday
torday nnd the speech that followed in rclatloi
to the cattle leases in the Indian territory
Senator Plumb to-day addressed the senate it
defense of thu secretary of the Interior as referred
rod to by Mr , Vest nnd in tupport of tin
move to open Oklahoma for BOtUomcnt. Hi
admitted that leases ] existed for grazing , 1m
contended that the secretary of the interim
under Mr , ] Tayos and others had held Urn
the Ciiorokoen had a right to lonso nnd rccoivi
the annual payment for the same. That Secretary
rotary Teller wua but carrying out thu law ai
held by hia'prodecosHora , awaiting such actioi
ns congress might take In the premises nfto
notifying that body of the existence of tin
leascg. Ifu stated that the ( JunimwH had to
yeard lapsed laud for agricultural purposes am
that there wera largo tracts of Hticn limdwhicl
the Indiana did not lined , and which chouli
l.ii thrown open to settlement , especially a
this tlmo , whau the public domain wan largol ;
exhausted. Tint it was true that there wu
no law rocogni/ing such looses aalenal , butth
htnttito did provldo that the Indians migli
permit grazintr , nnd there was n punishmon
provided for such whites na encroached on th
Indian rosoivaUon without paying for th
right to frrnzo. Ho Bpoko of the bill intrc
( luced by him nt the last session providing fo
the opening of Oklahoma , mid while ho wa
not woddoU to that bill it contniued many o
the , important features required by thocircum
stances. Tha commlttoo on Indian dlfiiiru ii
the investigation nook to establish some ruli
by law which would cover the loaao mattum 01
foornvor eradicate every man from Indian res
ervations. _
Convloteil ,
PnitscoTT , Arizona , December . ' ! There
have been live polygamy oonvictioiiH In thti
city within a week. The first three cases won
Tennoy , Ghrlatophorjon nnd Kemp Tin
convictions woru found on thn ovldeneoa
Two cauoii were tried to-day , Kldors 1'lakc
and Slcoiison jiluadod guilty. Thin U regard
ed as Bottling thu question of Mormon rule Ii
Ari/.oua , Scntoncon will bo paused by Judge
Howard to-morrow.
LOUIHVII.LK , December 1. Tlio Courier
Journal stalf correspondent continuing the in
vestigallon of the plaguoln eastern Kentucky
lent from Mount 1'loasant , last night , th
statement that since the latter part of August
In the Rparcely pnpulatcd cininty of Harlai
thorn.hava boon over 200 deaths. The count ;
in only on the outskirts of the district I
which tlio diBOMO IIUH boon moat fatal.
Horribly lliirncd.
NKWAIUC , N , > ! , , December 4 , C. 1'oigon
Bpan'ii lirowery was partially destroyed b ;
lire thin afternoon , Herman Hcharponbor
nnd Gottllo'j Schnalzrieht , omploycH , wen
horribly biirnod , Sovornl lirunien wore Injured
jurod by the fulling roof , Loan , $80COI ) ; In
Hiirod ,
ol' Freight Tariff. "V
NEW YOIIIC , December I , Tlio Now Yorl
Central tu-dny reduced rates to Cleveland ant
Detroit to $7 , to moot the last cut of tlio Wes
Shoro. lUiiroad managorH are In nosmon al
Commissioner KliichVi ollico diacussing tin
pcrcentagoH on freight out of Chicago , befoi
Judge Coloy as arbitrator.
Klrcol Oar Uiirn lliirncd. < f l
BAI.TISIOHI : , Md , , December 4 , Karly th ! ;
morning a liru in the stable of the Hnll'i
Springs patHOiigor railway company and do
Btroyed that building. Many of thocompauy'
carii weru destroyed and fifty horaen wen
killed , Only fifteen horses and one car wen
Huvod ,
MOUNT STim.iNa : , December 4. The uherll
hau arrested sovoti mon charged with beiu ;
inembcra of tha hand of rouulatorH who n fuv
( Jays ago hlllod J , G , Ilughou in Howni
county. Two have oonfei > Bed , Imphcatlnj
twelvu more ,
AVeutlior Hoport.
WASIIINOTON , Dccombor 4 , Upper Miaali
Ippl valley , fair weather followed by parti ;
cloudy weather , local rains nnd unowH , vnrl
nblu winds bctmnliig ; nortliwostorly , Station
nry , followed by lower temperature.
1'or a Hand.
POUT WOUTII , Texas , December 4. Tin
jury yesterday in thu cane of young Dawson
who had his hand inaihed In coupling earn
rendered a verdict of ? 15OUO against the GM- -
vculon , Harrlsburg & Kau Antoiuo railroad.
The ClilnchO to 1'olion tlio Frcncli ,
Dfcombor 4 , The commander of tin
Krench forcon at Toumiiiin , telegraphs that ai :
imperial decree urging the natives to paisci
the J''ronch haa been placarded in Lock Nay ,
I < * our Hulioonera
8r. JOIIKK , N. Vt December 4 , Foui
Bcheoners and all handa are reported lost ot
the west conut In the terrible gale of Baturd v
ulfc'ht ,
Grain anil Stock Transactions .Yestertai
Oattlo the Lowest They Have ;
Boon For the Year ,
Hoes Open at Yesterday's ' Prices ' | .
But Drop 10o- 2
Wheat Eeoeipts Very Free : Ship- , ,
pin ? Demand Very Light ,
Oorn in Sharp Demand at Higher
Prices Among the Shorts ,
OatsDull and Iiowor 1'ork Mnlnmlns
tcaily I'rlccs Lard
Higher ,
Special tolograin to the BKE. * i"
ClIlCAno , December 4. There wai a fair (
run of Tevana nmong the fresh receipt * , so ?
that with those loft over the supply wai v
rather than wanted and ' '
moro was to-day ,
hey were soiling rather lower than ycstor- J
lay. The bulk of the arrivals were natives |
of common and medium sorts , there being |
scarcely n load of really prlmrf cattle. Tlio - ' t
onural market wan slightly moro actlvo than "
.HI yesterday , but values ruled 10@lBc lower , x s
making n decline of 20@25o since Monday.
All descriptions of natives are soiling at about
the lowest prices for the year , and were
bought by the dressed beef operators at these J '
ficrurca. Good Liverpool cattle may bo quoted
around about 5 80SO 10 , and fancy holiday
steers at -5@0 50 , but there were no sale of
the latter and none among the olforings. A
lot of distillery bulls Bold at 4 CO. NIce
light young stackers are making fair price * , R :
but heavier averages are sold at low prices.
Good to choice , 1,400 to 1,000 Ibs. , f G0r < 8010 ;
common to fair , 1)00 ) to 1,300 Ibs. , 4 255 25.
Market opened actlvo aud at strong yester
day's prices , and all sales up to between 0 and ,
10 o'clook showed little or no variation as com
pared with yesterday , but after tha.t period ,
and especially after the unfavorable news from
down town , there was a sudden drop of strong
lOa with a dull market at thu docliuo. Light a
Boris ara not advancing with the heavier and
packing grades , for the mason that Kngliah.
moalH are not advancing as rapidly as specu
lative nud American ribs. Packing and ship
ping , 1GO ! to 330 poundfl. 4.10 ® 1 GO ; light , 1GO I
to 210 pounds , 100 ® 140. %
Koccinti of wheat here continue very free ,
and ns Unshipping dcnimi'l is voryjllght stocks '
hero are rapidly accumulating , Iforoign ad- v
viconpiotod n linn feeling for spot wheat , but A '
winter to arrive Is quoted at throe pence .
lower. Pilyato cables reported n weaker fool- , %
ing. ThoBpectilatho market hero for wheat . J
\yasinodoratolyactlvo , butthofoolingthrongb- '
out nearly the entire Bossion was olio of woak- it
11088. The market airly sold off Jo from the K-
opening il uros , rallied a trifle , again became. m.
weak , and closed on regular board o under , v $
yoaterday. " The fooling on the afternoon '
hoard was n shade steadier , January closing nt . ,
TSjazS.tcj May , 80go , which , however , were
within Jo of the lowest figures of the day. '
Small rccolnts and soft weather caused a
sharp demand for short interest for this yei.r'rt
delivery of corn. Prices ruled higher with
full advance unstained moro deferred. Dellv- |
arics ruled rather easier , with comparatively |
light trading , A good shipping demand ex
isted for lower cradoa. Year closed ! )7 ) o , an
advance of Ijfo over closing figures yesterday.
January closed UOJo , May 37io.
Killed dull : easy closing at 21 Jo for January
and 28c lor May.
Killed activn , but declined 20c , closing
steaily at 11 G2J for January , 11721 for Tob-
ruary. ' ,
'Jlasior but steady , closing at Ii 87i for Jauii- '
ary ano G 95 for February.
Matter ,
CHICAGO , December 4. The federal grand
jury to-day resumed the investigation of the
Iicmiin-lirand election matter. Joseph C ,
Moskln , Bccictaryof tha Cook county demo
cratic central committee , whom It has been
charged ordered and received the fraudulent
tlckots found In the envelope returned from
the second precinct of the 1'ightoonth ward ,
was before the jury for a few minutes , and Is
supposed to have Jonlud any complicity in tbo
matter. The jury has not yet returned any
iudictmonlH. t
Glovolnnd flocB to the AototH * Ilcnollf ,
ALIIANV , N. Y. , Uocombor 4. Governor
Cleveland , his sister , private secretary and
wife , Hon. and Mra. A , Uleocker , Banks , the
Misses BanltH , Hon. and Mrs. Krastus Corn *
ing , ' Colonel Win. U. 'Cossldy , Alias Von
Youhlen and Mieu Schlolfolln loft hero in a
Bpocial car this morning at 11 o'clock to at
tend the actors' fund bouolit at Now York.
An IiiHiino I'ocl.
LOUIHVILLH , December 4. Itufus J. Child-
ross , a well known poetical contributor to tbo
daily press and magazine- , was reported in.
sane last night by liU wife. She liad to eond
for a policeman for protection against the vio.
lencu of her husband , who imagines himself
bewitched. Family troublun are said to have
brought on insanity.
Formation or a 1'rotectlvo Club.
PiiiLADKU'iiiA , Decombo' 4. The eastern
Pig-Iron association finally agreed that a cir
cular should bo cent to all manufacturers in
the United Status suggesting the formation of
a protective club , which shall bo to all In-
toresta aud pitrixwou the sama in America aa
the Cobden club in iu England. A committee
was appointed to draft thu circular aud report
to thu executive committee ,
GlJUBingUyutor Pirates.
NORFOLK , Va. , December 3-Cov. Came ,
ron anil oynter-impector Hunter left to-night
ou the etato'fl new oyster gun boat for a cruise
tin Iho Chesapeake bay after oyster pirates.
Tills U thu third oxpodltlou of the kind thu
governor haa Jed during hla term.
A JUan'H Ilcntl lu the Ilulns.
CA iUHiDaB , Md , , December 4. The house
of Caleb Hurley , of Dorchester county.burnod
yesterday. 'Tlio head of Hurley wns found In
the rumu. No other part of the liody baa beeu
found , There ia suspicion of foul play ,
Japancsu HollorliifHollo. .
SAN FitANoisco , December 4. The ABSO.
elated Press advices say the fiit : telephone
line ever eon tmcted iu Japan Is now beltir
built at Tokio.
ICoduutlou of Wages.
SOUTH FIUMIKOIIAU , Masa. , Dooember < .
The thee mauufactureB ( hero are reducing tbo
Wflgeu and botira of labor ,