Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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Some Details of tlio Difficulties Relati
liy the Pastor of tbc
Colored Clinicl ) ,
Is It Ti-uc ?
To the IHUor of TilK IKB. ?
In your IBBUO December 1st , there
an ntticlo bonded "Caught by Cards , (
Money Collected for n Church Lost Ovi
n Gaming Table. " I have boon asked , . '
it trud , is it possible , ia it n fnct tin
you have a man or mon among pour po
jilo that would stoop so low as to rob tl
church of its windows , dooraand plixsto
ing ? Mr. Editor , before anaircring tl
aboro question , allow mo to nay a fo
words about the church struggle ,
up oak of whnt hits happened ainco Au |
18th , 1884. At the Iowa annual coufo
once of the African M. E. church hoi
in Kookuk , Iowa , Au . Cth to llth ,
received from Bishop J. M. Brown it
appointment for Council Bluffr an
Hod Oak missions. J. .reached tl
iiy of. Council BlulTa on th
T8th dny of August. Mr. Pruyh
gave my faintly breakfast and a room i
his house. I went and looked at tli
church. Whnt to do , or how to con
mcnco the work again 1 could not tel
1 had no stewards , class loaders or trui
toes. Mr. F. Baylor had been a trustee
Mr. Burke could do nothing , and Mi
Willis was in Omnha. I hnu four mon
bors of the church , and they cjnld d
nothing. I then appealed to the yonn
men to help ; the most of them rofusoc
having for their excuse , "tho proachoi
hare robbed us. " After trying th
different families and rocoiviug no hoi ] :
a lady taking the children gave a feetiva
and cleared $12. The young ladtos the
taking papers , said , "Send us out. " Fou
of them brought in $03. The no *
morning I wont with two of thos
ladles to sue Mr. Lirrson
our carpenter , and I the
and there paid him aixty-throo dollari
and promised to pay him seven more i
a few days. Mr. Lawaon with thi
money bought lumber and put the recon
on the church. My next step was to tr
and weatherboard and tloor the houso.
received ton dollars from both Mr. Off
cor and Mr. Tulloys and five dollars froi
Mr. Street and Mr. Perclval , eight do
lara I got from other gentlemen by sina
donations. I once more called on Mi
Ltvwson and. paid him the seven dollai
wo promised to pay him in a few doyi
making in all seventy dollars for our ropl
I then gave him the money I had wit
mo , twonty-fivo dollars , and promised t
pay him some more in a few days ,
gave him my plan for raising the balanc
of money on flooring. I wont to him
day or two later and paid hie
seven dollars and thirty-five cents more
One plan was to give a gold headed can
to the young man -who should secure th
largest amount of money for the church
The young men were chosen , and paper
placed in tholr hands authorizing them t
vo donations for the church. Fron
talk and excitement it caused v
looked for much to be douo. Wo expect
ed to get money for eight windows , on
door , and plaster onr house. At last th
evening camo. The ladieo had wprkci
hard ; they had carried tables , dishes
chickens , plea and cakes up jinto the hall
They had spared no pains , time or mono ;
to prepare the supper. At 0 ono of tin
contestants came in ; at 11 two inor
v came in and wo waited on the fourtl
> v until the city boll bell struck II
ind Mr. Owens wont to look for bin
and mo * , the gentleman at the Paclfi
house. Mr. Owens gave the young mai
to understand that wo would llkn to BO <
him , the young man refused to come
Mr. Oivcno came back and gave us thi
npwQ , Mr. Grun will not come. Thi
city bell by striking ono , gave ns to knov
that it was early In the morning , wo thei
requested the other young mon to report
Mr. Harry gave us § 10 , Mr. Flotchoi
S5.f > 0 and Mr. llivos $3 TO , making ir
all $19.20 , cost of cake § 12. Wo" hac
loft , § 7.20 , received from door and table
§ 14.3. ) , hall 86 , total $15 55. I paiet
Mr. Lawson iJ14 00 , and wont t (
to BOO Mr. T. Greon. 1 asked him if hi
would please give mo his soliciting paper
Ho rofupcd to do so. His excuse wv
that some ono bad insulted him the nigni
before ( ho mentioned the name of Owene
and for this reason I could not get tin
paper or money. The money ho promise :
to pny back to the gentlemen and ladiei
who had given it to him for the church
YCB , it is true wo have been struggling
and Btupglirig hard to build our church
For the benefit of the ladles and gentle
men that gave Mr. Green money for us
I can only say for the church ho has noi
given us ono cent. Can you say yoi
have not received back a cent tl at yoi
gave him for the church ! If this is you :
answer , yo'u have ours , and it Is foi
Mr. Green to aay whoso the monoj
is. Aa to the other young mer
I have reported what they gavo. As t (
what they received J cannot tell. I have
not received their soliciting paper , and
for this reason it is impossible for mo to
Bay. Ono thing I know , our windowc
and door are not in , and our house is not
plastered our plastering will cost ns § 70 ,
our windows § 2.40 , the chimney $20. J
have on hand $7 of this money. Someone
ono might a.iy there are enough colored
people in Council Blull'a to raise that
small amount of money. Yea , and I
would agree with you ; but will they da
it ? Can fifty bo found that will take any
part in the work , or forty , thirty , twen
ty , or ten ? I wish I could say I have
live men interested in the work I wish
I had nno with enough influence over
any gentleman In the lumber business
to get five days ipocial credit on 200 foot
of lumber. If they are in the city they
have not shown up. Those few that are
willing to help are not able. They have
no money , and can do little or nothing
Ladles and gentlemen will you help us ?
Yon have made Christmas presents , and
those who received them appreciated tbe
gift and wore made happy. You can
inako ns happy by giving us our house
or Christina * . Your kindness wo never
forget , and you will bo made happy
by coming to our house Christmas and
BOO us worshipping God. Friends will
you help us. If you have anything for
us please address mo at 010 Mill street ,
Pastor in charge A. M. E. Church.
" Turning tliu Glolo Ovor.
A. B. Keith of the Crawford County
Bulletin , who whittles about as sharp
point on his lead pencil as any democrat
lo editor in the west. Ho has taken the
Globe to task in a manjior which makes
the latter tqulrra. In this week's issue
ho thus pricks the wind out of a long 01
itorial of the Globe : ,
"Cur esteemed contemporary , the <
B. Globe does not take kindly to tl
Bulletin's reply. Perhaps our facts ar
figures wore a little too solid for the od
toml mole hill that was tipped over c
us by the Globe , disguised as a moun
tain. Crawford county cave n lar i
democratic majority than Pottawatami *
notwithstanding the fact that wo ha\
fewer statesmen than Council Blull'i anne
no great democratic daily to heal dissoi
sions. That two or throe candidati
should bo slaughtered through personal
malice and hy questionable moan
moro's the pity that the Glebe shoul
reach forth its catholic political dlgi
and pat upon the backs the mon upr
whom the responsibility rest * . But I
quote the words of Congressman Piisd ;
as reported in the Herald : 'The Glol
knows better. It is more indiscreet thn
willfully wrong. ' "
The Topic * * TnlKt'tl Over at
way Mutltiutlst Church ,
The centennial convention of Counc
Bluffs charge nnd circuit mot in it rout
wav M. E , church , Council Blull'a , lowi
December 3 , 1884. The devotional aoi
vices wore conducted by llov. J. F. S
Clitir\vho road two selections of scrlptim
Rov. W. T. Smith then took thechaii
Upon motion W. Fisk was elected sec
The regular programme was taken up
and Rav. C. L. Nye not being prosonl
his paper , entitled "History of the M
E. church from 1700 to 1781 , includin
the organization at the Christmas conference
once , " was road by Dr. E , D. McCrcary
After the singing of a hymn llov. C. II
Newell was called to the chair , who an
uouuccd that llov. W. T. Smith wouli
present his paper , entitled "Influence o
Methodism on other denominations. '
which ho road.
llov. 0. Smith was then Introduced
who produced a paper entitled "Horoian
of early itinerants. " After the road In ;
of this paper , n verso of the hymn "Am.
u soldier ot the Cross , " &s. , was sung
nnd the convention united with llov. 0
M. Ward in prayer. Dr. Maxfiold no
being present It was ordered by the convention
vontion that Rov. 0. H. Nownll bo givei
the evening hour for his topic.
Upon motion , the remaining topics 01
the programme of the morning seasioi
were assigned for the afternoon session
A motion was then made that the top
ics that had already boon presented bi
loft open for discussion.
Rev. 0. H. Newell opened the discus
slon , and spoke of the heroism of thi
early Methodist preachers in Iowa. Hi
was followed by Brother DoLonp , Rev
W. T. Smith and llov. J. D. DoTar
who gave some rominiaoncos of early itinerant
orant life.
The session closed lust nil-lit.
Mrs. Lias , residing near La Mars , sole
GOO dozen of eggs during the pas' '
The agricultural fair association al
Creston ran behind 8883.83. at their 'lati
Des Moines authorities uro thinking ol
calling upon the saloon keepers of thai
city for monthly fines.
A freight train broke in two near Roc
Oak , on Saturday , and aovoral cars wore
pretty badly smashed up.
At Wobator City are ttvo tllo factories
which have turned out 270,000 foot ol
tile during the past season.
The annual mooting of the Western
Iowa Horticultural society will bo hold
at Bedford , December 10-18.
The Union cattle company , of Dos
Moiuoa are feeding 4,000 head of cattle
at the distillery at that place.
Boone has seven saloons and four drug
stores , which , says the Standard , prevents -
vents any drought in that place.
Hiram Myers was found dead near hie
bed in Janeavillo last Friday. There is
a mystery surrounding the ull'dir.
Tha line of the Northwestern telephone -
phone company will bo completed from
Ida Grove to Council Blufls this week.
George Brendol was found dead in his
bed at Burlington Thanksgiving morn
ing. Ho had been a resident of that
place for forty years.
Jay Smith , of Hampton , aged 8 years ,
was fatally injured in the Recorder of
fice on the 22d ult , by being caught in
the belting which runs the power press ,
his head being literally pounded to a jelly
on the ceiling above.
The articles of the incorporation of the
Wpbator county agricultural eociety and
driving park association have boon filed
in the ollico of the secretary of state
Their principal place of business Is at
Fort Dodge. Capital stock , § 5,000.
in Nebraska during the week ending
Novnrabor 29 , 1881 furnished by Wm.
ViinVlook of the postoflico department :
Postmasters appointed Cedar Bltill'j ,
Sounders county , Masses .lanqaot ; Brat-
ton , Nomahd county , J. V. Edmund * ;
IvL-storaon , Jt-fl'orson county , Albert S.
Daggott ; Piukrell , Sapo county , Joseph
0. White ; Prairie Homo , Lancaster
: onnty , James H. Welch ,
Discontinued- Kara , Gage county.
Poatollico changes in Iowa to Novom-
30t 2 ! ) , 1884 :
Postmasters appointed Audubon , Au-
lubou county , E. S. Foster ; Brookvillo ,
Jefferson county , floury Snydcr ; Carbon ,
\dams county , S. D. Selby , Cheater-
iold , Polk county , H. B. Mayo ; Clyde ,
laspor codnty , Wm. U. Bennett ; Dlil-
mogo , Wapello county , Wm. A. Andor-
ion ; Elkhorn , Shelby county , George
Fames ; Deep River , Powoshiok county ,
iV. J. Intnan ; Okoboji , Dickinson conn-
y , Elmer Miles ; Onslow , Jones county ,
H. M. Frank ; Slam , Taylor oounty , W.
3. Rueseli.
Discontinued Chalybeate Springs ,
Fasper county.
1'iick'n 1'iiiloBujilijr ,
Never judge a horse by his frame.
Flue feathers make fine opera hats.
The hornet is mightier than the pen.
A man Is known by the taxes he
lays.Tho largest radish is hollow at the
Long hair never made a poet or an In-
lian herb doctor.
A aklllful fencer with the rapier is no
natch for the humbler wasp.
What's in a name ? Everything , when
011 are up for a political ollico.
Yon can lead your landlord to your
house but you con not make him paint It
ind weather-strip your windows ,
The wire mosquito frame will not protect -
toct your window againitt the base ball ,
nor will a base ball catcher's mask pro
tect your nose against the mosquito ,
TOYS \'Ott \ TUB I.lTMiB
Some ol' the Novelties Displayed d
OtirlstinnH in ttic Stores.
N. Y. Mnil nnd 1'xprets.
Christmas to ys and novelties for tl
little ones are displayed conspiciuous
in all the shops. The improvemon
since last year have boon many , but li
ural now novelties invented have bee
very few. Mechanical tsys seem I
lead , and every child that can spon
wants a toy of some kind Unit olthi
mores or squeaks.
A large tirm In Broadway , who hav
an innnonao toy factory at Bridgopor
Conn. , and who buy up nil the patents i
new-fangled mechanical toys , have a ftv
Ingenious novelties invented th
"How are toys selling this soaaoni
sskcd a reporter of the Mail and Kxpres
of the head of the firm.
"Oh , much bettor than I cxpocU't
The run on mechanical toys is somothin
wonderful. The baby dolls that wnl
and speak , say mama and pupa at one
mechanical theatrical otride , go like he
cakes They have simply boon improve
upon very much , but not recently if
The mechanical smoking man is n lal
patent. It Is a comical liguro of n ma
eleven Inches high , seated on a blac
walnut box , nnd a small keg at his elbow
with the historical long pipe and mug c
beer in his hand. Place a cigarette I
his pipe , and when wound up and th
cigarette lighted , the figure will draw an
pull' the smoke in a perfectly nature
manner. The motions of the head nu
arm , and the action while smoking , ar
perfect. These soil rapidly to the ainal
boys , ambitious to learn how to smok
and use tobacco.
"Then there Is the 'walk-around , ' twi
figures that go cavorting around some
thing on the style of a go-ns-you-plena
walking match. This ia now and salable
"But ono of our latest hits is th
stump orator. It is a negro with i
carpot-bag in ono hand and an umbroll
in the other. Ho makes motions , pound
the desk in front of him with thi
umbrella , nnd assumes positions of appeal
entreaty , fierceness , and humor such a
the orators of the day do when speaking
Wo paid a good deal to the Inventor am
do not regret It. The dog-cart with tin
dndo in it driving a prancing horse wil
bo put in the show window for the firs
time thia season. By winding it up
away it goes until it runs down. Thi
boar that walks about snapping his jaw :
cost a lot of time and money to porfoct. '
"Ah ! hero is something , " continued
the toy . man , "which fires the younj.
American heart and soils splendidly.
The idea is not now , but the modui
operand ! is the work of a gonlus. It if
our homo guards. You see hero arc
thirty-eight wood soldioro , lithographed
in bright colors. A platform on whicl
tnoy are placed la supplied with wood
runs , and as the soldiers and pins arc
removable the soldiers can bo formed
into an endless variety of positions , and
when no formed can bo mudo to march
and countermarch with the utmost pre
cision , in single or double iilo , by com
panies , columns , battalions or hollovi
"Tho Donnybrook fair toy is a reconl
invention. It is called 'Shoot the hat.
A native of the Emerald islp sits undoi
a ball suspended by an elastic cord. You
take the ball and try to knock hia hat oil
without knocking over the figure. It it
as dillicult to do as winning hats on
election bets , and I ought to know , for 1
loot only seven. "
Bill Njo \ Kits Venice "in Ills Mind.
BUI Nye has been raveling in the mis
tress of the Adriatic , where , as Childc
Harold prophesied :
"Slnck nnd the Moor
And Pierre cjmiot be worn or swept awar. "
Mark Twain had his dash at Milan. Why
: iot Nye have his at Venice ? Mark is
' 'going" in rapid auctioneer stylo. Nye
s in the zenith of humor , and Is always
ily , tiaucy and piquant. Hero is his do-
icription of how things and persons struck
urn in
Wo arrived in A'onico last evening ,
atitudo , 45 deg. 25 mln. N. , longitude ,
L2deg. 19 min. E.
Venice is the homo of the Venetian ,
ind also where the gondola has its neat
md rears its young. It is also the head-
Barters for the paint known as Venetian
od. They use it in painting the town on
estivo occasions. This ia the town
vhuro the Merchant of Venice used to do
) usincaa , and the homo of Shylock , a
iruker , who sheared the Venetian lamb
it the corner of Rialto and Grand Canal.
Jo is now no more. I couldn't oven find
in old neighbor near the Rialto who re-
nombored Shylock. From what 1 can
earn of him , however , 1 am led to bo-
iovo that ho was pretty close in liin
Iraltf , and liked to catch a man in a tight
) lace and then make him squirm. Shy-
ock , during the great panic in Venice
nany yearn ago , it ia sold , had a chattel
uortgago on more lives than you could
ihako a stick at. He would loan a small
mount to a merchant at three per cent a
nonth , and secure it mi n pound of the
norchant'e liver , or by a cut-throat mort-
; ago on his respiratory auparatus. Then ,
fhen the paper matured , ho would go up
o the house with a pair of scales and a
lie knife and demand a foreclosure.
Venice is ono of the best watered towns
n Europe. You can hardly walk a block
rithput getting your foot wet , unions you
Ido in a gondola.
The gondola is a long , slim hack with-
ut wheels and Is worked around through
ho damp streets by a brunette man
rhoso breath should bo a sad warning tea
a all. Ho is called the gondolier ,
omptimos ho sings in a low tone of voice
nd in a foreign tongue. I do not know
'hero I have mot o many foreigners as
have hero in Europe , unless it was in
few York at the polls. Wherever I go ,
hoar a foreign tongue. I do not know
hothor these people talk in the Italian
ingnago just to show oil'or not. Perhaps
bey prefer It , London is the only place
have visited where the Boston dialect is
sod. London was originally settled by
dvonturers from Boston. The blood of
arne of the royal families of Massachu-
otts may bo found in the veins of London
Wealthy young ladies in Venlco do not
un away with thn coachman. There are
n coaches , no coachmen and no horses in
ronico. There are only four horses in
ronico and they are made of copper and
xhlbltod at St. Mark's as curiosities.
The Accadomia dolle Belle Artl of
ronlco is a largo picture store where 1
rent yesterday to buy a few pictures for
Ihrlstmas presents. A painting ry Titian
lie Italian Prang , pleased mo very much ,
ut I couldn't boat down the price to
ny object for mo to buy it , Beoldta , it
rould bo a nuisance to carry euch a pic-
lire around with mo all over thn Alpa.up
lie Rhino and through St , Liw.rouce
ounty. I finally decided to leave It and
ucuru something loss awkward to carry
nd pay for.
The Italians are quite proud of their
moky old paintings. 1 have often
bought that if Venice would run loss to
art and moro to soap she would bo nit
apt to win my respect. Art is all rig
to a certain extent , but H can bo run
the ground. It breaks my heart to km
how lavish nature has boon with h
water hero , and yet how the Yonotia
scorn to inveatig.Uo Us bonofita. A\ hoi
gondolier pots n drop of water on him !
swoons. Then ho lies in n kind of con
till another gondolier comes along
breathe in his face and revive him.
Tin- Origin ol' tlio OiiMunt il'
1'rovnU'nco on All 1'nlillu
Toronto ( ilolip.
The present warden of York county
to bo congratulated. Ho has thoeournj :
of his convictions. Ho is a total nbatnine
and no therefore feels that ho must I
hospitable without supplying his gucs
with "strong drinks. " On Tuesday lei
ho gave the usual "warden's supper
avowed his principles like u man ; manage
everything to the satisfaction of a
present , nud showed that a man IIIRJI
MiccoBs fully hospitable , and his guesl
both happy and hilarious without the m
sistanco of "strong waters. "
If the warden had gone a stop furthei
and abolished altigothor the idiocy c
toast-drinking , ho would have put another
ether feather in his cap , and would hav
had an additional claim to being rcgardc
as a sensible , Icvel-heiuled man.
There is something intensely absurd i nnd health drinking , In ono case
but it roaches the nemo of foolishuoB
when gravely proceeded with in "honos
water. " Thn custom is heathenish am
bacchanalian in its origin , and its uphold
era and practiccrs have always taken gooi
care that there should bo no mistake nsti
whence its sprang.
Altogether It is more honored In th
broach than in the observance , nod , ns i
is well for sensible people to show thn
they nro not such dullards ns not to hi
able to bo pleasantly convivial wlthou
the help of artificial stimulants , 'so it ii
equally desirable that they should bo abli
to manage their conviviality without hnv
ing recourse to empty ceremonies whlcl
remind ono of nothing but rohgioui
fotichlam or boisterous debauchery.
It Booms that the history of theai
coasts is simply this : It was customary
in the days of Charles H , , or earlier , tc
put n piece of toasted broad In a jug ol
ale , hence called "a toast and atankard. '
It happened that on ono occasion , sogoot
the story , ono of the "professional beau
ties" of the Merry Monarch's time , when
that phrase had n still moro significant
meaning than it has at present , was in n
largo public bath , when ono oi the crowd
) f enthusiastic admirers and on-lookors
took a glassful of the water in which the
fair lady stood , nnd drank , with it , her
lealth to the company. A gay , half-
tipsy young follow ollbrod to jump in ,
ind declared that though ho liked not
the liquor , ho would have the "toast. "
Begun in this characteristic fashion ,
the custom for a while was confined tc
toasting" favorite beauties or mistresses
i private parties , till in course of time
thcao toaats were given on ail Imaginable
mbjects at public drinking meetings , ac-
: ompauied by and by with all the idloc-
es of hip , hip , hurrah , " and "all the
" mon'had well
lenora , advancing as mon -
Irank" to still moro uproarous folly. To
: ap the climax of absurdity , some toasts
lad to bo drunk , not with upronroue
noise , but In "solemn silence. "
And to think of all this tomfoolery
having arisen from a brainless , loafoi
kinking the hoal'th of a * questionable
bnnuty in a glass of not surpassingly
L'ho 1'rcolniiB Metal DUK Up In Plent )
In the "Wolverine Sdilo.
I.siiri.Mi.Vi : , Mich. , November 22.
fhroo years ago Julius Ropes a chemist
> f this city discovered a quartz vein
soaring gold about four mlles north ol
shpoming , while exploring for marble.
V oomjuny was formed by him which
iccurod forty acres of land and com-
noncod sinking a shaft. A small mill
vas built and work was done In a small
? ay for two years. In the fall of 188U
> . S. Curry , the president of the com-
taiiy , had § -100 of the Ropes gold minted
nto eagles. A now company was formed
n the spring of the present ; year , Mid
! ! > 0,000 was rnlsod by a 50 cent nooeas-
nont upon the outstanding stock. A
low mill was erected ami now machinery
ecnrod. An'ndditionnl force of miners
raosot to work and upon the 10th of the
ireaont month the nuw mill was started
ip with a capacity of 300 tons of rock
ier day.
All the mining work done so far has
loon exploratory and preparatory , and
nly such rock has boon milled as was
ocurud by drilling and sinking. Tlio
tmrtz grows richer in gold and silver ns
110 work gooa deeper. In the drifting a
lumber ut assays have been made of the
; uartz , varying from $ ( to § 00 per ton.
) no picked specimen assayed § 1,500 to
ho ton. The rock now being treated In
lolding about § 15 pur ton. Out of 80-
00 shares , only 1.000 are now upon the
unrkut , and these are being hold at high
The Phillips gold mining companycap-
tal § 1,000,000 , a Chicago organization ,
as on option upon property near the
lopes , and work is being pushed. The
) oer Lake company has a shaft upon the
lopes vein , 1,800 foot east , and has re-
umnd active work recently.
The Nogannoo Gold and Silver Corn-
any hRH property a mile and a half cant
f the Ropes , upon which some work has
eon done.
The Madden A Hogan mine has a
haft ot fifty feet , and assays from § li to
11I 118 per ton. Thn Algor Gold Mining
ompany is a now organization , which
'ill commence work at onco. Capt ,
( tilth Moore has a good property Viithin
lie corporate limits of the city of Mar-
uotto. Assays of the quartz run as
Igh as $81. Work is being dona in a
umber of ether places , but those are the
rincipal. AU fool confident that 1885
ill see a notable gold rush in the upper
oninsula of Michigan.
"If you do not at once remit the 8100
ou ewe our firm , " wrote a dun the ether
ay to a delinquent debtor , "wo will bo
bilged to put the bill into the hands of a
twyorfor collection. "
"My dear sir , " replied the debtor ,
rbanely , by the next post , "if you are
appily acquainted with a lawyer who is
bio to collect 8100 from mo , I beg you
> send him to mo ot once , for 1 shall
o glad to employ him in my own In-
> rest. "
Hulls for
1'iTTBiii'iiri , ! ' . , December 3At Union-
nvn , I'o. , Mine Inipoctor iStelner instituted
unit fur criminal iKgllfjoncu ngainbt the
atnea Cole mliio , at thu time of the YOUIIK * *
> wu mine explosion , by which fcmrtwn wore
illeil anil uver l wounded. The fiun'.HoH ' of
: ionu killed are In tloxtituto clrcuniBtancea ,
ml dain ge uuitu will probably be brought ,
MK < Key mill Her Vftlcf.
ChtcaRO Horn hi.
A crime which could not very w i
hnvo takenploco _ In America has jt
boon committed In Bnbbicombo , n lit !
town on the south const of England ,
inaidon lady of middle ago named Ko
lived there alone In fine style , She hi
n hnndsomo house and largo estate
several servants and plenty of rcnc
money. Her life was a peculiar ono , b
the poor fisherman and tholr ffttnillc
who made up the principal part of tl
towns-people , found her nn angel <
money. Her charities were largo an
Some months ago Miss Key employe
as a valet a young and lino-looking iHn
lamed John Leo. Ho came well recon
noiidml from London , and , as lie npponrc
: o hnvo hail Rome advantages , shu icndil
accepted him as her personal sorvnn
lie accompanied her ns nu escort on n
"ier errands , ivnd was always at her eid
when at the theatre or in nttoiulnnc
upon the social festivities of the nelghboi
liood. The young man's courtly appeal
tnco and the evident favor in which h
was hold by his mistress soon caused
good dual of gossip concerning them , bit
it is probable that this idle talk neve
reached the of the lady. A few day
ngo her mansion was found to bo on fire
nnd , on breaking in the doors , the doai
body of Miss Key WHS encountered ii
the parlor. Her throat had boon cut am
there was an ugly wound on the head
perhaps not of itself sulliciont to hnv
caused ilenth. A hnaty examination u
the house , the llnmos in which were sooi
extinguished , convinced the authorltle
that thu young lady had boon nuirdoroi
for purposes of robbery. The bureau
nnd closeta had boon ransacked am
many articles of value had disappeared
As John Lee wns missing it wns though
nt first that ho , too , had boon killed , niu
n search wns made for his body. In les :
than nn hour the servant was found nndci
a barn not'far from the house , nnd on hli
parson were found most of thn missing
jewels. Charged with thu crime lu
promptly confessed. The murder had no !
boon long In contemplation , but ho hail
boon engaged in a plot from the first ,
Lee was un ox-convict Booking an oppor
tunity to reestablish himself. Seeing
Miss Key's advertisement for a valet ho
Investigated tlu > matter , learned her cir-
Qiimstuucos , replied , nnd then on forged
recommendations from some of her no-
rpuaintanccs procured the situation. Once
in place ho BOOH gained her esteem.
\t this time it was his ambition
LO win her affections nnd marry her.
Ho thought ho was succeeding famously.
Her manner toward him became , as ho
.hought , very winning , nnd ho began to
ihoriah for her a fooling that was akin to
jonuino affection. After many exhilii-
ions of friendliness on her part hu made
jold cue evening to declare himself nnd
iskod her hand in marriage , She trontod
dm respectfully , but assured him that ho
ind presumed on her good nature , and
.hat ho must never mention the subject
igaln. For some time this. Injunction
, vas observed , but an the occasion of
lomo unusual exhibition of friendliness
m her part ho again proclaitnod hia lovc
ind insisted that nho should nt least give
, ho matter aorious thought. The young
rvomau was enraged nt this , nnd , do-
louuclng him vehemently , drove him
iway from her homo.
According to Leo's story this mnnifeE-
atlon of contempt on her part made
ilm frantic , and as he feared the cense
luonceu might bo disastrous to himself
10 followed her to her private .rooms and
mocked her Bonseloss with a blow on the
head. The thought then occurred to
him that ho would have to Ily away , and
lie dotorminad to secure her valuables ,
lust as ho was leaving the room with the
jewels ho thought ho aeon aymptona of
returning consciousness in his victim
uid ho drew a knife and cut her throat
'rom onr to oar. On. leaving the house
losotfiro to it and took refuge under
; ho barn , hoping to remain there unde
tected until nightfall , when under cover
} f darkneao ho expected to got away.
In view of all the circumstances in the
; aso It will cause no surprise to road
; hat the villagers who had BO often on-
eyed her bounty were with the greatest
lllliculty prevented from wreaking autn-
nary vengeance on him. Ho was evcnt-
jally removed to jail in safety nnd is
ivon now undergoing trial. Aside from
ho absorbing interest attached to the
Iroadful crime the case appears unusu-
illy singular in thin country , where ouch
olationshlp ns that existing between her
ind Lee would never bo maintained. If
.ho custom observed by her obtains to a
( onernl extent in England it la probable
hat her fate will have the cJI'oct of
ihanging It to some extent.
Jouldn't Piilm Oil Any Hull DruiiUcn
31 nn on Her.
) otrolt Vrvo I'tesn ,
The ether night two men , who sup-
lorted a third between them , ahullled up
ho front stops of a house on Howard
troot and rang the boll. Although the
lour wna Into It was not a minute before
ho door was opened by n woman who
, aked what was wanted.
"Wo hnve brought your husband homo ,
nd he's IIO'H a little tired , " replied ono
if the men.
" ) call , aho tired 1" sighed the wobble-
egged man in the middle.
"Gentlemen , " calmly announced the
iromati , "you have made a mistake. My
msband arrived half un hour ngo , but so
Irunk that ho wns brought in n wagon.
'Yon can't palm no such half drunk as
hln on mo ! "
She shut the door on their tees , and
ho party ahulllod down the stops to try
nether door.
Not long since a Now Hampshire com-
( littooman was examining nn infant
oliool class. "Can any little girl or bjy
the word 'over-
ivo the definition of -
go' ? " ho asked. For some time no ono
cpllod , but finally a little girl hesitating-
/replied : "It is a thing a lion lays an
gz on , sir.'No , that's not right. "
Yes , sir , my book nays BO" ; and ahe
rotted up to her questioner and pointed
o thin sentence in her reading book :
'A hen laya an egg every day on an av-
rage. " [ Eovory Other Saturday.
'lilcap ' , St. . Paul , Minneapolis iod
Tbe new cxtcnjlon ol tbli line from W kefleld np
IlirouKb Uonouid and Uolerldif *
170 xr SL.oaL cxixrc i'oia ,
achei the IICB ! portion ol tbe UUtc , BpeoUl H
union ittea lei Und i ken over this line I
I'tj-ne , Not folk aud lUrtlnKlou , and vU Ultlf to
rladpal poliitu on tb
Tnlni over tht 0. , Ht. 1 * . U. ft 0 , lUllwiv lo Oor
iirtnn. Hloux City , I'onca , UMtlogtou , Wkyot Mid
[ Oflollr ,
CJo2a.xa.oot nt ZEUetlx-
' 'f * noul , 0lcd .e , Nollifh , ad tbioujtb to V l-
0 ( cutluo.
IIKItll ' >
0,000 Kltctrla ItolU told lor the Month ol Sept , by us.
Hf Icrenccn Any ol the bnslntM hotiuM In Council niuITn. JUDD & SMITH rroprletofi.
Salesrooms 010 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFfS-
M'J and 044 Urondway , COUNCIL BLUFFS ION A
Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in tbe United Stater
to select from.
Diploma of Honor , Medal of Merit ,
Power , Richness and Sympathetic Quality of Tone ,
Elegance'and Durability of Workmanship.
renounced by the Artists and the Press , both at home and in
Europe , as the
Sweetest Toned. Piano Ever Made.
General Western Agents :
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Established 187&-OaUrr I
DoafnoBS , Lung and Nervous Dlaoason Spoodlly nnd Permanently Ourod. Patlentt
nr ud at Homo. Wrlto for "Tun MEDKJAL-MIHHIONAHY , " for the People.
Consultation and Correspondence Gratia , P. O. Box 2202. Telephone No. 2G.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , aaya : Physician of I
Hot. Ability and Mnrkod Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
: "An iionorahln Man. Kino Sncconn. Wonderful Onrog. " Hours 8 to 6.
409 anil 1411 DodeeSU a $ & } Omaha ,
oim > WIndowl , rifllili. Window C f , Iion Creitlnjn , Metallic Hky.llgbti. Ao. Tin , lion and 81a
tti 110 Booth 1U > Blreel Omibi N lruk ,
Drange Blossom Flour
013 Jones Street } ABK rou RED cuoss. ( OMAHA
St. Charles Hotel ,
Four etory brick , Just erected on 0. street , be
tween 7th And bill utreetti. Fluent lurnltlivi ] , bunt
nj inimt rutnonablo mlntil liouno at tiu Uinl
Nun HI ilupots. _ . Mlta , KAIHCOAKLKY ,
DOV 1 in 1'rui'rlctO '
Cobs , Coal 1 Wood
3EJ. 0 ,
P. 0 , nJdrw , Lock Uox lit ) ? , Cuuocll DIu3 .