Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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' i. f jcstn.
. lUfticn , AjHininl am' Acllnc Cuhlor.
The Iron Bank ,
INTEttKST allowed on tlina dopoelta upon
BTorable torius nnd upon account * of Lank *
end bankers.
Bonds nnd County nd Oily leourltioi bought
Mid nold.
In iti treatment of customers the most liby
eral policy it pursued consistent with nafotd-
and Bound banking and wo invite eorrcsixinca
enoo or personal inquiry in connection there
NEW YOUK , December D. Money 1
J at lj@2'porcont ,
Prime paper IJ'SSGc.
Sterling Bills Firm at ! SO',1 ; demand ,
4 SI,1. ,
Governments Strong ,
Kallways Variable.
Stocks Irregular. Wcitern Union was
proininont , owing to the minor.1) that negotia
tions were progrojsing for the purchase of thi ;
Costal Telegraph company' , nnd that an extra
dividend would bo declared this month. The
prcspsct of a peaceful solution of thu rail ,
road troubles west of Chicago was an im
portant factor in speculation. Compared
with last night , closing prices are 4@1J per
cant higher for Lake Shore , Kansas & Texas ,
Now Jersey Central , Pacific Mail , To.xns Pa
cific and Western Union ; i@2ij per cent
lower for Lackawanna , Missouri Pacific ,
Northern Pacific preferred , Omaha ,
& Hudson , and Union Pacific , and unchanged
for Central Pacific , Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy , St. Paul , Louisville & Nashville ,
Notthern Pacific and Krie.
. 3's 101
4Vs Coupons 111 !
U. S. now 4's 12d :
PacificG'sof ' 05 126
Central pacific 35
Chicago & Alton 130
do do pfd 143
Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy 122' '
Delaware , Lackawnna & Western 108
Denver &Illo Grande Oj
Erie 14.
do pfd -I3U
Illinois Central Ill ) '
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western
Kansas & Texas its
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 67j ;
Louisville & Nashville 20
Michigan Central 59
Missouri Pacific 93
Northern Pacific. 17i'
do do pW 40J
Northwestern * SJ3
do pfd C125
New York Central 004
Oregon Trans-Continental 13J
Pacific Mail Cl
p. D. &i < : i3j
Pullman Palace Car Company 110
Hock Island HOi
, f St. Louis & S.m Francisco 2U
/ do do pfd 41
Jf CliicaRO , Milwaukee & St. Paul 80S
do do do pfd 108
St. Paul& Omaha 201
T do do pfd 'JO ?
Texas Pacific 131
Union Pacific GOi
Wabaah , St. Louis & Pacific 5d
do do do pfd 13&
Western Uuion Telegraph C3A
O.K.&N 71
.Kx-div. tasked.
CHICAGO , December 3. 1'iour Quiet and
Wieat Active , unsettled and early . ' . @ c
higher ; declined gc , rallied and closed } c
over yesterday ; 73/71s / for cash ; 737-lc for
December ; 74.jC ; 7-jJc ! for January ; 75c for
February ; SlJgsiJo for May ; No. 2 red ,
73f@74.c } ; No. 3 red , 00@G2c.
Corn Active , higher and unsettled ; early
advanced year le , later declined gc nnd closed
' /cover / yesterday ; January advanced } { e , de
clined Jc nnd closed Jo under yesterday ; May
advanced jc and closed ic over yesterday ; ! ! ii
@ 3G c for cash ; lOJGfi3 'Jc for tbe year ; 34
@ 3ic for January ; iilgc for February ; 374 ®
o7Sc for May ; rejected , 30J@30 c.
Oats Firm ; early declined a trillo and
closed dull ; 21 c for cash ; Siy 'JlJc for De
cember ; 25c bid for January ; 28 le for May.
] lye Steady at file.
Barley Nominal at C57c.
Timothy Weak ; prime , 115J117.
Flax Seed- Opened in easier and BOOH reacted -
acted ; No. 113N. _ (
I'ork Active ; January and February fijc
higher ; 11 0 for cash and December ; 11 85@
ary ; 7 l.r.7 17i for March.
Bulk Moats - .Shoulders , 5 00@5 50 ; short
oloar , G lij@li -10 ; short ribs , U 00.
Butter Dull ; good to choice creamery , 22 ®
2Gc ; fair to good dairy , lU@10c.
ChooBe Steady ; cream cheddars , 9@12c ;
skims , 5(080. (
Kggs Firm ; fresh , 22@221c.
Hides Steady and unchanged.
Tallow Steady and unchanged.
Iteceipte. Bhlp'Ls.
rionr , bbls 23,000 111,000
Wheat , bushels 280,000 23.0CO
Corn , bushels 1208,000 155,000
Oats , bushels 112,000 41,000
Ilyo , bushels 12,000 2,000
B.irley , bushels 65,000 20,000
ST. Louis. Deeembor ' 3. Wheat Opened
lo\f and a Hliade higher ; No. 2 red , 7G4@)7 ) , ' > o
for caih and December ; 77H@78c fur January ;
bO > c for February ; 802@87ic for Muy.
Corn Opened higher but inactive : 3l3c for
cash ; 'J&l&sao for December ; 31J@3 ic for
January ; 32 @ 3L'Jo for May.
Uye-HiKhor ; 4SJ.
IJarloy ( Juiet ; C0@70.
Butter Unchanged.
J.'ggH Unchanged.
Flaxseed Steady ; 1 20l . ° > 0.
Hay Steady and unchanged.
Bran Steady and unchanged ,
Cornmeal Quiet ; 2 00 ,
CALL BOAIU > Wheat higher nt 78g for
January ; 87 o for May.
Corn-Higher ; 33jj@33J3 for December ;
S'Jfc for January. 3lZg35o ( for May ,
Oats-HlBhur ; 2bjo for May.
NEW Tonic.
r NEW YonK , D S ember 3. Wheat Spot
l@lc higher and firm ; options firmer ; receipts
11,000 ; exports , 90,000 ; No. 2 spring 83c. un
graded red , ( JJ@8Cfc ; No. 2 red , 80i@85c ;
January , closing Hlijo ,
Corn Spot l@2c , and options \ @ Jo higher
and lirin ; receipts ( W.OOO ; exports , 10,000 ;
ungraded , 48@51Jc ; No. 2 , January closing
t " " ' ' .
Oats 1@ Jo better ; receipts , 23,030 ; exports
4,000 ; mixed western , 3233cj white , 35 ®
4 > OC *
Barley Steady.
l'"ggs Western fresh , rjnlet and firm ,
Pork Stionger ; now menu , 13 00.
Lard Higher ; western steam spot , 7 25 ®
Butter Demand fair ; firm for choice
CINCINNATI. December 3. Wheat-Dull ;
Wo. 2 red , 75@70 ,
Corn-Slroncpr : No. 2 mixed , SGgSGV.
Onto Firmer ; N < . lulxod.Wic
lvc ! Qtiifl ; No. 2 , 53.
llnrh -tjulet and unchanged.
Pork ( Jnl t nnd firm nt la lOffl2 25.
Ltrd In good dem-tnd And higher a
f S7J.
Bulk Mealu ( fillet nnd firm ; honlde
I 87 : short ribs , (1 ( 00.
WnUky-Firmcr at 1 It.
CITV , Dfcember 3. Whoat-
; C.wh 4o ! ) ! bid , ID/o / ( wkixi ; May , f > 8i
bid. 6SJ.
CornJulft ; onsh , 26 } bid , 20 ? nskid
Jantary , 2. J bid , 2i > a kcd , Slay , 27J.
Oats-Dull and nominal ; 2J bid ,
Toi.tno , Dccembfr ? . Whrat-CJuIct nm
firm ; No , 2 red cash nnd December , G J
bid.Corn Dull Riul firm ; No. U cash , and December
comber , SGo bid.
Onta-Dull nnd nominal : No. 2 , 27.
T.tVKnrooL , December 8. Bre.idstulls
Wheat - spring , Gs SdgCs 10J.
Corn 5a 5d.
MIUVACKKK , Dccomtwr 3. Whcnt Firn
No. 2 Milwaukee nnd December , 72jcJant ;
my. 73c ( ; Folnuary , 73i.\
Corn-l.iiilet ; No. 2 , y.3Sc. (
Oats Steady ; No. . ' , 2Ga2Gk ; No. 1 ,
white , 27c.
Hyo-ini6tNo. 1 , Ma bid.
Barley Dull and unsettled : No. 2 spring
weak at 4l.\c. ! \
NKW OIILKAXS , Dfcomber 3. Corn Fair
demand ; in sacks , white , 4Sc ; yellow , TiDc.
O ts Western , quiet nnd wink at Jllic.
Corn Mnal yuit-t ; 2 5ff'2 ( 10.
Pork- Firmer j new , 12 OJrrl22 , " .
Lard Filmticrco refined , 750 ; krg , 7 7" >
Whiskey Steady ; western rectified , 1 O."iff (
CllIPAOO , December 3. Drovers' Journal
reports :
Hogj Kecolpts , 38,000 head ; briok nnd K
@ 16c uneven ; all Hold. Hough packing , 4 K
@I30 ; ) inckiug nnd shipping , I oO@4 GO
light , 400(5)1 ( ) 10 ; skips : ! 00@IOO.
Cattle -1ecHpti ! , ! I,2IO ( licnd : dull and 10 ®
15o lower. KxportN , C3gH ( ) ( ( ! 0 ; common to
choice nliippinir , I S5gG 2. > ; Inferior to good
cows , 2 OOW8 20 ; choice , 3 30 ® 1 00 ; stockers ,
3 00 ,3 50 ; feeders , 3 r(1@ ( 1 25.
Sheep lleceiiits , 2.7CO ; cninmnn to good ,
1 S0@3 00 ; good to choice , 3 23 ® t 00.
KANSAS CUT , December 3. Cnttfo
Itircipta lSOtl ; good grades steady , common
dull ; exportx 5 70G 10 : common to choice
shipping , 4 50@5 60 ; feeders , 3 75 ® 1 20 ; cows
2 75@3 30.
Hogs Kecoipts , 12,000 ; opened steady ,
cloned weaker nt895@4 10.
Sheep Keceipts , 1,200 ; quiet and mi
ehaugcd ,
Sr. Louis , December 3. Cattle Receipts
L500 ; stronger and ncti\u ; cimimou to choice
shipping , 4 25@G 00 ; good butchers steers ; 4 25
(34 ( 75 ; common do and mixed lots , 3 00 ©
Sheep HecoiptB , 1,700 ; dull ; good to choice
nuttous , 275@3 50 ; good to choice latnbj ,
3 f 0@4 00.
Hogs Hoc3lptn. 13,700 ; active ; light , 3 00
@ 4 10 ; pacKlng , 4 20@4 30 ; heavy , 4 30 ®
1 10.
Wednesday evening , December 3. J
During the past week there hna been no a-
lerlnl chingo in the market. A day or two
icfore Thanksgiving the produce market re
ived a little but it was only spasmodic and
eon dropped back again. Two days before
? hankpgiving dresed turkeys wore sold at 1C
o 1C cents per pound nnd country shippers nt
nco Hooded the market The night before
Fhanksgiving largo shipments of turkeys ar-
ivcd , but could not bo disposed of and only
omnmod a drug upon the market , Many of
he turkeys which were shipped in hero at
hat time are now in cold atorngo and are sold ,
vhenevor opportunity oilers , at 10 cents per
louiul. Lots of diesscd chickens wcro ship-
> ed in last week , and as thoru was no demander
or them , brought very poor prices , Good
hickens wers sold as low as 4 to 5 cents per
lound and went very slow at those figures.
ifany chickens are in cold storage nnd will
ventually bo hauled of ! and dumped Jn the
iver. The fact of thu case is that the hot-
om is knocked clean out of the poultry mar-
cot and the probabilities are that it will not
licit up to nny extent until just before the
olidaya. In tlio way of gamu a few deer are
ting shipped into market , but find n very
low Bale because cf the continued warm
V3ather , Fruits are scarce , a few cases of
jalifornia grnpos were ithipped hero for the
'hankegiving tradu but did not lind a scry
eady sale. A few boxes of Messina
cmons have been received and
ley will bo plenty in market in
few days. Apples havu advanced 25 cents
er barrel and dealers are looking for n still
rrator advance. Some appluj are being re-
eivcd , withordort ) from shippers to hold them
of SB per barrel , Branch & Co , have juet
oceived nn order from Avoca , Iowa , for n car
oad of apples , which fact would Indicate that
10 apple croi ) in the Hnwkoya state is not
ciy large. It is reported that there arc a
umber of lota of good apploa in Nebraska
vhich are being hold for better prices. Dry
oods , boots nnd shoes and heavy goods of all
inds , find very slow nalo , hut dealers goner-
lly are hopeful and look for n revivnl of trade
vi thin a few weeks , A little cold and Btonny
venthor is all that is required to make the
ry goods and boot nnd shou tradu pick up ,
Collections generally are reported Blow and
vill probably not bo very brisk until a revival
n trade 13 brought about.
Tbe following prices uro charged rotidleri
} y Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mor >
hank with the exception of grain , which is
uotod at the prices furnished by the elevators
wd other local buyem :
Wheat Cadi No. 2 , 5GJ ,
Barley-Cash No. 2 , 4BJ.
Kyo-CnshNo. 3,31.
Corn No. 2 , 21J.
Oats -No. 2 , 105.
Union Block YurdH , Oiimlia.
W. F. Brown & Co , , reported the following
ocelpts nnd prices at the stock yards yeater-
lay :
Two cars hogs for W. V. Brown & Co. , 1
AT liogn for Sandroa , If owe & Co , , 1 car hogH
or Sandres & McDonald , 1 car sheep -for I
V. F. Brown & Co.
Tito hog market was firm und one car load
van Hold at1 00.
Cattle were quiet nnd butchera stock was
uoted at 3 25 ® 3 75.
Sheep were quoted nt 2 50.
II 1(1 OH.
Steady ; green butchers' ( ! J gre n Baited , 8@
J : dry flint 12 ; dry Baft 10@11 damaged
ndeti , two thirds price ,
Tallow-4Jig6 } . [
Sheep PolUf-25@l 00.
Flour mid BiillHlulTrt.
Winter Wheat Beat quality patent ut 2 80
Second quality 3 20 ® 2 60.
Spring Wheat Bent quality , patent , 2 80 ®
Second Quality-2 15@2 0.
Bran GOo per cwt ,
Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibi. , 90c ,
Com Moal-1 00@1 10 per cwt.
Screening CJ76o per
Conor Hi I'roduco
Applea llecclpta continue heavy , only
choice stock saleable at 92,00@2(0 , Bulk ru <
colpts ( iplllng nt 2.VHXV per bushel , AM rdlng
to quality.
Benin Very dull. Only clonn tock
able. Navlw ( clenn ) PIT lmshi'1 ,
medium , I.IXVst. ' , V
Comb Houoy in good domnnd.
very small niul mpot with ready oftlo at 1820o
In I niul 2 lit framiM ,
lUoaw.-\x In goiwl dntnnnil. Choice
nor U > . 2 < \ SZ < c ; common to RIHH ! drirk per Ib
Hutler t'linrhiitiRnl : demnndgood forth
better qunhtie' ; wrap the rollf in thin i-lent
mu hu niiilnxoll ml\in < dilleri'tit mnlitii' n
olio pncka o ivi much in powihle. Orpumorj
2IC i < > ; fnir to gmnl , 12iW15 , choice dairy , 10
18 : inferior crndiM , SiflO. (
Older "Ohio" per bbl. $7.00 ; "York
Stntfl" per bbl. $8.00 ; per J bbl. ? l.7 ; con
dcnscd per gal. t5c * ; crab npplo , JUT gal. S5c.
1'iigi ] u hliernl supply and dtiinnnd onlj *
limited. In trying to Uphold pilot' * sunn
overstocks IIAMI accumulated , ami uule thi
long \vnltcd for \\inter oU in o.irm < tly , nm' '
receipts prow llghtc * , thcro may bo n brink li
prices whiih n w mo alrnndyeak. . Wo iiimlo
strictly froh Wo.
Hny-BaliHl , S7Cl ) S.OOj Imnc
Maple Htigir Pure , lu biick , ptr lh. , IGc
Ohio , 18c : Mimll cike * , I2jc.
Poultry-Tli.iuk i5i\iuc glut is pretty > M'l
cleared up , hnwevpr , pricm nniwoAk yet , es-
pcclnlly on poorly dnvscd stock , but RO'IIIO Im
provement may bo loikt'dfor next week i
niily thi ) weatfirr U favornblp. Wo ng.ili
wmn phlpivrs ngnintt eahling nnd "pour
dremiiig'1 generally , whiih causes a lot of un
sntixfnctory returns. Dre3 t < d noultrv for thU
market should b ) dry picked , entrails re
inou'il anil luvul nm ) feat cut nit , in order U
Itrlng top mtirket priro * . It nliould nlmi K
properly eonlod elf before pickingChjokens ,
nlive , per doz , 82 000/,2 SO : chickoun , dressed ,
good to choice , per lu , 7 ® c ; clilckon ? ,
poor to fnir , l ( ,0c ; geese , d't * ed ,
ilticVs , dit3 sod , ll12c ; turkey i1nt > 8cd
choice , 1213ij , turkeys , dtOAsed , fair to good ,
10SUlc. ( %
Oamo Prairie chickens in strong rcipie < l
now , nndo can gunranteo S3 50 per do/ fin
all choice jmdr.ivni liinU. Quad plentiful nnd
lower. In xhlpping birds ( excepting geexo ant1
diuke ) puck thorn lu tight pack go * , IIOM'H ' or
bnrreli , nnd ship as "poultry. " Deer , car ( * . < ,
per Ib , 7@So ; deeriuiddlos , per Ib , ll ( 112c !
antelope , carcnan , per Hi. l@8c : ntitolopu iul-
dion per Ib , ll(5)12c ( ) ; praltio chickens , pur dor. ,
83.50 ; quail , § 1 OOfM 1 .25 ; goose , per do83.01
(31(50 ( ; jack rabbits , per doz , JJI.COgafi.OO :
email ralthite , 81.00 $ ) l.Qj ; * iilpeporpo7S1.00
< b)1.25 ) : duckH , mallard , § 1.00feil.50j duclcH ,
teal nnd ml.\od , $1.50.
1'otntoBs Choice Block , pnr bunliol. S5o ( ) lOc ;
infetior and mixed lots , per bushel. 20@30u ,
GrouorN1 lilnt.
OANNKII K OODS. Oysters ( Standard ) per
case. 8 111) ) ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 20 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 ; California
| ienrn per case , 5 80 ; npricotw , per cann , 6 00 ;
ixjachoa , IXT cose , 5 UO ; white chorrim per
cnao , G ? ' ; plums per cane , 4 50 ; whortleber
ries , per case , 3 CO ; ejfg plums , 2 Ib , per case ,
1 IK ) ; green gageu , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 UO ; pine
aples , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20@5 50.
Horn -Sisal , J inch nnd larger , Oc , 8 inch ,
9&c , 1 inch , lOc.
CANDI.KS Boxes , 40 lb , 1G , 13c , F , 13c ,
joxos , 4 < Ibs , IGoz , Ga. Me.
MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round , caera ,
2 55 ; square , cases , 1 70 : Odlikosh , uanea , 1 40.
SUOAHS Powdered , 7tfccut ; loaf , 7.\c \ ; gran-
dated , Cic ; confectioners1 A , G c ; Standard
extra C , tic ; extra C , 5c ; medium yellow , 5&c ;
dark yellow , 5Jc.
COWKES Ordinary grades , 12@12i cfnir ; , 12
SKiJc ; good , 13Jc ; prime , M@15c } ; choico.
.G@17c ; fancy green nnd yellow , lG@lGic ; old
government Java , 20@2fic ; Arbucklo'a ronst-
: d , 16Jc ; M oLaughlin'a XXXX roasted , ITn'o ;
mitntion Java , lGi'18c ' ; Clark'u Aurora ,
Sviivt1 Standard Com. , 30o , bbls ; Standard
lo , ' ) J gnllon kes , 1 8r. ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1.40.
SODA In Ib papers , 3 20 per case ; keg , per
PICIU.KS Medium in barrels. G 00 ; do in
mlfjjarrols , 3 60 ; small , in barrels , 7 Of ) ; do in
inlf barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrel ? , 3 00 ,
lo in half barrels , 4 50.
TKAH Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice ,
; Og7Gc ; good Imperial , 10@l3o : choice , GOfin
i5c ; Young Hyson , good , ! US@nOc ; choice , G3
7jl 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Jnpan choicu ,
75c ; Oolonf good , 35@ 10c ; Oolong choice ,
uSc ; Souchong , good , 30@10c ; choice , 35
@ I5c.
KICK Louisiana , prime to choice , G@7c ;
air , 5 c.
FISH No , 1 mackerel , half bbls. , 7 ; 5o
Family i bblu. , 4 25 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05 ; family
kits , GOc ; No. 1 whitolish , half bbl * . , G 50 ; No.
kits. .I5ct family half lihls. . 300 ; family
tit-s nndlpnlls , ( ! 0c ; No. 1 trout , half hkls. , 5 ! ' > ,
WOODKN AUK Two hoop pailfl , 1 85 ; three
loop pailn , 2 10. Tubs , Iso. 1 , 0 00 ; pioneer
vnshbonrds , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 OU ; well-
buckets , 3 85.
SOAVS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 45 ; Kirk'a
atinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 3 75 ; Kirk'u
Vhito Jlussinn , 5 20 ; Kirk'n outocn , 2 15.
] 'OTASH Pennsylvania cans , 1 cans in case ,
35 ; Babbitt'H ball , 2 d z. in coao , 1 ! IO ; An-
her ball , 2 doz. in cnao , 1 50.
CANDT Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twiat
tick , lOJc.
tViNKOAK Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap-
le , 13c.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton ,
n sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy. GO , 5s , 3 GO ,
STAIICII Pearl , l c ; Silver Olosn , So : Corn
tarch , 8c ; ICxculsior OIoss , 7c ; Corn , 7jc.
SPICKS- Pepper , 17c ; splco , 14c ; cloven , 20c ;
a sm , 15c. '
Dltv FllUirs No. 1 , quarter apples , bbla ,
4cN ; C nliced , boxes , G'/o / : evaporated , boxen ,
Jc ; blackborrie.s , boxen , lOJc ; peaches , ] -
ox s , HJc ; poaclioa , evaporated , 14c ; rasp-
errieH , 3Jc ,
Dry Goo ( In.
Bnows SllUKTlNns Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Allan-
c P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 5 c ; Brunswick , 7ic ;
leaver U.uii Lh , Gc ; Lawrence LL , Me ; ] ' , -
ifio II , 7 c ; Koynl Stnlidard , G'/o / ; Indian
load A. 7 c ; Wniichuaott A , 7c.
FINK BitowN SHKKTINOH Argyle , GJc ; Pop-
) orell ] { , 7c ; Salisoury It , Gtc.
BI.FACHKD COTTONS Ballon , 4J J , CJc : Bal-
on , 7-8 , fifr ; Cumberland , 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll D1J ,
Jc ; Fulrmountlie ; Fruit of tlio Loom 4 ,
c ; Glory of tlio West , 8c ; Golden Gnto , 87c ;
lill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jo ; Lonsdnle , 7c ; Now
York Mills. llc : Wamsutta , lOJc.
DUCKH ( Colortd ) Boston , 8 olljoi Bos
on , 10 olljc ; Boston , 'J or. , , 14c ; Fallliivor
DCCKH ( Gray ) -West Point , 8 CM. , lie ; West
Point 10 o/ . , 1 Ic ; Point Boar , 8 ollo. .
TICKINQI Amoskeiig. 134c ; Continental
'ancy , 'Jjfc : Cordlo lOtfe ; 1'earl Itiver , 12o ;
fork , 12c ; Hamloton Awniugu , 12Jc.
BKNIMH Amoskong , 1 Ic ; Beaver Creek AA
2c ; Beaver Crtok BU , lie ; Beaver Crook
CO. lOc ; HnvrnakoM , 80 ; Jalfrey D& T , 12 c ;
Julfroy XXX , 12o ; Pearl lUvor , 13o ; War-
en AXA ( brown ) . 12c ; Warren BU ( brown ) ,
He ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc.
OAUIIHIUH Fifth nvonuo glove finish , 4'i's ;
CuyHtono glove finish , fie.
( JoiWK.r JKAN3 Amory , 7lo ; Hancock , 8c ;
Cearenyer 8ic ; Kockport , 7o.
PltlNTHAlleiiH , 5Jc : American , 5Jc ; Arn
olds , Gc ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4jc | ; Indigo ,
74c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-1 , 12Jc ; Stool
tivor , fiic ; Charter Oak , -lie.
PlilNlH SIIIHTINOH American , 5o ; Oochoco ,
ic ; Gloucester. Bo ; Southbr'dgo , 41c ; Waver-
GlNCJHAMH AmoskeoK staploi , 8Jo : Bates
itapIoH , 8o ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plunkot
lilaids , 9c ; Hudspn checks , HJc ; Amoskuag
i'urelans , 9ic.
DIIKSH GOODS Atlantic olpacca. 9io ; Por-
ilan cashir ro , 23Jo ; Hamloton canhmore , lf .lc ;
iamloton Fancus , lljc ; Humletou brocades ,
ISc ; Arlington brocade , 18c ,
PnlntH Oils nntl VnrnlHlioo.
OILH 110 carbon , per gallon , 12c ; 150 o
headlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175 ° headlight ,
> er gallon , lO c ; 150 ° water whita , 15io ; lln-
jood row. per gallon , 4c ! ) ; linnocd Ixiilo ) , per
Ballon , 52c ; Lard , winter Blr'd , p < ; r gallon , 70c ;
No. 1 , ( > 0c ; No. 2 , 60 ; castor XXX. per gal-
Ion , 1 COu ; No. 3 , i 40 ; sweet , i > or gallon. 1 00 ;
iporm W. B. , per gallon , 1 CO ; liuli W. B , ,
> er gallon , C5 ; neatsfoot extra'per ' gallon , 90o ;
No , 1 , 76c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
lummcr , IGc ; golden machine , No , 1 , pur gal *
on , 35c ; No U , V8c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
* 0c ; tunxintlno , pur gallon , 48c ; nuptha , 74 ° ,
per gallon , IGc.
J'AINTH IN OIL White load , Omaha , P. P.
) lc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , fi' c ; Mar eil
os green. 1 to C Ib cans , 20c ; French ilncj
; re n sea ) , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , He ,
I'Vonch zinc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; French zinc ,
in oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt nmber , 1 Ib
ns , lOc ; ruwaiid burnt Siennu.lOc ; vanilyke
brown , lite ; refined lampblack , 12c : coach
black and Ivory black , Iftc ; drop black , Kicj
Prussian blue , 40c ; ultrauiarlno blue , 18c ;
chrome green , L , At fc D , . ICc ; blind and
shutter tfreen , I , . M. & D , , Ifc ; Paris ( frcen ,
c ; Indian nxl , 15c ; Vunotlwi rod , Uc ; Tuu-
can rrd. Sic ; American vermllhon , T > V IV
; yellow ochre , ! ) i si M , t ) . D. t ) , i > * cj
yellow ovhro. Oc ; p , ! < < nrhre , Ificj patent
dryer , grainiiiiT ! culm * , light oak , dark onk ,
walnut , chestnut nnd < li , lee ,
llonvy linritwnrn List.
Iron , ralM , 2 30 ; plow ttw I , i > ccial east , Oc ;
cruoiblo , 7oi special ur liprman , fie ; cast too ;
do , UutSlVt wii on | wkui. act , 2 253 00 ; hub *
) ) cr % et , 1 iMi ) tpllww , MV.VI' . dry , I It ) ; tongue * ,
p.ich , 70RV ! , xlw , ca h , 7 H-S squata nuts per
Hi , 7 1 Ic : wndiprw , pr lh , .Sulsc ; rivf-tn , IWT
Hi , lie ; coil chain , | * T Id , lnl"c ) ; nwlb'Hulo ,
So ; lion wodTi | , Oc : uinvlmr * , 0 ; him w
twth , 4c ; spring nlwl , T. SO ; Itnrdcn1 * lior o-
shot" , 410 ; Hurdon's mmVihrxM , fi 70.
B.MIHKII WlUB In onr lnU . I 00 p r 100.
NAII.S UaUw , 10 to OH , 2 30.
Siior-Shot , 188 } l-uckshot , ' 210 ; oriental
jhiwdor , keg * , 0 10 ; do half koRsi , 3 4S ; do ,
quart nrkeg" , I SS ; Ruling , kef's , 8 8J } ( two ,
l > or 100 fi-ot , fiOc.
LKAII liar , I 05.
GOAL Cumberland lihekiiillh , 1000 ; Mor >
ili run llloMbnrf ; , 10 Oil ; Wliltalirmtnt lump ,
fi 00 ; Whitebmiwt nut , 5 0 < i ; low.i lump , fi 00 ;
Iowa nut , ft OOi Book Spring , 7 Oil ; Anthr.i-
dpi , U 25all M ) ; Onuon City , 7 00 p r ton.
Oak polo , 8SISc ( : hnmlnck solo , ? 8@3ric ;
hemlock kip , KVj ; ruimor i r > c to 7 ! > c ; hnmlock
calf , fV > to 1 UO : hemlock upper , 22 to 2Un oak
upper , 24e ; alligator , I IK ) to 5 Mlj oxlf kid ,
32 ( < . 98 , " > c ; r.rclaon kid , 2 50 to 2 7oi oak kip ,
80o to 1 00 : oak cnlf , 1 20 to I I0i ! French kip ,
1 10 lo I ol ; French calf. 1 21 to 2 00 ; nw clts
5 fit ) to 7 Ml ; lining * , 0 00 to 8 f.O ; t pplng * ,
! ) 00 to 10 M ) : B. U Morocco , .0 toMc ; obblo
O. 1) Moiocco35c ; nia.oii , 2f > 0 @ 300.
1I.M1NKSS No , 1 st.iro.iV , ; ! tic ; No. 2 , 34c ;
35r : No. 1 Ohio oak , ! Wc ; No. 1 do , 'Hc ; No.
1 Mll\vaiikoo 3lc ; No. 2 do , Ixti ; ,
No. 1 Pltti o.ik bar , ISiic ; No. B Pitta onk
liar , 3lc.
Atcoiioi. 188 ixioof nlcnhnl , 2 20 per wlm <
gallon uxtra Cullfornla Pi'irlt ' ; 1S8 proof , 1 IS
per tiroof gallon ; tilpplo rotincd spiritH , 187
proof , 1 17 per proof pullon ; r 'dl tlllod
\vhl kics , t 00 1 f > 0 ; fine blomlod , 1 Ml2 CO.
DINS Imported ) It'iOSOOO ; donionlle ! 1 10
@ 3 ( M.
Ht'MS Irtiportod , 4 fiOiSG 00New : Kngland ,
I in ) c 100 ; domestic , 1 fiO , r3 f.O. .
ClIAMTAdSIW Impoitcd , per case , 28 00
31 00 ; American , per owi ? , 12 00@1G lh ) .
Ping TolmccoCliiiinx , IHc ; Bullion , If.c ;
HnrHonhoo , Ho , Star , Itic ; Kmly , 45c ; Hor-
PoyV , 40c ; Black. i\Aa \ liij Sprarhead , 'llio ;
Our liopo. ISc ; Piper lloidsiock. flic.
Flnp Cut Comnuin , Ilci ! ) Medium , 4rc ;
Riuxl , 45@00c ; llnnl to , 70o ; Favorilo ,
OOc ; DiitiHouil Crown , 5 , " c ; Sweet Sixteen ,
Smoking-O. S. , S2e ! : Mcornchanm , 30c ;
Durham , IGooz. 51c ; Durham , 8 oz. , 65c ; Dur
ham , I 07. . , 57c ; Durhuni , 2 oz. . G'c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz.,41i ! ; Si-al of North Car
olina , 8 07. , . 4lc ! ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 o/ . ,
I8c ; Seal of North Cnrolina , 2 oz. , fiOc ; O. K.
Durham , 4 oz.So ; O. K , Durhnm , 2 oz , 3Uc ;
Uncle Nod , 1'a 25c ; Tom aiid Jerry , 23o.
Dnucis AND OHKMIOALM Acid , carbolic , 4 lo ;
acid , tartaric , 50c ; balsam copaiba , per Ib. ,
G5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12c ; cnlomol , per
Ib , 8)c ; cinchonidla , per oz. , $0 45 ; chloro
form , per Ib , $1 05 ; Dnvorx powders , per Hi ,
$1 25 ; opsoiu salts , per Ib , HJc ; Rlycorino ,
pure , per Ib , 25o ; lead auetule , pur Ib , 20c ; oil
easier , No. 1 per gal. . SI 50 ; oil castor , No. 3
per gal. , § 1 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , SI 40 ; oil ,
origanum , 50o ; opinm , SI 50 : quinine , P. &
W. , and K. & S. , per oz. , $1 00 ; polonium ,
Iodide , per Ib. . $3 00 ; salicin , per HA. 40c ;
sulphate morimioo , per oz. , $3 10 ; sulphur ,
per Ib. , 4c ; strychnine , per oz. , $1 35 ,
Wo quote himbor , lath and shlnglox on car
at Omaha at the following prlcon :
JOIST AND tsoANTLlNaIG foot and under ,
Tumults 10 foot and under , 20 00.
TiMiimi AND Joiar-20 ft , H3CO ; 21ft. ,
25 00.
FKNCINQ No. 1 , 4 and C In. , 21 03 ; No. 2 ,
20 00.
SiiKATiiiKfl No , 1 (2d ( common boards ) ,
20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK BOAUIW A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; 0 , 35 00 ,
FLOOUINQ No. 1W { 00 ; No , 2 , 35 (0 ( ; No.
3 , 25 (10. (
SluiNO , clear 2700 ; No. 2 , 2500 ; No. 3 ,
20 00.
OJIILINOi , 37 00 ; g , 25 00.
Kiii.viii.ra , host 1 50 ; stmdiird , 350.
LATH II25 per M.
LlMK-Por barrel , 1 2. : bulk par Ibuahal ,
Xic ; cement ; bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , 1)1)1 ,
hair per bus , 50c ; tarroJ felt , 100 Ibi ,
straw board , 350.
J > ry I'nlntH.
White load , 80c ; J ronch zinc , lOc ; Paris
whiting , L'ic ; whiting gilders , 1 'c ; whiting
com'l , Ijo , lampblack , Ocrmantown , I Ic ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian bine , 550
unlranmrino , ISc ; vnndyko , brown , Ho ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ( 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
aiennu , taw , le : Paris green , genuine , 25c ;
Paris grooncommou,20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ,
20c ; chroma green , K. , 12c ; vprmilllon , Kng.
75c ; vormijllon , American , 18u ; Indian , led ,
llc ( ; ronu ] > ink , lie ; Venetian , rod , Cookson'H ,
2-ja ; Venolian , red. Amuriciiu , l./u / ; red load ,
7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , VOo ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12c : ochre rochello,3c ; ochre , French ,
We ; nchro , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
2jc ; Ichigh brown , -ic ; Spanish brown , "Ic ;
1'riiice's mineral , 3c ,
VAUNISIIF.S liarrels , per gallon : Furniture ,
oxtrii. $1 10 ; fiirnituro. No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ox-
Lrn , 81 10 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Danmr , extra ,
? 1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asiihallnin , nitni , Kfie ,
iholhie , $3 50 ; hard oil finish , 81 50 ,
Fl/ini-Colorado , 100'Ibs , 1 50@1GO ; put-
nl , 1(10 ( Ibx. , 1 ! )0@2 ) 25 ; KnunoH , 10U Ibs , 2 30
3 00 ; MinnoHota , 100 Ibs , 3 IX ) ; graham , 100
hn , 1 CO ; rye , 100 Iba. , 2 CO ; buck-whont , 100
bs 775@800.
GIIAIN , FKKII , Krc. Wheat , 100 Ibs , Sli-fc
Oc ; corn in Hack * on track , 101) ) lb > , 1 27@13i\ \
ntx , in nackn on track , KXJ 11) , eastern while ,
22 1 25 ; Colorado white , 1 28@1 30 ; mixed ,
10@1 20 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 301 13 ; bran.
on , on'track , 1200141350 ; choii , corn , 100
bH , on track , 112al ( ) 15 ; chop mixed. 100 Ibs ,
n track , 1 30135 ; corn meal , 100 ttn. 1 G5
tf < 175.
iiAV-Balod , upland , ton , 13 00@H 00 ;
iplund , loose , ton , 14 00@1G 00 ; BOCOIK ! bot-
om , baled , 10 bO@ll 00 ; alfalfa , loouo , ton ,
2 001 300 ; clover , baled , ton , 14 00 ; clover ,
ooKO. ton , 13 001& 00 ; utrnw , baled , on truck ,
on. 7 009 00.
Bur-run CrcniBory , fancy , Ib. 3GIOo ;
reamory , fine , Ib , 3lc ; creamery , fair , Ib , 22
@ 23c ; dairy , choice , Ib , 22@25c ; dairy , oed ,
Ib , 18@20c ; dairy , fair , Ib , 15lGc ; cooking ,
F.ariH State , candlad anil warranted , do/ ,
IJOWIiic ; ranch , doz , 33@35c.
CHKKHKli'njl cream * , M@10c ; half cream ,
Ib , llo)12c ) ; skim , Ib , ! ) 10c ; Swlsx , domostlv ,
Ib , 20@22c ; Swiss , iiniKjrtod , 3031-'c ; J.lin-
bu-ger , 1 l@18c.
Poui.TltY Llvo old chickens , doz , fi 00 ;
live springs , doz , H'tO l tXJ ; llvn ilucki , doz ,
5 00@5 25 ; live turkeys , Ib. , 15@lJc. (
PorATOK.s-Colorado , 100 Iba , 1 00@110 ;
VKI'.KTAIII.K.S Onions , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
1 2504150 ; cabbage , 100 Ibs , 00@1 lOi boetx ,
1 00 Ibs , 1 OOf tVurnlps. 100 Iba , 85@1 25 ;
carrots , 100 Ibs.l 2 5@160.
FIIUITH Lemons , iwr case , Messina , 710015
D 10 ; oranges , Jx > uisana ! , case , IOCO&1100 ;
apples , fancy bbl , 3 75@4 25 ; aplos | , tnodiuiri ,
bbl , 3 25@3 r 0 ; twars , box , 375 ( < 9l 25 ; Call-
fornia grapes , box , MelvolsePeru. Muscat ,
J 00(0)2 ( ) 25 ; cranberries , bbl , JJ & B , 1500 , B &
0,114 00@M 60.
OoiiKDMKATH Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 13c ;
liams , sweet pickled , Ib , life ; bacon , broak-
last. Ib 13c ; dryisuft sides , Ib , 8@8 c : dried
beef , Ib , 16c ; lard in palls , 910c ; lard In
Llorces , OJCol'Jjo ,
FIIEHII RfEATH Dretsod boef. Colorado , per
lh , filrgCio ; cboiculveal. Ib , H@10c ; hogs , Ib ,
il 74c ; mutton. Ib , C@eo.
LlVK STOCK Colorado stoera , i > or 100 Ibs ,
3 4003 75 ; cows , 100 Ib , y 00g3 50 ; choice
veal calves , Ib , 6&i7c ( ; sheep , 2 00@2 60.
Hides. Dry Flint No , 1 , porlb , lfll@133 |
No. 2 , Ib , 8iQlOc ( ; green ttoera and branded
oalf , Ib , 4ifieCio ; green calf , Ib. lie ; groan kip ,
Ib , G@7o ; sheep skins , dry , 7 < i$8c ; doer skins ,
summer , Ib , 10@18e ; door skins , wlntnr , Ib , 12
@lCe ; uutelopo skiuo , Ib , 1220 ; tallow , Ib ,
\ VooiOolorado No. 1 , [ Kir Ib , 14@lDfj
buck , Ib , EC ; Mexican , He.
FlHH-Mackorol , No. 1 , 120. kit. meai ,
1 7C2 25 ; California lolmon , half bbl , 10 60 ;
Holland herrinKi keg , 1 CO&l 76) trout , per
Ib ,
Co mi J from Chloago \ III the Trlpartltfl AllUnoo Linen.
I Mil. | IH. | N-W I NV | K-l | ill
Hrptoinbor. I ! ! 1 7-48 U I "M 13 0-27
Ootolior . . . | 12 ID 6-2(1 ( I 11 < -S8 18
November. j 0-30 IB 15 8-29
, 2-23 - I 1-23 -
Dot-ember. . I 14 7-2.11 IS fl-27 0
SnmlAy o\ciilnK inl MundAy mcrnltiK ) > lni ) erilvu
n corrotpontllni ; ardor. 0. 1) , & ( j. trains run ou ry
iiv WAV or
( lit VIA
In ITnlou llnpotri lit KIIIIHIIH City ,
Uiiiiiliiiaiul Di'nvor vvllh thniirli ) ( trains tor
And nil polnlH In tliu ( iicaL West
In ( iiiind Union Depot nt ( JUIc.igd
with lliioiigli Inilim for
Anil nil Kr rndlllci.
At I'rnrlu wllli HIIOL tiniim lor Inilliuia ; ) .
ilh , ( ; liipiiiiatlC'iiluiv.A | ; , niul nil polntH In
lliiihiiulli.Kiist. At Sv' ' " ; tjiila wltli tluoucli
tnilns lor all piilnlH K\ \ \ .
Dny ( iiiiirlu-H , I'm lor OiirH , with III )
lllilni ; Chain ( iicaH li < n ) , SiiioUIn ( 'm.s with
tiivolvlHK Chiili-H , l'illinuii | I'liliito Sli'ilHH |
IIIIH nnil tlio IHIIIOIIH ' 1. II. A ; Q. lilnlni , ' Cur.s
rinidally loiuiil fiomillciinounil KiuiHan ( Illy ,
'lilniKoiiiiil ( 'oiincll Jllnlls : UlllniK" unit " ' 'M
MolncH , ( Jlilcacu , St. .losiijih , Ati'hlson niul
1'npuUu wlthiiut HiitiiKo. Only tlnoiiKli Ihui
innil.iR their own tinliiH liclwruu ( Jhlcimo ,
Mncoln mid Denver , anil ( Jhlca.'jo , Kaunas
lltv anil Hiuuiir. 'I'liionuli cii"i ! liolwciin
InilluiinpollH niul Coiinctll lilnllH , via 1'uorlu
Rdlld ' 1'nilnn of iu : > < ; uiit Day Ciinclii'H nut )
I'nlliiian l'alai'iiSli'iiilni ] ; ( jarHiiid run dally to
mil IKIIII SI. l.ouln ; via llaiuillial ; Qnlnoy ,
KcoUuk , lliulln ton , Cnlar HunlilH mid Alhi'it
J.i'iUoSI. I'aiil -MliinuaiollH | ; I'ailorUns
with IturllnliiK ( 'liulr to anil lioin Kt. l.onls
mil rrorln. Onlyoimchannoorcam lii'txvi'i.'ii
H , J.onlHand DI'H Molnrs , linvii , l.lncoln , Nu.
iniHliii.iinil Dunvcr , Colorado.
II InalNO lliu only Thioiijh ; Line lifc'uvri'ii
It IH kiiiiwn IIH DID wrc-ut THItOUtill UAH
r.lSIO of Anicrlcii , and la unlvuiudly admit.
' I to ho tin )
Finest Equlppoi Hallroad In the World ffc.
all chcsoD of Travel.
TliroiiKh Tlclc < N via tlilHlliio far wiln r.tni1
It. ticket ( JlHccJi.iltliu Unitu < l.Statub
Hid Canadu.
Vlco-1'ni. & O u. Uiutirr.
Boyal nnd U.S. M HBto mori
THeJiHi e , Germany , Italy , Holland and ffranct
BUerago Outwaril20 ; Prepild from Antwerp , f 181
f icnrslun , 933 , Including boddlnif. ute , Sd Cabin , ISO ;
Oound Trip , fOO.OO ; icurslon , 1100 ; Utlooo from ItC
to 190 ; Kicunlon 110 lo 1180 ,
MTTetsr Wrlghl BOM , den Ansnti. li Ilrotd >
y H. Y.
CaMwull Hamilton &Co.Om > lia , I' . K. Kloinan
Co , , M8 N , 10th Htrcut , Uiuilm ; l > . K. Klinliall ,
Omaha AKunta ,
Gi-owers of Live Stock and Others.
# Rv n i
ur Qounci asce.
It , is < ho boat mid clionpont food for stock of nny kind. Ono nonnd ! a cqunl to
throi * non ils of com. Stock fi > d with Ground Oil Oako in the Foil ind winter
inato.vl of running tlo\vu , will inrroABO in weight , and bo In qood nmrkotablo condl
lion in the nprltij. ( D.uryinon , as well s others , who uan it , cnn loutify to Its mor
Its. Try It and judge for yonrsolvcs. I'rico § 25 00 par ton. No clwrgo for sncka
[ all's ; Safe and Look 0.
, r
31.OJJIC3 TygyJ&f.jryTUfttsrooTt * C xsilft'ix
U. B' . LOCKWOOD , ( forniorly ( if Lookwood A Draper , OhloiRO , Malinger ofTen
Ton , Cigar ami Tobacco Uopnrtmonta. A full Uuo of nil grades of
the aboxo ; l o I'ipoa mid Smokora' carried lu stock. I'cicoa .
nnd sainoloa furnlahod on npplication. Open ordora
intrnatud to us nhall rocuivo our careful
nttunlion. Si'linfacHon Ounrnnfocd ,
Milwaukee , Wis.
GTJNTHER & GO , , Sole Bottlers ,
li . * 11 "i
1301 AND 1303FARNAM , STREET , COR. 13TIT ,
Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand
ill 1 i !
Krylno TriinnilnRB , Mining MncMtiory , Bolting , Ilono , 13 r on a and Iron FltUngo.
nt wJioIemlo and roinll. HALLADAYVINDMILLS , OHDROS
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Keb.
Sr-.II5.J3jj Jb %
.Vi-rL T X'ti"fl " < ' > ' ' * 5'jfA' ' !
1810 Utility mrenl tnOJ d lllti Bll ll
( ura'ihtd ' hit noon upnllcttlo a . Neb
- I
3 §
fcl8HFARIAJH STREET , . . „ . i , . ; OJIAnANEU !