Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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ACQUiut.vo A riuonc.u , nor : AIIO
wro TOT.
Busmosa College ,
Opened duoa" tiilly Ojtobtr ' . ' ( , Ith ten teacher
anil n K wxl Att < md nice , ulili.h doublc-il ilurlnn thi
lint n\o ftcok * . and lis'.lll Hcaillh lucre mlD's' .
I'llty Ftalinti IH tin lttiiiio ! < n Uolli-Ro nm
Shorthind Cla os ; nearly fifty in tlio Hormil n
Ttachgt't Dcpittrm at ami Common llrMichwi and t
good attendance In thoMiHo ainl Art dqrtrtmontii
rnr.SlDiNT .lOXISi luslia.lo\et twenty joira
I'HOPIHSOIl HUlUNM'rlnslpil cl Iliu Ilinlnca
CMIcfo , Inn livl our flltGuti ji'.irVoxpi'ilimeaam
Is a Huperlor 1'cnnivi and K\p rt Ac3 > untant.
1'rof. Iin ton , of lloiton , M.i , In a miocrlor In
Ktiutor In Muiic. .Ml Hirah slicrmtn , of Oil n o
It an atll.t of rare Ulont neil akin , Ami A most nuc
cjvful teacher Ml < iiiydltl Jones , nn I llliw .ten
BteOMlniaraRMdiiatM of the Nimh o < U'rn lnl
vcriltv , nnd nlilo t nchcr * .Mr. A. A. C'Jftlos U a
practiced short html reporter nml .viil nil ndfpt t
typo writing I'rof Jlohltr nnil otlitr tuaclnrj nru
thorouihlj iaallllcd |
Tu'tlon for fifteen vockii $ IS. Until ro H ( mm
Si f/0 to 93 00 awefk , In cliitn nnd by 3l ( boarillnjj
ltcisUlc94 rlacen can bo found lor tc\rr&t more
( Indents ftho with lo pay | nrt ur whole of board by
homgworlc or chorea
ThoWINTKH IliUMof 15 < ckn will Iwjjln Deo.
SO , lillt BtllllellU I IN KNTKR AT ANV TIMR , Allll nrO do-
liiK BO continually , paring chtrh'ca only from tltno ul
intorln to tlnia of loailii , ' .
For particulars uJJrcm thounilcrslKncJ ,
\V. I' . JON'KS , A. SI.
1'rcililcntof N'irnial Collcxu , I'lijii'int , h'c
K I ! II , ,
QontuI Dailculo
J7 > > . Kfjsai * > ;
cua : rAU
U vn lor Kin SC0.003 a. , tirslally
n Ki.itom Nnbi ili , c,4 low prlco anJ on nJiy tout , !
Improved tirmo icr nio in I > ; nKl > e , 1)3 ) > ) > , Oulfix
FUtto , Dull , Lnranf ! , , Rarpj , W 3.1lmtoa ,
Df.audora , mnl Cutler Jountloi.
1\ni ptld In rll r .rtJ of the BUH ,
Iloncylninedon mprorad Uimc.
KEDAb , FAB1B , I07J.
L * W % * AA *
Cocoa , from which the CIITHII if
Oil linn been ruimn td. It hni Mr ;
Smn the strength of Cocoa rilxw
nlth filarc.i , /.t'owrootdr 6ili'ar
and li tlaTcfuro far more ncouoial
cal. It In tlullclouii , iiouri hlnf
striTiKlhc nliiK , easily illgcslcJ , r.n'
rdmlrnbly uilnptcd fur Invalid * u
well nt fur IHTSOIU In hiullb.
Sold y llrpcoM flvcrnlioit.
f. BAKER & Cd DorcllfiSlGr.
VTIU cnro Nftrrounneei , Lui'tbiiuo , ItliuumAilitn r
> CIIII lKln , HClulllH , Klllll ) , MVIO | | | mill liMT , llM. , , C ,
< l < iut , Ahtlima. HfnrtilUt IIKU OUp < iirlit , fouKilpKil'ih ' l-'j
IIOK | , Catarrh , I'lleUt l-iillepnx IIIIIMIIIMII \ linthti > * u.
l'rulHi > nilt lltorl vlf Onl > i < 'ti > ntllti liuiiu't li . .i Ann-r.
Irn that MMiilttllio 1 lntrnl | > itiiil inn , iiw iNii liir ni > i , ue
Ixtduuil citu to rot buritutl lit un luntunl by UHI | luicnt.
Wlntar laonmlnj , the season of the yi'ir for ai'hoi
uJ naliii. In view of tldt fiet wo my buy one c > f
Dr > Homo's Electrla Uolts. Uy no doing son will
void Ithoumttlim , KI'IncyTrniiblc * and other 111 *
hat flesh U h i'r to. Ij ) not duliy , butcil ! ut our
tflcoandexauilnobclti ) , No. 1122 Paiulaaxtroot , or
C.V noodman'e , 1110 Vtruxm St. , ( > in h . Neb. Or-
.i ( inn
nvl in.1 A\lttliTiiif jiinllifiilliMiiriiili.ncii
rtuiuK I'rriiiaturii Dotny , NcnniM Dululllr. l. t
. . . , . . . .
11..t , ! _ , i0.inilii | In
, ? innl Min | u > ry kiiniin
nMi'mw.l'B'illioivi'n'dnnliiiiiliniiBunNufneir-ciiiv ' ,
Mhlill ho wIII Mini I'ltlli : liilil fiilli . .iiir.iruni ;
iniurli-hliu'lil ,
It ufumllli
lilmii'rfirUj. "
\\rili H n ninth.
r HimdivdHiif
. , - ! - . ' * * a iiart ino.
Jitolc , i. will at tliofo Ironi irpntalilii pb ) ylrUiw
11"1" l' K . ' " -"fJ tn Ilinuorlli nt
! In licnltliorfli'l. .
, . . f , iirt.
I.U'K'N 1'Olllt fO. , ItiuliifM .
iitliy uall on rvovliit of iirlcu lu H unia |
Chemical Dyein
0. T. 1'AULSON , Proprietor !
GenUomeni * Ctoth'ue ' Cleaned , Uyod mil Kejnlrc-1.
lAJIen1 Drcaaei Pleantd nnd ljcJ ) , without Iup ) > lng ( ,
Flurnea Clmntxl or Oolornd my nhaJe , to uuiplu.
BlILt , VelvuU UO Lajei ClutiiuJ , UyeJ audllo-Ba-
1212 DonRlfts Streot. . OMAHA , NED
1'roponala lor Uulldlnj ;
* DciurtmontoUhe Interior , )
Offloo ol Indian AOiln , Not. 17 , Ibhl. f
He&Ied prooosali , tndoruu i "iiropotal * ( ot Imllillng
11rld { , 'rwlll bo reoclvu'l at thu nlllco until 1 o'clock
TuexJay the 18th ol Uecem vr , 1SSI , f , r th con-
ttnictlon ol llirto lnUitm on the Hautvo hloux lto r-
vj.tlon In Keliraaka , and I'onrj llc oriatlonlii Dakota
At the lolloulnz location * ; on thoHuitco Itvmtatluu
ottrthellatllocrrck , abtlJitocI tlitm nmui ol 00
feet cadi with l&lect oi > | , ioaclu ; on tlio I'oiJi-a KIM-
trvatlon , otcr the Mobrara river , oljrldfu 003 fu t
from ind to cm' ' , and OUT tbo Wi t I'crkulsalJ river
au Q ol BOIict.
fcTtic brldri | lu quoitlon are to tool combination ol
wood andiron , with cintlmu utiot'n , renting on pllo
foundatloni , which ovtr the M brara rhtr uro to IHI
dilten l&'vt-t , o\ur lliullu crook , IS loot , and o\cr
Wuit fork ol Nlolirara Illvtr , IS lc < t Uiluw watir
let el , and art * to ti built in uocordinoe with ulani
and ipedtloaUoui to bo teen at tht ofllccot the l ) i > ot
OuarltrinanUratOuiaha Kthntka , the "rline."ol
Dontrr. Colorado , aud ot the "Intor-Occan ol Clil-
WW , 111.
j'he coiulrutloii oltlie Irl vito under the Im-
medUtu upcnl lon ol pvrnou to be d KaatoJ by
thli Department.
All bliU taunt boaooornpaclea by aoeitlllcxl chock
on ouie UuiUxl euten lJti > c ltory , ( or at lout I'H'K
jit r fctntuin ' - ( tbi amount ol Ilia iiroMital , whlcli
check vtlil be forfeited .0 the United Blatui In ta'o
uoy blddtir or bidden ) ( all to cxtcute a teiitrart vtlth
KOOdanJ Buftlcluut luictlm : ytlicrnlito to be returned
to tbo bidder. Jn iuboilttln | { bldi , bidden ih'mlJ
itatt ( ho time required by them lor Iho ronntructlon
o ( Iliu Ui'KCi , m ilil * matter lll bo comidvrod In
niakluK the fttvardi , and uadu a part ol tbv contract.
' TUe rlybt li reserved lo reject any or all tlJ or
rnuv | rt ot aiiy bid U dctuuxl ( ur tbn bent luteiui ol
ihiitrvlce , H I'ltlCK ,
a U SvyVi m ( d ComuiU lner <
T'Hi'l lifillr'tif . cr-iibltiinsc Iro" vlili jmr
! < ( shift Ionic' ' , ii-l'kty riMl fnniili i ly
' urt'H Diiprpiln , ImllcrMlon , \ \ rnlim
liiiiitirnltlioil"tiiliifliiil | hills iiml | 'UM > ,
.in ! Nriunluliu
'i ' Kun mifhlMfifr n-trwlj fur DtoMMnr n
fitilnrjH tint ) 1.1 TIT.
It In Invnliiftljlci for mvnwi ponillHr to
IVntiiin , iiinl nil wlio Ipnd tttlMitnry llvoi
' ' '
( t > Hliiot ! ron"tl | ltloti MT linn
l < i iirlcliuBnivl jimlHc * ( Iipli1i > fxlrli'rit'i t
: .icnpno'lf ( > .nilii | Hie liiillatli > n of Com ) r >
( vii ) llcnrlliiirii nnil ] lc1hl R , imd Mr : i > ri
IK" till' Illllfclrs mill IHTMt
IVir IlitrrnillUiil Pi VPM . . Mlt'iclc , J.noV ' '
fn"ffr It lifts tu > i ] iml.
' V Tin ( 'rnulnp ImifllimulriMi' i"nrlr in *
"iri- rl ii l llm-K on wrdii ) t T iti- > t i-l i
- . . , , ! . i. . mum < limn > i , rr . lui.T.ifiM' <
Ind Mlspntei in ike BROAD GLAIIUDetti
Kvcr oirorcd ( o tlio wnbllc.
The BtcMiuihlfHi cl thin well-known line are bnlli o
Iron , lu WAMt-tlRht oamp linent , and am ! urnl3h
tdwlth o\ciy recjuislto to niako tlia jiAngj o both
lo and ORreonblc , . 1 hey carry the United HUtoo
mil I'.uropcan mills , audlGA oNow Yorl : Thura-
Jy nd baturdays lor I'lj mouth ( TiOliOOK ) Cher
bourir , ( I'AHIH ) and HAMHUItQ.
lUUx : Btaorogo from Kurope only 918. Fire
O.lMn , 65 , C6 atid Hit , . tJlfortK1) , tVO.
} tanryl' uJt , Mnrlc Ilangen , 1' > : . ilonrcBU. Toll
Ifentslii Oinnbn , GroiiDWCK A Echocntton , tKOntaln
Oonnoll BliiUi. 0. II : UlOllAlU ) h CO. , Ucn. Vtw
Ait3. . 81 Ilioadwoy , N. Y. Clm. Kosmlnekl k Co-
OounnU Wcctern Agnints , 170 WMhluirtoa BL , Ch'Oft
:1 , C.
. /.wpUinrteiedbytiieStateofllll.
&I f * 'l1uls 'or tlicexjuess purpose
of tlie Sltln and
eved and
veaknet . Ji | > ht Lossi . by Drearni , Pimples on
IhcKace.Lo't Manhood , iiultlvrlucureiltTticr6
iMHo/j'/x'i'/inriH.'jK/ appropriate rc.T.cdy
iiufunct ; nwil In cacli cmc. Consultations , per
sonal or tiy tetter , Micredly confidential. Mcd.
l-liu : Bent hv Moll nnd Express. Noir.arkuoa
pecxace t Indicate contents or bender. Address
VB.MMESNo.2UVA'ashinfllonSI.Clicitgolll ! )
" ' " *
Tor &t il. Quick , inr * , i&r . Hook rrt * .
VBGOR ClTl'H / Jtnoi , IM Kullou HL.N.w York.
Pn. E. 0. WEBI'B N mn ASK Unxm TnnABiiiiHT , t >
Knr.rantootl niudflo for Hyetorln , D ulnvee , Com ill-
tlons , Fltn , Kcrvoua lfouinl,7la , Headache , llervous
1'rontrAtloii caiuod by the mo of alcohul or tobbacro ,
tVjkolulnoc'B. Mi n til dopreoulou , [ ioltonliiR of tlio
bralu , resulting In Insanity and leaping to uilaory ,
dneay and death , 1'icuiaturu Old IK"I Uaronuai ) , loitt
olponcr In either nsx , Involiintaty I , < ioa and Hper-
natorhoraoauMd by ever einrtlontaf the brain , self.
kbcroorovor Indnlctiiro. lEtoh box , contalnn one
month'j trrntinont. 81.CO boi.or FIX Iwltliu for
H.OO , iinut by laillpropulJ on ri'oulpt ol prlco.
To cnro any CAM. With ui.di order reoelvod by DI
lor nix liuttbl , arcnm ; > ll lii > d with 1J5 W , wo will tend
the pureliKnoi our written itunrantnu to refund the
money II IhDtroMmontdoes not eflfrtn cure. Ooar-
uitecHlauiicd only by JOHN C : WKiJT & CO. .
jy SiJ-mio rr Kit ] LKdlHOn lit. , UnlcJKO , III.
Physician & Surgeon
Uolldenco No. 14C7 Jonro Mt Olllco , No. 1(09 Far
nam utruet , Olllco houm 12 in. to t p. in. and fiom
to B p. in. Telephone lor Dillon 1)7 ) , ruslilnnfo lib.
lir."JIOVAI < \V.\NA" IN nil M ATI HI ! .
Some Crodontlals :
In rtrnwlntr t'lnim 1HI , Jiinu Atli , IbSI. Ticket No.
i.yjl , I'lipllnl Pil/i' , WIIH lit'ld liy John ( I , Orair , 'Jo-
.iu'c'ci Umr I'nlilUliInu : t'o , UK Maiden lauv , X. V , Clly.
aid liy chock on llnmkl ) n
In drtiwlnit Clam 1t67.EUipl.HI. l lTlokrt Kn.3l.4IH ,
'iipltnl I'rUi' , wild by IJiidiuur , HI Mi-nvr M. , N. Y.
'Uy. n ( niillMirUi'tl to UMI iiainn nil' ! addivi * * of
nlilor. 1'nlil liy rliwknn llriHiklin Iliuik.
'Hi-LitNo. II.WIKti'ond Ciiiiltal 1'rl/i'j cold liynuont
t llninnii > llli > , IV'Xun. lU'Id unit half I'V ' liriiaiulu
iiruu\ nml one liaU by II. rollaliui , tliit.iinoniii , Mox.
i'ii. Collect ) il lliruiiKll IIUuiinlii'rK .t ln ! | > liul ; , 51
Vnrtli ht. . nnd Wixnlminl & MUlmutl , itvvf 1'ost
UillilliiK , N. Y.fll } .
lk'ki-1 No.-.Ml'.l.'llilnl C.iillnl | 1'rlr.o , lirl.l . oiii > h lf
lyH. A. DatliUon , illil nil M. , HII. llnxikliiN , Y.iuiil
inoliulf liy Ik lliipki'iiilu ) I'.illfnrnla M. . Mui Prim *
IMII , On ) , Oimbiiir I''ilil lu rnuli nnil Ihn other
hruUHh Uroxil , Murumi S Co. , ILiukiTJ , N , Y. Ully.
CLASS 1174. DECEMBER , UO. 1884.
l , OOO.TI < 'Ur.TH ' ( I7M I'lll/.liS.
ICapUull'rUu $12,500
" " ' " " " " " " " " " " " " & '
i " " . ! M""I" ; : ! ; 'wi
* l'rlw (5ivi ( uih , U ; j.iu )
' ' ' ' ' '
2 Alil'rujlinutloiu ' J JiVuicli Vo'l'lio'tji vo'pr'lVo j 'lu
* Jio * * * ' . > Jui , ) " tj yo
' i ' w " , " ( jp. IM J jj' jj uo
U.31'rlr.r . n § nlxivo , lieliiR Iho full number In
lliulUijllI.ii . imiinil
huvltiK an ending IvuinU'rri thu t\\n
liinliinlKiif Iliu iiuinUrilni.Uim tliufup
Itnl rrlrouf ' ' * J
I7H I'rUcn , aiiiounlliiKliiU.aKoldtii , . , , 8aT7l5o
VThcUi.JS ; HllTU.mO ; TT9-SfthiS3 ; CHnhl.
All I'rl'fi'u pulil un iirmuuliillou ul' tlcUnU
ttllliuiil.iludiirlliiii. . . . .
1'ho iinlr Ililnit ul lliU cliiirnrlrr ; In ulilcli
iiiiiiilpnliilloii In inipn lbli' . Thu Ik-liui
un MII > ITKOIimllll ) IdDiil
iviinii Ollli-lul i-x > ry
llclirl , unil iiuciilM urn iinlluirl/inl la HDD
liiu uriuliiulllut lu riiHlilnir iirltcn.
ACJI'.STrt iVKRV\VU15lti : .
1'or tlckt'U , vlo. , upply to
llruna vu > ' > N. V. CItr.1
15. Kauli & Co. , 417 Walnut St - . It pn
Mo , , or 1'rank l.obrauo , 1' , U 2n ? urr
1 Wyaudotto , Kaiitan ,
Tlio Dcnilly Bloilo of KlRlitlnr ; AVlilol
III UllB lfX ,
Over 0,000 duels occur nntiunlly it
Franco alone. The I'tinnm us mojoritj
of tlicBo oncounlora tnke plnco botwct'i
prix-ato soldiers. In every Fmich rrgi
inont nro to bo found two or thrco drat
ruto snordemcn , commonly culled dci
mtcuri , xfhono Hroolftl bnilnccn it is tc
tret the nerve oJ nny recruit nuepectod
of a dtliciuncy nf phygicial courage
On the most ftivoluus prelixl
the Intctir fnMcus a ( [ iiarrol 01
tha unfnttnrutn ncuvrau , nna thoutmni
moua voice cf the regiment declares thai
honor dcmnndg hloodalicd. Thu oncoiin
ter telcna plncu in the preeciico ot foui
non-comiiiisnir.ncd cllicero and of the rcg
( mental fencing master , who stands by
Bwutd In hand , ready lo parry any to <
dangerous thrust. The weapon used It
thu cavalry is the snbro , r.iul in the in
fnntry the ordinary sword bayonet , ant
the issiio in gvnornlly harmk'As enough
although cnaua li.ivo been known of thi
Uttcur iiiniBfilf coming to yrlcf througl
the recruit going for bin ndvorvaty ,
In society , nnd especially ninontt gen
tlomcn connoctcd with what the Frond
term la pntitu prc-stio , a very similar ruli
provailg , but vith ono importnnt modlli
cation. The tatcur is hoio conspicuou
by hia nlnu ) co , and tl'.o young nipirant ti
aocinl or journnlis'tlo honors is i < xpcctcc
to faire oes prouvua by deliberately pick
ing a quarrel with sonio oligiblu oppo
n'cnt. J'ho weapon nsud in tlicsu attain
of lioiior la aliuoat Invariably the enial
sword , the pistol being considered far toe
dangerous nil arm the ineuo of thcai
cncountora in as a rule n Dcratchut
finger or forearm. Occasionally , whei
political or ether considerations rondo
oven n ocratch undesirable , pistola nrt
resorted to , but with peculiar procau
( Ions. Thim MAL Gambotta and D *
J'\tirtou the former being ono-eyed ant
the latter nearly blind were put up a
forty paeon in a dense fog to oxchangi
shots with very nhort-barrcllo'd , smootl
bore pistols. In short , ntno out of toi
Jfronch dnols may bo loodcd upon a
in era farces played for the amusement o
thu gallery. Tim excellent health enjoyed
joyed by MM. llocliofort , DC Cassgnac
and Carlo don Pcrriorco , who ainonf
thorn had boon out ever fifty times , nddi
strong confirmation to this vlow of the
In both Italy and Spain duela ara frequent
quont ; but in both countries the aabro it
unud to the nlmost complete exclusion o :
the small sword. Indeed , the prejudice
againot the latter arm in so strong ir
Italy thnfit is r.ll but imposniblo to lint
aoconds who rrill consent to act in a duel
n 1'ppco. Thu natural result is that ,
\vhilo a fatal issue is rnro.tho ugly gashce
in the face uro very common. . In both
thcao countrion the pcualty for dueling ,
un in Franco , ia merely nominal.
Throughout Germany , including I'rua-
sin , A us triii and the minor utatcg , a very
tlillbront rule prevnilu. With the execu
tion of the oft-doBcribcd "Schlacor"
duels among university students , whicb
iiro still winked nt , oucoutitors botwuon
civilians are punished with considerable
severity , the ordeal of u single combal
being a privilege practically reserved for
the army. In tlio event of two ollicers
Falling out a court of honor
[ Ehrougorloht ) , generally composed oi
live superior oilicera , nnd preoiclod over
by the colonel of their regiment or thu
general commanding the district , euro-
fully ihvcstlgatoa the vrholo alfair aut
decidoa whether an apology shall be
tendered and accepted , or wliothorfju
encounter in nocpssary. Tlio doclsion oi
the court in iinal , and any olli-
cor refusing to comply with it would bo
jompollod to retire from the service ,
while any duel unauthorized by the court
would invariably load to the cashiering of
Iho oH'ondera. Pistols are almost invar
iably used , at a distance of twelve pacoa ;
ind , Gorman oliicors being as u rulu very
{ oed shots , fatal consequences are not
Infrequent. By a strange anamoly , the
, 'ordlct of the Ehrcngoricht does not en :
: iroly cover the responsibility of the com-
jatanta lu * the event of a fatal
osuo , the survivor is llablo to sutler a
: orm of open nrroat in a fortress varying
'roin two to eix montho. A Gorman edi
tor thus Undo himnulf in the dilemma of
( ( fusing to light nnd being compelled to
ctiro , or of lighting and running the
iak of boiinj placed under arrest for do-
ii } , ' ao.
In no country are duels more frequent
r more murderous than in Russia , thu
tuqalans , especially when in their cupa ,
s quarrelsome among themselves an tlu > y
ro proverbially courteuns to foroigneru
'no inodu of combat universally adopted
i tint termed the duel a la bnrriuro ; the
pponnntf ) being put up at fifteen paces ,
rith liberty to udvanco five paces each at
given signal , and tire tit will. Should
no of them iiro and inisa , hi.i adversary
i entitled to complete his livn pacei bo-
ire ruturning the shot. cases
ave been known in which a duellist ,
llliou h mortally wounded , rutidned
iidiclent otrrngth to take utuady aim andre
ro with fatal ctloot. Tlio great Uiuslan
oot Pushkin was killed in a duel r. la
.irrioro , after uevcroly wounding his an-
In the Baltic provinces a system pro.
ails which at first sight appimrn uvon
lore murdorous. The adversaries are
laced only thrco paces apart ; the pistols
ro huld with the mur/.io pointing up-
rard , and are brought down and dis-
hargcd nt a given signal. It may ap-
ear almost impossible for two men to
lies onch ether at so short a distance- ,
ut this is not the caso. Kaoh of the
pponcnts is so desperately anxious is
am the least fraction of a second on
Is adversary that , on the signal being
ivon , the weapons are often brought
.own with BO hurried and sudden a jerk ,
hat the bullola bury themselves in the
rpund. At a duel fought last year at
Uga between uu olllcor and a student in
hia fashion , three shots wcro exchanged
rithou t any result , while at the fourth
liecharno the student had the great too
t his right foot cut clean ell' by hia oppo-
leuta bullet. '
Two Scales of Prlues.
Everything the farmer has to sell Is
cry low , o very thlnir , or at least nearly
ivorything , that the farmer has to bay is
omparativoly high. Wheat over a largo
iroportlon of the region in which it is
irmluct'U brines the raiser but GO cents
tor bushel. The price of grain harvest-
rs and self binders , however , remain the
amoas when wheat was worth a dollar n
malicl lu the place \rhero it was rained.
L'ho name U with the plow that lurnid
he furrow , the harrow that pulverised
he Boil , aud the Boeder that put in thn
Top , Kvorylhing thai is turned off
roni the farm is very cheap , but every
hlng thot is turned out of the factory is
loan The old tc lo of prices for farm
irnducta haa all bcon changed , but the
icalo of prices for the products of iiianu
uctorles remains unchanged. Beef ,
nutton ai d wool are low , but pouts
ind wire nocouary to fence
i pasture coat at much as they over
did. Thu cost of procuring material am
of putting them together so as to nlFori
protection to animals during storms il
winter IIRI not been reduced with all thi
decline in farm product's , The prlco o
cloth is not affected appreciably by thi
fill In wool. A farmer may got a srual
price for the hideo ho has to dispose of
but he pays n high prlco for the boots
shoce , and harness that ho ia obliged it
purchase. Potatoes ara chonp , but thi
bags in which they are put in the wagoi
ihat in lined for taking them to mnrkc
cost as much at they did when pntatoci
brought twice the money they do at pros
out. It in alee noticeable that the ratei
of transportation and the commlfsioi
mrrcVinnt's clnrgos for eolhng them an
as high ft a when potatoes brcught a della :
a buahbl.
Formerly the prlco of articles rtqniree
for food governed the price of almost nl
other articles. The price of nlmost ever ;
thing was governed by that of wheat , ai
that waa regarded as the ruoet importan
of oil producta. All this ia changed now
Farmers have nothing to do in roqulatlm
prices. They take what la oll'ered fo
their producta. They are too numorou
and too widely scattered to combine
Thu price of nearly ovury article they an
obliged to purchast > , hov7over , is regulate *
by associations and combinations formei
among manufacturer ; . The mannfac
turora of nearly every important articl
combine to limit production and to koo ;
up prices. They oven combine to pre
vent the establishment nf nianufactorlo
similar to their own. In many depart
motits of manufacturing there is no com
petition betweendlllerent oslablishmonts
A uniform scale of prices Is adopted whlcl
is rigidly adhered to. In many cases ou
patent lawa and tariff system ouabli
thorn to ustablieh and perpetuate thi
moat oppressive monopolies. The west
ern farmer learned the price of whoa
and pork by rcadicg the market report
of Liverpool. IIo gets no informatioi
about the prices of cloth , and article !
madu from iron and steel by consulthif
the quotations in the papers of Man
Chester , Sheffield and Brimiugham
These quotations are of no value in thli
country , pxcnpt it may bo"to enable ou
enterprising manufacturero to double tin
figures. The producers of articlcu o
food In this country are obliged to com
pete with the producers of similar pro
ducta in every part of the world , but oui
manufacturers , whoso goods farmers arc
obliged to have , have no competition except
copt among themselves. As bofon
stated , they generally manage to pcovon
such comnutitlo'n. With such a state o
affairs , it ia no great marvel that far men
are not prosperous.
Shnkcspcnrc nnd the Sweet Singer
Bill Nyo.
All of ua have to struggle before TTI
can catch the eye of the speaker. Miltoi
didn't got one-fiftieth aa much foi
"Paradiso Lost" aa 1 got for my firai
book , and jot you find people to-day wh <
claim that if Milton had lived ho coulc
luivo knocked the socks elf mo with om
hand tied behind him. Recollect , how.
ever , that I am not hero to open a ells
cuselon on this matter. Ev ry ono if
entitled to hit ) own opinion in rotation tc
authors. People cannot agree on the
relative merits of literature. Notv , foi
instance , last tunnner I mot a man ovoi
in South Park , Col. , who could repeat
pace after page of Shakespeare , and yet ,
whim I aakod him if ho was familiar with
the pooma of the "S wcet Singer of Michi
gan , " ho turned upon mo a look of stolid
vacancy , and admitted that ho had novel
heard of her in his life.
Times What's the Matter With .lolin ,
Merchant Traveler ,
A youn man , who was very m' h in
love with an unresponsive girl , got such
a fit of the mopes that hia family became
alarmed about him.
"My , my , ' said his mother , "what can
bo the matter with Johui Ho acomn tc
; ot no bettor , and ho ia real palo and baa
no aupotito. "
"I wonder if it isn't malaria , " sugges
ted his father.
"Malaria the mlachlof , " interrupted
kho grandmother , coming into the con
versation , " 'tain't malaria us aila
John. I've been watchin1 the boy. It's
'omnlariaand you just watch him
awhile and you'll see. 1 know how it is
myself. " :
Too ( foss Huuicu .KOHIM ! Elsewhere.
Wheeling lirgKter.
The SJ88 joke has reached Wheeling
'rom Plttsburg , nnd is going the rounds.
Two persona meet in a dark alley , and
ono snyfl : "Say. did you hoar that story
to-day about 288 < " "No ! " answered the
) ther , excitedly ; "what is it ? " "Oh , it's
oo grots too gross entirely , " replied
lia comjianion , in n mournful voico.
'Toll away , " resumed the first , "and I'll
rv to stand It. If 1 must hear such
Iroadful things , I must , " "Well , " ox-
laimod his friend , " ! ! t ia ono gross , and
' 'SB is two grcsu , Isn't It ? " A meteor
hot across the eky like lightning n
. .huda moan - a chuckle i\ dark form
tcallng ixway in the darknets and all
vus silent.
SIlO I'ApuCUMl til lit ) IX'COlVC'd.
elmn Times.
"Say , conductor , " said a passenger on
ho Erie , "don't bo stingy about it.
ntroduco mo to that woinnn you were
ujt talking to so lovingly. "
"Certainly , Step right ovor. Mrs.
Dobbins , this la Mr. Stobbins , " and the
onductor went his way.
"Oh , Mra. Dobbins , delighted to
tnow you. Widow , I suppose. Lot mo
warn you agalnit making the acquaint-
nco of that conductor. Ho'll deceive
ou. "
"Oh , bless you Mr. Stobbins , I ox-
> ect that. He Is my husband. "
iiK tlio
Cntisas Cily Journal. .
When the 100,000 oiliccs have been
larcellod out by lvvoland to his hungry
ollowors , there will remain 4 COO.OOO
iomocrata uuprovldod for. Then there
will bo weeping and walling all ever the
and , and they will not bo comforted.
A CARD , Tollwhotr tf ? 'n ' from
nd IndUcMtloni ol youth nenoiu i vratpec * , Hj
d c rou ol niinnood. etc. . I UI xad i
th.t will our. you , HlkK O1T CJIAnQK. Thl
rmsdy wu dliooTeied by tnltilpnery Ij
Au > fiLBend Mll-addr-nol T UVI la EJ .
urn T. UMAX BUtltn P. K < Y a
The young man who prides himself
ipon looking spruce should bear in mind
hat the aprucn is ever green.
Hlttcro do nut only dlttlnt
iriiUh thoiiiBolvo.4 by tholr tlavor and nronmlc-
dor above all others generally imod , but they
, ro aUo a sure pro\onti\e fur all illsoasca or/ *
uatliifr from the dilative orgiine , Uoworo of
oimterfrltu. Ask your grttcor or drupeUt fur
ho Koiuilno article , manufactured by Ir. ) J ,
, II. SelRQrt ft Siuia i
Montana has now a population of 8i , >
000 , and the value of its taxable prop-
rty la botwoonSlD.OOO.OOO and50,000-
_ _
* * * t * Delicate diseases of oitha
ox , however induced , radically cured.
Address , World's Dlsponsary Medical
Association , Buffalo , N. V ,
A. Ili-Avc Miner Who , Though IJIIni
KnrtiH llln Own
Walter young is a Scotch minor
Ing in the Buffalo mine , about twenty
seven miles from Plttsburg , where th
fifty or sixty men employed are of Entjlis
or Scotch origin. In the course of th
fall of last year ho lost the sight of bet
of hia eyes from Hying bits of coal , ono o
tlfem falling right out ot the socket ha
Thankegtving day. The sight of th
other was almost totally destroyed a woe !
or two after. The man was a great favorite
ito among hin fellow workmen , nud fo
the first three months after the accldon
they paid his store bill by subscription
raised among thomHilves. At the end o
that time they made him n present of , 5 (
which kept him and bin family for tw
months more.
When that was gone , he , like a brav
man , determined to bo no longer depend
cut on the charity of his brethren , but t
resume bis occupation.Yith the assistance
anco of his 14 year old sou ho would lid
into thu mine in the morning on a coa
car and on reaching hia room would b
led to the "faco" of the coal by the boy
who adjusted his "cully-stool" In positlo
coated the blind digger on it , and left hit
to bear in the coal. Then the old ma
would pick away , judging of the distune
by fooling instead of sight , until the cu
was ready for firing. So the two hav
continued to work for several month
past , always earning enough to pay the !
way.Mr. . Young 'a ' about GO years of ago
and was in hia youth n private in the 70 1
regiment of Highlanders. lie fought i
in the battle of Balaklava , and was
witness of that oploudid charge of the Six
Hundred which has won immortal fam
for tu.o li'sht cavalry brigade.
A Hello or.laolcHon'a Dny.s.
The trail of General Jackson in hi
march to Now Orloano waa through Newton
ton county , Mia ? . , nnd while but a few
traces are loft of the route , the old bridge
built by him acrosa the Pottoxchitto
crook , some vf the timbers being undis
turbed by time and man's ravages , remain
main as an index to hia route. Theae
will bo taken up and carried to the Now
Orleans exposition during the next few
The latest evidence of the extreme
poverty of Mr. William H. Vandorbllt is
related by Albert Wolff , who writes from
Paris that rrhon the millionaire was askoi
to loan his Moissoniors for the spocia
oxbibitionof the wdrka of that artist ho
replied that "his fortune would not per
mit him to expose his canvaaoa to the
hazards of such long voyage. "
By using Dr. Ifauicr's Throat aud LUDR lial
sam the only turo euro { or Coughs , Colds
Hoarseness and Sere Throat , and all disease )
of the throat aud lunga. Do not neglect .
cough. It may provo fatal. Scores nnc
hundreds of grateful people ewe their livei to
Dr. IVa/jer't Throat and Limp Balsam , aut
no family will ever be without it after nnc
using it , and discovcrinc ? its marvelous power
It is put up in largo family bottles and soli
for the iramll price of 75 cents per bottle. Soli
Kuhn & Co. and 0. i' . Goodman.
Pittabure Chronicle. _
The fastest time ever made on an Eng
lish railway was recently done botweoi
Paddiiigton and Swindon stations , on the
Great \Vestern road 72 miles in ono
hour and twenty-seven minutes , being
& > } milcB per hour. No stops were
No HaforlloiiiPtly can bo had for Coughs
and Gelds , or any troublu of the Throut , tban
' BROWN'S Bno.vciiiAi , TKOCHKS. " Trice 25
cts. SOLD ONLY IN no\ns.
Thorp will bo no squabble in Washing
ton society this year as to whola the "firs
lady in the land. " Mrs. Hondricks wil
gracefully assume the position , and , al
though her advent will , it is said , bo like
the action of so much uitro-glycorine
upon other aspiring dames , they cannel
oust her from ir.
MEAT SAUH : . The finest mayonalso for
meat , fish , and vegetable aalada , and a
auporb table sauce. It far surpasses any
liomo-niado droesinc. Everybody likes it.
The cane which i'rosident Lincoln
carried on the night of his assassination
s now the property of Col. J. W. H.
Harris , of Cleveland , who was with the
resident on that fatal night. The cauo
lua u bent top , a dog's head of ivory ,
and a narrow gold band , on which is on-
jraved : "Abroh niLinonln _ , 18G5. "
Dr. WM P. CI.OTHIEII , Buffalo , N. Y.
says : " 1 prescribed it for a Catholic
irient , who was a hard atudour , for wake-
illness , nxtromo norvouanoaa , etc. Ho
reports greatbenpfU. " _
Young wife. 1 am determined to learn
at what hour my husband comes homo at
lights ; yet , do what : 1 will , I cannot
; cop awake , and ho ia always careful note
o inako a particle of noiao. Is there any
! rng that will produce wakofulneta ? Old
Vitc : No nerd to buy drugs. Sprinkle
ho tluor with tacks
Jy Dr. Kraziur'H Magic Ointment. Cures as
f by magic : 1'lmpU * * , Black Jleadi or G rubs ,
ilutcheH Mid Kruptions on tin face , leaving
lie nlin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
alt JUieum , Sere Nipples , Sere l.ipd and old ,
) bsttnato Ulcers bold by druggists , or
nailed ou receipt prico. 60 cents. Sold by
Liihn & Co. and 0. 1' ' Goodman.
"There uro two methods of commom-
rativo course ; One , the narration of his-
erie events , together with lesions they
mitedly teach ; the ether an analysis of
ho characteristics of the institution
ommnmorated so exhibiting the reason
f it. " _ _
A Household Treasure.
Saya a shrewd writer , "only lot a wife
mow she is precious to her husband , and
ho will bo to him and to her children a
well-spring of happiness. " There is good
enso in this. And there Is good sonao
n preserving your wifo's health so that
ho may be happy. Many women are
ruelly run down by work and worry ;
> ut hardly any are beyond the power of
Jrown's Iron Blttoia to restore. Mrs.
j D. Hamilton , Bedford , 0. , sayu , "I
orived permanent good from using
frown's Iron Bitters aa a tonic ior
; eneral debility " _
"Uow beautiful these two old people
ook , sitting together at the fireside ! "
xclaimed a sentimental young lady ; "I
wonder what they are talking about ? "
'Probably fighting their battles o'er
gain , " replied her matter-of-fact companion -
panion [ Burlington Free Preea.
illchigau , infer to eouil their celebrated KLEO
LIANCKH ou trial for thirty dnye , to men
young or old ) alllictod with uervous debility.
emi ol vitality and manhood , and ull kludred
roubles , AUo ( or rheumatism , DBuralgio ,
laralysiii , aud many other diswwt * . Complete
restoration to health vigor and manhood
guaranteed. No ruk incurred , u thirty dayi1
rial U allowed. Write them at once for ulus-
rated panipblct free , i
C.17 St. Chnrlpo si. , St. I.onK Mo.
t r , ( tn'nr i \ * if. ' l - ' li ' I * . 1 i r lnr ,
tttt't In Hi" > f < " ' i " Cnu i N > M. En >
, t l'i , i , lii.i. . ' Int. , n uil' I'hj.h i.r , lu Hi. Loull.
11) ) ' r .t un ' " 'I Mil n'J r * i 1.11 iO < ft
in Piostratlon. OcDlilt ) : . Mental snn
' Weakness Mcrciirlal and rthcr ftHer-
lion : ol Throal , Skin or Denes , Blood Polsnnlnq
aid Sores and Ulcers , -.1 r-'i i uv ourirnii ic <
urf . . i ii I n.t "li nt.i fl i rinf . . It i Prl Mfl .
Diseases Arlsinij ( rum Innlscretlon Excess ,
Exposure or Inilulscnce , w-'i i-oiw uw ' tM
tl r.lnlt 11' ' " > 'iiii.l. ' ll'lf IIH . Of < IW
RI a Ur ' 'h > in mirv piipli.ft , ! it , * Tf ? | h.llMl ill -Jt
M r l ill If. lh M rl lj I ( lie "I llfll U > ttfllllH- < k
rnd rlne MarrUzo mprjrifr or tinutppy , " '
t.ririicim "in I l'imlil , i .W . inffifn'l lix-l ' - . oviii.p. , li i to mn .ili'rc . < il "illKtiiti t f
urn r hy mull fre itnillnTlCv. . ! V ilw ( ir | L * il inl.
A PositivoWritren Guarantee
lrr ln ll cnrtilr' > U i'irln" .1 nl Mirtubcrt.
r mphlel , Enftllnh or ili-rmin. 01 pnee , d .
tcriblnc above tint ones tnmalocr foraale , I'llTK.
fviriv ; < > i , H > * l > < r > . lllniira'el In d i * am ] | IHbljlln
BLIC , n.oneyr 1 uran ln'r | c ' r , BV. TMl ttci
nrtalrl ftli Ibe rnrloui iloii * ifii ) tt lauv niilfe wn&t U
> uo . A Kx-k ef lust Inter' * ! to nil , Ul'J Uuv.
Uipiioit ! % r * irouiw a br tli tilvtoft
Will pnrlfir thn n .OOD.Tcinv tlio LlVcn ami KIDNEYS.
nnil Hr.wTout Till ! HUAI.T1I
nt'rft ick wlvo novforcu
Ui Il\oii9 the inliiil am
pupnllcs llrilu I'uwcr.
Siim.rlnj lionieuiiil.iliiti ! |
un pwiillafto Ilirlr Ei'X wil
( Inil InDH. E1. ' B TEH'S IKON TONIO n rnfa nnil
sp etly euro. iill7tsa rluar , liealtliy cnniplrxlon.
I'rciiuunt attempts at cni-"tprfpViiiK only aili
lo lheioinl.irliy | | DI tlio orlulinl. Do uot eiiicrl-
/jHeDilTOurmlilrn 3toTljnllr. nnrlcrwed Co.Tk
, Sfst.IxiiL % Mo. , for cnr"lHEAM HOOK. " B
V lTallal strcaco u&u usclol.laiormjaca.fnx > . jr
Science of Life Only. . $ 100
Exhanetcd Vitality , Ncrvoiu and Physical Dcblllt
Premature Docllno fn Mm , llrrors of Youth , and th
untold miseries resulting from Inilleerctlona or ex
coaxes. A book fer every man , youn , middle SRCI
> nd old. It contains 126 prcscrlptluns lor Ml oca
unil chronb dlacaerB each ouu of which Is Invaluable
So found by the Author , wlioso experience for 1
ycara Is eiicn as probably no\tr ocforo fell to the lo
of any physician. BOO pages , bound In beautllu
French muslin cmp03sod ocncrj , full , gilt KUnranteet
to bo a finer work In every Benao , , II
erary and profcsslorAl , than any ether work Bold I
this country for 52.60 , or the money will ho relundo
In every Instance. Price only 81.00 by mall , peat
paid. Illustrative B-iniplo 6 cents. Send now. Qoli
modal awarded the author by the National Uodlc *
Association , to the olllccra of which ho refers.
The Srlcnco of Life should bo read by the vouu
for Instruction , nnd by the aflllctod fox relict. It wl
benefit all. London Lancet.
Tlicro li no member ol s-iclcty to whom The Se
enco of LJfo will not bo useful , whether jouth , pai
ent , guarulan , Instructor or clcrgym a. Argonaut.
AUdrerw the Pcpbody Medical Inbdtulc , or Dr. W
II. Parker , No. i lUilflnch Etrectr , Roston , Masa. , wh
may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill one
ezpcrlenoo. Chroulo uul obstinatedlecascs that hav
baulod the skill ol all ether phjx-ltrnj clans
a epoclaltyl Such treated success-IICHL full
without an Instance of f Uuio. TUVCCI C
ICth anil Capitol Aventio , treat a all ctjcs Crip
pled or Deformed , alsodlaeoaca of tt ,
Hervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All canes of Curvature Ol tbo Spine , Crooked Fed
Logs ivnd Arma , Diseases of the Hip , Knee , nml
Ankle Joints Also Chronla aIcctong ! ! of the the :
Kheitmitlmi , I'araljBb , Ilka , Ulcorn , Catarrh , Asth
m& and llronchltle are all troatecl by now and euc
Cii5blul inrtliods. All dUeaec ? of tno Blood and Urlii'
rj Organs , Including thowi nsiillliiz from Incl cro <
tlon.or exposure , ate oafcl ) aud BiicciWully treated
tud r. euro Ki" " iitccd. Younp men , mlndlo n ed ,
Hid old men aultorln ? Irom Wo&knoaj and Norxou ;
on , iirr > duciiK ! iiniU'eutlou.ralpltatlonof the
leart , Despondency Dizziness , Ltsof lleinory.Lack
of Energy and Ambition , can bo restored to health
tnd vigor , If case lu not too long r.9K"Iected
fie Burgiou tn charge It A graduate- Jcffor-
on itcdlcal College IPfli ) aud baa studied hli
profimslon In London , Paris and llerlln. If atlllcted ,
all or wrlto full dcacTlptlou of your case , nad medl-
Ino may l > o uent you. Consultation lice. Addroa
im h Ulajieutury , Crounia'elllock , Omaha , Kelt.
) tQoo hours ID-IS a. m.,1-3 and 7-8 p la Sundtjg.
10 m.
fkSi'nd for treatise either on rruJa disease or
Jrlangor , . . . . . . , Uavarm
juhnbacber , . . . . . . , Bavana
'ilsnor . . . . . . < Bohemian.
aiBer- . . . . * .Bronion
Jndweiaor St , Louin.
inhauser. . . . .St. LOUIB ,
Jest'a Milwaukee
Jchlitz-Pilsnor Milwaukee ,
vruc18 ; Omaha
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhinv
Wine. PD. MAUEER ,
ITJMn your aildri iw to fin Ift Rprclflc Co. , Drawer 3 ,
lUllU Atlanta , da. , for an hurri-Mlm : In-all on
Jluoa and fcldu itlecucslilcli they will mall frvo
Inflammatorv Rlieumatism ,
I uas attacked last wlntir ulth liilhiiiinatnr.v rhcu
la'Uin ofn'M're t0-iiij | ' llrtt xurlouii llluuui Mncc
S70 : IluiUarlounklniU nf trtatiucnt nlth onl.v
cuiiiororj relkl. Altir eou'ii wtvkn I was rt-ducwl
lUvlKht'SS luiuniU , hail no tren'lh in < r oj.iLtltc
nil uu trowtiir weaker cur ) < la > In this coiidltliui
Ui.-aiia llt' Spi lllc , and In tlinu da > < tH 'ati to
u , ami In thrcu ueiku I was Ireo ( rom
nil up attcndlnit to im rtvular bu lnci. JIj ai pete -
to rvturiu'il ami 1 raplilh L-alni'il m.r Ilisli I ha\c
altul thU long to bocirtaln that mj cure was per-
uaneut. u. I * . Huouiirii ! , Mtiirmj at law ,
Uruumlck , Cli. . June 3 , IWt
I hav had rheumutUm ( or ( orty ) car , and ha >
tin rellcml ulth a few bottle * ol S. b S. 1 coutlder
t a Cod fcend to the allllcU'd.
1. lUVAlAiE.Thomr * Oa , , Aug. 18 , 'tl.
The romnrkablo growth of Omaha
during the last few yoara la n matter of
great astonlohmont to those who pap nn
occasional vialt to thlq rowlnf ; city. The
development of thu Stock Yarda the
nocosaity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved ntrcots the hundreds of nor
realcloncoH and costly bnslnoaa blocks ,
with the population of our city moru than
doubled In the last fire yo.vrn , All thlo
ia H great surprise to vfaltors nnd in the
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the bnnlneaa activity , and the
many substantial improvements matin &
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every investor Las made a handsome
Slnco the Wall Street panto last May ,
with the cubaoquont cry of hard times ,
there has been loss demand from specula-
torn , but a fair demand from Invostoro
seeking homoa. Thla latter class are
taking advantage of low prices In build ,
ing material and are securing their homoa
at much leas cost than will bo possible a
year honco. Speculators , too can buy
roaloEta' a cheaper now and ought to take
ndvant o of .present prices for future
profit ! .
The nest few yoara promises groatei
d ivol opmonta in Omaha than the past
fivi years , which have been oa good an
wo could reanonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing houses nro added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and througn-
but the State , trho have their mcnoy in
the banks drawliiga _ nominal rate of 1
toroat , which , if judiciously invested ID
Omaha real estate , would bring them
much greater returns. V/e have many
bargains which we are confident vlll
bring the purchaser large profits In the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north anrl
v/estern parts of the city.
North wo have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue.l7th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam , Davenport ,
Guming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnnm , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in value.
Wo also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made iu this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
bhe price in a short time.
Wo also have some h'ne business
lots iinu Borne elegant inside resi-
lencep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
iomo good barRinnn Dy calling on u
South 14th St ,
Bet veeu Farnham antl Douglas.
P. S. We ask those who have
property for sale at a bargain to give
is a callWe waut only bargains.
rVe will positively not handle prop-
irtv at more than its real value.