Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1884, Image 1

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    EE ,
Third Dfis's ' Session of Our
Legislature ,
Little Business Aooomplishod iu
Either House ,
Plans and Prospects for Future
Legislation ,
Opinions ef the Most Prominent
The Eicht Hour Law in the Postal
Department ,
Senator Ciilloni and iliu Ortli'r of IliH
Itnll\v y Dill Other Wnsh-
infirm Gossip.
WASHINGTON' , December 3.--Tho chair laid
"bcforti thu senate tlto report of tbo comuiimcu
appointed to select : \ sita for the Gnrfield stat *
wo. Iteforred.
McPherson introduced a bill to suspend the
coinage of silv r dollars. Thn bill proudos
that the secretary of the trcniury ba directed
not to relisuo any Unttud Status notas of u da-
noininatiou less tlitu 85 , nnd destroy those
now existing. That upon deposit of ( diver
bullion dcpudtoH shutl receive silver
certificates , having en their face too wright
nnd market vitlua of the maul deposited iu U ,
S. gold dollars The resolution of yesterday ,
calling for the invotUatlon into the cases
made by the Indians in the Indian territory ,
was taken up. An amendment was agreed to
including within its scope tha iuvMtig.tticn of
the louses of lands in the Indian reservations ,
liesuhitiou ngreea to.
Senator MandcrBou , at his own rcquot , has
boon released from Burvico as a member of the
committee on claims.
Among the bills introduced in the senate
to day and referred wns one by Wilson , pro
viding that railway postal clerics nliull here'
after bo appointed for a probationary term of
from three to nine mouths , nnd if the record
of survico and conduct made in that time is
satisfactory , then a permanent appointment
sdiall bo made subject to removal for came.
WASHisoTOjf , December 3.A bill was
parsed authorizing thu construction of abridge
across the St. Croix river , between Stillwnter
and Tcylor's Palls. On motion of Mr. Cable
the senate amendments to the house bill , for
feiting une.irned land grants by the Atlantic
A. Pacific Hallway Company , were non-con
curred iu. On m ition of Mr. Itandall the
house went into a committee of the whnlo.
( Cox , of New York , in the chair ) , on the bill
making temporary provision for naval services.
No amendments was ollcrcd to the bill , and
no discussion bad ; lUndall merely making a
brief statement that the appointment for tha
support of the navy the current fiscal year
was § ir , G5GliG ! , u reduction of 825S,2iS ( from
the previous yoar. Tha committee rose , the
bill pasied , the house resumed the considera
tion of the inter stito commerce bill.
1 "Soymour said llsagan's Bubstitnto was BO
' strict aa to interfere with the lawa of trade.
'Uonf rtivl Peters aUo opposed the Reagan
liill , and favored the committee bill for the
establishment of a commission to have
supervision of the inter-state cnmmetco , The
subject then went over until to-morrow. It
was ordered that when the house adjourn to-
inoirow it will bo to meet on Monday. Ad
WASHINGTON , December 3. A delegation
"of Philadelphia letter earners called npou
Postmaster General Hilton and
to-day pre
sented a memorial Dialing the character of
'their employment comes within the provision
of the eight hour law , and that they ino entitled -
titled to compensation for the extra hours of
laljor glvon the government since the passage
of the at , and requesting thim to provide n
remedy. The postmaster general informed
thu delegation that congressional action would
1)0 necessary in tha case , a id indicated
a willingness to u further procurement of
uocoasary legislation by all means inhispower.
It Is the opinion of a number of members
of the homo committee on uavnl affaira that
no action will be taken by tha committee on
the recent recommendations of ollicials of the
navy department for appropriations for new
vessels for the navv. Tnoy also think tha
iucommend.ition.-i will not bo favorably con-
bidered by tha house committee of appropria
tions , An attempt to suspend the rules and
pa s the bankruptcy bill will bo mudn in the
early port of .lunuiry. As BUiponNion ro-
iiiiro3 | a two-thirdi vota it is not probable the
attempt will ba successful.
Secretary Teller , Postmaator-Gcnernl Hat-
ton , Assistant L'ostma tor Jlazon and Kail-
way Superintendent Thompson will form a
party to attend tha opening of the Now
Orleans exposition.
A Demur to lViiHloiiii > ; ; 'Graiit ,
Special lull-gram to THK liKK :
CHIOAIIO , December 3. An inquiry among
the members of the senate and house commit
tees on military affairs , which will have much
to do with framing any legislation to carry
out President Arthur's migration in his message -
sago about pensioning General Grant , devoU
ops the fact that there id very little sympathy
with it. Grnnt'd action of lata years , and his
unfortunate complicity in the affairs of VMi
& Ward , have done much to alienate those
vhojccngnized the exulted character of Ids
Korvices to the nation. Soma are Inclined to
criticize the president rather
Hovcrely for this recommendation ,
an J they point out that in vetoing Kitx John
Porter's bill , the principle laid down that
aid Btich m was proposed ( mould not bo given.
They point out that near tha uloso of his eec-
mid presidential term n fund of ? 2K > , ( M ) . ) was
raised for Grant. Orly the interest of which
can bo nsecl , and that this yields the nice
competency of 810,003 jeuily. Ills friends
nay on tha other hand that Ibis munny is In
vested in Wub& h railroad sticks which do
not pay dividend * , and that though cv-Gov.
Morgan guaranteed it dividend of six per
cent on them the condition of his ustutu is
Much that this probably will not be continued
whan Grant would bo actually without on in-
como. At any rate it is not probable that
uction will ba taken in thu mutter at this
The Kcpiihllonn Programme ,
WASHINGTON , Dccomtvr 2 , Times' Sii
The republican senators have not yet
ngiced on < t programme for the winter , but
they will hold a caucm in a few days to de
cide what bills they will paah. The bills thus
agreed on in caucus will bo pained by the
H ; uftto , but their passage in the honee will be
Senator H rris is the champion of the aspi
rations of Dakota for statehood , und gavn
notice to-day that next Tuctduy he would
call up the bill to admit South Dakota M a
utato. .Senator Vent intimated that tha
democraticeunatorj would res'st ' the passage
( if tha bill through the siiiato this session , but
In the eagernoja cf congress to get action on
matters of concern to them and their constitu
ents , and In view of the largo democratic ma
jority in tha IIJUBO , it is into to say that Di <
koU will liavo to wait at least another year ,
One extra republican congnMamau would cot
matter muco , but the admiiMiou of Dakota
would add two senators to tha republican
e , and the democrats ) are more anxious
than evtr to cM < tura Iho spnnt ? . now Uif t
they Imvo HIP white house and the houjo of
Sonntor Platt , who is to
\\\9tl1Ni. TON TKIllllTOHV
what Senator Harrison la to U kot territorv.
has not arrived. V % lion he got * hcra ho w lit
try to Ret n day fixed for coiuidorine the bill
ndmlttlng Washlngtf.n. . As the democrats of
the territory Imvo jmt elected M di'legato to
congwss thn son of Suuntnr Voorhpes , the
democrats in congress may bo expactou lotako
mote kindly to liiii bill than the olio Sntiator
ItiriUnn i' puehinp. but WftUiiiiBtoli ti lioteo
innlure ' Dakota , nnd will \n\\e \ to w.ilt till
empire territory gets in , gi > that tlmo spent in
this congress on the admission of Washington
terrUniy will bo wnstcd.
Jtidt tieforo ciingnsR ailjouined , Inst uui-
mcr , Senator Cull tn made - > motion \\lilrh ho
intended to Ime the fll'cct of mnking his bill
for the regulation of latlrnnda the special
order for next Thursday. The clerks , how--
IIVIT , have Rut him recorded nn moMiig to
poitpouo further coiuiderntiun of his bill till
next Tluu-jidny , which is quitp a lUlrcnmt
tiling. As it. mi w stand" , hU bill cannot betaken
taken up before Thursday , but it still remains
for the senate to pay whether it will Uko it
up then , or at oomi- later tliiy , or at nil. Sen
ator Uullom will innko an uarnost endeavor to
got hii lill taken up on Thursday , or nt the
earliest possible iliy tliPrenftor.
A , Now York Itlc/.o.
KKW VOIIK , December 1A 1 ! fire occurred
this evening in the ollices of Newman and
I'leUchinan , dealers in woo.l Mosaics on the
second lloor of N.i. . ( ' , Weat Fouiteonlli ttroot
The entire upper part of the building was soon
in a blozo. Miss Weed , manager of the l v
dius" Art association , who lives on the fem th
lloor , was prevented from getting down stalra
by tlid llainf * and smoke. She wont to the
front xvlmluw nnd made known her dancer.
A laJJcr was run ttp and she wai rescued by
the firemen. Another young woman WAS car
ried down from the third floor. Mrs. 1'ctrr-
sen , nSwodUli woman , and hiiu ekeeper for
Miss Wood , injured herself quite badly by
fallinc down stairs She tried to
lomovo her trunk when tha first
alarm was made but was overcome
by the smoke and seriously burned. The trunk
fell on top of her but she was carried out by
the firemen. A lire to-night originating in
the engine loom of .1. .t C. I'ischor'a piano
factory , West Twenty-eighth btrcot , for n
time threatened complete destruction of the
immense buildings owned by the 1'ihhers and
the llats and tenements adjoiuiujr. The
factory compiisos four feparalo buildings ,
taking in numbers from -117 to JIM One of
the buildings is eight stories high and
separated from a live story building on the
street , nnd one seven stories ; in the roar by
iron doors only. After two o'clock the con
flagration wan brought under control. Dam
age , S1W.OOO , of which S75OoO
is on Htock ; only partial insurance.
PANAMA , December 2. Revolutionary inur-
murings throughout the interior. Should dis
turbance occur in Conca r. general conflict maybe
bo expected.
Another revolution is in progress in Ecudor.
General Alfaro left hero on the sixteenth with
about 200 Kcudorian exiles in the steamship
Alojuta , purchased the day previous. lie
steamed to Ksmcralda , where hn was enthusi
astically icceivcd. Ho hai an abundant Btip-
ply of munitions and his cannon and catlliug
guns are of the latest pattern. A ] faro ia
leader of the liberal party and , undoubtedly
if he prove to bo successful church and state
will at once be separated.
.Tho Unltod Status steamer Shenandoah
sailed from Callos for Mullaado , Peru , to en-
'quire into the facts connected with one of Co-
cercs > rbitrary acts.
1'uttliifj i\ > trio Itates.
NEW YOUK , December K. At : i meeting of
railroad presidents in the oflico of Commis
sioner Pink to-day , it was decided to fix the
rate on live stock atJO cents per 100 pounds ,
and on dressed beef at 70 cent ? from Chicago
to New York commencing Monday. Those
rates are somewhat higher than those of the
July tariff , und much higher than the present
latss , which nro 20 and S2 cents respectively.
Judge Cooley , arbitrator , decides that hfro-
after drcfascd beef rate are lo bo 70 per cent
greater than tha rats for live Block.
Funeral or Mii.jor General Molt.
THENTON , N. J. , December 3. The funeral
of Major General Mott occurred this morning
at the roeidcnea of the deceased. The remains
wore brought to this city nnd were mot by
Governor Abbott and a military escort. The
remains were placed in the btivto house until
2 o'clock and then interred ut Itiver View
cemetery. The nlato house was draped in
mouruiug nnd cannon wore lirod every half
hour until 2 o clock.
The Salem Murderer Sentenced.
SALKM , Mass , , December 3. Thomas Low ,
charged with the murder of Nellie Sullivan at
North Andover , was convicted of muidcr iu
the second degiei : and sentenced to life im
prisonment in the data prison. Uncovered
Ids face with his hands when the verdict wns
announced , and iu response to the question
whether ho hud anything to way nhool : his
head ,
The Western library Association ,
Itcci ; ISLAND , December 3 , The Western
Library association met' hero this morning.
They wera welcomed by Dr. O , Trnesdalo
President I'oolo , of Chicago , delivered an ad *
dress. The members Mum this afternoon
driven to the arsenalTonl ht K , II. Lin-
derfoot addresjod the association ,
Till ) Unto AVjir ,
NEW YOIIK , Doscnibsr 3. The railroad
passenger war continues unabated. The
Webt Shore and JOrio are soiling tioketi to
Chicago for iS fiO. ICoiind trip to Now Orleans
SI3 , The Central has instructed brokers to
sell as low as any other road ,
Trying lo Hum tlio Hiilyatlon Ariuj' .
liKDiiuroiU ) , MK , , December ) . While thu
Salvation Army was holding a meeting at
Saolabt night an incendiary fired thubuildicgs
Merlons results were avoided ly the or icrjy
and prompt dismissal of tha , Grout
indignation Is felt.
Ohio's l-Jleotnr.,1 Vulo.
CoLi'.MliUH , Ohio , DeceinberH.The electoral -
al college mot this morning. Tli'i full votn
was cast for li'iiiiiii ' anil Logan , and mwcii.
gerH were doled d t > ilullver th result f the
proceedings \Viuhiugtuu and the dlhtiict
Woi Union Accept a Ueiliicti'in ,
PlTTbiicno , Dccennbur -Tho workmen In
ho Amorieau lion wotkH , about it thoiuand In
nuniber , clpctilml to accept the ro < < iictlon of 10
p r cent of wagf H ot lub , rer . The Croicotit
stiit'l works' men ! > a'ceptod the reduction ,
lllalno HiMinr.-d hy a Dinner.
NKW YOISK , December ; i.-D. O , Mills gave
a dim or to-day m honor of James G. Ulalno ,
K. It Klkin- and wlfu were of the party. Af-
trrdlunei Mr. itlolno ncnt to UIH Metropoli
tan opera huiisii aod ll/itt nod to "J ohengrin. "
T 'o.uln :
.N. J > '
f tu'jer-l.-Upper
( | ] ) valley , generally fair weather , nearly
stationary soin-r raturu , yarlubla winds.
MisHimri valJoj , fair weather , southerly
winds , Hllght changes In temperaturo.
lloduotlon In
Pirrsnuisu , December y. The Lucy furnace
company , employing 700 men , this afternoon
pouted a notice of an immediate reduction of
' 12 } | > tr cent iu witgi'is ,
ov atiss
Special Di'pftlch tj the 0 lobeUomocrnt. .
IiAXrAsTKit , IVnnsylvaiiin , DoccmlKT 1.
The tecoml crem\lioii in the now Cromnloit *
uin here took place tivutght. U wnitheiQ-
cincrAtio'i of tlio body of Liurft G C rtiii'y ,
lhcb ! \ > itlfulyounc n trcs . wh. died of con-
miuptlon in Ihlttmoro N'txnmbar li . Mips
C'luncyvtia the dieter of Yimiii Clnucy , t > f
I'vnn ohiio fftiiio , btit she tii < pirtid
higher thnn her oister , for l. urn
wm an aclrens of ackilowlwdgcd
ability , nud wns in Mary AtuU'rsiiti'a in
pany tor mnno tinii' , but won hrr tame by
playing landing charactew v 1th 1'rnnk Mayo.
Sim supported him in his late , dlsiwtrom lefill-
loiato tour. Her Ri-pnlest 8ucei < w.-n aa
I'.lii.or Vnuahau in lH\y Crockett. When
KIO ! fiiund pl ' wai dylug thn wont to her
fiiend , M , 11. licimbitdi , of D\1timorn , ami
inmlo lii'r promise that hen ( ho dird HIU !
would crumato her binly. Laura was n sphit-
uli't und thought the spirit of bur mother WH
hovering new i er whm she died ,
Mrs. I < cliul ) ch to-day fulfilled Liura's dIng \ -
Ing wish nnd brought her body lu ro. Thn
only pcr nns that cnm with it were Mr. mid
Mrs , I.oimbach nud William Gardner , nil < f
Italilmorp. 'I'Oo latter U a spiritualist. One
day , a week or fo ngo ha iittomloil xoance
am ) sajs the cpirit of Miss Claucy nppcared ,
but the did not npoak , llo felt it bin duly to
go ifiul see her burled. ] lu had nax erf eon her
ucforo ho saw the bo ty today In the ctomn-
torV , and ho thought he reccguized the fnco.
The retort has been prepared > \cr night ,
but owing to an accident and interference
with the fireman by ollielals ol the cienmlori-
uin , tlio tntort was slow in heating to the vt > -
quuilo 2 OCO dcgieps , The time appointed for
Incineration wu : ' - ' O , but i ho retort was not
heated uitil ( ' 0. At tlat hour Dr. Davis
prepared the body , which hml been embalmed
in lialtimoro and was iu ported condition. It
wan wrapped in u cloth saturated In alum wa
ter to prount burning. The body was p'acod
iu a cotlin-sliaped iron crib , am ! that on n ta
ble , and relied from the chemical room to the
audience chamber. Hero the few ftiouds and
ladies from Philadelphia and this
place , mt'inbors of tha cremation aso-
sociations nnd pre- * , were gathered. Th re
wore no services but the door to the chamber
of thn rotoit was opoued and tliob.uly pushed
in , The sinht was a unique one , nml Mix.
Leimbnsh WUH nearly over come , and soon
after left the room. The body \vnn not in
jured by the inlriiM ) whita heat , and after the
door was closed it wej hlowly consumed and in
less than two hours was reduced to aidics.
Thcso will bo taken out to-morrow and
placed in two .scaled tin ca es and taken to
Baltmote , for Miss Clancy' * dying request
was to liavo half her adies in Yenio'w grave in
Ualtlmoro and half in her mother's cra\o in
Vermont. She WAs.only 21 yours of ago and
very pretty. She is the first member of the
profession over cremated.
H or Gross FrnudM.
Special to the Chicago Times.
WASHINGTON , December 3. A few years
ngo Messrs. livnns & Hunter , of St. Louis ,
oxteusivo catlle-raieers , tried to got the secre
tary of the interior to approve a leiwu of pas
ture lands from the Cherokees , The eecro-
tary refused to ajiprovo the lease , because any
such lease WAS a violation of the liovitcd
Statutes , Since that Kvans fc Hunter IIUMI
tccured by lease nearly one million nciea of
laud on the Arapahoe aud Cheyenne reservu-
lion , but Senator Vest hap obsurvcd that while
hia constituents weio informed that the ) CINO
they sought to liavo approved could nut bo
nppiovcd , leases have boon made from limn to
time till at ) ircbenti.Si7Ol'0 ; acres of land in
Indian Territory aio leased in violation of
law to cattle Twiners. Secretary Teller has
taken Ilia somowlmt remarkable position that ,
while the Icnsea were illegal and therefore not
to bo nprovod by him , they were iu the in-
tertwtlTof the Ipilians , and consequently ho
would ceo that grazers who had no lennos
should not molest or infringe on those who
had leases , In other words , the government
to the leaseholders , which is nil the approval
that is of any practical value to them.
Senator Vott offered to-day a resolution for
the investigation of this matter by the coin-
mitteo on Indian affairs , nnd the lOHohition
will doubtlusH bo adopted to-morrow. Sonutor
Yost charged gross corruption in Uio | > ro-
curoment of tlio leases , and RtaU'd it an
investigation was made ho was prepared to
give tha particulars of tlio bribery and cor
ruption of Indian oliiciuls reported to by the
caUln-mon. The reason of the htatnto forhiij-
dlng Indians to lease to white inon id that if the
latter could got a foulhold through a lon o
they would soon crowd out the Indians , und
thospecial objections to Indianx leaning thi'ir
lands lo tha cattle ralsei-H is that the
g vcrnmcnt wishes lo uncouruge Iho
Indians to ciillivulo the foil , and If large herds
of cattle are turntd loose ngriculturo will bo
imposjihle , ) Jist year thoOsngcs leased I1SO-
000 acres to half a du/.en cattle kimrs nt a ren
tal of 8 cants pnr aero per annum for all but
ono tract , the rent of which wan iij cents.
Among the partir.H who tried to get Homo of
Ibid pasturage , nudcomplainrdof unfair treat
ment , was the .Standard Cattle company , the
truftocs of which N. K Knirhunk , Sum
Jobiron , Stephen K < ! ao ! , William T. Uokur
and I'Muun Keith On Urn Cheyenne and
Ainpahoo reservation ; fll/SSO acres were
loafed to seven pnrtio.i at a rental of 2 cents
per aero per annum Ono of the parties who
tried lo got 000,000 acies on this icsorvu-
lion , but was willing to take UOO.OOO if ho
could not get anymore , was 15. H. Campbell ,
of Chicago , who complains that ho was fro/.en
out by collusion between the Indian agunt ,
the tulial authoritle. " , and tin uuccoisnful np
plicant ! ) for vust pastures. On the Cherokee
land west of the 'Jlith degrao of longitude , n
return to the Indian ollicu HIOWH that fil'M )
head of cattle were being pastured in violation
of law , and that 1)0,000 ) of thuro hnlnngod lo
an Knglixh company , wliilo 3,000 belonged lo
li. 11. Campbell , nnd 3,500 lo Iho Standard
cuttle company. Nine hundrid and lifty-nlno
Imd bean built on thin Irar.t , of which thirty
miles belong lo Campbell , It IH uUo a fact
that on various reservations outside of Indian
Territory largo numbers of catlln und xheoi ) uru
paslured without the sign of n lease , without
thn payment of a cent to the Indians , and the
in i-Huiicu of these herds has uiiiilu ngriculturo
by the Indians impossible , aotlmt In Home In-
Hauci'H to save the ludinus from starvation
tht ) government bos bought for them some nf
thtt kury cattle that had been illegally and
grutuitotixly pastured on their lands. Thesa
( | UntioiiH came up in the lust HOSSJOII of con-
Ki ( > M , and thu uoimto committee on Indian
iillalrs wia iXrctid ) | lo invesllguto the matlur
labt Himmor , but Ir , D.twes apologized for
thu oominltUo's inuclion on Iho ground that it
hud tu gn to Califoinia and investigate the
condith'ii of the Mistion Indlanx , und didn't
huvf tlu.o unough for Ixith tusks ,
Cull Tor M Itnducl Ion ,
TOIKDO , O. , December 3 , The produce ex-
ch'tigo In tliii city , to-dny adopted an ivldrcns
to thu railway managers of the country setting
foith that the transportation rates for western
producls during tha past few yoaru have been
based upon "what the tralllo would bear. "
This pdnciplo , the address doclarim , In a fair
ono , but roliUiuns are now HO changed botwoeii
the value of wet torn products und old rail
raluu us to demand u redustlon and read
justment even under a water ralo from
tha lake iHirtn to the seaboard of ( ijc per
bushel. The Kansas farmer has realized only
35 to12 cents per bushel on his whcut , Thu
com crop Is thu great commodity that fur-
niahus tratiaimrtutiun and wo are now at the
beginning of the movement. At pro/ient /
tirlcos thu result to farmers is eo cxceudlnglv
xumll , that the very lowest possible ralo will
bu required to glvu a steady winter butinesu
and prrivent u wholesale feuding of thu crop
Inntead of moving the grain ,
KuroitiA , Kan , , December 3 , A ilitpatch
to-nicht from Arkansas Cily , il/ned A. 0.
McCord , secretary of the Oklahoma coltmy.
nay the colony is well organized and will
jMjaltlvely move for Oklahoma to-morrow un
der the command of Vicel'reside.nt Crouch ,
All Intercstipg Mwof \ Brents Bdli
Far anil Near ,
The Grand ProTwrations for Olovo-
Innd's Inauguration ,
A. Ball Room a QuartoV'of a Mile
Peaoo Prosplots for Oontonding
Rumored Pnrohaso of a Postal
Telegraph ,
CrltnoM unit
* Uomiuurolnl Items Hy Imiul
tiuil Sen , Km.
roti A UANI >
A nnr. : iiAi.r.nooMMViTii A itTAUTiit | : w A
Special IclepMin to THK HUB :
WAIUNUTO.S' , December 3. The Impression
rooms prevalent that at the present sowlon tha
Cougiess ttork will bo mainly c-nitinod to the
parsigo of appropriation billj. Talks with
memburs of the democratic Bide , show n dlnpo.
altion ou the part of very many of them to do
vpiy little this session. 'AVo shall probably
pocs the nppropilation bllU , and gut rjiuly for
the inaugutatlon of our domoarnlic ptt\'idout , "
they goneially my. Aud Unit peema to bo
about Iho Bum total of tbolr uxpectallont. It
is understood , however , Unit the inhabitants
of Iho several territories knocking for admis
sion \\lllinake n desperate clfort for recogni
tion , basing their clUms upon votes as blu\vn
at the recent election. ) ; presidential cnthim-
asm in the sitatesjiaving actually utepped over
into the territories and wanned up thn people
there in their local contests , HO that the votn
this year is unusually largo , and an excellent
opportunity is presented to make n good show
ing in favor ot lulmlmlon. Thu whiskey people
too , ' , are contemplating another .raid
on congress. Thuy will llrst
try for a reduction or removal of luxe , nnd
shnitld thiH prove unsuccessful , they will prob
ably make Hiiother-r.Ti > rt for nn oxlciiHion of
Iho bonded period , I'liis will , Ihoy think , bo
more easily accomplished HUH year linn bn-
fore , for congress is just completing its woik
with the question of re-election not luinglng
as n pall over the members. It will do many
Ihings Unit it would not do last year. On
this Ihcory , there ara a number of "jobs" that
are expected to bo K < > ' through , nhilo on Iho
other hand there ire many mca'uiros ' of thu
biimcombo order which will not In to likuly
to puns now UH before election. The national
democratic committee bus nipped in tlio Imd
a qiuvtral amijhg the district demo
crats over th'o , inauguration mutter
by appointing squip of its members
to take charge of the inauguration buiiness ,
keeping open its hpStlquartcrs hero from thli
time until after the inauguration. Tuls will
pu tan end to a loqd quarrel over the nmttnr ,
und insure a iiuncoAfnl eventGontrnl f.ldKa
has boon i > ] )6aledlp by leadincr ilion iu both
parties , nnd has rrfli'i < 'uj ' ) his inind that luroun
getlhotho penslau building in phniio with a
ilciil''j' cauvuss roof and temporary floor nnd
a gi'Jeiona hohtin arraiigoment , and an in
augural ball may ba hold there , Tlio ball
room which this will furnish will bo u hu o
ono , und will cover about So.Oli ) Bqmuo feet.
The promenade about it will bd ner.r'y a quai-
tor of i mile in length. The interior will bo
liaudsomoly docoratud with flags und banners ,
and it will bo one ( if great inturo taud bounty.
Tlio Nw AKrutiiHiMit.
CIIIOAOO , December 3 , 2:3a : p. in. The
general managers of Uio Misaouii river line
at the melting thin afternoon decided lo order
tlio restoration of passenger rates to Mnuoiiri
liver points , taking effect tomorrow. Tim
now rates uro $12.30 lo Iho Missouri river nnd
37. tO from Chicago to St. Louis. Now agree
ment to run two ynnrs ,
Tlio agreement also provides for miloaga
tiekolsot not le than l.OOJ milcH , except in
Wlseonsin , where the law prinides for livu
hundred milo lickutH ; theno tickets uro to ba
redeemed at' two' nud ono fourth cents
milo. It also provided lor commlHsiuim only
lo regular ngoata , eiich commissions being
fixed or. n b.vm oi two dollnrs from Chicago
cage to Missouri liver poIntH. Solicitors to bu
paid regular tularlos and no bucincxs lobe
done Ihrouuh Ecalfiors. JCnch line to havolmt
ono city ticket ollico outside of clopotp , unlufK
nil dosnu to put tickets in two principal
hotel * . Th'j agreement wn * signed by all
lines betwepii Chiuugo nnd the Miniourl
river , Chicago and St. Louln and St. Louix
and Missouri rivor. It may bo iTininuled
nftur oni ) year by notice between December
1st und 10th , I ( , " . .
Thu I'rcKldciitliil Kloulors.
New YOIII ; , December 3 , DUjiatchca re
ceived hero indicate that the prcxidonliul elec
tors in the Hevoral slatun mot to-day and cast
their votes us directed by the people , anil HO-
loclod messengerH to convoy lo Washington
Iho result of the ballot , At a mooting of the
electors in this stale nt Albany , proceedings
were miapended for an hour owing lo Iho ah
nonce of Jdhn Dohnar , of Ilrooklyn , and Alvin
Dovoruux , of Iho TVenly.sixlh dlntilct. The
lloor and galleries were croudul at thn lime
und much ditappulntment exjuoiHcd at Iho
failure of the two electors to respond as
' 'present" when their immos went called.
Kugone Kelly , banker , presided When his
name was called to vote for vicu provident , ho
picked Hi ) a ticket with only Cleveland's nunio
on It and deposited It with the others. Ono
of the other electors detected thu error iu
time to Have Mr , UomlrlclcH from being
ehoalcd out of ono electoral vole , When thu
votes wnro announced cheers from thu audience
were given , The returns worn i-lgned and
KiustiiH Corning , of Albany , designated OH
inuhsenger lo convoy the returns lo Washing
ton. In Nnw.Icrxiy thu electors milted in
recommending Attorneyjenerfll Stocklon us
it proper rupresenlalivo of NHW Jersey for u
cabinet ] ioslton ! In caio Clavoland choiild
dotermlno to m.'loct n inurnbor of his cabinet
from this alula ,
NKW YOIIK , Ducwnber Jt , The Arkaimas
elector * unanimously udoptiid it moinorial to
tha pronldent-eloct urging .Senator Uarlund
for ittl'jrnuy-gunoral ,
DKH MOINKS , Jowa , December 3. TIiu oloc-
lorul colluga met again to-day and cast thu
full elate vote for Itlaine and Logan , linn.
John Van Vnlkonburg WAH eolncted ai miwson-
gor to convey the returns to Wimhlnnton.
Tim Iowa electors uoloclo'l the lion , John
Van Yulkonberg ax meesenger to convey thu
returns to Washington.
Nallonal a'rottlntiNHOcUtlon. .
NEW YOIIK , December 3 , The board of
review ol the 1'atlonal Troltlng assoolatiun is
in uenidon in this city. Tlio following duels *
ions were rendered ) I'runk O , liunios , Homer
er , Ohio , application for reinstatement re
fused ; II. 8. Tuylor , Atchlaon , Jfansaa , en
tered KeldlnK 1'ilol ( . ' . T , an Pilot , ruled
churigu of name ; J , W , Unset ) ! , Columbuu ,
Ohio , VH , Myntiu 1'urk aasoclulion ,
lioston ; ajipllcatiou for reinstatomtnt of
Whirlwind and Will lierhauis denied ;
M. U. Oilllce , West Albany ,
Uurllpgton , Vt , , trotting ftwoclation
linn for removal of MKpmiKion of nun Raiding
Tnylor , drilled. IVilmiMr AiuHt nlN , Detroit ,
va Urtrolt Drlvlu rtnb , .tpphuntion nf 10
u.oval nf uietiiilim | of thcm. ( < lvos nud horse
"Syndicolfriil ! < t ld. Alex /epplu of Ni ,
polwu , Ohio , v * Koit DiJup , Iowa , Drivtus
1'ntk A'ticolutii'ii inl Mnr hnllto\Mi Drhinp
n "eliition , Application for romsval ol
miM > on ion of U-owu I'AUIIV ilrniml
in tiolh OAe , ThomiH Vnmbirlier ,
Wntrrfotd. X. V. , vi. I'ittnfioki. Mil. * . ,
l'pit | uro 1'ark n ocintlnil , nppliiall"ii for le-
inov : * ' of mn > ppn | . ) ii , denied. H. C. Koclipo-
tr , N , Y , , > . N iTuifi'iHftl nirk , npplUi.itinii
for reinittnti'ment nf t t bi y Rcldhiff f t. Oloud ,
dfnlrd. MKUltore uouiity trottliiK iociniou ( ,
ntiplicHttoii fur roiillttniltw of tin P. drilled ,
Kdwnrti I'onUjtf , of I'hilndvlphin ,
niiiHcntitMi | for au enlur HS ti > eligi
bility of blRckmnre , lUnncho , formerly Itnokui
nlliw Lena lti\i > rr , nliat Kvn , di'uipil. Win
llxg tity , ScrAiitoii , IV , urplioittlnu f r
order coiu-ondnp roeord of brown mnro Hoi-o-
bud. ruled lo be UI ! ) . 11. 11. Kelkiiu and H.
11. Deinurmt v . Watcitowii tixerpnrk nx < o-
rlallon , opplioxtlmi for removal of uoniiuu |
thomelvotnul mare Lltilo Muu , granted ,
Llttlollnfraoity , Mcrniitou , I'.t , H. H. Demo
test vs. siiiiii' , BppIIcntlon for ronuunlof HUM.
pension nf , .Kwphimi 8 Mid HliAin-
rocV , prnntei' , .Ighn 15. Siauuuu
New York City \ * . New Vrrk dilvinjt club ,
uppllcatltiii for removal of cxpulniou for trot
ting under wronu nniiu' , denlod. O H.
llickok , of Sail Kr-mciHOii , vs. Utloa ihiviii ) ;
[ > ark na icintion , iippllcatloii for nunovKl of
fu p ii8lon for iionpjmont of nntry uf him *
i-rlt and I'h.irlcR ( Jiiverinan , Krant d. 1 > .
Woodmnu , St 1'nul , MimiosotH , VH. UUort
diiving pai-k aMocIntinn , replication fur rn-
uovid of ni pcnion ut himself nnd ptc : r
( Jem , grantud.
K\nnilnlnr tlio
OlllO.viiO , December 3.- = The federal grand
ury todayi itod the olllraaf the county
clerk and porsimnlly o\amtuAl the vault from
which it is chaiged the onvolopa coiitiiiniug
.ho b.dlols cant ill the nucnndiecluct of thii
eiphleoetli ward wan abstracted aud lim !
urged llcknts put in plnco of a like number
o.wt tit the polls. Judge Itlodgott alio issucil
nil onlor for the piodu.'tioii of the bullotii n
second time befmo the iriud ; jury , nud they
vlll bo oxamlned this nfletiiiuui to determine
vhat hearing the recnt ( intinvinj' i lvcii us to
ho printing of thu foigod tickets humipan Iho
CHIOAIIO , December 3. The Daily NOWB
will say lo-morroiv that during the o.VAliilna *
ion of Iho alleged forguil ballotn by the
, 'nited States | -ruiul jury to-day , Fullis , who
mi'rnved the fau slmllo of the head of the
) 'gii3 republican ticket , mid Wright , of linns-
comb & Co. , who set up nnd prlntud the Lody
of the ticket , were called iu and shown the
.IckutH which were supported to bn fraudulent ;
that Kalliti has identified ( ho M that on-
proved by him by ciirttdn nceUlMilnl slips nf
.ho eiiRraviug tool , nud that Wright identified
.ho whole ticket utt thai prinlod by him ontbo
night of November Hint , or sovenlcon dayR
iftur election. At this time thu otighml bal
lots wore in the custody of County Clerk
I ! van. It has ulnmdy boon reported that
\Yrlfht ; yesterday limti lied buforo Iho grand
jury lliat the bogim bnlloti were delivered ou
.hiiovunim ; of Novmnbor1st to J. C. Mac-
tin , tecretary of thu democratic county com
I.ovo for llliiino anil T.o nn
NKW Yomc , Docnmbjr 3. Kansas named
, lie following :
lc-olved ! , Thnt wodoslro to convey to our
pillaut fltaudard boarent , Hon. James ( ! ,
IJIalno aud ( .Sen John A. Lopim an oxpa < d-
piou of our cnnlidonco and $ teoin , tint we 10-
; ard Dlnlnn nml l.fgan , ivi private cttizuiiH , in
liighcr nnd bettor repri < ipnt > ilivuao [ American
munhood than any ullicinl reproaontatlvo of
tha democratic party ; that wo ruongni/.u
In Jnmoi 0 , JJlrdnu . the groatnH1 : liy.
ing re-prencjiitaliva of AmerlcmiTepubhcaurtiit
'rjd tender fo him our carnott tlinnkn for Ida
maidy , nggroni'.ivn campalgu for ropnblican
eiiprumaoy , tliRtlCunNOH. the first born child
of republicanism rtgaln plmlEfyiohw tidolity to
republican piinciplen , and in U' ) fntiiro ni iu
Jio pant , Kaii4ai will march at the baud of
Iho republican coiumn , giving morn republi
can mujoiity fn proportion to her population
lliau any other Hlato.
Mri ) . ( tncon'rt IiiillfiiVll ( > n.
TOI.KIIO , O ; , December 3. MM. A. 1 ! .
Bacon , of this city , HHler of I'rosidunt-eluct
Cleveland , ) indignantly di'cluims all kiiowlodgn
of un allegodlntorvlow which IIDH baen widnly
circulated and In which hho is madu to express
lior prudictiimsiiH to the futiiro iiiaiiagemont
of thn While JfoiiHO and bar viowi , uoiivurn-
ng her own and her hrolhcivi family relation * .
Mrs. liuccin dec'iiren ' this ptatcmcnt nhsurdly
'aUo and unnoying in the extreme. She Inn
said nothing in public conc'crninu Clovelaud'ri
'ilturu except that nho und her sister entertain
10 high a personal regard nnd respuct for their
irother , that they urn glad to ullow him lo
nakohis own plaim without being hampered
> y their intorferoncu.
OrooUcd OlIlccrH ,
NKW Yoltll , December 3 , In n ciiil brought
) y Mrs , I'ho'bu Bcovil , wife of thu ubHCondin
"coiiliduntial" clerk , of Lord , Day & Co , , lo
mvo Iho deeds of her rual oolato to the Mer
cantile Trust company put u'ide , Mrx , Scovil
,0-day Icsliliod that thu ollicorH of the Trust
company who ciimi to lllack Itoek , Conn , ,
whnro hlio unit her husband weri1 lu t July ,
iiul brought thorn to it liolul In this city ; that
icr hniband und herself were forced to sign
the deeds and thai the ollicerw furnished her
liusband with money lo louvo thu country and
Uild him thut the detcctlven were looking for
_ _ _
I'rOBliIcnt-IOIcil OlovuIniul'H JUovc-
AMIANV , December 3. I'rCHident-l'Iloct
Cleveland will attoml u charitublo outertaln-
mcnt In the academy of minis in New Yoik
to-mnirmv , for Iho bonulil nf thu uctorH * fund ,
Ha will Uko a special train , leaving lusru In
the foiunoun , und bo accompanied by his Mu
ter , Miss Cleveland , 1'rivulo Socrutary La-
inontund wife , Hon. Kriwtin Corning nnd
wlfu , Mayor linn kit and wife , and Col. CatHJ-
tiy , of the governor'd utalf , Tha party go di-
luctly from the train to thu academy of miisla
arid will return by u special train immediately
after thu performance.
Key AVcH
KKI WKHIDucumbor 8. The Florida
NowsHayuof tlio lobacco claino In Iho Spanish
treaty : "If thu treaty In ratified by tha Hunatu
with this clausa Key Went Is a doomed city. It
would cloHu ill ) every cigar factory , forcn
about 7,000 of our citizens nut of employment ,
anil entail u loan of about 3lOOOtOUO ! la prop
A Texan J ) < ( ttor Collccln a Kill.
NKCHK.SVIU.K , Tex , , Ducombor SI. L. V.
riimpBoii nnd Doctor Lawrence , prominent
cUi/.una , Iiad a dilllculty lust night regarding
a Hinall debt. HlnijHon fired first , mortally
wounding Lawroncu In the abdomen Law *
ronco fired three Hhots , each taking effect , the
lust iiouotraling HiinpHon'H heart. Jjuwrenco
eurvivod Novcinl hours ,
Murder In
CAMILLA , ( ia. , December 3 , Karly thin
irornlng unlniown part IDS entered the house of
Htophoii Ooodwin and killed him while In bed
and also killed Mrs. Mulindn ( irogory and
BOH in their buds , The money wan not taken ,
Oooilwiii'd horbe , bii Ky nud nhotguu uru
1'liii'iillly III TO.VIIH ,
ACHTIN , TOXOH , Doooinbor 3 , The olHclal
canvas * of Tuxitn glvrm Clavolaud U''If.'JOK ,
Hlalno 83.8M , Uiitlor 3,3'Jl , St. John 3,511 ,
Lockwood - . Clovelund'rt plurality 13iU5ri.
Now IlnmpHlilro'H I'li } ; < : tiral Yolo ,
CONUOIID , N , H , , December II. The state
electors mot this morning and cant their vote
for Khduo and Loguu ,
IIIOITKI ; iiKrusfci TO noitr
UliiMAKl'K ,
December a. The Morning IV'OWR
* nyn ! Count Herbert lUviiAick ivoeiitly clmt
lengad Herr Kiifirno Klchtcr on the Rrovuu
lhat tliolattor Imd ln-iiHi-d thu r.hatioollor in
in Anporo'i ' In the Keicli-tuK. Htrr HlchU > r
n Iu o4 to ttrtocpt the dull-Mitre , i-nying he
would not light n duel wltn Piinco Di miroK
ttvoh , conoeraliif * n m.ittcr which occurred iu
irlirtlnent , much lem hi- non ,
i.ONltox , DfcwuilxTU. The rxenulivc cnmi-
1 rl International Invrutinim exhibition w.
solved to ti-crtivo Amstiomi n , phet.lom for
-.p i' < J until .laiiunry 31. This further nnd
tliinl extiunion of t imn 1m been grunted in
order that Amoitunu inventions may bo tultv
tviueHpntnd. ,1 , Plciu-pont Kdwitidn , iJtUl'h
f.nisul ill Now Yoik. Inn bwm appointed
B | cml iigmit iu the I'nitfd Stnlcs , with In-
ructloiiii to fncllltalo iho object.
Losno.v , Decfliubi'r i' . A dl'p\tih Trom
ongnlrt sny , the Mudir hnn recelvod wonl
( hut ihu Malidl it deal , itnd hla followers nto
dying fnst.
LONDON , Dccomber -Ailnmn haa np-
pnnloil ngaiuat .lintlca MlnUtory'ti ruling in
Lho fonner'a action ( or lib l Hainst | the lion ,
litunard Colcrldgo. Coloriilio ; IIIM uotilivd
Atlntnt Ihnt ho intundi t > > movi ) for n
if tha jury'rf vt < i-JIt.
I'.vniH , December 3. The lenders of thomu *
otity In paillinnetit liavo been iu consultation
o-dny with n comudtteo of thn chamber ot
deputies which ban chn'go of ihu reimtorial
Mil. The republican union 1ms id-o tiken part
In Uin confertxico. It is uxpectcd un undiir-
rtniuling will ba icached.
PAIIIH , December 3. Al the urgent rcquost
of President lru\v ! , thnothur m mbors ot the
ministry as well \Vntdeok liouiisfl'iu minister
of the Interior , itbaiuloucd their intuutloiia of
lu-iguing their portfolios ,
LosnoN , December 3 , Muvy Audorson'd
1'Aliis , Di'cnmber U. Lu-l'arin enys that
hu i-ocretnry of thoOhinoRo legation in Lou ,
Ion ha submitted proposaln to l nrl Grim *
llle , Kiitirtli mediator , which I'ruuco C.MI
Missoi'iti VALI.KV , lo , , November 30 , 1331.
To the editor of tha Journal : I uotieiilii your
i mio of this morning an nrtioln in regard to [
thu bridge over the liver nt lh\ir. ! Thu tin-
losulblo baa not happened thin time , na you
sity it hns. Thu four niasonry piers rent ou
cuiHiiniiH , bill rw thesu caiBsonsarofimply boxes
illcd with concrete , there is little tin.ber
inder the picrd , and consequently nn chimco
'or any to crush ,
Mono of Ihusu jiieis liavu neltloil it particle ,
I'lio foundation for Ihu rumor is , no doubt , the
'act that Ihu Hushing pier , carrvin" ono und
> f Ihu fhurHii.'tn on thu west mdo , hat nettled
soicewliitt it'contly While building Iho west
emh.Mikmmit in July , lvult ! , n soltlimiPiit took
ilneo thero. It W.IH then ttscodalned Ihtt
.hero waa an e.\tt > nnive layer of sof timid under
: lui ( pound. In this Iho nbovt ) Cunhitu ; piur
Intppcns to ba foumlad , Tha pier comnnU of
two clustura of piloi driven twenty-llvu feet
inly Iho ground nnd extending
fnc tp. , . o , , , iiU.j- "
ptittlnuu wrought , ' linil oylliulonivcrn
placed , lied together b.v nnglu irons and rush
Idled with couurolo. Killing vrnx ilrut Imgtin
about UiB ! u cylinders in July lf < S'l. nnd Urn
welfch. .1 em th thus added caused thu noft
mud under ground to move , allowing it celtle-
iiient , Tills wiwhlljlit iant year. Whnn thu
[ milk wns completed recently , liuil Monday
Iho settlement becimu mnre decided and
uausod Homo tioublobiii at no tlmo wan a tram
mippudod , und in only ono Ineluneo was ono
l-ihtyed , and then only for n fuw minulcH.
\ n will CHiifur u favor un the railroad com-
limy by stating tlio actual fault ! and uurroct-
ng the roporl of lo-ihty. The Giuhl'u ; plt'ru
nio liiniea up in the b ink now , und huncu uro
not n Imporlant now im they unco wero. Wo
: un dlnpenao with tlnim If necosHnrv , Yourn
truly , K. ( iinililili , lioniduril lOnxlnenr.
I'Vom ' a Runtloniaii familiar with tliu facU
n reporter yesterday luitrueil lhat the settling
nf thu west pier amounts to about six ( cut.
J'ho pier In question carrion Iho nhoru end of u
ttpun about 127 fcut long , Iho river end of Iho
span noting ou a masonry piur. The high
embankment which hoa been lillud in to take
, ho place of the tri'stlo work went of the bridge
dmi Hiittled Huveral feet lifter it was first ma < ii ,
nit as It/ has leiiialniid firm for noiiui months
t in imppoHud to liavo touched hard b.ittom
iclow the mud. AH tliiil'rnuttlu | ° . Iho und of
, ho spun IH knpt up by blocking. [ Sioux Cily
Alcdlutlon Itotwcon 1'Vniiuo
nml Olilna ,
LONDON , December 3. TuntntivcH rclallvo
, o the mediation between I'Vauco and China
mvo caused , Tuiing yi Lnincn has rejected
ovorlurCH made by ] ' 'iiland ) ; in lhat dlroclion.
1'arl ( Jnuivillo hai iiiHlructeil Sir ICdwurd
Millet , KnvIiHli dulugnlo to the Conuo con *
forunco , to recline to admit that either of Iho
jiowom or Iho confuroncu can Interfuro in that
iart of the Niger luriilory which is claimed to
bo under KngliHh protocllon. Th'J lorritory
in ( | iioHlon : ciininicert | Iho whole lower Niger
country lo the junction with the llenoiio
liver. Malul IIIIH Iho support of thu delegates
from Vortugal and Italy againitt tliojo of
Franco nnd Ourmauy. It IH said that rusulU
nro expected to ba accomplished by thu con-
fwrcnco Unit hnvo boun impuiillod by the Nicer
/ \ I 'inrilo Kxvlndler.
L'OSTON , Mas * , , December 3. M'rs. Kowo ,
of thu Woji.ans1 bank , after bavins' nerved
thruu yoarii in the house of correction for
dwindling depositors , announced hercolf an au
ngiint in a notv unlerpriHii on Concord street ,
which , from Ihu advertisement , soeum to bu
it Hoinuwhat ulmilnr IiiHtllulion lo Iho
Wonmnu' bunk , Haviin dollnrH pur month In-
lurOHt IH offered on $100 , with Ihrou nontliH
inturiwt In dvniico.
lio.H'ioN , December 3. A Mm. Kwitll whom
n reporter found In charge of thu establish *
nuid "Thn of the
ment to-day : bronking up
wnmnn'ri bank was not the work of Mm.
Howe , andVho now comes nobly forward will
it proposal lo pay II per cent a year during the
tlmo HIO ! wu4 In prison on all depoxlta made
with her the your thu wan arrested. "
Htuliliorn JoiirnallHtH.
IlOHTO.v , December 3Jamea 1' . ITord , city
editor , and Daniel ,1. Saundortf , local reporter ,
rofuHod to diviiltro to thu grand jury thusonrco
of thu Information uouluiiiod In an article ro-
luting tu certain developments in connection
with thu Lane murder in Dorchoster twt-lvu
years ugo. The grand jury nsked thflr com
mitment for contempt and the juJgo lui'j tha
mutter under advisement.
ICIeotornl Votrn Oust.
OiliCAQO , Decouibor 3. The following
state doctoral colleges met to-day according
to law and cast their votes for president nnd
vico-nresldunt of Uin Unltod Hiatus , in the
way indicated by popular vote In tha tuverul
stales , Now Hampshire , Indiana , Ohio , Unor
1-ia , Arkansas , Mlnuosuta , Illmoltf , INow
The JJolI or LIDcrty ,
I'llir-AiiELt'illA , December 3. The ( | ii03tlon
of whothur thu old liberty boll shall be tent
to the Now Orleans exposition came up foi
consideration at u mooting of tha city proper
ty committeu of the council lids afternoon.
After tftWjJK " tlo vote the subject wtw
and Grain Mar-
'tils in cmcap ,
No PorcoptSbla Ohaogo in the
Outtlo Market ,
The Hoc Markst Generally Firm
- ami Aotive ,
Vv * Buoyant , With an Upward
v Tondonoy ,
Oorn Aoftv < Vrtrading Ao.ivo in
Cereals" , f ' " 'rovioiong ,
Onts Hull niull li-in-l'ork
Jlosj in Urgent DontKiid
X Inn nnd'Active.
Special Toli-gram to TUB HUB.
CIIICACO , Dosumbcr 3. Among the fresh
eooipU Wvru nVout ISO cars of Texans , mostly
it poor quality. There were no western )
among tha froih racoipts. Market generally
vn.i iuitt | , nud prices ruled weak on nearly all
ortj. There were no llrst-clnsj cattle on sale
he bulk being that clans that cell nrouud
ibout i5.50@.i."o. There wuro no Liverpool
attlo on sulo.Lovgrades of nr.tivo elvera wrro
ilcutyj nvorngM of 1-0. ) to 13CO may bo
piotud nt Sl.SJCtffi.lO , or thrrenbouts : thu vary
common Ht.ulo * of 1UUO to 1100 nto also ijleu-
Iful nnd are solllut ; ut extremely low prices ,
yotnimm old cowg aru n oiling nt about n low
iricux nx at any ttuiu duilng the yoar. The
xtraordinary run on poor and common Tox-
tnd low pticoH they told nt thu past fuw ilnja
ma had a good deal tj do with breaking down ,
iricea oncowu , The low gradoa of stocktin
ltd fueilurs nro plentiful nud crowding the
narket. Good to choicu 1S30 to 155011 . cat *
le , Sr .53''J.r ; ) ; common tu fair 1100 to 1300
bj. , Sl.i0iD.2r ! : > .
This inntkct was nctiva nnd all along from
Olo"0j higher , und an udvan.u w.u evenly
[ i trllmtod ou all M > rU. Cnmmun packers
old around nbuul-t ir > @t 20 , nnd fitir to
juod-l : ifll 40 , with bmt heavy nt I 40 ©
ISO. Light fioits Hold nt n range of 4 lo ©
10. Murkot closed orwy nnd iirni , witli
tbout nil nold , I'jickluand idilpninc , 2 'C ' to
! SO ibi. , 4 30 ® I (53 ( ; light , 100 to iilO Ibs. ,
00 © I10 I Thu trading pits were full of lifo
o.dny , nnd trading was active in both cereals
and piovislom , Thu heavy advance of the
lay was Hcorod on pork , priceii advancing ( t3o
) cr barrel , und woru well nustalnod , "Shorts"
ru Bhowlng nu anxiety to cover. 1'orcigu
advices nlfoctinj ? wheat were agnin of a favor-
tblo tenor , quoUni ; u ntrong feeling \vilh a
rood demand , itnd uiic-punca itdvituca on car-
OCH of some grades. These , together with
irinui'Ht iu com and provisions , caused fa
troug opening , prices ndvunciug 48a 'JU' ' ' ;
receded agoin , tallied ngain , and closed on
thu regular board Ju ovur yesterday. On the
ifternunn bounl tbe.fuiflliic.uoutiiiiifld utroog ,
Juhonry clbtinj.t.t' ' 7-JJcMny , nB Sljjo. Ho-
colpla CHUtinuo largo.
M'nrkot ( fuito nclivo , hbhcr prices prevail-
ng. At thn opening thuro wan : t fiharp do *
naiid from H4eculatorc ; , largely to cover
'shorts , " IiilluL-ncuI by light rocei ) ( a and ad
vance in ptovisiunt ! , 1'rictH advanced le for
feur delivery , in which trading chielly cen *
red , receded { jo under larger olferinga , finally
ileslng on regulnr board Vc over yesterday.
) n the aftariioon baril pricen were well BUS-
iiinod , cloHlng liguro for year being 3Gjjc.
aniiury und May ndvanced , l@o } ! ovur yah *
ulod dull nuil f-hadu easier , nlosinpr-IJa for
December , L'Jc for .luuunry , -c ! for May.
net with urgent demand , chlolly for January
tin ! ICubrunry deliveries , and market closed
or day ut nearly outtmln liguroH , at $11 85 for
liiuilary nnd 11115 for February.
ncllvn : yery fitront' , chislng SO 8"i for December -
bor , ? ( i 1)3 ) for .January , § 7 05 for 1'obruary.
Special to the St. Louin Globo-Dumocrat.
Si' . Josicrii , M'o.Decombur -Hamburg ,
[ own , in excited over a euimtiounl oloppment ,
a mariiud man iimutiig away with n young1
udy. A. S. Hurly haH resided iu Hamburg
Htoen yourB , beiiiff engaged ia the manu-
'acturo of brick , and until two years ago
was considered one of the moat npnVht o
mon. At that time ho brgaii paying atten
tions lo a young lady named Alice Moody. A
few months niter Miss Moody wont to 15ur-
litigton , whom aha waa relloyoil of n child.
Hurley followed her itnd settled all Iho bill * ) .
Mm. Jim ley learned of thin nnd endeavored
to reclaim her husband , Shu thought she had
succeeded until n short time ago , when Miea
Moody wont to Grand Island , Nob. , and
repeated thu liurlington performance
Hurley bobbing up with Iho cash to defray
oxpunseH. The two returned to Hamburg
qumtly Friday night , and Saturday slipped to
the depot and mini ) to thin city , Hurley hav
ing about § 5,0L'O In Ida possession and leaving
his family utmost ponnllocH. The iimawaya
were followed thither by Mrs. Hurly and her
brothar-ju-law , Cant. Taylor , u well known
bufiineaH man , arriving Sunday evening.
It wns discovered that Hurley nnd hU woman
had legislorod at u lo.idiug hotel under the
iinmo of A. L. Shaffer and wlfo , but before the
detectives found this out Uio birdx hfld llown ,
Miss Moody colufto Crouton , lown , Saturday
uveiiln ( * , nud Hurley leaving for Cowtm , Mo. ,
to-day. It Is piobablo thu con pin uiu goini ; to
Sullivan county , where thuy will meet. The
du.sertod wlfd returned homo to-day , but Capt.
Taylor will remain hfio nud do what ha can to
bring the pair to jiu-ticu. It IH uald Mra.
Hurley madtf the irreau-r ( Ki'tion ' of Ihemouey
taken by her hn band by boarding his yard
worlcuwii and by working In the yard herself
M nlii'M OdiiOlllou ,
I'Anis , DecamberS. Mniiu , who was shot
by Mudamo Huguea , still remains In a des-
pcralo condlllou , continually uttering tha
must agonizing shiloku. HU lodgings woru
eoarclud und important documents found , In *
eluding a hit of wituo'BOH mbpoonacd by
Madaino Leonard aguinst her liiHb.ind. Mad *
amo Loonird wlshud to obtain n diyorco , She
ougagul tha inquiry agency to tix a guilty
connection between her.hmbaud aud Madame
" "
Hope 1'ur th1'rlof.ts. .
HKIILIN , December 3 , Wlcdthowt.a motion
to repeal the law expelling the piituta , passed ;
the lleiolutag to-day , 217 to 03 , notwiUwtand.
lug th uppo. . ition of Uisinnrck.
Altroxvcry Hurned.
TKiutAU , Minn. , December 3. Potep
Sclirooder'i ) bruwory burned thla morning.
Losa § 50,000j loturancu S17.COO.
Flro Damp K.\iiloblon ,
Clir , r . | December 3. An txT
plosion of a fire damp thla morning fatally Iu-
jutod John Sharpleua ud iliclmul JJoyle ,