Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday Morning Dee , 3
n narrlM . . - - - SO sent * p f wee
DyMall - - - 110.00 per yc.
No. 7 re&rl Btroet. Hear Broadway.
Slaughtering prices nt Bliss1.
EL. II , Stownrt , artist , at Chapman's.
See J. Holler's now utock of cloths.
Dr. 0. 0. HazBii , Dentist , JOO Malnst
The Kulghts and Ladles of Hello :
moot this ovoning.
Ladies' stationery at out prices at Sea
man's closing ont sale.
The portraits made by Stewart , UN
artist , arc the finest or or produced here ,
Blank books and all office stationer ]
at low prices at Seaman's closing ou
J. F. McDowell , evangelist , is nov
holding a aeries of revival meetings it
Saints' ohapol on Plorco street.
Permit to wed was yesterday grantee
Col. D. Sadie , of Dakota , and Min :
Catherine L. Brock , of Hancock.
Jerry Myora who has lately sold oui
his saloon , has boon complained of foi
not settling his last quarters' license.
The fire committee of the council yesterday
torday purchased of E. B. Preston & Co.
of Chicago , COO foot of hose , and a now
hoao cart.
The Presbyterian sociable announced
for Friday evening of this week hai
boon postponed until Tuesday evening ,
December Oth.
Still Bates was run in again Mondaj
night for being drunk. It seems abou
time that Still quit such foollshnoaa anc
got down to business.
A convention In commemoration of thi
centennial of Mothodlstlam Is being hole
at the Broadway Methodist church anc
closes this ovoning.
The Pacific hotel company has succeed
ed Markol , Swobo & Co. , at the Uniot
Pacific hotel at the transfer. There ha
boon no change In the clerks yet.
The entertainment given by the Y. M
0. A. rooms last evening was fully up ti
the high standard. Those weekly enter
lainmonta are growing in popularity.
In the Parks mills robbery case Swoig
art and Buckminlator have boon hold it
the sum of $1,000 to await the action o
the grand jury , while Brown's case ha ;
boon taken under advisement , and Dona
Uoo discharged.
D vy Moltaz , who serves as privat
watchman at Bobblngton'a lumber yard
detected a sneak stealing a sack of fooi
from a cjrocory store near there Mondir
night. The thief got away , but the fooc
was captured by Davy.
Herman Frederick , who is in jai
awaiting trial for burglarizing A. Loulo'i
restaurant last nummor , now claims thai
one John Grubb , who worked in a hoto
here , was Implicated In the affair. Grubl
ia in Lincoln , and the marshal there hai
boon telegraphed to arrest him.
The Svondson Concert company whicl
gives an ontortalumout at the Congrogiv
tional church Friday evening , is verj
highly spoken of. .lohumma Svondson in
a wonderful violinist , and his wlfo ar
oxcallont pianist ind organist. A-fun
elocutionist accompanies them. The
tickoto are only fifty cents.
The old grandmother lately pitched
into the roller skating rink , claiming i
is nn immoral amusement. Now elu
complains that the rink is BO popular tha
the crowds go there instead of to the the
ntro. The admission shows that not enl ;
the old lady'a opinion has no weight witl
the community , but it is also evident tha
her policy is dictated wholly by tin
amount of advertising or patronage ahi
gets. Poor old body. Sympathy shoult
be felt for her in her second childhood
Stops should bo taken to place the little
tlo girl , Lizzie Ball , in some reformatory
school. The sensation lately caused hen
by her wild hack drive with the DAVOJ
boya , has proved a badly mixed affair
Her mother , and the man Smith witl
whom these children wore living , do no
soon the proper persons to care for i
young girl properly , and the attnosphcri
surrounding her seems unsavory and I in
moral. The little girl , though only tlilr
teen , shows the brazannoss of ouo win
has boon years in crime , and her sooiniii [
unconcern in tolling the story of her get
ting drunk , and driving about town witl
those men , indicates the need of a stroiij
hand , It seouu atraugo that such i
showing of family lifo cannot bo roachoi
by the law , but tt is claimed that thel
homo being in Omaha , the authorities o
that city should attend to It. One thinj
U certain. Such a case should ba at
tended to somewhere.
H < t OatoliCHIllMlUiii > > lalo'Hloll niu
Flloa A\vy.
Yo t rday morning T. J. McOonnlck
u b'jirdor at the Main utrcot hutul , foum
hiiniBlf th vio-.iiu of robbory. Ilu ) IH
buen boarding at that place for torn
time , occupying a room by hlmaolf , bu
the night before , the homo bulng crowd
cd , a utraagor was put in the room wit !
him , Awaking yesterday morning h
found the stranger gene and also $ 'M
which \ru in a pocketbook in McCoi
inlck'a value. Not another thing wa
taken , not oven the j > ockotbook. Th
police have time far been uuablo to fin
the thief. _ _
Cloitng out our ontira stock at groatl
reduced prices for 30 days Gill o rlj
TheC < uirl Jliniso find Jiill Jlmt Tlirn
Ho Vacntctl ,
Yesterday the city tnnrahnl wan aorving
upon the county ofllcish notice to vacate
the court hmiao in nccordanco with the
following ordinance passed by the citj
council :
llo it rciolvod by the Hoard of lloaltli
of the city of Council BlulTa , That thr
auditor of Raid county and his deputy or
deputies , the sheriff and Ills deputy 01
deputies , the clerk and his deputy 01
deputies , and the treasurer and his dnp-
uty , the jailor and his deputy or deputies
bo and they are hereby ordered , directed
and required to vacate and abandon the
county court house in said city , and with-
iu tbroo days from and after the service
of this resolution by the city marshal and
that said sheriff and said jailor bo and
they oto required to vacate and remove
the prisoners from the jail and said court
house within the time above mentioned ,
because said court house and ofllcos and
any room therein including Hald jail , is
absolutely dangerous , unsafe and hazardous
deus , and the lives of all persona in said
building are jeopardized by remaining
therein and bocauao the same is a public
nuisance , and the city marshal bo and ho
la hereby ordered and directed to oorvo
this action of said board of health upon
said county officers at once and report his
dolng'thoroon to the board of health.
The fact has become apparent that the
court house Is no longer safe , and the
action of the council clears the board of
health of all responsibility in case of any
calamity. The serving of the notice
caused a consultation , which resulted in
i call for a mooting of the board of
health , county officials and county board ,
bo bo held last ovoning. The county
board moata next Monday and some
thought it would bo advisable to defer
further action nntll that timo. The
fooling in favor of a now court house is
growing in the east end of the county ,
whore thcro has booh BO much opposition
to such a move. The stern facto pre
sent themselves that the present building
la unsafe , and that the ex
pense cf keeping the prisoners
elsewhere , and leasing suitable rooms
for the county offices and courts will in-
tail a great expense. Aside from the
necessity , it is equally apparent that
thia county , Increasing as it is in
wealth and population , free from debt ,
and one of the loading counties in .tho
state , shall in justice to itself have a
commodious and substantial court house
and jail , one that will not only moot the
present requirements , but will bo ample
for years to come. This county cannot
afford to put up n cheap , stingy sort of a
building. There should bo some county
pride shownas well as mooting the actual
necessities. It being evident that tha
county must build , it should build in a
manner worthy of such n county , and In
keeping with the needs.
Window shades at cost to close them
out. P. 0. Miller 13 Pearl street.
St. John Bros , have bought , cleaned
and refurnished the llovoro lionso , 511 !
Broadway , opposite the opera house ,
Council. Bluffs , where yon will find clean
rooms , clean beds and well filled table * .
Terms $1.50 per day. _
GOH ! the Coim
ell to liolj ) Him ,
The equabblo over thn matter of city
scales has boon 'long kept up , and has
boon aadlyjmirod. The city woighmastor ,
with his oflico at the city building , haa
not had enough business to warrant him
in staying in his oflico nt all , or nt least
it would seem BO from the fact that ho is
seldom thoro. The Main street aoalos ,
owned and run by private parties , who
paid the city $50 n year license , have
boon having the run of business , and the
hay murkot has naturally centered on
Main street. Protests huvo boon made
that this was a nuisance. Orders having
boon iesuod against teams standing there ,
a hay and wood market place has boon
designated next to the city building ,
where the ollicliil scales are. The mar
shals have tried to carry out
the various orders. A temporary
injunction has boon gained
restraining the city from interfering with
the Main otreut scales until n hearing can
bo had in court. The city welghmuster
has boon threatening to sue the city for
§ 2,000 damauos bocauao the council li
censed acalea to take away hia foes , he
being elected by the people , and this
licensing of other scales virtually abolish
ing the ollico. Now the council haa
coinu to his help and repealed the ordin
ance licensing other scales , and thus ho
is loft in solo control of the weighing of
the city. Whether thin will bo fought
in the courts ii n question not yet settled.
A largo number of property owners on
Main Htroot have petitioned the council
to lot the scales remain on Alain street.
It looks now as If by the time the equab-
ble is ended the woighmastor'a term ol
office will bo expired.
Orders by telephone for Hour , feed ,
wood , coal , and hay , will bo promptly
filled by Cook & Cooper , 700 Broad
way. _ _
Telephone to No. 11 ! ) for dry hard
stove wood and kindling. Big supply.
Prices low. PLATT OVKUTON.
Wheat No. 1 milling. COfflCB ; No. 2 , 68 ;
No H , W ) : rojoctocl S5g,40. ( -
Corn Now , J6@2S. !
Data For local purnoKOd , 85 ,
Hey S 00@7 00 per touj baled , 60@GO.
Ilyo 85o.
Ourn Moivl 1 30 pur 100 pound ) ,
Wood Good anpi > ly ; prices nt yards , 6 00 ®
Ocnl Dollvuroil , hurd , 0 CO pur ton ; toft
1 fX ) per ton
Lard Fnlrbauk's , wholoaalluif at OJc ,
Plour Olty Hour , 1 50@2 'JO ,
llrooiui a 05 ( 3 00 par dot ,
Onttlo Butcher OOWH 8 Sfiffllfl 76 , llutohw
etoore , 3 TfitiM ( X )
Shou | > 2 60@3 ( X ) .
2r > .
Poultry I.lvoolil hung , - 50 per ilov ; niiriiiK
chlckeun , I ! 60 per ( leu ,
Htitter Oroumory , a8@30o ; choice country
H(2)18c. ( )
Kpgo I'l pet dozen.
Vegotablon PotutocH , 80@40o per buBhel ]
onloiu , 40@T > Oo pur bu ; applrw , choicti cookiiip
or eating , 2 CO ; bonus , 1 uO2 00 | xii
btmhfll ; Sweat ootftUxw , fa rxir Ib ,
Clder-3'J gallon bill . gG.bO.
OJangoa 8 00 , per bill.
Newest Btyloi in still' hats in brown
and black. Metcalf Bros.
Gents' driving , drors and
gloves. Now , Metcalf Bros ,
Order bard wood of P , Ovorton ,
l > Hll9ONt\tj.
Col , .T. W. Chitpmnn i' nt lioinu Again.
A. iJ. Mnmk'l , tlio well known
merchant , in in St. .Too , nml Is ox | > ectrj to re
turn to-night ,
W. 8 , Ament , who * iinca leaving the prnc
tico of law liurc , hai been in builnon nt Kcnr
nay , Nebraska , arrived hero yoiturdny on n
vlilt tn hiii relatives ,
Mr. J , Hell , at the Kock Inland rend , loft
yesterday for Knnsai City , where hii wife nnt
children Imvo boon VMltlng , They will return
with him In n few days ,
Mrs , II. Owonq , of Silver Crock returned
for n vltlt to Dunlap frlondfi Monday , nnd
after it brief ntay with the family of C , Wet'
loy , returned hare yesterday ,
.7. J. Frninoy nnd Will 1'atlon have loft for
Chicago to hear Bnrrott in his Shakonporoan
plays. Both are lovers of the drntnntic ,
nnd both priilo tliomnolvo. ? on bolng Shnkc-
gporcan atudents and critics.
IU G' Butler , the now division saporintund-
cnt of the Wiibanh , with headquarters at Mo-
borly , Mo , nnd Mr. McOulgan , the roadmai-
Icr , wore here yesterday nnd wont out In n
Rpocial car on n tour of Inspection of the road ,
Mlns Nellie Hnckott nnd lior coiiiln , Mis ;
Sadie Sackctt , have Rene to Chicago. The
former will also visit MIRK Ida Davenport nt
Burlington , who will return with her to thic
city. Mies Sodio Sackctt , after her visit in
Chicago , will return to her homo In Buffalo ,
N. Y.
Overcoats and Suits. Beat styles. M ,
Bros. '
The coal minors at Angus are still on n
Ilawardon is talking of having a board
of trade.
Social matters in Sioux City are very
lively at present.
At Cherokee ice ikatfng'is now the
popular amusement.
Ponca will soon have telephone con
nection with Sioux City.
Farmers throughout Iowa are getting
pretty well through with corn picking.
Sioux Oity young people are rehearsing
several light operas for production at a
near dato.
James Carter , a saw-filer in mill D ,
Clinton , had four fingers allot off on the
28th " by the accidental discharge of r
A wrack occurred near Thayer OB the
morning of the 29th ult. Considerable
damage was done to the1 engine and ca
The Sunday Telegram ia the name of anew
now society paper which made its appear
ance in Sioux City last Suuday. E. H.
Brown is its editor.
The Dos Moines rapids canal at Koo-
kuk has boon closed for the season.
Navigation on the , Mississippi is now
closed above Kookuk.
Cedar lUplds haa fifty-eight manufac
turing and jabbing houses , with an in
vested capital of ? ! ,5-18,000. Last year's
sales amounted to $784,000. Number
of tons of freight received during the
year , 88,1(10 ( ; number of persons em
ployed , 1,400. Thcso statistics do not
Include the packing houses nor the Bur
lington , Cedar Ripida and Northern
1 Madaino TuHaauil'H Wax-AVorkH.
Fpr many years attracted the attention ol
thousands of viaitoro to London. Al
though these wax-works wore famous al
over the world , they wore not pleasant to
look at. The faces of the persons repre
sented had an unhealthy and bilious look ,
just like these hosts of people wo BOO
along the streets every day. Why do
people look this way ? Tnoso who take
Brown's 1 ron Bitters have no such ap
pearance. Brown's Iron Bitters renews
the blood , roforma the disordered liver ,
corrects the action of the heart and pro
duces general health , and restores the
skin to vigorous action.
I will Mil the foltowitiR property on easy terms II
bought within 80 dujs.
200 Acre Farm.
FIve miles nortli or Council niufls ; good barn , house
orchard , ami all fenced.
400 Aero Farm.
Five miles east ol Logan , Harrison , county , Iowa , all
fenced , leodyanl btrii , liouici , Orohird , uto. ; ZOO
acroiw under plow , KO acre * ramo urnss meadow , 100
aorea timber ami ivMturo. This farm o3a bo easily ill-
tided Into three uo lrablo Biuall larnu.
800 Acre Farm.
Plx miles cart ol Oimwa , Motion * county , Iowa , on
the Maple river ; Kond house , lam 3ixlGO ! feet , feed
jardu , plied * , otD. ; 200 ucroa iimler pliw , balanro In
timber , meadow and [ nature ; a llrut claou Block farm
In eve
240 Acres of Wild Land ,
Suitable for Farming.
250 Bond of Cattle ,
75 Dead of Horses ,
SOOllo'd of Hogs.
Alia Farming Implements lutiieteut tooarryon I < 1
fannt. Alao
10,000 Bushels of Corn , and 400 Tons of
Tame and Wild Hay.
8 ld stock , corn , feed Mid machinery 1 dhldoJ up
on iulj farm * , and will bo Bold only In connection
with raid ( arm * .
Hero In a Rood ohanca f or Cholcii Block farms , well
locked , ready for work. Poocsiloii given on date ol
purchttto , If deblrcd ,
Call on or adduxui
_ Oounoll Illuffa. Iowa.
ruoa. orrioii , u. u. coair.
Ooancll Blnffi i ft.
Esfabt/shea - - 1850
Uoalertlu Kctelk'o ud omeitla K ch nj in
llrwa Keen till
llo-Udlei lOct
HKATK3-Oi'nU 160. Ladle * lOc.
AdrolMlon Free taLiulIci each ruornlnit and
Jay Mid Thursday ilteruooui. Ueo ol bkit 11
Ututirer l'ro | > rletcr
Mrs , a , J , ttuton , H. n , ,
Sii Ulddlc DrmU-ay , Couacil I ] ult ,
Silks , Dress Goods & Novelties
is very complete iu variety nml excellence of goods.
Plushes Velvets
Cloakings , , ,
Eider , Down and Jersey Clot-h
Tambour,1 Turcoman ,
s = tn.c3L :
Curtain Goods , Window Shades , Etc , , Etc ,
Oil Cloth , Rugs , Mattingst Mats , Etc. , Etc.
401 Broaoway , Council Bluffs , Iowa :
Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - COUNCIL BLUFF3
L. 0.ALL
I 3L , IL , I IsT J3 IB " "ZT" I
Cutting and .Fitting . a Specialty.
SMITH & XOlduEU Ante. ,
7 and 0 Main etroet ,
A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Select From.
Endorsed by KJUXI Lisrr.
Unrivalled or Tone or Flnlsbi
Price to llur ,
The Kimball OrRan , BO long and favorably known In the wait , recommends
HTKWAKT. Solo Agent ( or nbovo lines of Goods. Warerooms , 33U
BlulTa uncil Oorroaxitidenca | Solii ited , AKonts Wnntod ,
Both now and second hand , ranging in prices from $3.50 to
$25 each. Take ml vantage and call parly to obtain
the bent bargains. Iain making n hie i eduction in
At I nooJ the room I B > ) itock ot etovc > a.
A. J.UANDKL , Council DlnSi , low * ,
Fall Goods Ready. Sui Made to Order in Latest Style
ca Short Notice and a Ik'usonale Price. .
. . . . . .
205 Main Street , Council Bind *
Like the One Now Offered by
In the Masonic Temple. Council Bluffs , la ,
Owing to a change in the firm we are desirous of re
ducing our stock very low , and so offer the Entire Stock
Carpets , Lace Madras and Turco
man Curtains , Shades , Rugs , Mats ,
and Mattings , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , Tahle Linen , Napkins , Bed Spreads , Towels
Piano and Tahle Covers , Blanke ts end Comfor
ters , Etc , , Etc ;
The Entire Stock at a Great
Such an opportunity was never before offered to this
public to secure Carpets and other House Furnishings at
such a sacrifice for Nice , New , Desirable G-oods.
Now is your chance for Unheard of Bargains , The sale
will continue until the stock is very much reduced ,
Those who call early will get the best bargains , WE
MEAN BUSINESS and shall make the lowest prices ever
heard of ,
Masonic TempTe , Council Bluffs.
Waves , Switches , Whatnots , Langtry atid
Frizzes ,
We would call > our attention to the ( act that the
Bargains Which Cannot Too Obtained
We can comlncc u\cryhoily thnt wo any what o mean ami mean what wo say. Hut the best way to
rat the truthlulncis nt our insertions is to call arid oxamlno our stock end pricoo , l aya remembering
jtJTCASH Is the mnglo word which will attract the attention of c\crjbody , It 13 the won ! we inI
ivhen ua purchased nur Koodii , and that la tha reason wo can offer them to you at BO low a flgiirt' . A c nil
luwjis of killing and eellliij , ' . thoiebj protecting purcbaFcra from o\etchario ,
E. E. AUAMS ti CO. , 417 Broadway JtiulK
NO , . 8. Thin i what onie at the ukate in mifacturor call a "Club , 'but o call it "Our Half Clamp
Club , 'It lian pure apring i-tttl bottoms corruu'ato I xrmtik , U U fu.l . nickel 11 aU'd The bottom l Hrmpe"i
to UtlliBKjIouJtlionhiHiorli'Ot purfetllj , thtrebi rp > lug tha funt free and natural action , Itlua
tou olnuipmil light Icaticr liihtop or hn'l trav Too lui'l tr lnaro prcfcrrablo ti > htul clamp In
mCHtcabCHlutliuhtr pustij ami utrunKtlien the nkle ultcn proeiuloi ; n rioiw and painful acLiilrnti. It !
Is Iho OiKftlo'Jkliuhkato Intho iiurnot , andonotluv H Mirn ti plmi-u. U h.n pure Turku ) ltooil
tthf lt llhbrambiuliin , tliuj are L'l luohn ludu nutofttii.lo > # rv Aliiol | wrti't > trm , a h luir in
" " ' separate boj. tUu 1M9. lali'iuirr ) adill lluuof mniu t.kato In fill traii waa > l bottoms anJ
lull line cf alloxtrtH , iHi.Uunll and hrt'u bra lined ulitun. SVrlro tor pilwn Tcruw One-third cash
coompanlnKorJeil.klanceejiitO. o. li.- 11. U MII.LlSitVvt rn Aifjut , 10 , Fourth Avenu
Council liiiiffd , IO A.
Ivt < pr/nor8e8 / and Mules constantly on hand wa
we will sell iu retail or wholesale loU ,
All Stock Warranted as Represent'-
Wlioleiile MidieUU dealers la Grain ud IliluJ liny. '
HMUIactlon Giurauttrd , fcr > - >
Conier Fifth Avo. & 4th St. , Coup'