THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY DECEMBER , YOUR BEST TIM I ACQUiiuxn A I'luoiioAi. IIOUIAT x/s / A DECIDED SUCCES ! AND Business College , AT FREMONT , NEBRASKA Opened aaestmlullr Octoticr 21 , with ton totcli nnd n R.x > d AttontKnce , whlati doubled during I flrsl flro ook . and h still steadily Inorcanlnir. I 'illy Bluluitn IH th lltulncsi College i niia ttitnd Claiioi ; neatly fitly In tlio Normal Tcndur'i Dcpirtmcat anil Uoinmon { tranches an coo J Attend tnoo In the Music and Art dcpartmsi ! THE FACULTY. I'liraiOKXT .TONBS Imlndovor twenty yoi CXK'ilencoln educational work. . I'UOFIHJOK 1I.UIMN. 1'rlnclpal or the Hindi hi ) had over flftocn yoan' oxpoiltnocn Is n Hupcrhr I'tiunau and Kxpert Accountant. 1'rol. Iitwton , of Koiton , Sift's , In ft sunorl'r filrntor In lltnto. Jllsi Barah bhcrmin , of Chlraj il RII arllit of rare tilontnid ildll , and a muni fli OMiliil traohor. lll'K I/yilKI , Jrnc4 , an ! M'HS ' J Bio < J < w , ol ara grijiiilui o ( llio Nortliwcnterii Ui Tculty , and able teachers. Mr. A. A. Uuwlci It | iract'cd nlioit hand reporter and and an adtpt typo writing. 1'rof llohlcr anJ ctliar teachers a tboroiijldy qualified. EXl'eNSES VKHV LOW. Tu'ttmi lorflltocn wcokn $ iD. Diatd cost ) frr $2 60 to $3 00 a week In clubs and by soil boardb ItantslcM rlaccican bo found lor fevcral ni ) stiido.i.8 whowitb. lo pay pirturwholool board 1 liOUMAork or chores. NO VACATIONS. The WINTER ' 1 HUM of 15 weeks will begin lie ! W , biitftililonUcU IWKII ATAsrTiMR , and art il I DC BO continually , paying chtrgoa only Irani tltno cntcrlcR to tlmo ol lea\lnj ? . y t particulars aildrcsi the undersigned , W. I' . JONK3 , A. St. L'rcildcntof Normal CoIlcKO , Kromont , NclumV do'lnmt-tliu-natJimo flOLD HEDAL , PAMS , 187 BAKER'S Warranted aliiolnMy } iin ( , 'ncnit , from which the cicoi Oil Iui b.'cii rcmovi'd. It ban thr tlniei the slrenattt of Cocoa mlti with Htnrca , Auowroot or Sura ( nnd ID thcrufcro fnrrnoro ccouon rnl. It In dollrloan , nourUhln utrc'iglhcnlDg , rnilly dlgcutcd , al admirably adnptvd fur Invalid * well an fur I' health. Solil of ( Irorers ctcrrrrhcre , WB&KEB & * CO , . Boiicsfcr , m DR. HORNE'S ELECTRIC BEL' nra Hervontnoi * . t.nnitinicn. tlli < initl > iii I'limlrn Kotirail-In , Hclntlrn , Klilni-j , t plio niul I.Uf.r iHwnK. floiil , AnllimA , lli' rl ( | ] Bmr , li | ir | , l iivtlimlloii , M Kliwliu , Caitrrh , fllin , Fiillcpnr , Iniuiii | > nrr , Uuu b Ann l'rtil | i iu Ulorl , ( r. ( ) MJclciillllc | iirctrliIloli : In Ann lea OiKt HnnilK the Klfttrlflty unit iMHtfiiiMji | | thitnislill boUuiu can bv rocuitruuil In uu lualunE by tbw ptilanu Winljr lie > ranif [ , the nori3oncf the year for oohi KDiiutni. In VOT of thin fiot wo nay buycnu < Dri fling's Eloo'.rlo Bolti , Iy BO dolnz you \il Told llbumtttin , Kidney Trouble ! and otbcr III liat flaihlt M'rto. Do not dotty , but ml ' t-oii IBoaandeiamliiobcUii , No. 142Z Douglaj otroet , c O. P Onnl'ntn'n. 1110 K rn .m Bt.Om ) n , Nob. Oi den dUoil 0. O. D lly.Ht i > r 1'liKlt A victim of > outliful Itnnnidunca rjunliiff rroniAturn Docny , Norvoun Dolillllr , lx t JHanlinoil , do.linrlnR tried In alti nrorjr known rDtiipdjr.iiiiiiiiinauti'roil n iranlomoninof n < tlf-cnro. which ho will mind FIIHI ! to bU JolloHiiircriini ; AadfowJ.lI.ltiaiVlia.430l/athnmHu.Nu\rYork. InuioCOyuani. hprclal rrnaerlptlonaof rJicmlnentl'liyiilclaii. Hlinillo , HufuoudHiiro. J.IBT oir ramcii'Ai , tie i. CUKES. rnicK. , Doiicuntlon , InllnmmMlnni. . \Varmv , Wurra I'nwr , Worm I'olle. . . Uryliiu Colic. nr'tVutliloirnllnfanUi , Vt5 IlliirrlitiitolOhrlilrunor AdulU ! 4.t DUoiltur flrlplns , IllllouiiUolio -it , Vomiting Cold , llronchlth. ltl.'l'nnlUiirh , Fnccsclia. . . , 'M lnnilnt , Hick HfiAaacho.Vertlc * ) . ' "V lUllnuahUinifich. . . . . . . . . . 4r * orl'iilnfull'nrlo ) ! ) , 'M Will ton , too rrnfonorcrloda. . . . > ' Cinuii. Oouch.PiUiciillUrontUlnrt . Halt llhiniiii , lirrilpulas , Kruptlona . 'J. ' . . i l' ' > Tii4nrl ) Airii , ; hlll , ilolarll. . . , iniml crlik-cdlmr. . Cutunli , noutu or ohrnnloi Iiilluonra ni ) \Vliooiil nuCniiali , Violent Ought , ntl ( lonurulliitiiUliy.rhya'lWoakuoM .nil Klilnuy llUfiiii' . . . no NvrvoiiMDoblllty . .1.IMI VlrlnuryAVi'UldiaRK.Wnttlnii Hod .no DlBt > iiiif of llm IIi > nrt.I' < lplUllon1.UU PEOIF1CS. -AO < tn > M. UUIIlk'lIIIKVH1 ID'J ii'ultuu t3t.l\uw Votlu OMAHA Chemical Dyeing -ANU- OLEANING WORKS. 0. T. PAULSON , Proprietor ! OenUeaions' Cloth'nz ' Cleaned , Dyed and nepMroJ TAdluV Irou3i Cleaned and Uyed , without Ripping riumcNCUaoodor Colored any shade , to sample Will , Velvet * and Laaoa Cleaned , Dyed and ( lie-tin Uhcxl. 1212 Douglas Biroot , - OMAHA , NE ] PropoHala for DulUlliiK ItridKOH. Department of the Interior. 1 Olfloe of Indian AffalM , Nov. 17 , IBSi . f Hailed iiroooaali , enilortw 1 "propoiali foi hulldln llrldis/ lll be recelni'J at this ollloe until 1 o'cloc TucDay tht 18th of Ucosin er , 18SI , fur tin coi ttniciicui of three bridged on the Batteo Hloui Koto vatloti lu Iltbra ka , and I'onca lliwervatlou In Dakol l the following locations ; on the Hantue Hesurvatlti our tin Uii'Jocrek , a bridged thrte miana cf ( foot imli with Ibfeet aupiOACbc ; on the l'nca Ke fctotlou , over tlit Nlobra'a rlv r , abridge 08) foi Iroui tui to end , and 01 cr thoWvit For k ol mid r In OOfiet. luTco hrklgM In question a'e to boot pomblnatloii i wood andiron , iih out Iron she , resting on pi f umdatloni , whlcll over Dm NI brara liter arelo I dilven IS eet.oier llatlle creek , IS loot , and oti Welt ( 'orUolNiobrara lllvcr , 16 fvit bvl w waU leytl , and irv to be built lu accordance with l > lai ftadtpoelDcaUon * to bo teen at tin otllceof the IK-iu QiiartirutiiicratOuiiha NibriiL * , tho'llii'O. " Ucnwr. Coloiulo , a-id of tin "lutoi-Oceni of Oil oago , 1,1 , 'flii ) comtru-tbn of the brlde tO under thn It modUtvluprrviilonof a | > orwii to Ut d : Umtrd I IbU ) Deiurliutut. All l > ld * um t b ajxwiriutli ty aceit'llod ' rhei on 0oiuu United ttitu Drpultory , for at lt t I'lV iitr cui'uin 1 1 tb > x amount ol th * propoi&l , whit clieck ull beforlelteJlothi ) Utillod Kttti * In ca nuy lild'pr or HJdem fall to ciioitu a cvntraot vti | Kdod kill suXclentnuietl'ii ! < > th'rMliotob returm tntt.u bUldc-r. In Dubdiltlloj blJ , bidder * ih'll I UU tbo time r ( | Ulrcd by them for llm rouitructli < jf tlm l > ri get , on "lil uutttr will b conild ri t linking the awardi , airt irado a prt of tbeoontrx Tlit > iUbtl < rc ervtdfoieJectftny or all bldi auy | i rt I any Ud If deciuc J fur the bett IntoitKI Inuiitrvico , 11 PIIIOK , n ? i-iwl * in e < l OommlnUnrr , alnlloa of a noted > p cUllit IUOM iurUticta IIll , AiUrtu . WARD * CO.tUinBIAIfluMI. B n -THE g BEST TONIC , ? Thi * medicine , combining Iron xvltli r > ur V" xttlo tonlr , fiiilckly find fonip'.ctclj I'nrr * IHnpnxlit , imllirrnllmiYnliiint * * ' nil Nfiirnlnln. 11 1 ? nil unfailing remedy for Il. cns of thi itlilnrjn nnil l.lvrr. It In Inraliialilo for Il caei peculiar Ui U'litnon , nntl nil vim lend fcilcnliiry lives. It iloci not Injury the teeth , cnuo licmlachc.oj proltico comtlpatlon O./IT Inn mctUcInc * do. itctirlclicsnnri jmrlflca tlinliloo'l.ntlmillnto ! tlioiippctllo.aliU tlio ( XMlinHiUlon of food , ry lloves Heartburn nnd liclchlng , nnd klrenglb initlierrmiiclcii ftml norm For Intermittent KeveM , . jwltiulu , tncko ! 'ncrcy , .V.C. , It lifti no equal. tft Tlio Rrnulno IIM nbovo trmlo mark iri'J d red llnci on v , raptor. THke nootli r .lr i , , HKi > w tilKmcil. > . . tuumrmtir- iU Undisputed In He BROAD CLAIh . \ \ VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING ANI Kvcr olTcrc' < l lo llio uubllc. HAMBUEG-AMEEIGAN DIRECT LINK FOH ENGLAND , rilANOl ! ANI CKRMANY. Tbu iteanuhlpii ol this vrell-kncwn line are bnlll o Iroo , In watei-tluht oouipattmcnto , nnd are furnlsU d with every requisite to molio the tABKage botl Itfo and agreeable. Tlioy carry tliu United Btato and Kurcpcao mall ) , anil leu o Now York Tlmit d j-8 ndnattirdft8 for Plymouth ( LOHDOK ) Cbcr bourg , ( I'AIIIB ) and IIAUIIURO. Rules : Stecrigo Irom Europe only 118. Firs Cabin , ( CK , (65 and 37fi. Htooruo.tSO , Henry Pundt , Mark Hanscn , K , K. Mooros.ll. Tctt igentslu Omah > , Qronewci ; & Bchocntgcu , agontali tfounoll JDlufla. 0. BtlUOUAUI ) k RO. , Oon. l' i ! Arl ( . , 01 Broadway , N. T. Cbaa. Konnluekl Ji Co- Qenoral Wcstorn Annuls , 170 W eblugton SU , Chlci K0.1U. . - . , i i. ill Chartered by UieStaUof IM. neil for the express purpoca ofClvlnRlmmecllatercllctla nil chronlc.unnarynna ptj. vntc dlsrcJr'"orK I'ttT" , i OleotmidbypliiUs in all their complicated funns , olio al' diseases of the Skin nd Ulood promptly relieved and permanently cured by remc- " iifli'll'mrtlrf , Scmlnol J f | llt Los u. by Dreams , Pimples on the Pcce.Lust Manhoodj. onllteetu cured , Tlert iKH'icxiivrhiirnHtui. The uppropflnte rc'.r.rdy liatonce used In each cue. Coiuultutions. per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent b v Mall and Expreca. No marks on pacuaac to Indicate content * or sender. Address OR JAMES.No. 204Wa3hfngon ! St.ChlcnQom " " " ' ' For M n , nlCK. iiir * . ! . Hook rr , VBGOR ClTlili > : r , IKI fullo tit. N w Totk. DR. R. 0. WMT'H NHRTB AND lmm Tnn sii HT , a KUtianleedinioolflofor Ilystorla , D'ulneis , Convul. lions , Fits , NcrvoiiD Neuralgia , Jlcadtoho , Nervous rtottratlon caurad by tlio uae of alcohol or tobbacoo , Wakefnlnens , Mental depression. Softening of the brain , rfnuHlnir In Insanity and leaping to mlcery , decay and iloilli , Premature Old age , lUronuef" , loan olpoworlu eltlier DUX , Involuntary Loaios and Spor- uatorhornoauuad by over oxcrtlnntof the brain , self , abuse or over Indulgence. Kaoh lx ) , contains one mouth's treatment. (1.00 a boioi ulx bcittloi for tl.OO.Bont by mall prepaid on iwotpt of price , WK OUAIIANTK1C SIX I10XKJ Tocnroanyoue. Wltli taoli order received by as for tlx bottleo , acooruiillibid with (6.00 , wo will send khD purchaser our written guarantee to refuud the money If the truatmencdooti not effect n cure. Guar antees Issued only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. . jy S9.ruVo-ry 802 Uadluon St. , Chicago , III. JA8. H. PEABODY , M. P. Physician & Burgeon Rcilldence No. HC7 Jcnm St. Oltlco No. 1(00 Pa > nam ( tract. OHIco lioun 12 in. to ' p. m , and fiom la 8 1 > . ro. Telephone for ollioo 07. roaldcnoo 126. 'IIK"ltOYAI < HAVANA" IN AlIMATirilH. Mn . . - . - . SQUARE . ' .T. ' . RELIABLE . WORTHY OFtCONFIDENCE. Some Credentials : In drawing Clnsn 1ICO , Jmu' V8tli , 1881. Ticket No. l ) l , Oiipltiil Prim , wiw hrld by John . OrnfT , To- juvo Ixxif PiihlUhlnit Co. , HO Mill Jen lauu , N. V. City , nld by check on llrookl ) u Hank. lank of Key Went , Fln. _ _ In drawing Clnts 1107. Bept. 30 , 1181 , Ticket No. 21.419 , Iiipltiil Prliu , sold liy IJiidaiiLT , W Jlerrcr St. , N. Y. ! liy. Not niithorlroil tn o nnmn and mldrvu of lolilor. Paid liy chock nil llrooklyn Hank. Ticket No. 6tfJ7 , Hci'ond Capital VrUo , sold by Bgoiit , t llrownivlUo , Tuxns. IMil pneluilf liy Fvmnnilo anmvn and one half by O. Kollnlno , Unlnmun > , Me j. . CuUootfd throuRll HkMiinlxTK .t lln ) > lmt-l , M CHI. ' iV orth at'anil Woodward & Bllllnmn , Now Poit a j'.JlK.T'hlrtl Capital Prlio , bold ono-lialf ly H. A. Davidson , W bth at.Ho.llruoklti , N. . , . 1110 b ait liy Ulli > pk , < iiai Cullfornla Bt. . Him I'rnu. ! t o i. CM. Olio hnlt luild 111 c li nnd Jh other xi-l , Morgan & Co. . Ilankvn , N. V , City. EXTRAORDINARY. CLASS 1174 , DECEMBER 20 , 1881. 1VOOU .TIUKr.Trt-U7H IMU/.Eti. vw ) " . : . ; ; ; ; . . . . . ; . ! ; . . . ; . . . 2 Approximation * tJUvai'htulhutr..niilprUu " a 110 3.uu / ano 2 " W " " .R I.UJO " , f | 100 rM' , ni nlxirc. Ix'lna I ho full number In tliu lloynl Ha\miH , nnd IMAddlllonulPrl'tuiiifSIUt-afliliithoiaitlcketii liiivlng an i-nillliK liuniU'r * llm l n term inal imlu of the nnmliT ilruwlng the Cap. ItulPiUoot HV.W ) . . 1'MC o7s VrUcHi. nmountlnir In U. H. gold to. , , . 83 1 , 1'Jtl Wiclis , 55 ; niltii , J.Wj Two-ftftbi , $3 ; Oti-Sfth , $1 , AH I'rI/r * tuilil on I'ri'urutallou of llcUi'U \vllliiiiil iliuliirlliin. . . . . ITIii' imly ililnu ill lliU chiiiucltir In ivhlcli " MIUIIIPIllUIIOIl In llllPOHjlllll ) . Tjlll JICllBI jioldrriiuml. nn Hupirt l or , UN tbo Kuril I Iliivuiiii ( lUlvlnl lUt ili'clili-H iivtir ) llrlic-l , nnd Kui-ntNiiro iinlliurl/ml to IIBI lint uiluluul lUl III viikliluu prixeH , ACil'.NTS KVKUYU'llUUK. 1 or ticket * , tlo. , upply to 8H1PSEY COMPANy. lUl'J llruutlwun N. V , Oily , K. Kauh & 0. ) , ' 117 Walnut Ht , 8t. Louis Mi. , or l-'iutikLoljr m > , V. O. Drawer 'JO , WyandottP , DAkOTA. Ciitnplioll county U anxloui for now i tlr-ra. Itlcmnrck cili enri Imvo find a sleigh tldel i will ho Introduced in DC wood soon. Mitchell is oou to have a pork ; laulithmont. Hanton county has volocl In tutor o $10,000 tchool hmiio , * Canning , lluphes county , Is supplied w wood by tha Indian * , ! is getting tcarco at Sioux Falls , and ' dealers are anxious tor afieezo up , A water power flouring mi 1 will proha' ' In ; huilt at ForestburR next aea on. In the vicinity cf Mitchell , last week praiiie fire did considerable damage. A board of trade was organized by the bt nets men of I'lcio. on Halurday night. Tutkoy tho'ilice matches were indulged in various points In the territory latt Meek. Wolves are numerous InMlnnohaha coun but are too cowntdly to bo very troublesor Giand Forks in represented attNew Orloi by a cabbngo need nlno feet in circutnfcron The now ttago line tliut connects with i Northern 1'acilic at Mcdora , pleates thoBh Ifills people. ( < roncd was broken for the 8100,000 Ta\ City unUcreity Thursday , with appropr ! coromonics. 'Jho Yank tin pork packlrg company is n ready for buniuctH anil has commenced i bujing of hogs , The Hodfiold mill Is running night andi nnd turning out 10J barrels of flour ovi twenly.fotir hour . Thcru was enough barley raised in the vie ily nf Furgo to supply the homo demand a Bomo left for shipment. On the Grandln farm in the Kcd III1 iralluy 11OCO acres of ground is being propai to plant with wheat next pprlng. In the contest at Sioux Kails between K. Dolllnger , bicyclist , and W. il. Houndsrol ikatcr , the latter won by nine laps. Walter I. lliineii , of Klk 1'oint , secretary ' .ho Soldiers' and .Sailors association , of I iota , domes the namp , company , regime vnd pofctolllco address of every ox-soldier Dakota not connected with the ( ! raud An if the Hppublic to lilo in his oflico. Sutid t loelrod inforu nliui plainly wiittcnonn pi : al card. A Fargo special of the 2Cth says : A spec 'roiu Lisbon contains an account of Buppos > utlawry. Ofiimn Benson , formerly of tl : > lacc , went to Burlington , Stevens counl .vitU . J. L. Collon a year ago. During t mmmor two strangers have been noticed .he region of Bomnn's place , who would ibsL'iit from there about two weeks and rotu vlth a number of horses alleged to be pi ih.isod from Canadian Bottlers. A few da igo vigilantes surrounded hla homo , arrest lim aud two strangers therein , end took tht .a . parts unknown. Ono rumor says they ha ill been hanged , and another that they 1m leun taken to Montana for trial. The fai till probably bo ascertained in n few days. COLOBADO. Aspen in to have a theater -15x100 feet. South 1'ucblo wants n oteam fire engine. Fifty gamblers have been indicted in DC or. or.In the vicinity of Salida bears ara prowlii bout. Fiiu bugs nre creating considerable troul i Snlida. A number of tniniiig accidents are occurrii L T.cadvillo. The total expense of the As pen town eito ate is 85,356.30. A Salida hunter brought down mounta ou a few days since. The United States mill at i'orkvllloh jmmoncod to buy ore. The Pueblo steel works nro now producii vo tons of iron pipe per day. A flock of mountain sheep were seen onBi [ reek.'near ' Salida , a few days since. "Several of Ouray'a-old tUne residents a reparing to emigrate to Bolivia , South Ar ica. v < llm Murphy wes fatally injured in tl Linnlo mine by a giaut powder blast , la The loaders of the Weld county Rang < , ttlu thieves bavobucn sentenced to the pen ntary. It is reported that a force of sixty policome uro rcnuired to keep the striking coal niinoi dtt ut Trinidad. lu the Arkansas Valley Oil and Laud con iny'H well , No.I , near Florence , oil has bee ruck at a depth of 1,100 feet. The residents In Denver are talkie ? of wa ( 3 war upon the "fop fiends , " the nam lich In given to tin" juttices of the peace an nstallod. 'They ' dom'riudcheaper justice. It in claimed by coal experts , cays the Mot iiol'miuiicr , that underlying Montroae , a Jepth ot CCO feet , ia an enormouu strata c al , pitching fiom the mountains this waj Viopa to the Butfacu near Dnllaa , I'lio Colorado Coal and Iron company hav imnenccd the election of twenty-four add ! uml coke OM-IIS at Crested liiitlo. Whei mploted this will give them a capacity fo tklng 1,000 tons moro , of coke eacl inth , . The Arapahoe cruuty coinniipflitncrs bav iiiplettd the tax luvy for 1881 , in nccordanc th the re | > ort of the county asEp > sor. Th Jtial ccool tnx far school district No. 1 , Kas liver , was U mills hint year. This year It i nllls. In school district No. 2 , West Don r. thn Ux is 1-i mil ! * : hu > t year it uas I 11. This increano it duo to the building am pio\ouienU In school buildings during tin 4 year. J.asl jcarlho tix was 11 nulls fo ) county ; thin It it l"i mills. Last yea : j tnx WBH 1(1 ( mills for the ttty , and this yea cro Is no change. Kafv-crnckers are at work in Jtawlius. lloivrs are now bclng rhipptd from Wyom pr to Vermont. Mr P. M. 0. Harrow , wifoof the editor of tin iwlii.n Tribune , has fallen heir to $30,000 in nglaud , D o Muldlvton i * ranching ou Ham's Koilt D Inn built n line ronliloucr , aud it ia salt at ho will BOOH bu married , I'rniii nil over the range country of North n Wyoming the rupurt comes that tlio catth II go into the winter in better trim thai IT before , Wyoming haa shlpimd ( luring the yea IHi'I head of caltlo , which at an avurago o 0 pur bend , amounti to thn mngnincont sun ? ftM , 1,7 > 0 , the l.upCBt btibincHa over donoli lOBoason. Ilobatt Ford , a man well known through it tliu went registered at Dyer's hotel iiuyonnn , Fiiday night nd was ahown to : r.m. Twenty-four hours later ho wiui fount > a'l in bud. He was at MHO tlmo wortl 00,000. Mr. 1'Vcd ' Sauudors , n ono-arniod resident o urbon , WAS traaultcd by two men ono eve ng lnnt week , while goliiK to his home. Hi id between $300 aud $400 in hla ponsoasion hich they hoped to secure , The footpad tiled tn him to itop , and when ho started t m , followed nnil struck him with a car coup ng pin and knocked him down. Ills one arcd oil the robbers without their obtaimuj to cash , Mr. Saunders' ihouUlerblade wa oken and hia shoulder joint dlslocatod , Profneior Samuel Auj'li9y , who succeodei nif , G , K. Dallt-y as tenitorial goologiit c -'yoniii - ) ( , ' . has juit returned from nn olliclt nit to the new oil regions of that territory III Invottigatinus were devoted principally t in 1'ovvdor river region. The oil tpriuga an cipoa hitherto olwerveU occurred in the san IOIIHH and conglomeratea of the Dakota , TMU hich group is tha baial member of the crvti nous. lu the oil l > m > ! u ou 1'owiler river , neii rthur'n ranch , about four miles rcitmra at iverud by Vhoan oil nheuomena. Uuring hi ivetitlgationa 1'rof , Aughey found , howevei it rxtcntlon of this baMu to the south. I ila txtontlon four additional oil niuliiga mi icipes were obierved. Hrro , however , th il cinergos from the juraulo mirUnnd tiiaai id nandstono. Ho ia nowof the oniulon tha 10 suit In this untlro baiin haa Its orlgiiu lures in those triaeio iaudi aud conglomei tot ; that they have underground connection 1 evident from the fact that the oil from a' ' : i4 prlum and e caivo , oiidal o from the wel iiit have bctm kuukrii , have the aamn spucili ravltv of 23 ' of tha Uaume scalt < . Thewor ( development In thU ba lu ha * just IKRUI L number of men hu\e Ix-un putst wok : ulul igtliultn. Gin > hat ( lu it IHHIU nuuk ti U depth of fifltr-n feet and produces six ban nf oil ovf-ry twrnty-foiir iK.urn. Other uln am b icg unk nnd promi < m t-uti bettor suit * . MONTtXA. The authorities nro aflr n Rang of lung ] in liulto nnd pro ; > oae to mnke it warm them , Hutto received -J33.435 ] ) ounds of preen fi this year , of which 273,130 pounds-camo fr JUfin v Alley. A petition has been sent In ( ha MonL lor/i.-daturo nsklnfr that IAW prohibiting gambling be enacted. Gov. Crosby cftliirmtoi the present popi tlnn of M.ontiua at 81,000 , nn increase of 000 during the pant 3 oar. A pang nf advertising sharks are trying work IJutto , but nro meeting with a chilli reception from the business men. BJA heavy gala of wind strucK Helena am ships on the lGth ! , nnd carried off a part of I roof nf the graded school building nnd M tana National bank building. Other daini was dona nnd it will require considers money to fix things up again. JIISCK1.I.ANKOUH. A number of Eastern Oregon papers ti wheat nn subscription , It ia estimated that Washington torrit has n population of 125,000. The Queen of Hills mine , on Wood ri\ Idaho , IH now yielding nbout $15,000 n inon About 80,000 was staked In Portland , 0 Ron , on the rrault of the election In New Yi state. Dirk Bockholdt , ox-clerk of Salt Lake co ty , Utah , has boon nrrested for the embcz : ment of county funds. Secretary Alien of the Idaho Stock Grow convention , estimates that there aroatpresi 360,000 head of cattle in that territory. { QThe diacovory of n lodge in Sacramento t trict , Htimboldt county , containing wha called leaf silver , which nswys 515,000 to & 000 per ton Is reported. The work of extracting ore from the Choi Droppings on the Cotnatock , Novadn , has bi iu [ > eiided in obedience to peremptory ord received from the new management. It not definitely known when work will bo turned. The mines of Whlto 1'lno are repotted to improving and the era output increasing. T outlook , in fact , is lluttering , and next yi will doubtless make the host showing that t been experienced for several of the past EI COSTLY UNOEUGAKMICNIS , BnHs tlmtKnock Tlio Spots Out of Hundred-Dollar Bill. Now York Sun. lu n gontlomon'a furnishing ntoro i town , near the Fifth Avonuohotol , mat wealthy and alylieh men buy Uioir lini nnd tics. The clerks there wear the Jntc collars , the liitcat tics , nnd the late everything. They look liku brokers , nt nro very otylish. "This winter , " tha most stylish thorn Bald , 'Vo have more novelties th : over before , aud there in really no ream why a gentleman of refined tasted at plenty of money should no.t bo very cor fortnblo. Hero's nn Arctic sleeper. Y < see it's made after the fashion ot tl oucko that men aleep in attho north pol only it's made of the finest lamb'swo aud tied around the nock with ailkc strings. Qomo of our young men nro i delicately nurtured that n slight co ! might bo dieaatrous. They nlido into thi and ara perfectly utterly ; no poaaibl danger of slipping their feet out froi under the covers. The wool has a slight ! irritating effect on the ekin that produci a healthy circulation ou the uurfuco an induces sound slumber. "What are those ? ' the reporter aakec pointing to what looked like ragged fi from the back of a kitten. "Those ere tha very latent drivin RlovoBjrrtCty ugly > I'll admit , but nothln like tnuu in the world for rratmtl They surpass sealskin , buckskin ani everything of the kind. They consist c i background of knitted silk , covered h : lido and out with the fine silky hai taken from the belly of a raccoon , uot th : oarae , outer hair , but the fine down ; : ur that rqwa.beneath. . Eleven dollar i pair we sell them for , and 200 pairs ar ) ut already. There nro those toboggan ng gloves , mndo in London and shippet , o Canada. They're just , out , tight a ho wrist , you see , and running way u | > vor your overcoat to your shoulders fou can slldo dpwn from the top o ilouut Blanc , head first , with a pair o hoao on , and you'd never got auy snov ip your sleevo. ITow atop back this wnj ind I'll ahow you the most beautifn hing you over soon in undorgarmynts. ' "Shirts aud draworaV inquired the ro sorter. "Yes ; but don'i call them that in thif tore , You'd hurt our moro reiinoa cus am. Call tboui undergarments. Ho ? aok at this. " JgHo dre\ ? out of n fancy box n huav > iiasa of knitted silk of the most boauti- ul blue tint , " few , " ho aaid , as h < trotched the garmento out into humar aniij ' | isu't that the most lovely am esthetic thing yon over s wl Would on think that any nun could have tin oart to put such u work of art ou hia 'gs ? But many have nnd they go line rild firo. Wo soil them nt § 100 suit , nd the high ] > rico takes the funny of thi oung uicn who have nothing to dp but D opiiud money. Wo huve old million irca for cuotomerp , nnd distinguished Irttesuion ua well ; among the lattei 'resident Arthur. Well , not ono ol liuao buys much fancy stock. They got ich buying merino undergarments at $1 nd $1 a suit , and they keep right on liat way. It's the rich young men ho are always having fottunoE > fi to them that keep up the trade. We ad ono young who inherited i ono year no lens than three fortunes , unniiiR from ? DO,000 to § 200,000. Tht : 'iiy ho bought , things that ho didn't irant rould have done your heart gpod to BOO. lero'u a lot of plain linen handkerchiefs. 'hoy'ro very fmo , just like cobwebs , and oil for ( GO a dozen. The young man 1 poke of bought four down of them , and dozen of these camel'u hair socks , will ; Ilk heels and toes. They aru only $0 o air , and very comfortable , but why he ranted ao many I can't ' understand. Wee o good business when young men are tc 10 married. They get trousaeaua ns well s anybody , and they have to pay for It , oo. Five hundred dollars is a Btnal irico for a good outfit. If you evci ump cll'como around. " PAUI * . "What furniture can givu such fuiisl o a room aa a tender woman's fact ; , ' , sks Qoorgo Elliott , Not any , wo art lappy to answer , provided the glow o icaltli tempers the 'tender expression L'ho pile , anxious , bloodlets face of tin onsamptivo , or the evident suiroringa o ho dyspeptic , tnduco feelings of sorrow iiid grief on our part and oomnel in n tell them of Dr. I'iorco'n "Ojldet Medical Discovery , " the sovereign renn ly for consumption and dlaoasei of thi 'eipiratory ' system as well aa dyapopsii lud other digestive troubles. Sold every vliero. There are in the country 11 St. Pauls ! 0 Bridgeport * , ' ' 18 Bntfilos aad Now irks , 17 Brooklyna , Clin-olahdj , am Inohesturs , 1U Ilartfords , 15 Louisvjlle * 1 ! ) Bostons and Pittnburgs , S Olnclniikti md Philadelphia , 0 Ohicagos , 7 Dotmite ) Blilwnukeoa and St. Louis , 1)2 ) Wash Dgtons and 4 Now Yorksaud UUiimorei Sour Ofloaus. Mid SlU arc no luplicitcd , Kdlior WtliJ ) ' "Uliiir. " lien I'-rley I'core In liotton Budfict. lion. .Jarnea Wateon Wnbb , who for many years editor of the Now Yo Courier and Knquirer , was the li duellist at thn north. Hid h "meeting" was at Wilmington , De with Tom Marshal ! , of Kentucky. J was not only wounded in the left km but on his return to Now York ho tried and sentenced to two years ha labor in the penitentiary. Govern Saward pardoned him , nntt ho rcnounc duelling ; but when ho wes at Waehinqto at the time of the assault on Sunnier , ! was challenged again , as ho thus told t story : " 1 was nt Washington at the tlmo Brooks' assault ou Sumner. The Couri ami Knquirer cimo out dononncii Brookn na n coward. General Quitnia a northern man nnd an old and Ultima friend , waited on mo nnd said : 'Genen 1 am sorry to BOO you.1 I know whst tnoant and handed him a chair. ' 1 ha a message for you,1 ho continued , 'and am ashamed to bear it , but if 1 refused couldn't live in the south. ' 'About t Courier-Enquirer paragraph ? ' I asko Yes1 ! ho aaid. 'Well , ' said I 'just ke it in your pockpt till to-night. Th paragraph was written in the oflico. I r responsible tor it and will fight for it , b I prefer to fight for what t have wiilt myself. I sent a letter two da ago , published in the paper tl morning. It will bo hero to-nigl It la four times as aovoro as th paragraph ; but when Uintgot.H here yi can take your choice , and wo will fig to-morrorr afternoon at C o'clock I' added to Quitman : 'I am now a ehur communicant nnd have changed my vio1 on duelling. I would not now fight personal duel a duel for personal aftroii Moreover , I had no personal quarrel wi Brooko. IIo and I dined together Governor Atkini' only thrco days ng But I will fight > r my country and i ; stitutlona and principles In private con bat the name aa armies do , and nak tl blowing of God upon the isauo. 1 wi fight Brooka to-morrow. Oomo to rr in the morning.1 My olFonsivo letter a rivod. Next morning General Quttmn waited on mo and said the South Can Jinian , after a two hours session over m letter , had withdrawn the challenge 1 never was so astonished in my llfo. " Some ol * John I'lio-nlx's Jokes. Cleveland Loader. "Gnorgo H. Derby was always makin caricatures of his fellow oflicers , and wt always getting into trouble over them , continued Dr. Duncan. "You hav doubtless heard of Gon. John Bernard who wes , during Derby's life , ono of th leading military men In the Unite Statof. Ho was at ono tiiuo In charge c the West Point academy , and did neb ] work during the late war , out of whlc hn came a raajur-geuornl. When Derb was stationed ou the Rio Grande , Gor Bernard waa sent west on an inopectin tour , and the various scones being no1 to him he wrote letters describing hi trip to the .Now Orleans Picayune. I one of these lottera ho described an PS cursion which ho made into Mexico where ho was well treated by the done and wan ono day taken out to hunt jicl rabbit * . In describing this hunt in th Picayune , he used the followinj sentence : ' 1 had rare sport in killinj j ck rabbita by firing off mj inulo. Darby published caracatures o ill his letters , and ono of his leading oar toona ho devoted to this Bcimo. The cartoon teen contained a mule standing with hi : seek outstretched , , his foot braced and lis tail standing atraijjht up in the air , 5ut of the mule's mouth wan belchim ire and smoke aud ball , and in front 01 lira were lying scores of dead and dying ack rabbits , while behind him stood Jronornl Barnard with ten-foot torch , irhich he was pointii g. directly at the nule. When this curtoon appeared Oon- ral Barnard was very 'angry , and hia ricnda told him ho oould do nothing tioi-o than challenge him. ' Challenge lim,1 replied Barnard , 'I' ' don't dare to hallonge him. He wouldn't fight. Ho rould apologize and that would' makeino aors ridiculous then ever. Philadelphia records n failure in at- ackiag overland electric wiros. The or- linanco provides that the whole Uj733 nilta must go under by January S , but he companies have not moved- and the illcora say that no practicable system of lurying tlio wires is yet known , and hero io no chance that unj thing w.91 bo ccompliohed beyond stimulating , the ox- orlmontcre1. FILES ! PIljUM ! PILKS1 A SUIIB QU11K VOUND AT jA8TI NO ONK NKK1 BUFKKIl. A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Italilngand Ilceratod I'iles has been dircovorod by Dr. Williams ( an Indian Itamedy , ) called Dr. Wl'inn's Indian 1'ila Ointment A single ox huj : cured tha worn' , hronio nates-of "o or D years Btnndlug. Iio ono need BulTer flvo linutoA after iipplymt' this wonderful Rooth- ig mudioino. J-utions , Iiistrumunts and clec- uulea do more harm than good , VT/lllum's udlnn Pllo Ointment abxorbs thn tuiurrs , al- .ya the Intoutio itcllintj , ( particularly nt night [ Mr cettinc ; warm in bed , ) acts OH n poultice , ive-s inatiint ruliof , and Is prepared only for ilns , { tolling of the private parf-i , aud for DtllillQ olBO. Head what tko ] Iou. J. M. ColliaVcrry , of leveland , says about lr , William'a Indian lie Ool ut ment : "I have usud eaures of 1'ilo nntt , and it ivifurdu mo pleasure to say that I two auvep found anything which ( J.IWQ such iimodii u aud porumncnt ruliof as Dr. Wil- Mii'd Indluu Cintrnent. Vos sale b all drug- BUand malloit on receipt of price. 60c und 1. Sold at rotall by Kuhn & Co. O. P. GOWWAN , Wlioln ate Aton ; After thn "i > .Utlo of Gettysburg , ono of 10 union bnrial parties buried eighty idornl soldiers in one trench. They ere all from a Now York regiment , and U had seemingly buon killed by one olloy. They were almost in line , taking p but little moro room than live men. ill of them worn shot nbovo the hips , ud not ono of them apparently lived ten ilnutea after being hit. itFOH Nervous and Physical Debility , 'read ' "the Science cf Life ; or , Self- reservation. " Wurrantudus advertised , r money returned. A Frenchman sent a circular to all his rienda asking why they cultivated a eiird. Among the answers nine stated 'becEiuto ' T wish to avoid shaving ; " welvo , "became I do uot wish to take old ; ' five , bfcause 1 wish to conceal bad eotli1 ; three , "because I wish to conceal ho length of my nose1 ; six , ' 'because I in noldicr ; ' twenty-one , booanao I wat eoldier ; " sixty-five , "bucauao uiy wife ikes it ; " twenty-eight , beoiuso my love ikes it ; " fifteen answered that they were , o boards , YOtJNO MAN , KKAI ) TUIH. THK VOLTAIO JSKLT uoyFAST , of Marshall iIlchlRan , oner to lend their celebrated KLEO mo VOLTAIC BELT and other KLKCTIUO AP- 'LlANOKa ' on trial for thirty days , to men young or old ) aftlicted with nervous debility. DKS of vitality anil manhood , and all kindred roubles. Aino for rheumatism , neuralgia , uuatycU , and many other dieea8 j. Complete ( * tdratlon to hoalth. vigor and manhood ; uarautwiil No ruk inonrieJ , M thirty days' rial li sJlfivod. Writa thwi &X one * for illw. . LOP I ( Ml ty IB M W " " Hr10 * t. n * * M * W fvrilFI i&fiF ( ! 17 St. Chnrii-s s M > i | , . , vfs jj , , , l.til I5l ftb lli t rt 111 .A til , , , i 1'J.yHrur , 1C Bl. IjtA Nervous FK-strillon. Debility Menla' * Physical Wiac-oass , Mticiirldl and other All * lions ol Throat. Skin or Ooncs. Dlooil Polsonln old Sores and Ulcers. . . . . > . .M , n > , tnitmtiti Diseases Arlslntj Irur * innis'crcVIon ! Exres Exposure or Indulgence. Mht > , , \ af.weon fe tnlm iflif'i ljt niitht * * .1 , t.ltrtr , ilt , of til tuj d fpfll e ftiemorj' , | Inifi , * * . , th * r rf > , pL tlml 4 * i rendorln ? Mirrl t Improper or unnrrvj i , . . , 6 e ur ty mr.ii free , tndltiTltoit H rltn f t fjupiU&oi , A Positive Wriuen Guaranto ultn In til enrtliin en < < < Mr , llron : inl e < ftjwherf . rarnphleti , Kunllih or iJrnmn , 04 pace > , d crlblne above Unctises Iflmoloor fcmile , I'llE mARRCAGE GUIDE- ] MO r"Uti ! , fln rlulM Ilinitrilpl lo cloih atd sill tlodla tj , wonr/ r-o'tftfot , &iui j > ip. r ovtr , s. * Tlili M. oit lDi ! ! tbe eurloui. loubtftil or Inquulllro * tnov , A took o' erml l to ulU UtUli. E A t \Vlllimi-llvllin DLOOD.'rpfn I ttu HID LlVr.R and KIDNCVE Ullll III-tiTOlUt TDK HUAJ.TJ nnil VIOOH of YOUTH. Vf popsln , Wont of Appetite , Ir dlKoatloti , l.nik of Htronctl 1 aiulTIr- " ' v""ji ntisolulcl mroil. Honor. , niiisoloan iiiTVpa recalvo nuwlorci Kr.llvcns llio iiilnil an nnpnllua llraln 1'owes r . . . aj ; ptiirerlimlrom complaint . . . . - Jttju.'i * poeutlurto tlielr BUX wll find In DR. 1'Kmil's ! IRON TONIO n pnfo no tjyicily euro , pitcsa clcnr , Hc-iIUiy complexion lolliupopnlarllynr hoorlelinlT IJonoteipurl tncnt ( rettliu OiiiulN.M. AND IIKST. Scud your nddroiatoTbn Dr. HnrtirMed.Co.l St.Ixjni8 , Wo. , for our "DJIEAM HOOK. " rnllof fitran aaDd us&fal.luformai ou.fn SGienoe of Life Only $ 100 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KKOW THYSELF , , A GUEA.T MEDlOAIi WOKK MANHOOD : Kihtnsted Vitality , Norvona aud Phyotoal Eoblllt romaturo De < ; llue In Man , Krrora of youth , and th mtold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or ei : oflsc3. A book let every man , younp , middle ogei .nd old. It contains 125 prescriptions for nil aon .nil chronlo diseases each ono of which Is Invaluable ! o fonnu by tbo Author , whooo experience for 1 cnra la eucn as probably never neloro fell to the leif if any physician. 800 pat'M , bound In bcautlfu 'ranch mu Iln ompossod covers , full , gilt puarantooc o be a finer work In every aenso , machanlcal , lit irory and profcssloral , than any ether work soldli hla country lor $2/60 , or the money will be refundm n every Inctnnco. Price oaly Jl.OO by mall , posi aid. Illustrative sample 5 cents. Send now. Golc ucdal awarded the Mthor by the National Medic * .BBOch'.lon , to the officers of which ho rolcro. The Science of Life should bo read by thoyoun : Jr Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. It wti eneflt all. London Lancet. There U no member of siclcty to wbom The Sol nco of IJfe will not be useful , whether youth , par tit , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. Addreaa the Peabody Medical Infc.Hutc , or Dr. W : . Parker , No. 4 Unlflnch Street , Itoaton , Mass. . whc lay be consulted on all diseases requiring oklll and ( pcrlenoo. Chronic and obstlnatcdiscasos that bav < ifflod the iklli of til other phys-lirjll clans , Bpeclaltyl Huch treated success-nCHL tnllj IthOUt an Instance of failure. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY SiLOGK , 16th and Capttnl Avenue , troata all caaca Crip pled or'Deformed , cJbotlleeaens ot tt ff > wous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs All MUCH of Curvature of the Hpine , Crooked Feet 1 end Aims , Dlfoascs ot the Hip , Knee , and iltlo Joint * . Al o Chronic factions oftheLlvei luumntlem , TaralyeU , IT.cs , Ulcuru , Catarrh , Atli k and Bronclilf.s are all treated tiy new and BUD itfu ] methods. All dUaactScfAnc lllood nnd Urln- C Organ ? , Includingthoao rraultln from Inclncru- n , or cxpo ure , am nafel } uid euccessfully treated il a cure guaranteed , \ounj men , roladla aged , d'old mou uuBcrln ; from > Vea'xne u and Nervous huustlon , prniluctiih it ' 'aV.lou ' , Palpitation of the iart , IK'SpoucUuc Dlzzuwm , Loaa ol iteinory.Lack Energy and Ambition , can be restored to health 1 vigor , 11 cane In n 4 too lonjr neglected. 0 Snrixoon In ch ( ia U B graduate of Jcffer. 1 Uedloftl ColleKo 1805) and liaa studied lilt ifeas'an In London , Patta anil Berlin. If aflilstod lor wilt * fnll rteucrlpt'.ivj of your case , and inodl- may bo eent you. Cciwultatlon fire. Aildiea mUi Ulopunaary , Crou/iao'a lilock , Oumha , K b. lee hours ID-IS a. m.,1-8 and7-8 p. m Rundaye. Ot. m ? 3.8ond lor treatise slkhor on male dleeiuo or urmlttej < HOTTI.K * iiluiti > cboi , . Bavaria Bohemian WOiMMSTTC nl v idHr . f t , Lonis. nhnnner . . . . - . - .St. Louis. cut's . . . . - . . . Milvauke * . ahhL' > P lsjjHr _ . . . . .Milwaukee. ru 'h . Omaha Ale , Pen r , Domestic and Rhiue . MAOttMR. nMT\youraililrpMloSwlftSi > oclflcCo.Dntwei 3 , fi\\3J Atlanta , ( ia. , for an Intortatlni : tmitlsu 1111 xnl mid tiklu Discard , ulilcl ) tbt-y uill toail friAt Inflammatorv Rlieumatism , I wat attackdl taut winter "Itli liinaininatory rheti i'l in cf cuvtre t > | > o-mj llrs.1 stilous Illucsu tine * m : Jhailarlcms kind * ut truutini'iit ultli only lupomry rullcl. Alter uten wi-fkn I wan rrdutwi ] w tight S3 pound * , had no ttmigth imr njijutile ilM Kronlii ) ; uv.ilor OMtry day In thU ruiullllmi > etun H llt'ariK-clrtc , uiul In three iin > Ivgnu to piute , ami In tliruo vvk I wu Irt'o fromilUcaao ul iii > attendlnir to my regular lni 11) aiiiKi. 0 returned and 1 ruiiidly gained niy Htuli I hate ilted thU \ < n > S tn lie crrtalu that inj euro van ) w incut. U. 1' . UoouTXXB./tturnuy at taw , lruu lck , Uu , , JUIIQ SO , 1S31. A GODSEND ! 1 liahad rlicuinatlim lor forty ) , and tiave n rellot cd M 1th a lew bottki c ( S. H H , 1 cojmi.ler a 0&d-k nd to tbo attllcUxl , J , inViu.ku , Thorny GtAU2 , 18 , * J1. CIT ! The remarkable growth rf Omubn faring the last fovr years IB a matter of 'rest astonishment to these who pay an occasional vlalt to thla growing city. The levolopmont of the Stock Yards the necessity of the Bolt Line Road the inoly paved stroota the hundreds of now residences nnd costly bunhieaa blocks , with the population of our city tnoro tlnn loubled in the last five yoara. All thl s a great surprise to vlaltoro and Is the idralrallou of our citizens. Thla rapid jrovrth , the bnolnoss activity , and thn nany substantial improvement * madn a ivoly demand for Omaha real eatato , and ( very Investor has mudo a bandoome irofit. Since the "Wall Street panlo last May , 7lth the subsequent cry of hard tlmua , hero haa boon leas demand from specula- era , but a fair demand from Investor ) coking homes. This latter class are akini ? advantage of low pricoa lu build- ng material and ere securing their homoe t much loss coat than will bo possible a car hence. Speculators , too can buy eal oeta' 3 per now nnd ought to take dvant o of present pricoa for future profit- . Too nest low yoara promises greatei I vot-Dpments In Omah& than the prtBt r yearn , -which have been as good are ro could reasonably desire. .Now man- faotnrlng establishments and largo job- ing houeoa are added almost weekly , nnd II add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and throngn- ut the State , who have their taonoy In ' 10 banks drawing a nominal rate of in- orost , which , If "judiciously Invested in tmaha real eatato , would bring them mch greater returns. We have many argaina which we are confident Trill ring the purchaser largo profits In the ear future. We liavo for sale the finest resi- ence property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at rcasou- r > lo prices on Sherman avenne.l 7th , 8th , Iflth and 20th streets. West on Farnairi. Davenport , \ | uming , and all the loading streets t that direction. The grading of Fariiam , Califor- ia and Davenport streets has made icesaible Borne of the finest and icupest residence property in the ty , and with the building of the fi reet car line out Farnam , the pro- irty in the western part of the city ill increase in value. We nlso have the agency for the indicate and Stock Yards pnnior- iu the south part of the c.ity. Thr iveiopments made in this section r the Stock Yards Company and o railroads will curtainly double o price in a short time , Wo also hav sonir1 fiu busme.s- ts and some uleganr , for salu , Parties wishing toinwstwill find mu Rood calling on u U B8TATK BROKERS. South 14th Si ; jet een Faruham ituJ louii.v- . . P. S. Wo ask those who operty for sale at n burg&iu to ie a call"We waut only ba re \vill jH > flitively not handl tv t n orethfui it" ' . " 'a ! VHIH v