THE OMAHA H FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MORNING , .DECEMBER 3 , 1884 , NO. 142. CONGRESSIONAL. Tie Second flag's ' Session of the Na tional Lviislatnre. The Senate to Investigate Indian Lauds And the Fonoinc of the Public Domain. Nebraska's ' Distinction in the Per son of Mauderson , A Honso Kesolution to Imuoaoh Marohal Wricht , i * HOIIHO A < o Occupied With Im portant Hnitwny ( JucBtlons News , SENATE. J ; , Decnmber 2. Shoflield , the now senator from Utiodo Island , was sworn In. The chair laiJ before the senate the re ports of the eeciotary of the treasury and controller - troller of currency. Mr. Vest offered n reso lution directing nil investigation into nil the leieo.i of laud in the Indian Territory for grazing or ether purposes by the Indian tubes , tho.numbcr of acres embraced In said leases , their terms and persons or corporations becoming leasees , almo circumstancea und-r which the lenses were made , means used in obtaining tbem and whether nuthoil/.fid by law. law.WASHINGTON WASHINGTON , December 2. Veat said ho had information that thesa loasea were ob tained from Indiana by conuptlon , fraud and bribery. Maxey , Harrison and other * also advocated n icjolution , aud tlio procoedingx broadened into a eouoral discussion on Indian hinds and sup pi 108. Da < voa said theo leoteH of Indian lands , while wrong , w ro no moro outrageous than authorized enclosure by wira fences of thousands of ncrea of pub lic lands. If remedial action U not taken in time the public domain would pasa irrecover ably Into the possession nf largo land owner * , foreign and native. Ho hoped th matter would not bo allowed to end in talk or bo confined to Indian lands nlono. Congre H hijd power to clotlin the executive oflicers of the government with ample authority in tie premisoa and should do BO. At the request of Conger the matter went over ono day. Ad journed. Republican senator * in caucus selected Sen ator JNIauderaon for the chairmanship of the joint committee ou printing. Senator Hawley - ley introduced a bill to-day appropriating quite a largo eum for the relief of the oflicerB and crew of the Tultapoosa. The house com mittee on commerce decided to report nd- \eraely on u memorial from the National As sociation of Fire Kngineera asking the ap- poiutuient o a commission to investigate the .11140 of enormous lots of lifo and waste of property by lire. UOUS15. WASHINGTON , December 2. Wilson , o ! Iowa , presented the credentials of Smith , member-elect from the Seventh Iowa district to till the vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of Kasson. Smith took the oath of ollico. Fellot , 03 n question of privilege , presented a resolution iu which ho desired to impeach Lot. Wright , United States marshal of the southern district of Ohio , of high Crimea and misdemeanors for usurping nuthority in violation lation of the law by appointing special and general deputy marshals to i. rvuat _ the several voting precincts in Ciucini.aliuuring the Ohio election , encourajjii g fraudulent voting and intimidating Icpul vi/tsis. Keagan cillml up th * inter-state com merce bill , ami itio Mon- decided to consider It no Aviih tjmdi iir tlu effort of O'Neil ( Penna. ) r..j ; i diciiiston un til to-morrow Jvifrati olitiie t ni H inatituto n bill reported i > i ilin vommirt > .u on ccm- merco last n" * ' av , bill ieuer.dly kricnvn IIH the HsogNii bi.l iud entero ; ! iutian uvhaiu- tivo compaiisnn of th't two mofnurcs. Under thd committee bill , ho said , the Ihbilltv of n railroad eorporaiion to auy pewon suffering wrong by its iiutum was un i-ctud damagi ) bustaiuuj , wlillu under tinuliintut it was liable for throe liinoi tlvj amount of tin dan.- Hgea. The hill ot the cumniittorf did not pro hiblt disci-imina i-m in freight chargus but thu Kubstitutu prohtbi'.iil companiar ) from charg ing moro fur ( -hoi'.ei thuu for lonuer dijtanco for the eamequalicy of freight. The Eiibsti- tuto gave complete legal nnd eimittblo remedies to citizens lor every injury without dtiby thniugli the courts of tha coun try. The coinmitteo's bill fnilfd to do this. Another great iipprovement in the Biibatituto over tlia cjnimittoe bill lay in the f tut that while the latter directed tiio cjnimiseioii to in quire into the method of pooling and to report - port whit legislation wan neuded on thia sub ject. the former absolutely prohibited Mich pooling. At the conclusion of Keagan'n re mark * . tha luiiso adjourne i , AVASIllN < ; j'O' < NOTES THi : KIVF.U AND IIAIIUOlt AI'l'UOI'ltlATION IIII.U WAHUINOTON , December ' _ ' . The house commiltoo on rivfis and liarboraw 111 endeavor to liavo a bill providing an appropriation for tlio improvement of rlvrtrs nnd harbirs ready to report to the lion < o January 16. Tin orn- mitten decided to m.tko as prauiicablu an up- ] iropiiitionof 25 per cunt , of tliu entimntoa inida by the corpd of army engineers and to limit , if possible , the aggregate to S8,00l,00.l ) The eluirmnn of the executive committee on improvement of Western water ways has ievned n call to the committee to meet hero for c.nisnlt.ition . January 13 , 18)5. I'lllK i\T. VIHITKII JIV A 8'iMO UONTLAQHA- TIO.V LAST NllillT. Special telegram In ili'iliKf. . Scili'vixu , Ni-b. , Drciinbr 2. A de- dtruutivo tire luulv ) i i > cj li ml- iii.jlit. It began in Htifiheu' Jivt-ry bta le , fiiid twenty- HX ! hordes were burned. It tprt-'id to thu bubiiuHs ttro-it ni d biiruul n qiuiter of a block , except the Firtt Nttional bank , which is btilt cf brick nnd was saved. The hms Is r.bont t.Tj.OLO ; liijiirauce nearly $10- 000. The owners Havnrt about $ .r > 000 of gooJu. The actual losi is not to great aa the ftr.r of cocetaut inccadinriHin , Nntliinai Trotting AHMiiultillon , NKW YoitK , DecembsrL' . Tlia board ro- review of the Natioual Trotting association met at the Fifth Avmms hotel tins uvcnfug. It was composed of the following named gon- tleiron : I'rwidonc .liidgn Ja'/iin CJrint of D.iveiipurt Iu a Vr.-e-prptldent len. ! W L > . Tillcin , nf lin.tJii ; Lojiuis nt Hurt- furd. Colin. , li > 'i. , iSturvili of J'hil.'v iluhij ! [ , If C M \ > i M , ui hwingtou , Kv , \f LT ( J. . Juki ) , ui Uednr Kftjildn , IOWA ; N T. \ Smith , of .Sun Krancieoo The evening v/as i-pont In organizing and getting ready fur the trial of disputed cant P. The f polling entertuinmotit for the benefit of the Hocking Volley miners' fund , at M'td- Uon Square gaiden to-night netted about f I- f < lO for the fund , ND t-ctifiiiMit | Armed At. Cnr : ADcccujbor J. The general manager - ager * of tlfj Mi f"uri river lines hold another teuton t-i-dty and ivdjuiirnwl till 'I o'clock without airivi. g u1. uny oeUleuent : c f the put- nerijtr rate war. A prfdictlun i * offered thut if a settlement U tuached that it will ha on the bnfle uf Urn dullard to the Mittc-vri < iver At the ulternooti session Manager * McMur- p > iy , of the Alton road ; 1'otter , of the Hurling- ton , nnd Cable , of the Hock Island , whoto lines hwo been the le ding belligerents , pa tented a bat.U of agreement , the discussion which o.cupiod the remain Icr of the session. Several clauses were adopted and the re t put over till to-morrow. The Impre.sMoii in circles ( seems to bo that an Agreement will bo lunched. During the progrocsof the meeting joint telegrams were sent to S l , lis azents to restore the two dollar rate from St. l.omsto Chicago under n penalty of dismissal , ' and It is ordered that this rate b not cut either way between these cities pend ing the present mootliiR. TtircMcneil I'Altts , December 2. The election of Oar- micr , lon | i.trtlat , to the deputies , nnd the recent outvoting of the government in the deputies together with the public discontent in relation to Chinese tilfaira have rovhf tt a belief that n cabinet crisis ia Imminent , The Ganlola , Flgiro nnd other monarchists orgnna in their comments nin upon the Tonqmn question , The budget of deficits tind attacks upon the liberty of conscieiica and thus im pressing tlm public mlud that these arn thfl leading danrora of the republic. Woldcck Husseau , minister of tlio Interior , hisal eady signified Ids intentions of resigning. An im portant cabinet council will be Mil WednvM- Io\viiH Kvlilblt. ST. Louts , December 2 , The Iowa st to commiiston to the World's Fair at New Orleans , aftar spending n day hero loft for that city to-night. They were given a recap tion on 1ChanRO and afterwards vlsttad places of note about the city. Iowa will bo well represented at the exposition , over eighteen c.\rloads of products and exhibit ! of woman * ' work having been rent tharo. An accident to two carloads of goods near Uiirlington Sunday is not BO had as first vouorted , a largo part of the exhibit having been suved and forwarded in other cars , Barl for I ho Bucket Hhopn. CHICAOO , December 2 The D.\ily News says that nt the meeting of the board of trodo committee on mnrketa lo-dsy it wna resolved , In accordance with ndvica of Iho ooard's at- tornoya , to furnish lulegraph companies witli ita market qnotationa under tlio otato low. Thia moana that qutatinm are to bo made in private messages which can only bo sent to persons whoso hddreca appears on the meisages. Quotations liavo heretofore been unaddressed , be ng font to lists furnished , The object of thin la to cut off bucket shopa from market ( [ notations. Tlio Hint tihtH I'ITTSHUIIC , PA. , Dacember 2. Tim flint class workers mot to-night to consider the ad visability of accepting or rejecting ten per cent reduction in wages , which wont into elfact yesterday , but adjourned till Saturday without taking any definite action. llo.solu- tions were ndopted recommejiaiuu tliat the manufacturers cloao down their factories two montiia instead of reducing wages. NKW YOHK , December 2. The committee on organization of independent lush-Amer icana decided to continue the assembly dis trict organization under thu name of the Irish-American Protective Union , nud ndopt ed an address urging their fellow countrymen to organize Irish-American protective cluba everywhere in the United states to resist Knglish freo-trade. A Tcxatt LiynctiiiiK. Sui.i-HUit SPRINGS , Tex. , December 2 , Perry ileilly , one of the two negroes who fa tally n'naulted F. P. Jonea and wife , waa lynched to-night by a crowd of citizens. Ilsil y confessed to the robbery of Jones's home , and told how Jbnos and wife were struc.t ou the , liu-vl ivith n hamm r. Oflicera HuccoaduJ in bringing the other negro to town , whoio he iu IHIW incarcerated. A iJijii't ! > UL'iMiiii , CAIKO , December L' . Ia the case brought by Cainso Da hnDelto I'ublicj'iel ngainst the giivi-rninont to pravent the latter from divert ing c-jitaia tuxea from the siukinc fund ty the ( jeiie.inl cruoi nry , lite court to-day decided ; i ait ) > < : the. government. It held thuminislers and railway directors responsible for the aiinia pud tlio government , which ought , by law , to liavo gouo to the sinking fund. Koveiiuo ti. , Pa. , December 2 , It is claimed by John Jarret , gonoial ngent of tnu Amur- icin lia plate asicchtion , that he baa discovered - covered a direct evasion 'of the tariff law in New York and ISaston where galvanized iron and steel sheets are baiug impelled throiKh the custom houies at the natno reto aa tin aa tin plnte.s. Duty on thoiu nheeta ia : [ ; per go mm moro than on tin plates , Utiiiinot'iil Sr. JOHKH , N. 1' . , Dec , 2' Tlio Orangometi nnd lEibbonmen of Conception liny mo in new trouhlea. They barricaded the house of the Catholic pi ieft wlio was aaaa ilted with stone. ! . Arcliui benting Orange banuera and symboU weru erected near the Catholic church and the Cutholic proccd&ion compelled to pa under Item , Itaiik l''nilurj. liusliNKM. , 111. , Djcambar 2. The Daily Nov/d ways that the Ji'anner'u Nation > 1 bank clotod to-day. It is thought that it will bo able to pay the depositors In full. Its capital stock is SW.UOO. Tlm oiueo of tbo failure iu not known , An AKad Divine's Dentil. lilMJHAMrON , N. Y , , December 3 , llov. Luke Davis died to-day , aged " . Ho was a graduate from Madison university in 1810 , * nd preached in t-evtirbl prominent Pnptidt cliiirutiiis ' in this state , Aliclpgan , Indiana , Wihc cein and tlhln. hl.-.i.u . < „ . - . ' . SAN FKAM'iM.-j , Deuoinber . ' ' , . The Xc.x- Jandift , wich Sydney and Auckland uJ vices ' Novnb r li aud 7 , arrived this morning. Thu lurk Clyde , from Monitlno , was wrecked Novtmbsr , ri near AkariM. The cipt4Jn , hi * ife , tlireo children , the ollicerj und u'i but one of the craw were drowned , MlllH Slim Down , MONHON , December 2. A depression in the woulen Imiinois in exteiiiivcly felt liero. Jt- M. & T. Reynold * , employing 125 himli , begun gun working seven iuuri n day , The JCIll" milli are running sliort time , and II eery fi Co.'rf North MOIIHOII inilh liavo BEiit duwn al- tigethfr. - Colliers CIIICAI.O , Decamber ' . ' . Tlu D.illy Newi , Bprltijb'flil ( III. ) fcpaslul siyi- : Tbs \Vuluth \ Cuul toniDinv , which hu < been Jiaying thrco C9iit , tu day reduced tlia priun ttwo unit H half , the Mine na othei compiuieK have bon paying , and the tniaet vtciit out on a htilkt- /V Kliot Gun I.ot'lhVll.ltf Dfosmber 2. The Couri'n- Journa' Jft Sterlin ? , Ky. , npnoinl ayn Dnvu Atidernonani LfVlggonton hvl ainiiun dcrstaiiding. Tuey mston n put lie roa-1 and fought , shut guns being tliH weapoiui nsod , Both were mortally wounrlwJ.'i ' \Vcnlhor To-lny WASHINGTON , D , C , December 3. Fur'tlm upper MUotulpiit ; Fair weather , wimU > hllt- ing north and weit , ftluht fall of teinneratnre , For the MUtnurir Slightly c-older , fair weather , northeily winds I'rcss Coinuionl on iln Mossnuo. NKW YOHK , December 2. Tie ! world Mieers xt tba president's mes'aro , but admit' * nt tlio condition of its editorial iirticlo that ho might have dona worn * . It cmcludes : "Thousands of republicans now regard hia defeat nt Chicago n < < i faUl blunder. Ills ad- mini'tration has been dignified , and for a re publican administration , honest. It has been disfigured by 'Chandloristu , ' but as" compared with the ndminUtrntionR of Grant nnd Hayes , it htv < won respect nnd approval The 1'residout bat cer tainly xli appoiutod tboto who before his accession to the otlko know him only to * n ina- chuit ! ptilitlcian , thu uxtollcr of the 'saving Dualities of Iho soap' and the boon companion of Hartley Hlglln , Johnny O'lirion and the rest of the 'boys , ' but dt-jpito the batter qual ities ho has shown , ho had bitter oncmlet _ In hia own party. He will certslnly carry with lilm into private lifo a better record and n moro houornblo nnmo than any living repub lican ox-prejidont. Tlio Tribune , Henild and Truth praise tbo meKfaeu a ? n satMcious lnislno. < s document. The Times findu iittlo to admlro and con id- erablo tu condemn in it , THK TltlllUNK. The ' 1'ribuno nays about the meeting of congress : ' 'Cougrt'Ks moots again under cir- cnniatanceg which have not oxlstnd lieforo Mnco December , I860. The p uty which has beun I'litnuted with the government for twen ty-four yoara has been defeated in u presi dential uleotion , and U now about to lese the power no long hylii. Hut there are upvcral thinga which it ia qulto safe to say will not now occur , though they did oc.urtho List time the people RAW lit to transfer the power from one party to thu other. Tha party now holding tlio power will not go to work to wreck tlm government beforn its term of control oxpiuu. That party will Jnot proceoddJ to _ | bankrupt s.ltho treajuty , to fend the navy to distant seas , to scatter the army on useless errands nt far off ami innccssMblo points , to plunder the arsenals and the navy ynrds , or to run nway with trust funds iu the treasury. It will not do- liberntoly conspire to got uparobollion against the governor , nor will ita enators and repre sentatives peraist in holding their scats and blocking the wheels cf government , while acting lit the snmo time as public ngonU or secret ouihaaries or hired spiss ot an armed rebellion. T1IK T1MKS. The Times says in ruUtiou to the opening of congress : "L'ho first day of tbo forty- oightli conere < ! H > eocond eesaion waa passed In liateuing tn the reading of the president's meeaaco , in grootinps and baudahakiugi be tween members , and the contemplation of tliu largo aud elaborate floral constructions with which the desks of many of the nati'Mi's law makers had been decor.ited by vrateful _ con- etituenta or ailmlring friends. No business w.ig transacted to-day. To-morrow the actual work of the session will begin. Should it pro ceed at thu puce , the day of adjourn ment will doubtless ha reached bofpra more than two or three of the many important mo.isurea now awaiting action or mig uited , have become laws. " How Tluy Are Kacclvotl. Special to the Chicago Times. WASHIKOTON , December l.-The president's message and tlio report o { tin Bocretary of the treasury are , upon the whole , well received by congressmen , although tha protectionists were startled by the strong leifning of the secretary toward tariff reform , and express regret that the presidents recom mendations leave nn opening for largo i educ tions of the piotcctive duties in order to lessen the revenue cf the government. It U romnrkoU by certain ardent Blaine mon that tha president's recommendation with re spect to treaties with South America powers for the regulation of monetary nnd commercial oichango js merely a tardy accept ance of Secretary Ulnine's project of a confer ence with South American countries with a view to the extension of our trade in that d'- rection , and tbo practicality of Mr , Arthur's suggestion , EO far as it relUei to coinage ex changes , is quoitioiicd , The same class of critics also remark that tbo two state papers laid before congress to-dny HO nearly concur witli the democratic theory of non-protoctivo duties that they may be re garded as shedding some light upon the apathy of tbo administration in support of tlio repub lican ticket in the recent campaign , There is no difference of opinion with respect to the wisdom of legislation for the purpose of avoid ing disputes concerning the COUNTING OP THK ELKCT011AL VOTKS. in fnturo elections , but the wldo difTorunca be tween the tcnato and ho ceo as to the method of removing the dangers that are liable to nri'p under the oxiitlng law ia believed to be Biillicient to warrant tlio belief that the task will bo left to the next congros- * . _ A western democrat , whose viewn nro very decided against a temporary KtHpenaiijii of thu coinage of silver , express's the opinion that some action is likely t ) be t ikon tills winter to accomplish the < ibect | of Secretary McCul- locb touching the question ; but tin's opinion in not concurred in by many of the majority party in ongres. ' . The cecrotary's recom mendation fs warmly tecojitod by eastern democrat * . Conversations with democratic rcpies&ntn- tivea iiliow no change of sentiment concern ing the removal of the intermit rev enno taxes , and la no indicition of what is likely to bo the nation of eingrms in roipect. It It observed , ho vevr , that there lias been a singularly rapid growth ot'run- cervatiam among the domocrntn. Tney neom' to feel ik neiiM ) ol increnned rusponnlbiliry , and when they are milicited for opinions on im portant piiblio questions thny refer to thu ap- proflching cliango of administration as reason fqr dnfoiring legislation until Mr. Clavol'ind'a jiollcy shall bo defined. Senators Aid rich , Angiu Cameron , and Manderson , ropublicana , mid Senators L'ondlu- ton and Moigan , democrats , warmly com mend the president's me sigo as n whole , without dlfeciHxing tha dot'vtla , Codli , Hint. NKW YOIIK , December 2.-Tho Trinidad Jhrouiclo gives an account of a Coolie lint In that colony. A long apprehended etniKglft be tween the couli'ji and tlm unthorities occurred at Sun Fernando , The ntlitudo of the Asiatics waa ir.on iii ° nacing , Aimed with xtout sticks they dc.Urmiued to march on Sun Fernando , although wnrnail to confine their peregrinations within the limits proscribed by law. The police In fence mot thorn and were onhm-d to fim , A teluvrain received by a gentleman in town from San Fernando , re ports fifty Coolif-H It Is currently repelled - polled that thu C'johej worn Incited to riot by uome LiatliaiUn rowdies. BOSTON , December 2. The presidential electors organl/ed thia afternoon , Hev. Mark Hopkins , chairman. The committee on cre dentials repirled all inembnrs present , The committee noli ol the governor that the electors warn ready for bnnlnoiH. Tim ntHnlon adjourned till morning. \VNou ihlu TurfIIIIMI , MlM\\i KK < , December 2. A ineetlui/ jir inl'ient hoiyimen of tha state wan holil hero tliU nftfinom , und tha Wisconsin association nf troctfnif hui o breedeu was fcumwJ , with H , L , Ddus'iian , of I'raiily Du Chleii , presi dent ! J. I. Cute , of Undue , vie president ; and H. D. Torruy , of Uicine , hecrutnry. MAX MKVKK tt Kun , win. HAVK TIIK CIKKST JUWI I.AV Or DUUOMIS IN TIIKIK WINDOW TO UOllllOW ( WKKMiU'AY ) AIT- KIINOOK. | ( ; E AWII COAL citJtenzon Alira.J in WAIT FOR BTxjTs npeuing Satur- r ) y , bdfnro liuyini ; yinir Ohrittmte cirdj , Finest Itnt. ( .rcr ixltibiftd in Ueci-M' GENERAL NEWS. Important tour Yeslcrflay Evcnts at all Points , Kentucky Dospoadoes Defying the Courts , latoroating Report of the Utah Commission , A Proposition to Disfrrmoliiso Mormon Polygamists- Latest D .volopmonts in the Brand-Lomnu Contest Tlio Now OrlcitiiH itcooriler Itnlltvitya initl Coinnipi'CR OrlntoH mul Gnu- mill Irs VordK" News. ICKSTUCItV , TiA W1.K8SNKSK. WAIl IN I.KTOlir.U l-f DNTT. I.OUISVILI.K , December I ! . rTJio pouritr- Journnl's stall correspondent wlioTsInvestigat- iug the plngiio in ea torn Kentucky , sends the following to-night regarding the w.u now in progress in Lutchor county Ky , : Hon. Jamoi 11. Tiusley of Uarboursvl'le ' , nnd Col. liobert F. 15jyd of landon , returning homo from Whitesburg , Lotchercouiity , where ha had been in nttendaiico nt tlw circuit court , gives information of a very warlike fltnto of atfaira ut Whiteuburg , the town being filled with armed men nnd n bloody Hunt Imminent. Judo Flnlny , ofyiili m'v > urj ( , a famotn mountain jurist , in juiljp i f tins circuit , and for two yearn past has i.e\tr durod to go t > Whitcsburg to hold court btcamo of n threat made by one of the moat desperate mt'ii In the county to kill him if ha over entered It. le- ! cently Una man fell a victim to the prevailing plague , and alter hia death Jiulgo Finlay again wont to hotelier. At this term of the hutcher court a man wai to bo tried for mur der. Ho win out on bail , and hii friend ? , nil men of tliu sumo deapornto stripe aa the mur derer , determined that ho ehould not bo pun ished. The case waa sot for Wednesday , and on that day the accused came marching into tjwii , carrying u double-barreled shot-gun nnd bolt full of revolvers , followed by n ecoro of bis friends armed tu the teeth. The nrrl- vnl ot the murderer nnd his band wai fol lowed almost immcdlntnly by ( mother gang of the aaino she , nil carrying shot guna nnd | > ia- tola nnd composed of friends ot the victim , Tluy went into camp on the blulf overlooking the town. Meantime n third baud , composed of citizens who thought tlm law-should be id- lowed to take its way nnd peace preserve 1 "even if they had to kill every desperado in the county to secure thut end , " organised aud armed themselvoa and went ou duty to stay until the court adjourned , Tha bands are composed of the fiienda of the murdered man and hia murderers nro wntehuiif each ether \cry closely , ono to keep the * ) the.r ia town and the ether tj keep their fuea out , whllo the citi/.ous' band htands rculy Jo aUompt to clean out tlio entlro l' * * * 7hnn I tronblo begins. The party coir * ' v murderer nnd his friends hiv. , ; ' uii > j fatf riotous nnd drunk over finco thor arnval , and there has bonii several gory engngomontH ba- tween mombora of it and outiideuV Another incident of thic stormy session 'it court was thu killing of Kill Hall , one of llio most des perate character. ! ia this section by two guards from whom hu tried to ui-capj , Ho belonged to one of tha bands ligurlng in tlio above dis graceful affair , and waa iirroitoif on a cliargo of grand larceny committed In Wise county , Va , , just rcrnsa tlio mountains. THK UTAH COMUIS3IONEUS. Till : U\\V CAIlllIKI ) OUT l-OtYOAMISIB KX- e'LUDKI ) 1'IIOM VOriNO. WASHINGTON , December 2 : The report of the Utah commission made public to-day , nays the duties impoaod on the , commission were at n recent election successfully perform ed nnd that nil polygamidt ] wcro excluded from voting , "After moro than twd years labor and experience hero , " tha commission Hijs : "It liecomes our duty to advise Iho government and c-juntry that although thu law hni Luen niiccenKfully administered in re spect to the disfranchiseniont of polynomials , the effect of Iho name upin Ilia preaching and the practice of polygamy have not' buen of n cliaraclertolmpro.n tlio former or decrease the latter. During the present your then ) appears U have been n regular polygn- mic rovivid , The Institution Is boldly nnd defiantly defended and commanded by uplift- iial teaihcra , nnd plural marriages fir a report ed to hava Increased in number. " A considerable - erablo portion of the report ia devoted to the recent tiiiil and conviction of Kudg < ; i Cluweon , which the rniiiinlitolon think will 'huvo a in straining influence upon yoim ; Monnens , "It H not likely" says the report , " that the federal government will lind it , necesanry to _ take into its own h nd nil the civil power in this territory. For ( jio present , however , the commlBsion ndvisoi only that Iho ofllciM of terntoiial auditor and 'troasnror , comniissloner.i to locate nnlvar jily lands , probate jndgei" , county clerk , coqnty unloct- meo , county iiNneniors , cud colluctors and county tupmiiilendenli of dutriclfcchools , bil made by net of congress nppuintaUle , and all thene niter nomination. 'Iho governor nlmll rcqulrd t -onlirmcd by n majority votn ( if thu commission before liolng uomtn < > ioiiod. Confirmations lire nt present ventd in tlm lig- Islativo council , whicli is always overwhelmingly Mormon , Various minor improvements In the law ogainit polygamy are suggested , nnd the ropoitcon chides with the following recommendation : "It should lo a iienal offenno for any woman to enter Into tlia mtrrlago relation witli n man , knowing him to hnvo a wife alive nnd nndlvorced. This should bo coupled with n provision that in CUHCS where a polygamous wlfo was called ns n witness to any prosecution ugulnst herself , with like provision at to Uatl- iriony ui to her husband , called at a witness In a witneM in a prosecution nxninnt hia polygamous wife , " anil Jtntiid , Olll'Aii ) > , December 5J. lU'iiry Vf , roimbllcan candidiito for tlio ttate uonato from the Sixth c'intrlct , in which chargoi of fraud liavo Ijeun HO freely in udo , makes public to night IIH ! reply to an opsn lutt'omenLJaiittiight by Kudolpb Jirnml , hh ileinocrAtla ojiponent , proi > o lni { a recount of vntcu thronxliout tliu ro district , and funl determiimtlcin ui c-jn- by teHtlmony of votn H. homnn doclincs the propoiition , claiming that tlm procoo-iing p'Mod | u illegal , and v/oiihl bo void If c.r- l , nml concludox by Hiylng that. Inasmuch Hi , governor hid declared him legally eluded nml will Uuo ft ccriilio tu tililin , JIB will Miibirnt l no except tliu CHIOAIIU , Duccmbcr 2. The grmd jury this afternoon lotnrned u irp'/rl noveiing the Investigation tlniK far made by It with renpect to the alleged frauds In the Sixth M-natorlul district' TJio rt-purt < Ucure ! thut MI domination of tlm poll book bud tully sheet shown undnubtecl ( ividcnco of forgery and fraud. From examination of ballots In connection with the returns tlm report SUJD ; "H becomes at onoo njijturent tout that a crime , whoso boldne s and wicVHdue k Wai only e/juallcd by Its ronnueos hvl U'on committed , In other ward * there Jiael been abstracted over 200 ballots cant at the uid ' election , und l > 3ariii | { the name of thu reprc ntatlvo In rnngrcM , Irorn thd onvclupa la which the hu'lotx cant In laid precinct weie enclosed after and ou the nigl.t of said elec > < tlon , and there hid been substituted ID pluce < thereof an cijuul number ( if npurioiui hud faltH ballots which wcro nnvcr voted. The grand Jury returiK-d a nuuibor of Indictments , but the unmet ) of those Indicted were not made public during the afternoon. It U reported to-night th.U none of the in dictments rctutnod by the grand jury tn-ility had any connection with the nlh'god election fraud. That thus far no such Indictment * liavo been presented to the court , and that the Inventigatloiu of yesterday nnd to-day liavo none far to convince the jury that the indlctnu'iitu agreed upon l t \vcolt , but not presented , against rprtaln of the judges and clerks of election ro not warranted iul will bo annulled luilcm they mo further Implicated by nulwi pic nt tes timony. Tlio Times will uny to-morrow that 8 , It , Wright , of the printing lirm of llaimcom &Co. trstllicd bofoiu tht' grand jurj to-day Hint J. C , Mnckiu , sccretiry of the dcmoerntlo county committee , gave the tinier lor the bo- gua clghtoontli ward bVlot , that they weto priuU'd in ] Inntn-onu Co'Rrstnbllihmentand delivered to Mackin In hU room nt the 1'rtlnipr Himno nt 10 p. in. , Xovemhor Hint , At n mooting of thocommittcc of thirty citizen - zen this nltcrnocn , npjiointod to pniKocuto in iinlrica Into the nllogeil ballot box stulling in the ncond prucintcf the eighteenth ward , it was resolved tolticronso the number to eighty. to rnijo a fund ofSU'.UH ) for the purpose ot lt < work , and to lifer n reward not Iocs tbnn $ o,000 for information lending to the conviction of the guilty pnrtiCM. Omavtio , December K. ,1 , C. Atackin. being - ing inter slowed In regard to the supposed ten- tlmony before tlii ftderal croud jury wnid that ho ordered the printing of bocun High- tonntli ward balloto , neither nlHrmod nor do- tiled iU truth , but noid tlut U would give him great plewuro to bu called on by the gr.ind jury tu testify on lltst point. siotuoiiH A niconmii : : AND TIIIIKE I-OUHT OITICKIW 111:1.11 : I'Oll MUlltlKIl , NKW Olll.mxs , December ' - ' Itecotder Ford , hia brother , brother-in-law and three of hia court oIlicorB wore charged with tha mur der of Capt. Murphy yoatordny. 1 hey ap peared biiforo acting recorder Sniiiboln to-dny torn preliminary nxnm ! nation , nud plo.ided not guilty , The state nttornny was not rendy t. ) proceed nnd the C MJ was postponed. The prisoner * were ramandod without bail. In dications nownro the assaisluH of Murphy wilt escape piiniihnient , No ono can bo found to identify them , although twenty or thirty wit- iicnsod the nlfair. RAIL W A ! ANU COMMERCE , THK Mllim.KTOWN HANK. INIHANAI'OI.IH , November 2. A niortgiiRo was i guoJ by the Woatern Klnvator company of this city , on its property , drawn November 10 , 1883 , In favor of Houston and Couklin , of Middletown , Now York , to pecuro the pay > inent of 310,000 and by them assigned on the following day to the bank In tint place which recently collapjed , was filed for Vouord tir day. CUT IIATK3. UOHTON , December 2 , The IJoslon and Al bany adopted the same rates to Chlcigo and St. Louis ns the Fitchburg k Went .Shore reader or $12 nnd $10 respectively. Via the Central Vermont Mid Grand Trunk the rate to Chica go wan reduced to $10 from Uonton. DKPKW'H IIKNIAI. . Tliu Journnl has a dispatch from Chnuucoy M. Dopow denying that ho baa withdrawn from tha sonatail.U race In favor of Lavl 1 * . Mutton. AVool Orowurs In * , ' to consider thu projct nf making 8t , Louis tha central and controlling wool market of the west was hold at the Cotton Kxchango this afternoon. A goodly number of wool and cot ton dealers and general merchants were pres ent , all of whom heartily nndorsud the movo- . inent nnd announced a readiness to assist In furthering the rchcmo. After di'ciuning the subject of gradimr.'o impressing , warehousing , freights , ntc , , committees were appointed to arrange details and report to another meeting ? If the project ia carried out the wool dealers wilt become members of the cottou exchange , and use the hall of that body jointly with the cotton men for the transaction of their business. The scheme U strongly endorsed by several oxlonslvo Texas wool growers , and material assistance In mak ing this a great wool market , where that nrti- clo can bu bought by grade , and where auction and call sales can bo made , will come from thnt tonrce. A ( Jlovo Context nt , O'Neill. Special toluxrnm to TUB HICK : G'Nmi. , Nob. , December 2. Articles of agreement v/cro signed hero to-day between U. H Smith , of Omaha , and P. F. MoNalJy , of O'Neill , foi a four round glove contest , ftlnr- quis of ( Jnoimburyriiloa , for100 aside and thu winuOr to ttko two-thirds an \ the loser onn-third of the g > to receipts. The content will take pluco iu O'Neill nex' ' . Silurdnv and ia creating conslderabloexcitomeiit. iMcN'nl'y ' is six feet , two inches in hoighl ; 2. ) old , and weighs 11)3 ) pounds in condition. Ho is a quick nnil | clover nparrej nnd will give Smith u mining fight. Doth men mo in training huro. MuNally Ia being backed by a prominent bu-i- inecrtinan of O'Neill and Smith by Prof. Mil ler of Omaha , Considerable money will chanKo liandu on tlm remit , MuNnlly being the favorite in the billing. Senator Spcolnl Teloxram to TUB Um : , WAHIIINOVON , December 2. It was decided to-day to plnco Senator Mnnderpnn nt the hond of the committed on printing \Ico Sena tor Anthony , deceased. A Itupo Kleiitl Hunt ; , SAI.KM , N , J. , December 2. Howard Sulli van was hung nt tha county jail thii morning for tlia murder of Klla Watson laU Aiiguit. Ho nttacVfd her on H lonely road , ravished , then murdered her and hid the body In the bueliuB , Al hia til 1 ho ploa'Jir.1 gnl Hy. GCIH llio DuuuiiiiMit , ) , III , , December 2. - ( Jove'imr Hamilton has jiut renJored n decision in Ulu T/eman-Drand coso , und nftar on olabornta ro- vlow of the iividcnco and a citation of an- thorltluH , awards the certificate to Leman , republican candidiito for f > tatu cenator In the Sixth district , /V / Kulliur'H Voiii.'iuii | ( . LINCOLN , 111. , December 2-Win. H. liurntf , father of / oru Iliirns , murdered hero a year ego , shot at P , A , Carpenter , her sup posed murderer , to-day , but mimed him , N nirestB , JOIeclorw , t llli-i MoiNKH , December 2 , The Btato electoral co llcgu met ut noon to day. All the membeis prcnent , and adjourned until to- liirrrow , wlien they will CJBt the vote of the fur lilalno nnd LOMI : ! , Nmv i'urk J'iroiorh , December 2 Tno colluxe nf elco. tori mot to-day. All the momhoM weio pien- out , Thu uitlt u ( ollios wn udmlnlnterod by Secretary of Htato Carr , ICngeno Kelley was uhoxin cnalrmnn. Chun. W. Daytou nnd W , F , Ciecl Hocrfltaricn , Tlm cMh-go udjunnun ) until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning , Florida Kleclor * Ilu6'iirn tliu Hojult JACKHONMI.LU , Flu. , December 2 , The ulato board of ran TaBOr declare tlm renult in Florida : Cluvuland , ; < t,7U'J ; Jlluitio , 2ri,03U ; St. John , 7-1 , Clevulnud'o plurality , 3JM. Illinois1 K III , , Dnceinber 2 Tliu electoral uollego will incut here fj-moi row to cast tlio vote uf the ttate for ptetldent of the FORE1GNJEWS , tltF. I'ANAMA CANAL. I'Alilt , ' December 2 , l.nrgo nalea to-day of I'.ummn UAIIA ! khares nro the rolilt of 1'resl- dent Arthur'ri stAtement to the American congress rolntivo to the Nicaragua. T O llAIIICALa KI.KCTKIl TO THK NATIONAL COt'NCIL. HKII.NR , Dcci-mlx-r 2. M , IhioMol WM elected prwmlcnt and M. Itezr.oln , vlco-prwi * dent ol the national council to-day , lloth wo radicals , CII1NKHK HTltATUaT. TiONDON , December 2. Shanghai tlispatcheii to the Tlinivi niiys the native pros * Is certain that China will succeed In rccovcrlngTonquin. The Chineva tatlce seem to bo to retire nnd allow the Vroncli to follow thorn Into the deadly pjuues of Toiiquin , thug weakening thi'ir lengthened lino. LONDON , December 2. The Associated Press is infurmod upon tholwst authority that England hai recognbed the African Iiuernn- tional association , ninl ( DKIIMX , December 2. The convention ca tered Into with Germany by the International African association , bj which tha latter guar antees freedom of imports In transit fur the Congo country. It also gitnrAiitoos right * of roililcnco and trading to ( lormau Riibjcota anil to any power acquiring territory In Congo. The atsoclation has bound by the convention in return that ( lOrmany shall reoogair.o tlm Hag of the African International association with froutioiH oxttndlnr from lower Congo tow.u-d the PO.I , The Ficrnro xays the fimt roeultH of the Congo Gonfcionco contain small Bati factlon for Franco at all recent French acquisitions on the rlvi'r .Marl , nt lioniiDO , nt lirnzr.orvlllo and In the country of lung Maknko h.ivo' now been placed under the African Interna tional ntHiiLlntion regime. Arrangements , onya the Figaro , nlw nnuuU Iho vnluo ol Franco' * right , to nbuorb tha territory. The association Is now constituted into a free state , but under purmaiiont Itileruatlonal control , Tariff S | > tcial to the Chicago Times. WASHINGTON , December 1 'Iho recom mendation of Secretary McCulloch that the subject of tariff revision' bo referred to a com mission ' to bo composed of the members of the present honsa of topraHOiitatlws who have j been ro-olected to tlm next congress ia vo y favorably received by both parties. It is now conceded by m st republicans that thu tariff should ' bo roviaod. It in oaid that the failure of the taut tarllf commission to xatiufy the country was duo to the fact that it wna not composed of men who could bo hold responsi ble to their constltiientK for what they did or omitlud to do , and Unit n com mission composed of the members of the present house , who will hnvn tha opportunity to vindicate vhtir action , and w 11 boeiibject to parHonal responsibility for their ioommen- dations in Iho next congrciw , will ho moro likely to arrive nt conclusions uatlsfactoiy to the country than would any olhor buly of mon that might ho holocted. Thin was the plan DUguestotl by Speaker Catlislo to a niiiui- nor of the torty-soveuth coiigrors , but ho was overruled , and the memboru of the comicia- dlon wcro Eolcctod outoldo of congress. It iu the general opinion thnt tlm nnlv nation tnkon vl 1. . . .jciit k ii > ( in UIMII the tariff , n u whole , will bo to icfur tlm subject to a cum mission , such as Secretary McCnlloch rooammomlH , who will bo Instructed to report to the next homo i > y bill or othorwhu tJI'KAICKK ( JAlir.l.Hl.i'rt : Vli\VH. ; Spnokur Oarlinlo raid to Vi'ht | It waa not probnblo i hern would Iu any general tnrll ? legiitlatiori this Humion. Tlieroin not time , ho said , and , owing to the fnclthatn now admin- istratinn ii about to coino in , dumociats mul republicans nllko are dininclinod to attempt nnythhig like a general revitinu of tlio tniilf now. Tlio discuosiori of the Mexican tn'ntv will , bo thinliH , open up the gouvral tariff qurKtion , and lead to some tulle upon it , but no hlng further. Ho mid that it wni POKSI- blo that Homo attempts would bo mndu thij session to romudy ccrtnin incipialiticn in the proiont tariff , but H waa too o.irly to predict the lecult , With roipect t" any general iKvisIon , I'D said that , oven Hh'.nld they nil ngrco that such revision should bu iiindo , when they came to Ht-ttlo upon the details thny would find such dilforoiico of opinion that iiioiilha wou'd ' bu ncoded in whl h to complete the work , Ho wni equally convinced that nothing would bo done in the matter of cutting down internal revenue tnxcn , becnuaouhbiild such an attempt bo made It would precipi'ntu tha whole quo- lion of lax reduction , Spending of the repoit of the nccrctwy of the tnnniiiyMr Onrllulo vnti'-.fac- tnnniiiy , - exploded ' . - - tlon with the position tikon by Keorotnry Me- Culloch on the tariff question AH to 1m rnrnmmendntion that n new tarill'commlsaion hhonld ho njipoint'id , Mi. Carllslo said that Iho present housa would not consent that another communion nhould bo ajijuilntud by n republican pn Kldcnt. PllllllKlt'lIjltWOll'ri HilOOL > HlI- . ] , ONlOH ) , Decomler 2. H Ii reported that Abnim 8. llowitt of Now York , will bo the prulnlilo Micc.wyr nf Minlnbjr howcl ! The 1'all Mnll ( > a/.eltt sayx Hewitt's nminenl p. si- tlon ai a | ihilaiilhrnplflt , d Ida free tradu viowH fit him oxceediiigly for tha po.'iltion , but who over ciinics to Knglu'id will liad Lowell u very dillicnlt man to nncccnd. l owoil miin- tiiins dona rcHorvo upon the iiuealinij of hin retirement from the embauay , 'I'lio IMonct i'y Unlo'i. ItuMK. December 2 , Thu Oplniono states If thu I .an [ i monetary union is maintained , nud especially if tlio government ) ! of ( Jormany and Holland rofiiHo to Hell their silver the pr'opnKuls nf Mr.Qulloch , Kccrutary of the treasury of the United rftaten , made in hia report to uougrCHH , would bo moro or lens harinlnHH , The Uulnlono rooogoizos tha gravity of thu question , but douVta that thu American congrewj will ondorte Secretary McO'nllcch's Kiiggcatlona , Itallroiul Nim YOIIK , Docombar 2. Uailroal reuro- benUtives from all parts of the countiy nro In socsion to-day at the railroad commlenloni-rfl' oIlicoH , and dhfvuaiod the qnoitiaiib of Chciago | ierceiitaeH ; and latin of freight forllvo ntoc k. I'risHengdr rates to the wett are quotud at 88.CO to Chicago , S7 t < > Cleveland , nnd $7 to Detroit , I'luuiiugera going west in many in stanced find UIOHU ratcii nominal , nnd miiko their own liguros , Hi-3 NKW YOIIK , Iecmb3r2 , In cottoa good * , irregular demand continues to take a very fair quantity of utulf , with moderate demand con tinuing and Block cleaned up , Some improve- miiut may bo uxpcctudund buyera can uperato with a certainly that prlcon will now bu lower , - In liiun , H , Jj. , Ducemburi. ' . The StUo ltegl l < ir , OtilfalooM , npeclol cnya .fiunoi I'ow- ler , it farmer living twnlvo mlloa eiwt of O.da- loom wftH murdered thin evening by u j-oung man named Hockett. The ninrdorer WJH jilacttd uniler arrout , I' rtlculara not known CllllllTU III I'OIIIINylVHlllll , I'ennuylvania , Dec. 2.Hog cholera prevails in the vicinity of lialubildgo to an alarming extent. .Somo butcher their hogH to nave them from dluo.Bo. With Decsinber S , William II. Smith , chief clerk in the ollico of auditor < > j gublic occmuitawtti airotted to-uigbt , cluuijed with cuiU/zlrmcjit of Ute funjt. TUESDAY'S TRADE. Yesterday's ' Bnstes on the Gin'cap Bind and Grain Markets. Oattle Dull in Both Supply and Demand , Hog Market Generally Firm antl Aotirn * Wheat Heavy 1ti U Average Lower J , s 3Bi Oorn Firm With ! 3m Shading Higha O tH lUMitnlii Stcnil 5 ; [ poi-k nnil IllKlicr , OHIOAOO MMIKETS. CATTLE. Special Telegram to THK Unu , CHICAGO , December 2. There were only small number of Texnns nnd westerns among ; tlm fresh arrivals , but there were a largo number carried aver , so that the supply wan nuout up Lto the prices. Tex an a nro the lowest for this year , but the quality is about tlio poorest f.r the year so that the drop is not no much in the prlco as in the quality * Thla unusual simply of Texans had the effect ot bringing down prices ou native cows anil common native ulcers , nnd they may bo quoted IM almost at the lowest prices for tha year. The general inatkot to-day was quiet , , the supply light and the demand limited , there were only a few loads of cattle on sal a that \vokld neil for over ? 1 C0@5 70 , anything1 above tlyiso prices would have to be primu. Livornoal cattle may bo quoted at 50 00@0 26 and fancy holiday ntoera 1,000 to 1,803 aver' ages at ? 010@0 ! 7C , while the bulk of fat atoera averaging 1,200 to 1,200 may bo quoted around about § I25@525 , and there were plenty of low grade native steora selling at 31 25(3-1 ( GO. Good to choice , 1,200 to 1,350 Ita. , 6 < 0@0 00 ; 01111111011 to medium , 1,000 to- 1,200 Ibs. , S-t OJ@5 00. fiioafl. Market generally fair , active and prices steady with turn in favor of Bollcrc , market closing firm with about nil sold. 1'Aokora wore quick nnd liberal buyers on account of n sharp up turn in provisions. Common nnd nmgh packers sold ntI lOtt-l 15 nnd fair to Rood -120St35 ( ) ; heavy nt1 30&4 40. „ Light aorta outsidoof those needed hy pickers were neglected , aa there was no shipping do- inand. Boat bacon gradon averaging ISO pounds nnd thereabouts , sold around about 11C@ < 1 20 , and the T. and li. sort , averaging ; 210 aud thereabouts 25-l 00. Packing and shipping , strong ! 2-0a5U ! pounds , -1 " 0 © 4 HO. Light , IBOgUlO pouadf , S ! )31 ) 80. WHKAT. The market during the Bunion of tha reg ular board ruled heavy nnd prices avornired lower. A vinibla supply ehowcd another iu- croaco of 1,700,000 , m tiling n grand nf wheat in ntoru of13 , Ifil.oUJ biuhels Arzivals continuu llbohil , and there Is a promUa of heavy arrivals for to-morrow. Thesa influ ences caused frooipciilativo offeriugi , under whicn pilcol declined fie , hut Jat2r uider im proved demand from tlm sumrs prices ini- jir\ed 't'c ' ' , fl'icluated ' , nnd fiiuOly closed on n ; iilur hoard about thi snniy in yesterday. On the afloinoon board tlm tuelinirwai lirm I'gidn , thd market ohniug ntiyj ! fir IJscaiii- lur , 7 ic fo' Jaauary , 7-lgtf for Fe'iruiry ' , SlJc fur May. COHN. Coin ruled tir.u arid prices ruloil a shaOn higher aad continued small , S. psrcjntsfo of : ontriet : corn oroatod a hotter dimiand Iwiidcn Ih'i estini'ited rocclpta fer to-morrow were ro- [ ioi ted iglit. Altrkct opened ftj.idynnd ro- ecdcil iu | , rallied fi@jfo , llnctuttod and cloned in ri'gulnr bcuut H@Ko over ycstordav. On thu iifcurii'jan b'inrd the fooling contimis'l lirm , the ninrkoulo'ing ! at Sfiju for yeiirj Hie for Jimiiaryj llljs for Kttbrinry ; 372o for jSIay. OATH Steady , closing at 2'i , for December , 2TiJ for May , I'OIIK. nnd higher , clo.Hing nt outhido ll 2ifor January , 1115 foi Fobni- nry. LAUD J''iriu nnd higher , closing at (1 ( 77i for Decem ber , ( i 85 for January , fl 1)5 ) for February , 7024 for Murch , JCcccivnr MIDKI.KTON , N. Y , , December 2 , A. W. Dlyo , of Syracuse , la ajipolutod receiver of the Mlddleton National bank. Ho took pouuesslon thii morning , Kxamlnor I\Iuy \ will hayo hlx statoircnt ready In a few days. Tlio Krlo Cutting ltiiten. NKW YOIIK , Ducomber 2 , The Krlo lias ju t made an additional cut In rates to al points went , of ono dollar. Thu rate to Chicago cage ia now S'.I.OO. Drnkors are soiling at .CO , The Now York Central has not cut. Mr. liliitno's Movements , liOBTON , December 2 , Hon. James Cf. Bluino , Jnmeu G , lUaiiio , jr , , Mlea Dodge , Mlm Shcrinau and ra. and Mlua ( ioodwin npeiit lust night in thli city , nnd left thla afternoon for Noir York. Woollier llcpnit , WAHIIINOTON , December 2. 1'or the upper MIt i3nippi valley , fair woither aud eouthweut winda with slight clmnecj in temporatura. Rheumatism Wn doubt If thrro Is , or can bo , a specific. rfltncdy for rheumatism j but thousands who IIAVU siilfered Its pains liavo been greatly ben- cflted Iiy lloud'd Sar apirllla. ; It you have failed to llnd relief , try this great remedy , " I was iillllcted with rlienniatlsin twenty years. Previous to 1B83 1 found no relief , but grow worst ) , anrt t ono limn was almost lielrw leBM Jlooil'H ParB.iparlll.v did 1110 moro good than all the other medlcliio I ever had. " If. T. IIAI.COM , Bhlrley Village , Mass , " " I had rheumatism thrco years , and got no relief till I took I food's Sartmparlllu. It lias ilono great ( hlngri for me. 1 recommend It to utlierH. " M\VIH : IH'HUAMC , DUldcford , Mo. Hood's Marsaparllla ( A characterized 15 tlnco peculiarities ! 1st , thu combination ot mnciltal agents ; Sd , ( ho jirojiorMony 3d , the jiniccsi of occiirliig the nctlvo mcdlcluiJ mialllles The result U a mcdlcluo ot unusn t strength , effecting cures hitherto uiiknov\a. Heiid for book containing additional ovldeiie.4 "Hood's Barpanarllla tones tip my tystern. purllies my liloou , eharpcns my iimictlfc , and recms tu inaUn mo over. " J , r , TnoiU'Bim , Jtelhter | ; uf Deeds , I.owvll , Mass. " Hood'H Harsapnrllla beati nil others. n.nd ! M worth UM weight In jold. ; " I. lUiutiNtmut , lao UauH Btrcet , New York City. Hood's Sarsaparilfa Bold by nil druggists , gl ; alx for ( S. t'Uly ' by U. 1. 1IOOI ) i CO. , Lowell , IOOcDqso8 Ono Doilnr. . ' }