I HE DAILl" BEE TUI DAY DhCEAI BJBK 2 , 1884 SPECIAL NOTICES NOTIcn. SieU ! k vertlietntnl * , me M Los 7onnJ , To Lean , fat Slf , To tltot , Wants , Board tiif , ea , will If ln rt < l la tl.ld column l the la tat < < rf ITS rRXTS run LINK fet the flnt Inwttlo aad FIVE CKNTS fCU LINE lot cuch ubM < ] iieDt n rtlon. tx o adTcrttaraants l out office , Ho. iC ' | if Tiir bc"l. K > , Cmler wi 11m ronan ! JLo < l by FnlJuiXD , OOAt , AND VOOn-aeaiitelieaton , 23 Hnnl way. fcll coal nJ wood at leanonablo i > tlct alt M " . IM IU , lot a ton , aud 123 mile ( cr a coia Try hiui. T70II SAlit Piano , II. K. Scamxn. Paper l , llnok JC win Htatlonoiy , Coutiol Kinds. I OH SALK OK KENT-Tho OtTU rackluc hou ? and machinery , I x ted In thla city. Capacll , 1M hog pe * Jay. Oilcll & Day. WANTKU Kvery body In Council llludi to tftk Til ills i. D llTer d by carrier at only twenty o nts a wo lt. ( T\U > PAl'KRS rot aJ at Bn offloa , at ! B ocnU W a hundred JACOU SIMS. K. r.OADWKL 8IM8A CADWEUL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Offlo , Main Street , Roomi 1 and 3 Shugart It M Mahon'i Block. Will practice la State and Feder BIG DRIVE AT ; HOMER'S. 23 Main Street ] Council Bluffs Mrs n J Hilton M n , , , , , , . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , litc ty ConncllBln ii. Charles Hotel , Tour ttorj btlok , Just erected on 0. itioct , bo- tureen 7th and 8lh Btroots. Finest furnlibcd , bisl ml most rciuwnible prlotd house at the Capitol , Neiir all depots. HU3. KAIECOAKLEY , cor S-tne 1m Fraprleto 309 Upper BroadsTky , uga'n to the Front. .Mud ) , reflect * nd comeind tiamlno , and see ( or oureolrcn what you can buy forCai at my pUco. quote sou a ) follows : Ullia gr&nulatodtugarfor fl 00 Jfllosi'uirarfor - . ICO 15 ll > 3 While uxOugarf'T ' l ce 20 l ra Klrk'8 whlto liusilan § o o for 1 09 12 barn fnhra , equal to Kirn's Itmoiin eoap ( or. 1 CO C01)ir iirk'a bluclnillieoiplor l 00 Dupont'a best po dfr p < ; Ib 20 18 hoies ol matches ( or S NI nip California honey dilps , per gt\ \ CO Sjntp , wnrajikd ttti. Uy pure Vcriront maple P | * 100 Sonjbim per gal SO A t > o. I Kngluh cnrranta 141b < for 1 OQ ewU'Lyo , genuine 10 loxeifor 100 T'Ovmod blaokborrlco , presocrcd. 6 cam tor . . 1 CO iiuneJ 3 Ib jellow peichM In hlto ovrupD for. 1 CO Canned 3 Ib 1st quality Tcmatoeo lOfor. . . . 1 PO ANo. 1 white fiBh.jHr kit 70 Tobom , Lorllard Ciloux , per pound feT T T. T. lean Mil you according t J rjual tj.ffom ISo to 70o per Hi. r'lour We Bell the celebrated Patent Fancy per ew . ? i 90. We kccpOTerjthlnp uiaallr kept In a First Cites flrooery , and warrant eterythlng wo tell. Goods de livered free In any part of the city. I also handle Olovoa and llltleos , Dry goods nd Notions , Boots > nd Shoo , and a good assortment of Tinwaro. Ro- m.-rabai ; I will not only be not undersold an any wxls , hut will neil 20 per cent below any Competition In the city. We are now reoelvlr K on Inrolca of Della In which wo cm [ five the greatest bargains ever odoro ] v tha city. 11T expensna are very light , with no Jlontsto pay. 1 am enabled and will Bell cheap far UAHII. Cell when you ' ant the bo ofBirgalna In my Una. J. P. FILBERT , 2fl9 Upper Mroadway , ouncll Blufls Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are tha timea of the arrival and do * i-murool tralni by central standard tlmo , at the lool decota. Trains leave transfer depot ten nun uttti eudlor and arrive ten minutes later. cmoAao , mmuNaron AMU qtnuor. mvi. * ti p m Chicago Express 8:00 : am iO m Fart Mill. 7:00 : p ir > 7iaiii : I'Mall and KxproM , 73pm lr i ) p ui Acooiumodatlon. S : J p m At local depot only. r , ST. JOB AMJ COUNCIL ELurri JlcC6am Hall and Kxpreba , 065pm li'im Pacific Kij.rcaa , 6:40 : am ( TllCiOO , 1-ILWAUI13B AND HT. rZUL. 5-i p m Kxprun4 , 9ti ) a in 9 ii w Exprettd , 6i5 : p m CIUCIOO , EOCK IBI/ANU AND rACTflO. J.J p m Atlantlo Kxprom , 9:06 : a m .iUS ui Day ExpreHS , fl.64 p m T.t'J\m ' * Doa Molnoa Aooomuiodatlon , 0:15 : pin At local depot only. WABICII , HT. LOUIS AND ricim. ' to pin Aooomuodat.on P'OOam lSOpm : Louis Kxpreu 8:45 : p m fja p m Chlc.i o Kipruud 10:6S : a m At Tianbfer "nly omCAoo and ( fO&inwKanur. C6)pm Exprc , 0(0 : p m 9.06ara iioor CITT AMI rAcmo. 81. I ul Expre a , 9.00 a m 7 10 a in Day Eiprtml 7 . " 00 p m DKIOH fAomc , iVX p m Weatoru KxpreM , tlO : a m lt:0 : > ) aia I'adfla Kiptora , < -iO p n > 11.10 i in Lincoln Express , 1:13 : pin At Traaffer only. ' BUMHI TtADfS TOOUA1IA. 0a. m. la-lS : : 9 -lEO-5aO-fl.50-llQ5 : : p. m Sunday 7:20 : * 930-11:43 : a. in. lSO-B.SO-6SO-eCO-nW : : : : p. m. Ar'i 10 mlnu'r * before leavlzg tlinr. from transfer only. rticji ornoiu. It. K. rimy. OFFICER & PUSEY B&WKE& & . Ooiiodl Bluflj Established 1856 DooJum In Fotel- omcctlo Hr M Kncurltl OEDEH YOUR Cobs , Coal I Wood OF an. n > , 1 > O. addreM , Look Doi U ) , Council llluffi. , "W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Ootmoll Blnfla Iowa. N. SOHURZ , Justice of l Peace. 0\BIl AUKUIOAN KIPUESa COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA COUNCILJLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOOAL HEWS. THE COUNCIL , A Variety ol' niiiuis * ol' Interest to The mayor and aldpfincuniet last oven * ing first a a board of health , 1I the members being present. Tlio untafo con- diltoii of the oiurt house > rita diicuisod at length , nud n resolution adopted ordering - ing the building to bo no longer used. A regular council meeting wns then hold. James Poterfield protested against tno assessment against his lots for curbIng - Ing , claiming the prlco of soventy.oi ht conta n foot was exhorblttmt , nn the work could bo done for fifty cents ; also sidewalk assessment waa too high. Ho tel-red. A petition of cltizans was presented asking that Seventh nvonuo In front of Beckmnii'a residence bo filled by the city. Placed on filo. J. J. Brown petitioned for extension of time for building sidewalk on Sixtb ntreot , from Broadway to the crcok , as ho Intended to put up a building corner of Sixth street and Broadway in the spring , Referred. A protest of seventy-five citizens was presented against attempt of city to break up the Main sUeet market and scales. KefoMod. Au ordinance waa presented repealing the ordinance licensing public scaloa at $50 a year. The ordinance was passed , thus making City Woighmastor Galvin the solo weigher , and giving him control of the whole affair. The ordinance granting the Nebraska Telephone company tlio right of way to place its poles in the streets waa referred to the jvdiciary committee. An ordinance was presented providing for the .cntabliahing of "public places" on Broadway. , so nn to make the city pay for the paving of the extra width of the street at certain points. Laid ever under the rulo. A lamp-post wns ordered on [ .Sixth street nenr the bridge. An ordinance licensing flro and Ufa in surance companies to solicit business hero was presented. Aid. James wanted to make the liconeo $500 n year. Aid. Sio- dontopf said that there were cighty-livo } r ninety companies doing business here. Sorao would withdraw , nud the rounin- ng companies would raise the rates enough to cover the license. Aid. .Tames said that , as in a game of poker , ho ivould go in for raising the licenao otill ligher. Aid. Goho framed the amount S200. Aid. Siedontopf wanted it ? 10. It waa finally fixed at $200 , Aid. Sioden- topf voting no. The ordinance went ever under the rules. The mortgage of $1,000 on the city Building , being n month pasc due , waa ordered paid. ' A sidewalk wr.s ordered on the onat side of Third street , from Tenth to Six- ocnlh avenue , and on the woat side from STinth to Tenth avonuo. The committee on streets reported In aver of the city keeping paved Directs clean until the coat of the work shall bo ascertained , and then a contract could bo made andoratandlngly. Mr. Slcdentopf avorcd the using uf pauper and prison abor. Referred back. The committee recommended that Tirst avenue bo opened from Main street o Bancroft , and that the committo as- ortaiu how much private citizens would ontributo , and hnw much tbo total coat f would be. Referred to the committee on B troets and alleys. o A sidewalk was ordered on Seventh treot between Hynstor and Washing- ODlOn recommendation of the mayor the onncil ordered a batch of fancy city rders printed in Now York at a cost of 310. Ho also reported that there was so rout a demand from other cities for opies of Council Binds celebrated "pop" rdinance that extra copies should ba irintod to advertise the city. C. 0. Hazan , dentist , 100 Main troot. Don. B. F. Clayton was In the city yesterday. Ho has boon in attendance at the meeting of the Farmers' congress in Nashville. The next meeting of the congress is to bo in Now Orleans the second Tuesday in February. At that mooting Henry Wallace , editor of the j Iowa Homestead , is to give a lecture on ' Education. " o on The man , J. Smith , of Omaha , who . waa arrested for adultery with Mrs. ' Ball , was discharged yesterday , it appearing ' pearing that Mr , Ball had obtained a divorce from her , und it was ckimod that ho therefore had no right to com plain under the Iowa law. ) ' AVA l'L'KO.3. ' School ma'ams are scarce in Beaver ounty. Four thousand dollars worth of luisi- osa property and merchandise were mrncd at Suudorland on the 2Hd. > Dr. O'Connor , of Keokuk , took a dose f his own medicine , on the 2d ! ! and died tiat evening. " "Parnell is the name of H now station n the Ottumwa branch of thu Milwau- ceo road. Thu Walnut Crook coal company , capi ' tal $200,000 has been incorporated. The store foundry scheme at Sioux , City still shown signs of lite. Several ; moneyed men have como to the front and ncroased their subscriptions to the stock o that only $4,000 remains to bo raised. ! The barb wlro works at Marshalltown ro doing a rushing buslneeu , the hands ' working eleven hours o day. The Gorman Catholic church at Leniara s approaching completion. A mammoth eagle was shot near Cedar Lapida Monday , while in the act of or- ying away a mud hun , which the bird ud caught in a slough. Four charges of tiot wore lodged in tha eagle before it was killed. Two freight trains collldnd at Dead . .Ten's . crossing , between FalrCeld and Vhitfiold , Saturday ovunlng , killing ono man and injuring two others. An engine ha * been built by the Kodak ak Wind Engine company , to fill an tder from Dunedin , New Xealand. Sympathizing wltli Vandcrullt. 3 BUI Nye. I learn with much sadness that Mr , VillUm If. Vanderbllt's onca princely ortnnn has shrievolod down to $150 , . 30,000. Tlila piece of Information : omea to mo like a clap of thunder out ( clear sky. Onoo petted , fondled , and : rro od , William H. Vand rbilt shorn cl bit wealth , and rtitinx on no founda tion but his sterling integrity , mus struggle along with the rut tf us. * * * In conclusion , 1 do iiot know what to cay , unless it is to appeal to the news paper men of the country in Mr. Van- ilorbllt'a behalf. While ho wns wealthy ho Has proud and arrogant , llo said : "Lot the newspapers bo blaukoty blanked to blank ! ' or words to that effect , but wo do not care for that. Lat us forget all that and remember that his rnd fate may Bomoday beour onu. In ntlluonco lot us procure n place for him on aomo good paper , His grammar nnd spclline'nro r little rickety , but ho could begin tvs j niter itor and work his way up. Prtie having clothing or funds which they foe like giving may forward the same to m nt Hudson , Wis. , and if the clothes di not fit Van they may possibly fit mo. THAVriNQ IN WISCONSIN. Tbo 1'ur lliifiliicHi of tlio I'nst nm1 Wtmt Komulns ( if It. "There's money In the fur business , you understand it , " said an old fur trader to a Florence Norrs reporter. "I usoi to think I understood it , until 1 got lof on the market several times. The market - kot last winter was bad aod uncertain and It looks slim for the coming season "Aro there plenty of fur-bearing ani mals in the woods ? ' * "Go oak the Kichl Mnnitoti ( Chippewa for Big God1) ) , but 1 don't think there aro. Last winter the market sot In high nud sot tvorybody to trapping. This served to exhaust the crop In the woods and run down the market. I sold 40C pounds of beaver nt $5 a pound hut winter tor , and could hnvo bought it for $4.5C two months afterwards. Hanson , of Milwaukee ; Porlolat & Ullmann , of Chicago cage ; Percy , of Oihkosb , and Fox , ol Green Bay , gtl almost all the fur bought by the traders in this region nt present. The fur-bearing animals , once plenti ful , are of course , becoming scarcer with each succeeding year. They still represent present many families , nud nro of nl ! sizes. Probably the most valuable Is the silver gray fox , n few of which are still to bo found. Their pelts are vrorthfrom $4(1 ( to § 100. The cross fox is worth from 53 to $8 , nnd the red iox only $1 , Tncso skins are used for trimmings , robin , etc. Beaver nro quito plentiful nud are most successfully trapped by the Indians , Prime pel to are worth $ i a pound dried. They woiph nro from ouo-half to three pounds. Largo onca nro very scarco. A local buyer purchased 3,700 pounds ono winter , and only hid ono skin that weighed three pounds. The fur is dark and is used for coats , caps , glovca , etc. The trapping of beaver is a great art , nnd is succcstfully accomplished by few. The Indiana trap them different from the whites , and keep their mode a sacred eocrot. The trap is sot In the wptor near the animals' houses and are visited every two or three days. Small growth popular uakca the beat bait. The otter is worth prime from $5 to § 12. They nro plenti ful. Ono waa shot at Armstrong Lake the other day by Messrs. Godshull nud Coleman. Tlio fur ia dark and la used for gauntlets , gloves , trimminga , otc. Otter are generally caught in trapa not at their slides on the banks of rivera or lakes where they go to play. These slides nro visited about every aoven days by the nnimals. Fish or meat makes good bait. Fisher fur is much the same as otter , worth about the same , of the lame color , and is put to about the same uses. uses.Tho martin Is worth from 75 conta to Si and brought $14 ton years ago. J. F. Shafer , who ia an old fur buyer , paid a very fine brush martin for § 20. The fur is dark and from it many caps and sacks are mado. The beautiful dark fur of the mink has decendod low In the jcalo of prices from Its altitude of $15 during war times to a moro pittance at present. It now soils from 10 to GO conta. I'ho fur makes beautiful trimmings and durable sacks. They are caught m trapa tot in the water and in dead-falls. Pat- ridge or tqnirrol make good bait. The martin , spoken of above , Is caught in rory much the same way as n mink. Boar skins range from $5 to $20. J. F. Shafer , while west last winter , oaw a splendid grizzly poll and offered $25 for it , but was laughed at , it being worth much moro. Noyoi Brothers bought a bear's pelt eight foot In length n short time ago. Bruin is caught in traps or leadfalls sot in swamps or around old umber camps , and baited with fish or neat. The akins are uood for robes , nata , oto. Deer hides are worth from 20 to10 cents a pound dried and weigh from two to eight pounda Fwo winters ago Nojea Brothers sold 1,030 pounds of door skins , or about $7oO ivorth , in ono lot. They were purchased if hunters and Indians in thin vicinity 1'ho skins are used to make gloves , mil- .ens , auitu , etc. Muskrat ia not very r'aluable , but is much used. Lynx are vorth from $2 to $ i. Skunk is worth 'com 25 cents to $1 , black being the nest valuable. Of all the anitnala u fnx s the hardest to catch. It will dig mdcr n trap and spring it , then steal the alt. The wolf Is about as cunning ns a 'ox , and many are poisoned. The In- llane , as before stated , would bo far thu nest Buccceaful trappers were they not HO i ndolont. All they care for is n bare [ iving , and beyond the neccesuits thev lo not care. They manage to work at rapping or hunting about four houra ' lach day and two days each week , unless ad luck compels thorn to further exert liomsolvcs. \Vh C Hlio Wan Doing. "I wonder what Mrs. Smith iras doing his afternoon , " said n jjoealpy wife to her msband. "I oaw hur got out of her oir- 'iaa [ hurriedly , and go to the door of Jlank & Blank. Then oho stepped back nd r-poke to the coachman , who drove in reat haste Around the corner , but ro- urned almost immediately and Mrs. Smith reentered the carriage , and alto gether it was a very curious proceoduro. can't imagine what she WAS doing " "Potsibly , " suggested the husband , 'sho was attending to her own buiineai. " That AVauu'c 3ltlmoreazelt } . "What a conceited man Jenks isl" ob- lorred Brown to 81mp on. "I never noticed it. " ' I havo. The other day ho met mo m the street and detained mo half un lour tolling me how ho woo offered .ho position of minister to Turkey. I lover saw such nn cgotUtlcul man. " That isn't egntlmn. " "What lu It , then ! " [ "A Ho. " A JloAry IUII. Ho entered thu coal office with a small narkot basket on his arm. "Oivo mo a ton of coal. " "Yes , sir , " replied the coal merchant ; Vhnro shall I aond ill" "Oh , just put it In this basket ; I'll &rry It home myeolf. " "But we have a wagon right here and tn tend It up at onco. " "No ; I can carry the ooal easy enough , | cj iat you can send the bill up in n waon. " VIGILANIES' VENGEANCE , Wo Trail cf Bl cd Which MM Ik Union Pacific Railroad on Ils Westward Marcli , The Terrible Orawd of Htnnax Vultures Wko Proyeil Upon Their Follows , With tixliaUNtotl Porni tlio Klrat Vlitllunco Com nilttco mill UntiK Three Mttrilorcr * . Kooky Mountain Ncw . In the fall of I860 that stupendous work fraught with immense importance not only In the permanent civiliratiin and settlement of nil the great nud up to thnt tlmo almost unknown country lyinp between the Missouri river nnd the IV cilia coast , but to the vast carrylug trivdo of tha rich products of the E st ludion , the Union IVolfio railroad began its tti umphal march westward from Ointha- inarch whlcli opened up n world of wealth and resources scarcely before dreamed eleven oven by its projectors. 0 ! its cttipoti deus iiuportoncu to the future destiny and prosperity of the country who can estimate ? By Us construction n v.ut tin- tion was conquered , n desert mr.do to bloom and the richest country in the world opened up to the people of the errth , furnishing homes of comfort and plenty to all TUB TO1LINO NATIONS OK TUB From the tlmo thla great work , like the march of n giant , irruaintiblo nud tin conquerable , which no dilliculties could stay , no obstacles impudo , began its stupendous pondous strides across the continent , the indomitable "ill and determination of its projectors , despite all prophecies , nnd the apparently innuruioimUblo obstacles in its way forced it on nud ever on to thu blue waters of the Pacific. It must not bo arppjacd , however , that Una great nvaut courier of human pro gress , backed though It was with unlim ited menna and unlimited credit did nut meet with many difficulties , and those too , of an exceptional und unanticipated clmrnctur. From the moment it pushed out from Omaha there swarmed around it nn iramonjo gang of the groatcnt nnd mott unmitigated rascals the earth could ftiruiah. Almost avcry state In the Union and many portions of Europe con tributed their quota of ( lAMULKKB , THIEVES AND UOUPKl'.r.IlS. who founded an unholy community know ing no law and governed only by the worst pacslona of men. These human vultures to the number of several thou- saud , swarmed in the advance of tha rail road , making almost a city of each camp that was organized , moving ahead ns the road advanced , making prey of the nrniy of railroad men and nlao of each other. With tonta nnd portable buildings a whole town composed of dnnco halls , gambling hells nnd drinking saloons , would bo built in a night. And whether the otay was long or short the path westward wua marked throughout He whole course with blood. A't intervals along the roadtowns intended to bo permanent stations of the road were built. The population of thcao towns was always larger but no better than that of Till ! TCMI'OIIAKY UAMl'i ! . Of these , Fremont , the first of any im portance , contained tire or three thou sand , Julosburg , which came next , was Inrger , and Choyouno contained parhnps 10,000 people at the time thi road panned through it. The arrival at and establish ment of each ono of these tows was Big- nallzod by murders and robberies of K character the most outrageous , for which there were no courts to convict and no law to phnish. Among tlioeo who formed a portion of this floating population was man named Pat Mullalley , who was the owner of a largo tent In which was dispensed whisky of the vilest kind. Althoug Mullalloy in himself was not ubcolutoly bad , doseos- oing sorao good chivalrous Instincts , hia tent was the resort of about A P07.P.N or TlIU MOST UAUUKNEII OUTLAWS and scoundrels to bo found in the camp. Of those there were three especially no torious for the murders they had com mitted , usually of inoHonsivo and de fenceless citizens , tlio high-handed out rages they had perpetrated , making of life a perpetual terror to the moro peace fully inclined. These were a rulliiu named Jack Keofe , u Texan from Hud tiver , another bully called "Shorty , " liniling from the eatuo place , and Jack Hayes , who was from the out , where , it VIM afterward ascortaiuod , ho had nu udtimablo family. Thoeo men all made their hoadquartorn at Pat Mullalley'd , at the different stopping places in the peri patetic cinip. After leaving Cheyenne the next camp formed wan at Granitu canon , nnd vrns known as Carmichnol'fl camp. Thia was terrible place , ) NB Oil TWO MEN JIBWfl KILLED KVK11Y NIOI1T. Dm next o mp was Buford , known an 'Robber's roout , " a rondr/voiia for a largo number of hard citi/.jna , among thorn Juhuny Hardy , u noted bully who wua afterwards shot to piucca by uilioura In attempting to arrest him. The next camp was Dale City , three milcu buyond the present town of Sherman , on the beautiful Dale creek. It was supposed at the tlmo that Data City was to have been a permanent settlement , as log cabins wore built , including three dancu houses and a church , thu population being at ono time 2,500. To-day tliero Is nut a house otandlng or n ulnglo in habitant In that whilom "city. " Mullalloy'a gang , by various dispensa tions chletly by the aid of thu pistol became reduced to the three ruflians , Koofu , Shorty and Jack llayei , Mullalloy himself dying at the hands o ( a man cullitd ' Limber Jim , " who in turn suffered the same fate at the hinds uf others of the gang , until , in the fill of uf 1KC7 , but them three were left. At this time Olieyouuo won their principal utainping ground , and by various devices known to deepurudotn of their clan , euch its TEltllOKIZIKU UNI'ItOTKUTBD WOMKX , driving uluuK thu etrouU at full speed , ihootlng their ruvolvors at every object inhuming Heclf , uhootinx into und des troying thu fronts of ntores and dwellings ud jnbking llfo and property Insocuru for peaceably disposed citizens , they had make thuniHolves especially odious in the Bommuuity und had entirely exhausted Its putionoo. Ono divy after an especially outrageous ind unwarrantable performance , in which every citicen wan driven from the streets In fear of hie llfo and much pro perty destroyed they started of ] on n full < ranter for Dale City , then in the heightj uf iU glory , and thlrty-tnree ulloi dis tant. ' No sooner had the ttio departed thai the en < i n mr.Mr.n TUB msirioit < M-K ro\iMirrr. Mid to the number < f perhnpj thirty , wil mountoti snd artnoil , M rtrrt in inpnnui arriving at Dale City ab nit two o'clock It the morning. An examination revealed ttio fact thnt the thrcn men Ind gene t bed in as many altrcpnUblo lioustf , nm they were cp rRlply arrested million any mishap and taken to n portion of tin town overlooking the crook. Three lar i freighting wagons wiiro backed up to ni unfinished lug cabin.ao that their tongue would stand upright. Then in the presence once of a largo concouraoof wild-eyed ntu deiporato looking , but evidently fright eued gamblers nud cqutlly ctlssolutu women , thcso tjirco lienda lucArimto wor strung up to the ends of thcto w.igoi poles , without any moro mercy boii > t , shown than they had voitclunfod their lunooont victims , where in the cold gr.nj llcht of dawn the bodies of the three , on oil'in the midst of their wicked career. HUM ) .STAUK AN1 > COM ) . The determined manner nnd action ol the citizens ollectually cowed the rougher element that would llkn to have pre vented , or at nil events uvongo the death of their comrades , nnd not n won ! was uttered until they were cut down the iioxt day ntul the ovongors had returned. 3n n bosntiful slppo of the hill over- ooklng the romantia IAO ! crook and in Jill sight of the railroad , and three oncly graven , placed side by side , which .0 this day through nomu one's thought 'ulnrss , are Kept in tolerable order. At ho heads nro three boards containing .ho nnuioa rcnpuotiroly of "Koofo , Shorty , " nnd 'Jnck Hayes , " with the dnto of their death. This wan the first work of n vigilance 'ommittoo on too line of thu Union 'iiclfic , nnd the loosen taught the roughs wns n salutary one. but had to bo ro- loatcil n number of times oto law nud irdur were fairly established. Many uf ho citizens forming this first vlgilancu committee nrd yet living nnd will rccog- nir.o this ntory of their early exploit. A ( Sront I'roliloni. Take nil the Kidney nnd hivor Tnko all the Jilood purilioru , Trtk'o nil the Jthcumatia remedies , Toke all the Dyspepnia nnd Indigos- ion cures , Take nil the ylucFovcr , nnd billions spcoijtct , Take nil the Jirain nnd Nerve force rerivcm , Take nil the Great huolth restorers. In short , tike nil thu beat ( juaHlics f all those , and the beat > Qualities cf all the boat , medicines in ho world , and you will find thnt Hop Jlldcrtt hnro the best curative qunl- Lies and powers of nil concentrated In them , nnd that they willouro when ny orall of those , tlaf eot combined Fail. A thorough ttial will , ; ivo lositivo proof of thin llrmlont'.il Iilvcr. Five vonrs ago 1 broke down with kid ney and liver complaint and rheumatism. Since thou 1 havp boon nnablu to bo bout at all. Jily liver became hurd like vpoil ; my limbs vero ; , .ill'ed up nnd filled reitii water. All the best physicians ngrocd that milling could euro mo. I resolved to try lop Bitters ; 1 have used euvon bottles ; ho hardness has all gene from my liver , ho swelling from my llmba , and it has vorkt.d a miracle in my cr.sc ; otherwise would have boon now in my tirnvo. J. V. LloiiEY , BuiTalo , Oct. 1 , 1881. I'ovcity nnd Hnll'crliif ; , " 1 was dragged down with debt , povor- y and sutForing for years , eausod by n ick family nnd largo bills for doctoring. I was completely discouraged , until ono ear ago , by the advice of my pastor , I ommoncud using Hop Bitters , nnd in ono nonth wo were all well , nnd none of us lave seen a sick dny since , nnd 1 want to ny to nil poor men , you can keep your nnulios well n year with Hop Bitters for CHS tnnii ono doctor's visit will cost , I .now it. " A WOHKINOMAN. JftTNonu penuino without n bunch of ffreen lojiu on the whlto lubol. Hlmn iill thu vllo , joisonuus with " " " " stuff "Hop" or"llopn"in their mme , u * tlrtlUBl krHIataw | rtlquUluetor , m > WM < l vMl l * olj rllurtt I > rw | k , Jiturlw * * * ktol 4iur , & < ! ij ( Uurd r § t > f iLr I P Cr ( im 4 * it * d tj * lmiit drli luei Utt r * , flwit-f I * u kill U I1 lututuir drift * i Ttj tl , tij tt r ujui * ' . i tV JM ffTwr tr < 1rurllf'r .U vtokabrctuii4l ' . / U fi tJltUilir/i&'jXU. ; . w. vuriF.EirAiiir , ffJ JXKOAiW'AY * Tf. Y. THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ HUOCKBBOltH K ) THE J. M. II. A. U. CO. ] The moil ertonilve manufutureri IN THE WOULD ohn IIockit/asMir Oorioral Agiint or Nebraika au Wwtcru Iowa. I ) K. Tenth fltroot . . . . OUAUA , HEII * ST datlou HUllard and Tool Tables and uatuiU la oimn nf ( ! ) hu | up la , debility , J thcuDiallini , f vir mil KIU , llior win Ihlut , liiw.tUlty b ( tlia klilniyj and Mulder , i > oii tli | - tlou tuiil i tour ui- Kknlc inkliulio , MJI iitlir'j Blonuch UltturH Ii a tilvJ runicly , t ) Hli'tli thf midlculbrollier. . ' liuwl Ijavu lubt tlelr tl ii , an wliloh iy a louii * , IuruiUw IJIH ! for iiUiircltri c ( tint tt imiidi llrir mil l > owuN liari au nil * lioiinilo'l ' populailtr. ur al by dru < . AU and rfetltri , tOHhuu apply lor IlMtettri'ii Al mtiaa for 1 M , H. S. ATWOOD , MattHmoutli , - - - tMAMBOf ruoaMrouiKiii A n viuu BKAM EREFOHI ) HUB JERSEK CATTLE A D tiimoo onsum s iwui JTYontig ttooli lot Uorrupoodcao * oWI I AK TI1K WE&IMLV AOINT 1 OU Tilt : THI.OaiiAPJBST PLAUJti LW UiltUJtUL I'U ' BUY n 8 ? & n $ II1 01 Duo of itu > Boal fiiid Zargsat S&oelio m tan Trnifcod Sfca to' STAJliS'10 CLOO , ELEGANT PASSENGBJR ELBVATOB. tar' ' Oiploma of Honor , Wai of ierit , AND CEETIFIOATB of DISTINCTION atlhoOEMTEKBIAL THESE INSTRUMENTS POSSESS ITLN" LN" Power , Richness and Sympathetic Qualitv of Tone , and BuralDilitv of Worlnnanship. Pronounced by ilio Artists and the Pre&s , both at home and in Europe , as the Sweetest Toned Piano Ever Made. MAX MEYER & BEO. , General Western Agents : I \l 2t-.i./r5' riff 'ff4w * > v'L-- - - E LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 anil 1411 ( Dodae St. , { * ! MMr } Omaha , Neb WHOLESALJ5 BY L. A. 1013 Jonoa Btroot } UKDOH03S. { OMAHA HEB. a BOLT33 , WANUJMOTUUIU18 0- Doimer Windows , FlnUlt. Window O | , , Iirn CiMtln i , llotllllu Ukr-llghti , Ac. Tla. lron > i d Sit MI IICHonUiKtt' Btrocl Omaha GBEMAH D. WYATT , MEEOH AE T DOU 13" I $ 1 of DOS 2 ja 5j 3 w X w cq 04 w AND 20TH STS , OMAHA ,