Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1884, Image 1

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    THE A BEE.
' Valedictory to COIUKSS anil
the American People.
A. 'Plain BuRinaaa Becord of the
Closing Year
Important Moaaures Keoouimend-
od for tbo Public Good ,
Foreign Relations Unruffled and
Peaceably Inclined-
Four Paths to Commercial and
Bbvenuo Reform Pointed Out.
Restoration of the Navy and De
fenses for Seaboard Cities ,
A Pension for Gen. Grant and
Civil Service Success.
F i-ruinHtH | M Ht Go If
cull IJiost Thi'lii.
WASHHNUTON , December 1 , 1881. 1 the
CongrosB of the United States : Since the
closs of your last Besalon , the American people ,
In tha exercise of the highest right of suffrage ,
havecuo'iin their chief magistrate for thu four
yonra ensuing. When it Is remembered tliut
no period in tha country's history has tha long
.political contest which customarily precedes
the day of tha national election boon waged
with greater fervor and Intensity , it is a sub
ject of congratulation that after tha contro-
vorty at the polls w.i3 over , and while the
Might prepanderence by which the issue had
bean determined wai aa yet unascertained ,
thoi.public pejco suffered no disturbance
but the people everywhere patiently and qm
otly awaited the renu t. Nothing cuuld more
strikingly illuitrate the temper of the Ameri
can citizen , his love of order , and his loyalty
to law. Nothing c . .uid moro Hienally demon
-Btrnte the ctremzth and wisdom of our poll :
ic-nl institmions. Hight year * have pasiod
aiuco a controversy coiicei nil ) , ; the result _ of
H national election sharply called the attention
in' thi congress to the necrs ity of providing a
more preens and deliuito regulator for
It is of the gravest importance Unit this
quejtlou ba solved before the conflicting
claims to tha presidency shall again detract
tha country , and I am persuaded that by I hi
people at Urge any of ttie measures of rolie
'thin far proposed would be preferred to con
tinned inaction , J
Our relations with all foreign powers cou
titme to btj amioible. With Belgium a con
vdntion bin been figneil uhareby tha tcope o
[ .resent treaties h n b-i-m so enlargeJ aa to fa
cure to citizens of either country nithin the
jurisdiction of tha other equal right * aud priv.
ileges in the acnulsitinn and nltmiatcon of pro
tiorty. A trade mark treaty hna also been
concluded. The war t < ) twoen Chili and Peru
in at an end. For the arbitration of tha claims
of American uitizenj wh > duriuelts continu
ance fluttered through the acts of the Chilian
nuthorhioi , a convention will uoou ba negotia
ted. The ntato of hostilities between France
and China continue to be an embarrassing fea
ture of our eastern relations. Tha Chinosi
government his promptly adjusted at.d pale
the cUimi of American citizens whoso proper.
ty was destroyed in the recent riots at Can
ton. I renew the recommendation of my lasl
annual message that the Canton inoVsmnity
fund be rf turned to China. The true inter
pretation of the recent treaty with that coun.
try permitting the
.13 likely to be again subject to your coneidera.
tmns. It may be seriously ijutHtionoi
whether the statute , passed . t _ tb. last tvs
hion , docs not violate the treaty rights of cur
tain Chlnesa who left thi > ) country with re
turn certificates , valid under the old law , am
now seem to bo iU-bin J from lauding frou
from lack of tha certificate ) required by tin
new. Tno recent piircli- ) by the Unitoi
riUtffiof n 1-URH tnvtfin. , ' 11 06 liarbo ed unde
the Chineao Hap his uonsiderably enlunsoi
'jitr commuicial intereti in the east In view
of the laigo number of.vt.u3tJd built or pur
chawed by Aineric in citizens in other countries
and exclusively omjiloycd In Icgitimato trail !
batween forifctn p .rt * under the recognise !
protection of our tljg , it inijjhc bo well to pro .
vide a uniform rata for their ivghtratuu am
documentation ; that the foni lido pr.ip
rty rights of cur citizens therein
nhull oe duly evidenced nn
properly guarded. Pursuant t 1
'Urn ad vice of tbn renuta at tlio ) jnt session , .
.recngiilie thu ( lag of the Intdimlloiial as
> 3ocintion of the eonfri/ that of n frieridl ;
government , avoiding in en doing uny pre
yudgment of > .onil ct in termoilui claims it
that region , fmbgi-rjuvntly , in nxocutua of th
iixprHUHed wixh of c uvresH I nppnlnto 1 u cum
mercUl aqout lor tha _ C nsro bmlu. Thn im
porcanco of the lUh productivu trade of th
Congo valley haj led tj general convictio
that it should ba o\iu to all nations upo
equal term * . Th1) fntornalionnl confeieuci
for the consideration of tliU subject called bj
the emperor of Germ uy and id now in atssiot
at licrlin. DeUpntes re now in attendunc
on l > ehalf of tl.o United Htit s. Tlie rcnult
of tha couferenco youuiil be duly alvlted
'Iho Kovetnraent of the Coreatr. \ generous !
aided the i ffurto of thu Uiilted States miniate
to secure suitable promises for the uio of th
] Kation. The cnnditiots of diplomatic inter
course with eastern nations di man J them , th
location proini ca t > bo owned b ;
the icpresoi ted power. I advlsi
that an appropriation bo made fo .
ttho acqiiiution of tilt property by the govern
aunt. The United rititoi already pussesfe '
valuable pr ini 'a ut Tangier as a gift from til
* ultun of Atoroccr , en iu btut'd hen after , the ,
hava In'ely received a timllur gift from tin wo
government. The govcrnmeut
Japan stands ready five to us tottenaiv
gionnilrt at Tokl > ul. < 'row ti enctn tui ubl
building for tUu Irgj lurt. A niurt home mil
jail and similar privllajfi can probably be
secured la Cbinu vn I IVrdv Thu uvvuingo
such jiremiiies would not t-lfeit a Itrgn savin
nf the prcBtnt rentals but w uhi ] ) ennlt ( f tb
due MFerlumof txtr.i territorial tight * in ithrs
couDtiitm , aud wouni better > urvo to muictil
Uie cieclly of the ITiitul States , '
tn inuku an upprojuiaiUn lorunr rcprc onta
tii'ii ut , tli autoiiumnut court of the khedlv
hn-t prottvl a terum * ruibirrjtimiiut Iu our (
Ko with K.'vpt und iu viiwof the
intinuoy f diplomatlu itlutloi nti'i ' >
( Junto i In pititi ipaliuii t , ( this KCmnix ni
with thntreoty powern in nil matter * of admin-
iitri Inu there atfeutiug the ri hU ut forbign |
rra I adiire ( ha ruturation of the n and
ooniul&to general at C drn on itn fern nr
batii , I do nut rr/nculve it to IJH thu
wl h uf rungrefx < lut thu United Htittv
nhould uilfnlr.iw ait ' t thtr from the lioiinra-
ble potltlo'i tliry liuvo Ijitberto hold with the
rc i ct to the Kliiilivc , i/r that ciiizeun nf ttil * HtK
republic redldii in /-'Ruining In I'gypt
nhould hfr"aft'r l n without the kid and pro-
twtlon nf a coiupttrrtt ii'prcHetitatlve. ing
With 1'iutc- , tie tnHiti'/nal cordlai reh- the
t'on lrp ( . 'iiitlnue * . 'Ihe J'artholcJi itatue uf |
"Libfity K. lightening tha World " thu tn-
irtiut gll nf UIH peopJM i ( Kronco , i expecUd auil
l ; e ch New York In May next. J suggeft *
lat coiiKKssionnl notion b liken In relation
0 the fipirit which haa prompted this Bill ami
1 aid of the timely completion if tl.o ifdc
pea which It in to bo placed.
\ coiintty which conltlbules to uir own lotnu
f the bfet elements cf elti/enshlp , cnulmuot *
e cordial. The United State * Iwvo r-xlradt
Ion troallen with several jf the German
taUB , but by reason of the coufoderntloii nf
hese BUtcB tinder the Imperial rule , the nppli-
otion of sura treatiet U not M uniform nil
omprehcnslvn rn the Interests of the two
ountrlpB lenuiro. Therefore , to open nego-
latiorm for nMtiplu contention of extradition
0 embrace all the torrltoty of the elliptic.
It nlFordu mo pleasure to say that our inter-
ourfu with Great llritMii continues to ba of n
Host friendly character. The government of
Uwaii has Indicated III willingness lo con-
lime for Bevin years Ihe provision * of the
xittlng reciprocity treaty. Such conttnu-
uncy , In view of the relations of that country
to the Aiuettcn fystora of ulc- ,
hould , in my judgment , ba favored.
Ttioro\omtlimiii llayti ngntnat the eatab-
lulled government hn termlonlod. Wmlo It
vns In propreiH it became uecemary to enforce
> ur neutrality UWB by inUitutlnir procotdmgs
iraln&t ItidiUdualsundissula charged with
heir infringenient. Those prosecutions wpro
n nil cases miccoitftil. Much nnxloty has
alely been tllnplayed by various
government * , nnd especially by lhego\oru-
nent of Italy , for Iho abolition of our import
1 ties upon works of art. It is ) well teen -
Ider whether the pron'tit discrimination In
aver of the productions of the American
utteta abroad is nut likely to result , as thfly
hcnuelves seem very generally to belte\o
t may , in the prnctlcal exclusion o
mr pntntors r.nd sculptors f om the
Ich fieWa for ob'crvalion , Bludy nnd
. b r , which they Iwvo hitherto enjojpd
Thure Is a proapect that the long pending
eUsion of the loro'gn treaties of Jjpan may
> e concluded nt n new conference , to bu held
.t . Tokio While tint government fully receg-
uzoi the equal nnd Independent sUtion of
Inpan in Urn community uf nation ? , it would
nit oppose the general adoption of Btich terms
f compromise aa Japan may bo dinpoawl to
Ifer in furtheraii e of n uniform policy of in-
orcourso with woitern nations.
During thu pant year the incroaung peed
v-ill between our own government nnd mat of
Mexico hns been variou > ly manifested. Thor
r aty of commercial reciprocity , concluded
unuary 20 , IsiW , has boon ratified , nnd
iwuiti the tiecessnry tariff leglsmtl > n
if concress to beiomo en"ecti\o The
itgiBlation will , I doubt not , bo
among the first measures to ilulm your attcn-
ion. A full treaty of commerce , navigation
md consular righti is much to bo desired , nnd
ucb n treaty I IIAVO reason to blievn thnt tha
Mexican government etnudsreadylo conclude ,
ome embarrassment ha * been occasioned by
.he . faihi'c of congrcfH at its ln t sesiioii to
irovidu f > r duexecution of the treaty of July
' . 'J , 1KV2 , for the reaurvoy of the Mexican
lonndnry , and the relocation of boundary
With the republic of Xlcaraugui a treaty
ins been ci ncludnd which nuthori/.es tbo con
struction by the United States of a catial , rail
way and telegraph Him
I5y the terms of this truaty sixty nules of
the river San Juan , nu well as hake Nicuruu-
jini , nn inland ? e.i forty miles in width , uro to
onhtltuto n part of the projected cuterpiHe.
ThiB for tn-il .
secures a c.inul construction eev-
entecn uiilcs un the I'.icilic side , nnd thirty-six
milea on the Atlantic. To the IJinted States ,
whoso rich tHrritory on the I'ncilia i * , for the
ordinary purprses of cnmtncrce , prjctic.illy -
cut elf from communication by water with the
Atlantic ports , the pMitictl and cumuiorciul
aihnntngesof jnchii project can fc.iictly bt )
overn > tlmntd. It U bxlli'ved that when thu
tieaty ii hiiJ bejoro you the justice .xml liber-
iibty uf its provisions will commaud uuiverdn !
approval at homo uud abroad.
Too death of our representative at Itiusia ,
while nt hi.s post nt St. Petersburg , allot deil
to tha imperial governm nt n renewed oppor ;
tuuity to testify its bymiuthy in n manner b.-
titling the intim.ito frioudlineBS uhtuli lias
o\er marked iho inlercouiEe of the two conn ,
The course of this government in raising its
representation at iiaugkok to thu diplomatic
rank has evoked from ijiam
nnd augurs well for our enlarge 1 intercourse
The Siamese government hiu presented to tbi ;
United States n commodioiu inanelon and
grounds fur the occupancy of ttu legation ,
and I augijeat that by joint resolution con [
gress attest its appreciation of thia generous
This government , has moro than once baen
Spain. Agitation In the island of Cuba , hoa : >
nlo to the Spanish crown , hnviug beat
fomented by peraona abusing the tacrudrights
of m-upit ihty which our territory affords , the , v
oIllcoiB of the government have been instruct * of
od to exeiciaa vlgihmce to prevent Infractions
of our neutrality Uwa at Key West nnd ut
other points Ler.r the Cuban c m t. I air
happy to day ( hat in thu only instance when
tht-BO precautionary inoaEur s were mcceeiiful
ly evudecff the nireudcrs when found in cur
territory vycre subsequently tritd nnd run- In
victeil. The growiu | ; need of cloto reiati in
thlp of iuteicmruo md trailiu bel..eiu the
Spaniah Aulillts , md Ibeir national market il
U'o ' United SUtep , led to thu idopuon ir
.lunnnry laet of
IcokiDg to thai em ! , 'ibia ugreuir.enl lui )
ni'O beeu supewedod by a moro nJ
trunitil and compriheiiRive convention , wkicl I
rhull iho innate fur approval. I it
Iim been the aim of thin negotiation to opcrivt a fuvored nclprocal txchango of prnduc
limn earned undtr tbn ilng of either country
im to inaka the iiitcrconra botueon Cuba atii
I'orlo Itico und ourrelveeccarcely leeslutimati
tliun tins commercial movement between ou
domestfo purtF , and to iuHure a removal nf thi jur
Lurdi-ns nt ( .hipping in the Spanish Indies o
which in tin ) ptmc our xliip owners und hl |
uiuxttrH have to ollcn hud cansu to complain of
Thu iu'iotiatio.i ; of this convention has fin
time puHCpoui'd the prnpi'cution of ccrtsii
claims of our cituens yvhiih were declared t > lilt I
ba without the jurisdiction of the Hpaaisl thu
American claims uommUdlon , and which wr
thcniforu remitted to diplomuilc channels foi nm tin
adjustment. The speedy Hettlemeiit of thesi tlv
claims will now Le urged by thin government ad'
Ncgotlationsjfor a treaty of commercial JO ho
ceprocitywith the JXniliucan rrpublio have
been successfully concluded and thoioul
wljUhortly be laid before tha senate.
Uurtalu qufstlons between thn Unltei
.States und the Ottoman empire still remain
uuEoluel , Uiinphiiii's nn behalf of ourulti
are not mtitf.ictonly ndjnstOJ. The
1'oite has sought ti withhold from our cum
ini-rce the right of fjvorcd tieatment to whit !
are cm i tied by exiatlug conventional stipu
latiun and thu rcvUUm ot the tariffs ii un thu
ncuoiuplirhed ,
Tim final disposition of pending <
with Yiuif/.uola has not as jet benn
but I have good ren orn to expect an o all
tettleuieut whioh will provldu tli < 'means"
re-i xumining ll ; CaraMi uwardn Iu cun
form ity with the exprennad deiilru of congrttir
iinj which will recignuo tlio jnatico of
clalmi preferred ft/uinat Venezuela T
t'tntraltnd Kouth Aioericau comm wlon .
poli.ttil by authority of thu act of July 7 , IKS I
will co.'ii ' pncud to Mexico It bus been fur
riifUd with liiHtructiorjN which will I Uid be inc
urn joii 'Ittvy contain h utairme t tf thf im '
' p-lic > oi IheKovernmi'iit fur I'-r
KMAIIOI.VU ITH cosmir.cui. iNrKiirouiiNK lie
with American ( dates. The oot
IIUM ) bei-n actively jircjuiiiiK ( orthflrro O'J
rHntible taak by holding cunforence's iu th 378
pnuiipal ciliiM with merchant ! uid other * in
terenU'1 In Iho Central unit South America
T u in torn it tonal metldUu cunftrunc a
uhiib lutoly umcunud \Va.liicgton vipo
Imitation of ihegovermneut of ibol/mtet
IH wui combined of reprenentatlw t Iron oui
tWfiDiy-five titili'ii.s. The tonftrcnco con
eluded iu IfcliJiB on tlio let of No/unUr , luv 9
with eiibbtantlhl imanlrnlty agn-ud upoi
msridian of ( < reeimlli iu ttie Hturtlfi wa
Miut whence longitudn I" to be comptit"1
thruugh 180 ilrgrecH OMtwaid and wotlwiKJ
ujwii UIH u'loplloii fur all for
vhicj ! it test } b found conreuleut , of A un 1885
cn > Al d y which hnll tH-gin at mldnl ht on
lie inltlnl morlilhui , Mid whn o hinim h.ill bo
counted from r.ero 1111 to twenty-four lh
rrmul repoit of tliU conference \\ill bo neto.
after transmitted to CORRIVM.
This gouirmmrot n In fMijuent receipt of
nviUtlous from foreign KUtes to participate
n intsrnationol evhiblllous , often of great
ntcrest and ImporlRiico. Occupying as we
eau aiUancoil position In the worlds pro
uction and aiming to secure a profitabln slmrfl
or i ur Indudltlts m the gonerHl competition
nsrkotf , Un n matter of serious coueiirn that
ho want of menus for participating in thee
\hlbitn should fo ofteu exclude our prodtioern
rom Kilvalitngoi enjojod by tlui o of o > her
ountrlon , During the pj t year the attention
f congrcm was thann U > < hn funntt in\lt .
Ions In this regard rciule IH ! by the govern
iienloof Kiiglaii' ' , Holland. Uelgium.Gcrmany
ml Austria. The cxocullxo 1ms in POIIIO in
lances appointed honorary commls'Inuora.
? hlsis , however , ninoit ttnintisfactory expo-
inut , for without some prov iition to iiuiet the
iccossnry working expenses of a coiinnln ion ,
t can cllcct little of nothing In bclulf of ox-
libitom. An Iiitornational liivontois' oxhUil
ion Is to bo hftld In London ne\t May , This
vlll cover n tiold of impoitniico. In
vhich our country huldp ft foremost i auk , but
ho executive is at preront po\verles to organ-
TCI a pioper represt'iitatliui of our vast na-
lonnl interrsti in this direction. 1 have in
o\eral previoiiB messngis rnfeirnl to this
ubjcct Itsccmi to mo that a H.ituto , Ki\iug
j tno OXPC live gcueraUliscretlonary ixuthori-
y to accept such in\estlKntlnnsnud toiippolnt
lonoraiy commissioners , without tulury , aud
ilucing at the disposal nf the tecrotiiy of
tate n tmall fund for defraying their rotiionn-
lo expt'Ufloa , would baof great public utility.
This government 1m recelyo.t ollicial notice
hat the rauuvl of international reguluUot s
preventing . . ' i i lollMnnii _ i _ _ , . . at . . . . pea .i. . . liuvo . . . been '
udoptcd by a'l the loading miuitimi ) powers
xc pt the United States and como into force
iu the first of SL'itomber lat. Var the due
irotiictiun of our nhipping inteieoK the pro-
. inlous of our statutes hould at oucu be
irought into conformity uith these rogula-
Ions. The ( lUOKtlon of securing to author * ,
: unipo ° en < , nnd nrtista copyrights , privileges
" n thU country In return fur reciprocal ilghta
.broad Is cmi that may justly challenge jour
attention. It Is trua that Ilia convention willie
io jiecusi'ary for fully iiecomuli iilng
his * result , but until congreBS shall by
t.altito rx the extant to which foreign
miners of copyright nlinll bo here { privileged ,
c has barn deemed Inadvisable to m'golmto
uch comontloiiB. For tins reason the United
Stntej were not represented nt the recent con-
eronce ut Berlin.
I recommoud that the seopo of Uio neutrnll-
. laws of the United States bp RO enlarged in
.o . cover all patent nets of hostility committed
n our territory nnd aimed against the peace
f n friuudly nuliun. Kxlating Btatutoa pro-
liblt the lilting out of nrmed expeditions , re
strict the ahipmont of explosives , though thu
mnctments in the latter respect were not
rnmod with regard to international obliga
tion ! ) , but ( imply for tha protection of pitsen-
; ers un travel. Al those utatntea worolin-
.ended to meet special emergencies that had
arisen. Other omqige-ucies have arisen biuco ,
.nd . modern ingenuity rupplics means for th
organi/ation uf hostilities without open re
sort to nrined vessels or to ( ilibiuterine
mrtioH. 1 Beono loasoti why avert preparu
ion in this country for the cormnisoion of
rlminal acts , inch as ara hero under c .iisid-
ration should noc bo alike punishnblo ,
whether ftucb actu eri Intended to ba cmnrt
mlttcd in our own countiy or Inu foreign
lountrywlth which wo nro nl ponco. The
irompt nnd thci-cii7h trcatmont of lids quoa-
-ion is ono whicli intimately concerns Die nu-
tionnl honor.
Our existing naturalition ! laws also ueoil
reviaiou. UlioFse uuctioiH relating to persons
residing within the ilniita of the Uriitod
Stnto < , within 1'Ojaud 17IW , hnvo now only a
In'Htorical interest. Section 11172 , recognizing
the citizenship of the children of naturali/od
isrent is ambiguous in iU terms _ and paitly
) l olnle. There are special provisions of law
favoring the naturalization of tlioao who nerve
n the urmy or in merchant vessels , while no
similar privileges ara granted thosa who fcerva
in tlio navy or mruino corp < , "A uniform
rule of imturalization , " f null im thu constitu
tion contemplates , should among other thiucd
clearly detine the fitatutes of persons born
within the Ui itixl Btates subject to a foreign
uwor ( dectlou I'J.-il ) airl of miuor children of
lathera who have aecliuod their Intention of
Decoinirg citl ouH but liuvo fiiilid to
lerfcct their naturalization. It might
o wisa to provide for a central bureau ot rrg.
ibtry wherein thonlil bo filed niithurizod tran < ,
ncripta of every record of naturulizatlon in tin
novtral federal nnd ttato courtn , and to mnko
irovixlou also for the vacation or cancellation
f such record in eaten wlioro fraud hud boon
practiced upon the court by the applicant
turnsolC , or where ho had removed or foifeitet
his acquired citizenship. A jiut and uniforn
In rtiiii roipij. wiulil Htraugshon Ihebands
the government in protecting its cltl/.eiis
abroad , and would pave the way for thu con i
elusion of treaties cf naturalisation with lor
uhn countries.
' . '
The legislation of the ) a t motion elfectoi
the diplomatic and consular HOrviccH coitaii : [
cbangCK und rfduu'iim1 ! , which luvo bcon pro
diictivo of embirrn 9tnint The pojmlutlon
and commorcinl activity of our country nn
steadily on trio iucro.ise , und uio giving riio to
new , varying , nnd often ilullcute lelatimnhips
with ' othi r cuuntdun. Oar foreign oitililieli
n.ent einbrncCH netr'y doublu thu nre. % ol
nperatioLS | thut It did twenty yrurn ago of
Tlio Ciinfennent i'f ' finch a uarvi'.o within tb (
limiUof : expoudlluro then Obtabiifihed in not
fcemi to mo , in uccord.inro with trw
economy. A community of nixty millions o
peoplu i-liouln bo derUi | > Uly rrpiuaeiited in il
iutircourdu with lorelgn jimtlom. A projec
fur thoiocuguuization of coueuUr ncrvlco uui
for rocasliiig the Hcliemu of extra tonitoii.i
juriiKtictlon id now before
the limits of u chart somion will not allow it
full conaidenilion , I tribt you will not fail to
make suitable provision for the prf tout need
the ) sorvlco. It lias IKHIII cuntomnry to du
fun In the appropriation acts the rank of me
diplomatic ! ollico to which n calury Ii nttacheii a
BUfKt'at that this course bo abandoned , mil
that It be left to tlitt president , vtl'.h the ml vie
and conHOnt of the genatr > , to lix fiom tlmo U
time the diplomatic grade of thiiieprcHentu
tlves of this to
euvmiment abroad an may scoi
advisable ' , provinluuH
being definlti'ly nuicli
bowuvtr ) , ni now , for the amount o
aalary attached to thu tcspectlte stations
THIS xaKAsimv.
The condition of our liiuncon und thoorxira
lion of va luun Iir inches of the pub io rervic
which are conuecti d with the treasury dopirl til
merit nru tery fully disouiiteil In the roKirt | u th
fccreUry. It up Dears that the oidlimr Ih
rovonuea for the tixcul jcnr eiuled Juno > ( Ihwl
1881 , were : Iron cmtoniH , 9\U5 \ < Q1,4ifJ" ] (
from internal luvrnui * , 9121,180,1172.01 ; froi ou
( thor Bourccx , gi,8f : | tJUu7 0" : totriordinar iir
rovcnuo' , ? 3I < ,51Ufr9. 2. The jmbllo ex lei
pemlilurm during the cauia period were : K ad
civil txpoiiBi . * /2,3l2y07 71 ; frrforftlgri inter by
cmirun , 812U070G37 , for IndiBiiu , 5C I".1) ,
for pt' ' 1"w , .W'S (5 ( : forth be
military I'stublltliment , inn uding liter en Ih
harbor iinpriivuneiiU und ar n lfi , $ . ' < ! ) , tuwi
WO.fffSW. VIM thi ) naval o tabJi hmcnt with
including vemrln , mac ) Inery MI
juipiovniii'iits at navy jaidH , ' ' th
ir'niii-cclliuieoui iixpunalturn'i > , includii'i ) ; pub
buiUJiiKi , lightliouhet ana collecting tb
revenue , 43UHC > ,710 ; fur nxpenJ it inert un ao
uonntof tbo UUrlctof Colur.ibiu , S307'I'J | ( ' ,
; for InUrftrtt on the public dt-bt , 5C 1,578
37818 ; for tha kluklug fund. 4 ,71 , < J2a M
total ordinary ixpomlitur. f , yjOQ.VlG Wi t3
leaving aurplud of 857,1103,3110.11) ) An corn
paud v'llh tbti preceding fiscal Year , thtrewa Uio
not o'eciearo of over $ . ' 1,000,000 in th cul
amount "f i'"Hitiue ] | . The OKgiiKat''n bill
celptBiiro I H t-fcii llo : n of the year iirnv !
by olnMt $ M,000,000. The fnllfng off i ( .
revenue from cuntoma made up ii'jarl'
0,000,000 dl this deficiency , an'
About $23,0 ( ,000 uf the remain . . .
due to thedo'/ihuth.'d receipts ol Inturnu fur
revenne , vt
The ifcreUry oiti'mtliij the total receipt
the fiscal y ar which ujll end June AO
at SJ.'UI.OJO.OO1 , end the t'ltal rxpnd
. . . , , nl $2Kf ! ) > 20,201.It ) , In which rt In-
ludcd the interest ou tha debt Mid tin *
uiounl p ynbl t > thfl finking fund Thu
voitlil IOAVQ n RiirphiH for Iho eutitojesr < > :
bout SMi.OOO.OOJ.
rom Iho United Dt te to foreign countries
iirlug ihe y r ending Junt130 , 1SSI , wnt n
ollowm Domestic mercliAiidiiio $72-1,061,8 2j
, Slf > ,5 S.7.7 : lolnlmrr
humllM , SZ D.MS.'W ' ! M > OCIP , ? 07i : :
) tnl ox ports oi inerch tidue and peclo ,
tO.WThe wtton and cotton manufiic
irers ItKlttded in thin rtntemont wore valued
.10 pnniilortH nt 5111,410517 , nnd tha
lincrnl oils at 317,103,7-18. During iho name
veiled the Imp rt * wrrn ns follows : Mcrrhninl-
(0 S0ii7.0 ! > 7,0')3 ' ) ( gold Mill fcil\vr $37,12ittt ! |
otM S70o,12.,053. Moro than 03 per cunt of
jo entire value of lmHtted | meichaudlfo con-
toil of following nitlclos : sugar niul molai <
ws 5U 3,814,274 : Wool nnd woolen iiiaiiufae-
n.V < , olA 21)2 ) ; ulllc and ItB.nmnufrtcttirwi
. . . gi ,128coffii ; $49,680.705 : ifttn nnd utool
tul manufacture * thereof ? 41GI loW ; cliciul-
\U $38 , tOl.UOA } fUv , hemp , jute and like
ilwtniice * nnd liiMiufnctures thereof $3t,4G3-
18 : cotton nnd mMiuUituros of cotton J3'V '
51.470 ; hide * nnd nkinn , other than fur nkiim
Jl'.aSO.VHXi. I concur with the secretary ol
Ho IroiiBury in recommending the imniodUto
wpeuilou ot
ud the ie.su3 of silx-cr certificates.Hits is
matter to which lit foimer coinmunicUioiifl
Imui more than once muikvd the iittjntlon
f national IrgiaUvlon. It itppcan thai mum-
liy fur the p at fix ) earn thvro have boon
lined , in conipliaiuoith thn net of February
S , 187S , niotu thna 27UU,0 ) 0 of i > il\ r ilul-
UH The number now outsttiidlnR U report-
d by ilia sscrstniy lo be nearly 81iir > , OUi > , l)00. )
vhereof but little moro tlmn 51 ,000,010 , or
ess , tlntn 22 nor cant , nia lunclunlcltculnllon.
'ho nitre oxtsttnce of thia fact seems to mo to
urnifh cf Itself n co.eut nrgiiment for the ro-
< oal of the stntutQ which han made such fact
jBiible , but IheriT ara olhor nud qravor
ousidorntluiij that tend in Ihatamo dlroctton ,
'ho secretary avow * his cjiiuctlonthat tinlosa
liis colrnrjo nml the increaio of silver ccttlf-
colea bo mispouilrd nilver la llkoly nl no difl-
nut Ony lo bccojpo our sole motiillc
tundnrd. The rtjaiuirrcul iliclurlruicen
ud tlio improvement of national credit in it can eearcely bo
ver-iBtiinnted. I bopo iliitt Iho secretary'it
uggCBllons ro i > ccttcg the withdrawn ! from
irculntiun of tno uno dollar and two dollnr
otea will receive your approval. It Is likely
ll t n considerable pottion of thn silver now
icumbaring the vault * of the treasury might
lius iind Its way into the currency. While
rndo diillara ha\o ce Bcd for the present , nt
east , lobe nn clement of active distribution
n our currency B ) ntem , soiuo provision thould
ie made for their tatrendur lo Ihe govern
ment , In view of thu circumstincca under
vhich they were coined and of the fact thnt
hey never had n legal tender quality there
liould bu oUered for then only a ( light rut-
aiico over tlitir bullion value. Theaecretnry ,
n the course of his rupert , considers the pro-
iriely of bcuutif ) ing the deigns of our uub-
idmry silver csins und uf no increasincr itoir
velght that thty mny bcnr them dnu ratio of
nlu'a of the ataudqrddollnr. Ilia conclnu'uim
u this rega d nf o cordially iipproved.
In my nnnual iu > csaga of 1S82 , T roeonv
nended the nboliticn "f all excise taxes ex
lupt thoAO relntiuf ; lo distlllod spirits , This
ecimiuicuilatluii is now lenowcd. In euso
liCHO taxed Mm 1 bo 11 olldii'J the ravenuos
hat will nttll remain to tha governmenl will
n my opinion not only nullico to meet Its
caBonuble expcndlttinia but will MFord n nur
) hn Inrgo enough to permit filch tariX reduo-
tons as may ucctn to bp advisable when thu
refill U of loi'onl rovcnil" laws and comuiorcinl
.reaties ihull have - o < vh In what ruurtera |
, h9Ha rednctioiiH out. bo mntt judiciously
elfecteil. Uno of ttis gravest ; of the problomn
which appeal to tbo vitdom of congress for
solution is thu uucerUiumc it of thu most
ffictixe menus of iucrpa ing our fuiuign
, rado nnd thus rcliovinrj thodoprossion punier
which our iuihi tri' are now languishing.
fin eecrttarv of the tieaaury udvUea that th
luty of Investlgiiting Oils BUUjcct bo intrunttjd
u tlio fitBt iiiHt.inco lo u coa potent commis
1101 . While fully rect-iinij'.lug the cimoidcr.i
ions that imiy bo urged rgalnnt this coureu 1
am r eicrtholefis of tile opinion Unit upon thu
vholo no other would be likely to elfuct
ipceaier or bolter renulM. That portion of tha
iccretary'a report which coticerLH thu cundi
tiuu of .
cannot fnil to command your ntlenllon. Ho
eniphnlicnllyrecommends tliut ns nn irjcolitfyu
o the investment of American capital in
American steamships , the govornmoiit ( Mil
jy liber.d [ layuwnU far mail transportation
ir otherwise , lend UH eUivu asristanco to in
lividuul cuteipruo , and declaicu hia belie
Lhnl if that courto bu not puicticd our foiulgi
carrying trndo iiitrt romaln M it in to dny ,
ulinoht exclusively In tb < ) luiniln of fortiroorH
One phoso ol this Hiibject is i.o\v
[ ) ociully prominent In view uf tha reponl o '
thu act cf Jnno , If81 , of nlliulutury pru
viiionn arbitrarily cuuiuijilrf American \ej
tnln Iu cairy tlio muU : toanil from tin ) Unites
StiiteH. As it Ii ntcn.'pnry to niuvio pnnialoi
lo comppiiHuto thu owntm nf nncli veniela fo
) trformlQg that Hervicu lifter April , 1885 , it IM
liuped thnt thu wholu fitibji < ct will reeulvu earl ;
cuueidcnitiun tliut will lend to tliu tuaUinon
of Hiich monMiroi for the rovlvnl of our inn
chant merino ns thu wisdom of cungrefis mi ;
thi ) govornmoiit tq tl" ) amount of more thai
jl 0OiO , , 00 have Hricn my last nMinul n.rn
aiigo bcvii rndiiomoil by tno treasury. Th
bonds of that lHsunbliilntstandlng / auiount t
llttlu § ( ( tflO ubout
over 2JO,00 , ouo-fuuith o
vvhlcli will bu retired
thrimgh tha operations o
tin ) sinlilni ; fund during thu comiim year A
thuKe bomlH Btill coutliiux the clilot bifis fo
circulation of national bcnkn tin ) quobtlo !
how to avert the contructiini of tlio ciirreuc ,
cimteaby tlitir ictlriiu uul IH ono of conatanl
ly IncrciiNicir iniportunco. It neouis to be generally
orally concoi.'ed tliut thu law governing thi
matter exncts from the btnlcs exccsnlvu loiur
Ity uud that upon tlielr present bond iloponi
largH circulation thiin 11 now allowed limy b
ginnttU with mfety. f hopii that the bi
which pinsod the nont'o ut thu last uesiio
perinllc'ng ' thn Ixgiia of noteH aiuil to the f c
vnluo of dapoei'.uil boniln will commuiul ilnn
tlio approval of the housaof reprenentath o
In the oxjieriee * of tha w r dejartmoiit tl
Bccrttury ( reports a dc'cueatu of moro than t' '
JOii.tlOO , of will h u reduction of $5,000,10
was effected In the expenditures' for river an
harbor , arid $ ,70uOuU in th'J I'KpondlturcH fu
tlioUitrtriQatte.r'H | dopartuiuiL. Ontnlilo i
that dupurtrneut thu annual eicpnriseii of n
the urmy bureau * ( except JKjn. | [ > ly tlio ord
riftiici bureau ) nro HiiWinli'illv fixed chuigi
which cnunot ba materially dimlniihed uitl
out chatigu In tlio numerical ttrongth of tl
nn jr. Ihujjrpindllurii in thu < martcrmu
ter'rt department cun readily bu tu jcctjil t
udminUtrujlvo dlBcrution , und It Is tepurte
ttiii secretary of war thut as u rflmilt , of nx
ercislrig Much diwro.tion In rrducliu ; thu niiin
bcr of iliu'Jgtt tuul .
p.kck aulmuld In thu iiiiii ;
the uiiuunl cent of mipjilylng and caring fi
tuch unir.itla [ Is now } ! ,108,085 'J ) Imn tliau i
was In 1832
The refHirU of military cciinnifin.Jeru ho
tlmt the Iat > iur him bueuot blo fur Its u
tire //etiloui from Indian outbrcaUN. in del
KUCO of the pn > lilent'H proiUinutiun of July Ht
IKdl , coriuln IniiudeM ou lit to uiuko
niti INDIAN rtmiirou ) .
They wc-ro promptly
removed by w dtt-kcl
iiiouc of tfoojm. inuring iho putt tentfun i
uoDgrts > , u bill to provfJn u iuit > blo lini-nror
building fur the
urmy rru-dlcul musoiini un
library ri1 the nrvfaii Ku" Tur4 Lllleo n
v wl the approval ul tbo lieniUo , A linuU .
, reiKutcd fu\or bJy to the huuru ol repr
bentntivei by uno uf iU c < juiiulltoe < , | nil
.endlujf before thut r > ely ( , It i , hoped thn
during thi ) coming teuton the moMura mu
booonio u Iflw and thereafter
utrr. ci
linrnedjato .
, j be taken to necuri ) " pluca of tufu ' "
thetn vttliuhlo Ji
, now
iti u JiX
in ctulty. The fuudi with which Ib ( ( X
work * for the Improvement o { rhew uud 1m tl
onflflh JMye. ) ' oi
ot the Second Session of Itc
Forly-Eigutu Cti
With nil the Initiatory Form and
? nll Attendanoo at House and
Beading of the President's '
loruo Preliminary Efforts at
rarUniB 1 IllH Introiluccil and llc-
ll'octlnnH mill HpoonliitlmiH on
\VAi.itNaroN ! , December 1. The opening
csslon of the soimlo wni proctdod by a lively
alf bourof h > nd-8hikltig by the eeimtois and
toir frlciule. Sov < ril seats of the Pcimtors
ore decorated with 11 oral trlbuton , ncnt by
Imircrn. Hcnatar Oormsn wns the recipient
f two cnorinoiiH loiMora and an arm chnlr
o ring Iho wordn , ' 'Keservod for A , V. ( ! , ,
SS7 " Scnnler ilouos dusk also
> Iwru a roos-
or , while those of rovoral other nonators were
ariously decoratoit with homo Klmes i\nd
asltets. The ( jullorles wi-ro well filled with
tranccm. 1'romptly nt IHKJU the prufltccnt
f the ficnata c tiled the body tn order nnd
rayur wad oiTurod. On motion of Logan , the
; crotnry wai Instructed to Inform the HOIHO
iat IhoSeniita wan loady to proceed to bus.
\m. Hliermnii and < .iarlnnd were appointed
committfu to inform the president Hint the
onato wan roa'y to rccoiyp any comnnmlcv
Ion ho might bj plen'od to umko The oo
etaryread the crc-do"tialn. Win. 1' . Shef-
eld v. as appointed ti " 11 the vncinoy cnimod
y the licnth of Senator Anthony. The Son
to then took n rocoea of half an hour.
IIUDIIIKO Luaiai.ATio.v.
At the expiration of recoBH the following
ills wore introduced and referred :
liy Cullum To prohibit n distinction being
nadoln the inillUry eervicoof the United
itatca against uny clarn of American citizen n ,
lee to piiablo t-IUcerH prnmotod tor gallant
nd dictingiiiHhod eorvicon In thn robolllon tote
to rotirtd uith the runic nnd full ply grade to
which proinotml , alao to nuthorlro tlio lighting
f naxiirnbln. rivers of the United Htati't with
ilcctnciiy , also to authorize n mcron-.o of the
apltnl Ktock of tlio Cotninotcial National
Jank of Chicago. Inqnlla olfercd n resolu-
Ion to instruct the Commissioner of 1'iiblic
andd to report such legislation an nooeeniry
o authoriro the Sscrctiry of thn Interior tu
ummarily luinovo all fcncai illegally con-
triicted on the public domain.
11KOK1V1NQ Illtt rilKalllENT't )
Another rccoea of half an hour wan taken ,
At 1:35 : p. in. the pru idont'd me. ' g ( < / as
eccivcd and tha roatHnj ; at' once proceeded
with. When thn reading of the monaago wan
completed , Aldrlch in a few feeling remarka
nado tha formal announcement of the death
f Senator Anthony and the rfeuatu adjourned.
WASHINGTON , December 1 , Though Iho
rullorioa of the llouso were well filled this
lorniug with upcctiitora anxious lo view Iho
) roc oilinrs nltcndnnt upon the first day's ims-
ion , there was an absence of thntcru'h of via
tors which usually characterizes such an occa-
Jon. Numerous floral designs ornamcnlod
.ho . , dusks uf favorto ! "membors , nnd mming
them a Imndsumo " .Ship of Stale , " of which
3or ( N. Y. ) was the rcciploul. An tinmen
jed uf chrytantheinums covered the dcelc of
[ Jarbour ( Vn. ) nnd n tasliiful barket of vario-
jutetl fluweri adorned thu Speaker's table , Mo
jitlcrnesg of feeling wiw expressed ovur the rocol
Biilt "f Iho recant eluctiun , I'rumplly nt noon
the Speaker' ) ) gavel called the huiita to older ,
After prayer the Speaker directed the elerlc to
iall Uio toll. The roll call Hhowod 222 momtni
jriii present. The clerk wax directed to In.
'orm thi ) Sonata thnt thu 1 luuuo WUH ready to
iroetod to bui lnocs. Thu Hpeakor uppoli ted '
' " and Cox ( N. Y.Jusn coininlttoo to
wall upon tlio president in conjimction with n
ilmilar coiiiinltteo trom tlio Semite and Inform
him that c-uiiKresn wan reudy to iccrlvo nny
cuininiinlcatiou th&l ho Mioultl bo pleusul to
nmko. llolnniii presented tbo o dentla'H ' ul
Hhevely , member elect from tlio Kith Indiana
district to Mucuicd Ualklnn , reslgni'd. nnd that
gentleman toulc tiui oath of flllico , The Huuo
took n rocesu of llftemi mlnutoa ,
At 1:1) . , Iho '
: p. 111 protldont'n inrssago wi\n \
received und immediately road , Tlio inoHpugo .
wns ruforrcd to the cuimnlttoo of thu whole ou
ntnto union and uithnccompnnyinx documents
ordurud printed. Hiitchlna , from thn commit
lea on appropriation * , reported it bill niakinc ,
temporary pro\l.lon for Iho nnvnl cirvico ; ID-
ftrrtd to tlio committee of the whole I'linnn
nnnoiiiiceiiient WHH miido of the dentil of Dun
can and l'\\na \ , tind the houno adjntirnid.
Alter Adjfinrninor I ,
WAKIIINOTON , Deccrnbar 1 , 'i'ho UOIIN
coniinittii ) on appropriations reported the bit
providing far appropriations similar t ? thus
ruadu for the liut tix montliH of tin past HNCI
yearJ'or the nupporl of Iho navy the nmoiin
appropriated IH1,731 717 , After the adjourn
rnenl of Iho Henutd , the republirari HenaUir
mut in caucus. A committee was uppuluto
to raarrutiKU nii'tnborfihlp ci.lninltto , H , mor
tHpocIally to fill thu vacji.cies banted bv th
death uf Servitor Anthony ,
VOl'M ,
IN , December 1 , .Senator IMwe
to day introduced and lni.l rofmrod to th
comniltlco on Indian nlfalra ft hill uoufvrrin
citlroushlp uii the IndUn * . The bill provide
that a riutivo Indian born in the Unite
rjtnlcH nml who linn voluntarily taken up rw.l
ibiioo In thin country apart from nny tribe u
Indliiim nnd haa aduptodtho habits of civill/e
lifo thoiild Lo conniilero | n citizen of th
Unitfd HtutCH nnd entitled to nil prlvllei/OH o
Btich cltlzcnthip.
Thu bill. Intruduced by Hi-nalor Oulloin U
jiruiilblt thu dfstliicUoiiii iu auny , provide
that liarcaftfrull - '
ii-glmi'iits of ilm auny o
bmnchrs ul 1)111 ) mllunry hervico uf tli > ) Unlln
tiKhali bo open alike lo nil Amvrlcai
eitueus und un'hori/vit tbu pre.ldeiit to
point a coniinlnhioii und aval n olliccm througt
out tlu urmy , uid tu e.tUHO the eullntiiiuu
nnd utixlgnmiiituf HoldioiMlu thi ) urmy will
out rrgiul lo race or ojlor ,
j'lN nroNiv
IX 1885 C ,
WASHINGTON , Dcctwbor 1 , Thu followln
CBlliuatft * have been mbiiilltcd tolhu hunt
comiuitUio on tpproprlutions for the h'ca
year ending June 30th , 1KM ) . reiinlocn , 800
000,000 ; military academy , $31)3,311 ) ; fortllici
tloti , 87,303,000j coiKulur uud diplouiutlo m
penien. Jl , 23,170 : navy , : w.J5I.OOOj ( pn "
ofliondV/iartuient , 9WWVWlt , Indian bureau ,
7.32S.OI1IJ r.rmy. 32,110,48 ( ! ! > s legislative ,
xecutivonml judicUl fxiH-nnen , $22StfOll ( ! ! !
ilcultiiral ( irpartmnnt , flVJ',1,110 : nutidry
vil txpniBoo , JM2 ! 12U , IOJ ; Dtttrlit if
'o ' nuibin , $1,740 0711 improvement * of rlverx
ml harbor * , $ ,177,400total , ? 2M,820,707.
ho o < tiiiiT\te fur thn present fltcnl year woo
IKV-i''J'.l nnd the approprlntlnnn , $177-
' 0.4f.O. The lncr > n n of estimates for the
ext liflcxl year In 9t.1 , < li2,051 nnd o\cr the
mirnpriations ! of the iiroirnt jonr by f 82 ,
HV > 77.
WAKIIISOTON , December 1. The Star n.ajn
ovornor Crittcnden nml Lieutenant Gov-
rnor CampWll of Mlsiottti nro Loth horoln
/ofthlngton. Neither wm nwnre that the
.lior Intondoil to I A\O tha ntnto until tlioy
lot in thia city. At prefont Micnourl U
ithontnn oxecultve ( ! o\ernor Ctll-
ndcii Is here to ondcavor lo have the llnntil-
ai k St. Joe rnllroiid nv o ndvnncaj on the
n.kt't of the United Stntca supreme court ,
I'.Mttrt , December 1. I'rtOlmln.ary inquiry
to the ithootlug ThnrttUy ofMotln , by
[ ndnmo llngur * look place ycatordny
[ ndnme 111181104 in nculin matter of fact
nnner , nnrratod the iuo dontn attending the
looting , r ho Bald : "Morln passed mo with
i ariogint , dell.ant air , and T wna unable tu
iitnin myself , nn I tired , hitting him. Ho
hooted , dctcnbing n curve ntid I pumiod
m , 1 Io wna driven against thn wall , I con-
miud lo tire. Morin ruturnod ton-nnis the
liddlo of Uio galloiy , altvayn eeeklim to en *
ipa my liulletH. I wont tha fact
ml 1 wanted tj kill Iho wntcli. 1'or
vo ycnro ho has troubled my
cnce , nnd iiorxtatod in dishonoring
13" Mndniii Utigucs occnpicM the npiul-
outs In Iho Hi I nr.ani jiriaun formerly occu-
ed by l.oulso Micliol. Vuul Do Caanagnac
rites in tho.Mnttn , "what care I forthobciiy
' . a's.vnnin of
nn honor. Morln vraa n niur-
rror. In France , If people would onrn tha
ght to louk their neighbors In thi ) face they
mat be ready to slay. " Mudnin lltiguoa' bun-
jaiul nikod bin vylfo to bo alloAod to give bail ,
ut ttio nuthoriticD ruftiso the reuo t. The
motto TrlbunntiT , n tiromlnunt Ugnl journal ,
nmontfl the degeneration of the French man-
cm , which , it Buys , nro rapidly Uudlnft to-
ardbnrburiam. . The pnpor Bnyn ,
men's live. ) nr taken for n real or
nnglnary wrong nnd jurlp.1 honitnto to nfr-
orm their duties In deciding thn cnsu. It is
Bign nf rnpid national decay.
Morln'n condition Is hopelens , nothing nbort
T mlraclo can nr\vo hlmr > It nppunrH nil np-
against Moriu i y tlio tie
uilt that ho was living iu Dmasels , waa pen-
il'HH nnd unable lo p.iy Iho COB t of the jour-
oytol'jrls. llin counsel opposed the write
o Mo In tramped the wholu way for tlio pur-
OH" of attending court. Ilia friends declare
loiiu only acted In the cnunclly
f nn employe nt n piivnto
oiuii-y | ollico nnd wrote no insulting mlKilvea.
loriu polennily proclaims hla Innocenco.
Inci ) tin illvorcn law win nnictu I private in-
ulry ollictH became very obnoxious , hence
10 widoHpruadsyinpalhy forMitdam Huguea.
no of tha most nrintucratlc clnbn In the city ,
L n full mooting to-day , put to veto thu quns-
Ion "Whether Hunmni Hiigtiei should bu
iwtaiiurl ' in her notion ! " Thu vota was un-
uln'iouily for her nixiulltiil , Th < i woman'n
usbiind Bill ) rncelvoa poitnl cnrdi , oun of
vhich imputCH thnt ho trade * Iu his wife's
> o nty. It U hi'llflved that other Inquiry
IHccs are coutlnuit'g ' In thuh persecutions.
\VOm < I'ft IC.Yl'OSITIO.V.
iriTINn Ill\in POll TIIK OfKNINil AT NI W
N/.w UuucAXti , December 1. Director
lunornl IJurko nnd the bulldiug uninmiUou of
10 exposition , after n thorough Inflection o
11 buildings nnd machinery nnd grounds of
lie expoaltion , decided that there bo no delay
i opening , which tukoa pluco on the Cth of
Jecombcr. All the buildings lava
eon cumpletod except n few ekyllghts In ono
iiilldirig. The water supply from the Worth-
iiRton pumps In giving 1,1)00,000 ) gallons per
ny. Stouni will bo rnlucd In 4COO horBO
iiivviir bollorn , On Monday nll boilers nnd
JJj nginos l wilt bo In p 'pition. ( July Iwo linen
f Khaftlng rumuln to Lo erected , nnd
hey will bu finished by thu Kith.
linlblU nro nrrivlnjc tlni put two dayH , tnil
ip | to dutn nbnul IlOJcnronda ] have been re !
vived. Kxliibits uio now arriving nt the
ate of 100 crrloadn u day und the director-
general eHtinmten thai 2CCO car-ljudo will bo
iicoived bufuru Iho oiening | All tpaco allot
tni ( iient llrituin , 1'raucn Kunsln , ISolgluin ,
Auntiiu , Hungary , Itnly , Japnn , tJlnm , ( Jliinn
nd 'i'lirkny , Alixlco , ( innteinala , Salvador ,
> Bt.i Itlcn , llonilnr.'u , Jnmatcu and Uritlah
loi.dnni'i 1mvo L en locnttd with thu iiilnh-
IB nnd will ho full. TiqilUiny ) | ] of machinery
rom the foreign dnuntriua is vuiy line and is
npidly being placed In position. Kvory build-
iif ; in full to ovi'illowiug and further allott-
limit \vill only ba mndo im ekhlbltors who
mvu been allotted space fnll to accept within
propir tlmn. Now nprlfcallons
an only rncelvcd mibject tt > location in cane
of vne.ineloi occurring. Tbo illrectnr tjennral
announces that uxhlbitors fulling to Bund fur-
waul tholr iibi > ItH or liilln of hiding will fur-
fit their ' . Ivxliibltu 1
. . . Mpnci' will Iu received
until Iho day of opuiiln , C.UH run into thu
main , building und uio promptly dis harmed
nml placed < m exhibitors vpacu by tbo man-
tigorniint TbocoinnilflBioners of twenty-live
KtatoH und t nlloriort nro now in Now Oilcans
nnd , placing thu exhibit * In thu building for
the national "nvnrumeut and ntate .
lUtll'1811 l-HODUOIO.
LONDON , Dfcomber 1 ,
in weekly review of
inV the grain tradu says :
Wintry wiinther during the pant week has
utai th ? whunt market , nnd money Is
asked by holder * . Priccu Imro nl o Incronncd
ird thu prov incog , The vule * of English wheat
during the pa t week were lIS5 ! ( ) ! nuartoiB , nt
'li fid per < imrtor' ngulimt 73-101 ijuarterH nt
'liIr < ) 2il per quarter fur the correi'pniiiJiiig weak
Intt jnnr Fqnilgn wheat is In better Inquiry ,
American bpring mid jed y.r
wheat liave gtinerv
ally ndvnncrd in J.lvorpool , On Iho oil . list
trndo tlio nurkut In firmer , N' lien nuking high. ;
c r ; prifcn , but biiywn dtclino to roHpond.
TwiihoniKoeshavu arrived , two Hold , two
withdrawn und nine iiiimtned Twelve ulf
conatcatgCBH nro duo. In trndo for cart-oeK on
or for ulilpinent the touo of the mar
kutlbflctUa Kluiir Is dull nnd slow. Maize
HIMICO mid ir.nrkot nguimt bnyeiB , [ IB
qulut Mid fituady. Outs lilgher ,
CHICAUO , Dccumbor 1. The genernl innnn-
Koro of the ClilciRO and MlasGiir ! Uiver lines
remimcd twian to day to conaidor the b.nU
for tin refltonitlori of pnMi < nK r ratm bu-
twocn Iho polnln named. After nn nll day
BtBilon they adjourned till to-morrow without
hnvlntr rMclwd an ugroement. Tim matter
it H mtliitltiito for thoiiiMcU mile tkketi was
dUimued ni lingth la the ineuiitima the
war on rated continue * . TickoU from St.
IOUH ! io Ohloago ilropiied to-day to 31 and
nonlpciri were lelllng them t fifty cunU t
J/oui Chlciigoto Ut. J.ouU the roade were
dolling it Wiid brokum at Sl.r.O.
'flio Kutoofun Autliorotu.
Jioai'ON ' ' , Jccomber 1 , Mr . Maiy Went.
wo'rth was probably fatally iliot in her apart
ments ou Joy iitroet. Hpr husbsnd from
xhoui > ho haa been HeparatvU i ntupectod.
DUIILIN , Deoember l. John '
O'Connor , |
and I'M ' " I4"1 IIU bflflu " 'J0 ' - 11 ' "oyor of Dublin , I
en , e lotulist , mayor of Cork.
flic Oping Wtef on tlio Chicago
stoci and GraiD Markcls.
Ohoicn Oftttlo Alone Maintain
Firm Prines ;
Hogs I r the Week on a Pe-
i td
! ons Aasamo a Stnb-
, 5a Uullnoss ,
Corn Def | led hy the Liberal
OntN Dull niul Bhatlo Kn > lcr
I'ork AilvnncoH Lnrtl
Hulca Flint ,
Special Telegram lo THE BCB.
CIIIUAOO , December 1 , Among the fresh
arrivals wore about 203 cars of Toxnus and M )
cars uf western * , nitMtly from Montana. Tlio
XNIIH on aalo wore of the poireat quality ,
mining which were old cows nnd other acala-
waga that sold nronnd about 2 102 2nnd
Btoora nt 29fi@t2i. : ! JJcst solid corn foJ
nntlvcR nmnglug 1000 nnd thoroaboula , equal
to good holiday beef , may bo quoted nt G 60 ®
0 7ft. Fair to good atoera of 1400 nnd there
about ] fi 70 a 0 00. Prices on all common cattle ,
are easy but choice fat cattle remain firm.
Good to choice , i200@1350 lt . ,52. > ffiGOO.
Common lo fair , I000g ( > l200 Ibs. , 4 25(5)5 ( ) 00.
Inferior to fair COWB , 1 25@2 00. Texan *
oMtor at 8 00@3 85. Sales : 91 Montana- ,
1240 H.S. , 4 00 ; 63 Montnnaa. 1137 Ibj. , 4 40 ;
IC-IMonUnas , 1101 Ihi , 4 05.
Tlioniorkol was active hut 101C : lower
than on Saturday , Common nnd rough puck-
em Bold nronud nboui $1 00 © 1.15 ; fair to good
packers at $ t.20 < 4.26 , nnd beat heavy , In
cluding rhiladolphlaa , ? 4.3J@4 33 , with a
londortwo tJ.37i Light torts sold dowi
aa low aa ? 3.874 to 84.10 fur sklpa and com
mon , nnd $41034.20 for Yorkers nnd rood
tincon grades. Packing nnd shipping , 240 n
310 Ibs. Jl.20@4.35 ; light , 103@215 Ibs , $1.03
@ 4.30.
Notwithstanding foreign advices of n favor *
nblo tenor thnt Uiuindic.iUoii were for n strong
fueling nnd nn ndvanco of n slxponco on aorno-
rrndoa , the local market ruled weak and
lower. The chief ciuso was the continued
liberal receipts of spring wheat nt receiving :
points. Speculative offerings lo realize were
largo , under which prices declined with only
alight thicttinllonft. The market opened firm
but weld oil itoadlly nt Jc , fluctuated nnd
cloved on the regular fie under iSalurdny. Tbo
foaling in Iho afternoon Bastion was lii mcrnnd
prices ruled aBhndohighcr. The market clos
ing nt 738c for Dccombjr , 73jo fur January ,
7ljo for 1'ebnury , 7H o for May ,
The rnnrkut wan fairly active , but weak , nud
price * lower , Influenced by thu liberal rocoipts.
lllomnrlcnt opened n nhida onalcr and priceii
declmod i@i'Ci Miy not docllclm-to the Kimo
i xtonl mi near deliveries The market closed
on th regular board within Jcnf iutido fi iuea.
Oil the nttyrnoon bjanlatiim r feeling pro-
vnihl ( nnd n hlleht inlvnnce. foliowd , tha
kit cln-inir nt Ji.'t'i for tlio
you , iH\o for Jan-
niry , 31 3 for Kobruary , Sli is for Af y.
OA/T.1 /
rilled dull nn 1 n hade oisl r , I'loilng at 21jc [
for Dacomber und January , 23 : or Mny.
opened a bade lower , rilliad , nnd cloiod Orm ,
nt nil ndynuco of Saturday' cloilnij li nrn * ;
$10 9D for January , f 11 02i for February.
wan firm , cloiinjrnt S0i7i ( for Dwmbsr ,
$8 72J for January , § 0.8 4 for Kobruary.
Jiuai.iNOTON , Iowa , December 1. Karly
ycatcrday morning two car-loads of artidiw
collected In Iowa lor the Now Orleans exposi
tion wore almost completely destroyed by tht >
collision of p irti of a broken train n few mileo
north of thin city. Tha cars contained n largo
number of pilntingH , oinbroldortulas aud spno-
liniim of woinen'd work collected by Mr
Scott wliich ore either totally deatroycd or
damngcd beyond repair , nnd thu loss cannot
bi cumputtu. The articles dontroyed -
biHI repre-
Htnted the collostion of womeu'd work , and
tliU depnrtm'jnt of lowuM will in conseiuouco |
IK a failure. Among the other articles do-
Btroyod are snedn , crains , vegetables , a largo
exhibit of canned from '
ciP1 torn Cedjr b'ulU ,
pumps from Uedar Falls , oatmeal in p ck..p _
aud bulk from Diibuqua , MuecjvUno and Cedar
Hapidri , saclcHof ( lourfrom ol hty-livo countieH
IiC the btalfl Uomminflioners Suoiillor and
Chase , who have spint iho lost two inontha
in } | making these collections , aru hero , tnwu-
fi rrlnq the demorali ad exhibit to olhef cars ,
and at Now Orleans tha damaged articles will
. l > o . . . ropilrod , if poaalblo , and placed on exhi-
"ttioa ,
IOWA CITT , December 1. OcmmWone. .
1'nrrall ' , uiwn hearing ot the accident to Ih
portion o'l the Iowa exhibit , immediately
opened telorut > hla communication with Uoy-
ouior aiiornmn nnd Ida county commiealoners ,
and strenuous efforts will be made to replace
thnt part which IIUH been destroyed. Not
withstanding thu accident , the Iowa commls-
ion left thu ufturnoun on the llurllngton
Cedar Itajilda t-ud Northern railroad for New
Orleans , A number of the county commia-
sloners of lewnero on board. The first
Bt nuii.lxr ) of the Dally lowan , the World's Ex-
paBitloh t edition of tfie Iowa City Ilepublican.
wat ) etruck ulf UK the train left the depot and
dlttributed It to thouo 6u board and to thu
If crowd gathered in the depot , A newspaper
ollicn , with editorial nnd p.eea room , hat bean
fittuil up in a special car. The paper will bo
Issued each day on the road down , On arrivIng -
Ing at Now OiloarjH the cllico will bu trana-
fnrrod to the
exposition grounds , and the
Daily lowun bo Ismiod during the contlnuanco
of the exposition.
i Colon lea
IONDON , December 1. The government ro-
culyed the news that amicable
had been arrived arrangements
nt between Ihu
of Capo Colony and the UOOJB. government
In tha houfco of lords
today Karl Derby ,
ic'crntory of etata for the colnjuen , announced
that the govnruraent intended
to inlroduco
bill during Ihe present > es i < m of Farliameut ,
eatabliiihlrig the confederation of Australasia.
Tlio IVeok'a CloiiranocM.
HOSTON , December J. The Ijadinff clearing
honieaof the United Stated rep-rt tha grogs
exchnngoB of the week , ending November 29 ,
were ! ( /yj , SOOS-l , n docreate of 10.6 per cent
compared with the
corresponding week A year
K .
Dairy FroJucm
iu.rN : , III. , December 1. Che ee quiet ,
regular Jules , 600 boxes part iklms 7J8jc ;
liutter ] Wfalc , leguUr n len 1000 pounds at 21M
' -
i - private ulcwi 6000 boiea chee e.