Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1884, Image 8

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' '
_ , VO..S.Thti'i whu some of tlio sUto mtnuUcturen Mil A "Club , " but wo roll it "our 1I H
. . , . "hM ! ? rlnf ( steel twttnms corrugate I mank. It Is ( ml nickel palcil Tno bottom I * < hi\vO I
'o nt the iiolo of thoihoo orb ' . HIiH
ot perfect' ) , thtrobyttchlnir ttio foot Itce md natural action.
io clampMdllxht > ttor Instep or licol > tran "Toe heel strain are preforrabls to heel chmp In
"MJlojMs , astlmlr jisntijr and stroiRthon the ankle often riretentlog i rlom and Jialnlnl accident * . It
'noOnrat ' looking lc te In the nurkct , ami one tluvila mite to pleuo. It hn jiuto Turkey ItiXffflod
n l < wliilr | biuhlucj ( the/aro 21 InohMlndlnnetofatuI every srlnpl portD't < tru > , ovh p lr Inn -
" . ! , " n sr > * ratebof. H e ItaB. I ttNaovrya full line of mma nkate In fill i-rap oo.l boltnnvi and
lull linerMlextriiand amill and Ur o brm lined whtoX Wrlto for iitlcoi TVtmit Onc-tlilnl ea h
jeooii ) | > anjlniorJirillanco ; ntO. O. I.1 II. I * MII.OKltVMl rn Acjnt , 1UW , 1'ourtli Atenu
* uocil U.uH , Iowa.
of iho Beat and largest Stocks in the United St&tot
to select from.
Ara the Cheapest. Most Durable , Smallest in Si/e and Lightest in
W ih no Hay Prcesscs of any kind can the amount oJ work tiroJuocd at such littlecx | nw , ( ton tone p ! hny
nd over to load railroad box car , ) as can bo done lth tlio Kitcl Improtcil Machines. WarrrnnUd or neal
al For Illu-trafd now circular uddro 8. OKU. EKTEI , & CO. . ljulncy. llllt cl' .
Uoontlcn Omaha Dec. a Hem Kstabllihed In 180 ? .
1013 Jones Street } ASK FOH RKD cuoas. { OMAHA KEB
Dormef trtndcnre , FloUU , Window C pa , Iron Oreitln s , Metallic Sky-llght , 4c. Ho , Inm'knd BU e
( BIO Bontb 12th Street Omah * Nebruk * .
NOTICE. Special a vertlsements , sue as Lost ,
found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board
ing , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
fate of TEN CENTS 1'ER TJNE for the first Insertion
and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent n-
ertlon. t/cavo advertisements at oar office , No.
Pearl Street near Broadway
Jj vd by Ficldmau , (41 llrjadwa ) .
AND WOOD-Georgellcaton , 628 llroid-
wsy. telln coal , nd WOCHI tit reasonable price ,
elrci'OLO Ibs. fai a ton , aud 123 cubic lot 'a coid ,
'Jry linn.
L'OIl hAIi"1 Planu , II. K. Heamin , 1'upcr , Urtoks
J1 ana Statlor.o y , Counol llhilld.
Tj > UK8ALF OU KENT Iho Orvis 1'acklug bouse
_ ! ' and machinery , I > catod In this city. Uaparit }
360 hogg pe day , Uilcll & Day.
WANTED Every body in Council Bluffs to take
Timlin * . Delivered by carrier at only twenty
ointl a week.
OLD PAPERS-Foi sale at Bn OIEoo. at SB oenta
a hundred
Attorneys-at-Law ,
Otfic Maln Street , Rooms 1 and Z Shugart & Ho-
-Uahon'j Block. WU1 practice In SUto and Federa
fc *
Lais ?
Lips ,
AT |
2 : ) Main BtreotI - . Council Bluffs
Mrs HJ
, , , HOtoji.Hj , ,
St. Charles Hotel ,
Pcrar ttory brick , juirt erected on 0. itrrot , b -
tw n 7th and 8ih trrft . Klneit fumlibed , Lost
Md most -wn Wo print d haiio * t the Caultol.
W rillilopoU. MKS. KAIKCOAKUJY ,
DOT&.COO Jro IVoprieto
Railway Time Table.
The following ro the tlmoa of the arrival and de
parture of trains by central standard time , at the
local dfpotn. Trains leave transfer depot ten nun
utsa culler and arrive ten mlnutea later.
6S6pm : Chicago Express 8:00 : a m
9iO : a m Faet Mall. 7:00 : p rr
7:10au : > t'Mall and Kiprcss , 7 ! < 3pm
12:20 : p m Accommodation. S : < JO p m
'At local depot only.
0:03 : m Mail and Kxprcsi ) , ( J 56 p m
8:15 : pra 1'adllc ICxprosa , t:45unj :
S : 6 p m Exprcna , DOS : a m
9:2 : ! m Express , C:55 : p m
6:25 : p m Atlantic Express , 8,05 a m
9:2S : a m Day Exprt-Di1 , Bfrl : p m
7 : 0 a m * Dea Molncs Accommodation , 0:16 : p m
At local depot only ,
6:10 : pm Aocommodat.ou Q.onam
1:30 : p m Louis Kxprosa 8:45 : p m
1:60 : p in Chicago Expruas I0:6i : a m
At Transfer only
CHICAGO and Nonrnwrarnui.
6 6) p m Expreai , 0:50 : p m
9:26 : a m Pacific Express B:06 : a IE
7i40 p m St. Paul Express , 0fX ; ) a nt
MO a m Day ExpreBS 7.03 p m
8:00 : p m Western Exprtuu , 8JO : a m
11:00 : a m I'aulfio Exprces , < : < 0 p rr
12:10 : am Lincoln Express , 1:14 : pm
At Transfer only. *
Leave 7:20-8:30-0:30-10:80-11:40 : : : : : a. m. 1:80-S : :
5:80-4EO-6SO-flSO-ll:05 : : : : : p. m Hunday-7:20 :
9:50-11:10 : : a. m. l:30-BSO : : t > :3nl:30llo5 : : : p. m.
A tv 10 mlnu'is hefuro leavIcK time.
From transfer only.
rnoi. omcis. u. n. COSIT ,
Oonncll Bluda U.
Establishea - - 7556
Dealer ! la Foreign and omeatlo Exchange an
Cobs , Coal * Wood
3E1. 19 ,
I1. O.addrw , Lock llox 1103 , Council Illuffn ,
3Dr , W. H. Shorradon
Masonic Temple ,
Oonncll Bluffs Iowa.
Justice of fle Peace.
www * wi * > ufeUi C *
An Kient In "Which Cc < lnr
and Council HlufTn Are Allko
littcrcNted ,
The tnnrrlago of J , F. Kimball , of this
city , to Miss Louloo Orcono , of Oodar
ll.ipids , occurred nt the rcaidonco of thu
bride's parent * in the later city on
Thanksgiving night. Mr. Kimball is of
the roa'l estatenud loan firm 01 KimbMl
& Champ , and Is ono of the loading
young men of this city , bath in business
and social circles. The following details
of the wedding are taken form the Cedar
lUpida Republican :
Ifivory window in the hospitablu homo
of Mr.Vm. . Greene , on Fourth avenue ,
was ablasso with lights Thursday evening ,
while nt the west end a calcium lamp
hung like a great star , nnd the tall trees
stood out in the darkness vivid end lumi
nous. The wldo double doors of nil the
rooms opening from the hall had been
takotl oil' , nnd evergreen arches , cool nnd
rojtful , supplied their places. The li
brary , Blttiug-room , parlor nnd dining-
room were thus connected , nnd they were
exquisitely decorated with festoons of the
same beautiful foliage. In ono corner of
the parlor au evergreen arch formed n
sort of ruatio temple , bahind it wna n bank
oflljwois , and under the nrch swung a
canopy of rose buds nnd stovln. On the
inantlo near by was n bank of carnations
nnp rose quds with n square center of rod
: arnatious in which the monogram l'G.
K. " was delicately inwrought in pink nnd
white bouvnrdia. On either side n vaao
stood brimming over with call a lilies , in-
torwovou with sir.ilax. Over ttiogroat. pier
; laas was woven a tnatoful llurnl design ,
while in front of it wns suspended a large
loral heart pierced with nn arrow with n
) lood-rod borb. In the dining
room , over the largo center table , hung
i ball of largo size , while on the tables
and throughout the rooms were scattered
oxijuiaito designs in the sumo fragrant
) uds and blooaouis , our opaco nlono coin-
idling us to omit n full description. The
iccaaion of this elaborate preparation ,
his cxquiaito display of tasteful orna-
uouts , was the mttrriago of Ljuiie , the
Inuijhterof Mr , nnd Mrs. Win. Greene ,
o Mr. J. 1 < \ Kimball of Council Blufl'a
3arto blanche had ecidontly boon given
o the llotiat , Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. G. ilig-
cy , and their art had found its most per-
oct cxprosaion in the beautiful decora-
ions which nt all points excited admit-
ng comments. When the hour at which
ho ceremony wns to bo performed
: ad arrived , over two hundred guests
md assembled , the ladies and gentlemen
n full dress , and many of the toilets
ilaboiato to an unexampled degree. At
nat the bridal party descended , the full
orchestra playing the cquislta wedding
narchfrom Tatmahausor. Maator Johnny
Mills nnd Woodio Greene preceded the
jridal party nud taking their places nt
, ho door of the parlor waited until the
arrival of the head of the procession ,
when they crossed the room to the
canopy , bearing and unreeling behind
; ham ribbons , thus forming nn open
lansago for those- who followed. Tlion
caino llev. Samuel Rincgold , In the full
robes of his oflice , followed by the ushota
Messrs. Chas. A. Ilras , W. F. Sapp , jr. ,
J. H. Craig.ll J. Evans , of OouncilBluOs.
J. P. Kimball , the groom , followed ,
leaning upon the arm of his boat man ,
Will 11. Morritt , of Dos Moines. Mrs.
3roeno upon the arm of E. Brinsmaid.
The bridesmaids , the Mi > sos Fannie
Grceno , Carry , Jessie nnd Mary Higloy ,
Hattlo Bolt and Libbio Greene , followed.
Then came little Barbara and Mary
Martol , who from baskets on tholr nrrns
strewed flowers in the path of the bride ,
who followed upon the arm of her father.
The bride was dressed in white satin ,
Its creamy surface embroidered in seed
pearls , while a full train foil in graceful
folds upon the carpet , A long veil
swept to the iloor , and in her hand she
carried a bouquet of white rosebuds.
Sweeping across the wldo room the pariy
were grouped about the nrch under
which the impressive nnd beautiful eorvico
of the Episcoprl church was rendered
with great effect. Following the usual
congratulations which succeeded the ceremony -
mony itaolf carao the banquet. The
tables seated forty guests nt a time , nnd
when full delicately colored ribbons were
latticed across und no others could enter.
At an early hour the guests departed ,
the newly married couple taking tho10 ! )
: rain for the east on a live weeks' wedding
tour , which will extend as for cast as
Wusnington nnd ns far south as Now
This was signalized ono of iho moat no-
nble events of the season. The lady
who is now Mra. Kimball , and who be
comes a member of Council Bluffi society ,
tias long boon ono of the belles of this
oity , nnd her departure from our midst ,
while followed by warmest congratula
tions , will bo Horlouaiy regretted by hun
dreds of friends hero who have known
lier from onrly childhood or formed n
friendship in later years.
Seal , Sacque and Fur Trimmings. M.
Bros , '
A Cull lor lluCiii-m In GiiMoniH Con
ccrnliiK Iteruavcincnt.
At St. Paul's church yesterday morn
ing the rector , Rev. T. J. Mackoy , gave
his hearers some practical remarks on a
rather dollcato subject that of cuetoma
In regard to funerals. Ilo ohoBo for hit
text paBHigos descriptive of the last end
of the great patriarch Jacob , and how the
people mourned him aovon days , and the
elaborate arrangements made by Joseph
exproaaivo of the great grief felt at his
father's death. To the Hob row , death
meant on eternity of rest after a lifetime
of work. There was no idea of heaven ,
no clear conception of future life , or the
resurrection. It wns oimply "being
leathered to his fathers. " For
thouiinda of years Job's question :
' 'If a man die shall he live again'ra-
ma'tned unanswered. There were
developing thoughts of the litu beyond ,
but they only budded into maturity
under the light of Onristianity , and oven
when Chriat epoko so clearly In regard
to resurrection ho waa misunderstood by
hit hearers. All those ancient , and the
Oriental nations , thought dying waa a ro-
trogroaaion , a going down , arid death asa
loss. Bettor bo slave
a a hero than a
king in hades. They apoko of death
only with a wall of Badness , but with
the dawn of Christianity all doubt
jndeJ. There were no moro " .fa , " but
a glad shoot of triumph. The very orig-
nal nf the word resurrection did not mean
"cow'ng up again , " but an aicont from
down by ( loath.
After setting forth In detail the com
forttng fnith of the Ohrutinn , the epeako
commented upon the inconsistency o
Christian people mourning AS those with
out hope , There should bo rejoicing tha
the bnbo is taken from the sin nnd toll o
cntth. The mother knows that the doa
child is moro blossrd to learn from auqe
s the story of Christ which foil ao
oring from her. It was far bettor for thi
ngcd saint to depart Mid bo nt rest. Al
this wns what Christians were siipposec
o bollovo , but yet the customs of Inner
als did not indicate that this conception
md really taken hold of the hearts. The
ears shod , thu habiliments cf mourning
rffar , indicated that there was no hope ,
ind that there woa n clinging to the outgrown -
grown llobrow 5do . Death wns In fact
m entrance to n fuller nnd freer life , but
his conception had not become such a
iving force ns ono would expect after so
nany centuries of Christian teaching
Missionaries had boon sent to leach the
heathen , but the honthon could eontt mis
olouariea to tench Christians better ideas
of immortality , in ftt least the ciu-
toms common to times of bereavement.
The Chinese nl tlmoa of deaths were
whito. Blue nnd brown were used by
some of the Oriental natives. The Mo
hammedans were forbidden to wear
mourning , because of the faith that In
death ns In nil else "Ood is good. " The
Egyptians mod yellow , the color indica
tory of oxultntion , but Chris tiniu , who
nlono are taught clear ideas of the future
nnd nlono have the doctrine of the resur
rection nud the life , wont black. Arbi
trary fashion dictates that the poor , frnil
body of the loved ono shall bo docked iu
rich roboa , placed in ft costly motnllio
casket , followed to the gr.ivo by n long
string of cnningoe , thn friends wcnring
heavy crepe , nnd nftor the funornl n Inrgo
expensive monument nut at bo raised to
mark the spot where lies only the mould
ering body.
To the speaker's mind it suomod that
the chief object of ninny funerals wns to
see how expensive they could bo mado.
Often times ouih extravagance deprived
living of iioodod comforts , or plunged
them hopelessly in debt. A reform was
needed In this respect nnd it must bo the
wealthy who should start Iho reform , for
.hey would not bo charged with parsi
mony , nnd the poor readily follow the
bullion of the rich. Extravagance shall
jo done ( may with , and while it wns
iroppr nnd natural to grieve , yet the
Christian's grief should uot bo that deep
'loom felt by these who had no hopo. If
jlack must bo worn lot no crepe appear ,
except , perhaps , ou the day of the funer
al. Why not lot grief bo expressed liy
; roy , tlio absence of jewelry nud ornn-
iiouts , ni well na by black nnd ostenta
tious showings of sorrow ? There were
societies for the prevention of cruelty to
inimala , tlioro were various reform asso
ciations , all doing good , but n
society should bo organized
"or the widows nnd orphans
'rom the demands of society that they
ihould yield up their little means to swell
.ho prolita of the undertaker.
Another reform waa in exposing the
remains of loved ones to the gaze of curi
ous and gaping Crowds , This vna a priv
ilege for the near and dear friends only ,
and should bo guarded sacredly. Charles
Dickens'instructions in regard to his own
funeral are worthy of imitation. Ilo
wished no public announcement of time
or place , no pomp , or expense beyond the
needful , no black scarfs , and only three
plain coaches. It ) was right to show grief ,
but Christiana should not allow their ox-
prc&cions of sorrow to hldo the real mean
ing of the Christian hope.
In closing , the speaker called attention
to the beauty and comfort of Iho teach
ings of Christianity as shown in the ritual
for the burial of the dead , end how In
contrast with these tpachingsworo the ex
travagant manifestations of sorrow.
Overcoats aud Suits. Best styles. M.
Bros. '
The Dos Moines rapids , canal at Kco-
knk waa closed the Siid , ' 'for the season.
This will close navigation on the upper
river. Tbo boats are now nearly all in
winter quarters.
Tyler CtiintnlnKB I'ntH JIlniKuU' Oul
or the Ilcncli oflllH
Tyler dimming ; , who is pretty well
known among the nowapapor ollicoa at
loint , has bcon extending his acquaintance
hero at least , by the peculiar way in
which ho embarked in the clothing busi
ness , and peculiar manner iu which ho
haa forsaken it. Lately ho opened up
hero what ho claimed to bo n branch of
Wanamakcr & Brown's great clothing
eatabliahment , and claiming to bo their
agent , commenced taking orders for
Bulta. About a week ago ho suddenly
disappeared , and numerous creditors arc
now mourning his absence. It is now
claimed that ho was in no sonao an agnnt
for the lioiiao named , but that ho was
simply soliciting for ciders , on commis
sion , for an Omaha agent. It is rumored
that ho has gene to Texas and will not
return to Council lilufb. Do has a wife
and little child hero , as well as mother
and they are reported as being
sorely in need of his earnings to procure
the nccoeaarics of life. Cuinmlngs is an
active , smart young nun , but does not
seem to stick to any ono buHiness very
long. It is said that in gutting credit
hero under the pretence of being an
agent for Wanatnaker ct Brown that ho
has laid himiolf liable .to the law , and
HOIIIO of those who got nipped will at *
tempt to give him the benefit of tlio law
should ho return.
Special sale of cloaks for ono week.
Thoao cloaks must bo diapoiod of , as wo
cannot carry them over and will Bell
them at greatly reduced pricee. Oocuu
& Morgan , 347 Hroodway.
Order hard wood of P. Ovorton.
Sins Wouldn't Menu m II ,
Ho was a married man , blctsedor
the opposite , as the reader may deter
mine -with an extremely jealous wifo.
Ono evening not long slnoo ho seized a
chance opportunity to do escort to n
charming miaa of awoot sixteen , whoso
blue eyes and dark drooping lathes ox-
orclacd a glamor over every man who
happened to coino within ratigo of their
charm. At laut her homo was reached ,
and as they paused at the gate the maiden
turned her lovely orbs full upon him and
said ;
"I am so grateful for your kinduoen ,
sir ! "
"Don't mention it , I bog of you , " ho
ejaculated , gallantly ,
' 'Very likely the unsophisticated
maiden misunderstood the motive of his
remark , fur aho quickly answered , In n
reassuring tone :
"Oh , I certainly won't sir , as long as
I live , if you don't wiah inu tu ! "
nmivnui M
Ex-Senator Gale-
- Dorscy Briefly -
lie DIotrlliiitcH 111 * CilllolsniB With
lixlrt'ino Iitbotnitty on Kvofy *
In Hluht Nnthlnit
Non-coiiiinllal Alioitt
A apocinl front St. Louis gives the fol
lowing Interview with S. W. Doraey : Ho
was A kcd :
"What ilo you think of Mr. lllaino's
course in stumping the various etntojf '
" 1 bollovo the ablest man alive is the
man whoso tongue 1ms boon cut oil' , and
that tlioro is no genius so great that it
will lighten up ttio common good sense
that controls our pooplo. The chances
are more than oven that when a candi *
date for n great olllco attempts to advo
cate his own claims ho will make more
mistakes than corrections. The French
liavo a maxim , 'oxcuso s'accuao. ' The
moment Mr. Ulnlne opened his mouth ho
niulo the mlstako of ilofonao. NVhen ho
wrote the letter about his family ho made
.ho mistake of accusation ; ho niaclo every
woman in the country fool that there
was n basis for n fa ! so charge. What hu
ought to have done was to have pointed
o his children , his grandchildren and his
iimily and his life for forty years. It
ras the d deal Idlotlo thing and coat
1,000,000 votoe. "
"How do you explain the result in In
diana ? " ho was asked.
"How do 1 explain it ! How would
. ou explain the diU'ori'iico between the
mmlng of n cord of hickory and n cord of
soft pine ? Indiana is a state of Intolli-
; once , nud is BO evenly divided in its po-
itlcal vlnwa that the tip of o hair on
nithor side will cany it. "
"How about llurchardi"
" 1 don't know him , but 1 will make a
'onturo ' that ho wears n sixteen boot and
\ four hat. A I'rotestitnt clergy man with
10 moro oon80 than to talk about
lomantsm in an improper wny hnen't the
Icconcy to bury his mother. 1 have
argo sympathy for such molt on the
ground solely of tliplr littleness and nar-
ownoss. In Now York city , where 1 had
nn oUico for fifteen years , 1 think it safe
o Bay that every great enterprise , every
nibllc endowment , all the progress came
rom the Catholics and Jews. Then to
lear this follow talk is to my mind
; oed deal Ilka the lion that tried to lay a
oose-epg. Slio injured herself , and
iroko the egg. "
"Do you think it time that Mr , lilaino
hould retire from iiolitice1 ?
'All I know is , that ho has boon ro-
ircd. "
"Do you think Mr. Arthur could have
jooii elected } "
"Tho best ansrror I can make to that
a that wo find It easier In mir own
ountry to 'round up' common nnd tame
loof than likely and nctivo stcorp. Wo
refer an easy round up , but the ditliculty
a the beef is no good when you got it. "
"What do you think of Mr. Elklus'
nanagomout of the canvass ? "
'I have always admired the great
jonofit that comes from baby farming.
L'ho trouble in this case Rooms to bo that
ho milk wasn't good. I presume Elkins
was furnishing all the wet nursco teats
rom his brain. Whether the toots or
the brain was short 1 am not sure. Boys
n short dresses shouldn't try to bo school
niaatora. Pretension defraudH none but
ho pretenders. Between pretensions
and idiocy there is no lining. "
Ilo was then naked if ho thought
Dlovoland would make a good president ,
and replied :
"Well , 1 dint know. 1'vo hoard it
aaid thatvi..oa hold up trees , but my be
lief is the vines hold up the loaves. Dan
Manning and Joe Pulitzer nnd the other
slaters of charity will have to yank that
cradle pretty lively to keep the baby
awake , but from my experience with
them I know their power of yanking. "
TlioGovt-riiornlilp of Montana
WASHINGTON , U. 0. , November L'/i. /
Joseph X. Towlo , the now delegate from
Montana , who succeeds Martin Mngln-
nls , is from St. Joqoph , Mo. "Young ,
handsome , a bachelor , and eminently
qualified for the position , " is the way the
retiring delegate describes him. Mr
Maglnnia made something nero than a
formal call at the executive mansion this
afternoon , and wns accompanied by Ac
eiatant Postmaator General Crosby , late
Uovernor of Montana. The place
which Crosby vacated is still open.
Crosby is a warm personal friend
of the president aud Maginnis sustains n
similar relation to the ox governor. It
is not diflicult to draw conclusions us to
the meaning of this afternoon's visit.
The retiring delegate is a Democrat ,
but nn ex led oral ollicor and a Grand
Army man. la making Mnginnls gov <
ernor the president would lonvo ono np
pointco not likely to bo disturbed by the
new administration , and nt the naino
time would put into practical operation
fur the first time since the Chicago con
vention that plunk in the platform favor
ing roeldontB of the territory for terri
torial appointments.
loy ! on HluyulrN.
WflHliington Letter to tlio l'liiliulolhlft | ) Jtcc
or < l.
The Western Union Telegraph ofiico
hero is utilizing the bicycle in the delivery
livery of mouaagcs very successfully. It
has four bicycles whish the messenger
hoys keep in motion all day nnd ni ht.
You never see moro than two in thpellicc
at ono timo. The managers nro delighted
with them. They save boys , time and
money. A moisengor on ono of thoeo
machines goes from the oflico of the tel
cgreph company , oppoalto the Treasury.
to the boundary of the city , perhaps a
mile and n half away , and back inside
dozen minutes.
IJo Had Iti-eii I
Kentucky Htatu Jnurnnl ,
It wait just two o'clock in the morning ,
and hu had just got homo.
"Woll , goodness gruclousl" exclaimed
his wife , as eho sat up in bed. "Whal
has happened ? Where have you boon } "
"Boon ? Boon [ hie ] paintin' . "
"Painting I In the name of goodnots
what have you bnon painting ? "
"I'aintin1 the [ hie ] town red , Jinny. "
"Painting thu town red ! It looks
moro as if you were painting your HOBO
red. "
Then ho fell acrpjs the foot of the bed
a live corpse , and she spoke on just as il
hu could hoar her.
He Wtiv Ailbt
Denver Nowrt.
"I was paislng your house last evenIng -
Ing , " ho went on , "and stood at the gate
a moment to hoar you play. 1 think you
arn Improving if any improvement is
possible , " ho added , politely.ILasl
evening ? " ehn naked , "Yes , about ' .
o'clock. " "You nro mistaken. I was n !
the opera lust ovunlng , " she said , in a
strained voice , as she accepted an invita
tion to dunce from another gentleman.
"It wan the mau tuning the piano you
heard. "
1513 DOUGLAS ST : , OMAHA : 1
Commencing Monday , November 24th.
OonsistiDg of Picture Frame
Mouldings , Picture Frames ,
EngravingsPaintiDgs , , Water
Colorsi Photographs , Station
ery , Pooliot Books , Purses.
Ladle * ' Shopping Bags , Sorap
Books , Alhums , Statuary , Ar
tists'Materials ' , GroldBronze ,
Plush and Velvet Cabinet
Frames , Brackets , Comb and
Biush Sots , Jewel Oases ,
Work Boxes , Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes , Order
Sets. Birthday , Christmas
and Now Tear Cards , and a
Great Variety of Fancy
Goods and "Novelties Adapt
ed to tlio Holiday Trade ,
Have You Pictures
to Frame
If so , this IB nn oj'p rlunitv of a
lifu-timo to get thorn done iu tlio
b-st of sh lo , nud nt price * d-Jyhig
nil compolUion. I have the Imyoit
mid finest stock oE the i\bo u { , oals ,
iu the ci'j' ' , having niudo my oniirn
Ilblidiiv I'tuclmscB boCoru do.iding
to refc're from the business. Failing
health cotrpols ILO to make n
clmugo imil iu oitl r to cl sa out
my stock at once , I oiler 'without
reserve , bnrgnins m every line finch
aa will icHiiro n speedy Halo. TluB is
the Greatest Opportimilv e\vr tf-
t'orcd to the citi/.eiiH of Omaha and
surround net towns fc ) fohct their
Ilo'iday Goods. Como at once and
oo convinced Hint every article of
fered is a b.irgniu.
h Diploma of Honor , Medal of Merit ,
Power , Eiohnoss and Svmpathotio Qualitv of Tone ,
Elegance and Durability of1 "Workmanship.
Pronounced by t/io Artists anil the Press , both at home and in
Europe , as the
Sweetest Toned Piano Ever Made.
General Western Agents :
1 409 and 1411 Dodge St. . { Omaha , Neb