IITT n > k \ THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS MONDAY DECEMBER 1 15Si. THE DAILY BEE idOUNCIL BLUFFS Monday Morning Dooombor 1 SUBSCRIPTION IIATK8. By Carrlei - - - - - - -W ) e nt per w * By Mall - - - - - - - - 110.00 per y a OFFICE : Ho. T P rl Street , Hear Broadway. MINOS MENTION , Slaughtering prices at Bliss * . n. R , Stewart , artist , at Chapman'r. See J. Roitor'a now utock of clothe , Ladies' stationery at out prices at Sea man's closing out salo. Remember the closing out aalo o cloaks at II. Frlodman'a , 'Ml Broadway Blank booka and all oflico stationery at low prices nt Soatnan'a closing ou aalo. The great slaughtering of millinery will boging to-day at J. J. Bliss' . There were no preaching services at the Congregational church yesterday. The paid nro department is to giro a masquerade on the evening of the 23d. The BlufT City Typographical union gives Ita third annual ball Christmas nigh- . 1'crmit to. wed has boon given A. 0. Hay ward , of Downsvillo , and Kato Jonoa of Lovoland. If you want fine portraits for the holi days place your order early with Stewart , the artist. Don't wait. The Carleton English opera company to-night give "Tho Drum-Major's ' Daughter" at the opera houso. At a union Thanksgiving service at > Grinnell the mm of § 10 07 was raised for the Iljmo of the Friendless. Hamburg haa cut down the pay of Its alderman from tire dollars a mooting to oao dollar. Probably there is no diffi culty in getting mon to aorvo even for that. Ira J. Adams , who lot hla ire got the host of him BO that ho gave Mrs. Adam a boating Thanksgiving morning , has boon discharged from'ens tody on condition that ho leave the city. The Congregational aoclal is to bo hold Thursday ovouing at the institution for the deaf and dumb. Those who oxpeot to attend , and who desire transportation , should apply atV. . S. Homer & Co'a atore. Charles Allan was lying drunk on the sidewalk on Broadway 'Saturday night and when nhakon up ho was eo frighten ed that ho jumped through the window of Dr. Haven's drug store , making a big smash. Walnut , whoso old fire department dis banded ever a year ago , now has a now organization with A. S. Burns as chief , Is Charloa Jaoobaon and Charles Eroo as foremen , and W. 8. Margoson secretary aud treasurer. Mr. E. Morgan , who lately sold his property to the Homo of the Friendless and returned to his Maasaohuaotta homo in the hope of bettering hla health by a change of climate , died at Agawom , dl _ Maw , , on tbo 10th. H. R. Stewart , the artist , has just finished a moat life-like crayon portrait of the late Thomas M. Gowdy. It if ono of & the best Stewart has made , and that is saying much , for his other portraits have Is ' won for him very high parioo. Clergymen desiring half-faro permits hi for 1885 , on the Chicago , Milwaukee & hiL Si. Paul , Chicago & Rook Iilond , Chicago cage & Northwestern , and Union Pacific in railways are requested to call upon J. L Da BovoUo , Union Ticket agent , CO ? Broadway , ou or before December 0. J. E. Keller has bought out Jerry Myers' at No. ID Main street , and proposes to run a first-class restaurant and sample room. Ho haa a great many friends , aud bv following his avowed policy of having everything ' 'decent aud in order , " he will doubtless got his full share of patronage. 1' Ohas , Mason , who was arrested for try- lug to inveigle a little girl into a house of ill-fame , was discharged 3 < tturdayCounty Attorney Mynstor concluding that the probability of conviction was not aufli. clont to Warrant putting the county to U any mora costs , "Tho Great Republic" is to bo pro duced at the opera house December 12 and 13 , under the direction of D. 1 , Schneider. A largo number of school children are to participate , and Mark Duryoe , of tbo Ogden house , is to bo the leading comedian. The Hamburg Times terms the Thanksgiving - giving proslamation of Council Bluffs' mayo'r "silly both , " and adds "Yot the mayor is only voicing the nonsonao of thousands of others of his party , who are eo inflated by a little tuccess that they neeiu to vie with each other to see which . can make tbo biggest fool of himself , " ' That proclamation eeems to bo a red rag. The mayor rather lost faith In his po lice force Saturday night. Finding a * a drunken man on Broadway , ho blow his whistle s ml could get no responin , and after waiting awhile Deputy Marshal Gusnnolla , who wa In bed at the . , - . . hearing the whistle , dressed and came to the mayor's relief and ttouk the follow in. The Svendeou concert company ia to give an entertainment at tbo Congrega tional church Friday evening. Johannes at Urendien is a Danish violinist , and said to be a remarkably fine ono , while Mrs. Louisa Svendten as au organist and pi anist haa won very high praieo. They l\v an Tfu H nt - ' 700X001- Onicor Dougherty Saturday night ar rested a follow on auapicion , and turned him over to George Gtmnolla at the jail. As Guanolta was about to look him up the follow mftdo a break and run out , anc Guauolla , bolni { in his stocking foot , found the chaio too rough , and , after crippling ono too , gave it up. Later the fellow telephoned him from sumo where down town , "Don't you wish you hai me ] ' The antics of an apparantly insane man caused * a commotion on upper Broadway Saturday forenoon. The fel low was coming into town with asmal ! load of hay. and first attracted attention by his peculiar prodding of his horses with a pitch-fork , the horses being frightened and at full spood. In turning a street corner the wagon wan tipped and the man thrown to the ground. Still clinging to the pitch-fork and paying no attention to the tcnm.ho made a charge on two women who were passing along the sidewalk. They sought refuge in a neighboring house , and the man disappeared poarod before the ofllcorn could roach the vicinity of tlio peculiar performance. Monday our citizens were considerably surprised by a visit from Dan Parroll , and still moro so when ho placed Charles Coborn under arrest for the crlmo of arson. The charge being the burning of Dyo'a store two yoara ago last spring. The warrant was sworn out by D. E. Baldwin , a United States detective who 'ma ' boon working on the case since last summer. This proved another surprise , as few Imagined that Patton's blacksmith was a dotoctivo. Not being able to give bonds Farrell took his man to Glonwood for safe keeping until the preliminary trial , which takes place in Dyo'a hall next Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Macedonian. The present crumbling condition of the court house is causing many to change tholr minds about the necessity of buildIng - Ing a now ono. At the last court houao election the crumbling and cracking was considered by many aa moro talk to help got a now ono , but it is now evident that 71. it ia not talk. Many favorable comments are made by those who before opposed the enterprise , and many who voted against it before now say that if the people ple can bo assured that no moro than 8100,000 will bo expended , they will vote for it. Many favor the drawing of plans and getting estimates on bids before an other election ia called , BO that all may know just what kind of a building it will bo if the voters decide in favor of build- Ing. Orders by telephone for flour , food , wood , coal , and hay , will bo promptly illod by Cook & Cooper , 700 Broad way. Telephone to No. 113 for dry hard atovo wood and kindling. Big supply. Prices low. PLATT OVKKTON. Mra. I. M. Troy nor , who has boon very ill , now training. Miss Clara Ttul haa returned from her vitH to Vllllacn frion ] n. Mrs , Fred Clark lion gone to Denver to join her husband there. A. T. Cox , of the Oakland Acorn , is now the father of a bouncing boy. Mr. Pattoraon'd ohllJron , who were ill with dlpthoiia , nro now out of danger. Mra. J. J. Bliss and uintor , Mini Rohso , loft yofitordny nflornoon for Chicago. J. M. Adams of the firm of E. K. Adams Co. , hag returned from a business trip. MIsaMtnnio Prltclmrd , of Jnnosvlllo , Win , , * in the city ai ( ho guest of Mrs. Samuel Clark. Mr , Kelt , of Boston , ia in the city vititlng his ton aud daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mm. 0 IA Felt. Mr. Bert Clinton in still % ory weak , but It thought that ho will recover from his RU- vero illnoij. Mrs , Wright , of Chicago , mother , ot Mra , . 1' . Murphy , the contractor1 ! ! wlfo , ia visit ing her daughter in this city. Sheriff Garrison , of Logan , was in the city Saturday , to not the si al-nklu cap which hu won on election. Ho got it , A.V. . Couraon , of Cinoiunatl , is nt the Hochtolo hotel , and in n few tlaya will leave for it nhort tlip through Nebraska. Mr. mill Mra , Joseph KnotU , and tholr son Frank , have loft for Mexico , whore Mr. Kuotti Ima largo mining interests. F. Kern returned Saturday from a cigar Rolling trip , nod after spending Sunday here , starts out ngalu. Ho U building up a line burnous In that Hnu. 11 , J. Chambers , the county rucortlcr elect , shipping hli household goccU from Avocn to this city preparatory to making this hln home , mid entering upon the now duties with the opening of the new year. 2 ' . Newest alylus in still' hats in brown and black. Motcalf Bros. On tlio llloyulo. Wilmot , the wonderful bicyclist , ap peared at the roller skating rink Satur day night , olnco lu > was here last winter ho has become a married nun. Ho has not only improved socially , but in his profession ho is more wonderful in his performance. Among the seemingly im possible feats performed by him were his .acts on the big wheel with the back hose , and little wheel of the bicycle taken elF , Balancing the wheel in the middle of tbo lloor ho stood erect on Its top with arms folded. Also on the single wheel ho rode over an obstruction foot high. His pirtuor , Pavilla , had u sprained shoulder , but still was ablu to do some Tory fine Hole. 2 1,000 ( styles Runts' underwear , 2f > o and . Motcalf Bros. ' Ill'- up. Ill'Broadway. . Cloning Out , To close the business I offer my stock of miscellaneous books , picture , fansy goods , notions , fire screens , easels , willow and cane high chairs and children's rockers , prices never known before in the west. II. E. Seaman , paper , books and station' cry , G04 Broadway , Council Bluffs. St. John Bros , have bought , cleaned and refurnished the Itovoro House , 549 Broadway , opposite the opera house , „ n < f ' \ , . - . OAUQHT BY OARD3 , Money Collnntocl Var n Clinroli Loii O\cr n The colored folks hero are struggling along to complete n now church , and in tholr eagerness to raiao money they hit upon a scheme which they thought would arouse the flagging energies of Bom < ) of the young men , and sot them nt work. In connection , therefore , with the fostl val which the colored church folk gave last week , a gold cane waa to bo presented od to the young man who should secure the largest amount of money for the church. Several had boon at work dill gently gathering in the quartern and halves , oaoh appealing to his friends of all shades of skin and religious belief , and desirous of winning the cane. When the night came , and the young mon came 2u with tholr reports and money , sus picion singled out two who did not seem to bo acting squarely. One reported n very little amount , whereas it was known that his subscription list showed n much larger one , and the other failed to report at nil. A church investigation was had , and it was learned that those two workers in the vineyard had done well enough in collecting money to have stood a chance of gottlng the cano ; but in an ovll hour they wont over to Omaha together and satan beguiled thorn into a game over there. Instead of whining much money from oatan for the mooting house , satan got what already belonged to the meetinghouse house except n few paltry dollars , which it is finally concluded that ono of them shall hand in. There has boon much weeping and gnashing of tooth , and the throat was made to have the two dusky youths arrested , but it-was Finally con cluded to lot them go with an admonition which It is hoped they will not soon for got. Gouts' driving , dross and business gloves. Now. Motcalf Bros. THE BALL EOLLING , Seine Frcnli Itovelatloim in tlio Al leged Knpo OBHO , The Davy brothers , who were arrested on a charge of committing rape upon a ittlo stop-Jaughtor of John Smith , of Dranlm , are released from the charge , the Smiths not Booming to care about prose outing. There seemed something mys- ; orious about the case , and this mystery promises now to bo cleared up. It Is said that Smith , who was formerly night watchman at the Northwestern yarda lore , is not marrind to the mother of the ittlo girl in question , but that her name s Mrs. Ball , and the little girl is Lizzie Ball , instead of Lizzie Smith. Mrs. 3all s husband , who has begun divorce irocoedlngs , swore to an information n ono of the courts hero Saturday charg ing Smith with ttdultory.omd a warrant was Issued and placed In the hands of George Edgar , aa a apodal , empowered to 0 to Omaha and got him. Smith is aho to bo charged with conspiracy in connoo- iinn with the Davy brothers , it appoar- ng that the three joined together to oilect the young girl's ruin , The whole case is to bo investigated anew , and enough charged preferred so that the guilt may bo brought to the door of the right persons , and duo punishment raotod out. Pure homo-mado buckwheat-rye Hour and ryo-cjrahanifr sh corn meal and food of all kinds at No. CIS Pearl street , at vholcsalo and retail. Call aud oeo John [ Jaw thorn. Window shades at cost to oloso them out. P. 0. Miller 13 Pearl etroot. COMMKUCIAJj. COUNCIL , DLOrra MAiiKrr. Whoftt-No. 1 milling , C065 ; No , 2 , 58 ; No. 8 , 60 ; rejected 3Q&-10. Corn Now , 25@28. Oata Vat local purposes , 83. liny 8ti 00@7 00 per ton ; biUed , 60@GO. Hyo 35o. Corn Monl 1 30 per 100 pounds. yfootl Good supply ; prlcoa at yards , 0 00 © Coal Delivered , bard , 0 50 per ton ; soft 4 60 per ton Lard Falrbank's , wholainllng nt Ojjc , Flour City flour , 1 50@3 UO. Brooms a % @ 3 00 per doz , LIVE UTOOK. Cnttlo Butohor cows 3 25@3 7B. Butcher utoors , 3 7Bta-l 00. Bhoop 2 50@3 00. 1'uonuoit AND mcim Poultry Live old hens , 2 CO i > or do * ; spring chlckuna , 2 CO per doz. lintter Oroumory , 28@30c ; choice country Kiftf -Sl pec dozen. cgotnblos Potatoes , 30@10o per bushel ; unluuH , 40@50o per bu ; apples , choice oookiug or eating , 2 6u ; boauti , 1 50@2 00 pur buMml : Hwrot ootatooH , 2o Txir Ib , Older .13 gallon bbl , S6.DO. 8 00 per bbl. JOO Upper UromUay , uicsln to the Kront. Stud ) , reflect anil como anil Kxamlno , unj BOO ( or oiirfi > lvcHutmt > oucan Imy lorC i at my plice. quota ) on m follow : lalbHeianuhtvilgugarfor . $1 00 10li ) lUK r tor ' . I 00 15 ll > While ci O niiRar f - r . 1 CO HO bum Kirk's white Uui ) Un oa ( or . 1 03 < liit * e lir u < ] titl to Klrk'e IttuaUu ooap for. 1 CO \ > bttHKIrk'n hlualiiillt toiplor. , , . 1 00 Dupont'ii bott | > u tl r ) > or Hi . 1 IB b\nci ot match es for . , 25 * i tup California onrydilpx , perif'I . t > 0 Bjrup , atoii toil ttiktly 1'iire ' Vermont 100M A o. 1 Eiiitllxh cunantiUIbi lor . - . 1 00 le U' J.umiuliiu 10 toxoidir . t 00 0 > nn 'l ' ulionhu'rlva , pretMMcil , Srana lor . , 1(0 faulted Slliyillowruintiri li whltomrupfi lor , 1 CO C nntil S Ib Ht quality Tiiiutoea 10 for . 1 TO ANo. luhltolUh , | > rklt . 70 Tobtoro , LoclirJ Clloiax , | > er | > ound . CO T T , T. 1 oin M jou ftccorjlntf to ( ] U I tj , < iom 16oto70oiHrlb. Klour We till the cclobrito.l fatent Fnuoy | > cr CHM20I. AVu kor | > e vr > thlt'K uriallr Veptln * First dim nrorory , mlnrrant utrrjthlnK' wo tell ( lotxN do- Ihorid luu In any part ol the cily. I ! m hindlo Olou'H anJ llltioD * , Dry RO < | | and Notions , llo > t nl Hhoo , ami Kuod amurtiiuut of Tinw ro. lie. iiKiubnr ; I ulll not only bo not umUimoKI on any k'oodii , but wll wll 0 purount below any Conifet HI n In the city. Woaro now r l > li ic ou linolca oil ) IU In * limi we rwi give the grcalett hatualng ever olltre 1 In the city. Mr cinoniui are vrrv UK lit , with no Itf nt to | > y I am uuallod and will Bull chotp lar UAHII. Call when jou wuitthobe olUirgalni In my line. J. P FILBERT , < )9 Upper Headway , - ouncll Blutfs AlMIB310N-OcnU l c Udlo Ida. UKATES-OenU ISO , Ladle * Itta . Admlnalon Krw to Ladle * each mornlnif and Tuts- Jay and Thur 4 ) r aJternooui. U e of Blutoi IB Fall HARKNE > ilks , Dress Goods & Novelties , F THE SEASON. is very complete iu variety and excellence of goods. Cloakings , Plushes , Velvets , Eider , Down and Jersey Cloth Tambour , Turcoman , Gurtain Goods , Window Shades , Etc , , Etc. STOCK COMPLETE IN MOQUET E , BODY BRUSSELS , INGRAIN & HEMF Oil Cloth , Rugs , Mattings4 Mats , Etc. , Etc. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa : E - EVERYTHING /HISTCLASH. Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. . - COUNCIL BLUFFS W. P ALYSWOE.TH. frame Houses moved on the Lirrt/KOIANC trtiok and auy dlstancu and otor any kina or ground BHIOK 110USK3 rilBod. All work ruarautood W. P. ATLSWOHTO , 1010 Ninth street. COUNCIL HLUF7Q > urtalDB , in taca , iHl'b , Turcoman , Etc.3 oil.'clotba , Mattings , Linoleums lite ft hoioost and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , omo and bo convinced that w are headquarters for all goods In our line hoapost | < lace to buy CARPETS , Curtuina and House Furnishings In tb < City. Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. Nos. 0 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - . COUNCIL BLUFFS oc Mail Orders Filled Promptly uud Cnrt fully L. 0. ARBUTHNOT , - ALL THE LATKSTSTYLKS IN - FALL PAl'EK I'AITKHSS JUST UECEIVKD. 542 BROADWAY. - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS MRS. L. A. WARBURTON , FASHIONABLE DRESSJV1AKE Cutting and .Fitting a Specialty. 2M BHOAPWAV COUNCIL DLUKKS. t e . S.CT.ALI ALLTIIK LATEST STYLES OF MILLINERY ' 230 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF 0 , I , n i wit ! Iowa and Nebraska , and Bold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council j Blutls , lovra. jpor NORENE & LANDSTEOM , Fnll Goods Remly. Sui Mnde to Order in Latest Style on Short Notice and a Itonsouule Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Main Street , - . . . . Council Dlntls. BE. JUBB'S ELECTRIC BELT. 8,000 Ucctrlo IfcHa od ! for , the Month of Sopi , by us. Referenced Any ot the business homes ID Council Bluflg. JUDD & 8MITII Proprletoii. Salesrooms 319 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS- KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will sell in retail or wholesale lots. All Stock .Warranted . as Represented. \Vholoiftlo and retail dealers In Oraln tml Baled H y. Prices Booablo. Satisfaction GiurantccJ. SOIBCIILTJTDEIR & DBOLE'X" Corner Fifth Avo. & 4th St. , Council Bluffis. SMITH & XOLIiEK ARts. , LKADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Mala street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Selacfc From WHOLESALE ! DKALEttS IN 332 and S44 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOMA COOKING AND HEATING STOVES Both new and second hand , ranging in prices from $8.50 to $25 each. Take advantage and call early to obtain the best bargain3. I am making a bie reduction in "HJ" DE" . 330" HI BEa [ "CX 3E L ' - H- A ) I nwd the room t display my Block ot stores. Council Blutln. Iowa , EALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PLVNOS Endorsed by FRAMZ I.iszr. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone or Ffnlfh , KIMBALL PIANOS Beat Modern Price to Buy. The Kimhall Organ , so long nnd favorably known In the west , roorttnmond * STEWART. Solo Agent for above lines of Good * . Wareroouw , S2 liluffa uacil Oorreaponiieuce Kolit ited. Agaata Wanted. Waves , Switches , Whatnots , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes. ALL KINDS OF 20 MAIN STREET. CODNOJL BLUFF Wo would call lour attention to the fact that the AUK OKFKUINO Bargains Which Gannet Toe Obtained Elsewhere.to We can convince everybody that we say what we mean and mean what we say. But the bent way to mt thotrulhluljifuaol our desertions Is tocallouU examine our stock and prices , alwnya ivmuml-ttlny THAT WK DEFY COJII'ETITION IN JIVEHV PARTICULAR , jHTCASH In the mafjlo word which will attract the attonthn of ovcrjbody , It In the word wo iisnd when wo purchased our ( 'ixxln , und that la the rtason wo can olTor them to you at eo low a figure A cask aold ol kuylnu and ttelfinK * tbeiuby prctoctlnK ] > urcha ur9 from overcharge. ) ; . E. A11AUH & Ca , 417 Broa lw y Council Iltaflt. DDB. O. O. BSNTIST. 100 MAIN tiTREET , OOHC1L BLUFFS - - , . IOWA will tell the following property on easy Urrag bought w ithln ZO daj e. 200 Acre Farm. re mllea north of Council niufTi ; good barn , house orchard , and all fenced. 400 Acre Farm. e miles eMtolLotfan , Ilirrlion , county , Iowa , Ml need , feedi rd , birn , hoiiun , orch.rd , etc. ; 2 o reu under plow , 10 acre > lame UMiuea < low , lee rra timber and pasture. This farm cSj Uj JoJ Icto three dculrable gruall larma. 800 Acre Farm. miles eokt of Onawa , ifonnna coiiuty , Iowa , on Maple rlttir ; good houoo , barn SSiltO feet , feed rdi , > bfdi. eto. ; 200 acreo unltrpUw , ba'anco In uber , tcuiulow and puture ; a Ilrtt oliwd stock farm > eryri i > ct 240 Acres of Wild Land , Suitable for Farming. .A.TT.gatp 50 Head of Cattle , 75 Head of Horsed , 900 He d of Hog * . 10 Farming Implement * luructeot toci'ryon uld farnu. Alto ,000 Bunhola of Corn , and 400 Toua of Tame and Wild Ilay. id stock , corn , feed and machinery U divide ! op aid fumi , and Mill b Bold only ju connection .h laid firan. leraU ar ° odohaaoafr Choice Stock tarmi , ell eked , teutf lor work. I'OMKeloii trliua on date of rxhaoa , If de > lred. I'rv-tlco In auto and FedorU ConrU. Collections promptly attended to. Room l8hupart' ( ! [ Bnildin ( COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. E , Eice M. or other tamers ronoved altbocttb knife or drawlcu o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Oror hlrty yean practical ozperleoot Odio * No. Pearl treet. Council Illufl * BROADWAY EVERYTHING NEW , AH the Latest Improv Machinery. All Work First Glass. I Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2 60. Established , 1882. H. E. REMEB , Manager , , - . _ _ * l