Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1884, Page 5, Image 6

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The Nficessily of Organization Among
Cissscs ,
fl'lio ' Vitnl Question of linlUvay UCRII
tnlioii and IlciTuctton ot
iiloasoil to observe that you do not pas.i
unnoticed the oxhorbitant tolls which
the railroads are extorting from the pro
ducers and consumers of our stato. It
encourages mo also to know that the people
ple of other counties are protesting
against thcso , well , for the want of a
inoro appropriate name , I will call them
"robberies. " Your correspondent from
Atborvlllo , calls for the anti-monopoly
loaders in this crisis. To his appeal I
feel warranted in assuring him that the
true anti-monopolists will respond at any
aud at all times when their efforts can
avail any thing. |
I said that wo were monopoly-ridden.
Why ? Because the farmers of this state
are paying at least 40 per cent , more , on
an average , for moving a crop of this
season than was paid for moving the crop
of 1870 ; bcoiuso the frolgh
on lumber to-day from Chicago
to Council Bluffs , COO miles , is lOo per
cwt. , aud from Council Bluffs to David
City , it is 12jc [ per cwt ; because the
rates over the U. P. R. R , for coal from
from Omaha to David City is $3 per ton ,
when 1 know of my own knowledge that
coal is transported 300 miles over other
roads for § 3 per ton. Instead of Chicago
being our market our own cities on our
eastern border should bo eutroport com
mercially , by becoming the granary for
our bounteous crops. Omaha , sir , would
boour Chicago. Instead of 12jc per cwt.
on lumber from the Missouri river to
points 100 miles in the interior it should
bo just half that amount. Inatoad of 13o
per cwt. on corn to the Missouri river
irom same points it ohould bo G\o \ per
cwt. And every other class of commer
cial merchandise and produce in proper
With your correspondent from Arbor-
villo , I say farmers , laborers , business
men and professional men , and especially
farmers and laboring uiou unite ; hold
meetings ; don't meet and simply reso
lute , bvt go to work and help crjstallza
this sentiment of rcais enco to this
monstrous injustice which is crushing the
very llfo out of our people. Go to work
peaceably but determinedly. I can
assure you and the friends of the people
that our citizens are becoming aroused aa
they have never been Lforo. Wo are
organizing In this county. The antimonopoly -
monopoly eontimont ia stronger hero to
day than over boforo. We are enlisted
for the emancipation of the producers.
Lot the word pass along the whole line ,
"Organize , organize. " If thia power of
oppression Is to bo broken , wo must
unite. Aud I now move that each school
district in this state send two or more
delegates to a convention , to bo hold in
the city of Lincoln at 7 o'clock p. m. ,
Monday , January 5,1885. Pass the sug
gestion around. What Bay you , people ?
Are you ready to act ? Methinka I hear a
unanimous yes. The anti-monopolists
and all men who are for justice and right
stand ready to join the opprosaod in this
Mr. Editor , wo heartily invlto your
vigorous assistance. JUSTICE.
* lr
. , .
* .tA
"JVorkcrt AVIth a Bold Variation on u
Mnnrho was Partially tip to Snuff.
Lincoln Journal , September 30.
Sheriff Mellck has been notfied by a
man at Firth , named W. R. Dafford , of
a confidenso game which was played upon
the latter gentleman a day or two ago on
the train between this place and Firth.
Tbat is to say the game was consnmated
there although its operation extended
over the" whole distance from Omaha
While Dafford was in Omaha ho fell in
with two rather respectable looking mou ,
ono of whom said ho waa a wholesale
merchant at Lincoln and the other was a
resident of Firth , to which place Dafford
was going on business. They changed a
bill for him at Omaha , and thus learned
that ho had money with him. They got
on the train when ho did at Omaha , as
sisted Mrs. Diidord upon the train and
were very friendly indeed.
As the train wus about to pull out ol
Lincoln a man came in and told ono ol
the clever gentlemen that hia goods
couldn't go on unless the chargea were
paid. After being informed that the
charges were # 250 the man pulled a
check for $800 out of hiapockot and said
tbat ho had nothing less. The bogus
baggageman turned to Dafford and sug
gested that he might change it. Ho said
no had only a little , only about § 50 and
told the owner of the chesk if ho would
sib ti ht in the seat until , they got to
Firth and go straight to the bank with
him to get the chock cashed , ho would
let him have the $50. Ho took it and
passing it to the bogus baggageman eat
The train had started by this tlmo ,
and juat as the two ladies stopped into
the door the confidence man made a
spring for the door , passing between the
ladies The old man , who waa suspic
ious from the first , jumped np and cov
ered the retreating figure with a rovol-
Ter , but ono of the ladies chanced to
stop In the way , and he throw the
weapon up and remoyod his finger from
the trigger. The swindler jumped from
the fr.Un and soon got out of sight nd
Army OrdcrH.
OUAUA , November W , 1881 , i
For completing the purpose of the fol
lowing circular , it is hereby diroctec
that requisitions for a ten (10) ( ) months
upply of subsistence property will bo
icnt by Post Commissaries to the Ohio
Gommiaeary of subsistence of the Da
pmmenton the 10th of January and the
10th of July for the periods respectively
from March 1st , to December 31 , urn
from September 1st to June 30th.
By order of Brigadier-General How
J. n. TAYLOR , Asst. Adjt.-Oen.
IlEArKjuAiiiFUj DIVISION ox TUB Mi noi'iir , )
CHICAGO , ILL , , Noy. 2J , 1681 , )
In view of the requirements of tno law
published in General Orders No , 05 , cur
rent series , aojuUnt general's ollice , uu
dar which all purchases of subsistence
property , as well as of subsistence stores
ihould in all pruoticablo cases ba made b ;
advertisement and sealed proposal ; als
to obFlato the nocestity of open roarko
purchases , and to tavo the expense o
frequent advertisements , chief cnmmij
tries of eubaistenco of departments , au <
the purchasing and depot cominusarles o
subsistence at St. Louis , Mo. , and Chicago -
cage , III. , will forward , through proper
channel ; , to the chief commitsary of sub
sistence of the division , in time to bo rok
coivcd by him not later thim ten daya
prior to the first of March and September
offedch year , tabular aUtomanta of the
subsistence property ( including station-
irj ) that will bo repaired by tftom f nd
the oflicern on duty in the subsistence
Department , under their supervision ,
during the periods cudinrDecember ; 3ht
and Juuo 30th of each year respectively.
Dn thcso statomonU or iu their loiters of
tranamltnl the olllcora uill state to what
depnls , posts or stations , they tlnsiro the
iupplics to bo sent by the purchasing of-
icors , together with such other iufor-
nation as will enable the Commissary of Subaistonco to determine the
> lan and niudo of procuring the sup-
R. WILLIAM * , Asst. Adjt..Gou.
Sixteenth AiinivrrHiiry ol *
| Ijodf ; ( ) No. t , ITrlUiiy
Friday ovoniug wna the sixtoouth'auni-
orsary of Nebraska ledge No. 1 , Knights
f Pythias , and the ovout was celebrated
t the ledge rooms by a supper , speaking
nd ball. Myrtle ledge , U. D. , the
'ouugost and almost the healthiest divia-
on in the state , participated iu the
flair , and oujoyod thomaolvos , tn did
vcrybody else who was fortuuato enough
o bo in attendance. Planet ledge No. 4
nd Omaha ledge No. 20 , aho mingled
with their brother knights.
Mr. S. M. Willox , chancellor com
mander of No. 1 division , officiated as
master of ceremonies , and Mr. A. D.
ones , past grand chancellor , delivered
lie anniversary address. Songs wore
ondcred by a quartette from the glee
lub , and Mrs. Haywnrd. Mrs. Teal fa-
orod the nudiouco with a piano solo ,
which was heartily appreciated , aa was
11 the music. Measra. Woodbridgo
Jros. had kindly donated the uao of a
; rand Stock piano for the occasion.
Lieutenant Andy Harden , ns usal , had
"snap" lixod up to catch the unwary
md prcsontod a cake , which sold for the
lenofit of the order and which proved to
) o broad neatly frosted over and onclos-
ng a rubber circlet. Mr. Geo. Snbino
was the lucky winner of the prize slice.
An abundant banquet was then served
n long tables surrounding the hall , and
oasta were given as tollowa , Mr. Willox
) oinc toaat-mastor :
"Our Guests' ' Jleaponao by J. S. Shropa-
biro , K. 0. C.
"Uur Order"Heaponso by Dr. Carter ,
C. C.
"Tho Ladloa" Uesponao by W. K Cope-
and , D. C. C.
"Tho Value of Society Entertainments"--
lopaonso by Dr. I.eiaenring , P. C.
After supper , which was the next thing
n order , a good many of the older people -
plo retired to their housea and the
'ounger ' ones began the merry dance ,
, nd kept it up until an early hour this
Taken all in all , it was a most enjoy
able entertainment , and Mr. Toft is on-
itled to a groa < deal of credit , for it waa
hat gentleman who superintended all
ELECTION or omcEus.
At the last meeting of Myrtle Ledge ,
Knights of Pythias , the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year :
E. A. Crowell , 0. 0. ; J. Donnelly ,
ir. , V. 0. ; W. M. Wells , prelate ; P. J.
Knapp , M. of E ; W. P. Manning , M.
of P. ; Goo. Sabine , K. of K. S. ; W. F.
Baker , M. of A.
Proponed Ball ,
To the Editor of the BRE.
Now that winter is at hand and but
little or nothing to do for perhaps the
next five or six months , the carpenters
union are discussing the propriety ol
building a Union hall , first floor for busi
ness , second for oflbo rooms , and third
; or hall. There are several unions in
Omaha that ore paying from two to three
lundrod dollars a year for hoi
rent , making an aggregate of two thou
Band or more dollars annually paid outer
: or rent , that would , in a few years ,
suild a very respectable hall , which
would return a fair par cent , if properly
Now then , as history and observation
touches the fact that agitation , education
and organization are the essential prede
cessors to all substantial movements of
whatever character , whether local or
enoral in their results , as they relatively
effect society and state for good or evil ,
wo propose to agitate this movement ,
believing that the present time is a pro-
[ iltpus ono to agitate such n movement ,
ua it would afford work for many idle
mechanics through the winter season.
If the enterprise should meet with suc
cess in the way of a contract between the
respective unions OB a "Joint Stock
Building company , " us ouo union la not
able to undertake and carry forward such
a movement or enterprise of Itself , a half
dozen or less unions could easily accom
plish such a work in three months or loss
time , and largely when not otherwise en
gaged on the part o ! carpenters , brick
layers and plasterers , that would furnish
nearly all the labor. Of course the pur
chase of A lot and building material would
require money , and it would have to bo
borrowed or furnished by some capitalist
as rtaocond party in tbo building con
Wo will cloao further suggestions In
this movement at present ana hear Iho
criticisms and suggestions of other unions
and parties who may fool interested in
this enterprise or one similar. *
I'olloo Court ,
In police court Saturday Wm. Mar
tin and Ohas. Goldstein were found to bo
vagrants and were each sentenced to ton
days in the county jail on bread am
A. Snoll , for disturbing the poaoo b ;
being drunk , was fined $5 and costs and
paid the same.
Hattie Bowman , a colored woman o
the town , was arrested on Tenth etrce
Friday night , She was crazy drunk am
raised a terrible howl. It was ncccssar ;
to get a hack and load her in in order ti
get her to jail. After being placed bo
Hind the bars she yelled all night long
This morning she was fined $5 and cost
and sent up to the county jail to board i
John Collins was arrested Friday a
the instance of his wife for boatin ;
her and abusing his children. Thi
morning she was sorry that sh
had had him arrested and begged th
judge to lot him oil , Judge Bonok
called him up and asked him why h
abused his children and lickdd the oh
wcinau. Collins said ho did not hnr
them. The judge told him that ha could
; o , but if ho wai arrcntod ngniu that ho
would give him thrco mouths on brcnd
and water *
Charles Ilaiuus wai charged with lar
ceny for stealing 50 cents out of the
) ockot of T. W. Taylor , llnines pleaded
not guilty and was held for examination.
Honl Kstato X
The following transfers were filed in
ho county clerk's oflieo Tuesday and ro-
> ortod for T.u : Br.r. by the Anus' real
state ngoncy November US , 1881.
P. Kootlcr and wf to H. Krntchmnn ,
w d , 00x140 ft. , nw sw 20 , 15 , It ! . $1-
A Konntzo ot nl to 1. S. llnscnll , w d ,
ot 1'J , blk 0 , Ivoutitza 4th addition. ? ! , -
Jos. Boll and wf to S. A. Porrigo ,
w d , lot 11 , blk 4 , J. 1. Uodick's addl-
ion. $2,000.
Treasurer Douglas county to W. Coch-
an , tixx deed , lots -1 , 5 and 7 , section 11) ) ,
5 , IS. $3.48.
M. II. Housol to Bogcs it llill , q o d ,
ots 2 , 3 and , blk I ) , Arbor 1'lnco.
G. II. Boggs ot nl to M. M. llousnl ,
wd , part lots 1 and 12 , blk 5 , Arbor Placo.
J. I. llodick and wf to J. Dwyer , wd ,
w fin foot lot 7 , blk 10 , Isuaa & Soldeu's
ddition. $1.500. _ _
Tlio German Xlicntcr.
Last evening the German theater tras
crowded with n fashionable nnd appro-
lativo audience which had boon attracted
hero by the announcement that Kalisch's
amous play , entitled "Somo Polks
jtugh nnd Some Weop. '
Among the moat noteworthy fouturos
voro the uorsonatiou of Brand , the
> ricldftynr , by Mr. Molehill , the Action
f Miss Spahn and the Mrs. Nuonccko
f Mrs Lindormenn.
Mrs. P ulaA hi in the role of Caroline
Iso received quite nn ovation , and Mr.
'ula ns Perdinnnd was greeted
vith enthusiastic applause. The
liaractor of Hnhnokamtn , the tailor ,
oil to the lot of Mr. Uohorstoln , who
Jndorcd the part very satisfactorily.
Taken on the whole the performance
as Inn eminently creditable one , nnd
WRB rocoive'd with great fnvor by the
nusually largo audience. The customary
erpsichoroan exercises terminated the
The Denver Ganililors.
Omaha within the last five days has
eon favored with a largo immigration of
amblers. These sporting ruon como
hiofly from Denver , Colorado , where the
louses have all boon closed. This , it is
understood , has boon done by the order
f the marshal of the Colorado capital ,
, nd an officer is now ntnttoned at the
lopr of every house to keep thorn irom
) oing opened. The effect of this man-
late has been to drive this class of men
rom that city. These men who have
atuly como here say they are now on
heir way to Now Orleans , whcro they
expect to winter.
Fremont Tiibunc , ith. ! )
North Bond had a sensation on Thanks-
; iving day that will not bo forgotten soon by
n few of their citizens , and never bo forgotten
jy the victim of an awful fright. To got at
, lie details it ia go back a little ,
It will bo romombarod that Jack Winters ,
alias Iteddy , was confined in the jail of Fre
mont for stealings watch from a laborer nl
tbo Bend , On a writ of habeas corpus , Judge
Murray waa obliged to release him and he
wont back to the Bernl nnd hai since
been there loafing about in the saloons.
Since hia rolo.ieo numerous thefts have been
committed , nmong which was the stealin ? of
Mrs , Manila's valuable gold watch , The
matter of thievery had become BO annoying
that some of the citizana concluded to use
desporn e means , if nocojsary , to rid them
selves of the ovil. The sensation was ushed
in by a bold attempt at highway robbery. A
Mr. Inyard was "hold np" by three men with
revolvers and told to shell out his lucre. Ho
had more Hand than money and
producing a revolver , scattered the
ng Hko _ chaff before the
nd. IIo eaino into town and related what
bad happened , and then the second and mast
exciting act of the night's dolnga occurred. A
number of men inasked.'aml collected near
the depot decoyed by nioana of three inon ,
the man Heady in their midst , nnd with the
cry , Hang him ! they proceeded to pull him
up to a cotton wood tree near by , and left
tilm there until ho confoieed to the stealing of
the loborer'u watch before incntionod. Ho
waa then asked to tell about the stealing of
&IH. Marplo's watch but pro'eseed uttsr
ignorance about It Ag-tln ho went on ? the
limb , but could noC bo made to toll anything
more , "I.OI'H taUe him off to the river nnd
liown him , " said ono of the crowd , "Drown
liini ! " echuod iho meb , and away they took
liim to the bridge , and putting a rope around
! ijd nuuk lowered him to the water. Ho begged
[ ) itnimaly for his life , usaortlnc that ho knew
nothing of the other watch , nnd was finidly
mined from the water and fallen to jail. Year -
; r 'ay morning ho aaid that IIH ! partner at
I'riMuont had the first watch , but of tlio
flncond lin know nothicg whatever. IIo pnld
: hat thoru were n dozen in the gang of thieves ,
jut ho knew nothing of th highway robbery
or of the robbing at diet Uorpu'a.
After the mob had done with their port of
.ho play , the third act in the drama was per-
'ormud at Chut Morse's homo about 4 o'clock
yesterday morniiu. Burglars effected nn en
trance , nnd after chloroforming him proceeded
.o ransack the hnuao. Mr , Morao awoke ,
lowever , nnd springing from his bed foil over
t clmU , tlim frightening the hurglaru from
rurthur depredation Uliey dropped n suit of
clothes on tha door-stop , but escaped with an
jvorcoat , a watch , and a small sum of money.
Mr. Morse gave them a parting shot from liU
mvy revolver , but without Any apparent ef
fect. It is not unlikely that Ituddy will squeal
on the whole gang , and their sentence In that
caw will be anything but moderata ,
N w YOIIK , November SO. Workmen re
cently dug up , In a cellar at Klccmoml HIT ,
Long Iilind , a woman's skeleton , whoso skill
showed marks of a bullett hole and the skul
uf on Infant , A few ilayn ago the coroner ro
coiTtdcn anonymous letter , evidently writ
ten by n woman which stated that m IK't
there resided In that place a man , his wife
olilld and wife's ulster. Tha f mlly was
broken up by the wifu'H ch rgej uf too
great Intimacy between her hlisbam
and slater. Ono night tlio wife und child dls
ppuared. Boon niter the liuabjnd and sister
lu-law went away and wtro never hoard u
aftarwarda. Thuwritur asks tha coroner to
find a trace of them.
WINK A xionr mou MAU.O.T ,
, November 30. Jnck Demp
sey , of New York , and .Mike Mallon , of I'liil
n'lelpli'a ' , fought a prUa fi Iit In the licoai
story of a building In tUa city latt night
GlovfH were used ; and they wore hard packed
The light was for SlftOu uidu , aud an extra
rmrso wo.i contributoJ by the spectators. Mai
ion , after receiving u terrible pounding , com
plamud that ho waa not in a condition to fight
und ntked Durnpsoy if he would fight him
Brine other time. Dempioy leplled In the
affirmative , und the men itlrxjk huads , Malbn
was he pod out and the fight given to Uemp
A UlKAHllHl'd Hull.
TOLIIJO , Novembur 30. Navlllu the con
vlcted bigamist now in jail nwultlog sentence
nttompti'd to tulcldfc to-day by dashing hi
head itgalntt thu lion grating In his cell. H
in KdJiuualy injured un . mjy uut rtcurcr , _ _
Day at Osccola ,
and a Threatened Lytcte
Ornzod by Exposure of his Grimes ,
n Husband Shoots his Wife ,
And Then Outs His Own Throat
to Prevent Hanging
Double Tragedy t
Ipocikl tatcgram to the BKC.
OscEot.A , NKII , , November i. . ' . Thursday
iglit n , tcrriblu crlino was rnnctoil mthi9iuct | !
iltlo villftRt' , which will probably rowlt In
oath. 1'or Boinotim years \in t n man nnmcd
linlth hna llvcil hero nhd hai always boon n > -
oRnlzod ni n tou h nnd n loiter. Sonio cisht
oixrs ngo ho was nrrostod for n rnpo 1111011 his
wn daughter. Thodntightcr nnd her mother
wore i > ositi\rly thnt ho cnrrmilltml the crlmo
jut tlio i xH > rt testimony of a phytlclim to the
ITect thnt the net hnd not boon ilono oxcul-
mtcd him. Ho nnlu | want back to live vtlth
ila wife but ho newer forgot the ili gr co they
md brought upon him , A short tlino ngo hi *
\ Ifo cautod n , warrant tote sworn out ngaitmt
ilin nnd ho was bound over In the turn < > t S200
o keep the i > oaco. Ho could not RVO ! thu ro-
nircd bond nnd wns plncod In jnll. To avoid
ila being a burden to the county it was re-
need to SltO In thn hone that ho might bo
bio to give the rciulred ] bail. Tills nt liml ho
vns nblo to give nnd was rolon eil on Tluirs-
"nv last ,
When Smith had been given Ida liberty the
ho firat thing ho did was to Rot drunk ami 1m-
nn to innku threnta against his wlo. ( Ho
old hit llttlo BOH thnt ho would kill his
wilier thnt night , hut no nttontion wna paid
i > his statements na ho was looked upon ni
linost harmless. Just nftcr dark , however ,
a went to hia hctuo with n rillo and opening
is door nnd seeing hiavifo by the to\o shot
er in the loft breast , inlllcUni ? wlmt the
urgoons now say la n fntnl wound. Smith
mnotlmlely ran down to the river nnd hid In
10 woods , Intending , m ho suld , when ho
oard that hia wife wan dead to kill himself.
lo wan found noon nftor nt\A \ tnkon townrd
10 jnll by the sheriff , The citizens cried
Hang html" ' 'Hanghtm ! " ilo was taken from
ho shuriif once or twice but WAS ( innlly placed
ifoly behind the bnrs. Tlio crowd Rnthorod
round the jail nnd began making attempts to
reak down the door , when Smith knowing
hat wan meant l > y the noise , cut hU tltront
vith a knife which ho had spirited Into his
oil. Ilia wound , however , w a not fatal ,
lia wifoianiny lying nncontcioua and tbo
octors eny elio cannot recover.
The people nro very incensed over the nffnir
nil should the wlfo ait , It la extremely jirob-
bio that Sinilh'd days will bo numbered
: iortly.
KK/VND-13D. /
special Telegram to TICK BKK.
CinoAno , Novumher 30 , The Times says
hat at a conference of the lending democratic
lolitlciana yesterday which . Mayor Harrison
, n l Itudolph Brand among others were prcs-
nt , it was decided to draw out ef the contester
or the neat in the stats senate from the Sixth
onatorinl district , in which the republicans
nllcgo n majority was given Brand by a mini-
of fraudulent returns from thu Second
> rccmct in the Eighteenth wnrd , that the ro-
lult was Brand sent n telegram to his attorney
it Sprlngliold to withdraw hia mandamus
> rcceedingd against the state canvassing
) oard. The Times uses this language : "Tho
simple KnglUh of the entire matter is that
Brand has withdrawn from the contest ; that
jovcrnor Hamilton is at perfect liberty to
asuo it certificate to whomever ho'plonsos ; that
iiecan give it to n Chin man for nil the ob
jections the doinocr.tB will raise against It ,
ind that , in short , the jig is ur > . " The Times
adds In regard to Brand's telegram : "It was n
single dispatch , butit meant giving up of the
jght in which the tniitod Statoi aenatorsshlp
as involved and the reosons for soilulng
t are interesting. The story which follows
hia statement shows that some facts in its
losflcaslon are withhold. Names nro not
; lvon , but peisona nro described so thnt there
s scarcely a chance of mistaking them. It
assorts that the work of falsifying the returns
was done in the Interest of the leading demo
cratic candidate for United States senator ,
md that a city olliciil , and ono of the well
cnown democrats In the cltr had guilty
cnowledgo of It ; tbat United States Marshal
Jones took moans to lot thoeo men know that
evidence had been secured already which nut
hem In great jeopardy ; thnt this ciueed n
renuloo panic , and that these men who seem
; o have not only disgraced themselves , but
, he party to which they belong In the very
dawn of its power , began to cast frantically
ibout for moans to escape the result of their
Times ; that various proposition fora torn-
> remise W.TO mudo to the United Stitea
iiithorlties , by which their namm were to bo
topt in thn background. The United Status
marshal und district attorney stoutly assort *
hat no compromise fins been of-
ectod , and thnt nil offenders , high
and low , will bo rignrouxly
uni < hod , that in fact confessions of the entire
roceedlnga hnvo already boon made lo thorn.
) n the other hand the Times asserts that lei-
grama have been sent General Logan asking
iim to Inturculo for mercy with Marnlial
ones , nnd behoves the panic stricken dolln-
juents havu o\on gouo to fur as to niulcrluko
.o deliver enough democratiu votou on the
oint ballot In the Hints lefilaliituro to ro-oloct
'jigan to the United States sounto. It n'so '
ppanrs that the bogus btllota which were
ound In the billet box by tlm United States
rand jury were not print * d till the night of
November Ulfit , or xovouteen days after tlm
lection , which biings the criino to a point
when thi ) returm were In thu hands of the
ounty clerk , The name of the printer , and
f the nnxravc r who made n fao slmlls of the
lead of the republican ticket , ban also been
[ Iscovorod ,
! * , November 30. It ha ? been
suggested by u number of representatives thnt
congrena will tuko a roce s about the middle
of the month to give an opportunity for the
members to attend the opening of the New
Orleans exp eltion , and that during this pro-
)0 od recess , the appnpiiutlon committee
will consider the nppropiiation hi Is 10 as t )
liave most of them ready to roptrt to the
house upon the n > nnaombllng of congrfui uftei
Ilia holidays , They argun thnt the usual
amount of work prior to anjournmont for the
holidays will havu been accumplirhod by thu
llthiiiHt , bucauBo of the unuiunlly uariy as
suinhlaiiu of eontreiJt this year. The Meilcai
pension bill whjch was dxhaluJ at length laxi
sis ion. Is the first ' unlimnhed 1m liieos" to
bo coneiderod , and thin cttn bo leached only
by u ni'itlon to discuss moaaurm on tlm i [ ; i lt
er'rt table , Heprb entativa Townsheiid , win
had chnrtro of that meaaur , sayii ) iu will aslc
to further consideration at tha natll Ht prftc
I leal moment. In the HRimta bill for adndx
siun of Dakota und Waohlngton tiriitoiit :
will undoubtedly be pressed by the lunator
who huvu them In charge.
NtW YOIIK , Norombor 39 , Frank Bant
derH , the Inventor of the parlor rotting ma
chine , committed suicide thli morning b
shooting hlniBolf over the remains of hlr wif
at the residence of his wifo'H parents , No , Oil
OarJeton avenue , Brooklyn. Mr * . Huuuder
ha been an invalid from the birth of her las
child , twelvti years ago. Aftor'tholr iuurrl > K
the couple lived n long time with Mm , Hum
dew' father , ( idorgoT , Tnoirus , but recent !
they have lived at I'JaluBeld , N ,
They dluod in Curletou avunuw nn
ThanktKiving day and remained thorn ull
nl htt iliteiniliiii tn return to 1'lalnBeld < ui
Friday inorninif , On arl n % however , Mm ,
HiiinJfcrt tiiperitnood ( ; reat iuifuritig from hei
Illlttion mid w.n compollotl to ti\kennmiitity
I chlornl , wMch oho Imd b on in the hubit of
i liiR lo nllovlato her p-vin. She made n mis-
ako nnd took too much , ami was soon unam *
clous" , The doctors were cnlloJ , but too late.
\w \ died yesterday mornlnp. Mr.
minders was nearly distracted , nnd
II efforts to divert Ids thoughts
rom the calamltv proved unavailing. Henry
Inpman , .Ir . of Clinton avenue , a personal
lend of Mr. S.iundcrn , ca led dnrliig the
lorning , and , nppnit-ntly noothed the wiclaw-
t's fpolings Romnwhat nnd extracted n promise
rom him to call nt Ida ( Chapman's ) olllco In
'ow York during thn day. At 10 o'ol ck
aundcri Ifft ths houio but did not call on
ilr. Chnpmnn , It is thought that ho went to
'lalnfield , Ho returned tohH father-ln-law'n
lonso alniiit 0 n. m. , and went lo hli room enid
id third utory , where kin wlfo'n badv lay
10 was discovered by n tnnmbor of the family
lending over her body. Klfortu wcromadn to
ct him away. 1'lnally ho ntd : "All right ,
11 bo light after you In a few minutes. " In
few momenta a pistol shot wni heard , the
mnntea of the houto rnnhed up stnlra , and
ound Sanndent body lying across that of Ida
ead wife. Ho hnd put n rmohur to his
louth nnd pulled the ttlggor , the bnllot
odgtng In hla brain nnd killed him instantly
"HOIil > TIIK KoHT ! "
1)0X001,4 , November 33. Ad\icos from
\hnrtonm state that the Mahdt continues to
ummon Uonlon to surrender , and the latter
oplics by firing into the enemy. On ono oo-
aslon ( lonornl Uordon'told tha Mnhdi to dry
i the Nllo nnd coma across If ho bo n real
rophct , nnd thnt ho [ Gordon ) would then
urrmidor. Tha rebels nro entrenched nt
Vndi ( lamnr. Cicnornl WolaoUiy
TOJIH ! n prir.o of 100 pounds to the
p Imont which would mnko the
mcknst passage in whale boats froatSarras
) Uebboli , A inossaKO from ( .ten , Gordon ,
atod August US , says It is imperative to the
iroaporlty nnd trnnnuility of JCgypt thnt she
otnin posiieasinn of the whole courro of the
'Ho , Ho attributes the present ovlln to the
iso of the word "nbivndonmout" by Wolsoloy
i n telegram to the khedlvo. It is repotted
int the mnhdl Is thort of protlaiona nnJ
uch sickness provntla nmong his forces.
'Ivo humhod of the ninhdi's regulnrn nro said
.0 have joined ( iordou'n at my.
BKHI.IN , Noxombcr 30. Herr BobolV attack
n the Itclchstng on Friday , on the military
dmlnistrntion of the government , Is causing
great stir in diplomatic circles. Bobel do-
nndod n rnductlou of the term of military
crvico , and the snopontion for n year of voluu-
arlat. Ho traced the cause of the budget do-
clt to the growing expenses fur arinanientt ,
' ( jcther with tha fact that the country Is de
rived of the productive labor by men bring
ircod to servo in the nrmy. Ho nfnortcd thnt
lurtoon times mnro milcldoa ocatirrod In the
: my than among the , civil population , Soci-
1st papers publish oflicinl itntittlca to show
ila to uo true.
iron iiuao'ri TUIIIUTK TO TIIK runronE OF THI :
PARIS , November 80. Victor Hugo to-day
ispocted Bnrtholdl's statue in the prcsonco of
rulntour , first accrotary of the American
'Ration , and n largo numborof American real-
ents. Hugo eald : "This beautiful work of
rt corresponds with my wishes and will con-
: ltnto a pledge of lastiug punco between
'ranco and America , " Tlio statue waa dqco-
ated with French and American flags ,
The IMonnry Council.
BALTIMORE , November30 , Another solemn
eenlon of the plenary council of the Catluillo
liurch in the United States , was hold nt the
athodral to-day. High maas was'colebratod
y Bishop Lougblin , of Brooklyn , the music
f which WUH gregnrinn , being sung by the
wo choirs and forty seminarians. Biihop
Icnnosaoyot Uubuque , preached aeermon on
ho "ssnctity of the church , " taking for his
ext , the Tith chapter of St. 1'aul'a oplatlo to
ho Kphesiana ,
Oallforiila'H II IK Balloon.
SAN FJIANCISCO , November 30. The baleen -
eon "JJclli)8o" the largest over constructed
i California which is to make a trip across
lie llocky Mountains mndontilnl luconslon
o-day. It suddenly descended into Kuccoon
traits , ten miles from this city. Thn oceu-
ants and balloon were picked up by boats
rom AJgul Island. The owner intends tak-
ig it to the World's Fair at Now Orleans ,
Arrogance ,
BKIIUN , Norembor 30. Sir Hdward Malot ,
Irltlah ombaasador , will maintain bla opposl-
on to any appointments to the coininlatlon
n the Niger question unless the Knglith
nombers compote n majority ,
Carpet mills ut Yonkers , N. Y , , have shut
own ,
Dr , Harvey L. Boyd dial Saturday at
Indian troubles still continue on the Texas-
loiicitn Ixirder ,
The oporntlvoH In tha Norwnld , Conn. , hat
nanufactories nro out on a strike.
The Narraganaott Park Driving company
otos its property on n foreclosure sale ,
Several hundred callers shook handn with
Urover Cleveland nt Albany , Saturdn.
I'iroinan Fred Phillips wiw klllud Saturday
11 n collision Cedar Jtupida , Iowa ,
The reduction of the public debt for No-
ember will not hit more than $1,000,000.
ilencrnl ( JrcHlmm fl. M'ott of Bordertown ,
. .1. , died In Now York City Sntmday ,
Joe Buzzard , of the famous robber Rang
f thnt name , was captured near Brownsville ,
'u ,
Tlm general asaombly of Virginia panned ,
ver the governor's vote , the electoral , boaid
The Iowa World' * Fnir Is nenrly ready to
tart for New Orleana with the state ex-
The Novilln polygamy caio at Toledo , Ohio ,
nded Saturday In the conviction o ( tha ac-
Huvoral colored persons In jail nt Helena.
Ajrlc , , overpowered the jullor Saturday and
An "Amoncan Theater Building company"
iled articles of incorporation in New York
Frank Miner , ( colored ) a wlfo murderer ,
wiw sentenced to hang , at Washington , I ) . 0
In New York city Saturday night James
McVicitr ( hot dead Frank Gordon. Woman
'n thu case ,
Gen. Logan and wife , upon their arrival at
\Vanldngton Saturday , were given hearty so
cial receptions ,
In a collision on the Chesapeake and Ohio
Houlhern , Saturday , an engineer and n brukf"
man were killed ,
The ( iflicial canv/si of Colorado given
Blaine 3ia77j ( , Cleveland , 27ifl.i75 Butler , U .
957 ; Ht. John , 750.
Since the cut rates between Now York and
Chicago , all went bound train ) from the former
point urti crowded ,
I < arga orderu for railroad Buppllrs arj being
racuived ut 1'ittiburg und the fueling is atoadi-
ly growing more Imp ef 1 ,
The weekly bank statement In Now York
was VM follow * : Kvservo , Increase , $2,021,010 ,
The tanks now hold $ i't'H' ltQiu \ excess ol >
the loital requirements , ( ft
Bell telephone stock has jumped fiom 8C3
to li. 0 un thu rumor of a tuvurahla decinioc
In the Diawhaugh suit ,
Charles Mitchell and John Oillt-spla wen
provoutod Hutnriluy from giving their spar
ring uxhibltion in I'llUburg ,
The general managers of tint Missouri
lines in tension i > t Chicago adjourned H/ttur /
duy without tukiuir delinlto action ,
Tha fuiliuo of I ) , I ) , Brown k Bo. , at Bur
llngUm , Iowa , Dona not o If eel the Burliugtoi
and Midai ippl JCIeva'.or company ,
Cleveland will attend the entertainment fo
the benefit of the uctois1 fund , at tha Ntv
York Academy of Musio Tliumday night ,
Tha management of the PonnnylvuuU rail
wy yueiu iu u 1 Its b/uiioh H Utu t'oidcj t <
mtiko n speedy reduction of Its working forcer ,
Near Voniti , Indian T , , T. T. Gunlrr , a
Cherokee , kilbd Win. llcnohl , white , Satur
day , ( luntcr iiuireiidorud nnd la not to blamo.
It la stated by I'ayneV followers that his
dti\tli , although to bo regretted , will not im-
ix'dp the great work of booming Okla-
The grand democtntlo demonstration of drm crnU ennui ulT In the pieM'iico
of Coiu'resMiian Itnndnll nnd other rligni-
tarioi ,
The wnlklrp mntch nt l awrcnco , Mac * ,
clofed Sftturilny night with the following
> cnro : N'anuhixii 1S1 milo * , KdmundH 170 ,
McnRhnr 1 IS.
0'l Schura > M thnt n imtinl iinnev nf a
donhlo ehnmber Irgia'atuit1 ( houne nnd RFliiri )
IH essentlnl , nnd Kngland cannot ahollih the
IIOIIPO of lordn ,
Snmtiol Wnnnninnkor , ngod CO yonrs , wan
spntoncod nt Ynungotonn , Ohio , Saturday , to
fifty years' Imprisonment for forging notes to
the amount of $ l,000. !
At Chicago , Saturday , Judge Tuloy nt > .
pointed Horace A. llurlbut receiver of the
Storey catato , with no power , however , to In
terfere with thu conduct of the Times.
Thn Hawaiian Sugar company , of which
Clnua Sprcckloi Is a leading stockholder , has
decided to iatlio $1 000,000 first mortgage , 7
per cent , ton year bonds for the HiiiihUtton of
its ei.COO.OOO debt.
Two moil dlgcrlng roots on itlandx In Jtho
SiiKiuolmium river , near Danville , PA , Sat
urday struck n motnl bov containing coins
amounting nearly to 317,000 , including $10 , .
OOi ) In silver Mexican dollam , $30,000 In gold
doubloons und nearly $1,000 in small silver
M , H. Do Young , proprietor of the San
Frnncnco Chronicle , shot by Adolph B.
Spreckles ten days i < go , la now ahlo to leave
his hod and nit up several hours nt ntlmn Tin
favor has entirely abated , His pnlso temperature -
turo is normal , nnd nrelapso ittieonly | ! danger
Franco hna increased the duty on imported
General Wolseley linn applied from J''gypt
for more troops.
French reinforcements to China nro being
ported in nil haste ,
Franca will send 15.000 reinforcements to
China to push hostilities.
The boiler of n French war ship exploded off
Formosa , killing thirteen persons.
Attempts nru being made to perfect the ex
tradition tre.xtioi between tftl'rnnco nnd
Kuglnud ,
The attempt of Sinclair In London to bent
thu American KlO-mllo pedestrian record col-
lap'od on the Ulat mile.
At Vienna Saturday twenty nnnrchinta ,
convicteduf ciruulntlug trexnonnblo literature ,
wuroEontencad from three to twelve joarn.
In the London courts a wninnu wni given
JLT > ' 0 damages rgalmtt Dr , Winslow for ut
tempting to contlno her In a Innatio asylum.
The Anuiican "lind "
ship Cross" from
Portland , Oro. , nrrhed In tjiieunatown Saturday -
day , nnd repotted that the u.iptam committed
tuicldo on thu voyage ,
Hnssoy , the owner of the house In Dublin
shittorcd by dynamite Thursday night , has
lodged a claim for L'lfiOi ) oomponsjilon for
malicious damage to hia property ,
A mefHongor from General Gordon hat ) i r-
rlvod nt Dongoln , bringing dispatches eight
wooka old , After leaving Khartoum the mes
senger waa captured nnd detained some tlmo
nt kmondy.
Klovcn new cnsea nnd seven donthi occurred
from cholera In Spain during the past forty-
eight hours ,
The labor oignni/utloiiH nt Pittfdmre nro
making nil efforts to nolid relief to the mineis
In the Hocking valley now out out on n
Tha Congo conference with seilonti differ
ences Is still In ecsbion.
At Bombay , India , there wna n monster
mass mooting of nativcu to dcclnro loyalty to
"Tt Is'rumorod in Pnris thnt tha Germans ere
making preparations to InvnJo the Transvaal ,
llo\v ft Fair Yojnifj Croat lira JMlMoolc
Iho SlK" ,
Chicago Herald.
The other day a young lady entered a
wall known store , in front of which she
had aeon aplncard , on which was printed ,
"Hose repaired and all attachments. "
Ono of the polite clerks stopped up and
her what ho could do for hor. She
looked a llttlo Hurried and hesitatingly
Inquired :
"Do you repair hoto and attachments
hero ? 1 flaw a card to that cffuot hang
ing in the window. "
"Wo do , " said the clerk , without ap
pearing iu the least disooncortod ; "havo
you some you wish repaired ? "
"Yoe , sir , 1 I have some 1 would
like repaired what are your charges ,
eir ? "
"Well , that depends , " aid the clerk ,
"on the amount of work to bo dono. The
best way for you to do Is to send the hose
here , and you can call in afterwards and
we'll lot you know about what it will bo. "
She said she would do so and departed ,
looking very much relieved. Aud the
next day a very small boy with a package
entered the ntoro , and placing it on the
counter , said that his Bister sent the box
down. John , the hundsomo clerk ,
thought of hia beautiful Alioo. Ho had
heard her speak of her little brother ,
Tominio , nnd.ho smiled patronizingly on
the little follow , und inquired his nuino.
' Tommio , " Bald the lad.
' Tominio well , that's a nice name ,
my llttlo man ; and you'ro ' a nice boy
huro ia a dime for you to buy BOIIIO candy
with ; " then , taking hia pencil from behind -
hind hia car , ho wrote something on a
Blip of paper and gave it to the boy , Buy
ing , "tlioro , Tommio , give this to your
sister ; don't losoit , my boy. "
The boy tucked the note in his boot
leg , pocketed the ten cunta , nnd do-
So confident was John that the package
contained a book Alice euid she would
send him that day , that ho opened the
box without doluy , while the clerks
hovered near. To his astonishment Jio
found not a book of pooma , but first ,
ono , two , three , four pairs of women's
hose , then sorao long straps with some
stool , on which were stamped
"Women's Hose Supporters , Pat. Feb.
ti , 1870. "
John held them np wlmt did it
moain what could Alice bo thinking of ?
lie noticed that the hoao seemed some
what the worse for wear. Ho also ob
served that the f act was not lost on the
other clerks. Alter returning them to
the box , ho called u boy , gave him an ad
dress and the box , tolling him ho "need
not wait for an answer , "
About four o'clock in the afternoon the
young lady who had called the day before
fore to inquire about "hoso" entered and
inquired :
"Did you examine the articles I sent
in to.aay ? "
"Wo have received nothing from you
to-day , madam , " rosponed the clerk.
f "What ? Did you not rccolyo the box
of hose I Bt'iit in this morning by my little
tlo brother ? "
Then it began to dawn on John'i
mind that BOIIIO ono had made a mia
tako. i
"Madam , " taid ho , sorrowfully , "wai
it you who sent in that lot of women's
' ' '
womon'a ?
"Oh I you received it , then ? '
' ' received itand and '
'Wellyea , wo
but ho said no moro ; up before his vlsioi
rose stacks of these horrible thing ; , am
then ho saw no moro. That night thi
young lady received her valuable articles
and now she repairs her own hoaa am
ul ! attacbuou a.
nm AcijumtNo A i-nAuticAi.
" SBtfeT Ml.WiJS1&T wa ;
i ! ! s" ? .
Business College ,
Oprnrtt mioctwliitlv * October SI , nltli ton tocliora
am ) a ( 'OIH ! fttter.iunrp , lilch doubloil ilurlng the
IU t lUu ncckn. ixiul l illl.Rtca < Illy InoicuHlnir.
I'llty s.udiii'H IH the HiMucm fcllfpo tnil
Hlio'tliinil CI n-L ! i ; in > > rly fltiy In the Normal or
Tiiuhot'f lcpattini < nt ml Coimnon Ilraiichu nnd a
KixxlAttciulitiica In tlioMiihlo nut Art tlcpirtmcntd ,
I'UKStDr.NT JUNhH li ih .lo > or twenty JOJM'
H'lli'iinoln Ollic4 > tlonnlwork.
rUOKI'.SiOH IIAMI.IN. 1'rliirlpnl or the llinliimi
0 lli'uo lushniloMr nfU'ciMliln1 cxpciUnoc ami
In n ynwtl | r IMimnii nnd F.vpfrt AooounUiit.
I'lol , l.tntnn , ( > ( XCH'on , Jlit > p , In a sunott'r In-
fitni"-tor In Minlc. lllm Hixrali llcrrau , ot ClilcftRO ,
Is nu nrll t at tnro t > lent and thlH , nnil n tuc-
iMietiil to.ic'icr Sll'd I.yillnt , J tics , and Mlaa Jen-
BtoOowicsuroRriVilimtcH of ilio Notth c Urn Unl-
MTultv , anil nhlo t nchcm. Mr. A. A. Uonlct la a
| ract'rnl Ktioit html rrportor ami nnd an odf | it it
I'rct Mohlcr mill ttlior ti'nrlicr.i ntw
thoroughly iQtllleil |
Tu tlnn forflttcen ockn t K. Iloiuit i sti from
$ U ( o to $3 00 nnctk In clubs ivn.l I"J' ni\t \ bcurdlnR
It c tHlcHH t'Uoci can bo lininil for icvcrM iniro
Ktiiiluu HU ho with lo | > y jinttor nholo ol lioanl by
homotiitk urchorcn
TlitWINTBKIKItMof ISwioVi. will U-gln Den.
HO , tint ttii.UntM'Vi I\HR : AT VNYTIMR , nun nro itr > -
lag no coiitlnully , pay ! " ( , ' HUIKCB nl > Irom tlmo ot
cutciliiK to tlmo ol K'ftilnjt
lor tmrtlou nmniidriKj iheumlcralirrml ,
\V. I' . JUNkl > , A. M.
NorniM Collogr , Ficmont , Ncli.ajk i
Chemical Dyeing
0 , T. 1'AULSON , 1'roprlotor.
Gontlomona' Clothing Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired ,
tjul'.cs' Iro89oa Cloanfd and Dyed , without Hipping.
I'luinca Cli aned or Colored any shade , to samplo.
Rllk , Velvets ni > tnoca Cleaned , Dyed andillo-un-
1212 DonRlaa Stroot. - OMAHA , NEB
Propound ( or Ilulldliij ;
Depart mon tot the Interior , )
Olllro ot Indian All lr , Nov. 17,1881. f
Saikled jirorosali , rndoreol "nropoiali foi Itulldln ?
llrldgi H , " u III ho rrcolvo t at this nllloo until 1 o'clock
Tiicalay the 10th ot Dccwm ur , 18S4 ( or tin oon-
itruotlon ot thrco hildgcs PII thoH&ntcaSioux Hoior-
\itloii In Nehratika , and I'onca Hc cr\nt'on ' In Dakota
at the foI'ouliiR ' location * ; on the Santee llcnervotlon
nvertho Ilic'locr ' ok , n hrlJROof thru ) Bpaaa of 60
foot each ntth 16fcotaupioacho < ; on the I'onca I'.cs-
iriatlon , over the Nlnbra'n , tlvnr. abridge 000 ( Mt
from und to ciu' , nnd over UieVi'iBt ForkulsaU rlrer
u pm ct OUttut ,
&Tro brlJ-n ( In ( | mtlnn are ti bo ot combination ot
wood andiron , with rint trim eliocs , itsllnt ? on pilu
tiiundatlons , which ovtr the Nl brnra ttvcr nro to bo
dilvenlti c t , o\et Ilazlle ciccW , 13 icct , and over
We't Toikot Nlobrara Illver , IS foit boluw watir
lore ) , nnd ire to bo tnilll In accordanoo with clans
And eiwoincation j to be seen at the olllco ot the Depot
Onaiternmlcr at Onuha. Nclir k , the ' Tlmos" of
licnif r. Colorado , and of the "Inter-Ocean 'of Clil-
cfliro , lit. *
The condructlon of the bridges to midor Uio fm-
rccdUtoiupcnislonof a jicrMn to bo dlslRnateU by
thin Department.
All bids must boacoompaclcd bj aooitlfied cliook.
on omo United States Di > o ltorj , for at leoat FIVK
prr centum rf thn amount of the proposal , which
check will bo forfeited 10 the Untied Htatealn cnio
aiy bidder or bidders fait to oxtcuto a contract with
good anJ sufficient smctlrs ; othrrnlso to be returned
to tlm LlcliliT. in submitting blilx , bidders should
i tate the tlmo rcipilrcd by thvm for the ronstructlon
n ( tlu Iirl'RC8 , an ( Ins nutter will bo romlderod hi
mnklujr the auanlj , and mido a pirt of theoontnot-
Thotlvhlli nnomillo inject any or all bids or
rnv imrt tf any b'd If decmul fur tha belt IntuiusDot
thoitimce. H VIIIOK ,
n H2-3wk8 in oil CommUuloner.
Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and
The new extension ot this Una from Wakefiold np
through Conooid tuJ Ooloildge
Reaches the host portion of the State , Special ex
ourelon ratog for land beoliors over thi * line I
Wayne , Norfolk and Ilnrtlngton , and via Ulilr to a
principal polbts on the
Ti lns over tht 0. , St. I * . M. 4 0 , Ilallwav to COT
ngton , Sioux Olty , I'onca , II rHngton , Wayu uU
Noifolk ,
or Fromoat , OAkd > , Nollh , and through to Val
entine ,
til * i lllu acdfciinntloi c ll on
[ HUCCESSOilS TO THE J. U , B. & B. OO. |
The moit extensive minuuctiuen
John HockatruiKr General A Kent of Ncbraak * n
Western low * .
50 8 , Tenth Dtroel . . . . OJIAHA , NKB
tar il tlou IllllUrJ and Pool TkUea md rettcrla
Plattsraouth , - ' - NeDraslm
iu > 07TUOBOuuB it > un > mail aiiot
Belglftn Boyal anil U.H. Mall Steamer *
TktRM t , Oemany , Italy , Holland and JVtuwM
BtertgoOatw a , < Ui frvpuld liom Antwerp , llg )
Ezaanion , I ) ) , lnr < udloxbeddlii ? , ( to , Id C bin , I JO :
Ooand Trip , IW.OC ; zcoritnn , tltx.'l lUleoa horn ( M
to (90 ; Exoarelon 110 to C180.
JVFettf WrlgU Son * , 09 U Ujo-l. '
w y H. Y.
GtldwdlllUTll'oi&O . , OmiVi , P , K Fniuii
Oo. , , uo N , IBlU rtir. * . , Uuului ; 1 , K , KliubiU ,