OMAHA DAUA JBIiE MONDAY DECEMBER 1 3 &OMAHA , i-AIl ) UP CAPITAL . 8350,000 SURl'LUS MAY 1 , K8t . 20,001 IBECTOIIS ) ) < t'V \ T ATKS/ A. E. TOUZALUi , President. Vle President. V. MOOUE , JNO. 3. rottJKS , tKWIS 8. UKKM n K. Haydrn , AHtUnt ani ? Actlne Caehlet. omroi The iron Bank , OOB , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS A GENERAL JJANKINQ BUSINESS TKAN3AOTKD. INTKRKST nllowod on tltna dcpotlts upon nvoiablo tor an anil upon Meounln of \ bankers , FOREIGN KX01IANQE Boud * and Conntr < ! City tecwIUei bought and tolil. In its treatment of cnttomorn the most llby srM policy id pursued consUtont with cafotd and Bound banking , nnd wo invite corresponcs enco or poraoual inquiry in oonnootion thorn with FINANCIAL. NKW Yonx , November 29. Money Ka at l@2c ; closed offered at 1J per cont. Prime paper 4J@Go. Sterling Bills Steady at 4 80J ; demand , 4SIJ. Governments Steady. UalhvnyB Gcnurallr firm. Stocks Market dull , but generally firm during early Uading. Lake Slioro and Union Pacific slightly lowor. After 11 o'cloclr , Lackawanna became strong and rose l.J per cent , to 110J , remainder of the active list ad vanced J to g in sympathy. Near midday the market weakened on heavy sales to realize. Uotwen 11 ! and 1 speculation was quiet , changes Might. Later on Lackawanna again became prominent , rising to 111. Urangeis , Trunk Line , Pacific mail and Oregon Trans continental wore also strong. Market closed firm at , or near highest point of the day. Lackawanna was the special feature and ad vanced on favorable rumors regarding the com pany's per centagoin proposed allotment pool. Compared with last night , closing prica ? are J to 1J per cent higher , except for Lake Shore and Omaha , which are i ( to 1 psr cent lower. Michigan Central 3 per cent higher at CO. Nashville and Chattanooga rose 3 to 39. Quicksilver preferred , 4 to 34. Richmond aud Danville brought 45 against 31 last previously reported sale. Richmond and West Point sold up from 19 to 23 and closed at21 | . Transac tions , 227.000 nhares. Delaware , Lackawanua and Western , 37,000 ; Lake Shore , 28,000 ; Northwest m , 10,003 ; Now York Central , 12- 000 ; St. Paul , 38,000 ; Union Pacific , 11,000. COUPONS. 3's lOli 4J's Coupons 114f U. S. now4'n 122J PacificG'aof " 93 120 BTOCKS AND BONDS. Central pacific 34 J Chicago & Alton 130 do do pfd 145 Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 120 J Delaware , Lackiwana & Western 110 | Denver & Itlo Grande 9J Erie 14J diipfd 29 Illinois Dentral 121J Indianapolis , Bloom , < t Western 154 Kansas & Tearw K'i4 ' Lake Shore & Michigan Southern G74 Louisville & Na hvillo 03 Michigan Central ( iOJ Missouri Pacific lj ) Northern Pacific 184 do do pfJ 42' Northwestern ! ' 1 ; tie pfd 120. New York Central t 89. . Oregon Transcontinental Md PacilicMad P. D. &E 13f Pullman Palace Car Company llOi Kock Island 1MJ ) 8t. Louis & San Francisco 21 do do pfd 40) ) Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 70j do do do pfd IOC ; St P.ud&0maha 29J + do do pfd 00 Tuxas Pacific Uuion Pacific i Wabush , St. Louis & Pacific fiim do do do pfd m Western Uuion Telegraph CO , ' O. K. &N 51 .Kx-dlv. tasked. GKVKUAI.I rnorujctr. CHICAGO rUODUCE. CIUOAOO , November 29 , Flour Dull and unchanged. Wheat Active ; unsettled ; lowerjoponcd } , @ | c higher , declined later Ic. clopod go under ypHtcrduy ; 7Zt'itfi'Al } $ uiehi 73 c November ; Tijn for Dectmhor ; 74'j fl'744o for Jauuiry ; 75i@7fij i fur February ; 81go for May ; No. 2 md. 744@75c ; No. 3 red , file. Corn -Active ; weak ; lower except May , which Uttiady ; Nuvem i-r declined fjc from tciji juices yeutordav , closliiK 3c undnr > ( "t-r- day ; J par declluml c , clustd fjc lower. X > \ ( 35jo for cash ; 331 j for Novftiibor ; 3Jui6Sc ! ] ( ) for December and year ; Sljjc for January ; Slgc for February ; 37ic for May. lit } < ct d , 2Uc. Oats Ooeut'd stuady ; weakened lutor ; c.isti go uudfr ; openlug 20Jc for c sh : 2.125Jc for Novemlwr and Uncoinbi-r ; 25Iu)2."i ( ) o Jnn- uary ; 28A ® 28c for May. Hya SUwdy at 51c. Uarley Nominal , At 5So. Timothy Slow ; piline , 1 10 1 17. Flax sotd-lc lower ; No. 1 , 1 30 , Pork Active ; easy ; declined C@10o : close 1 utovly at lni-iile ; 10 00 All 00 for c < wh ; 10 CO © 10 05 for tuo you ; 10 85@10 87J for January ; 10 0 J'All Op tor February. Lard Quiet ; cuhl5dVGo Inwor , November 2i@Co lower ; cloaod ( juiot ; U 80 for caih and Ndvorrl > er ; 07210 75 for December ; ( i 75 ® G 774 for January ; 0 85@I5 87 * for February ; COl > J@OU5 for March. Bulk Moats-Shoulders , 1 75 ® 1 80 ; short clear , 0 10@0 1C ; short ribi , C C0@o 87 } . WhUkey-1 13. liutter Firm and unchanged ; good to fan cy creamery , 22@27c ; fair to good dairy , 12 @lCc. Ohoene Firm and unchanged ; good to fine chwldard lli@12c ; kimu. good , 5'i47c. KtfgH Firm and unchuiKiHl"frenlj : ; 2ic Hide * fitcudyJauil unolianged. Tallow St a < ] y nud unchanged. llecoipU. tildi/tB. Flour , bbls 1I5.00U 21,000 Wheat , buBheU SfiK.UCO 13,00 Corn , bunheU 232nM ( ) 311,000 Oats , bushels 87,000 C8 000 Hye , busheU 8000 3/00 liarluy , oublieln 17,000 27OiX ) Hf , IIXD11 PKOUDCK. ST. LOCIS , Novf-mbor 29. Wheat OrciH'd higher , Uieu declined and cbnul jjg under vttiKv ; No. 2 red , ? 5g@7CJ ; lur OAth ; 7fl 5fi7l y December ; G8J@C'J4 ' lor Janu arys G7i OS fi r Atttv. Climoil at inlde piice . Corn OjMinicl lil/lj r hutcksed J(5J ( un der yati'roay ; 3.'iia ( > 35 § Irr canh ; ? Cj(5,3'i3 ( NoVL'inbei ; 3'JJ .yj for tliu year ; 31J'g ) 32 for January. * OaU Hull ; nothiig done , Kyo Firmori 48. Barley ( Juiet ; OOS75. liutter uull : dairy , 18@23c ; wramory. C4 @ 27c. J > gH Lower ; 22. KlaxSaid-Quiul. 1 19 llvy Quiet ; praiiie , 00@10 M ; timothy thy , 10 00@13 fO. ISraii Htcadvi ' 5 at mill. Com Mt'al Dull ; 00 NKVV YOIIK , Nmv YOJIK , Nov6iu ) > er 29. Wheat-SK | > t firm and opiiunn barely uteady ; receipts 112- OOOi xporU. Cl.OjXI : uograded r d , fi'8lj ; 87,000) ) export * , 1H,000 ! uncptdci ] , 46@SO No. 2 , oOMolis .Tnt tnry closing nt 4'J. OnU Sternly ; rocei ! > ' . -17. CO ) 1,100 ; mixed wcntcru , Htfn < U } ; wliito : W8 ( KBKSVwturn fresh , firm nnd fft'rly a Uo. Uo.1'ork Dull ; hoay now tiics * , 1 ! < . I nrdVftW , western tteninfjxit , 7 2 ! ! . HutUr Quiet Uarlcy Bteady , Jfovombtr 21 * . Stronj ; nnt higher , WhoAt- Winter , 0 C'l@Cn IQd ; spring , i 8dls lOd. Corn Ca fill. TOI.KDO. TOI.SIX ) , No * ember 2 ! ) . Wheat Weak No. 2 led cn h nail December , CUjf. Corn Dull ; No. 2 cash. 38. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , 27 , CINCINNATI. NCl.NCiN.SATl , November 2y Wheat Sternly o 2 , 70. Corn-Dull : No. 2 mined , 31 Kyo-Dull at 53. Uarloy-Qultt ; extra No. n fall , 70. 1'orkQuiot nnd stonily at 12 10@12 25. Iiird Heavy at 0 7D , llulk Moats Steady ; shoulders , 5 CO ; phori ribs , ( i 00. Whisky rirni at 1 11. KANSAS I'tTT. KANSAS CITT , NuvomberSO. Whoat-disl future * , lower ; cash and December , 50 } ; .Ian uary , n@fi2 | ; Mny. Corn- Quiet : ca.ih , 2lil(32r.J ( ; year , 2. > 1 bid Jannary , 2tJ bid4 May , 27i bid , 27.fnskod , OnU-Dull nnd nominal ; 21bid ; 'S2 ± aakcd ItlUVACKEK. MlUVAUKEK.Novoinbera'J. ' Whoftt-Trtine No. 2 MllwAtikeo , 72Jc ; November , 72jc ; Uo comber , 7 § C ! January , 734e. Corn Dull ; nuwontlrely nominal , Oats Qutot ; nominally unchnnrcd ; No , 2 27io ; No. 2 wh'to , 2Sio. Hye Innclivo ; No. 1 , C2c. IJarloy yuioti No. 2 Bpting62 0. 11ALTIUOBK. UALTIMORU , November 29. Wheat West , eru , atoady ; No. 2 winter rod spot , 71'i1 ' ! asked. Corn Steady , nulot ; woatorn mixed Hi\ot H Dull ; Western white , 32@33c : mixed 30f < 31o. Uyo-Quiot ; C2S05c. ( Era * 'toady ' ; 2i@2fc. ( \VhlBkoy-Steady ; 1 18@1 19. NKW Olll.KANS. NKW Oui.KANS , November 29. Corn Dull in Backs , white , 43 ollOo ; yellow , 50o. Oat * Western , quiet at 35c. Corn Meal Good domniul at -10@2 15. I'orkQuiot and steady at 12 00. Lard btoady ; tierce refined , 7 f 0 ; keg 770 Whiskey Steady ; wt-jtorn rectified , 1 05 ® 125. iavi-1 sxooic. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , Novembar .21) ) . Drovers' .Tourua ! reports : HORS Keceipts , Sl.OOO head ; active , 0 < lower. Hough packing , ! 00 ( 4 25 ; packing aud shipping 4 40@4 SiJ ; light. 4 00 ® 135 akips , 2 'J0@3 9C > . Cattle lloccipta , 3,800 head ; exports C 10(5 ( G 75 ; common to chuice 4 20(2,0 UU ; inferior tc good cows. 200375 ; etookors , 2 GO © 350 fcodera , 3 40@4 OU. Sheep Keceipte , 1,200 ; steady : inferior ti good 2JOfe3 ) 25 choice , to oitraS 50g3 55. KANSAS CITV. KANSAS CITY , November 29. Cattle UB- ceipts , G55 ; natives steady ; exports. 5 'JO'S 6 ifi ; common to clioico shipping , 4 75@5 75 foederfl , 375@4 2r ; cows , 2 G5@ 25. Iloga Keceipts , 7,500 ; steady at 3 S0@ 420. 420.Sheep lleceiptc , G35 ; weak ; fair to good 2 50@3 00 ; common to medium , 1 90@2 30. RT. LOtJlH. ST. Louis , November 29. Cattle Ileceipts 4G i ; dull ; common to choice nhlppinrr , 4 2a ( G 00 ! cou-a and lieifern. 2 7 4 03. Sheep KecMptj , 200 ; dull. llofra Heceipts , 3,600 ; active ; Yorkers , 4 10SJ4 ( 2J ; packing 25@1 40 ; heavy , 1 35 < < J 450. OMAII-V 3IA11KI3TB. "Wholesale Prices. OKfica or THE OMAHA BKB , ) Friday ovoniutr , November 2 < . J The following prices nro charged retailers by jobliersvholesalors and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prlcos furniahed by the elevators and other local buyera : Grnln , Wheat Cash No. 2 , 5Gi. Harloy-Cash No. 2 , 48&G3. llyo-Cash No. 3 , 33J. Corn No. 2 , 261. Oats-No. 2 , 19 } . Live tHtoclc. Hogs S Of ) @ 1 00. Kheep-300'.350. StocrB-300@l50. Cows-300@350. CalvPB-5 Steady : ( ? rwii butchers' G gresn salted , B : diy flint 12 ; dry salt 10@11 damaged iH , two thtrdH price. TallowIJ a 5J. ' 00. Sheep l'olta-25@l Kloar and WinU'r Wheat -Uett quality patent at 2 80 © 2 90. Second quality 'i 20 ® 2 50. HniiiiK Whiut-lSont iiuallty , patant , 2 8C © i " yo Second Quality S 16@2 50. Uran-fiOo per cwt. Choiipnd Feed-l'or 100 lljj. , 90c. ' Coru Meal 1 ( Wall HI pur cwt. Screening G5@76o par General I'rortiico. Aiiples lleceipti continue heavy only : hoicu stock Buluble at 2 00@2 60. Bulk r - ; eipta selling at l'5@Mo per huahol , according 10 quality , Beans Very dull. Only clean stock salo- blo. Naveis ( clean ) p r bushel , 1 25jjl 60 ; uipdium , 1 COgil 25 , Comb lEonoy In good demand , Receipts rory small and moot with ready sale at 18 ® iOo in 1 aud 2 Ib frames , Beeswax -In good demand , Choica bright Ter Ib , , 2G@28c ; common to good dark I or Ib. , i5@2iic. Butttor- Quiet and a lack of demand nota ble. Only the better grades of dairy tell 'airly well , whllii all inixod lots and oil quail- .Irs are drugglug , and we often have to con- lent to picking , making Kuver.d irriideH out of > nu packa o , Crnamerv nominal. Creamery , 11 a ' - ' ( ! ; clioico duiry , 17M2Uc : f.iir to goixl , I2@15s ; Inferior grades , 8 oilOc. Cider -"Ohio11 per bbl. , 700 ; "York 5t to" per bbl , 8 00 ; per 4 bbl. , 4 75 ; con- loused per gal 85c ; crab npplo per gal 35c , CheeaoFull craun , wo teni , 12o ; Wiscon- in now 12c ; young American , 12 a 13c. KggH Are now in liberal supply an'l prices veaker ; sales were made to-day at 25 9"Gc ; narkot rather uurettled. Hny Baled S7.00S8.00 lee * ! , 85.00 a i.OO. Maple Hugar I'uro , in bricks , par Ib , ICc , ) hio , Kto ; smal cnkcu 1'Jjjc. ] 'oKXJrii | Market glutted. H.ili-d slow at Poultry Trads h.ui buf-n a llttio livelier y , and all well dinned poultry rncnts with aln on arrival , at our quotatiouH. d poultry for thli < market rhouldM \ dry ticked , entrails removed and head and feet nt oil , in order to brine lop market prices , It hould alno IJH properly coo'od off bcfnru iButiing ; chlck-rin , alive , per dozen , $ V,50j .hickerw , d w wix \ > r 1U , 7S,8c. ( ; turkey , Inssod , per Ib , 12gl3c ; ducks , alive , per ii ; n , &J.OO ; ducks , drosted , jwr Ib , , 12 ® < n. drectiEMl , | . r Ib. , 12c , H-TliH weather Is moro favorable now , chickenH am doing better , all clicnco bilnfting 93.10. .Soft and drawn onnx , . /i lower , ( jiaail nni very plentiful nd a good many In j > oor order. Doer , arcajw , per Ib. , 7 c ; dwr Moddlon. per Ib , , 11 12c ; antcloptt , carcnttr Ib. , 7' 8canto ; ] epa saddles , ir Ib. , 11 < & 12 ; pralrio chick- UK , per dozen , $300 ; quail , ? 1.00$1.W ( ; i rirdow > n 83.00 g i 6 ; Jack rabliU , 1.55 ; ( lacks. malUnl , l. yi@$2.00 ; lenl anil . I'oUtoea-Clioirp stock. p < r bushel , 3 * > ® UK iuferior mid mlird lots , per bu < hol , 25MH ! > a. Swoel t'otatupgOnly clioico lart ; ? , .klnb1 ( at lj@2c per Ib , l.lst. CASNKI * (3oons. ( Ojslrri cn e. ! 1 Pi ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per raoc , 220 riRiL'errles | , 2 Ib , per cast' , 2 50 ; Callfuruli paars per can1 , 5 Ml : apricots , per ca o 5 W peachos. | mr CAJH * , 51H ) ; while chcrtiei po r.i e , 07 ; pluuiR per ca o , 4 50 ; whortlober riex , per c.Mtf , 3 ( .0 , ocg t'luuu , 2 Hi , ; C'1 ' * " 2 IK ) ; preen RflReis 2 Ib. per CMO , 2 1"0 " ; jiitu aplcs , 2 Ib , per ca o , 3 l'0ft)5 ( ) 50. Koi'v : Sunl , k inch and larger , 1'c , g inch Die. 1 inch , lOc. CANMU.KS lloxen 40 llw , \ ( > f , ISc , 8 , ISc boxes , I His , 10 oz , Ga. 1 ! ( ! . MATCIUS I'er culdie , ! ? 6c ; round , cases 2 55 ; fquaro , ca e , 1 70 : Oahkosh , ceses , 1 40 SOD AHS - Powdered , TJcjcut loaf , 7Jc ; gran ulutid. 0 c : lonfoitionera' A , Gjje ; Hlandnrt extra O , lie ; extra C , 5c ; medium yellow , fijc dark yellow , tio. COVFKKS- Ordinary grades , l2@12)icfAir. ) ! U OlSJc : good , KIJc ; prime , 14C415Jp ; choti'rt 10@17c ; fancy green and yellow , ltiojlG&r ( & ; oh Kovernmnut.tavn , "OS2iil ( : Armtcklo'M roust ed , IBJ'c ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted. 15Jc imitattou Java , ICJC lSJe ; Cl rk''i Aurora 16c. SvnurStandnrd Com. , Mo , bblo ; Sta.ldari do , 4 } gallon keps , 1 8 ; Standard do , 4 galloi kcca , 1 60. Soiu In Ib papere , 3 20 per case ; keg , pe Ib , 2Je. I'lCKLEH Medium in barrels. G 00 ; do It hnlfbarreB ] , 3 CO : small , in barreln.7 Oil ; do ii half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrel ? , 3 00 do in half barrel ? , 4 50. TKAHGunpowder , peed , 45@55c : choice 75c ; Oolonir good , 85f Ifc : Oolong cholco I0i55c ( , Sauchonff , good , 30 40o ; clioico , 3 151CK Louisiana , prime to choice , GJ@7c fai' , lie ; Patma , GJc. Kisit No. 1 mackerel , half bbls. , 7 50 li'aniilv4bbU,42r > ; No. 1 kiU 1 05 ; famllj ldt , GOc ; No. 1 whitofUh , half bbls , , G 60 ; No 1 kits. 95ct family halt bbls. . 309 ; fiuililj kiU nndlpalls , GOc ; No. 1 trout , half blln.,6 26 WOOUINWAIIK Two hoop pail * , 1 83 ; threi hoop pail , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , ! ) 00 ; piouee washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 'JO ; well bucketfi , 3 85. SoAi-H Kirk's Savon Imporinl ; 3 45 ; Kirk' satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 3 76 ; Kirk' White Hussiim , 6 20 ; Kjrk'rt outoca , 2 15. POTASH Vennsylvania cans , 1 cans in case 3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 dor. in case , 1 90 ; An clior ball , 2 doz. in cane , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twis stick , lOJo. VINKUAII Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap ple , 13o , SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ash ton tu sacks , 3 5H ; bbls dairy , GO , 6s , 3 GO. STAIICH Pnarl , _ 4Jo ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Con Starch , 8c ; Bxcclsior Gloss , 7c : Corn , 7Jc , SriccH- Pepper , 17c ; spice , 14c ; cloves , 20c cauiiia , 15c. DHY VuoiTB No. 1. quarter apples , bbls Me ; N C sliced , boxes , GJu : livajioratod , boxes 9jc ; blackberries , boxes , lOjc ; poaches , ibexes i boxes , 8Jc ; peaches , evaporated , 14c ; rasp berries , 3.'c. BttowN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7ic ; Atlan UcP , Go : Atlantic LL , 5ic ; Brunsvvick , 7Jc Benvor Dam LL , Gc ; Lavvronco LL , 5Jc ; 1'a cilio II , 7Jc ; Uoyal Standard , 7Jo ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Wauchusolt A , 7ia. FINK UnowN SHKKTINOM Argyle , 74c ; Pop poiell 1 { , 7c ; Salisoury It , fii'o. BI.KACHKD COTTONIBallon , 4-4 , fie ; Hal Ion , 7 S. 6Jc ; Cumberland , } ! , 8c ; Davoll DD 8Jc ; ITairmountlc ; Fruit of the Loom 4 9c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gnt , Kl'c Hill 78c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; l.onsdalo , 8ic ; Now York Mills , llic : Wamsutta , lOJo. DCCKO ( Colon dBoston ) 8 oz. , lljci los ton , 10 oz , 14ic ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; FalUlivei 8io.UCOKB UCOKB ( Gray ) -West Point , 8 oz , , He ; Wes Point 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Boar , 8 oz , He. TiCKiNQS Amoskoag He ; Continent : ) Fancy , 9Jc ; Cordis lUtfc ; 1'earl HIver , 13ic York , 1'jjc ) Hamloton Avvuiugf , 12JT1. DEjJlns--Amo8kopir , Me : Beaver Creole AA 12c ; Beaver Creek Btf , lie ; Beaver Crcok CO. lOc ; Havraakew , 8c , .lalf.oy D& T , 12fc .Talfrev XXX , 12 0 ; Po.xrl Kivor 13c ; War- rou AX A ( brown ) , i2c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warrou CO ( brown ) , 1 Ic. CAMBIUM Fifth aveuuo glove finish , 5c , Koyetono glove fiuirli fi\c UonsKr JKANS Amory , 74o ; Hancock , 8c ; Kearpayer 8 c ; Iluckf.ort , 7c PniNTS Aliens , 5Jc : American , fijc ; Arn olds , Go ; Cochcco , Go ; Harmony , 4Jc : Inaigo , 7c ; Indigo 7 8 lljc : Iudio ( 4-1 , 12Jc ; Stool Hiver , 6Jc ; L barter Oak , -IJc. Pni.vis HHIUIINGS American , 60 ; Cochoco , 5c ; Gloucester , 5o ; Southbr'dgo , 4Jc ; Waver- lys. 4c : Kosodalo , 4)c. ) ( GINGHAMS Amoskeag staploi , S c ; Bates staples , bj : ; Lancaiitcr staples , 8c ; Plunkot plaids. 9c ; Hudson chcclcs , 8Jc ; Amoskeac Persinns , 9 c. DitKBH GOODS Atlantic ulparca. 9ic ; Per plan cushn o-o , 23ic ; Hamleton cashmere , 15o ; Hnmloton Faucus , 1 io ; Hamleton brocades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. Paints OlUiind VarnlHhos. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lc ; 150 o iioadlight , per gallon , 12io ; 175 ° houdllgjit , per galion , lo c ; 15J ° \ tor whitn , 15)iiii- ) , ; ; a d raw , pergillun , 4'Jc ; linaoed boiled , uor gallon , 62o , Lnrd , winter otr'd , per irallon , 70c ; No. 1. OJc ; No. 2 , (0 ; castor XXX , per fal ; Ion , 1 GOc : No. 3 , 1 40 ; Bwout , per gillon , 1 00 , npurm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fi.h W. B , , : > er gallon , G5 ; neutsfoot oxtr.i , per g.tllon , 9Jr ; fo. 1 , 75c ; lubriciting , zero , per galloi , 30c ; iiuuiner , 16c ; golden machlno , No. 1 , per galen - on , 35c ; No 2 , 28it ; iiporin , xignal , pur gallon 8lc ) ; turpHiitino , porg'dlou , 4Hi : ; napth.t , 7J ° , ier gallon , IGc. PAINTS i.v OIL White load , Omaha , P. P. iic ; wullo lead , St. Louis , puru , 6'J i ; Mirihil es creiin. 1 to 6 Ib caus , 20c ; Fr-nch 7inc ; reun Era ) , 12c ; zino , led seal , lie , h'ronchInc. . InvarnuihasHt. , 20c ; French 7ino , n oil ixsbt , 15o ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib n H , lOc ; raw and burnt Siomia , lO.i ; vaudyko irown , 13c ; rolincd lampblack , 12. ; clinch ilack and Ivory black , liic ; drop bl ick , lOj ; _ ' , iHtiiin blua10o : ultramarine blue , 18c : chromii green , L. M. & D. . IGc : blind and shutter green , L M. k D. , IGc ; P. rU grt-on , .811 ; Indian red , 15c ; Vnunlian rod , 9 : ; Tus can rfJ , 2-c ; Amurlcaii vermillion. 1. k P : yellow ochui , 'JoA ; \ , M , O. fi 1) . O , ISc ; yellow ochre i > o ; golden ochre , IGc ; ] uti'iit dryur , H ; ; graining colors , IJght oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and aih , 15s , llfiivy Ilurdwnrn Idht. Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow utool , special c t , 63 ; crucible , 7c. special or Gorman , 5c ; ciw-t too ; do , 15a20c ; wa < on spokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per sot , 1 25 ; toil eu , sawoil dry , 1 1 J ; tonguei- , each , 70-35c , nuliv , eiuli , 76o ; nquaro nuts par Ib , 7allc ; waslicn , per II ) , fialtlrivtti ; , per Ib , He ; coil chain , per Ib , Ual2c ; malleable , B : ; iron wodgt-n , Co : crowbars , G ; harruw teeth , 4c ; spring Btooi , 7a8c ; Burdon'n horsu- stioes , 4 40 ; Burden's muleshoo , 6 70. BAKUUD Wmu In cur loU 4 CO per 100 , NAU.s-Iltttoi. , 10 to 01 , 23 ! ) . SllOT-Shot , 185-buckshot ; , 2 10 ; oriental powder , k RH , 0 40. do half kit s , ! l 1H ; do , iuurtnr keg < ) , I 88 ; blantli-K , kega , 3 33 ; fuse , per 10 ) font , 50o. LKAD liar , 1 05. COAL Cumberland blftckflii.i til , 10 00 ; Ator- rls run Blossburg , 1000 ; Whitebomst Jump , fi 00 , Wliittbrmwt nut , 5 00 ; luwn lump , fi 00 ; Iowa nut , ' CO JUick Spring , 7 01 ; Anthra- del , 11 25all 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton. Oak solo. as 12 ; hemlock dole , J8@ 3u ; hemlock kli | , 0c ; riinnor Ii6o to 75c ; hemlook c-lf , 85 to 1 00' hemlock upper , 22 to 24o , oak upper , 2ln ; alligator , 1 00 to 650 , calf kid , 8lf < $ 5c ; Oregon kid , 2 60 fj 276 oak kip , Ma tu 1 CO ; onk calf , 1 20 to 1 30 , Frmich Kip 1 10 to 1 51 ; French c-df. I 21 tn 2 00 ; rusnottn 5 60 to 7 60 ; linluKH , Ii 00 to 8 60. t ppiug , 90UiM60B ; I. . Morocco 30 to.l c ; nbblo O , I ) Morocco 35o ; ti.t > ou , 2 60 Cq'i 00. HAHNIWH No. 1 afar o k , 3Go ; No. 2 , fl c ; Mr No. 1 Ohio oak , 33j ( ; No. 1 do , Ike ; No. 1 Milwaukee 'die ; No 2 do , 'My. Na. 1 PltU ouk har , 'MoNo. . B J'il oak hur , ! flc. AIXOHOL ; 184 | x > < > of alrxihol , 2 2G pur wln K llun tatra Pallfornla spirits ; 188 proof , 1 18 | ir yt out gallon ; tripiilu relioed tpiriui , 1H7 proof 1 IT ir jironi i/allon ; redlbtillnd wbltki'i ) , 1 03 1 60 ; ( inn blended , 1 60 * 2 60 ( JlNa Imiiortcd 50&000 ; doweetlc , 1 40 ( § 1300. Kiwi -Imported , 4 W0 00 ; New Knglond , Im ) > orteil , pr ca o , 58 OOy ? 31 CO ; A mi iU in , per case , 12 00@10 CO. DltCOS ANli ClIKHlOAlS Acid , Mtbolle , IV , ) ci < l , tititaric , We ; Inlssm coitl' | ' < n , per hi , 6e : bark , ( Musafras per Ib , 12o : rnlomol , pel Ib , 8VJ1 cinohonidla , jvr n * . , 90 4 ; chlnro form , pfr Ib , SI 05 ; Dovers powderi' , per Ib ? l 2"i ; np'iuu s H . I'er Ib , 3Jc ; Blyc-rlut , pure , pfr Ib , 25c ; lea 1 acetntc , ptr Ib , i'Oo ; oil castor , Nn 1 percal.Sl , 'Oj oil cattor , No. ' per gal. , SI 40 ; nil , olive , prijU ; , § t 40 ; oil. origanum , 5 c ; opium. Si 50 ; quinine , P. A W. , and U. A. S. , per 07 , SI 00 ; pot.wi.lwn , lo iilo , per Ib , , $ JI 00 ; nvl'ciu , per oz. . JOc , Milpbato inorpmi.v , PIT < ij , $ .1 60 ; sulphur , per IK , 4c ; strychnlno , per ot , , § 1 35 , Tolinci-o. Plug Tobacco -Climax , 4V ; Bullion , 4.p > c Horseshoe , 4lc , Star , -I Go ; lliuly , 4 c ; llor myV. 40c ; Hlack. SSfiaid : Spoarhovd , IGo. Our Kopo , 4Sc ; Piper Houlsiock. Glo. Flue Cut Common , 30ci Medium , 4fci Kixxl , 45@ ( ' > 0c ; Hard to 1'wt ' , 70c ; Favorite , ( > 0c ; Diamond Crown , 5'c ; Sweet Sixteen , 500. Smoking . 8. , 22c : Mccrschmim , 30ci Durlniu , llnjoz. 61o ; Unrlinm , Soz. , 65o ; Dur ham , 4 oz. , 67 ! Durham , 2 or. . . G c ; Seal ol North rarolinn , 1G ot.,4le ; of Ninth Car olina , 8 oz , 43c ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 or. , 48o : Seal ofNotth Carolina. 2oz. , Mo ; O. K , Durham , 4 oz. , 2Sc ; O. K. Durham , 2 o , 3icj ) Undo Nod , i' 2Jc ; Tom aud Jerry , 23o. Iiuinlior. \VHOUMALK. Wo quote lumber , lath and xbingles on oar at Omaha nt the following prlci > : JOIST AND MOANTL1NOlu feet and under , 20 00. TiMlitlui 10 foot and under , 20 CC. TlilliBH AND Joisr-20 ft , V3CO ; 24ft. , 25 HO. FKNCINQ No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 200) ) . SltEATHlNfl No. 1 (2d ( comrrcu boards ) 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. Sioou BOAIIDS-A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; O , 35 00 Fl.oohlNn-No. 1 , 40 00 ; No , 2 , 85 10 ; No , 3 , 25 00. SIDINH , clonr-27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. 3 , 20 00. CKiu.va3700 ; 8,2600. SlIINni.EK , boat < 50 ; eUudnrd , S 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LISIK Per barrel , 1 2. : bulk par 'bu > hul 35c ; coniout ; bbl , 2 2i ; Iowa planter , bbl , hair per bus , 60c ; tarruil felt , 100 Ibi , straw board , 360. Dry \Vhito load , Sue : _ French zinc. IOo ; Parii whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , Ifo ; wliltliif cnm'l , Ijc , lampblack , Germnntown , He lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; I'lussian blue , 65o uutiKmnrino , 18o ; vaudyke , brown , So ; umber burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c : "Iiuna , burnt , 4o sleni n , raw , 4c : Pans pft j , genuine , 2Ec Paris green , common , 20C , liromogrocn , N. Y , 20c ; chromo green , K , , 12o ; vermillion , Kng. 7Cc ; vermillion. Amorioaii , Itu ; Iudi n , red lOc ; roao pink , lie ; Venetian , red , Cooksou'ii 2 c ; Venetian , red. American , IJc ; red lead 7jc ; chromo yellow , genuine , iOc : chromo yol lf\v , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2o : Wlnter'u mlnnral 2jc ; lohigli brown , 2Jo ; Spanish brown , 2Jc Princo'x mineral , 3c. VAUSIBHKSBarrols , per pollen : Kurnlturo extra , $1 10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex tra , SI 40 : coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , extra ? t 75 ; Japan , 70o ; wphultuui , iixtrc , 65c ahollac , $3 50 ; bard oil finish , C-l 50. PUNVKlt Fixjuu-Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1 25l C& ; pat out , 100 Ibs. , 2 72@3 CO ; Kaunas' ' , 100 Iba , 2 71 @ 4 CO ; Minnesota , 100 Iba , 3 90 ; graham , 10 ( IbB , 1 76 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 26 ; buck-wheat , 10 ( IbH. 7 50@7 75. GKAI.V , FKKD , Era-Whett. 100 Ib ? , 80 ? OOc ; corn in luukao n track , 1WJ Ibn , 116@1 < 0 oats , in Backs on track , Kill Ihn , oaatorn white , 1 15 ® 1 25. Colorado white , 110@1 20 ; mixed 12J@1 25 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 80@1 35 ; bran ton , on track , 12 Glffilfl GO ; chop , corn , 101 Iba , on track , 120ftl 2C ; chop mined , 100 Iba on truck , 1 30@135 ; corn meal , 100 Iba. 141 HAY-Baled , uplamkl ton , 13 00t5 00 upland , loose , ton 13 00@1G 00 ; second bet torn , baled , 9O1000 ) ; alfalfa , loose , ton 10 U0@ll UO ; clever , bllad , ton , 14 00 ; clover loose , ton , 18 00ul& ( ) 00 ; straw , baled , ou track ton , 890@9 CO. BuTTiru Creamery , fancy , Ib , 3C38s creamery , fine , Ib , 85c ; creamery , fair , ib , 2J @ 23o ; dairy , choice , Ib 20 22o ; dairy , ( road , Ib , 18@2Jc ; dairy , fair , Ib , iCJiJlGj ; cooking , Ib , C a Sc , UnoH St to , candied and warranted , doz , 3D ( 3 c ; ranch , doz , 23@31e. CiiEEUK-Full cream , lO lfic ; half cream , Ib. IOo lie ; skim , Ib , 'J Kfc ; Svvls , doiuostik- , Ib , 22@23c ; Swjgi , Imported , 31f S2o , Lim- bu'ger , ] 4@18c PoLLTiir - Live old chicken * , doz , fi 00 , livespiiuR * , doz , 305is4uu ( ; live duclcs , doz , 600 n62fi ; live turkeys , Ib. , 15@17c , POTAIOIM-Clorado , 100 Ibs , lOOgllO , swmit , ft-r Ib. , 3 3(0. VKOKKAiu.m Onloiui , yellow , 100 Ibs , 125@1 CO ; cabbage , 100 Ibii 80@1 lOi booti 1 10 IbH , 1 00 ; turnips. 100 Iba , 100@1 25 ; cariotn , 100 lbsl 2 G@l CO. FKUITHLemons per care , Monslna , J BO ® n BO ; oranges , llodi , care , U OOKE fid ; oraupos , Louiiii&na , 100 Ibs , S 25 apples , fauc" bbl , 3 75 ® I 51) ) ; apples , medium , bbl , 3 Sfi@C ! tO ; aoples , IJellefiowcr , boxl , 50@2 2S ; poarfl , box , 32."i@f ! fiO ; Ualiforuia urapos , box , M.olvolsi' , Peru , Muscat , 1 To/ft } 00 ; nronborrioa , bbl , B & B , 166(1 ( B ft ; C , 13 Ii1@U 00. CoiiKl ) MISATS Haicn , sugar cured , Ib , Mcj tarns , ewtet plel.-.lod , Ib , IS c ; nauon , broak- litst. Ib , l io ; dry salt sides , Ib. lltfc ; dried beef , Ib , IGc ; lard in palU , lOglOJic ; larJ in Hereof , ni iye , FIIKSII MIATS : Dressed beef Colorado , per It , 64 ( < 5Jc ( ; 0'ioico veal , Ib , 11 413c ; hogs , Ib , il 7c : nmttoii , Ib. 6@"c ; lamb , Ib , 10a)12ic. ( ) LIVK STOCK -Colorado Minors , tier 100 IIM , 1 4lj53 ( ( 76 ; cows 100 It ) . It 00@,1 50 ; clioico veal calves , Ib , lJ@7o ; sheep , 2 00 ® { 60. Hideo. Dry i'lmt No. 1 , porlb.dftZo \ \ \ S'o. 2 , Ib , D'sJlOc ; groo'n ptoeru and branilod calf , Ib , 4n ( 6or6on ; ( { calf , Ib , 8@10c ; groan kip , b , G i7c ; shoup wHns , dry , fe lOc ; door nkin , uummor , Ib , 15@ 0u ; doorokins , winter , ib , 1G CaJU'c ' ; antolojm skins , Ib , 12@15 ; tallow , Ib , WooL-Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 14@15o , mck , Ib , Cc ; Moxlcan , So F/HU Maokorol. No , 1 , 120 , kit , races , I 75@2 29 : California salmon , half Obi. 10 fifli lollund herring , keg I 10'fiJl 00) ) trout , pur b , Ifi'irtlPc. M rna u 01 iiinvi/tu , w . . r Uae" la counodlua wltbttk corwr te n > ms of ( fruit ton j oouroyn an I'loa ' ol j nt vrbtt refiulreil by the trwdln ; pill ) llo BhurtUur.P'l'ilc . ' Tlci ad th bent : . ' v , : . ; > : , = . -3 U tlonii ull ol whlyi i luia bed by the lottMt rf.tlvvnv In America JILWAUKEE And St. Paul. II own and operate" ! ov c ,600 nillea cl iirlhu/n Illinois , Wlncomln , MlanMoU , Ian * ) iko',5 ; .ua 9 tJ intlu lliioi , brftticbuH mil oonnoi lju ro ch til tha en > M buglnoin csctr i ol lit Jorthwoot and KirWejt , It luturaJIy tnvmu ! i. l.usrlptlon ol Hhori LIuo , n > l Heat ilaiito tutoeon ChlOAK" , MUwMikeo , Ht. r ula'rl MlnncupolLi CliluioMIUaukoo , It , Crout anilVliion * Clhlo 20lHll &uliii/.t.r'lopn Mid KlloiUh Oliluifo , MUwkUkoe. Ktu Cltlru knd H'.lllw > ji ( 'hlcs o , Mllnnukoo , W tn u nn'l Ucritll. C'hlCi(0 ( , Mllwaukuo , Ue vor Df.m > nd Onlikonh. Chlc KO. Mllmmiu-u , Waukcihi and Ooonomotvo ) C1itc KO , Mllw&ukoo , Mulltoa and 1'filrloilu OUlJi OhlwKO , Mihvaukoo , Owitomi * inj Kivlilljiall , Chicago , Uololt JmitivlUa wid MlniirUl'olnt. Chlcaxo , Kljlii , llockforJ iod Dubuqui ) OhlcBKO , < 7il toii , llork ( iliujd and ( Jolu lUpi-Xi , CrilcaK" , Osuncll UlutTv knd Omaha. Obln&KO , Hl'JUi City , Illnui ralleaud Y&nttoc Ohlcaijo , JUIIwtukuu , Mitchell and ChimboiWi I lock IcUnd , imtmnue , Ht. I'aul and MluicopotU Direnpcit "aloMr , Ut I'aul and MbntinpolU PullrDan tlwi | rnaiid the fine. . ! Dining Onra la how /ul runin on tliem-lMllnoiof theUlllCAOO. W1HVAUKKKAHUBT. I'AUL KAir.WAV , aqd over * ttcnllonU piU to puntio UKKUILL , . A. V 1C. OAlll-KNTKU , Oflir 1'MI. JLJt T. CLAUK.Oen'lanpt. UMI licit Koitli. ' n i'i i- A/I DID onntrn't b lvtr nn r i /tint"liii nil tlio iui > vi < meiitt K ( a KIUVIIni * on , In palulul tu th Jitui | ntol nature K Lur child lnlakluxln IIHB tlujueiiita 11 jior irt i till Hood , try lood It U y ( . Moiv JiUdrdu h vu bven UKixrlully roarud uiKn 111Jjje'ii KooJ than unoii all the other iaSSi Iiim < tli > t ) ur clillJrvii irjw upvt' i < ' " ' i' . - i i . . . - n Hailwav Time Tablo. In KfTrct Oct. Irt. 1881. The nltentlon ol the travolllne puMla Ii calleil to tha licit that tills la t Hi unly complete and ktaolutclf correct tltno tiMe published In the dty , All trilm Mtlin ivt and ilcjmt ( turn OmMu by Central StamUril TUno. Trains ol the ( J St. r. M. h 0. arrive at ami do < | v\rl Iromthflr ilopot , corner ol tlth MulV b tc iitroctn ; train * o , the II A M. , 0. I ) , ft Q. , ami K , 0 , M J. ft 0. IL Iromtlin II. & \ ( , ilci-nt ; all others Irotn the Union 1'wlflo depot. i > , IialhI ; > , otevnt SUtmlnj ; e , eiocpt Sundays d , emlivy. 1VKSTWAUD OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Dummy Trains town omahn i\t B < oa oo 0 00,1U W , l' 16 a 1" , 1 00 , S 00 , S 00. 4 00 , G 00 , 8 00 10C6pm On Bumlaitha SUOaml 1000ft in am ? CO ami 100 | > m trains tlo not run. Arrl\o at trang for depot 13 minutes l trr : Ilroadn y depot 0 mln nice Uteri LeiHO Council ninth ( Rroadn ay depot ) at 7SO , RSI 0 SO , 10 SO , 11 40 ft ID ; 1 30 , i ! SO , 8 SO. 4 SO , 6 SO. 08 ! ami 11 Oj p m. On Sundays the 8 SO and 10 SO an aui 8 BO and 6 SO p m trains will not run- Arrive ol Transfer 7 mliiutcn latrr , Omaha SO mlnutoa later. TrunoforTrnln8 I * vo Omahaat8 IB , 8M 10 05 a in , 4 0 , 0 10 and 0 66 p tn , dally. Arrive at 0 40 and II15 n in , 12 SS , 7 3S and 8 15 I SUNDAY TRAINS To and from Chicago > l.i the Tripartite Alliance. Line * HUKDAY MOItMINO. | BATUKIUT IIYII Sunday ocnltiKanil MtmiUy niornlntt qtltiB trrlvt In oorroapaaillni ; onlor. U. It. & ( j. trulm tun cm ; day. PKIFCIPAL LINE III' WAV Ol' . OMAHA A1TB LIHCOL1I TO DEHVEB , OH VI V KANSAS CITY AND ATOHISON to DEKVBil < oiiiicutliir In Union UopolH : it KIUIKIH City Oiiiiiluiaud DunviTwllli tlniiili ) ; ; tiiilim lor And all polnta In tlicdirul i leiiiLiil | Clilino | ultli tliroiiKli ImliiH lor Anil nil Itp 'ni C'ltli-n. At ri-urlft with tlii < > ; jtialns lor Inil in niii lllH , ClllPlllllUtl , Colllll&T-l ? , llnll Illl ) ) l > llllH ( l liu-oiill.Kil9t. | At HC jiJllls with tlnoll l nUiiu lor all ioliitt ) S't ' ] .lot > ! inl Duy ConnlKH , 1'uilor .JIIIH , wltlillc. Cllllllljf C'llltll-S ( HflltH II < ) , SlIKlUlllir Clll-S Will Ki'VoUmi ; ChilrH : , I'lillniau I'nluio iilL-eplii ) I 'urn anil I bo IIIIIIOIIH ' ! . II , . .VDlnliit : ( ni > run dully toiind fioin C illcnio nud KunwiuCltv I lilvitoitnil | ; Coiiiu'inilini'j. ClilOio ( | ; "nil ! ' < MoliH'H , UlilciiK'i , St. Jom'll ) , AlrlllHon lliu I'liltuUn Without'o. | Only tlnoncli llni riiniil IK tlirlr own tiiilim Inawiien C'lilnio ; l.iiicolu uiul Ik'nvur , uiul ( Jhlcaiio , KIIIKIU I llv nnd liiiu r. TInoiiKli cum liotwrun ipullrt uiul C'ounell llluini , via l'iuil- > IIMNVCUTIJ ANM SOUTH. fiollil TniliiH l ICliuant Day Conrlivfi nn > [ iill'.niui I'nlai'DSlL-i'iJliiirCiiiHiiiiiriiniliiil.v li nnct fioin SI. l.onlH ; vlu Iliinnllml , ( ) iiiii'\ li > oiilJiirlliituii ) | , ( Vilar lliiiildK anil Allici I.cutohl. I'aul uiul Mlnncaiollii | ; I'ailor' art with IltTllnlii } ; CliulrH lo unit liom Ht. K'Mil nuil I't'orlii. Only < mo clmiifioof rum liriwrrj SI. roiilHund li' Moliii < x , limn. Lincoln , .N'u IjiUMliu , and Denver , rnlorailo I tiaalso tlio only Tin onjli J.lno bemrvn ST. LOUIS , HI1IITBAPOLIB and ST. PAUL Jt lii known nn tlio KIDIU TJIIUHM.II OAI I.INI1 of AiiiftkJ , and la unlvci-mUly uilmlt I'll to IU till ) Finect Enulproi Ballrcnd in the Wcrld fa. all chscoa of Travel. Throtiitli TIcltetH via llilo line lor walr ntu ( i. U. coupon ticket ulllcvb..i thu Unitudhtatoc 0.1(1 ( C'linudiu T. J. I'OTTKie , 1'KnOEVAL I.OWKLI. . Vlct-lVM. AUto. kUcwir. OruXtw t. Ujj HEDAL , TAIIIB. J8V3 BAKER'S \VurnuiUil nbtnlntvlju / Corofit from v.lilrlt Uio txi'i a o timrt Ihi ilrtiiythiif ( otn.i rilrrc ulll Htftrr.i , Airowro < itcr Hu jir ftnil M tliorrfuro fur utoru tuiuuJ rut. Jt 1 iltlldii'ji , uuurUliUii ; ttrLiiitliirilnjf , iiuilly illfcH'nUif , ind I' mluj li'd fat Iinulliii u v/t\l \ u > fur JH rkun < In liciltlL . BAKEB * 01 , nomlicslfiL BR , HOME'S ELECTRIC BELT Mll ] < nra SvuiaiKlH , ft UUrM , kldntij. nili | 1.11,1 1 t iiictu r * t/'tit ' > t > Uinm , JlirHitdUvHHi , , | tl | HkU,4'oiihU | ml 11 ir il | > iu ( nunli , rill * , * i'll * | ' > j Jiui tin > liui U A ft IM | > MUI tlurt vtc Only rlrnll1r l ; lilttii > i r ri Hint traiit the iiiviiilii : | nud nrnnm-iif i i' < n > i'li .u f , unU rau Uv ri > cltttikoU In KU luiiiuib ty tl > v puilont. Winter lioornloif , the xaoan l thu year ( or oJ inlui. In view ol this liotwauy burcnv of [ > r , Harua'i Elootrlo IlalU. Ily to dowic you will raid llheunutlun , KUney Trouble ) and oUicr 111 * ut fltilili b'rto ' , Ho nut Oolty. Imk oal lit our IUo audt > xainlu b it < , No. 1121 X > 3UiUi | ti ct , or SPEOIAL-NOTIOK TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO II la tlio beat and chrmpoat food for ntock of nny kind. Ono pound is equal to three nou , da of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qnko In the Fall nnd Winter inatoau of running down , will Incronso In weight and bn In good ninrkotablo condl lion in tlio nprln . Dairynion , aa well vs others , who tiso it , can testify to ita mor Ita. Try It ml judge for yotirsolvoa. IVico $25.00 per ton. No ohargo for tacko \dtlroM WOODMAN LINrfKISD OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Nob. EDRE AM ) BUEGLAR PEOOF STEELE , * JOHNSON & , CO. , II. 1) . LOOKWOOD , ( formerly ot Lookwood it Draper , Chicago , Manager of the Tea , Oigtr and Tobuoco Dapnrtmonto. A fall line of all grades of tlio nboxo ; nlso Pipoa and Sinokoro' cnrrlod In otook. Prices nud namplos f uruishod on application. Open orders intrnatod to na ohall receive our careful . nttontlon. Satlnfnction Guamntood. AGEWS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWQER CO Milwaukee. Wis. jut jH GOTTEER & 00 , , Solo Bottlers , OMAHA , NEB. & CO. AND 1303.FA1JHAM STIIEKT , COP. 10TD , A. JL. STKANG & CO. , Double am ! Single Acimg Power ana Hand Trlmralnpn , Mining Maehlnoiy. liulllng , Hone , Broso nnd Irou 1'lUlnw. R ! wliolcHnlc nnarolBll. EALLADAYVIKD.MILL8 , GT5UKOH AKD SOnOOL IJKLL& . Gornor 10th Farcazn St. , Omaha ( SUCOKrJSUH TO POSTER & GIIAY ) . LIME AHD OBEZBKT , nuco rn fithTnnd In [ { Inn ntrnotn OMA13A , KED W V. 1UIOWN. GEO. imOWH W. F. BROWif S & OOUU1H1ION 1IIUI.EK8 IN Oiiice , Qulldlng Union Stock Yaids , Ki NATIONAL HANK , Umurm ; OMAHA , 17EB. Vi A. I'AXION , I'ltDt. anilTrikH. lltjon Utcck Vda. , Oiuulik , bvi/x llhOH .thi'jo'in- Alio ocnneotod with Gregery , Cooley Jonv A ilctilUNK , llarnK r 1'ay FUln Onttle Co. Co , Uulou Btoclc YarJa , Chicago. J , A. CIIKIUIIIUN , Vkc-1'ii'Bl , Urct Nat'l Dunk , Oinalm. f < jTAi'ilrifiii all coiauiuiilca'lnus Union filcck Yin ! ' , Omab > , Nebraslift.TRi Watel JOBBER OF OFi 11 EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED FAlll.AM BTJIEET , . . . . . OMAHA , NEB GERMAH D. WYATT , ' ? # | m § M