Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1884, Image 3

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    V t nrri - * * -
JTfi , medicine , combining Iron with i
Y'irciMtilo tonics , quickly nncl romiilc
( urrs IM M > rp .ln , iiidlRrntlmiVrnlin
JiiiI > nrolllonilUnliuln'lilllHnndKcv ;
Ith an tmmliinc rrratdy for Diseases ol
Million nml l.lvrr.
It M Invalunblo for ] ) ! OAJM rtcotilln
Women , nrnl nil \vho lendfodcntnry Ihci
Itilocsnotlnjiirathcttctl cniifolicfulnclj
.pirxlwyj comtlpitlon olhrr Jmn ntcdlctnc.
Uemleiicsatiil rttirlflM tlipMood.ctlmtil
tie ! appetite , ftlds the nMinllnUnn of food
llisVMlIcnrtlmrn nnd llclchlng , Budetr n
* tn the mtttclci nnil nctVM
I'or Intermittent Fevers. . AMliiuta , TJIC
JCncrpy , Ac. , It liru no equal.
air Tlio uomiliio 1ms nliovo trod c m m k
erm c < l led lima on wrapper. Tnlc tie ol
t tTt > ' ntwt ( , l. nx. iui.imn > tr ,
Ever olTcrccl ilin public.
Thn iti&mh' g ul thlii woll-lraown line art bu
Iron , In wr-tor-tlxbt rompaitcicnta , rjid ro hit
JI ltb overreiutzltoto make the pvwigo
ntlt tnJ BRri nuMo. Tiioy ctrry the United 8
end KarojiKin m.ilLi , tncf Uavii Kcw York T
d r t.nd aiturdsyi for 1'ljinouth ( I.OHDOW ) t
UOUM , ( I'AllIJ ) na nAMIIUKO.
I'.iioa : Btocrigo from Kuropo only JIB.
Cbbln , M6 , 845 lad S7& . Btoor KO. run ,
Henry fundt , Mktk JUnaon , f ji , MonreB.M. '
njontiln Omiln , Otonowojj&SclioonUrcn.jc
Counsll Cluflj. C. B : KIOHAUD & CO. , Qen.
AKtB. , t L'rcudway , N. V. C'bxn. Kozmlnakl U
GH OIJJVoittra Xe ub , 170 WmWcftou BU , C
RO.W. „ . .
mt&fof clvirKlmmcdiMc relit
. fieml
V'caUnt . 1 fic.hx Uo Dreams , Pimples
tJieJ'Acs.Ln'.t Manhood. } oiKjurriirrd T/ ,
tfiMiMcuj'rrfi/KrnUiK/ npprojri tc t . &
nut once used In cacti inie. Cunaultatiops.i
Aunal cr by letter , sacredly confidential. M
1'lni.c sent bv Mall nnd Uxpreu. IJomarka
Indicate contcnU or sender. Addj
-t r-nic to
.rf..iftKEi3.Mo.204WasliInulonCClikaoo !
Wvr U . Quick , inr * , * r . nook
Ctrl'lt At cr , IK ) Pulloa Ht. Mtw 1
UKMKIIT 1'llKi : . A.ilctlm of joutlifnl Imiiruclim
caujilni ; rrcmnturo Docnr , Norvnu Jobilltr. Ix
Manlirxxl , vlna trlml In vain orurr Vnoi
reniHdjr.tiaiidincoTpriHl nlmiilitmeannuf Mll-eai
which hn will tirnd FIIKIJ to lilt Jollovr nuffore
, J.Il-UKi ; V1U. < 3 UhalUam HU'.tSc w Yoi
DC. K. 0. Wur'8 Nnuti AKD linAiN TaiAautti
,3aartnt > od snealfio fai Hyoterla , U ulnoes , Con
oloni. Fill , NcMotu Kearaljtla , Ileadacho , Ncrv
Procuration oiu > odby the use of alcohol or tobba
'WttkelulDMn , HontU dcprosilon. Soltoiitnt ; ot
< br\ln , roiultlns In Insanity and leaping to uxle
deoty and doaVh , 1'romiture Old no , lUtonouj ,
cf power In either e , Involuntary Lonei aud ti
natorhoraoau OI by overoxertlonlol the brulu , ,
buuoororer Indulgence. K oh box. coritalna
ninuth'a treatment. (1.00 a liox.or tlx lioltloi
ft.90 , taut by taaUprtpaU on receipt ol piloo.
Tu cnro aur CMO. With oacb order reotlved bj
lor tlx. bottle * , c3ompHlU J with { 5.00 , we will i
< jho purobucr cur written guarantee to rotund
money If Iho tioatm ncdoce not affect a onto. O
w.tCM biuod OBlr by JOHN 0 : W1UT ft CO. ,
If SS-oito-rv Ml Ma llson 9k. , Ohlmzo , 1
Physician & Surgec
Roilldenoe Kn , 11T7 Juno HI. Onioo , No. HOO
uatu Ktroot. Oitloe houn 1 ! m. to I p. m. and Iic
% a 8 D tn TWnrtti1 * ! * f f nlfln * Q7. f fwlt ! * np 1S6
bRl < 3 IN ALi
I f r % .
I Tf
* *
U \
Some Crodontlalo :
dmwInK Ola 11W. June Wth , lull , Ticket
l CtaplUl Vrl.vfiu held lir.Juhn O.OrnlT.
oc < > Iaf luljlUhlng Co. , lie Muldeu Inno , N. V.
tldOjy cboclc on llrxtoVlyn llunVu
k > JmwtiiB Claim 11CJ , July SI. 1BSI. Tlcltr-t Ho. !
Vi'lJiJxl-rlw ; WM hold by Bovrro Annan , Uigur Mi
jMiuKivKi-yWrwl , Klortda. 1'Ald iy wlro llm
National Dank , N..Y. ,
JB. A' Davidson SW bth . , & . llrooltlru , N v * ,
l.'H ?
< u
! California
owTUMf ! > / Ull >
( ff
S TCflL. Ono half paid In null an ( Jh
iimmsli Un-ii'l , Horgan ACX > . . llankvr * , N , Y. City. .
K 4 Vtiitt , ( SO lacli ,
f 8 " Ti2 " .
ras " sea ' tb'i i'iu priw
a ApproxtuwtlonJi &U Vaih to |
" w
tajl'r\MitM MKIYC , being tbo full number In
Ito/al lUivaua , nnd
i tlu * /
} 2) ) .Additional frluoof ClOnarh to the 13-HlckrU
havluKi > eridliinuin1 > < * rii the two Urm-
lual urdu b ( tlw nuruUT draw In tf the Cup- ,
CJH IVIr n , umountlcKla U.H. gold to. , , . 831,4
Vll 1'rlxrn puld on prvneulutlon of lick
umalpulixilu U luiponflliu * . Tlio lie
holder uue < U no aviirirl oriniilioUu
Iliirunu. JIBIctnl l.Ut ilecldfn , wi
iintUorl7.od la i
11 curt , und uumttH uro
lLo uriKloullUl la cuihluv prlM1" .
i'of ticket * . ot < x. awlr to .
i ! j. J li llruudwujr , N.Y.CIt
.V BlrilV Kyo Vlow ,
The highcat peak of the an
nardiuo range is ijuito charp and
upon the tummit , and commands
cular vlow of a tract full three hui
miles in diameter , within which
almoet every variety nud combinati
southern Cnlifornin aconory. Fr.or
top of this peak , 11,000.foot abov
level of the habitable part of the
ono may on a clear day look down
n landscape that embraces all poetibl
Iromca of barrcnncsi and fertili
wildncos and clvlli/.ition , with ncai
the varieties of mountain , plain
valley that time and the element
form. The proepcct Is best in mlt
nior , for it IB only then that the moa
tincllvo features of California are br <
out. Kvon then ono needs a pov
glaia , for the mountain is so lofty t
Is no easy task to unravel the ta
web of shapes nnd colors that pi
themselves oven at its very fcot.
The first thing that rlvoto the i
gor's eye is the stupendous desert 01
cast , cut in to near the centre by a
low range of wavy hills , bnro , dry ,
Inexpressibly barren. The part _ oi
north , called the Mojave desert , ia 1
than MaesacliDnntts ; that on the a
callrd the Colorado dccort , ia near !
largo. The visitor may have tra
over ntripa of barren land , and
largo tracts of good land called "d <
because there in no surface water ,
nowhere oho in North Amciica can
sea such veritable , hideous rcalilii
these ; nnd to comprehend them in
immensity ono must BOO them from
mountain aa they Ho gleaming
ghastly face beneath an almost ot
sun. Nowhcro docn the power of
and hia ttiumpha over nature appear
innfgtiificant than on the line of
Southern Pacific railroad , nlrctcliln
put upon thin yellow immensity ,
ing with its nearest stations like n
Jcr's Tfob with tlnoo or four-gnatn ni
upon it. Ono ecarcoly reallzaa vrlmt
jlution in until looking down i
ilicso mighty awoopoof shimmering t
ind thinking of the fiery winds w
ffhirl the dual in UIOBO hugo drifts ,
if the fnto of hundreds who have I
. For it
0 cross tl'om without water.
lorlh wo can look utmost into Iho ;
) f Death valley , \vhcro atill llo then
joncn of the whole emigrant train
iciiihcd there for want of water , an
neil ovorywhorotho oyu rests upon i
ilaco whcro nt some time the horse
ider had have died. Yet thoco dci
ire the great reservoir of the dry , w
rid pure air from which flown the gi
streoourco of southern California ;
hia air that , rising from the heated 1
owing seaward for overhead , cooling
ovuruing in the undertow of scu brc
ickcs the cllmuto which has filled
rent region behind ua with it thoua :
f beautiful homos.
Yawning almost beneath us on
lUth , 0,000 fcot deep , ia the pass ol
orgonin , on the other uldo of wl
[ on ut Sun Jaclnto heaves his giant I
imost to a level with our feet , mal
1 the dcoort eido the nwif test rlao of
tountain in North America , 10,000
i less than iivo miles. Far away
10 nouth leads from it the high and ;
id mountain chain that shuta off
tbitablo part of the county of San D.
oin the fiery breath of the don
umbling toward the coast in long 1
' lower mountains , foothills and ti
ndo , with valluya and plains lying
TOOU , until lost in the highland
loxico , it looks like a rolling confu
I blue , gray , yellow , brown and gn
: B singular formation makoa It Ian
imatoa , whore all the beat varieties
alifornla exist in their highest poi
on , yet little would ono suspect fron
igh , rugged outliuoa that thousand
irdons , orchards end vlnoynrda at
icro all green the summer through
it a particle of irrigation.
Arc und toward the northwest i
roopa the great desert of the Moji
ith the blue hills of Arizona on
ist , the lofty spurs of the Sierra Nevi
i the north , growing hazy with
ucoa , and hounded on the southwest
m by a continuation of the range u
hich wo staid. Mllea away tl
ourktaina run , in a long ridge not
000 foot below ua , clad iu green for
heavy pine until It dips suddt
000 foot lower to form the Oajou P
lion iu a motront it rolls akyward nj
, a wild medley of rugged hills , 11101
g an If tly nno over another until t
rminato In the peak of Oocainut :
lii.s peak upon the south falls an ay .
10 foot in less than six miles into
alna of Ban Bernardino , aln
Dualling San Jacinto in suddenness ,
1 the nurtlnviut broaka into lo
dgoo , thnt wind uwny till lost to si
L the bristling heights of the i
ornaudo range in the northern par
OB Angeles county , and these again
ipoar no if merged iu the hut peak
10 Sierra Nevada. The western liorl
bounded by a long bright band in
orniug of tilvory sheen , in the a f
son , when the sun hangs over it ,
; ! AW with golden shimmer. And th
roKonbynfow dark spots vith-ruj
Igi B , that ono would scarcely tuspcc
a islands , noino of them ever twc
lili H long and 700 or 800 foot high.
Within thin enclosure of desert , me
iln. and ocean lies n tract that has
0 like upon the globe. Ono BOOS val
1 the brightest green where the grai
; d by the drainngo of the aurrouuc '
illBand others always groou with'
CIIBO loliago of llvo oaks that have at
tiouldor to shoulder for a
'horo ' nro smooth slopes brown with
Iponod nllilcria ; loir rolling lulls ,
wild oat wl
or gray with matted a
rhen green a horaoainn could have i
vur bis horse's neck ; others , whit
rocu with the tall white cage , and oth
ray iah brown with the dense rank
10 wild mustard i talks. Hero a ca
utora the plain with u great wash fi
) ino nncient cloud-burst or season
rain , cutting the plain wit
ing deep gully , and then covcrhij
ith nerua of boulder and gravel ; .
oi t nnotlior ontora by a llttlo i
tlloy , dad with n rich brc
irpot of dried olovor nnd 11 > w
ith porhspa a fcugo rook pile of nnci
ranlto and ita couW * overshadowed
10 iwoeping rms of aCJUO venerable
vk. Thoroliostho great plain its
i.h its iliotaiit loBUiia glittering 'J
roast , with tall alondor columns of f
lurching wlowly over its facu where
ttlo whirlwinds move along ; the I nil
rl , bright with gay calico , jogging
toir llttlo ponioa or the eight-homo t (
i the farmer creeping "lowly , with
oat wagons trailing behind. Upoi
i-itiK knoll khino the white walls of
d Bpanifh ranch-houoo , with tadd
Dtsea tied to tbo potoh , beneath wt
in owner and his fiienda are perh
illinc clgarotU-s and chattering nil
OUD Span' 't , vriijln the herdsmen
losing hi rda without.
You si o the line of the water ecu
sw jM-rhani only long dry be <
while Mtd , winding ecaward Uircuchlwondcrlnl
long green lines cf cycamoro , co
wood and willow , rprcnding out at t
into broad groves. Perhaps jho T
hri-nkn out hero and thcro in a
shining ktrip. or it may ibw on for i
< ind then tlnk , to riio no more , Oft
meanders through meii'lons ' green
perennial grasn , then amid jungli
wild naa , stroutbriar , and grftton
along lun bottom lands where the gi
vine overwhelms Iho snowy bloom ol
elder with a thowor of green dra |
and feeding irom its hidden waters i
ponds fringed with green rushes , w
blackbirds of rod nnU golden wing ;
darkenttp Iho air above the open v
where the cinnamon teal is floating
its liUlo brood.
Along the edges Iho phins nnd va
break into low hills covered with
grayish groou chcmisal , and the little
lows between them nro often filled
prickly-pear or the still moro forbid
chulla cactui , as high as one's head ,
often these low hills are themselves
nnd ntony nnd covered with cactus ,
often only concretions of cobblcstc
with which the intervening hollows
nho filled. And perhaps the who
only a succession of little mounds n
yards apart , reaching often far out '
the plain itself , looking as though a
of soft mud had suddenly hardened )
shaken into waves , but probably ca
by tbo wind heaping duBt nronnd bt
which have einco died out.
The hills break into higher ones
roll in all sorts of nhtpca nnd brlstlo
dense dark brush higlior than ono'a 1
or perhaps are covered with dead ;
and scattered green bnshc.i of llvo
Bunmch , and fnslca. Among thrao bt
smooth bonldera of granlto ahlno nffli
springs in the hllblJc , or they e
along their crcatn looking against the
like houses or chimnoye. Again son
these hills nro 011)7 ) hugo nnaulalion
baru dirt , reaching for miles like c
pint } WBTCB upon n stormy sea , i
ghaatly 3ray , some dingy white , oth
sickly brown or .red. .
Beyond thcao eecondary hills
others , thousnntla of fcot high , cov
frith dark green chnpparcl , thn
which purhaps a clump of bright g
ijcamoren morha afar the prcuenci
nratir. Or they may bo from baa
mmmit studded with boulders , t
vhich the Hlaa man-jaiiila and Iivo
itrnaglo almost in Tain for Jootr
) thcrn ngnin have long , smooth sic
; eden ! with dead fox-tail grass ,
vluch vcnernblo white oak a stand n
cred. And among the jostlingahoul
if tliuBo lower mountnina are often 1
; urdona of living green , nnd often Ire I
ro eun c like lakes into the very t
Still otheru slnnd bleak and baro.
ween the ranges of such hills maj
iroad , rich valley n or wide I nblo lai
,1th topa like rollln ; ; prairie , all li
: ito the region of abundant raina. -
ar above all oho rise fir-plumed moi
ino , whono sides are robed in t
jrcsta , bolorr whono heads the clc
uat in long streams , wboao hlgl
ulchca are white with snow far into
ammcr , while In winter it often
Rontj foot deep , though the orange '
i blooming rcarcoly twenty miles bol
'Ilia terrors of eastern wintora h
rivon here a band of aottlora of wet
lid culture. Some of thorn hive h
roratcd in the conflict with the olomoi
ut the great majority nro people aim
oary of incessant struggles , who h
rjght a place where they con glide d (
10 decline of life with the least amo
f friction. And this la why wo i
30 vallcj , slope nnd mesa , and oven
loimtaitt sides , cottcd with bright i
oautUul homos , while villages and o
.ties are roaring tall spires from
ktoly bare plalna. At the western I
f the mountain riao the steeples i
omotops of San Bernardino from a d
laaa of green , among which may bo B
do glitter of the streams and the spai
f the of the artesian wells that h
loduccd iho luxuriance m wl
lostof the city is lost to vlow. Ne :
till Iloa'old San Bprnardlno , n long 1
f green gardens and orchards , vlnoyc
nd rich panturos , with Mill creek wi
13 thruuah it beneath an atcado of h
Idors. I''urthor west stands Coltoi
> ot faat brightening upon n lately b
aoto of sand and n iow miles boyi
os Itivorsido , where the power of wi
as struck from beauty the fetters of n
id mad a a vorltnblo oasis. The brc
ry mpsa upon which it stands is on ab
10 driest rain-belt outside of the dosi
id but a few joara ago waa almost as
id forbidding aa the doaort itself.
3out three years out of five thu alfih
ludod out at scarcely an inch high , i
thcr flowers withered and dned bei
loir buda were formed. Yet tbi
hero the starving ox wna
toly billed to save hia h
id the emaointcd eye deserted her n
am lamb , nillo upon mllu of aobd gr
nw grcata the eye the whole year rou
lundieda of ImndBtmo houses , smbi
: ed in every variety of shrubbery , rae
ao amid orano nnd lemon jrovue , he
f alfalfa , orsharda whoxo thu foliage
iricote , prilno , plnm , walnut , uhno
i-ach or pear hide the ground bonen
iiieycrda where ever slaty kinds
rnpca are growing and the plota of i
n grapes nlono are larger than mi
hcnt liulds of the middle etatcr. /
mt long silvery thread running far alt
io buro plain outside , taken from
aiita Anna river nnd fed by the sni
nnku by our nldo , has dona it nil.
Along the foot of thu dark bluonio
liim that , rolling skyward further wi
lint out from view the shoro-llno of
iotant coast , llo the fair nnd far
tuadows of thu Tomoacal. Over th
tountaina on the slopes toward the ot
0 tianta Anna , Orniigp , Tuatin , i
nahelrn , though on account of the
jrvoning mountaina they mutt bo si
laiuly by memory's aid. All thcio , 1
.ivtiriidoworo created almost entirely
10 fiamo Saiitu Anna that sinrls h
esldo us and through a gorge in the Toi
: ul rungu winds to the sea. Further
10 north wo got n poop Into the lov
Alley of SAII ( labriel , only a dim h
F green in n girdle of mountains ,
mugh Ita vineyards and or char da t
rcen fields cover tona of thousands
; rcs , and beyond It may bp BI
01 AnguluB , almost hidden like S
ernardino beneath its troer. Badi
ig for miles away from it are long a
tics of cypress , oucolypsns and other !
rcon trees , and between these avou
: o great orchards of orange and Ion
ud ovoty imaginable fruit , amid wh
and thousands of beautiful houses , B
Minded by gardens of guava * , pomegr
lea and other exotica , wi'h walks Hi
Ith mnguoy nnd pulin and other trop :
Dotation. It is beyond question
ucit part of couthern California ,
at , ( ia its Inhabitants fondly imagl
id as moot eastern people Boom to thii
1 there is of It. Dozens of villsj ;
itnleU and town altcs dot the iutorv
the rplrlt
ig spaces , aud everywhere
jvelopmeut IB at work. Further note
to vlow of Ventura and Santa Barb
mntiea it intercepted by the tower
of the Ouaoamuuga range , but
ghost peak of that range Is easily
Hided and thcro another wonderful vi
> ons below.
But , after all , there nothing vu
iDaiitnano RvUimn y nno t , .
ttndnoss with whlih ho clirga tr
ido.ii. Hero , nl'nost at cur fcot ,
ire drenching with surface water ,
tha early dnjs , grapes and apricott
jther ftuit on soft alluvial bottom le
nily six nr eight feet from water be
rrhllo at Paindena and other points
rorty miles away they nro raiting bi
'ruit on high , hard mesa Und , fifty
jven ouo hunarod fo t from water ,
nit any irrigation whatever , and
inly a trilling difT < fr iico In the rait
Hero it is sn eternal drench , dro
Irench , upon fruits , too , like olives
Igs , that but a few miles aivay are i !
atiing in perfection on the very d
lolls , while moro than half of the
ind other products of all this part o
itato are raised solely by keeping
ground moist through proper cultivi
if the top coil. Nothing cauexccoi
leauty of the tracts that are irrigated ,
f the old ideas to which BO many
sling were correct , California * ottlorn
rould bo only a few bright oases
rast desert.
Yoiinjr Ilcllo'a Kxporiincnt ant
Writing of "Slaves of Iho Bualli
iho ttylca tha fashionable women o
tlay , "Chara Bollo" eaya in the Oil
nati Enquirer :
"My friend Cynthia ii n good yi
( Yoman nnd weighs two hundred pot
3ho in juat aa fashionable as they i
'cm. ' When bustles are proscribe !
inward application to the akirts of
Jrcsscn Cynthia may disbko the i
but nho takes u ell thu name. Now ,
ui exasperating fact that the avi
instlo in like a flee for hopping 01
? lace you put it In. You hitch the t
in over ao carofullv , nui guy It by iii
> f all ita otrings co such parts of
inatoniy as acorn reliable ; you otudj
lido viown and Tear views by ra
) f your mirror , and satisfy yourself
.ho distortivo horrors of the atylu ar
oaat in accord with Iho ridiculous do :
ind then you go ontforn promt n
oyoun nnd blithcraomo fur awhllo in
> clinf that you are us strictly correct
aebion-plnto. By nnd by you pass i
loci ire window , glvo a etdu glnm
rour ahadow. Taro and zoundsl
nentolly uno that or aomo other oxc
Ion which docs not coino under the c
: ory of outrlgnt American snuarli g ,
; hlch served the feminine purpoc
irofnnity. The reason why ia that
luatlo haa alid round to ouo stdo , ma ]
ou look like a dot-and-QO-ono crippli
ho doomed potceesor of n gigantictur
rou readjust it furtively , und knot
urthor peace , ao keen ia your appro !
ion. But it ia in sitting d
hat disaster to the buatlo
oinmonly precipitated. The
ailot of the Bcaaon ia very intricate it
car mcchojiicm. The shape of
raped protuberance bears no rotation
iio person within , nnd the falsity of
uutour mutt bo shored up with cxci
ig care nnd skill , in order to form
tructuro intended by the dress-ma'
'ho ' beau may brueh aaido the tailn
in coat to save them from wrinkling
or hia weight when ho takes a cent ,
10 belle can not do otherwise t
juat rquaroly on ao much of her bu
i hangs low enough to interpojo ite
/ell , Cynthia conceived that an inilu
ibbor bustle would obviate moat of
ifliculty. It would boar t queczing
ly length of time , and then spring b
i ita normal proportions when the p
ire waa removed. She had ouo mo
id felt repaid for the tioublo and
} neo when it was attached to her thoot
roning , to p.ivo outline to a- gorge
rees which she was to wear to a rcc
on. She swept into the parlor v
int breadth ot style which only a
oman can command , accepted the gr
ig of tbo hostess with leromoni
olitcncesj and crossed the room t
ifa. Tjo { momentary sllenco ofgoiii
inpoction hualiod all sounds. All o
She Bottled dc
ere on big Cynthia.
i the sofa in a eolid , solemn , slow k
' a wny. Then came a loud , oil
> p. The rubber busUo had burst ! 1
ivo probably never Jailai to laugh w
clown in the pautomimo slta ou
cplodea the baby. How , then , can
amo that assemblage for going 1
mvukuone ) Poor Cynthia , life a h ;
illnpacd balloon , floated
' the saloon , "
An Kloiuiinonr In
Out in Little Hock an elopement
rokcn up the ether day In a aomon
immory manner by the interference
party who had nothing to do with
jsiiicsa. Mr. Isabel had a wife i
ado llfo a burden to him. Ho was
jhtcd lo find ono morning thnt she ' .
mo oil with another man , but his
as turned into grief by the fact that
iluablo horse and buggy were also in
g. Ho would have pursued the mlai
iuplo , but ho hud no team to put
em with , they having appropriated ,
ntod , his only horao nud vohiclu. St
rnngora happened to bo passing , " ;
i boiug told whnt was up , uvortook
il'a wife nnd her paramour. T ,
booled her about and told her
id beat go homo , which aho did
They took the horao and btiguy i
cut off , only pausing long unough
ing the woman's companion to n ti
'hon the wretched husband saw
ifo ho had hoped to got rid of tramp
that the du
> mo on foot and learned
rested strangers had kept on with
irao and buggy , ho cried like a eh ;
do buggy waa as good as now , nnd
u the horso. Suoh n succession of n
rtunos had never occurred to him
10 day during his whole lifo. Aa th
no ether man in the neighborhood v
likely to elope with Mrs. Isabel ,
uband laments the death of the n
Iio waa hung aa much as his wife dc
thing it all In all , the affair is ono
o saddest of the season.
* * * * Delicate diseases of cit
x , however induced , radically cur
Jdresa , World's Dispensary Mod
itociation , Buffalo. N. Y.
Kll'cui til Tooacco.
txaa Siftlogs.
"You amoko too much , " said W.
oynolda , of Austin , to Sam MoLa
hn is bald-headed.
'Mnyho so. "
"If a bald-headed man stops einoki
> will hnvo a full head of hair In n all
1110 , " continued Itoynolda.
"I can't believe it. "
"Yes , It ia true , for I know n b :
laded man who quit smoking , and
pa than a mouth ho had as thick a h
hair as I ever saw , "
"Do you mean to say that the 1
ew nut all ever hia head ? "
"No , of counto not ; but aa teen ai
oppcA smoking ho saved up mo ;
lough to buy him > 1f A wig , "
Catarrh fin a cunuiiituional dlsei
Otd'a Sarsaparilla is n constltur'
. It catarrh ,
'iipdy. curti
ttireo Holi ! AvcnRtMStnrt t
Hclicmo Dl Kxtlriiktlon \ ( lei
oral Kxixlnn of HHJH
lllverhend , N. Y. , .Spccml to the New
Three of the lending families in
\ro now busily engaged in inourninp
loss of one boy each. Liwit Skldm
Vurnal Corwiu nnd Arthur Vail ,
ibout 13 years old , have gone wci
; ill Indiana , firmly bolievlne that
nn eettlo the vexed Indian question
'orover abolish the Interior uopartir
They nro armed with revolvers and pi
) f ammunition , thcroforo they will
itarvo. To while awny the droaty m
icross Iho plains when Indians nro ac
hey havi ) ntockod thcmaclvcs with
ilfolcost literature that genius has
jvolvod ; such as "Bill Grigtr , the In
Shower ; " "Sly Tim , the SharpshooU
iho Sierras ; " "lied Heart's J.aat Sot
Htverhead was too alow for the 1
rhero are no rod men for miles ari
ind the town constables are n lot ol
Suffers who never like to BOO the
unjoy thomaolves. The trio did thii
becoming bank burglars , but finally
promised on the elaying profea
They practised in the woods for i
Jays until they were nblo to hit a tr
ten pacoc. Then thpy switched o
the neighbor's poultry and increase )
hen mortality over 100 per cent. 1
headquarters wuro in Mr. Oorwin 'o 1
whbro they dug a cave.
On Wodnosdny noou none of the
nnawcrod to the dinner horn. This
considered alrango , but when nuppo
same cold on tbo table the parents
came alarmed nnd cent to each ot
liouscn for information. This rove
the fact that the boys had gene ol !
? othor. Liltlo thing ) , unnoticed bcl
became rovcaled in iho light of the t
jlopomont. The mothers found
; huir lardora had boon robbed of nil
loughnuta and mince piu they once
The alarm was given nnd the neigh
timed out. Nobody saw the boyi
iway , and the only clue to their wh
.bouts . was an apology for a note lei
-owy Skidmoro :
rorrncd about mu. llu bo homi
wonty years with a lot of akalpo.
fill rid the country of infurnal red-eli
The police in western ciliea have I
cquestod to look out for a freckled ,
ouded boy , a short chunky boy withi
rouacrs nnd n lank , overgrown yc
rith a drawl. Two of them carry
erse -pistol each while the third stand
ndur a bowioknlfo. They nro BO chai
: ith powder and ahot that the pan
ro afraid that tomehow or alighted -
lighted match will got mi
p with the combustibles and blow
oja out t f thuir clothes. It iu not
oved that the boys utilized a raih
rain wherewith to got west , na i
ould bo too much like civilizat
'armor Brigga at the village repc-i
iia nvening tlio Iocs of n email but v
bio mule , and ho boliovca that the n
as joined the boys willingly or unv
> siy.
At the school on the hill the boy a-
ilk nothing but the atory c the tl
idinn fighters , and it is feared thnt
'holo school will start west slier
von the girls nro booming the oxo
y doubting the bravery ot Iho stay
Dines. The parents of these loft
> king me at urea to prevent the IOB ;
ior offspring.
Lund Excursion HatCH.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Hovembor 2n
moutitiR of the representatives of all
nts of Kansas and.Nobraeka , held at
oatcs house , in this city , yesterday
as aeciclcd to raise the land excura
ttes to Lincoln nod Columbus , Nob.
i to muko thoin conform with rater
, ud excursion points in Kansas. '
B\V rote will take otloot January 1) ) .
IWiy Millions ot ? Xlioiu.
There 50,000,000 of people In. t
mntry and more are oomint ; every d
ibt year moro than 700.000 bottles
town's Iron Bitters were sold and
nmand is daily increasing. This shi
IBgreat popularity of 1
onderiul iron tonic. A popularity ba
a actual merit nnd complete succois
10 treatment oE debility , dyspo ]
lonniatism mid liver troubles , Mr.
[ . Fleming , 7MN. 12th Street , , Ph
ulphia says , "I have need Brown's I
ittors with the happiest results ,
innig the system nnd loss of appotit
11 In I'rlVBto Cai < .
ittabiiig Chronicle-Telegraph.
"Whero did you aay you were goii.
< ked thu justice of the indignant tra
ho had been arrested for beg gioj { .
' 'Chicago. I'm the proprietor ol
iluablo elixir for the reduction of fee
spliod the traveler.
"You are a vagabond and a nuioar
nt sooner than have you nn cxp no
10 cily I'll furnish you with.n lirat-cl
ckot to Chicago , " said the justice.
"A whatF'crtod the tramp.
"A lim-clnes railroad ticket , and
ice iu your lifo you can travel lik
uitlemuu , " explained the justice.
" exclaimed the
' Like a gontiemvnl"
guant tramp , in durlaiun , "That's
> u know about the way gentleir
avol , id it ? Do you over hear of
mtlomtm of leisure : M r. James G
> n TItunott , Mr. Gould , Mr. Macki
r. Yanddbilk > nd the test of us , trav
g iu common passenger coaches , wh
ti'ro liable to bo brought into cent
ith the vulgar public ) iNo , nir ; i
uoh Wo have our privuio car , or
m't travel. ! My Pullman palscu box
down the freij
nv ( u the tiding by
> pot. The Codfish baH llghtniac ; :
; oes , Buz/ard line , 'throngh froip.
uvea nt 10 o'clock. I'll just have ti
i drink you honor's health and hi
y Pullman box attached to it. T
A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , ItclJngi
IconiMil 1'lles linn bu di-covered by '
'llli.ium ( un Indian Keraedy , ) called .
MUiMii's Indian I'iVo Ointment. A BL
> x has cureJ the wo t chronic cunei of 2 !
\ yearn standing. No uno need sutler ,
luutea after aplyiutr | ) thli wondojful six
g inoJicino. l.uiiocs , InstrumenU and e
; arlen do more harm than good. 'Willlu
ullan I'llo Ointrarnt abaorbi thi tumrra ,
> -B the intense itching , ( particularly at n !
ter eottinc warm In boa , ) acts as i pouli
ves iiiBtmit leJief , and Is ln mred only
11 itching f the i > riv la paiia , acil
itlJuo OBO
IttiaU what thai Ion. J. M. OotlmboJry
lovL'lsiul , n ya about Ur , Wllliain'tt Imi
lie Oolutnient : "I liava used scorn of ]
urea , and it affordu m plewnru to uy tli
tvo never found anything which gave b
imedUto and nenus-nent relief M Dr. 'V
nn' Jodlnu Ointment. For eale by all di
st nd mailed oo rt eipt of ] > rlco. 60a
. . Bold at rotill by Kuhn & Co.
Wholesale Alton
NKW Yonic , > foveiuber 29. The we <
i.k tUteinnnt bhowu : Iteservo iccre
. ' ,0 1.000 The IjatiVu now hold'UTi
i vxc < < < ui of IfgiU requlwraents.
Nervous PioitMtloii 0 biilti. Mental
'liy'.lcal W .a ncsi HttatM , snt ether (
lions cl Throat. SKln 0' ( lonc , Blood Polso
) td Sores and Ulcus , . . , , „ * . , , h tnpM
nfftt 00 1 i"t -l otiit * f .tcr ? * t frUit *
Diseases Arising fruiri inolscrellnn. E > i
exposure or Indulscnce , n-n t * - - .
r > o"lne en. en M > nitif. * f , I'luj , t ; t .1 01
fnndcrlnR Marnnrrn Imnropcr or unmcKi
f.rni 0ralif'ur. I I.B bl. , N IMr > on t > U'
l l ( lrj' , tr fia H' ' Mri- . . . t.ti liil.t
a < norli/n , > llft < . ID iltifl .1 Krna tot qu < t Mem ,
a PositivoV rii en Guaran
ici * In til rurabif fun 4 V * Jici 11 tret evi ? h ,
I'atoiihlMi. ri.olnh . or iJe'raan. B4 piCsm
toriblncDbnvndlitiatet In main or ftulalt , Fl
\Vlllpurlrjrtlin DUOOD.'ri
latu tlie LIVER nnil UIDNC
mid KI unu TIM ; HiiAX
nuil VIGOR of VOUTlt. 1
licniln.Vilit of Appetite ,
.1 ack ir airem
, .n , muscles
„ - -
Krlhono tie ! nil'id
pnpPlk'B drain 1'nv
" nlifiei lux Iront ountplu
tLaJ > JGW' GHrcO puuiillitrtu tholr Bex '
Sail lnr BK' TJIIIB'SinONaXJino ntnta
< r"euyciita. lOUcsailcar , licaiuw cotuplcxl
KrHfitiunt btiuniptnat r < rtf * JuK onlyi
to Iliopoptihrlty nriliu cirlplnnl. Do not c : > |
acnt pftiliu ( Utiinx r. AM > I'.ICHT.
rpuu journftnre siome i" . IlnrtnrJIcd CV > .
? I..LCM ! , ] o.lor onr"DKSAM BOOK. "
' Ullof itror aod ) .J
Science of Life Only 41 (
Kihatwtcd Vitality , Ncrvons Knd PhyMaJ Del
rcmnturo Decline In Man , Krrora ot Youth , am
ntold mlecrloa resulting Iroui Incllncrotfona ci
gears. A book frr every , young , middle .
lid old. U contains 125 proscriptions ( or all
ad chronlo discuses each ono ot which 19 luvaln :
0 found by the Author , whoa cxpcrlenz I <
cara la such aa probably never ooforo fell to th
1 any ph > Rlcian. 00 pagoa , bound In bfur
rcnch inufllii omnosaed colors , lull , gilt guorn :
> bo a liner work In ON cry Bonea , machaalcil ,
rary and professlor al , than any ether work no
its country for $2.60 , or tbo money will bo rein
i every Instance. Price only Sl.CO by maN , ]
ltl. Illuitratlvo sample B cents. Send now.
todnl awarded the author by the Hntlonal Ue
Baoclrv'.lon , to the officers of which ho rotors.
The Science ot Lite abould bo rood by tbe yi
r Instruction , and by the aflllctod lor relief. II
: ncflt all. London Lancet.
Tbero la no member ol society to whom TXe
ice ol Lite will not ho ueelul , whether youth ,
it , Kuardlan , Instructor or clcrfryuifti. Arnojj :
Address the PcBbody Medical InbJtnte , or Dr
. Farker , No. 4 Itulfinch Ktrcot , Iktston.Mlwe. .
ay ho consulted tin all dlscaBaa requiring elilll
ipcrlonco. Chronlo and obstinate diseases th t !
ifflcd the skill ot all other phyn-
specialty : Such treated ouecoss
Ithout an InnUnce ol falluro.
IBth and Capltnl Avenue , treats til cum C
pled or Defc/rutcd , aUodlsecutea ol it.
"ervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Orgai
AH t&foi cf Curvatnre of tbo Bplno , Crooked 1
: yra and Aiua , Clfonacg of' ' the Hip , , Haw ,
ukle Joints Also Chronic dUectlous oMhe IJ
leumaMsm , Paralyale , Plloe , Ulccre , C&tvrrh , A :
a and Uionohltls are all treated by new and i
aaful methods. All dloonsoanf tno Dlond and U
y Organ * , Including thoeo rtuultinn fiom. Inds
> nor exposure , are sale ) } and uccoaeAilly tret
d a cure guaranteed. Young men , mludln a ;
d old tneu nufloiln ; from Wealinena aud Ncrv
hauutlon , pjnuuclnt. .r.lleoHtfoii.lblpltaJionof
'art , Deapioitlcucy DIUCJIM.U , Losu otil mery , ! .
Energy ami Ambition , can ba reptorod to hea
d vigor , If COBO Is not too lung muled
10 Surgeon In charga In rv gr&duaii ol Jit
11 Medical College. 1806) nrd IM : studied
ilcualon In London , Paris and Berlin. If afflict
lor write full description of your c&aa , Mid me
o mnv be sent you. Consultation tin. Ad d
i h Ulspenaary , Croanse's Block , Omaha , N
Ice hours 10-18 a. in. , 1-8 and 7-8 p. m Bundi
rPind for treatUa either on main illreasa
ileuor . % . Bohemia
ud woiaer . tit. Lou
nhausor. . . , - .St. Lou
est's . -.t _ , . , , - . . Mihvaul
ohlitz-Pilsnor - . Milwauk'
ru s . Ouinj :
Ale , Porter , Domestic nud HhJ
\n Inlerrfctlng trratUu on Wrod and Skin I'M * , i
11 Iwnuillitl frMiliiimvomt who will HK.IM llu-lr
L'ti to Iho wift.Sm.-lflcC'd. Druu'TU , Atluata.
- V ! W3 MILLONS ,
Onuld pot bu\ from me * hat KwIll's Spcclfto
ae for luo Itcvuidirs of tier o I all In Its * i
rm.iltur t ha.1 ull-red wltti HBIteen loog yn
d bad tiled all Ibo remedies , ucly to br ak di
Y boaltb and make n e almoft he'plers.
MVA KLUUHllil lUlvKR ,
Acworth , Oa. , July 16 , ISS
Some elvht rear ) ago I reoam < thv victim of ad
1 Illood I'oUon , t'omiounlnkted by a nurm to
fant , anil tlienca through the breast and ruffe
r U longyeirs. The Ueicur anil I'otuh tt
int ; teemed to drlta the toliou lurthur inU
item only to break out In uorte firm on ol
> itlon > ol my bodr. Ihree montht ago 1 te
klnir "wilt's Speclllc , and It bat ourid t&a r > '
id wi a U U Ibo | rrMt t blewlng wluch tun C'
miullrvl In j wr . M * . T , VfKJ ,
The remarkable growth of Omaha
taring the laot few yearn la a matter of
rroat aatoninhmcut to thooo who [ MJ nn
iccaaional visit to thin provrhig city. The
lovolopmont of thu Stock Yarda the
leceasitf of the Bolt EJuo Road the
taoly pared streets the hnndreda of new
ociclciicea and costly baalnosA blacko ,
vlth the population of onr city .more than
lonblod in the last lire ycara. All thin
s n rjrcot eaxprioo to vbitora nud la thr-
idmiration o ! onr citlzona. This rapid
; rovrtb , the bii&Inesa activity , nnd tha-
nany onbatantlal linprovomonta taadn n >
ivoly demand for Omaha real catatb , and
ivory Inventor han made a haiidoomo <
Slnoo the Wall Street pnnlo bat May , .
rlth the Babcoquont cry of hard tlnuor
here haa boon lesa domaitd from spccalo-
ors , but rt fair demand from investors *
coking homea. This latter claoi are
nkinc ; advnntago of low prices in build-
ag matorlr.l and nro securing thni ? liomca.
t much loss cost Uian will bo poealblo
oar honco. Spscnlatora , too can bny
' t chopper now and ought ta take
o of1 present pricoa for fntnro *
rofit- .
L'ao next fo\r ycaro promlcco ( jzeatet
FO'ipmcnta ' iu Om l'thna the paeti
v years , -vrhleh have btcu as good an
'o ' coold reasonably desire. Now mau-
facturlng eotablithmento and largo job-
lug houses are added almost weekly , andi
U add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and throngn-
at the State , who bBvo thoirmonoy _ in
10 banks drawing a nominal rate of li > -
crest , which , if jndicionely Invcutcd im
Imahn real cstato , would bring them
mch greater returaa. Wo have inauyr
argalna irhich wo ore confident will
ring the purchaser laigo profitfl In the
car future.
We have for sals the finest
enco property in the north and
estorn parts of the city.
North we have fine lots nt reason-
lle prices on Sherman avenue , ! 7th ,
8th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
uming , and all the leading streets
i that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor-
ia and Davenport streets haa mude
; cessible Borne of the finest and
: ieapest resilience property in the
ty , and with the building of the
, reet car line out Farnam , the pro
arty in the western part of the city
ill increase in value.
We IHO Imve the agency for the
yndicate and Stock Yards proper-
' in the south part of the city. The
jvelopnients uiado in this section
7 the Stock Yards Company unit
iO railroads will certainly double
e price in a short time
W also have some tine busmen
ta and some elegant inside r * > si-
ucep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
ino good bi < r ( > iiiiib b > culling on u
13 South Mtb St ,
Uet eeu > 'arnham
P. B. We ask ihofe who
opertyfor sale fJm bargain to g iv
i a cnUWe TOint only bargains.
re wiM positive not handle prop-
ty oh iroie lh. < a ith real vahm