Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1884, Image 2

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    THE LY
U. S. M.
Annnal Report o ( Postmaster
General Hatton ,
The nnnntl report of the postmaster general
for the itpcal yoir ended Juno SO , 188) ) . in com
pletcd , nr.d for the first time made public.
m Introducing his rep jrt with "a well-deserved
tribute" to the Assistants and various chief *
for "olliciant servlco and valuable aid , " the
secretary first mikes the
The total expenditures tnado on
Account tf the tcrvlco cf the
tigeal year ended Juno 30 ,
1834 , were $40.401,900 ( ! i
The revenue * for the year were
as follows :
1. Ordinary postal
rovenua $ J2S18,035 00
2. Not revenue
from money-or
der buslnesa. . . . 019,492 OS
43,338,127 03
1'xccis of oxpejdituros over
receipts 3.000,8:13 : 57
' & * * * * To whlcli should bo addad :
1. Ivitimnlod amount of out
standing liabilities 877,471 01
2. Amount credited on books of
treasury to 1'ncific railroad
companies 1,200,17' ) 51
Gives estimate I cost of ssrvico
over the ruvonuua for the fiscal
year S 5,201,481 12
The revenues wtfra 5JI70,5G5.53 , or moro
than 4 7 per cent , loss th in thosa of the pre
\ vious year ; the decrease being attributable t'j
the reduction of letter postage from 3 to U
cent ? , which took effect October 1 , 18S3.
In addition to tha amount expended for the
wrvlco of the year § 8l9,5'J.l ' ! ) > i was piid on
account of liabilities of previous years , malt-
Inj the amount disbursed during the
year ( clii ivn if credits to tha Pacifii ; rail'
roads , ) Si7.1i-I.5liJ.27. !
Th3 amount paid to poatma tors was 811 ,
283,830.87 , n increase of 9(68,433-II over
tlutof the previous year for the mine pur-
po.'e. This expenditure was 5333.83J.87 in
excess of thu appropriation.
For railroad transportation the audited ox-
inmdituros and eatunated lUbilitlos for the
tervicocf the year , including nlso the sums
credited ti the Pacific road * , $13,815,103.
The aggegato amount appropriate ! for tlm
eervice of thu year § 4(5,710.037.02 ( , or § 341-
070,97 more tbau tha amount dUbuHed on ac
count thereof , and $530,394.07 loss th n the
total disbursement ] and outstanding liabilities.
Estimated receipts for 1880 , § 51,272,82024 ;
ostimatad expenditures for 18SO , $50,09- ! )
109.50 ; deli lency to bo supplied from the
genorul treasury , 54 820 3)9.L'ii. )
An cstimata of the revenue for the ensuing
fiecal year is attunded with great uncertainty ,
bejuueo uf the reduction of letter postage to
two cents , which took effect on the 1st Octo
ber , l.H < : ! . Although the change was in actual
operation duricg three-quarters only of the
last U'BCJ | yuir , its elTocc wan felt upon the
revenue for thu entire year ; the Bales of stamps
for the qunrtor ending September 30 , 18S3 ,
bavin , ; been greatly curtailed in view of the
then approaching reduction in the rate , Thus
tlio siloi for that quirter under the throe-cent
rate amounted to $10.083,50953 , while the
average for the three succeeding ( piartora was
? -10,2 0,781.38
The pint year markoJ aa important op cli
in the hutory of tha pwtil oervice tbrnusU tbu
reJustinn in thu letter rate of postagu from
tbree to two cent * , taking effect on thu lit of
October , 1883 under the provisions of the act
uf March H , 1883. As the chui of matter af
fected yiel'.le I by far tha larger turtiun of Uio
posUl levt&ue , tha change , ot course , pro.
duced an immediatu fulling of ! in the receipts.
The ordimry peat I rovonufl for the year end
ed June3J'l83 > , was § 2,273,43'l.a-l lesithan
thit of the preoediog your. To this losshould _ ,
of course , be aditod that of the natural iacrcaiu
tj have baen expected had the throe-csnt rate
remained in furco. Thovigh the threc-cout
rate was in force during the ( matter ended
September 3J. 1883 , the sales of
stamps , &c. , for that qimter were
$137,271.83 U.6s _ tlun the average for
the three remaining quarters under the 2-cent
rate ; the anticipnttd ihango in the rate hav-
log led to a eeriuin falling off in tin sale of
stamps. That the lues of revenue w.s not
greater must bo regardo I a'i ' gratifying , in
view of the fact that t o estimated oa which
the change was baaed contemplated a loss for
the first } ear cif ab jut 58 OM.UUO. J : i.s ovi-
2enc the prediction has been fully vnrrilied
that the reduced rate would greatly etimulatti
letter correspondence , and lead to the substitu
tion of tenlud inclojures for postal cards and
open circulars. The fiicraaio in the number
of letters cannot be stat d , tlm department
having no Klutistlca to show the numbsr of
pieceH of each of thu ceveral classes of matter
mailed , and the Bams kicd ot ftainpi being
used indlicrimluatuly for tint , third and fourtti
claB matter. No.t'icr dn the U\\KH \ furnish
any guido , niece p'jstinn.sto it in accounting to
the auditor report the amount in the aggre
gate and not in detail i/f thu several kinds and
( ienoiniiiatioiis ,
In pustal c rds there was n ° decreac in the
issuei of 10,010,001) , or 4 fi per cent , for the
year ended , Juno 3J , 1884 an compared wit-i
tbo previous yaar. IJuriag tli3 jiracodiug live
year < ) theio has been uu average annual in-
creofle of 13 (18 ( per cent.
The amount of poftigo collected on Kjeimd-
chitis n. utter dii'ing the your win SI,889,592 14 ,
an increase of § 181,414 01 , or 10 8,2 per cent ,
over the previous year.
The number ot' letturn and parcels sent
through ttio iujifitored niaiU durm < the year
was 'H,2iO,5in , of which 8.0C8.33S were do-
mojtic letters , ) ( ! ( ) , 'J02 were letter * addressed
to foreign countiioH. Thn amount of r glatry
feoa collu tud was $957,05.3U ! ! , an incr < : iuu of
$30.508 09 , or 33 per cant , over the previous
year.Tho nctuallv ascertained loeses during the
year numbered CIO , or ono In every 21,79 * letters -
ters and parcels rfgUtered , Tfd * IH n smaller
proportion of loan th n in any previ TO year ,
and uhows increasing i flkioncy und fideli > y on
the part of postal officials In this branch of the
The gros ] receipt ! of aitlclos of undelivered
mall matter durlnf the year were 4 751 872an
increase of lUtlo moruthan 8 per cent over the
prevIouH year.
Number of oilier 03tabllskud during the
year , 3,4IU ; dlicontlmiod , 1,21)0 , ) in'reaHd of
offices estauliHhod , 1'Jl ; iucraase ( li c.iitinue'l ' ,
Thera nra 501 ( Upirtm mtl oflices and om-
plnya. , uud 71,071 iiudtmaBtcru and other oltl-
cers nud ageutd , *
Atdllferont timoH during the year u thor-
< nih inve tlg ti ( > n wai ma lu , under the dime
tion of tha chief pontumiter iuKpncter , of nil
first and eecoud'-clum uflicpa. Tnu result of
theeo invettUations WAS gratifying to tlm
paUmant. Uishoueit uud ncgli tnt oflijiuls
wen ) dUuovuiud Tliu former watu removed
nnd the litter rurriimndpd imd mora fully
instructed in their < lutlo. < . In n largi number
of ct ft when ) iioittm Mara weru ili 'voverrd teL
L ) fliori In tli'il uu mints it wus owing
nugligcnu ) nr u luck of abilliy to
irjanoge the atfaiiH of thnlr elli
Tea many p istmastorn feel wnrrauted in re
garding their pmti'ina IM elnecurca and fowl
free to give their attention to other bu lne.u ,
coutont to draw tht-ir Hjlarlw ns official ,
leaving the worU of m nagiu ; their oflices to
others. Tfiii Hhon d not lie allowed , Post-
roasters at lirst and second ol.v ojlivs ahnuU
be rerjuired louive thu'r t'nti'O timu to tholr
official dutifH , and nhould not lia permitted to
engag In my other bualnuw tlut require * any
pirtion i f the timi for which they are pud b ;
the govemui-'iit. TnU insult should be
brouKtic bb < iut if it id'mlrea a etatutory otact
ment to clfest ic.
The tystem waa extended during the ye *
tn the citiw nf Chattanooga , Teon.j J.o
Angeles , Cal , Montgomery , Ala $ OUuniwa
Iowa , and Scianton , l' , inokuig uin totnl
number 159. The number of wrnors was iu-
creased 210 , making jv total ot 3.SIH ) nttlje
close of the year. The appropriation for this
eervicowas $3.5UOr)3.40.
The postage on local matter ogRregatml $1 ,
777.-i81.87 an Increase of ? U7,7-trMir > nncl o\cr
the total cott of the service , 81,273,278.35.
Free dclivotlcs nro now accccdcd onlv to
towns where tne population reaches 20.000 or
IhopojtftliovcntoS'Al.OOO. In my jiulgmoLl
tlio law f hould bo so changed as to permit the
nggrogntion of population and the postal rov-
cuuu of these towns , and the service should
bo extended to them when they meet the ro-
ijiiltemenld of the law. The result would bo
n diminution in the number of offices _ and n
moro satisfactory and economical tervico.
Slnco , by the fiRuics shown , tha postal ccrv
Ice is calfmtainlng , 1 can urge with propriety
ty the rnduclng of local pontage rates to ono
cent I am _ confident that mull a change
would result in a very couiiderablo incru.ifo Iu
the number of local letters mailed , and that
the frep-dellvnry rnvenuo would not bo B3
greatly impaired thereby a lo jirovent It from
again reaching the proacut amount in a few
I also renew the recommendation of my
irodecessor , that the unit of weight in ratiug
etters aud sealed packages ( first-clasa matter )
be changed from one-half ounce to onn ounco.
Since In large commercial cities whore even
the efficient delivery of the malls Is not adequate -
quato to the demands of business cutorpriBOi
reiuirmg ( prompt transaction , I recommend
ho use of n fpicial poatage-stanip for letters
nailed nnd intend d for spscial and prompt
delivery at f ree' delivery i/llice ? . This ttamp
hould be of the denomination of ton cent ? ,
ind , whun affixed to a letter , In addition to
ho proper postage charge , should lusuro for it
a * speedy n delivery nspoaciblo af cr its recep-
ion at uuylotter-cjrrierollicf , This outside
distribution could bo efTtcted by employing
nesfcngor boys , at it nnall sala y , and In uucn
lumbers an the Lircumatancos should warrant.
, um tatiafiod such an effort to accomodato
he ( iiibllo would still further commend the
reo-delivcry eervico ID its patrouH in the large
i ties whoio it is In operation.
The gross receipts of the 2,323 presi dcutial
llices tor the four quarters ouded Match 31 ,
984 , amounted to $33.031,0'J7.3J ' , or 74 8 per
cut of the entire revenue of the department
or the same period. The nggregato salaries
f presidential poitmviters amounted to § 3-
28,709 , or 11 59 per cent of the grois receipts
ccruing at their respective oflices.
The appropriation f r clerks in pontoflices
or the present iiical year is inadfquata for the
ervico. The depaitmeut haa been obliged to
make reductions in order to keep the expend- !
ures within tbo limited appropriation. Al-
hougn this reduction was necessary , it was an
pparent injustice to m ny postmasters whoso
Ilowances were already to small.
I endorse as applicable to postmasters _ the
eciotary of war's expressions on tne subject
t pavmasteiV- bonds , viz. : They should bo
> ermitted by law BH security the obligation of
omo approved guaranty company oiganized
or the purpose of indoinnifyink' cmplovers in
Ills manner
The revenue Irom the rent of presidential
loatofh'ccs is divided betwean the department
md thu poJitinnBters.
In my opinion the law should bo so amend-
d as to place the entire box-rent revemiiHo
, he credit of the party whoprovidea and main
tains the boxes , and who pays the rent of the
oem or the space occupied by the boxes.
A more praotical nnd a much moro just
vstem than the present would ba one in which
he postuflice department should piovido _ tha
necessary box outfits , pay the rent of build-
ngf , and receive the full amount of box-rents
n nil the presidential oflices ,
The poBtoflica department ncglpsts no jiro-
caution for the protection of iiuils in trautit ,
and providoo , at no incoiisiderabla oxpeneo ,
ho very best and most approved locka for mail
tags that ar j bundled only by i s sworn
goats , while the security of "tho mm s placed
n postpllico boxes aRoesslblo to the general
mblio is loft to tlM caprice and parsimony of
> osttna ters who , in many c fie , ara not _ qual-
lied to dpcideupon the merits of tha different
ocks. In my opinion the postolllcs d. pirt-
nout ehtuld ba authorized to proscribe the
; inil of locks that may bo placed upon post-
nice boxes , and poitmas era ahoutd bo for-
liddcn to place any article of mail in a lock-
jox not secured by a lock approved by the da-
lartmo t.
I am of the opinion that the government
hould provide buddings and proper facilities
or thu transaction of postal business.
30 , 188 .
The Btatistics of the inland mail service ,
June 30 , IKil , MO as f > llowa : The number of
outes in the Alar Htrvico was 11,7 0 thu
ongth of the routes , 22',779 iniloi , the nn-
iual traiippo.tatioi , 81,109 052 miles at a cost
f S3 039,911 baing about 0,28 cents per mile.
Tne number of routes in the steamboat nnr-
vice was 117 : tbo length of the routes 15.0'l )
r.iltH ; the annual transpoitation , , ' ) ,882,2S
nllnn , nt an annual cost of $590,573 , being
about 15 37 cents per mile.
The number of routes in the railroad ser
vice was 1,57the ; length of the routes , 117-
( JO miluj ; the annual transportation. 142,5-11 , '
i)2 ! ) miloH , at u cost of § 15,0113 Ot'3 ' ( Hxclusivo
of § 3,979,302 for rail way p mini clerkd ) , being
bout 10 53 cents per mile.
Theio were ! 008 contractors for carrying
he nui'H on inland routes. Tha iiumb r of
llices mipplied by miil mofsngers was 5- ,
M > , ut an annual cost of § 30 1 313.
The number ol special ofli.cs was 2,123 ,
nidi nfficu being suppUcd by a special earlier
vhniio c'lmpenaatiun is not 1 1 exceed two-
thirds of the salary of the postmaster ,
Anolnbit of tint sirvico , with tabular
statement , appi'arn in th report of the Hcc-
md Assistant I'ustmahter-Genoral , hereto an-
icxed ,
The star service \ maintained with us much
efficiency as i ) httamablu under existing lawu
I'tieru is neo t of n w legislation touching this
iranch of the service , and I approve and
strongly connnrnd to the favorable notice uf
congress the bill prepared to meet this need by
, ho second adjutant paitmaitcr-ctoncral , whlcli
, vill bo found in detail in his report. Ho Ic ,
from 1 > ng experience familiar with the needs
of thU service , having been instrumental in
iffecting already many reforms , and from
; hone fuels his comments upon the bill deserve
duo consideration ,
The bill referred to alms to prevent tbo con-
rlnuance of certain ubuees in thin branch of
the postal service , If it ( hould become a law
it would have thu effect of breaking up what
U known ns opeculativo bidding , which now
secures , as thotvn by thu report of the second
miiinUnt postmaster general , over three.
[ nurllu ( f the rontfs annually advertUcd. "
roitly > D the dutrlmunt u ( the Eervico , It
would throw the contracts for carrying thu
mails , in great part , into tin lnnJj of persons
redding on , or in thu vicinity of , the various
rout b to bu lot , re-ultliig in must Instani ed in
a , v Gtly moro eflicient tervicf Theeo deair-
itblo uds , together with the removal of Home
need lent , restrictions which now work to the
disadvantage of both the caniera nnd the
guvcr IIIK nt , will bo attuinud by the pa. a e
of thiii bill , which has my mjuilifiwl ( | ajiproval
j li'ini.1 in a liiiu with utm-r provioui ref ( < rm
in tha Htar Btryh- .
Thn average unniml c st of tlm < 4nr i-ervlco
Tor fiv yearn pra odlng 188J IUH been 80,191 , .
Si' ' . ' , with an average miloagu of 75'JoO,055
inllix , at a little over 8 cants per milu.
For the year ended .lunnli ,1881 the cost
of the star bnr\lc ! ) was § 5,039,1)11 ) , with a mileage -
ago of Sl.UHt.OW u.ilnat a 50,1 of about CJ
i'iits per mile. In other word * , H largo in
rease in thu inilduge lias bum acciinpaniui :
with a very great itductiou m thu cott-thn
erst per mile being loJuctrt nearly 21 per
fc'ection C0 of the regulations of 1879. which
prescribed a method of adjuntlng cdinpenea
lion for expedition , boa been mcludocj , be
cause it grew out of an unwarranted construe
turn ot the statute and was deemed mmafj.
'Iho reooniniBudat on of the uecond astlst
ant imtmastergenpnd In reference to the lev
itlatlon that la ne dfut aru to moderate um
yet no nocertiury that I am ooitain thettu Her
vlcn will not attsiu to any hlnhcrgrailoof per-
fectlon until thl IfRislntion li effected.
During the pat year the service on thn
ttunk lines has been vi-ty materially Improved ,
Tor pomn years the Now York Central and
Hudcon Hivor railway acd tha InkoShoro
and Mlchigin b'outhcru rnllwuy hntn been
running a fast train , leaving Now York at
SM : ) a. in. and arriving at Toledo , Ohio , at
4:5.1 : p. in , of the following dny , making con
nection with the fat mnli train on the \Vn-
bash , St. Louis and V'aclfic railwiy , ami n di
rt ct connection for St Iinul * . The mails for
Chicngn and the wear , which formerly ai lived
nt Toledo on thia train , weie hold them about
three hours and taken on a slow train to
Chicago , arriving thnro at U n. m.
Commencing Sunday , March I' , 1S84. au ar
rangement Vfts made with the linko hhoro k
MicnlgAii douthcrn railway cotniiany whereby
the train leaving New York at ii:50 : p. m. watf
rontlnunl through from Toledo to Chiaigo ai
a special fnst mail train , nrrlvlng at the latter
point nt 12.35 a , m. In connection with this
nn arrangement was made with the Chicago ,
lintllngton fc Quincy rdilivny company to put
on a special fast intil train t - leave tjlilcas-o nt
3 a. m. nnivingat Omaha nt 7 p in. of the
tame day. This arrangement went into ef
fect March 11 , 18SI.
Tha Chicago , MiUvnukoo Jt St Paul railway
company aho put on n f.iflt mail train , leaving
Chicago at 3 a. m. , arriving ntSt. 1'nut nt 3:30 :
[ > . m , , and nt Minneapolis at 4 p. m. This
; r.iln commenced running March 13 , 1SSI.
In connection with the fast mail tram nn
.ho Chicago , Burlington nnd Qulncy railway ,
.ho Illinois Central lallway company chaugoJ
ha Echedulo of its main line no "as to ninku a
close connection with the fast mail on the
3hic4go , BmlltiRton & Qnincy railway , north
ind south , nt Mcndota , 111 , and extended its
.hrough line trom 1'ret-port , 111 , to ,
towa , connecting at the latUr. paint with thu
ro in for La Crosse , Wisco. tin ,
Thu'o cliacgeaon the several roads material-
y benefit all the woatern flat's and ten- !
15y a change of schedule secured upon the
Jnlon and Central Pncifio railways , which
ook place EOOU after the cstablinhmiuit of t u
list mail upon tbo Chicago , ISurllugton and
Quiucy railway , a gain of ono binlness dny
was made in the ( Iclivery of mails at San
Francisco. The mail leaving New York by
thu oveninr dispatch nriivod in dan Francisco
at 7:10 : a. m. iiutuad ot nt 8:50 : p. m , , as for-
ncrly. Since that time thu echcdnlo
ms been chaugod , and this mall now arrives at
Son Francisco at 11:10 : n. in .
The mnil for St. 1'anl and Minneapolis city
delivery is nsHorleci on Iho f.nt mail cars bo-
'oro arrival at those places nnd ghontotho
cairiora at the depot , thin enabling them to
nako their delivery before the cloeo of the
business day. This Is a malerinl expedition.
as this mail under Iho old arrangement would
not arrive at thosn places until the next day.
A change oi Hchcdulo wai secured on the
Northern Pacific railway , whereby its train
eft St. Paul on arrival of the fast mail , mak-
ng a gain of ono full day at Portland , On1. ,
ami intermediate points.
There are tit the prssent tii o about four
.housand clerks in the railway mall service ,
many of them having boon so employed a
jreat number of years. The amount of
ipecial stu-iy that them ) clerks have devoted
, o the duties of their ollico would have made
them proficient in almost any of the profes
sions of life.
Tha lotil weight of the maila dlep itched to
> C8tal union countries , exclusive ot Cauaila ,
luring the Inst fiscal year was ] , 215,572,391
grains , or 2,079,8'il i > ouud , an increase of
110,8151 pounds over the preceding yoar. The
weight uf thn letter and post-card nails was
225.811,23. ! grams , or 2,181,9 ( > 1 ponndsi , nn In-
cronso compared with the precnodiug year of
10,412 p3und > ( of letter. ) anil post-cards and
130,448 pounds of printed matter nnd Hiniplen.
Compared with tha wti hts for Iho fiscal year
1883 the porcentnge of hicrnaso for hitters und
: ) st-cards ij 3,41 per ctnt ; for printed matter
ind eainplo muil ? , G 30 pur cent , nnd for all
: ho rnuila 5.8 per cent.
Thn adjouraod meeting of the CoiiRrexs of
, hn UnivorHal 1'ostnl Union , origiunlly fixed
, o bu held at Lisbon , ] 'ortual. In May laxr ,
afterwards postponed until October 1 , Jnit ,
and further postponoil in consequence of the
irivalencQot chalerj in p irtlons of Unropo ,
will meet m the city named on the 1st of Feb
ruary next , for the purpose of improving Iho
syel m of Hie Union in thi light of Iho oxpu-
lonce of its practical workings during the last
nine years Many important modifications of
the Pan 3 Convention nnd regulations are pro-
losed for consideration and decision by tin
Jongrcsi , and the United Stttc * hits rpicial
ntorost in most of them. Hun. William T.
Itto and Jamen S. Criwforrl , 1S ] . , auporiu *
undent of foreign alfalra of tliln dupartinent ,
iivu been appointed thodnlcgatos to ropresunt
he Unitol ijtatas in said C > ugresn.
WASHINC.TOV , November 29.Tho minimi
eport of Treasurer Wyinan , of the United
State ; , shows that the net rovunuu of
ho government wa > Ie"H than 18S3 by § 19 ,
07,712. The decrease in receipts from cus-
ems , ? ia Of.1,007 , in riccipts from internal
uvenun § 23,131,295 , nnd In receipts from miri-
ellinoouB2Haurces $8,819,218 , from the ax-
; ri > gale of these items should bo deducted an
ncreaso of Sl.85l.8IO In the receipts
rum tha ealo8 nf public lands , loav-
tig it net reduction as htrxttd nbovu. Tlio
int expenditures nggrrgiito $ 11120211 ,
n decrease from the amount in 1883 , by S21-
81,893. t-urplus uiplicablu [ 'to rnduction of
he public debt amounted to S10I,3'J3 025 , u
lecreaso of S28/1 5,818 from that of Iho pre
vious yoar. ItutiiKof oxpundltn ns thowing n
lecreaeo CH follows : On account of war dopatt-
nent , § 9,481,779 ; interior dopnrtmont 11-
llilU3C { , ; iutnrost on public do'it } § 1.581,752.
There was on increase of Si,2l2,4H inexpon-
ditiirus on nccnunt ut civil and mipcellanuiam
und § 2OU9,101 in oxponditutCH on account of
the navy department , The disbursing officers
if thu United Stales had to their credits on
ha lunkrt of tha treasury at tha clone of tiiu
oar 1 32,40J,9 ; 0. Th statement of iisseU and
labilities for .Saptembor JO , 1881 , MIIWH tha
general balance wai roducmi from S103 33 ! , .
163 , in 1883 , to S 149,525,002 , in 1834 , u ra 'no '
tlon of $13,77,4011. . The nggregato amount ( if
'old nnd tilver coin nnd bullion held bv thu
ireasiiry his incniased from 83 2,510 809. in
1883 , to $393,2JOtiJ7 ! , In 188 1 , uu increase 842-
7U5.487. The grods nssotH Increased from
8(60,119,8.7 ( , In 3883. to 15519.090 , .
2il ! , an incroafu of 03,570,431. From
N'ovomber 1 , 1883. ti November
Ut , 18 1 , the rcHorvu ilucrua ed S12,73/V53 , or
from § 100,822,51.1 to SI I8d70,2j0. ! Them was
nominally outtlundlug at tin ) clota ofthufasal
year silver u-rtllicateK ftinountlng to 812 ,891-
i'.H , on increado of $3j,274,800 , Dining thu
ear , the amount hold for the trcaxury in-
: ruaed from Sl610'.li1145 ( , to § ' 3,384,08 . thin
Bdving actually oulHlaiidlng § 97,907011 , nn
ictiul increase of S2l,88i,3j5. ) The amount
of ttimlard aijver ilollurw o'lni-d to Keptunber
Ji , 1881 , w.isl823S,829 ( , of which the treas
ury hold 142 3 19,409. Of this amount § 97. .
011,881 was for redemption of silver rertlfi.
Cites outstanding. The amount in circulation
WIVB 39.Uuly53 , , ur about 21-8 per ct-nt ,
nf the total coinage , AH iiriul ,
thn niiidivit outhtauding reached tint hl licut
point in Dflcember , whun itt-3tc < eded Sll,0" < ,
000 , HII ( .g regatu never bcfuru reached The
ilecreasu to Juno was not M great an In pruvi-
ovu years , probably owing to the rcarciiy of
CUD and two dollar luitea , and on September
tO , the amount * u ? 'iSO,717 greater than thu
came datu in 1883 During flical year 8120-
152,572 hi national bank iinif-4 wort ) presented
fur iddemptlon , btin , ; 2283' per ctnt moro
than the preceding vear , ThU Incr an8 je >
lltctt thu condition of the mercunlilo am !
monetary ntr Irs of the country , UK nbown bj
renortH , incicuuing thu number of buslnfttii
failures and decreasing the amount of clearing
homo transactions ,
'i'lioOil Market.
NKW VOHK , November 29 , The marko
wai buoyant uud ro o 2 0 ill tha morning. I
It rumortxi that many opratom live l > een
ctuplit heavily ibort of the market and are i
being twitted.
Who Will Lead tUc Grand oifl Party
in 1888 ?
Who Will Turn the Tide of
And Rogniu the Lost Vautogo
Ground ?
Quiet Suggestions of the Old
Some Strong Demands for J , 3- ,
I'ronilncnt Aiou AVIio Kndoi-se Itlnlnu
to Gtimmivml tin ; riiiuro
to Vic tot j' .
ucinl telegram to Till : lKn.
CHICAGO , November 30 An ht
Cow Yorl : special sayi : Tlin.lnteisityof : feei
ng Ihat lU.iuo was rexlly thu cholco of the
> eoplo for president ; , but lost tha election
hrough accidental utterances at thn north ,
m led to expressions from every quarter fi\-
oribio to his ronominatlou In 1S8S. Already
ho nultt undertow wn ? in thi dlrcclinn prior
n his Augusta speech being ront' to the coun-
ry. That Rwollod it to n tidal wave. His
rieiid and manager , S. U. 3'lklnp ,
ccci\i's daily mall hero wht 'i tivtshls time
and attention so miuh thai , I J , is obllgod lo
iso a secrolary , Throo-fourthu of tlio letters
ro spontaneous declarat'oun that lilnino is
ho choice of the writer for president in
8S8 , 1'rcm all over Iho country
hero is Iho same remarkable expression. In
en days past men like Senator Warner Millar ,
Cmery A. Storrs , ofChicnro , , Senator Clmtfco ,
f Colorado , Alexander , ot Chicago ,
I. L' . Parsoim , of Virginia , Si-ntlor Halo , of
Maine , J , A. Long , of Ohio , Vi * . 0 , Audruwv ,
f Now Vork , nnd ColoiielV.p. . Simms , of
Virginia , havogivon voice horu to Iho popular
ry. They neither allcmpt to , boom lUaino
or 16S3 or indorse thu movement in his direc-
, ion , but have ( imply utatod th < kt it is au ovi-
lout fact that the psoplo nroiiV-11 DIaino'a
IK r-xriiEsHks iinisEU' OK THU
Nnw Youc , Kovembor .29. General John
, Logan Is nt the Fifth Avbnv hotel. Ho
rrivcd thi.i miming , and will Ifcuiain over
'ImukFgiving , when ha will join Wlrs. Logan
n Wabhlngton. There was a lor , b number of
alters at Goner.ULcgan's rodmtMsafternoon ,
and he surprised all his f rientlu v. .th Iho light-
icaitsd and cliooiy manner in w ) 1th ho tpolto
of his recent defuat.
"I do not think Lntran would feel half as
badly , " Raid a friend of hii this v. , „ , "if it
\veio not for thu fact Ihat he vj\T be _ tcu by
sudi nu old copperhead ni T . .
To night Goii. Lopan slid iatigningly , "I
iavo nothing to Ray to the pros * . Wo nro
vliinpid , nml tlmt'rf nil tharo Is of it For
nyself , " ho added , "I feel a good deal like
, ho man who stubboJ his toe , and , s it down
n a stump t ) nurse it. All hi.i Aieiuls canui
around to sympnthizu with him , plying him
with all sorts of questions about ii'iw Ii9 fulc ,
IthnrtH pretty bad , don't It } ' tliyi ked ,
tut tlio follow was n little too much occupied
quoc zing his too to answer. Finally ho
ilurtod out : The worst of it ia 7 am too
lig to cry nud the thiughurta lo biul to laugb '
And that , " oald Gen. Logan , "is tbo way I
eel "
After the oVclton Go1 * . LoraR wont down
, i his farm in routh rn Illinois to ro.upcrato.
? hu place contains about . ' 0 I ncrea of well i ul-
.tvatcd laud , and the general says that aft or
hs-Hh of Mntchhoevpectslobeoomo aninger
u earneHt. Gen. Logan itttrli uttrj the duleat ,
> f his party ti thu utterances of Ituriliard
ulher tlun anytliing ulno. Iloraya tholMuh-
Vnmricniii in Chicago except Iho moat bitter
dcmo ratH , ha t ulu'ttyn tuppottud him and
hut ho WHS novcr run for any oflicj in Illinoln
vhcn hud faiKd to cairy Chic goby 0,000 to
,00. ( ' This year Iho inaj ully ran down to
1,000 nnd iiumborH of Iri-hmon hod told him
hat they had volcd against him for the iiii't '
him. Ilu attributes all this to Durcliard'ii re-
Special Telegram to THK UIK. :
NEW YUIIK , November 30. Governor Col-
uitt ol Georgia , in n lottir to the Cnminer-
lal Adverlla-r , writeB : "Let me Biy as to
lie colored citizen in Georgia , ho in safu In
he hands of the democracy , that now oven
.ho . temptation lo deal unf lirly by his vote is
nnd that from Ihiu day forth hu
ounti ai a llvine factor In Houthorn politics.
'Why , now , " will you ntk , "and not heroto-
oret" I'ectuxo hcrotoforo thnwholu infinuncii
ml Icachings of thu gavernmotit Iticlf
were called into actlvo nervico t < i
icep the ucgio veto as u constant
nciiauu before our oycu. It WAS enough
, o lay to the colwri'd voter , ho is a democrat.
Vo Hialchud you out of his hondn aa nluvts
and made you freemen ; ho would reinstate
you to-moirow if ho could. Of courie , Iho
Ifectof this was l < > Icecp the MCdi apiil
iiilitlcilly , and Ihu pant dauger In which thu
lolortd democrat wan forced lo llvo among
ill ) r.vci ) di > torro.i ! a mm of any foolidg from
ei'king to draw him from thu ctoml in which
opubhcan inlluenocH bad impoundcl him ,
low ho is nccesalblo lo thu logio ot duuds
vh'ch ' hu shall Bee and fcnl , nnd eat aud drink ,
und withal h all hu clothed in thu Intourlty In
which his civil right * aiu sure to bu upheld by
ipeciul Telegram to thu UKK ,
WAHIIINUTON , November 20. Senator Gib-
eon , of Louieami , maiatuiiiH that there In veiy
ittlu reciprocity in the Spanish treaty , Ho
Buys thu benefit is about nil on Iho tlda ol
Cuba , Continuing , hu tuicl : "Hiero are
about CCOCOO ixmiumern o [ our products in
Cuba , Now this lieuly prof.uKiM to give thorn
advantagu of truda with our ( HOuO 000 nl
| ) opli > , nnd iu return wu may nupply their
' 110,000 with Hiiiini of our product * . Uetlden ,
thu ptoilo : | of Culm do not , aid will cot usi
muuy nf our products. They do not u o
our plovrx , miiwlii < mucbines , and iiiunufuu
tu ui of that Kurt , They llvu tnnilly
on frulU and cor.biimnery little Hour. Than ;
it no prohibition In the tre&ty Rgairjsi th
imposition by tlm Hpaolrli government of In
tiunal revenuu tax Now wo collect Iwt
cvnU per pound on nugar. Hay we gut frou
it * 30i 0),000. If wu udmit it free , miy not
th > > tipani'h gov inmcnt levy an Interna
tovoniH t ix of two cents per pound on eunar
nud thui collect In their treamiry the $30 ,
00 ,0(0 ( wu now put In ours. The treat
Vtught to prohibit any Internal revenue tax b
" tft < naV > r Liibton eddod that th'
roaly would exclude Iho BURMiroduct \ of
: tnrr tounttiw than Cuba , nnd hu did nut
irliovo it would chenl i n the ptlco of sugai to
he consumer in this country. Ho relcrrod
o the lUwniUn treaty M proof of this , tay-
ng It did not benefit the consumer here. "Sii >
hat , " ( aid ho , "nupi > o tiir the Spanish ROV-
rnmont rhoiild not take ndvMitngo ot the
to tmpcito the internal revenue
x , wo would Ixi really presenting Cuban
lUntcru with $30,000,000 which wo could
also as cniitoni tax on their sugar. Th t
vould make Cuba th' ) richeit island Iu tlio
vorld. "
jpec'al ' Telegram to THK UKK.
I.ONHON , November 80. lr. Fouler pasted
liroutli ; Iiondcili yoslonlay , having nignod Iho
ommorctal ttraty of the United State * with
Ipain , Ho nails to-dy for Now \\uU ICng *
l h iHplomatUts avo\v that this tru.Uy , it rai
led , prevents the jwsilbllity ot thodolred
Augl i-SpauUh treaty , because it will bo Im-
lOjHiblc for Sp in to rrnut mmllar coucci > > ion
olho two powers nnd open Cuban pivtn
oth to Knglinh and American goods It Is
vpecled that the treaty will exclto hostility
gainst Lomtiaua eugar planters , I ut will LMI *
itthoMippott of i > rotcctomsti ! because , In
lie first , jilnco , by abolithini ; 330,003,000 of
upir iluties , It puU nn end to furtiior nppcnli
) tuduclng Ilia . eveiiuc , nnd secondly , op in
10 Cuban mnrlcfU tu Amuncnn mauufau-
irertf ot cotton , iron , woolen mid numerous
ther poods , thereby securing a practioil Aw-
clean monopoly , aud proceeding on the pro-
octionlst doctrlno of Amcricnn Uritf s
mccna-of obtaining it foreign market for Am.
ticin nooilo on favornbln teims.
pccial Telegram to the HUK :
W/BIHNfll'ON , November 30. The rcpjrt
ccoivod by Secretary Freliughuyseii from
Joucul Horatio J. SpniKue , nt Gibraltar ,
.atoH Hint flour is the only Amoiican product
or which there appears to bo n mtrknt thoro.
nppliea are boinr imiiortcd direct from Now
York through by Jirltish nnd Italian steam
eeccls. The demand 1ms only epmnr up
inco the appcaranrn of cliolcrrt in Franco.
Consul McKay at Tonoiiffo , in the Canary
lands , Rays tlntt French flour Is beginning to
e looked upon su piciouily. Tlio public liavo
f Into voara favored the Amnrican arliclu. AH
Inreilles now , owing lo Iho cholera remain-
ng there , ii onliruly xhut out of tlda market ,
nruo quantities of Hour are expect from tha
Initml ritatui. The result will bo a porma-
out incronr.o in the consumption of American
LONDON , November SO.Uoo [ Special. ]
linlatcr Lowell said : "i'lcmo loll my friomln
i the Unitd in that I am not likely to
omn .it nidi a silly act n to iun away from
iv post because n chief nwistmto of thu
ppneito po iticnl faith has been elected. 1
resume my miccetaor will be appointed and
outirmcd in duo eeason , mid when ho arrives
nro , I hopn to have the honor of w lcmni ! ;
im and nlfordiug hlirl whalover norviccs may
oin my power to make the beginning of his
.utioa easy and npreoablo. "
An K
BUIILINHTON , Iowa , November 29. The
allure of U. U. Brown , the grain dealer , who
gnotl yesterday , docn not effect the Bur-
ington and MitBlssippi elevator in the city ,
vhich is munago 1 and conlrolltvl hy a stock
oiLpany of Now York capitalhts , the rle
ntor doing a largo buninoss as n public waro-
louto. The firm of IJ. D. Urown & Co. , trraln
ealcrs of this city , cf which A. C I'inkham
H the resident partner , aselgnud yesterday to
Nfr. Huhbard. Jho Harnaon elevator , for-
icrly operated by this firm , since September
ias been operated by Jno. T , Gerry and N ,
i. Derby & Co. , of thiscity. ThoUurlington
lovutor IB owned and operalod liy N. It.
) o by k Co , , nnd should not bo
vlththu Burlington & Miaii f < ippl , which WUH
ullt by Ii , ] ) . iirown , and with which ho wan
A JMncliy Ynnlccc.
Nitw Yoillf , November , ' )0 ) , A mad dotr
tnudo Iho people sallornl thu corner of Hous-
X'li and Mulberry ntrootH tliH afternoon , Iu
homidslof the cicltnmont n wull-dressod
onthiman made a runh for the rabid animal ,
> lcked him up by thu uapo of the neck and
ut hin throat with a puukot knlfo inying ipil-
itly nt the same time : "Tliat'd the way wo
[ o in MaHiachunetts. ' '
A 1'ArlnIuu Iliirolno.
I'AIIIH , November 29. I'nblic Bjrmpathy
or Madame llngucs , who shot her tnulucar ,
s itileiuified by Iho fuel that both HaguuH
ind v/ifo devotedly mimed the cholera niif
( ircrx , During thu DrevflUincu of that up ) .
omic at MniHeillort. Lo I'ays connideri tlio
udy a hnroitio und chaives thu entire preua to
phold her. Sh'i Iun ailiod the piinon author-
titH that Bha nniy bu provided with material
or modeling in clay ,
Tlio Itoillmrllmlinu IUH.
November 29 The government
odistrihution bill dill'or.f very much from tlio
liginnl draft of the ininistcM , 11 uxtonds the
rinciplu of Hingli ) mcmbornhlp to rijual olio-
oral distiiclu , r.iisen the population ntnnduid
r cons'ituents with tivo muiiibarH and ( [ Ivofl
great Incro.iHB In thu inimbiu1 of inumhuig
I'.im London nud other populous centorH Thu
ndicals consider thu alteration Satisfactory.
) liaplln and Lowthor , coiinorvativeH , are form-
ir | a group to opprwu tno piugunt urr.mgu-
Anrillior I iilul Colllnfon ,
, T nn. , Isovombur 29. - A freight
rain on thu Chcnapuuku & Ohio Southern
, 'ilwuy collided with the went bound fii ! h
wo miles east of Hutiniiigd thin itinrniiiff at
: in , Koulnoar Jack Mooru , and Drakeman
Hubert ICccly weru klllud iiiHtanlly. 1'olh
n.'iiim worn buriiul under the wreck nnd will
robably die. Both trail m v.oro badly
vri'cked ,
Tim llnUroil ; Uftlo AVnr.
CHICAGO , Noviimlcr29. The gunnral nmti
gurn of the Mius-jurl line" held an all forenoon
eisii.ii uf&'iii to-day , but reached no Hottlu-
nuiil of the present patHonger rate w r , Ono
> f the chief obulaclfH iu the way of Iho nettle
neat i Ilia dbinmid of thu Clilcugo fi Alton
o reduce all jiwaongor tirlffa lo it bailn of twi
cents a mila. Another notion will bu held
.hli uftninoon.
OHIOAIIO , Novpmbor 29 Judge Tuley , in
.ho circuit court thU morning , ducked the
application for the Appointment of a receiver
[ orthe petatu of Wilbur 1 ? . Storey , grunting
the petition nd naming iforaso A , Hurlbut
t receiver , Hu unjolnvd him , howuvur , from
Inteiforing wih thu editorial eUlf or policy ( if
tbu Timed nownpaper , unleui under > .piclul
order o ! the court.
Ynnlcoo KiilorprlBO In Afrlun ,
LONDON , November 30 , [ Uoo HpccJal.J
In thn Congo conference the indications are
that threwd Americans at the back tdl
Stanley will get most of the vubatatitial
benetits , und tlut England or 1'ortugal will
get few of them ,
IIunr.nciH Failures ,
NKVV YOIIK , November 29 , Utter , Son <
Oj , blower u , fuihd. Preferences $110,000.
cinsAi : , vnanfcra HIOM KunorcAK UAHKBIS.
Special tolrgram to TltK 1HK ,
WASHINOTON , November 80- Consul Gen
eral Cramer furnishes the ttata dopnrtmcnt an
interesting ttntomont In n-eard to tlio danger
of liu < sl < m wheat driving AmciicMii wheat
trom thamarVctH of Switzerland and pouthcru
G mimy. CrAmcr nay : "lllch harvcdts thn
present season in Russia ns well o * mantes ot
wieaiitornl in vailuuit parl of llmt country ,
o pocially In Odessa , ami reduction of through
freight tariff , leave lilllo doubt that Hmmu
wheat will luporxado American wheat iu
Switzerland nnd outh Germany. Ku-nlnu doalcrs utraln ovcty nerve to supply the
niMkets of central mid nauthern Kuropo with
this nrticlo. StatUticfl phoiv tlmt tha oxoort of
American wheat docro.innd while iU produc
tion has been IncrcaRCHl. Thntn must , Ihoro-
fonbo a nocoM.iTy fall in its ptlco. What late
to bo done in order to furnUh an outlnt fur
turplusngu ! llnlh Iti prlco nnd cost of trnus.
imiUtion must bo reduced , I.otvmprican
wheat exporter * Bend competent persons to
ICuropo , whnu duty it hnll bo to carefully
sttuly tha wheat mnrkotn of Knpland , Ger *
many. Switzerland , etc. , as well us tlio ques
tion of trannporlation df wheat from the ports
it Genoa , Havre , MarBOillos , Antwerp nnd
llottcrdnni to the wheat i-onters , interior and
Win u uumrcinl conuoctioni with mch ecu-
.UM by olTorimj a good quality of wheat at
cast at thu amo pica ni Jtnssiin : whntt' can
> D purchased f < ir ,
Special Tolofiram to the Htu.
LONDON , * November HO. Society IIOH taken
xdvimtigo of the political lull to discui-u with
oven greater u.igctii2B8 limn uiual Iho troubled
loltsohold of tin ) imoun und dinUiiRuiihcd por-
soiinges who have boon drugged into the law
courts , The recant visit of thu Dnko ot Ar
gyll to the queen U universally ostociatod with
the strained rolatlons between the Marquis ot
Loruo and the IMucoss LuuUo. Thu nunndal
of the OBtontatious kuoping apart uf the two
younp _ people has grown too public. Whtn
the 1'rincoon Louise is iu London the mnriiiU |
is Iu the Hlithlitude , nnd when ho rcluriiti to
the mutropollH Loulio Him to ( tcrniany. The
< | iioon has ordered thu princojn to ittport
hcmolf at Windsor , nnd mmio nrrnngiimont
is conlemp alcd , under which the ill-mated
pair will mnko eomo concession lo uppe.xruncuj
iiv occaitionally Btoppin undirtho samu toof ,
The queen IH men timu unmercitully lashed
by Labouchoro with hu ii.tvngo pen , Kara-
line liauerV Moinolrn coutmuo lo supply
omo tnrrlbU * materials by Iho description
Lho nffonl ot ihn famllv of the iiueen'a laiutud
liusband , and "Lobby ' doles out weekly ex
tracts each worau limn the other , and far
from unodlfylng picturou of brutal royalties
Special Telegram to THK lUi : .
LONDON , November 39. The secret of the
negotiations between Glatibtouunnd Sulbbuiy
In well kept. In Bplto of tha u'nrmiit tolu-
; rum In thu I'all Mull Gazette nf lot night
the general conviction is Ihat tha Iwo leaden
have practically eomo to an ngtecmcnt. A
great fact which mndn thu comproiniBOV09' ' ' 0
wnb the unexpected chur.icter of the vedinlrl
billion cchemu whirh Iho coiiHprvntlvo lenders
we'n Inclined to acceptThu mliilntors were
a-itonmhrd to find that in Iho earn1) way ni
Lird ; Salisbury had mvallou-cd the ilumoer.icy ,
without oven u wry fnco , ho was prepared ( or
the Bchemo of u ralistribiiu'on nlmoat moro
radical thin the pliiu of thn ptinio miniJtcr
hlmcelf. Tin ) meeting nf paniam'jnt Monday ,
whin ) n grout Kchmnn is t. ) bo unreilod , Is
looked forward to with moro o.igermtfK th u
any fining for yoii'B. Tnero will bu Ijrii Ic
weeping mid wailing among rovunly inoiubci'.s
who will find tbiiniHolvcK withiiut coiiHtit-
ueiiclcs in thu future , but theio is no doubt
tint thuy will ImvnXo nwnllow their illu int ,
for n combination nf leadoru will recuro thn
passngo of nuy bill against all posiibla cnndl-
lljin ,
OlflltMANl.VU GKVSJ * .
Spoc'al ' telegram to Tine UHK :
LONDON , Novimbor ! tO TromendouH Ron-
nation In caused by tha public itiou in tlio
Noilh German G.izeltu , IMuco Itiimarck'n or
gan , of n HorJu of leU : dated at Cupu Town ,
urging upon ( iormn'iy tlio nnnoxalhm of terri-
tury , hitherto occupied by Knglnnd , in Africa.
There in u uusijiclun thac thuHti letters wuiu
writ'un ' In thu Impeiial cliancolli.'iy nnd nru
\ tt of lliu iiuchiiiury whlcli in uxpuctod to
bojin the nuxt Kmperor of Germany ui fouler-
fattier ot the colonial unturprlAO. The Iullr.i ,
ut nil ovmitH , aru tlgnib'canlHignHof thu limcB ,
mid lliuir iiotency IKUI bumi unhancud by lot-
tern which uppuarqil In the ( it. ilmnM Ga/utlu
from a innu i.'dltorially vouchid for us a ilch
and prominent cohmisu JIo IH nn KnullHh-
mun , uud proleatc ? tha warmvet loyalty to thu
ICngli h ciown and connlitittiou , nays that
the loyuliHts hi Cape Culniiy utterly dihlriiet
ilio homu govcnimi nt. Ho o.inclmltH with itn
olmjuentluppsnl for ICuglamry jirntcctlon to her
wanderiiiij chlren by s-ylij ? It w 11 mpi'ro '
but very liltlu moro to malm thnni m k hholtor
In the iirniB of liinmarc' ' . who ij at looM , iioiv-
vrful cnougli to ucfeml them. "
Special Telegram to Tim Uuic.
LONDON , Nov/imber l0. ! Tlio punUhmont
Inlticled on the Swiss Moimane , 110 far from
liavlnj ; dlmlnlBhud thu enercy of [ the pi opa-
( j.tinllHtH , M-otjiH to Invo Htlmnlatod Iho zeal
of converts. Inn village near Iho Hhonno the
peoplu embraced thu tnioU if Mormoiii-m
on masH , They proposed to fo m a Utah In
inlniaturo , to put uttdu their uncicnt fuith and
a lupt thu notv go.tpul. Muanwhllo Ihn pollco
nro wulching Ihu cniof npottlen ut Urnnti. 'i'hu
pollcu iitu CKpociallyigilaut in thulr eurvell-
Iniicri ovcruu American rntnipd C.miion and u
native iiuiinul Slant. H Is prnb.tblu . that thoau
two will BOOU bu urrenUd an expelled.
GAI.VKHTON , November M. Tlm aggregate
m&leiul wealth and population of tb/d twenty
Btutcii and U-riltorlos whceo uryjj natural to
the port of Gfllvcston M d..ep water oullotn , oa
will nppcnr to-morrtv , | n tin : "deep wuter
edition" of the Lully NUIVH , uro as followe ;
Wealth , S9ry7'i,000COOj population , Sll.SrO , .
000,000 , jhcBo figures embracu the entlru
runl'j.c'nloU ' | , nl o Colorado , Nibniflka und
, ynmusota , but do tut Include Louiitlana or
any territory u t of the MiKninsiiipI.
NKW Yoiuc , November SO.-Tliu managcrJ
of tha nut'irii' fund benefit met this afternoon
ut the Grand opera houae and parsed n ruaohi'
tlon lhauking Governor Cleveland for bit ac
ceptance of their Invitation to bu prfBwitnl
thu bcnoOt nu Tiiursday , nnd for his kind
words icgarJiiiK tha profesnum , Thu gov
ernor uud party will rccupy threoboxes on UK
uvranlon , The Niinu.oominlltt'u that waited
on the governor blurted to-iiight for \Viumlii | ;
ton to itiiest | I'jfcaldmit Arlhur'd prmcucu u
Homo BlmUen.
IXINIXIN , November 29. A Blight thock v
fArthquaku wan felt nt lloine and Maieell
yesterday ,
TbcTerrililcaDflHystcrignsPeslilciicB .
ID Eastern Kcnlncly ,
Appalling JDoatli Bate of the
People Frei d in Thair Awful
5 * .
drops Blidi I * and the Ground
Paroho , * STith Drouth-
The Two-Fo | terrors of Famine
r > . .
Tlio font of the ScoiirKQ In thu
linutovoodH Broniitnlu DIs-
trluts-Hclp Nccilca ,
Novcmbor 29. Arthnr II.
Lootnis , traveling representative of n Now
York fmn , is In the city to-day , having just
returned from n trip through the plague-
stricken district of custom Kentucky ? Mr.
lioomis aid : "I was four days in Martin
county without dlepoaiug of n single article.
The poonlo nro absolutely crazy. They have
no use for anything but Collins. A great dojC
tins bocu printed la the newspapers about the
nituitiou in Martin nnd adjoining counties
but it has boon but nn Imperfect roljox of the
existing deplorable condition. I know of in
stances whole families died within
iv week ; where neighborhoods have boon swal
lowed up In the grave ; where ono man has ,
survived to bury his family nnd his Mend * ,
and then bcuu'foimd dnad with no living
ctr atura near him , except , In eomo oases , n
faithful dog , Flocks of sheep and drove1) of
cattle that used to browo on the hillsides
And along the rungo of thg Cumberland now
lie dnad nnd rotting , \vliilo | > cbblca clietou on
the bottom of the creek bodi. Wells and
cisterns liaro boon drained to the bottom ,
andaprings are no longer to bo relied upon
for n supply of water , The ground la literally
parched , mid where vegetables formerly
bloomed luxuriantly thorn IB nothing but de
cay. Thousands are > ald to have died within
Uio { mat two weeks. "
"what , In the opinion of the natives , In the
Cftuin of thia fatal calamity ? "
"It IB very oviiUnt thatthn thinf agent of
death is Bturvatlon. The paoplo In these dis-
tticta nrti almost without communica iun with
the outside world. An occasional drummer ,
Ilka myself , Htraya nmong thorn onca a year
and a few of the inoHt prosporoua visit soinu
cities once In n' lifetime. A good season
brings with it bountiful crop ) . Wool and
other natlvo products are rudely manufactured
into clothljg , but' when Iho o OIH fail thou the
order of thlnga are rov.irsjd. I um spsaking
tiowofthu backwoods noiAhbo < hoods , where
the plngiia hns ragnd with the greatest fAUH-
ty. I learned whilu m Mai'tln c unity that
thu crop yield for two BUCCKSMVU seasoni had
blon a failure. The natives ura without
niouoy nnd without meann to purhuso broad.
The ulmUinf : oil of the water supply has
hrnnght t > thu surface it , poisonous liquid.
Fumuhcd for water , the pcop o drank , anJ
Um consequence ; was luutli. Thu fini.
Hjiiint'imH ' are violoutgrlpiugs mid after tbi * a
raging hoiidacho. A hot favur tnsuua aii'V U
palluul iiiimlly Ilngorn Iwo darn , ntffeiinff un
told uRimlf.H bnfimi iluath , I u-iduraUmi chat
iwi'rul piiyrici.iiig have b on commijajouod by
the ntuo : to inuliii a caieful imalyais of the
wiilcr und iJtncribi the p < > iison 'ia ingredients.
llulief Imi ivwntly bcun deRp.i.Jji-d to Martin
from the nciphborinc ? counties. ISeforu I loit
thurn waa a nli < liL rainfall , will a prcwptjct of
ontimiod falling. The opinlnii prevails that
the plflguo lias p.msod through Its most dan
gerous stages mid is now on the wnni > . During-
the lust two dnys uf my oUy I hoard of very
few dcatliB , "
On to Clilnii.
I'AKIH.Novumbor . SI ) . After the vuta in
the chambar of deputies ycittorday favoring u
vigorous pnncaitinn of the Chlncso war , the
ffovtTtiiiiniit i < mod orders quickening the do-
npnteliuf rfi'jf.ircinoutH to Admiral Ccnrbct-
uud ( Jeiionil lul Ixlo.
i < \itnl O.illisliMi.
OK'All HAflim , Ta , , November "J. The
ItnrliiiRton , ( 'ednrU'iptdfl and Northern live
Block train of eight cant this morning , ran
into thu Chicago nnd Northwusturn train ,
making a bid wreck , Itllling liri.'iiian I'Vud
I'liillipu and badly injuring ( Jeo , ISoiij.unin ,
thi ) unglnoor.
[ ; ] < 'r.niico and Oliiuii.
PAIIIH , November i ! ) . Ttiu Tulegrnphe
niys : The udiinot lmn obtained certain
knowlodgi ) that China intend * to continue thu
war aud 15,000 rulnforcomantf will bo Hent to
A Mosncnjcur from Gordon.
IONDOV , November 29 , The
from ( < enera\ \ ( Jordan arrived here , btiuglug
dlupatchcs otf'ht wu L-a old , Aftur leaving
Khartoum Uio meneoiiRor wnn captured and
detained eomo time lit Shcndy.
AD'oiiHO'H Dniulcr Up. ,
MADIIID , rJovombor 29. The govornmbnt
threatened to mupoml the town council nnd of the Learned uncletlox for posting a
vnto of sympathy with the unlvoraity HtudonU"-
Many aub-uiayora of the city reeignoil.
" '
. /
I'rotoctlou In Franco. ,
I'AIIIH , NovomborSU. At ft cc.'alnet council
tn-duy It was decided to m > .o the propoeod
incruasi ) .of duty on foreign grain two franca
per centner.
Onuses Its victims to bo miserable , hopeless ,
confused , nml depressed In inlnu , very Irrita
ble , languid , ami drowsy. It Is a disease
whlcli docs not get well ot Itself , It requires
careful , persistent attention , timl a remedy to
throw off the causes and tone up the diges
tive organs till Uioy perform their duties
willingly. Hood's Sarsapavllla lias proven
Just tlio required remedy In hundred ! of cases.
" I have taken Hood's BarsaparllU lor dys
pepsia , from which 1 have suffered two years.
1 tried many other medicines , but none proved
so satisfactory as Hood's Barsaparllla. "
THOHAU Coon , Urusli Electric Licht Co. ,
New York City.
Sick Headache
"lfor Uio vast two yean I have been
nflllcted with severe headaches mid dyspep
sia. 1 was Induced to try Hood's Barsapa-
rlll.t , and have found great relief. I cheer-
lully recommend It to all. " Mua , 15. V ,
ANMAIII.K , Kew Haven , Conn , - * '
Mrs. llary C. Smith , Cambrldgcport , Mass. ,
was atulfcrer f rom dynpcpsla and sick bead-
ache. 8ho took Hood's Sarsaparllla ana
louud it tlio best remedy bho over used ,
Hood's - . Sarsaparilla
Sold by nil drngsUts. $ t 5 lx for 5 , M iSe
f < i\\y \ by O. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. (
LOOeDoaosiOno Dollar. .