t i-r r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE MONDAY DECEMBER 1 1881 TBE BE ] Monday Morning December ] LOCALS BREVITIES , The clearings at the clearing hoa < Sa nrday amounted to H.Vi.272,72. The ladiea ol the English Lutheran churi will hold a bvaar December 10,11 and 12 , their church building. -David Kaufman , the popular cigar deal ! having rmlto a run on his "clear Havan caao at present. It is In honor of the arrival a son and heir aomo days ago. Friday Mrs. Sclbcr , residing at 8 : Scuth Sixteenth street , was quite badly ci npoa thn head by a portion of a well curl She is getting along nlcoly now. Myriads of snowbirds have put in an a ; poaranca and the people say it is n sign i mow. The merchants with ono accord sa ; let it como , and the "sooner Iho quicker. " "Under Iho Palms" a very pretty cantal will lie presented in Iho First M. K. churc next Thursday evening. MIis CaMorwooi Miss Fennoll and seVeral members of Iho ( tic club take prominent parts , Friday afternoon n young man name Fox , who wan ongegod in painting at the noi Crclghton building , wont of the postodioo , fo about twenty-five fcot to the ground , lin luckily wan not seriously injured , Two men , giving the name of Latltrori were arrested hero Friday and chargci with breaking jail nt Uttumwa , Iowa. The ; claim that they are not the men wanted , am hare boon at work on the strools hero all sum mer. They were arrested by Ollicor Bellamy at the instance of Conttablo Edgorton , A llttlo nowaboy named Jones , who haj been in the employ of Barkalow Bros. , foi Hometimo , had his lees run ever by n 0 , , B , A Q. train at Gibson Friday. Ho was brought o this city and taken to thi homo of hit parents at the corner of .Sixth aud Williams street * , where ho was attended by Dr. Mercer , Amputation will not In necessary. A. lady in this city , who is not a fairy by a long wujr , has n brother in Chicago who is always twitting her about her sizo. A few days since h < > received from her brother an undergarment of onormoui proportions and ac companying it was a note statin ? that her or der hai boon received and the mills had got to running on fall time , consequently was able to turn out inatoiial enough to make her a garment. ' Handy" Knight ia the tonictt policeman upon the forco. Ho now hr.B a band to eacort htm along his boat on Klxteonth street at night. Friday night n BEK reporter returning , to hia home , met two colored boys with ban JOB , upon which they were playing very niooly a they marched along the street. Right behind them c&mo "Sandy , " with martial air and step. It Is few policemen who can alTord a band to escort them. rKKBONA. . . Judge Crawford , of West 1'olnt , In in the city. city.Mr. Mr. K. Rosuwatcr , editor of TIIK BUB , loft yesterday for the east to bo absent two weeks , llr. I ) . Clifford Wrlghter , a young man well known in this oily , has entered Into the employ of the Kxcelslor. W. V. tJutloy hai boon appointed by Sena tor Mandarson an his prlvntg fporotary and lott for Woahingtoa Friday , Hon. F. G. Ilamor , district judge ot the Tenth judicial district , oamo uu from Lincoln y6Bt rday , and Is at the Millard. Mrs. J , T , Jte'aott , M M Marlon and Nolllo Baieott are In the oity spending ft few days with J. W. Whitmanh and family. B. C. Johnaou , a young gentleman well known In Omaha business ciralob , haa returned from a summer's trip through the oatt. Hon. V . M. S toil man , of Vinton , Iowa , an ox-member of the Iowa legislature , and at proient la the government secret sorvioo , arrival - rival in the city Friday. City Marshal Cummlugs and City Jailor Oorman went over to the Blulfj yesterday to eeo the now patrol wagon now being built by a carriage manufacturer in that city. Mr. and Mrs. John Dale , of Kankakco , II. ItnoU , aroapanding a few days with their eon , John F. l > ojo , of this oity. Mr. Dale Is it prohibitionist and ono of the leaders in the Ht , John ranks In Illinois. Mr. and Mr * , Thomai lliloy and daughter and Mini Jounid Dillon loft for Clitaigo to attend the reception of thir daughter given by Mm Dillon's Utor and brother-la-law , Mr. tjd MM , Cavanaugh , Chicago. J. D. Phillips , tf , N , Nadron , Mrs. J. 15. Tuncol , Lincoln ; L. B , Mcisengor , North Bend ; Bash Haller. Weeping Water ; W. 1 > . Nllockn. Grand Is and , Nub ; W. 0. UoUfnrd , Chlcigo ; Alfred L. Odenwaldor , St. Louie , Mo. ; C. J. Youogsr , St. Joe , and Goo. A , Miller , of Mound City , Mo , , are at the Metropolitan. Unlled b'UUOH Court , In the United States court on Satur day Judge Nelson occupied the bench. The grand jury was at work all day , but returned no Indictments. It ia now thought the greater part of this week will bo consumed before ito labors will ba concluded. In thia tribunal applications for per emptory writs of mandamus were filed by William Ltwaou , a resident of Mass achusetts against school districts 1 , 3 and 4 , Phelpi county , to cjinpol the proper authorities thuroof to levy a tax upon the defendant's property to aatitfy judiinunta fur ? 3 ( . nOO128 and $4,570 respectively rendered against thoao .munloipalitiua in Junuiri Uar , Jamea 0. Youug , asaigneo of Blc- Ginnia Bros , & Fearing , of New York , agaiukt Algernon 8. Paddock to recover judgment for $10,465.08 alleged to be duo the plaintiil uu certain transactions arising out of the puicbaao and calo oi certain stocks , Trinity OMlicilrn' , The following clroulur hat tl-bn iitued by Dean TIIIKITV OATHKDHAI. , AUVKNT , 1884. BKLOVEU : Itit tiiu tourco of great satialactlou to find jou each year making moro of the Advent Beaton. The grout letuun , for tbo nut four weeks , is to ex amine our hearttt anil lives In the earnest mid prayerful consideration of thu Second end Corning of our Blessed Lord , "to judge the quick and the dead , " To aid u < in this eiideavir there will ba holy communion ( except first Buudy of thu month , when it h 11 A in. ) at 8 a in Dilly service ( initiuoliuu cm t4 p. in , Spatial sermou5nnd { y nvou- ivjt ) also rptciul nuthi-ui , ml''M p. m. Atiictiouat )1v your rector , FliAK H UlLUIUUOU , MEXICO AND HER MINES , A Brief Discription of Ik Conntry thb Aztecs , Their People , Tlirlr CiiHtnniH , V-c. , 1) n Hc.ildont oTTIint Ilopitbllo , J. D. Slovens , a born southron , wh has spent the last throe years of hlsllf in the state of Darango , In Mexico , ha boon in the city for a few days and beln a man who looks at lifo as It passes b ; him , gives some vorv interesting fact concerning the Institutions , internal improvements provomonts , customs and habits of th people of that wonderful republic. TUP. HAnuoAim , The Mexican government , under Uu presidency of Porga Diaz , has boon vorj lenient with and given much encouragement mont to railroads. The Mexican Oontra railway , with its northern terminus at K ! PASO , runs almost duo south tc the Oity of Mexico. The iluntlngtor system extends at present trom Eagle Pass , Texas , to Monclova , the capital ol Cahahuila and will soon bo com pleted to Msi'.titlin In Clnaliu , crossing the Mexican Central at Lordo at right- angles. Besides those two roads there la the Mexican National entering the republic - public at Laredo , running to Monterey , thence to thn City of Mexico , the Eng lish railway extending from the capital to Yora Cruz , and several other minor sys tems. The last mentioned road was built exclusively by English capital at a cost of $22,000,000 for the i200 miles of rail- way. Other roads are also being pro jected. In all trains the law compels the railways to have three classes of cars. On the lirst class the passenger rate per milo , established by lair , is four cents , the second three cants , and the third ono ind one-half cents. All the railway lines are doing a good business and pay t fair rate of interest on the investment. _ _ _ THK HEl'UllLIo'a 1NHAIIITANTS. There only two classes of people the ich and the poor or the peons and they ire as far removed from ono another as ho castes of India. The rich own all landed estates and the poor are their nonlals , performing their labor with the lorvility of slaves. A man In the rich ilass who dooH not own 500,000 acres of and Is considered poor , The land owner ulos ever his hacienda with the dignity , nd royalty of a lord. Ho lives in a argo ndobo house whoso broad roof shol- orod his ancestors for many generations iast. In it ho lives in a splendor far sur- aasin that of the negro owner hi the allu'ost days of slavery. Prom his aolonda ho looka every direr-lion dud cts nothing but his own domain upon rhich goats , cattle , horses and sheep are razing In countless numbers. Ono tning articularly striking about the adobe uildings la their quality to resist the ) oth of time. In Durango , founded in 540 , am buildings erected at that time nd still inhabited. The peons are prob- bly the most satisfied and contented ass found anywhere. Their ambition id energy have boon blighted by seeing 9 hope and the Insurmountable barrier itweon the two classes. They live on- rely In the present , their only object in fo being to obtain a sullioiont amount of aizo meal and a few grains of black lifoo. Their habits and customs are as lalnt and antique as these norm in pio- ires of Roman days , They carry water r their tnnatora upon their shoulders , oar leather sandals , rldo and pack jack- itcs the sam.0 as their ancestors 100 > ars ago. They envelop their logs in ese zouavo brooches or calslons of white imostlo , wears a shirt of the same atorial , and always cover their heads Ith a good hat. Prostitution among the women of the ion class is very common. The lawa society , however , are not so inoxor- lo there as among the people of this ktion. Fallen women frequently re- rm , are received back into society , id their past ains fonrolton. The ions are forbidden to associate with the oh , and are found with them only as onials end servants. Among the ualthy the parents look after the lastlty of their daughters with an eye igla to its preservation. The young exican 'gallant is allowed to BOO his amorata only in the presence n member of the family. She permitted to go out only when attend- I by her father or brother ana it is con- Jo red an act of indisarotlon , often ado the subject of comment by her ere modest sisters , to leave the hacion- * witho u" this protection. The great asses of the people at present aroignor- it , but free schools are being ostablish- L and a compulsory system of education laotod vhicli are doing much good tor 10 republic. The schools now are largo- attended and the young Mexican's Ind is found to bo both quick and ao 70. . In nearly all the schools English being tiuglit , which langijago looked upon by tbim the ono in time to bo generally lokon. They look upon an American Ith reverence , and as almost a super- itural being. They consider the United taica their protector , whoso action in the ist , they aay , has always been for their tod. Howard's enforcement of the 'onroo doctrine in ' 05 , when Maximilian itb his invading nordus had driven Ju- ez out of Mexico , has never boon for * itton by them. An American is given tore msro protection than a Mexican , id the president always stands ready to ovido the former with an escort trough u poiilous section of country ithout uxponse. So zealous of his pro- : ction is the government , that Mexicans ton remark and complain of the pirtl- ity.Another Another great characteristic of the [ exlciii is his politaucts , Even among 10 peons this attribute is found the itno as among the rich. No ono is Dorioh and the "politeness of the psniard" exists hero In its pristine igor. Hospitality is thu prldo of the ch and their guests are provided ovary- ling in the way of entertainment at lelr Inndi , an olTor of payment for hich would bo considered gross insult. llfUOlOK AND bTATK lluro OdtholicUm rulfttii supremo. In 10 whole republic scarcely a Protestant nirch c n ba fouud , nhilo thrsu of the itlit'llos can ba soon uu niaily every hill > p. Their msgnliiconco ohullenges the miration of ovury traveler. In the city [ Durango , AS nn instance , it a Catholic ithndral 275iOD : ! fuel , costing over ? 2 , 30,000 , a sum greater than half the og related wealth of that municipality of DOCO inhabitant * . The power of the riest is aim out incalculable , but his .longth is waning. Even yet , however , 'hen the bishop rides through thu streets ley fall upon their Knees and remain In Ills attitude of devotion until ha dleap- ears from their viiiou. Many doll their ats at the ringing of the cathedral bells , rots themtelvts and murmur their or- ions. The church and state are divoiced and priests are forbidden by law to ape in their rcligio po r In the streets robe * . In Durango alone are thi allowed , by the officers to n pear in their priestly habits. TUB JUNES AND TllKtlt I.AWfl. In no country in the world are laws i favorable to mining. Mining proper is not taxed , and the statutes are fl framed for their development. Tl minor who intends to sink a haft given the right to denounce his noigl bor's ' timber and water , and should tt loiter object , the former applies to tl government and his wish Is gratifioi The minus are nearly all silver boarinj and many uro rich. The different on are worked by the amalgamation smol Ing and lixiviating processes , the latti being much the cheapest. Mr. Stevens is a part owner of th Quobrodilla silver mine of Uurangi whoso ere is worked by the llxiviatin process. It contains A largo body of on It is estimated that 81,000,000 worth c metal is now in sight yielding 850 portoi A shaft of about UGO fcot has boon sunk and levels have r > eon run near the bo' ' torn 130 foot. The mines in general ai being rapidly dovolopcd , and Unite Stated capital is constantly displacing tli old moans of working them. America energy and skill is also aiding material In every ontorprlso , and are being con slantly invitad by that govornmoi whoso people and country produce ovr ] no half the silver mined on the globe. GA.VE UP $60 , IV Country Youth IIiuiilN HlH Ilol Over lo Confidence Men. Another confidence racket was workoi it the Union depot Saturday. Lisl Jlilmorc , green looking follow fron ? lymouth county , was waiting for i rain to go wrat , when ho was approachci ly a slick looking young follow who ap icarod very friendly and after a shor onvorsation the slick follow found ou rhoro Gllmoro was going. The "con1 nan said ho was the son of the postmast r at Mlndon , and ns ho was going out to ay they would travel to-golhor. After the groonoy and sharper had got- on pretty well acquainted "con" mar fo , 2 put in an appearance and demand' d of "con" No. 1 the payment of some xpross charges before his goods conld be lipped. It was decidedly annoying to ro. 1 to bo thus addressed , but No. 2 ould have his money and as No. 1 only anted It for a tow moments ho asked is now made friend tor a loan of $00. all 10 money ho had. Of course the groony ould loan a gentleman ยง 00 , and forked ever nnd was very sorry that ho did ) t have moro. Soon after this transaction both men sappoarod and after waiting a while it iwnod upon the "sucker" that ho had ion robbed. It is strange that such a illiblo individual whould ever find oui at ho waa robbed without someone lllng him , but ho did , and oat ho struck en a quartnr horse for the police station toll lu's troubles to thu oflicors. Officer halon accompanied him to the depot d his two friends ? were waiting for him in a horn. It only cost him $ GO to Gnd out that m is a perfidious creature and the next ao ho comes to town ho v/ill probib ) ilk and leave hia money at homo with d. 8moko Seal of North Carolina ITbio" Nolcn. Mr. Ohas. Tousloy and wife have ro- rnod to Saratoga. They are the guests Mrs. Patrick. Their many friends ilcomo thorn back very cordially , and n in the wlshes that they will reside th thorn permanently. Mr. F. M. Billey spent Thanksgiving 111 frlo'nds in Saratoga. Mr. Louis Llttlofiold celebrated Thanks- ring by .entertaining a number of hta ends Thursday evening , the principal lUBOinont being dancing. \Vo might speak at length on the many tiooablp improvements taking placo. 10 grading which has just boon com- itod on Saunders street , north of the loolhouso , being of the most interest tea a public generally all who drive on this ich frequented raid Trill appreciate the ango. Mr. Jay Y. Craig , the landscape garner - nor , has taken ohargo of Mr. Charles ivonig's grounds , and without doubt It 11 bo trio finest looking place hero. Mr. W. IJ. McKay , the photographer , s bulit a studio on nis lawn. Wo also nntico that Mr. Rico has moved i house much near/or the road. The literary society is holding very icossful meetings , JOD. Howard will lecture at the school- use Sunday evening. A Glliiiptio nt Art. Located at 1513 Douglas street is mng's Kino Art Emporium , This art loco is no < v crowded with the moit sot - t assortment of holiday goods and nov- ios , suited for anniversary presents it i been our plaasuro to examine. , It li , loed , a grand display of useful and or- mental goods , suited to the wants and Ins of everyone , aud judging from the ormous stock shown wo should think vt Mr. Young intended to monopolize 3 Olirlatmas trade , not only of Chnaha t also of the surrounding towns. Iho boat of friends and patrons that r. Young has undo in this oily greatly > rot that 011 account of failing health ho s decided to rotlro from business. In iur to do this ho has inaugurated a and oloiing out sale and now olTdrs ov- y article of this immense otock , at such lacrifico as will insure a speedy sale. a assures us that ho can save his CUB- inors from 25 to CO per cent on their liday purchases , and wo would advise to avail themselves of the bargains of- rod at his groaS closing out sale. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To- ceo Is the best. A ttcrr Aiilinul. Biturday Mojsre. llranoh it Co. , minission morclmnts on Farnain street , ceived by express the cucaii of n black ilod door. It was a magnificent aul- al , weighing 224 pounds , and as fat as seal. It was shipped from O dcn , kah , and was purchased by Harris it shor , in this city. Mr. H ranch said nt It was a Mormon by birth , and , dglng by the fiiio pair of cutlers which nsinentod Its head , U was about six ars old when killed. It wui a veritable uuty and put ona in mind of that beau- ul picture , "Tho Monarch of the km. It was ouo of the first black , iled doer received in this city this sea. n and many moro will not follow It. FRIDAY MGHT'S FIRE. Nctlic Howarl Slill Liyieg With fl Hops of Recovery , Matt Connelly nml Thompson A rested for Knowing Sotnr- tlilnp About , ltd Origin , The drr.umsUncos attending the bur ; Ing of Nottio Howard on jN'inth stre < Friday morning are being fully invoatl gated by the police. From sotno cane the city oflicora began to think on Situi day th'at all was not right , and at one undertook the work of Boarchlng fc evidence. The room and ita turnltut wore closely examined , an the conclusion was arrived at b , the oflicora that the lamp ha not exploded. This was given out by th occupants of the houao aa the origin r the ( ire , but the lamp was Betting on th corner of the stand , with the chlmno unbroken on the floor. The lamp , whioi had boon filled the night before , had it proper amount of.oil , and nothing aboti it indicated that an explosion had takoi place. The roar doors were both closed but some say the aldo window was raised whllo others otato it was down. It is un doubtcdly true that kerosene oil fed thi pro , as its smell was distinctly discernible iblo and the rapidity with which tin flames spread would also indicate thai Bomo very combustible fuel was being consumed. Acting upon these circum stances , and learning the habitues of thi < place , the police arrested Mart Connollj on yesterday morning. "English Liz , ' with whom the unfortunate woman lived , says that she had continual fears of him. "English Liz" said lost evening that not moro than five hours before the accident took place , she canio in from the street and advised her to " " to buy a "billy" pro tect themselves from him. Even now in her partial delirium the unfortunate girl spcako of him with a shud dering fear. A plainer motive than this was also suggested by some of the po lice. Nottio Howard for moro than six months past has boon the woman of a soldier named llockott , vrho had the trouble with Connolly on the night of the Pickard wake , and it is said cut the latter In the mouth with a razor. It is thought by some that Connolly may bavo resorted to this awful means to auto his rovongo. L. Thompson who has boon living with "English Liz" for some time past was ilao arrested for complicity in this crime poatorday afternoon , and the ohargo 'suspicious character" lodged against lim at the city jail. The principal clr- mmstanco npon which ho was arrested 'or this crime was the statement of a yornan named Nellie Fuller who ivos two doors south of the tone- nont occupied by "English Liz. " This voman states she saw Thompson whispar o Nottio Howard yesterday and say , 'Will you over forgive the man who did his ? " The suffering woman replied , 'No , keep still , I would live in h 1 hrough etorlnty before I would give 'oil away. " This with several other ninor circumstances was the ovldonco ipon which it was thought host to take lim Into custody. The woman Is still suffering terribly > nd the doctor eaya will die before OHARJTY'S ' WOEK , Report of the Sooictiiry of the Wo- inmn'H Christian Association. The ladies of the Woman's Christian saoeiation wish to ozproas their sincere hanks to Gun. Howard for the lecture n "Egypt , " given last Tuesday ovoniug , ho entire benefit of which ho haa given 0 the association. Oar ihanka are also uo to these who so kindly furnished the lusio and to Hon. James E. Boyd for ho UHO of the opera house , and ospocial- f do wo thank him for his words of ympathy and cheer , and the earnest ap- oal for the support of this great work. ) ur next mooting , to bo held Tuesday , ) ocombor 2d' 1881 ! , will bo our firat an- ual menling. Wo desire a full attond- nco nf all present members , and wo rust that during the past year our work as so commended itself to the people of imalm that there will bo many ladies giiring to begin the now year with us. billing hands to work are needed as ell r 3 money. Our force is > o small nt present for the ork. Do como and help us. uy ladies wishing to become mombora r lifo members of this association will lease send their names and address in ill to Mrs. J G. Harris , secretary , 202 mth Twenty-fourth stroo , as soon as Dssiblo , or ask any member of 4ho nsso- ialion to give them to the president at ar next mooting , and oomo to the moot- ig to bo hold December 10 , or as soon 1 convenient , to sign the constitution , fa hope there will bo many desiring to ocomo lifo members , and oh ! may theme mo soon como when the worthy poor iay never bo turned from our doors. f\\y \ only last week the matron was bilged to send into the street poor wo- LOU who were willing to pay for the rlvllogo of sitting in a chair all night , ho rooms were so full she could not rant oven this request to them. May 10 time be very short when wo can say i our friends that the doors of our Homo and open for all destitute , homeless rls , strangers in our city , whoso tender , uccrtaln feet , without this ; rong , proteclivo foot-hold , might a dr wn into ninny au alluring snare in 10 Vanity Pair of this great city. We milder when wo think what might have upponod to some of the pure young Iris during the past year had there not 0011 the line temporary shelter wo have eon able to givo. But the question Duios to us , at the close of our own year's ork : Have wo done all in our power to escuo the fallen and hnlp the poor and oody ? Wo fear nut , but wo hope and ruat that our next anniversary may bring s larger results , acd work multiplied en fold. May wo feel so established in tie work wo Imvo entered so thoroughly iito , that no dubt of n crowning succecs iay creep into our hearts to chill or amptm their atd < > r , The publio generally do not have as orfect an understanding of our work as ro might with. Uridly stated , the Wo. nan's Christian association , has for its rest object the uplifting of humanity , the pirituil and social improvement fall within its reich ; olfdred protection nd assistance to destitute women and bildreii until permanent homes und nouns of support cm be secured. It shall ba the duty of the board of idy managers , assisted by the members f the association , to seek out women , ndoavor to bring them under moral in- luences , Introduce them to members of the association , giving them the privl Icjcs of this association , oncouragin thi m in their attendance at some place c worship , and by ever moans in thei power surrounding thorn with chriatia : influences. Section 4 of constitution. It shall bo the dntiea of the ward com mltteo to personally Investigate each cas for relief God's providence and the cor slilulion of the fold alone can detormin what shall bo ono work , The policomo often bring to us , moro frequently b night than by day , women aged , Infirm besides innocent , pnro young girls an children who are found houseless an homeless upon the streets. Wo tak thorn in and care for thorn tomnorarllj Many , very many apply for a slngl night's shelter and protocllor while passing through our clt who would otherwise prefe the streets to the horrors of a police sin tion. It ought certainly to bo a comfort ing thought tons all , the knowledge tha whllo wo sit by our own worm bright lire sides , a way is found to rollovo and com fort the naked , the hungry , the cold , th poor , the dosplaod , the forsaken , and th oppressed , and that this can bo ccura plishod outside the few workers , by enl ; Dcckslonally giving our moans , rcmom boring the Divine injnnction "And the poor yo have with yon always. " Daily d < wo find Christian men and women o prominent position , and old citizens oven who know nothing of all this work nnc many aware of such an organization an Ignorant of its location. Oh , that yoi conld know moro of us , that wo could so euro your attention , interest and Hympa < thy , nioro an active , practical , tangible sympathy. May the result of our worl another year show ( hat we have not appealed to our friends in vain. Thus far our work has boon sustained , and wo have been able to hold our poal- tiem along by personal subscription , and it is with great pleasure that wo can toll von that wo begin the now year free from debt. Wo wish to thank all out gentlemen friends who have so generous ly aided us in the past ; to the physicians sf our _ city wno have given their serv ices without remuneration , and to the ministers for their help and words of sheer , wo tender thanks. Wo also wish to thank the city press md all who have contributed in any way ; o the comfort and success of the iVoraon's Christian association. ELLBNA jft. HOMIS , Secretary , 202 South Twonty.fourth street Badly Hutt , Friday morning August Larson , a lolivory clerk in Martin's installment tore , was seriously hurt by the falling if a horsoupon him. Ho was riding the miraal up Sixteenth street , when sud- lonly it became frightened and started to 'nn. Larson was powerless to hold the unnlng animal or to guido it with the ) lt. In trying to turn the corner at Had- nan's food ntoro , the animal foil , catch- ng Larson's body under It. His head truck upon some rocks and waa badly acoratod. Uo was picked up and carried o Mr. Martin's houao , 1914 Clark street , rhoro ho is now under the care of a doc- or. His injuries are very serious and it a thought they may result in death. ARS NO US RYlNGTOHOlDDOWh EARLBAKINGPOWDE. . . ITAMBOUIIDTORISE/ PURE CREAM TARTAR. S1OOO. Given FaUimnr any Injurious fmhstanrrscar bo found \ Andrews' 1'oarl Baking Powdr . I1 * l n- > flyPURE. lielnBMiiloricd.amltImonlala 'cei\wllrom such chemists iihB. Dann.InjH.Hos- in ; M. Dclntontalnc , of Chicago ; nnd Gustavus 'Ode ' , Milwaukee. Novorisolil In bulk. , ) J Jiko bt. 287. ito'J < Sc U91 K. Water SU NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY SUCCESSOR TO DA.V13 ft HNTDSB.J Genertl Dealer * la I tftl H.tjJ ; U05 1'AIUUU BT. OMAHA. Have tor tale 100,000 aero oaltrollr JtUcJtd ba-l ! Kutarn Hobruka , at low price and oa CMjr torn-.j liuprovoa lanns tor cale In Doaglu , led ? , Calttc tttc , Burt , Cnrulne , Uupj , Waehlnclor. , f lcl nndort , mil Duller Jountlc * . raze * paid In all parti ot ths Btal * Il3n 7 loaned en cuprovid larcu. Notaiv lnblla alwiv * In nfflpn Corrogpnod A FINE LINK 0 P TIIK ONLY EXCLUSIVE IN OMAJTA NEB. binli Attamscx Co. , o ! CD , tub A > * ell r < lch 8tofH. T. , OtplUI iUrcutn'.3.oiN w iv , H./c piui llyr , ocn. nrttrir * . I'Ultddtril * , tpltU ) , t ( , ( CC emiu'iicud Cacit'l J..18.I" tur' . tn thcvcrlu of i or. i.r.\MT.i AM > INVALUB , It. \ IIJ < HI ill tit ItNfTt ct ; . IKIiCl.K K'f Kuril * * , r CATTLE An Ounce of Prevenlion is worth a Pound of Cure , HORSES DISEASES OF LIVE STOCK ritEVKNTKl ) AND Cl UKD BY Tilt : U8K 01' The WESTERN LIVE STOCK REMEDY. . . ? , rly , J-TOI7 1'rpiMltr , In the conntry ha * often P7.prcMC < l a drolre to obtain a rrmedy hat vtonM keep animals In n licaltliT condition , n remedy that would take tbc place ot Die worth- If M ituft that Is nsually glen nf ter the animal Is mar the point of ilcnth. Thoiinnnils of Dollar * might he wwol nnminlly If breeder' , farmers , tnd. to fiwt , any one from the t > criion owning nn eTtennl\o herd to the modest gardener with a pony and a eow , would keep their animals In n thoroughly healthy condition. Nothing liM ior : IJppn offered In tbc market , until the If mtrrti lArt Slock Itrmr- ilt/WAS discovered , that has filled the bill. A dollar's worth of thli article every two or three months may sa\o any one who la the owner of life stock , hundreds or thousands of dollars In too course of a year It Is Knullr ( llvpn to Cattle. Hows. Snlnc anil Sheep , and Is an article that has never failed to Rlvo atlsfaetion , If properly Administered. The Mo < t Honlthy Hnrils In the Avoid Cheap Remedies Prcccrvo this and conntry urn pupplled w Ith the MVtrWii anil Worthless Beware ol J.lfp titorlt JU-inriti/Ki\\ \ ( \ farmer nr Condition Powders. IMITATIONS breeder w ho once utea It w 111 be without It. licncllclnl. lln Runcral effects nrc beneficial , and many dlsentes are cured In their ( artier ttngcn by cnrcfully following illrectionji. The AVlMOIun who mada the remark thnt an" Ounerqf rmvitllm { H'orA a 7'owirf pf Curr'dtfcr > e8nKoldme < lal , for never was there a truer remirk , mid It cnnnot bo applied mnro properly than to the prevention and cure of the many disastrous and fatal illfcatcs of ll\c elock. Krnp Stock Healthy nnd every eontnclons dlca c that conies along will not take hold with the grip of death. To do this there Is nothing enunl , to the IIVrrr > i J.lve istoch Jlvtiitily , Do Not U'nlt until Uic horse 1) stolen before jou lock thn ctnblo door , but lock It , now rlghtnwny beforetho thief tomes along , by the outlay of one dollar for n trial pnckaee of the cekbrated and thoroughly testtd boon , thu It'nlern J ivc block Jtoncili/ . Knqulro of your DmgUtK , or general rtorckccpcr for a package of the l\'rtttfrn - Stock Jlrtnrilif , inannfacturcd at Omaha , take no other , nnd If you cunnot obtain It tend one dollar for a package , jinpattt to the W22SXER.W LIVE STOCK REMEDY CO , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SWINE Keep IJvo Stock Ilonlthy and nyold Disease. SHEEP LARGEST STOCK OF Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE EUNDSED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track. ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for * he Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex- iluaively. Scale IRIEBIP. EH SIHIOIP. L405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA X ' ! FALL & 2TD WINTER. GREAT BARGAINS . / AND /"iaitora / to the State und others ill need oH Men's , Boys' aud children' ? Clothing , will do well to call ou The Strictly One Price House in the City \.nd \ examine their goods and prices. They curry the largest stock , sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fa 1 to call nt L216 FARNAM ST. 216 UPBOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , I'ASSENQF.U KLKVATOIl TO ALL FLOOns. | Ii03 , I'Ml and 1210 FarnamSt. , Omxtu , Neb. A K A lul BH/'JunnH' 1 f loFc AND TWO WHEEL OASTS. 1UI ml III ] Uiratr 9lw anM 4 Hi * Cltnl , CiUl ) lara < ihtir " " 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , D. 0 , A. lUtabllahed 1873 Catarrh , DoAfnou , Lang and Nervous Dttoiwea Spoadlly and Permanently Oared. Patluntf ur td t Home. Write for "Tiix MZDIOAL-MUUIIOKAUT , " for the People. louenJUtlon And Oorreapondocou Ctralii. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No , 26.