Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1884, Image 10

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    rins uuThl''i what some of the sUloimnufacturers c1l a "Club , " but wo cltt"uur ! Hall CUmp
in. UnV * I1"4 spring gttollwttniiH corrugate I iiank , It l fin ) nlokcl natcd The bottom mhavo I
to ni ino tola of thoihooorli ot porfect'y ' , thereby tithing tlio fit ( too anil natural action. Ith
io eiamp Kid Until iratror Instep or licel trai Ine lied ntra | arc jirctcrrablo tit heel cliuip In
P'TU i 1CSl ftn itr l' stijr and struiKtlxm the ankle oltcn | irc otilloir rloui and painful accidents. It
lHoflnf tlookln < Bkatelntliom rkct , andoiiotlm'.ts surf to J'le so. It lul puto Turkey U > xooil
n fli < with brww bmhlnci , they are 'iInohoi In dumotor and ovary nlncl porfa't ) tru i ; nvh t > lr In-
M" - ; innssraratebot. t\its \ ItaB. I iiNo ctrrjr ft lull line of nanio kato Infill. I'rap woo.1 bottnnw and
mil line trnileitriiand mUI and hix Irlit lined wluoX Wrlto tor inloo-4 Ti > rraOnethird caih
otupaij/lnitorJtrilwIaiioonsnt 0.0.1) . ' II. U MILLKK , Wont-rn Aginl , 10J9 , Fourtli A enu
' " " "
* , Iowa ,
of the Beat and largest Stocks in the United State ;
to select from.
Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest iu Si'/.e and Lightest in
W ih no Hay PreoSNi of any kind can the amount of work produced nt auch Ilttlocxpenw , ( ton tone oi hay
nU over to load railroad box carag can bo done tth the Eitel Iroproud Slachlnos. Warrrantul or no
eal For illu-trat'd now circular addro 8 , OKO. EIITEI. & CO. . IJulncy , llllt el .
Moontlcn Omaha Cue. a Hem i:6tabll : hcd la 18ft ? .
1013 JoneS Street } ASKFORRKD C110S3. { OMAHA KEB ,
Dormer Wlndovrt. FlaUle. Window Cmpe , Iron OreitlnjR , Metallic Sky-light ) , &c > 1\a \ , Iron'and Sla <
( 810 Booth 12lh Street Omaha Nebraak * .
NOTIOE. Special a Tertlsomcnte , BUO as Lost ,
round , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , BoardIng -
Ing , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS PKE LINE for the first Insertion
and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent n-
ertlon. Leave advertisements at our office , No.
Pearl Street near Broadway
JLJ ed by Kicldmau , t41 llrjaduay.
G ( AU AND VOOD-Ccorgelleaton , 628 llroid-
wny. soils coal > nd wocxl at reasonable prici'H ,
elrei 2 Oi,0 Ibs. foi a ton , and 123 tublo for1 'a coid ,
Try bin ) .
Ii-OK SAL" ! Piano , U. K. Hcainin , Paper , H
1 auo Htatlor.o.y , Couucl
77 > OK 8ALF OH KENT The Orvls 1'acklUR EOIIHC
J. ' and machinery , 1 catod In this city. Capacity
160 lioga | > e day. Udell & Day.
Every body in Council illufldto take
TimUriiL Delivered by carrier at only twenty
pent * a week.
OLD PAPERS For sale at Bn olDoo , at 26 oenU
a hundred
Attorneys-at-Law ,
OtKoo , Main Street , Itooma 1 and 2 Shugart & Mc-
'Uahou'4 lilocli , Will practice In State and Fedora
Lamps.Lais ,
AT |
23 ifaln BtnmtJ . . Conncll Uluffa
Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M. DH
l > ie y CoonoilBln
St. Charles Hotel
Kotir rtory brink , Jort ereot d on 0. street , b -
twtvn 7th and 8ih n\te s. Flneit funilibed , t at
and mo t reasonable prlctd houw at the ravl
> e r ill depot * . Mlta. KAJKCOAKLKV ,
DOT 8-uj 1m
Railway Time Table.
The following are the tlmoa of the arrival and de
parture of trains by central standard time , at tbo
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mlu
utsa earlier and arrive ton minutes later.
6U15 p m Chicago Expreea 8:90 : a m
BiO : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p rr
7:10au : ( 'Mall and Eiprces , 71'Opm
18:20 : p ci Accommodation. SUM p m
'At local depot only ,
,0:05 : a m llall and Kxprcsa , U.55 p m
5:15 pm Padflc Kxproaj , C:43am :
S : 5 p m Kxprctw , 9:05 : a m
3:2) m Express , e:5& : p m
cnioiao , ROCK ISI.AND AND rAcino.
6:25 : p m Atlantic Exprcua , 8:05 : a m
9:2S : a m Day Kxpnw , 0:61 : p m
7:20 : a m 'Dea Moinca Accommodation , 8:15 : p m
At local depot only.
6:10 : pm Aocommoilat.on Qoo : am
1:30 : p m Louis Kxpresn 8:45 : p m
l0 : p m Cnlcato Express 10:66 : a m
Al Transfer only
cmoAooand NOiniiwiarit * .
6:6 : ] p m Exprosi ) , 8:60 : p m
9:24 ft m Faciflo Hxpresa 9:06 : a m
7:10 : p m St. Paul Expreus , 9 : < X ) t o >
filO a m Day Exprosa 7.03 p m
UNION rAcmo.
8:00 : p m Western Expruta , B0 : a m
11:00 : a m PaclOo Kxprces , < : * 0 p rr
12:10 : a m Lincoln Exproas , 1:15 : p m
At TranEfer only. '
L -7:20-8SO-B:30-loSO-n:40a. : : : : : . m. 1:80-2:8 : :
JSO4tO6aoSOn:05 : : : : p. m Hunday-7i0' : !
9:20-11:10 : : a. m. lSO-S:30-.6:3MJ:80-lic6 : : : ( : p. m.
Ai lv 10 rolnu'is befuro leavIcK ttmp.
From transfer only.
rnoa. omciE , u. u. rosir ,
Oonndl Bluffl U.
Established - - 1856
Dealers In Feteltrn and omeatlo Eichinje an
Qroui Sncurltl
Cobs , Coal § Wood
1 * . 0. addrt-M , Lock Ilex 1199 , Council IJIufN.
Dr , W. H. Sherradon
Masonic Temple ,
Oonncll Bluda low * ,
Wee of ffie Peace.
MWWI.MII. UfcUl t *
All liti'iit In Which Cedar |
* ml Council UlnlTH Arc Allko
IntiTCNU-d ,
The tnnrrlago of J , F. Kimball , of this
city , to Miss Lottiao Oroono , of Oodnr
ll.ipida , occurrnd nt the residence of thu
jrldo's paronta in the later city on
Thanksgiving night. Mr. Kimball is of
the roa'l estnto and loan firm ot KitnbiOl
it Champ , and la ono of iho loading
young inon of this city , both in business
and social circles , The following details
of the wedding are taken form the Cedar
lUpids Ilopublicnu :
Kvory window in the hospitablu homo
of Mr.Vm. . Oroono , on Fourth nvomto ,
was ablaze with lights Thursday evening ,
while at the west end a calcium lamp
hung like a great star , and the tall trees
stood out in the darkness vivid niul lumi
nous. The wide double doors of all the
rooms opening from the hall had boon
takott oil' , and evergreen arches , cool and
restful , supplied their places. The li
brary , sitting-room , parlor and dining-
room were thus connected , nnd they were
exquisitely decorated with festoons of the
same beautiful foliage. In ono corner of
the parlo an ovorgrcon aroh formed a
sort of rustic tcraplo , buhiud it was n bank
ofihwors , and under the nrch swung a
canopy of rose buds and stovla. On the
mantle near by was a bank of carnations
imp rose quds with n square center of rod
tarnations in which the monogram ' ' 0.
v. " was delicately inwrought In pink and
vhito bouvnrdia. On cither sitlo a vaao
itood brimming over with calla lilies , in-
.orwovon with air.ilax. Over pier
lass was woven a tasteful lloral design ,
rliilo in front of it was euspuudcd a largo
ioral heart pierced with an arrow with a
> lood-rcd borb. In the dining
oem , over the largo center table , hung
t ball of largo size , while on the tables
> nd throughout the rooms were scattered
ixciuisito designs in the eumo fragrant
luds and bloasoma , our space nlono dom
iciling us to omit a full description. Thu
iccnaion of this elaborate preparation ,
his oxquiaito display of tasteful orna-
lents , was the marnago of Lauuo , the
daughter of Mr , nnd Mrs. Win. Qroono ,
to Mr. J. 1 < \ IvimDall of Council Ululla.
Carte blanche had ccidontly boon given
to the llorist , Mr. uud Mrs. U. G. ilig-
Icy , and their art had found its most per
fect expression in the beautiful decora
tions which nt all points excited admir
ing comments. When the hour nt which
the ceremony waa to bo performed
lnd arrived , over two hundred guests
| iad assembled , the ladies and gentlemen
in full drcsa , and many of the toilets
elaborate to an unexampled degree. At
last the bridal party descended , the full
orchestra playing the cquiaito wedding
marchfrom Tunnahauaor. Master Johnny
Mills nnd Woodio Greene preceded the
bridal parly and taking their places at
the door of the parlor waited until the
arrival of the head of the procession ,
when they crossed the room to the
canopy , bearing and unreeling behind
them ribbons , thus forming an open
passage for thouo who followed. Tlion
came llev. Samuel Rincgold , In the full
robes of hia oflico , followed by the ushers
Messrs. Chaa. A. Uraa , W. F. Sapp. jr. ,
J. H. CraigII J.Evana.of CouncilBluffa.
J. F. Kimball , the groom , followed ,
loaning upon the arm of his best man ,
Will U. Morritt , of Dos Moincs. Mrs.
Greene upon the arm of E. Briusmaid.
The bridesmaids , the Mitsos Fannie
Greene , Carry , Josalo and Mary Higloy ,
Hattlo Bolt and Libbio Greene , followed.
Then came little Barbara and Maty
Martol , who from baskets on their arras
strewed ilowors in the path of the bride ,
who followed upon the arm of her father.
The bride waa dressed in white satin ,
Its creamy surface embroidered in seed
pearls , while a full train foil in graceful
folds upon the carpet. A long veil
swept to the floor , and in her hand aho
carried a bouquet of white rosebuds.
Sweeping across the wldo room the pariy
were grouped about the arch under
which the impressive and beautiful service
of the Episcoprl church was rendered
with great oflbct. Following the usual
congratulations which succeeded the cere
mony itself came the banquet. The
tables seated forty guests nt a time , and
when full delicately colored ribbons were
latticed across und no others could enter.
At an early hcnr the guests departed ,
the newly murrkd couple taking the ! ) :40
train for the east on a five weeks' wedding
tour , which will extend as far cast as
Washington and as far south as Now
This was signalized ono of iho moat no-
able events of the season. The lady
who is now MM. Kimball , and who be
comes a member of Council Bluffo aocioty ,
has long boon ono of the belles of this
nily , and her departure from our midst ,
while followed by warmest congratula
tions , will bo sorlousiy regretted by hun
dreds of friends hero who have known
her from early childhood or formed n
friendship in later yoara.
Seal , Sacque and Fur Trimmings. M.
Bros. '
A Call lop Ilofiirm In CiiMoiim Con-
iernlr > K ISercaveincnf.
At St. Paul's church yesterday niorn-
ng the rector , Rev. T. J. Mockoy , gave
lis hearers some practical remarks on a
rnthor delicate aubjoot that of customs
n regard to funeral * . IJo chose for hia
text paemgos descriptive of the last end
of the great patriarch Jacob , and how the
people mourned him seven days , and the
elaborate arrangements made by Joseph
exproaaivo of the great ijriof felt at hia
ather'a death. To the Hebrew , death
meant an eternity of rest after a lifetime
of work. There was no idea of heaven ,
no clear conception of future life , or the
resurrection. It was aimply "being
gathered to hia fathers , " For
hotisjuda of yeara Job's question :
"If a man die shall ho livn again1' remained -
mained unanswered. There were
developing thoughts of the lite beyond ,
but they only buddpd into maturity
under the light of Cnristianity , and oven
vhon Christ opuko so clearly in regard
, o resurrection ho was misunderstood by
lit hearers. All those ancient , and the
Driontal nations , thought dying was a re
trogression , a going down , and death aa
JOBS. Better bo a slave hero than a
Icing in hades , They apoko of death
> nly with a Trail of sadness , but with
the dawn of Christianity all doubt
JtiJed. There were no moro " , fs , " but
a glad about of triumph , The very orig-
nal of the word resurrection did not mean
"coin'ng ' up again , " but an a c nt from
down by death.
After setting forth In detail the con
f fortlng faith of the Christian , the cpcakc
commented upon the inconsistency o
Christian people mourning aa those with
out hopo. There should bo rejoicing tha
: ho babe in taken from Iho sin and toll o
R eaith. The mother knotva that the don
shild Is moro blessed lo lo.irn from nnge
ijis the story of Christ which foil so f < tl
oring from her. It WAS far bolter for the
igcd saint to depart and bo at real. Al
his rrns what Christians were suppoaei :
o believe , but yet the customs of inner-
ils did not indicate that this conception
had really taken hold of the hearts. The
tears shell , the habiliments cf mourning
nftor , indicated that there was no hope ,
nnd that there waa n clinging to the out
grown Hebrew idea , Death wna in fact
nn entrance to n fuller nnd freer life , but
this conception had not become such n
living force as ono would expect nftor ao
many centuries of Christian teaching.
Missionaries had boon sent to tench the
heathen , but the heathen could send mis-
olonaries to teach Christians bettor ideas
of immortality , in nt least the cus
toms common to times of bereavement ,
The Chlncao nt tlmoa of deaths were
whito. Blue nnd brown were used by
some of the OrlonUl natives. The Mo
hammedans were forbidden to wear
mourning , bucauao of iho faith that in
death ns in nil olao "God is good. " The
Egyptians used yellow , the color indica
tory of exultation , but Christians , who
nlono are taught clear ideas of the future
nnd nlono have the doctrine of the roour-
roction and the life , wear black. Arbi
trary fashion dictates that the poor , frnil
body of the loved ono shall bo docked in
rich robes , placed in n costly metallic
casket , followed to the gr.tvo by n long
string of carriages , thn friends wearing
heavy crepe , nnd nftor the funornl n largo
expensive monument must bo raised to
mark the epot where liea only the mould
ering body.
To the npeakor'a mind it eoomod that
the chief object of many funernls was to
BOO how expensive they could bo made ,
Often times suih extravagance deprived
the living ef needed comforts , or plunged
them hopelessly in dobt. A reform was
needed In this respect and it must bo the
wealthy who should start the reform , for
they would not be charged with parsi
mony , and the poor readily follow the
fnohion of the rich. Extravagance shall
bo done auay with , and while it waa
proper nud natural to grieve , yet the
Christian's ' grief should not bo that deep
. loom felt by those who had no hope , If
black must bo worn lot no crepe appear ,
except , perhaps , on the day of the funor
nl. Why not lot grief bo expressed by
; roy , the absence of jewelry nud orna-
inonts , na well aa by blnok nnd ostenta
tious showings of sorrow ? There were
aociotioa for trio prevention of cruelty to
Miimnla , there were various reform asso
ciations , nil doing good , but n
society ohould bo organized
for the widows and orphans
from the demands of society that they
should yield up their little moans to swell
the prolita of the undertaker.
Another reform waa in exposing the
remains of loved ones to the gaze of curi-
pun nnd gaping Crowds. Thia was n priv
ilege for the near and dear frlouda only ,
and should bo guarded sacredly. Charles
Dickons' instructions in regard to hia own
funeral nro worthy of imitation. Ho
wished no public announcement of time
or place , no pomp , or oxpoiiao beyond the
needful , no black scarfs , and only throe
plain coaches , It waa right to ahow grief ,
but Christiana should not allow their ox-
preaeiona of Borrow to hide the real mean
ing of the Christian hopo.
In closing , the speaker called attention
to the beauty nnd comfort of the teach
ings of Christianity as shown in the ritual
for the burial of the dead , end how in
contrast with those teachings were the ex
travagant manifestations of sorrow.
Overcoats nud Suits. Boat stylos. M.
Bros. '
The DOB Moinca rapida , canal at Kco-
kuk was closed the 23d'for the season.
This will close navigation on the upper
river. The boats are now nearly all in
winter quarters.
Tyler CuinmliiKa Piitu IllniKolf Out
of the Kcucli oCIJlK
Tyler Gumming' , who ia protly well
known among the newspaper oflicos at
leant , has bcou extending hia acquaintance
hero at knot , by the peculiar way in
which ho embarked in the clothing buai-
neas , and peculiar manner in trhlch ho
has forsaken it. Lately ho opened up
hero what ho claimed to bo a branch of
Wanamakcr & Urown'n great clotliing
establishment , and cla.ining to bo their
agent , cummoncod taking orders for
suits. About a week ago ho suddenly
disappeared , and numerous creditors are
now mourning hia absence. It la now
claimed that ho waa in no senao an agent
for the hoiiao named , but that ho was
simply soliciting for orders , on commis
sion , for an Omaha agent. It ia rumored
that ho has gene to Toxao and will not
return to Council Blufla. Ho baa a wife
and llttlo child hero , aa wull aa a mother
and they are reported an being
sorely in need of his earnings to procure
the necessaries of lifo. Cummlngs is an
active , smart young man , but dooa not
boom to stick to any ono bumnens very
long. It ia said that in getting credit
hero under the pretence of being an
agent for Wanamakcr & Drown that ho
has laid himself liable to the law , and
Homo of those who got'nipped will at
tempt to give him the benefit of the law
should ho return.
Special nalo of cloaks for ono week.
These cloaks must bo dispoiod of , aa wo
cannot carry them over and will sell
them at greatly reduced prices. Oocuu
tt Morgan , 347 Hroadway.
Order hard wood of P. Ovorton.
She Wouldn't Mniti JM II ,
IIo waa a married man , blessedor
the opposite , aa the reader may deter
mine with au extremely jealous wifo.
Ono evening not long alnoo ho seized a
chance opportunity to do escort to A
charming miss of sweet sixteen , whoso
blue nyea and dark drooping lathes ox *
orclscd a glamor over every man who
happened to oomo within range of their
charm. At last her homo was reached ,
and aa they paused at the gate the maiden
turned her lovely orbs full upon him and
said :
"I am so grateful for your kinduoes ,
sir ! "
"Don't mention H , I bog of you , " ho
ejaculated , gallantly ,
"Very likely the unsophisticated
maiden misunderstood thu motive of his
remark , for shu quickly answered , in n
reassuring tone : I
"Oh , I certainly won't sir , as long aa 11
I liveif you duu't wiih mo tv ! "
iimiunu M ULVMIU
Ex-Senator Dorscy Briefly Gale
chisod ,
Ho DlHli-IIiiilOH UlM CiltlcleniB Will
Kxlrcino IillicrnlKy on Kvcry-
tlilni ; In Hlulil N'otliliiK
Non-coininltnl About
special from St. Louis gives the fol
lowing interview with S. W. Dorscy : Ho
"What do you think of Mr. Blnino'a
course in stumping the various alalosC'
" 1 believe the nblcst man alive is the
nnn whoso tongue has been cut oil' , niu'
hat there is no genius so great that it
will lighten up the common good souse
hat controls our people. Ttio chances
ire moro than oven that when n candi-
Into for n great otlico attempts to ndvo-
cnto his own claims ho will make moro
nlstnkos than corrections. The French
mvo n maxim , 'oxcuso a'acouao , ' The
nomont Mr. Blnlno opened his mouth ho
uado the mlstnko of defense. When ho
wrote the letter nbout his family ho mndo
ho mistake of accusation ; ho mndo every
woman in the country fool that there
vna n baala for n fill so charge. What he
tight to hnvo done wna to hnvo pointed
o hia children , hia grandchildren and hia
itmily nnd hia lifo for forty yoara. It
vna the d deal idlotio thing nnd coat
,000,000 votoe. "
"How do you explain the result in In-
lanal" ho wna naked.
"How do 1 explain il ? How would
oti explain the dill'ori'iico between the
lurning of n cord of hickory nnd n cord of
oft pine ? Indiana is n state of Intolli-
once , nnd is so evenly divided in ita po-
llcnl views that the tip of n hair on
ithor side will cany it. "
"How nbout Burchnrdr
" 1 don't know him , but 1 will mnko n
onturo that ho wears n eixtocn boot nnd
four hat. A Protestant clergy man with
o moro sonao than to talk nbout
lomnnlam in nn improper wny hnan't iho
cconcy to bury hia mother. 1 have a
nrgo sympathy for suoh men on the
round solely of thrlr littleness and nar-
ownoaa. In Now York city , where I had
n oflico for fifteen years , 1 think it anfo
o say thnt every great enterprise , every
ubllc endowment , nil the progress came
rom the Catholics nnd Jews. Then to
ear this follow talk is to my mind need
oed deal like the hen thnt tried to lay n
She injured herself , nnd
roko the egg. "
"Do you think it time thnt Mr. Blnino
liould retire from politics ! ' '
"All I know is , thnt ho 1ms boon re-
red. "
"Do you think Mr. Arthur could hnvo
eon elected ? "
"Tho boat nnsiror I can make to that
a that wo find It easier in nur own
ouutry to 'round up' common and tame
oof than likely nnd active stcorr . Wo
refer an easy roundup , but the difliculty
the beef is no good when you got it. "
"What do you think of Mr. Elklna'
innngomont of the canvass ? "
"I have always admired the gront
oneiit thnt comes from baby farming.
'ho trouble in this case nooms to bo thnt
lie milk wasn't good. I presume Elkins
voB furnishing all the wet nurses tents
rom his brain. Whether the tents or
lie brain was short I am not sure. Boys
u abort dresses shouldn't try to bo school
masters. Pretension defrauds none but
ho pretenders. Between pretensions
nd idiocy there is no lining. "
Ho was then asked if ho thought
Cleveland would mnko n good president ,
nd replied :
"Well , 1 din t know. 1'vo hoard it
aid thatviuCB hold up trees , but my be
lief is the vines hold up the loaves. Dan
Manning and Joe Pulitzer nnd the other
sisters of charity will have to yank thnt
crndlo pretty lively to keep the baby
awake , but from my experience with
them I know their power of yanking. "
TlioGovcrnnrHlilp of Montana
WASHINGTON , D , 0. , November 25.
Joseph K. Towlo , the now delegate from
Montana , who succeeds Martin Mngln-
nis , is from St. Joseph , Mo. "Young ,
handsome , n bachelor , nnd eminently
qualified for Iho position , " ia the way the
retiring delegate describes him. Mr
Mnglnnis mndo something nipro than n
formal call at the executive mansion this
afternoon , nnd was accompanied by Ac
aiatnnt Pout master General Crosby , late
BovorM > r of Monlana. The place
which Crosby vacated la still onon.
Croaby ia a warm personal friend
of the president and Maginnia sustains n
similar relation to the ox governor. It
ia not difficult to drnw conclusions us to
the moaning of this uftornoon'a visit.
The retiring delegate is n Democrat ,
but an ex federal officer and n Grand
Army man. Iu making Mnginnls gov
ernor the president would loiivo ono nt >
pointco not likely to bo disturbed by the
now administration , and at the aamo
time would put into practical operation
fur the first time einco the Chicago convention
vontion that plank in the platform favor
ing roeidenta of the territory for terri
torial appointments.
Itoyo on IMoyclcH.
Loiter lo Iho Philadelphia Jrc (
utd ,
The Western Union Telegraph oflico
hero is utilizing the bicycle in the de
livery of messages very successfully. It
has four bicycles whish the messenger
hoys keep in motion all day nnd ni ; ht.
You never BOO moro than two in thpollico
at ono time. The managers are delighted
with them. They save boys , time and
money. A messenger on ono of those
machines goes from the oflico of the tel
egraph company , oppoalto the Treasury ,
to the bqundary of the city , perhaps n
mile and n half away , and back inside a
do/.on minutes.
Iln Had llcou
Kentucky Btato Journal ,
It wan just two o'clock in the morning ,
and ho hud just got homo.
"Well , goodness gruclousl" exclaimed
his wife , as elm ant up in bod. "What
has happened ? Where have you been ! "
"Boon ? Boon [ hie ] paintin' . "
"Painting ! In the name of goodneta
what have you boon painting ? "
"I'aintin1 the [ hie ] town red , Jinny. "
"Painting the town red ! It looks
mnro aa if you were painting your nose
red. "
Then ho fell acrpas the foot of the bed
n live corpae , and aho apoko nn just as il
hu could hoar her.
He Wuw flllbt ikon.
"I waa patslng your house last evenIng
Ing , " ho went on , "and stood at the gate
a moment to hoar you play. I think you
am Improving if any improvnmont ia
poaaiblf , " ho added , politely. 'Last
evon'ng ' ? " ehn naked , "Yea , nbout 'J
o'clock. " "You nro mlsUken. I waa at
the opera lust evening , " aho said , in a
atrained voice , aa aho accepted an invita-
tinn to dunce from another gentleman.
"H was the man tuning the piano you
Commencing Monday , November 24th.
Consisting of Picture Frame
Mouldings , Picture Frames ,
Engraving8PaintingB , , Water
Oolorsi Photographs , Station
ery , Pocliot Books , Purses.
Ladiob' Shopping Bogs , Sorap
Books , Albums , Statuary , Ar
tists'Materials , GoldBronzo ,
Plush and Velvet Oahinet
Frames , Brackets , Comb and
Biush Sots , Jewel Oases ,
Work Boxes , Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes. Order
Sets. Birthday , Christmas
and Now Year Cards , and a
Great Variety of Fancy
Goods and Poverties Adapt
ed to the Holiday Trade ,
Have You Pictures
to Frame
If so , this is nil on > rlmiitv of a
Ufu-timo to get the m done iu the
b'st of itlo , nud ; ifc price ; * d-.Jying
nil comj.iotilton. I liuve the Inryoit
mid fiiiPBi stock of iho nbo u CMls ,
in the ci1) ' , having inndo my ontirn
llolitlav Purchases buforu dividing
to rcl'rc from the business. Failing
health coir pels mo to mnko a
cliaugo nnd iu Older to cKfia out
uiy slock at once , I oll'or 'without
reserve , bargains ) ii every line Riich
nn will insure n speedy snlo. This is
the Givatrst Opportunity ev r if-
fured to the citizens of Oumlm nud
surround.nix to\vus fc ) tohct their
Ilo'uluy Goods. Oonio at once and
oo convinced that every article of
fered is a bargiiiu.
Diploma of Honor , Medal of Merit ,
Power , Richness and Sympathetic Qualitv of Tone ,
Eleiranoo and Durability of1 "Workmanship.
Pronounced by the Artists and the Press , both at home and in
Europe , as the
Sweetest Toned Piano Ever Made.
General Western Agents :
1409 and 1411 Dodge St. , { r war } Omaha , Neb