Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1884, Image 1

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    J THE Lv H.H
U. S. M.
Annnal Report of Postraasler
General Gallon ,
The annual report of the postmaster general
for the fiscal ended Juno SO , 1834 , ia com
pleted , and for tha first time rondo public.
Introducing hia report with "A woll-dosorve
tribute" to the Assistants nnd various chiefs
for "efticiont service and valuable aid , " the
secretary lirnt makoa the
The total expenditures made on
account tf the service cf the
fiscal year ended Juno SO ,
1834 , were S40-IOI,000 Ci
The rovenuoi for the year were
as folio AS :
1. Ordinary postal
rovenua $12,818,035 CO
2. Not revenue
from money-or
der buelnesa. . . . 610,49208
43,338,127 , 03
Kxcccs of Oipojditures over
receipts 3.000,833 C7
To whlcli should bu added :
1. Kttimnled amouut of out
Rtaudlng llabilitiea 877,471 01
2. Amouut credited on boons of
treasury to 1'aclfls railroad
companies 1,2(10,179 ( 51
Gives estimate I cost of norvico
over tbfl ruvoauoa for the tiacal
year ? 5,201,481 12
The revenues wera $ ) , I70,553.53 , or moro
than 4 7 per cent loss th in thojo of tha pre
vious year ; tha dccro.uo being attributable t-j
the reduction of letter postage from 3 to L
centi , whicb took effect October 1 , 18S3.
In addition to tha aniDUtit expended for the
vcrvicaof the year SStO.O'JJ.lji ' was piid on
account of liabilities of previous years , male
inj the total imiouut disbursed during the
year ( exc'n ' ivof credits to tlu Pacific rail-
roarlaSi7.1ii-l.fiuj.27. ) ;
Tha amount paid to poitmaitors was $11 ,
2S3.830.H7 , n Increase of 8C8,43G4l ! ! over
tlut of the previous year for the nitno pur-
poso. This expenditure was S333.83J.87 in
excess of the appropriation.
For railroad transportation the audited ox-
ptrndituroa aud oatunated liabilities for the
service of the year , including nlso the sums
credited t ) tha Pacifio roadj , $13,815,103.
The aggegate amount npproprlatoi for thn
service of the year 54i,7io.037.62 ( , or 8341-
070.U7 more than tha amount disbursed on ac
count thereof , and $530,304.07 loss th n the
total disbursement ? and outstanding liabilities.
Estimated receipts for 18SO , Sila"2,820 24 ;
ostlmatad expenditures for 18SO , $50,09- !
109,50 ; doti iency to bo aupplied from tha
general treasury , S4 82G 340.20.
An rstimata of the revenue for the ensuing
fiscal year ia attunded with great uncertainty ,
becutic'o of the reduction of letter postage to
two cents , which took effect on the 1st Octo
ber , ISO. Ahhon < li the change was in actual
operation duritg three-quarters only of the
last J'oir , its cITocc was felt upon the
revenue for the entire year ; the saleaof stamps
for the quarter ending September 30 , 18S3 ,
luvin , ; bean greatly curtailed in view of the
then approaching reduction in the rate. Thus
the atloi for tlut qumer under the three-cent
raid amounted to $10,083,609 53 , while thn
Mvorngo for the throa bucceeding quarters was
510,2 0,781.38
The past year mirkol an important cp ch
in tlio lu-jtory of tin postkl service throuKu the
reduction in the letter rate of postage from
three to two cent- * , taking effect uu the 1st of
October , 1883 under the provisions of the act
of March 3 , 1SS3 , As the clau of matter affected -
fectod yielilo 1 by far tha larger pjrtiun of the
pastil revtfmo , tha change , ot course , pro
duced an immediate falling off in the receipts.
The ordinary postal revenue for the year oad-
ed Jime3J , < lS3l , was S2,27S,43U'l lesi thnu
Ihit of the preceding your. To thia los ahould ,
of course , be added that of the natural iacreaix
ti > have been expected had the throe-cent ; rate
remained in force. Ihovgh the three-cent
rate was ia force during the quarter euded
Soptamber 3J , 1833 , tha sales of
stamps , &l. , for that quarter were ;
$137,271.83 lus tlun the average for >
the three remaining quarters under the 2-cent
rate ; the anticipated ilungo in tha rata hav-
log lud to a teriuui falling off in tlu sale of
tams. | That the lues of revenue w > s not
greater must bo regardo I a'j gratifying , in '
view of the fact that t o estimate on which
the change was based contemplated a l < > Mt for
the first jeir uf ab jut SS OUO.UUO. 1 . M ovl-
ceuctho prediction has been fully verified
that tbo reduced r.ito would greatly etimulatd
letter o.rrespondence , and lead to the substitu
tion of tealud inclcHun'-i for postal cards aud
open circulars. The incroago in the number
of letters cannot 1) ) stat d , the department
having no platistica to show the number of of
pieces of each of the several clanses of matter
mailed , nnd the 8,11119 kitul ot nt.imp < being
used indiscriminately for first , thltdaud fourtn
cla > B mutter. No.t'ii'r ' do thu taleij furnish
any guide , since pastmnste a in accounting to
the auditor report thu "mount in the aggre
gate and not in detail of the klnJe unJ
dtmoiiiinntiniiB. .
In pjstal c rde there was n'dccreaso in tha
issue ) < > f 10,010,001)'or 45 per cent , for the of
year ended Juno lit ) , 1884 as compared witi
the previous your. During tin prdcodiag live
yenrd there lias been au average animal in- ,
cieima of 13 ( iK per cent.
Thu amount of podigo eolleoted on n > 5ond-
class n.a'.ter dii'ing the ymirw-is SlKSf/J- ! ) ! ,
aninsreaBOof $181,414 01 , or 10 8J p-r tout ,
ever the previous ytar.
Tha nimibur of luttius and pirculs sent
through the le iatHred mails durin { tha year
waa J 1,210,5Ifi , nfwl.ich 8,008,338 were do
mestic lettsr4fi(5)0. ( ! ) . ! were lettera addressed
to foreign countiioH , Tim amount of r glstry
fees colle ted was $0.)7,05 ! > .30 , uu inircafu uf
$30,509 GO , or 3 3 pur cant , over the previous
year.Tho r.ctuallv flucertauied lojaes during the
year numbered CIO , or uno In every 21,70) let
ters and parcels registered Tolo la n winaller
proportion of loss thtm in any previus year ,
and shows increasing t flioiency nnd fidelity on
the part of postal officials in this branch uf the
service. of
The groaj receipt ) of nitlclea of uudellvorod
raa.ll mitter durlnc the year wera 4 701 87Jan
inorease of II1tlu morn than 8 per cent over the
provloua year ,
Number of oilier O3tablls > 'ed during thn it
year , 3,4IU ; dijcontlnuod , 1,200 ; iucreaxd of H
offices estauliMiod , 1'jl ; lucrjase dixcjiitinnad ,
Thera ara 501 lUjurtm in til oflices mid eiri-
ploye ? , null 71,071 postmaster * and cither olll-
cera nud ageuU. *
At different time * during the year a thor
ough inventlgiition wai ma k < , under the direc
tion of the cliiof pjstnmttor innpHcter , of all a
first and aecoud 'ilusj ullicea Tne result of
these invtjetlwitious WAN gratifying tu the de
partment. Didhoueit aud negli tnt ulllilals
werfl dUoox'uied The former were rumoved of
and the 1 dter r < riiiiiudpd and moro fully
intructl ( in their duties. In a larg i uumtinr js
of ct ed wh n ) ixm'.m inters were ilinvover d to
LHJ nhori in th'il uu ( Hints it was owing t-J
n < < gligcnc ) or u hick uf abilliy tu (
irjanage the alfdira uf tholr otli < K.
Too nutiy p wtmaiterii feel warranted in re
garding their pisiti'mi ut sinecures und feel of
free to give their attention to other buslnciii ,
content to draw th if salaries as otticlal ,
tearing thu work of uunagiu their ollices to
others. Tnii nhou d not liu allowurl , I'oar.
masters nt h'rat un.l ner.otul ol.yH oilic's ahmild
be required to alvo tluir end u time to their
dfiicial dati H , and ahoulii tut Im permitted to
ongag i in tny other bustne tlut require * any
pirtion > f the liuu fur vvlilch they ar p ud by
the government. TiiU joault should be
brought uh'iut ' if it i ( | Ulre u ttntutoiy ouact
ment to effect i ; .
The ayatem waa extended during the year
U the cities of Cbuttanooga , Tean. ; l/oi
i Ml'Ul 4' . . < - "
NKW YonK , Novemlxar 29. - V
firm and options barely steady ; ; r
OOOi extxirU. 01,000 : ungradedI ri
V. ' n 'j . /1H-J" " . V t ( lit
Angeles , Cnl , Montgomery , Ala 5 Ottumvvn.
Iowa , and Scianton , Pa , making the total
number IM ) . The number of Minors was In
creased 210 , making jv totnl uf 3.890 nt the
close of the year. Too appropriation for this
service was $3,511,653.40.
Free dellvotits nro now nccocdcd only to
towns where tne population reaches 20,000 or
the postal tovcnt.oS2U.000. In my judgment
the law phould bo so changed as to permit the
pggregntion of population and the postal rev
enue of these towns , and the service should
bo extended to them when they meet the re
quirements of the law. The result would bo
a diminution in the number of offices _ aud n >
moro eatiefactory nnd economical service.
Since , by the figuics shown , tha postal porv
Ice is Eolf-ttustMtilng , 1 can urge wilh propriety
ty tha reducing of local postage rates to ono
cent I am confident that such a chnnico
would result in a very considerable increase In
the number of local letters mailed , and that
the freo-dellv ry invenuo would not bo sj
greatly impaired thereby as to prevent it Iron
ngnln reaching the present amount in a feu
I also renew the recommendation of my
predecessor , that the unit of weight in rntinf
letters aud sealed packages ( first-class matter
be changed from ono-half ounce to ono ounce ,
Slnco in largo commercial cities whore even
the elliclont delivery uf the mails Is not adequate
quato to the donidnds of business enterprise *
requiring prompt transaction , I recommend
thu use of n tptcial postage-stamp for letters
mailed and intend d for special nud prompt
delivery nt free'deli very cf lice ? . This ttamp
eliould bo of the denomination of ton cent ? ,
and , when affixed to a letter , In addition to
tly proper postage charge , should insure for it
ns speedy a delivery as possible af cr its recep
tion nt uny letter-carrier ollice , This outside
distribution could bo effected by employing
mesfongor boys , nt a nnall sain y , and in uuch
numbers nstho circumstances should warrant.
I am untisfiod such an effort to nccomodnto
tha public would still further commend the
free-delivery service to Its patrous in thu largo
cities whoie it is In operation.
The gross receipts of the 2,323 prcsi dcutlal
ollices tor the four quarters ended Match 31 ,
1 84 , amounted to § 33.031,0117.3.1 , or 71 8 per
cent of the entire revenue of the department
for the same period. Tha aggregate salaries
of presidential postmasters amounted to S3-
828,709 , or 11 6'J ' per cent of the grois receipts
accruing at their respective offices.
The appropriation fur clerks In postollices
for the present liical year is inadtqunta for the
servico. Ttie department has been obliged to
make reductions in order to keep the expendi
tures within the limited appropriation. Al-
thougli this reduction was necessary , it was mi
apparent injustice to m ny postmasters
allowances wera already to small.
I endorse as applicable to postmasters ho
seciotary of war's expressions on ttio subject
ot pavmasteu'- bonds , viz. : They should bo
permitted by law ns security the obligation of
homo approved guaranty company oiganizcd
for the purpose of indemnifying employers in
this manner
The revenue Jrom the rent of presidential
divided between the dcpartuietit
ind the postmasters.
In my opinion thq law should bo so amend'
od as to place the entire box-rent revenmHo
, he credit of the party who provides and main-
; ains the boxes , and who pays the rent of ttio
room or the space occupied by the boxes.
A moro praotical and a mucli more just
Hvatein than the present would bo one iu which
the postoflico department Should piovido
necessary box outfits , pay the rent of Duild-
iiigf , und recejve the full amount of box-rents
in nil the prnpidentinl cilices.
The poBtoflico department ncglpts no pre
caution for the protection of nulls in transit ,
and provides , nt no inconsiderable expense ,
; ho very best and most approved locks for mail
jags that arj bundled only by i B sworn
tgeats , while the security of'the mai s pUcad
n postoliico boxed accessible to the general
wblic is loft to tin caprice aud parsimony of
iostma ters who , in mnuy cisoi , ara no t qual-
fied to decide upon the merits of the different |
ocks. In my opinion the postolllca depjrt-
nont should bj uuthori/.ad to proscribe the
in < l of locks that may ba placed upon post-
Hico boxes , and pojtmas ers ahould ba forBidden -
Bidden to place nny article of mall in a lock-
we. not secured by a Jock approved by thode-
lartmo t.
I am of the opinion that the government
should provide buddings and proper fa-.ilitlcH
'or the transaction of postal business.
SO , 1881. | '
The statisticii of the inland mail service ,
June 30 , I Ml , nro as f illovvs : The number of
outes in the star ss-rvico was 11,7 0 the
cngth of the routes , 'S2' ,7 i > mile ] , the nn-
lual trauspo tatiou , 81,1(19 ( 052 miles nt a coat
S" ) OS',911 ) being abuut ( i.'S couts per mile.
Tna number of routes in the steamboat sir-
vice was 117 ; the length of the routes Ifi ( illI
r.ilcs ; the annual transportation , 'I,882'JS
uiloi , nt an annual cost of $5'Ji7. ; ! , being
about Ifi 37 cents per mile. (
Thu number of routes in the railroad ser
vice was lfJ7 ; the IciiEtliof the routes , 117-
.GO miloi ; iho aunual transportation. M2fi-ll-
J)2 ! ) tnilai , nt a cost of Slft.Ol'J C ( exclusive
§ 3)7,3(12 ! ) ! ) ( for railway p.stal clerk * ) , being ;
ibout 10 C3 cents per mile.
Them were 11)08 ) contractors for carrying
he uui's on inland routes. The numb r of
illice-i supplied by in n't iiiofs ° ngers was / > , -
> , ut an annual cost of SSIil 313 , a
The number ol special was 2,123 ,
each nflict ) being supplied by a special earlier
whofo iMmpeiiaatlun is not t exceed two-
thirds cf the salary of the postmaster ,
Anr > hibit of tint mrucc , with tabular
btutement , appears in th report of the Second
end Asslntaut I'ustmabttr-Oeuoral hereto
- , an
nexed ,
The star servile is maintained with as much
efficiency as ii attainable uador existing laws
Tliero is nee t of new legislation touching this of
branch of the service , and I approve and
strongly commend to tha favorable notice of
congress thu bill prepared to meet this need by
the second mtistant pastmaitcr-ironoral , whlcli
will bo found in detail in his report. lie I.- ,
from 1 > ng experience familiar with the needs
this service , having been instrumental iu
effecting already many reforms , nnd from
those facts his comments upon the bill deserve
duo consideration ,
Thu bill referred to aims to prevent the con
tinuance of certain abuses in this branch of .
ihe postal service. If it thould becomt a law
would luvo the effect of breaking up what Ut
known ns speculative bidding , which now
secures , as cliown by the report of the second
nmistnnt postmaster general , over three-
fourth * if the rout-H annually ndvertitcd. " (591 (
grottly o the detriment of the service. It
would throw tha contracts for carrying the
mails , In great part , Inti tin hinds of persons
redding on , or tn the vicinity of , the various
rout h to bu let , resulting in must instances in of
v stly moro efficient service Theeo desir 3il
able ends , together with tie removal of some ury
needless rcstricliuns which now work to the
disadvantage of both the carriers nud tha .
govcriimnt , will bu attained by the pna e
thi > < bill , which has my uuqiulifitid approval of
b'luif In a line wiih utiier previuu * ittfnrm thn
the utar utryla' .
Thn average unniml cust of tha i-tar Kervlco
fur five yearn pre odliig 1881 ban been 8 < ! , lll- !
82 , with mi average mileage of 75,9oO,055 oua
mllis , at a little over 8 cents per inilu.
For the year ended .fnnn 3,1881 tha cost to
thu star unrvica was $ i,08'JMI ! , with a mill.-
ago of 8I,109OVJ 'iiiln' , at u cant of about G {
oonts per mile , In other wordu , n lurgo in tiir
crease in the mil ugti hut bien act imp.uiioil ;
with a very great leductlon in the coit tlm
erst per mile belog nUuctd nearly 2 ! per
fc'ectlon 020 of the regulations of 1879. which
prescribed a method of adjusting compensa
tion for expedition , ha * been rctcludeij , be
cause U grew out of an unwarranted construc
tion of thu statute and was deemed tinsafd ,
'Iho reconimaudttt ons of the second as ttt
ant ptmait r genfrul In refereuco to the lev- It
idation that la ne dful are to rnoderato uud
yet RO noccioary that I am certain tbettax H r >
. . . .
anu * * s * * -.j -
ratcaHii , per lb. , 7&Jito ; deer saddloi
-Wheat-Spot ' " 12c ; untolope , CBJCJUS , \ > r IU ,
receipts 112 , . po saddlea , i < er lb. , ll ilJj iw
red , ti , jer dozen , 3 00 ; quail ,
UA r > r down. S3.00aRC ! < : 1
vlco will not atUtn to any hluhergradoot per
fectinn until this lcgisl tion ii elTected.
During the pott year thu fprviceon th'
ttunk Hues has bceiivetyinRtdtlnllvliiipiovcd
1'or somn years the Mew York Central am
1 Indium Itlvor rnilwny aud tlia I nko Shoto
nnd Mlchigtn Southern railivny hnvo been
running a fad train , leaving Now York ni
8:50 : a. in. nnd nrrlving at Toledo , Ohio , nt
4fr : > p. in. of the following dny , making con
ncction with tha fa t mob train on the Wa
bash , St. Ixiuli nnd I'.vclfio railway , and a tli
net connection for St. l/oul . The mails foi
Chicsgo and the west , which formerly anlvei
nt Toledo nn thia train , weto hold there nboul
three hours nnd tnkou on a slow train to
Chicago , arriving there nt U a. in.
Conmicnclr.g Sunday , March l > , 1884 , an nr-
rfliigcmrut V AS made with the liiko Sboro &
Michigan Southern rnllway company vhereby
the train leaving New York at 8:60 : p , in. was
continued through from Toledo to Chicago ni
n special fast mail train , ni riving at the latter
point at 12.35 a , in. In connection with tlm
xn arrangement waa made with the Chicngo ,
Durlington k Quincy r ijway company to put
ou a upocinl fast tntil train t > leave Chicago nt
3 a , ni. nnivingat Omaha nt 7 p in. of the
4amn day. This nrrnngcuitint went into cf
feet March 11 , 18SI.
Thn Chicngo , Milvvaukeo & St Paul railway
company alro put on n f.tst mail train , leaving
Chicago at 3 a , in. , arriving ntSt. 1'aul nt 3:3U :
p. in , , nud nt Minneapolis nt 4 p. m. This
tr/iln commenced runuing Afnrch 13 , 1831.
In connection with the fast mail train on
the Chicago , Burlington nnd Qiilncy railway ,
the Illinois Central inlhvay company chnngoJ
the Bchedulo of its main liuu no i to mnku ache
cho connection with tha fast mnll on the
Chlcign , I3urlinglnn & Quinoy railway , north
and south , nt Mcndota , 111 , and extended its
through line trom Kteeport , 111 , to Uubuqnr ,
lovya , connecting at thu latUr.point with the
train for La Crosse , Wiscoi tin ,
Tnu o charges on the several rondi material
ly benefit all Iho western flat's nnd terti-
Uy n change of schedule secured upon Iho
Union aud Central L'.icifio railways , whlcli
took place POOH after the wtablinhment of t u
fust mail upon tbo Chicago , liurllugtou nnd
Quiucy railway , n gain of ono binlncss day
was mndo in the delivery of mails at 8nn
l''rancisco. ' The mail leaving _ New York by
thu ovonintrdispatch ariivod in dan Francisco
nl 7:10 : n. m. in&tu.ul ot nt 8:50 : p. m , , ns for
merly. Since that time the nclicdnlo
has boon changed , and this mail now arrives at
San Francisco nt 11 : ! ( > n. in .
The mrdl for St. Paul and Minuon polls city
delivery is assorted on the f .st inaL 1 cars bo-
fore arrival at those places aud given to the
carriers at the depot , thin enabling them to
make their delivery before the cloeo of the
business day. This is a material expedition ,
ns this mail under the old arrangement would
not arrive at thosn places until the next day.
A change ot schedule wai secured on the
Northern 1'aclfio rnilwny , whereby its trnln
left St. Paul on arrival of the fnst mail , male-
log a gain of ono full dny at Portland , Ore. ,
aud intermediate points.
There are nt the prisons tii..e about four
thousand clerics In the railway mall service ,
many of them having been so employed a
great number of years. Thu amount of
special stuly that these clerks have devoted
to the duties of their otlico would have made
them proficient in nluioat any of the profes
sions of life.
Tha totil weight of the mails disp itched to
pcsta ! union countries , exclusive ot Canada ,
during the last fiscal year was 1,215,572,391
gmins , or 2,079,851 pounds , nn increase of
14fi,8fil pounds over the preceding yoar. The
weight of the letter and post-card mails
22fi,841,23.2 grams , or 2,181,981 jnundii , an In-
crosse compared with the preceding year of
1(5,412 ( pounds of letter. ) aud post-cards and
130,448 pounds of pi in ted matter nnd fnmples.
Compared witji thd wti hts for the liscil yojr
1883 the percentage of iucroaso for hitters and
pjst-cards ii 3,41 per e.cntj for printed matter
nnd sample mull ? , (5 ( 3(5 ( pur cent , and fur all
the mail o 5,8 per cent.
u.vimuAL robTAr. UNION.
The adjourned meeting of the Congress of
the Universal I'ostsl Union , oiigiually lixod
to bu held at Lisbon , Portugal , iu May lanr ,
afterwards postponed until October 1 , last ,
nnd further postponed in consequence of the
irivalenco ot clnler.v in pillions of ISitropu ,
will meet in the city named on the 1st of Feb
ruary next , for the purpose of improving the '
systam oftlie _ Union in the light of the expe
rience of its practical workings during the last
nine yea's Many important ; modifications uf
the Patis Convention and ro/ulatinns are pro-
msed for consideration aud decision by tin
Jongrcs ; , nnd tlio United Stttu ? bus rpocial
interest in most of them. lion. William T
Ttto and .James S Cr vif-il , E ] . , superin t
tendent of foreign affairs of thin ucpart'iient ,
'ha been appointed the delegates to represent
.he Uni to J citiitojin said Cjngreso.
WASHINGTON , November 29.Tho ntinunl
report of Treasurer Wyman , of the United
State * , allows thut the net revenue of
the government wai Io s than 1883 by $19 ,
7(57 712. The decrease in receipts from cus
toms 819 Of.1,007 , in nceipts from internal
roveuuo § 23,131,2913 , and In receipts from mis-
cellanooiiBjiources § 8,819,218 , from the ag
gregate of these Itnms should be deducted an
increase of § 1,851810 In the receipts
frum the anloa of public lands , leav
ing it net reduction ns stated above. The
not expenditures nggrrg.ito Sill 12(5211 ( ,
decrease from the amount in 1883 , by S.'l-
281,893. r-urphii applicable 'to reduction of
thu public ditbt uiiif'imtoil ' loS101'i93 025 , a
decrento of $28,4 5,818 fiom that of the pre
vious yuar , Hornof oxpenditu es ( .bowing . a
dituros on account ot cUiland iniscellanuuus
and § 2,009,1(51 ( in oxponditutcs on account of "
the navy department. The disbursing officers
the United States had to their credits on
tha lunks of the treasury nt thu close of the
year i3.,40J,9 0. Tim statement of assets and
liabilities for Saptembur JO , 1881 , ch'iws ' thd
general balance was roducnd from $103 33 ( , . tn
403 , in 188.1 , to S 149,525,0(52 ( , in 1841 , a ro 'no ' \
tion of 813,7 7 4u" . The aggregate amount of
gold and ulver coin ami bullion held bv the
treasury li'is Incrnaasd from § J12,510 809. In
1883 , to ! J393115 297 , In 1881 , au increase ) § 12-
705,487 The gross assets increased from
3150,119,8.7 , In J883 , to 519.090- his
* , nn incroatti of § 03,570,431. From
November 1 , 1883 , tj November
, 18dl , the reserve ilecrea od $12,7.V5. > , or
from 8100,822,51- SI I8ti70t90. ! There was
nominally outitandlug at lha close of the fiscal
year silver certificates nmouuting to $12 ,891-
, an liicreaso of 83.,274,8(50. ( Dmlng the
year , the o mount huh ! for the treasury in-
created from 815,9915,145 , to S ' 3.3S 1,08 i. thin
leaving nctually outstanding 597,907 Oil , nn
actual increase of SL.'lK8i5i.T , , : > . T/io amount '
ttimlard silver rlulliirH o'lned to Huptunber
, 1881 , was 182 'H ( ,829 , of which the tread-
held 142 319,409. lit this amount § 97-
011,881 was for redemption of silver rertlli.
c.itcs outHtinding , The amount in ilrculatiun eon
was : i9.8ul,953 , or about 21-8 per cent ,
the tutil coinage. As iiiuml ,
nmomt outstanding reached the hlp'licac
xiiiit in IJncembfr , when it exceeded $ ll,0"i , -
JOO , HII j.g r ate never before reached This uL
) 10 Juno wan nut < n grtut OH In previ
yearn , prulubly owing to the scarcity of
and two dollar tinten , and on September
, thu amount .MII ? > iSO,717 greater than the f
fame date in 1883 During 1'ncal year 6120- thu >
152,572 lu national bank notej weru presbiited
itidoiiiptlun , bein 2283' per crnt moro
hiiii the preceding year. This luen-ana re- our tu
Itcti the cunditlcfi of the uieruautllo mid
inont-tiry alf irn of thn country , as shown by nr is
report * , increasing thu number of busbies *
Failures and decreasing thu amount of clearing
lutno trnnuactloiiB.
'i'lioOil ni.rkoi. lh
NKW yoiiK , November 20. The market lot
wnn buoyant uud ruse 2jo lu the inuniing. It at
rumored that many oi > erAtorj Ii4 > o l > een 00 (
ciupht heavily ihort of tlio market and are Vu
being twitted.
. per ib. , 11 I proof 1 IT per ] > ( < * ; - " .
; oS
d , 4 W . New ,
Will Lcafl the Oracfl ou Parly
in 1888 ?
Who Will Turn the Tide of
And Rsgniu the Lost Vanlogo
Grouud ?
Quiet Suggestions of thd Old
Laader ,
Some Strong Demands for J , 3- ,
Elaine ,
I'rnmliiciit Moil Who ICtuloi-se Itlnltio
to Oiiniiunnil tlio Kuliiro
to Victor ) ' .
Spsclal lolvgram to TUB 13KK.
CHICAGO , November 33 AnTntoi'Ocean
Now Yorl. special sayi : Thnjntcnsityof feel
ing that liUiuo was re\lly the cholco of the
pt-opla for president , but lout tha election
through accidental utterances nt thn north ,
him led to expressions from every quarter fn-
voribio to hlsronominatiou in 1SSR. Already
Iho quiet undertow was in thU directnn ! prior
to his Augusta speech being rent' to the coun
try. That swelled it to a tidal wave. Ilia
friend nnd manager , S. 13. Whine ,
receives daily mall hero whi lit Ida time
nud attention BO nnuh thai , he. ' is obliged to
use a secretary. Throe-fourths ot the letters
mo spontaneous declaration ! ) that lilnino is
the choice of the writer for president in
18S8. From nil - ever the country
there is the sumo remarkable expression. In
ten days past men like Senator'\Ynrner Miller ,
Emery A. Storrs , of.Chicaro , Senator Clmfleo ,
of Colorado , Alexander Sullivan , of Chicngo ,
H. 12. Parsons , of Virginia , Senator Halo , of
Elaine , J. A. Long , of Oh'io , W , 0. Andrew * ,
of Now York , nnd Colonel WJJJ. SimmB , of
Virginia , havORivon voice bore to the popular
cry. They neither attempt to , boom IM.iiup
for 1883 or indorse thu movement in his direc
tion , but have pimply utatod tkit It is an evi
dent f.ict that the people aror&till Illnino's
friends. >
Nnw Youc , November 2'J. General John
A. Logan is nt the Fifth Aybnvl ) hotol. Ho
arrived thi i mirulng , and will 'remain ' ever
, when he will jomMtra. Logan
n Wabhingtou. There was a lar ; u uumbor of
callers at General Lcgan's roomUfsaftcrnnon ,
and ho surprised all his friends \ ' . th tha light-
lieaitsd and cheery manner in w ] Uh ho tpako
of his recent defeat. ' . i _
"I do not think Liean would feel half as
badly , said a friend of hti this fvbniog , "if it
wcionotfir tlio fact that ho w\\ \ by
surli an old copperhead ai HenrtiVo. . "
To night Coil. Lofan siid lallgBinzly , "I
have nothing to say to thu pros * , we are
whlnpvl , and that's all thura Is of it Vac
myself , " ho added , "I feel a good deal like
the man who stubbe i his too. and , sit down
on a stump t ) nurse it. All bin /fiends c.imo
around to sympathize with him , plying him
with nil sorts of questions about now la fulr ,
'It hurts pretty bad , don't It1 th yivjkod ,
but the fellow was n little too much occupied
squeezing his too to answer. Finally ho
blurted out : 'The worst of it is T am too
big to cry and the thiup hurts to bad to laugh '
And that , " oald Gen. Logan , "is tlio way I
fool "
After the oVction Go- . Logan went down
> his lurm in touth ru Illinois tu ro.uperato.
Thu place contains about iO ) itcrca of vvoll iul-
tlvated land , nnrt the general saya thatnftor
tbylth of March ho expects to beoomo a. firanger
in earnest. Gen. Logan attrli utad the deles t
of hi * party tn thu utterances of Bun hard
rnther than anything olno. Ho rays tlmltinh-
American , in Chicngo except tlio most bitter
clomnsratH , ha I always tuppotted him .and
that ho wns novcr run for nnv ollic j in Illinois
when bed faiKd to cni ry Chicago'by (5,000 ( to
7Mi. ( This year the inaj nity ran down to
3,000 nnd numbers of Iri-Iinion had told him
tlut they had voted against him for the flirt
timo. Hu attributes all thin to IJurelmrd'ii ' re- -
TIIK nii.icic vow. , '
Special Telegram to TUB UKK ,
Nltw YOIIK , November 30 , ( Joycrnor Col-
quitt ol Georgia , in n lettirtothe Commer
cial Advertiser , writet : "Let me my ns to
the colored citizen in Georgia , ha is sofa In
iho hinds of the democracy , that now oven
the tomptatiun to deal uuf lirly by his vuto is
rtnr.ored and that from tills day forth ho
counts as a living factor in Honthorn politics , a
"Why , now , " will you M\C \ , "and not hereto-
fortit" licainso heretofore ibowhole Influence
und teachings uf the government iticlf
were culled Into active scrvico to
keep the iiegio vote ns u constant
menace before our eyes. It was enough
lay to tha colwreil voter , hu Is a domocrat.
\Vo snatched you out of his humid na idavtl
and made you freemen ; ha would reinstall )
you to-moirowif ho could. Of course , thu
effect of thin was to keep the rjcai apitt
piilitlcilly , and the paAt dauger in which the
colored democrat wan forced ( o Ilvij among
race dhturred a nun uf any fonlldg from l
setking tu draw him from the crowd in which
rnpublican inlltionops bad impounded him.
Now hu Is nccesilhlu to thu Jo io o ( dc-uds
which ho shall heoanil fuel , nnd cat und drink ,
and withal nhall bu clothed in thu Intourlty In
which his civil rights aio sure tu bo upheld by
hOUfllKIlN HTATKH. , n
Special Telegram to thu DKK. to
WAHiHNoroN , November 20. Hotmtor O'lbct
, uf Louiennn , inaintaiun tlmt there Is veiy
little reciprocity in the HpuuUli treaty , Ho
says thu benefit is about nil on the edo ! of
Cuba , Continuing , liu tuich " 1'hero are
about CCO.IOO ixintnmerM of our product * In
Cuba. Now this tiealy profiuhes to give them [
ajvantago of trade with our (5' ( > , OuO COO of
people , nnd in return wu may supply their
lOOUO with soma of our product * . Uetldex , ii
people uf Cuba c'o ' nut , atid will not u a
muuy ot our products , They do not use
plows , mowing mitchlriKS , anil nmnufno-
M of tlmt sort. They livu mutly
frulU nnd conbiimo very little Hour. There
ii' ' ) prohibition In iho treaty against lilt
Imiiosltloti by the ripiolrh governtnunt fit In- In
ternul revenue tax Now wo collect two
cenU per pound on HUgar. Hay wu gut from
* 39 , < 03,00) . If wu ulmit it frbo , m y not
Hpani > h giivsrntncnt levy an Internal
dim * ) tu of two cents per pound on tugar ,
nud thin collect In their trtii nry the 30 , .
, ( XO w u now put in tnrs. The treaty
nught to prohibit any Internal riivtnno tax by
Hpiii " fc'wiator Oiboon added tliat the
, ir.0 2&0
ilomuHIo , 1 40
Uwn HlJ e'H fowl than"uncn li
KngUnd , ooinMaMl. In not f * lot l. jour chUdrou . i
tronty would exclude the tuRftr product "I
Ctnrr tountties thnn Cuba , ntul hu did nut
heliovoit would chcnon | tlio price of sugar ti
the consumer in this country. Ho roicrrad
to the Hawaiian tronty as proof of tdi ? , fay-
Ing It did not bcnclit the consumer IIMX > , "Ho
Hint , " mid ho , "supposinr tlio fp.Milsh gov
ernment fhould not tnkc adviuilnge of tlio
opportunity to impwo tlio Internal rnvcnuo
tax , wo would bo really presenting Cuban
planters with $30,000,000 which wo could
rnlso us custom tax on tholr sugar. Tlut
would ninko Gub tli-i richest island lu tlio
world. "
Special Telegram to THK HKB.
LONDON , November 80. Mr. Foster passed
through London yesterday , having tignod tlio
commorcinl treaty of tlio United States with
Spain , Ho sails to-thy for Now YwU Kng
ll h diplomatists avow that thU treaty , if rat-
iflcd , prevents the pwibllity of tlio desired
AugjSpnnish treaty , because it will bo Im
possible for Spain to rraut mmllar collections
to tlio two j.owcra nnil open C.ibnn juris
both to English niul American goods It is
evpccted tlmt tlio treaty will exclto hostility
ngniii't Loulslnun sugar planter * , hut will en-
iHtthemippott of protectionist * because , In
the Iir l tilnce , by nbolithinc ; 580,000,000 of
ue duties , It puts an end to further nppcnli
for toducliig the Asvcnue , nnd secondly , open *
the Cuban markets to Amoiicnn nmuuf.u- :
tnrers ot cotton , iron , woolou mid numerous
other ftoods , thereby Brctiritig a prnctioil Am-
iilcau monopoly , nnd procoodiug on the pro
tectionist ductrlnn of u iug American t ritr us
a iiifRiis-of obtaining n foreign market for Am-
utican coodn on favorable limns.
I10\V Tltl ! MAUKKTS OK 81'AIN Atll : Ol'KN'IXU Vf
TO THIS ( inn AT ruonuoT.
Special Tulegrnin to the UKKI
WASHINGTON , November 30. The report
rccoivod by Secretary Frelinghuyson from Korntlo .T. Sprnfjue , nt Gibraltar ,
states that Hour in thu only Amoilcnu product
for which thcro appears to bo n tnnrkot thoro.
Supplies nro beino- imported direct from Now
York throiiKh by llrlush nnd Italian atenm
vessels. Tim demand has only opium ? up
slnco the appparanr-n of cholera in Franco.
Consul Molvay nt TonoiilTo , In the Canary
Islands , says that French flour is beginning to
bu looked upon aii piciatuly. The public Imvo
of late voars favored the American article. AH
Marseilles now , owing to tha cholera rcmniu-
ing there , ii entirely utmt out of thla market ,
Inruo quantities of Hour nro expect from the
UnJtoii rftatei. The result will bo n per ma-
nont incroaRO In the consumption of American
( lour.
LONDON , November 80Uoo [ Siiocinl. ]
Minister Lowell said " 1'leaio
: toll my frlondn
in thu Luit-d Status that I nm not likely to
commit tncli n silly not us to tun away from
my post It'aAiiRo n chief mupistmlo of the
oppcslto jui iticnl fulth has been fleeted. 1
; ireBumo my nuccuesor will bo nppointod nnd
souCrmed in duo season , mid when ho arrives
inro , I hopn to h.tvo the liuimr of wulc mlm :
: iim and nlfording hiiA whatever nonkoa may
Ho in my power to inako tlio beginning of hia
duties oaay and nprooabln
All KlovxliiiK iixplmmtloii.
lown , November 29. The
fallnro of 15.D. Brown , the grain dealer , who
assigned yesterday , docs not effect the Bur
lington and MifBtoslppi elevator iu the city ,
which is manngu 1 and controlled by a stock
company of Now York capitalists , the nlc-
vator doing a largu business as a public waro-
h'ju'o. Thu firm of B. 1) . Brown it Co , , grain
dealers of this city , ut which A. O I'inkham
Is the resident partner , assigned yesterday to
Mr. Hubbard. a ho Harrison elevator , formerly -
merly operated by this firm , since September
lion been operated by < lnu. T , Gerry and N.
i' . Derby it Co. , of thiscity. Tim Burlington
elevator Is owned and operated hi' N. It.
Do by k Co. , nnd should not ho comoundi d
with the ISiirllugton it MisiKiippI , which was
built by B , D. Brown , and with which ho was
A Plucky Ynnlcct : .
Niw YOIIK , November 30. A mad dog
inndu the people ssattornl the corner of Hous
ton and Mulberry streets thin afternoon. In
the midst of the oxciUiment n woll-dreBBod
pontluuian madu a rush for tha r.ibid animal ,
picked him up by thu napa of thu nock and
cut his throat with a puckut Icnifo spying qui
etly t the time 'That'll
e uno : thu way wo
do in Massachusetts. "
A 1'jiriHliui Heroine.
I'AUIH , November 20. Public sympathy
for Madame Hiigups , who shut hur tr.idncar ,
-H intensified by the fuel that both Hnguea
and wlfo devotedly nurted the cholera nuf-
'crcm. During the urev/ilonco of that opl-
Icmiu at MaiHulllox. IJD I'ays coimideri iho
lady a herulno nnd chaicos thu ( ntiru preas to
ipholil her. HIIm aikod the prlxon author-
titd that sha may bu provided with material
or modeling in clay.
Ttio Itf ] lmrlliiion ( Hill.
LONDON November 29 The government
redistribution bill dlll'or.s very much from Iho
oiiglnul draft of thu mininlorrf. It uxtomls the
principle of Hiiiglu membership to equal ulic-
loial uistiicta , r.iihcs thu population utimdurd
for coiis'itiionti with two mumberH and gives
great Increase in th > ) number of inuiiiliuis London and other populous centers Thu
radicals consider thu alteration satisfactory
Cliaplln and Lnwlhor , cunncrvativcs , are forming -
ing a group tu oppritM ) tno preuent nrr.uifju.
Anollior I.'alal CollUlon. < "
, Tenn. , I\ovember 29. - A freight a "
riin on thu Chesapeake k Ohio Hoiithern
, llway collided \vlihthc went bound ff ! h [
iwo mlloH oust of liennings thia morning at
1:15 : , JviKlnoar Jack Moore , ind liraUemun
ln < rt Kccly wt-ri ) I'.lllod ItiHlantly , J'oth ,
iri'inen woio buriiul under the wreck and will
nubably die. Jioth livilnii v.oro badly
UnllriKicl llato AV r.
CHIUADO , Novuml er 2'J , Thu general man-
urx df the Miai-juri line" lirldon all forenoon
ii u aiu to-diiy , but reached no
nunt , uf thu ptosunt paixouger rata war , Onu
, the chief ubxUclcH in thn way of thn Huttle-
ment it til" dbtiuind uf thu Clilcngo tf. Alton
reiluco idl juuuongor t trill * to a biuia ( A two
cents a mile. Another Boanlon will bu held
thU ulteinoon.
Tlio Sloioy I'lhtfiK- ,
, No ptnbor 2'J Judge Tulcy , jn
the circuit court thin tuoruing , dur cd the
application fur the uppolntmt'ilt of n receiver
orthe ontfttu of Wilbur If. Storey , grunting
the jiutitlun tul imiiung Horace A. Jlurlbut
rcceiu'r. lie 'injolnud him , howtivur , from
ntoiforing wi.h thu editorial ttulf or nolluy uf nt
tbo Time * 7iuw | ijiper , unlcsi under at
order oi tlia court.
Van koo ICniorprlbo In Afi Ion ,
IjONDO.V , November 30 , IHea Hpeclal.J
thn Congo conference the indication * ara
Llmt hhrewd Amerloans at the back uf ou
itauloy will get moit uf the uub tantial
uenotiu , and tlut Kngland or Portugal will tlu
few uf them ,
lius IIRIH
NKVV YOIIK , November 29 , IJaer. Son &
Oj.biewern , failed. Prefers noes fllO.OOO ,
Oi , horuo'i KUwtrlo BelU. Jly o e
void llheum tl ai , Kidney TroublM
h t fleth It ho'r to. Jio not ul y. ,
Special telegram to Tut : BUB.
WAMIIINOTON , November SO , Consul Gen
eral Cramer fuinlahes the stale department nn
interesting ttntemont In reennl to the danger
of Itusatan wheat driving AmoticAii wheat
from thomnrictH of HwlUorlaml and southern
Gtrmnny. Cramer nays : "Rich harvests thn
present season in ItutsU ns well ax msujcs of
I itoml in vat luus parti of that country ,
especially iu Odessa , and reduction of through
freight tnrlff , Icavolittlo doubt that Kuieian
wheat will inporoodo American wheat in
Switzerland nnd noutli Grrnmny. Hu nian donlera ntraln every nerve to supply the
nmrlceU of central and southern r.uroi > o with
this article. Statistics chow tlmt the oxnort of
American wheat docreaned whllo its produc
tion baa been Increased. Thntn must , there
fore , bo a necessary fall in its ptlco. What IB
to bo done in oriier to furnish an outlet fur
turplusngo ? Both IU prlco nnd cost of trans.
I KM ut ion must bo reduced. Lot /vmerican
wheat cxpirters Rend competent persons In
Kutupc , who o duty it rhall be to carefully
study the wheat market * of Km/land , Ger
many , Switzerland , etc. , ns well an the ques
tion of transportation t f from the ports
of Genoa , Havre , Marseilles , Antwerp and
Rotterdam to Iho wheat centers , interior and
fnrm u mmorcinl connections with tuch con-
IOM by olfc-rim ; a good quality of wheat nt
least at llm fnmo plica as Kusihn wheat can
bo purchased for.
Special Telegram ta the Bti : .
LONDON'November 30. Society has tnken
advnntago of the political lull to discuts with
ovun greater U.IKCI lisas than utiml the troubled
lunuehold of tlio iiuoeu nnd dislitiRuislicd por-
sonngo.s who have boon dragged into the law
courts. The recent visit of the Duke ot Ar
gyll to the queen Is universally associated with
the strained relations between the Marquis of
Lorno and the 1'iiucoss Luulio. The itcnmhd
of tlio ostentatious kuoping apart of thn two
yolmct people has grown too public. Whni
tbo 1'riuconn Loulso is In London the marquis
is In the Hl hbiiulti , nud when ha returno to
tlio metropolis Ijoutto Hlos to Gcrmnriy. The
queen has ordered the princoon to report
hernelf nt Windsor , nnd mmio nrraiuument ;
Is _ coiiteinp ated , under tvhich the Ill-mated
pair will nmko eomoconcoEsion to nppoAruncos
liv occasionally stopping uncb r the sanio roof ,
The queen is mcai timu itumercifully lashed
by Lnbouchoro with Ins n.ivngu pen. Knro-
liuu Bauer's Memoirs conlinno to supply
oino terrible materials by the descrlptum
tha nllonl ot ihn family of the queen's sainted
huannml , nnd "Lobby'1 doles one weekly ex
tracts each worsu than the other , nnd far
from unoJifyIng pictures of brutal royalties ,
m -
Special TelcKtatn to TIIK 1UK.
, November 39. 'J'ho kocrot of the
ncgutiatiuusbotwoon Olnclutouu nnd Salisbury
is well kept. In eplto of iho u'nrmitt tolu-
gram in the Pall Mall Gnzttto of loft night
the general cunvictlou Is that the two leaden
linvo pinctlcally comu to au ngreemcnt. A
gteat fact which mndn the cumptomisopoaUblo
wes the uuoxpocU'd uhuractvr of the icdistrl
butum Fchumu vvhi' b tlio cmnervntlvo loadora
wen ) Inclined to ncooptTKI mlnUtors were
a < itoninhrd to find that in the s aim way at
Ivird Saliahnry had swallovvud the ilumocr icy ,
wiihuiit ovou u wry faeo , ho _ was prepared for
thu scheme uf a redistribution I'.linoot moro
radical thin the plan of thn prime miniitcr
hlmtelf , The mroting rif pariiamtmt Monday ,
whoii a ( front pchntnH ii t. ) bu nnvellod , Is
looked forward tu with mora u.iirt'roetK thnu
nnyniuiiu ; for yoira. Tnuro will bu Uni li >
weeping mid wailing muting rovtmly moiubeM
who will find theniBflveu without
iionclca lu the fiiluro , but there is no doubt
tint they will ImvoVto swallow thilr disgust ,
for a combination of lenders will f ecuro the
pauango uf any bill iiyninut all possible uondl-
tldlltf ,
rim niiiNi : . tolejjrnm to TIIK BIIK :
LONDON , Novtmbor ! ! 0 - Tremendous BOI-
H\tion in caused by the publloitiou in the
Noith German Gazeltu. Pilnco Biimarck'rt or
gan , of a er j'd of lutt'r.s dated at Cupu Town ,
urging upon ( iormany the niinoxntlnn of terri
tory , hitherto occupied by Kogland , in Africa.
There is a uuspiclun that thutm lutturu weio
written in thu ImpeiiM clmncollety and are
prt uf tlio iiijchinury which in oxpectpd to
bourn Die next , Kmpeior of Germany us
fiilber uf the colonial onturprlrfo. 'I'lin Jbtter.i ,
at alt ovuuls , are Dlgnllicant HIRIIS uf thu limes ,
und their potency luui buun utihancu.l by lut-
terri which appuuod In the tit. Jamci Ga/utto
frum a man editorially vuuchid fur usailch
and prominent eoluuUt , JJo IH nil KncliKh-
inun.jiud pioleiuM the wania'Bt loyalty to Iho
ICnglish crown nud eormtilotiou , eays tint
thu loyallnta In Cape Colony utterly
iho humu K"veriiinnit , Ho omchuliH with an
olrqucnt appaal fur ( Cngland'n Jirotcctloii tu her
WBiideriug vlii dri'n by a yli g It w II ti qu'to '
but very lIUlu moro tu inaltn them sink Blieltor
In the arms uf liiemurc' . who ij at lea/t | > ow-
erf ul ennugli tu ucfoinl them.
TIIU HiiAMift'i'i. uruarACLK oi A OKHTAJN
Hpeclal Telegram tu TIIK Bui : . '
LONDON , Nov/unber 30 , The punlbhmont
nllicled on thu Swiss Mormons , iu > far frum
laving ( llminiuhiMl thu energy of [ thn ptopa-
gnndlnt * , neoiriH to hive Htlmnlatod Iho r.oal
f converts , in a village near thu Hhonuo the
ieojo ) ! embraced thu trnuU ff Mormonl-m
un mats. They prupoecd tu fu in a Utah In
mlmutuio ' , tu put mule their uiuiant faith and
lopt the nyw Ronpel , Moimwhllo the police
tro tviitching the chief npottlea at Itrrnie , The
tollcu tire usp ci lly > igilaut in tliulr mr\ell-
Inncii uvcr tin Amuiuan named C.tuunn aud a
native named Slusl , 1th prob.tblo that thcce
wo will noun bu arrested an expelled.
lion ,
( JAI.VIHTON , Nuvember.'W. Th'i aggregate
matciiil wealth and iiopulttiun of tlr , twenty
utattij and leriltorlni v hcf o ar i jj natural to
the port of ( Jalvcaton as ilt ej ) water outlotf , as
will njipcur tu'inirr ( , , < v In thu "deep wuter
edition" uf liu L/ally News , are as folluwa ;
Wealth , S0ll7'j,00,000j ' ( ! iwpulatUio , Sll,2ii. ; .
000,000. Tlicau figures ombruce the uiitlru
I'unidti nlupu , nlxu Colorado , Ntbraska und
Mitiiiusota , but du n 5t Include ] nl lnn : ur
Any territory ca t of thu
Ainis * AW THIS
TIIK AOTOim' fVttl ) HIKKl'ir ,
NKW Youic , November 30-Tliu managcri
tht ) nctorn1 fund benefit met this afternoon
the Giand opera house nud panned a rwolti-
tlun tluuking ( luvciuur Cleveland for hU ac-
mpUuuo of their Invitation to bu present at
thu benefit ou Thursday , nnd fur his kind
wutdd Hoarding tha prufeasum , Thn gov-
nor anil jimty will rcciipylhreu boxes on the
ovc.wloii. Tlio Hime.oomuiltteo that waltod
thuguveruor btjrted ( u-iiiglit fur Wn'imliij- ;
ton to itipieit Prcsldrnt Arthur' pruteucu at
) perfuimanue ,
Homo tiliubeu ,
IX > NI > ON , Novumber 29. A alight ihock of
earthquake was felt at Homo am ) MarielUe /
> uu "
ottar HU
tnit oal 'it ' our
MTgrQg A3giL.M
ThcTorrililcaDuMyslcriOuSPcslileDcc .
in Eastern Kenlncfcy ,
Appalling Death Eato of the
Diseasa >
People Frei ia Thair Awful
tjj I lotion.
Crops Blicli I" and the Gronml
Parcho "Pith Drouth-
i _
The Two-Fo | * .torrors . of Famine
rb *
The Sent , of tlio Scoureon \ the
HaokwomlH Bronntnlu Dls-
trtctn Help Needed ,
LOUIHVILI.K , Novcmbor 20. Arthur H.
Loomm , traveling roprosontattvo of a Now
York firm , ia In the city to-day , having just
returned from a trip through the plogno-
atrickon district of oosturn Kentucky * Mr.
Ixximia aaid : "I was four daya tu Martin
county without disposing of a single article.
The poonlo ara absolutely crazy , They have
no use for anything but cofllne. A great doaC
haj been printed in the nowapapura about the
nituatioti in Martin nnd adjoining counties
but it lian boon but an imperfect roQox of thu
oxliting deplorable condition , I know of in-
Btancei where vholo families died wltbln
n week ; where neighborhood * have been swallowed -
lowed up in the grave ; whcro ouo man has ,
snrvlvod to bury hia family and hia friends
and then bcun'fouud dead with no living
ciraturo near him , except , in comocoaoa , n
faithful dog , Flocka of aheap nnd droves of
cattle that uaod to browjo ou the hillside
and along the range of tin Cumberland now
lia dead nnd rotting , while jxjbblea olisteu on
the bottom of the creek hod * . Wolla and
cistorni liaro boon drained to the bottom ,
mul springs are no longer to bo rolled upon
torn supply of water. The ground ia literally
parched , and where vcgatabloa formerly
bloomed luxuriantly there IB nothing but do
oay. Thousand * ara said to have died within
the pnat two weeks. "
"What , in the opinion of the natives , IB thee
o ii9n of thia fatal calamity ? "
"It ia very evident that tha thinf ngent of
death is starvation. The paoplo In tboso dis-
trlcta are almont without cixmnunlca iun with
tha onUido world. An oacaiionil ilnmuner ,
llko j iLiyiolf , Btraya among thorn once a year
and , a few of the most prosperous visit BOUIO
cities on ca in ri lifetime. A good season
brings with it bountiful crops. Wool and
other ! ' natlvo products nra rudely manufactured
into cloild.jg , but whontho o ops fail thou the
order of thiiiRO urn rovorsod. I urn apsaking
now of thu backwoods nmAlibobooda , whcro
tbo plague Ima rugml with the greatest fatili-
ty. I liurnod wlulu in Mitr'tlii county that
the crop yield for two oucci' ivu uoason
bion n falhiro , Thu uuttvca u'ravithout
uionoy \vlthoutmcanH t > i piuhapo bro d.
The shutting elf of tha water supply has
brought t.i the mirface a poisonous liquid.
Faimihcd for watt'r ' , the ptop o dranlc , nnJ
thu tonscqtmnuo was duutb. Thu fjru.
Jiiiit [ < nnH n re violout grlpiugs nnd aiKV tlii * a
raging hoikdacho. A hat / < jver iiuuua , und ,
pittiu'it 1 ' iidially Hiigorn two dij n , tufTeiing
tuld ugonlcH biifurti death , I u.nlorsl.inu chat
imvrtil physicians l.'nvu luon commUaioiifid by
the t Ht.iiu to nmku acaipful uiulyais of the
wulor nnd litBcnbi the p liionn'ia iiirriidlentB. |
Itullef hat iviMiitly beau desp.i. ' .inl to Martin
frum tha nuixhbiiring touutics. lieforo I loft
there was a aluht rulufallviti. . u prowitect or
ointinuod falling. The opinion provatlHthnt
lliu plnguo has p issnd tUr URh us inus dan-
geroua etagoa nnd is now mi tlio wans. Dining
the luat two dnya uf my ( .Uy 1 hojrd of very
fuw deatliB. "
On 10 Clilna ,
I'AIHH. Novouibor S'J. After the vuta in
the chimbor of deputies ycstarday favoring
vlgoroua prou'cutlon of the CliluosD v/ar , thu
fjovermiiont iuiiad orders qnlckonlni ; the do-
npntcliof rei'fiirciiiiintn to Admiral Conrbot
and Oenorul Del Islo.
CK 'All HACIDH , Ia , , Novembnr ' ! . The
liurlirigton , (7edar ( Uiplda nnd Nortlicru live
ntock train of eight earn thix inniniug , run
into the Chicago and Northuiiatorn train ,
iimltiriK- bid wroclr , killing fireman Kioil
I'hillipii and badly injuring duo. Jionjiimin ,
tin ) cnglnoor ,
JIl'V.tlKJt ) 1111(1 Olllllil.
, November 2i ) , Tha Tolegraphe
Tlio uibinut IIUH obtained certain
knowledge that Olilim intoiuN to conllnuo thu
war aud 15,000 rolnforcomontf will bo Kent tu
A MosnciifC' ) ' ' from Gordon.
LONDOV , November 29. The
from ( > eneraJordou \ arrived here , blinking
illspatchcn otght weuks old , After leaving
Klinrtoum . tlio inenson er WOH captured and
iletulr.t'd eomo ttmo at Shendy.
Pnndcr Up ,
MADIIID , November 29. The govornmbnt
threatened to i.uspeud thu town council nnd
Kftvcral of thu Learned societies for pasting a
vote of sympathy with tha university studontv
Many tmb-mnyom of the city resigned ,
I'rotoctloii In Frnnoo , -
I'AIIIH , November 29. At a cabinet council
to-day it was decided to III Q the proponed
iucreitso jut duty on foreign grain two francs
per centner.
c'ausca its victims to bo mlscrnblo , hopolcas ,
coufuBod , and depressed In mind , very Irrlta-
blo , langiild , and drowsy. It Is n disease
whlcli doca not get well of itself. U requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
throw off the causes and tone up Uio dlfies-
tlvo organs till they perform their duties
willingly. Hood's SarBaparllla haa proven
just tlio required remedy In hundreds of cases.
" I liavo taken Hood's Barsaparllla lor dys-
jicpsla , from which 1 have suffered two years.
I tried many other medicines , but none proved
80 Batlsfuctory as Hood's Barsnparllla. "
TJIOMAH Cooir , llrush Electric Lieut Co. ,
Kcw York City.
Sick Headache
"For tlio past tvro year * I have been
nmictcd with scvero headaches and dyercn-
tla. 1 was Induced to try Hood's Barsapa
rllla , and have found great relief. I cheerfully -
fully recommend it to nil. " Mus. B. 1' .
A.VAiH.n , New Haven , Couu. " * iid
Urs. llary 0. Broltli , CambrlJgcport , Mass. ,
was a Biiffcrer from dynjiopsla a iJ sick head
ache. Slio tool : Hood's Sarsaparllla and
found U tbo best remedy blio ever used.
Hood's' Sarsaparilla
Bold by nil driit'KlelsI I "lx toT * 5' WaiSo
/uily by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , I-owcll , Mas * . (
lOO ° DonostOno Dollar. . ,