T1TT r * s THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23 1884 1HEJTA1LY B.EF Saturday' Mornirg Nov. 29 LOOAL1.BEEVITIES , - "T. H. P. , " ( who i < tha Union PftdGo headquarters ) will have ehurp artlclf on "Soolotr ltemn nl " in Hi Kxcclnor this afternoon. A i e ca warrant wnii yesterday nworn ou in .Tuctico ] tartlett' court by Idrilo Stone charging a disorderly woman named Allc Morgan with threatonlcR to Ulco her lifo. Mr. Joseph Cru miner , ot Hellovllle , Kno Baa , nntl Miss Gortio Smock , ot Dunhp , Iowa were married in thin city on Novombe 28th , by HOT. Ghnrloi W. SuvldVo , of th Vint M. K , church , A let of tingle harnnsii nnd two bridle * tolen by n man. named Murphy , now In th county jtll for petit larceny , have been recovered covered by Officer Bigwart , nnd are now a tha police oontt awaiting an owner. Mr. David Cook , formerly of thti clt who wont to South Carolina for hU hoalt coma time are , died at Aikan , in tint nUte nt the age of 4 > , Mr. Cook vrai well know herd and was quite an GxtonMyo owner of cit pro potty. - Thur d y somebody broke n p no ( rjlas n 11)0 front.door of Juilgu llonoko'g res deuce. They doubtlciii Intended to biirglarl/ ho homo but wnro frightened away. A that remains for tbcso clusoky.thieves to dn i o burglaries the jail , Ihoro looms to Imvo Itcon a migtaVo In regard gard to the row down ou Ninth fltroot Wet negday night. Itwnjmtilod that the corps of a woman wag dragged mound the floor The body of tha dead woman wan taken to th undertaken before the row began. A report got out two dnyn ajo that th United Htatoa grand jury had found thirteen ludictmonti against juttifM cnncernod in th Otoa reservation land salon. Woarnlnformoi by United HUUvs Dittriot Attorney Lnmbtrl ton that thcru In no truth in this report , Th grand jury hut not concluded itn invoitlgatio Intj the fraud * uii'l honca no vote ban ye bren re chrd. ( Tbo opening of tbo new onptno hoUHu I South Omaha Thursday waa a grand affair , large crowd was in attendance , and the "com foil for the inner mnn" flowed as freely n wntor , nnd anybody and everybody partoo ! of the healing stream. Dancing waa Indulpo In and a general good time won had. - Madame Htanloy'n Female Maslodonn up puared nt the Academy of Music loot ovonln una gave a very pleasant ontortainmont. Th balJheails wore in the parquet with opera glctsea in order to study thu boautloo of th female form , nud were given a rare opptrtu nlty. Many of the nets wuro meritorious am elicited hearty apphuw. One of the flnes looking women In the whole outfit was a man a female impersonator , mid ngood manyo tbo "boy "iot ? badly mashed upon him bofon they discovered that ho was not a her. Bute Senat : r Durlnnd , of the Tenth dlx trict , gave the BKB office a call. Thochonu Blngora of the Carleton Oper Company nro stopping at tha Good hotel. V , 11 , Howes left the city last evening fo Log Angeloa , California , \la the Mlsaour 1'aoific. Mr. John Woatberir , of the lirrn of Wiig Wcatberj ? , left this evening for Chicago and the east. S A. Koloy , of the firm oi Kiloy & Dillon came in last evening from a visit to friends in Noola , Iowa. Mr. Jen T urnbull , u'ght jailor nt the olt ; ji.il ia sll/htly under the woalhar and uoabli to report for duty. Mrs. J. T. Ba-eclt , kiss Marion and Nolllo Batfett aio In the city upending a low dayn J. W. Whitmar.h and f.mlly. Mm. Mary Morlarity , mother of ] K. V , MorUrity , has loturtsod from Holyoke Mat * . , where she had baon spending the Htitmnor. Hon. K. M. StadniftD , of Vlntan , Iowa , on cr-member of the Iowa legislature , and al preomt lu the government Bccrot eorvioe , ar rived in the city last oven I eg. N. L. Hall and wife , Blulr , 'A. Q. IJalley , Coleridge , J. H. Snoll , Auhland , II. M. D-itry , "North 1'Iatto , James Armstrong Wahoo , J , H Chaio , Mlnden , John Mucgmre and wife , Grand Island , Nob- , und Jihn M , Mahnrg , of Buffalo , N. Y. , are stopping at the 'Metropolitan. A L < < > t Bell 1. Ring who left homo nt Klor unco cut-off two \vooka ngo to work in Omaha for n family named Eaton must co mo homo immediately. If any onu can give mo any Information ooucoruing Bell II. Ring they will bo doing a great favor to her mother Mrs. 11. K. Ring. Box 21 BIB : oflico. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To * bacco ia thu beat. Tlio Itlvcr GimiiniHHlon. On Tuesday next thu Mississippi river ccunmisiion will moot Bf in lu St , Louis W. J. Bioatch , of this city , the Oniahn member of the ooinniiielou , will bo in attendance. Mr , B rout oh ha about given up the hope of getting a share of the Missouri river appropriation , but ex. peota tlmt a bill trill be introduced into eon reta Mill winter making an ap prUtion of $50,000 for thu improvement rf the Missouri in front of Otntths , and has great hopes that it will pass that body. Smoke Seal of North Carolina oo. Da not bo deceived ; ask for and take only B. H. DjiltfUss & Sons' Oipsicum Cough Drops for 0 lUglis , Gelds and K ire Throats. I ) , 6. aud Tradn Mark ou every drop -1 A Kniull I' " nt li tlio Ilium. La night batwocu 11 und 12 u'clocV a In. ' , corner f Sevanlb and Mill utrcotB , WHS pmUllr ( 'ns'.rnyetl ' by tire The building vt oivnrd by Ool , Ojoh- run and woo unoccupied , \ \ Efpry lady uica I'uzznm't medicated complexion powder. It is a houmboM truunure. The madam lindait impoHiibln u > ( jo down town without firct rubbing it on If thebibr f'tha aha \iatn \ for the I ( tbo "old uun cotiiva hnmi < or chafed , bccauau buiinutu IB dull , ntu , , I'i > zz ni'ft powder cool * and allnyA Jii i roubles 'Chun all ii ( , 'Udnome juy 1 should b * without it. Pur * tmd Fur TriintLina" , nt 8 xe'0 THE COUNTY'S BURDENS. The Poorlunsc Now Filled lo 0er- Scrcnty-nto POIBOIIH In tlin Oily Now Cured lor liy Bttporlnlon- ilcnt IMcrco , As winter approaches thn butdon to the county of upporling the poor grad ually increases. The county poor honso is nlroady filled to overflowing and over sovcnty-fivo persons are being provided with food at their homes In the city. This increase of poor , Mr. I. N. Plorco , Auporintondont of the county poor farm , says ia noing on at the rate of ten pe week , nnd before spring work opens , 1 la expected that the county will ho carln for from IfiO to 200 persons who nro un itblo to provldo themselves with food an clothing. The cause of those additlona burdens to the county ia the want o work nnd the cold of winter. Nearly nil c the numoronn laborers employed on th public Impravomonts have been SUB ponded from labor by their completion nnd nothing remains for thorn to do bu to wait for the approach of apring. It many inetances the wngoa of employees , as they hnvo boon earned , have been consumed in living. The city poor now being cared for are nil women nnd chil dron. Nearly nil of theao nro dopondon upon themselves for support nnd In few instances only are they the wards o ; able-bodied men. These few heads o finillioa , however , who have provot recreant to their trust are co-ilirmoc drunkards nnd their'dependents are old fine county burdens. Sickness from cold and exposure Is also adding its pub Ho poor and in n short time fuel will bo doled out to the indigent of the city. Mr. Pierce , besides caring for the pee ; on the farm , ia giving out wookiy 800 pounds of Hour , thirty of coffiio nnd ton of tea. No meat of any kind is dii tributod and unless the county commls nlonors otherwise- order , none will bo Is sued this winter. Heretofore the nonnty farm supplied the necessary moat fm Omaha's Indigent , but the cholera vrhicl made Its appearance among the hogi daring the summer loft only enough to supply thoHo who llvo with Mr , Pierce The prospect of pork for next year is neat at alt promising no Mr. Pierce out oi oichtyilvo small hogs from frhlch nox fall's supply was to bo raised has jlos sixty nlroady from the disease which has made such fearful Inroads into the swim herds of Nebraska. Mr. Piorco's time is now almost fully taken up in caring for the city poor , and when winter has fully sot In ho will b wholly occupied in looking after th needy of Omaha. How in Onmlin , Prepared for Clioleru' The rapid strides and unprovontcd coursi of the cholera opiaomlc in Europe makei It certain that our country vrill bo visitec ere long by this diacaso , nnd the quostioi naturally arises how is our city proparot for its oniotl There are several factor which intelligent people " 111 coitainly soi cannot conduce to u mild form of th dreaded disease. Firstly , our board o health ia tnaulliciont , although no disre spect la intended toward that honorabl bidy : , but juatti imagine a city of C0,00l or ( ! 0OnO inhabitanta with a sanitary board composed of only ono phyaiciai and several members of the council who have not the first idea of sanitary laws and who are not nblo to enforce ovui common decency in preventing the pal lutioh.of many of the streets by all sorti girbsgo and decomposing refuse. Sec oidly , the largo number of vaults , some of them In the prominent business center of the city , where nu drainage , nir or ovoa removal of their contents are enforced forced , human excremont.lylug year after tor year without removal and nut ovou disinfectants ustd. Thirdly the barbarous sanitary con dition which exist in certain sections u ; the oily ; tnko for instance the northeast urn part , no removal of uarbaqo ut nil < vcro nro to judge by appearances , dead animals , decaying vtgotublo matter , und unoleaned vaults , nil lying directly on thoauifnco with uo drmnago , und wolla and citterns in cloio proximity to thcso kids of corruption , wnoro nil this mass uf eurfa.o water drains into them. To see thnt thu is no lanoy picture of linbil ily to not only produce disease , but to alco Increase itu virulence , intelligent leoplo need only to look bad : nt the con- Jition of Memphis a few years ngo when iollowfovcr nig id with such mortality ; here tho40 same conditions , particularly n reference to sutfacu vaults , existed , ind the death und desolation that were .hero witnessed should bo a warning to til other cities. Sufllco it to suy .ha BO conditions have always proved .ho greatest adjuster to the mortality uf jpldumlca of all contagious or infuotiouu liseaitB. That cholera will roach Omaha f it roaches America is without doubt , joing on the direct r > > ute ncroas the con- inont , nndjnlao a great railroad center. , ' t will bo almost impossible fur her to va- ) apu , as epidemics have always followed .ho great water courses , railroads nnd Uher lirita of travel , nnd U certainly ia lot policy to QVO { n more urgent invitn- ion than nature huraulf protonta to the inwblooiuo visitor. A well directed sun- tiry society can do more to relieve hu- uanity by good judgmout and common enio in | , rovonuou of diceuso than thu wealth of uny government can do when in opiaomlc ia fairly inaugurated. Tmit ; oed sanitary Jans , wiiun enforced , have men prolific of ( ho grimiest benefaction o the public no iiitullinont person ioubta , and tf the uaoplo of Omaha , with ill their enterprise , are to ullotr u vim- ent upjdumlc to , spread httvoo through heir city when they BJU ( t approaching , hen duo uotlco should bo given to the Jiiinfonnod tnat they may protect them- elves as boit they may , But above nil hinga lot ui have the benefit of acienco tnd food DUIIIU hofurti it it too Into. Bo uuen wo luvu orcitped violent epldouiicfl hu fnr ia no HXUUIH for it ruhxud dici- iliuo iiiB.iiiitury inaUurs. Oinahs , in itt irt'aent t : to , ii eurUinly an inviting H ! I fur an opidouilc - nd far much moro o for ono M ejvoro uud dUantroun in its unlta nathli. Ml. Ol.VDK Hl'ALIUNIl , M. D. Court Pol UK * . In the district court before Judge Vukoly the caoo of Swift ngtluat the oard of county commissioners occupied ho court nil of yesterday. This action r s brought agaiuet the county aoino two oars go to recover judgment for $1,000 or Und condemned by the defvudiut for ublio purposoi. The evidence ban nil eon introduced and the ease will bo iveu to thn jary this morning. Before Judge Novlllo the case in re plevin of Mackenzie nttnin t Lanyon wa trinH nd judgment of $ r > rendered fc plaintiff. Hutt was yesterday Instituted in thi tribunal by William Callahan and Ooorgi T. Keenau against the city to recede ? 2 081 for public work done for defend Next week Judge Wakoloy and Distric Attorney Godwin will go to Paplllioti where the December term of the Ssrpy county district will bo hold. On Monday next Judge Neville will go lo Wilbur , S line county , where ho wil pccupytho woolsack for .Judgo Morris It in that tn A murder case now pending bunal. In the United States court Judge Dundy sat In the chamber's court room and disposed of a number of minor ciim innl cases. The grand jury was nt wor ! nil day but made no presentments. Thi morning Judge Nolaon , the Minncaoi district judge , will sit on the bench nm the attorneys nro expecting that busines will bo disposed ot in L summary manner POLICE POINTERS , I'at Carroll Apprnlicuilcil Gardner tlio AllcRCd PlohpocVcJ , Ito- Ion cd. In the police court yesterday after noon Gardner and Arnold , the two men suspected of having picked the pocko of a clerk In the postoflico on Friday o lost week , were brought bbforo this tribunal on the charge of being atupic ioua characters. Gardner defended him self on this charge and was acquitted but waa admonished by the court to fine legitimate employment or hu would have to loivo town. Arnold refused to give any account o himself , and was sentenced to the county jail for twonty-fivo days on bread nn < water. Samuel Roberts plead guilty to the charge of petit larceny , and was giron twonty-fivo days also in the county jail "Big Sandy" nnd Frank Burns wore last evening taken from the police station and transferred to the connty jail , where they will bo kept until they are given n trial. Burna says the police have him down for a bunko ntcoror , but donici complicity in any crimes of that kinc done In the city. Yesterday afternoon Pat Carroll , a member of "Big Sandy's" gang , was nr rested on Tenth street for fighting. Ho was taken to the county jail , where ho was recognized by Officer Slgwart as the man who was soon running from the at tempted burglary in the rear of the Omaha National bank on the night o November 26. Ho was immediately taken to the county jail nnd no rocorc was made at the police station of his np prehension. FATAL FLAMES. Nctllo Howard Probably Fatally I5uriert tlilH Morning , Ninth atrcot , near Dodge , was thi morning the fncnu of an nccidont tha will probably result in the death of resident of that part of the city. At about 1 o'clock Nettie Howard , wh lives with n mnn nnd his wife namci Thompson. In a tumbled down tonamon in the above uumod locality , vrout to ho room nnd it is supposed lay down upon the bed to road. Shortly aftortrara Thompson , .who had been nroueod by the presence of fire went to Miss Ilorr nrd'n room and found her enveloped in lUmes on the bed. Thompson pulled ho from the couch , threw n quilt aroum her nnd finally ruccoodod in aubdiun ; them but not until the had uncomo un connciuun from their 1 11'ects. Her heavy woolen clothing was burned through ti the skin and her face and body in man ; places were burned to n crisp. Dr. Loieonring was sent for nnd di < what was posslblu toward alleviating the [ ) oor woman's Bufferings. It is no thought that she can recover. KnilrnnU Mr. M. II. Goble.forooveral years U.P lurchaaiag agent , has resigned from tha losition and the vacancy has not yo > uon filled. Mr. Ooblo in the future will bu ono of the members of the Pacilio Elotol company recently formed in this oily. This company is composed ol ilcsarf. Shears , Mtrkol , Swobo , Eddy , ind Qoblo , and its business will bo the 'mining of thu anting houses along the ino of the Union P.wih'o road and its > runcliep. Mr. J. J Burns , division atorokoopor at KIIIBUS Guy , hut been promoted to uenornl utorokoopar with ho.idqunrtora at G. F. LiDiuiKh , who is succeeded by ilr. Burns , will hercnftur bj division tnrokoepor. _ Air. Joioph Lesmor , the present divl ion storekeeper has been assigned to KLTII'H 1'uHi Uuroo The man "Iloddy , " who as stated in lie ditpatohoa of this morning's BEK , was lung up to n telegraph polo at North ) and yesterday in ardor to extort a cou t-silon from him , in nu old Oainha roun or. He Ioaf > id about the town for omo time nnd hung out at the gambling louao of Sliuvr & lUtlifFi ) , where ho 'plugged" for the proprietors. Uis rent MHO is Kern and ho was often before lie police couit here for petit larcany nd several times for vagrancy. Hi * utnn 11 jddy" waa given him from the rick color of Ills hair. Ho was looked pou its a tough HIM ! and became quite ot d hero for hia pugilistic proclivities. rt'quently ot'gigini ; in lights. Ills par- nu are respootublo pnoplo nnd nro living i Nance county , in this oUto , a oouplo f miles west of The Sioux Oily Journal of n recent ate SAY * : "Puto Hush , the ban tan gambler , of vhotn iiiHiitloii was jiiado UH being 'pinohud" for making things lively nt the .lieu H few dajs ni o hai loft town. Vhothorihu dhock the Sioux Oily duat roni his ft < ot bacauto the polled were na u his racket or not , wo know not. Tlio ows has been received , however , that nuioaUtulv upon hh arrival in Omahn o was gobbled on n chnrgo of auld lung ne , and now lnuguisheth behind thu ira iu the haatilo at the uastorn termi ni of the Union 1'ACIIIO. " Inquiry at the pilio ) itition , police onrt uud the oiunty jiil failed to verify 10 hb'jvo htatuaient , und the records of 10 criminal triuuuuU of the county do ot show tlmt any wixrrent wus ever it- uud or a complaint lodged against him or tnoro than four yoars. 1875-1885 , . _ _ f Tie M Year's ' illlnstratefl Supple rat lo the Bee , A Hiipprl ) work of Art nnd Coin lirolirnslvo Compilation of Omu- IIH'H Commercial nnd In- diiHtrtal Kiuorprlic. The forthcoming illustrated oupplo mont of THE OMAHA. DAILY BEK , whic ! will bo issued on Now Year's day , wil aurpasa nil previous efforts in that direc tion , in the elegance nnd variety of illus trntiona , the completeness and accuracj of Htatlntlcs. The first illuatratod BE supplemons , which appeared ou Now Year's day , J875 , created quite n aciisa tion , and of the six illuatratod isaue that have ninco boon publiahod , each w& o matked improvement upon the preccd ing ono. It is generally conceded that thcao 11 lustratod onpplomonts have done more tc advertise Omaha than any other agenc ; or medium. Thousands of copioa havi boon mailed to nil parts of the world , and hundreds of our cittzona receive'1 thoi Grst idea about Omaha and the thorough going enterprise of her citizens from its pagci ! . Ilundrcda of our citizens will ac knowledge that the first idea of lo eating in Omaha was inspircc by the illustrated reviews of the BEE The firat edition , ton years ago , was limited lo 5,000 copies. It waa a four page paper , with the tirst and last pages illustrated. The last edition , publisher January 1 , 1882 , was made up of 15,000 copies , of an eight page paper , with four pagoa illustrated by crayon lithographs. The forthcoming number will comprise 25,000 copies , of which number over 8,000wlll bo givou free to the subscribers of ( ho daily Ben. No pains or expense have boon spared to make this the most magnificent iasuo of any illustrated paper that has over been published in this country. The illustrations will include the nurr court house , with the grand staircase and approaches as planned by Architect Moyora , the Paxton hotel , Wm. A. Paxton's now building , Dowcy & Stono's , Croighton'o , Purlin , Orondorl & Martin's , and nearly all largo build ings erected during the past year. ; also the now churches and school houses , in cluding the English Lutheran one Trinity Cathedral , Loavonworth slraol school , St. Phllomena's , Academv of the Sacred Heart , Child's hospital , etc. Ono of the great features of this num. bor and the best advertisement for Oma ha will bo the illustration ! ) of the otpck yards , packing houses and manufactories Ono of the moat accomplished artists was brought hero from Milwaukee three weeks ago , aud npeat nearly two weeks in sketching thu stock yards nnd all the loading and principal factories. lu every other direction the greatest care has boot and will bo taken to make this work excel everything of the kind ever under takou. During the past aix weeks fou men have been employed in collectinj building statistics , and the inforraatioi needed to give a reliable and compro honsiya view of our manufacturing in duatrica , wholesale and retail trade , rail way traflio , banking business , educntiona instltutiono , benevolent aud religion societies , and a complete compendium o everything that is of interest pertaining to the llfo and growth of Omaha , It is hardly necessary to say that this is not a speculative enterprise. All th publishers may reasonably hope or ex poet is to cover thu outlay which will ap re gate betrreon § 2.500 and § 3,000. At th < urgent request of aomo of our Gorman American citizona it is contemplated t issue 5,000 of theoo supplements in tin German language and if wo can coyer th coat of translation aud typo Butting in Gorman wo shall mnku the venture. Ia order tn make this enterprise wha it should bo in every particular wo urg our business men , manufacturers au < railroad managers to furnish our can vassers with all information desired a promptly aa potsiblo. It ia to ba hopui also that our business directory will bo m coinpluto aa can be made , to cover 1 branches of business and professions. A THIEF NABBED , Wrtiii KoboilH Arrcstod for u Itoniu at the Octil- Ounal. For oomotimo there hai boon a mat lamed Sam Rob or to boarding at the Occidental hotel , on Tenth utroot. A contractor named James Hamilton has also boon boarding at the hotal , A fair days since Hamilton went out of the city nnd loft his clothing and a watch in hU room. During his absence Roberta entered his room and stele a sitohel ful ! of clothing and the watch. .Upon Hamilton's return yesterday 10 found that ho hnd boon robbed , and reported to Mm. Puyuter , the landlady. She mistrusted Koburts and reported to Ollicera Sigwart mid Burdlsh. The uili- cors wont to n pawnshop and found where loborts had sold the watch. They then oturued to the homo and waited until Roberts came to dinner , when they ur- osti'd him and locked him up in thu city nil. All of the clothing was recovered. Roberts is a plumber by trade and ha * > uon in the employ of Wohhnna it iIoKwan. He will bt > held for oxamina- ion. Tlio Drcm KulicnrHiil. The operetta entitled "A Dross Re- loarshal" was given by the second choir f St. Pnilomoim'a cathedral at the hull f the parochial echool Tuhrtidny evening. 'ho proceeds are to help defray the ox- ) uiiso of furnishing the hall with chairs , tage , aconory and A handaomo drop cur- * ln , which have just been purchased. An nudiuuce of about 500 hundred were iroseut , uud nemned very well pleased rlth the entnitalnuiont , Th young la- lea * Mij { their prta very nicely , and vincod coniidurablo dramatic talent. Ei- icolal credit ja duo to thoao who sustain.- d the luadlng parti , nnd the little miss a who played Gindorellrt nnd thu Prince reru perfectly ut homo ou the stage. iluoh credit ia duo to M lis Fanny Arnold or her careful tratnioi ; ot the choir. 1'ollcu Thursday night was a'ljuiet one for n 'hnnkegivlng night and very few dU- urbera of the peace were srriiatod. Potcr Olino and Frank Ounuiugham ot into a Cght and scratched each other p considerably. They were arrested and fined 35 each and costs. They trcro both hard looking citizens and some of the policemen think they hare boon im plicated in the holdups and other deviltry committed In this city of late. D. Henderson was hold pondlne inves tigation being charged with being n sus picious character. Ho is slick looking "coon" who goes by thn nnmo of "Tho Rabbit. " Ho halls from DCS Moines and is regarded ono of the slickoot sneak thieves In this country. Nick Wallace , the little black nuisance , was arrested again yesterday for being drunk. Ho had boon beastly drunk and hnd gene to sloop somewhere and some wng had painted his already black face with lampblack nnd ho was n sight to bo- hold. He was lined $5 and costs. James Murphy , who was discharged in police court n few days since for being a harmless crank , was arrested again yes terday , having In his possession a lot of stolen harness. Ho is supposed to bo the man who has boon doing all the harness stealing around these parts of late and is hold for examination. There is now at the jail a sot of single harness and a bridle , which have been recovered and await identification. A IMcattmit 1'urty. St. Joseph Gazette. Thu many friends of Mr. Ohas. Motz , of Omaha , tendered him a complimentary party at Mannorchor hall last night. It was a very pleasant and select affair in deed and those in attendance panned a merry evening. The committee on ar rangements wore Messrs. J. J. Braun , Bcu. Kastor and John McGuire. The floor managers were Messrs. J.V. . Bruce , A. Foster , G. J. Berry , George J. Bab and L. Kastor , A dancing pro gramme of eighteen numbers was gene through with and highly enjoyed. Mr , Motz ia ono of the moat popular young men in Omaha ; ho lus many friends in St. Joseph and his visits in the city are always pleasant nnd agreeable. Grace Gliupel. An interesting Thanksgiving service waa hold at Grace chapel in North Omaha Thursday. During the past week the painters and carpenters have been busy at work , and have succeeded in making this chapel ono of the most com- ortablo little churches in Omaha. Yes terday the children brought gifts of money , sugar , coiFoo , tea , canned goods , etc. , and placed them upon tho-altar as gifts to the poor. Dean Millspaugh was present and made an interesting address to the children. In conclusion ho highly complimented thorn upon the noble work done during the past year , the last dollar against the lot and chapel having boon paid. No More Quail on Tonht. The board of managers of the Omaha Sportsmen's club call attention to the law prohibiting .traflic in quails after De cember 1. All quails exposed for sale or found In the posaosaion of any person in the state , no matter when or where kill ed , ii subject to seizure and confiscation and distribution among the coor persons of the city , town or precinct in which such quails are found ; and the person In whoso possession they are found will bo subject to a fine of § 5 and coats for each quail. The transportation of quails nnd other Rnme birds or animals named in the same lair , by railroad companies or express companies or other carriers is un lawful and will subject the offenders to a llko fine. A fard ot Tlmnlca. 1 wi h to oiprejs my gratitude to each ono and all whj so kindly extended their help and sympathy to mo in my sudden nnd terrible bereavement , and may Ho vcn s choicest blessings strew their path way. Mus O W SHMIIT-ESS. RYlt'CTO HOLD DOW EARLDAKINGPOV/DEF / ITAHBOUMDTORIScX PURE CREAM TARTAR. , & 1OOO. Given ifMumorimylnJurloiisBiilistaiiccscar bo found in Andrews * Ponrl Baking Towel.Is jx - tlM'ly PURE. HeineeiKlorhCdandtiIrnonluls rrcelutl iroin mirh chemists asB. Duna Inju.lios- on : M. ilclal'oiiuluci if OlilcaRo ; nnd Gustavuj IJode , MlltMinkcc. Nrvcr milt In bulk. _ TTTC. . E. ANDREWS A. CO. CHICAGO I-IHiWAUKEE , 20 Luke bt. ' M7. V 'J & 291 K. Watur SI. NMRASKA LAND AOENCf SUOOCSSOll TO DAVIS a Central EAL IUCJ/AIINAUET. . OUAQA. HITS lor c UJOOOJJic nc reoUT otltettd l ndi i Kibtorn Kobrink * , t low prloe nj on euy Icrtrr. JuipiovtKi wrmi lor tle In DongUi , Dodce , Oolttx 'litle , liurl , Cniutuid Btipy , Wuhlocton , Mtitct aundcro , ind llutlor OouDtlei. TaiM ( . 'Id In all ptrtl ol the BUtt , Koney loaned on taprovcd ftrmi. Knurr lnblla lwtv > tn nfflo * Oan poail Ncrrnut % I Loit K WroLneu . lf bllllr - Vl.iiUoad Ml | Ucor Aniorlt * rrticrlrtloa cf t ncinl irxtlilUl [ " * Ibtd. ) nruruUU r a fill It. Addrtu DR. w/APn oo . i.omsi N . r > LARGEST MANUFACTURERS nmjIUj.Ki Piior NE WORKn HIAlN2s."onQAN'B , l\fi. \ CARsVTc. UNEQUALLED ' - trRvrrvRt CLASS , CHINA , Ao. , do. AWARDED GOLD MEDAL i cw irwtn r > > iui , ink * , uo. UAMI rxn I-KI.U O.SLY u r rum ROSSlAC MTCO.CfcDCfsltTMiu. AMPLE TIM OAN SENT OY MAIL , ZS CTS , Himebaugh & Taylor , \y LARGEST STOCK OF / Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it , Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES BUFFALO US , Counter , Hay , Stock and Kailroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for tire Indinn Department given for Buffalo Scales ex- clusivoly. Scale IREPA.ER : : : SIHIOIP , 1405 Douglas Street. - - - OMAHA. . NEBRASKA PALL AND WINTER. GREAT BARGAINS IN AND CENTS' Visitors to the State und others in need ol' Men's , Boys' and children'H Clothing , will do well to call on The Strictly One Price House in the City And examine their goods aud prices. They carry the largest stock , sell lower than any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fail to call at 1216 FARNAM ST. 216 ft-ft rtrWftr i CATTLE fln Ounce of Prevention is worth a Poond of Cure , HORSES DISEASES OF LIVE STOCK PREVKNTKD AND CCUED BY THE USE Ol' The WESTERN LIVE STOCK REMEDY. , . r"r'y ' * - ry llrociler In Iho conntry liaa often expressed R ditlre to obtain n remedy ( lint would keep milmaU In a hcnllhy condition , u remedy that would laku tlio place of the worth- Ifte ntuff that la lit imlly ( jhenuftcr tfic animal Is near the point of death. TlioiMiimlx of Dollars mlslit lie f.ued nnnnally If lircodcr" , fnrmerf , nnd , In fa t , any one from the pen-on ownini ; nn e\ti'H8ivo herd to ihu inoileat gardener with u pony and a cow , would kicp tlielrniilmals In u thoroughly healthy condition. KothliiK 1ms Kit-r Ileen offuri'd in tlio market , until the 'lrrrn TAvn fitnfk llnnr- < l/ nb dlscovtTcd , that Inw llllod tut bill. A ilul ar' worth nf this article oery t o or time months nuiy .i\o any ouo who l the owner of life ttock , hundreds or thouuanda of dollars in the COUFDU of a enr. It IH Kiihlly < : | VPII to Oittlf. Hnr-cs , Snlno and Sheep , and Is nn article tlmt has never fnllf d to ghe Mitlefnctinu , li properly iidmmUtercd. The Most ll : iltliy HoriN In the 4vold Remedies Cheap . ' Preserve this and country lire Mipp.U'd with the ll'r\tri'ii and Worthless Dcware ot Condition Powders. I.lrc fttocJtnii filln nd no fnrincr or IMITATIONS. bnultr v , Iiouiice Ucua it will hu without it. 1'piicllrial. ltHK''nornl dlc'ctcnre LcnciHIa ) , and many diseases ale lured in thtir earlier cnrtfully follonlui ; diriclioni. Tluivia .MUM who made the remark thnt nn "Ounce of Irretention l Worth a Pourut of Cut * , ' ' ilc'KTica Hold medal , for nuur wna there n truer rum ill ; , ind It cnuuot bu applied more properly than to thu prcM'iition nnd curu of thu m.uiy dleustroue and fulnl illenbC3 of Ihu Block. Kooji Stock Ilvulthy mid c\cry canbiRlnnt dlsca u that comes along will not take hold with tlicf-ripof ilinth. To do this there U nothing equal to thu ll'iitcrn Lira t > loilc Jlainitli/ . Do Not \V lt until the horse IHto1eii bcfuru you lock the utablc door , but lock it now right iwiij neforu thu thiuf comes alonj ; , uv th outl ly of onu dollar for n trial package of the celuurated und thoroughly tested boon , thu ll'ruterit l.lva fitiieli Jlaneili/ . of your Dn 'UlH , or general > -torckceper for n package of tbo M'cJttrrn Slnrk Jtciiifiliiiiannfiirturrd nt Omaha , taKu no other , aud if you cannot obtain it eend one dollar for u package , jmiiaiil to the LIVE STOCK HEMEDY CO , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SWINE Keep Llvo Stoclc Healthy nnd avoid SHEEP CE&S. SHIVEKIGK , UPHOLSTERY AND DRAi'ERIES , PiBSKNOKH KLKVATOil TO ALIj FLOOna | 1201,1203 and 1210 F rn m St. , Ora h , Neb. WAIJDJiCYDKSU Of CTBIOTH yiEIT-OUJIJ i AKD TWO WHEEL OARTB , Utf tad 1MO U ro f Slfitl nOJ 4 103 BRADY BT. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , D. 8. A. EdUbltahod 1878 Catarrh , Owfness , Lung and Nervona DUoaaea Speedily and Perirumently Oared. PatlenU or td at Home. Write for 14TH MuuiOAL-BriasiOKABV , " for the People. "onaulUUon emd Oorreapondeaoe Grattt. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 6 , HON. ED\VARD RDSSGI.L , Poatuwwter , Davenport , wy : " Phy lclan of tie * . Ability unct Marked SuooeM. " OONORE88MAN KTURPHY , Davenport , IUMI : "An ttonorahtn Man. Klna Saooos , Wondorfnl Oiirox. " ITonn fl to 6.