Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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1HE " > A1LY BE *
Saturday' Morning Nov. 29
"T. II. P. , " ( who h * ycnin * Rantlomnn I
tha Union l'clGo boidqtiMUw ) will hftvo
ehntp arttclf on "Society HomnanlH11 in th
Kxcolnor thin ftftorooon.
A pe eo warrant was ywlorday sworn ou
ln.Tntico Barllett'a court by J.lfxle 8t > no
charging a dhotdotly womin named Allc
Morgan with throalcnlcR to Uko her lifo.
Mr. Joseph Cmmmer , of KolloTllle , Ki\n
j < , and MlM Gertlo Smock , of Dunlap , Iowa
were married In thti city on Novombt
2Stli , by HOT. Charlci W. Savldco , ot tin
Kiret M. K. church.
A ret of slngliharnoM nnd two bridles
stolen by n rann named Murphy , now in til
county Jill for petit larceny , have been re
covered by Officer SlRwart , nnd ara now a
the \TO\\OO \ \ \ court awaiting an owner.
Mr. David Cook , formerly of thla city
who went to South Carol Inn for hla boalt
tome time am , died nt Alkon , In that atalo
nt tliongaof II. Mr. Cook wni well know ;
here and WM qnlto nn oxtontivo nwnor of cit ,
Thur d y nomeboJy liroko n pane n
Riogs n Uo f ront.dmr of .TuilRU Konoku'a reel
dcDcc. They doubtless Intended to burglarl ?
ho homo but were frightened sway. A !
that remains for llicno cliooky.tlilovos to dn i
n Imrglwir.a the Jail ,
Ihero aiMsias to Imvo l > csn a mistake in re
gard to the row down on Ninth atroot Wed
nesday night. UwMatUod that the corps
of n woman was dragged mound the floor
The body of the dead woman waa taken tn th
undertakers before the row bfgan.
A report got out two days an that lit
United HUtea grand jury had found thirteen
ludiotmonU ng.ilnst | uttiov onncorncd in th
Otoa ra-orvfttlon land salen. Wo ara Infonnoi
by UnitedHtttea Dhtrict Attorney LambtrU
BOH that theto In no truth in thla r port. Th
grand Jury has nut concluded ila Invostlgntioi
Intj tha frandii an I banco no vole has yo
been roichrd.
- The opening of the now onglno hoUHu I
South Omaha Thursday waa a grand affair. /
larga crowd was In attendance , nnd the "com
Coit for tha inner maa" ( lowed aa freely aa
water , nnd anybody and everybody parity/
of the healing atroam. Dancing waa Indulge
In and n general good lima WM had.
- Madame Stanler'a Female Mastodons np
poared at the Academy of Music la t ovonln ,
und gave a very pleasant entortainmoat. Ulic
baldhcadi were in tbo pnniuot with opura
glc es in order to study tlu ) boautloa of th
fumalo form , nnd were given a rnro oppirtu
nlty. Many of tha nets were motitorloua aiu
elicited hearty npplauso. Oneof the fines
looking women In the whole outfit was a man
a female impersonator , mid ngood tnnnyo :
tbo ' 'boya" got badly mashed upon him before
they discovered that ho waa not a lu-r.
State Sennt r Uurlnnil , of the Tenth dli
trict , Rave the BKB omca a call.
TliochoniH alngont of thu Carliiton Oper. .
Company nro stopping at the f.ooj hutol.
V. It. Movvea loft the city loot evening fo
LOH Angeloa , Cnlifornla , tiit tha Mliaour
Mr. John Wofltbori , of tbo firm of Wiig < '
Wc&tberg , left this Droning for Chicago nau
the cnst.
S A. Koloy , of tha firm of Kiloy & Dillon
came in last evening from u visit to frionda in
Neolo , IOWA.
Mr. Jon Turnbull , u'ght jailor nt ( he city ia eli/htly under the woalhar and unable
to report for duty.
Mrs. J. T. Bs-wtt , kins Marion ami Nellie
Ba'felt RIO In the city spending n few dajfi
J. W , Whitmarth ind f mlly.
MM. Mary Morlarity , mother ofj K , V.
HorUrity , has toturnod from llolyolto ,
Majv , where alto hail boon spending the
Hon. 1 ! . M. StudmaD , of Vlntoo , Iowa ,
an OK-mtml r of the Iowa legislature , and at
prcEunt la the government wcret torvioe , ar.
rived la the city last ovcnlog.
N.L. Hall and wife , IJliUr , 'A. Q. Ualley ,
Coleridge , .T. II. Snoll , Ashland , II. M.
Dalij' "North 1'Jatte Jnines
, , , Armntronir ,
Wahoo , J. II Chato , MInden , Juhn
Macginre and wife , Grand Inland , Nubimd
John At Muharg , of Uulfalo , N , Y. , nro
flopping nt the 'Mutnipo'itan. '
Bell n. Ring who left homo at Flor
uuco cut-off two weeks ago to work in
Omaha for a family named Elton mnat
conio homo immediately. If any one can
give mo any Information concerning Boll
U. Uing they will bo deing a great favor
to her mother Mrs. 11. E. Ring. Box 21
BIB : odico.
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To- [
b&oco ia the beat.
The Klvcr
Oc TuetdAy next the Miealisippl river
commistion will meet again In St.
W , J. Bioatch , of this city , the Omnhn
member of the commienlou , will be in
utteudanco. Mr. Broatch lua about
given up the hope of getting a share ol
the Missouri river appropriation , but ex-
poets that a bill will bu introduced into ?
oongreia thin winter making an ap.
priition of $50,000 for the improvement
of the Missouri iii front of Ouuh , and
has great hopen that it will pass that
Smoke Sual of North Carolina
Do not bo deceived ; ask for and take
only B. H. D ) iiUs ( ; it Sous' O paioum
Cough Drops for 0 mijtis , 0 ilda and S > ro
Throats , D , S , and Trade Mark ou every j
drop 4
A Hinull ! ' ' I i HID Ilium.
Lait night batwocu 11 und 12 o'clock a
barcoinur if Serdolb and Mill
atreeta , WMB p ridtllf clos'.royeil by lir <
The building w < i < oivnrd by Col. Ojoh-
tun and waa uuocciiplwd.
1C very lady uses Puzzani'd medicated
complexion powder. Itia a hpu'idinM
trni. ure. Tha madam Undo it irnpoatiblit
to ( ; o down town without firct rubbing it
nit If tbobsby nriia elm ees for the
puff box. If the ' 'old man ooiiiei linnu <
ruliNd rir chafed , becau H butineM U dull ,
ftu , , Pjizini'n powdur coola und alUy *
li' iroublua 'flien all /UiJiomo ( joy
Vo foully uhould ba without it.
Puri und Fur Trimnjinpx , at S xe'a ;
Ihc Poorhonsc How Filled to 0cr-
SoTCntyflfo POIHOIIH In the Oily Now
Cnrcil lor l > y Superinten
dent Pierce ,
Aa winter approaches thn buidon to
the county of aupporling thu poor grad
ually Incroaaoa. The county poor house
ia already filled to overflowing and over
seventy-five poraoni are being provided
with food at their homes in the city.
Tlila increase of poor , Mr. I. N. Fierce ,
inporintondont of the county poor farm ,
says ia doing on at the rate of ten pc
nrook , and before spring work opono , 1
la expected that the county will bo caring
for from lt > 0 to 200 pcraoua who nro un
able to provide thomaolvoa with food and
clothing. The cauao of these additlona
burdens to Uio county is the want of
work and the cold of winter. Nearly all o
the numerous laborers employed on thi
public Imprjvomonts have been sus
pended from labor by their completion
nnd nothing remains for them to do bu
to wait for the approach of spring. It
many instances the wages of employees ,
as they have boon earned , have been
consumed in living. The city poor now
being cared for are nil women and chil
li run. Nearly all of thoao are dependent
upon themselves for support and in few
Instances only are they the wards ol
able-bodied men. Those few heads ol
families , however , who have proved
recreant to their trust are confirmed
drunkards and thoir' dependents are old
t'mo county burdens. Sickness from
cold and exposure ia also adding its pub
lic poor nnd in a short time fuel will bo
doled out to the indigent of the city.
Mr. Pierce , besides caring for the poor
on the farm , is giving out wookiy 800
pounds of Hour , thirty of coffuo nnd ton
of tea. No meat of nny kind is dis
tributed and unless the county commls
alonors otherwise order , none will bo Is
sued this winter. Heretofore the nonnty
farm supplied the necessary moat for
Omaha's indigent , but the cholera whicl
made ita appearance among the hogs
daring the summer left only enough to
supply who Hvo with Mr , Pierce ,
The prospect of pork for next year is nol
at all promising aa Mr. Pioroo out ol
oiehtyilvo small hogs from which noxl
fall's supply was to bo railed has jlost
sixty already from the disease which has
made such fearful inroads into the awiiio
herds of Nebraska.
Mr. Piprco's tlmo ia now almost full ]
taken up in caring for the city poor , ant
when winter has fully sot In ho will bo
wholly occupied in looking after the
needy of Omaha.
How In OnmliuPrepared I'or Cholera"
of the cholera opiaomlo in Europe make
it certain that our country trill bo visltce
ere long by this disease , nnd the quostioi
naturally arises how is our city proparoi
for its onset ? There are novoral factors
which intelligent people will certainly se
cannot conduce to u mild form of thi
dreaded diacnao. Firstly , our board o
health is Insulliciout , although no disre
spect ia intended toward that honorable
bdy , but juat to imagine a city of 50,000
or C 0,0"0 inhabitants with a sanitary
board composed of only ono physician
und several members of the council who
have not the first idea of sanitary lawu
and who are not iiblo to enforce ovui
common doconoy in preventing the pol <
lutioii.of many of thu streets by all sorts
garbage and decomposing rotuai > . Sec
ei'idly , the largo number of vaults , some
uf them hi the prominent business center
of the city , where no drainage , air or
even removal of their contents are enforced -
forced , human excremont.lying year uf
lor year without remoyal and nut oven
disinfectants ustd.
Thirdly the barbarous sanitary con
dition which exist in certain sections ol
the oily ; take for instance the northeast
urn part , no removal of garbage ut all
< rcro wo to judge by appearances , dead
animala , decaying vigotublo matter , and
unoleanud vaults , till lying directly on
tbo tin fuce with uo drainage1 , and wells
and citlorns in cloia proximity to thcsu
fields of corruption , wnoro all this mass
of eurfa.o water drains into them. To
ice that thu is 110 fancy pioturo of liabll
ity to not only producu disease , but to
ulro Increase itu virulence , intelligent
ppoplo nor J only to look b.ioic nt the con
dition of Mumptils a few years ago when
jollow fever raged with such mortality ;
horn thoai ) same conditions , particularly
in reference to aurfacu vaults , existed ,
und the death and desolation that were
there witncisud should ba a warning to
nil other cities. Sulllco it to any
thoeo conditions have always proved
the greatest adjuster to the mortality uf I
upldumlcs of nil contagious or infectiouu
illseattB. That cholura will roaoh Omaha
if it roaches America is without doubt ,
being on the direct route across the con )
tinent , nnd jalao a great railroad center.
t will ba almost impossible ) fur her to es
cape , as epidemics have always followed
Lhu great water cuaraeis , railroads and
athor linva of travel , and it certainly ia
not policy lo give n more urgent iuviln-
lion than nature huraulf present * to the
iinwbloomo visitor. A well directed sun *
itiry aociuty can do moro to relieve hu
manity by good judgmunt and common
leitDo in | rovuntion of disease than thu
wealth of buy govuriunont can do whvn
in opiaomlo is fairly inaugurated. Taat '
oed sanitary laws , when enforced , have
been prolific of the grtmtost benefaction
to the public no intullhiont person
doubts , and if the people ) of Oainhti , with
ill their untorpriio , are to ullot ? a viru >
lent opidomla to , spread havoc through
their city when they aeu It approaching ,
then duo tiotloo should bo given to thu
uninformed tn'at they may protect them
selves as best they may. Hut above all
things lot us have thu benefit uf science )
ind good eunsu hoiurei it it too Into. Bo
use wo luvu woijptjd violent epidemics
ihuu far la no tixotmi for a ruhxud dici-
jiliuu insanitary matturs. Omaha , in hi
m-He'iit et'ito i
, curUinly an inviting
iiilJ for an opidouilc - nd far muoh moro
10 fur ono tu ajvoro nd dUantruun in itu
i as ( hit. '
In the district court before Judge u
Vukoly the case of Swift agaluat the
oard of county coimnlstione-ra occupied
ho court all of ycaterdny. This action
Yds brought agaiuat the county aomu two
ears ago to recover judgment for § 1,000
or land condemned by the dufi-udiut for
ublio purpose ! . The evidence has all
oen Introduced and the CMC- will bo
iven to the j'iry this morning.
Before Judge Neville the onje in re-
plflvin of Mackenzie ocain ; t Lsnyon wa
trinH nd judgment ot $5 rendered fc :
8uit was yesterday instituted m thi
tribunal by William Callahan and Georfii
T. Keenan against the city to rcoo'e
$2 081 for public work done for defend
ant. .
Next week Judge Wakoloy and Distric
Attorney Godwin will go to Papilllou
where the December term of the Sarp ;
county district will bo hold.
On Monday next Judge Neville will gi
lo Wilbur , Saline county , where ho wil
occupy the woolaaek for .Judgo Morris ii
a murder case now pending in that tn
In the United States court Judg
Dundy Bat In the chamber's court room
and disposed of a number of minor crim
inal cases. The grand jury was at wor'
all day but made no presentments. Thi
morning Judge Nelson , the Minncaot
district judge , will sit on the bench am
the attorneys are expecting that businea
will bo disposed of in u summary manner
i'at Carroll Approliciiilcil Oardnor
the Allcccd rlcltpockol , ICe *
tensed ,
In the police court yesterday after
noon Gardner and Arnold , thn two men
suspected of having picked the pocko
of a clerk in the postollico on Friday o
last week , were brought before thi
tribunal on the charge of being suspic
ious characters. Gardner defended him
self on this charge and was acquitted
but waa admonished by the court to fine
legitimate employment or he would havi
to loivo town.
Arnold refused to give any account o
himself , and was sentenced to the count ;
jail for twonty-uvo days on bread anc
Samuel Roberts plead guilty to the
charge of petit larceny , and was given
twonty-uvo days also in the county jail
"Big Sandy" and Frank Burns were
last evening taken from the police utatioi
and transferred to the connty jail , where
they will bo kept until they are given a
trial. Burns says tile police have him
down for a bunko ntcoror , but doniei
complicity in any crimes of that kinc
done In the city.
Yesterday afternoon Pat Carroll , t
member of "Big Sandy's" gang , was or
rested on Tenth ntroet for fighting. Ho
was taken to the county jail , where ho
was recognized by Officer Slgwart as the
man who was soon running from the at
tempted burglary in the roar of thi
Omaha Natlnnal bank on the night o
November 26. lie was Immediately
taken to the county jail and no rocorc
was made at the police station of his np
Ncttlo Howard Probably Fntnllj
Burncrt ( IilH Morning ,
Ninth street , near Dodge , was thi
morning the seno of an accident tha
will probably result in the death of
resident of that part of the city.
At about 1 o'clock Nettie Howard , wh
lives with a man and his wife name
Thompson , in a tumbled down tonomon
in the nbovo named locality , went to ho
room and it is supposed lay down upoi
the bed to read. Shortly cf tor wan
Thompson , who had been aroused b ;
the precouco of fire went to Miss HOTT
ard'fl room and found her enveloped Ii
lUmos on the bed. Thompson pulled lie
from the conch , threw a quilt are vim
her and finally ruccoodod in subduing
them but not until she had oncomo un
conscious from their li'ucts. dor heavy
woolen clothing was burned through l <
the akin and her face and body in man ;
places were burned to a crisp.
Dr. Loisonring waa sent for and di <
what waa possible toward alleviating th
poor woman's nulluringt. It is no
thought that she can recover.
Mr. M. II. Goble.foroovoral years U.P
lurclmsing agent , has resigned from tha
losicion and the vntmnry has not yo
) uon filled. Sir. Ooblo in the future
will ba one of the members of the Pacific-
lotol company recently formed in this
ally. This compuny is composed ol
Mcssrf. Shears , Mirkol , Swobo , Kddy ,
ind Ooblo , and its business will bo the
uniting of the eating houses along the
ino of the Union P.ioilio road and its
irunche ? .
Mr. J. J Burns , division atorokooper
it 1C insas City , luii been promoted to
general storekeeper with hoidquartors at
G. F. LiD.iuxh , who is succeeded by
Mr. Burns , will hvruaftur bj division
_ Mr. Joseph Lesmor , the present did
ion storekeeper has been assigned to
Korii'H I'-ML On Ivor.
The man "Roddy , " who as stated in
ho dispatches of this morning's BEK , was
lung up to a telegraph pole at North
Jond yesterday In ordpr to extort a con
fsslon from htm , is an old Omaha roun
er. Ho leafed about the town for
omo time mid hung out at the gambling
louse of Shaw & lUlliffi ) , where he
'plugged" for the proprietors. His real
ama is Kern and ho was often before
lie police oouit hero for petit larceny
ml BLU'urul times for vagrancy , llu
nine ' 'U ddy" was given him from the
riok color of his hair. He waa looked
poll us a tough man and became quite
ot d bore for hia putiiliatiu proclivities
rt'quently ougtgini ; in fights. Ills p. r-
nti nre reapeotablo people and nro liviug
i Nunco oounty , in thla otato , a ouunlu
f miles west of O IIOB.
The Sioux Oily Journal of a recent
ate siyc <
"Pete Hush , the bon ton gambler , of
rhom intuition was made us being
'pinahed" for uialcing thiiign lively at the
.lldii u few d ) s DUO hai left tovn.
Vhotherho ) shodk the Slouic City duit
rum his feet bacauto the police wore on
his racket or not , wo know not. The
OWB h been received , however , that
nmoaUtuty upon hia arrival in Oinahn
e was gobbled on ohnrge of auld luug
no , and now laugtilsheth behind the
lira in the haatile at the eaatorn tvrini *
uaof the Union I' oilia , "
Iniiuiry nt the polio ) aUtinn , police
ourt und the oiuuty jiil failed to verify
tie nbavo stateuieiit , und the records of
lie criminal tribunals of the county dent
nt ahow that any warrant was over U-
ued or a complaint lodged against him
or moro than four yearn.
1875-1885 ,
The NBF Year's ' illloslraleil Snpplc
men ! to lie Bee ,
A. Hupcrli work of Art nml Coin
luchcnHivo Compilation of
IM'H Conuncruifcl nncl In-
( Itimrlftl
The forthcoming Illustrated aupplo
tnont of THE OMAHA DAILY BEK , whlcl
will bo Itauod on Now Year's day , vril
surpass all previous ofTorU in that dircc
tlon , in the elegance and variety of illus
tuitions , the complotoncaa and accurac ;
of ntntlatlcs. The first Illustrated BE
aupplemons , which Appeared on Now
Year's day , 1875 , created quite a scuoa
tion , and of the alx illuotratod itauc
that have since boon published , each wa
a niatkcd improvement upon the proccd
ing oni.
It is generally conceded Hint thcao 11
lustrated capplomonts have done more t
advertise Omaha than any other agency
or medium. Thousands of copioa havi
boon mailed to nil parts of the world , ant
hundreds of our citizens receive'1 their
Grot idea about Omaha and the thorough
going enterprise of her citizens from its
page ? . Hundreds of our citizens will no
knowledge that the first idea of lo
eating In Omaha wns Inspired
by the illustrated reviews of the BEG ,
The first edition , ton years ego , was
limited lo 5,000 copies. It was a four
page paper , with the brat and last pagei
illustrated. The last edition , publisher
January 1 , 1882 , was made up of 15,000
copies , of an eight page paper , with four
pagoa illustrated by crayon lithographs.
The forthcoming number will comprise
25,000 copies , of which number over
8,000 will bo givou free to the subscribers
of the daily BEB. No pains or expense
have boon spared to raakp this the moat
magnificent issue of any illustrated paper
that has ever been published in this
country. The illustrations will include
the now court honse , with the grand
staircase and approaches as planned by
Architect Meyers , the PAX ton hotel ,
Wm. A. Paxton'a now building , Dowcy
& Stone's , Croighton's , Purlin , Orondorf
& Martin's , and nearly all largo build
ings erected during the past year ; also
the now churches and school houacu , in
eluding the English Lutheran and
Trinity Cathedral , Loavonworth atraol
school , St. Phllomona'a , Academy of the
Sacred Heart , Child's hospital , etc.
Ono of the great features of this num
ber and the best advertisement for Oma
ha will bo the illustrations of the stock
yards , packing houses and manufactories.
Ono of ( ho most accomplished artists was
brought here from Milwaukee three weeks
ago , and spout nearly two weeks in
sketching the stock yards and all the
loading and principal factories. In every
Other direction the greatest care has boon
and will bo taken to make this work
excel everything of the kind ever under
taken. During the past six weeks four
mou have been employed in collecting
building statistics , and the information
needed to give a reliable and cnmpro
honsiyo view of our manufacturing in
duatrics , wholesale and retail trade , rail
way ( .radio , banking business , educations
institutkmo , benevolent and religion
societies , and a complete compendium o
everything that in of interest pertaining
to the life and growth of Omaha.
It is hardly necessary to say that this
ia not a speculative enterprise. All th
publishers may reasonably hope or ex
pool istouovorthu outlay which will aggre
gate between § 2,500 and $3,000. At tin
urgent request of some of our German
American citizens it is contemplated t
ift&ue 5,000 of these supplements in the
Gorman lUiguai > o and iE we can coyer th
orat of translation and typo getting in
Gorman wo uhnll make the venture.
In order to make this enterprise wha
It should bo In every particular wo urge
our business meu , manufacturers out
railroad managers to furnish our can
vaasera with all information desired aa
promptly as poeoiblo. It is to ba hnpuc
also that our business directory will bo M
compluto aa can bo made , to cover id"
branches of business and professions.
JSnm Kol > oitH Arrested i'or Going
a llonni it I tltc Occl-
( lonal.
For sometime there has been a mar
lamed Sam Iloborts boarding at the
Occidental hotel , on Tenth direct. A
contractor named James Hamilton has
also boon boarding at the hotel , A f
days slnco Hamilton wont out of the city
and loft his clothing and a watch in his
room. During his abrypnco Roberta
entered his room and stole a aatohel full
of clothing and the watch.
.Upou Hamilton's return yoaterday
10 found that ha had boon robbed , and
reported to Mrs. Payntor , the landlady.
5ho mistrusted Itoburts and reported to
Olllcera Sigwnrt and Burdlsh. The ulll-
cora wont to a pawnshop and found where
Roberts had sold the watch. They then
oturnod to the house and waited until
loburta came to dinner , when they ( tr
eated him and locked him up in the city
nil. All of the clothing was recovered.
Roberts ia a plumber by trade and hu
> eon in the employ of Wohhans &
UoKwan. He will ba held for oxamiua-
The Drcm ItulicurHiil.
The operetta entitled "A Dross Ro-
loarabal" was given by the second choir
f St. Pnilomonu'a cathedral at the hull
f the parochial school Tuhrnday evening.
'ho proceeds are to help defray the ox-
lunses of furnishing the hall with chaira.
tage , scouory and a handsome drop cur-
* ln , which have just been purchased.
An audience of about 500 hundred wcro
jroadiit , and aeuinuJ very well ploaaod
rlth the cntnitalnuient. The young la-
ion t < Mg their prta very nicely , and
vinced omiidurublo dramatic tnlent. KJ-
cclal credit la duo to thoao who suatam-
d the luadtng iurti , and thu little misfs
who played Cinderella and the Prince
weru perfectly at homo on the stago.
tfuoh credit is duo to Mlis Fanny Arnold
or her careful tratuini ; of the oboir.
Thuradny night was a'qulet ouo for a
rhankigivlng night and very few dU-
urbors of the peace wore arrested ,
Peter Olino and Frank Cunningham
ot into o fight and scratched o ch other
p considerably. They were arrested (
and fined $5 cacti and costs. They were
both hard looking citizens and some of
the policemen think they have boon im
plicated in the holdups and other deviltry
committed In this city of late.
D , Henderson was hold pending invoa-
tigation being charged with being n six-
plcious character. Ho is slick looking
"coon" who goes by the name of "Tho
Rabbit. " Ho halls from DCS Moines
and is regarded ono of the slickest sneak
thieves In thin country.
Kick Wallace , the little black nuisance ,
was arrested again yesterday for being
drunk. Ho had boon beastly drunk and
had gene to sleep somewhere and some
wag had painted his already black face
with lampblack and hn was a eight to bo-
hold. Ho was fined $5 and costs.
James Murphy , who was discharged in
police court a few days ainco for being a
harmless crank , was arrested again yes
terday , having In his possession n lot of
atolon harness. Ho ia supposed to bo
the man who has been doing all the
harness stealing around those parts of
late and is hold for examination. There
is now nt the jail a sot of single harness
and a bridle , which have boon recovered
and await identification.
A 1'lcABant 1'iirty.
St. Joseph Garetto.
The many friends of Mr. Ohas. Motz ,
of Omaha , tendered him a complimentary
party at Mannorchor hall last night. It
was a very pleasant and select affair in
deed and these in attendance passed a
merry evening. The committee on or-
raugomonta were Messrs. J. J. Broun ,
Ben. Kastor and John McGuirc. The
floor managers were Messrs. J. VV.
Bruce , A. Foster , G. J. Berry , George
J. Bub nnd L. Kastor. A dancing pro
gramme of eighteen numbers was gene
through with and highly enjoyed. Mr ,
Motz is ono of the moat popular young
men in Omaha ; ho has many friends in
St. Joseph and his visits in the city are
always pleasant and agreeable.
Grnuo Oliapol.
An interesting Thanksgiving service
was hold at Grace chapel in North
Omaha Thursday. During the past week
the painters and carpontorH have been
busy nt work , and have succeeded in
making this chapel ono of the most com-
'ortablo little churches In Omaha. YOB-
torday the children brought gifts of
money , sugar , coffee , tea , canned goods ,
etc. , and placed them upon the altar as
gifts to the poor. Dean Millspaugh was
present and made an interesting address
to the children. In conclusion ho highly
complimented them upon the noble work
done during the past year , the last dollar
against the lot and chapel having been
No Moro Quail on Toast.
The board of managers of the Omaha
Sportsmen's club cull attention to the
lavr prohibiting.traffic in quails after De
cember 1. All quails exposed , for sale or
found in the possession of any person in
the state , no matter when or where kill
ed , is subject to seizure and confiscation
and distribution among the ooor persons
of the city , town or precinct in which
such quails are found ; and the person In
whoso possession thov are found will bo
subject to n fine of § 5 and costs for each
quail. The transportation of quails and
other came birds or animals named in
the same law , by railroad companies or
express companies or other carriers is un
lawful and will subject the offenders to a
like fine.
A C i"l ot Tlinnlcs.
I wish to o.tprejs my gratitude to each
ono and all whj so kludly extended their
help and sympathy to mo in my sudden
and terrible bereavement , and may
Hewon s choicest blessings strew their
pathway. MILS OV Sit itrrEss.
S1OOO. Civen
Ii alum or nny Injurious fiiibsUuitc.s car bo found
In Andrews' Ponrl Baking Powelr - . Is r > o -
tlulyPURE. Doing cnlorhc < l , ami tr Jinonlali
rccelvexl iroin wicli chcmUtinsS. Dana Iix > , llo .
ton ; M. Iclatiiitalucf ) ; Clilcntjo ; and Ouitavuj
IJoJc , Mlhuu.keo. NoxeTwilil In bulk.
. . ANDREWS ft CO.
29 287.Mi fi Ml K.
Qen r l
UiT Jort l tOOWJicieic reoUr ! celtcled
a Kintota Horiruk * . it low prloe nj on My lencf.
ImpraviKi iirtni lor tile la Doajlu , Dodi ; * , Oolftx
n lle , Hurl , tuiiiluif , 0 rr > y , WuWngton , Mulct
iMindero , tnd Duller OonDtlei.
TIIM | ftld In 11 parti ol the SUti ,
Mooef loined on mprored ftrnu.
| w v" In ofDo OonMpond
. AfmrorlK. . . . . . prncrlptlon cf .
_ prBgy | ii fill | | . Addrtii
( Uw l t rUnIK Omi I.J n.u C. ,
f ITU t.UM ( .r C . it )
roB u xiNMinr FINE wonKrt
* - Ifw-i. Iveri L < * l\trt ftiwf 4 .
PIANOS. ORQAN8 , 11.11. CARS , AC.
/v tbmHv trnvrmtt f c-n * * ,
CLASS , CHINA , &O. , do.
I l\t irtrtfl tltiUltM , i * J. * . lUX
l P I Kill ONLY lit Till
Himebaugh & Taylor , \y
tTnm mm rmnn ? TTI Tin TIT am * x
" .i
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ) sh. .
, A"
Oountor , Hay , Stock and Kailroad Track ,
Orders for Hre Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
1405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Visitors to the State and others in need ol ! Men's , Boys' and children'
Clothing , -will do well to call on
The Strictly One Price House in the City
And examine their goods and prices. Ttay carry the largest stock ,
sell lower th&n any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fail to call at
1216 216
* - - " -ffr&
rArffr& rs
CATTLE An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure , HORSES
Nearly l.\cry Itrcuiler In the country tins often expressed a diHlrc to obtain n remedy
Ihntoiild keep iinlmal In 11 licnllliy condition , 11 remedy Unit would tnke thopluccof the wortli-
IftB stuff tliutld ntiially gi\tn after tfic animal l nuir the point of ricnth.
Tlioii4iin < U f Dollars mljjlit 1 > B t.ued annually if breeder" , fiirmcr , nnd , In fa t , nny
ono from the pen-on onnlng an evteiiKlxc hurd to tliu inoJeijt gardener with u i > ony and a cow ,
would ktep tliclrunlninls In u thoroughly licaltliy condition
NotliliiK IIIIR i\or llvpii offi-n d in thu market , until the llcilrm lAvn Stnrlt Ilrinr-
tltl ttiib discovered , that him llllpd tut bill. A del ar' worth of this article every tno or three
moutlM iiinyi < a\o uiiy onu nhulo the owner of lifo stock , huudrtds or thousands of dollars In Uie
toureu of aear.
It Is ICiihlly < ! Ucii to Cuttle. Ilor'e1' , Sulna and Sheep , and \ * an article that has never
fulled to give Mitlxfaetion , Ii pro ) crly ndmun-tercd.
tvold Cheap Remedies' ' Tim Mn-it llii.iltliy IlnriU ' in the Preserve this and
country arc led with the H'r\tnn
and Worthless ciijip Ocw.iru ol
Condition Powders. sorJtt tinttif , nnd no farmer or .
brtcdtr.liouiicuueLi ) It u ill \\ithotU It.
I'riu-lie'liil. ] t ( . " "iifral tlTt'Cts nre bcucflcial , and many dltcaccb au curtd In their earlier
It ) earefnlly folloulni ; direciiuni.
Tim 1VU .Mini who made the remark that an "Ounce of Pmftitlon It II'orM a Pounil of
Ciitf , ' ' deM'rvcs a old incdnl , for nt.r waa there a truer rein irk , nnd It cannot bu applied more
properly thun to the prevention and euro of thu illsnetroub and fatal dUen ea of live stock.
Keep .Stork lleultliy mid every conUisioni dlsca c tint comes along will not take hold
with the yrip of death. To de > thin there Is nuihlnx equal to the HV.y/tru l.ifv tttotk Jtviixili/ .
I > i > Not \Vnlt until the horse Is 'tolen before jou lock the stable door , but lock It now
right imay heforutho thief comes aloiinu > thtioutliy of one dollar for a trial package of the
celebrated and thorouxhl > Ueted boon , thu ll't ffu llva titncli Jfvinctli/ ,
Knrjulre of your Dnulstx , or ( joneral Ktorckceper for n package of the irmfrrn 7 < 1rr
Stnrl ; Jti-ini'iln , iimnnfactured nt Omaha , taku no other , aud If you cannot obtain It eend one
dollar for a p le-kayc , prtiiaul to tlio
SWINE Keep Live Stock Healthy nnd nvold Dlaeas * . SHEEP
v m
5 *
. . '
* A01..M
IMSSKNOKK KLKVATOU TO ALL FLOOHS. | 1201 , 120S and 1210 Farnam 3t , Omihs , Neb.
Ull a4 1)10 Utcair SIHBl aOJ 4 1IU atiiil ,
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Established 1878 Ostarrh ,
Oiufneaa , Lung and Nervous DUeasea Speedily and Permanently Onrod. Patient *
a * td at Homo. Writ * for "Twa Hcpro-a-MissioHABV , " for the People.
nonaulUUon and Oorreapondeno Grails. P. 0. Box 5i92. Tolnphciia No. 6.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , I'oatmwiter , Davenport , wiya : " Pbyilclan of
tie * . Ability And Marked Soocewi. " OONGRKS8MAN MT7RPHY , DArenport ,
- 'tea ' : uAn tvonor bl Mn. Klna Saowsi. Wonderful OiirM.11 ITonr * W to 6.