Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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N0..3 Thl t wlint-KmiooltluMkntoiiumifsctitreM Mil "Club"but o call it "our Half CUmp
Club. ' IthiHmiroanrlnenteollHittnmi corrugate Jsiniik. It ii [ ml nickel | i atcd The liottum Issrmpel
to Dt the solo of the fboe or loot perfectly , therebj : irl\Inj the foot flco Mill natural action. It tin
to clamp aid llijht luxtep or heel ftrait Tno heel str | w are prefcrr b1o to heel mmp In
moit ousts , in the strips Ht y ixml strengthen tliu nkle often pri-tentlng I < rlou < and | iMnlul ccUlfntIt
IH the niKitlooklnj skate In the m\rkct , and ono that I ) "tiro to vlewo. It h\ * ] tre Turkci Kjxnocxl
whrcNnlthbrambiuhlneo , they are2t Inches In ill meter ndo\iry ! h cl ) > iTfoti > trus ch ( pair In-
t 0llnftsep ( rat bo * . Stzoi. 1 to 8. I also cwry a full line of i mukato In fill , itr | > wood boltmiM nnjl
a full line of alloxtrM , and small and Urire br < llneil vrheo'H. Write for pileos Tcrrat One-third c U
accomian > liiR order ; bttanctiscnt C. O.D. * II. U MILIiKK , West rn Aemt , 1UJ3 , tourtli A\enu
Council IiiulT , Ion a.
1409 and 1411 St.I Catalogues Furnlxheil Omaha Neb
Dodge . , on ni > i > llcktlon. ,
L. A.
1013 Jones Street { OMAHA NEB.
NOTICE. Special a vortLomont9 : , BHO to Lost ,
Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Board-
lag , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the Ion
rate ot TEN CKNT3 PER LINE for the Oret Insertion
nd FIVE CENTS PER LINE tor each subsequent n-
ertlon. Lo&ro advcrtleomonta at our ofEoo , No ,
Pearl Street , near Broadway
_ LJ vd by Fioidmin , SU Broadway.
COAL AND WOOD-GcorRc lleaton , 623 llrottl-
way. noils coal and wood at reasonable jirlcoa ,
v'lvCH 2 000 Ibs. for a ton , and 123 cubic for a cold ,
Try him.
F 10R SAT , , II. K. Seaman , Paper , Beaks
and Stationery , Council Bluffs.
TJiOll HALF OK KENT The Oms Tackluc house
X1 and machinery , located In thia city. Capacity
160 hogs per day. Odell & Day.
WANTED Every body In Council Bluffs to take
TnnliHi. Delivered by carrier at only twenty
cents k week.
( " VLD PAPERS For B Io at Un office , at 26 ocnta
\J a hundred
Eailway Time Table.
The following are the tlmea of the arrival nd de >
parture ol trains by central standard time , at the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten min
Dtas earlier and arrive ten minutes later.
L 1V - ASIUV1.
5:86 pm Chicago Express 0:00 : am
0:10 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 p in
T:10am J'Malland Express , TJ3pm
1230 p m Accommodation. S : 0 p m
"At local depot only.
10:05 a m Mall and Express , 0:55 : p m
9:16 : p m Pacific Express , 15:45 : a m
6:24 p m Express , 9:05 : a m
S : a m Express , 0:65 : p m
cmoAoo , BOCK ISLAND ASD picino.
i:2S : p m Atlantic Express , 0:06 : a m
9:2b : a m Day Express , 8:54 : p m
7:20 a m 'Des Molnes Accommodation , 8:15 : p m
At local depot only.
6:10pm : Acoammodat.on 9:00 : am
1:30 : p m Louis Express 8:45 : p m
< :60 : p ru Chicago Express 10:66 : a m
At Transfer only
CUIOAOO and DOKTtrwxfm&B.
t:6 : ] p in Express , 8:60 : p m
9v3am : Padflo Express 9:05 : am
7:40 : p m St. Paul Express , 9.00 a m
7ilOam Day Express 7:00 : pm
SCO p in Western Exprcoa , 8EO : a m
11:00 : a m I'aclQo Express , 4:40 : p u
J:10 : a in Lincoln Kxproso , 1:13 : pm
AtTranlferonly. '
Loivf 7:20-6:80-0:30-10:30-11:10 : : : : : a. m. l : o-2:3 :
8SO-4SO-B0-fl:30-llOD : : : : : p. m Hunday-7aow :
9SO-ll:40 : : . m. i:30-3SO--6SO-0SO-nc6 : : : : p. m.
Ar > ir in mlru ca liolJro leaving time.
From transfer only.
tuoa. crricia , a. u runtr.
OooucU BluHi i U.
Established - - 7550
Doaleru la Kcrelgn and omoatlc Ezchmze an
Attorneys-at-Law ,
Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and 2 Shugart & Mo-
Ofahon'a Block. Will practice In Stata and Federa
AT ;
23 Main Street ] Council liluffa
Mrs HJ Hilton H.n
, , , , . , ,
J ) d tv ConnellBla
St. Charles Hotei ,
Four story trick , Juit trfrtcd on 0. street , be
tween 7th and Sih strucla. Uniwt funihi UJ , heat
and uiott rttuoualld rrlrtd IKI'.HO At the i' ( /liol.
Xe raildepot4i. HUH. KAIKCOAKUIY ,
n T 3-mo la 1'r jj > reto !
Two Brothers Charged willi Raping
a Little Girl ,
Their Claim of Innouonec.
Two young men , brothers , widely if
not well known in this city , Andy and
Michanl Davy , have boon arroated on a
horrible charge , that of raping a young
girl , aged between thirteen and fourteen ,
and named Lizzie Smith. Her stepfather -
father , John Smith , formerly lived hero ,
and on Thanksgiving day ho and Mrs.
Smith , with tno girl , came over hero to
spend the day. Mr. Smith's statement
in substance is that ho hired ono of Mar
tin's hack , dtivon by ono of the Davy
brothers , and took n ride about the
city. lifter riding about for some
time , Mrs. Smith was loft to
viait.Bomo friends living in the old Almy
house near Wick ham'a brickyard , whllo
Smith and the girl continued the drivo.
On Broadway they stopped at a saloon
and while the girl remained in the hack ,
Smith and the driver went in to got aomo
drinks. Smith foil in conversation with
some friends , and the driver said ho had
got to go down to the Rock Island depot ,
in time to catch the 0:30 : train for Omaha. .
The little girl was going to got put of "
tha carriage , but the driver said she
could just as wall ride down to the Rack
Island.and back , so aho concluded to do DO ,
the father remaining in the saloon ,
awaiting their return. Ho waited in
vain , and as it got dark started out to a
look the driver up. After sumo search
ho saw the hack with the two Davy
brotnors both on the seat , and the horses
being driven rapidly. Ho called and
shouted , but in vnin. The next heard
of them was that they drove up to the
houeo where Mrs. Smith was stopping ,
loft the girl there and drove away. Mrs.
Smith suys that when she found the girl
she was in a horrible condition and had
evidently been mutilated for she was
even unable to walk up the steps Into
the house. As soon as the fact became
known that sno had been so ueed , Jua-
tice Shut/ was hunted up , an informa
tion filed , and warrants issued for the ar
rest of the Davy brothers who.
in the meantime , had put
up the team , and disappeared. They ,
were found , arrested and lodged in jal | ,
where they await examination , their bond "
being fixed at Sl.OUO each.
It Is understood that the burden of in
their defense will bo that the girl was not
so innocent as aha was youthtul , and that
they uaod no force or violence , but on
the other hand gave the girl two dollars ,
The affair was a moat disgraceful ono ,
oven if this should prove to bo the fact
Tbo examination of the case- will probably
take place to-day before Justice Schurz.
A German Paper Likes tlio Mayor's
Proularnntioii anil WAIUK Jllni
I 'op Governor ,
In the last number of the Iowa Tribune ,
a Gorman pi.pcr published In Burlington ,
an editorial appears , which translarod ,
roads follows "In of the
as : opito mag-
nilicont capital , with its 'gilt capltol and
the largest distillery in the world , ' there
are river towns in which liberty , inde
pendence , patriotism and truth find their
placo. There is , for instance , Council
Bluffr , a river city on the Missouri slope ,
which might servo as a sample for lea )
Moines , and oapeci.illy bocauno both are
situated in the woatern part of lowu , but
at the eamu time u good many of the east
orn towns are situated on the
ought to follow itx oxumplu. Before * all
Burlingtonwhich by a Btrantjoooinbinaloii
of political ulomemi ) had its democratic
candidate at the lutu city election beaten
and although it it , you might as wull say ,
a democratic city , allowed n republican
elected in place of a democrat.
To day wo have had the pleasure of
ig thufaue of W.It. Vaughan , mayor
uuncil Illnfid , and wo found him tube
bo always n true adherent to tha durn -
cratio party and RII adherent to liberal
principles which ho carries into i > xou-
thn in the city of Council DluiTi in u
manner which deserves all credit ,
M yor VAUclun lua mndo n coed many
friends while sojournity in Burlitigton
nnd all hope nnd wish tu sco him ngntn
in our city. Mr. Yauxhan loaves to
night for Fort M. disin in his capacity rf
uobln grand arch of the Druid's order to
attend a festival thoro. Before ho left
Council Blutl'i ho issue' ) the following
'original' proclamation in reference to
Thanksgiving day which fully shows
what kind of a nun the excellent
innyor it.
[ Proclamation published in Herman
arut English. ]
Mayor Yaughnn shows by this that ho
is n man who possesses n clear under
standing , nnd whoso hiiart Is where it
ought to bo. lie ought to bo our next
governor. "
Tied Ouptlvo by < 'iiilil | ,
Ono of the happiest events of Thanks
giving day was the marriap.0 of I ) . 0.
Tucker to Miss Clara E. Miller , the ceremony -
mony taking place at tlio residence of
the bride's mother , MM. ( ! . W. Miller ,
No. 29 , North Eighth street. A small
company of friends were there gathered ,
aud the ceremony waa performed by llov.
Mr. Mackoy , of St. Ptiul'a church. Mr.
Will Owens nnd Miss May Tucker , sitter
tor of the groom , served ns groomamai
nnd bridesmaid. The newly marrici
ones loft on the evening train for Chicago
nnd Elgin , expecting to bo absent a week
or ton days , when they will return to
this city , where Mr , Tucker is in the em
ploy of the Chicago , llock Island it Pi\
clfic railroad. Besides the expression ol
congratulations and well-wishes , a largo
number of gifts were bestowed on the
young couple , among them being :
Solid silver set , Jno. T. Slownrt ; china
act nnd § 500 , Mrs. G. W. Miller , mother
ot the bride ; sowing machine , Mra. Lucy
Tucker , mother of the groom ; three vol
umes of poems , Mra Elam Clark , cul
glass fruit tiish nnd perfume bottle , Mrs.
tS. II. Wing ; hand painted chiim frull
dial ) , Mr. nnd Mra. L. Hammer ; hanging
lamp , Misses Katie lloonnn , Mary Mot-
taz nud Tillio Autonroitli ; cut glass urn'
silver cnstor Miss Quanta Sing ; Touny
son's poems , Mr. George Iluntor ; onlnd
diah , Mr. nnd Mrn. Uuthank ; pair of sil
ver napkin rings , Misses Antm nnd Laura
Troupe ; pair of hand painted placijuos ,
Mies Viola Soars ; silver berry dish , Mr.
and Mrs. K. J. Abbott ; table linen , Mr.
and t * * n icrinlro ; ebony centre
table , 0. E. Tucker , Mr. and Mrn. T. E.
Wnloott ; linnd pa'nlcd cuspidoro , Mr.
nnd Mra. D. Gray ; embroidered tidy ,
Miss Kntio Bucholl ; cologne sot , Mr. L
C. Dale ; decorated and hand pnintec !
horse-shoo , Miss Ella Smith ; ombroidorot
tidy , Miss Lou Smith.
Only a pin , that calmly Iny
On the schoolroom flooriuthe plaroof day
And it Bliown serenely far and lirlglit ,
Kellectlnc back the noonday light.
Only n boy , who behold the pin.
And ba ! face assumed a liondlah print
JIo Btooped awbile with a tfnzo intent
Till ho and the pin alike were bout.
Only r chair , upon whoso smooth sent
That well bent pin found eafo retreat :
Nor hud the keenest eye discerned
That heavenward its point was turned ,
Only n man. but he chanced to drop
Into that chair , when , iiz bnng-popl
Ho How like n cork from gut n bottle ,
And open wide his throat's bifj throttle.
Onljr a yell , though au honest one ,
Yotit lacked the element of fun ;
Then man and boy , nnd pin nnd chair
In wild contusion mingled there.
An onloa raised by n Santa Barbara farmer
weighs ono pound fourteen nnd a half ounces.
Philip Hinstetn , of liulfalo , who lini been
) llnd for fifty years , suddenly nnd unoxpect
cdly recovered his Bight.
A curiosity exhibited in Fulton market ,
Vow York , tno other dny , was a deep-sea eel ,
oven font long , which was caught in a cod.
oine oil Newfoundland. w ,
A Nevada ranchman has a herd of hybrid ww
cattle , c'osscd between the male bullnlo nnd w
: ho domestic cow. They nro not housed dnr- .
HR tlio winter , but find their food nnd thrivn
where other cnttlo would starve. Their beef <
said to bo excellent , nnd yarn has been
spun from their hair.
Hissing moans different things , according to
where you happen to bo at the timo. In
Went Africa the natlvcH hfss when they are
jutonishod ; in the Now Hebrides when they
8co anything beautiful. The Unsutos applaud
popular orator in their assemblies by bins-
liif at him. The Japanese , acnin. ; show their
reverence by n bias , which lias probably eomo-
whnt the force of tlio "hneh" with which wo
command Bilonco.
A Pliiladelpllu upholsterer , who foolishly
kept his stock of round-headed ateel pins in Inn
mouth while at his work , ami carelessly al ;
lowed nbout n dinon of thorn nt difTcrenttunGH
to find their wny down his throat , hoHJui'L
been discharged from the hospital. During a )
two months' otay m the institutionabout half
tha number of pins worked their wny out >
through hli back. The othera have not yut
been heard from.
Una of the largest diamonds that thin coun
try has _ produced wns found in Manchester ,
Cfieslerlield county , Virginia , by n laborcren-
caged in grading the streets. Tlio man took
tlm stone to Ilicniuond to ascertain 1U charac o
ter nud value , The stone was pronounced a
very valuable diamond. The specimen was
put on exhibition nnd wni eold by the tinder
to u dealer for Sl.tOO. It was next gout to
lloston to bo cut , nnd in now known n.i the
"MorriRHoy Diamond. " After it wns cut it
vvolghod over ton carats and Its market value
SH.OOO. It is hectobedron , nnd baa only otio
hinall black Hpot near nn of its points , thus
enabling It to bo neon to great ndvantn o ,
WOBCKHTKII , Ma . Nov. 18. [ Special.J-
( iroat interest is inunifoBted in the discovery o
yesterday upon the farm of William U. Mny-
nard , in Hlirownbury , of tlio ronialns which
Bcicntiiic gentlemen oBsert muithnvo belonged
to a mastodon gigantum of prcliistoric time ,
They were uncovered in penty Hoil close to
bedrock , about n ven feet below the surface , -
There have buen uncovered nine teeth , portions nr
tions of tusks , the Hkull , and other IJOUOH ,
Some idea of the proportions of the mastodon
can bo obtained from the following doocrlp-
tlonof ono tooth : Tbo measurement across
what may ho termed the baeo wan four and
ouo-elglith inches by two and one-eighth , nnd ;
Is compose < l of nix pyramld-ihapcd Krlndora ,
Those are over ono inch In depth , and they
are very imarp , atd the enamel upon them in
very hnrd and well proflcrved. The roots of
tlio teeth are ab'jut hvo Iiichei IOIIK , but the
substance In HO frail that it crumbled nailly tin.
lots handled with great care. Una of the
teotu without the rrot wai found to weigh
nineteen and ono-lialf ounces , The Ivory of
the teeth is well preserved , but the remainder to
of tha bones BO far mi uncovered are imito rot
ten. The specimen taken out will be tiken
to lo ! ton to-mot row and shown to 1'rof
Agosslz of Harvard College , and ho will bo In-
nted to como hero and take charge of the ex-
mining of the remainder of tint monster , :
which will not bo disturbed until ha hn seen
t It I' believed tlio animal must have been
ifteiiii times an largo as a common homo.
John 13. Drnku of Chicago , gnvo his
wt'iiiieth annual fjamo dinner to fJOO
fiends ut the Grand Pacific Saturday
iiy uaing Ir , I'ra/.ier's Throat aud Lung 73nl-
lum tlio only ur euro for C'ouglm. Colds , L
HuorsenoBS and Here Throat , nnd till dUnanoB
if tlio throat nnd lungs. Do not neglect u
cough. It luay provo futal , Kcores and
iimdrodiiof Krutnful people owe their liven to
Dr. 1'Vazier't Throat uiid Lunf llalsain , and
no family will ever be without It after once- 1
iiiing it , ml diucovoriiiv lu unrvulimii ( Kivvei. de
It is put up in bro | ; fuiiu > j ) ottloi ) and Hold
ior thu muall price of T't c/jnU | > er bottle
ICnlin & Co. and O. lf. lioodinan.
Wttcbnrt' Chroulcl' ) .
To llrr.
1 live tlio ilf y of lone npo.
UecMt'u hocame 1 lo\e th m.v
Anil loved them m > becMtio thaUho
Wn of thcnno entirely.
1 lift tliMo lines n moment ,
Aliovo tho'o dear , dead , buried dnys ,
hdii love led on which wny wo went ,
When ( lower * bloomed In all our way *
Her fnce lior pirnoU baby face
ll't llt Cf IH l-tllilV \rivj mwv f
Her yonnp facp , so uncommon wl o
The tmidnr lo\elliht ; in her OJ-M -
Two stain of heaven out of plnce.
Two st.ip * that sung M stars of old
Tlii-Ir silent eloquence of onp
Vrom Vioi of glory nml of gold ,
Where God In purple passed along.
Thnt silent , pleading fnc ! nmoiiR
'IVn thuuinnd faccn jint the ono
1 still flmll love when nil is done ,
And lito lien ty , u Imrp unstiuiiR.
Tlmt fuco like shining thenvM atnoiiK !
Tlmt face , hnlf bid 'mid ehonves of gold ;
Tlmt fnco Ihnt novcr cnu RTOW old ;
Ami yet has novcr b'on qulto young.
In tlio CoiiHcrvntory.
"Hut wo must rcturnl What will they yj
Yen , I know lt > awful nice.
In tlioiiulous hero , from the other wny ,
With n tnsto now nud then of the Ico.
And now and then ofOh , you wretch !
It wasn't nt nil required
Tlmt jou should illubtrnto thus with n nkntcli
The vpccch that , of coureo , you mlmlml.
"No matter how iiaughty. There ! you llavo
The clntxlciit Grecinn knot
In which you like my Imir to bo coiled.
And 1 really don't know what
Other miochiof y u have donol You'ro just
lionl nnuRhty ! You nqucuzo Iik vice !
Why can't you men take noniL'tliiiiR on trust
And ho more dnluty nnd nice !
' "ihorel I'm ready now ! Wnlt ! juet ono
more !
Oil. nrn't , you n darling tvaso ,
And love mo BO-OIIP , two. three , four !
There ! como now , denrott , pleaso.
I'm almost nfrnld of the ] inilorflari ; < ,
When they look nt my lips they'll BI-O
The kisses upon thorn. " 'No ' , not i there ,
Hut , Bwcet , in your eyes , may bo ! "
"I hnvo boon in aovoral collisions my
nelf , and I can't say that I like them an n
rule , but once when 1 was n boy before the
nmst I enjoyed a collision about ns much
as any other streak ot luck that over hap-
poucd to mo , if not more , " said an old
aoa captain ono day recently in a South
atroot chandlor'o shop. Thia remark led
to a murmur of surprise on the part oi
several other captains who had assembled
in the ohop with a view to pas8lng'a
ploaoant hour or so in nmusing and in
etructlvo conversation of n maritime na
ture. The captain who had admitted
having taken solid comfort in a collision
was requested to spin his yntn , which ho
roudily consented to do.
"About thirty ycara ago , when 1 wna a
boy of 17j" ho began , "I shipped before
the mast on a-down cast hark. We wont
from Boston to the west coast of Florida ,
where wo took on a omall cargo of lum
ler for London. It waa late in Septem
ber when TTO got clear of the Straits of
Florida and stood across the Atlantic.
When wo got up somewhere beyond the
Western Islands the bark struck
cyclone. She worked heavily aud began
to leak. Wo took ] to the pumps , but the
water gained on us until the hold was
full and wo shipped seas that toro the
bulwarks away on both sides of the main
decks. But the worst of it wna that the
lumber didn't ( ill the hold and It began
working around. It Boomed to us that
the bark was going to break up or
olflo that the cargo would shift and
capsize us. The eocond uight of the 1
storm the captain gave out that wo
would abandon the bark noit day if an ; 1
other vessel should come up. Morning
came , and , although it was not blowing
DO hard , the sea was awfully choppy.
Along in the afternoon wo sighted a
western-bound ship that was running before
fore the -wind , which then was oast. She
was bound toward us , and as soon as wo ni
.vero auro of that wo gave three cheers ,
Dut wo felt a llttlo uneasy , because wo (
now wo would have a hinvy Boa to tackle
n getting to the stranger. She came up
n line style , and when about half a milo ;
all'sho hove to and dropped doivn to Ice-
ward of us , DO that our boat would drift ]
lown to her. Wo launched our big boat , :
jut tha sea -was mighty rough , and it was '
lard work getting Into it. I sprang to-
ivard the torn bulwarks to jump into the
joat , but the mate pushed mo back. ;
" 'Just you wait a bit , ' said ho , ' when
ill the men are in it will bo your turn. ' "
"I waited until oven the captain had
ot in , and I was just going to follow
lim when one of the men yelled , 'Iriok
ut , there's a BOB , ' and the boat pushed
iway from the side of the bark. The '
ark giwo u roll and a heavy sea came on
joard and knocked mo oil'my fout. In a
ninuto the water was gone , and 1 found
nysolf lying in tro scupper , close to the
orn bulwarks. I hoard the mate c.ill tone
no to hurry up , and the boat uimo b&ck
the bark'o aide. 1 tried to spring up , , '
jut something hold mo back. I felt a
tain in my right leg. Then I looked
iround and found that my leg wna jmi
ned under a spare apar which lud boon
dshcd to the bulwarks , The heavy sea J1.0
iad raiaod the epar a bit , and whun it
rent back to its place it closed on my
eg. Although it must have bruised my
og , I didn't ' notfco any pain until I tried
got up. I made several desperate
uga , bat it was no uso. My leg was /ant , o
ud the upar was a heavy otio , 1 wan
aught In a trap.
"J yullod to the man in the boat.
-hoy scorned to know the fix I wns in ,
md the boat came up close , but than the ip
jiirk began rolling attain , and the boat
gain kept away. 1 could only lay there
vilh iny log fast under the upar and bug
ny shipmates to come back to mo. Thu
aptain Boomed to want to save mo but
ho mate polntod to the ship hove to
icar by. Probably ho was tolling the n
nun that the ship wouldn't wait long cca :
md that they couldn't spend any tlmo in a
aving mo , At any rate whllu 1 was Iiu
H'gging ( or dear lifo the oars were . Ii.f
nannod and the boat headed u way from .f
no. I could sue the men through the t
orn bulwarks , bat none of thorn would
ook back toward mo. I begged and ip
mrsod and otrugglod , but no ono paid
iny attention to mo , and the noluo of the
wind and aoa must Jiavo drowned my ;
rlos. The bark driftoi around broad- , o
iido to thn sea ao that at I lay there in
iny trap J could BOO the boat ooruo along
iido the ship , J could oeo the men us
hay were welcomed on board , and ITo
BCD the yardt equaro uround
the eallu fill. There werofiguroa on the
locks , and probably the people worn ,
ooklng at the b.irk , but I don't think
they in ( 'o mo out as I atrugijled and n
yullod and curnud. The ship mured nwny , :
shall nnvor forget how that black Bturu
looked us it roao and foil on the heavy
scan mid gradually grew aumllor neil
Biimllor and finally disappeared , leaving
inly the spars and nails in bight. Then
Uy down my head and gvo way to "
"How Icursod the mate for having
pushed mo back on I wa about to cnur
thi hriJit , 1'ho men h d f" ved to c iuo
Alongside * ngnin. The captnin hud foarcd
to risk his life to vavo mine , nnd cureod
them all. They had probably told the
people on the ship that Uioy were nil
thorn that i. , nil but a poor lad that
had bflon washed overboard. 1 K < tvo myself -
self up for lost nnd lay in my trnp wish
ing for some moans by whicli 1 could kill
myself and BO shorten my misery. The
ship gave a few heavy rolls and a big sea
swept over me. Suddenly the weight on
mv leg was removed. .The water had
again lifted the spar. 1 gave n kick and
seized n torn stanchion. The wntor
rolled oil * on the deck nud 1 found my Itg
frco. I nroao nnd looked to loownrd. A
llttlo peg on the horizon , which wan
doubtless the ship speeding mvny from
mo , wna nil 1 could ninko out , 1 was out
of my trap , but that wna all. The wind
was not very strong , but the sea was very
heavy , and the bark began to roll nt
times ns if oho wna nbout to capsize. It
wns getting dark rapidly , nnd I wont into
cnbin nnd crnwltd Into the captain's
berth , after taking otT my oilskins. I
found it pretty comfortnblo , although the
bark wns rolling terribly , nnd before I
know it 1 wna nalocp. It limit have boon
midmlght when 1 woke up , for 1 wns
used to wnking nt eight _ bolls , I wn
hungry , nud I felt my wny into the cabin
storeroom , where I found some soft bread
and good moat. 1 nto n lot of this , nnd
then , picking up jug of water , 1 took
0110 of the beet nnd longest drinks I have
over had. Junt ns I finished it the bark
gave n roll that throw mu out of the store
room door nnd ncrons the cabin. I
picked myself up nnd tuahod out on the
deck. A moment Inter the bark gnvo an
other frightful roll , nnd being by the bul
warks that were uppermost , I seized
thorn , but the bark went over nnd over
until she was moro than on her beam
ends. Then 1 crnirlod out on the vessel's
side , but r.a I mndo this efl'ort she cap
sized completely and 1 found myself in
the water , sinking rapidly. But I soon
begun to rite , nnd when 1 readied the
surface found myself near the capsized
wreck , the bottom of which roao out of
the water like the back of n hugn whnlo.
" 1 wna n good a Trimmer , and managed
to keep afloat while 1 searched nrouudfor
some piece of wreckage to cling to. After
swimming nround for a fuw momenta I
found n largo water cook. I got hold of
this nnd found that the ropes by which
it had boon lashed on duck were still faat
to it , although they had boon broken.
The cask w.s rolling comowhnt and 1 did
not dareto lash myself to it for fear thivt
It would roll over nnd leave mo on the
under nido. But the ropes made
it onoier for mo to hang on to thu
cask. In this way I mannged to keep
lloat until daybreak. There was no
VCSBO ! in sight then , but I waa close to
the capsized wreck. 1 determined to
attempt to climb up the stem to the kcol
and 1 was pushing my cask toward the
bows of the wreck when 1 saw two ropes
running down the side from the keel
about amidships. 1 got } ii > to the eido
and pulled on the ropes. They scorned
to yield when I pulltd downward , but
when I pulled upward they soon became
taut. I at once aaw that they were fast
to the bolaying-pino underneath the
water. After being mndo faat , thu sparu
ends had been celled up , but had been
washed overboard by heavy seas and
were trailing in the water when the bark
capsized. It occurred to mo that the
ropes were long enough to roach down
the other oido to the water's odgo.
Pushing my cask before mo I made my
way around to the other side of thu
wreck. There to my joy I found the
rope , though they had dragged aft some
what. 1 hauled thorn up n little and
made them fast to the lasliings of my
caak. 1 was very weak after having
passed some five hours in the water , but
grasped the two ropes and climbed up
the slippery side until 1 reached the koel.
sat astride of this and rested myself.
"Tho BOH had by this time become
smooth. I had now only to look out for
passing vessels. The supper of the night
Dofuro kept mo well up. But for that
md the sloop I don't think I could have
nold my place on the keel , although the
trrock was not vary unsteady. I had a
valor cask down below , but the trouble
ibout that waa I didn't know how to got
it the water. I know that I was in the
rack of other vetscls , and I kept up a
iharp lookout the whole morning. I saw
iio sail at a great dlHtancobut it did not
omo any nearer mo. At about noon it
3Cgan to grow foggy , and in an hour the
'og was quito dunso , although there
loomed to bo u light hrocza. I now bean -
an to despair. I hung on to the keel ,
3ut somehow I had llttlo hopa na I sat
hero nnd looked nt thu fog. Suddenly I
toard n uoiso. A minute nftorward 1
loard it again , and this time louder. It
van the fog horn of tome ship that wan
ipproaching. I waited a few moment ? ,
md it Bounded again. I not up n cry ot
'Ship nhoy ! flolp ! " In another mo-
nont I thought that 1 could euo
ho outlinoi of a ship nonring the
idgo of the mist , I not up another
hout , The outlineo were still there , but
voro no plainer. They scorned to iiioyo
long thu edge of thu miat fora moment.
'nen they disappeared. I yelled again
nd again , but thu only reply was the
og horn , which sounded fuintor and
nintar , and finally censed. They had
leitrd mo and cheered elF , probably
hinklng that my cries oiunu from suinu
ithor vessel , and that I wns warning
hem that there was danger of n collision.
"I still clung to the keel , but it was
nero in despair than in hopo. It began
grow dusk , and thu fog wns , if any-
hing , thicker than boforo. Thou my
topes woru ouddonly nronecd by thu
ound of a fog horn , I listened for a
noinent and it sounded again. 1 made
my mind to profit by the last miatnka ,
nd not to cry out too sonn. After
patching for a few moments 1 saw out-
Inen In the mist. Then the jlbboom and
icad sails of a vessel stood out plainly.
waa determined to inaku no mistake
hia time. Tno chip was heading toward
no , but was moving slowly. I seized thu
eel with nil my strength. The ship
amo nearer. Her martingale struck the
Idu of my wreck and broke ofT. Then
ler atom struck my wreck within six foot
where I was sitting. Thu wreck gave
roll , but I clung desperately to thu keel
tntil thu shack was over. Then I sprang
, and while thu ship still toucuod thu
vreck J seized the IOOBO chains tint ran
rom the niarlltigalu up to the bows , I
liniud up to the foreoastlo head in time
meut the captnin , who had mulled for-
Yurd to EUO what damage was done. Jfo
itemed very much surprised , but not
nuch pleased to tea mu. I wa not much
mrpnei'd , but very much pleaded to neo
lim. Tliu ship wus not seriously injurud.
ihu was bound to Ulo Janeiro. Thu cap-
uin gave mu a berth In thu foroc&ntlc ,
did ulthouiih hu always naid I did wrong
not calling out whim 1 saw tha ship
oininup , 1 never Imvu regretted wait
ing and lotti g her run into thu wreck. "
, Auul l'lioN | > lialn ,
Dr. 0. S. KLLIH , Wubaah , Ind , , says :
"I prescribed it for u mtm who had used
intoxicants to oicoss for flftuon yoivra ,
hut during the last two youra bus cntiruly
abstained , lie thluka tlio Acid 1'noa-
jihuto la of much benefit to him , "
One of tha Boat and lament Stocks in the United Stater
to select from.
" " ' m' ' " " " " " .
'A ffmm" V 1" A.
i. i Mi i. a& i H i 8 * & Jb
! \ Diploma of Honor , Medal of Merit ,
5owor , Riohnoss and Svmpathetio Qualitv of Tone ,
Elocanco and Durabilitv off Workmanship.
Pronounced by the Artists and the Press , both at home and in
Europe , 'as the
Sweetest Toned Piano Ever Made.
! E & BRO. ,
General Western Agents :
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Mill *
Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
: iWf
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VV o are proiurcil to fttrinuh pliinn and ostuutiteft , nud will contract 01
t ejection ot Flouring Milla and Grain Elevators , or ' 'or ohanginp
( ' 'lowriiifi MillH , from Sroaa to the Roller Svoteiu.
3S/"EHi / ooial attention given to furnishing ljowlcr PJiu : < s for tiny pu
JKW ) , and cstinmtos mnJo for some Gonoril 'iinoauiMry rot.nirH .
promiitly. AculruHS