Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1884, Image 4

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Omaha Omoo , No. mo K rn m Bt ,
Now York Ofllco , Iloom O5 Trilmnc
Building. _
rnbllihed mry trornlnir , eiscpl 8ond ) Tti
al ) ' Moadajr morning dally ,
mm tr Mitt.
Out Tear . . .tio.oo i Thr Uonthi U.OC
BllUontni , 6.00 | Ons Month. . . l.CHi
Per Week , U Oentii. f. <
mi wiisu In , rcsujniD intt * TIVKUDAT.
nuts rcsmit ) .
BttTMt W.OO I Thr Month ! ( tO
OUlfootht. 1.001 On Month. „ SO
A | Oo cmnBl3 tloni reUtlnjr la Newi Mid Editorial
n-ttan ihculJ bo addromod Io the KDITOK or Tin
tit Doslnwi tatters and n mltUne 4 ihcmld bg
ftddrtrwd to Tni B rnnuBnwo Ooxrxsr , OMAIU.
Praf It , Checks nd Portomc * order ) Io tw tn d p y.
bit Io the order of tha company.
E. KOSKWATKll , I&llfor.
A. II. Fitch , M&ruuror Dally.CircuUtion , 1 *
O , Box , 488 Omaha , Nob.
SmcR Wiggins IIM joined the Salvation
nrroy ho predicts cyclones of righteous
\rrnth nnd extremely hot weather for
Tun ion of Ilav. Dr. Burchard object *
to a stngo donkey in a Now York theater
bolng called ' 'Bnrchard. " Perhaps the
donkey objoola also.
AUONO the parsons mentioned for a
pl 30 in Olovolaud'a cabinet is Jonas , but
perhaps the democratic whale trill owal-
loir this Jonah , who has boon thrown
overboard by his own constituency in
Louisiana ,
THH cruel treatment of his daughter by
Lord Chief Justice Oolcridgo , of England
hao lost that eminent man nil his friends
in America" . Should ho ever again visit
the United States ho would find that it
would bo n continually cold day for
SViiiLR the friends of Grover Cleveland
deny in a semi-authoritative way the
rumors of his engagement to first this
belle and then to v4hat ono , wo have
hoard no denials from the ladies in quoa
tion. It is oaid that tilenco gives con-
aont , and the conclusion is that like
.Barkis tooy are willing.
BF.N BUTLTU always has at least ono
eye to business , lie has already started
in to raako up the money lost in travel
ing ever the country In a palace car In the
vain pursuit of thu presidency. Since
the election ho has loosed to the nonato
for committoo-rooma ono of his g'ranlto
houses on Capitol hill , Washington , at
$10,000 per annum.
Biii'onr. the election P. T. Barnum of
fered to sell his property for two-thirds
Its value in the ov nt of Cleveland's suc
ceed. Ho fltlll holds hia property , how
ever , bat his 810,000 giraffe has laid
down nnd died , probably with grief ever
the result of the election , which , accordIng -
Ing to Barnum's figures , depreciated his
-yaluo ono-thlrd , or § 3,333J.
TUB example sot by the Mow York au
thorities in putting a stop to glovo-fights
ifa already having a good effect in other
-citica. In St. Paul the chief of police on
'Thanksgiving day stopped a hnrd-glovo'gymanaium. It is to bo hoped
f the law will
in every city in
'tho ' ooUfttryYAs most of those exhibitions
.aro Dotting ' 'but priro. fights , and cor-
italnly have a demoralizing influonco.
CLEVELAND will have hard
work to find places in his cabinet for all
the eminent statesmen that have boon
fluggcnted to him. 80 far about twenty-
.one secretaries of state , thirty secretaries
6E the troasurey , fifty nccrotarioa of the
interior , forty socrntarics of war , thirty-
uo secretaries of the nnvy , seventy-five
ipuatmaatcr-gcnorals nnd thirty-sovon at-
'tornoys-gonoral have boon named by his
friends , nnd the returns are not all in
; yot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A , couNTEHKBiiKu who recently CB
capod from jail at Madison , \Visaonsin ,
has forwordod from the lumber regions
to thosf edoral authorities a bond for his
appearance whenever wanted , with the
.statement that ho had to go homo to got
bsil. This may bo rather an irregular
way of transacting such business and
msy bo all right in the end , but wo
should not bo surprised if the bond
proves to bo n counterfeit. In that event
it will bo a gonunio joke on the author- !
' 1MB retirement of Justice Bradley , of
the sapremo court of the United States ,
depends entirely upon his own free will.
Ilo is an ardent partisan , and would
rather hold on to his oflico until death
rather than to resign his position to a
democrat. The probability is that unless
bo resigns this winter the chance of a
republican succeeding him will bo very
slim. It 1) likely , therefore , that bo will
.ask to bo retired before President Ar
thur's term expires , so that a republican
en bo appointed. In this event , it is es
timated Hint the president will name
JuJgo Groaham for the place.
Timlin are two men \Vashlngtoi
who evidently don't care whether schoo
keeps or not. Ono of them is Mr. Marr
chief dork ol the postmaster general , win
very often ecU as chief of the departmon
In the absence of the licaJr , and is reallj
tbo great factotum. Ilo has been in thi
kirness as a federal officer going on fifty
ono years without intermission , througl
.all the changes from whigs to democrat
-.and from democrats to republicans. Th <
other veteran oflioe-holder U Williau
Hunter , second assistant recrettry o
titto , who entered the public servici
forty years ago under General Jackson
mad baa remained oontlnuoualy in oflici
ever since , uodor Calhoun , Webster , Cue
Howard , Fob , KvorU , Blaine and lrre
NKW HAVSN , Conn , , November 20
The republican city primaries were helc
to night. I ndopondonis claiming Rttll to b
ropublicAiis bat Admitting they vntrd fo
Olevehnd were denied the privilcgo o
participating in any way whatever In th
r.aucua , The vote WAS unanimom fo
tholr expulsion. Associated J'rcst Din
] > atch.
Whom the gods wish to destroy the
first rnnko mad. Nothing but rancorou
folly and madness could possibly insplr
republicans in refusing to nllow the so
called mug-wumps to resume party nllo
gUnco if so disposed. How Is it possibl
for the republican party ever to win an
other battle against democracy entrenched
od within the fortress of federal patronage
ago if it cannot win back those mem-
bora of the party that loft it during th
recent campaign ? It was a very Idioli
thing in the first place to denounce a
mug.wutnpn the independent republican
who refused to mpport Blaine , and it i
nothing but mangnant tupidity to con
ilnuo a warfare that mast forever koo ]
the party in the minority. The doctrine
of the aovoroignty of the individual ant
hia right to coat his ballot according to
the dictates of hln own conscience was
established at Chicago in 1880 , when
Garflold in ado that famous speech whicl
gave him the nomination of the prosl
doncy. Garfield maintained that oven
the delegate to n national convention
was not bound to support its nominees i
his own conscience did not approve the
choice of the majority. That view was
austalnod by the national convention
when it refused to adopt the resolution
expelling the dolegaten who declined to
support any man that would bo nominated
by the convention. Whllo wo do nol
propoao to dcfund the couroo of the independents
pendents who bolted the Blaine move
ment , every rational republican should
have accorded to him'tho moral ri ht to
do with his vote as ho thinkn boat , and
for exorcising that right in ft conscientious
manner ho does not deserve to bo nligma
tir.od AS a mugwump. The mug
wumps were republicans who
were not in the market with their votes ,
and were known among the most respect
able members of the parly. A largo ma
jority of them had been republicans from
the day the party irris organized , and for
thin reason they certainly were entitled
ko fair and honorable treatment at least
From that clasa of republicans who hnyo
como into the party for the sake of the
spoils , and novtr would have been repub
leans except to further tholr own ambi
tion. The mugwumps of Connecticut
ire reported to bo men of the highest
: haractcr , and who care nothing for patronage -
ronago or the emoluments of office.
Connecticut has bcon a close state for
foara , and if the mugwumps are to bo
( opt oat of the party , the party will
itay iu the minority. In 1872 when
ho republicans controlled both houses
> f congrcfia by a three-fourths majority ,
the llbotbl ropublicann who revolted
igalnut General Grant's methods of ad-
ninlstratlon were treated after the de
feat of Grooloy with great mognanlmity.
[ t will bo admitted that it would have
) eon inUoh more dangerous to the
lountry and more disastrous to the party
o have bton overthrown twelve year *
go , when Charles Suinnor , Lyman
? rumbulj } Wendell Phillips , Horace
Jrooloyj'nnd host * of other original re-
lublloans deserted the party. The ro-
lublican'-loadera at that time , including
icnornl Grant , did not askfor _ their ox-
mlsion , although they were as active
, nd conspicuous then aa such men an
Joorgo William Curtis , C.rl Schurz and
ithor loading independent republicans
TO now. Iho republican loaders ,
lowovor , did "excommunicate , " aa
t were , the Now York
Tribune , the Chicago Tribune ,
tnd the Cincinnati Commtrvial , which
? apor deserted the party nt a time when
Is work was incomplete , aud they were
willing to make common cause with the
: onfederates. These very papers are now
making Roinohoivl with tholr curses aud
abuses of the mug-wnmpa. So far as
THK BKIS is concerned , wo supported
Grant in 1872 and Blaine in 1881. Wo
did not join the rovolb of twelve yearn
ago , nor did wo pursue the liberal republicans
licans then , and wo do not approve the
war upon the mug-wumps now. If thu
republicans are to ever recover [ their lost
priostago aa a national party , they must
open their doors wide aud Invite every
man who has beep a republican to come
back and help to reorganize it and restore -
store it to its original purity and high
moral standard which were maintained
under the rule of Abraham Lincoln.
Forty-two electors were given to the
nogroir.od south by the republican party
that it might hold power forovor. How
many of them will bo counted for Mr.
Blaine in 18811 Omaha Jlcrald.
Why was It necessary for the Jlcrald
to indulge. In such sneers ! The
point that it makes betrays the
weakest spot and opens up ono of the
darkest pagea in the history of the dome
cratio party. Why was It that Blaine die
not secure any of the electors of the
"nonroized south , " It was because ib
confederate democracy mada it Irapou.l
bio for republicans to vote down ( her
with any degree of safoty. The democrats
crats have suppressed public tontlmon
in this section by n system o
terrorizing , beginning with the Kuklux
and followed by the whitu league
Ol course U was not noocisary after th
Ohisholm aud Mathews murders in Miss
issippi , and the Hamburg maitacro i
South Carolina , to continue the use o
the shotgun and revolver , or ( o hav
armed and masked men tramp throug
the country to frighten the negro. Th
object was achieved. The majority i
* r > me of the southern states for pruden
tial reasons did not voto. How was It
In MisiUsippi , LouUIaua and South Carolina
lina 1 In these nUtes there are mon
nogroca than whites , and it WAS only fit
to say that they wou'd have voted and car
ried thoto states for Blaine with the assist
ance of white republican * , n&d
they not been influenced by fear to stay
away from the polls. The republican
party i ) undoubtedly to blame for thii
state of facts , It should have onforcec
the right of every man to cast his vote
and have it honestly counted. It fallcc
to do this , and hence the result in the
"negroized" south. Until it is possible
for any American cilizon , whlto or black ,
to vote with safety in any state of the
union for whom ho pleases and belong tc
whatever party ho may see fit , the re
publicans will have an Incentive to stanc
together and fight the battle over again.
So long as wo do not havoa free ballot nnc
a fair count in every part of the country ,
our republican form Is a sham and s
J. F. Xediker , of Franklin , who lut
been atslstant clerk of the house of rep
resentatives for several session ? , is announced
nouncod as a candidate for chief clerk o
the next houso. Wo have not hoard thai
W. B. Slaughter , late chief clork. is n
candidate , and if not the promotion ol
Mr. Xsdikor would bo In the direct line
of civil service reform , The brief dura
tion of the sitting of the legislature makes
it necessary to employ tno beat clorica !
talent. Lincoln Journal.
Wo cannot BOO why it is nccassary to
continue this man Slaughterer
or Xodiker in ofiico from year
to year. \fo know enough to
know that wo cannot have honest legisla
tion so long as the clerks of the legisla
ture are in league with the jobbers and
rings that gather around the capital al
every Bosoion to put up schemes by which
they can raid the treasury. Why was It
.hat the legislative journals were nol
printed nntll a year after the last Icgisla-
uro had conclndsd its work ? Why was
t that they were BO Imperfectly prepared
hat even to-day wo can not find out
many important things that they ought to
mvo contained , and yet wo are constantly
told by certain of hia admiring
ricnda what nn excellent clerk
hia man Slaughter has made. It maybe
bo a good thing for the titato Journal ,
hat Iivc3 and thrtvoa on printing ,
o have the business ( .f the house in the
bands of ono of its pot strikers , but it is
not in the interest of tax payers to giro
Drad. Slaughter a porpntual lease on the
3 llco of chief clork. It is to be hoped
hat the coming Ifglslaturo will give him
t much needed rest.
AHDNO the democrats all roads
oad to Washington.
The rolnctanco of Mr. Gladstone to
> ring on a collision between the two
lousoa of parliament has led to
legotlations between the conservatives
nd liberals , which are as yet not con-
ludod. According to the London
Standard , which was the Srst paper to
lublish a rough draft of tha government
redistribution bill aomo weeks ago , It is
till possible that the proposed com
promise will fall throught Lord SaK -
31177 has hitherto hold hlgb nd confident
angnogo. Ilo has insisted on the dan-
era of passing the franchise- bill nnac-
ompanled by that roallottrnoat of Boats
rhich would prevent it from vrorking in-
ustico. Ho baa led the peers into a post-
on from which neither they no ? ho can
otroat without some discredit. Ho Is
ouragooaa , and docs not fear the or-
motion of the house , for it would
estoro hint to the house of commons ,
itit ho is ona of thoao who , though they
ralk boldly to the brink , heaitato before
icy jumpoff. . The boldest general
nuot study the temper of his soldiers : if
0 finda them depressed , ho may do well
o accept any fair conditions ot retreat ,
'horo is unquestionably oomo depression ,
omo apprehension , among the tory
cors. Many hold that it will load to
n open defection if Lord Salisbury per
ists. This 3ooni3ualikoly. Dutitmay in-
nco him to pause and permit the pass-
go of the fraocijtso bill as the price lor
aving a wild or .chotno of redistribution
lian the liberal majority woold otherwise
ompol. ! It remains to bo noon how
nany peers will risk a collisions with the
ommona rather than accept this scheme
f redistribution.
In the view of Mr. Chamberlain nnd
other radicals , a compromise can only
mutpono collision , not provout it. The
low houau of commons will take up the
and question iu a fashion thut will arousn
.ha indignant opposition nnd resistance
if thu pours , nnd then the people of En
gland will have to judge between their
aprt'seutatives aud these hereditary
egialatore. The radicals think It would
)0 vriicr to face the question at once ,
aud better for the lords to have the fight
out ou this issue , than on that of their
insitlon as the land-owning class. But
\lr. Gladstone is both a conservative and
n radical , and will do nothing ta make
revolution unavoidable.
This is rather an unique year for the
upper houses of the various parliaments
iu whoso proceedings the world hus so
Far become partially int'orn.tod. The
woes of the hnuso of lords are the moat
familiar of all these aristocratic sorrows ,
and need not bo dwell upon. The peers
are oven now busy eating their kek.
The French souato , having , through the
conservative temperament of Premier
Ferry , preserved Ita existence iu ihe face
of Republican foellug in Franoa , ia bound
to part entirely with the principle of lifo
momburahlp , and becomes moro nearly
ono part of a duplicate legislature than
can be found outaldo of n Pennsylvania
or a MassaohusotU city. The result ,
it Is declared , will make the tonato t
council of nobilities , cot a body o :
mon all or any of whom Fiance
would delight to lip nor , The proteuden
are still Ineligible as well as high military
commanders. Ohangts are also oxpootoc
at Home , as. when the Italian senate
me6U , next Thursday , the kiiiK wil
name no less than twenty now senators
The lower houto of the Hungarian wln _
of that problematic political structure
called Austria-Hungary is now dobatu ( [
the bill which , U is intended , shall ra
model and Rcrnowhat limit the membar
ehlp of tha Hungarian houie of mag
nates , or senate , America is happtlt nr
nf thu idea that religious sects must
Hipoolal representatives on tha ton-torlu
benches , but in Hungary wo too tbi
principle flourishing iu its inwt Ubr
growth , thnug'v it ia to bu laid to th
credit of Franz Josef that the tUvItioi
01 UICEQ rocleatiutiol pluw * of houo
is remarkably fair. the Roman ,
Greek , Lutheran , Srriis and Unita
rian churches and the Jews all
having representative episcopal , presi
dential , or rabbinical magnates. There
are nearly BOTCH hundred and fifty mem
bers , and one-third cf these may , under
certain circumstance ) , bo nominated by
the king. The Hungarian legislatures ,
owing to their size , atonotoriou ly noisy.
It is proposed that there shall bo fewer
noblemen entitled to nit in both the eon-
ate of Hungiry and of Austria , The
grand parliament of Austria Qungtry is
called the delegation * ; ono house ia Hun
garian and the other Austrian. Piinco
[ itamarck'a Reichstag is .now In sesaior
The cortcs , the Belgian congress , nnc
the Dutch atates general are also in ses
sion. In another fortnight , probably ,
jvoty great consultative aud law-makitif
body on earth will be well settled to the
winter's or the summer's labors as the
case may be.
The interest Prince Bismarck takes in
.ho Congo conference ) , now in session in
Berlin , is but a part of the larger interest
Germany fools in the matter of securing
a ioothold in South Africa , as a stop to
irard colonial extension of the empire.
For years past the country has felt the
pressure of poverty , and attributes it to
over-population , in spite of the largo oral-
; ration of her people to America. The
ruth ia that German povotty may bo
.raced to the character of this emigration ,
md to the causes which leid to it. 1
s the military service exacted of youiif ,
"Jormans , which is driving them by
myriads to seek a homo and chizonship
on our Bide of the Atlantic. It is the
itrongest and most energetic class which
eave the country , while the weaker ant
moro dependent are loft at home. Ant
of these who do not escape military aor-
.130 In this way , the country gets no
) enefit in an industrial sense , but finds
.hem a burden. It has to feed anc
ilotho thorn in their barracks , through
.ho years when they might have boon
doing the beat work or making the bos !
reparation to serve their country in
aomo peaceful calling. So the country
[ rows poorer and moro dlnaatiMied ; tui-
cides Increase ; the socialists poll 050,000
votes at the election of members of the
Good people like Dr. Freidrich Fabri
and Dr. Hoinrich OtfTckon say Germany
must continue poor until her popple find
aomo colonial outlet , which will give
hem now fields of labor , and extend the
commerce of the empire. But "it is a
ar call" to that remit , It will take do-
cad CB before any colomzuion will roach
iroportlona great enough to make an ap-
> rociablo difference , and it would ro-
[ iilro facilities for transportation greater
hau Germany possesses to carry her aur-
ilus population to Sonth Africa.
These Gorman Malthueiaus , like the
Snglish , put the eifect for the cause. It
a the poverty of a people that loads to
wor-population. Aa De. Johnson said ,
t ia the people who have nothing to lose
> y self-Indulgence and nothing to gain by
elf-restraint whoso increase ombarassea
ocitty. It is the French peasantry ,
> wning land and saving money , that aeca
ttlo or no increase of its numbers. And
he * misery that is the root of over-popu-
atipn in Germany is itself the fruit of the
military system.
Now that the French chambers have
otod the appropriation ! ! asked for by the
government for active hostilities in Ton-
uin and China , the efforts for mediation
TO likely to bo moro successful. Recent
oversea to the French forces had cm-
) oldenod the Chinese to such an eztont
hat they expected to repossess them-
elves of the territory acquired by Franco
nd therefore , t ho demands ot Franco
rero in > a fair way of being rejected ,
'oaco negotiatlous are now being con-
uctod through Lord Granville , British
oroign secretary , which give some prom-
so 6f & ipeefly settlement of the dispute
> otwoea .France and China. The main
lointn'of the pgreomont , which would bo
atisfactory to China and Franco , are
mown jcojboth diplomats. Thcect indl-
sto thai both countries must make large
onccpaioas. China repudiates all ro-
xmsibility for the Lang-Son affair , but
ill malse honorable concosakms to
franco to leouro a peaceful aattlement.
England will be satisfied If she
canbo the means of restoring
10 Jormer concord between Franco and
) hina. Minister Ferry , iu his > speech
> eforo the French chambers ou the for-
gn appropriation , admitted that the
ovorament had been led en by events ,
t could not bo otherwise in a colonial
natter in wblsh the nnfo/aoon played BO
argo a part. The French position in
'ouqnln , he contended , waa excellent ,
'ho French forces had taken the often-
vo mbh-the losult ef gaining daily vie *
orioa. The rotouroea of the country
ould iuareasa under goixl government ,
tut it 'was first necesaary to cstabliah
> oaoo aud order nnd settle tha conflict
rith China. Ferry continued that
'ranco was porfectl ; juatifiod in demand
tig indemnity tor thu Bade am-
mscada aud ho demanded authrity
rom iho chambers for continu
ig the policy which was based uppu
ecuring pledges for tha payment of the
ndomnity. If China persisted in refus-
ng. to pay the indemnity demanded , the
iresoub provisional occupation of the Is-
and of i'ormona by Prance will become
loruanvnt. Ferry said China bad asked
ho mediation of England , and the lat
er government was trying to pave the
way to a friendly Battlement of the
difficulty. That government had.offered
ta good cilices to Franco , which , ho
laid , the latter hadi accepted. English
nediation , Ferry staled , waa upon the
usls of French occupation of Kolung
and Tamsui for n.pcriod to bo settled in
uturo. China , however , had demanded
hat Franco should renounce , her pio-
octorato ever Aiiom and made a fcah
lolimltation of To&quin by , placing the
rontlor below Cao-liang , and had for
bidden the impo'.taUon of French pro-
luoti of Tonqtiin into the Ohinoso
trovlncea ,
The success-of the Irish land LD { ; IU U
not unlikely to lead to go t changea in
ho land aystora of Groc. Britain. The
first part of the island to witness an
agitation which mustboir fruit ; isla
tion ia the Western Highland * and vhu
adjiceut islauds , especially Sliyo. Thu
) Bopl of SJiyo are Iialf Cult4o < aad half
Nor&o. The Norse element in tha upper
end of < the. island hiA , been , th < roughly
Oolttclzod in speech and social habits. In
Skjo , aa in the Heghlnads , i.e tribal
ystom. 3f land tenure. proT ilo < \ till
within ihe memory of EI U aiill living
Thu cbiefUin had nuihiug moro thrji
certain rights of nwintenanuo ur "boasd.
in Tound" amo g Ills clauunon. In Ihr
iirocen of Angtloizlog the Highland'/
begun in 1748 , but .till far from COMplots -
plots , the shleftiiashipa were. on-
vwtod in.Vo Eugltsh hirr/nios
ud the chief * were vestoi
with the aUoluto ownership of the hud
aa fast as khey cb'o o 'to accept , this now
statur , This of lUolf drova r. ny high
landera out uf the count/ America
They iroul-j not stay aa touauU wher
( ley and thuir fathers hid been free
opr .Uvo txeroUo c
landlord rights created by English la' * li
defiance of juttiou his tjrown worse wi-h
each generation , First the small fsrnun
were evicted in considerable numbers to
m ko room for Itrge f. rmi after the En
glish model. Then large and small woio
nwept away to find room fir sheep
Tlun sheep and men must both give
place to deer forests. Asa consequence
very much of the country has been strip
ped of its people.
But now the island is getting what the
Highlands endured and the people have
risen in a kind of revolt , Their temper
of resistance is none the less formidable
because they are devout and oven sombre
Calviniats , who optn and close their
meetings with proycr and vote a Presby
terian minister into the chair if ono Is to
bo had. To suppress the movement by
more brute force will bo impossible , for
it has enlisted too much sympathy
throughout Scotland and oven in England
for thia sort of treatment.
The revolutionary party of Russia has
been quiet for the entire year , giving
birth to the hope that the chief difficul
ties were at an end. Having destroyed
the moans of publication at the comraam
of the revolutionary committee and im
prisoned a number of lending Nihilists ,
the government began , at last , to feel a
certain sonao of security. It appears ,
however , that the storm of rovolullor
rroa only temporarily auapendod instoac
of being brought to nn ond. The paat
year has only bcon f ho calm preceding
the tompcat , for wo find that the rnachin
ory of Nihilism ia again in full blaat
The trade of tha porta of the Adriatic
Sea has already been benefited by the
now Arlborg tunnel through the RhelUn
Alpa. Austria profile by the shortness o ;
the railway route to Switzerland anc
South Bavaria , which bringa the traflij of
two continonta through the aoa which no
longar pours its wealth Into the lop of
Venice , but enriches its northern rival.
Egyptian cottoni paaa by thia roulo to
Voralberg and Eiatorn Swilzarlanr1 , one
American cottoua , it ia expected , wil
soon como thla way. The neighboring
port of Finno will alao share in the ad
vantages which are insured to Trioato by
ita favorable situation.
A Itoblior ICopcd
HAI.TIMORK , November 2dIteport reached
hero that Geo. Brisfoo. colored , was lynched
Wednesday night at Nowbiiclgo. this atato ,
Ho wts chained with rol bery and wh Io the
conatahlH was conducting him to jail a crowd
wayliid him , took liiistoa and liuuf ? him. Ilo
lad bean warned previously tj leave the
/nfanfi/B BloidPurifiers anctSkin
Whl'c ualng .vour Cntlcnra for chapped hnmla , It
occurred to m ? to try it for dandruff , Irum which I
ufTti'u I n prottt , 0 alnml it not only tpccdily cured
lit ) dandruff , liuticslorcd the hair to a lareo bald
pot ] pvou-Iv ! entirely destitute of ha'.r. It h now
nu Inch in lei th. JOHN II. I'AHKK ,
ilistor lj I'Join E. Chase , " Boston Harbor.
Your Tutlcura HomoMo * ore jus'ljr ' receiving great
cmRtlt'nn Iho minors nnd thu C'utlcura Soap
plcniliil for clean Ing the fkin , and thoeo who have
or ) eara imitated from BUIO nantiscauLct say unotigh
a iiral- " ' It and Cutlcura
C. CUDDKE , SsroflcW , CJ.
I'navo been ml IK the Cutlcura Heap for Chapped
lands and find It nlve better Batista tion and opo-
uti-K-mcro quickly tbananyihltiR I have ofcrtrlcd
i ; qutlltlc c client o joilurno rccom-
ini > nd It as a mqt ilesliaMo B" > p.
W. F. TAUKEK , CharloUesb'urt ; , Ky.
I wa < eIch- longtime and tried gevrrat doctors.
'hoj could not do me any good , and then I tried
Jtnicum UcaoOlKS and they cured mo. TTioj an
mng a ran : deal ( f good in thU country.
U. BALLkE , CornUlullle. Ky
I harotifMl your Cutlcnra llomodlo * nithrn > - > d re-
uHl for cciora'a ' and Scalp Di o ao tor uniimknr of
oars. H. K FATJLS .KR.
Hornel.ovllU.N. T.
Your Oullour. > Heap ! prosrribo In-1 fro ; tlcns of
ho euln aud It v/oids 1 kj
T H trniTINR.M. D.
U Central MtoU-ol Hall , Chicago , III.
Vor Bal5 > vot7nhcre. I'rlco ( Jut'cura , I5n : Cntl-
iir 8oi | ) , i6u. Cutlcurft Ho oivcnt , l. .
3 rA i 1-fV I1' " ' Ect" ! BlBiajlViio try
DC.MLJ i J thoCuMcurajJonp.
ja KS IniisoSJ years Ijprclal I rnscnptto-u of
lin eminent I'uicteikn. SLujjiIiNfiafottiiUHim- .
LIST or winiczTAf.1 tion. 1-1111:3. : isu : T _ .
Won" ! * , ivVirju ffi ? ? . JYorlnA ° llc . . ' " . ' ' - " >
: rvlu.-xCollr.nrTiuUilmof Icfiato MTt
I > IUrrlBC.i oft 'hijdnjn or Adults , . | -i >
Dtionterr. Grlplac , IMIoia Colic * . . .JJJ
Ollol rsvllov-bii ! . Vomltlna . UJ
fold.1 . - n -i >
iii t . Toothf ch * . 1 n
f UMlaclioitmek J
" \VlUtPfl. too I'mfnMl'orlodj. , . . . , , JM
I ? Cruan. Couah.DilWcult llrcathlnK. - . J\ *
nlt Hlu'iiin. Jirvklpr Us , l.raptiina - >
! ? , Itiseuiimt l ru , JtheuranUii J' ma _ . . ji
H'nvor anil AKIIO , ( ihills , jUlarls. . . - < !
l-'j iniM.IIImdorUlrcdlnK , . . .
y < rar h , cut or rhrouot Jnllc < i
\Vl ooiln C-nficlifVj)16iKi'iili .
al Ci-jierul J > 74)lllil'l io'lWct.U u
ICIdney l > fmuiu. . . . - . _ . . . . -JO
! <
! Ilrlnnryirrnkii HT > Vtii * Ued .m >
J mit-n.m-4 nf tint H 'i j-f .1'nlRwtionl.i >
j Cl . 1 n i . r.i 11 it. i. i u 11 t..1' .
TO TOX J. U. B. & & CO.l
T o mcxt ixiarulve tnanafaclcreri
Joha Uoclotiuuar Ooneral Aesml or NeItuU aa
, Weiteru l > wa.
ifl B. Tenth SUM . . . . OMAHA , NK11
OTadatlou IlUIIard and Fool T blu and maltrU
H. 8. ATWOOD ,
PlHttsmoutli , - - -
juwr TO ewtra
M'N to loan in pity iiror * Iv , In r ff 0
Sl OMnd up. Vf , n. JJotte , Hitt P rn < n.
MONKY 'iU T/OAN It ( uiiiscf Okii4 uii < rAr < ta.
0. F. Tavls and Co. , Kial K.Ute ard l.r vi
Ag n' . Uf * fur-am M ijBjtf _
MONEY IcnncO on chrtel . B llrod Ticket *
Ixj'jjfht and sold. A. Foreman , SIS 8. 13th
OMAHA EichaniIntge or m ll ll > at/
cud eon approved socuritv i fflre bour 9 to 6
week day . 10 to ISundajR. * 16CS F tr > m Street
111 to Dec. 3
Rt.- gffrn
1"- Ono rr two ( fefitleaen ' ( rnt dooi
f lc mcni : > oruhr oik and lber ! l intutx
a gf od change f r C t ca s o-fellcn Ad
dicin I ) . Apl Icton & Co. , SCO N. 3d St , St. Ix > ni Mo.
Anuticrlcuccdgltl it goal wazct In
a limlly ot t o , N , H comer 19th and Dodire
T\7ANTFI > A catiablo Kltl to cooV , waf and Iron
for m 1 ( an lly hero mcnnd Rlrl IK l pt. Cal
t brick ro'ldcnoa c.r. llth and Tierce sttcets. Jtis
D a lUrrljfor. 780-23
WANTED- JorRtnerM houtowork 1 T5 N.
IS h Htiwt. 770i
* t VHIH
V 7ANTFI-ImmedlaUly , four aotlre jjent , Udlea
or gentlfmi n f jr city o n\a.HVnfr , salary or com-
mlMlon Addrm 0. K. lunlcr.Onnh * Neb. 7S8i
I\7"A TKDActlto canvumcm for > n article o
' Catuulos- street , up atalrs.
WASTED raon fir r Ilroml work. II Wanh
wtller , < 13 8. 13th Kt 5fl7.S p ,
\V-ANTFD -A. gltl for treneral housework In a
* . * 1 " 'i"ul1 * ! no cliUdren. 104 S. 2Sth sttcct
* A woman cook at Ennnot Ilouta
TI T'ANTKDpnra comtctcnt gill for genera
t r houM orht 2il4 Douslas street. ( OTtf
-Auents to sell In Nebnwlia a new work
by n popal r author. Gallon or addrras Jones
and nazolrlz,218 ( north 17th St. , OtnahaNeb
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VS7-an 30 ] )
TTfANTED To buy a o ty lot to bo paid In weekly
T > ormonthly Inattllineiits. Address" ! ! . II " llco
ofllce. 2I6-tl
TAfANTED Udlis and Rentlemtn to raVe nlc < - ,
T I light , plcamnt work nt tbclrown homes ( dls-
Unco no ol'Jcotlon. Wirkscntby mall , S'to $5 n
ihy can b 3 qulet'y ' mrde , ' nv canvasslnff. I'lcasc ad-
dtcua at once , Globe M'lg Co. , lioetui , Mass. , box
WU. 603-Jcc 17
WA IKD Iiodlcscr gentlemen in city or country
to take nlco , II. lit and pleasant work at their
own hone * , t to 83 a day easily andque'.ly made ;
work sent by i > all ; no cana'alng ; co stamp for reply
Plcaso atldreea Reliable Man'f'g Co. , I'lilladelpbla , 1'a.
002-1 m
or country , to talie nice light and pleasant
wort at tlictr nwii hcmev ; $1 to $5 per cay ouslly and
quietly made ; work tent by ruall : no convicting ; no
stamp for ri-plv. I'leaau adilrcea Ilcllablo Manl'e Co. ,
Philadelphia , Pi. EOS-lui
WANTED Ky \rc.inn. . a situation as conk IT
hoto' . Addre-B"M. A. D"Bee Illc. 78SJ
WANTED Sltimtlcn by jonnginsn In wholcs 'o
or retail house o l > . hut alraiJ to work X ,
Y. / . , OcocflX-e. , 75023p
WANTED Situa'lnn by jounjf man to tri\el ;
one wllo ha bad eipcrknc. J.A.8. Bee of-
ncf. 7BO-23p
T\7ANT D Wtuatton by joaug mirrleil man in
VT toiuo ciuplomon& for the winter. 11 11. A.
Hco oflice. 701-23p
ANt EH Situation to do writing In some oiroo.
W J. C. II Bee ( .trite. 792-23p
WANTED A io-1'ion &a talca lady or cashier irv
n dry good" or gioccryhume by ono who Ins
lad sovcrnl ytf&T8&xpTl icn. Ro' iencifuiul hcd.
lr. . " 0. " N < > . 4JJ Convent atrnit 775-29p
" \T7ANTED Miuatlon by jonng man of 11 years
VT experience In dry nocilB bet > and shoes and
fiocery bio.c" ? city or country. Good rtf ronca.
Addrtsi "U C. < . " Bcu office. 7SS 2p ! !
Vt/ANTED Aieliuillon by n young lady s clerk
V * lq neil in , 3 crawilenco. Addrosa-'U.
A. B. " Bee olfica. 73Mp
, utullluu 111AU Wrhutb BltUntlOU * fl It O t-
AlUUU . In wholesilo oetablUhmeul la Oniauii.
Aiklren "a" care Ilw. 8S8-tf
0 MID Fi.'jt-'lis boardiand beds 91 per wccV at
> 1212 Capitol ave. 7SB-14p
\T7ANTKD-Ahouae offl room and barn on
gre n car line. Apply to II. MoMUnnus , 418 N.
8th Street 7D3-1
"ITTANTED T fell'trade or. rent blwjkiniith nnd
TT wagon shop with toi-ls. Cloodlocttlon business
e t blishfd. Addrcea Osu. W. Lambjlng , Wctjilug
Vater , .Veb. 777-Op
UcntO' ] 0'\ can hate & lareo h rdiuvnely fur.
TWO six-ond ttory front roomi with ence lent
board. 2020 St. JUrj'aaTO. 765-S8O
' To eiehangaonB of the 3f 3t rcUil ro-
W'ANTEIJ ia ? mabayfar real tstite io tbo city or
< ir land adjoining the clly. AddhiuA s.T"Bce
like. 767-tf
ffJ.COO on flret-clara city teeurlty.for 6
WANTED per cent. Addreu Box 620 1'cwt-
moo 708-tf
'tl7ANTDt > > Some ouato sJo fnsil hh-n-ko kil era
W Willp.y ! 1 25aIecefe MiauisntM F. Mar-
ir'aatore No 318 South Mil St , rho xcl jifurnituio
tores ncTac rrtison wek j pa luonto. 7r-tf
ANTED UJSIIIOBB. An aalvo mtrchmt of
W th Tough b sinitu education nnd bablta o-n
timplatisK a chance January 1 t. ISSfi , winhestopur-
rhato an intcri t In a well cslabllahid morcanti.e . or
rnanufa. tuiln g tuslncE" , w. uld buy out n small bus-
ncM.tms $10 000 ca8bcan furnish ri.furei.cea ota bl.h
under aid would cxptetsara * To Btcu-e reply , od
dress gVving lull nauio and partlculais , "Jlerchant
OireHcoo'llce ' , SWMJtlewkp
ron KS'HS nsiatsn oua
HKNT-Anl wart furrishid room with or
FOK lttoulire. . MlCnpt I a\o. 7b6 4p
IIKNITvo houf ts 5 roonw , inch SIB 00 per
mrntli ln < | Ulr SC lodKe St. UnvOp
' rumiahed rooruj at 1417 Howard.
J SJl-4p
UKNT One fix ronn house on 21st aud liar
Foil . A.H. WUdJtouo. 7Mt
f.lOH HEN IA I l rK clfgant corner ronii , well fur-
1' 'tandBoutb , In Oddrell vi
iBU > ck. Inqulro ttrsoou. No i 705-lp
'T ' OH UBNT TnorooaH furnlslied or unfurnished
I1 on Boccnd floor , 1615 Chlcimo 8t. 72 29
' & 2271 acrtelandln 1'Utte county
rJli'llKXCHAX&lS ! dac ouunty 3 > u acren In Rtanton
county , for Omuha city rf al estate will all or
( mi t. A pp y tu J. N. , nold i 1207 FarDjm t ,
Om hn.
"OHIIHST A t ro-m ht > u > i > < nn block south
F oHitsU P Dcpi t , on I'tclNe btnwccn Oth aud
lOlh tU. II. L , giocei 2MandLuv ! ii orih.
PENT 7 rocra brick rwim , turn , well
FOR ' , will rinl cheap lotliorlght tenant r
mil on eiy moijtjiy inynaula. AMKSl(07Firnam (
1.1011 Ulr - 0 rO"tn bou < p , tlnu yird , l'A3k ave ,
[ ' AMEB.UbT f rr.ambt. 781 tf
) ll l > ESr- Nice lurnl hed rotm in ir ; > r tf fim
lly , 'M 8th M. 7QI2p
i 1OR SBKT 8pl ndU IIOUM , Rtxidjcoutlon. $2 ! _
1 P [ 352jitli. U , U , Pitterton , oat. 12tji and
> Urnl ( 770-23.
TTIO-K KKNTFumVtbnl rooms brick fcl.xk , rro - rn
C IjjprovtnionlB , me block Iroir. I'Jot olll f , H U.
\ HKiT-Fvputlw , b l'S Metrnpiiltan
1r\OH hil ! , newly decor t it wd furnliheJ and
with all m > lern Upro > emout . Apply to thotactesa
c ue Max Me f r Js Co. 73 2
KNT-A ery ( "e.lnilu room. Inqulio at
)7ir ) iioU\ ) * . " 3-'P '
UH l.Er7-llocm 1411 C 'l'ornla ' btnvtftudiarl
F cf th lurinluie Vr b-lo. Aii ! Jliiriil Ji t
roonnfociint 'ga'-i'
lilOT Haa t lartUhed rooa,8C6 N. 17V _
I , OR UJNr-FurnIh i root * Ir.builOl jt fi. ) f.
V tornerWh.iadUineni.oit. Oil alUr'Jp. m
: \ KENT A Uro luin'kU'il Iront room otb
T\OK ) , l6p HQOnth. BIT Wth t/t , Ijelwwo
ItatJ ou Cuuiii.j . Tll'-'Pl1.
TT'OdKKNT Aniwho utrtlOr cnn , aud Uun ,
1' b-nl ind : ( ( kt.'tcji I'irk avvnub , S UooU
from Farcaia Hr eL hqulruBIS 708
I70R llfiNT Four room OjtUse S , 1 J'h ' Ht Bv
I1 kcrftXlujne , cistf
Foil HEN tCrarnlihtTronrnaultab e for t < . > " , w a
J rnam Ht. ci.ip
1J10H KKNf'Tlflot < lwol'5 "noTm , fiirn sfnj
Unfurnished , gis clly wat rvd all m < detnl
flroreirnit Infju'reon ' Lnn. * f K Vf , Cor ISlh
pr.d K rn m siiretii. 704 f.
ITtOTintHE Mficintlurn htlffTltroonw rn milt *
or s-n.le , with Ra , n hnrikt cwntr tf the
Andcrnon , ner
Moorlj't China Store. Apply ro tnli. Ka Thoj
( nith tll. .
JT'Oll IllNT-ToBentlennn nnly , A tl' aiil Iv
Jt1 nljltxlioom , S. K. corner a > th ant' Dosxlai.
67 4-tf
_ _ _ _
I\3lt KEN7- Elegant 11 room house , i anlamlaofl
rater nil midcrn Impravementa , bent Incttlon In
city ? TO. Barker fc M jnf , 135h and Fan am 223 tf
FOR KUfT Two nicely funhed limU r mi
wl 5h Of without totrd. btorra In eav-h , 1313
Capitol uc. t70-dcc-14p
FOirilENT Furnl'h 1 room mi r > o rd $5,6 0 pt
nook , Vtry beat locatlun , 1314 Havonp-ite.
_ _
i I1K.TT The t-o tory meat market corner
ICth and ITojon. I'.uliiun U Co. , 3513 I'.itna
. . . '
IlENF-TwoelepiirtroonMlnHttUck'i block.
I'aulson A. Co , 1613 Farnam. S 2-tf
- . - HKNr VurnUhcJ frint rostator imt 222 N
19th tit 3o-tf
FOU HENT--llauso wilh' Sro ms-n * barn. Ap
ply to r. WHS , No. on pouih istirat , sis-u
FOit RENT A ten room ootia , gocni lot , Ith
barn , on Paolflo street , near llth attest In
quire ot C. F. Goodman. 229-tt
FORRENT OR S ALB A fire room houwrNo.2S > 7
Plorce street. Applf ti Mrr B. Q. Etjvcnioi. ,
18IJ Can itrcct. 23B--f
FOK RENI-In Sbinn'a Sd addition , nice south
and ewt corner lot with 6 room house 18. per
month Potter Si Cobb , 1016 I arnam St. lt'2 U
FOR RENT Two rooms turnlahod 'or llehVbaate-
kooplog. 3. W. cor 8th and IlOftatd 170 tf
TOOIl'IlENT Room corner of i7tn and draco 8t .
Tj OH RENT The corner tturo lOtli aadUeaven
JL woitn. Apply G. H. Peterson. _ 103. tf
FOR UKNT Cottage of flro rooma , desirable-lo
cation O. V. Dai Is Si Co. , ! 50S FArffiiui fct.
FO'l RENT Fimt-c.a e three ft'iry brick , rnetall
roof , warehouse , hdraull6 elevator ) , concrete-
baaementP. Railroad trackto door. Barker &llajnt , .
13th and Fnrntm. B25-t
T710R RENT A now atoro room and offlocsrni.stilr
J"1 on January 1st , 18S5 , on ISth between VTllllttro.
and tllckorv Inqui.-u at t. J. Kwpcr. 01C-U
ROOMS With board , ( lea rab a or winter' Apply
atSt Chat lea lintel. 7'0'I-tt
Til UIlllAY has Kood paetunng. ! < water.
"T. ORUhNT CottaRO of Dvo roomo. J. fnlppa Ro -
i1 ! B12aouth 6th strejt. C39-ti'
70R B&I.B.
FOIl 8A1.C Ortraiy ienni , ncrolota for Suburban
horns , buy befdro tbt Spring rt > nro in Brigh
ton , 3) ) minutes diivo from Bujda' Opera llouso.
$176 for an aero AMttS , 1P17 Farnam St 7U9.A
T7IOH SALE L4t coftof llncra Rtlikyard. within
I' onoblcck of the 18th street ca > Arlington , .
$375 | ier let , ( i > monthly i a jrrmnts ( larrnilon S3tO
lur lot , Gnu qutrtcr ttow nj A 1IES , KOI St.
FOR HALE HO feet byi 247 feet ( * full lots ) good
fence ; item let tut tluseyoirsold ; face cast on
83 fool street ; ooo b'oci < tbl s'lo of a. W. Ilnldrege'a
r-slilinco. S-OCO. Ames , 1507 Fainam street ,
FOK SALE n Invc trocnt-ai > f'-etally handled , 4
ot the > cst n tuatcd lota in 1'lalnviev , oprosite
Judge Ue < Hck'8rcsi'lcnce.Reaoonab'ccatli _ paracnt 5
carH on balance. Tnegelotivare choicewllt advance
steadily In value. AMES , iC7 > 'arnam St. 703'1
SALE Uclaurant ; good location.
-L1 glie tlinoon pait or t-ko team. Adurcea "D"
Bco otlicc.
" | 7 > OR S Vl.ECigar ttoro all t 'nl < h , feet only 316.
" a month , Inquire 285 noith 36th St. , between 0
and 10 p. m 779-iOp
SALE Throa No .1 ml'di ' cows , at first i
homo east of 3 cred Iloirt AtaJeuiy.-lluit bt.
S\LK 'notherlotof iK > . ene milch oowsal
try jard , on 27th and Buii ktrott. J. W. Fenny.
731-1 \ .
FOR SALK tlou-a (8 roomsand four loinViI
sell cheap In order to gfttimaoiUite chinge o
scene afier aeath cf mycnild T. K. Purfltt'Clis
office. 7Bldecl2
FOR SALE Cheap , a mca 4" com cottage full lot
on grade , i ! ty water 10th oirett , h.lf n bloeli ti.
ef LotvLimorth , wests'do , termaeaiy , M. L o. g-o-
rer 2d and L irenworth street.
TTIO'KSAIjT ' ! : OK RENT-Lot COX183 lth new 6 room
I"1 hnnse and 4 hurae ( table , I'iarcv , near Wf at ave ,
fine location. PansiU &Uu. , 1513 Farnim. . 313-t
SALE The best btiBlnew lot at the Stock
yan's ' South Omaha , 60x160 Will be worth' !
double the price ashed now Inai'le 11 month * . Apply
at office New York Dry Qttodxtore , 1310 Farnam.
277-1 f
FOIl HALE 1 rauaage chopper , borae power ; one
rrnderuig kettle , one lard press. Apply at Brook
lyn Market , cor. 1 3th aud Pioroo 802-tf
rr > YI'E A quantity nljojiomt newspaper typo for ,
JL aale. Aim a good Zither. C. 7. liunoo , care Boa
ofllce. 7Mrtf
IOIl BALE New phaeton. Inquire ci Oeo. I
F gins at northea t corner 18th and Dodge
ti01l SALE Cottage of ( riixiroa , bAru , corner let. ID „
C yiilnn'H a < UltloaonlyX.t > 0ujnallcasii ; payment i
and balLnco monthly. Dargaln. McCa < ut > , opp.
podtolll Ob. ( I10U
TpOH BALK Fine buslinsi rhauoe at Grand I
J ? Nub ? 6.COOouja the bank building. 22x41 ; , an
olflce bulld'ng wblcLrentM loi$16 month ; a lirue
flro and buritler piool aa'a with Vulo time livk co-it
! leco , alao % ury Urgabank b OK llru proof Mtle ,
bnnk couutrr , ilBl.j , hirii coal utovc , in , tact , a com-
plew baiilt outfit , togctlier v.ilti lot 4iB8 on Locust i
etrcct. Title jur fool. Irriua i canh , baancecn one
and two ) ears tlmu if dwircd. Cull on or audrei-g Jay
K. White Uraud inland. Neb. 1'Ll-U
I7CK SALE Cheap n second hind hltfli top bny ,
JT Inqulru at Bluipaeu'a Carriage loctory , UcWe ,
between 14th and 15ib. tan-u
pOll SALB A whslo took ol oiotbing , boots an
1 shocu , building * at oo t , retiring from liuauiuaa.
U. H. 1'eternoa 804 south Tenth street. m-3in
OR UALE Two open teoonuc.d
F one Jtnverv w o.i , no(4.p , > lt ! .
\Yill bi > y an Ice dinner A t f waru and
n H'stiu | > eaat llood > ' Clilua owsrc , cinntOr
kltlianil ilaicn ort. H.I.I
'IUKF rW ° "o black hrrfo foor. white f ( tj ,
X wnll'jfo : * , 10 ) South JUh St. KXI-5tl w
A yourg rid I Uh Bolter b UJA tullabl *
JmwarJ il' bt. paid for InlomiatluiKr tor r 'iirn
T > UUIIElt HTAMPS On y manufaiturura In Omaha'
XX IVcw Prlutln Co. tOZ-tl
[ : T ult , elnV-jand cwny.cj3 thl
PiVI notice a > d at any tree of Ihe c'oy , In on ,
futlulyonltrlw * wrjr without t ! * lea"t mtJef atlon.
cciupviUcr ntly bori , with , our luipmaea and >
o > lcrltuappar.tu . A , Kvans A Co. , 101 Canltili
r * . COt U.cJl ,
Al tbo oU etand Hit Farnain ( .S4rei.
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