Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1884, Image 2

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17 81. Clinrlcs S . , S . I.onls , Jfo.
irf.tol r r flo i * rt i . hutwo lonwr
i > r > J"Hn ttiitw' ilrr lmatnf C < w JilitntB tl
/Ibi ) Ilionn nui.mkan m clhft I'hJ.lflinlD Bt.u U
M flit r rri h"w nfi i.l M4 i ldfni < know.
Ner ou Pioslrallon. Deblillr , Mentil Jnd
PhvilcM Wianness Me rcurUI and other Aflr-c-
lions ol Throat. Skin or Denes , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores ind Ulcers , n irotM lti i > rtr li i l
wrrr.i , on lilwl Itlrmitig rrlbtl'- , ft fit , rnr l l ; .
Disease * Arising ( rum Indiscretion , Excel * ,
Eipottrre or lnduiencc , birh pr ° n > > " > " ' t > *
hMo-IBf rflMHi I > C'"O > IIF < I , dfhllilj , 111 M of.IlM
rrnderlng Murrlmr" Improper or unutnrr ,
prrm oallf turn ) , r mrtilriM ( r ) OQ Ibe w > tdMM
Uir.lfd fntfltp. , frfflo hf clflrr t Oniolullo. l f.
QMorttaftll rrff , unfllnTllv l. W rlt * rar tmUont.
A Positive Wrirren Guarantee
iHrri la ill eomtlA . M < .dleln i * tnl em ; her .
, Encll.h Uerroan , 04 - - - "
r . mphlets . or p--
- ies laznaleor foma
lllturuM In el tl a4tmtl > 4lii
, none ? r r ° i Mt i fi' | ' < 'r Mtf , 3V. Tbli b ot
aUlDI H ! ' rnrltoi , itoolifol or UqtUltltt vul u
ow. A pock or ireit | nl rul lo tlU Jlcinh. DM * ! *
VIII nnrlfr tlio DLOODt'rcpn *
late tlii- LIVER nml KIDNEVB.
nnd vioOH of YODTIf Urn-
Miiln , Want of Appetite , In-
tlgr'tlnn , Inek ul HlrcnRtli ,
* nd'l Ire1' KSnKali oliitcly
cured , lloncn , luutclfinnil
iiprvrn rccclva now force.
. Ki.llvvna Iho inliiil and
nnpullca llralu 1'iiwcr.
, . SnlTcrliis from complaints
' iiputillartii ilirlrscx will
* pcedy euro. I | | TC clear , licnUhy complexion.
Frequent trmpt at Ovmt iHliiK ; only add
to Iho popularity of tlio orlnliml. 1)6 not ozpcrl'
- ' ' . ,
Hiind rouriuldn > Mlo-nm Dr. HnrtnrMed Oo. .V 1
ui. Mo. , for our "DKI'-AM IIOOK. " ft.f
Btraoio nml u etnl.liifotmitijon , lna. J
Science of Life Only $ 100
EihuMtod Vitality , tforvons and PhrulaJ Dobllllj
iPromaturo Decline tn Uan , Krrorsof Youth , and the. .
Mntold mlserloa resulting from Indiscretions or 01.
OOMOS. A book for every man , young , middle agrd
and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all atmt
nd chronlo diseases each ono ot Which Is Invaluable.
80 found by the Author , whoso experience for 17
years Is such an probably never Micro toll to the lot ,
of any physician. 800 page , bound in beautiful
French mutlln ompoeeod covers , full , gilt guaranteed
to boa finer work In every oenso , machaolcal , lit-
orory and prof ceslor o,1 , than any ether work sold In
> thls country for tiW , or tbo money will bo refunded
In every Instance. I'rloo only f 1,00 by mall , post
ipald. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Bond now. Gold
> medat awarded the author by tbo National Uodlcal
Association , to the officers of which ho refers.
The Science ot Lifo should bo read by the VOQDI
for Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief. It will
twncflt all. London Lanoot.
There Is no member ot society to whom The Bat-
cnooof Lfo will not bo useful , whether youth , par *
< int. Kuarulan , Instruotor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address tbo Peabody Uodlcal Ink.ltuto , or , Dr. W(1
II. Parker , No. 4 Uulflncb Street , Itpatoa , MMH. , who
may bo consulted on all diseases requiring ( kill and
oxporlcnoo. Chronlo and obstinate ulseaaos that riavt
baffled tbo skill ot all other phys-IICR I'olans ,
opodaltyt Such treated luoooM-nCnL lolly
wlthbM an Initanco ot failure. TUVCCTC
18th and Capitol Avenno , treats all OMca Grip
plod or Deformed , also dlieaieg ot It
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
All eases of Cnrvatoro of the Bptne , Crooked Feet
1/ezs atid Anus , Dlaoaios of the Illp , Knov , anil
Auxlo Joints. Also Chronlo affections of the Liver
Uhuumatlsm , Paralysis , Illcs , Ulceri , Catarrh , Asth
roa and lironohltls are all treated bjr new and suo-
ocssful methods. AH illsoascs of tno Ulood and Urln-
ry Organs , Including thOM rvonltlng from Ini Isoro *
t Ion , or exposure , are safoli and suooessfully treated
nd a euro irutiantood. Young men , rulciulo aged ,
And old men tutferln from Weakness and Norvoul
ihaiutlon , produddk indigestion , Palpitation ol the
QCart , Deipondcnoy Dlulnesa , Loss of Momory.Look
of Energy and Ambition , can bo restored to health
And vigor , U case Is not too long neglected
Tbo Burgeon In charge Is a graduate of Jcflor-
son Medical College 1808) ) and bai studied hli
. profession In London , Parl * and Derlln. If afflicted ,
tailor write fall description of your case , and raodl-
dno mar bo sent you. Consultation frco. Ad drei
Omaha Dispensary , Crounso's lilock , Omaha , Neb.
Office hours JO-IS a. m-l-B and 7-8 p , ra EDDday * .
.10 a m.
< 4.Bend for Ueatlso eftber OD mala dlsoaso or
Imported Beer
Erlong'er , . Bavaria
Calmbacher , . . , . Bavaria
IPibner . t . * Bohemian.
Raiser . . .Brftmea
BadvrexBer . St , Louis.
Auhauser. . . . - .St. Louis.
. Milwmke * .
iSolilitz-PilBner - . Milwaukee
, ruc'B ; . Omaha
Alo. Porter. Domestic and Rhine
Wine. TD. MAU11KR ,
1213 Farnam St
An liiterejtlne truitliM ) on Dlood and Skin nlwn o
nrlll IxnaalUxlfrratoinyone uho will bond tliflr ad
1rt to IUcbMirtHpccl6cCi.Drttwr3. Atlunta.Ui
Ooaldootbuv from mo what tiwIff * Hjxdflo has
dooo for rue Itcuridmo of Horofula In IU wort
< onnitt r I had suf ( redwltb UCItcen Ionjfan
dnd IIK' ' tiled all thu reinedltn , only IP Lr ak dcmu
uy U JUi and iu V e alicot Ito'i'lfm. '
Una. Euiiuitn IUKKR ,
AcworthUa. , Julyli , IBSI
' asme elibt T an syo Itecams tlio > lctlm of afuar
ful Ulood I'olion , comuunfoatod bi unr o to ray
li.fant , anltlatic * tbrouirh the brea t aid futfertd
for > Ii lonyvwr * The Uircur' and I'otub treat
lucut e uud to d'ltv tlm uol-ou further Into in
tftta Oily to break out In worx > fvuicuotbe
pprUoul ol luy l Ihreo m-inths agu I begar
liklnir "wtft'i Bpcdflr , and It hat ovred mo louiu
i ud w IL It It lb gicatttt Uwalng wbcb lit * coin
to irmuklod In Jt rs. Hsu Tt > V. L ,
Yollnwfttono 1'nrk , Civil Bcrvlco nml
rent Ion ( i na Treated In Score.
tarjr Teller' * Jtrpori.
( Continued from yesterday )
The report of the commissioner of pentlom
Bliown that nt tlin cloao of tlio fiscal year 1881
tlioro were 32i"GO punsionern , classified M fol.
low * ! t
Army invalids 218.0M
Army widows , minor chtldron and dependent -
pendent relatives 75,830
iNavyinvalid * J,01C !
Navy widow * , minor children nnd de
pendent relatives 1,038
Survivors ot tlio wur of 1812 3,8I8 !
Widow * if thof.0 who nerved In Iho
otl812 10,612
There WITO oddtd to this roll during tlio
year the names of 21,102 now pensioners , aid
1,221 , praviously dropi > cd were restored to the
rolls , making in thn nKrCRato tri,413 ; nnd 1C , .
315 wora dropped for various canocx , bring a
not increase on tlio roll of 10,098.
The avortao annual vnluo of each pontion nt
the dona ol the yrnr Is $100 7f > , mil tha npfjro-
gata value of all ponBloni is $31,45C,000'I5 , an
incrcaxo over llko value for the piuvloug year
of 92,211li7.ft. . .
The amount paid for ponsiouB during the
year U $50,008.00. exceeding , an will \ta \ ob-
nerved , the annual value ot ponnionn Rovoral
millions of dollarn , which represent * the first
payment * , gcnorally In now clalmn , am
known an nrra-irs of ncnslonn. The nmouol
jiaid during the year to 'H,307 now ponnloncrs
IVOR $23-ll.81C.10. ; ) ncd tlioro remained In the
lands of tno lovernlt pension Konts 7,203
: a CH nf this cities unpaid , In which there wan
luo $ < , < Jl0.000.05.
The details of tliono itntemenlii will bo
ound In table 1 of the commiefttonor'a report ,
ilnco 1801 there have been filed 1127,065 clainiB
or ponnions ; of this ntimlior , Clft,130 have
> ccn allowed. About 82 per cent ot thu whole
lumbur now pondlog nro awaiting the action
if the claimant ) ) or their witnesBCH on tinan-
worod calU fiom the pcnnlon ollico. Slnco
" " the totil amount aluburiod for ponniuna
, , .
Two hundred nnd forty special pxamlnora
ere nployodlu the Hold , Congress at its
ast eossion authorized the employment of an
iddltlonal force of ono hundred and fifty ,
'ho ' system of special examination apjmars to
ave Riven great natlsfnctlon to the claimants
ml tno cillico.
The appeals from the commissioner of pon-
ons to the secretary were , during the liscal
oar 1883 , 740 , during the past year , 1 GIG.
The act of January 25 , 187 ! , provided |
That all pensions which have boon granted
oder the general laws rrRulallnp pensions , or
my hereafter bo granted in consequence of
oath from a causa which origlnatud in the
10 United HUtts turvico during the contlnti-
nco of the late wur of the rebel ion or in
oneoijuouco of wounds. Injuries , or disuaee ro-
elvod or contracted in said norvlco duiUg
aid war of rebellion , uliall commence from
m data of the death discharge from Bald
rvico of the person on whoso account the
aim has beenor thall bcreaftor bo granted ,
r from the termination of the right of the
arty haring prior title to such pension.
In an net entitled "An act making appro-
riatious for the payment of the arrears of
mMons granted by net of congrosH"approved
orch II , 1870 , It was provided as follows :
All pensions which have boon , or which
ay horcrcaftcr bo , granted In coiscquonco of
oath occurring from n causa which'originated
n the eorvlco fiincn the Ith day of March ,
! 01 , or in conscqnonco ot wounds or Injuries
cclvod or disease contracted Hinco that data ,
mil commence from the death or discharge of
10 person on whoso account the claim han
> eon or Is hereafter granted , If thu disability
: currcd prior to discharge , and If such ilis-
jilily occurred alter the dtnchargo , then from
10 iiata of actual disability , or from the
irmlnatlon of the right of party having prior
Uo to such pension : Provided , The applica-
on for Hucli pension has been or is hereafter
od with the commissioner of pensions prior
o the 1st day of July. 1880 , othorwinn the
ension shall commence from the datn of filing
le application ; but the limitation heroin pro-
crlbed shall not apply to claims by or in bo-
alf of Insane persons and children uudor
xtoon years of ago.
Thus i4l pontons applying for pensions prior
a July 1,1)880 ) , nro entitled to pension from
10 time of discharge or tto death of tlio por-
on on whoso account tlio claim U made , un-
ens the disability occurred after discharge.
n all claims mada subsequent to that data
10 pension must commence frqjn the tune of
10 tiling of the application. No good reasons
in bo given why the claimants who filu their
aims after July 1 , 1880 , ought not to receive
icir pensions from the ttnio of discharge if
uch disability than existed , or if not then ox-
sting , from the such disability i rlgln-
Led. It in but just that all porronn who are
bio to ostablUh the right to receive n ponilon
louldibo treated alllco with reference to thnu
f the commencement thereof.
It has boon urged In favor of this limitation
lat the largo amount of arrears Is an induce-
nont to applicants to apply and secure a pan.
on , and that the large amount to bo realized
s a temntation to commit fraud on the frov-
rurnont by immirn of false witnesses.
The government has the means of delecting
rand If attempted , and injustice should not
0 done to the doeorvlng and needy soldier for
iar the government may in some few in-
jxncen bo irrpoBod upon aud compelled t > pay
pension to which the soldier is not justly on-
tied. It is impossible fur n soldier to secure
petition lor disabilities not existing ; it it
[ ton , however , a question whether tucli dlsa-
ility Is or is tint tlio result of eervlco in the
no of duty , The ruU'x of the ponulon for thu
atormlnation of thli question nru tinfliciently
.rlct , nud with n proper adniinlstrallun of the
ITuIrs of that ollico very few pensions will bo
Howvd partial not entitled to receive the
amo. It is to bo hoped that the limitations
nposod by the net of March a , 1879 , will be
opvalod ,
* * * *
During the year additional leases of ground
within the park for hotel purposes have boon
ranted ; onuBlto at the Ixr.vcr ( loysor liasiu ,
x ) U. W. Marshall and the other to Jnhn 1' .
rnnoy , nt what is known ns IMeasaut Valley
n the mall route from Mammoth Hot Springs
, < > Cooke , Mont , Houses at these places , to
ether with the hotel nt Mammoth Hut
prlngs and temporary camps at other irnlnts
1 intercut , weru open for the entertainment of
Isitors during thu past season. _
In granting looses no exclusive privllegov
lave bvvu given to any person or company ,
Ither in terms or In ulfoct , nnd in all cusos
oudltieni have been inipost > d Intvnded t'o no-
uru suitable provision for the comfort of
ourists , and at the samp time by reserving
o the department the right to regulate the
barged for such service , to prment nny cvor-
harRo No complaint of violation of such
oonditioni on the part of the husoes has been
ecelved , The legislature of Wyoming at Its
ast session uiado provUIou for justices of the
> oaco and constables for duty in the park ,
vhoso presence and aid will contribute ma
terially toward preventing infractions of Uw ,
aud of the regulations fur the protection ol
; amo and objects of Intercut In the park ,
At the tlmo of the pastngo o the act en-
it led "An act to mnilata nnd improve the
civil service of the United Btutoi , " it WM
urged M an objection to it that thn examinu-
.ions would bo of such technical character as
ja exclude Irom the lurvlcu all exctMit
those who have had the advantages of n lib
eral education. The exieilonco { of nearly ono
year and a half has demonstrated that tlieao
loart were groundless , and that the examina
tions havn been conducted on u aouud and
builnwa llko basin , calculated to nccuro fill
cleut olerki for the vnnum grtdeH of the pub
llo Borvico. Quito a nuinlx'r of the employes
of the gn\ernmonk , occupying Crudes below
the clastifled service , have been found qual
I lied for higher grades by the examiimtloni of
the commUtloii , No cull was made from the
Interior depirtmont on the civil serv leu com.
inlstluu to till vacancies occurring In the cler
ical ferro u til May. 1881 , because nt the
time of tlio paMig t'l ' the act there w ru em
ployed in the comus ulllco a largo tminbor ol
truluf d and etM'rlnucml ) clerks from \\lilrh I
( finildeit-d It a duty to the public tcrvlcett
elect to till the vacancies occurring In oilier
bureaus of thn dop.rtment.
Originally the foico of the censim ollico con
M ted of about eighteen hundred perciiuti as
tlm work of that ollico advmict'd toward * com
uletlon tht-ru w a nm-tgury n-ductiui
In the force ) name were dlichaigixl
others tr mferi < d tj other bureaut until the
I th of July , 1683 , when tlm force bid ik >
nrbiied to nlxmt one hund'ud and o enty
five. lu niaVlui ; trailer * and dl > uhaifriM th
moil elllcient and > ulu bl clerks had Wen
rt-UineJ , aud It Ii doubtful whether ther
conld have been found In the employment o
this or any other government moro tnut
worthy nnd capable clerks than 'constitute
this forco. I did not think it advisable t
llow a disciplined force of this diameter t
DO lout to tin- government , and when any portion
tion of this force could bo cpir d from th
work of the cnsus ollico I filled the vocincie
occurring In the several biirpaus of the doparl
runnt from surh forco. This was done wit
the aj proval of the board of Lit ! ) service com
tnlMionrrs ,
Slnco tlio 2'U of May laflt there have been
anjmlntod In tlio poveral bureaus of the de
partment through Iho tlvil fervlca commlntlon
u total of two hundred and thirteen clerks
npyintft and special examiner" . All person
engaged in clerical work have boon hrouah
within the clarified ( ervice , sa\o only those cs
tiaclally rxcvptrdby tlnHntutoan
thereunder. Thus the clasdfiod'ecrvlco in th
Interior department Includes all clerks of cl/n
ono , two , three , four , clerks receiving a salar
of $1,000 , and nil copyist * receiving a * alar
of S900 and S720.
Of the number appointed I believe the mo *
have proved themselves efficient nnd valuable
clerks , but the length of tlioir rorvlco has been
too short to speak with confidence as to their
fitness for the work assigned to them. Tlio
law has In n great meniuro relieved the do
partimnt of _ Una itnportunltlea of nppllcanti
> nil their friends for position * , and will , 1
think , when It Ii fully understood , save the
tends of the department much time heretofore
est In listening to appeals fnr i > osltions when
t VTM impossible to comply with such ro-
Itirsti. I think the system a valuable ono ,
and ono that should have the hearty support
of both executive and legislative departments
of the government.
government.H. . M. TKU.KII , Secretary.
CIUIHO for Declining , f
It was love at first night , and the youth
To his ardor at once gave the rein.
Ho was eager and bold , and , In truth ,
Not n little presuming and vain.
"All this paision nnd fervor of love
Is sudden , " ho said ; "I must own it ,
lint e'en though you may not approve ,
Your kindness , I'm sure , will condone It. "
'lint sir" " " ho ' "
, "Nay , whispered' "my sweet ,
To piudoncc allow no concessions ;
"hicouratro , 1 beg and entreat ,
Your heart and Its tender confesBioiu.
Tin wall for the old to bo wise
And discreet , but trust mo ; the duly
Jf youth is to love , nnd your eyes
Kovaal all its fervor nnd beauty.
'And , dearest , that blush BO dlvlno
licllos all indignant emotion ;
Consent , then , nt once to be tnlno.
And sanction my boundless devotion. "
' .hut , " she said , "I beg to decline
Your love , although sweet oa the daisied.
The cause ? Oh , that husband of mine
And my throa little , dear , darlln ? babies , '
-10. H. T. In Washington Hatchet.
1'lorrnco fiornrd will return to England
Next noason Joseph JolTcrson will roviiit
London professionally.
Majurln Manner has left linrtloy Oampboll'a
'Separation" company.
Minnie l'nlr. < .or returns to Brooklyn during
faster week at an Increased percentage.
Mra. Langtry will awitno the management
f the 1'rlncoss Theatre , London , Jan. 17.
Lately nt San Francisco Miss Alfa Norman
apturod the musicians by her artistic Zorlinn
n "Km Dlavolo. "
Henry B. Abbey has contracted with Mary
Vndcrson and Mr. Terries for n tour of this
ountry noxteo.von.
The American dramit lion ucorcd another
rluuiph In England. "Young Mrs. Win-
hrop" ban mndu a hit at the Court Theater ,
Mmo. Sombrich created a furore na Kosinn ,
u "Tho Barber of Sovlllo , " nt the I'aris
talian during the post week nnd Signor
. 'orrujlni made n bit as Almaviva ,
Charlotte Thompson , who follows Henry
rving at the Star theatre , has purchased a
low play called "Phyllis ; or , the Storm of
juow. " which she Intends producing during
lor Mow York engagement.
In London when "Pinafore" is played , Gil-
) ort , tbo author , becomes so affected that ho
; aunot remain In the Riidlonto , It Is un-
ortunato , however that when hm later work ,
.ho TrincoBS , " la played , the nudlenco bo-
: oracB affected in the sama way ,
Victoria Morosinl has made a contract with
lustivo Ainborg to sing in concerts through-
) ut the United States. The contract provides
or un engagement of three nionths. during
vhlchMrs. Ilulskami ) is to sing in thouorman ,
taliau and i'ronch languages.
It is said that the role of Almaviva in "II
Jsrbiero , " for which M. Mnurel , of the Paris
talian opera , has long been seeking a suitable
onor , will bo confided to Sinner Perugini
Mr. John Chattorson ) , who has nuns : the part
n Milan nnd America.
Lately at the Theatre Do In Monnulo , Brus-
oh , in the first act of "La Julve"nhorse ,
vhlch play.s a principal part in the scene ,
row alarmed nnd restless , and almost n panic
nsuod. Ono person foil fainting in the
rchoetra , nnd the musicians withdrew with
11 possible promptness. Women shiiokud ,
ind many people ruahsd Into the corridors.
Great pron.-vrations are being made in Den-
cnrk and Norway to colebrnto the centenary
if the birth of Ludvig Holberg , the father of
he Danish ntago , Docon.ber 3. Holberg was
joru in lierjtou , Norway , where n statue of
lim will ha viiivei'.cd on his I Irthdny. Ho set-
led down , however , In Copenhagen , where ho
tudlod and took his degree. He was n poet ,
Iramatist , historian and philosopher.
Madame Jnnauschok baa improved greatly
n health during her recent rest , nnd uoutiu-
ien her season , beginning at the Haverly tho-
itor , Chicago , on the 0th. The play "My
Ma , " bus boon materially changed siuco ita
ir < t porfornmncd. An entirely new first act
lag been written , comudy has boon introduced
rum the beginning , and the star is in the firm
juhof that tbo public will llko the piece.
The Pall Mall Gazette sayr : "Hjorn Bjorn-
ion , a son of the celebrated Norwegian poet ,
Iramatist and patriot , has recently m.xilo an
diiuut unimralloled srnnatien in Clirn-tlunt by
ds performance of HhakeMiouru'ij 'Richftul
III. " This ynuni' actur studied his art In the
Mi-hunger company , with whom ho uppeurcd
lining tholr memorable Euanen ntDrury Lnnu
Tliu ciirluus in such mutter * may find In. the
) sgeu of Punch n caricature of him in thn put
if thu Herald in "A Winter's Tnlu. " H has
: iow returned to his imtlvo country and Inn-
'iiage , and has assumed the Hieido direction
jf the CliriKtUnla theater , where htt is auld to
mvo infused now lifo into a company which
ucludixl rxcollont talents , but , had sunk into
i rather comatose condition. "
As the coming of n great atom is her-
\ldod by the display of cautionary signals ,
10 Is the approach of that dread
jud fatal disaaao Consumption
of the Lungs , usually announced in ad *
vance by pimples , blotches , eruptions , ul >
corn , glandular swellings , and kindred
outward manifestations of the internal
blood poison , which , if not promptly expelled -
polled from the system , attacks the deli
cate tlssuos of the lungs , causing them to
ulcerate and break down , Dr. Fiorco's
"Golden Medical Discovery" is the great
remedy for this , as for nil diseases having
their origin iu bad blood. IK improve
the appetite and digestion , increases nu
trition aud builds up the wasted system
Ready-made houses imported from
America are lolling aa a novelty at
Huonos Ayres , and it is thought that a
largo trade In them will bo developed.
AiiRoatura IllttorH , the worM rouownot )
nppollior aud Invigorator. Used now over
the whole civilized world. Try U , but beware
of Imitations , Auk your grocer or druggist for
tlm genuine article , manufactured by Dr. J.
U B , cilo ort & Hun *
J. N. Urueu of Moniuouth , III. , wide
ly known throughout the west fcom his
large interests iu lands and cattle , U
The Philodulphia Record claims the
orrnl suspension ! tti that state during the
ye r huvo caused a less of SUl.y'JT.TM
The QincinnnU deputy marshals opt
the county 81-1,000 for salaries wide
from the uthor trouble they made ,
Tlio Itollot.3knlln Mnnln.
I ve oft bocn to the < ircu .
I ikovtUe the tmnUtf I Miow ,
But now jt'n unto ths teller
Skallng-rlnk I go.
Sometimes upon lh rollers
I shoot ncto' the floor ;
Sometime * upon my spinal-
Column I drop and roar.
Sometimes It urcms thn planking
From timler mo swiftly goei ,
And then 1 go it eliding
Along upon my nose.
I'm jnst ono maM of nbroslona ,
My facial brnuty's marred ;
About me I have enough splinters
To start a lumber-yard ,
I've knockfd out several grindori ,
I'm sprained , nnd sad , nnd sere ;
But I'll stick to roller skating ,
For I llko It moro nnd moro
Hach day that I don the rollers ,
And I ahnll lika it while
It bounces mo round like a foot ball ,
Because It Ii all the stylo.
-Puck. [
Freckles nro in fashion in Kngland.
Young lady physicians are multiplying In
American gold pieces nro now the fashion *
able banglo.
Fast colors in blun are favotltes for windy
weather hats.
A new necklace Is of panties and vloleta in
enameled gold ,
Ono of the now engagement rings has a
garnet heart on It.
Bronze slippers ind royal cardinal silk hose
are popular for afternoon wear at homo.
Shoes with cloth tipper ? , the tops bordered
> y fur , are favored by chool-girls over fifteen.
The diamond necklace eivon by Mr. Orm
Wilson to his brldo is said to have cost $70.-
Chicago girls donottakoso well with t ho
coachmen nn they do with the footmen.
Boston Bulletin.
Fencing Is nulto a fashionable accomplishment
mont among Frenchwomen , many of whom
are quite expert with the foils.
A lady of ( iynetlo county , On. , died on
Tuesday , nftor having lived In her father's
loueo ten years without speaking to him ,
A lady writer &ayn that skating is not good
or girls ; It turns their hoads. She probably
aw them when looking for a place to sit
"Vory comfortable and ladylilto are the ele-
: ant 1'fonch jxillsBcj for winter _ wear com
) o td of brocaded velvet In medium-sized pat
cms and of many dark-toned shades.
Littlecashbags mndo of bright silk arts hold
o the belt by a tiny br.vfl or gold chain , They
ire gathered nt the top by nn elastic , nnd nro
i/nsidorcd convenient as veil as pretty.
Choice sprays of rhadcd velvet tlowcra up.
> e.-\r upon BOIEO of the moat elegant little
pera bonnets from Paris. Exquisitely tinted
Caen , thorns , etoms nnd foliage nro favorite
Homo now handkerchiefs nro mndo of toft
ilk in tbo shape of an octagon , in bright plaid
olors They are worn about the nock inside
t cloth jacket , and nro especially becoming to
Heavy woolen basket cloth fabrics , com
bined with silk finish velveteen ? , nro in great
vogue for stylish walking costumes. Tbo
nuff nnd French cap bonnet invariably cor-
oa pond.
Mrs. Lowner , wife of Colonel I/owner , of
'ort Totten , li ono of the best shots in Da
cota. She has killed 114 prnirie chickens this
all , and the first doer ever brought down on
\Iooso \ rivor.
It is said that a dashing young widow of
Philadelphia is to give a ball this winter nt
which no ladles but widows will bo present.
Tlioy havrt a prudgo against eomo young
narrlod ladies who didn't invite them to their
Ice cream seta In cut glass have square
aucors. Too badl This will prevent the
iris from scraping 'round the dish with the
puon , a delicate way they now have of hint-
ng that moro would not be unacceptable.
Lowell Citizen.
A fair maiden of ICeokuk , Iowa , haying
) eon jilted by the head waiter of n hotelwont
o shoot him , whereupon in the moat ungal-
ant manner poiaiblr , he skillfully shied a
ilato nt her head nnd knocked her down. She
ays bo is a gay dish-heaver.
Many of tbo season's dresses are made en-
irely of striped materials , but most ladles
refer askitt of this fabric alone with over-
ress and bodice of self color , repeating tlio
ui of the strlpa which proves the most bo
oming to the wearer.
A novel auction will soon tnko place nt San
'rancUcb , _ Some tlmo ago n lady near that
ity gave birth to triplets , and now she pro-
oses to give the privilege of naming the
tree children to the person who casts the
Ighest number of votes at t5 n vote ,
"When I die , " exclaimed a lively girl In a
Boston boarding school , "I don't want to bo
ut away in a lonesome corner of a gloomy
emetery. I would rather they would bury
no under a nllrond track , so that I inleht bo
hero there was something going on all the
me. "
The fall and winter stvloa for lailioa' hair
Irufsing are very becomln ? . The hair Is
Ightly waved and looped in graceful bows on
lie top of tto head ; tbo figure 8 being the
vvorlto btylo lor ordinary wear , a fnw light
urls fringing the nape of the neck ,
Kllou Ashman ) , of Bridgeport , Pa , lost her
oice through f carlot fever nnd spoke in whls-
or for twelve years. She became a prosper-
us milliner iu Ohio , ami lately when some of
or rmployt'n grew rebellious , MIHH Aelmiore
exclaimed "O darn thine "
uddenly , , girls !
Inco then her voice has been perfectly
Thu front hair is arranged in light cnilj or
raves , In the style i moat becoming to tbo
ice. Front coiftbrcs , innda of waves and
urls woven on Invisible lace , dressed In dif-
erent styles , are becoming n regular article of
rearing aupurel ; BOH.O Indies having as many
s half u dozen , that they may have a change
ir uvery day of the week ,
Amougnew millinery goods nra French felt
otted with chenille and trimmed around the
rims with puttings of velvet to ccrrrspond.
'elt bonnets are pretty and comfortable for
enoral winter wear , and tin now cl > no prlu
Maes shapes nro very becoming to mnst faces ,
'ha return to a compurutlvo simplicity in bat
nd boimtt thapwi in to bo balled with the
reatDbt satisfaction ,
Ladies who think it becoming may add a
eng wave curled about two inches at tbo end
ilunf d In the ottiter of the back hair , fulling
rracefiillv on the ( boulder BO as to bo icen
ram the front ; another rbort wavy curl pinned
ver thu Ion ? curl rotlmt thu end of It stops at
bo nape of th9 neck. This is quite uew , and
ooks well on a long nock.
At stylish wedding whlih took place in
Vew York last Wednesday , very tall and
la'ndsome girl wore n diets of Noax | > lltnn car-
llual very deep in thade , and a long French
> o1onalso abuve of thonmo rhtde trimmed
with maiabout bunds. He bonnet w&sa mus
it glittering ruby bead" , with cardinal aigrette
nwdered with gold. The bi Ida were a dress
if pearl white satin brocade , trimmed with
learl-bcadiHl passomeuteries ; aud tlm six
irldesnmida wore short droHtes of pink and
whlta striped satin , thn wbitoatrlpe brocadoil
with rorobudi nnd fine follugo dott d in tiny
clusters through the ( tripe Ono of Iho most
elegant toilets worn was made of mauve-tinted
sitin broruded with blush roi > es. The Joia-
ihino corsage wa0ilod uith berth * of
; ioint lace , aud the sleeves were consiilcuom
: iy their abirnco. Tbo truin vrns nearly Ibreo
jards in length.
Tlio Kcmivo nutle
A festivn duJa came Into our sanctum ,
lln had n i > ot > m ; wo kindly thanktuin.
With the uffiw club wo gently jiUuktum
Ovtr tlio top of hit pi iz * unkiuui.
HflKwure nn oath wliluh ouudt ) like bUnktum
Andv'oznlat us Ilka a dinged old crauktum
And thsrj then was u v fancy inimrsanctum
llojdo not mioVe. The average Ufa of a
loo'tmutlvo is only thirty yeara.
Thu dentists' name * wilUoon belneveiy
bujy'4 utuuti-atutu | d on fn'so tec-lh
With pjUr bears at ? 1,000 , each and oetnah
at $120 A dozen , It i no wonder th
tramp can't save money.
SUtI tlcan ! sajit tint black eyes are in
cretin ? iu I nropc , This f > enms strange I
view of the ( act that reports of spirrin
matches over theio have failed to reach un ,
A Now York man advprtiifn for "a thoit
sand bushpN of old rubier overnhoen , f nc
prices pail. " It is said ho is in tlio chawin
gum butlnesfl. .
It l anserted that St. John never has any
thin ; stronger than water on his table. If
nvidnntly doesn't use western butter. [ Yon
kern Statesman ,
A Jack's valley ranchman h i lasted th
following threat-nine notice ; "If any man'
or woman' * kuwn or oxn < geti In tlio ooats , hi
or her's tail will bo cut off , as the case may
A Montreal barber announces thnt bo 11 a
"tonsorial nrtlst , physiognomical hair dresser
facial operator , cranium manipulator and ca
pillary hbridger. "
An army olllcci declares that the laries
creature on earth Is the regular roldler. It I
plain ta bo seen that this man hae never made
the ac > | uaintanca of the diUrlct t.lcgrapl
llubber gloves to protect the hands while
washing dishes ard offered nt Sl.fiO n pair
M lstresscs will now have to answer another
question : "Hnvo yez rubber glovei ? "
The Oil City Darrick asks : "What IK a
pelerine ? " As buttormo is bogus butler wo
Bupposn a polcrlno Is n bogus paler , But even
niter this explanation wo euppoco somebody
will Up ntupld onoueli to want to know what a
noler is. [ Host n Post.
"Ndver cat and drink at the same time , " Is
the ndvlco given by a Munich savant to fat
people who winh to reduce their bulk. This
Kppoars to be an underhand blowmmed _ nt one
) f the noblest of our American institutions
.ho bar-room free lunch.
Country editors will find that their cord
rood subscriptions this winter will prove the
M > st of the lot. Pumpkins make very good
lies , we admit ; but thay never seam to keep
up very good fire , [ Chicago Sun ,
_ At least ono branch of business ban improved
linco the election. The settlement of funny
> ets has created a great demand for wheel-
> arrows.
"Havo you been going out into society much
his Benson ? " asked an Austin dude of a'frlond.
'Well I should tmilo. I went to three balls
n ono evening last week. " "How did you
nanaga to get tickets ? " "Tho manager g > vo
horn to mo. He is a Hebrew named
Schwartzmeyer , and keeps a pawnbroker shop
on Austin avenue , " [ Terns Sittings.
' \Vintcr is corning on and nil far-seeing will
> o iu to make preparations. Wo have made
ours. On our desk are four revolvers of the
most approved pattern , in our bolt is a mur-
lerous-looklng knife , vvhila on our loft is a
intllng gun trained on the entrance to the
anctiim. The idea is to give a proper recop-
ion to the first nnthor i f an alleged poem on
'The Beautiful Snow. [ Hartford Sunday
'ournal. '
The following testimonial of a certain put-
ont medicine npcnks for itself : "Dear sir Two
lion tin ago my wife could scarcely cpsnk.
She has taken two bottles of your 'Life Ko-
nowcr' and now she can't speak at nil. Please
end mo two moro bottles. I wouldn't bo
without It. "
"My dear sir. "said a venerable old gentle1
man to a convict in the penitentiary , "It
rieves mo to BOO you hero. "
"It ( iiioves mo to bo hero" responded the
convict with Feeling.
"Tho world Is full of opportunities for in
elligent young men like you If you would but
avail yourself of them , If you had let turn
[ tlooonnd applied yourself to business you
wouldn't bo hero now. "
"I never drank a drop of liijuor in my lifo.
n fact , it was toocloio application to busi
ness that brought mo bore. "
"Ah , no , " raid the old man sadly , ' 'that is
lardly possible. What was the nature of your
wsinesa ? "
"I was a burglar , sir. "
"TimeVorkH Wonders. "
So does Brown's Iron Bitters , the true
rou Conic and restorer of wasted consti-
ntions. It la not a whisky tipple. It islet
lot a mere stimulant. It enriches thin
) lood , and given strength to weak consti-
ntlons. It renews disordered kidneys ,
t invigorates torpid livers. It establish
es digestion aud banishes headache. It
cattera chronin rheumatism and drives
nut dyspepsia. Mr. D. L. Nicuum , of
Springfield , Ohio , writes , "Brown's Iron
Jitters cured mo of dyspepsia , nervous
ness and wakefillness. " Mra. Isabella
Smith , of DucL-avillo , 8. 0. , says , "I was
jlagued with chronic rheumatism and
yspopsia Brown's Iron Bitters relieved
no of both. Ono dollar a boottlo.
Corn Planter Indiana have a hidden
oad mine aomowhero in Armstrong
ounty. Pa , , the wheroabonta of which
loy have known for years but refuse to
y Dr. Frazior's Magic Ointment. Cures ns
by magic : Pimples , Black Heads or Grubs ,
latches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
10 skin clear nnd beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
alt Khouin , Sere Nipples , Sere Lipa nnd old ,
) bsttnato Ulcers Sold by druggists , or
nailed on receipt price. 50 cents. Sold by
Culm & Co. nud 0. F. Goodmnn.
George E. "Wingate , assistant commia-
loner of the Scottish Ontario & Mani-
oba Land company , has absconded vrith
10,000. Spsculoting in Northwestern
undo was the caueo.
A CARD. Toallwh , it injuring from rron
ml IndUcrctlons of youth uonoui wealtn a , eirlj
< ! . - y , lo o ( u Dlioo < l , etc. . I UI lend1 rtclpi
tint will cure you , FBKE or CHARGE. ThU grral
tamniy wu fliKJOTtr J \ > y * ml lonery In flout !
Amrl a. Send eoll-addr tiol rnreloy * ta tlBT. J *
* uu T. IMUL * , Statloa D. K Vuik.
An alligator ten feet in lunglhvrhich
or years hits boon the terror of Jefferson
onnty , Ark. , was ln t week killed with n
luirgun by Miss Dottio L. Stcck , of
lollwood , I'a.
Ilood'a Snraaparilhi. acting through the
lood , reaches every part of the system ,
nd iu thia way positively cures catarrh.
A highly respected litdyof Flint , Mich ,
nlled upon a doctor there and wanted to
oil her body , to bo delivered after death
nd used for dissection in the interest of
) UKK.SIN , ready made , nutritious , eo
louncal , delicious. Nothing equal to
WHS over plFerud , aud it : tuv ariab
opnlar both at homo and abroad.
A letter addressed to a person at "In *
iunapolic , India , " meant for Indians ,
cached Indianapolis a few days ago
( tor having gone to India and back. It
was mailed August 12.
Itriinuliiiil Trnolu-n for
/'ouglu and Cold . "I do not sou bow It is
> o nililo for n public man to bu himself In
miter without this admirable old , " JUv. H ,
At tho. burning of the Brickett house
n Uaverhill , Maes. , a baby was thrown
out of the window and feather beds were
carefully carried down stairs.
A cyclonr , which on Saturday night
swept over tno plantations jtut above
Now Orli'una , Killed Mr. Mialarat , a
lirotlicr-in-luw of the French historian ,
Tun Vou-Ato UKLT can PANT , of Mrnhall
Michigan , oner tu eend their celebrated KLEO
niic VOLTAIC BELT aud other KLXCTIUO Af-
HLIANCKH 011 trial for thirty days , to mon
[ youuc or old ) utllirted with nervous debility ,
loiu of vlUlitv and manhood , and all kindred
troubles. Ainu for rheumatism , neuralgia ,
paralyiir , aud many other diseases , Completf
restoration to health , /-vigor and manhood
guaranteed. No rink incurred , as thirty days
trial is allowed. Write tutm bt once for illus
trated pami'tilnt free ,
Tins medicine , combining Iron with ptira
" KctKlile tonic * , oiilekly nml eomplctcly
> .urr * lj iiri ln , < mllRrtlnttVrnluimis
Impure Hlnoili UnliirliiL'lilllNtuidI''e\criH
tin ! NritrnlRliu
Itlsmi uiifulline remedy for Dlrcascsofthe
Kidney * nnd I.lvrr.
It Is Invaluable for DUcnic peculliir ta
< Vomon , and all who lead podentary live ? .
ltdoo < not Injure the teeth , came iiendnclie.oi
produce constipation vlhfr Iron tnctltflnr * 'o ,
Ucnrlclic ati'l purlfles the blood , stimulates
the api > etltc , aids the R < slmllatlon of food , to-
lleveH Heartburn nnd liddilng , and str nctli
tti < the tnii elos nnd nerves
For Intermittent KCVCM.awltude , lAck of
.Inerpy. Ac. , It has no ojuiu.
CA Tlio Rflitilno hni nlmvo trndo mnrk nnd
rowed red lines on wrapper. Tnko no other
4 oulf br 1111(111 H I IIEHleJL ( O. , IIALTIJIORH. rn
indundlsputellntue BROAD GLAItt
Ever offered to tlio public.
The itaamshlpa of this well-known line are bn'JI ol
ron , In water-tight oompartmcnts , and are fnrnlah
> d with every requisite to make the passage botb
afo and agreeable. They cany the United States
nd European malls , and leave New York Thurs
[ avgaiid Baturdajs for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
> > ourg , ( PARIS ) and QAMI1URO.
Rates : 8tccr > go from Europe only 118. Fire *
Cabin , ( EC , 805 and 976. Steerage , W > .
Henry Pundt , Mark Haneen , F X. Moores.U. Toflt
gcntsln Omaha , droncwesr 4 Schoontgen , agents In
Council Bldfls. O. D : RIOQARD & CO. , Goo. Pass
Agti. , 81 Broadway , N. T. Cbao. Kozmlnskl ft Co-
Qeneral Wentera Aeania , 170 Washington St. , Ohloa
J.yft Chartered by thcStateof 111' .
Iffhffinoia for theespresspurpose
Adiifofglvinpimmccliatc rcliclli ;
' ! > ) ' ? a" chronic , urinary ana prl-
ylKvate dlsccc * * * y r c rrr ,
complicated forms , also at'
discuses of the Skin and
Hlood promptly relieved and
pcrmanentlycured by remc-
' l > i > ecairracttce. Seminal
i. Nipht l.oisi .by Dreams , Pimples on
.he Face. Lost Manhood , ( . > isltlvtltieitrnlTlier6
iriiiirfi > rrii nn i < i. The appropriate )
j tonce used In each cyse. Consultations , per-
lonal or bv letter , sacredly confidential. Med >
'iocs sent bv Mall and Express. No marks oa
jacxuae to indicate contents or tender. Addresi
iMMMESNo.2U4WashngtonSt.ChtcagoIM ! ,
Nervous Debility , " , ; jn.ocr.ioo vmtou at. , N.T.
IlEMriYl''HEU A victim of ) oiitlifntiiiii > ruipnce
ruafhiK I'rninaturo Decay , iVirvouu JJcbml ; , Lost
Manhnml , , tc. , Jmvinc tried In vain evpry known
rnmpily.hnndlsro\ereil n HhutiltinunnKof Bnlf-curo ,
which he uill Hntnl I'HKIl to his followiiir rcrs.
AdJrctt , J.ll.HiiVis.J3ChalhaiiihU.New : York.
( VIM euro NervousnoBff , I.ttmbtiirn , RlietimatUm t'HralyHln ,
SeuralKlii , Kclntlra , KldlK'j. | IIIH ! llvtr ilihun L'
joiit , AMhnm. HuartdlNtMihe , DKpi ! * * ! * , f unhllimtl n i.r
iliwUt , , ( utarrh , l'lt it , ( .plletiitr liiinnt , > tii y I'nn It A , u .
rolHpini 1'tc'rl ' tp llnlyikckiitllli ! Hiidilr Hi n li > uii.r
ru lhat HPiidnlhit 1'lcitrUlly unit llir n < liIn
, ud&uil cuu bu roclianajil In KU iDBtunt by tit. * innlnii'
Wlntar laooniln ; , the season cf the year fcr nulio"
3'1 p lni. Invlowof this f Act wo say buy r no of
> r. llane's Kleotrlo Belts By BO doing jou will
rolJ Hho'im ln l , KHnyTrmbles and other III *
lat fleihli hH'rti. Do not d Uy , but call * tour
Iflog&ndeximlnoboltd , No. 1422 Douitlas street , or
I. K Goodman's , 1110 Farnam 6t.Onuhif Neb. Or-
era filled 0 O D
hnntz AUQIUIO * Co. , 01 uu , 0Mb
utoncster.N. T. , Capital . OCO.OOC
if erchants , of NewuV , N. J. , Capital l.SVt.CCO
itrdyiie.Phlladelrbla , > pltil . l.Sro ,0f
men's t-naA Cir'Ml ' . i ill. PI' '
Royal Havana Lottery I
) rawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12
to 14 Days.
nCKHTS , n.00 , . . . UALVK3. 11.00
Subject lo no manipulation , not controlled hy th
artlesln Interert. It Is the fatreat thing lath
lature of chaaoe In oitstenoo.
For Information and paitloulars apply toSHISKT ,
X.aen. ) Asenta , 1S11 tlroadwav , N Y , city.
C. KAUU k CO. , 4)7 Walnut street , St. LSuls , Uo
r Frank Lobraao , L. D. , to Wyandolte. Kan.
y il-mAe 4 w Iv
Health is Wealth !
Ds. . E. 0. Waar's NIB.YX IHD llxiiM TKHSMIST , a
fiurautoed spoclflo for Ilysrerla , I ) ulnbw , Conrul
lout , Fits , Kervoui Neuralgia , Headache , Nervou'
Proatratlon cu > ed by the me ol aloohol or tobbicco ,
ffakclulncw , Uental deprcoalnn , Bet ( nlug of the
iraln , rMUlttng In Inuaity mid leaping to nilicrj
leoy and deatb , Premature Old age , llaronvsi , loj
olpouur In either six , InrolunUry Loiiet and Sper
uatorhoraoaiued by overeiertlontof the brain , sell
kbuneorover lodulgenco. Jiaeh box , contains oni
iionth's treatment , 41.CO a boi.or six bottles foi
li.OO , tent by mall | > repaU on rocelpt of price.
to care snv case. With oaob order reo lvdd bjr m
or tlx bottles , acoom il'ihod with 06.00 , we 111 send
the purchaser our nr tUu guarantee to refund tht
money If the treatmontdovi net odect a cure. Onar
uitfloa iMUod only by JOUN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
jy S8-mie-rr Ml Uadlsoa Bt. , Chlcaco , III.
Physician & Surgeon
RetUdeDco No. 1197 Jonrs Bt Office , No 1(09 F i
umttroeU OQloo hours 13m. to ip. m and fie
to 8 p. m. Telepboas for offlco 97 , r < uld < ncY Itl.
The romnrknblo growth of Omaha
during the last few years is a matter of
great astonishment to these who pay an
occaaional visit to this growing city. The
dovolopmunt of the Stock Yards the
nocosaity of the Bolt Line Road the
Cnoly paved otroota the hundreds of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of our city moro than
doubled In the last five years. All thli
is a great surprise to visitors and Is the
admiration of our citizens. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial improvements madn a
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every investor has made a handsome
Slnao the Wall Street panic last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there has boon loss'Somaud from specula
tors , but a fair demand from investors
nooklng homos. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices in build
ing material nud nro seen ring their homos
at much leas cost than will bo possible
year hence. Speculators , too can buy
realoflta' 3 cheaper now and ought ta take
advant o of present prlcos for future
The neat few years promises greater
cl vo'oprnonte ' in Omaha than the past
1 v i years , which have been as good as
wo could reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and throngn-
but the State , who have their money in
the banks drawing a nominal rate of in
terest , which , if judiciously invested in
Omaha realestate , would bring them
much greater returns. We have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits in the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason-
ible prices on Sherman avenue.l 7th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
Uuming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Fnrnam , Califor
nia aud Davenport streets has made
iccessible some of the finest and
shenpest residence property in the
iity , and with the building of the
itreet car Hue out Furnam , the pro-
) erty in the western part of the city
vill increase in value.
We nlno have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper-
y in the south part of the city. The
lovelopments made in tins section
) .V the Stock YaniH Company
he railroads will certainly double
he price m a short time.
We also havH Home fine
ota and some olegatir , inside r Hi-
.puce . ? for sale , ,
Parties wishing to invest , will find
nine good l > > calling on u
J13 South 14th St.
Bet OHII Fnruham uuj LXxtglaa.
P. S. We oak those who have
iroperty for sale nt a bajgoin to give
is a callWe want oaly bargains.
< Yo will positively noi handle prop-
irtv nt n ere than it rpal valiiw