Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1884, Image 1

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The Pretentious Prognoslicator Re
ceives a Significant stop ,
The Seorotary of War Sits Down
on GenHazen ,
And Reminds Him of His Sub
ordinate Position ,
The Operation of the War Da-
uartment Detailed.
An Array of Pacts and Figures
to Enlighten the Oonntry ,
Important ItcMMimuiontlutloiiH to Con *
Utoss What It Costs to Main
tain the Military Rs >
t.KllllHlllUOIlt ,
N , November 28. The auncxod
report of tha secretary ol war for the liscnl
jrar ending Juno 30 , 1884 contains the follow ,
ing Items : Thu expenditures during the past
fiscal year were S-U.332,870.21 : the Appropria
tion for the fiscal > uir ending June ! U , 1830 , i < ,
$15,670,551. .2 . , nnd tbo oitluintos fur the fiscal
year ondim ; Juno M ) . ISS.'i , nro ns follows :
Salaries , contingent expenses
nnd postage $2,118,315 00
Military establishment nrmy
nnd inllltnry ncadotny 2G. I2G77 ! ) 4i !
Public works , including river
and harbor improvements and
new sou-count fortllicationa. . . 18-197-HIO
Miscellaneous objects 3,8 fi.147 G5
Total 850850,50008
The estimates for the fiscal year 1885 nro below -
low those for 1885 , with few exceptions , the
-piincipal increase being for fortifications and
other xorksof defen e$0,303,003 ; buildiop for
the signal office , § 350,000 ; artificial limbs ,
$150,000 ; and support of the national homo for
diiabled volunteer soldiers , $ .99,095.83.
Among tbo state claims nnw in prososs of
adjustment in the department is that of Ne
braska for S27.041 46.
has enjoyed n porio.l of almost complete rest
from active fluid oparatious during tha year.
The reports of mllltiry commanders show an
unprecedented < | tiiat among the Indians , there
bavin ? been reported during the year no
disturbance tocau'O the firing of n single mus
ket. In consequence of the rapid ox tension
ot railway ? , and the increase of western set
tlements , it has been possible to lnnu < urft )
tha p ilicy of abandoning many small frontier
outposts and concentrating _ their garri
sons at larger , permanent stations ; nnd this
policy has bean continued so far as appropria
tions for barracks aud qu rtera _ would permit ,
tha abandoned reservati uu being tinned over
to the Interior department , ns provideby
law. Tills concentration , so f ir ns it has boon
effects ) , begins to show beneficial effects in
greatly increased economy of supply and im
provement of the discipline of tlio troop ? , ro-
bulling from opportunities of instruction
which they could not heretofore enjoy in their
scattered condition.
The report of the adjutant general of tlio
nrmy shows that out of a total nverago of
5,474 pupils over fiftten years of ago attend
ing colleges and other school's in thu United
fctatos to which officers ol the army nro as
signed an military instructors , under existing
laws , 2,520 uttandcd infantry drills nnd .421
artillery drills.
Thn government ho'pital for the insane caa-
tains seventy-two persona.
at I/oavf uworth is reported in a Bitisfnctory
condition The number of prif oners ou Juno
30 , 1883 , was -107 and on Juno 30 , 1881 , 523.
Tlm usual work of manufacturing b tots aiid
shoes , lurness , brooms , ch drs , and other ar
ticles for tlm army was continued during the
year. There IIIVH been mmufactured at the
prison 7,413 pairs of brass-screwed boots , 15- ,
b'Jl pair < of br.vH-Bcre.ved tines , 2,2il ) piirs
reived biota , 8 352 pjics sawed "post" sCoes ,
9224 pairs newod held th io , 201 p lira of
shoes with flexible soles , f)07 pairs "cam-
pign" shoes , 4 600barrHtkcluirs , and 20luO (
oiru brooms , at a coit of $120,143.31.
Sixty-file new buildings have been aiithurlr.ocl
duriug tlm year , at a c ) it of § 121,7 3. The
cost ot repairs of old buildirgi was $110,3 JO ,
The.200,000 appropri , ted by congress in the
sundry civil b'll ' , app o > ed March H , 1BH3 , has
been expended upon military potts as follows :
Fort Spokane Wasniugton Terri
tory S2.1.030 (10 (
Kort Blifcs , Texas lO.OOU 0) )
Fort Bridger , Wyoming 32,50(1 ( 00
Fort IJousUs , Utah 1'j.i 00 ( ) J
Fort Oinahu , Nebraska 10,9'JJ 10
, Thornburrr , Udh l.fiOO
Fort Lew ! * , Colorado 20v , 31 80
Fmt Leavenworth Kansjs 4,7i8 ( II
Fort Huachucja , Aiizivia Territory 67H2lf > < i
Foil li'rdnt , Arizona Territory. . . . ! I,2SS 29
Fort Apache , Aiiioiia Territory. . 2,271 Oli
Fort Howin , Aiizoim Territory . . . 33.18'il
Contingencies in Anzuiia 2 281 8(1 (
Total S.'OO.COO 00
Transportation lus been provided liy tbo
quartermaster's department tor 70 h"5 i cnoni ,
ft.'JJS horses anJ mulen , and 1I5,8UCJ ton * of
material during tlm Vnrnt a cjjsr of 5l.lli ! ! ) ,
C3581j of which $31 ! ) 732.C ? htvo bo'ii paid
for tramportation of pornons , $058,253.31 for
freight , etc- , leaving 870lill ! ( ! ( JJ paid on
iris'ollanoous accounts. The expenses of
military transportation not paid out of the
regular appropriations comprise that provided
over bonded 1'acifio railroads , In value § 733 , .
i78 23 , which Is craditml at the trenitiry do-
Iiartment on their deb1 * , and that provided
over land grunt railroads , to which CO per
cent cf taiitf rates Is puid under tbo net of'
congress of March 3. 18KJ.
At tbo beginning of the fiteal year there
wern on file in the ollico of the quartermaster
general , awaiting action , 13.140 mlcf > llanfous
claims nnd account i aimunling to $7OSI05 ( ! .
10 , nnd 727 claims tor S23iOI9r > 2. nud ac
counts for 8110,243 18 were received during
thn vmr. There retrained on hlo July 1 ,
1881 , 12V77 miscelluneou < claims und 18.'I nc-
counts , nmoinitli'g ' tn $7 , 71,53578. Claims
under net of July 4 , 1 Mil , on haud.lulyl.
1833 , and received during thu year aggregated
12,187 , aiiiountirif t" $1)4115,8)3. ) 0.ittion
was taken ou 3li8 ! ! , amounting to $ .2,1)4(1.553 ) ( ,
21 , and there remained on hnu-l July 1 IhSI ,
8,110 caim ! . nmnunting to SOIM,250.f ) 8.
There are 82 national cemeteries , containing
321l23 , ! interments , U hu purchase of thu Ar
lington u-tato for thn national cemetery wat
concluded on the 25th tf March last. The ex
pondiiiire * In the cominliifnry'ij ( fepirtment
wa S3,2'72.4S3 ' Of the npproprution of
5CO,0Of. ( r Ihorrllef ( , f thosuir.iers by thu
riooils In the Ohio nnd Ml elii < | ii rivers Iiu-t
tprlng , $320,018 21 was dintrlbutod along the
Onto and 5 > , l > 'l-lii'.l ' 'M nlont ; thu viisiipp ] , leav
ing H , balance of $12'JlL ! 12. Thu p ynuster-
general imid cut during the putt year $ lh-
183liO , ( bd.
The secretiry agdn urges upon o ngrois tbn
neca elty of bepinniogu n > stem of dtfoinilve
work * to protect ea'ji > ; ird cities. Steel forts
and turrets to rusiat gum which cm tend n
projectile weighing n ton through tUty
fcft of u UK ! . and which mu t
theinnnlvm ha\n Ilka ( itius , with steam in -
chinerv to loa'l iiti'l inonipulita tlicm , cai.not
bo built lit tlii > hoit 11 ii.o which would be
given ut by an enemy for preparation aft i
conation of d'pli'inatl ' i inUTcoureei nnd the
contribution which could b ] e\led from Xew
otk nlone would prubably pay four or five
old the cost of all the forUtbaUons of the IUT
Kttant harbors of thocountty. Iho dwic"
j the eiliclency of the torpedo system wltn-
nt Iho construction of electrical rooms
nd cable gnllories wnro dweltupon U previous
potts , and ho strongly urges the Immediate
instruction of such works.
Action was taken during tbo year upon
uch plans and locations ns were sulmltted by
lartlas interested of bridges proposed to bo
milt under the authority of congresj , Btibjcct
o the approval of the secretary of war. It
ins baen the nile In cases where congress haslet
lot authorized the construction of n bridge , or
las not rcqulrod the secretary of war to np-
irovo the plnn , etc. , of-n brid o ns n condition
, o its being built , that ho neither nuthomss
lor foibldsits conitructlon ; hut , if natlslicd
hat any Intended structure of that kind , or
iny other , will Borlously Impair the navigation
if the channels of navigable waters of the
Jnlted States , ho endeavors through t o de-
lartmont of justice to prevent its erection.
During the four ( itinttots endln
884 , the channel of the South Pass of the
ississippi , under the Kails contract , has
been uniutoriiiptcdly maintained at the ro-
nlred dimensions. From September 10 ,
to September I ) , 1884 , both dates In-
i. four quarterly pnyments for main
tenance , ninounting to SI 0,00v > , nnd two
eml-nuuual payments of interest on the SI-
OO.OOO rofainod , amounting to § 50,000. wore
made by Mr. Kads , making the totnl expcmll-
'ure ' for the Impiovemout to the latter data
About 35,000 smnllnrim wcro mido nt the
latlonal nrmory in the ln t fiscal year , and
ih'3 Lee , Chatlee-Heeco and Ilotchkiss maj-n-
line guns , recommended by th'o board in
September , 188 , to ba issued to thu armory
'or trial , have , after tha delays Incident to the
reduction of now nrms requiring speci l tools
aid irUclilnery , been received from the con-
actors and completed at tin armory , and
ivoral hundred of nach kind have been issued
i the nrmy for trial by the troops.
The not oxuondituro of the siznal norvico
uroaufortho fiscal ynar was ? 911,3I823.
,1U I1UUU1 JUar J.O3U ItUlUllllb bU 1tVtJ * 1MtlO t
'ho ' secretary "submits" to Gtm. Hazon's
commendatiu for an increased appropria-
ou , and says :
"But I do not concur In hia suggestion that
return ba made to the old moti.o.l of Incor-
orating the appropriations for the support uf
Ills service with those for the support of the
rmy. My reasoas nro briefly ttiat , oven if
n the army bill the amounts to bo expended
or the weather buret t-houM bo nuiJo specific
, ml definite , as was not the caio until tecont-
y , I deem it preju licial to the iolernsti of the
.rmy . that its apparent coit of innotouance
Mould bo so largely increased by adding tn It
ho cost of the weather bureau sorvijo , with
hich the army is not concerned. It wnuldfl
! em to bo as appropriito to inako the rivjr'
: id harbor -ippropriationn n part of the army"
ixpensej bacauso a few army ollicora nnparvisr"
ha work. In this connection I
ain recommend that the temporary legisla-
ion for the laat two yoard , forbidding the ox-
endituro for this eervice of money nut nuact-
illy npjiropriated therefor , In made pormn-
ent Icii8liitioii applying to all futu-u appro-
iatioua ta be disbursed by the secretary of
ir"Tho chief signal oflicor describes with Btif-
cierit detail the events connected with the
osiny of the work of
nd the return of the survivors of the party
ind r Ijieutenaut Greoly. The su-vivors
r-ero relieved at Capa Sabiiid on Juno 2 .
881 , by a naval expedition under comiunnd
f Comtnauder W. rf. Schley. Thn.e.l and
nterprisa of the relieving expedition were
itch as to entitle all Its officers and men to
: io highest commondution ; and while
; reached Capa Sabine at the
larlluit pjsslbly moment , the final
MUstiopho to the few survivors of Lieutonont
"reoly's party w ? , hut for the rescue , only
iw hours distant. The Groely party mun-
iered twenty-five persons of whom only
even were rescued alive und one died after
FCIIB. Of thodead nil porislioil of starvation
ixcupt an Kiki.i o , who wad drowntd and
ivuto Henry , who was executed y order of
lieutenant Groely for repeated thefts of Co idem
om the insufficient supuly of tha enfeebled
.ml distreftned company.
"The secretary ot war observes with regret
nit tlio chief signal otlicerhaschojen to make ,
n hi 1 annual report , n formal expression of
> piuion that , niter the arrival of the wrecked
i'roteus" party on Ssptember 13 , 1883 , nt St.
Jolin'rf , tbcro was still time , 'as known from
previous experience nnd thown by Biibsequoi.t
acts , to send ellivieut relief , ' stating tli'it '
'J.tplnin Melville anil othaiB volunteered teD
D , giving their full pUns fur relief. ' "
"A contention ns to what would have been
! io jirobibls rusult ot an expeditionto Arctic
rgiurib started in the rifUumn , withbu-li prep-
r.itiou as could be nude after the middle of
Bptember , i < now useless for any practical
nirpoBO , but a few words may properly i u
i veil to the subject , and there may bo per-
IIIK wlioso humJiiocon-i ( oration for the ler-
ib'o situation in which Lieutenant Grosly
nd li-s party exiito I fur many montiis may
lot ba accompanied by u knowloJgt ! of the
ipiniiin of experienced parsons ns to the dun
; nr of uiaapto- and iho lUtlo hopu of a.icceas
if ituv attempt to approach him nt that HOI-
Tin jiecrotnry then details the result of tha
'xpuditions ' fent to the relief of the Grcely
' ' urcy , und the final determination , in Sep'em-
er , 18.S3 , that to send oat an expedition in
.ho . winter was utterly impracticable and
lofes as follows :
"To some of thn criticisms made by the
hlof ti mil officer in Ida report no refen-nc'i
leeniH to bo required beyond baying the
I'roteous" court of immlry , to called , hud
! io merit of basin/its cunclmionB OH to the
Hi.trs with whom it dealt upon such infer
imllon of facts and conditions as was
attainable by tin officers themselves at
.hu . tlmo of their action , na well m
by the court , lint the oxprea ion of
tliechiel _ ftignal tllicnr , above referred to Is
an intiusion of nn ofliiial oi.imoii an to the.
propriety of the course of thoeocretaiies of
war and of the navy in not hazarding moro
livoi In 1688 In a i early hopeless adventure , '
upon Ills telegraphic requoits. This incursluli
into an official jurisdiction beyond his own
and his dictum upon tbo oxercuo of a superior
bsponslbllity which ha was. Dot Invited to
hare are
and are hardly oxcuiablo even under what-
aver of Irritation inny luvo licnn caused by the
findings of the 'i'rotoi H' court of Inquiry ,
waning however , Unit consideration , If there
had at the time bosn given inoro weight U
the views of that brai ch of the public eervlca
under whose management there had been on
lulllH nnd ono dlsaiitrcus expedition in the
northern ssog in two successive years , than to
the UHWH of men having fxp-ricnoa in mch
mnotern is now Imrdly to bu doubted that wn
w nld have had lost summer the new * of two
Arcti. calamities Instead of ono. "
The approaches of the north wing of the
ctate , war ana navy department building weio
nn'ehod ' June 18 , lr-81 , Tha total co t of the
ving was $1,912,001 'J. . Workhaa buen corn-
intnud on tha cenvur und went wlnis , nnd It
is l ) ilH\vd that at the clrru of the pruneni
jear ull the fouiidationii and the mihonry ol
ttia lual-vniiltf , court-ysidc , area. wall * , nub-
bHeinent story , null a part of thn baM-iufiil
itory throughout , will becomplcttd ; nnd ttjui
l < the end of tlm
y i/rerfiit fiscal jear thu nm
koury of the wings will huve l n trix-t > ) d uj
to the level of the efcond ttoiy H , or. An op
prejiilatlon nl SMO(00 ( in skud for coutinuln ,
the cciiitructlon of thu building.
Tha nfllcer In charge of pdiie&tion In tin
army icports tha uvrro o dxlly uttendnnci
upon Nchoolr , Including enlisttif men and th
children ( if nlfic'rH , en'itted ' mm nnd civjijai
employes , n 3 411 , and the average daily nt
tendance upou the reading rooms as n. SO ; th
number of volumes in n 1 | x t libraries as K' ,
710 , mid the average of volumes circulated b :
monthly m Jii.COO Thaiecrotary r ue bi
recoinmirndaticn that coDgreus uuthnriie tl <
fcoll tintnt of JM ) ( ximpotenc initructori , wit
the rank i > nd pay of oouuiasary tergeanU ,
YOIIK , November SS. The failures
or the lint seven days lm\o liscn 219 , a de-
rente of 28 from last week.
CitiOAOO , November 28. It i understood
: iatn paitlal compromisa has beoa etfected ,
ly whlrh thu board of trade will continue to
urnub the Western Union Toll graph com-
any with their market reports , and they
vlll bo sent to all coiro pnndcnti of the West-
rn Union company , peudlngnn elfort to set
side certain Injunctions now in force against
10 telegraph company , which t rat cut It from
iitting oil quotations from various "bucket
: iops. "
CHICAGO , November 28. The general man
gers of the southwestern roads held a sMsion
dls morning In an attempt to stop the present
lasscncer rate war without arriving nt any ro-
lit. They adjourned until this afternoon.
mmiuroiiT , Cotiu. , November 28 The
tome lowing Machinu company works rhut
own until January 1. Tnreo hundred haiidn
ro thrown out.
Mo , November 28. The
'abut ' Manufacturing company issued a mi
ca of reduction of wage ) eight to twelve
IT cent , The employes number ti50 hands.
NK\T YOUK , November 2S. President Joy ,
f the Wabish , Gould , Hopkins and Ashley
ad an informal uonforenco at the Wab.isii
Ilico this morning , after which Secretary
Vtthloy said : "Wo are uo nearer a Hottlemont
f roorp.uilitioii ot the company than the
ay we returned from London. Communica-
on still gotm on botwean the Nnw York and
iiilon coiuinittCLM of stockholdtirs , but the
'npixny'u alTairi are at present in etatu nun.
Vo havu hopes , however , of carrying our
dans through "
ClllCAtio. Novembar 28Tho llock Island
as puhlishod a reply to the joint clrcuUr'
sued November lotli , by the St. i'au Nurth-
. estern nnd Burlington coinpanlcK declaiiug
hat each of these lines are issuing transfera-
lo miloagb tickets a consldcrnblo nuuiber of
which the Hack Island claims to have pur-
based from brokers and turned over to peo-
ile wliohavoilldou on thorn and make alH-
avit to that effect. This is demo to throv
ho burden of iho present railway war upon
ho ttiroa roads tnintioned ,
KAHTON , 1'a , Ncvomber 27. The reduction
n the wages at the wire mills of Htewart &
jo. Is about JO per cent. All thn mills uf tlio
nmpany iucludlnj * tlio ono jiibt changed from
rolling to a wire mill , will bo Rtnrtod up
ifnnday next , when the proposed reduction
will go into tlfect.
I'lTTBliuno , November 28 The Connolls-
'illecoku producer's pyndicato to-day decided
o reduce the wages of all laborers , i ir to tan
> or cent , December 1. Thu reduction will
ffect about 8,000 men.
CIIUIAGO , November 28 Thof/enoral etan-
ncra of all the railways running between
/hicagn and points on the Missouri river met
lore to-dny to devise means to stop the pros-
nt papeuiigor rate war in their territory. The
ntiro day was consumed and adjournment
was taken till to-morrow ul'lmut any conclti'
ion having been reached. Mo t of the dm
usfiion was on the ma'.tor of a subjtituto for
nlloagc. J\'r Tucker lias is-uail hia
ward of percenta'jPH in the Nobraek t cattle
> > ol as follows : St. I'oul , 20J , Burlington 30 ,
s'orthwcBtern , 23 , Itock Inland 20J. NViibafh
" . This award applies from Ostobar 1st ) to
anuary 1st next. " M . w'i'Ii
\UGJI L'Rlt.
INLAND , Neb.November28-fHeo Special. ]
About 0 o'clock this morning 1'Irvin ' Fixson ,
farmer residing nuai- here , found ono of his
OWB In the pasture prost-ateil with sorno vio-
nt distemper , and despite nil elTor.s to save
ts lifo the nnimal died la less than nn h mr.
V flioit time after this n fine Hereford bull be-
ongiog to the same gentleman waa sui/.ed
with an affection similar to that of the iow ,
ml died in an hour. Within the following
tour tha mysterious malady attackjd a high
trod Jersey cow on tlm same promises and
ho aninul died in twenty minutes. On
he fnrm of K G McDowell , nbout
a milo from thu above locality , n fine mare
vastiken III , with symptoms identical with
IIORO noted in Mr. Fixsen's cattle.
The people hero nro in a state of nlmrxt fe
eriih alarm ns this hlr-tnga and virnlant ill's-
aso nt-ver biiforu kn > wn ihroatens in an opt-
Iwnlc form to rjb Ilia section of Its IIv slock.
Chore is a fortumi in store for the veteilna
im who will dldgnueu and find n nnnedy for
he ditioa'o. Thn trouble Is general y nicrlbed
.0 smut polKoning from the corn stalks us nt
his Beacon all jive stock is given free range of
tbo harvested corn fields.
Special ilijpitcli to the JJrK.
FIIKMONT , Neb. , November 58. A report
ins rench'.d hero of an attempted lynching nt
North IJond this forenoon. A notorious
craok who went by tin name of "Ueddy,1
was arrested for ston'ing ' n wa'ch. A imiubir
if other und moro serious crimes liavo been
committed hero lately , and lha inpturo of one
whose means of mipjxirt were not vUIblo to thu
laked ny , furnished material for u first clans
example to all other crooks in town , A crowd
'tillered around "Koddy , " nropo wis hllppoij
iver his his head nnd ha was H ion dangling
rom n tolgraph polo , lie was kept up long
enough to give him u good tnito i f hemp , uiH
, hon lot down. Tno crowd then comprllcil
'lim to reveal all crimes ho had committedand
imoni' others which ho c > nfei < Hd was the out-
a lngofa llttl-i irl in this town n h rt
linuigo. "Koddy'u" Htatemont was reduced to
wilting and ho WM turned ever t- > the slnr.lf.
yonsiderublu excitement prevailed for n time.
ATLANTA , Un , , November 28. Samuel J ,
tandull nnd party arrived to attend thu state A
democratic demonitratiou at noon. They
ucro invited to HO its on the floor of thu him no
of ripro-ontutiioi nnd thu Loily adoiirued | In
KnniJnll'ri honor. ISelnprus nted to the
egitluturp , Kindall said that hut ink jilensnro
n congratulating the people of the country
that th y have thrown anbin thi ) expro sionc ,
u 'Volid south" and "tilld norlli , " ai.d thul
the pi oil' ) of tlm whole C'limtry nro now ,
united in tie cause of good government ,
NP Tl l hlJ ,
CHICAIIO , Novmnb r 2S , The eUte can-
vastiug board to-day dccl'Nil in the I.oninn
Urand contest that fiotn the testimony givci
before it , llrnrid ( Oam i It not entitled to a
certificate of election. They reforru I th
matbr to Unv. JJan.llton for final duciolon
The govrrnor st&Ud Unit ha would render
dcclilon in the i ate next Monday.
Wi.n'i Uu
PHILADELPHIA , November 28. ( Soverno
Cleveland declined the grand banquet at th
Academy of Mutlc tfiulerol by n number o
promluont drmocrfti ,
Tliu Oliulitr * .
MAPIIIII , November 28. Thrno fredi oaien I I
of cholera ut Toledo , Tivo deaths ytMverdny ,
Yesicrdav's ' Business in Lire Stool ;
and Grain at Chicago.
Oattlo Commanding Merely "Give
Away" Prioos ,
Hogs Attain a Slight Firmness
of Tone ,
Wheat , Steady to Fair Specula
tive Business.
Corn Submits to Several Depres
sing lufluenoesr
Ontu llulc Dull , ' Without
Pork Himtnlns Us VlrmiioNS
li rcl Stonily.
pociivl telegram to THE HCE.
CHICAGO , Novombsr -Thuradnjr ( Thanks-
ivmg il y ) cattle aold nt n lower range of
nlucHthnii for say day iu many mouths and
t low prices. The market w A Mow nnd
ragging from tirst to last. The extremely
w prices on Toxann m y ba account ul for
rein tlio fact that thny nro cominr ; In poor
onJition , having been BO lonp on Iho rend
hat tlioy are "dried out , b > ulaed > and fam-
shod. " A largo number of Bloers held strong
t Sli.OO on Wednesday would uot biltiff over
5.40 to S5.CO Thursday kiid n largn mnnbor
f fntr to really ROCK ! natives of 1,200 and
iioroauouts , sold nt about Sl.fiO. The csti-
mted receipts for the day wcro S. O1) , ngalnit
,881 for last Friday , making nbont II 8..0 for
lie week BO far , against 37Wl for the same
mo last week. There was moro'ltfo In trade
n the morning , and buyers were rather moro
uxious to fill their orders early oil aut-ouut ol
ho small number on halo , or rtthor tlio light
eceipts of fresh cattle and. ttkon altogether ,
nines ruled considerably firmer tlum nl the
lese of l Ht availing and several lots of sit ors
ji-rlcd over lost night. Hold lU.ti IStc htchor ,
ut it will bo xeen from the' classified
aes ! ( hat fat caltlo are yet selling nt ruinous-
y low prlc s , primu Btoora cot making over
5.50 to { 5,80 ami among the sales to day and
estorday but few eod ! above $ C , while the
rcat bulk of the Revoial thousand that would
o rated fat cittla in the country gold from
* 1 2 ! " > to $ ) fiO. Several lots that were good
nongb for shipment to eastern markets sol I
tS47f > @lbO. Cows and all Boris of butch-
r's stock , Including b Us , are lower than on
Vednosdny. Thuto id a steady demand for
jest Ktockers and feeders but common ports
re plentiful and cheaper than on Wednesday ,
'oxmm ara ot poor quality and prices are ox-
remoly low , steers gulling at S3 to S3 45 and
alvmS' toSl.87i. ! Thuro wuro only four-
evil carloads of Texans umoni ; tlio fresli re'
oipts and no westerns. One onload of Oolo
ados inii'lo $11)5. ) KxportJ , 1 , fit ) to 1U 0
> ound8 , SG.tO : ® KO ; good t choice , 1,200 lo
,350 poumiH , § 5.2.r > , ajG 10 ; common to fair ,
,000 to l.i-'OO pounds , 8l.2U@C fiO ; < iferlor to
air cows dull at.J@2 0 ' ; medium' Uo good ,
> Hiz ( , : > 80 ; Ktockers and feed > ra 21 tV10 ( cents
ewer , § 3(3)1 ( ) ; Ti x ms nro in largo jupply untl
weak ; cows , 32.5J@3tours ; , ? 3S3 OJ.
On Thanksgiving therd was an active mar-
ot. hut prices ruled strong nnd lOo'loWdrthan
n Wednesday , packers and i-liippern taking
bunt 31,0 0 , or a few hundred moio than thu
resh receipts. Intimated reeniptsjfor the day
) ,000 , ngaintt ! IO,38 > last Friday , making
bout 118,00 ! ) for tha week BO far , against
81,070 for the same tlmo last week. The
unrket opened rather weak , with n strong cf
nit on the part of buyois to bfenk down
rice ) , rat the ( ITjrt was mt eucco.sful , aud
dines ran nl ng steady until nfte * the opan-
np of the down town markets , which showed
i slight advat.ce in provisions nnd then came
n urgent orders from packers , the market rui
ng active niid closing n f liuilu ( inner than at
ho opening , ray 0@10c higher lit some in-
tunccs li'iug ' i and common packers m ty bo
noted at t I.15g ( < 20 . nd fair to flood at SI 23
ri ) 31. He t heavy , inclu ling I'ni'odalplilii ' * ,
M.-104 50 ; coinmnn light , $1.10(34 ( 1/5 / ; York-
rs , $ I 25@4,3 ; packing an J shipping , 230
0 3-T ) p nnds , $1 25.U.4 50 ; light ; 15 I to 210
winds , &l.00@4 : ; skips , $3.00@'i.OO.
Fair poculativo business WOT Irani-acted in
whoit to-day , mainly on local accojiut. For
ijnadvicas _ wins of moro favorable tenor ,
quoting moio inquiry and an advance of six
1 nee on cargoes , but thu effrtH of this in tlm
unrket hero was only temporary. * Koeoiptx
lero were again largo , The m i k'et opened
tronger , itilikly | advan'fd 4@9c , but unler
leuvy cff-rino-s dec incd go , fluctuated and
cloxed on the regular bomd ie ever the clusini
> n WtdiK H lay. On tlm nftsni'ion ' board th
telintr was again ( ( iiito firm , closing nt7li
or November. 7 M J for Docembtr , 75Jc fer
fanuary , 81 go for ftlay.
, V H in fair speculative demand nnd early tlio
nnrkct inled firm , prices advanced j@lo } for
lefcrred fiittm-H , later enjod off la from
mtslde flgurm. Thudeollnu is attributed tn
bo clear , culd weather und prospuuta. of largo
arrivuls to-morrow , as rcciUptu willireprcnent
Im urrlva's ' lor fort } eight hourd , 'November
wn offered morn freely und closed 2jfu low-r
The j ear closed Jo lower , Mny Jo Ibyver , On
he nftollman board , November ugaiii declined
c , closing nt 38c , with December ut 'Me , Jan
inry at IIIJc , May ut 37o.
) ull , fliowinK only slight change * ; 25 8 for
ovomber ; l5o ! for Decamber nnd Junuaiy ;
t-ie for May ,
'irm early , shade off ngaln , but firm ugaiii ou
ificrnoou hourd , cloi'Iugut 13 75 for thu year ,
OD5 for January , 11 17J for Fcbrimy.
Steady at 7 05 for November , 0 774 tor I
cembur , UbO fonfunuiirv.
SHOT KOK hIji\M > KK ,
I'AIUH , November 18. A tratfjjy which
cnutcd n great hcnsatlon occurred here to-day.
The wife of Deputy Olovis Hugucn , with n re >
volver , nhot uml killed MoiIn , conlmUiioner
agent ut I'alnls dn .hittico , Lncauso ho hid
slandered her. Hhe fired six t-hoU at her vio-
im , four of which lo'lged In , hls client
Hugius , who approves of his wlfo'M uction , (
; eth r with Madame lluxhe * , waa urrikted ,
l.ant. e.Ar II iguea und wlfo proaocutod Merit
for ( Uluiiiatlun of chnincter , aud ne-cur-U i
fcentence of two year * ' ImprlHonmei.t
Morin , however , by u system of dilatory
inotlouD , cairled tha caiy * fruin court to court
Madame Hughes beoumo uugry , and to-day
heuilng that the iml/.e court of the Soil'
wi.nld grant another adjournment of n fort
night , proceeded thcic , and upon the cout
rlmng for lunchoor , Muduine Iluxhex , he :
husband and coiimol , in descending the stall
iu'i mot Morin , when the tragedy ennipd
After Mu'luiMi ' Huxhns hud been arrexttd
which wus Iinmediitt y nfter tlm u'sitilt , i > h (
declared to the ooinmliiiary of police nil
hop i d i-hu had killed tlm nun , uh i , duriuu
thu past two years , had been kllliug ] ier b'
in lits by | i | . utrocloui c luinnies.
Deputy HuguoH was ielea > Hd. Heettte
Moriu ontlniieU to send fiuultlnir- letters nu
jKuttaJ card to Mine , Hujjuo * . Mro. Hugue *
\y slio wculd long ago have kllleil Mnrin ,
mt lor her bus1 and dUsuadlng hei tlurelrom.
lorln had declared that Mis.lluguostiraviotis
o her luarrlago WAS mistress of I/cnorun ut ,
whoso wlfo Is trying to obtain n sopartion
* "ho public is uitluuuutlc over the conduct uf
Imn. llugttes , whono aciiuUnl | is expected.
TKHPT or worn rAiirtna TO GAIN THK
Special tclpgr m to THK lice.
111. , November 28. The
ctioti of the ntUo c uva < ding board to-day
refunlng to dec'ilo tha irmttar In nuc tlon
rgardlng the election for state senator In the
Ixitb district , in which Urnnd ( lmn. ) has n
nijoilty of ten on the fco ot the returns ,
ut which the republicans claim has been
edited by n frMiduleut ctiamu In the ballots
the Second precinct of thu Fifteenth
vnrd of Chlcngo , thereby nveri'umlng thu ma-
only of thirty-etna for their candidate
email , ws n surprlso to both democrats nud
epubticans , Iloth supposed lint the board
would nwnrd tha seat to l.enmu. The hoartl
indo n pretense of hearing llrand's side to
ny , but its report was written Ivoforo thor
r utiient was ncard , and not nfterword
Imnged , Tills report Is mnJo to the governor ,
nd recites the testimony hcnid by tlio
oard and thu drawn conclusion that It ,
Hiiuot decide lliu matter , bocnuso It Is not
tire whether it. 1ms nutluulty to nuar tlm evl-
enco. The plain tnfeieuoo upon the roiHirt
s that if It were Hiiro of Its puwor it would
ward tha scat to l.onmo. Tlio governor Is
.skoil to decldo the matter nnd ho nntumnccs
ant ho will'mnko his decision public Monday
ext , There Is n well definud belief among
I ho : democrats hero that there Is u scheme on
oot among thu republicans to turn defcnt Into
of oI Ictory I by changing tlm democratic majority
f two on tlio joint ballot into n like im-jority
n ttio other stdo , and thus elect n republic-ill
s United States senator from Illinois , Kx-
governor John M , Palmer is of the opinion
liat the plan laid out Is ns follows : thu state
ntiviiHsim ; board has shifted tha rcspontlbility
n tha governor. Ho will , in turn , shift it on
lie senntu by refuting the certificate to either
irnud or l.oinau. This will leave the sonata
tie , with tha rouublican secretary of stnto in
liu chair tn ctivdbo casting vote in favor of
.Biimnr Then Tmupp , democrat , from tbo
'liirtoonth district , has filed n notice of con-
eat uirainst Mulhcen , another democrat. The
imnl could refer this to tlio governor , who
oiild In turn , refer It to the legislature by ro
uting to glvo cither a scat , and thus pivo the
epublicaus n majority of two on the joint bal-
itfor the election of n United States rcnator.
Irnud's attorneys will to-morrow apply for n
ivrit of mnudainus to compel tlm canvassing
ward to report to the governor that llrand Is
luctod stnto senator on tha facoof the roturni
WASHINGTON , November 27. The general
uperlntondmit oi the lifo saving service in
Is annual report , says that the total number
f disasters during the year were 43l. ! Total
aluo of property Imolvcd , S10J08HO ( ! ; total
Aluo of property saved , S ! > , l < il,33l ; total
ftluo uf property lost , $ ' ,41(1,583 ( ! total mini-
lor of portions involved , 1,432 ; total number
> f persons lost , 20 ; total number of iximoiiH
uccorcd at ntitiJim , 552 ; total number of
lnB of succor afforded , 1319 ; mimlur of v > s.
ola totally lost , til ; InvoutlgUlona hold lifter
each < -uso of lois of life show that 20
) ersons who perished were MJ
rornlly beyond human aid , and
ilint In nn instance could their loss IMJ
to nny failure In duty on the part
f tlm lifo rnvimr cr wi. The number of
11'tiBtcrH during the year exceed by twenty *
three the number of the voar preceding ,
which was mvonty-one , moro than any previous
pour in the hlstiry of the i < er\ico. Amount of
iroperty Involved , $ : iiiG5,2.ft ! , greater than in
be prf ceding voar , but the amount lost was
> 12l4Hllcss. In conclusion , Superintendent
Ciniball 8ys : "Thosp'endi.1 ' efficiency of the
corps Is uttrlbutablo mainly to its Inlni' madu
ip tintiroly on grounds ot professional quail-
IcatloiiH. Thu policy of keeping the service
ntlroly exempt from pilltical Intlticnco has
icon steadily continued. "
NKW YoitK , November 28. A middle ngod
ino looking man giving thu name of John
ifaclJuir and registering an u Dlcekor street
llamond broker , applied to the Vorkvlllo po
Ice court this afternoon , for the nrrcul of his
wife , who , he said , shot him In the back yes
.irdny. Mrs. Minnie MnoDulT , n stylishly
Ireswcd young woman , wonring much jewelry ,
vas brought before the judge. MnuDuff tes
tified that his wife demanded 3.100 pnr month
tocket money nnd liu could not afford
o give It. The result was n quid ,
mil tlio wifu shot him when ho
wasn't looking Mrs. MicDuff swore that
r Imabanil uxed her to further swindling
IOIIIOH in disposing of diamonds. Bho goi
very llltlo of the money received nnd ho luiil
jOiiton and nhtieuil her Thanktglvlng day
, lie huilmnd loiided his revolver nnd Him wa
wuriioil by her mother t > "bn prepircd. "
Tlien she shot. him. In default of $ , li ( > 0 ball
Mrs. MjoDuff was pl o d behind the bars.
lloNii KONU , Novombiir 28. The Catholic
mission herohmadvices that the viceroy of
Canton cloied all chapels there , nnd aliu razed
the entire Catho lo settlomojt. The mls > I < > n <
ury , who arrived at Citnton from thn inteilor ,
states that ChiNliuns In the wenteni province !
nro fugitives in tlm wilds of Tonqtiln. Ho aim
states that tha Chineuo authorities of the
northern provinces imunil n decree ordering
the expulni in of all mlmioiiHrius. Upon up.
ical to higher nuih'xitius nt 1'nkin , huwovcr ,
.ho was rcsuinilod nnd missionaries
taken under the protection of thoChinciu general
oral government ,
An Old niatfurplcco
I.ouittvil.l.i : , Novembar 25. Herman I.inde
of New York , while looking through th poly
tcchnic art gallery 11 this city , discovered i
picture whlco ho ays IH Hombrunt'u "Hliiiih | ;
, nr of the Innocents1' Dalntlnj/ , celebrated h
ii tory and for which comiuiiociirH Imvo boeu
searching for y urn. Mr , Llndo purchnHei
the pltturo for $100 from tlm owner , JCubcr
How the picture came hero In nn
Klrnolc cm tlio
BANHAPAKI. , 01. , November 2rt. While
cioiHing thu railroad ttack lait glght , n bugg
cotuiningfiix men wan ntrnck by nn nniiiut
Jurald H. Tli'inui ' nirl lv hvaril O'Doiino
wtru killed and Udorgii llaidyf Uully Injured
CAIIUNVII.LB , III , , November 2H.-Tho firs
national hank , of tlilj city/tlused / ils doom t <
day fur the jmrpo < o of tmtklag prniiaratlons t
golnto llquidution , Depoidtorv will bo ] iul
Hiiiallii | i Inniiailn ,
HKLLIVILI.B , Out. , November 28 , Only tw
fresli caned lire reported from Urn mnullpox i
frcted region , The nprfa < l of the disoiKO
believed to havu boon chucked , aud danger o
fatal reiultH pant.
All f > fl't > 0 Ht
IlALTIMOIiV , Noveoibor 2fi. The steumahl
Docatui II. Miller collided with the steam
ship William Come/jo yesterday ; a half mil
from thu lower Cral hill channel , The for
laer iauk. |
Djunniltc In Diililln ,
IH'UMK , Novriubor L'8. An attempt WAS
indo tail night to destroy with dyn.vnlto the
etldenco ijf Samuel It tuner. Thn windows
.ml a | K > rllon of ono wall was badly shattered ,
\oono hurt.
It Is boliavml that the eiploilTQ \ > as placed
11 the sewer under the back port uf thn haute
iftcrthocxptotlon thn hotuolookediuilf It had
> oen bombardrd , A > pllt , lovoral inchei
vide , wan inado In the main wall , And reached
rom the ground to the roof. ( Uent exicto-
lent provMIs in Coik , whore llunoy U rx-
eedlngly unpopular , lluiuey in ono of the
argcst land ngonts in Ireland , and it has been
.tiown that n plot oxlited ngalntt his life.
Thn IJollKOTcnt Kicnoh Conjjri-Hti.
I'AIIIU , November 1W. - The cliambor of
eputies to-day by n vote of 3tl ) to 35 ajoptcd
lie order of the day declaring that the clmtn-
r mnintaln ill drtonnlnatlon to niuro the
xncutlon of the Tion Tsln trraty. Ijntor on
10 order of the day was adopted , 2i > 2 tti Ib7 ,
eclaringthnt thocliambortaxoscognizanco of
lie declarations of the government and relies
tilti eiiorAy to eustiro the rcsp < < ct ot the
ghtt of France.
Mllltnry 1'ollcy.
UKUI.IN , Novumber 28 , In the Ilelchstng
D-day thu debate on the budget for 1885 WAR
resumed , Herr liobol , the toctnllHIo lender ,
'jioko ' ngninat the military administration of
.lio gin in union t mid ( < PII. Van Schillcndorf ,
i I'ruihtan ( loueral , uphold the system in n
spirited speech ,
Italy In tlio Congo.
Homo , November 28. llritto ) says Count
fioouuao , Italian delegate to the Congo conn.
'ereiioo , declared In the conforoi'co that Italy
reserved thn riitlit of liberty of action in regard
.o her own rights iiTAfrlcn.
Bunk tu ( liu CliBiinol ,
LoNUX , November 28. The bark I.uko
llruco colllilud with the stunmor DnrnuRo in
, ho Hnglish Channel. The Durango sunk nnd
twenty were drowned.
DHUI.IN , November 28. The authorities nt
lytol do Idcd to expel the Danes from that
city , owing to their participation In the nnti-
German agitation in Sloswig Holstoln.
LONDON , No\ember 28. The Vanity 1'nir
motes from private letters from olliclnls In
India stating that thrro is n dangerous con
dition of affairs in that country. The fcol-
nga of thu natives wnro never
so much oxciteil against Kngland ax
at the present time , nnd foreign
emissaries nru nt work among the natives
stirring thoin up to strife , nnd preparing theme
; o make explosion. Otlicors high in command
: invo sent to 1 < > ngland urgent demands fur the
authority to form e.tmps of refuge fur nomou
nnd children in order to bo roiuly In case of ft
mutiny. The government has been warned
that It ia ou the ova of n great trial.
WELLINOTON , Km.November 28. Oiptain
\ , 1'ixyiiP , tbo f iniotiilo dor of the Ok-
ahoma "bnoiiiuin , " dlnd suddenly this inoni1
nfrnt breakfiiHt In tlio hotnl 'do ItarnaOl. lie
addressed a meeting last night and fw AS scorn-
ugly In his usual rolii. ) t health whtn hn en-
rod tlio briiakfast mom this morning. While
breakfast ho was oligorvuil to
oati fr rward IH if from n slight H-lfocation
md then droi ) to the floor. Ho oxpirnd im-
ncdlatoly. His unddun taking nlf created no
Ittlu sensation h-ire , anil prof < iund sorrow
unmig hia uo-workors in attempting to suttli )
he Indian Territory.
Vnnkfo VH ( IroaHer.
TOUIIMIONIC , Arl/.ana , November 23. News
i as just been received of analfray on Sunday
ast between Mexican police aud a number , of
\inericans nt Canauca , a copper camp near
Sonora , which resulted In the iloith of an Am
erican teamster named , and the wounding
iluovtral Mexican policciiion. A mctHontrcr
vim Immeillately despatched to the oim-
naudor of the Mexican troow ] at Sinta Cm/ ,
Sonura , 1 fu ncnt n duf achmotit of forty men ,
who demauded tin ttirrimdor of the Aiunri-
: an . Tliu latter rofusud , but were poiMiiadud
> y the ollicora of the ( J ijijior ICiiigoompany to
loso. Twu AiuuiiuiiH oticaped. The re-
nainlng ( iftonn were matched elf tn Santa
3niz. The dlliceiH of tlm t'oppo : Kincom -
iany accumpanlvd them.
A Fugitive ) Dc-faultor.
KANHAH Cnv , Niivember 28. James C.
I'utiey , elilof cleric of the Kanmmtato iienlten
Iary at Ijoavonworth , luvi disappeared , under
, ho charge of defrauding tlm state out of aboul
I'.OOd , by means of fulso vouchers. An ox1
iininatliin of hid books may show .further do
alcutionu ,
Ilio MoiiiuuliiR.
CiENCVA , November 28..Sovoraviolent \
shocks of iurthpialo : were felt her lust night.
Schmidt , 111(1 ( Fitrnarn , flnoot eolootion
in Seal Skin Capa and Robes , Lowoal
pricco. 10-tf
Auk your Wrocer/orllAMUonouu noap.
Lidico1 Mulla und Honl Hatn , nt
Saxo'a. nl'Jiiiwitf-tf
MJIX Meyer it lro. ! nro oacrilicint ,
I' and Orgatm thin wcok. nov2G--ii
Astnnlnliing low prictH on HAKOH anc ;
, from ? L'Oupwards at A , Ilosno'a.
Flic Failnre of a Miildlelovn. N , Y , ,
Back anil How it napiicncd ,
A Confident President and a Wily
Combine Energies to Effoot tlio
Senator Van Wyok ono of the
Hank Bireolorsi
Something Aliout Bri wii nnd 11(4
VnNt ISntcrnrlNCH tn Yorlr ,
loxvn , Ncbrawki tc ,
A HUOUI2N KB | f ,
' , November i o > 'Tho Mlddlo.
.own National bank failed I mo the presi
dent , Thos. King , nccoptoij go d rafts of
Don ) . IX lltowii , n grain d of Indlan-
npolls and IlurllnRton , W nt security.
Drown assigned. Capital , 3 * . 300 ; surplus ,
SlUi. ( 0 } . Tlio dctnaltors losj D" thing.
NKWIIUUOH , N. Y.Novoml * 18 The news
tl the Middlotown bank fnllura has caused
treat cititenirmt in the eastern part of Urnngo
county. The Nowburgh banvs are not much
nlfcctnd . by the failure. The Middlotown In
stitution owed ono of them $3OUO which will
irobnb'y bo paid. Among the dircctora of
.ho tiMpondix ) bank are United States Senator
Van \vyck , ot Nebraska , formerly of thin
MIDDLKTON , N. Y , November 28. Dank
nxamtnor , ( Jeortfo T. Way , of Washington , in
now tn possession of tha Middloton National
Dank. 1'rcsident King tnkos all the blnmo on
huusolf. In July t.ho director * notified King
that Brown's credit must not bo extended but
reduced. King disvboyod the instructions
nd broke the bank. Thb record of tha nc-
coptanco of Brown's drafta on the bank were
kept by King in n book In hia possession nnd
concealed I rom the other officers. So far an
known , moro than two hundred thousand del
lars of inch acceptances are out It is the opin
ion of the boit informed that tha entire capi
tal nrd surp us will bo wiped out. The run
nn the savings bank hero drew 320,000 to-day.
The bank in soltont nnd ready for any omer-
TOUCV. Houston & Conkllng nnd O. 0. V.
Ketchnm , grain dealers of this villagn. who-
are endorsers for n considerable amount ou
Drown'fl paper , have made nssignmouts to.
[ irotcct tbolr creditors. President King ia
Homo very 111. It Is not thought hero that bo
lias profited by his crooked transaction ) * , but
in was fascinated with Brown , Drown's
operations were very heavy. As much M it
lialf million of his paper was handled in *
tingle week.
The manner In which King gave Brown
credit wna on follows : Brown drew tlmo drafts
on different parties with whom ho wns doing
justness nt various points east , accompanying
.bom with bills of lading. Thoao ho Bent to-
.ho Middlotown bank with Instructions that
the bills should _ not Ira delivered until tha
draft had been paid. King was in the Imblti
of allowing Drown to take n bill of lading tn
collect , lie did not turn over tuo uionoy. col
lected 1 , nnd when tha draft ! were ,
duo the bank had to provtdoor them.
King kept n private memorandum
uf Brown's nocount , nud uot till ho saw ruin
Htnriug him In the face did 1m confess to the
directors. Thlrt wns Thursday last n week.
Drown was summoned nnd promised to eecuro
thu bank but fulled. Kvury effort was made
to tliln over , but unavailing , llrnwn'd Indebt
edness Is not ixmltivelv known. It is thuught
to bd ever S5U.OOO. The directors say that all
depositors and creditors ujiccpt the stockhold
ers will be pild In full.
WHO 1II1OW.V 1.4.
Drown la a nntlvo of Orange county , nnd
formerly n milter nt UurnstdnVhilu here
lie engaged in whulusulo grain operations. Ho
went to Indianapolis nud bdllc nn eluvntor ,
nnd Inter bnilt nn elevate ? nt Durlington , Ia.
Drown wna on the wrong nidu of the market
and the recent decline Hwnmpod him. The
board of directors of thoMlddlctown National
bink hnvo unniiimuusly petitioned the comp
troller of the cu roncy to appoint Motes I ) .
StiT recoivor. Stiver Is the senior editor of
Iho 1'rws , and for fuurtuen years wns collector
uf internal rovonuoln the ICloventli oiitrlct.
Novomlwr 21.-W. If.
Dakor , In charge of thu business of 1 ] , I ) .
Drown , ot thin point , Is unable to furnish any
Information concerning Drown's connection
with the Mliidlotown , N. Y. , bnnlc falluro.
Tha btiftineeri hero Is under the name of D. U.
Drown nnd is indopcndi nt of any if the other
numerous concerns In which Drown is inter-
nftted , nnd Is said to bo cntiiely solvent.
Drown Ia extensively engaged hi business
ventures nt several points iii'llllnoii and other
western Htntnu , the style of tha firm
being D. l > . Drown & Co Ho
is principal proprietor in firms owning and
operating elovntoi * nt 1'nria , Woldnn , Ham-
inonil nnd Newman , III , , und also nt Hurling-
ton , loivo. Ho also has Imsmeis Interests In
Chlcagq , _ Ilo > ton ami AVost Point , Neb. ,
where ho is senior | ui tnur in n firm operating1
an elevator , bank , nnd n U'gu dairy farm ,
linker knows 'nothing as to the condition of
these various enterprise , but confidently no-
teds that tlm business in thU city U not only
solvent , but hni a consldcrablo sum to itn
Duiii.iNTON ! , In , November 28. D. 3) .
Drown & Co , , groin buyers arid dealers , as
signed this evening for the benefit of the
Durlington houses. Amets nnd liabilities
cannot yet bo ascertained , but Is claimed by
tha resident pnrtntr that the nnsota exceed the
liabilities. The Burlington houto hopes to
resume shottly ,
Qroit bargains in Organa this wcok at
Max Meyer & Bro'v. nov2Ut (
That exeeeilhifjly disagreeable and very
prevalent dlsensc , catarrh , Is cnuied by fcrof-
tilous t.'ilnt In the liloinl. llooil'HH.'irsipiirllla : ,
by Ha powerful purifying nml vltnlUlngiictlon
upon thu blood , speedily removes the cuiijie ,
ami thtii ) effects a radical nml pcrinanent euro
of cntairh. These v , ho under from Us varied
tymptoma uiicoinfurtnblo llowf rum the nose ,
offensive breuth , ringing nnd bursting noises
In tliu ears , swelling ol the cott parts ol Um , nervous ] ire trttloiittc.-8liorilo : tuku
Jloud'H Karfaparlllu aud bo urcd ,
The Best Mocllcino
" f hnvo Kiiffered with catarrh In my bend
for years , ruul jiald out liiiiulrtxls uf dollaru for
iiadlrlues , but huve lieretoforo received only
temporary relief. I began to take Hood's
Haruaparllla ami now my catarrh Is nearly
cured , thu wculineM vf my body IH nil HOMO ,
inyniipctitolat'ood lufart , Jfcolllkoanother
person. Hood's tiamapartlla Is the bcitt ined-
Iclno I Unto ever taken. " Jliia. A.
JIAJI , 1'rovldence , It , I ,
Bold by ull dniKHlsts. ft ; U for | Q. Uadq
only by C , I. HOOD Si CO. , Jewell , MUM.
IOO DOSOB Ono Dollar.
Hbrlous consequences are liable tocnsuolt
catarrh U not ntteiuled to In season ! Tlio
dlbeiKi : frcipiently di.'slroystliiibensuof smell
und often developes Into bronchitis or pulmo
nary consumption. Undoubtedly many cases
of ( imMimptlon originate In catarrh. Hood's
riar.siiparllla cures catarrh and lias uvcu
elfcctcd remarknhlo cured of consumption
Itself , In Its early utnges. A book containing
statements of many cures by Hood's Sarsap.v
( Ilia1II bo n-nt frcu to nil who send address
to C. I. Hood & Co. , Ixmell , HasB.
Catarrh and Impure Blood
" llooil'H Sarsaparllla lias helped mo moro
for catarrh nnd Impure blood than anything
else I ever used. " A. HALL , Syracuse , N , V.
"I suffered three yearn with catarrh , and
my general health was poor In consequence.
When I took Hood'a Barsaparllla I found I
hail thu right remedy. The catarrli Is yielding ,
as Hood'a Barsaparllla la cleansing my blood ,
and the general tone of my system Is improv
ing. " THANK WASUIIIWH. iiochester , N. Y.
Hold by ull UruKiUstu. tl ; six fur $5. Made
only liy 0.1. HOOD 6 CO. , Ixincll , Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar.