THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-FRIDAY NOVEMBER 28 , 1884. THE DA ILY BEE Onimlm OtUou , On ) . tMU Kurnnr.i Ift , tfotr York Offloo , Hoxjm 00 Trlimno Rnlldlnff. , nl ) UtvniVtf inotnlog dall/ , tcnr . $10. ' I Three Monti * MMlOc * Month Per VA-tk , 2J C nl . Till T , rtJKM 01"D T1 T TJRMt TOSlfH'J , On 7ou . W.W I Threa Montrip. ttTMor.ttta , . , . . . . 1.00 I One Month. . . it } Cenratuliwltorn rrltflti * lo News tnd WUirlel to the WIO ni Tin l.-rnnri. 411 Ifcwlncu tetters led llcinlttteMi UcmW ho < Hwi 'l to Tic O PmunBuia OovrA r , n * n . DrafU , Ch ok and Pwtollra order * to b road * pay. b ) to tlii ord t of Ins nardpAnr. m BUB mBLisniNG co , , PROPS' ' R llOSHWATKIt- llor. A.'H. 1'itcli , Mnnwrnr Daily Circulation , I' 0. Box , Omaha. Not ) . TUB dootion n [ President Arthur an eonntor from New York is much inoro likely than the election of Oonklin ; ; . WniTr.r..uv Ur.ii ) Is n little previous in rt'fusin the Noff York imuntorolilp before - fore ho has n chancu of accepting it. Tiir.un tcotils to bo Kreat txcUomont in the rtito of IJi-atrico and its outlyiuR provinces on acojuitt of the indiolmcuta rucontly found hv the ur . .ntjury. \ . Tun I'hilndu'phii Call dcntcn the report port that Wlllinn Astor gixvo his clatigh. tor the city of Boston as n wedding pree- ont. It was a $100,000 city of itoaton bond. > ' WANUINOTON Territory wonts to bo > < nrao a ntito , nnd will probably apply for nlmiision .this winter. The territory now nan an estimated population of 150,000. SOMB of the present cabidct oflicers , who were decidedly oppoood to the civil ocrvico reform humbug , as they called it , have just diicovcrod what an admirable thin civil nurvico will bo when it pots a fair trial. I'KIMIG ISiamarck has jotnud Dr. Miller and J. Sterling Morton in becom ing an nntl'iuonopuliat. " IIu chargco the moiuborn of the Gcnnnn national. legislature with riding on fteo 'railway patties nil over ( ho em pire , and ho advocates the revocation of nil such Tun president Inn at hit appointed A commissioner of the labor bureau. Oiptain Fubrcnbash , who is the lucky man , will nt once procuod to org nisw the Institution , hin principal duty being < o collect , atalhtjca and information , Mr. Jarrott , the disappointed candidate for the position , has been taught that it is bettor to ba discreet than lee previous. JURY fixing hij boon wurkod up to a Gno point \Vnshtngton. . It is assorted , BAys the attorney-general , that men live , support tholr fajiiliua aad oven become rich In the practice of thin nefarious pro- fission. In order to chock this businees the attorney gtneral recommends that the jurisdiction of the United States cir cuit and district courts for the judlolal district of Maryland bo extended for thu purpuao of oocuricg trial iu fiueh courts , and before junoa drawn from the entire -etato of Ql-irylnud , of otntB involving crimes committed in the District of Col umbia against the United Htutei. ONE of the very first things that should bo done by the present administration is to ro-opou the Stinking Water land fraud n. The land oflico at McO < ok was fihowu to * bo crooked , and it trill not defer for the republican administration to BTThlt tUo coming in i f tha democrats to clean it out. T/io / rcptnt of Inspector Green ought to Imvo been euQiclont to huvo cflUBud ( hit removal of tha cithers and Ibo appointment of men who will obiy the law rather than the mandnUu of any coneropuman or nnv political boas , IN mentioning tliu "olunu ahtvea" of the campaign , the St. L'jtiis Globo-Dara- ocratBayu : ' A plurality of 1,100 In Now York do -cidixj the pruaiihn itl ooutuut Tno con trol of lliu lllin-ia IcuisLuuro depends upon ono incnibur , rnrr > ing with it thu clioicotf u United Suit s oeimtor. In Now .lerwy the Biiuto is a tii' , with onn district yut lu ( Heputo , the nuttloiuviic tf which involves the tclectinn of nolikf justice , a otato treasurer aud other im portuut tflicerH , Several other otatm present very eltnder parly itipjont.ts iu their logUlaturea. And evou iu Misaouri tlio doinocratio cui'idnto ] for pnvHimr pullu through by a majoiiiy of oily DOU hardly KB muoli as a sotf-rrapectiiu Amir , ioan citizen uhpuld bo willmcj tu put up with in running for county ovortnor * the poor. t THE Omaha Dr.K tindjl fault with Iho Journals list t > t mompora elect to the legislature. Tfila paper did not vouab for the fkbsolulo correct nees of any of tbo partial liitj it ptin a. but cxprota ly elated that they were baaed on whal could bo loarntd ut thu tirno. But as they w rogood enough1 er Iho eteal nd print without r > rrdit , it wpult eppuar that the Btrf is i kin to the uhiug tramp who kickt l for hotioy io go on hie bread aud bu'tir But Wo can't fford homy 1o th tlint can't gather it. J/lncoln Journal. Themis no paper in Uuu country thai fjlvpa credit innro genVroualy than the BKB for oveiy original arliolo h .ojjiita . from itsfxchanges. Thu Hat published by the DKB was not stolen from tlio Journal , nid the procf ' , of thut/act is In < tbo diilerutco : in the tw 1 Hat * . The < no publitbcd by the Jourral w o gro uly in correct as to the inemueu o'ectcd , and failed to thow thn political compluion of iiH'iijbtfiB , . Unlcra thu Jowna c'nims a conyrlght on tha names of tbo iucmber bf talVn'Xt'Jigi ! ' lutur fi.VQ o imo \ ' mo what right it has lo charge us with .olealing uliat U ioovrn to bo publj [ property. EXrCUTION MUST STOP. Tun prain dealers who canto la Ihi * clly to ask for n lower tate on corn to Chicigo visited the r ilf7fty oflicis poster d yard ntAtcd the situation to the odiciftlc , who promlaod thrm n nnuwcr ns caily anpossiblo. . The Nibraska and Iowa lines of conwo mint nrMiigo for the reduction batwccn thnnunU'eo , and n mooting of Iho general frtit-ht Rgouts of the Inwa lines to coimider iho ci o i to 1m hnld in Chicago to-doy Omaha Herald. It is high line that the railroad mon R < jnra t f Nebraska ohould comprehend the situation. Thorn is r n intense fell ing of discontent nmong the farmers of thin stale bordering on revolt. Like the awful cslp that precedes a lerriblottorm the apparent innction among our pro duccrs ii in reality the forerunner of nn ontbrotk that boclcn the rflilroadn of Nc- britnlin no good. Evidences rf ( ho Im panOiog trouble are accumulating from day lo day. The following letter is ex prcBMVo of the prevailing sonlimonl : Aitiiottviu-K , N K , Nor. 26 , 1881. To the IWltor ul Tin : 1)K rieasu gtvo tuAOo in your columns to the following : 3 < ' rmertl Shtll wo snffijr Iho curse of railroad slavery forovct ? Wi'l you not lot your ntrtnglh bo felt in our next h'glsliturt ? Are you cowardd ? Dare yon not npcak hko man ? D < iru you not s/isott your n'ghti , ? Bat n ithort limn nye the n. & M. could carry corn to Ghicfg.i for thirty cents a hundndj now it mmt havothirtyfivo conls. What does this moinl It moans just thin : How much will you otnnil ? Wo will take half your crop this year , and if you will stand that wo will tulco n little inoro mat year , and so will keep on until wo taku it all. Su Buy the rnilrcnda. Now what wofnrmor want to du is to orginiza in every counly in the state. Lot every county in thu state of Nebratka hold , a convention , nnd BOIII ! its delegates to Lin coin this winter during the mooting of the legislature. Work for the pinsago of a bill that will rodnus this monstrous wrong. Lut our repreeentativcB and senators Fotl our power for once , Give them to undontand that if they do nut give us this needed legislation they do not repre sent up. There is a tray to chock this oXcotBtivo freight. It must and shall bo done. I Mark the prediction : The tlmn IsiiOtfar distant when Iho people will right thiif wrongs with their might and strength if law and jastioo do not prevail. But the ruilrrnd mon blindly cay what liiint of n country would you dave had if it had not been for our railroads ? Wo admit Iho railroads to bo a great civilizor , nod wo need thorn , but not to rob uu of & 11 the products cf our labor. Lot me suy again , lot uvoiy county in the ntatn of Nobranka orgimiz ) , hold a convention it Lincoln dining the sorsion of thu egieliinro. Hero io a good and great work. Who will bo the loader ? What ion b coino of the great nuti-monopoliat endors. 1 will tell you , farmcra , If Ihoro were tnon throughout thu oUto DD hero in York , I do not wonder that nothing hits > eon nco'jmplished. Wo love gojd mon , mt they liavn not como < o the front , Jtimo to tin ) front nn.v with the bono aud ninun' nnd lot us bu free from Mil way slavery. J. M. S. This Is si nificint. It dooj not ema- tate from political mounttbinkn who doiiro lo miku capital for thomiulvoa , jut voicon the auntimunt of qvt ry fttrmor who has aattlud on the neil of Nubraiku , Whtlo the railroada arc waging acut- throat war on passenger rates east of the Missouri , they are literally choking thu Ifo out of the people of this section by .heir outrngoous freight ratea. Wo are told that the people of Butler and Polk counties itlouo could havu navvd fully $020,000 on the orcp of J8 l if it could lave been nliippod at the ruto tint pre vailed in 1870. In that year the rate was from 18 to * 2D cents on corn to OhicjRo , and from 25 to O.'t cuiita on whout. At thoao rates the railroada were oirning from thrco-quixrtera to ono cent tor ton par mile , which is regarded an a > roh'tublo rate anywhuro. Now ilia ruin < from 113 to . ' 15 cents on corn , and from 13 lo 40 ecu la on wheat. Them U no competition in rates iu Nebraska. At ovoryjoompotitivo p < int the mouopoliea iivo pooled , and the rates cxauted now on the main lines and branchou uro about same. In vioiv of the veiy low piicu which grain now commands in the com mercial coutors in this country and in Europe the til'ot of the freight rateu on Jubntska I'H simply pnralj zing. Our farm ers cannot meet ihuintutest on their miirl- ; ugognor can thry meet thflrordinary ix lunsus. Mon who have runted land iu Nubriulu on ahurea of ono third of Iho crop , vlitn the liurvi'at was over , and the crop wan iu the muiket , did not ; ot n dollar for their labor. How can uch men p y their billu and olothu their 'auiilio&J Asuoiiibiquoncoip'a : nottho fai- mi-r alonci who Bufl'ma , but the merchants and manufacturers who depend on the 'armoro' trade are ctippled and driven into bankruptcy. Aud in this connec tion it should bo borne in mind that Omaha la very neriouly ciipplod by thu railroitd ooriuorants in the policy which they have hoen pursuing. Omaha would havu ranked with St. Paul aud Kansas Oily to-day Lad it not boon for the ooltiah courao pumuod by the railroad wrecker * . Why was it necessary fur the railroads tok , their "war" iariff tptjp } iju pro- * duotsuPtil the grain dcnlara luado their ajpoal'for red 6tlou ? Is there any valid eicuso why'th'yy thould ohatga more for hauliug grfld than they did flvo years a o ? > Is jfc-not K glttlmo for Iho people to M 8i ' UJojS r'lgMa und gut fair treat DABULIiNG IN O TdlUK BUSINESS. , Dri Nprviri Oroup , president of the Western Union telegraph company , Ima leen ( it Jo cntiTupoii a vindication oi hi ) coiDjmny against the charge of improperly middling with .thu recent tlieliun ro- luius h d , aibing ! the rejwrta to suit it * political ffiorjaa. The ovidt-nt him wntl oVjt-ct of Dr. Gj re en in to convtiU'o thrf Aninirnii people that thu Wfatera U. iun ia uttiotly a neil partfain cnrporution , < < ii > gagi-d in purely commorcid butineim f'r ri'.vtniin ) only. Now wu do not propoao to entt-i- into A dltcuialon of Iho merits of Mr. ( IriWa icfon ! ! . I ( thu Wi-eU-rn | Union tulfgrajili cunpany would stluwi strictly to itx own legitimate bnfiinoss as n pjbhc c.mior instead of colleclirg nowa mid peddling it out to hotel ? , drug stores , saloon ; , pool rooms nnd theatres , and other ostabllihrnenlfl , in the ciiica nnd towna through whioh its lines run , it would not bo obliged to Mil itself on iho defensive. The only le i Imato business cf the Western Unijn is lo Iransmlt dupitohes by tiltgrnph. The buslnesj cf colleclirg anil selling news belongs to the niso. ciated jiresn , prim agencies nnd private ecttopiieo. It is bcMiiso the Western Union telegraph company , under ita greedy management , goes out of its proper rphero of a common carrier of dis patches that it io now compelled lo go before - fore tbo people with a vindication of its course. It is no excuse to eny that thn n'soclatfcd prcpa could riot nflotd to pa > for all Iho outlay of collecting nowa for its palrons , and therefore the Western Union haa to turn Itself into a news egency. Why should not the postollico do thu Homo thing and convert itself into an agonty for gathering information froxi stations that have no telegraphic com intinlcatlon ? Tnero would have been no trouble for the associated press to gut all the moiKT it needed for colleittng thu nofTH provided the Western Union had not undRrtakon to bccorno a dealer in news bulloline , which could have readily been supplied lo Iho public by newspapers in nrory locality by issuing extras. Sup- poo0 thu government had controlled the telegraph system , would it have prosti tuted Ito functions as a carrier of dis patched to become n dealer in news and n peddler of bulletins ? All the talk about the ineflicioncy of the associated press not getting the latest election returns Is more bosh. There is no otato in the Union where the leading papers of both parties would not contribute snfQciont lo pay for all election returns from the cities , towna and villages within their own ter ritory , and that would have been suffici ent for all practical purpotca. HI'AT 15 JOLTING9. Co'eiitio ) manage * to knap above ( rround without u doctor. 1 ixon county will expoiimout with town ship nrunuizithn , Tin recent iinprovomontu In Lone I'ino nro o tiinatuil kt § 7r > . ( HJi ) . A goMiiun "hirjl of froedtm" was leccntly capture I at Hartingtuii. The Union l\icifi < > payroll at North 1'Iatto amnutituil to $ i'2XlO ( last month. Thi ) new liuntlflt cliureh at Crrichton tvhlah cent § 3000 wiw d < dicat'd ua tlu 1'3J. Norfolk nrii'i8ifl _ ) : to rrfranizo n compniiy with a capital of $10,010 to build water we irk p. A salnr.ri Impor at Plniuvlew , ciiiinlv liao bouu i.idlctnl ter dlrptiihlng the lightning AN malia county fanner raised two crips nf | niilo' tliit yeur ; vliu utcouil cro [ ) tuidcil fioni thu li t. O.-iptnlu I'hll'IpR ' , nlio waa shot a few \vfrkn BRO whilj uttt'iuptlui ; to muku an nrit'Ht in Cidiir county , dtutl l > t wcik. Tick Nul on , of Wuhikn , lost § 2,000 barn by firn li nt rt'lc. Fivii herms niul u quantity ot giutn nutl Imy "ere coi , mined. A ma'i In Nuimiha c tinty la getting out tha limloiH fern Ittrn > J by10 fium d flruru of trucfl which hti planted tvrtnty jca.s a u. Prniil , ) firfi hum dfxtrojrrt ] iho raiign from 1 % lluuvrr to the north furk "f thn Jieiiubli- can , nnd fr in thu li , aud M. tj thu 1C. 1 * . r-iilro.d. Th Waterloo ( tizelto doli'icrntdy ' n'Hirts that thut town "doo.s umtjn some of thu must Bttipid men UH cltini that any place could , " Wn iy it iniHly , without any doslm to stir the ri'Kiilaru" into now life mid uui'ully , that Bavorul Undo TOIII'H Cubius nro still loooo In the ulattt. Mr . Hunry Kocfnr , of I inonln , on Snttu- ilayfull on thu Htcpj appro .oiling lhi'p"nh f thnir family rnHidmalird - > kln ( < hur urm at I lit ) wrlut , llu bnnu protru 'inj ; . J. W. Iffury , a pliotoprnpli'r nf Cedar Hupid-i dl-p'aiod ' thn lu-gutlvo < > f IJH own with tli ill of iinothfr ui > * a wife m.d dinappour. d willi thu ulr.iddw mid Biitmtanci' , Tim biiM'KSJ in > u nf IfanliiKH are pttting up a o iinnilttt'u tu KM il lo Omulit thiu wuek touonfor with thii hivif'H uf tlio niilioad com- pmiliw In repaid to jubbera rntoj out of thut city , Thu two wings of the i-titn cnpi'al mo to bo 0 mn-iiUd witn u eiivuitd wo.idpn hrii'gx ' f > r the i ! ( nvenli nc.i nii'l ' comfort of the coining leg t-latiir. . Thin ill enuble the lobby t J Kin-p la out ul the wot. Tim jMiniiccDiliKt Ipiiirio { > n o nliu'ly ' in- > lti tliH ( Jiiidnii Vrf + i limn to ' tuku H r nplo of brick * nnil piu H Niinio fHiifii intohi'uiii nliiiii. " The uuutiiiR will fuithulJi adjourn t U Ul'CHa tllO Uprritltlll , The ontcrpr hli > K bn < inoi > a m n of T'liim Crti.k MIniilug 11 fund t > i efn.y ( ho ix poMtiiHuf linking nn muvinn u-ill in thu NIWH. An In ror iMiru tl-nt fl > v. | . ( j untrr woidj to blimck i.t u tlr pth nf & U futt , A l-ymr o'll child i f u Mr , Milier who HUB iiboiit HX lulliH boo liutrt of . jrje.H" , win burin d lo di'iith on TimiH.luy IMHC whiln | IHJIU ! | run i. d uliUBt'.ck . uitti tuacht-H , Tno iinloitonaio child wua d-i.if and iliniiU. Tlio I'Jnttfiiunutli .Iiuunnl rujHtho riatx uhiicitniu up tu Umitlia atunl < y to cthibrntu took niUuntiiKO " f t u tire in h'ru Ifiicki1 hat Htorn In rituru luimuvllh iww 1 o CIIMIII tiliM. No doubt of it , but r | .ub- licaiii jiut up thui'Hth. Tnu Bhtn Ixmti of a maatndim ir.nimirii v 33 IncliiN in l-iicrth , IIS t&ohtm truiinil thu lui t uii'l Uliiul M nroniid the em-.llfHt ] > art , IIAI litxii f'lumliii ' Illtclicock cmintv. Tim liuno indiuiilt-ti that it in it part of thu anatomy of uu iminial at lutitttwilvn feet , in tuixht A Fn-mnntor named Ituukinastvr i/nt too full to breutt the blizzml Kutuniny nixht and nut own t'i riBt HU frt owillod no liig UK hit head , III * boot * wuro cut olf. und tivo IIIIUIH bath Iu u tub of iou wutcr sullicid to brli K buck ai.Imitou ! to 1 1 < peduln. A dlmnjnupr nf Knlor lightning But up his tent aid Uppul IU baireU In Clanloii lunt wtvlt , but btforo th' < tupt IH of the ton had u cluuo ) tu Bunplu thu Btuclc a e mitnttno of cltiz u > pulitttly but brmly in\itod Liu to I110VU 1/iTj 111 ! V4U1II06CX ] , Onthulnlphtof thi 19th , at Libeitir , Will- lIuflHiuith , n 11 li M. br wm caught between thdruwhtn In whll-i o > up1ii ( ? c r mid win U-riibly bruited o IMHICB nt-ro liniken. but the uldunuu wi i terribly man- gluil. Ilp ka kllvuutlMt nccounU. Tim Or and I-luiid lndp [ > iiili'utfay'i "Thi > tmtliiK Ima en uloiiK thu llauof Inn Unioti l > u- clll K'a'l ' liavM benii linnd liv thii iom | > any to uu Oinslu compHiiy. wh will t ke cli.i ia 1) - cuintit-r 1 , U4iit. li.iker vi.iu-d Oinnha Hut- mdiiy UIKMI thu buiin a. wo am toll " A u'ri ) broke out Wednesday inornirK nt Dnnln''duairjjii ' K pinperly \ lml ulfJV- OO'J ; InmiMiico 3l.0 Thu h rncs < bhupnf Mr M.utui lint tuocumbvd , full-iwod by rit-w. lilt Kr i'oU'B ' u r-'l toie , iMerlrrV HUM mar- L-t-t , Ur. NnperKtr'n iwlJeiuu aud I'tIKe HII ; ! a few iitlivn. Tha l ) > xl v county tux Hit for 18SI ia can- pl'toJ. Tlio f. iiiug > bov > Hu t .t l vnnniiiii if8J7-2'JQI will p mlucp riliiil. < > 7. Ihu Union I'uclnu w H HM II I u' $ ICIS I per inilu , tT inlli-i Tli ri. U , A 1' ut Sl.tO i pr mile 7 8 iniK ami thi F , K. 4 M. V.iit SI K" " , 27 tnlli * . T * uui--li vu doll ua lm < li-'on nfunt I nj a rn xvftiil for lint ini-H or information leurlinjf to the urrtKt i'f i nut K li Kitloii unit uiiti ur two ( tlu < ri who rin iilf vkltlmumo muit , aa'rni. \ | . irty iwloiiKliirf io tin SiriiK'i-il | ' .S'.iuu I liithlxir , fruiii HUflU.n , by air , A. H , IVvlur , till ) C"IIUII | ) 't Hgfli : , A miooUi tiilVin | doliiff thn ( tit with n rouiblLntibiiumcliiiiu for h.lllnK uura uud Binding feed. He myn hfl In not el'Ing ' the rftinpiQ m.cSuin * , but IK mnply Mimlni ; ih. ir p .ixl qualities * Still he would tnkn rdttn but Iu mint \i\\o \ tc rtlfi ( l date- mi nt "f w i At t''u fainnr WAS wnrt.1 buforu ho w < iiM di-poo ' f the il/l.t. In nbo-jt two urfkn. i-ftnwaid ilin f MLIT l'nin lo hit torn w that h'j linn ilgncd a note for $20 > , The l/1ncoln NBWS sniffi the battle from nfnr nn < l a Kingly nay."Tha Omah1 * llKK holil * th'i h'p ' ml in A lively tilt with the He- pil.llosn w.nrh | U Hprnrnitly Ixirdn li K on In- n\ltt nt 111 vlndlcatlvn rnctiiy wlio bu.i'ln f mu h tin ] IniRont clitiiUliu" ) u tory inco sfnl O-ircir flnnncially , lint lota < ( gritn'id pnnti of buvtncFH vim , niul > omo < on In Mr. lt < e wntor' puokpt. IVirtjcii y dot.'t . nppo r to . if. ct thu BUR with On ) bi/ head , tin' , the dtli-r fallow l < in id , t cctno Rosy wou't sub- uiit tu the ciiicilictl m nn " A Ncbraikii fnrmcr in 'wltlnR It bin local p.T 1C ? .tdn % h < nf cl.ulera , Biyn that a ti.o . illtvare U bnUitlit kb lit in by r > a-nn of dirty | cnn n'.d com diet clunRe In th ripht direction will , by riiinovuu the c.HH" , proliicn the euro. Kirot , cluuun tli < > hog t > hiitli , Inch grrmt.d. nnd then f- ( l wh llv on o..t' . As 'on ns HID In Rd ntop ilyiig nit Rhiift Ihtlii Tn , liiitC'intlnuM ' thuoitF. ( J.vo lim nnd nit. Thu h K will not uuly Kut well , but will f ittcn much fa-tcr than on corn diet. A citizen of Pierce , while out ono night re * cnlly , painting the town red , want Ihto ( ho Fanners' h. . uu and prcc oilud to thu dinirtf riium , whom tlio Rirliforc nnd llmiiKht tu make it lively fur thorn , lint hn mudoa-luht inijciilculntlon ; the plrlt weiu tin many for him , and they noon had him down on the floor and l"pim rubbing ] ) it rout nil over hin face , nnd they fini < hoil up by tying n diclicloth ovi r hln mouth. WliPu they K" ; through with him IIH waim fight tu I ehuld , and ho could tcarcely realizu nhuio the fun cimo in. Nnturnl oiu-lo < iitieitnroFprltgnfnpai ! ; rnpid- ly F.H cern > ncH in thott to. Scribnor IUIB a cilf with tin head , tiarn nnd ticklish procllvi- ties of n mulu. Went IV-iut cumts i.ut with n pift with tha head of n dr ( ? nnd thn tail of n calf. Iti'ing Him ho n pi < with two mouths nnd thieut-yuc ; n Js'orth houp Indy has nn pgrttcr that work-t n corn ehellcr ; l.oulsn i-iclimt of York , has n which'd five orphan rnbbiti of tender flge ! Ttcumioh ha * A double pl nf th 9iaine n twini pattern , mid theru N n p'g with trunk llkn nn do- plmnt at Unzlllo tnlllf. Cirponder & Stctner i xhll It u cryntili/-il chunk of Shit p irk , nnd din alstj. H Hnrlpy nhowa tl cko if young duck * nnd clikkorm hatched out by the aid of u tnid-wintoc Incubator. 'llio rpfusal of Iho nnpromo tourt to give Siinuirrinan , the Minilun murderer , a now lin'o cf II o , haa knocked the nerve clean out of him , aud a comical crook , occupying ap- pirtmontn In the Kuarnoy jail , has boon av i'ffnf ' d ns n companiun to Siiumernmn ti < cheer bun up. The Lincoln Journal leains thtt I/ . 0 , Iturr , Simmcrmnn'a attorney , will raukonn nttimptto tocnron tchtailngnf the craoin thn mproinn court , nnd if he fails of tbl ho ill go to the supreme court of the United Stttei. The proumi rn which lioexpoqta to ftt tlin euro before the United St t i co'irt Ia the constlltilioi nl question of the right to do- priM ) a citizen of Jifoor liberty without duo pro'resi of Inw-n > itht whi h he claim ; it violated by the dtcUiun Hint a private pqiaon may arrent a parly when ho haa good mnon to l-elievo ho has cominitti'd felony. Thix In part of Imlgo MnxwfllV lito decision iu the gppl.c.Vj'on for n now of the cnoj. Iho liiauKUiatiou Ball. New York St.-a. Jt ia a tlm honored custom to occom- piny the cert-monies of a pro idcntial in auguration with n grand ball in which all that is joyous and eklttish and graceful und exuberant in the euccossful party ia o7.p'c'.ed to pnttlcipnto. It need haidly eiiid ( list llio ball after the inaugura tion of I'runldent Cleveland will outahino anything of the a ortfor the past twenty- four ycura. If the gj rations of the dancera on that occasion bo ua uiicoiiflued ns their j iy , tlifir btepi will bu mumorablo in thn un- nnU of Washington ball. * . The president himself , though not built in an elastic mould , cnn bo depended upon to lead a quodnllo with dlgnihud ngiliti : nnd Hie oiMicoiitriitod itifec * : of his nupportrra will be trimendous. F dlior Thurman's rosy oritUmmu , the red bandanna , will bob up " no less Roreulfiy than tbe friskier and" inoro Imputuous pu.inja of Colonel Wat. terB , > n ; and theclanalu symmutry of Sena tor Bayard's academic postures will glvo Grecian benuy to the whole scene Mr Ueniiricks will gracefully unbend huniolf to thu inttictcioa of thu lunciers , and n ibody can iriMgiqp : till they have btthek ) , thepoHtry of Mr. McOouald's Oalnncing to corners. F.inoy ia foktiguod at thu inspiring pos- niblhtu'B of a democratic Inauguration b H. Wo cannot coutomplito without emotion the vision of William Stoolft [ lolrnim in a ulido galop. In thu sinuous undulation of the Saratoga waltz Con grcsaman Dorsheimor can diapl iy to por- K'ctton those physical graces for which ho la fumed , nnd u polka-mazurka executed by lluburt O. Thompson would Have n wtird f.incinattnu for every epuctatar. To eomo Wndu Qumpton might aptal ) as iho perfection of nunly oasu and btmuty , npit his limb ; but Senator VoorhucH , throadirg the nuzaa of the dunce lik < ) a Uivnylug pine , would hold n luiga ciielu of ndmirurn. All the indica'iiii a nro that it will ba a raruly fea ivo aoouo , and it la lucky for all who pirticlpatu that thpy huvo a chance to diuiou to fiddles bsforo eottling dev > n to li rd fictn. This statesmaiiBhip IB a prutly et-rlous buainesa , full of BUT- piiiou und diaippointmonts , uud it ii rii ht to frolio and bo guy while the future is full of hope and thu cflkis still utl opun. T > n > | > HC iu a. i'i ap .1. Wnahingtun Hp clnl. lininoiluiieiy atcerOluvolnnd's election , Commissioner Kdmuude. of this district , wrotu u letter of congnktulation to Gov. Cleveland , which lit ) guvo out for pubhcu- lion bi'foro thu prualdunt eK'Ot could havu ri-ouivud it , in which ho artfully But forth ( hat ho was a staunch democrat , with the implication that ao fur uti ho was con- curnid it would not ba necessary for the now president to reconstruct tbo district guvurnmont. Uut thu local demtorata do not entertain so high un opinion of Mr. Edmunds' democracy as hu btmault' docs. At n niuutlng of thu JiU'craon democratic a sjclation , hst ovoaing , resolutions were adopted condemning the action of Com missioner Edmonds "in relation to the ntand ho has taken in trying to take from Iho democratic citizens of thu uiatrbt of Columbia , who have aided in gaining the victory , the honor of aiding in coUbrating the coming inaagu ral curumoniiB " Too resolution * further ut forth thai Oommlstbnor KJmunda haa never bean identified with thu demo cratic pirty or taken any put in its wel fare , aud declares 'Mut w , iho JolForaon Domocratio aairciation , ua tmrt of the loyal democracy' of the District nf Colum bia , Insist that Commissioner Edmonds tuku a back seat , that thu democracy ( not hi ) may Inaugurate their president , and time wu ask all democrats to nid us i i de- footing auy aohuma 'that this man of utiuek1 may resort to that m'ght dcprivu ua of our indisputed lights naciruiocrata. " To thii the oouiuiiatiouer rupliua ; "Why , I h v bjen a democrat all my life. I voted the democratic ticket iu Nuw York , where I was born. I was a democrat for twenty yo re in I > wa , whurq n IIHII'B ' dumocrocy ia u well tosti-d ns in Miaaschuaetls or Vormont. What I mean by that in tlmt in 1 iwa a nun ia not a democrat for revenue. I was up pointed a D , strict ommiini mor buc.uue 1 was a democnu , u id , na I am informed , upon thu requeat of nuirly one huudred driuccrntic nuniboia of uouurum , who upplii'd tu the president f jr my appoint ment without my knowledge. " Athrubulu , Fluuus , has a hotel for the evdudvo use of colottd people W. H. Vandcrbllt is trying n milk cist. hu h w not yet loit I hgiip. fkce ( till \vtn.T * n flatUGcd emllo. Tcnnjson ban lived Ihrce-qtmrtcra of n cen tury. Chimney , an Kngllih actor , It raid to draw vi ell. ni'Aiil Dunn in commonly known as "Young SutiDhlno , " Hntlor now IJIITS his cigars at lha chonpe t fl.itid in town. "Mrs.Al'rofrssir lilt Shnfei" In ? her o tamer In Aurthtrti Cdlifcrnh , Henry Jnine" goes licktnn ona b"tter. He It writing "A Talu of Thruo Citlin. " Hitting linll ha * knined to rat with a kntfo nnd fork , ui.d is putting on nln ever it , I'nlll hni n mnd n now psrnt "Uuilor , " Can the be in loin with thu politician ? H if rumored that KvAntHNt Mnndy ia font ] of old-fmlilonod New Kuglnon dough- nutn. Sitting ltii'1 hn nn enormnus hfiad. Ho wrnrsnNo. 7J hat.latgar tlun DenlflVcb - Tlw CountcsK TJ'Aurny Is ti fitter of Mrs. Mirlon oinvifurd. wifa of the f.iinom yourg novelist. General Lnw Wnllaco pnyi f hat when ho n - llrcx from tha mlnistiy to Turkey hu will never bccspt another govornmetit odico. Anna Jom ) on , a Wlllnm ! port. Pn , , we. mnn , adopted the somewhat novel schema ol lump her garter wlthQwbich to commit suicide , King .Toreph I. of 1'ortugO , had n atntc coat with tnentv buttjiif , each n diamond valued at $20,000 , nnd thn ustof its orn.v inentH bulug In kcepinf ; with the bultoiia. Cliarloi 1'VnncIfl ' Adnms made n gncoch recently , nnd the Icebergs IP thu Atlantic were nn moved by it tlmt iu their uprontioua excitement they broke thrc cal.lon. MrH. ] frrl nghuyecn isdescriDed nn % lii dcnr old lady in blnck , with full pulfx of Roft gray hair on uithtr ido of a motherly faa ; , n beam ing smile , n pair of gold-rimmed oyo-glaiasa and goitle voice. Maori King Tnwhlai left Knglnml for homo drtPHd in an old nlnncn dUBter with u bundle of lish-b Hies hung from cue buttonhole , tint to no rrlonpy In hU puckot nnd a faded white plume In hij cummer hulmot , There Is a boy in the interior of 1'cnrsyl. vnuln whoso name U GoorgnViufi''lrt Scott Hancock Pattison Sullivnn Ytrks WiuGeld .Scutt. Hnccvck , Kobort K. t'atti-on and John I ; . Sullivan are twpomiblo fur thU outrage. Oounty intoturiincc , Kearney Preds. A number of persons who trorkod and voted for the fusion ticket , are to bo "sot down on" "by certain republicans , " Ilov. W. L. Green , is ono of the gentlemen who has been .marked for early killing , and the editor of the Press has not been forgotten. Ho is to bo "sat down on'1 heavily ; gentlemen , keep cool , aud don't bo too anxious for a neat. You might strike n cactus , L'it uj give ono or two business mon of Kearney a gentle hint. This in a free country. In BulCtlo county the opposi tion numbers at least 1,200 vote ? , and represents 7OCO pooplo. .Now , if you wish to draw party lines in business , we will help you , and will odvieoovery dem ocrat and nnti-monopolul , never to buy a dollar'n worth of goods out of your stores. Wu do not dealra to go into that kind of business , but if you propose to moku war on thu business of thu Press any further , in future wo shall publish your names and buainees and A.slr every man who boliovcs in the freedom of thu bailer , of speech and the props , to refuse in future , to p&tronizo political b'gots ' who would keep down all opposition , that railways and grain buyers nniy rob the people at leiauro. W hold na long a pule , gent'omon , as you ao and will knock the poreimons if you wish to enter the list , to ascertain whojo business can ba injured the most , nnd wo propose to begin the next time wo hour of certain loud-mouthed business blow-hnrdu bon tln r about "dulling down on thu Prosa" nnd its business. TEST YODR BAKMJWDKK TO-DAY ! ely | > nio THE TEST : top down on n botstovo nntllh Atodthc 'itft tlitco\Lrunil vmcU. A cltmiUt will not bo r * d to detect tbo pru coco ol ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. TS iiuiLTiirmm uta NEVER nt .i qu.sTio < < ED. I ni\ million homix fnr qtiniHT of * century It bu tootl tliu i-uiuHnioi i * rolltililo tei-t , THE TESTJJFTIE ! OVEH , IUJICE JJAK1NG TOIVDER CO. , jMxrns or Br.PrlCG's ' Special FlaTorlngExIracts , riJUktnijfitiuwtldfllflou ( iiiiii lurjin tork 4J * n i J Dr. Price's Lupulin Yoasf Gems fur Light , llonllhllrrnd.Tl.n lluit Pry Hup Yl-a.l 111 Iho World. FOB SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS OEEXEL & MAUL , ( BDOOE8SOR3 TO JOHN O. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS I At tbe old atfcnd 1417 F rn ra ( Street. Order * bj tclogrtph eo jolted mil promptly kttonded to. To' phone No. 1U W ESTMINSTE BASE BURNER. -AJ D AGOR1 STORES AND ( EVERY STOVE WARRANTED. ) BOLO ONLY ATJ JOHN HUSSIE'S Hardware Store 2-107 CUMINQ STREET tut it ttlii OFBTOB AND JIU8IDKNOK 1617 Dodge St , , - Omaha , TELUl'UO.VE NO. 141 SPECIAL NOTICES TO " to ( nun > > eHy pror * If. In Ml t of t 0 , ami up. W. II Motie , UiXJ TO tOAN In mm of 13(0 nn.l iip rds. MUNKY r l anrt Co. , Uiftl KiUto uil l.o n Al'n'n. I' \TOSKY totncd 01 chatUli. JUllrtmd Tlc > et Alhoujjht and eold. A. Foreman , JIJ S ISlh Kichance , utjte or rn 1l leant OMAHA ourltv ' flloo hour * 9 t > 6 Mkd .v * . lOtolHundajt. 1EC3 Varntm Strwt. Ill to'Dec 2 IIT NTKIlin'iloMfd ) irlfl f ir Rcnoml honje- U wotkntTlO-l 7h s'rca , IhIM hcuief _ onN K rorrer i.l Lcan orth ' . ' ? _ _ \1T ANTF.H - cnrab'n el'l tl c V' , H'h and r ri > \ niVl n.lly hcr38eonilRlril > keit. C ll at brick ra'ldtnca c r. lltli and 1'lin.e ti el . M " 1) H - 7/.NTEH-OU1 forRonorvl houi-woik 1'lf. N W ISIhHticct. Immrdlilfly , oriienllinun t r c'ty ovivuo'iie , ii ty or r"ni mtulfcn. AddrrmO , N. lluatcr,0mlih Neb 76ttp A17ANTHU-\ impftenl anl roluble houk-ketixir VV ct f ho ks toktp ol ovcntujs , A'i'Irpsi "B. H " IhH otlioo. 7t-iJ7ii " \\rANTii : ) Vrtl e canv s ors for tn ttlclo cl merit , C ll t608. ! ISth fltrcoi , upmalrs. JCO 2i ; "lXTAJ rKI > SOmen fir r llro lwork. 11 Wa V wflUr , 413 8.13th Kt : fl7-S- ASTKD A. glil fnr toneral housework In a mall fimllj ; no children. 101 S. 25.h ttreet. JTl-Sp TX/'ANTED A wo-uanciok * t KniroeC Ilouse. „ ! ) \ po d LfimietcnH slrl fcrRi-ntra hc.U83 ork , 2611 DoUl | ( s street. tSBtf \ \ TANTKIttboIho iiROn sin u ery caunly in N , bra-ka , to rcpre-ont tha Mauul ltoter > u Fund Life Association of Ntw Ynrk. B. H. Ilobl- son , g > .ii i K nt'loVaTah , Keb. 0777 ANTHD-Surie girl 1008 Kainam St W OA3-U VITANTED ARents losoll In \ bnnVn anew work V * by a popular author. Gallon or address Jouej and llajelrlgR , 210 torth 17th St. , Ornah * Neb \TTANTED To buy a o'ty lot to be pa'd In weekly VV ormonthly InetaUmcnM. Addrew" ! ! . H " Hee offlc * . Ladl a and gentlemen to < al-o nlc1 , WANTED pleasmt work at tholrown homes ( dla- tanc n objection.Virkncntby mail , $ I to ? 5 dij cm bi qulct'y ' , n icamasslng I'lciwoad- d f a at once , O lobe Jl'lg Co. , Uostui , Misa. , box 5314. tBJ-JCO 17 \ \ 7ATKD Ladles or Kcntlomen In city or country IT to take nice , ll ht andplcasint wnrk nt their own hotroi ) , 2 to $5 a day easily andque-ly made ; work Rpnt by n all ; no canva-elog ; i.o stamp fur reply Please address Reliable Mau'l'g Co. , 1'liliadulphla , Fa. G02-lm , ANTKD-LAD1ES OR OENTLEUEN-ln city VV ' or country , to taku nhe llfbt and pleasant irork nt their own homes ; ft to $5 per day cosily and quietly made ; work lent by mall , no canvassing ; nn stamp for roulv. Please addreea Reliable JUof'i : Co. , I'hlladelphln , P * . 803-lm ' ' - nt mrl rellit-le TT'ANTED-Sltuat'on hy co-npot < V > girl aj cook Call at 1C03 Davenhort St 7il-27p \\r.\NTF.l ) By your ( fmin fromKo'v Yorlf. aelt- r ailhn In a h .tcl . or liu r * ni , ham 10 ' fars In hr.tuls. Addnsd " 0 M. " lloo oll'cc. " 83-27 | > \ \ 7AJJTEOrol I"i as coloa l . | y or oishlor in \ } a drj gnod' or gtoori huu'e by ore uho hi tia-iseveia y riexpcnciKC. ItcVttyiccy fuinl-htil. Add o-s Mr-1. " 0 " N . 445 O rMMit 8 ! > o t 775-29p " \X7ANfKD ryuGernnnwoman'rnnln < ln' lv ta V > fau.ily. Addn.i "II. F " Dee cllio . 7527p "TT ANTKP Ituatlon by jonnjr rLau of 1 ? yi i It experiencoln dry Kocdi ) b ots nd slncu r-nd eiocery siojtfi. city or n-unity. Oocd rif renci Address "UC.U. " Boa oHlco. 7S8 2-p V\7ANTED A sllnitian bv a young bill * s clerk Vi ii notions , S years expoIcnoo. Addtess 'tl. A.B."Beooinc > . 73Mp TANTED-Situatlon by alady03 hoiia ktopcrfcr \v Anlitoner. Adlries M. 0. 0. , Om&tn. 72S-27JI WANTED B > nuisiwith ton y.-ar < exrerlence , Bi'il oud rocmmemlAtlcn , cmrloyment lu- qulro at St , Charles Hotel. 700-1 f maiiibuuifen n&ocs uuuutiou M ouoc- Alouug In wholesale totabllahmcnl la Onmhu. Addresu"O , " care Bee. S88-H \\T ANTED To tell tr de or n-nt blaciisnillh and T ' vagrn shop with tools. ODO I lonlio i bn.slncbS eslthlislril. Address Ueo. W. Ijiuib in { , W > epi g \V t-r , Nub. 777 tip rp\VD Ui'iitloiueo can havu a Ur < o hand uircly fur- 1 _ n's < cd iwuond f lory front ro.nn with exec Intit board , 21iU bt. Marj'sa > e. 705O8o " \\7ANTKD-To cicliange one of the b. . at retail i-ro- rl rirl.sli ] * ) n'abafDi ual lutheci'y or fnr land adjoInlnK theil'y. AddriM "A f , T ' Boo Ull c. 7E7-tl A I'hjsIcUn d srrn tu rent rfiiro with HI mo othir jihysl laiint tiuteshtrehtihiM no oltice houm. "A. A. ' Hi o olll e. 7U27p AtTANTHSome ai.ak. s o fejil Ill-urn * ! ' kil eis. 'V Wjllp.y fl 25 a | leio f - > r bimnsatM f. Mil- tir'n store No aiCHouih ISlh St , whu sul blun.lture . tti vis ui.dciin tiB on wcik } pa uii-i.ts. 7 8-i ( \\'ANIK1) ) Inpilvntiifaiiilly , tn s'evh bo ril * r erf , at aB y ieisoi.i.blu talc IB 2runil g street. 712-27p V\rANlED Business. An actt\o tn-rchint tf f 7 th rough h > filu.'i'B education aivl bahtts c n tuiii ) IntinK a chaiiuo January I.t IShft , wi lit'Htopur- hum an ! utcto4 | j a ell cd'Milhhid mar antl o i.r niaiiuf.Ti tu > li K tuslnce" , w uld buy c ut a eniall bus- ni'i-H.hnH 91UOiXcui ) > hraii furnish rifcrui re * nfn hi h oriiler end > .ould ixHctsami. | To necu o rei Iv , ml- drejs Elvna fu.l nauieuid partlcula s. "Mtrclmut1 care Bee oltlco. Si-Bt ( ) lowkp XIIJANTED $2,000 on flrtt-clw.a city eecnrlty.for 6 Vi yt , at 9 per cent. AddjESi ) Boi 8"0 I'ost- nrT . 709-tf aBST nnuaoa aca tctp. 011 RFNT T o rooo n ( urnVml erin ( in euctnd fl or , "I70UHENT--A 6 hon b'ock siulli - - ro in e 'lie F ufthe U 1' Drp t , on I'tciHu bctuu n Oth aud 10th tit M. Lie , Kioto , fid ard I.oneuwo 'I' ' . 77.-2B IWaueu In cdai comity , 3iO arre-ln Wtant-ii , fotC'iiikht city rial uita'o , wi. . ) tnde nil or uAit , /.lip y lo J. N. lie nolUs K07 Kun un t , , Om. ha. 778-29 FOR VENT 7 ro < m brlek hnum , turn , well ami c'a oni.wlll n nt iluup to 11 eriiiht tenant r H'H ( m o y moLtj y piyn e tn. AMb.8,1 07 Parnam nt.ect. "OMf IIJNV 6 rev in lou-e , tine yi.rJ , l'.vr < ava. 11OK , 15(7 lir urn fit. 701 tf F OIl IJENf Nice lurnUlicd roi-min private ftrn. HyTlU ! 0th nt. "CJ''p F OI HENT-Splendia h'like , Rood location. $25 lerpioiith. R , U , r.tttrioii , cor , iSih a > d F main. 77C-28 ? KXCHANOK - Unlnj l' o Ho lUllwry Contract IOU 16 J laiitl f Hi hi < i mhold fu 11'i-rr- , r ou\ \ I take Lojfco aud bukirr , Cllor ddru 'K. " Jl Famum ot. 747 27 If On HE.ST J.'urntBhcd rooms bilcii tlofk , ir o ern I ; Improtcnie itg , i uu bl 'U ; frou I ot otll t , HV , oori cr ISlh aid C-p Ivlar ) . 0330 , ) , ' lltM Ilin B'OI eight r tiuit H uaiitl in 1'OH y M , II tKi n II .waru aud Pejst'it 8t' . luqu'.rjW M. Tbomptou , Fiiv ; Nat Bank. IjiuR IlK T For piitler , b l'i ' et % , Me'nvu.itan ' ' i lub htll , i e ly dteor t d and tiirmthtd and with all ui > lirn InpruvcmcuU. < tpi > lytu thotiumom careilas I'u r & ( o. 7312 | Ot hKI T A > eiy num. Ununu at 1784 f i Itul ave. 733-.p ItbNllln . 141tOtl'orftia kt ett and | rl JJIIH tha furutuio lot nala. Ma 3 inn.lii'uxi ' roon * ( oncnl , "cl8 F -PleAiaut furi.Uhe < l rooiur > ' 6 H. 17th | , Oltll N-'Fiirnuhet rionn Inlultdl pN. ) ' . 1' oonur 10thand liutenot. | C.ll altir3p. in 725 f ] ,10H IlriNT A lir/o ( u.n h d lr nl roo'nl'h 1 loa , fit ) per muDtb. BIT 'J > lb t.-ut. i lord & < t\l \ Cuuiini * . 7l ( iVl Al.iwI'OiiMl 10r urnsami a barn , liarilauds ( I Mat i ; iml'.rk utdbiie , y l.ook ) from l-'aruam trt. t. Iitjulrv 918 Fari urn. Tlitf nnST One S room houw J10 r > r rronHitnd ; FOR o& room hnruo J 2 M ) nr m ntli ; bird and no'tvatir Aply | to John P. lira' ' ; , 1 th md Ciark tte ts. 721-S7p iroil KKNC J.'urtiUndl tooui nt I3JS St. M . 's L5 Aunua. 7l.2rt [ TOK RENT-Four rocrn c ttape S. l lh si P/ . 1 ' tertiUtjae. Osg tl poll tlEN ? Furnished room milUb'c for l o,1&n 1 Farnam St. IU > T-Xcocott Rfl 1624 X. IB ri St , only IfOU 1 cue block ftcin Urccu carll u. N. S. O'atV. .1UR llh.NT Ililo. li.i . : n > iii9 > , lurnrhKl o li nnfurnlshcd.ere rltyutt.r .1 d all milMI Hi nroten nits Inqu'ro ' on trim's 3 N , \ \ . Cor luiL | iid Iktnatn stu-ctp. TWtl. 17 011 UEN'K Hi'jfinMurn shnlfrrntro m Inmiita 1 or s njlf , ltli RKI , B u li-witit c ntr uf the Ani'CKun ' Woollornor iethftiill > > v ni > oit t , over Mnnriy'i China Stole. Alipl ; room IS , M.i. 'Him So-ithwell , tl'Oll IIVNT Totcutiemtn only , a i fut. nlfctciliooin , 3. K. corner SOtli nail . 074-t ! ? OU 11F\T Furnished room ) at U17 Howard. OK KKSTKlrsantll loom hcujo , water Allnmlern lii'provomonn ' , bMt locillou In city $70. Barker & it ) nc , IStli nnd Fornani. J70H IUNT 1 o nlwly J1 lth or without toaiil. HtoYM In < ach , 131S Capitol avc. jnolt HKNT-Mco ( urnlihoit rooms one half Meek Ju from l..Ml'H opuia house. M. K , Mutln 316 ] , South Ulhsircrt. 607t > _ Oil UKNTKurnl lieJ room n < l bo ril ? 5 00 jwr week. Very txsl b-iatlvn , 1314 00-deol 77011 KENT lho tw. > story mo t tnarkut cornel L1 10th and M.v > on. 1'nulsoa & Ua , , 1013 I'.irna 411-ti ' IlENT-Twoele > In Hcdlck's block IJ'Oll - ; n ro mi * L1 rau'ocn i , Co , 1613 K rnim. 3J2-U J p'OR ItEVr FiuruUlioJ Irmt rojin for rent 222 H 10th nt 3J2-U HKNTIloiifc with 6ro miivid baru. Ap ply to f. WHg No. 011 uuth 12th St H18-U IpOll HUNT A ten room ont'aKC , RocJ lot , Itk i1 harn , on I' clflo atrcct , near lltli fctre t In quire tf 0. F. Goodman. 220-tJ nion IlENT OR \LR-A QTO room home , No.2317 I1 I'lor.ofctrcet. Atply to Mr * . S. Q. Ktmornok. 1015 Cm Bin ot. S39 f . . HKNT-Iu Sil'-n's 3d addition , men gouth 1' andra > t otirntr lot nlrliCruom hi > ujo.l8. jnr month I'ottor * Cobb , 1615 larnamSt. 1WU RENT Two rooms lurnUhoI for light hotue- FOIl tcopliiff. S Vf. car 8th and Howard. 170 tl URN r-Room corner of 17lli and Uraco Ste. FOR OR RENT The corner st.ire 10th aiidTieavco F woitn. Apply O. H. I'otcrson. 103-tt fj OR IlENT Oottngc of five rooms , dcslrabln lo L1 cation. 0. F. Davis & Co , .605 Farnara M. H7tf FO1 UKNT Klrst-cii' thtcc it ry brick , inetaH root , warehouse , hjdtaullo elevator , ooncretei bas T.mtf. Railroad track to door. BarUer & Mayne. 13tha. d Karnim. 936-t A new Blore room and oulcosun-ntalr FORRKST 1st , 18S5 , on 13ih between Willlarrfc. aid Iltckorv Inquire at t. J. Kasper. OiG-tl With board , den nxb o or whiter- Apply ROOMS atSt Chailea IInteL 7 Oi-tt TMUIWA.Y hM Rood put TJ ORUhNr Cottage of flvo rooms. J. Phlpps Ko V 1612s uth 6th strfel. 830-tS FOB SALT ! . ! PALB Roiln'trant ; K 3 < l Ircathn. Would F0l o tiuio on juit or t ku teim. Aduress "D B. e ofllcf. 17ORSAfE ClRarttTcallfu-iIh , rent only $ ! . r1 a month , iLquira i > 5 iijit-b 10th St. , be weeu 0 anl 10 p in 778-.Op SALK Thres No I mtrli oo s. st n- FOU ' . < .cgt of J.cruJ Ho tit Aoulfmy , Uait tt. 703p i , naro 1200 out. , wl 1 f al'n J July. Apply a'kjcond hjujjwo.t f Brii'Uleid , HOH.-I.CJ , ( n .itu riJo ) 7.rj9-i7p I'R S\ltZ Another lot ol Hi. onjiinl.h cons aft JC n y yanl , on 27th and Uurt troit. J. W. rerinjr. iHll SAT.1 nou'e (6 ( iooirnand four lol Will FOR i heap In order to ittt Immedhto c'.i'ng ol B. ) leaf.crduathcf ray elilld , T. E. 1'aifitt , Ois office. 7. Ulecl'2 TOilSAI.'O-Choiip , n\co 4 rnoti coltairefull let ' nn finlo , dty v liter 10th u root , h lf a Hock 8. uf Lclveimoilhsrol s'do ' , tcilns tisy. M. L , w < j- o r i2d .and L ' .vciiworlh Strmf. 740-.f ' SAT K leasts on 2 ,000 ncres good fchocl F'OE . forlo In0 acre ir.v.t.i aud upwards. J. / N. RujnoWs , 1217 Furnam ht SALE OR TKVDE-A fin k of central uier- _ i haiull-u ( nrtilo on ca ) toim. , or will txchange toso | la dnlu Nibraika. 'llio btuck will invoice abjutSlJ.OOO. AddrEB"lV. G " caruof Be < ( lice. 077-27p F 01l SVLE OR TI'.VDB A RO d HtooV ot Hardware - ware r.d lnrnl'uru In Eastern NolTa-ka ; wlffl trndu f > r good lanus In Nebratka or Knn aptitio : - ulus gheii im opplioji'.loii. Addiu \Vlllint Itroo. Shubo t , Ne'i- uJO-jtdb > L' OR IlENT - Lot OOxl'yj ' with new 5 iccin " h us > and 4 h r-e rtablp , 1'ieroj , ntar Vi'.jt ate , fine. kc-Ulou. 1'au sni li OA , 1611 313-t 1/OR S LE The bet biisloesi lot at the btofh 1 j r'd Soutti Om ha , 00x150 Will bo woilh doiib'o the prior. HH ul now I12 mintlis. Apply at otlico New or > Dry Goods Jtcra , 131 0 Farnvu. 277-tf I7 OR S\lK l Niuiae rhrippcr norse pouar ; one 1 rrtdciln ' kittlu , ni e 1'ii'J ' | irc a. Apply at llrcok Ijn Market , cur. 1'lth iibd Piereo : L. SOtl Y * E A qu.i.ititv rl Jjl , an'l nospaper typo for sr.le. l o a giiod Zithir. C , T. liunje , uuru It ) > c v. 76Btf : f'OR 9ALE-New phaeton. Inquire. M Coo. Hlg. gms at uortb. ea t corner IDthond FOR SALE ' " "ottnKo l b rooms horu , corner lot In Shlnn'a addition ; nlj 3lK 0amallcash ; | uynitnl and balance monthly , Barsraui. JloOwu'j , opii. [ uwtolllct. i .nut nALKKino bwii.oa i bunco nt Urand luhni A. > eb cS.COO DUJH iho bauk buildlni ; 22x41 ; an lliixi build'DK whlcl. rental ilGa mouUi ; a UrRti flro aud buriU ( > r piool talj with Yale tlmo lurk oojt tl.OW ) , alto % ur ) Iji e. bank buou lire proof mo. Dank cuunur , d.sku , bird to l stove , In faot , a com- lleit bank uulfll , togethei with lot 4Ut > 0 on I/xnisi. trt\t. 'lltlo | erfcci. ' 1'iruu i canh , La'anco ou rno anil iwu JOUM tiiue if drsliua. Call un or aadrexs Jay "i. Whlto Uraud/Blkiicl , Neb. Ml-tt ij0ll HAI.K Cheap a eocond hand high top bufify. Inquire at Uluii on't Carriage Factory , Dougf. , between Uth and l&tb. 280-tf I/OK HALE A whole took o ! clothing , hoots an 1. shoes , buildings at oout , retiring froui busineDh. O. II. Potersou 804 south Tenth treot. 113-3m FOlt BALE Two open tenond-cand bvu'le.i tun on delivery wagou , cheap , c.118,0 Hut e Ul UD-tf MlHOELLaNliOUb. LOaT A joui t' rid I Isb setterb'tcl. A mltablti nuarl Ml bu paid lor intornutlo < icr her return tu 13i2 Douglas St 754-2Sp O r Pur * , at Fjlooner'n , Nov. 25th. f5 reward J I ir rctuin of Ihu MUIC to N. V. l-alooi.vr. 781 2'p p UI1BER STAMPS Oo y manufacturer * In Omahfti IX Rees Prlntiu Co. Wl-tl PIIIVY vaults , slnki and cesspools cleaned at tut shortest notice and at any time of the day , In an ei.tirilyordirleiiiuav without thu Itoit moleatatloii tx < occupautaor nilghliorf , with our Impruved anU idoiliuM apparatus. A. hvaai & Co. , 1IXW Catiitrl " . OOMIrciH COLLARS SCUFFS" THII MARK AR9 THC FINEST GOODS EVER MADE , ill I.lnen , win Linings M.B Exlcrtors. Ale tor thorn to , i inuhtf.