Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1884, Image 2

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017 SI. Chnrlcs S . . . t. lo I , M .
I < ! ifii' !
Bt l 4 In . t 1 ll o l Ml , K. * ll
SM Biw * " "i Uu i , nhr l ! la .
tllf r W l. * i > i * " ' * " ii'Wfll , ' *
.Ncrvout Piostratlon. tchlill > , Menta ; ' nt
t'liTSlcal Wianneu Mcic.irlal and ether At'tt
lions ol Throat. Skin o- Cones , Cloud Poisoning
aid Sores and Ulcers , . i w tM * ni r r < iif"
t M .eiii l'i'-l'i"l- | lr i fir i > iHiPili in
Diseases Arising ( rum Indiscretion EXCCM.
Exnoturc or Indulgence , * Mfh itmtnff * n t tui
Ullkwlng fill -K HI'MHII-I ildllilT , dl < rl lilkj
MiiUf < * ll' ' ii ni > ri | H pi'i Al ' l J , | Wltrl il f * > t
rfrtnn lolfca < ' > l-ir w * I fc % ln r6nN'l nrlVv f
r nrlprlne Mnrrlnje Imnioper or unmiipj , w
H-rnnnmilTCorTl I n h ( . i w itdfllonibe HIK.V , i )
It if lrd MnMoi"tti i' In m 4 lr . I < n ullfttlAn it f
litter bj m lirrf > . BrtllntlU'l V rllft tor ui.tloti * .
A Positive Wriiren Guaranloe
cltta In ft1tenrtt | rii'ti. Mi-illfttitpinlcT rr h r .
pnmphleti. En/tilth or liftman , fi4 pteo . < >
loriblccnboTOCIIie'ion lanaloor r mika , Fjtun
, nnr r' un , Illotrtlnl In floih ti < tl" Wnllwt
i.ey tr i'tiee. . * , jj r rovirv , 26e Tbli t t > i
ll the cntfoLi. dovMral or luiitiUltlto
line , i or rr l | nicru < l In
\Flll tmrliy Din nLOOD.Tvini.
und Itl'MToitu TIM' - . . . .
ntia viaort of YOUTIL i/ -
innull.VantorApiipillc , jn-
i\\in \ \ iitmi. l.nrk ul Mrrimtli ,
ri'il. ] loii"3. mmclt snnil
ICTVL" ? rot-lvoin vrlorcp.
ii IIVL'MI tllO Illllld Ollll
i.rciill"rti llirlrnixwll
flnd In DK. II' tUrCHYIXIlON TON1O n mifn nml
TT-cilf euro. ( flltwttiltnr.lioaJlliytonipli'Xlon.
' " ' > " ' onlyndil
1'rciinciit Atfcmpldftt < yi" .rf'iUiitt ;
lotliapnpiilirllyiiriliuurlKliiil. luliotcxicrl |
mcil ' .
Mo.forour"DKKAM VOOK.
Science of Life Only. . $ 100
Kthuubxl Vitality , Norvotn nJ rhvflra ! Dobllltr
Premature Decline fn Iran , Krroro ol Youth , ami Uie
uutuld miseries roaultlnitlrom Imllscrcttona or ex.
comes. A lioole fnr c\ory man , youiiKi mldcllo RcJ
nd old. It contains 1:6 prescriptions lor all atmt
nd chrontodlncoBOBoitch ono of which In Invaluable
So found hy the Author , whcMo experience for 17
years Is nucn an probably never ocloro loll to the lo !
ol any phynlciin. SOU pages , bound In IxaiitlfyJ
French muMIn omposaoil covers , lutl.'KHt guaranteed
to be a finer work Iu every ecnto , nmch&nlcul , lit *
rrary and | > rofcHo'-al , than any ether work aold In
thin country for $2.1.0 , or the money will bo refunded
la ivery Instance. I'rloo only 01.00 by mall , port
paid. Illustrative sample n ceil I * . Bond now. Ool.l
muilal awarded the author by tha national Medic * )
Anoclatlon , to thr olHouraol which ho rcforu.
The Bolcnco of IJIe chould be read by the yoane
lor Inntructlon , and by tha ( xflllitoj for roller. It will
benefit all. London Laurel.
lucre It no member ol society to whom The Kol.
enoo ot Lfo will not bo uwful , whether youth , par
ent , Kuualtn , Instructor or olergym n. Argonaut.
AildreM the 1'cabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W
IT. 1'orkor , No. 4 Itulllnoh Street , PoetonMwi9. , who
may bo coniultM on all dlmaecs requiring oklll and
oipcrlcnoo. Ohronlo and obatlnatodlmanoH thai havt
b fflod the , cUli ol all other phyn-lir/11 / oltni ,
ipeolaltyl Snob treated auooowi lICHL folly
wlthOflt an IniUnce ot lalluio.
10th and Capitol Avenue , treat * all cage * Crip
pled or Deformed , alao dleeagei of th
ITervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organa
All MHOS ol Curvature ol tbo 8pme , Crooked Fool
IxitfJ and Arnil , Dlfc.wa of the Hip , Knee , nnd
Ankle Joints. Also Ohnmlo affrctlouo oltho Liver
Illieuinatlam , Paral ) l , l'IU , Ulccrt , Oatarrh , Aelh
tna and llionchltla are all treated by new and ( mp.
resfful tiKthoda. All illsoaeoa uf tiio lllood and Urliv
try Oritanf , InrludliiKthcno riwnltliiR from IncUoro-
tlutior oxpoiuro , are eafoh and uuoocsnfnlly treated
and a euro gmranUod. Voting men , luludlu ojcod ,
and old men luflerln from Wuakneua and Ncrvoui
eshauitlon , produdiik mtllKefitlonI'alpltatlnnol the
Hcait , Dcepondcncy hlulnean. Low nl Ucmory.ljcli
of Knoriry ' Ambition , can bo restored to noaltb
and vigor , It cafe It not too loni ; nculeoted.
Tlio Burfiou In charge It a Kraduato of Ji0or >
on Modlcal CollcKo 1861) ) and has ttudlod hit
profenblon In I/ondon , Purls uncllkrlln , If aflllcttd ,
oiJlor wrlto lull duscrl | > tlon ol your case , and modi-
clue may | > o cent you. Consultation frr . Ad drei
Omaha Dlipeniwry , Orouois't Illock , Omahu , Neb
Office hbUM 10-lSa. tn.,1-3 nd7-8p , m fiiuidavr ' ,
.10 a in-
Vfl.&nd lor treatise either nn malt ilUcnso or
urf. rinltles.
Oenertl Tw ! crelr
I to * . OUAHA.
Dai * lor aalt t3C79 aoje * ctrelaUy Mlftoleil l nJi
jCwt rn N br l , at luw r/rlca ana on cuy rtiai
ImprorM urait lor ill * la Doa lii , DoOgo , Oolfii
ftttte , Dart , Ciuclntr , Oarpy , Wiinfniloa , iflt >
flianden , and llatlor Joanllue.
TaxM paid lo all parto ol tbo Blatt
Uooer loaned on tnprovod ftrtni.
Noiirr J'ubUc always ta offloe Corropon4
An Jnlvrevtlng InulUo nn ninnd andBkln Dli-cn- <
r.Ill iRiiimlli'illrix ) l unv line uliu will bond tliilriul
lientothohv.lftHlic < llflcC'i . .lmwr3. ) AtluiiU.Or
Could not bur from me hh > tH llt' gpoclQa liu
dou for ln Itcuridiue ul tk'rofulo In lu vtnnt
lorm , after I had suittitxl with Itfiftten 'O'U ' ) car <
and ha < l tried all ll.u rituiixilcs , only fn br uk ilovtn
tuy health and mat. * e lu.o > t lioVIets.
* Aoworth , Ua. , Jul > 15 , IWi
Somt cluht Teur * o 11 ccime the victim of a fear
ful Wool 1'ulton , ( xjiuinuolcatttl b ) a nur o to my
li font , and thence through tte bro jt a d rufortxl i
lor i-lx Jonu ) e.r < The Mercurr and I'ot dilrott- I
incut wnjujwl to d'Ue tiio PO | < OU fuithvr Intouy '
y teui oily tobrrak out In wor * I nn en other
p/itlcui of inybudv , 'llirtxi munth4 tea I txigau
iiVotf Bwllt's bpeciao , and It hat ouriil tr.o sound
will t > li. U Is DCgrtnlott Mriulnir uh.cb li > osmo
lo n-mLUid Iu jture. MIA f. W Uy ,
An Interline Story o ( Indian Life ,
Tlio Wolril HiinUo Dance ofr * Savage
Trliic A Trlbo Moth Attrno
Mvo mill lIciH-llcnl
tln Ilnurltu'H
llcortit Itiink.
O/xpUin / Iloucko , of the United Slntes
cavalry , now ttntionod \Vhipplu bar-
tacka , Anziiu , has written n exceed
ingly intoruoling account of the Moqui
Indiana nnd the hortiblo minko dnnco
which they celebrate ovary other ycor.
OapUin Bourke is familiar with the
country and with Indians , having nerved
in thu army with General Crook , mid
hnvitig been in the northwoat turritoricn
for the last fifteen years. A good doil
of interest iu the Zulu Indians was ex
cited hero in the spring of 1882 , when
Mr. Frank Ouahlnt , ' brought a couple of
thorn to visit the northern and uistorn
cities. Ainonp tliemroa a Moqui
who win a epooml favorite , nnd oven that
0110 clew to thin BtratiRi * tribe will add
an film OB t portiounl interest to Mr.
Ilourku'n narrative , which la nn import
ant contribution to our knowledge of
Indian llfu , and an indirect condemna
tion , as every bit of Indian history for
the Iftit half nunhiry In , of the Indian
policy of the United States gorormnout.
The Moquis have savon villages , oitu-
atcd a few lotiguoa apart , in ronmntlo and
alinoBtinacceatiblo nituatioim. Thci largo
Navajo reaorvntion ii on the border of
Utah , in Ariswim and Now Mexico ; the
Mcqni reservation ia much Binallcr , and
joins the Navajo on the went , but docs
not extend quito to Utth on the north.
Thu Huni is nnmowhut to the aouthcaat ,
entirely in Now Mexico , but on the
border of Arlzonn. Those tribes are
among the moat interesting in the
country to travelers and to students of
hlatory and arcluojlogy. In writing of
the Moquia , Captain Bourke hats alao
much to aay of their neighbors. It was
In Autiunt of 1881 that no'atnrtcd from
Santa Fo In an ambulance , aa the railroad
track had been washed away ; and from
that ntart till hla return ho had the moat
extraordinary driving over recorded since
the dayi of Jehu. Up and down prcci-
picoa , whore gradon had to bo made , and
where no wheeled vehicle over wont be
fore , were the mules and ambulance
dragged , driven and guided by the moat
daring and moat lucky of Irishmen ; the
travelers were stuck in bogs , and half
loflt Iu quicksands ; they were parched on
deBortplnina , nearly drowned by the "cloud
buiats , " which are the moat violent and
short lived of atcrmn , and half frozen by
the chill of the night. There never wait
rougher traveling , and probably there
were never travelers who worked harder
or taw tnoro thut interested them. A
great deal of the scenery was wild and
litMuiiilul , and the account of the Now
Mexico ranches and the free life ia like
nothing oho in the world. The ruins of
the old Pueblos ; the villages perched on
precipices , where the Moquia now live ;
the habita of the Indiana , their capacity ,
their love of peace , their lilthinoas. their
euporstitiniifl , and their indescribably
loutliuomo worship , or Goml-worehip , of
onakoo , make a picture so dtrango , BO at
tractive in aomo point ? , and to dioyuat-
iug iu other * , that it auoms almost in-
orodiblo that it is drawn from life. The
Moquis are known to have lived in their
proaunt location for innro than throe cen
turies. They have largo Hocks of nhcop
and goats , they raieo an abundance and
variety of food. They atoro the rain in
reservoirs , aomo of them very largo , and
in smaller ones at convenient places for
watering the /lucks. / The Moqui men
are Nkillful in knitting and the women in
weaving and making pottery , for which
they UBO no wheel. They build atona
houses for their dogs and their hens ,
and largo graimics. The women own
the homes , crops , oheop and orchards ,
everything that pertains to the comfort of
the family. The men own the horses
and donkeys. Each man has but one
wife. When he marrloi ho goes to his
wife'a house. A woman has the right to
chooao her ovrn husband , and probably to
divorce him if ho does not suit her. Prop
erty dcacouda to the daughters. Women
attend to the building and the repairing
of their houaon and do all the masonry
work , but thehuabiind brings the timbers
for the roof. There nro a largo number
of children who uro bright and happy ;
they go naked until they are eight or
nine yearn old , but are motlo useful at an
early ago ; the boys herd the nhcop nnd
watch the crops and orchards , and the
glrla learn to make baskets nnd pottery ,
to weave and to cooV. A girl is married
bsfuro aho la 15 , und makes a dutiful wife
and ali'ootionnto mother , while in the va
rious diahea the oiii irnku of mutton ,
vngetablea , fruit and all kinds of broiiil ,
fliu la not behind the moat in-
< enioua American houaowifo. The
Moquia nro not as skil'ful ' in the
workjng of silver nn the Navajuo and
Xuniaaro , and they buy ornaments from
their more dtxteruua neighbors. A Mo
qui huaband can cell nothing from the
house without tlio concent of hia wife ,
und no Moqui man wtia ever known ro
mutihto a wife. They uro civil to
atmngeri ) , laborious farmers and tlioj
they provide abundantly , in timu of
plenty fur u lime of nuoil. They maim-
f.ictura no sUniulentu , but buy them
from the people of lileta and from the
Apachca. Tnuy bury their dead in the
the enrtli and they light with neither
whites nor Indiana. They are industri
ous , timid , avaricious and religious in
their way their superstitions are nbonil-
nablo ; the horrors of the snake dauce
can net bo condensed hero ; the full ac
count muat bo road.
The Maquis aeoui to bo excellent ma
terial for the work of civilization , but
there they live untouched by any of ita
influences excepting those that come from
Mormons. Oapt. Bourke speaks of the
agent there In 1881 aa a very kind-
hojtrtod , superannuated gentleman of 70 ,
honcat aud well moaning , living forty
miles away from thu largest Moqui vil
lage , and fifteen from the nearest one.
The Indians oared nothing about him or
the agency , and the report of the com
missioner for 1883 says that the Moquia
have no agent now. They have no nils-
Monurlra ; there is a tradition that long
ago n Spanish priest cvno with the croaa
in his hundfc and told them thut God had
a Son ; but Because ho could not toll who
Ood'a wife wan , the Mcqula threw the
poor priest over a preclpiue , and he km
had no uuccoosor. The Mormona are
busy among the Moquia , and meet with
considerable aucceaa , The Mormon
lottlementB are prosperous in
that region ; thiir omiasaries live
among the Indiana , deal with
thorn In an honpbt , buamces-Hkowayand
lo o no opportunity to increase tlunr iu
iluenco over tlioao ignorant tribe * -an
Influence which IB not friendly to the
United States. Biahop Hutch IH on iu
tolligent Mormon , who speaka tluoiity
the language of thu Moqula and Ndv j < > i.
There cm bu no doubt that the clomiU-
no-a of _ tlio Monnniia and their religion ,
Lieu wi'Ji ' polygamy , wuld bo an nil-
vance tor the Moquls , and the Mormons
would turn their gentleness , their indus
try , their frugality and skill in handi
work to good account ; but It aeema a
pity to let such people drill into Mor-
tnonlsm while such iminonso sums arc
spent on christi&iiity the opposite side ol
the globe. In 1831 the Atlantic & Pa
cific railroad hid aatation within seventy
miles of theM < quis ( and there may bo a
nearer one by thla time ) , and yet , so near
to civilization in the republic of the
United States , livethcae thousands of the
"nation's narda" in grots and diaguatin
idolatry , without the Icaat attempt made
on thu part of their guardian to teach or
improve them. Tuny do uot need food.
They arn bright and active and can take
care of themselves , and apparently "live
long and prosper. " But for all spiritual
anil mental Instruction they are left to
the kindness of intelligent Mormons who
are too thrifty to lot such material for
convnnlon go unused. It la a curious
spectacle in this land of religion , with
boasts of such glorious government wea
rying our ears this opectaclo of the
feared and hated Mormona caring for the
neglected and dosplsud Indian ,
Captain Bourke adda a brief account
of serpent worship in addition to hla
blood-curaling narrative cf the way the
Mcquishandlo the most venomous snakes.
Ilia book is admirably illustrated aud ia
very entertaining. IIo haa abundant
notea in regard to the Apaches , the Xunis
and the whole region of New Mexico and
Arizona It ia to bo hoped that thla vol
ume will bo so succoaafal that ho will bo
Induced to publish another about a coun
try that is exciting more and inoro Inter
net , and about a strange race whoso fate
is now in the hands of Christian people.
hand of VorentH ami
Animal" ,
The hills are covered with forests of
ir. larch , cedar , birch , etc. , and in those
are found numerous wild animals , such
as the fur sable the , otter , foxes of all
colora , and the boar , which latter , on
account of the great supply of food , at-
, ncka neither man nor the domestic ani
mals. It is curious to note that the
squirrel , which ia universal in Siberia , Ia
not found hero at all. S trans , wild
lucks , etc. , are found in great quantities
n the lakes and marshes in the interior ,
and their cgge , as well as the birds them
selves , are taken iu great numbers by the
pooplo. Fish , which throng the rivers
in enormous numbers in the summer ,
Form the principle food of the natives.
For the most part they are salmon
[ S < ilmo ralar ) , and are dried and stored
up for the winter , but owing to the
scarcity and dearnoas of salt the fish
frequently become rotten , and the
people sutler great privation. The rigor
of winter is much softened by warm
ocoau currents , which create those thick ,
cantlnuous fega that render the coaat no
dangorotiB to navagation. The total
population of both aoxes i put
down at only ( i,500 oouls , but , owing to
the total absence of agriculture , and to
the primitive methods adoptoa for pro-
Rorving food for winter , theao are fre
quently in a atato of aomi starvation.
For all except biiru food they have to
look abroad clothes , utonails , tea , to
bacco , etc. , and all these they purchaao
by means of their fur sable , which la nn-
cqualod in any other part of the world.
About D.COO of thcao skins are aold each
year at 15 to 20 rubles oaclu At the be
ginning of the present century cattle
were introduced from Irkoutsk , and , ow
ing to the excellent grass and water ,
would have thriven well , but on account
of the lack of industry or energy on the
part of the natives , it was found Impos
sible to lay in sufficient storca of fodder
in winter. The question whether agri
culture is pcaaiblo in the peninsula haa
never yet been anuwrrod. Markets oxiat
in the porta of eastern Siberia , which are
at present supplied with such articles as
ealt meat , butter , cloth and hides from
San Francisco. The main obstacle to
iigriculturu IB the excessively damp and
constantly foggy climate. The aun sel
dom chines , and docs not , therefore , give
enough warmth for the growth of rye and
wheat. The trade ia almoat wholly with
California , and aa there is little or no
money there it Is carried on by a system
of oxchingo , the natives ollering" their
rablo akiiiH in return for such goods aa
they require.
( H
l.imiloii Times.
The forthcoming debate in the Ilnlch-
stag upon thu meaauru of aubsidlzini ;
rannocciinio steamers lends apccinl in-
.ercnt to the naval returns which have
list been published. According to these
returns Germany posemcd at tiio bi'gin-
ling of this year U,71" sailing vosoela ,
with a total burden tf 2,531,908 metrical
ons , aa comiiarcd to 11,855 sailing vesacla ,
with a total burden of 2 oiKI 4i2 ( metrical
; omt at the bt-ginuing oj 1883. The mini-
Mir of sto.unors at thu biginnini ; of thia
our waa tiOIl , with a oipacity of 1,001-
lf > toim , as iigaiuat 515 , with a captoiiy
of 881,048 , tona at the beginning of 1883.
Thus the German i.a\y possessed lu >
; othrr at the beginning of this pear -1,315
vesaul.i , with a total burden of U,500,421
netrical tona. while at the beginning of
aat year 4.777 vessels had a burden of
only IS , 1)18,1(15 ) ( tone. The number of
sailors iu the imperial navy who could
laither road nor is l)2i , ! ) ; , 1.27 per cent ,
and ua tint norccutago waa 1 ! ! 'J last year ,
1.57 in 1888 , and 2 G7 In 1875 , the itn-
irovoment in thia reepcct has been very
narked of late yours. '
Detroit J'rofl 1'roas ,
There were there or four of ua in n
grocery atore 'in Macou when a tall , sol
emn-looking uegro nntorod and presented
a written order for $5 worth of gooda.
"Did Col. Dunlsp giveyou thia order ? "
sharply inquired the grocer.
The negro scratched his head and
looked unoaay.
"Did ho sign it or youJ"
"Say , boss , " slowly began the old man ,
"has you any doubts dat Kornul Dunlap
signed dat ar' ordoi ? "
"Of oourao I havel"
"Den dat settles do csso , an' 1 doan't
want no trade. If my sou Julius can't
do better dan dt artor practicin' ' fur a
mil weak I'ze gwinu homo to tell him
dut he'd better ctr&p oduoashun an' pick
up do cotton ohopperl"
AVIiy lo l'tMi > k-Ciiiunlt ]
Generally becauio they aru deapond
out They are despondent because their
health hau run down by reason of dva-
popala , debility , or malarial fevers. No
man in good health wanta to commit ant-
cidc. A healthy man can f. co hit
troublea und overoomo them. Ilrown'n
Iron Bittura eurichva the blond nnd tonea
up the system BO that vigor ard bravery
trtko tint olaso of debihty aud onwardicu
Iiivurinbly curt's dyspepiia , ludigoatlou ,
weakness , etc
The price of board at Momonl hall ,
Harvard , for the luut mnnth wai f3 07 a
wetk , the lowtet i > n
Mrs , HeiiuFicfcs aid Mrs , McDonald
Break Ont ,
SoclMy Tlvlilctl by Two HatidHouio
\Voiurn. ] Irn. llrndrlcks HIIJH
Moo" McDonald Hhnu't
Knlor the Onlilnot.
Special to the Now York Morning Journal.
Society la on tiptoe hero ever the
threatened outbreak in the event of the
aoloctlon of "Joo"McDonald as member
of Cleveland's cabinet. The trouble between
tweon the Ilondricksca and McDonald's
Is of long standing and thus far the gou
ial Joseph has been the worse for it.
The wlfo of Senator McDonald is an 3s <
timablo and very beautiful woman. She
was thu belle of Indianapolis society ,
aud her prestige made her objectionable
to Mrs. Hendricka , Mho is quite as ac
complished but not so beautiful. Mrs.
tiendricks is credited with having admonished
ished her husband before the recent
Chicago convention that ho needn't ox
pact n hearty welcome upon his return if
McDonald vras nominated.
"My dear. " said Mr , Uondricks , "I
muat do as my constitutontn instruct
mo. "
"Thomas , " added the fair diplomatist ,
"you know just as well as 1 that yon
would rather fall off a grain elevator tnan
see that man oucceod.1
Certain observing gentlemen who were
present at the Chicago convention uro
authority for the statement that when
Mr. Hondricka nominated McDonald for
the presidential nomination ho did It in
such choice , freezing language that "poor
Joo" was woreo off. after the speech than
before its delivery.
Mrs. Hoadricks was represented on
this occasion by a bevy of fascinating
beauties who charmed the delegates into
believing that McDonald waa "too horrid
for anything. "
Slnco the election the apprehensions of
Mrs. Hondricks have increased , and the
report that McDonald is to bo given a
cabinet position has stirred her martial
nature to Its marrow.
"Tho idea , " said a pretty Capitol Hill
belle this afternoon , "of putting that
man in the cabinet ! It's too awful for
anything. "
"What is the objection to McDonald ? "
asked a visitor.
"Oh , they say ho amokes tobacco and
tolls awful stories to make people laugh ,
and then his wife , you know , is fairly
crazy to be , the first lady in the land ; but
she never shall , mark my words ; aho
never shall bo. "
The fair speaker , whoso name la with
held out of politeness , is a very warm
follower of Mrs. Hendricka , and has been
busying herself for several days paat
writing letters to prominent democrats
against "Unlucky Joe. "
Should McDonald reach the cabinet
the social position of Mrs. McDonald will
be superior to that of Mrs. Hendrlcke , aa
the wife of a cabinet officer ranks higher
than that o1 the wife of a vice president.
Nor is Mrs. llondricka anxious to see
Mrs. McDonald the wlfo of a justice ol
the aupromo court , for that would also
ulvo her a more prominent social posi
The belief in this city is that the lion
'dricka family are coming to Waahington
with the idea that pretty much of the
rrholo responsibility , both political and
aocial , for carrying on the next admlnis
tration ia likely to rest on their shoul
Hendrloks , it Is aaid , boasts openly
that it was no who carried Cleveland
safely over the political bridge , and Mra.
Hendrlcks is quite cs pronounced that it
was aho who pushed Houdricka into a
position to do the carrying.
There are a number of ladies hero who
are admirers of Mrs. McDonald , and who
will defend her against the vicious at
tacks of her powerful rival.
Iu response to a letter from a Wash
ington friend , Mrs. McDonald recently
wrote that she did not wish , as a rule , to
Hssociiito herself -with contests which
were likely to arouse personal ill-feeling ,
but that she considered It to bo her duty ,
not only to her eminent husband , but to
her own good name , to rcfuto the Ill-
natured innuendoes which the Hendricks
clique was engaged In chculaiing to her
injurj' .
Altogether it is a very pretty battle ,
and the sympathies in thia section are
mainly with the lady who haa boon
placed upon the defence.
Man ol'a Husband.
At'211 woke one morning and found
nyself mi board a steamer , with $1 in
iiy pocket , on my way to Vera Cruz to
aid ) charge of a largo gold-iuiuu at
? 0.000a year.
When I got to the mine they gave mo
a warm reception , and I carry the marks
of a shot iu my eye , in my note , aud my
Keast , from the mountain banditd.
Sjon afterward I started with sixteen
lieu nnd BOIUO Mexicans to engage in
ihcor mining on Soapberry creek , iu the
\pacho country. Not a week passed in
which wo were not attacked by the mur
leroua rcdftkiua , who sometimes charged
up to the very walla of our blook-houao.
After working alx mouths wo started
For the City of Mexico with ever § 400 , .
JOO In gold. Just before reaching the
plalu 1 saw by my glaaa that wo were
pursued by a largo body of braves , cngor
for scalps and plunder , I set my men
iu a defile and iraltod. Before long the
Apache braves , iu their war-gear , approached
preached iu Indian file. Wo hold our
iiro until they wore within a hundred
foot , aud then delivered a murderous
volley. At first the line recoiled like a
wounded anake , but the next moment wu
heard the Apache war-whoop. The
braes urged forward their horses with
reokloaa courage , and almoat before we
could empty our aocond barrels the red
rascala were surging among the rocka
In lets time than it takes to tell it , wo
had tired each a dozen shota or more ,
and aoarco ono missed Ha aim. There
was soon a rampart of rcdskius , covered
with the crimson dew of battle , lying bo-
foru us. Aa soon as their assault wavered ,
our men charged through the amoku , and
emptied a score more of saddles.
For the first time In my life I aaw the
Aoachea retreat without carrying oil' their
dead , which ia a point of honor with
them. But aomo of our men , aeizing the
riderless horeoa , pursued them half n
mile or mure.
I waa brought to a halt by a startling
incident. Suddenly one of the retreat
ing Indiana turned hla horse und rode
toward us. 1 waa on the point of shoot
in : ; him when , to my turprlse , I aaw BU
Apache turn and hurl a tomahawk at thu
fugitivo. 1 chauged my aim and sent u
bullet into the eccon-1 mark. Thu
deserter was anon surrounded by our
men , and our surprise waa redoubled by
undinj ; that our captive wan a ivhita
woman , and that eho carried on til
shddlu before her a child of ten years ol
ag or inoro
We asVed her if there were any other
ng tti
shook her head , and , falling on her knees ,
began pouring forth thanks to the virgin
and ouraolvea for her deliverance.
Oar prisoner turned out to bo the
daughter of a Mexican governor , who
had boon canied off by the Apaches in a
fninoua raid many yeara before and
made the wife of ono of their chiefs ,
trho waa killed during the fight. But
her daughter for the child turned out
to bo a girl what a wonderful creature
aho was ! She might well bo called na
ture's darling. The child of the moun
tain , the river and the desert , she had
the grace of the floating cloud and the
charm of the fawn disappearing In the
leafy cjvet.
By the way what a stickler my wife ia
for fashion how eagerly oho adopts the
latest rlpplo in dross or manners I Thia
summer , at Saratoga , aho had her hair
bleached. Well , my wife is no other
than this child of naturo.
Coupling Car-H lr a Llvlnj > nnd Court
Ing Death A
The Boston Globn publishes the follow
ing under the caption of "A Brakonian'a
Plea : " "If there waa n law compelling
companies to pay for airmailing brakomai
you couldn't find a link nnd pin coupler
iu the country. Dangerous ! I don'l
suppose you hnvo any idea of the dangers
of u brakoman'a work on a freight train.
llo'a got to hnvo muscle , activity and
judgment , and if ho fnila in ono of those
for * n moment why , they just above !
him up in a blanket. Married men
won't couple cars , nxcept when they
can't got any ether job. It's all done
by young followa poor boya who can
better afl'ord to got killed. Some
day the pocr boy ia helping tnako up a
long train. Ho'a two hundred yards
away from the eugino. There's the con
ductor on top of the train passing signals
with hia handn to the engineer. Thu en
gineer don t want to kill anybody , but ho
can't BOO the whole length of the train ,
and it's hard to toll by the motions of a
man's hauds juat how much moro to
back. The brakeman goto in butweon
the cara , holding a pin in ono hand and
waiting t > lift the link with the other.
Along comes the train like hammers of
hades ; the draw bir gives way , retreats
clear to the head , or the brakeman loses
his footing in the shock. They carry
him homo , tell hia folka Johnny got
killed on the road , and get another
brakotran. Then in the winter there's
ice and snow on top of the cara. Over
head bridges break a Rood many heads
too. It's dangerous work , and wo gel
paid $1.85 for ten hours' work. It costs
a brakeman $30 a year for § 1,000 lifo in
surance , about six times what it would
coat you. In some parts of the country
the brakcmon have associations ,
and when one gets killed the association
pay his widow or hia mother or his slater
$2,000. There ia no nsaoolatlon like that
here. I wish there was , or that the com
panics had to pay for us. The only
coupler that will ever catch them will be
ono that saves money. Thai may oounc
rough , but it's God'a truth. Get up
coupler that doesn't cott much moro that
a link and pin and doesn't lose pins , nnc
you'll have 'em. Lot mo tell yon why.
The average losa of pina ia five a year to
each freight car. Boys steal 'em foi
junk , and they get lost in a hundred
waya. Pina cost CO cents each ; that's § 3
a car per year. There are nearly ono
million freight cars In thia country.
Tfiut'o § 3,000,000 worth of pins lost every
year. Looks big , don't it ? Well , knocl
elf n third for pina that are recovered anc
you will have a sum worth saving. Show
the railroads a self-coupler that doean'i
cost moro than $5 at the moat and saves
pins , and the brakomau will got a bolter
show for hia lifo than aovou chances in
eight. "
A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Piles 1ms been discovered by Dr.
Williams ( an Indian Ilt-medy , ) called Dr.
William's Indian i'ilo Oiutmout A single
box hofl cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or
30 years standing. No ono need Hutfpr five
minutes after applying this wonderful cooth-
ing medicine , l.utions , Instruments nnd elec
tuaries do moro harm than Rood. William's
Indian I'ilo Ointment absorbs tha tunic rn , al-
IIVJM the Intense itching , ( particularly at night
ufter Ruttintf warm in boil , ) acts aa a poultice ,
given instant relief , and is prepared only for
Piles , itching of the private parts , and for
not Id no clou.
Head what the I Ion. .T. M. Coflinberry , of
Cleveland , uay about Dr. William'a Indian
I'ilo Oolutrncitt : "I have need score * of Pile
Cures , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I
have never found anything which gave such
Immediate and permanent relief aa Dr. Wil
liam'a Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug
gists and mailsd on receipt of price , 60c and
81. Sold at retail by Kuhn k Co.
Wholesale j
The daughter of the King of Nether-
and bids fiiir to bo nno of the richest
women in Europe. She inherited from
her brother $4,000,000 , and the wealth
cf her father ia iininanae.
Acid I'lio.splialc ,
Dr. 0 S EI.MH , Wabaah , Ind , saya :
' 1 proscribed it for a man who had mod
ntoxicnnta to excess for fifteen years ,
> ut during the list two years has entirely
abstained. IIo thinks the Acid Phoa-
mate Is of much benefit to him , "
Passengers o-n the lied Sea steamers to
India were exposed last aummer to a
maximum heat of 105 degrees. The
winter temperature on theaa steamers ia
never below 80 degrees.
Uy uslnjr Dr. Frazier'a Throat and Lung Hal-
Hum the only sure cure for Coughs , Colds ,
llotrsouess and Sore Throat , and all dlneasos
of thu throat and lungn. Do not neglect a
cough , It may provo fatal. Scores and
hundreds of grateful people owe their liven to
Ur. Friuier't Throat and I.unc lialsain , and
no family will ever be without It after ouco
luiug it , and discoloring ita marvelous power.
It u put up in largo family bottloa and solder
[ or the siimll prlco of 76 centa per bottle. Sold
Kulin & Co , and 0 , F. Goodman.
PittBburir Chronicle.
Jean Ingclow ia turning gray in the |
prime of life. Dor London home , whore
she lives with her two brothers , ia alwaya
full of ( lowers. She devotes much time
and money to charity.
For diarrhoea , cholera tnurbus , dyson
tosy and bloody-llux , cello or cramps , use
Dr. Pierco'a Compound Extract of Smart-
Weed. Specific , alao , for breaking up
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
They are still picking strawberries in
TUB Voi/MIO DKLT UOUPANT , of Maralmll
Miclilttun , oner t1) ueml their cdlobrutod Ki.EU
FUANClca on trial for thirty dnyn , tu won
( ) < > UI\R or old ) alllictud with nervoua debility ,
loeii of vitality nnd manhood , and all kimUed
troubles. Also for rheumatism , ueuulglu ,
paralfin , and mauy other dUBfe * . Complete
rtifetoratton to hualth vigor ADI ! manhood
guaiauUted. No ruk incurred , M thirty d yj'
trial It allowed. Write them At unco fur illus
tr t ti p-anj Wet froe.
2 & I8ES ? TONC [ ( 3
ri medicine , combining Iron with r > ma
f "tnljlo tonlp * , quickly nnd rwntiletcly
1 nrcs lTicpln. | imllKCMliin , \ \ rnlinrfM ,
i < ' '
( .ml Nrupiilulii.
'tis ' nn unfnilliifr remedy for Diseases of tlii
Itliltirjnnil l.lvcr.
U Is Invaluable for rlscfl'es peculiar t5
Women , nrtil nil who lend mdcnlnry lives.
It ilo < M not Inliiro the teeth , cnuse hcndnrhc it
proiltirtf constljintlon < PAT Iran mcdlclnci I'o
Itcnrlclicsnnd purities the Mood , Ftlmulnln
Dioniipetltc. nlila the nislmllntton of food , n
Ili-vi Honrlbiirn nnd Jiclchlng , nnd Hnjnstl *
t ) v the musc'los nnd nerves
Kor Intermittent Fevers , jssltudf , J.D. c of
f. u ttzf. Ac. , U lias no equal
DK' ThoRMinlno bnsnbovo trade umrt < * t
err = otl rod lines on > t rapper. Tiiku nooir v
cd. ouir tr i.iton * inimcjt. toI I I.TIJIOE. ! r
aiiDnaispiitel In ( ABROAD GLAIh
Ever oiTcreil to tlic Diibllc.
The steamships ol this well-known line are trallt oren
ron , In water-tight compartments , and are furnish
id with every requisite to make the pasfuga both
infe and a reutblo. They carry the United SUtoo
ind European malls , and Icavo New York Thura
Jays and Saturdays tot Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
loure , ( PAIUS ) and HAMBUKa.
Rates : Stcerago from Europe only { 18. Flral
Cabin , (55 , fflfi and 7fi. Etccr KC2u ,
llcnry Pundt , Mark Uauecn , F .K. Hooros.U. Toft
Contain Omaha , Oronewec & Schocntgen , agents In
Council IllufU 0. 13 : IUOUARD ft CO. , Oen. r ta
Agta , 81 Erondway , N. Y. Cbaa. Koznilnakl & Oo
3cneral Wc-slo.-n A09ut6 , 170 Waihlugtou St. , Ohio
JOIU. , ? '
3i5K JZf
ndSyplullslnnll their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
DIoo Jpromptly relieved and
permansntlycured by reme.
dies.testcdin a Jr'ortul'caft
_ _ - l > l > iclui 1'racticc. Seminal
V/cakness. Nigiit LOSSLby Dreams , Pimples on
the 1'acc.Loat Manhood , Tuaitlvely cured , thtrt
i-jluc fiifrlitifitllmi. The appropriate rc.r.edy
ant once used in each case. Consultations , per-
lonnl or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
i : : to Indicate contentn or sender. Addresi
: n.JAMESNo.204Wa3hingonSI.Chicagolll ! ,
If A n I OH flTI l I IQI-H
VMnluUulL.I _ ciui jt
ItLMLllvl'HFl' . Avictlmof jouthfiililiilinnlcnco
musing I'romaturo Decny , n vouHUeblllt } . I t
ilanlioo.l. .to .hnrine tried in vain evury known
romodi-bRsiliscmerpd aHfmplumtianHof Hi'If-curo ,
uliioh ho ufll tmml KUKK to his follow-Mitfi rurs.
Addn.MJ.ll.Rii'Vjsi3 : : Chatham St..Nuw York.
l euro NervoimnesB , Lnmbftpo , Rlieiilnutlfltit V ir ilr'l''i
N'ouralKl" . Kclntlni , hldnoy , hplnu anil I Hci ill-i a-
duiit , Ahtlima , Ht art dltti < iiNt5 Dl j > i M . * onsll' ntl u ( i
vlpftljut , < Htnrrh. 1'll s. t < | illiki | jr , liniinli'm \ I'm li A > . <
I'roi lp iu Ulcrl etc Only Bill lillll. I u eh Ic I" li "i AIIHT
en tliat Hnnds the I'leilrldiy unil nmfii t iii iiiii.iiyh , Uo
OtMlj , aud cau U > roeuurcod In ua lualaul btbo jiuklont *
ft'inter litnmlng , the Euajon ollho year Icr ncho <
mil pilm. In view of this fact wo Biy buyrno of
) ; . /jrao's / Kloctrlc Uolts. Uy so dolne 3011 "ill
ivoU HhaumitlH'n , KHnir Tr mblcj and other Ills
hat floghUhn'rt ) . DJ nut deity , but call it our
tftoaaridoximliij belts. No. H-'l Douelas t'rt , or
1. P Qoodman'ii , 1110 k'arnam 3t.Oiuihi , Null. Or.
Ion filled 0 0 D
bnnlx Auaranei Oo , , ol on , Ciob
Allot IftCel.
estchsJler.N. Y. , CaplUI ,0(0,03 ? .
eMeronanti. of New rV. H. t. , CaplUI 175.000.
r rd 71re , Plill.delfUle , tpliij 1C9 , OCC
emen'ftnnJ racial 1.118,9"
IB DE01U 1)V
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana , fiubu , Every 12
to 14 Days.
nCKKTH , ! .00 , HALVK8. Jl.OO
Subject to no nianlpnlatlon , not oontrolUd by th
ptrtleiln Interest. It la the direst thing ft th
lature of chance In exlttence.
for Information and partloulari apply ioSHISEY ,
CO.Oen. Agents , 121 ! Uroadwar , M Y. city ,
C. KAUU4CO..4U Walnut streetSt. Louis , Mo
11 Frank Lobrano , L. D. , SO Wyandotte , Kan.
y Si-mid & w Iv
Health is Wealth !
DR. E. 0. vYur1 * NBBTI AKD liKim TRXisMur , a
aarauteed apaolBo for Hysteria , U tilntfj , Couvcl-
iloui , Kits , Nervoui Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous
Prodtratlou cauoed by tha uie ol alcohol or tobbacoo ,
tVfckelulnefi , Uental Uepretulon , Boftonln ol tbo
brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to mliory ,
Jeoay aud dtati , Prcmiture Old Ago , Oaronesa , IOM
olpewcrlii either six , lavoluntary Lueiea and Sper *
natorhoracauxed by over oxertlontnf tha brain , lelf.
ibuie or over Indulgence. Each box , eontnlnu ono
month's treatment 81,00 a boi.or six bottlei lor
15.00 , not by null prepaid on ruculpt of prloe.
rocuie > uv cadd. With each order rewlveJ by as
tor ilx bottles , acoomiilUhod with | i.(0 , wo will fund
the purchaser our written guarinUo to refund tht
oicney If the trmtmecu does not ( 'U ) ' t a ourn. Coir
tutew l uod only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. .
Jy SH-mfce rf Ut UajUon fit. , Chloago , III.
Physic1 an & Surgeon
Ke < lldenoe No. UD7 Jcnts Bt OtTicD , No. 1609 Far
nam ntnwt. Otfloo bourn 12 in. to I p. i < > am ) lioin t
to8j > m. Toll phone for otfloe 97 , reld-uo.i IU ,
The remarkable growth of Ouiaht >
during the lost few ycara In a matter of
great cotouiohmout to thoao who pay an
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the Stock Yards the
nocceaitv of the Bolt Line Bead the
finely paved streets the hundreds of new
residences and costly bnnlnesa block * ,
with the population of our city more than
doubled In the last five years. All thle
ia a great surprise to visitors and In thr
admiration of our citizens. Thin rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial Improvements madn &
lively demand for Omaha real oetate , and
every Investor has made a handsome
Slnco the Wall Street panlo last May ,
with the Bubaoanont cry of hard times ,
there has been loss dcmaud from specula
tors , but a fair demand from Investoro
Hooking homes. Thia latter class are
taking advantage of low prices Iu building -
ing material and are securing their homes
at much lees cost than will bo possible
year hence. Speculators , too can buy-
real osta' 3 cheaper now and ought t3 take
advant o of present prices for fatuio
profit ) .
The next few years promises greater
d ivo' ' opmonta In Omaha than tiio paab
d v years , which hrvvo been M good ao
wo could reasonably dcalro. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing houses nro added almost weekly , end
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha aud throagn-
bat the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of In
terest , which , If judiciously Invested ini
Omaha real estate , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits In the
near future.
We have for sale the fmeab resi
dence property in the north aurt
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able pnces oil Sherman a venue , 1 7th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
Weafa on Farnam. Davenport ,
burning , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
iccessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , nnd with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
vill increase in value.
Wo also have the agencv for the
Syndu ire and Slock Yards proper
ty in the south pare of the city. The
development made in rlna section
) y the Stmk Yards Company and
; hn railroads will doubl
; he price m a abort ti
We also have some line business
ots and some elegant inside rcsi-
leucep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some good bargains by calling on u
213 Brnth 14 b St
Bet con Farnlmm auJ Douglr.8.
P. S. Wo ask those who have
property for salo-nt a bargain to give
is a callWe want only bargains.
We will positively not handle prop
erty at raorotluin its real value