Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1884, Image 1

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AHA.RH. . . THURSDAY M011MNCJ ; NOVHMKKR 27 , 1834 , NO. 137.
r * 'f ' \ The Great Cocsolidatell Organization of
News-fialucrers Explains
The Efficiency of Its Election
Utterly Denouncing all Charges
of Manipulation ,
'Arraying the Proofs of It's ' Im
partial Services-
Grand Array of Editors in
Oounoil ,
'TitovsKoetntlonV Kesolutloim Thor
oughly K'xcutitiUtnK Kgcll from nil
vjoH of Deception.
Jfuw YOUR , November 20 Some dayi ago
the Journal of Conimorco commented unfavorably -
ably on the Associated press in connection
with the election returns from Now York , and
expressed the opinion tint Wh tolaw Hii J , of
the Tribune , hn 1 cxcrcUcd nn undiio shnro of
inUuenca m the work. This morning the
Journal contain ! nn editorial xxriston nftor
Mr. D vld Stone , the editor , had inquired
Into the facts , and it aa follows : "A joint
executive cummitlco of the Now York and
Wes'orn Associated press met yesterday to
investigate comilaintfl | which have been Hindu
from botti p.ucioi , concerning repott ) of the
Into political campaign up lo nul mcludn g
the rot-mi of the election , Alter careful
sifting of evidence , several fucti i > f
publii interest wore esUbli-ihod boyoml
controversy , and we refer t thorn briefly in
jtutU'o to ourselves and others. The arrange
montB for reporting the proceedingi of the
ojiiventi'in , the acceptance , the nominations ,
and the sayings and doings of the several cau
didatea woiothown to bo as perfect ai could
well bo devised and wholly without tiattis.m
bias. Any teeming partiality to ono or thu
other fide in the dispatches received was cor
rected at once by William Henry Smith , the
fjoneral agent , aud nil that human ingenuity
could devise was done to give reliable information
mation uncolored by pirty prejudices.
Tlio investigation uleo Bhoxxed that White
law Kei l had nothing to do with the BUJ.CT-
\nion of the Associated prcea return' . "
In regard to th collection of New York
fitato returns , the Journal Bays that so far aa
the peucral nunnger of the Associated presser
or the co trol of iho machinery IB concerned ,
tliero is no caupo for complaint , and concludes
as follows : "JCxactly how the returns from
the slain took on the partisan Character t hey
assumed wo need not say but wo arc BalMied
that no order cr directions of thu mnujg r-i of
the Associated press had any sliaro 111 con
tributing to result. "
NBW YORK Novembsr 20. A meeting of
the Joint Executive Committee of the Now
York Asaociatjd ljreis and the Wutern As
sociated Tress was called in Neiv York to in-
voelig.te the published charges of partisanship -
ship in their dispatcha.i during the campaign ,
and then colloation of election returns , was
attsn'ledby ' fie inombjrs 23 follows : Charles
A. Dana of tha Now York Sun , chairman ;
Whitelaw Iloed , oft the I'ribuun , sacratary :
James Gordon Barme'ff , ofthoHera'd ' , ( rejK
rcsonled by Dr , G , W. Hosiner ; ) Kicnard
.Smith , of t > io Cincinnati Ciiu mmcud } ii/utte :
W. N. Ilaldermiii , if the Louisville Ojurier-
Journal. Alter a thorough investigation of
Ihovvork , me 11 iug circulars of iuHtruc tion ,
correspondence with uvaati , by letter
and telegraph , oorre-ipondenio with
candidates , complaints from
both democratic and republic m source ? , dis
patches Bout out , returns loceivcd by teleg
raph , aud thu origin da hied by tin senders i i
the several telegraph oil'ico * , MISTS. W. N.
Ifeii'liTiion ' , of the hounvill > Canriur-Jonrnal ,
nd ilichard Smith , of thu Ua-
/ette , , vvo appointed a Bub-commit LO to tnm-
maii/.y tlie conclu-inn reached by the mem
bers. They pro * mtel the fo lowing reio" ,
which was uiuniiuiiU'ly adopted , ui d the
chidnnauml eeeioiaiy ( if the joint committee
wcro instructed to t-ir 11 tin t.vno and t r.iiiMiiit
it to the menib.ri and clientu of tie two tvHo-
ciatlons :
To the inoiubros an lcli n'3 of the Associa
tsd priss : Tlu < xecutixu cninimUea did not
dfom it ndviiiblu dn ing the sharply c uti'ited
campaign 11 tike public n iticd nt iho misrepresentations -
representations rnd unwarranted criticising
puliliihed nj.diHt the AMouaind pros * .
Observation sh nvs during'hitch rouBims of
OM-itument men lire movtd by passion i.ither
th ui re win. Now th it the p.irty contoit 14
i limed. Urn iiHMiuit ( t > dtem it their duty o
m ike public the following BUtsmenl : A
mooting of the coimniitao xv.u cill-
oil for nn thu'ith mst , , to which
David M. btoiie , Kn\ \ , president of |
the Now York iimociutecl piusp , nnd the Hon.
Joseph i'ulitzirof the e\eeuU/3 * committee ,
Will ) invited. Tne 1 .tier win unfortunately
out ot the city , hut Mr. Stone n tended and
gave Ihu committee the benefit f ho c.until
nnd expeilince. A ( areful rexiev/ th work
done , and ef the olhci il record' , xvarnnLthu
ftatemoiit tlii.t the high character nnd nun
partisxu fnlruPBS thai have given tlie as
Hoeiated press ells hold upjti publluionfiilqiiCM
in the pas' , luvo been lirnily inainlaino'l ' ,
and that no improper influence , po iti
cal or olhornUe , liaxu IMCII p-rmmivti'd
to cnler into thu inatmxemeot The work ,
strictly eonhnecl xvitliin tlie limits prescribed
by rules , xxInch experience hasproxel to bo
ralo aud just to all parties , hanbten lur tr
than in any prjxiniis campaign This xv < dun
ton greiter number ot piny ( lixlsiuns , .iiid
to the dnnaiid ol thu
press for n fuller Bur
vloo. Tno tUlu conventionc , nearly n hun
drcd in number , am ) thu national cunvenlior.s
of all Iho poetical orgni iratioriB were reported
ported wllh a ihoroughnusH nnd rapidity Biir-
pissiug auylhingevu. ba'ord ' nUonipt d 'Iho
Hiibseipiently eillKJal action of thu party cim-
inlttem the let'.i rs , addre < es aud movtinenti
of thu candidate * , woiu can fully pioi'idcd fur
under instinctloiiB mnnl.r in 1 in iugo und
ppint It hni never beuu con-idered IIH v\ilh-
In the le itinnitj fui c Inn * of thy nou-p.irilna'1 '
as'oci tlou tu rep nt nrdin i y cuiipjiguineet
IngK , or to transmit the huiuduU that spring
up during m h h iUol i > triotl < ' , All n h
IMVO been rig jrouely oiclu led frum Abnoi t > Ud
prcMH reports. ' 1 fie Uiar e tint ol , ell n tc
turns Inho htato ot Now Ymk were
vvithliol i are ( Improved ly tl.u fuel ih it out of
u totil of 1 ( J ! ' ) u-anU und tovvm in the Uat" ,
the ns'ou attd preBH ncmed on tk'ction niflit
retuuni from WW , wherf.n , in 1870 roturnn
vx'U'H received from only 251 iinil In 18 1 , from
oidv"-\ ' 1'h" i-ti ( nt inpidiiy .vnd nub.t/in-
tid ( tccunuy if IIIH urvico vxtro nuvfr
tiuUoil ] hi ford In thiii Hint-1 , the InUl xoi < f
xvtiich U IriiliPdcli * ( ih eiionnoiM number
nf 1,10 , Ct ( ) , BO Marly ilivi'icil n U.c-
two grin ! j)4rtu an to luave to the
xictqr only nl.out 1,1)0 ) of a
plurality. The irixevt'iMtiuu nhotvs that vhilo | teiiiiu errorn In tin lelig
rwphing of our r < sport * , esoeciuUy from re I
nt itii point' , dux in part to lIHr II-MI f trjn--
ndtted oxer dlllcnut ImiH of Iclrgrni h , , I
whll < 3 tl'i an eiri rain t c nihln. dimini.-li'd the ,
up ircnt ( lienxlh of Ci-nvlind tliuo wi i ut
ono error of nnxituicj | mM \ OILU | |
( f the A' oLi.tdl | rt i < 'I Ina wn < in wea
bnlle'iii ' IK n d in \oviinbir fidi , two
duvftfr tt.
- nlictiuii. knoxMi UK
"Hullo1.1 ! ! ninnbtr foirtatn. " In uiak'ntr '
thn up , ( ite ( / : VIR muthi in tticlani Hinjloytd : ,
in thu imi ( oof full rtoturno from i * ' " '
innU'iul ' ' i.f c-jiitiDtiin , ; to eetlmatd tli , . .
democihtio gains , as lud Jjff-n
before , undertook to o-tluiato thn actual pin-
rahtlei aild by thi < prnce" , hgurcil out n plu
rality of t > " 3 for Mr Ul lno. The oub-acnit
In rllarrfo of the ollico jcnt this out without
suthctent scrutiny , but tt win ? or'octcd as
nuou M its lunccutncy wns posttiu )
ly Mccrtamed. In regard tothin i
error , the cotnmiUeo'fiudnoovidonrn of inton
tlonil vvronP-doliiR on the put if the fill )
acmt. Vrom tint to list , tliero wai no ellort
t ) control or alTect returns by any inombpr of
the conmiittco In any interest , nor any inter
ference of any nort , nd the general mitrtic-
tiotiii under whici the work vvns ilono were
strictly fair , non partisan , nml moio thor
ough aud minute than ever before.
CIIAS A. DANA , Chairmin.
WlllTKI.AVT IvKlH , SeC'Otllty.
OlIlll'STIAN WOllltP.US.
HCX1 > \ \ SOIIOOI , SlI'Klll.NTKSllKStS , KTC.
i'HIKUKiEii ) , Mass , November 2I'ro -
limln.iry meaaurcs for the iucorporotion of a
School for Christian Workers vvni taken in
this city. Prominent icon of this city , Now
York and Boston am intoreUsd in the outer-
prifo. The school v\lll bn opened January 1st
under the presidency of Kov. D. A. Kocil , of
this city , assisted by an ctliciont corps of
teachers. Present arrangements reduce t\ '
pensoto the ntudonts tin mere coit of board ,
Ijook" , etc The object U to train In a two yours"
coureo of study , yoniif ? in ° n of Christian clnr-
ncter , who wi h tu fit themsolvea for Sunday
School superintendents , secretaries of 3 oting
men's Christian n'socintions , pnntors , lay as.
sintants , Hiblo colporteurs and reader' , aud
for lay and homo mlcsion work. The work
tins the approval of Moody , IVuti cost Say-
foul and other p > nmtientgos ! | > cl workers who
rny there 13 a positive dt'iuimd at living wsgon
for a Urge number of jouug men trained to
this servico.
iiiHtniRMis unntMi HIM ton TIIK SKNATK.
WASHIMSTOV , D. C. , November 25. It is
clear that 1'remleut Aithur's frieiuh are
making an airnest effort torccuro his election
to tha Fen.ite. There have been recently a
number of vintq hero from prominent politi
cians who have spent most of their time at the
White House. The latest caller WAS ox-H na-
tor Thos. C Platt , who is disposed to cham
pion Arthur's cause , notwithstvnding Conk-
ling Is a candidate. During the lust vvook
sev-rd prominent men from Now York have
paid visits to the White House. There are
two or three of thorn now In the city. This
morning one of them s'vld to a member cf con
gress Iron. New York :
"Three d js after President Arthur's mov
sago ii received by congress there will be but
ono opinion as to who ehill he temtor. "
The Kentucky Plaj ; < ' .
LOUIIVILIK , November JO. A correspond
ent of the Courier-Journal sends the following
concerning Iho disease prevalent in unstera
Kentucky ; In Harlan county the disease , ip-
pearod to bo worst. It is most fatal and most
provaileut absut tha headwaters of Poor
Fork and Clear creek , about 20 miles from
Mt. , wharo tha people are dying
rapidly. In ono neighborhood twelve died in ,
a siiiRla day hst week nud there were scarce
ly enough well persons to mike them cotlins.
Along the banks of Brown's creek tha disease
rages with frightful f itality , no olfort ln-lnp
made to keep a record of thedeilhs. In ll > ir- conntv the diieiso ia spreading
rapidly. No remedy has been louuil
to cure those idllicted Those that
recover nro helpless for weeks. In Lichtor
and Perry counties and tha northtiwt pjition
of Uelle the .plaguo baa broken out. Thn
deaths reach hundreds but the number at
tached cannot bi ucecrtalned At Air Pleas
ant the disease has not prevailed. At a res
ion of circuit court tliero the "omnionwe.illh
CMOS had to be continued nn account of the
Blcknoss of many witncmea nud d fendants.
No guo neein ? tn know the exact nature of
fhi > disuaso. Most c ill it "flux" probibly an
apgr iruted form of that dinti'0. It bo'inw
with savflro piim , in the stoiniLh ; f illowud by
( Ubiht iting dianlioei nud sivelling thro it ,
eontimiBB for three or fo ir dajs. If a palinnt
does not die in that time , he mil illy recou-in ,
All iipruu tint the laiite is the use of nn-
propM-water. No pure wnter obtuinabln in
tho.itil cnd regions In Virginia a few loc il
ities mtliti nouthwostuin pirt are allll-tod , but
in West Vargmi i , Buchanan , Uu-nall and
Scott counties are in an appalling condition.
WASIIINOION , November 20. Hepresenla
tiveh Kami ill and I eng , of the mill committee
of thu homo cmimit'.tu on ipprnpri itions
xiiik' in ell irge the unvnt nppropriiti m bill ,
hid n long conference wit'i ' Secretary Chind
Ier t ) d .y in referen.o to the iiiipropimlion
for the mxvy for Ihu last fix months
of the present fiscil joar. The nib
ciinmitteiM favored a continuation from tlm
luBt your apiiropnatioii hill for th it branch of
the fcrvica but it is understood that Chaodli r
' xp ( , ifcd liiuwi If in favor of some henat ) com-
initlc'j ) mm ndmonti hut season , in respect to
which time inference cninimtties weru uuiiblo
tojgice. Clmndler will give his views to tlio
full comirittuo Monday ,
Two C uisliiH Kill\ .
IiIcKiKsronr : , Pn , November 20. This
menm' a young man named Kainedy , aged
17 and ft cousin , a. young laly of Iti yearn
with the nainn name , were walking along the
Uiltlmoie & . Ohio rjilroid track near Dumm-
ler htution A louunutivo rounded u curve
su Idtn'y ' and thu couple were struck , liur od
Uvjiitv-tivo feet and killdd , Hath wore terri
bly injured.
honiit n-ft and
men ,
WAhiii.vaiov , November 20. About fifteen
BCimtors and twenty repriMtntitlves have re
turned to the city. Mont of the others are expected -
pocted Saturday night , It is.tlm opi'.l in of a
nninbrr of thee wh > hive r-.tiirmd tint tlio
inaj nity of CongreHS will visit Now Orleans.
They ino In doubt , luwover , m to whether
both houses will lakoan early adjournment for
tin ) ; > urpo6o of making tlio visit.
Hold Itiuvlry
HBAVKH. Pa. , November 26. Six mafikoil
men , with drawn nvolverx , entered the reel
dencM of George Young and Lov ! Wiimnun ,
near hero to day , mid after terrifying the nc
Lupant , luniKl and gjg/id boMi IIIHII and Bev
inl 1 1 I'M rrfnent. A search of the liouu
wai then made nn 1 $ i,0 ( ) , tngethur with a
laiga lot of jo nlry and silverware was taken
Ollleial ( l.Mtiu ( il Indliili-i.
IMHA'JM'OMH , November 20. The oflkia1
count ot thu vote of Indiana Is us follow , | 8tlblj ! ) Hlainn , 238 H7j lintlfr H ,
7M ; ht John , 1)007. ) 1'or v > vi in r ( ! rav
( dem-2lj ) liO , O.ilkim. ( iep ) 2J7 7IH , Louiad
, JliSi DwigKitiH , ( { luhibltiun
VI IllK'O Civil
ULAIIISO , 1'f , , November 20 Tlio proprie ,
torn of tin * two tl nting rmls In this city h v
udiipled n rule prohiljitlnij culo-od people froi :
biul ( hl n to tin II iur of the link. The col
< irad citu iiH thn aUn lo ti-i-t their tyhti I
tha courtb under tli civil rights bill ,
I'llll 11 (1 ' | ( ! H Cllll )
CHICAGO , liToxcmbtriii. _ TJn fifth nnnn
elltiTt dlllMIt ( f thn Cllk.ltjd 1'rrCH club ti
lit Ctu'ial iltific hill tiii.nHtid In K u
tivlun , mu-luil * olpcti"iH hy u niunbtr .
dramatic und other cohibiitlcH , J < argo fitten
Tin ) ISuy rtinl. 'n Vi c
HOHTOV , Novombei i0 ! - Tin official vote
Mn * < iochuMtl < in an fnl owm JlUlne , 110,7 1
Cleveland , 122 Il'/J ; ItiUlur , 'Ji . ' ! 62 ; St. Juhr
9/J23. Jilalno'i * plurality , 24 37A
, niinal Renort tf ibe Gflinplroller cf
of tlie Cnimcy ,
.n Exhaustive Treatise on Na
tional Fintuioos ,
isoomniends tbo Funding of the
National Debs
! \.ud \ Propose Money Plans tviul
Pho Danger of the Contraction of
Bank Circulation.
Ir Contends Hint Notn uuricnoy
SlKiuhl II live Kqtuil Hacking In
Coin oi * Itiilllon.
WASHIMITOS , D. C. , November 2(5. ( Tlio
initial report of thn comptroller of currency
i\s : The National banks held , November 1 ,
.hi . , $ rr > , ( > 01,400 worth of three per cent
oiuli , piyitLlo at the pleasure of the govern-
lent of which S .BSO.'JOO have been called
ir pa > ment , interest ceasing Novembir 1 ,
Sl. IftncPO bonds.-no replacul by others
oaring interest them will bo nn Immediate
cducti on in the circulation of nicety per cent
f that amount. On November I , there were
101,11)0,500 ) worth of three per cent bonds ,
myitblo nt thn pleasure of the government ,
'heso bonds will pr bably bo
mid within the next two yoat < t ,
ven if conniJcrablo changes are mido In the
aritT , and from 1887 to 1SUI , vvhen2'i'J ' , < 00
00 of four aud n-half per cents nmtun' , there
.fill IH > no bonds which the government can
call in for redemption. No doubt Iho BCLIIIUU-
'alien of eurpiua revenue , if it continues to ac-
iruo at the present rite during four jenra , be-
ween 1SS7 and Iti'Jl , together vvith theiovo-
lies ot 1MI2 , will be more tlian nullicient to
jay oil the four and ono half per cents , and
rom 1SIU until I'.Wituill bo imposKibto
or the government to use any of the surplus
ttveniUH for the payments of its bond" , except
it option of their holders It is apparent that
, ho government cannot accumulate and hold
ts BiirpliH rev i nuos , oxen during short perioj
'rom 1 81 to IbS ? , without grenC disturbances
0 the business interests of the oountry , and
ubVcfH can it il so during tha longer po-
.od horn lb'J2 to HI 17. It nppears therefore ,
hut forgoing conclusions should bo given djo
iclpht to any plan for funding I percent
jonds m a tilting in Illi7 ) and the
omptrollor tlierofuro mi gos'f that the princl-
ial oilliculfcs of the Biaiationjni.iy porhpi ( | o
ihviatcd , as well us tlio roduu on of mlt-rese ,
IFoctod uy funding tliefu bonds into others
hich shall nmturo in proportionate nni'innU ,
t certain tixed intervals. Thus the & 7J1S -
'flO ' 000I per cent bonds might bo funded
nto un equal nmount of 3 or 2. } per centbondi * ,
uo-lifth of , or § 117 OtO.OIlD , tomaluio
, t intervals of five j earn , the hrftinat'illmout
.illinu' duo July 1st , lb'J7 , aud the remaining
nstallm-jut > ( $ > 117COJ,0 0 , each on the 1st
if of July , in the last year
lach turn et dine pciiod of five
ears , vlr : 1002 , 1007 , 1U12 , , and .1017. ho
voiugo matuiity of llitao line classes of bonds
ivould , r o the same us tha ; of the present 4
ier cent' , viz : July 1 , 10J7. Whatever con re o
.lay bo deemed expedient by congress 10.
ar'd to funding or futura payment of the jnib-
id debt , the comptroller is of the opinion that
C is perfectly u&fo and will afford great beno-
t to the public to prevent an ixMie by n ition-
1 hanks of Lirculatii n to the extoitofl Optr
ent , pir value , bomlx deponted m to d of 11
li ) per cent , and in in uiunittiiig tlu bonds
eprebenting tin ) pu'ilic ' ikbt wliLii fuudid
it lower rates might ut tme ! < in
ho ftitnro be billow par in the market , the
overiiment would , if forcul to reduce nn'i > 3 ,
n inbolvcnt , nation d lunks alsviiys liavo the
ight to cancel binds on thu deposit Beuirmg
ho Hiimo , and thin nxtingmsh the iiinonut of
tb debt equal dollar for dollar to thu notes ro
'eemud. It is further biibmitted that the
ir lit on thn circulation may lu mcreasid to n
unit which will induce. batikn to keep up their
, iniiUtion to u iiiiiMmnmuiidHtoptlKicoiitiac-
ii n of tin ir c rculutioii whiUi is now occur-
nip , by speakii g the law , taxing nuihuicula
ion at nrn o cf one half of one per cent
'I'lni-Hiinnidlj. ' Tlio r\pon.tCH of keeping up
hu mi'i mill tanking Bvctoni by Iho guvein-
lent me at ] irihcut paid in p irl from proLoedrt
1 this tax and in part by a-srHumcnt on the
.hub inks. If tliatiNUoah Jih il , nil thcso
xpensLB Bliould bo b - the lufit noniLil
uuthoil In coiuiilonng thi-i mat'er ' tlio comp-
Tulhr wiahi'H it dUtniLUy nnderrtood Out , ho
H not in favor of any nieiMiio vUrtuh vvll
; auee inflation. I Ion of the < pininn Unit , thu
iicstnt nggregato iupT circulbiion , niado up
t kgal tender and miti mil hank notcu
nd gold and Kilvnr certilicitoi in am do
or all tha nerds of ImiimhH , llo b ° Iluvcs ,
i ivvever , that ; i nudun contra tun of the na
iiinal bink ciiuiilation , whicli , v/illi ml appro
iriute legislation , H imiiiiiu nt , will nuumslv
unbarruBs thu biisinesn ( if the eo ntry , and
hat if this contraction is | ennitte 1 t ) go ( n
t may remit in the entire discontinuance of
[ Kites by national banks Thu comptroller bu-
Jiovns tlutthU fnrm ( if currency , which can
bo iucreaHcd or diminished in ifuinlnucu witli
lie. national Jaws winch control bnaim.bH ,
liould Lo contlnuod in pufcrenco
, on v other now penrittel by tlio Inw , In
rigard to ri clrcuhitKui bnfidnn wlvr , tlio
o 'inptroller ' nay. : ' The people of ttiu United
States now hold a piper tirculallon ba-i d
up in eilvi r dollars , in ariinuiit iquul to more
than one third ot the national hank circula
tion " If It is for the brut interests of the
Umtd Mites to iHsun n circulation bannl
upon silver , the comptroller Inliovos llmtui h
circulatii n bh , nld bo is uul upon cuin or bid
llun which coi tjiim a BiifhuK-nt numbo' of
grains of silver to Inwn Inliinulc va no Kiual
in the mark. IB of the wmld to Its noinin d
value. The prfnent laws n ako the piirclniHn
and OJinagoof a fixed vmount of Ivei | bullion
mandatory This IK , tlio Lumptrollir cays
yciv periiiLioui in Its effect as the tlio iihliui-
itnl and coiiUmiid lm unue < f full legd tender -
dor silver coin nnd certificates liasad thereon ,
of intiniHii ! vuluo ulroidy cui-od the hoarding
of gold mid will uvciilimlly drive it from thn
chnnnilHof tradn , tlnreby cau mg a practical
HUipennlnn i f gold paymentii There are M due
tions of this , njtably this ntiuHlniHi
in financial cird'M in , ) u o nnd .luly lj t , c a
riad by the reserve gold ( n tha trdmury , following -
lowing no near tn a point at which nudiy t iu
new inBiianLogold cerlilf atlon tedned. It al i
will boobnorvod tha d iring the present ear
tin ) natimal banks tliioutjiiout the country
have Inirua-ieil tlmir h i ) HII JH of gold , includ
ing the mini ol Sl'iD.jr. ( ; : i. The co..ptrolh r
cmuludi H hln iep ut with n dlncu.mon > n th
mbitct of bank ex I'liiu jtloriB , and thn c'inmd '
elation nf the hnaiuul lioubb of Muy .HH1.
Tlio f-ciiiiliirlul CdiKcM In
OIIIOAOO , November 20. The lodi ral gran
jury nuin < fd its fnvihtlgutfun ni to ullegoi
f/itixU in Ih'J Hscond jueclnctuf thnl'ighteentl ;
wad of thin city thii morning. Aicore'irig ' t
Ihu fae.o of tha returns from which Jirun
( dcin ) tevnlvud u plurality ovi r Ltio.m ( ii > | ,
for tliu ktato Konn'u ot oxer 2'JO vnti-H. Th' '
jmy oil M ' In-fore it a Inrrfu number nf voUrs
ull nf vxlum diibrtd they uero | ionlivn tin
vote ! repnl ) IcJil tluketivxith the name i
l.eniiin jinnted upon them , linpljin ,
that the republic ai tlcifetB found in tlio bo
Irid been p accd them lifter the clo'ln < of th
p/He. Nturly time liiindn : I JIS-IBOIIH lit
Ijten Huiuniontd. who claim 11 h ivo voted tl
republican ticket , wh < l > i Iho litllotx xhoxi
hoirian jicf ixcd le < i than 2CO votii1.
Thu Dally News' .Spilnftlidd dinprtch say
( be J'raiid-J/maii c.uu winrecchtd by w'
UtoKiftrdof canvftMPM tlil rnormng , Thn
uombers of Iho Cook county cauvnumig
Kiixrtl nirivtsl ontly In the day , ml corrected
ormal error * In tlio return * , ml they wcu
cceptod by the Ute Ixiaul , which Ihon pro
reiled to cvnvivM the veto on coi gre mnu In
V > k county. When thU wai completed the
ittorrnv for Loninn outlined thoilntactor of
, h alleged frAUtlmn the Klghteotith ward , aud
i kcd that members of the comity cmivrmlng
wird bodin-cUHlUiRivotPstlmonyMto the
ndltion of the tally ohcrtd anil poll tool *
nvaMcd by them. Tlio tKiird decided to
ion this tiwttmony wibject to the legal tlghtt
if Iho bonrd to con'Irlcr tliii testimony hir-
iftor. MeiulH'ra cf the county board proceed
< 1 to do cribo BOtno of thn apparent clnueea
n the poll book. The mtmlors when
ueBtlonod ittated that frlomls of l.iumn
tiered to produce testimony lu > v\lng fraud ,
, iul tint the icturiw were forged ,
nit they decided that tlii-y had
10 light to hear testimony ami v\era com-
> ellrd to accept the fnco of the returns
nlnl. The nttornoy for Lomr.ii tltMi ivil
10 clerk of the rdato board lo rnid allidav iu
inwnigfrnud tu the disputed precinct. Mr.
Hiorly , chairman of the democratic ttato cen-
, ral cominlttco , dcmandod wh t tixlit it had
oheartostluumy , t > which thfl ntlorm-y tor
, eman replied the binulhr.d hnd ilnliuctly
oierved the tight to pw x pen the
ocal liORrliiff of the toatim.ny and
right to coiutdor it as n
invaitiug loard for future connuloratioii.
\tlldavits wcm then road in an endeavor to
liow fraud. Ono expert declared tl o tnmn ol
.traiiMor.tho rcpublioau iiu'ito ' , wasiHit ( untied
bitli book and
> y tlwuamo ix'rsonoii poll
idly sheet. The ( Udavlt ol 2SO persons
ere nlso read who declared they v. ted for
-eiunn. The atlidftvltB oC mporvi oih of
eetton wen nlso road , showing tlal Lillian
cceivrd UO voter.
Atl'.ionftprnnon Jsefron Mr , Oberly pro
Mitoil ( in atlidavlt by Strauiser.rftOftrmgtliit
ii slennturn to thn poll Iwok wns geminio
< uv. Hniullttm HAld Unit the ign.ituro lo the
011 book was not the ono In cucntuui. but
lint to Ino lally shoot. When tlio Tliirtconth
.iMnct wasroix hedG. A. ] Clnp | > . caimlduto
or the legislature , presented an nil davit that
ho change in the tally sheet In hn precinct
.nd taken ninety voles him and elected
nolhir nnii , nnd tint there vvoro no ornsui en
m the tally Bheet vvhnn the footings were
naito and Klnpp said , out'ldt i i ts nllldivlt.
hathe bolioxe-d that the e ituirfes were undo
, fter the papers loft his luinds tiytho juagcs
f election , On further consideration botU
nutters worn postponed till Friday. The re-
ii.xtnderof the canvass will bo reiumeJ to
poclal Telegram to tha UKK.
CillOAno , November UC. It is currently
umored hem to-night thai the Umtod Stitos
; rand jury has decided to draft indictments
gdtiBttho ludgos and clerks of election In
no Second I'rccinct of the Eighteenth ward ,
'hich has been under Investigation to day and
After hearing further evidence Including
liat of Hon. 11. 1 $ . Wnshbuino nndothi-r well-
inoxvn cltirons , the jury this ovoninr ; ad-
mrnod till Monday , hocal papora will pub
.ah a statement to-morrow to the i fleet th xt
.here is good authority for the assertion that
ho jury before adjourning found incjctments
giunnt the three judcoi and two clerkof
'lection ' in thn Becond precinct > f the
Mchtoontli wtird on thn charge of making
raudulenc returns to the county clorL. , nml ill-
trnc.'cd the United atatoj district attoniey
, o drnxv up the papera. . _ _ - .
pecial telegram to the 13 EK.
Si KIM.KIKI i ) , 111. , November 20 M uch
.pecnhitiiiii is indulged In Ijonj to-night as to
what the Btixto cauvarsing board will do in
ho matter of the Urund-Leamuu contest In
, ho bixth legiBlativd district As noir moan
> o learned by your corrouondent from
nsorviewfl with leaders < nn both stdca the
irobabtlitles ore that the JjanVasting board ,
.yliicli is ropunlican , will daud that it linn
; 'owtr to consider ins oviacTB'O 'T -uiifuiu-U
.o-d.iy touching the geniiiueniiEH ol the return
'rom tht Serond precinct , ol of the Eighth
vard. If it so d'Ud H thurp is liltlo duubt
) ut that it will refute the cei tilicato to Bmnd
democrat , ) and ivo it to Lemau , ( ropubli-
: au ) Thn would make the otnto legUlaturo
i tto uti Joi tbnllot Tile action of Ivlunp ,
dnnociat , ) of the Thiitoonth hglslatuio dis-
lie. 6 day in pie niting tljo claim of fiaud
n the 1'ouiteonth ward of Chicago , wine
luted another dcmocnt , pives the stxto can-
ashln ? board an o ] portnnlty to eay th it
t cin't decide bftxxeon them nnd refuse
ho certificate to oithir Una would give the
epublic.urn ono majontv n u joint b ill t anil
luble thom to oltct n l/nited / tutos Senator
.OHiiccttd hognu. J II. Ohorly , ehairman
if thy diKiocratlc State Central Committed ,
; aid tonight that ho wai inclined to the
ninlon that UOLJO iiiich f.lan wns on foot ,
' 'rom tlie happy Hpirit Bho > vn by the rtfjmbli-
IIH to-night , including Long Jonen , chnli
inn of the lopubliean ttato commitlco
nppjsltiun IB stieiigtlinied.
1.A8TK1IN K\riW
OllK'ACO , November tt > The gonernl pas-
icnger a/ents of the east bound trunk Hues
lot here to-dny and ngrod lo renton ) the
lasncngor rates to idl points ( iant , and an I
.gfceinent. win Hignod in behilf of all toads
nd will at once bo faiibmlttud to the general
namiCTS for their , and It will i'o
nto elf. ct after tlio latter signatures are af-
ixcil. The piinclpal ( pioatloo of Varlanco was
hu idloxvan o ot u ( inferential rnte ti younger |
irid weaker lines. Thin Ins heretofore bu n
> l.fU. Older lines wanU'd to in iko it 7fi I
c'nta. A i.oinpioinleo was finally circled on
d. The reBtoration wan reaclad on n basin
if S-'l ' f i oni Chicago to Ntxv York ver the
kliclngim ( Jei.tral , ] < 'ortV jno fcrid fjtltn
Hlioro , and $1 ! ) over Ulior linei. Thu giand
trunk allowed a dilferculial of fell to Boston ,
xnd ilohn Comnton has li'icn appointed I'tii
: ral ctttttrn agent of the Michigan Contra ) .
NhW Youic November 2fi
, An olfoit is
unking by tbo eltuir mukors' hern to Bocuro u
njecllon by the United HUtci Bcnuto of
of the Mpaninh Aiacncau trealy by
hich Ugan may bo imporUd ut a reductl n
o' fii ) pill eenlOn tlio picBcnt tariff .
Mooting * nro being held by the employes of
jilforout uliupii to mil the movement. I
OlfAWA , Out. , November 20. UopreHenta-
.jvortnf AmeiiuJii xvlnsky linns havj bien inN -
N rvlowing the rovinuo uti'.horltkn lioie xvlth
reference- exporting ink ) Canada a luifjo
prodnsthm of the wniaky r. nv In bond in this
Htute ,
ToliONro , November 26 The Buporintfii-
dent of tilt ) ( Jiiinuiian 1'ucifiu Hnilxvay IIIJB
that thii road got all supplies , Buch : n r ills ,
fastening * , etc. , for the winter noitliof l.ulie
.Superior nnd tha Hocky mountains und twi n-
ty thousand inon xxill bu employed on the
ciiiHtiuction of nil winter Buttion north of
l.ako Huperior ai.d it wi'l ' bu completed bo-
twuiin now and April J-t ami tlio i.ocky
mountain fcecUon by tlio lifbt of next of Ojlu-
I'lTTHliUltu , NovimUr 20 , On Docurnbcr
Ut tl u WagiB of nil cniplujeeanf thu I'lttibilfg ,
Clricinnnti ( t M LOIIJH Itallway x/lll lie ru
dueud ten p r Lent.
Toltd.vro , Noxembor 2'jA ' elrtnlnr frnm
Hickhon , genuiut ii.nui > ; cr if the ( Jiund
Tr ink , tu tha employes itritcn that , mclng to
Ihu poor state nf huul'iisi * unit conmipieni ful
ling av/ay of rcCHipiH , a ri Inctlon nf tlio Btulf
U loiincl iKLPSxary , I.H well m it c inUmniUim
for Ihu prmtnt ot thu nidiictlnn of wags
j.XHfiN ; , 1'a , N jvuinW 2lThnro Hmnch
illseMi t.iutlon unioiK thu ( inplnus of the
Jor ( iy L'enlral and l.ih'gh ' uiid HUHJUI h.inna
dlvitiuns nf thu riillailelj.ldu A ; U-iaiiiii road
over the annunucemeiit of a r dinji | fimu
five to thirty pfir cunt of till wiigoIf tin )
tuilnction U inudr , linlktHoiu ura thut It will
nut bj nccjptcd by tlio cD/Juuiri1 , firi'mcn und
cither trainun n. It ii rumored that all thu
employe * ulll lin mjuired to withdraf/ from ,
thu vurioui LroUielu.'ids ) that cuuod thuj
Tiic New Vice President's ' Share of
tlie bpoils ,
And tlio Horde of Hungry Hounds
at His Hcols-
Intorostinc Ilounnisoonoos of the
Hondricks Boom (
How ft Wily Oorrospondont Start
ed the Ball.
Some Personal Traits of the Old
Man ,
MopCH o ( HrcaUIno Itotli Solid Notth
niul Nnllil Houtli In
viou iMiusinnxr HKNDUIOHH.
IjJDU.VAfoi.H , Novonibjr 1 ! ! . It Is nil oxer
nnd ludlniu , or at lo.xst her democrntic pro-
fony , feels proud. H N here bolluxed thit
Thomas A. Hewlricks did not only carry In
diana for himself but that ho uK > snatched
Noxv York nt n brand from the burning fur
uloveland , "If It hain't been for Tom lion-
drlcks , by - , Sir , John Kelly would liavo
l.oUt d thu ticket , and t iko all Tixmmaiiy with
him , " say the eiithu nxttio admlicrd of Mr.
llcudricks. It Is n faeJ , Hint Iho grand Piichcm
or vxhntever they callhinilntho.'xtrico pjlilica
parlance , of Tammany Is n warm personal
friend of our own favorite son. Mr. lion-
drcks ! is really a very modest gonllonmn ;
but there lire not wanting Indica
tions that ho considers himself coino-
Ihing more Ihan n dopuly pres
ident , nnd Ills plain that hUthoughU nre not
as thu thoughts of Mr. Cleveland on the
propriety of turning out the sahars nnd bay-
onota of the civil servico. Mr. llondrlcks
docii not think thai "it is moot to take the
children's head nnd cnst It to the ropubll -
cans , " especially when the children have been
hunrry for txveiily-livo years In thin ho U
approved by n very wigo constituency , Tlio
demand for olliee is mmply axxful In Indiana.
It comes from the coal cart und from the
lawyer's olliee , nnd from John Shoe
maker's room tn Iho Sentinel olilci ) .
It In like the Blcam ulnstlo lint
toolelli nt noonday , and thu torn cat Unit
yawpeth nt night. fald n y juurnnl ! tie
fiicnd's moid ncixnnt lo him a day or tuo ago :
nd it's good jo'xo been lo me , nnd I'll
stlirxy wid yccs till Mnrruch , nnd thin mo
fnther'll have a twilvo hundred dollar place In
Washington , nnd it's mesilf llmt will have the
pynrl to wait nn mo. " AH n mailer of course
n'gront many folks are going to learn : Iho cusa ,
f ilneu of trusting in politicians ISixtto J Mr.
IleiuJrli.l.H , the most complacent man in In
duim Bhiinld bo Jap Tnrpun ; ho IB the author
of that celebrated interview with Mr. lion-
drickH , which wna published jn a county pupor ,
thuWiibvli Courier , hat sprint , mid thence
copied nil over thn UniUd Btatcr. _ Jnthat
inwmloxv Mr. H ndrJcJn rxpicr. ; edihnnclf (
uniltifft3iild In nvnuglnff "the frond of 1870 , "
bygnlmc on. tliOBimo ticket na Mr. Tildeu ,
Mr. Tarpeii'd loiter gave vlta'lty to
TUB cur iron "THE OLD Ticicur , "
nnd doubtless led to thonomjlmxion of Iiilf of
it. The .indication of thoJottorgavo Mr.
Hendricks much anxiety ut the tune , IIH I
hiippcnud to know. I wai then doing the cdi-
tin ill xvnting for ix weekly pnp r , thu Indo-
pxndont , of dils city , mid Mr. Tirpm XVHH a
fieipieut , orrcHpundent. It , nppuiiiH t In. t af
ter wilting hn loiter for Iho Wabmh Courier ,
Mr. Tarpm rend It to Auditor of Htnto Itleo ,
und pomibly to otlinrn ; by poino ineuns it
came to Air ihndrlckii thnt the letter had
lieoii wiillon fur public it IDII , nnd hi * mferiuil
lint it would eomu ti > the ludopeiidont ollico
I knoiv nil ab nit Iho letter , for Mr Taipen
had written pirt of it in my pit'scncc , nnd
had communicitod the whole of its import to
mo. One day .Minn I * mm Heair , n nuwspaptr
c ricxpondent , who is nothing if
nut diplnmnltr , c.unu lo my
olhto nnd iiiBtilultil u moiit artful siege
to my orvan _ < ) ! BucrutixenesH. Hlio xvai so
xery dipl inulic. BU extruinrly ( hip and do-
Hgnlng that 1 allowed her to d"part in the
bclnif t'nit ' thu fiiilhcoimng instil ) nt the pipei
would contain Homo vi ry weighty utturnncu.i
from tlio lipi of Mr. llundrlelm. rilioepid un
nieicmnil feet /Vlr.IIendricks , ulio Bhortly
ciiinofn his proper person , ami throxving all
diplomacy niddo iiskfd if Mr. Tarpon hnd fin-
nirhed the pJpi i with nn account of n c iiiver-
H itlnn with hinnilf. I told htm mi , llo ink
ed if 1 knew anything of Mr. Taipen having ,
piepirod Hiich an aillcle for Ihu priBS 1 told
iiiiiiUnit Turpi'ii Inid prepared Biich nn nrticlo
and t'ml 1 liuli'ivid hu xvit then al Wiibinh
Us publication. "Dear
, " s id Mr. "llendmkH , "it Is
moiit unfoi tunato. I talked-to Mr. Tnr-
pen Him ) ly ns nn old I lend. I had no Ide.i
of anything bclnr published. " lln ccitalnly
had not , f i ho ti legiaphed Kinn , cdlt < ref
of the Couiler for Its t-iipprcBHion. Mr. IInn
win not the kind of mini to suppress n choice
morsel of tint kind , The mtirxiew wns
ro id nnd comment'd ' on uiorywliern '
thallium evd.vbidy hud btlhixod llmt Mr ,
Hi nprickB would bu lirst or nowhere on the
tickut , Afler that time it bocumo mlaln
th it h'J ' would bu M'cond on Ihu ticket , lit
who would bo hrst ; MI that Mr Tarpon was
Iho pate .leu of tlio llendilcks boom And
hu builijvin Ihit it is u biioni thnt will keep
booming till IKS' , xvhen it will culminate In
a pro identiul iioiriinnllon. H may. Hut , as
un olhcarof flatii Buid to mo vi't > tonlny , 'If
Mr , llendrlcliH is ulivo in IHoH li will be
mi veil ty j earn of upi , and i.t levmlyu man
n veiy old for nn American pi/llticim , mpo-
chilly If the hint four years ot hi" lifu hivu
IHMII Hpont Inn frmlfom endeavor to tn
ill his ( iwa Hlute with lxvliiincH and n foxv
umal HHICB. | " Mr. Ikmlrlcks belong to thi
vir > InfiloHtordir ol second-rule men. III
judginoiit i ( | iiiskyut CaU'.loiH , in that of i
giet Kiuity jinlgj Ilia oiuranu in nnxv.xvr
ing , liU piroonul Intigrily iibHolulo , Id
iiniitiny nut r.d ai d niitiiuiiidud , I In prtinnu
dynllkil , Hu m tnnru than a politician , hu it
nlnivH , u nuUmnim If I wei
lu coinpiro him with any prtbi
dorit It would li with John ( /uim /
Adami. Dolli inlndH wcru Biiperlaiixi ly n
lleitiru , lioth men xv. ro too rcllectlxu to hi
grunt Bta'tBiniiij far ton much B.ti , bo moii
pohtiiiunH. In both of tin in tin ro in nome
tlniiK xxhich miKgccls that tlm piopor In Id
laboi nhutild bodipo inuy. ( iiv n n field f
llni ( HHplay of tilt uln ity , nii'l Air , lliiiniiick
would luixo a in indnnig an that i
iVIoltcrrat,1 ! , if not of Talleyrand. Our pnli
tiiiuiiu iirio uio full of ik nrejin of n nortl
winlirn ( luinosi'HtiJ r fin in club. Ohio IB t
bu left nut i f tin league ! , IIUBO Ohi'i canno
IM ) oxiio.ued In hi come a larifl r'lfonn rtati
( ptiidiy. Tlu trade ni I'liiLinnuti n l ( o i
Ing mor < ! t xchinlvoly noiitln in xvitli i ach :
( .ediug > > ) iir , nna tfiu Hoiit'.Pin ' ni ito.j , ni , st u ,
tliuni nriKinully whig nut dn.ii , c atle , IIH paHi
war tenet IK/ linn led niOBt young folks lo b
liuxe , wid loan inoro md nn ro Ui the piotec
the turllf. Tlio shrewder ( leniKrumvuul <
lull with dcllrfht tlm UCCCHJI , n of txvn i
tineu niuilii'ni utiitiM to tlm rtpulillciin rank
on u pintic'.ivu t-vrllf plalf nn , led thu
twncrtliHo northeiii OIHH xvoulj piuti to tin
di iiuiunuv onn t.iillf leform one .Mihlgai |
IlllnniH.Vlioonnn nnd fxibrnflKiinri' ityanliv
m wiililri thopoH.lbilitliH of tlio dennciulul
ItMi. It Is certain that IIMIU forth the di nn
- trnln will l i in uiulous ID broal : the solii
I couth ui thu reptibhcnns have be < n. And th
recent Dj.oeih cf Mr lil.vlno i' here interpret
it n < n vxail of nnctitidi nt llio | > op Hiillty of
pnlilleaii tiiuniph In potilliern utatcs , lUit
. by tiny nieani the solidity of Urn touth cixn
10 broknn it xxlll bo n MoMtu ; to Iho cimitry ,
10 mnttor how it may affect Hie future of any
loliticnl pAity ,
Ohliiix on tlu >
Fooi'lioxx , November art. The Clilneno
n eminent \ i.notll'ied fe-rrigurrs that the
in Va i rhnniH'l 11 prolectid with ( orpe'doen
> oqit n chuniHil UK ) feet vxide. Thoi nnd of
.roopi nru nctlxoly drilling horo. 1'orclgncrs
ire rigidly eicludid from the nncnixl 'Iho
rn'on of thin in generally thought to bu that
ho ChliiOfO diMlrn tu conceal the i xtent of Iho
' Ainngo wrought by Iho 1'rriich boinbnrdmoni.
'ho Cliiiip'O higher clannpn nro bent on fight-
in ? nnd doing all In their poxvor to dlecourngo
erturrsof pence1.
" " " " " " *
HllANdliM , November M , A German nd-
uirnl and other .
l.uroponu oIlicorH nro cm-
iloyml tn the ClilntHa northern Meet.
( irriiian Hulnry ( JfAl ) .
IlKltttN' , Noxcmbor ' . ' ( ! . The reiclmUg to-
ay , ISOngainst Oil. adopted n resolution tn
ixvor of the pxyniont of Its members fvr their
rxlcei ns lrglnhxtors , Tim loxult u connlder-
I as n signal of dofent for Itlimnrck. During
in dohatu Illsmixrck chargjil members vxlth
ing nxilxxny free pissea to tr.ixcl
II oxer the vinpiro. Thorofoio ho
idxounteul tha revoking of the grnulirgof
ree pintici Thn oiiposiimm declnie'd Unit the
ovrrnmciit wanted lo provenl thn nttond
neo of their foolallBtfl nt Ihu Hole-lining. If
bo government refined the traveling o\-
lonfoiof memberH , it it mii't pay the mcin-
lersofthu Kotchsl.xg toonnblo Ilium to llxo
such nn oxpcmixn city IIB llerlln.
lie r IIIKO utiiioiilty ,
l.ONHON. Nov umber L't ( , A dispatch from
'nns to the Kxclmngo telcgrixph compiny
I'Vnnco Is wolxoil to fend two nero
! j rni t < m to the woit coaBl rf Africa in vlexv of
, hu posnllilo result of the Congo conference.
LONDON' , Noxombor i0.At ! the second
ay's walking match last nl ht the nggregntu
'Cores ' of thu chief
contestants xvuru ni follown :
t.lttlowood 10L' , Itowoll 101 , Cnrtwnght HO ,
1 ( It.
3 riHH '
Colcrldjjo'H Inilopciiilciiur * !
LONDOK , Nox ember l' ( ! . Mr . llinhop , sis-
or of Sir Stnlfoid , has vxritlon n loiter In
hleh BIO nays "Misi Colerldgo mannged her
alher's house an w rklng houoo-koopir for MX
/cars , rcceixliigSOjpounds nnnually. Since nhn
oft her fiitlici'M lioiiflu BIU ! 1ms livud In n nmall
olglng lionpo mid received no iTPiilnr idloxv-
uco from her fiithcr only occnBionnl chocks ,
iho ban notlnng o\i'opt wlmt ho hm Bnvod
rein her earnings as music inistrrsii.
The Aston ICIolN ,
I.ON'1)ON ) , Novomber'JO. Thu special Inquiry
nto causes ot tin Aston ilot bognu today ,
Ihnmheiliiin , ] ire id'iit of the boird of trade ,
entitled that hu recdvednllnlliduxiln concern-
ng tbo riot , xvlneh ho nnulo use of in his
perch relative to tlio matter in thu conimoiip ,
rom tha liberal iiHiociation. Hu denied that
lie iillidnvits vxeiu piocuied at IIIH Hiiggeslion.
Too Olioloi- .
I'AIIIH Xoveiubor i0. ! Allhougli Ihu cholera
nillotini nro stoppud , iaolated K.IBCH con-
inui ) .
1'Ains , Nox'omber'JO.-It isCHtim.itad llmt
(10 ( UtlO person * left 1'utld during the cholera
pidemlr. The people ate notv retiuuing m
; rerxt'nuinbjrH. ! , "taff , w
Iiowoll Will Oiiino Home.
Txwixw , November 2(1 ( The Vienna corro-
i\ufaidont \ of thu atiid rd mjn that "Minister
, owoll writes friendi ! UieroUmt lit ) iuttMidu to
Bturn to Ametica In order to lOH.unn bin liter-
, ry vx'orlc.
Knnl liilriuiicuinuc.
VlKNNAtNoxoniber 2i. ! ! ! An epidemic ( nf , ,
lydroplnibiii prevails here ; ( ihty | { cases , olov. .
n f.ital.
Diililln City lOlocdoii'i ,
DUHLIN , Nuvcmbyr 2"-Tlio municipal
lection hero > t terdny resulted in gninii for
ho ' " "
Slinlicti Op.
VlUSNA NoioniborS ! ) ! . Kive honvy flhocl.s
f oirthiiiaku | wiiru full nl ( ! nuiU , Ihu cnpilol
if Hlyju , jiMlorday.
rom thu fr nt , ask foi I ngo audltionul
ilics for thu t\po itii n.
AI-UIMI'l . - '
M.l-ll lill NI' .
I'hU'dlllA , ICtni , , Noxembur lit ! . The report
if thu form illon of nnotliT uompnny to In-
ado Oklalnin a , vxith lie idipni tern nt Km-
uri i , in xxlthout f itindutlou us fur us it rclaleu
0 12 iilmrla , but II H iiiidonblrdly true thnt n
iiiiiilji r ol persons nt Ihis plaao , bolunging to
.ho colony , hnve gone to Ifnnnowcll , on thn
loutlurn liiin of ( Install , to join with othcrn . '
u nnothur nttcinpl to in dm n irrmjiient net-
, lonont In Oklahnmn , nnd It Is understood
, liat n milled iriiivoiiiunt will bo mndo for Iho
1 till meril of that country nbonl the lirst of
Kill III In Oli velum ! .
JACKBONX'ILIK , VI.A. , November 2C , - Hov.
Joieph I. o , colon d , cliiiliinan of tliuKlorlda
liiloyiilmn in Iho CDiivi'iition whiili-nuininutod
lluinu , nnd known IIH thu niont iloipiont
upo ilit r and nblu exponent of thu raouam'
pnrtv in Florida , in niiBxvci to n ipnmUon of
' .linTiintH Union , Hays : " 1 hillevo that Clevu
land will bj honoi-l In what hu i-ay. ) in relation
' , ti mo race , und that ho will try to carry Into
( fuel vxhut hu u.iyH. "
WortllH'p J'o-Pny -
WAHiiiMifos , Nov < ; mbT2fl. For the up-K
per Mi'BiKiippi Light HUOUH , partly cloudy
xvuallur. Nnrlhern nnd ciiilral portions , fair
wealli r. I'xtroinu Houtlioin jioillona , v aria-
bin wiiulH ilnfilng nortliwentuily , higher b -
rnmilir , light nan in the t-mi > erature , .South-
cm pillion , ( t.ttionury , folloued by lulling
ti.nipi-iiilure in the noillivrn | > orti'in ' ,
I'oi lue MixBnii'l Kornl ruiiiBdr liglilunowu
nnd putly i loiidy tvuilher , shghlly colder ,
northerly xuridi nnd higher barometer ,
Ni.xx IlAvr.N , Cos.v. , November W , The
ropublienii eity prl nnrlun were hi Id to-nlulit.
Indi'pendi nil clulming ntill to bo republlciiiH
Iiiitn'lmitllu , ' tlut thny vet < id foi Clutreland ,
rfeiu denied the prixilego of pirtlciiitli | g in
nny xviy xvhiilcvtr i i the cauuni. Thov tu
unanimijiii fur thulr uxpululon ,
Nu Voiili , Nox umber' ' * ) . Colored citl/tni
in u incutln to nlrCht brgin tu rai < a funds for
tno Hiipuoit of tint colored people ivhu c.icio
linni n ihoit time ugo fruniTuxuH , on routu to
MltllllOII iMirlellH $ ! ! . > ,
I'll'ltiiitiui , Noxemlior " 0.Jlinilea ( Miteh-
ell , Un ) iiugllint , hi' Uili'gniphnl S. & tis 11 for-
n'.t ' for tli't ' in i tch xvlth DiiininiLk McCalfcry ,
out roundlor point * , at f-UU n side.
i , Noxuiubir''O. TIio otllcial vuln
of Oref-oni lllaino Jtl,8W , Clovcland 24,693 ' , V ,
Duller 7 3 , tit. John WS.
's Biuincss pn the Chicago
Stocfc and PmilQCc Markets ,
Oattlo Again Slow with a Further
The Slender Supply Advances Hog
Wonkor Fooling in Wheat With
Cheaper Ecitesi
Oorn Advanced by the Wenther
i j ; and Litrht Supply (
- -
Onta S 'lablo mi Close mid llnuntO | -
tloI'dik atronc Ii nl Ooncr-
iilly Kirincf.
Special telegram to TIIK UKK.
CIHOAOO , November 20 The unlimited ro
coipUi of Iho day worn 10,000 , against ( ) , -
MO last Wcdneadny , making about 20,000 for
tlioweek in far , ngiiitnt 21,911 for the nixmo
time last vx eok. The general market Is again
idow nnd prices nro at least lf > @ 20o lower on nl
corts that could bo rated an fnt uatires. The
only exception to the dccllno nro fancy holi
day catllo thnt might soil nroucd $0 50@G.75.
A carload of micli were told at JO SO. licit
fnt steers of 1,100 Ids. and thereabouts would
not neil for ovtr75@GOX ) , And Rlocrfl of
1,8 0 nnd theronboulB , cannot bo quoted
higher than S5 'J5@ri.riO , and thousands of
good iteors of 1,200 nnd thoreabouta nro scll-
ing around about ? l,60@l S3 , nnd when
really good nt this avcrogo , thoy' may
briuir $6.00 to $5.50. There vxna literally no-
export demand nnd the crxltlo reported ru
sold for that trade nro generally bought for
dressed hoof tnulo nud nro simply good second
end class steers , The cow market wns rather
over fiuiipliod nnd common sorts nro rolling
lower tfnxn last week. The fnt animals that %
will suit the shop trndo ro making strung
prices. Noixrly 1,000 head xxoro bought hero week for feeders in different pirta of t'io
country. llutlnoas in the stocker nnd feeder
line remains iiilet. ] There is only rv light nt-
tmulanco of cotilitiy buyers thin week , nnd
Thautgiviog holidn ) , in Iho middle of the
xxeok , is likely to intorferj xvllh Iho gonornl
market , Texan Bloom nro making ii ! SO tu
$ U 76 and the Palo IJInnc , ( N. M , ) Toxrxna
mndo $3.80. A few leti of MuntanOB are
inaUing $1.00 to $150 ; exports , 1,500 and
1,070 Ibs , , ? O.V5' ; ibO ! ; good to choice ship
ping , lVl)0 ) nnd 1,350 Ibs. , $1 CO@J ( 15 ; coiu-
monte medinin , 1,000 nnd 1,200 Ibs. . 81.253
5.50 ; inferior to fair COWB , SJ.2fl@2.UO ; modi-
inn to good , .f.l.CO ( ll 25 ; stJckorK. $3 Oflr'i.7fi ( : ;
feotleis , $37n@H.f)0 ; Toxnnp , S10DW380 ;
vvoolorn cnttlc , 1,000nnd 2" > @ 5.IO ;
HOdM. ft.
Hcceipti 18,000 , ( shipments , t.OCO. lirisk at
10@15o higher. About nil sold but closed
cantor. : Tlm surprisingly amall receipts fa ; - - .
this ! Btiixson is a groivt diitapolctinout t ) pack f % , * c-
cra : and tpscuUtors. Nearly every ono loot * - ,
< odfurittJcn V . t SO.OTO .UndcrAvthjJJHatojotSjg j'Qv'S t > ' 2'
compititlvo demand and * , n .sudden
upturn in prices with about all orifaln dlo-
ixcd of at nn carlv hour. Sain * nt4 20 to 4J35
for common to fair packurn ; t'4 4(5'Ji6 : ) ( ) for
bctt ' p clJcif ; UIJOGH.CDfar'.Ukt.ha4Vyinnl }
Philadelphia J ? . VThero wta bht"S.nlioIitchnirco ;
for thoK' that wanted Huortod ' 'nht , an buy-
uid for iiickrra bid higher for mixed than ni-
BortiiH M.iatiil to pay. The ullc of light
sorts mndo SI LTitJ'/l CO nud i. load cr tivo
nmy huxo mndo 1 3i' ' , louxh , I. O'ifS )
1.30 ; pntkin ? ar.d chipping , I.S 1.00 : light ,
1 r2. lOIK 41. Ob l. 15 : Vine , 53.1)OS ) >
XXllF T.
Tlio volnnm of i-peciiliilixo triding in vxhent
Hinallor than yi slcrday hut u largo butinrai
is iHue.rthehsu tnincactid. The feelii'g tlo-
xe-lop-jd wnakor nnd prlccn nxorngtd lower ,
ulomiKT rntlior sio idler. Koicign ndvicrn are
ipioted steady in fueling. 'I ho receipts hero
( unlinuo fruj nnd tin * mil Mils at Minnoiipolis
show nn Increiipo. Thu m u k t hero npeneil
Hln.idv , advanced ju , sold tiff fj , tallied a tri-
llo und elosi'd on recuhir boinlio under yua-
tirduy. On Iho uftnriiiion boaid the feeling
wm n Hbndo lirmer , the niarktt chming nt 7-'ic '
for Noxcmbei ! 7lc for December ; " ! 4Q
ilnnuary ; HIJc for Muy.
The corn innikot opemd firm n-id nloadily
advnncod Ho for Novemhci , 4'(320 ( f ° r yt'ir , Jo
for Jiiintary gc for May. The ixdvnnro 11 duo
In n good ilomand from " 0horts"inlliiRiiUjd by
the material falling elf In receipts Thn weath
er wns eold , clear und favorable for the grad
ing of new corn and thx early .ulxanco brought
out larger olfi rings , canting n xveakcr feeling'
and n decline in prices , but rtcovered lute-r -
and clout d on the regular board © ? bight r
thun yodlerdny foi near options. Dn the rxitor-
n ooii Iwiud Nox ember advanced Ic , nuukct
cloning -lie for Novmnbei , H'rfo for Dcc3inboi ,
'llftj for Jr-nuuiy , 37 0 for Muy ,
Uulnl easy for near optlonn , but n Nhado
Btronger for morn ( liutant fntnrCB , doling nt
25 c for November. 26jc | for Decemhur , 25Jo
fur January , L'8.u | fur Alay.
Knled Btrong nt 15 'JOc higher , cloum ;
nt lO 80 for year , f ll.O i for January , $11.10
for Kobruary.
Is firinir except for Novotnbor , closlnu at
$7 10 for November. Sii.621 for December anil
Jnnuary , ifC ! )5 ) for Kobruary ,
A Union ol Turin' ItrnellclniicH.
HirAim.'o , To. , November 20. A laovcmont
lia-i horn begun by tha Kantorn I'/g / Iron an-
incinlion , Henry B , I'ekerl , Heading , prosi.
dent , lo 01 gant/x ) thu general tariff club. It
is proposed to Include every Industry In tha
Intoreut of protection , The intention ii tu
elfect a general orguiii/itlon and unification of
all industries in the interest of homo na
ngaliiht ( on ign innniifactureH. A.meeting of
tin ) commlttuo to dnllliernto on u plan of
orgnnl/.atlon xxill bo hold nt 1'hlladelplila
December 3d.
Dliilno Cnnoil.
. Maine , November 20 , Hov. A.
AndciHDii , pcitor of Ht , Patrick's church ,
Cincinnati , culled onliliilnn this murnlug , and
proKinted him with a catiain the name of his
cliuic'i. The head of the canu In beaten gold
eni.loolng n crj ntal 1 e'uoith which Is ecen a
picture nnd un olivu biancli xxilh a dova
IK relied tin n on , llhiinoro puned happily to
thu | ) jaUn'j eloiiicnt | pteB
An InlM'liaMontil Ilnw ,
TunuuN , ArlNovflinbcir 20. A report
reached lit'ro to-night of a tragedy at the
Canune'.i ooppr cimp , Bouora , Saturday ,
which rt Bill ted In the deivth of fix men and
wounding of n number of others. The
MexicuiH binned an Aineiican teamitor.
Other Americans armed tliomsflvefl. The
attempt of the Mexican police to dtann them
caused tha nil ray.
Ucf'iincl Ilunclltthtioolalfon ,
CHICAGO , iivoimVr 20. Notices f ( lid
divBolutinn of the llailxvay Kmployeit
Mutual benefit Ar > M > cialiun vveio rent out to-
dny. The atBoulutiou 1ms bten In uxlstenca
tiltoen yean ) . It baa dinbuned 9100,000 lu
benefit )